#character: Darth Vader
caliika · 1 year
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I miss the way you say my name The way you bend, the way you break Your makeup running down your face The way you fuck, the way you taste
Thirst trap suitless Vader. Enjoy.
Commissions Open. See pinned for details.
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getooine · 4 months
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DarthFett redraw of the iconic comic panel iykyk
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hayden-christensen · 5 months
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You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
@pscentral event 23: arcs ↳ the character arc of ANAKIN SKYWALKER/DARTH VADER from STAR WARS (layout insp)
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an-old-lady · 9 months
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Lord Vader
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spacewombatty · 28 days
okay but i love the anakin skywalker who’s the hopeless romantic. he’s the boy who fell in love as easily as breathing, with the first woman who’d enamored him. he’s the boy who craves acceptance and love and hoards the people who give it to them. he’s the knight with a stony, grim, off-putting expression hiding a heart of gold, the knight who stores torn up paperback romance novels under his pillow. he’s the general who loves the droids he’s destroying, who finds them fascinating enough to love and trade them as vows. he romanticizes violence into protecting the ones he loves at any cost. he loved so much and it was the thing that damned him and saved him.
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aj-artjunkyard · 8 months
NOT to cheapen a beautiful and very emotional scene but I love that Vader just tossed Sidious over a safety railing. You’re so right king he DOSEN’T deserve a climactic 10-minute lightsaber-force-lava-showdown-duel like Obi-Wan did
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leons-lady · 25 days
I'm gonna hold yalls hand when I say this again
if you're gonna name the reader that isn't Y/N or (your name), or the character saying their name without those two I mentioned if it bothers you
tag it properly as oc x canon. not x reader. that is NOT my name.
(and yes, I will be blocking, but it's still gonna pop up everywhere so I need at least SOMEONE to try and get me.)
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artphotographyofmen · 4 months
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Anakin Skywalker by Kevin Wada
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phoenixyfriend · 8 days
Saw this post about Sabrina the Teenage Witch, and:
I think we need to turn Vader into a cat that, for reasons, is stuck with Leia Maybe before Alderaan explodes
@professorsparklepants: SCREAMING Leia, day 1: I hate this man and everything he stands for but I can't kill a cat. Like come on. Leia day 100: (with Cat Vader standing on her shoulders) I hate this man and everything he stands for
I can't decide how many of his limbs are still mechanical. I know it's at least one (the one Dooku cut off). Tiny kitty prostheses.
I do know he's a little bit blind (not fully, but idk kitty cataracts to parallel whatever burning alive did to his corneas), and at some point starts 'grooming' her by licking at her hair and she hates it but also laughs at him, meanly, because he hates the fact that he was too distracted to stop himself from trying to groom her like an actual cat.
He can talk, but he has Anakin Voice.
Which freaks Leia out a bit because she didn't expect him to sound so… normal.
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artist-issues · 10 months
also, about Anakin—I distinctly remember realizing when I was first watching Star Wars that part of what makes Anakin’s relationship with Obi-Wan so compelling is that his love for Obi-Wan is as much forbidden as his love for Padme.
I mean, here’s this kid who’s too old to be trained as a Jedi, not because he’ll be prideful or have to catch up or anything, but because he’s old enough to have already learned how to get attached. And the Council was right; he never, ever unlearns that.
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But the very first person aside from Padme that Padawan Anakin got attached to was Obi-Wan. And so all through his training, as he’s growing up and Obi-Wan is growing up too, Anakin is thinking “this is my guy. This is my older brother, this is my best friend, this is the only father I’ve ever known” and just recently discovered that someone like that (Qui-Gonn) can be killed and ripped away from you.
All through his training, that fierce attachment is growing, even more steadily than his love for Padme because he’s never separate from Obi-Wan…and the difference is, Obi-Wan shuts it down. It’s obvious that they love one another like brothers, but Obi-Wan never says it until Anakin is lying like chopped-up charred hibachi on the banks of Mustafar.
I mean, imagine having a father or older brother who you know loves you, but who refuses to say so? Except through his actions, almost in spite of himself?
And then imagine yourself as someone who never gets on board and believes in the code that says you can’t attach? So you know that your father-brother-figure is a hypocrite, about, like, the thing you think is the most important and also the stupidest part of the code?
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Because he can’t say it! Because he’s supposed to be teaching Anakin not to get attached—what’s he gonna do, tell Anakin “I’m so glad you’re safe” every time they escape an adventure? Tell Anakin he doesn’t know what he’d do if he lost him? Remind Anakin that he cares? And then say “but attachment is bad. Trust the Force.” No, he’s not going to do that. He’s going to keep that aloof-thing going, even though Anakin knows Obi-Wan loves him.
So Anakin, a very dramatic young man who likes his declarations of affection super up-front, never gets that from Obi-Wan. And he’s so sensitive in the Force, and they’re so connected for such a long time—he must be feeling, constantly, that Obi-Wan loves him too. But Obi-Wan never says it. And even though Anakin knows why, it’s a constant source of frustration, because Anakin doesn’t actually respect the code and he doesn’t see why Obi-Wan does.
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So constantly, Anakin feels like Obi-Wan is hiding affection for him, or withholding it. Keeping something good for him back. He’s feeling like Obi-Wan is, on some level, a little two-faced. He’s feeling like Obi-Wan’s willing enough to save his life and stick up for him—clearly Obi-Wan is attached—but coming out and saying it? Admitting it: “hey little bro, I know you’re attached to me but you have to stop; it’s not the Jedi way. I know how you feel, I’m attached to you too—we’ll just have to figure that out together?”
No, he never does that. Not until it’s way too late, and Anakin has already conflated Obi-Wan’s refusal to express their bond out loud with how deceitful and two-faced the Jedi are, and they have to be enemies.
which, you know, understandable, considering who Obi-Wan is as a character. but still.
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Yeesh. I love this character, I feel like he was when I first started thinking about the tangled web of character motivations and conflicts, but the poor guy.
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caliika · 11 months
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jewishcissiekj · 10 months
Reading The Art of Revenge of the Sith and
Um what
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Why would you leave any of this out
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getooine · 4 months
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Order 66
Decided to finish an old marker drawing on procreate…
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hayden-christensen · 9 months
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letoscrawls · 9 months
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biggest red flag in a star wars fan is when they say they can't stand ezra
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emilianadarling · 1 year
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Some of the Imperial propaganda pictures I referenced and used as inspiration for a scene in the latest chapter of my fic ‘only as strong as the warrior next to you’. 😊 (Please do mind the tags.)
All of the images above can be found in “Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy”. It’s an amazing reference book and I’m really enjoying it!! It also came with 10 free posters included... bonus. 😃🙏 Also, made a rebels equivalent -- check it out!
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