#char: loki
charcubed · 11 months
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This is literally a love story.
Loki in season 1 thought love is an imaginary dagger because he’d never had a real love (and everything with Sylvie wasn’t real either) but Mobius has been redefining love for him the entire time and showing him what love is or can properly be!!!!!!!!!!
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autumnoficarus · 10 months
i can't stop listening to the 'purpose is glorious' track from this season's ost and thinking about how lovely the title and its meaning are. it's just such an amazing underlying theme in this show, and - while i do have criticisms about some of the choices made for the series finale - i really do feel the writers wholeheartedly delivered in sending that message home. for me personally, loki's ending is so gratifying and a large part of that is solely from viewing their arc's conclusion with the perspective of this theme in mind. to have spent years watching this character i hold very dear to my heart struggle to find belonging, to feel as though they matter and there is reason in their existence, finally get a chance to show - and recognize - their worth was so, so rewarding. and honestly, i think the message behind the phrasing of 'purpose is glorious' is all the more meaningful because of how loki's arc finished. yes, the outcome was bittersweet; yes, we're left knowing loki didn't get the happiness they undeniably earned after everything they'd gone through. it smarts something fierce to know their journey up until they deviated from their timeline and became a variant, as well as seen their eventual intended fate. the ache is only worsened after witnessing everything that happens within the TVA and the entirety of loki's character growth leading up to a redefining moment where they willingly choose to undergo a nightmarish amount of time in the endeavor to do the right thing. of course we want them to emerge victorious when they've struggled for so long, but that's not the point. loki's final moments are them forfeiting their right to a happy ending to preserve the stories of others because all stories matter and should inherently reserve the free will to be written; as sylvie says, loki makes their choice so their loved ones and life across the multiverse still have a chance to belong somewhere and embrace their place in the world. the take away is that even burden can be glorious. even with all the hardships of life - all the inevitable heartache, disappointment, and grief we encounter just by being alive - we have meaning in our existence. there is meaning in the trials we face, and the suffering we endure in order to overcome them. our pain gives us purpose; it gives us the ability to love, to grow from and for each other, and choose to sacrifice our happiness for the benefit of another. loki's purpose was forged in the bonds of those they met in their time at the TVA and the sense of value they gained from their companionship. their sacrifice perfectly conveys how the human capacity to love is one of cosmic greatness, which can ultimately surpass our instinctual desire to preserve one's self. we can move immovable mountains and challenge insurmountable adversity in behalf of the ones we love and their welfare. if that isn't an act deserving of glory, I don't know what is.
tldr; loki's purpose is the friends they made along the way = as the saying goes, 'tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all'. or: our own lives have purpose because of the connections we share with others, even when we are met with great loss.
#also this just shows the depth of love loki derived from knowing mobius and how they were changed for the better because of it#how mobius' initial - and repeated - acknowledgement of their potential is what gave them the necessary tools to rewrite their destiny#when loki first watches their fate on the sacred timeline their devastation is palpable; they now know they are meant to die -#at the hands of thanos after failing to save their brother -#after losing one last time#they see their final fate and know they were never meant to win; never to reach the respect and admiration theyve been chasing all this tim#but they're given a second chance at an ending - one they can be proud of and has meaning#and they SUCCEED; they ascend and take the throne not for power or control or even glory but because of the people they care for!!!!!!#loki accepts their burden with grace for the benefit of others; they escape the harrowing demise once preordained for them -#and while they mourn what they must leave behind they are fulfilled by the triumph of saving EVERYONE this time#the parallels between their sacred timeline ending and the finale's makes me way too emotional i am not okay#i have so many thoughts about the ost guahahauffh ignore me#i am obsessed with this track specifically like i want to write even more meta abt the significance of being used during mobius' last scene#okay these tags are way too long i'm shutting up now i'll see myself out#txt: icarus foaming @ the mouth analysis#char tags:#god of stories and faking death#peepaw from outerspace#loki meta#lokius#loki s2#loki season 2#loki spoilers#loki series#marvel#mcu#loki#Spotify
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firedrakegirl · 5 months
The sudden storm had sent me outside to sit under the cool rain. It wasn't a bad pain day, but it wasn't a good one either. The rain felt so nice on my scars. I was wearing one of my wigs because it was a bad brain day, the kind where I felt like I was the most hideous creature on earth.
I was sitting on the swing in the yard, face upturned, when I heard the scream of pain, frustration, anger followed by a bright green flash and wave of pressure. I got to my feet and started heading in the direction of the sound. There was a man standing just off my property, head bowed and shoulders shaking. I could see dark hair and a now ruined suit that was dripping from the rain. “Hey, are you okay?” I called as I continued to approach.
The man's head snapped up and he glared at me. “I am fine, mortal.” He snapped.
Then our eyes met. His emerald eyes were....too familiar. I knew those eyes... “Soulmate?” I whispered, now hurrying to his side.
“I know you.” His smile was small but soft. “I have been waiting for you for so long...my soul.”
“I go by Char now...Loki.”
All of the sudden, he pulled me into his arms and held me tightly. I could feel him shaking in my arms, and he buried his face in my shoulder. I held him as tightly as I could, rubbing his back and carding through his wet hair. I could feel how much he just needed to be for a few minutes, and I was more than happy to oblige.
Eventually, he stopped shaking and stepped away. “Apologies. I did not mean to...”
“Loki, it's okay.” I caught his hand with my whole one. “We all need the occasional breakdown to keep going. I get it. Wanna come in and talk about it?”
“Unfortunately, I cannot. I must get back but...” There was a calculating look in his eyes. He pulled me close again, cupped my cheek, and everything went black.
When the human approached, I was ready to blast it into next week, so caught up in my anger and fear was I. Then our eyes met. I looked into her hazel eyes and I knew she was mine. My soulmate. She was perfect. She opened her arms to me and I near collapsed into them. For the first time in a very long time, I allowed myself to be weak. My fear for my brother, pain of how Odin treated me, new knowledge of what I was..it all came out as tears as I held my beautiful soulmate close. Eventually, even with her rubbing my back and soothing me, I stood straight again. “Apologies. I did not mean..”
She cut me off with no fear at all, using my name in a familiar way that not even my so called friends did. When she offered for me to come into her home I realized I could not stay for long but…I couldn’t leave her behind. I pulled her close and used a small spell to put her to sleep for the trip. Using the hidden roads was dangerous for anyone. It was best done with preparation for the first time.
I laid her on my bed, another small burst of magic drying both her and my clothes before I started to cover her with several of my blankets. It was only then that I noticed that my soul had been badly burned. I gently stroked over the raised scars on her cheek, eyes tracing more down her throat and beneath her clothes. My eyes traced over her whole body for more damage. Her right hand was missing several fingers, as well as other scars that were clear on her skin. I sighed and tucked her in more carefully to be sure she would sleep comfortably. I needed to go, to tend to my duties, but I couldn't bear to leave my soulmate, my Char. A moment of thought and a flick of my fingers sent a double to the Odinsleep chambers. All of the sudden a shrill ringing split the air.
I woke with a start, one of my med alarms going off. I scrambled for the bottle on the bedside table for a moment before freezing. This wasn’t my bed. And there was someone watching me from a nearby chair. I blinked a couple times, eye taking a moment to focus. “What.. who… Loki?”
“Good evening, darling.” “Where are we?”
“Asgard. My bed, to be specific.”
I rolled my eye at him. “Okay, well I need to go home.” I saw him flinch and I threw a hand out to stop him. “Not like that. You’re stuck with me. No, I need my meds and eye care stuff.”
“I’m sure we can help with anything you need, darling.”
Instead of answering him, I pulled my false eye out and chucked it at him. “Including the stuff to take care of this?”
He let out a squawk and batted it away. “What in the Nine….?”
“You did notice I’m burned badly, right?” I snickered. “You didn’t think I’d changed my name to Charlotte, did you?”
“I did notice the burns…eventually. Perhaps I did think that you’d changed your name.”
“Char is short for charbroiled sweetheart. And really? How did you miss all this?” I waved at myself with my damaged hand before climbing out of the bed and grabbing the eye.
“Your beauty was overwhelming and all I could see was you.”
“Oh my gods you utter sap.” I blushed, unable to help the small smile. “Well, now that you can see more of me, I hope you're not disappointed?”
Loki frowned and stood, pulling me into his arms. “You are my soulmate. I will never see you as anything other than extraordinarily beautiful. Your scars don't define you any more than a warrior's do. You are, in fact, a warrior.” He held up my damaged hand, pressing a kiss to the stump of each missing finger. “The strongest one I've ever met.”
“Gods, what the hell Loki.” I tried to sass him, but there were tears in my eyes and a blush on my cheeks. I hid my face against his chest. His words meant more to me than I think even he knew. “You can't just say things like that.”
“I think I just did.” He laughed, hooking a finger under my chin and making me look up at him. “Would you mind terribly if I kissed you?”
“I wouldn't mind at all. But only if I can kiss you back.”
He laughed and kissed me, a sweet gentle kiss that made something in my chest relax and I leaned into him. He continued holding my hand, but his other wrapped around my waist and held me against him.
Before the kiss could progress to anything more, there was a knock on the door to his rooms. We both jumped apart like misbehaving children. The door cracked open, and Frigg, queen of Asgard glided in. “Loki, you... oh!” Her expression of concern quickly changed to one of both mischief and joy. “Oh, you found your soulmate!”
“Mother!” Loki was positively beaming. “Yes, she prefers to be called Char.”
I stepped forward and curtsied. “It's short for Charbroiled, your majesty.”
Frigg laughed brightly. “Oh this is joyous news in the face of everything else. Loki, you are still needed in the council room. Do you want me to watch over her for a while?”
“Actually, mother, could you take her to Midgard to gather her belongings? I'm afraid I didn't give her time to do so when I brought her “Why are you needed?” I asked curiously. “I am the king regent.” Loki sighed. “Please mother.” “Of course, my child.” Frigg kissed his brow. “You should get changed first.” Loki waved them off, magic flittering over his body to shift his suit into leathers. “Quickly, before I change my mind.” Frigg laughed and ushered Char out. “We will go the proper way.” “Thank you mother.” Char kept looking back toward Loki as they headed in a different direction. “My child, you need to calm. You’ll be back with him soon.” “I know, your majesty, but…” “But you need to be close.” She finished. “I know. Can you hold out for a short while?” “I can.” I think. I couldn’t say that though. This was an actual Queen I was speaking to. “How should I be speaking with you, your majesty? I am… not noble.” “In formal situations, Queen Frigg or your majesty are correct. The rest of the time, simply Frigg. You are my son’s soulmate, therefore family.” She assured. “You will be considered family, and therefore royal, by many Asgardians.” Frigg laughed gently as I squeaked. “Once you have a chance to settle in and the need to be close dies down, I will train you on proper behavior and speech.” “Thank you, your… Frigg.”
“It is my pleasure, child. I look forward to getting to know you.
“The honor is mine.” I assured her.
Frigg led me to the stables gently. “Have you ever ridden a horse?”
“No ma’am. Especially not since…” I gestured to myself, and my scars, meaningfully. “I don’t know if I’m able to ride.”
“I know just the horse for you. He’s never dropped a rider he didn’t want to, even if they’re unconscious.” She smiled widely. “I promise you’ll be safe.”
“I trust you.” I assured her.
Frigg beamed at me and walked in, calling something in…well I assumed it was ancient Norse.
Before I could ask her what she’d said, there was a thump of hooves on wood and then splintering. Then the biggest horse I had ever seen, even in fantasy media, cantered up to me. He leaned down to snuffle at my hair before crouching in front of me. It was only then that I noticed he had eight legs.
“Oh, you’re beautiful.” I offered my whole hand for him to sniff before stroking his soft nose. “According to the myths at home, Sleipnir is Loki’s son.”
Both the horse and the queen nodded their agreement. “Loki has several children. Please don’t hold that against him.”
“He has... I am so glad to hear that.” I relaxed slightly. “After the fire, there is a good chance I cannot have children. And he is much older than I am. I wouldn’t have expected him to never touch anyone else.” I looked at Sleipnir. “I take it that means you understand me?”
He nodded and nudged me.
“Then...Loki and I just found each other, but I’m his soulmate. Do you think we could spend some time together and get to know each other? I won’t try to change your dynamic with him or anything, but if you’re his family, I’d like us to be family as well, but only if you’re comfortable with it.”
“I absolutely would like you two to continue this conversation.” Frigg cut us off, “But we should hurry. My dear, would you be willing to take us both to the bifrost?” The horse nodded again and Frigg helped me climb on. “I will teach you to ride properly, but for the moment, this will do. And Sleipnir will never let you fall, even if you’re not with me.”
He whickered in agreement as the queen climbed on behind me. “I trust him.”
As soon as we were settled, he was off, cantering gleefully through the city. “Keep your chin high and shoulders back.” Frigg whispered in my ears as people turned to look at us as we rode past. “You are the regent king’s soulmate. You should be proud of him, and how you hold yourself shows it.” I nodded a little and straightened my shoulders as much as I could.
Before long, we approached a golden dome at the end of the rainbow bridge. Sleipnir slowed down until he just walked into the building. A stupidly tall man watched us with nearly glowing gold-orange eyes. “My queen.” He bowed to Frigga, though his eyes remained on me.
“Heimdall. This is Char. She is a royal guest.” Frigga introduced.
“May I make a strange request?” I asked him, entranced by his eyes. “Can I take a picture of your eyes?”
“My eyes?”
I nodded. “Just a photo. You have really cool eyes.”
He looked bemused but nodded. “Very well.”
“Thank you.” I pulled my phone from my pocket and quickly took the picture, before offering a hand to shake. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I am Loki’s soulmate, and Char is short for Charbroiled.”
“We need to go to Midgard, to her home, for a brief time.” Frigga informed him. “We will call for a return shortly.”
“As you wish, your majesty.” He bowed again and inserted his sword into a machine that I had thought was decorative. It started up, causing the bridge out the door to start glowing. Frigga led me to the Bifrost entrance as I watched in awe.
“Bend your knees slightly and hold on to me. The first time is difficult, especially for mortals.” She instructed me kindly. I followed her directions and suddenly we were whisked away. When we dropped in my yard, I tumbled to the ground dispite the warning. “Are you okay, child?”
I blushed brightly, but nodded. “Apologies, ma’am. I’m a bit off balance at the best of times. I only have half of one foot.” I explained.
“Half of a foot?”
“Yes ma’am. After the fire, I ended up with a flesh eating bacteria on my foot, so they had to partially amputate to protect the rest of me.”
Frigga looked mildly disturbed at that. “That was all they could do?”
“I should have died. I have burns over most of my body at a level of severity that should have outright killed me. I am so lucky that it didn’t, but I ended up exceptionally weak for a very long time. Too weak for the kinds of medications that would have fought the bacteria.” I shrugged. “I’d rather Loki was the first one to hear about more of my limitations, if you don’t mind.”
“Of course not, my dear. Thank you for telling me this much.” Frigga cupped my cheek gently. “Why don’t you tell me how I can help you prepare to move in with us.”
“Fully move in, or will I be able to come back?”
“For now. Once Odin awakens or Thor returns, Loki will be able to step down and you two will be able to discuss how to move forward.”
I nodded and started thinking. “Would you mind if I take a quick shower? I need a couple minutes to...reflect. On all of this.”
“Aboslutely. Shall I gather clothing for you? We will get you an Asgardian wardrobe but for your down time?”
“Thank you, your majesty.”
“We’re alone here. You can call me Frigga.” She reminded me.
“Thank you, Frigga.” I nodded again and quickly set off for the bathroom to shower and take a few moments to breathe.
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amphibifish · 2 months
on todays episode of maloki things that probably aren't that deep, i'm thinking about child form vs actual god. i'm gonna be analyzing manga canon because we never see kasumi in the anime.
we obviously don't see a lot of "kasumi higashiyama" because he is straight up a guy heimdallr made up, unlike freyja who unaware reincarnated as / puppets around reiya ooshima. but we can get a glimpse of kasumi in the stupid ass ending where loki makes heimdallr like Not Evil for two seconds.
something i noticed with freyja/reiya and heimdall/kasumi is that they are polar opposites of each other. reiya is a shy quiet girl while freyja is bold and confident. kasumi is friendly and kind and heimdall is irritable and an asshole.
then i got to thinking about heimdall's initial line about freyja, where he vaguely mentions something along the lines of "the more reiya's love for loki grows, the more freyja's hate for him will grow". freyja eventually comes around to loving loki after hating him for how he'd hurt her.
in heimdalls case, kasumi sees the way loki cares for him and is friendly and appreciative of it, in contrast to how heimdall scorns everything loki does, no matter what.
what i'm thinking is that these child forms are the sides of the gods that they'd rather hide. heimdall doesn't want to see that loki genuinely cares for him, freyja doesn't want to admit despite the pain loki's caused she still loves him. reiya eventually becomes reabsorbed into freyja character after ragnarök is prevented and she can freely admit she was/is in love with loki but it wouldn't be best and lets him go live out mortal life. heimdall, on the other hand, never lets go of his anger and never grows beyond his grudge. in fact he like actively gets worse. he also never gets his god form back. he is not kasumi higashiyama in the same way that freyja was reiya ooshima, but he is forced to live as him the more he refuses to grow and accept that side of himself that isn't so bitter and distrustful.
anyway. this is what kept me up til 4 last night.
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innkeepercore · 11 months
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Carol’s winter fashion in Alligator Loki #17
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marvelmagic · 2 years
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bravenew-urianger · 2 years
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in faint bloody flashes I watch people die and if that was me, then who am I?
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lovebugcody · 11 months
loki didn’t kiss the old man :(
on the plus side he didn’t kiss anyone at all
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snowflop · 2 years
I'll bet none of the evil ladies in Engage are really evil, FE is infamous for its cold feet with female villains, LOL!
Oh I'm absolutely sure that'll be the case. I've no doubts they'll be changing their allegiances and fighting for our army by the time the games done. Probably after being rescued from evil dragon mind control lol.
But that doesn't necessarily mean they won't keep their "evil" appeal, we've got plenty of playable ladies who aren't the nicest people in the world.
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vbecker10 · 5 months
You Are My Home
Pairing: Loki x female reader (y/n)
Summary: Loki leaves you for a month to visit Asgard with Thor and you are more then excited to welcome him home.
A/N: This is not what I'm supposed to be working on right now but I listened to the song linked below on the way home and the damn thing just wrote itself... enjoy 💚
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In the two and a half years you and Loki have been together, this is by far the longest you have ever been apart. Loki would often spend a few days or even a week away on missions but today is day thirty without him. He and Thor returned to Asgard to take care of a political matter and you were both devastated to find out you would not be able to go with him. You had cried yourself to sleep in his arms the night before he left and you haven't slept a full night since.
You spent the whole day anxiously awaiting this moment, he is finally going to arrive any minute. Looking at yourself in the window, you check your makeup and hair for the hundredth time, wanting to look perfect for him. You smooth out the fabric on your favorite dress and smile, Loki bought it for you to wear for your first anniversary. It is a deep emerald green and fits your body as if it was made for you.
The wind picks up suddenly and your heart beats faster, you know instantly the Bifrost is opening. You turn away from the building and walk across the grass to wait closer to the open area where they will arrive. You can barely contain your excitement as the air around you buzzes. Lightning and streaks of bright colored lights pierce the thick clouds and burn into the dried grass behind the Avengers Compound.
You force yourself to stay where you are until the wind ties down and the lights fade. You see two tall figures standing in the center of a charred spiral.
"Loki!" your legs immediately carry you towards him.
"Y/N!" he answers, his voice full of joy as he quickly moves to meet you. He pulls you into a tight hug, lifting you easily off the ground as he spins, making you giggle. You wrap your arms around his neck and press your lips to his desperately, as if you are trying to make up for all of the kisses you two have missed out on in the last month.
"Gods, how I've missed you," he says when you break the kiss, he puts you down and keeps his arms around you.
"I missed you every second you were gone," you tell him honestly. "Promise me if you ever go home again, you'll take me with you."
He raises one hand to stroke your cheek lightly, "Asgard is many things, my dear, but I don't call it home anymore."
You look at him curiously and he smiles, "I was going to wait to do this until tonight but I don't want to wait another moment."
He looks over his shoulder at his older brother who smiles at you both and takes a few steps away.
You cover your mouth with your left hand as your heart pounds quickly in your chest. "Loki?" you barely whisper in disbelief as he take a small step away from you and gets down on one knee.
A small ring box appears in one hand with a green flash and he takes your right hand in his other hand.
"Y/N, home is where you are and every night I spent alone on Asgard was worth it to come back to you. You are my home, you are my everything when I feel alone. You are my shelter when all my hope is gone. You are my heart, you are the one I want to spend every minute of every day with. I love you with every fiber of my being," he says as he looks up at you. "Y/N, my love, my queen. Will you make me the happiest man in the nine realms by becoming my wife?"
"Yes! Yes," you say excitedly as Loki stands. "I love you," you tell him as he slips the most beautiful ring you have ever seen onto your finger.
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I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚
@soubi001 @michelleleewise @harlequin-hangout @ace-of-gay @xorpsbane @mochie85 @sheris532 @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen @kkdvkyya @animnerd @peaches1958 @peachyjinx @lokiandbuckysdoll @winterfrostlovetriangle @high-functioning-lokipath @winniewings @pics-and-fanfics @cabingrlandrandomcrap @icytrickster17 @lokisgoodgirl @mischief2sarawr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @mjsthrillernp @holdmytesseract @lulubelle814 @crimson25 @goblingirlsarah @janineb86 @simone818283 @tonystank8 @im-briana-stan @foxherder @chantsdemarins @catsladen @alexakeyloveloki @siconetribal @lokidokieokie @dragonmurray @honeydew3064 @malfoycassimalfoy @kneelingformyloki @newtomofgods @jiyascepter @eleniblue
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charcubed · 11 months
Chaos & order.
Science & fiction.
Form & fuction.
A bit of both.
Loki is – and always has been – a (queer) love story.
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autumnoficarus · 10 months
i have so many things to do today but i am also trapped in a time loop from 11/9/2023 at exactly 9pm (cst) where i watched my favorite marvel character renowned for their anti-hero characterization sacrifice themselves for the greater good and to protect those they love.
so. there's that
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sporesgalaxy · 10 months
PLEASE DON'T BE MAD but I find it especially funny how in all the times I've followed you, the self insert char has been like- a mentee, a space god kid, besties with the horrible little alien - and the ONE that goes the shipping route is for the pirate who is also A Clown. A+, good show, great show, looking forward to more of these idiots
but also HEY!
I did NOT get married to Cartoon Loki on stream in 2014 (and then maintain that lore when I continued self-insert shipping canon-divergent AoA Loki with Queen Nothing years later) to have our beautiful marriage forgotten like this
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It's just been a while. For fear that no one will understand this is my special little guy Loki and not the loser from the MCU.....TRAGIC
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amphibifish · 6 months
does every woman that appears in this really need to be madly in love with loki......
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yourlocalsuperstar · 3 months
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Hello, I am Beryl Grace, but you probably already know me, so I won't bother to present myself. Ok, bye
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NAME: Beryl Grace
PARENT OF: Thalia Grace, Jason Grace
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@all-time-alt-country-singer : Will Solace's mother
@i-sell-seashells-by-the-seashore : Percy Jackson's mother
@that-one-lover-of-hades : Nico di angelo's mother
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This blog is ran by @lokiwiiiiiii .
irp tag: #shut up beryls talking
ooc tag: #lokis local yappin
credits to @saradika-graphics for the banners
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