emoprincey · 5 months
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A young man stands in his living room. It just so happens that today, the 13th of April, 2019, is the day of his friends' wedding.
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patchespremium · 8 days
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Thomas just trying to get some work done when my fav duo comes to bother him.
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eventide-owls · 1 year
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Sanders Sides in my style (including FANMADE Orange Side and Character!Thomas), where I mashed up Thomas's appearance in golden-age SS, modern-day SS and my personal artistic liberties!
Rambling commentary on design choices under the cut...
Love it when people take design inspo from his dyed hair era and make it color-coded to the other sides through the power of artistic magic
Gave stubble and ear piercings so he looks closer to his current appearance
Decided to give Character!Thomas that one jacket he really seems to like rather than the popular Steven Universe shirt bc it reflects his current style more
LOVE it when people give Roman scars- also gave Remus one across his eye to make him similar to Roman
Speaking of Remus... I removed the silver streak bc it's kinda a hassle to draw and doesn't really unify him with the others (also clutters his design) + just gave him heavier facial hair rather than a full-mustache
Janus's snake-side is usually a washed-out green when Thomas has his make-up so I made it more vibrant! I usually hate drawing Janus bc bowler hat + snake scales is a STRUGGLE but I like how he turned out
His hair is spiked and swooped back to make him 'disheveled', 100% believe Thomas will wear orange contacts so he has those, and gave him short-sleeved leather jacket to relate him to Logan's short-sleeves
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corescorner · 26 days
I just woke up from having a Sanders Sides dream and it was actually a pretty good premise and I wanna write it now XD
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"C! Thomas keeps trying to bring in other people" - @januscorner
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Remus bites to show love
So when the light sides see Virgil, their mind goes STRAIGHT (shocking ik) to the gutter
Virgil: *has bite marks on his neck and shoulders*
Patton: …kiddo…
Roman: *trying not to laugh*
Logan: ..
Virgil: I PROMISE it isn’t what it looks like
Remus: IT IS (lying)
Then Virgil smacks him upside the head
Oh my god Y E S I L O V E that so fucking much!!! XD Ree's love language is like a literal Dog he will lick and bite and purposely put marks on Vee on noticeable places just for the sake of being a little shit and it doesn't help that he further escalates the situation by pulling the "That's not what you said last night" card whenever Vee defends the marks not being what they look like just for the sake of embarrassing him more Bonus: Character!Thomas sees the marks too and he's just like "... Am I supposed to feel that too what is happening right now!?"
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chaos--gremlin · 5 months
It's everyone's favorite parental figure!
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...hey, has anybody seen Janus?
I got this idea from @deostyx 's wonderful post! (Thank you for the free brainrot <3!!)
Just being a nerd under the cut 💛🩵
I love the idea of a Patton and Janus fusion that seems mostly like Patton, except some things are just off, and Virgil would definitely be the first to notice.
Patton and Janus are foils because of how they mirror each other in their actions and values: honesty vs deception, altruism vs self-preservation, innocence vs "the snake in the garden" (that was the best way I could put it). Janus can impersonate Logan almost flawlessly but it was very interesting to see how he impersonated Patton in his reveal episode- exactly like how I imagine their fusion to be: Patton but wrong. Patton but not so innocent, Patton who enjoys impossible moral dilemmas, Patton sitting in the director's chair and dictating how the scenes should go.
"Patton" who lies to cover his identity, who's gloves conceal rough, scaley skin. "Patton" who's smile is a little too wide, who's forked tongue threatens to perk between their teeth. "Patton" who gaslights the other sides into thinking it's just him, who plays with Virgil's emotions until he almost gives up on discovering the truth.
And this one's kinda funny, but- "Patton" who suddenly drinks wine!
I just love the idea of this because maybe they would be great at being Thomas's morality, steering him in the right directions (as Patton would have it). But there's always something wrong in how they go about it, their roundabout arguments, letting the other sides come to a conclusion instead of taking the straightforward Patton way of saying "THIS is the right thing to do." Regardless, perhaps this "Patton" isn't so bad. After all, when has he ever steered Thomas wrong?
ONE LAST THING - the extra floaty hands!! No other side can see them, but they represent Janus's control in a "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil" way. Except the hands act entirely out of self-preservation: they usually cover "Patton's" mouth ("speak no evil") to prevent them from revealing their identity. I will definitely be drawing this in the future!!
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darkboysroadtrip · 10 days
What’s everyone’s unofficial assigned seats in the cars? ✨🍃
Also where did ya’ll find a car seat for Thomas? And very important— DOES IT HAVE A CUP HOLDER? 👁️👁️
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Dee: This is Remus' car, so usually he's the one driving, I take up shotgun cause Virge doesn't care to play navigator so he ends up in the back.
Virgil: In my car, Remus usually goes in the back, there's quite a bit of room back there so he just sprawls, he also takes the back with Dee's car too; I don't care for navigation but I don't trust Remus with it more than I don't like it.
Remus: Hey! My navigation is perfectly fine!
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Remus: Got the seat at toys r us! probably you weren't here when that happened! *he eyes the cup holder* I guess you weren't here for the last ask either.
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Logan: Like Dee said, this is my car and I don't care for other people driving it - Patton is usually in the back seat so I'm not sure why Roman is there now considering he needs to navigate.
Roman laying down in the back seat: Becauuuuuse I want to lounge! It's fine I can still do that from here.
Patton: Roman is usually in the back with my car too! Logan likes to pay attention to the road and where we're going, Roman doesn't do that at all.
Roman: I would if we ever took my car.
Logan: Your car can't fit all of us.
Roman: *sighs* I know but she's such a beauty!
[Drawn answers 3/10]
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Dukeceit Week Day 3: Cats
A day late, a dollar short, and not even really fitting the brief of my own event week fhkaf, here it is: Six is a Good Round Number:
Credit to @/Remuspenus this is entirely based off their cat designs they did for this prompt and our ensuing conversation that followed after I got to see them a little early ehehe.
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Thomas: I’m going to Taco Bell! Do you guys want anything?
Virgil: A healthy sleep schedule.
Roman: To be appreciated.
Janus: For someone to listen to me.
Remus: To fuck a monster.
Thomas: Yeah, I have like 12 bucks, so...
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emoprincey · 6 months
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frogdaddypatton · 10 months
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what do these two characters have in common
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cutepastelstarsalior · 2 months
Asexual Picani is so real and true <3
Poly Character!Thomas and sleep/remy is so real and true <3
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boosting-sasi-artists · 2 months
Sanders Ask Blog Masterpost!
Just as the title says! A place to find ask blogs for Thomas Sanders characters!! Have fun! And if you don't see one here you can ask me to put it on!
Most of these are just ones I've stumbled upon or inactive ones I followed a few years ago or were sent in to me. I unfortunately don't have many that I actually know about that are active, so suggestions are helpful!
Some haven't been updated in a while but they don't say they're inactive, I tried to only put ones who haven't updated in years in the inactive area, I will switch any around that needs to be.
Send me more that may not be here!
Let's start!
Asking Characters!
Ask Furry Sides! (My favorite.)
Dragon Witch Virgil
Ask Nico and the Sides
Ask Succubus Sides
Ask Patton
Ask Deceit Sanders
Ask Power Sides
TSS Swap AU Ask Blog
Ask The Snek Man
Ask The T Sanders Sides (inactive) -> Continued Here
Ask Sanders Sides
Ask The Rowanverse
7 Years Gone TS Sides
Ask Sanders Puppets
Agere Dukeceit
And last a little self promo cause I love them! Dark Boys Road Trip! & Apartment Bound AU! (oh and this one I forgot about Shenanigans AU there hasn't been any interaction with it hence me forgetting it)
Ask Virgil Anxiety Side
Ask Prince Roman
Inactive (maybe) or on Hiatus.
Ask Stranded Sides
Sides in Wonderland
Mindscape Form AU
Animal Guides AU
Logan Has No Powers AU
Patton Sanders Killed a Man
Quarantine Sides
Menagerie AU
Ask Roleswap Sides
Ask Guardian AU Sanders Sides
TS Unsolved
Supernatural Sanders
TS Sides Ghost AU
Ask Monster Sides
Sanders Creatures AU
Sky High AU
Ask Virgil Vlogs
The Marching Sides
Mind God AU
Shuffleboard TS (last post in 22 but has only two posts)
Ask Dark Logan (story inactive but mod still posts about it)
Other Ask-ish Type Blogs!
Sanders Sides Confessions.
TS Sides Head Canon
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[Yes hello, this is Core! Or as most of my anons know me (probably) as CC, this is a place where I'll be reblogging things that remind me of my road trip boys!
I made the ask blog what? Four years ago, went on a waaaaay too long hiatus and now I'm back with it babeeeey! But I have come across things that remind me of them! So this is where I'll be putting those!
As an added thing, if anyone also has things that remind them of The Trip and My Boys, you're more than welcome to send it over here!]
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so uhhhhh. abt that script leak that was mentioned in one of your asks. how would one get their hands on it? hypothetically
Alright so for context from that asker the script wasn't really a leak Thomas gave a sneak peak of the next vid's script on his Insta story a couple of days ago because Google Docs tried giving him an autocorrect and people are making theories that it's Jan disguised as Ro because as shown below Character!Thomas is shocked by something and some people compare Ro's line to Jan's foolish habit of stating a Side' role when disguised and the use of "Tis I" from the Jan Among Us gameplay vid (As I said before my theory is that it could go either way cause Ro's dramatic but we shall see)
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