#character design? perfect. personality? perfect. SEIZING THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION? perfect
istherewifiinhell · 4 years
Elara Wandersong I have feeling for u
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weightlessribbons · 3 years
ARCANE: The Personal and the Political
Arcane, the animated Netflix series in the universe of League of Legends, was released last week, and it seems to have been a breakout hit. Despite the source material they had to work with, the creative team at Fortiche were successful in creating a product with astounding animation and special effects work, beautiful design and art direction, and compelling characters and interpersonal tragedy. But I don't think that it's perfect, and there's one thing that bothered me as I was watching: Arcane's politics are too normie for its own good.
Arcane's story is at its heart a personal drama starring Vi and Jinx. The political themes of class struggle of Topside and the Undercity serve to construct a world and characters that allow the writers to build the central tragedy of the story. Jinx, an Undercity orphan outcast even within her peer group, loses her emotional anchor in her sister and is forced to grasp at chances for respect and self-confidence, leading to her to fall in with the villain Silco and ends up firing a rocket into Piltover's council chamber in an act of desperate defiance that ends all hope of a peaceful end to the subjugation of the Undercity. The tragedy of this final act is threefold: first, the personal loss of life, exemplified by the loss of Caitlyn's mother, a councilor; second, the inevitable backlash and open conflict that will inevitably harm the already-oppressed; third, and most importantly, the culmination of Jinx's character arc as a person who has grown dependent on violence to maintain her sense of identity and autonomy. As she prepares to fire, we hear in Jinx's mind, through voiceover, Silco: "We'll show them. We will show them all." As the rocket flies, we see the council vote for peace; a soon-to-be doomed measure. And just before impact we are shown the faces of those about to die: the entire council, including Jayce, Caitlyn's mother, and Viktor. These three angles work together to form a tragic ending that seems ordained by fate, separate threads of history converging upon a single point. It's a strong conclusion to the story, but I nevertheless was left with something bothering me. The weak point in the ending is the political angle. The shot of the council unanimously voting for peace, ignorant of their fast-approaching end, sends clearly the message that this will kill any chance at peace. This return to an uneasy peace, as the story tells us through Vander, is the only way to keep the downtrodden from further suffering, and its stillbirth is a major part of the central tragedy. But this message is troubled by the fact that the possibility of peace is unconvincing. Silco would not accept the terms and give up Jinx, and is dead anyhow. Is the council voting for peace believable, given that the previous shot of them was their near unanimous uproar when presented with the terms? I don't think so. And, most importantly, are we to believe that the technologically superior Piltover will not seize upon any sign of weakness (say, the death of the Undercity's de-facto leader, Silco) to reestablish control? No; instead of the message "Peace was just out of reach" that the ending frames, a much more compelling message (I think) would be: "Peace was never an option." No justice, no peace; capitalism sows the seeds of its own destruction. The belief in a peaceful means to the end of oppression is a key pillar in liberal thought, and keeping this in mind is helpful in understanding the message of the story. The tragedy we are presented is that it "could have been" different: that were it not for the pain and suffering and anger of a single person, things could have turned out all right. But we, as the audience, know differently: it had to be this way. Not just because of tragedy being a foregone conclusion, but that Jinx was born and molded of the hostile, rapacious environment that she lived in, and if not for her, then some other hurt, angry soul would have sparked off open conflict in her place.
What this means is that the text believes that a state of liberal peace- a peace characterized not by the presence of justice, but by the absence of open conflict- should be the principal goal of political action. Once we have a hold of this idea of a liberal peace, we may find elsewhere in the story traces of this ideology. The first thing is the villain and principal antagonist Silco. He is a drug-lord who manufactures Shimmer, an addictive drug that makes you more physically dangerous but comes with debilitating side-effects. The parallels to War on Drugs narratives are clear: the lower classes are killing each other with drugs, and these drugs make them a threat to polite society besides. Additionally, Silco is the loudest voice to speak for the liberation of Zaun, the Undercity, from Piltover; making the villain someone who takes a good thing too far is a time-tested way of injecting cheap moral complexity to a narrative, and allows the writers to indulge in a bit of both-sides-ism. The way Silco frames the oppression of the Undercity by Piltover is flawed, since he is an industrialist and a villain besides. But this flaw neatly both strengthens his characterization as a Nuanced Extremist Villain and diminishes the credibility of radical anti-Piltover sentiment within the narrative and allows it to present us the novel liberal idea: What if Revolution Bad? This leads us to the subject of Ekko and the Firelights. They're the faction that the narrative portrays as The Unproblematic Ones. The most important thing they do, thematically, is show through their community organizing efforts that the Undercity can flourish despite its circumstances: a rose grown from concrete. What we don't see, though, is them taking taking action against Piltover: no strike action, theft, sabotage, or assassination. We only see them on their own turf in episode 6 and destroying Silco's Shimmer cargo in episode 4. Now, I want to be clear here: I don't think their portrayal is a bad thing; organization and community support is a necessary part of revolutionary work. Still, we can read between the lines: what actions does the narrative approve of, and which does it condemn, and why? The answer is plain: revolutionary violence is futile, and ought to be condemned. This brings us back to episode 1, in which Vander gives us this message explicitly. There is nothing to be gained in violence against topside, because retribution is inevitable. Now, I don't want to say that the show positions peace as easy or pleasant; Vander dies for his beliefs, after all. But he is consistently the one portrayed in the most favorable light by the narrative, and the characters who take issue with Vander's passivity (Silco, Vi, Ekko) never end up proving him wrong. What does the narrative position as the most likely path to peace? That after a drug raid on a manufacturing plant, in which a child is killed in crossfire by law enforcement, a virtuous, repentant councilor will feel sufficient shame and remorse to grant the proletarians peace, sovereignty, and access to trade routes. He is able to convince the entire council, whose fortunes depend on the exploitation of proletarian labor and on exclusive control of these trade routes, to agree to these terms, thereby cutting the economic engine of their own empire off at the knees. The show says: "Suffer, then, and they will see you suffer virtuously, and they will show you mercy." This proposition is in a sense the least believable part of the show. We know that those in power do not care if they harm their subjects; suffering is inevitable if you're poor, after all. The much-feted pacifism of Gandhi and MLK would have been ineffective without the threat of violence from an organized populace. Can we believe that the rulers of a nation, who direct both its law enforcement and all its industrial might, would hesitate to crush an upstart working-class? No, of course not. The framing that the show wants us to accept as true, that peace could have been achieved through the reasonableness of those in power, rings
hollow. No one believes in starting a war they can't win. But political power grows out of the barrel of a gun: domination and brutality sustains the capitalist, and he will not go quietly. The downtrodden cannot build themselves a new society if they are defenseless to the exploitation of the state. The condemnation of liberatory violence, taken alongside the minimization of the everyday, banal violence of poverty and depredation, serves to uphold the capitalist state's monopoly on legitimate use of force. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate clearly what options are available to the modern dissident, and not to foreclose on avenues which by common axiom must by definition fail. Hm! It got a little heavy there, for a critique of a Netflix serial. I want to repeat here that on the whole, I really enjoyed Arcane. Vi and Jinx's story-line was effective and affecting, Silco was a fascinating, compelling villain, and Vi/Cait were a moving, well-executed take on the classic Lady-and-the-Tramp story. These are uncontroversial takes, and for good reason! I liked the show. (Don't play League of Legends, both Vi and Caitlyn are cops there.)
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ikenbar · 4 years
Mr. Love: Ike’s Choice Ch4 PT3
Quick Author’s note!!
I am currently revising the story of Chapter four. I was reading it over and realized I didn’t quite capture Victor like he is in the game. So I’m making some adjustments to the story. In doing so I may be late to some uploads. I ask you please to be patient with me. I love that I have fans who are intrigued in Ike’s story. Honestly it’s what wakes me up in the morning! And I want to release the best content for you to enjoy. 
Thank you all so much for your patience and I hope you enjoy Ikamara’s story!!
~Ike ‘n Bar Productions
Warnings: Some nice juicy Victor angst, also fluff, and foreshadowing, and backstory (oh my!), and don’t forget the good ol’ cliffhangers! :D
Some of the lines were taken from the game Mr. Love: A Queen’s Choice.  In this case, it was taken from Chapter ten. :)
(Chapter Four (Victor and Gavin) Prologue, and part one, and two can be found here!)
Please read the author’s note (and the beginning of the story) on chapter one part one if you’re new here :D
Chapter four:
Part three:
Victor had come back. He was hanging his coat on the coat rack, eyeing me carefully. I muted the tv and addressed him, “It’s nothing. I was just thinking. What are you doing back here so late?”
“I told you I was coming back, didn’t I?” Victor walked over to the desk at the corner of the room, “Didn’t the doctor tell you to keep your voice in a whisper?”
“The doctor doesn’t have to know.” I grumbled mostly to myself, “I’m fine. It doesn’t hurt. Anyway, didn’t you just get off from work? Don’t you want to be home?”
“Why are you so concerned?” Victor picked up the briefcase that was hidden underneath the desk as he eyed me, “Are you trying to get me to leave?” 
“No.” I said absentmindedly, “Just curious.” Victor arched his eyebrow but said nothing more as he opened his briefcase. He started placing the folders and papers delicately inside. “How are you feeling?" Victor asked casually, keeping most of his focus on packing his things, "How is your arm?”
“I’m perfect!” I dramatically answered, “I can speak just fine and I can’t even feel any pain in my arm! I bet I don’t even need to be here for five days! I should be released tonight!”
Victor hummed, “Nice try.”
I grunted and sank in my bed. Silence droned through the room. The only sound that could be heard was by Victor as he shuffled around the papers at his desk. But soon, even that sound stopped. I looked over just as Victor picked up the bowl. I sat up in the bed and opened my mouth to speak.
“Where did you get this spoon?” Victor unknowingly interrupted, holding up the lion headed spoon by the hilt for me to see. I closed my mouth.
“I was going to ask you the same-” I choked on my words, “... Wait the spoon? Why the spoon?”
“... It looks handmade.” Victor said, looking at the lion’s head closely. “It’s… an interesting design.”
“... I don’t know.” I answered honestly, “We’ve had that spoon for as long as I remember. Why do you have Maria’s bowl?”
Victor eyed me, “...Maria, brought it in when she first came to visit. Bart had told her that I was the one… looking after you. She wanted to show her appreciation so she made pudding and gave it to me in this bowl... She also made sure to mention it was your recipe.” I rolled my eyes. That pudding had always been her favorite thing that I made. She never hesitated to seize the opportunity to brag about it. “Maria said this spoon was deemed the special spoon in her house and that she felt as if I deserved it. What do mean by ‘as long as you remember?’” 
I arched my eyebrow. "Why are you so interested in my spoon?"
"Just curious." Victor teased. I looked at him a moment longer then sighed and looked away from Victor. Faint memories clouded my thoughts.
 “I’ve had that specific spoon with me since I was a kid." I answered honestly, "I've brought it with me from foster house to foster house. I don’t know when or how I got it but, for some reason, I feel connected to it. Like I had it for a reason. It’s almost as if I needed to return it to someone or something. Maria calls it the special spoon because I’ve kept it with me for so long. She saw it as a right of passage to her when I let her add it to the other silverware. It’s a rule in their house that we only use it for the special kids. So,” I looked back up at Victor and smirked, “Congrats.” 
He just trained his eyes on mine, maintaining his poker face and seemingly taking everything I said seriously. When I finished speaking, Victor hummed quietly and looked over to the spoon again. After a moment of silence, he spoke up. “How did you like the pudding?” I dropped my smirk. Victor always had a knack for throwing me off my guard.
“What?” I asked stupidly. 
“The pudding that I had made you. From your night at Souvenir.”
I blinked.
I slapped my forehead and cursed, “Ah, I haven’t eaten it. I crashed when I got home and then had dinner at my parent’s house and forgot about it. Maybe I can get Gavin to bring it-”
“Don’t worry about it.” Victor shifted to face his desk again, “I’ll make you some more while you’re here.” I hesitated
“... You don’t have to do that. You’ve done enough.”
“What? Are you worried my pudding will be better than yours?”
“If your pudding is anything like your stake. I know it will be." I grumbled, "What I’m saying is-”
“I know what you’re saying.” Victor interrupted, “It won’t be any trouble. Just worry about yourself and your health.” I stared at Victor. His profile was as sharp and strong as ever. But his face was drawn and his hair was messier than usual. Not only that, but he looked as if he had gotten thinner.
“No.” I answered without realizing it. Victor turned to me with an arched eyebrow.
“Excuse me?” His tone was harsh. It was obvious that the CEO of LFG didn’t get told 'no' often. I folded my arms defiantly.
“I said, 'no.' You’re telling me to take care of myself when you’re going out of your way to take care of my company. I’m fine. It’s just a scratchy throat and a wound I can’t even feel. You shouldn’t have to-”
“Do you think I don’t have the ability to take care of the company and you at the same time?” Victor asked this in a defiant tone.
“No. You can do anything you put your mind to.”
“Then why are you bringing this up so suddenly?”
“I just… I don’t want yet another person getting hurt because of me.” My voice was nearly inaudible. Images from the explosions pushed into my vision. Sights of people under the rubble, screams for help, unconscious coworkers,... Gavin’s lifeless body in my arms. 
I cringed and tightened my hands on the sheets, keeping my eyes down but not focusing on a thing. The room was silent, making the empty sound of the television monitor fill the room. 
“...Ike.” Victor said this slowly, as if readying himself for something, “Earlier you said something about the explosion being your fault.” I froze, “What did you mean by that?” I hesitated. 
“I don’t know.” I murmured quietly, “... Maybe if I had been a little nicer to my employees then I wouldn’t have had a bomb thrown in my window.” Victor didn’t say anything. After a moment, the clacking of his work shoes approached my bed. I looked up and saw he was looking at me gravely.
“That kind of a connection requires a lot of thinking.” He said in a tone that matched his expression perfectly.
“Is that another way of calling me a ‘dummy?’” I asked, raising an eyebrow and resting my head on my hand.
“I’m saying you’d need time to think about it.” Victor folded his arms and frightened his glare on me further, “This morning, after you had made that accusation, you wouldn’t have had the time to make that connection. So let me ask you again.” Victor leaned forward and slowed the pace of his speech, 
“Under what pretense do you have to blame yourself?”
 I stayed silent, flipping between Victor’s eyes.  Words hung at the edge of my throat. Just tell him. My thoughts urged me incessantly, Just tell him about the mask. About the bombings. About Montu. Tell him everything. He’ll listen. I opened my mouth. 
Suddenly, one thought hit my head like a train.
I quickly turned and stood up from my bed, putting it between Victor and me. “I don’t remember my life being any of your concern.” My voice was emotionless and distant as I walked towards the bathroom door, “You’re my boss. My personal life shouldn’t have anything to do wi-”
A hand wrapped around my wrist and, before I could help it, I was pulled towards a firm chest. I scoffed and looked up, locking eyes with Victor. He glared down at me. I waited for him to speak but he made no move to do so. I pushed off of his chest with my free hand, only to have it captured by Victor’s other hand. He pulled it to the side and away from me, making me virtually defenseless. 
I glared up at him, but stopped the moment I read his expression. Victor’s eyebrows were furrowed, his lips were thin, and his cheeks were slightly tucked in. But, as I looked into his inky black eyes, one emotion became clear.
“Victor,” I growled, “What are you-”
“Do you remember what I had said after your night at Souvenir?” Victor spoke seriously. I flinched. Victor waited for me to answer but, after seeing I wasn’t going to, sighed and said, “I told you that keeping things to yourself isn’t healthy. I told you you could confide in me about anything.  I told you that I would help. I promised you. Did you not believe me?” My shoulders slowly eased as I read his face. He showed no signs of deceit, no break in character, no falter in his voice. It was all the truth. He meant it… but why? Why would he say that? What was his reason to-
“You have spent your whole life to yourself.” As if reading my mind, Victor spoke up again, “You have felt the need to keep everything to yourself, to never let anyone in. You don’t need to think about it that way anymore. You have a loving family, friends, employees…” Victor paused a moment. He loosened his hold around my wrists and drifted his hands up my arms until he was at my upper arms. He squeezed them gently, “... you have me.” I hitched my breath. A lump formed in my throat and my eyes welled with water.
I have waited so long to hear those words.
I shook my head and blinked back my tears as I forced my eyes to the floor. I raised my hands and pushed against Victor’s chest.
“V-victor.” I struggled against the lump in my throat, “That’s why… that’s why I can’t tell you. I… can’t lose-” 
Victor forced my hands off of him and, in one swift motion, pulled me into his chest. He wrapped his arms around my body, shutting me out of the world around us and engulfing me in his warmth. The smell of his expensive cologne plugged my nose and the sound of the buzzing television was overtaken by his steady breathing and beating heart. I could feel his breath tickling my ear as he rested his head beside mine, closing the distance between us even further.
My body tensed as a sharp blush pushed through my cheeks. I kept my hands held out past Victor’s body, unsure of what to do with them. I felt Victor shift his head, his mouth grazing the tip of my ear. His warm breath teased the baby hairs on my neck causing a shiver to run through my body. His next words were told in a whisper but they stopped my heart and made my mind go blank. After years of waiting for those words, they finally came from the mouth of LFG’s CEO.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
I paused a moment, letting his words reverberate through my head. Then, I felt my whole body relax. The tears I had tried so hard to hold back started falling down my cheeks. Victor took this moment to pull me even closer to him. Without hesitation, he continued, “No matter what happens, I’m here for you. You don’t have to hide in the dark anymore. Ikamara, 
“Let me help you.” 
Victor’s last words sent another shudder through my heart. I closed my eyes and, after a moment’s hesitation, buried my head in his shoulder. I shakily grabbed onto the back of his suit jacket. I squeezed the fabric tightly, as if letting it go would mean my death. I relished in the moment. Hoping that, at least in that moment, time would stop forever, and I would never have to leave his arms again. 
But, as soon as I thought that, flashes of the warehouse came flooding to my mind and played behind my closed eyelids. The chained front door, the empty classrooms, the secret room, the pictures... my pictures, the explosion, the lake,... Gavin.
I held back a sob as I gripped on to Victor’s jacket tighter. 
The word repeated itself in my head over and over, No. no no no NO! Please. Please just let me have this moment. Please let me take it in. Take him in.  I can’t keep this charade any longer. I can’t keep all of this to myself any longer. I need to vent it out. I needed to say something. 
The thought from before burned itself on the front of my brain. The same thought that made me want to distance myself from Lucien after that date. The thought that made me lie to Gavin’s face. The thought that made me scared to meet Kiro. The thought that stopped me from seeing my family as frequently as I wanted. The thought that terrified me to the core.
You’re putting their life in danger by letting him know.
So, through my watery eyes and aching heart, I muttered two short, strained words.
“I can’t.”
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purrfectstrangers · 4 years
One of these days you'll have to make a proper account, Gamzanon~ Or just eat mine~ ♡
Running commentary will be in brackets~
Favorite Preds Per Caste ~ Lowbloods
Consider this my Valentines Day special. Alternia is filled with predators of all shapes and sizes. Today we'll be listing all of them. All preds from all castes listed from most favorite to least.
With special exception to Wanshi, Tirona, Karako, the Soleil Twins, and Amisia. Most people on this list will be aged up, but these characters are literally toddlers. No amount of aging up will make including them not feel creepy. Keep kids out of vore. [Damn right. I knew you were a decent sort]
And, finally, this will be divided into three parts. Lowbloods, Midbloods, and Highbloods. Here's part one.
With that out of the way, let's get on with the show~
Red Bloods
Karkat Vantas [♡♡♡♡]
Starting out strong with everyone's favorite cantankerous carnivore. 
He's easily a top ten pred. His layered personality means you can make him into whatever kind of pred you want him to be. He can smugly trash talk a pleading prey like no other or fret over over a willing meal just as well as any jade blood. He's often underestimated by his friends, which makes him ideal for snacking on smug Serkets or devouring delicious Daves. Plus, a God-Tier getting digested by a lowly mortal is A+ material and Karkat lends himself especially well to that. With an appetite to match his anger, Karkat gives a whole new definition to the term "hangry".
[It helps of course that I find Karkat so fucking hot. Padding out his ass after weiggling enough yo make his cherry red bulge shoot hands free is perfect, especially if you work him into a tizzy with some teasing from inside~]
Kankri Vantas
Kankri's a particularly condescending carnivore and I think that works wonders.
His stuck up self righteous attitude makes him magnificent at smugly putting prey in their place and the fact that no one takes him seriously makes him ideal for taking down apex predators. You know damn well he's got a speech prepared about why you should be prey. Unlike Karkat, he isn't quite as versatile and his celibacy makes it hard to contrive alternative vore scenarios for him. That said, he's still a smug snake who'd be more than happy to swallow you whole and lecture you about his #predrights as you digest.
[Maybe the mun is just a slut, but being reduced to prey for Kankri and told I'm nothing but food, like a lower class built to digest for him is... so fucking good... #predrights]
The Signless
He who fights monsters risks becoming one himself. Nevermind what happens to he who eats them...
Yeah, poor Signless kinda finds himself falling in last here. Not his fault. The Voracious Vantases are stiff competition. Having said that, he works fantastically for one scenario in particular. Corruption. The image of this perfect paragon who only ate people as a last resort slowly decending into a sadistic predator who gleefully churns up the Condescension is just beautiful. You can do a lot with a corrupted Signless. He just can't quite match his counterparts in the realm of berating those in his belly. Still, this predatory preacher is more than happy to continue spreading his message. All trolls are equal... equally delicious~
Rust Bloods
Aradia Megido
Oh, hell yes. Whether it's the cold cruelty of Aradiabot or the playful predation of her God-Tier counterpart, Aradia is a goldmine for gluttonous scenarios.
Her adventurous attitude lends her well to any kind of vore you can think of and her powers give her all the time in the world to act out your fantasies. The worst I can say about her is that she's more teasing than she is sadistic, but that's hardly a problem given everything she can do to you. A gluttonous goddess with an adventurous appetite, Aradia will always gobble you up with a grin~
[Aradia strikes me as a well of alternative vore potential, especially with how kinky her ancestor is. With her eager attitude she could make you happy to vanish from under her~]
Xefros Tritoh
You know what I love? Shy, spineless preds embracing their predatory nature. And Xefros is perfect for that. He'd go from eating people to protect Joey to eating people because he was feeling peckish. It all culminates in him digesting Dammek while Joey rubs his gut. Looks like bad moirails make great meals. You want a good pred? X gon give it to ya.
[Preds with loyal gut rubbers are the best, especially if said gut rubber gets off on feeling prey get softer. Some Pale pailing while Xefros' gut is still squiming wouldn't go amiss]
Diemen Xicali [♡♡♡♡]
This pudgy little pred hits a lot of good notes for me. Awkward, polite, and utterly gluttonous all in one. I can easily see this boy stuffing his face with hotdogs while already having a squirming gut nearly twice his size. Underestimated preds are my jam and I guarantee no one would see it coming if this guy gobbled someone up. Not to mention, his hotdog motif lends itself well to vore. Food transformation and cock vore scenarios practically write themselves. Around him, everyone's just another oblong meat product.
[Real talk, I just love chubby guys~ He can turn me anyto anything after sliding his hotdog between my buns~]
Marsti Houtek
Another favorite of mine: indifferent preds. These preds couldn't care less about who you are. If they're hungry, that's it. You're gone. Quite a few heckling highbloods learned this about Marsti the hard way. I love the image of her casually going back to scrubbing the floor after eating someone, casually cleaning up whatever she belches out like it's another piece of garbage. Her tight suit would beautifully show off every little bulge as her meal struggles and squirms. It's only after she's done that she sits back to enjoy her meal. She likely became a more active predator thanks to the influence of a certain gluttonous goldblooded girlfriend. What can she say? She loves to break down trash.
Fozzer Velyes
Whether he's a carnivorous comrade or an imperial predator, this burgundy has quite the appetite. He's outside digging holes and sweating up a storm all night, he's going to be hungry pretty often. I like to imagine all the ghosts he doesn't believe in are the ghosts of his former prey, which honestly just adds insult to injury. They had to listen to his cheerfully jingoistic rants for hours as they digested only for him to not even acknowledge them after the fact. He's a deliciously sadistic pred without even trying to be. This ravenous rust has certainly seized the means of predation.
Damara Megido & The Handmaiden
I'm putting these two in the same spot because, well, they just don't do much for me. I don't find their design that attractive, the whole sadistic dom thing is done better by loads of other preds and the whole Japanese Waifu stick is frankly a bit oversaturated. They just don't appeal to me.
Bronze Blood
Tavros Nitram
Rare opinion but... Tavros is wholesale one if my favorite Homestuck Preds. He is the absolute king of getting corrupted into a domineering predator. After everything he's been through, he deserves to cut loose. Let him feast to his heart's content as his prey wallows in the humiliation of getting eaten by Tavros of all trolls. And don't even get me started on revenge vore. Anyone can become a great pred. That's something the Serkets learned the hard way~
[Apologetic preds are pretty great too, like "sorry but you were so good... guess I'm gonna keep you, sorry" while they churn and digest, having to think about being pudge on his ass forever~]
The Summoner
Oh, hell yes. This experienced pred is an outright cassanova. He's got enough skill to swallow up soldiers mid fight and enough charm to talk their comrades into joining them. Take Rufioh's chick magnet charm and temper it with some maturity and experience and you've got the Summoner. He's added dozens to his thighs already and he'd be happy to invite you to join them.
[Especially with how tall adult trolls get. Color me needy for some size difference, especially when I stand exactly bulge height. Worm it down my throat to work up an appetite~]
Chixie Roixmr
On the topic of revenge vore. Chixie is great for this, whether it be eating Zebruh or eating those highblood knock-offs who stole her set. If you're lucky, you might even see her on stage with a huge gut. Granted, those loud belches tend to interrupt her flow. On stage or off, The Mask gives a whole new meaning to the term "Eat the Rich".
Skylla Koriga
She's a dominant pred if there ever was one. You don't get thighs like that without a balanced diet and her scrappy older sister attitude lends her well to all sorts of voracious scenarios. You can easily picture her eating up willing prey or devouring thugs who think they can steal her lusus.
[That country girl aesthetic fits well with lewd gassy moments while the prey is gurgling insude her. She probably revels in it, and having her belch in my face would be such an instant game over for me...]
Rufioh Nitram
Rufioh can easily be talked into being a pred in bed. I mean, the guy has dated Damara and Horuss, he's used to weird kinks. Ask him to eat you and his response will be "Sure, doll." He'd quickly develop a fondness for predation, especially after a few partners "accidentally" pad out his thighs. With any luck, you'll be one of them~
Vikare Ratite
This guy would be positively giddy to have you gurgling in his gut. His perpetually optimistic attitude would have him gushing over you as gurgle in his guts, his rambling string of compliments only interrupted by an occasional crass belch. Only problem is prying him away from his flying fantasies. He's liable to have his head in the clouds more often then he has you in his guts.
I mean... we know practically nothing about this guy. Everything we do know comes from second hand sources so.... yeah. At least the Ancestors have Mindfang's journal to go off of. Can't make any calls until we actually meet the man.
Gold Bloods
Folykl Darane [♡♡♡♡]
Predation isn't just a dietary choice for this one. Until she met Kuprum, she had to eat people to survive. She needs her energy and she's likely to taunt whatever poor shmuck she has to get it from. Kuprum would totally endorse Folykl's predatory habits and I can easily imagine him lowering a struggling prey into her jaws with telekinesis, mocking her victim all the while. Nothing personal. She needs her energy. But that doesn't mean she's going to be very nice about. Her casual cruelty lets her edge out some fairly stiff competition. Golds are easily my second favorite caste for preds overall. And this gremlin is the most gluttonous gold blood of them all.
[Real talk, Folykl can own me x///x A dirty, sweaty, crass girl who will insult me as likely as fuck me with that coiling, golden bulge? Hell maybe both at the same time if I'm especially lucky. Gassy from all that junk food, and lets you stew with it while she idly jacks off in the middle of the living room, blowing a load all over the floor... Then just laying back in her sweaty after glow.]
Zebede Tongva
In a caste filled with cynical assholes, Zebede stands out for his unwavering optimism. What makes him stand out as a pred is the side that affability hides. His pudge already gives him away as an experienced pred but that just makes him seem friendly. Of course, that same friendliness lets him lure prey back to his hive. Not to imply that it's an act, mind you. He's just as happy to meet you as he is to eat you. His enthusiasm is contagious even as he's happly melting you into padding and that's what sets him above so many other preds. He's a great friend to have, but be careful when he invites you over. You might just find out why he lives alone~
[*claps my hands in time* Chub-by boys are too good! I feel like he remembers every inch on his body as a troll, and still squishes them lovingly from time to time. He'll introduce you to every single one, mashing your face into his warm gut, his plump thighs, and his generous ass over the course of ages. He'd want to to stay forever, and after sweaty, heavy sex, getting ground into his mattress and learning to love his curves like he does, he adds you to them, to be with him forever~]
Azdaja Knelax
He's the self proclaimed prince of all predators and he does his best to live up to that. His pride makes him great for demeaning his prey and his sheer raw power means that there are few prey he can't handle. He's eaten plenty of prey over the course of his career. He claims he's eaten over 9000! Whether that's true or not... well, how about you stick around and find out. You can count his prey after you've joined them on his thighs.
The Psiioniic
How do you become the most powerful Psionic of all time? By eating lots and lots of prey. This carnivorous Captor was eager to eat any troll who got too close to the Signless and he was strong enough to keep anyone from really stopping him. He's one of the most powerful preds to ever walk on Alternia and he's got the thighs to prove it. His cynical Captor attitude makes him great. But the idea of him getting revenge on the Condescension and gobbling her up? That makes him gold.
Cirava Hermod
Lazily hedonistic and casually cruel, Hermod has all their bases covered. Whether they're churning up fans on stream or spitefully digesting smug highbloods, Cirava is all too happy to enjoy their position as a predator. If you're lucky, you might hear their prey screaming as they incorporate their gurgles and burps into their track. It results in some surprisingly good music and a lot of unsurprisingly good vore scenarios. You'd be hard pressed to not end up in this nonbinary's belly.
[They strike me as a loose lover. Let's get high and what happens happens! They'll take or give, and probably adore scents and tastes, in their hazy state, after a 69 session, or after returning your oral favors, the munchies kick in. With you digesting, they just don't get the struggling. "You loved my body right, I mean you even licked... there... You should totally be part of it lmao~"]
Sollux Captor
Casual preds are seriously underrated and this Captor is the king of that court. He's powerful enough to nonchalantly ragdoll you into his maw and he'd have no problem trash talking some digesting prey while playing video games. That's not even getting into his dual bulges. It's hard to compete with the image of him sucking two prey into his cocks at once. That's all just when he's being casual. He's an even better pred when he's feeling spiteful. There's a good reason he has the nickname Carnivorous Captor.
Kuprum Maxlol
This future battery is just as mean as his moirail, with a hunger that fits. A battery has to make sure it's fully charged after all and there's no better source of energy than people. The problem is that that's really all he brings to the table here. Sure, he's mean, but so are most over gluttonous goldbloods and he's just as likely to feed a prey to his moirail as he is too eat them himself. In which case, might as well go with the moirail, because she's one of the best preds out there. He's still powerful, mean, kinky little gremlin who makes for a great predator. He's just got too much competition in this caste. Still, all good battery's need recharging. You just might find yourself in this battery's belly.
[Like his friendsim entry, he works best with Folykl. Think hedonistic orgies with those two greasy trolls zapping anyone between them into an orgasmic haze. Spitroasting would be like acting as a copper wire from your prostate to your tongue, and after they bust their respective nuts, you're all salty and tenderized, blissed out from the electric rut they were in. A perfect snack~]
Mituna Captor
Oh, Mituna. Poor, poor Mituna. There's nothing really wrong with him as a pred. His attitude is great, the way he flip flops between nice and mean can lead to a lot of fun banter and situations, but he just doesn't have anything that makes him stand out. His best strength would be accidental vore, which can be really fun, but he doesn't have much else going for him. I was debating even putting him in this list, given his heady injury, but he has shown he's perfectly capable of saying no when something makes him uncomfortable. He's cognizant and capable of consent, but he's still not much to write home about. Every other goldblood has him beat out in terms of pred potential. Sorry Mituna. Maybe you'll find your sentient meals someday
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sternerstufftoys · 4 years
He Got Touchy
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Oh man, I don't want to do this. Why am I doing this? No-one's making me do this. I'm still doing this. I said I was doing highlights from each year of G1 one week at a time, and you can't talk about 1984 without Optimus Prime. I already did Megatron, now it's time to get the big red bugger out of the way.
Because here's the thing. I don't much like Optimus Prime. No, that's not quite right, I like him well enough I suppose. I like him fine. But I don't care about him. Yes, that's more like it. I don't really care about Optimus Prime. He's not my space-dad, he's not the hero I ever admired as a toddler, he's a relic, a symbol of everything that came before.
Like I said in the Jazz review, I was born in 1984, so by the time I came to Transformers a few years later, Optimus was already dead. Rodimus Prime was in, and any sightings of Optimus felt more like flashbacks than anything else. Optimus was part of the generation that your older cousins might have owned, that the big kids that had grown out of Transformers would recognise. We didn't need them any more. We had Chromedome. And, uh, Wheelie.
Still, I remember being excited by the anticipation of watching The Return of Optimus Prime again. The second coming was a big deal, even if you don't remember the first coming. And then it came and went without leaving an impression, because the nicest thing you can say about it is that it's kind of a dull episode. But returning to it later...
Listen. Rodimus Prime earned his place as leader. It took most of a season, but he bloody well earned it. He doubted himself, he questioned the idea of leadership, he self-reflected until his arse was a highly-polished sheen. But. He. Earned. It. It's the closest that the G1 cartoon ever got to a story arc, with Rodimus finally overcoming his doubts by the penultimate story, The Burden Hardest To Bear. And then before the series could die a merciful death, along comes Optimus to undo everything because he's Optimus Prime and he made some kids cry in 1986 when he went all grey and stopped moving. In doing so Hasbro made it clear that they weren't going to ever commit to any real changes in the franchise, and that sooner or later everything will just reset back to normal. Back to boring.
And yet. When I opened up the packaging for this here KuBianBao MP10-V Convoy, a downscaled knockoff of Takara's own MP10 from a few years back, I have to admit to feeling a thrill of excitement on seeing it for the first time. Specifically, the luscious deep blue of his legs jostled a memory I didn't realise I had, of being round a friend's house as a child and jealously seeing their G1 Optimus Prime in person, with that same navy blue hue that somehow signified a certain level of quality well above anything I had at home.
Damn. I like it.
I'm not going to bang on about how good MP10 was or is. It's still to my mind the best version of the character that exists, and that's including the more recent cartoon-accurate MP44. MP10 looks like a truck, not a hastily-animated drawing of a truck. Here though it is scaled down to better exist next to main line transformers, with the loose scale guide that means that cars are deluxes, trucks voyagers, etc. Plus he doesn't tower over his mates in robot mode either.
There's only a few changes to the original MP10 tooling going on, most notably a metallic waist instead of the plastic one that the original had. You also get a bunch of extra accessories as well - some spare heads I could never get on, a jetpack in case you want him to recreate that time he had a jetpack, and a sword in case you want to... well, swords are cool I guess. God knows where the sword originally came from, but in solid die-cast metal it could double as a handy letter opener if you want to resume your correspondence from your fellow 19th century fops. Whatever its origins, KBB didn't think to give it the wrapping around the handle which it was clearly designed for, so it rattles around unconvincingly in old Optimus's hand. Still, taking the rubber grip off a cheap biro and gluing it on seems to have done the trick.
The trailer, and the rest of the accessories such as roller and a slightly sunburned Spike, were sold separately some time later, meaning that the eventual cost was not altogether far off what an actual MP10 would be. Still, you can't not have a trailer. The vestigial part of my brain that was programmed as a pre-toddler to enjoy putting things inside of other things still gets a tickle out of stashing deluxe cars inside. I'm a simple soul.
That'd all be fine, but let's stop ignoring that elephant in the room. This is a knockoff, and that troubles me. Not, I should add, that I'm especially troubled by the infringement of copyright, even the outright theft of physical moulding equipment owned by Takara. Okay, that's pretty low, but Takara and Hasbro are big enough, old enough and wealthy enough to take that hit. What bothers me more is that, being a knockoff, there's no way to tell how, where, or in what conditions it was manufactured.
It's a high-grade knockoff, using high grade materials, so skilled and trained workers had to have been used to put it together. But even so, while Hasbro and Takara would be publicly raked across the coals if they were ever to be exposed as using exploitative working practices in their factories (and risk their stock values) KBB have no such concerns. Were the workers paid adequately? Were their working hours reasonable? It's not like we'll ever be able to tell, as they'd never advertise their situation, having flagrantly broken the law to even produce something like this. And it'd be a mistake to assume that just because the product is good that the company's moral compass is equally good.
And it's not perfect either. Partly due to the downscaling process that makes certain parts small and fragile, and partly due to the use of materials which aren't quiteup to Hasbro / Takara's standards, there are flaws in MP10-V's makeup. One of the flaps that cover up the wheels on his legs broke off a while ago, and was far too fiddly to repair. The other one is hanging on there - just. Over time the parts don't seem to fit together as well as they did when it came out of the box, and some joints are getting looser with age, while others seem to seize up. So... do I regret it?
Sort of. I regret having supported sketchy knockoff merchants in China. But I don't regret the toy itself. Honestly, if Hasbro or Takara had just made this themselves they'd have had my money, but they didn't. Well, they sort of did with Earthrise Optimus Prime, and the similarities at a glance make it very likely that the existence of MP10-V was a consideration in its creation. And owning MP10-V makes it impossible to ignore the scrunched-up torso proportions that ER Prime has, as well as the disappointingly small trailer that can't fit a deluxe car inside properly. So no, I'll keep my sketchy knockoff for a good long while yet. It's only Optimus Prime after all. I was never that much of a fan.
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laoyangtutor · 2 years
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老Yang教员在组今天给大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- A creative prototype of an animated cartoon character,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了动画卡通形象的创意原型。卡通形象逐渐成为一种符号化象征的代表。但卡通形象无论如何的设计,任何时期把它塑造成任何样子,它都是一个拟人抽象化的艺术形象。艺术形象具有意义性,每一个艺术形象都不会是天马行空出现的,都会有一个创意的原型参考,创意原型的真实性使它具有独特的风格与强烈的视觉冲击力,易于识��。
同时有需要essay润色查重、辅导代写、托福GRE考试保分、网课全方位包课的家人们可以联系老Yang微信(Wechat ID: ymf2531)进行咨询喔~
 People found the existence of cartoon images from the earliest exaggerated sketches. With the progress of science and technology and the popularization of information, cartoon images emerged from abstract patterns and gradually entered the public's vision. Whether it is book illustrations, comics, animated films or game characters, some cartoon characters gradually become popular, and a large number of cartoon stars emerge. In the 1980s, Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck produced by Disney became household names in China. Cartoon image, as a virtual image, is created by artistic processing of association and imagination according to the form of real things. It is concise, vivid and lovely, easy to remember and easy to accept. When creating animation works, it is very important for the design of cartoon image. High-quality cartoon image has great influence and appeal, and has its commercial value. For example, in Tom and jerry produced by MGM in 1939, the lively cartoon characters bring different visual effects to the audience through the interpretation of the conflict between cats and mice in real life. The humanized design makes Tom and jerry popular among the public. Not only the emergence of derivative products but also extended to brand effect, the field of e-commerce.
Cartoon images have achieved great success in commercial marketing. Exaggerated images and anthropomorphic humor are representative and strong enough to attract people's attention, generate strong impression and create unique images and symbols. The identity setting of its cartoon image is very critical. It can strengthen the character of the characters, and usually choose appropriate characters, animals and plants in accordance with the characteristics, and design them into concrete shapes. Therefore, the selection of the creative prototype of cartoon characters plays an important role.
Cartoon image has gradually become a representative of symbolized symbol. But the design of the cartoon image anyway, at any time make it into any appearance, it is a personification image of abstract art. Artistic image has meaning, every artistic image is not powerful and unconstrained style, there will be a creative prototype for reference, the authenticity of the prototypes that it has a unique style and strong visual impact, easy to identify. For example, why the cartoon image of Tmall is a cat is derived from the pronunciation of "mall" in English, which is similar to the pronunciation of "cat". Because the majority of consumers are women, designers adopt the t shape of the body structure design, make Tmall image such an arrangement has highlighted the cat naive and cute at the same time with women's sweet and lovely. Pinocchio, a cartoon character from Disney's Pinocchio, eventually becomes a real puppet because he develops the valuable quality of honesty. "Every child is not perfect, it may have shortcomings and errors", "Pinocchio" image seized the creative prototype design concept. Make "Pinocchio" has the moral sincere brave heart, after the test of temptation, finally from the puppet turned into a real human, showing the unique personal characters and contain cultural connotation. The herald commented that Pinocchio is a perfect combination of imagination and technology. The cartoon Pinocchio is the reason for its success because it has the function of teaching and entertaining teenagers unconsciously.
Through animation technology advances, the authenticity of the cartoon image is actually a fictional reality. In other words, in getting creative prototype, on the basis of redefinition, appearance is more and more vivid, expression level of relationship is more and more exquisite. Can more real objective performance role, accurately grasp the audience to accept the in the mind to make real and unreal together. For example, the author design cartoon image of nanjing teachers "south the lion", the first thing to associative thinking based on nanjing teacher the words to parse, second to find the words with the same concept connotation, and "lion" in Chinese, and the lion has a terrible posture, The reputation of the king of beasts is in line with the rigorous image of teachers. In the animal world lions are strict and unspoiled with their young. Therefore, it is very appropriate to choose the creative prototype of the cartoon image of the lion as a teacher in nanjing.
The design of cartoon image connects and creates meanings by combining the patterns representing different meanings on the basis of creative prototypes
Give the external form that accords with our conception, convey the information that expresses adequately. The creation of the expression form is to think and collect the image elements needed. In the process of designing "southern little lion", we should transform the real lion image into cartoon image. We should consider three aspects according to the prototype: first, the reference of its appearance; Second, the inherent characteristics of the prototype; Three is how to carry on the exaggeration transformation. You can refer to the cartoon model of simba in the 1994 Disney animation "the lion king". Simba's cartoon image is not separated from the real characteristics of a lion, such as thick brown hair, strong forelimbs than hind limbs, very wide claws and long tail. At the same time, simba's face adopts anthropomorphic features, including a straight and broad nose and chin, and brown hair divided into two parts, which highlights the overall character of kindness. In the composition of cartoon images, we can learn from simba's modeling design, while considering the interest of his image.
In the process of preliminary design, there are no creative prototypes that are out of touch with reality. The body of "southern little lion" is composed of simple geometric forms, making the graphics as simple as possible. The design of the two bodies is out of the concrete image of the physical lion and more of a search for similarity in temperament.
The design of trunk and limbs is the basis of cartoon image, the author used the circular body composition with the design of cartoon big head to present the cute effect of the baby. This has the advantage of lessening the lion's ferocity and making it more noticeable. The shape of the tail does not deviate from the prototype, and the lines remain uniform, rounded and smooth, highlighting the original morphological characteristics of the creature.
The core of the cartoon image is the facial expressions. The cute cartoon image usually has a pair of big eyes. The cartoon image of nanjing teachers should be endowed with a sense of seriousness while being cute. The little black dots without eye socket restraints look lovely and lovely. The right accessories can enhance the image of the cartoon character, and the large glasses frame highlights the solemn and poetic quality. The shape of the eyebrows is composed of simple curves. The lion is the largest cat. In the design of the mouth and nose, the cat's facial features are used for reference. Contrast meng modelling design is easier to be accepted by the audience.
The use of color is directly related to its function. The color is determined according to the nature of the creative prototype. Secondary colors are consistent with primary colors in brightness and hue. The less colors are used, the more generalized the image will be and the more memorable it will be.
The cartoon image design of "southern little lion", exaggerated transformation of the creative prototype lion, simple shape, slightly cute expression, "v" shape gesture to express the students' problem solved blessing, the "south" character on the chest means it comes to nanjing and serves nanjing. Simple geometric modeling language to create a minimalist cartoon image with interesting creative prototype and character Settings, can stimulate the audience's sense of identity, forming a beneficial interaction with the audience.
On the perspective of communication studies need to strongly "image" to let the audience get cognition, animated cartoon image prototypes is crucial. It serves as a kind of symbolization of existence is closely related with its design. You can bring the audience the characteristics of the first impressions are most lasting. The audience like the cartoon image, accept this prototype image is essentially to cultural traits. The discovery of the prototypes and access is is of vital importance in the cartoon image design, high-quality cartoon characters can go beyond the prototype ontology, a more deep sense of indirectness and more widespread. Animated cartoon image is the symbolic meaning of meaning, Successful cartoon images are easy to identify and appearance of the distinctive characters. Fiction and imagination of real cartoon image after from prototypes can be more realistic, forms, though some different, but formed a unique manifestation of animation art image language, enabling it to other forms of art can't have colorful charm.
老 Yang 为留学生提供靠谱隐私的留学学业服务,亲们可以进入主页了解和获取更多优秀范文,有需要可以咨询老Yang微信(WeChat ID: ymf2531)
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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X7 v22.1.0.517 with Serial Number Full Version & Keygen
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite x7 2020 allows you to use the program without having to buy the serial numbers or codes. All you need to do is get it from here. You can use Keygen to easily activate the full version. This program is full of varied tools that work together to create a compelling image. Internet creation, website architecture, image editing, image creation, image enhancement, and visual effects customization are the main features of Corel Draw X7. Website architecture services have no other platform specialized for it like Corel Draw X7.
Get outstanding productivity with the key new features of this versatile graphical design program named CorelDRAW Graphics Suite x7 Crack. Industry-standard PDF / X-4 support and enhanced content navigation experience help you optimize workflow. Moreover, with the new CorelDRAW.app, you can access your work wherever you are. Create original illustrations, signs, and logos for print and the web. Create your way with a variety of professional document styles, layouts, and vector tools. Furthermore, you can also take advantage of new non-destructive editing features when you apply effects to vector and bitmap objects. Customize your interface, tools, templates, and more to make it your own.
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite, included in Windows and Mac solutions, allows you to work more productively and creatively. New web applications complement your graphical workflow, allowing you to access CorelDRAW files stored in the cloud, add annotations and theme elements, or get started with new projects on any device. Also, the innovative tools it brings makes it possible for you to increase creativity and achieve exceptional results.
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Keygen has all the tools you need to create and print designs for the fashion industry, whether you’re a professional or not, such as screen printing, embroidery, direct printing on clothes, and clothing. CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Serial Key has the tools to create anything, from creative professionals in advertising and publishing to small businesses, creating internal marketing material, from pending brand identity to attractive sales tools.
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X7 Key Features:
This software is very small and can be downloaded and used easily.
Corel Draw x7 supports a variety of special effects including Smear, Attract, Twirl, and others.
This application supports high resolution which means you can create HD designs.
There are also picture paintings so you can easily paint and edit images with this feature.
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It also supports difficult scripts.
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X7 is a complete professional solution for all graphic designs.
It supports almost all types of formats.
Many new powerful tools are present in this latest release, so everything looks
natural that you really want to show off.
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If you want to make a natural chart, you can use different tools and settings for
your work.
In this software, you have full control over vector and font pattern files.
QR code maker to create and add QR codes.
This software manages your content and does instant searches on Flicker and Fostoria.
Corel Draw x7 comes with all new tools.
The interface is easy to use and direct.
In the latest version, Corel Draw x7 Live Sketch is also added.
This application runs on all types of windows such as window 7, window 8,
window 8.1, window 10, XP, and Vista.
This software supports several unique languages.
Many interactive bars are added to Corel Draw x7.
Corel Draw x7 has an innovative vector modeling tool.
With this application, users can control their files and transparency.
This application is compatible with all commonly-used formats.
This software works quickly.
It has an exclusive font preview.
Corel Draw x7 supports RAW camera documents.
Corel Draw x7 has all the applications you need for design.
Using this application you can design easily and with confidence.
In addition, this software has Adobe color association units.
What’s new in CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X7?
Corel Draw Graphics Suite x7 supports higher resolutions and multiple resolutions.
In this latest version, easily seen fonts are present.
Many sophisticated character tools are present in this latest version.
This program supports advanced workspaces.
Corel Draw x7 works faster and more efficiently.
This software was published in the word press.
The interface is easy to use and direct.
This software supports complex scripts.
New document styles are present in this latest version.
This software supports several unique languages.
Corel Draw x7 also supports several advanced characters.
This software works quickly and easily.
It supports new fonts and photo editing.
Corel Draw x7 supports all types of windows.
This supports a fully customizable workspace.
You can control files and transparency.
Corel Draw x7 supports the accurate design and drawing tools.
Corel Draw Graphics Suite x7 Activation Code:
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System Requirements:
Before installing and cracking Corel Draw X7 for free and using keygen, here are the minimum system requirements for using the full version of Corel Draw X7.
Windows 10/8 / 8.1 / 7 (32-bit or 64-bit)
Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64
2 GB of RAM
1 GB hard disk space (for installation)
Mouse, tablet or multitouch screen
1024 x 768 screen resolution (768 x 1024 on a Tablet PC)
DVD drive (if physical copy)
Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 8 or higher
Internet connection required for certain features.
How To Install CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X7 Crack?
If you want to download this software, follow these steps;
Search for a reliable link and download Corel Draw x7 keygen.
Click on the download link.
You may need to extract it to the archive using 7zip.
Then install the software settings on your PC system.
Wait for the settings to be installed on your PC system.
If you provide a password, simply click on the password URL. The password will
be displayed to you here.
Copy the password and paste it into the extraction tool.
You can now easily extract these files.
Then enter the activation key for activation of this software.
This process will take several minutes.
Follow these steps carefully and your activation process will be successful.
You can easily install this tool.
All ready! You can enjoy this program.
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Download Link is Given Below…
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axmrdbahjad-blog · 5 years
7 Reasons Why The People In Broadgreen Should Stay Hopeful In Times Of Financial Crisis
“The crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born; in this interregnum a great variety of morbid symptoms appear.” ― Antonio Gramsci.
Swindon is divided in terms of ethnicity and salary. There is financial superior and inferior classes. One’s income determines where (in the town) one would live in. For example, the most Goan and African people live in Broadgreen area. They are struggling to make ends meet while the people in West and North Swindon enjoy fat salaries. They exchange their labour for wages. Thus, they get the lowest wages in town.
In times like these, things are getting tighter for Broadgreen's residents. The skilled jobs are going away and they are not coming back. The salary is stagnant while the expenses of living has been rising.
People are asking: What is happening to my family? I’ve done everything right in order to have a decent life. Where do we go from here?
“In a crisis, be aware of the danger — but recognise the opportunity.” — Chinese Proverb.
Having said that, there is hope for Broadgreen residents because they are realising that things won’t be the same so the earlier they become creatives the better.
Here are seven reasons Broadgreen residents should do in this special times:
1 Start small business
“This world is a place of business. What an infinite bustle! I am awaked almost every night by the panting of the locomotive. — Thoreau. “In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity” ― Sun-Tzu.
It is about time to get rid of the accepted norm that we can only work in order to survive. And start thinking of accumulating wealth. We must do it for ourselves. And more importantly, we can do it for the sake of our next generations; chocolates, tans and vanillas so they can live in harmony and in an equal and open society.
The way to realise is to start small businesses. It is about taking a small baby steps. Start with family members, friends, and neighbours.
It is about providing what they need in their every day life; bread, milk, water, shoes, clothes, babysitting, tutoring and so on.
2. Fear
“Don't wait for extraordinary opportunities. Seize common occasions and make them great. Weak men wait for opportunities; strong men make them.” ― Orison Swett Marden. “Great results, can be achieved with small forces.” ― Sun Tzu.
“We are always waiting for the perfect brief from the perfect client. It almost never happens. Whatever is on your desk right now, that's the one. Make it the best you possibly can.” ― Paul Arden.
We may think we have no value to other people. In reality, we can all add value to some people’s lives. When we inventory ourselves our character and skills, we will identify useful ones that people will happily pay us for rendering a service or product. There’s only fear that prevents us from going business for ourselves. That is the obstacle we must overcome daily.
3. Become a Leader
“Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves it s amazing what they can accomplish.” ― Sam Walton.
The day we’d follow instruction and do the same thing is coming to an end. Even employers are looking for employees who are leaders. Someone who contribute to board meeting rather nodding their head because he or she does want to get into trouble.
Speak up politely. Be opinionated and back it up with facts and data. Be someone who is more than putting food on the plate and a shirt on the back.  
In times like these, Swindon needs passionate leaders whom their mission is to make it better than found it.
Organise like minded people. And come to common terms for the sake of the community. That is leadership. That is what is needed.
4. Creativity “If you are creative, if you can think independently, if you can articulate passion, if you can override the fear of being wrong, then your company needs you more than it ever did. And now your company can no longer afford to pretend that isn’t the case. So dust off your horn and start tooting.” ― Hugh MacLeod.
In order to make a living, you must become creative. This is the demand of the new economic model. Those who know how to start a business, gather intelligence and keep improving it, will be successful sooner.
Many people have good ideas. Some start good businesses and after a few years they fail because it is not that they lack capital, it is because they competed rather than being creative.
When you’re not doing business, you should be thinking about ways of improving your service and products.
A business with good customer service is in demand in the marketplace. Start with crafting the art of customer service and then the product.
5. Perseverance I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.” —Muhammad Ali. “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” ― Confucius. “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.” ― Samuel Beckett. “Opinions are the cheapest commodities on earth. Everyone has a flock of opinions ready to be wished upon anyone who will accept them. If you are influenced by "opinions" when you reach DECISIONS, you will not succeed in any undertaking.” — Napoleon Hill.
There are those who will determined your failure. Most of the times they are loved ones. They mean no harm. They don't understand your new vision. Your job is to articulate it in a way they can foresee what you re trying to build—the future.
Remember Thoreau when he says: “If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.It is not important that he should mature as soon as an apple-tree or an oak. Shall he turn his spring into summer?”
Keep up with yourself. And solely worry about the best way of building a decent business.
Yes, things may not go the right way for the first few months or years, the secret is to persevere.
“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan Press On! has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.” ― Calvin Coolidge. 6. Meet The New Boss “I stand up on my desk to remind myself that we must constantly look at things in a different way.” —Robin Williams.
“ Yes, there is a new boss in your life. Meet him/her. Where is he/her? You may ask! Look in the mirror. You see him/her. It is you.
There is an important life lesson in our swiftly changing times because we cannot see things the same ways we’ve done before. Everything around us is changing. The language and its meanings are changing. Industrial world is already dying. Britain is exiting the European Unions. The new boss is the person is we see when we look in the mirror.
We are entering a new era. Therefore, it demands new ay of thinking. New philosophy in order to make a decent living.
Embrace the new boss. Cherish the boss. Work with the new boss. Only then success will come.
7. Networking “It always seems impossible until it's done.” ― Nelson Mandela. “The general who wins a battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought. The general who loses a battle makes but few calculations.” ― Sun Tzu.
We’re all customers to some people or companies. We are also sellers and prospectors. Most networkers go to conferences with their business cards in hand and distribute them accordingly. Most conferences are designed for networking. To introduce people who wouldn't meet otherwise. A good networker is a strategist. He or she knows what he or she wants beforehand. He or she knows giving out business cards to everyone in the venue is a waste of time. Why do we must wait only a conference or an event?
We must use our cultural habit of saying hello to people. Essentially, we talk to strangers in the queue, supermarket, bus stop, library, GP, coffee and tea shops, shopping centre, on the train and bus. Why don't we ask what these social encounters do for a living? Perhaps we can come across someone whom we can do business with.
Here are some networking goals:
• Collect business cards instead of giving them; • Know who to approach; • Contact 11 people/organisation/companies every day; • Follow up; • Set up an appointment with 3 or 7 out of 11 contacts; • Continue the relationship with those who want to be business with you; • Be useful by introducing someone to someone else; • Volunteer without expecting anything back; • Make new contacts every day!
Bringing all together
It is about having a flexible mindset. It means that change is happening before our eyes. It’s about preparing for it. It’s about having sublime self-faith. It is about becoming entrepreneurs. It is about leading the way. It is about making this happen no matter what come may. It is about creating new opportunities for ourselves rather looking for jobs. It is about the future which is in our hands today. Let’s make this a worthwhile journey by having, wealth and generous mindset.
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troybeecham · 5 years
St. Gregory of Nazianzus
The Church remembers Gregory of Nazianzus, Theologian and Archbishop.
Ora pro nobis.
St. Gregory (c. AD 329– 25 January 390), also known as Gregory the Theologian, who was was a 4th-century AD Archbishop of Constantinople, and theologian. He is widely considered the most accomplished rhetorical stylist of the patristic age. As a classically trained orator and philosopher, he infused Hellenism into the early church, establishing the paradigm of subsequent Byzantine theologians and church officials.
Gregory made a significant impact on the shape of Trinitarian theology among both Greek- and Latin-speaking theologians, and he is remembered as the "Trinitarian Theologian". Much of his theological work continues to influence modern theologians, especially in regard to the relationship among the three Persons of the Triune God. Along with the brothers Basil the Great and Gregory of Nyssa, he is known as one of the Cappadocian Fathers.
Gregory is a saint in both Eastern and Western Christianity. In the Roman Catholic Church he is numbered among the Doctors of the Church; in the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Eastern Catholic Churches he is revered as one of the Three Holy Hierarchs, along with Basil the Great and John Chrysostom.
He is also one of only three men in the life of the Orthodox Church who have been officially designated "Theologian", the other two being the Apostle St. John (the Evangelist), and St. Symeon the New Theologian.
After his baptism at age 30, Gregory gladly accepted his friend Basil’s invitation to join him in a newly founded monastery. The solitude was broken when Gregory’s father, a bishop, needed help in his diocese and estate. It seems that Gregory was ordained a priest practically by force, and only reluctantly accepted the responsibility. He skillfully avoided a schism that threatened when his own father made compromises with Arianism. At the age of 41, Gregory was chosen suffragan bishop of Caesarea and at once came into conflict with Valens, the emperor, who supported the Arians.
An unfortunate by-product of the battle was the cooling of the friendship of two saints. Basil, his archbishop, sent him to a miserable and unhealthy town on the border of unjustly created divisions in his diocese. Basil reproached Gregory for not going to his see.
When protection for Arianism ended with the death of Valens, Gregory was called to rebuild the faith in the great see of Constantinople, which had been under Arian teachers for three decades. Retiring and sensitive, he dreaded being drawn into the whirlpool of corruption and violence. He first stayed at a friend’s home, which became the only orthodox church in the city. In such surroundings, he began giving the great sermons on the Trinity for which he is famous. In time, Gregory did rebuild the faith in the city, but at the cost of great suffering, slander, insults, and even personal violence. An interloper even tried to take over his bishopric.
Theodosius wanted to further unify the entire empire behind the orthodox position and decided to convene a church council to resolve matters of faith and discipline. Gregory was of similar mind in wishing to unify Christianity. In the spring of AD 381 they convened the Second Ecumenical Council in Constantinople, which was attended by 150 Eastern bishops. After the death of the presiding bishop, Meletius of Antioch, Gregory was selected to lead the Council. Hoping to reconcile the West with the East, he offered to recognize Paulinus as Patriarch of Antioch. The Egyptian and Macedonian bishops who had supported Maximus's ordination arrived late for the Council. Once there, they refused to recognise Gregory's position as head of the church of Constantinople, arguing that his transfer from the See of Sasima was canonically illegitimate.
Gregory was physically exhausted and worried that he was losing the confidence of the bishops and the emperor. Rather than press his case and risk further division, he decided to resign his office: "Let me be as the Prophet Jonah! I was responsible for the storm, but I would sacrifice myself for the salvation of the ship. Seize me and throw me ... I was not happy when I ascended the throne, and gladly would I descend it.” He shocked the Council with his surprise resignation and then delivered a dramatic speech to Theodosius asking to be released from his offices. The emperor, moved by his words, applauded, commended his labor and granted his resignation. The Council asked him to appear once more for a farewell ritual and celebratory orations. Gregory used this occasion to deliver a final address and then departed.
His last days were spent in solitude and austerity. He wrote religious poetry, some of it autobiographical, of great depth and beauty. He was acclaimed simply as “the Theologian.”
Throughout his life Gregory faced stark choices. Should he pursue studies as a rhetor or philosopher? Would a monastic life be more appropriate than public ministry? Was it better to blaze his own path or follow the course mapped for him by his father and Basil? Gregory's writings illuminate the conflicts which both tormented and motivated him. Biographers suggest that it was this dialectic which defined him, forged his character and inspired his search for meaning and truth.
For those who, like you, seek the truth of God’s love above all things, even at great personal cost; for those called to the service of the Holy Church, but who do not truly find their rest within the machinations of institutions that are so often lead by those who seek personal glory; for sensitive souls like you who are placed in positions of authority, but are often misunderstood or ineffectual for lack of desire to rule over others, but rather desire to lead through teaching and preaching the wondrous mystery of God, by the pursuit of humility, by example of holiness of life, devotion to worship, prayer, and learning, and love for the God who is Love. Amen.
Almighty God, you have revealed to your Church your eternal Being of glorious majesty and perfect love as one God in Trinity of Persons: Give us grace that, like your bishop Gregory of Nazianzus, we may continue steadfast in the confession of this faith, and constant in our worship of you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; for you live and reign for ever and ever.
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cindyboxer349-blog · 6 years
Oakley Flak Jacket XLJ Alternative Lenses
It was really easy to replace the lenses and the packaging was high quality. If you are on the lookout for performance & lifestyle optics with expertise, fashion & performance that units the benchmark of excessive end quality look no additional then genuine Oakley merchandise. Store Cheap Luxury Gadgets in Our Store, Get pleasure from Member Excessive Low cost oakley army low cost,oakley oil rig polarized,oakley hijinx lenses. Customise the look of your Oakley Jawbreaker eyewear and get the most effective optical efficiency for the place you use it most. If they have been, you should utilize an abrasive to rub the scratches out. Our expert technicians can provide copy lens as shut as potential to match the originals. We'll match any Internet Authorized Dealer's greatest worth on the Oakley Flak Jacket XLJ Substitute Lenses. These cool Oakley sunglasses are the proper match in your traditional sense of fashion. MryLens merchandise are made by MryLens and will not be oakley glasses lens replacement merchandise. Oakley Transitions Grey Black Iridium, transitions grey lenses that can cowl any gentle situation. Pultonite lens filters out a hundred% of UVA / UVB / UVC dangerous blue mild up to 400nm. ; Eight.Seventy five base lens supplies extra peripheral coverage from sun, wind and impression. Our durable PLUTONITE® lens materials offers superior impression safety and filters out a hundred% of all UVA, UVB and UVC.
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Oakley Flak Jacket Alternative Lens Authorized site! In consequence, Oakley deems these frames out of model. Having used each Radar EV and Jawbreaker fashions, we’d happily use either (each on and off street) so the selection maybe comes down more to desired style than efficiency. These allow a perfect match no matter your face form, so you'll be able to have any frame style you wish. Fits normal and Asian match FLAK JACKET frames. His first product was a bike grip that with a tread and shape that was distinctive and fit the rider's hand higher than anything. The article below. May be related to the product.But have you ever ever beforehand questioned how these magic shades accomplish all of that Naturally not, Replacement Lenses For Oakley Flak Jacket XLJ A Sunglasses, nevertheless, it's best to research. You will see that aggressive costs on Oakley Flak 2.0 Alternative Lenses and all sorts of different products you find on the website.
I’m not one to get all into the technical facet of original lenses vs alternative lenses. While I know it’s the form of a diamond and i even get the "c3" reference, the sticker seems to be like it must be on the armbands of some futuristic storm troopers. While you're altering the lenses, it is very important follow the proper steps. Whereas the Jawbreaker’s seems are unquestionably polarizing, they're to a large extent dictated by the design’s dizzying array of moving parts and gadgets. So if you already personal or are about to buy the Oakley Flak Jacket XLJ, Racing Jacket, Flak 2.Zero XL, RadarLock, M-Frame, or Jawbreaker you possibly can buy Oakley prescription lenses. We informed our clients this on a regular basis - "um, come back tomorrow with these completely damaged, and we'll replace them." Oakley never gave us (the retailer) a problem. They are available heaps of different colours to fit your package and helmet, and there are also three completely different lenses supplied within the field that you would be able to swap in and out with ease to cope with totally different light circumstances. However, these are the eyes that simply draw consideration of your face. I've previous eyes however a new digicam, and if these lenses have any flaws, my digicam can’t see them.
Darkish ones will reduce down on mild so you do not need to squint to see the place you are going. I may have Samvette, Visionary Lenses, and Evolense. Sunglasses restorer was initially thought as a company who will make lenses for sports sunglasses. I assumed as of right now, until the rest of the collections drops the only jade iridium polarized pairs are the gascan, Holbrook, frogskin and flak jacket ? They're good and dark, which I positively want. What are my lens repair/alternative choices? To start out off with the lens is very effective in coping with the eyesight problems that people face infrequently. Most people who take satisfaction in their experience, want it to look the most effective it may be. Finish outcome was a thinner and lighter pair of Oakley prescription sunglasses that look like a standard pair when worn, properly done Oakley. 300.00. Jannard believed that he could be able to build a company that could "work higher and look better than anything on the market". Because these models are intended for use throughout sports or work the lenses are more likely to be broken, even though the frames may be left intact. These Oakley Fives Squared sunglasses use condensed cranial geometry for a tapered architecture that feels as good as it appears to be like.
2 Pair ACOMPATIBLE Lenses - Black | Ice Blue Mirror Coating.
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Let your true character shine through with these authentic Oakley sunglasses. Slicing Oakley lenses is not any completely different than an aftermarket lenses with the exception of the plastic used. I really assume the lenses are great, especially for athletes who undergo several pairs of lenses. Whether or not you are replacing properly used lenses or are including to your quiver of tints for different circumstances, we've each Oakley Flak Jacket lens that you might need. You can’t know what the hype is all about until you strive Substitute Lenses For Oakley Flak Jacket XLJ A Sunglasses for yourself! Experience Confidence with Revant alternative lenses. Important Observe: Substitute lenses might not be returned if they've been mounted or scratched. You probably have any additional questions on how to submit a service request or on our phrases & situations please consult with the following FAQ. That stated, there’s no arguing with the quality of the optics, which is unquestionably very good. Get pleasure from trendy. Present the best quality.
The most effective I can inform with my non-scientific testing, these Elite lenses are significantly better than the inventory made-in-USA lenses my GasCans got here with. A number of of their frames can be found with Rx lenses. I picked up the Prizm Street lenses and black earsocks. We develop up and develop lenses for much more models. Ninety.00 more than for non-polarized. Unlike Ray-Ban, Oakley didn't start as part of a big corporation. Yes, but the combination of design, high quality, sturdiness and styling means they’re price it.oakley sunglases There's Monster. Run in the morning, experience in the afternoon, and end the day fishing on the river with out ever swapping shades. That time I must present to you an merchandise which could also be it is perfect along together with your want. So if you had been searching for simply the lens nows your time to seize them. Their line of sports activities glasses, based mostly on the unique design of aviator sunglasses, could be very successful and extremely regarded. In addition- it's going to be absolutely free! But this stuff lacked engineering and due to this fact hindered the free movement one needs when when concerned in a bodily demanding sport comparable to sailing.
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williamroy1 · 4 years
How to build persona psychographics the usage of ai
With “records-pushed or bust” as the advertising wellknown, digital entrepreneurs tend to favor quantitative metrics which can concretely ladder up to demographics. However, knowing someone’s age, income level, schooling, career doesn’t provide a good deal insight about  Digital Marketing Company in Washington DC their aspirations, beliefs, attitudes, and different psychological factors. The high-quality entrepreneurs remember that human beings are greater than a set of information factors, and bear in mind the emotions, pastimes, and motivations that make clients come alive, also known as psychographics. Psychographics help you uplevel your purchaser persona and more effectively target your audiences with the proper content due to the fact you understand what drives them and makes them tick. Combining psychographic, demographic, and conduct metrics is a recipe for strong personality concentrated on- this weblog will give you the gear for constructing persona psychographics with ai. What are psychographics? Psychographics categorize customers with the aid of qualitative psychological elements, which include their personality, hobbies, and values. Those metrics are powerful for advertising because they assist
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 marketers input the mind of their purchasers and understand the reasoning for these purchasers affinities. For this reason, psychographics play a important position in goal advertising and marketing for enterprise: the equal product can appeal to people from apparently radically unique demographics, and vice versa, people from apparently similar demographics could have appreciably distinct sentiments closer to a given product. The qualitative measures of psychographics assist unveil the reasoning behind the quantitative measures marketing has a tendency to focus on. Psychographic segmentation can awareness on:
personal values
social magnificence
aios (sports, pursuits, opinions)
 why do psychographics be counted? The standard patron personality consists of the marketer’s perfect purchaser name, with a few demographics and fundamental records on the patron such as age, income and profession. Then, marketers will usually loosely connect how that character interacts with their product or logo. This gadget leads to concentrated on that is vaguely capturing inside the darkish and some distance from a bullseye. As forbes states, these personas are not vain, just created incorrectly- many business proprietors and entrepreneurs don’t correctly enforce it in their advertising and marketing due to the fact this kind of purchaser persona is lacking key elements. People don’t buy products or services for the sake of it. They may be replacing their money for an effect- hoping the result will deliver them a sense, reputation, security, method to a trouble, and many others.- that they couldn’t reap on their very own. It’s not just about what, say, a 24-35 12 months antique owner of a house in chicago making $50-100k who likes well being does, however as a substitute, what makes them do it? Is it because they crave the community fostered in wellbeing clubs? Or due to the fact wellbeing gives them more strength for different components of their life? Is it due to the fact they may be herbal trend-fans of some thing is buzzing in the meanwhile? Most marketers have it backwards: customers make choices off of emotions and values, no longer due to the fact they belong to a demographic subset and are expected to act a positive way. Why pass after the impact without considering first the reason? That is why psychographic are essential for any emblem or provider. Facts is crucial, but with out the tale in the back of the statistics, the numbers simplest assist you in a constrained potential. Behavioral records and demographics talk to correlation- what those who belong to a positive population subset are often seen doing- but psychographics communicate to causation- why they're doing this; whilst you recognise the “why”, you may create approach round “how” you can be the one to meet their “why.”
  three businesses who’ve used psychographics nicely
while steve jobs was introducing the ipod, he didn’t truely say “here is our vibrant new product” and listing the abilties. He made it personal: “imagine having 1,000 songs to your pocket”. People were intrigued by using the feeling of infinite possibility, a middle value in american era. They may imagine the performance upgrade from swapping out a restricted 10-20 tune cd manually in a walkman or fumbling with a cumbersome mp3 to having all their favorites in a single compact digital region. Clients ought to visualize the instant social enchantment of being able to walk around with this modern tool, displaying their buddies and seeing their awed reaction. This is the level of thinking with which apple has always driven their generation, concentrated on what their products may want to do for his or her audiences in terms of life-style, values, social class. Apple’s integration of high utility and eye-catching, easy design of their products assist the cutting-edge consumer cross about their day with ease and amusement. Now, when a brand new model is launched for an iphone or macbook, consumers rush to be one of the first to have it, knowing being updated with the state-of-the-art apple tool is an indicator of social status. Apple ipod psychographicsapple iphone psychographics
of all the struggles new yorkers face, searching for an rental is one that all may want to unanimously relate to. Streeteasy understood that client ache factor and not best added a product as an answer, but created their well-known series of ooh ads hitting on the ones pain factors in a humorously relatable way. In a sea of subway advertisements, theirs stood out to customers and entrepreneurs because they flawlessly seize the psychographics of new yorkers: individuals who fee the separation of their day and night lifestyles, positioned up with subpar roommates for the sake of bigger space and amenities, love the perks of outdoors spaces, however now not the noise and pretend pals that include it. The specific, nail-on-the-head references make the patron experience like they are able to accept as true with streeteasy due to the fact the emblem suggests that it truly understands the humans it services. Streeteasy psychographics streeteasy roommates psychographics
streeteasy outdoor psychographics  streeteasy layer psychographics
tiktok’s rapid growth and social media dominance in a brief 2 years raised eyebrows anywhere. How did this new platform display up on the scene reputedly out of nowhere and upward thrust to fame with over 1 billion downloads? By means of knowledge that though gen-z and millennials are near in demographics, they're wildly extraordinary in psychographics; millennials are to instagram what gen-z is to tiktok. Instagram encapsulated the attitudes of millennials: a era targeted on self, and moreover, portrayal of self to the sector in a really perfect, enviable way. The surprisingly filtered and curated nature doesn’t appeal as strongly to gen-z’s, who fee locating community and portraying themselves in a innovative and authentic way. Cue tiktok, as a platform less about seems or fame, and extra about character and inventiveness. Tiktok presents an equilibrated gambling subject in which customers can connect over anything from similar humor and viral demanding situations to personal style, and form tribes. At the same time as instagram engagement changed into declining, tiktok were given beforehand by knowledge the character and values of who instagram was losing and cultivating the precise area for those users. Instagram decliningtiktok international downloads by region
 3 ai gear for collecting psychographic records
whilst the significance of psychographics is obvious, the manner to seize them into personas has now not continually been as clear. Within the past, entrepreneurs should most effective rely on cumbersome strategies, along with recognition businesses, surveys, and studies research, and manually pull out the insights. These days, but, there are numerous ai equipment which could mechanically aggregate this form of records for you in one click. Right here are three of the most powerful gear for building psychographic insights:
 persona insights with the aid of ibm watson
one first-rate device for amassing psychographic information is persona insights by ibm watson. Of their personal words, this carrier “applies linguistic analytics and personality idea to deduce attributes from someone’s unstructured text”. You input a body of text written through the individual whose character you’re interested by, containing phrases approximately every day stories, thoughts, and responses. The tool can word with as few as one hundred words, however the extra content material, the stronger the evaluation. The output returns in a summary in their character, wishes, and cost. For example, an evaluation of oprah’s twitter yields these consequences:
 ibm character psychographics
 ibm personality insights psychographicsibm personality psychographicsibm character psychographics
 logo catalyst by mri-simmons
powered by means of smart search, one of the most comprehensive patron intelligence serps, this insights platform allows marketers to mine through heaps of consumer behaviors in seconds, helping customers boost up the development of emblem client messaging, move-channel advertising, and media planning approaches. Mri-simmons boasts a complete view of the yank purchaser with 60,000 client elements, over six hundred attitudes, opinions, and segmentation from over 500 product classes and over 8,000 brands. This wealth of information is what allows the advanced predictive models logo catalyst makes use of to discover capacity potentialities and their traits. The tool also has “explorer” (discover what resonates with customers of a defined brand), “reporter” (quickly understand similarities and differences among logo personas), and “author” (automate the clustering of a persona into segments to test differentiated imparting and messaging) capabilities to fit whatever your psychographic desires are. Mri emblem catalyst psychographics
mri logo catalyst psychographics
mri logo catalyst psychographics
demographics seasoned
despite the name, demographics seasoned proves to head past the fundamental demographics of age, region, and income. This platform gives strong social listening insights on developments and pastime throughout systems, and extra especially, which audiences engage wherein campaigns or topics to improve advertising implementation and method. Their equipment verify your assumed audience characteristics and affinities and examine to competition to locate possibilities for accomplishing untapped audiences. Their audience profiles consist of factors including what users do of their spare time, their finest affects, and the manufacturers they consciousness at the most. Demographics seasoned psychographics
Read Also:-  MOZCON: The best conference for SEO to attend in July 2020
 demographics seasoned psychographics
 10 psychographic questions to ask about your consumers:
lastly, the key of psychographics is tapping into your perfect client’s coronary heart and thoughts- how they're feeling and questioning- after which meeting them there. The subsequent questions are a excellent starting  vicinity for knowledge your purchaser psychographically:
 what troubles have they been experiencing in their existence? What are they hoping for? What have they attempted that hasn’t worked for them in the beyond? How do they view themselves? Who're their inspirations? What do they assume from the brands or offerings they use? What type of life-style do they've? What kind of way of life do they want? If one-of-a-kind from the answer above, how can your logo or provider carry them closer? How tons do social and standing factors have an effect on them? In answering these questions, you will ensure that you are not projecting what your brand wants and hoping the humans you target will seize onto it, however as an alternative, provide what your target clients need and want and watch them entice to how you may serve them not like all people else. Wrap up
psychographics are much less apparent than geographic, demographic, and behavioral measures, and require digging beyond the floor, but they're simply as useful for understanding goal markets. The have a look at of humans’s attitudes and hobbies, frequently studied together with normal demographic records allow for a more complete expertise of audiences. Happily, there are an abundance of ai equipment available to do this give you the results you want. The better you apprehend your target audience, the higher you may market  Digital Marketing Company in San Francisco to them, which ends up in higher campaigns and saved time, money, and energy- the whole lot a marketer should want.
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daleisgreat · 6 years
Die Hard
Now, now, do not act surprised to see an entry devoted to the iconic 1988 action film, Die Hard (trailer) as Christmas draws near. It has been long debated among film fans that if Die Hard is truly a Christmas movie or merely a film that takes place at Christmas. I feel that it is both. Nearly the entire feature focuses around a Christmas party at the Nakatomi Building where sinister German terrorists headed up by one Hans Gruber (Alan Rickman) seize control of the building and attempt to penetrate its vaults filled with countless riches. The film’s cast is consistently humming/singing Christmas songs throughout and there is various Christmas lingo and jargon peppered in throughout. Protagonist and NYPD officer John McClane (Bruce Willis) who is assisted by the affable,Twinkie-loving LAPD officer Winslow….er I mean officer Powell (Reginald VelJohnson) are among those belting out Christmas tunes and references throughout and both are endlessly fun to root for throughout Die Hard’s just over two hour runtime. I have an odd history with the Die Hard films. I was always aware of the initial trilogy being much-revered action films, but until last year, yes 2017, I did not get around to watching them until I mentioned that fact to a friend and we then proceeded to knock them out over that summer. I did see the fourth and fifth films when they hit theaters this century, and while Live Free or Die Hard was solid, I very much detested A Good Day to Die Hard and it soured me on the series….until watching the initial trilogy last year turned me back on to the series (minus Die Harder anyways). I loved the first movie so much that earlier this year it wound up being the first movie I picked up on 4K BluRay! I do not have a 4K TV, but it was the only version Target had when I went there to get it, and that version came with a regular BluRay that I was thrilled to make use of yesterday as the final film in a six-movie Christmas marathon with friends this past weekend. I could not think of a better Christmas film to finish off the night with!
Part of me is still surprised I came out of the original Die Hard such a big fan knowing all the high critical acclaim and praise for it going in. I had no choice but to go in with high expectations and that usually comes back to bite me when I am late to the party to a much-buzzed about movie. Longtime readers here probably know I am a sucker for the cliché 80s and 90s action movies, both of high and low budget fares. It only helps that Die Hard was a pioneer for establishing a specific formula of action films where a big gang of thugs/terrorists (of whom almost all have their own unique personalities, moments and even are named throughout the film other than the typical ‘terrorist #6’) overtake a high-stakes building with many hostages and leaves it up to a low-level everyman cop to overcome the odds and slowly work his way through the lower tiered terrorists before having a climactic clash with the ringleader of the pack. Top if off with countless well-produced exchanges of gunfire, explosions, epic stunts and plenty of time to space in moments of character development for Powell, Gruber and McClane that includes classic one-liners that I do not need to remind you of because they are repeated ubiquitously to this day.
Another reason why the first Die Hard is special that is lost in most of the other installments other than With a Vengeance is that McClane takes a beating throughout the film. Taking out Gruber’s goons has taken a toll on him as McClane is a bloody, limping mess by the final act which resulted in me getting behind him even more as he worked his way up Nakatomi Tower. McClane’s relationship with Powell helping him on the outside of the tower is also fantastic to see unfold throughout as Powell represents the viewer at home constantly in McClane’s ear through the CB radio encouraging him to keep hanging in there and how everyone is rooting for him down there despite those pesky FBI officials attempts to interfere. It all culminates in a great payoff towards the finale where McClane has a personal exchange with Powell earlier that foreshadows Powell overcoming his personal demons and taking justice into his own hands! The final reason why Die Hard lived up to the hype for me is that it has one of the quintessential villains in Hans Gruber. Alan Rickman delivered a masterful performance as this antagonist who remains cool, confident and calm throughout no matter what obstacles McClane overcomes to attempt to thwart his heist. He has a few classic moments throughout which shows how ruthless he is to get the prize he desires. Much like McClane interacting with Powell, watching Gruber command his troops and maintain order amongst McClane’s chaos is an irresistible force to get swept up in. If I were to relate this to sports it would be like McClane representing the weakened and throttled underdog team late in a game overcoming insurmountable odds to make an unbelievable comeback to defeat the heavily-favored competitor.
I cannot attest for how great the 4K UHD looks because I do not have a 4K TV, but the BluRay still looks stunning in HD….for a remastered film from 1988 that is. Other than that there is a smattering of extra features available. There are eight minutes of newscasts scenes taken from the film and also contain unused newscast updates and outtakes from the anchors in a nice extra. There is a ten minute slide show of stills and production shots and a ton of trailers. The only standout extras are ‘subtitle commentary’ from various cast and crew members and feature-length audio commentary with director John McTiernan and production designer Jackson DeGovia. The subtitle track is similar to pop-up factoid tracks I have seen in other films, but it is better at having a constant flow of quotes from the cast and crew relative to the scene playing. Watching the subtitle track along with the audio commentary was a vastly insightful experience. McTiernam and DeGovia have a lot of nonstop facts and stories from the production with some highlights being callbacks to props used in their other films, making the heavies stand out by intentionally casting European models to portray the goons and McTeirnan explaining how the ideal movie shoot is done in under 80 days and how he was doomed for going over that like he did with Last Action Hero. Die Hard easily ranks among one of my all time favorite action films. That is not nostalgia talking either because as I stated earlier, even though 2018 is the 30th anniversary of Die Hard, I did not watch it for the first time until last year. For a movie that old to be that timeless, especially in a genre where special effects goes a long way in proving how special Die Hard truly is. Regardless of whether you have seen this Bruce Willis classic countless times or never before, go out of your way to watch it now and show to your friends how it is the perfect Christmas movie! Other Random Backlog Movie Blogs 3 12 Angry Men (1957) 12 Rounds 3: Lockdown 21 Jump Street Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie Atari: Game Over The Avengers: Age of Ultron Batman: The Killing Joke Batman: Mask of the Phantasm Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Bounty Hunters Cabin in the Woods Captain America: Civil War Captain America: The First Avenger Captain America: The Winter Soldier Christmas Eve Clash of the Titans (1981) Clint Eastwood 11-pack Special The Condemned 2 Countdown Creed Deck the Halls Dredd The Eliminators The Equalizer Dirty Work Faster Fast and Furious I-VIII Field of Dreams Fight Club The Fighter For Love of the Game Good Will Hunting Gravity Guardians of the Galaxy Hercules: Reborn Hitman Indiana Jones 1-4 Ink The Interrogation Interstellar Jobs Joy Ride 1-3 Man of Steel Man on the Moon Marine 3-6 Metallica: Some Kind of Monster Mortal Kombat National Treasure National Treasure: Book of Secrets The Replacements Reservoir Dogs Rocky I-VII Running Films Part 1 Running Films Part 2 San Andreas ScoobyDoo Wrestlemania Mystery The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Shoot em Up Steve Jobs Source Code Star Trek I-XIII Take Me Home Tonight TMNT The Tooth Fairy 1 & 2 UHF Veronica Mars Vision Quest The War Wild Wonder Woman The Wrestler (2008) X-Men: Days of Future Past
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webart-studio · 6 years
9 Enterprise Sources and Instruments That Will Explode Your Branding in 2019
One thing that you just’ll be taught in a short time, particularly on-line, is that branding is of utmost significance.
You’ll want to have a powerful and constant model to chop by the noise of the Web. Sadly, not everybody has the identical form of finances and wherewithal as large names like Nike, Apple, and Amazon.
What can small and medium companies, in addition to bloggers, startups, freelancers and entrepreneurs do to enhance their branding with out breaking the financial institution?
Simply as developments like social media, WordPress and WYSIWYG editors have helped to degree the taking part in discipline, the identical might be true with a lot of unimaginable branding instruments and assets. Many of those are remarkably cost-effective (and even free!) as a result of they’re designed round a self-serve interface that faucets into clever automation, machine studying and different evolving applied sciences.
Are you able to take your model to the subsequent degree?
1. mysimpleshow Video Creation Device
It’s apparent sufficient that video is taking part in an more and more outstanding position on-line. This isn’t simply true with vloggers and influencers who put themselves in entrance of the digicam for the world to see. Manufacturers and corporations can profit significantly from professional-looking movies to clarify ideas, supply walkthrough tutorials, and reveal how they’ll supply a superb answer to a typical downside.
Making that entire course of remarkably easy is an internet instrument referred to as mysimpleshow. What’s nice is that you just don’t have to do any of the particular video enhancing your self, nor do you want essentially to find the suitable visible belongings. As a substitute, all you do is put collectively a script of what you need the voiceover to say.
From there, mysimpleshow is ready to minimize that script down, zero in on vital key phrases, and seize some applicable paintings that may then be merely animated and rendered into a brief video. It’s highly effective, easy, and efficient, and a good way to spice up your branding in a enjoyable, visible and artistic manner.
2. Famoid Social Boosting Companies
Within the 1989 film Discipline of Desires, Kevin Costner’s character is famously advised that if he builds it, they may come. As a lot as you prefer to that to be true on the Web and in enterprise, it’s merely not the case. Simply constructing the factor isn’t sufficient to draw an viewers. And what you’ll discover that’s individuals will naturally gravitate to the place different persons are too.
An Instagram account with 10,000 followers is straight away extra fascinating and charming than one with solely 100 followers, even when the content material is sort of an identical. You simply have to get the ball rolling. Or perhaps you want a little bit of a lift to recover from a hump.
For that, you may contemplate signing up for one thing like Famoid. They provide providers for Instagram, Fb, Twitter, and YouTube. You merely resolve on the variety of high-quality followers that you just’d prefer to have (additionally they have packages for views and likes), proceed by checkout, and watch for supply… which is virtually prompt.
They assure that every one the followers you get are actual and energetic, and you’re additionally provided drop safety. What this implies is that in case you lose any followers that you’ve got already bought, the system will robotically change them for the primary 30 days following your order.
From a branding perspective, these greater numbers will help with natural attain and supply extra legitimacy to your model when new followers and followers arrive in your social web page. Packages begin as little as $2.95 and so they don’t require your password to render the providers.
3. BigCommerce eCommerce Administration
It looks as if everyone seems to be speaking about eCommerce and on-line shops recently. Nevertheless, that is rightfully so, because it simply appears to maintain getting simpler to go reside with an internet retailer or dropshipping enterprise of your individual. That is very true while you think about what number of options are actually specializing in WordPress eCommerce as properly.
That is no exception for BigCommerce, which has years of expertise in on-line commerce already. With extra particular person website homeowners, bloggers, and entrepreneurs seeking to get into the net purchasing area, utilizing a easy drag and drop answer makes the entire course of lots simpler.
Along with discovering an eCommerce platform and website administration instrument, it’s vital to be sure you are working with an answer that can frequently develop and adapt to modifications over time.
4. Designhill AI-Powered Emblem Maker
On the coronary heart of any nice model, no matter area of interest or business, is a superb brand. There’s no mistaking the golden arches of McDonald’s or the cute panda of the World Wildlife Fund. From Android to YouTube, Coca-Cola to Disney, the emblem is on the coronary heart of a model. It’s displayed prominently in all places.
However what if in case you have neither the time nor cash to put money into knowledgeable design and branding agency to provide you with a customized brand for you? Flip to the unimaginable energy of synthetic intelligence and check out your hand on the Designhill AI Emblem Maker. It is possible for you to to create knowledgeable brand actually inside minutes.
With a near-perfect common rating from over 10,000 buyer scores, Designhill’s answer has been remarkably properly acquired by the net group. It’s completely free so that you can use the instrument to create a brand of your individual; you solely should pay while you come to a design that you just actually love. The wizard walks you thru some preliminary decisions to get a way of your design inspiration and magnificence, like selecting iconography and coloration palettes.
You’ll then be introduced with an array of utterly customized logos you can tweak to fit your preferences. When you’re able to roll, you possibly can obtain the ready-to-use recordsdata for on-line, print, and every kind of different makes use of. It’s reasonably priced, quick and actually, very easy.
5. Affiliate Advertising Listing with 12,000+ Affords
Are you an affiliate marketer? Are you overwhelmed by having to go looking by innumerable networks and directories to search out simply the suitable affiliate presents to advertise? After which there are such a lot of extra which may fly below your radar as a result of they’re not provided by the standard networks, however these is likely to be those which can be completely suited to your viewers and the site visitors you’re in a position to generate?
Fret no additional. The affiliate marketing online listing at ZacJohnson.com accommodates over 12,000 affiliate applications and presents throughout the net. Regardless of your area of interest, regardless of your viewers, you’re certain to search out the right supply or program.
You’ll be able to search based mostly on identify or key phrase if in case you have a good suggestion of what you’re looking for. Alternatively, the hundreds of presents are additionally organized into a lot of key classes. These embody affiliate applications for clothes, crypto, relationship, credit score restore, training, music and films, authorized, sports activities betting, website instruments, internet hosting, VPNs and extra.
Use this enormous listing to search out the most effective presents, be a part of the most effective affiliate applications, and benefit from the free affiliate coaching too.
6. FreelanceMyWay To Discover Freelancers
There are solely 24 hours within the day, and there are solely 7 days within the week. Regardless of how energized, regardless of how motivated or pushed you is likely to be, you’re on the mercy of the bodily actuality of the scenario. And reality be advised, nobody actually needs to work an 80-hour week. Work smarter, not more durable.
There’s all the time work that must be executed, and far of this work might be going to fall exterior of your pure experience. It’s far more practical, each when it comes to price and high quality, to rent knowledgeable to deal with these duties for you. That manner, you possibly can focus your time, vitality and a spotlight on what you do finest.
With FreelanceMyWay, you acquire entry to an important quantity of high quality freelancers throughout a wide range of disciplines. Want somebody to develop a cell app to additional lengthen your model into the arms of your clients? You are able to do that. Want somebody to craft collectively the right press launch to accompany an upcoming product launch? You are able to do that. From information entry to graphic design and every thing in between, there are freelancers on FreelanceMyWay which can be as much as the duty.
This all relates again to your model since you need these logos, social media posts, press releases, weblog posts, cell app designs, product packaging designs and every thing else to be true to what you need your model to face for and symbolize. FreelanceMyWay vets all of its freelancers by a three-step verification program to make sure that you get the very best quality and effectivity for the job. And the milestone fee system means you solely pay when appropriate work is delivered.
7. Bluehost WordPress Automated Updates
Of the numerous completely different options and instruments that one can select from, the suitable internet hosting firm goes to be one of the crucial vital. Jeff Bullas at present recommends Bluehost, which additionally has a variety of self-service and automation instruments that may show you how to run your on-line enterprise, with out the necessity to ever contact a line of code.
For instance, when a brand new person creates an account on Bluehost, they may immediately have WordPress put in for them. There are additionally numerous WordPress updates and safety instruments that robotically replace and defend your website always.
With regards to server and website administration, that is additionally extraordinarily straightforward, as Bluehost has an important visible person interface, which takes the technical and design abilities out of managing a website.
8. Avatar Creator Device for Private and Bio Branding
Are you curious about making a customized avatar you can then use on social media and in different sorts of supplies? You don’t want to rent knowledgeable artist to do that for you as a one-off venture, as a result of you possibly can make the most of the free avatar creation instrument on Running a blog.org as an alternative.
When you’ve ever used a “create a personality” kind utility inside a online game, you’ll really feel proper at dwelling by this self-serve avatar creator. The interface is designed to be easy and easy, similar to an informal recreation. You’ll be able to choose the pinnacle form, pores and skin tone, change the hair, eyes, mouth, nostril, garments and extra. The ensuing avatar can then be downloaded as a 200 x 200 PNG or as a 400 x 400 PNG file. There’s no watermark both.
Relying on the form of enterprise that you just run, an avatar may very well be a terrific branding instrument to offer a “face” to your on-line persona with out having to place your precise face “on the market” on the Web. You should utilize this avatar throughout social media profiles, like Twitter and Instagram, in addition to by commenting techniques like Gravatar.
9. 50+ Canva Branding Templates for Every part
With regards to nice on-line instruments for easy-to-understand graphic design and picture enhancing, it doesn’t get significantly better than Canva. The browser-based instrument is ideal for designing every thing from infographics to YouTube thumbnails, e-book covers to memes match for social media virality.
However branding could be a very tough factor to grasp. When you’re not already savvy to the methods of promoting and model positioning, it may be laborious to search out simply the right combination of colours and fonts and pictures to convey a sure feeling or vibe. That’s why it’s so nice that the gifted group of designers at Canva have put collectively 50 model kits with the beautiful templates.
The templates present an ideal leaping off level as a result of the overwhelming majority of individuals wouldn’t know the place to begin with a clean canvas. You don’t wish to appear like you threw one thing collectively in MS Paint, proper? These templates are absolutely customizable, however you begin from a spot the place the mix works superbly.
These vary from a whimsical look with muted tones and minimal kind to a daring, robust look with hanging kind and vivid colours. Would you like daring geometric shapes in opposition to a darkish background? Or how a few free-flowing look that conjures up the tranquility of nature? With 50 templates in a single useful resource, there isn’t any scarcity of chance right here. You’ll certainly discover at the very least a pair templates that work terrifically together with your model.
After which it’s only a matter of clicking on the template, hopping into the Canva instrument, and letting your branding coronary heart specific itself by visuals and typeface.
Easy methods to benefit from the most effective enterprise assets and instruments in 2019
On the finish of the day, there are all the time going to be hundreds of distinctive, artistic, and efficient on-line instruments to select from. The one manner you’ll discover out which of them work finest is to really give them a try to see how they match into your present day-to-day enterprise and advertising and marketing methods.
After operating by our newest set of really useful instruments, you should definitely take a look at these time-saving instruments as properly!
Visitor creator: Zac Johnson is a world-renowned blogger and entrepreneur with almost 20 years of expertise within the on-line advertising and marketing area and has helped his readers generate thousands and thousands of {dollars} on-line. He shares his story and steerage at ZacJohnson.com
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source https://webart-studio.com/9-enterprise-sources-and-instruments-that-will-explode-your-branding-in-2019/
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hotelbones · 6 years
Five for Five - Project 3: Street Art
Originally I thought I would try to design a new tree for this day. However, I was not satisfied with this idea because I had only thought of it due to hearing a friend talk about trees earlier in the day. I realized later that I had much more interest in doing street art and that I would like to try my hand at it. Street art was another case of me believing that I would be doing something simple and easy. However, as I went through my ideation and research it became much more...
I have thought a lot about street art because of its inherent anti-establishment nature. I really love people resisting against where others tell them they should be able to express themselves. So I decided that I should try and add some of the things I think about to street art. I started by writing what I think about a bit onto a board.
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I knew that my base ideas could not just be applied to street art though. While I had taken a hip-hop course which covered the history and philosophy of street art, I wanted to make sure I was going to be creating something respective of graffiti culture. So I started doing some research.
I typically start doing research by looking up academic articles but what I found with street art was a lacking amount of writing on the subject. Maybe I was looking in the wrong places with the wrong words but I had a hard time finding the information that I wanted on the subject. I did find one though that was beneficial to me titled “Street: Hopeful Obedience”. It was covering the history of Shepard Fairey, the creator of the iconic Obama Hope image and the Andre the Giant Obey image. There was some valuable information about the artist’s views on corporate interest in street art aesthetics. However the most valuable piece of info that I took from this was the following quote:
“ I  believe  in  seizing public  space  in ways that  make people question  our  use  of  it...”
I found this spot on with many of the ways I personally interacted with street art. I recalled a poster for the recent Mark Wahlberg film “Mile 22″ where the gun was replaced with a giant banana sticker. Next to the sticker text stated, “#bananas for guns”. I immediately took a picture and sent it to my friend because it was a great commentary on media. However, as I took that picture I stopped and thought about how the image had stopped me in the middle of the subway tunnel and had me critically think about certain issues. I had halted in the middle of a moving space for this image.
I then did a little more research on the subject because only doing research on the most famous street artists would not be considerate of the people that make up the culture. Majority of them are not world famous. Then I discovered that what used to be considered the central hub of street art was being torn down in Queens, just miles away from where I live. That article linked to the New York times gave me more context about how grafitti artists feel about their work and what it means to create work on top of another person’s work.
From here I went back to the whiteboard.
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I started to wonder what I could add to street art that was not just expressing my ideas but were new. So instead of just adding street art and some of the things I wrote before, I started to think of the ways that digital computers and street art intersect.  After I connected these ideas together I noticed that there was a space where there was a cluster of lines. So I highlighted and formatted it in a better way.
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As I started to connect some of these words I came up with the idea of anti-capitalist monsters that form through their computer products. This was relevant to ideas I have had in the past of our misguided feelings of safety under mega corporations. So I decided this would be a perfect form to follow for my street art. However, I needed to figure out what visuals I would be aiming for. I used the white board....one more time..
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I tried to brainstorm all of the things in tech that I felt cynical about and then all of the ideas that came to my mind when I thought of abominations. As I began to connect these ideas I thought about something like a mega corporate boss controlling an abomination while their users were feeding it through an app. I decided to start sketching.
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My initial sketches were aiming for a skeletal/ghoulish figure that would haunt its users. However, the deeper I went into drawing these I felt like I was losing balance/guidance. I also felt like I just couldn’t figure out what would be so chilling to see on a street art wall but also make people reflective. (I also started to feel sick so maybe something is connected there). So I decided to take a walk and think about what I was doing. When I came back I looked at my images and immediately thought of one of my favorite horror mangakas Junji Ito.
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Something I love about Ito’s work is that he has such a unique mode of thought that brings to life horrors I could never imagine. These aren’t traditional monsters from old Gothic horror films or even something I have seen in other manga. It’s always an original idea and a lot of times they feel ominous. I began looking at artwork from his story Tomie and I knew what direction to take.
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I started to think back to that original art I saw of the banana hashtag on Mark Wahlberg. It encouraged me to interact with the internet and I thought I could do the same with my art. So I decided to create a cute creature inspired by mascot characters. This would be in hopes that people walking near it would interact with it. It would have the text #myMonsterMood near it just like the banana piece. However, I would add onto this and create a processing program that followed the hashtag and became more distorted as there were more posts.
The goal of this would be to create a fictional narrative that a tech company is raising a monster but through the twitter interactions encouraged through the street art, the users of the tech company’s product would be only helping the monster grow. Basically it is a speculative analogy for what I argue is actually happening today.
So I started to look into how to pull code from twitter into Processing and found Twitter4j, a library for processing that pulls tweets. I started to program and created a program that allowed me to create different circles in different positions based off of how many tweets were input. Then I started adding fidelity to the monster. Here is the monster without any tweets.
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Cute right?
Then I started finding ways to make it ...... less cute and added it into my program. Here is a video documenting the final prototype program of the day.
Then I finished by making the sticker that I would hope to post for this project.
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is senseless motivation riding reality, particularly in the occasion which you're missing concerning the
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New Post has been published on Atticusblog
New Post has been published on https://atticusblog.com/mgm-to-launch-internet-gaming-in-new-jersey/
MGM to launch internet gaming in New Jersey
MGM Accommodations Global, an owner of Borgata Hotel Online casino & Spa, is teaming up with GVC Holdings % to release online Online casino and poker games in New Jersey under the MGM brand to take advantage of the country’s booming net gambling marketplace.
“This is an ancient moment for MGM Motels to be launching real cash online Online casino and poker below the MGM emblem for the primary time,” said Corey Sanders, MGM Motel’s chief running officer in Las Vegas. “GVC has been a 2927099c7129e5e67b031f9eb65b6349 companion for us, and we’re excited about the opportunities of extending that partnership as regulated markets open up in the U.S.”
Launching later this yr, playMGM Online casino and poker will take a seat at the latest model of GVC’s proprietary generation stack, which offers computing device and mobile variants, greater than three hundred Online casino games, including innovative jackpot slots, and variants of an event and coins-play poker.
Launch Into Business the Right Way
Beginning an organization is in no way an smooth aspect to do, you need to have the concept, take your idea into the marketplace after which hope that the market calls for what you need to offer. There are numerous approaches wherein to get your product, corporation or service noticed inside the market, as without the ideal gear it is the state of affairs of getting a poster pinned to a tree in a wooded area, but you need to direct humans to the tree so that human beings can read what’s on it.
What are the fine kinds of advertising your new or maybe hooked up enterprise?
Consider social media within the shape of Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest. Facebook turned into launched within the first quarter of 2004 and seeing that its release has gained won in extra of one billion users, that’s 1 in 7 people within the complete world, now this is some marketing platform.
A Website is an amazing tool for recognition so that human beings and organizations can see what you actual provide. You may design and launch one yourself or pay someone to layout and preserve one in your behalf. ninety% of human beings inside the United kingdom have to get entry to the net, now that could be a big market! In case you want to keep it greater local and specific on your vicinity advertisements in a nearby magazine are a terrific idea.
An exhibition is a superb manner to promote it as maximum are particular to a zone; from plumbing, food or even era. Something you’re supplying there may be an area in an exhibition to fit your needs and your enterprise or logo.
There are a whole lot of products that You may use to put it up for sale your organization at exhibitions ranging from the usual pens and observe paper, scale rulers, product samples, all of the manner through to the embossed jackets and coats with business enterprise emblems on.
But one of the satisfactory ideas is promotional USB sticks are a fantastic manner to raise logo or corporation attention. The general public has computers in the domestic or office that require statistics to be transferred to and from, a USB stay with your company details on inside the shape of an emblem and make contact with details are a terrific way to ensure that you are continually within the mind of the customer.
You could even use it to add your ultra-modern brochure and advertising marketing campaign earlier than handing them out. There’s nothing worse than going to an exhibition and being loaded up with tough copies of product brochures and manuals, before you comprehend it you’re struggling to stroll around as the bag you’re wearing is so heavy, an USB stick may be popped in a pocket.
Promotional memory sticks can come in all varieties of designs, from retractable-in which the consumer can enlarge the period of a chain, which may be put on a hard and fast of keys or maybe USB sticks bundled with a pen, that way you get double employer publicity to your client.
How can you make certain that the promotional agency which you are getting your promotional merchandise is a credited corporation? The BPMA that’s ‘The British Promotional merchandise Affiliation’ assure that their contributors offer a high-quality product, have the relevant understanding to provide you the perfect product, and the understanding and integrity to provide you an expert product from a professional believe worthy supply.
How do you find a credited corporation? The BPMA have a distribution list of a hundred’s of individuals everywhere in the Uk so that you can without difficulty find a member inside your neighborhood place that You can call or email for the similar recommendation. And people organizations which might be a member can even have the BPMA brand on their Internet site.
5 Steps To Success With An Internet Business
You don’t need any formal qualification to gain achievement with a web enterprise. However, you do have to understand how your unique niche market features and what your potentialities need from you. Who’re your customers? How will you help them? What value do you provide? How do they recognize that your business exists? Here are 6 steps to achievement while you’re jogging an internet business.
1. Realize Your Best Purchaser
If you attempt to promote to all of us, you’ll likely not promote whatever to all and sundry. Picking the right customers can suggest the distinction between success and failure. When you have a clear consciousness to your Best Patron your marketing messages will seize their attention because you’re imparting to help them to solve a hassle or make their life simpler.
2. Construct Relationships
The net can be impersonal enterprise surroundings and it is easy to hide at the back of an internet site. Each piece of content should provide fee. That means everything placed on your internet site or weblog and Each video, podcast or social media replace which you make. The more price you provide to your audience, the more they’ll come to realize, like and accept as true with you. they will price your opinion and be more willing to buy from you.
3. provide Something Of cost Totally free
while you deliver away Something that offers real price and really helps your prospect, they’ll want to recognize extra approximately you and your business. In spite of everything, In case you supply this Totally free, your products and services should be even better! Whether you supply away an e-book, record, video tutorial or an invite to a webinar, make it the satisfactory you probably can. Do not forget to ask for a prospect’s e-mail address in exchange on your freebie. it is an honest alternative and it approaches that you could live in touch and Build your relationship with them.
4. Have A Proven marketing Funnel
An advertising funnel is a system which you have designed on your potentialities once they first connect to your enterprise to once they turn out to be a Consumer. For example, a traditional 3 level advertising and marketing funnel are:
A web page giving a unfastened gift in alternate for entering their electronic mail cope with. when they have submitted their e-mail, they’re directed to a page that gives them an object to buy related to your unfastened present after they make the acquisition, they’re directed to any other page, thanking them for his or her purchase and supplying a download hyperlink for their object.
5. Market it Your business
You would possibly have the first-rate products and the fine internet site online, But if your goal marketplace does not recognize that you exist, you are never going to sell anything. Advertising and marketing are a proper business funding. There are many cost powerful methods that you can get your messages for your target audience on the internet.
Good and Bad in Gaming
Gaming is one of the largest hobbies and even careers within the world. People play games for fun or mastering at the same time as others file videos approximately the games. In this newsletter, I will focus greater on gaming itself and not so much the side of a way to make gaming movies. Game enthusiasts are available in all specific ages, genders, religions, places and shapes. The backgrounds of folks who are Gamers make gaming that much more fun.
Backgrounds of Gamers can play a part in the kind of video games that People play. There are all kinds of combos for one of a kind classes regarding the type of games and sort of Game enthusiasts. You really need to have a look at the sport’s website to get all of the pertinent facts previous to shopping for.
There are numerous online systems where you may purchase video games from such as Steam or Humble Package deal.
The one’s websites will provide you with the description, films through the business enterprise, photographs, user and non-person tags, reviews, internet site, business enterprise and their social account(s). Be conscious the game’s website won’t show you the entirety you want to know. At the least, a gaming employee will show a brief income pitch description, the small amount of pix (5 at nice), one or two videos by them and their social debts. The most they will offer is an informative description, their social money owed, consumer evaluations and movies by way of them.
Let’s dive properly into what’s perceived as poor about gaming. The majority of the negative things approximately games come from the actual existence Humans on Those video games, the type of games and the forms of games for the wrong character. A recreation may be poorly made however it’s no longer usually the case wherein the sport itself is awful. It may be where it changed into the incorrect form of a game for the wrong person. This is wherein the types are available. Perhaps a sport has a piece of violence. That doesn’t make it terrible; it just makes it the wrong type of game for a seven 12 months old. Or Perhaps you acquire a puzzle game for a person who loves movement type video games. So the movement loving character won’t experience it, but That doesn’t make the puzzle game awful!
The forms of games are infinite from nudity, pills and alcohol, horror, gambling with money and greater. These differing types are wrong for children Game enthusiasts as well as incorrect for folks who do not like seeing such things.
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