#one piece chapter 1046 spoilers
dbphantom · 1 year
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biblically accurate sun god
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dragonpunkwriting · 10 months
What a journey!
Spoilers for One Piece up to chapter 1046.
Just finished volume 103 of One Piece, officially the last bit I’m going to read until the next volumes are physically available. (Don’t like reading on screens, manga even less so). How much did I enjoy this story so far? I have tears in my eyes right now thinking about it.
My goodness! I cannot imagine being a weekly reader over 25+ years to get to this point. The sense of having earned the power ups, and finally Gear Five, the way the characters grow over the years. And yet, I feel like if I didn’t know, I would have stopped reading around Fish Man Island. So, pros and cons to joining the journey near the end. Define ups and downs, but Oda found a hell of a high in Wano.
I started reading this manga during the hype for Gear Five in the anime. I watched the clips, and I honestly fell in love with the silly rubber boy and his silly god powers (does help that Drums of Liberation is a damn fine bop). I know the next saga is called ‘final’, and I’m looking forward to experiencing it as it happens.
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5stripestrifes · 2 years
One piece 1046 no context
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aangmarble · 2 years
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Alright before I go into this blurb SPOILER WARNINGS and also sorry to like the ten people that follow me this isn't my usual bullshit but fuck it I'm talking about one piece right now in a completely disorganized fashion.
I just went through chapter 1045 and 1046, and we see how Luffy's using his new powers in wild and zany ways, which isn't new for him, but it feels "different" this time. This new form, Joy Boy, is already showing its physical repercussions, but there's something happening mentally too. Luffy has put his crew in risky situations before, believing they can handle it, but this time it almost seems ... Dismissive, cruel even, as the entire castle is burning up in flames. Luffy is losing himself to this extreme Joy that it seems all other emotions and moral concerns are going out the window. His heart is thundering. The entire island of Onigashima will crash down from the sky if Kaidou can't maintain it with his clouds - and in response Luffy grabs a fricken lightning bolt and prepares to smash it down on Kaidou (left as a cliffhanger right there). The next chapter I guess will decide whether he strikes or not - and will show if he's so far gone, or if he's still in control of this almost god-like persona.
A lot of this lines up with tales of how gods can be overly destructive, unempathetic, and caught up in themselves rather than thinking of others, shown with Luffy contemplating what to name his attacks rather than worrying about what the attack is going to do.
My fear/head canon idea is that Luffy is going to do something undoable, something he will regret. For him, it's always been about getting stronger - he blames himself, his perceived weakness, when he couldn't save Ace, when he couldn't stop his crew from being separated by Kuma. His crew has managed to pull through his antics before, but what if they cannot this time? I think it's possible this time that instead of protecting his Nakama, he'll become the number one threat. I can bet that the next few chapters will be some variation of him either realizing what he's doing and getting it under control, or continuing to blindly let loose and risk the lives of everyone involved.
What good is a King without his kingdom?
What's the significance of sitting on a throne, if the room is empty?
Ok - other thing I wanted to discuss that's a more shippy, headcanon-y thing:
I want to ask a question (panic tw) - have you ever been so joyous, so happy, that it sends you into a panic attack? Laughed so hard until something is wrong and suddenly you can't breathe, your hearts pounding, you can't think straight? But you're laughing - you must be happy, right?
I'm wondering if that's what Luffy's suffering right now. A joy so powerful it's sending him into a panic attack. Spiraling out of control.
Now who's been unconscious/pre-occupied this whole time to see Luffy's current state? His first mate - Zoro was knocked away by Kaido, right before Luffy woke up and began to transform. Zoro has no idea this is going on. As current as it gets, Zoro is unconscious with Franky and Chopper, and while the castle fire has been put out, the battle above rages on. If Zoro wakes up and sees this, I think it's possible he may realize that Luffy could be jeopardizing his dream of becoming Pirate King if he can't think straight, if he gets "stuck" as Joy Boy. Someone's going to have to stop him, and it can only be a friend, his crew, to remind him of himself. And there's no doubt in my mind that the moment Zoro's conscious his ass would be the first bolting into the thick of it, Sanji too.
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homemadebabka · 2 years
1046 spoilers !!!!!!
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he remains being my beloved
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one-piecee · 2 years
Chapter title: Raizo.
- I know a lot of people were disappointed when they saw the chapter title because they wanted more of Luffy's fight (and a lot of you don't like Raizo either) but personally, I am happy we got more of Raizo because of how important he was for both the minks and the Scabbards.
Okay, I usually don't talk much about the cover story but this one was super interesting (and some of them do end up being canon or part of the story so!!)
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A lot of people are debating who these two could ranging from the more predictable Germa 66 or even Blackbeard pirates - I'll join the prediction line of saying they (kind of?) look like revolutionary? I mean their shoes are definitely not Germa - so my first guess was the blackbeard piraates but the long coats and the silhouette is just giving me revolutionary and i don't know why so don't ask... I guess we'll see.
We start the chapter off with some Kaido vs. Luffy battle continuing, and Zunisha even saying/thinking (addressing it to Joy Boy): This all seems like fate. I can't help but think we should put our faith in this boy.
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And!! Oda legit told everyone who's talking about reincarnation and whatnot to shut up, everyone debating whether or not this is really Luffy, he is Luffy, and this is his awakening--
Kaido: "We call this an awakening. Your mind and body are finally able to harness the potential of your ability" --->
and this just leaves us questioning; when is Kaido's awakening coming? Because surely he has to do it now...
And we get some more exchanges of blows, and it's always interesting to see how Luffy can bend and control himself and his surroundings now with the awakening... bending himself like this, and even bending Kaido's body when he's punching him to give more effect to the punch
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AND I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE whenever we get those "they got me - i got them moments" - We got Kaido saying that everyone's gonna burn to death in the inferno below and Luffy just says
"I left it all to them, I've got nothing to worry about."
AND AGAIN- I just want to repeat that I LOVE this fight, it's just a blend of serious, and really really goofy and I love every part of it
Like c'mon look at this
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Anyways... so currently everything is on fire in Onigashima. Bepo and crew are complaining about the heat - and just can we just take a moment to discuss how they've done... nothing? like they're yelling for Law to come and save them but they've seriously done nothing and to me, at this point, if Bepo were to ever go Sulong and do something it's more of a "finally" than a "wow" moment. yeah. we'll see.
We've got a little bit more of all of the crew, Nami and Chopper are together, Robin and Brook still running, Usopp trying everything he can to stop the fire to save Kiku and Kinemon, and
Sanji with his cute little rat Chuuji
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And Franky carrying passed out Zoro who needs urgent care from Chopper (😭😭😭😭😭😭)
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ALSO!! We get shown Apoo and Ibi again, and remember we said they could be the samurai prisoners imprisoned with Yamato in the past? That theory still holds up, because why else show them this much...
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The connection has to be coming...
And then we finally get to the man of the hour, Raizo!!
The fire is everywhere, no one can escape it and people are going crazy - that's when Oda gives Raizo the opportunity to save everybody on Onigashima, and repay the debt of everyone saving and protecting him -
He teams up with Jinbe to put an end to the fire - and because he has the Maki Maki fruit (scroll scroll) he has the ability to store things and what did he store? The water that Zunisha uses to wash it's back - So he uses Elephant Bath Restoration and paired with Jinbe's Ocean Current Should Throw they manage to send the water flooding everywhere to put out the fire.
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Despite my Ninjutsu, I was unable to protect any of them. I can never make up for that failure, but I will never let myself be that helpless again!! Never!!
And now we know that the preparation undertaken in chapter 1041 that Raizo was speaking of has nothing to do with Denjiro, which leaves the question - where the hell is Denjiro?
PS. Can we also talk about how this means that Raizo has had water on hand for this long and refused to save himself from the fire during his fight? He's extremely strong, and extremely underappreciated.
We know Momonosuke still has to create flame clouds, so we're waiting on that, I still hold on the hopes and dreams that Zoro will get up and we'll get answers on whatever happens to the Grim Reaper-
We know Kaido is at his limit now, so predicting the fight will officially end in about 4-5 chapters- when will we get awakening though? Hm.
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And could this mean we could potentially get a Nami-Luffy Combo someday`?
With that said, break next week. This chapter was great, and I'll see you in two weeks for another cry-
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theladyofsorrows · 2 years
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capisback · 2 years
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A little bit in love with the way Luffy’s drawn here for reasons I can’t quite explain
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strawhat-pirates · 2 years
!! One Piece Manga Spoilers for Chapters 1045/1046
He went by different names and titles throughout his life as a pirate.
He's Monkey D. Luffy, he's Straw Hat, Lucy, Luffytaro, and most importantly…
The Sun God's expression morphed into a wide smile. "I'm…"
"Joy Boy."
Have you ever asked the question, "What if..."
...Luffy answered Kaido's question differently?
Please read my little drabble, "Who Are You?"
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dbphantom · 1 year
do you think when a zoan fruit user enters their awakened form it's a constant test of will, not just a one time thing? we saw in impel down if they're not prepared to awaken their fruits that they'll lose control to the animal's inherent nature
im asking because i'd like to make an animatic where a specific user starts losing control while in their awakened form because the fruit and the user de-synchronize due to a sudden emotional gut punch :)
mini essay + lots of manga spoilers below [wano act 3 + egghead]
im kind of obsessed with this exchange kaido has with luffy in 1046
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it's interrupted by zunesha talking about joyboy and while that's PROBABLY what we're meant to assume Kaido's asking (who are you. are you joyboy? or even: who are you, what type of zoan fruit do you have, what is this transformation??)
when we cut back to luffy yelling
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kaido says this
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and the line immediately after
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and im just saying... being a zoan fruit user himself with a crew full of zoan fruit users and a son who accidentally ate a zoan fruit, kaido PROBABLY knows about the dangers of awakening your fruit before you're ready to handle it
so him saying "glad to see you've still got that big mouth, straw hat" is more like... "I'm glad to see you're still you. here's what's happening to u rn, btw" since he already put 2 and 2 together that luffy's a zoan last chapter
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to immediately jump into "we call this an awakening" means that's probably what kaido had on his mind, right?! like he was wondering if luffy had lost himself to nika's will instead of aligning with it and that's why kaido kinda randomly asks who he is, THEN starts explaining what awakenings are once luffy confirms it's still him
after all, luffy's been acting a bit differently since he changed forms and kaido's definitely picked up on that (he's more carefree, he's just a goofy guy now)
im also kinda backing this up with non-canon stuff given the road/lode to laughtale chapters where, along with all the g5/nika doodles, are a bunch of notes where oda questions what the fallout will be from awakening
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[also interesting to note that oda seems to have 'scrapped' the idea that luffy's ability to bring people together was actually one of nika's powers all along. im happy to see that tbh i think he's just a charismatic guy]
and we've also seen that luffy struggles at least a little bit to control his new abilities in egghead
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like, yeah, luffy is kinda clowning on lucci during this fight, but he also barely has control to the point he can't be serious when atlas's life is on the line
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because he was taking things much more seriously before he transforms
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vs after chopper already told him to hurry up or atlas isn't going to make it
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[to be fair, you can argue he does get a lot more serious once the fighting's over and chopper urges him to hurry for the 2nd time
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but this is also right before he detransforms...]
so im just saying
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i'm gonna have fun with this :')
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minzapinza · 2 years
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even after all these years, brook being a skeleton and other people thinking he only just died never fails to make me laugh
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5stripestrifes · 2 years
One piece chapter 1046 spoilers!!
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opshizt · 2 years
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idk man but panels of kaido looking up to luffy speaks volume
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punk-rotten · 2 years
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aka-ichigo · 2 years
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he grew up so much
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adorable <3
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imagine if they don’t realise and just leave him cause they think he’s dead
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i didn’t even THINK of the parallels i’m gonna cry
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imagine if half the smile users just all drown
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i feel so bad for momonosuke cause he’s just a child but honestly i can’t wait to see him lift up onigashima (like he’ll one day ‘lift’ wano!!!)
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just really in love with this image of luffy harnessing lightning it’s so cool
also i hope zoro’s not dead
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