#charles beckendorf headcanon
garussy · 1 year
You say Hazel and Annabeth helping eachother with their hair.
I raise to you 7 year old Annabeth with matted hair after running away from home with three kids who don’t know how to help with her hair.
Beckendorf takes one look at this mess and takes her to his cabin to help her with her hair and after that he teaches her how to take care of her hair.
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This headcanon where Percy thought that he was gay until he met Annabeth, where he then realized he's bi
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poppitron360 · 27 days
Ok so I’m reading HoH rn, and we’ve yet to explain the whole “Festus is alive” thing, and I have a feeling it might not be explained, but I have an explanation for it and oh myy gods-
In tlh, they explain how Beckendorf was the only one who could control Festus, right? And how the dragon went haywire after he died?
Well WHAT IF Beckendorf in Elysium tried for Rebirth and was REBORN INTO FESTUS???!?!?! Like when Piper woke him up and stuff, she called on his soul and his soul BECAME FESTUS. Or maybe before that- idk what the deal is with exactly when Festus became conscious. MAYBE AFTER HE SAW PERCY FALL INTO TARTARUS FOR ANNABETH AND REMEMBERED HIS OWN SACRIFICE AND WANTED TO BE A HERO AGAIN??? MAYBE HE SEES LEO, HIS LIL’ BRO, BEING BADASS AND AWESOME AND HE’S LIKE “I WANNA HELP THAT KID”??? OR MAYBE HE WAS REBORN WAY BEFORE THAT DURING TLH????
Anyway, idc what explanation they give, Festus is the reborn soul of Beckendorf and you can’t convince me otherwise.
Also, sorry for all caps I’m exited shut up
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nervoustoastthing · 7 months
Percy has a tattoo that says, “I am because you were. Charles Beckendorf.”
He has another one dedicated to Jason that says, “I would raise the sea to the sky if it meant I saw you again.”
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applecidersstuff · 3 months
Yes, yes, Bianca is the older sister character, and no one can argue with that, but can I tell you who I see as thee eldest daughter character?
Clarrise La Rue.
Clarrise who was ares cabin counselor since she was 12-14 and was the eldest child of ares at that point.
Clarrise who tried her best at keeping her cabin intact while her brothers didn’t give a shit about her, her feelings and wellbeing.
Clarrise who went on a quest to please her father, but none of her brothers went with her and her father said that he would prefer they went on the quest instead of her.
Clarrise who desperately tries to keep Chris alive and at the border of sanity because he was the only person to actually care about her.
Clarrise who has exactly three people close to her.
Clarrise who looses two of them to war and her own pride.
Clarrise who’s so hostile that the only reason she’s friends with Beckendorf and Silena is Silena’s stubbornness.
Clarrise who hates Percy not because she dislikes him, but because she envies his relationship with his father.
Clarrise who has no relationship with her mother, and when she visits her in TTC is the first time she does it in years.
Clarrise who hates her father for neglecting her in favor of her brothers, but desperately tries to get his attention and praise at the same time.
Clarrise who’s forced to raise her siblings instead of her father and still getting nothing for it.
Clarrise who’s only childhood dream is to break free and leave camp behind, just to keep going back even after getting into college because she can’t live without those responsibilities even if she hates them.
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audreyscribes · 6 months
⚒ HEPHAESTUS: God of Forges, Fire, Sculpture, Metalworking, Stone Masonry, Carpenter, Metallurgy, Artisan, and Volcanoes 🔥
author's note: I had a sudden idea about writing some headcanons Camp Halfblood demigods being claimed and what it's like for each respective god and cabin, followed by a small blurb afterwards. Thank you for reading and please like and reblog! The order is not in order of the cabin numbers. [PJO DEMIGOD HEADCANONS MASTERLIST]
When you get claimed, there are a bunch of cheers and impromptu fireworks from your half-siblings. You watch some unfortunate individuals near your siblings jump feet in the air with hands flying to their ears, and some people diving for the ground. 
When you get introduced to your new living arrangement, there is a spillover from the Cabin and the Forge & Armoury; where there are just random parts in the Cabin and cots and bedrolls next to the Furnaces. You didn’t know where the living quarters or the forges began and ended. 
There is an initiation at your cabin where you introduce yourself to your cabin mates with your craft. It could’ve been the first craft you ever made, your favourite invention, or make it an entirely new thing. 
You get your own little workspace and for some hint of cohesion, your workspace is assigned a category; based on your craft. If you’re an engineer, you’re put with the other engineers. If you’re an artisan, you’re put with the other artisans. 
You’re constantly surrounded by people sharing their ideas or inputting, even at dinner and during bed times. But careful saying which stuff out loud lest you get a complaint from Chiron when you and your siblings have a debate on the best way to make something.
Because of the furnaces, you are shown how to keep the furnaces running when it's technically bedtime; one the exceptions given to your cabin for curfew.  Because even though they have magical means, you can’t let the furnaces die out or you have to spend three days heating up the kiln all over again. And no, you’re not allowed to use Greek Fire or later, the dragon around Thalia’s tree to heat up the furnaces if they die out. Don’t ask why but all you know is the Ka-Boom incident. You can imagine why.  
A perk with being on duty is that you can stay up later than everyone else and get to sneak in some late night meals; your seniors treated you to stuff from s’mores, roasted potatoes, and other foodstuffs by using the furnaces. Just don’t make too much stuff or you’re going to have a bunch of campers at your cabin asking for goodies.
Work hazards are always around and while there are preventive measures in place, things happen. These range from inventions going haywire, exploding fire, or just normal accidents. Don’t feel bad if they happen, everyone immediately jumps in to help out. You learn how to move fast and think fast. 
Being a Child of Hephaestus and being part of the cabin have their overlaps with the Athena, Apollo, and Hermes cabin.
If you don’t have the power to manipulate fire, as a child of Hephaestus you still have a higher immunity of fire and heat. Paired that up with the engineering, your cabin is also the unofficial fire station. You jumped with the fire alarm went off in the cabin and everyone got up to grab gear to put out the fires at Camp.
There were exploding multicolour lights that were going off in the air. Some were like the regular fireworks you’ve seen, but then there were fireworks that reminded you of that scene in the Lord of the Rings movie: where the fireworks seemed to not only come alive but move like they were. The smoke of gunpowder filled the air and you coughed. Fireworks were still going off as the children of Hephaestus were still cheering.
You then saw a large burky boy step forward and you knew he was one of your half-siblings. He looked very imposing but as he looked at you with a smile, all initial fear disappeared and you saw the warmth behind his smile. He then grinned at you and held out his hand, “I hope you liked the fireworks, we do this all the time when we welcome those into Cabin 9. I’m Charles Beckendorf, Cabin Counselor.”
You took his hand to shake and you instantly could feel the calluses on his hand, and how comforting warm it was. He clapped you on the back as he led you towards your cabin, as the others followed.
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phoenix--flying · 9 months
cabin ten curse 👀
The curse of Cabin Ten, as opposed to Cabin Seven, affects all of them. It was a curse inflicted by Nemesis when she got tired of Aphrodite flaunting her love life, how many people she'd gotten to fall in love with her, a trait her children shared, so she cursed the cabin.
In The Lost Hero, we learn about the Aphrodite Rite of Passage.
“The rite of passage for an Aphrodite child,” one explained. “You get someone to fall in love with you. Then you break their heart. Dump them. Once you do that, you’ve proven yourself worthy of Aphrodite.”
Playing on the Rite of Passage, if a child of Aphrodite has someone fall in love with them and then doesn't break their heart, that person will die.
Take Charles Beckendorf for example, we're told that Silena refused to complete the Rite of Passage.
“Forget it!” Piper yelled, a little louder than she’d intended. The other kids backed away. “I’m not breaking somebody’s heart just for a stupid rite of passage!” Which of course gave Drew a chance to take back control. “Well, there you go!” she cut in. “Silena said the same thing. She broke the tradition, fell in love with that Beckendorf boy, and stayed in love. If you ask me, that’s why things ended tragically for her.”
And Beckendorf died. So did Silena, but her death doesn't play into the curse.
We could also tie in Piper and Jason, although Jason died after Piper broke up with him. But the key part of their break up? Piper didn't break up with him for the Rite of Passage, therefore she never completed it.
Also, if a curse is cast a while ago, the exact way it affects the cabin may get lost in translation. In canon the Rite of Passage is to make someone fall in love with you and break their heart, but if we tie in Jason and Piper, we can twist the curse into having to break the heart of someone you've fallen in love with or else they die.
Silena was in love with Charles, she didn't break his heart, he died. Piper was in love with Jason, she didn't break up with him with the intention to break his heart, he died.
This could also explain why Drew is so adamant about her siblings completing the Rite of Passage, no? We don't know how long she's been at camp, but if shes the oldest after Silena we can figure shes been there a decent amount of time, watched sibling after sibling lose and grieve their partner because they didn't complete the passage.
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My head canons about Drew Tanaka:
1. Her father is a child of Dionysius. I mean she does give the vibes of the wine aunt.
2. She has siblings. And not like other children of Aphrodite. Her father has other children.
3. Her father was an actor when he met Aphrodite and fell in love with her and had Drew. When he found out that she was a goddess and just disappeared into thin air he was furious.
4. He wanted revenge and that attracted Nemesis. And thus her 1st brother was born. (in my AU his name is Ethan, I love this name) He made him even more angry and he was petty as hell.
5. He decided to practice magic to get his revenge and this attracted *drum role* Hecate. And thus her 2nd brother was born.(in my AU his name is Albastor, I love this name as well) After this her father gave up and just tried to raise them as a single parent.
6. Drew is allergic to like everything. Trying to buy her something is very hard. Like chocolates, can't have pistachios or almonds in them. Clothes, don't you dare give her silk she will kill you and then die. Flowers, well you get it.
7. She is bisexual and falls in love with every single person she meets. Never in a serious way but she gets bi panic all the time.
8. The 1st time she broke someone's heart, it was a mortal boy and she felt horrible for it.
9. She dated Nyssa (from Hepheastus cabin) secretly for 3 months and then went public. She is in a serious relationship with her and is absolutely smitten.
10. She was very close to Selina. Her betrayal was a big blow to her. I don't think she hated Selina for betraying camp but rather because she left her. I think she probably felt as if Selina chose her love for Charles over her.
11. She can use a gun. Seriously I imagine that the camp is under attack and everyone is fighting. And then Drew *I don't fight* Tanaka will pull out a gun and start shooting every monster in range with perfect accuracy.
12. She is friends with the Stoll twins, Malcolm pace, Nyssa, and Katie. And she high key ships Travis and Katie.
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anotherpjofan · 1 year
I hate the fact that Percy is sometimes reduced to an oblivious dork in fanon. Like a lot of people forget that this guy killed people. Teenagers. Who's only fault was joining the losing side cause they were sick of being unwanted. Yeah he tried to warn people on the cruise but really how many people jumped off the ship? How many would have survived the brutal ocean? And the eventual war too. Half the casualties are probably teenagers. Percy may not be an adult but never forget that he's first and foremost a soldier.
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I have this Headcanon that Hades let the gang visit their dead friends in Elysium  but only one time after Nico begged him to do it(for Percy’s (and Percabeth) birthday). I want to see Zoe talking with Thalia about the Huntress. I wanna see Zoe and Calypso. I want Piper finally meeting Silena. I want to see Beckendorf and Leo talking about Festus. I want to see an awkward reunion of the broken trio. I want to see Thalia hugging Jason. I want to see Percy just casually talking with everyone. I want to see Bianca meeting Hazel and Reyna and thanking them for being sisters for Nico. I want to see Nico hugging his sister and talking about everything with her. Bianca meeting Will! Will finding his brothers who died in the 1st war (Michael Yew, Lee Fletcher) AND PLEASE SOMEONE DRAW IT I NEED THIS
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skrbol · 1 year
Percy Jackson Headcanons
(A lot of these are inspired by other people’s ideas)
-Percy has Tattoos
Lots of little ones to symbolize his friends both dead and alive, obviously a tattoo devoted to Sally. But he also has forearm tattoos of the symbols of the gods and goddesses he respects, it’s only a rainbow, a firepoker in a hearth, and a silver arrow on his forearms.
-Percy introduces all his godly cousins by stupid names
Sally honestly wasn’t surprised when a god showed up at the door, she was surprised when Percy called him “cousin snake man and his two pocket snakes” (who he promptly fed rats).
-Percy has a New York accent It only comes out when he’s really angry, tired, or horny. Annabeth hears it more than others.
-Percy has long hair
It grew out past shoulder length while he was missing and he hasn’t cut it since. Both Annabeth and Sally like it, but when he grows a beard he looks like the Poseidon of myth.
-Percy can Cook
He learned from his mom and has never stopped. Baking, grilling, cooking, smoking. if it’s a type of cooking, he does it, and he does it well. Nico avoided Percy for two months after losing a pasta competition to him and even that wasn’t long enough to avoid the shame.
-Percy, Lee, Beckendorf, Silena, and Clarrise where all really close friends
It started when Percy wanted to learn to make stuff in the forge, which snowballed into Beckendorf basically adopting Percy and introducing him to his crew. It took a couple years but eventually Clarrise warmed up to him, they were a crucial part of each others mental recovery after the Titan war.
-Percy is a stoner
Just enough to keep the edge off but he refuses to touch alcohol due to Gabe. Beckendorf and Lee spent like 2 months researching demigods, filing a report, submitting it to Athena, and gaining her seal of approval on the “Study of Drugs on Demigod Physiology” (It basically says demigod minds and bodies are durable enough to nullify addictive chemicals and the negative effects of some drugs). The group celebrated the approval of such a study by smoking and watching the live action Alvin and the Chipmunks.
-Percy loves SpongeBob
Percy is currently giving Poseidon the silent treatment because he refused a burger cooking contest with him despite Percy pulling the golden spatula from the grease in front of him. Also, yes, Poseidon does look similar to early SpongeBob Neptune, and no he has no clue how Percy managed to smuggle a bucket of grease and a golden spatula into Atlantis.
-Percy is a pirate
After his third quest Percy went ape shit trying to fight the war and end it before it took anymore lives. It culminated in him carrying a gun at all times and rebuilding an old sunken ship to its former glory. He didn’t get to use it until the summer leading into the titan war where he sunk 4 ships transporting monsters and 2 ships that were moving illegal objects
-Percy doesn’t fight for Olympus
Percy has never cared about the gods beyond making sure they don’t hurt the people he loves. His speech during the battle of Manhattan was a call to the demigods to fight to protect each other, to protect their family, and to fight this war so the next generation of demigods might not have to. Him and every other counselor sees their jobs as protecting the youngest and newest demigods above all else.
-Percy is musical
Whether it’s because he has the sea coursing through his veins or something else he’s good at singing, guitar, and most instruments. He occasionally used to play as a joke for kids at camp. Now it’s mostly a coping mechanism for the wars and Tartarus, anyone that needs music to relate to is free to listen.
Most of the counselors and elder hunters have a shared memory of the night before the last day of the Titan war. None of them could sleep out of fear of the unavoidable casualties tomorrow would bring, so they gathered in the most secluded room and sat and mourned. Eventually, Percy broke out a bag of weed to help everyone relax since they couldn’t sleep while Percy and Grover performed a heart-stopping rendition of Peace Train by Cat Stevens.
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smartwatermagic · 14 days
Since it's pride month~ ✨️
Smartwatermagic the beloveds
They're all poly
Annabeth and Percy are bi4bi
Al is queer with a preference for men and Annabeth
He is also trans
Al thought he was gay until he had a crush on Annabeth
Annabeth had a hero worship crush on Silena
She got so jealous when Silena started to date Beckendorf (and Chrisse) but Annabeth told herself it was because she wanted what Beckengard had with Percy (half true)
Alabaster insists the reason Percy was so pressed about Ethan was because he had a crush on him, Percy insists it was because Ethan betrayed his trust. Neither of them are right or wrong.
Do I even need to get into the Luke stuff? Camp Half-Blood's no. 1 certified model.
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valewritessss · 12 hours
Character Headcanon Generator PJO version
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Part 2??
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poppitron360 · 22 days
A lot of people have headcannoned that Percabeth’s children would be named after someone they knew that died (Charlie/Selena/Zoë) but counterpoint: I don’t think they’d do that because Names. Have. Power.
The reason Percy was named “Perseus” was because he was the only hero who got a happy ending. Sally knew that naming her son after him would hopefully bring him good fortune and a long life. Percy and Annabeth would want to honour their friends that lost their lives, but I don’t think they’d do that by naming their child after them.
I actually wrote this into one of my “Next Generation” fanfics as angst. Percabeth’s second child is taken by monsters at a young age, and Percy blames it on the fact that they gave him the middle name “Charlie” after Beckendorf. He thought he was dooming his child to be just another person the Great Percy Jackson could not save. But Beckendorf was a hero, and the kid turns out to be a total badass in the end.
Anyway, feel free to disagree. I know people have thought long and hard about their Percababies headcannons, and it’s something rather personal. But it’s a cool concept to explore. If you’re stuck for heacannons, maybe this might give you a few ideas?
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wolffoxnation2 · 8 months
Some past characters that died should have came back in SoN or atleast at some point in HoO!
Like someone fucking give me Percy facing down Luke Castallan in Alaska.
Or Leo meeting Beckendorf
Or Piper meeting Silena
Or hell Castor, Lee, Michael, Luke, Silena, and Beckendorf (I think that's all of them) randomly fucking showing up at some point to give Annabeth and Percy some fucking truama
Rick really wasted an opportunity with the doors of death plot.
I'd write it but I have like 50 different w.i.ps already, and I have no fucking clue which book at which point id set it in (and I remember jack shit about SoN anyways)
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litcrazh · 5 months
silena beauregard and charles beckendorf next season
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