#chapter: 1046
the-frizzle-fry · 11 months
I feel like with Gear 5 comin up in the anime I should reiterate this.
Luffy only feels like Joyboy to Zunesha. “As if you’re right there.” and “we should put our faith in this boy.”
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If it was actually Joyboy she wouldn’t have said “should and this boy” she’d have just said Joyboy again. It seems the entire fandom is missing this.
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Luffy confirms it himself. Nobody is “taking over” his body. Hes not a reincarnation or being controlled by the will of his devil fruit. He’s not actually Joyboy or Nika.
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dbphantom · 10 months
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lordfarquuuad · 5 months
Little fic update!
Hi so just a little update for anyone interested. Hope you all had a good holidays and new years, I was hoping to have this chapter out around that time but it was holidays and new years...so obviously that didn't happen haha. So chapter 40 is nearly done, I have about 2 scenes left to write and one is not long so fingers crossed it'll be out in 2 to 3 weeks!
This chapter was much longer than I intended and is over 15,000 words. I was hoping it'd be 12,000 tops just as a little breather after those massive last two chapters. But this chapter is difficult, it's fiddly and there's a lot going on at once but at the same time everything is at a standstill. I can't wait to have it published and it's close to being just that! I don't know if this will be the chapter you are all expecting, but it's one that has to be written. But can we just take a moment to appreciate that it's only been just over 2 months since the last update and you guys didn't have to wait half a year like the last 2??? I'm honestly relieved. Anyway thanks for being patient I can't wait to continue from this chapter to the next one!
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algumaideia · 3 days
The fire is going away
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rieson · 1 year
i keep getting delayed hyperfixations
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cnidocyst · 1 year
thank GOD they called back to sanji liking rats
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tendaysofrain · 1 year
Random Stuff #13:  Cats in China--History (Part 1)
(Warning:  Very long post ahead with multiple pictures!)
(Link to Part 2)
Since this topic is pretty big, I will split the content across 4 posts, but even then these posts will only be a shallow summary of the subject.  
This small series of posts is dedicated to my fluffy quadrupedal friend, 小葱 (Little Green Onion).
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Did you know that there are over 200 cats in the Palace Museum/故宫博物院 in Beijing?  Some of these cats were descendants of the pet cats of the imperial family hundreds of years ago, and some of these cats were simply strays, but they all found a home in the Palace Museum, and are now being fed and taken care of by the museum employees.  You may even catch a glimpse of one of these cats during a visit to the museum.
Here are two of these cats, Jixiang/吉祥 (right; name means “auspicious”) and Ruyi/如意 (left; name means “(may things go) according to (one’s) wishes”)
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Speaking of the Old Palace and royal kitties, cats actually have a fairly long history of being mousers and human companions in China, and sometimes they were even seen as powerful spirits to be both worshipped and feared.  
Cats As Guardian Spirits
According to archaeological evidence, in China, cats came into people’s lives as early as 5300 years ago (~3300 BC).  People of the Neolithic Yangshao Culture/仰韶文化 (~5000 - 3000 BC) in what is now central China grew millet, rice, and vegetables.  These crops were bound to attract small rodents like mice and rats to human villages, which attracted wild cats in turn.  There were no evidence showing that these wild cats had any sort of special or intimate bond with humans yet, so the relationship was likely a simple mutualistic relationship in which cats benefitted from having a steady source of prey, while humans benefitted from having their harvest protected from rodents.  In the Book of Rites/《禮記》, a book detailing Zhou dynasty (1046 - 256 BC) etiquettes, administration, and ceremonial rites, there was a passage on the religious aspect of this mutualistic relationship:
“The wise and gentle rulers of yore will always repay the good deeds that others have done for them.  Welcome the cats, for they are hunters of mice; welcome the tigers, for they are hunters of boars; welcome them and worship them”.  (“古之君子,使之必報之。迎貓,為其食田鼠也;迎虎,為其食田豕也,迎而祭之也 。”)  
-- Book of Rites, The Great Suburban Sacrificial Rites chapter (《禮記·郊特牲》).
As we can see in this short passage, people in ancient China regarded cats as spiritual beings--one of eight important animal spirits worshipped in the great ritual at the end of the year that must be performed by the ruler--and made offerings to them as a way to thank them for controlling rodent populations in the fields and protecting the year’s harvest.
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^ Illustration by 国馆 on Zhihu.
Cats as Evil Ghosts
In ancient folk belief, however, cats eventually became associated with wugu/巫蛊, which can be generally understood as “witchcraft” or “black magic”.  Practitioners would sacrifice cats and keep “cat ghosts”/猫鬼, then send them out to curse whoever they wish to harm and steal money from.  There was one famous case of this during Sui dynasty (581 - 618 AD) that was recorded in Book of Sui /《隋書》, the traditional official historical records of Sui dynasty that was completed in 636 AD.  As the chapter “Consort Kin” (《隋書·外戚》) described, when Empress Dugu and Head of Secretariat Yang Su’s wife fell ill, the doctors diagnosed their illnesses as “caused by cat ghosts”.  Emperor Wen of Sui/隋文帝 (personal name Yang Jian/楊堅) assumed that Dugu Tuo/獨孤陀 was behind the mysterious illnesses since Dugu Tuo was the paternal half-brother of Empress Dugu and his wife was the paternal half-sister of Yang Su, but Dugu Tuo denied having anything to do with it.  So his household was questioned, and finally one of his housemaids confessed to be a practitioner of “witchcraft” and that she had cursed Empress Dugu and Yang Su’s family with her cat ghost under orders from Dugu Tuo.  Dugu Tuo was stripped of all his titles along with his wife, and both were demoted to commoner status.  So as we can see it was big enough in folk belief that it actually made its way into some imperial family drama.  After this event, Emperor Wen of Sui declared a ban on these practices that were meant to cause harm to others.
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^ A modern illustration of a “Cat ghost”, from the work titled Hundred Ghosts of China/《中国百鬼录》.
Cats in Analogies and Folklore
Cats have also been used in the classic cat-and-mouse analogies in different situations.  During Wu Zetian/武則天’s ascent to power in Tang dynasty in 655 AD, she was involved in a power struggle with Empress Wang and Consort Xiao, and after some back-and-forths, Empress Wang and Consort Xiao were demoted to commoner status and imprisoned.  Consort Xiao then cursed Wu Zetian, saying:
“May you become a mouse and I a cat, so I can choke you!”  (”願阿武為老鼠,吾作貓兒,生生扼其喉!”)
-- Old Book of Tang, ”Empresses and Consorts Part 1”/《舊唐書· 后妃上》
Apparently after this happened, Wu Zetian banned cats from the palace out of fear.
Another example of this cat-and-mouse analogy was the memorial Su Shi/蘇軾 submitted to Emperor Shenzong of Song/宋神宗 (personal name Zhao Xu/趙頊) that argued against the parts of the reform proposed by Wang Anshi/王安石.  This memorial was preserved and later named《上神宗皇帝書》.  In it, Su Shi argued that government officials must be able to freely object another official’s proposal in order to prevent treacherous officials from gaining too much power with this analogy:  
“We keep cats in order to keep mice at bay, but we cannot keep cats who can’t catch mice just because there are no mice around; we keep dogs in order to keep burglars away from our homes, but we cannot keep dogs that don’t bark just because there are no burglars around”.  (”然而養貓所以去鼠,不可以無鼠而養不捕之貓。畜狗所以防奸,不可以無奸而畜不吠之狗”)  
There weren’t only cat-and-mouse analogies, however.  There's a short fable about cats and tigers that was passed down through the generations from at least Song dynasty all the way to the present day.  Even I have heard of this story as a child.  In this fable, the tiger was initially very clumsy, so the tiger asked a cat to teach it how to hunt.  The cat agreed and taught the tiger how to track down, stalk, pounce, and play with prey, but refrained from teaching the tiger about tree-climbing.  The tiger eventually mastered the art of hunting, and one day the tiger turned on its teacher, the cat, who then climbed atop a tree to save its own life.  The moral of the story was either “never teach others everything you know, in case they use your knowledge against you”, or “never teach those who are ungrateful”, which resulted in the xiehouyu/歇后语 (a type of Chinese proverb) “cat teaching the tiger -- withhold some of your abilities” (“猫教老虎--留一手”).  Of course, this fable doesn’t really stand in terms of scientific accuracy, seeing as tigers are proficient tree-climbers themselves, but the fable itself is still very interesting nonetheless.  Although the origin of this fable has now faded into obscurity, the earliest record I could find was from the self-annotation on the poem “Mocking the Cats”/《嘲畜貓》 by the famous Song-era poet Lu You/陸游 in 1198 AD, which showed that this fable was already popular in folk culture in Southern Song dynasty:
“In folk belief cats were the uncles of tigers, they taught the tigers everything except how to climb trees”.  (“俗言貓為虎舅,教虎百為惟不教上樹”)
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^ Modern illustration of the fable, from children’s book The Tiger and the Cat by Eitaro Oshima.
Historical texts showed that at least from Southern and Northern dynasties (420 - 589 AD) and on, most people kept cats for their ability to catch mice, and oftentimes keeping cats as just house pets was something that was still limited to royalty, nobility, and rich people.  But as we would see in Part 2, there were evidence from Song dynasty that showed a definite change in how cats were viewed in the ordinary household.
(Part 2 Here!)
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hel-the-growl · 1 year
Cultural Annotations on New Gods: Yang Jian -Part 1-
This is the companion piece to my long-ass thread about the same topic on twitter.
Light Chaser really outdid themselves with the visuals and research this time, and with Yang Jian out in NA theaters, it's totally worth seeing on the big screen.
There were so many historical references packed into this movie, I thought I'd do a deep dive into the characters, motifs and lore associated with Investiture of the Gods scene by scene.
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Yang Jian is the second instalment of the New Gods series of animated films (after Nezha Reborn), that are loosely based on the 16th-century Chinese novel Investiture of the Gods (IOTG). IOTG shares some canon with other Chinese classics like Journey to the West, Classic of Mountains and Seas, Lotus Lantern etc. so there may be crossovers.
The character Yang Jian, better known as the god Erlang, is a figure widely regarded as heaven's greatest warrior deity. He is recognized for having a third truth-seeing eye, and in IOTG, helped bring about the fall of the Shang Dynasty in 1046 BC.
The movie however, takes place during the Wei, Jin and Northern and Southern dynasties circa 5th century AD, some 1500 years after events of IOTG. We first meet Yang Jian as a rather lethargic but free-spirited individual, 12 years after losing his powers during a great disaster involving the three realms, scraping by as a bounty hunter.
A rough timeline
c. 1075-1066 BC: Yang Jian is born
c. 1060-1050 BC: Yang Jian cleaves Peach Mountain
1046 BC: Battle of Muye (Conclusion of Investiture of the Gods)
c. 9 BC-23 AD: Erlang defeats Sun Wukong (Journey to the West, Chapter 7 - Havoc in Heaven)
c. 405 AD: Disaster of the Three Realms; Yang Chan is trapped under Mount Hua
c. 417 AD: New Gods: Yang Jian
c. 1920s - c. 1930s: Nezha Reborn
Yang Jian’s crew all have backstories. In Journey to the West, Kang Anyu (康安裕) and Yao Gonglin (姚公麟) are two of Erlang’s six brothers of Plum Mountain, both supreme government officials in charge of military affairs. Maybe we’ll get to find out about the other four’s whereabouts in later instalments?
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Xiaotian is Erlang’s dog sidekick who helps him subdue evil spirits and never leaves his side. The movie’s version of Xiaotian seems to be inspired by ancient paintings depicting her as a white hound.
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The wanted bulletin printer seems to be inspired by a Hu Shi Ren You (虎噬人卣), a tiger-shaped Ancient Chinese wine vessel.
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In Chinese mythology, Penglai is a legendary island for immortals. It has been reimagined to be the equivalent of the CBD of the divine realm.
The dice used in the casino are 18-sided Xing Jiu Ling (行酒令) from the Han Dynasty. It has the numbers 1 to 16, along with the characters for "wine" and "arrogance" engraved in gold and silver. The rat is the first animal of the Chinese Zodiac.
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Shunfeng’er (顺风耳), who now goes by Old Gao and works at the casino, was usually accompanied by Qianliyan (千里眼). They are two temple guards whose names translate to “all-hearing” and “all-seeing” that could hear and see things from thousands of miles away.
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Light Chaser is serious about its monkey business. The way casino monkey grabbed Yang Jian’s tally with his foot, the big ape miming and even in Nezha Reborn where the little monkey imitated Yunxiang.
Fun fact: The monkey is voiced by Yang Tianxiang, the same actor who voiced Li Yunxiang (Nezha) in Nezha Reborn.
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Refresher - Primordial Spirit, known in Chinese as yuanshen (元神), is is a concept in Daoism defined to be a level of existence surpassing that of physical existence. In the New Gods universe, they manifest as giant glowing avatars.
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New Gods also has a recurring theme of lost Astras - In Nezha Reborn, Wukong’s staff is nowhere to be found and Yunxiang has only recovered Nezha’s Sky Ribbon so far. Among Erlang’s many Astras, three are mentioned in the movie.
Yang Jian’s headdress is designed to resemble his signature trident, the "three-pointed, double-edged lance". Hence when casino monkey asked him where his weapon was, he clinked the headdress.
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This weapon was later shown in a flashback:
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Another one of his Astras is a golden bow with silver bullets. According to the director, it was melted into his harmonica (although this was probably retconned as in the teaser for the sequel, it was his mother who gave it to him as a child). The harmonica not only has the powers of his bow, but is also the ignition key for his ship.
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The third weapon featured is his mountain-cleaving axe (开山斧). It is the axe he used to split Peach Mountain in half to save Yaoji. He is shown wielding the same axe in the opening montage 1500 years earlier and it is currently wedged inside the Lotus Peak of Mount Hua from the events of 12 years ago. Needless to say it is a powerful Astra with earth-shattering capabilities.
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The Four Diablo Brothers - Mo Lihong, Mo Liqing, Mo Lihai, and Mo Lishou - were initially antagonists in IOTG, having launched an attack on the Western Foothills. This led to the introduction of Yang Jian, who helped defeat the brothers.
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By the conclusion of the novel, they were enshrined as the Four Heavenly Kings - Vaiśravaṇa, king of yakṣas (多闻天王; Duowen Tianwang), Virūḍhaka, king of kumbhāṇḍas (增长天王; Zengzhang Tianwang), Dhṛtarāṣṭra, king of gandharvas (持国天王; Chiguo Tianwang) and Virūpākṣa, king of nāgas (广目天王; Guangmu Tianwang). In the movie, only Mo Liqing was addressed by his title when Shen Gongbao met him inside the lighthouse.
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There's a PSA on the noticeboard with a picture of Nezha pissing. It reads "no urinating or defecating here." This might be a piss (pun intended) at the 2019 animation Ne Zha from a rival studio, and its hilarious promo. The shade 💀
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Further supporting my theory that White Snake and New Gods are from the same universe, Precious Jade from White Snake is recruiting!!! And medicine boy plugging his illegal business lol.
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Jinxia Cave (金霞洞), lit. Gold Sunset Cave is Yuding’s HQ. It is located on Jade Spring Mountain in the Divine realm.
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The little disciple playing the flute is a tribute to the 1963 ink animation “The Bamboo Flute” (牧笛) produced by Shanghai Animation Film Studio.
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Yuding is one of the many disciples of Yuanshi Tianzun, one of the highest deities of Daoism known as the Primeval Lord of Heaven. Yuding is ranked 10th among the “12 golden disciples”, and among his peers are Jiang Ziya (the main character of IOTG who led the battle against Shang), Taiyi Zhenren (Nezha’s master) and Shen Gongbao etc. They are all practitioners of Chan Daoism, also known as Kunlun Sect, founded by Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun.
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In the tale of the Magic Lotus Lantern, Chenxiang was the son of Yang Chan AKA Goddess San Shengmu AKA the holy mother of Mount Hua AKA Erlang’s sister, and a mortal scholar named Liu Yanchang. This parallels the Yang siblings’ own origin story as the children of a goddess and a mortal.
Chenxiang literally means Agarwood. It is a revered wood valued for its use in incense and traditionally burned during meditation.
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The place on Jade Spring Mountain where Yuding sealed the sect brother’s Dharmakaya (the embodiment of the truth itself, a transcendence of the physical and spiritual bodies) is based on the travertine pools in and around Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan. Notably, a scene from Journey to the West, a story associated with Erlang, was once filmed at one of the waterfalls here. I’ve been here and yes, it looks exactly like this irl.
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Part 2|Part 3|Part 4
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winter-leftovers · 10 months
Til The End Of Eternity || Chapter three: Win Lose or Draal (3/?)
(Douxie Casperan x f!reader)
Summary: Y/n is trying to figure her life out but is going to be hard since her brother is the new trollhunter and she is plagued by dreams and feelings she doesn’t understand.
Chapter Summary: Jim wins a new ally.
Word count: 1046
Warnings: nop
(Season 1 Episode 6)
Song?: Glory And Gore by Lorde
Previous — Next
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Trollmarket was beautiful. The underground city was full of colorful lights, even with the market empty the place looked alive. Immediately, Y/n’s eyes found the heartstone. The gigantic cristal and it’s warmth light left her completely speechless, even made her forget, for a moment, the possibility of her brother dying.
“Where’s everyone?” Y/n asked. She was excited to meet Jim’s new friends and the creatures his book depicted.
“Probably waiting for the fight” explained Toby.
“Oh, right” she took her eyes from the heartstone and looked at her brother “Don’t worry if you die I’ll bring you back” she joked.
Jim gave her a half smile. They were both terrible at hiding their fear.
“Master Jim! Welco-ah! Witch” Blinky stopped mid greeting.
“Blinky! This is my sister Y/n!”
“Oh! My apologies, I must've confused her with someone else!”
“You know a lot of humans?” Y/n lifted her eyebrow confused.
“Oh…well” Blinky’s arms fell down to his side but he put them back up fast “Come on, master Jim. A…great warrior always…shows up in time…” he started pushing Jim to the hero’s forge.
At the forge all the trolls were already excited, filled with the rush of battle.
“Hey, I… I want you to have this” Jim gave a letter to Y/n and another to Toby.
“What’s this?” Asked Toby.
“It says everything I want to say”
“You promised me tacos”
“Now is not the time for lunch, Tobes” Jim scoffed.
“Last week, the three of us went for tacos. I paid. You said, ‘Next time on me’ You’re going to get this letter back unopened after the fight, and when you get back, we’ll get tacos”
“He’s right, Jim. You owe him tacos” Y/n smiled.
“Tacos sound good” Jim laughed.
“Draal, son of Kanjigar, son of Tarigar, Draal “the destroyer”, come forth.” Vendel, the white troll announced.
A spiky blue rock started rolling down a path, jumping in the air transforming into a big blue troll with six horns.
“That’s Draal?” Y/n whispered to Toby “He’s huge”
“Yeah” he sounded as worried as her.
“And now, Draal’s combatant, James Lake Jr, son of…Bar-bu-rah. Come forth human trollhunter”
The crowd started booig the second they saw Jim.
“Fight from your heart, Master Jim. It’s strong, stronger than any rock” screamed Blinky.
They close the arena and Blinky said quietly to himself “And certainly, stronger than mine”
But Y/n heard him.
“Don’t worry, he’ll be fine.” she reassured “He has to”
Y/n could hear Toby, Aaaarrrgghh and Blinky speak but she couldn’t pay attention to anything they were saying, only the troll trying to kill his brother.
“And, I am Jim, son of Barbara and the amulet choose me”
The flying axes send Draal over the edge of the arena.
“Yes! He did it!” Celebrated Toby.
“It’s not over yet” explained Blinky.
“He has to finish the fight” completed Y/n without taking her eyes off her brother. She had studied the book all night alongside Jim. She knew what her brother had to do next, what the crowd was asking him to do next, they were screaming for death.
Jim grabbed his sword and Y/n closed her eyes. She couldn’t look at her brother killing someone.
Suddenly the crowd was booing again. Y/n opened her eyes and saw her brother standing next to Draal.
“Look, I may not have followed your rules, but neither did the amulet when it chose me. Right now, over our heads, changelings are in Arcadia..”
Fear and confusion filled the room.
Blinky and Toby ran to Jim before he could unveal the secret.
“What is he talking about?” Screamed Vendel.
“You’ll need a Trollhunter who doesn’t have to live in the shadows. This is a time to work together. They’re building the Killahead—“
“STOP! Say no more! We must leave this instant!” Blinky grabbed Jim by the arm.
“Killahead” Y/n repeated. The word left a metallic taste in her mouth.
“Oh, praise! You’re alive!” Toby hugged Jim like he would disappear
“And sore. Ease up” Jim chuckled
Aaarrrgghh and Blinky were called by Vendel before they could celebrate the trollhunter’s victory.
“He opened the letter” Y/n laughed.
“I can tell”
“I didn’t” Y/n smiled and gave Jim back the envelope “You can tell what you wrote if you want but I can’t read the words you thought would be your last message to me”
Jim took the letter and smiled back at her.
Y/n turned and started walking. The tears were escaping from her eyes and she didn’t want to be seen like that, especially now, when they were celebrating.
“Remember just a normal teenager and his older sister and their normal life” Jim said more to himself than to Y/n.
“Hi, mom. We’re back!" said Y/n while she took her jacket off. A shiver ran through her spine.
‘Strickler?’ She thought. The same uneasiness she felt when she met him was running through her spine again.
She walked behind her brother and saw that it wasn’t Strickler with her mother but a woman.
“In here. Jim, guess who brought tea?”
Jim stopped in front of the woman that was accompanying her mother. Y/n recognised fear flashing in her brother’s eyes but his face suddenly shifted back and started kicking Nomura out. Y/n wanted to stop his brother but Barbara passed out before she could do anything.
“Mom?” She ran to her mother.
“That speech was very moving” The woman left the table “Too bad she won’t remember it when she wakes up and find your body”
She grabbed Jim and threw him to the kitchen.
Y/n hug her mother trying to protect her from the fight.
“What’s going on?” She screamed.
“Go upstairs!” Jim told her sister.
“Jim I won’t …”
“Go!” He screamed while grabbing his backpack looking for the amulet.
She went and hid in the bathroom, her brother quickly joined her.
The troll whistled a song letting them know she was close.
“Not creepy at all” whispered Y/n.
“Yes! Thank you!” Jim grabbed the amulet from behind the mirror.
Before the troll could open the bathroom door someone grabbed her. Y/n and Jim shared a look and went out to investigate. In their backyard, Draal was fighting the troll.
“What are you doing here?” Screamed at the woman-troll.
“Delivering you pain again, Nomura” Draal answered, shielding Y/n and Jim “Do not touch the Trollhunter”
“Suddenly you’re honorable? Sorry to hear about daddy. Bular always liked the way he screamed”
The fight started again and quickly finished when Draal threw Nomura through the air.
“You were right”
“So, you’re not here to kill me?” Jim asked with his sword in his hand.
“Not kill. Protect” Draal looked at Y/n. She smiled at him.
Jim thanked the troll.
Draal quickly started to walk around the house looking for a place to stay.
“Since I can’t go back to trollmarker I’ll stay here, guard your home”
“I don’t think my mom would be down for that” said Jim.
Draal went downstairs to the basement. Eating a piece of coal and taking a couple more out of the heater he said “This is nice. Here I shall protect you, your witch and your fleshbag mother, Bar-bu-rah”
“What did you call me?” Y/n started walking up to him half confused and half offended. Why were the trolls calling her a witch?
Jim stopped his sister from fighting his new protector “Mmmh close enough” he laughed.
“Your mother will awaken soon. I protect. I don’t clean”
Y/n rolled her eyes and went upstairs along side Jim.
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chaos-grimlin · 1 year
Another part of marked please
Yes here you go!
Intro: No one truly knows what happened that night in Woodsboro, California. All the public knows was that two teenage boys, Billy Loomis and Stu Macher, went crazy. That the boys killed with no motive, that it was a case of crazy and peer pressure. Sidney Prescott, the "girlfriend" of Billy Loomis,Y/n L/n, the girl both boys were deeply obsessed with, and Gale weathers, a news reporter, where 3 of 5 witnesses that were willing to talk and tell their sides of the story to the public while Dewy Riley, the deputy sheriff of woodsboro, and tennager Randy Meeks refused to talk to law enforcements at the time. All the stories told to law enforcement seem to differ from person to person, but...in this tale, we will focus on Y/n, the obsessions, side of the story...
Marked (Poly! Billy Loomis and Stu macher x reader)
Word count:1046
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Chapter 19- My hero
^3rd person P.O.V^^^
After 3 weeks the doctors finally cleared Y/n to go. And once she thought she was finally free, people that wanted answers would surround her.
News reporters, cops, students from school was all she seen as she stepped out, turns out, word about her leaving the hospital spred quickly, although barely anyone knew she was coming home other then Dewy, her parents, and Randy.
"MISS. L/N! MISS. L/N WHAT HAPPENED THAT NIGHT" a news reporter screamed as a camera was shoved into Y/ns face.
Y/n felt tears pool In her eyes as she shoved the camera out of her face.
Y/n felt her already shattered heart break even more.
"Please leave me alone" she whispered, bareluy finding her voice.
"Hey kiddo" a soft voice chimed out through all the choas as a hand lightly grasped her shoulder.
Y/n flinched and turned on her heels, her e/c eyes locking onto a pair of brown ones.
"Dewy" she said in a breathy voice as he pulled her towards him. "Come on lets go" he said as he eyed the reporters that followed them.
"Leave the kid alone!" Dewy yelled as he walked Y/n to his police cruiser.
Dewy kept Y/n close as he opened the car door for her.
"Thanks" she whispered forcing a small yet fake smile.
Dewy nodded as she slipped into the car.
Once she was fully in, Dewy shut the door and quickly made way to the drivers side and opened the door and hopped in before the reporters could bug him.
Dewy shut the door and started the car, looking over at Y/n as he did.
"Hey, kiddo, im sorry" Dewy whispered as the car engine roared to life.
"For what?" Y/n said as she wiped away her tears with the palm of her hand.
"I shouldn't have let you walk home at night" he said, guilt lacing his voice.
Dewy started driving as Y/ns body went stiff.
"Its fine" she choked out
Dewy stayed quiet as he drove, tears stung his eyes as he thought of everything Y/n had been through.
Him, Randy, and Tatum have all been blaming themselves.
"Don't cry Dewy" y/n whispered.
"No no listen. Im so sorry i let you walk home alone, none of this would have happened." Dewy rambled, his grip on the steering wheel tightening slightly.
Dewy saw the image of her, of her laying there, looking almost lifeless as Randy untied her.
Dewy heard Randy's screams, he felt the pressure of needing to hurry up before she died in Randys arms.
No amount of police training could have trained Dewy for that..
"I was the stubborn one...it...it was all my fault" Y/n muttered, her voice cracking as she hung her head low.
If she would have let someone walk with her, she wouldn't have gotten raped...
A thought, a singular thought flowed through her mind..
And that was...
There was two of them...they were both strong...so... If Dewy, Tatum, or Randy went... They all would have gotten hurt, maybe even killed...
Maybe it was for the better that she had went alone...
Yet... She wished she didn't.
Y/n moved slightly in the hard seats of the police cruiser as tears built up in her eyes.
She let out a small sniffle as she wrapped her arms around herself, finding a little bit of comfort.
"No..i shouldn't have taken no for an answer.." Dewy protested.
Y/n hated hearing people blame theirself for this...
It was all her fault...
She took full blame..
If she would have fought back more
Kicked and screamed more
If she would have just went the next day...
None of this would have happened.
Y/n trailed her fingers lightly over her covered thigh, feeling the thick bandaged that laid under her clothes.
"Were going to find out who did this to you.." Dewy said as he looked at her, the whites of his eyes were stained red.
Y/n looked up at him, she wanted to say something but the words didnt come out, instead they stayed in her throat.
"This is among one of the worst things to have happened here..." He muttered under his breath, fixating his eyes back onto the road.
Y/n stayed quiet, letting her head droop down, allowing her eyes to lock onto her hands.
Countless thoughts raced through her skull, mostly ones blaming her for all of this.
It was like all the sadness from all of this was hitting her all at one time, seeing her spiraling into a vas pit of darkness, one she couldn't climb out of as her world crumbled around her.
She wanted to give up at this point...
The rest of the car ride was silent, no noise filled the car other then Y/ns small sniffles.
"Were here" Dewy whispered as he pulled up to his and Tatums house.
Y/n looked at the house, thankful he didn't bring her to her own house.
Y/n feared going back to her own house, especially her own room.
"Thank you for picking me up" Y/n said with a soft smile.
"No problem" he said, returning the smile.
Dewy opened his door after he parked the police car, and Y/n did the same.
As she stood up and shut the door, her legs started to shake under her own weight slightly.
"Y/N!!" A group of voices screamed out in unison.
Y/ns eyes snapped upward only to see the whole group running at her.
In seconds, Tatum, Randy, Billy, Stu, and Sidney had their arms around Y/n, trapping her in a group hug.
Y/n gasped as she stumbled slightly.
She didn't know why, but something didn't feel right...
She felt that same fearful, gut wrenching feeling in her stomach..
The same feeling she had before she was attacked.....
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athingofvikings · 4 months
A Thing Of Vikings Chapter 34: Masses In Motion
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Chapter 34: Masses In Motion
The era of the Papacy between 904 and 1046, typically referred to as Saeculum Obscurum (Latin: Dark Age), is generally accepted to be the lowest depths of the Catholic Church's moral authority in its recorded fourteen centuries of history from Constantine I.  During this time, beginning with the installation of Pope Sergius III in 904, and ending with the final deposing of Pope Benedict IX in 1046, the Church was controlled by a series of powerful and corrupt aristocratic families, who used the ecclesiastical power of the Papacy to increase their worldly influence, and visa versa. 
Corruption during this period was the norm, especially in the senior ranks of the Church, who set the trends for their underlings.  Routine acts of corruption during this time period included the sale of Church offices and roles (simony), the sale of indulgences, framing scribes with secular crimes to force them to take Holy Orders, bribery, extortion, blackmail, cronyism, and the occasional assassination, as well more personal venality on the part of the individual priests. 
—The Second Flowering Of Yggdrasil: An Analysis Of The Norse Resurgence, 1710
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dbphantom · 10 months
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biblically accurate sun god
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 25 days
A life in snapshots
A life in snapshots https://ift.tt/ZF26B1I by Wrenthehen1216 Okay, so this is my first fic, so please be gentle, but I really just wanted to write something where I could let Dean and Cas be happy together, so, uh, enjoy! I will update tags as I go bc idrk what I'm doing 😁 Words: 1046, Chapters: 1/25, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural) Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel & Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Love Confessions, First Kiss, Castiel and Dean Winchester are Stuck in a Physical Closet, Castiel and Dean Winchester in Love, They go on simple hunts, everyone is happy, Dean and Cas are stupidly in love, the celebrate holidays and birthdays, also Sam and Eileen are happy via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/9CeUJZl May 23, 2024 at 10:48AM
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ao3feedzukka-blog · 9 months
First time for everything
https://archiveofourown.org/works/49966120 by Uchistyx Inspired by a post on tumblr by fantasticmrfocxie "Sokka high fives zuko after rehearsal first time they have sex and Zuko dies a little" Words: 1046, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Zuko (Avatar), Sokka (Avatar) Relationships: Sokka/Zuko (Avatar) Additional Tags: Idiots in Love, Humor, Fluff, Smut, Top Zuko (Avatar), Bottom Sokka (Avatar), Nervousness, First Time, First Time Bottoming, First Time Topping, Sokka is a Good Significant Other (Avatar), Zuko is a Good Significant Other (Avatar), Zuko is September 09, 2023 at 07:14AM
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laureleavessfics · 20 days
“𝐀𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐱𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬”
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“Richie and Eddie are together in the hammock, and Eddie just looks too pretty. How could Richie not kiss him?”
words: 1046
chapters: 1/1
LINK: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56214334 ☆
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reddie-ao3feed · 20 days
Actions speak louder than excuses
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/BQ9LY7e by Carols_cultbeer Richie and Eddie are together in the hammock, and Eddie just looks too pretty. How could Richie not kiss him? Words: 1046, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: IT - Stephen King, IT (Movies - Muschietti) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, The Losers Club (IT), Beverly Marsh Relationships: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier Additional Tags: Accidental Kissing, Coming Out, Fluff, well mainly, Gay Richie Tozier, Internalized Homophobia, its not like a big thing but its the 80s so obv its there read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/BQ9LY7e
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