#charlie x pamela
Older!Horror Villains x Younger!Reader || Reactions
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Reacting to: Someone at the store thinking that they're your grandparent- rather then your S/O. (Just something funny I was considering for Inkubus but decided to just do for all of them ^^ XD 😅)
Characters Included: The gilfs of the fandom 😅 ? I'm thinking 50 years and above. Captain Spaulding, Drayton Sawyer, Granny Boone, Inkubus, Jedidiah Sawyer, Luda Mae Hewitt, Mayor Buckman, Mental Manny / Manual Dyer, Peepaw Michael Myers, Norman Nordstrom, Otis B. Driftwood, Pamela Voorhees, Sheriff Hoyt / Charlie Hewitt Jr, Stuart Lloyd, the Taxidermist / Walter Harris and Winslow Foxworth Coltrane.
Warnings: Major age difference, bad language, sexual references, a really awkward misunderstanding...
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Captain Spaulding: Spaulding's a pretty good sport about it XD In fact, he kinda enjoys it. Cuz then he gets to rub it in the persons face what a young, hot thing he's got going here with you and what- what did you say you had again?? Nothin'?? Yeahh, that's what I thought. Fuck right off, why dontcha?
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Drayton Sawyer: Drayton goes so red and is about to blow his top. He gets enough shit from his brothers over this! He does not need one more moron bothering him about it! Fuck off! *Grabs you by the arm and storms off*
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Granny Boone: "... Grandma, huh? Alright then!~ " *Turns to you* "Come here, sweetie, give grandmother a kiss~ " She's about to ruin that guys whole career 😅😅😅
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Inkubus: Inkubus is not amused. Grandpa?? Absolutely not, no. He'll correct the person in the most embarrassing way possible.
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Jedidiah Sawyer: Jed does not care at all 😅😅 The only person who's opinion matters to him is yours, so who cares if this guy thinks he's your grandpa? Fine then, he's your grandpa. So go and mow the lawn for him while he sits on the porch and has a sweet tea.
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Luda Mae Hewitt: She's is gonna tear that guy a new one. Calling her old?? Son of a bitch, where is that persons manners?? She should set her damn sons on him.
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Mayor Buckman: Sorry, Buckman cannot answer this question. He's too busy choking.
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Mental Manny / Manual Dyer: Manny loves to correct people. He's got the biggest smile on his face as he goes oh you're mistaken- this is my beautiful partner. A little young, sure, but we sure don't mind~ Oh sweetheart, I think we're going be late for our dinner reservations. Shall we?
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Peepaw Michael Myers: Like Jed he struggles to give a shit. Who cares??? He knows that he's not your grandfather and you know he's not your grandfather- that's all that matters. He doesn't care... but he does enjoy giving you a big kiss, with tongue, later when the guy sees you both again. He's a gremlin.
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Norman Nordstrom: ... what? Norman is pissed at this idea, he hates it. He feels like a digusting predator (*cough* which he is, though not because you like him ^^) and it hits close to home. He's going to need you to set it straight.
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Otis B. Driftwood: "... Ha! Okay, pal, check this out." He'll say, then turn around and basically make out with you right there in front of the guy. Otis is not amused at the poor insinuation and takes it out with lewd efficiency.
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Pamela Voorhees: Again- not amused. As far as she's concerned, this total stranger has no business making disgusting insinuations about the two of you, anyway. So she'll ruthlessly take them down a notch with her words- and sweet smile.
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Sheriff Hoyt / Charlie Hewitt Jr: "... you think you're funny? No I ain't their fucken grandpa. Didn't your bitch momma ever teach you to mind your business? Oh don't you worry, I can do it for her." Just- my friend- just keep him from taking out the damn shot gun.
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Stuart Lloyd: "... oh... uh... n-no, actually- " Stuart forces himself to stutter through a quick explanation- but he wants to crawl into a whole and die (:
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Taxidermist / Walter Harris: Gets the nervous giggles 😅😅😅 Doesn't correct them.
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Winslow Foxworth Coltrane: Annnnd Foxy loves it XD He was already one kinky mother fucker- you can use this as foreplay. Let him smack your ass while they're still looking but call you 'Hon' or 'Sweetie'- he finds it funny and hot in equal measures.
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mrcloudjumper · 2 years
Supernatural Masterlist
Male and Neutral only.
Romantic or Platonic;
Dean Winchester 
Nothing yet
Sam Winchester 
Nothing yet
Eileen Leahy 
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Garth Fitzgerald 
Nothing yet
Andy Gallagher 
Nothing yet
Kevin Tran
Nothing yet
Patience Turner 
Nothing yet
Kaia Nieves 
Nothing yet
Claire Novak 
Nothing yet
Alex Jones 
Nothing yet
Platonic Only;
Nothing yet
Mary Winchester
Nothing yet
Donna Hanscum
Nothing yet
Jody Mills
Nothing yet
Ellen Harvelle
Nothing yet
Kelly Kline
Nothing yet
Mrs Tran
Nothing yet
Bess Fitzgerald
Nothing yet
Pamela Barnes
Nothing yet
Miss Butters 
Nothing yet
Rowena McCleod
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Charlie Bradbury
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Rufus Turner
Nothing yet
Arthur Ketch
Nothing yet
Mick Davies
Nothing yet
Bobby Singer
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Jo Harvelle
Nothing yet
Ash Harvelle
Nothing yet
Adam Milligan
Nothing yet
Jack Kline
Nothing yet
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kitkatscabinet · 2 years
I love you, I love you, I'll scream it till I'm black and blue, so why won't you love me too?
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Requested prompt: "You need someone, let me be that person, let me be what you need." for @winnifredburkleismyhero, enjoy!
Pairing: Sam Winchester x reader
Genre: Angst, fluff
Word count: 2K
Everyone that got close to the Winchesters died. The supporting evidence for this fact only seemed to grow as the years passed. John, Ash, Jo, Ellen, Pamela, Kevin, Charlie and even Bobby, all casualties of Winchester-related circumstances. Everyone that is, except for you. There had been no trips to hell or heaven, no deals made and no ghostly presences.
You had known the boys for years now, having met them about four months after john went AWOL and then you never really left. Dean liked to joke that you were the family cat that had been too pitiful to leave in the garbage. You had been there for Dean's deal, his death, the apocalypse and everything the universe had decided to throw at your boys, and apart from a few scratches you always seemed to come out nearly unscathed.
Yet that still didn't seem to be enough for Sam. Every attempt you made to close the gap from friends to something more was rebuffed. You knew he felt the same. From the lingering touches, the way his eyes would trail your form whenever you entered or exited a room, the book recommendations, gifts and late night conversations that kept the two of you up well into the morning hours.
He had always been so sweet towards you, face lighting up in that dopey puppy dog smile whenever the two of you spoke. He was the shoulder you cried on and the best friend you laughed at cringy shows with. You had never made any attempts to hide your affections, and your interest never strayed from the lanky hunter that had captured your heart. Despite all this, however, Sam never seemed to want to take things further, and had even prevented multiple confessions over the years through clumsy attempts at a diversion.
As the years passed you had almost given up on what seemed like a fruitless pursuit. If it weren't for Dean assuring you his little brother was just being a jackass you probably would have. But after years of dodged kisses and ending conversations that strayed too far into 'non-friendly' territory you were almost at your wits end.
You had thought that last night had finally been it, you gained a nasty, yet completely non fatal scratch that trailed down the left side of your jaw and over your shoulder. Sam like always had overreacted epically, and had all but dragged you off to treat the wound. His fingers had traced your face so softly and with such care that you had almost cried. The absolute reverence in his touches and gaze too much for your impossibly loud and pounding heart to take. There had been tears in the corners of his eyes as his hand gently cupped your cheek. A gesture you leant into with a contended sigh only for your breath to hitch as you noticed the way his eyes had trailed down to your lips, how close his face had gotten to yours as his shoulders hunched to accommodate the great height disparity between you.
You had leant up in response, so close that you could feel the warmth of his breath fan across your face. Just as your lips had been about to meet Sam had reared back like you'd slapped him, scurrying out of the room like his life depended on it. Tears had stained your pillow that night as you had eventually cried yourself to sleep. Were you really that unlovable? Had the scratches that would no doubt later mar your skin made you so unattractive? Whatever the reason it had been your last straw.
You had slept in, so an early escape was unfortunately completely out of the question. Luckily you didn't own too many material belongings, so you were able to pack everything you needed into a duffle. In what seemed a miraculous stroke of luck you made it through the bunker unencumbered by either of the brothers and were about to make what seemed like a clean break until the current bane of your existence materialised out of what seemed like thin air.
"What are you doing? You should be resting!" Where his concern would usually be endearing at the moment all you found it was incredibly grating. His overprotective nature only contributing to the fiery ball of rage that had built in your gut after a night of overthinking.
"I'm fine Sam, it's just a small flesh wound" you rolled your eyes, turning to walk towards the door once more only to be stopped by a tug at your arm. "Let go of me Sam," you were starting to get incredibly irritated now, jaw clenching as you struggled to keep your temper under wraps. "I said let go!" this time you had managed to yank your arm away when Sam's grip slackened in surprise at the vitriol in your tone. Your narrowed glare, crossed arms, and unyielding posture had Sam backing up slightly, hands up in a placating gesture.
"Alright. Just give me a few seconds and then we can go out together" he suggested, offering a small if somewhat strained smile. You weren't a very naturally angry person, having to deal with the Winchester's particular angst and drama had left you with a very thick skin. You had taken the insults and the monologues and the self sacrificing lectures all in your stride, but for some reason Sam's assumption had made you see red. For the first time since you had met either of the boys you truly lost your temper.
"Who said I want you coming with me?" you sneered, a small sick sense of satisfaction curling in your chest at the look of hurt that briefly crossed Sam's face.
"What? But we always go out together..." he trailed off, the kicked puppy look on his face almost enough to make you relent once more, Just like you always did.
"Not anymore we don't. I'm done Sam. I'm leaving for good." Your words cause his eyes to widen in distress, as he takes a few steps forward and back into your personal space.
"Why? Did Dean do something, I'm sure he didn't mean anything, we can work things out-" You cut him off with a borderline hysterical laugh.
"Did Dean do something? Sam you've gotta be fucking kidding me. I'm leaving because of you, because I can't stand being around you anymore." His face flickers between hurt and anger as he tries to register what you had just said.
"What? Last night we were fine. I find it hard to believe you're all of a sudden choosing to cut and run" he scoffed, trying to keep his own anger at bay from your dagger-like words.
"Fine!" you yelled shrilly. "What part of making me fall in love with you and then getting rejected at every possible turn is fine Sam! How dare you break my heart over and over again and then try and still be friends with me." There is a stiff silence as your words register in the minds of both of you, only broken by the heaving of your chest as you fight to catch your lost breath.
"You love me?" Sam seemed a mix of stunned and giddy at your words, unable to decide if he should be smiling or not.
"Wha- are you fucking stupid. I'm in love with you! I've loved you for years Sam. You're the one that keeps pushing me away and I've finally had enough. I'm ready to move on." Your eyes study his face intently, waiting to see if he'll give away any indication as to how your words had truly made him feel. Because despite your bold proclamation, you still so desperately just wanted to hear him say the words back, you wanted him to love you.
"I-I can't think of anything better than being with you" he finally admitted softly, causing heat to flush across your skin as your throat ran dry at the admission. The smallest embers of hope once again burning away in your chest. "Of loving you, waking up with you in my arms every morning, to know that you're mine and only mine." His hands had reached out to take yours, squeezing them as his shoulders shook slightly But I can't. Your stomach dropped, hands harshly pulling away from his own as you tried to contain your tears.
"And why would that be?" you hissed, arms crossing your chest as if trying to protect yourself. He takes a while to answer, stewing under you fierce glare as he tries and fails not to piss you off further.
"It's just... If i let myself love you and then I lost you... I'd never forgive myself."
"What the hell, that's so stupid-" your vitriol is cut off by his own this time, anguish clear as he yelled at you.
"Is it? Everyone I love or even get close to dies!" you scoff slightly at that, only to be cowed as he continued to yell in your face. "Yellow eyes killed Jess to get to me." Just like that, your vitriol evaporates, shoulders slumping as you try to comfort him.
"Sam-" this time it is him who shrugs off your hand, continuing on his rant
"Madison, Ruby, Sarah! I won't have that happen to you!" Silence reigns between the two of you once more, the air charged with the heavy confessions from both of you. At some point, tears had started to stream quietly down your cheeks and Sam's eyes had been watery for the past few minutes. Taking a few deep breaths you unclench your jaw and arm muscles, stepping closer so you were within arm's length of Sam once more.
"So what? You're just going to live the rest of your life alone, in fear?" There is no anger in your tone, just curiosity and some quiet judgement. Stepping forward once more, the duffle from your shoulders slips to the ground as you take Sam's shaking hands in your own. "You need someone, let me be that person, let me be what you need. Please Sam." You can tell he is still hesitant but is beginning to break under the combination of your tears, grip and the unadulterated love that shines in your eyes from him. "I'm terrified of losing you to you know" you whisper the admission softly, a hand reaching up to cup his cheek in a reversed mimicry of last night. "Every time you and Dean leave without me, or you pull some of that typical Winchester self-sacrificing bullshit feels like it ages me ten years. I don't sleep, don't eat. All I do is worry about you..." your words trail off in a hoarse whisper as you try to keep back the heaving sobs that were starting to escape your chest.
Sam doesn't reply, but in that moment he finally breaks. Pulling you fiercely into his protective embrace, face nuzzling into the top of your head as the two of you cried. "I love you" you whisper against his chest over and over like a broken record in an attempt to push through his stubbornness. You aren't sure how long you stand there, locked in his warm embrace as you wait for your tears to subside. Until finally, you hear it,
"I love you too" at first you think you imagine it, holding your breath as if breathing will shatter the wonderful dream you're having, but then you hear it again. "I love you. I love you. I love you." Sam chants, volume rising with each declaration as he lifts you into his arms, peppering your face with kisses and bringing forth a shriek of delight from your throat. Wrapping your own arms around his neck, and legs around his waist you lean in to finally claim his lips with your own, the two of you grinning like idiots the entire time. He tastes like salt, from the tears that leaked down his cheeks and you imagine you probably do too, but it is perfect nonetheless. So lost in each other and your newfound happiness neither of you notices the arrival of Dean until he speaks up.
"Great. Now if you two losers are done with the soap opera can I get to the door?" his sudden voice has the two of you springing apart, except Sam is still holding you up and the two of you go down like a sack of bricks, lungs forcefully expunged of all air as the behemoth of a man squishes you into the floor.
Your spine is aching and you're having trouble breathing as Sam frantically hovers over you, but in that moment all you can do is smile, because Sam has just made you the happiest person on Earth. A fact that you would regularly remind the hunter of for the rest of your days.
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enochianforest · 8 months
☆ made this blog separate from my main so that i could post 24/7, uninterrupted supernatural! this isn't a side! you can find both more spn AND all my spn art over there 👉👉
✮ all round cas girl with dean girl leanings!! trueform!cas enjoyer, autistic!cas enjoyer, likewise with jack enjoyer, destiel enjoyer, meg enjoyer, etc !
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tagging system ↓
tagging system!
✮ my own posts
☆ s1 / s2 / s3 / s4 / s5 / s6 / s7 / s8 / s9 /s10 /s11 /s12 / s13 / s14 / s15 / deleted scenes / scripts
✮ cas / dean / sam / jack / meg / charlie / jo / eileen / rowena / crowley / jess / ellen / claire / kaia / ash / belphegor / balthazar / adam / michael / casifer / mary / billie/ kevin / bobby / rufus / anna / cain / uriel / amara / pamela / aaron / death / hannah / garth / ruby / benny / gabriel / cassie / ishim / anael / john / chuck (will add other characters as they show up in my posts!!)
☆ dean x cas, tfw, tfw 2.0, cas parenting, dean parenting
✮ art / parallels / reunions / autism / gender / grace / wings / trueform / honey cas / endverse / purgatory / post-canon / cas being a bitch and/or serving cunt / later seasons cas
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thebetterbear · 2 years
Post Modern Art
Escaping Confines of Museum
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City, Michael Heizer. Located in Garden Valley, a desert valley in rural Lincoln County in the U.S. state of Nevada. land art sculpture. 1970-2022
Collapsing Boundaries Between High and Low
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Curious Kitten watercolor painting is a painting by Svetlana Novikova which was uploaded on February 23rd, 2013.
Rejecting Originality
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Andy Warhol 1928–1987. Silkscreen ink and acrylic paint on 2 canvases. 1982
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Fred Tomaselli, 2014, 60″ x 84″, photo-collage, leaves, acrylic and resin on wood panel, © 2014, courtesy of James Cohan Gallery and the artist
Working Collaboratively
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Meow Wolf. Sept. 13, 2021.
Adam Christopher
Andi Todaro
Ashley Frazier, Michael Sperandeo
Brandan Styles "Bzurk”, Ellie Rusinova
Brian Corrigan
Cal Duran, David Ocelotl Garcia
Cami Galofre
Chris Bagley
Christopher Owen Nelson
Christopher Short
Collin Parson
Corrina Espinosa
Dan Taro
David Farquharson
Dice 51
Douglas A. Schenck “DAS”
Dylan Gebbia-Richards
Frankie Toan
Ian McKenna
Jaime Molina, Pedro Barrios
Jennifer Pettus
Jess Webb
Jodi Stuart, Libby Barbee
Joseph Lamar
Joshua Goss
Justin Camilli
Justin Gitlin aka Cacheflowe
Kalyn Heffernan, Gregg Ziemba
Katy Zimmerman, Erika Wurth
Kia Neill
Kristin Stransky
Laaiaim Mayer
Lauri Lynnxe Murphy
Marjorie Lair, Kyle Vincent Singer
Maya Linke
Myah Sarles
Nicole Banowetz
Nolan Tredway
Ramón Bonilla
Reed Fox, Ben Weirich
Sabin Aell, Randy Rushton
Scott Hildebrandt
Sean Peuquet
Shayna Cohn
Sigrid Sarda
Sofie Birkin
Thomas Scharfenberg
Viviane Le Courtois
Wynn Earl Buzzell Jr.
Andrew Novick, Pamela Webb, Robert Ayala
Chad Colby, Lexis Loeb, Hayley Kirkman
Charles Kern, Ty Holter, Ben Jackson, Rachel Bilys, Brett Sasine
Demiurge LLC: Joe Riche and Wynn Buzzell
Eriko Tsogo, Jennifer Tsogo, Tsogo Mijid, Batochir Batkhishig
F. Ria Khan, Armon Naein, Blake Gambel, Calvin Logan, Charles Candon, Harrison Bolin, Luke Collier, Maria Deslis, Sky Johnson, Sofia Rubio-Topete
Ladies Fancywork Society
Merhia Wiese, Annabelle Wiese, Maggie Wiese, Eunseo Zoey Kim, Dan Griner
Mike Lustig, Mitch Hoffman, Tim Omspach, Nathan Koral, Evan Beloni, Ryan Elmendorf, Scott Wilson, Charlis Robbins
Molina Speaks, Stevon Lucero, DJ Icewater, Felix "Fast4ward" Ayodele, Diles, Emily Swank
Oren Lomena, Alaine "Skeena" Rodriguez, Alius Hu
Peniel Apantenco, Kim Shively, Colin Richard Ferguson Ward,  (In memoriam)
Sam Caudill, Sean Louis Rove, Juancristobal Hernández
Secret Love Collective: Katy Batsel, Lares Feliciano, Colby Graham, Piper Rose, Frankie Toan, Katy Zimmerman, Lauren Zwicky, Genevieve Waller
The Church of Many: Andrea Thurber, Elsa Carenbauer, Anna Goss, Maddi Waneka and Emily Merlin
Waffle Cone Club: Kyle Vincent Singer, Scott Kreider, Marjorie Lair
Everything is Terrible!
Kevin Bourland
Michael Lujan
Moment Factory
Nina Mastrangelo
Scott Geary, Wayne Geary, Gary Ashkin
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Paneel "Rehearsal for an Icon 2001 - Mona Lisa" von Olbinski, Grafikdruck. Digital Print
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Untitled (Studio)2014
Kerry James Marshall
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Andy Warhol (American, 1928–1987) 1962. Synthetic polymer paint on thirty-two canvases, Each canvas 20 x 16" (50.8 x 40.6 cm). Overall installation with 3" between each panel is 97" high x 163" wide
Mixing Media
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Mama, Mummy and Mamma (Predecessors #2)
Njideka Akunyili Crosby. 2014
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Zephyrus Rising, 2022. Acrylic on Acrylic. 32 × 16 × 22 in Duncan McDaniel
Mixing Codes
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 Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, 1503-6; On Winnie: Denis Colomb stoles (worn as a headdress, top and sleeves) 
Confronting the Gaze
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Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad David Ayer 2016 (left), Harley Quinn in Birds of Prey Cathy Yann 2021 (right)
Facing Abject
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Jane Alexander, Butcher Boys, 1985/86, mixed media (Iziko South African National Gallery, Cape Town, photo: Goggins World, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Constructing Identities
Creating Metaphors
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Martin Puryear. Ladder for Booker T. Washington, detail, 1996. Installation view at the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Texas. 2003
Using Narratives
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Damien Hirst The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living, 2013 Lentikulardruck80 x 120 cm
Irony, Parody, Parody Dissonance
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A Subtlety, or the Marvelous Sugar Baby (2014). Kara Walker Photo: Andrew Burton/Getty Images
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 2 months
Untitled (WIP)
Untitled (WIP) https://ift.tt/8zEh7ir by southwesterngothic Scream x Supernatural crossover, still in early early stages and will update later Words: 29, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005), Scream (Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Charlie Bradbury, Benny Lafitte, Kevin Tran (Supernatural), Aaron Bass, Jo Harvelle, Meg Masters, Eileen Leahy, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Gabriel (Supernatural), Balthazar (Supernatural), Ash (Supernatural), Kali (Supernatural), Bela Talbot, Bobby Singer (Supernatural), Ellen Harvelle, Cain (Supernatural), Zachariah (Supernatural), Pamela Barnes (Supernatural), Chuck Shurley Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, Gabriel/Kali (Supernatural) Additional Tags: Inspired by Scream (Movies), Other Additional Tags to Be Added via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/tq09X7E March 31, 2024 at 12:38AM
0 notes
ao3feeddestiel · 2 months
Untitled (WIP)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/XcgPlBr by southwesterngothic Scream x Supernatural crossover, still in early early stages and will update later Words: 29, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005), Scream (Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Charlie Bradbury, Benny Lafitte, Kevin Tran (Supernatural), Aaron Bass, Jo Harvelle, Meg Masters, Eileen Leahy, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Gabriel (Supernatural), Balthazar (Supernatural), Ash (Supernatural), Kali (Supernatural), Bela Talbot, Bobby Singer (Supernatural), Ellen Harvelle, Cain (Supernatural), Zachariah (Supernatural), Pamela Barnes (Supernatural), Chuck Shurley Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, Gabriel/Kali (Supernatural) Additional Tags: Inspired by Scream (Movies), Other Additional Tags to Be Added read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/XcgPlBr
0 notes
shallowrambles · 4 months
Going anon because this is a sensitive subject in fandom and I don't want to offend anyone.
I'm don't 100% agree but you inspired me to take a closer look at the Blood Brother ep. I've never seen it analyzed like that, and although your words bothered me, I think you had some good points. I don't think the fandom idealization of Benny is as bad as the fandom version of Sam, but your argument that similar forces are at work for both of them is really compelling.
I never really cared about Andrea, but everything you said has given me pause, but I think you might be right and the illusion in The Werther Project is a lot closer to the actual Benny we see on screen.
I love your take on Andrea, and I'm with you that it might've have been cooler and more of an unexpected twist to see her in purgatory instead during season 15! I love your brain!
Happy to give you something to ponder, then! It's sometimes fun to entertain the shadow selves of characters, and I think the treatment of Andrea Kormos toes the line of darkness and nihilism in a way that is often overlooked. :-)
TBF, I think all soldier-coded characters struggle with this. Michael, Dean, Cas, Mary, AU Charlie and others...struggle with this pretty often. It's not unique to his character per se. It's that old soldier-coded derealization. I feel like it's especially strong/most pronounced in the in child-raised soldiers, ones who've been raised/created to fight (Dean, Mary, Cas, Jack, etc).
But anyway, I like this angle because it compels me, not because I dislike any of the soldier-coded characters. After all, it's a bit unflattering to be a soldier, fighter, warrior, (cop, hunter, military, angel, etc etc etc) in the first place!
But the idealization of Benny feeds into the strange imho idealization of Purgatory, that "pure" is somehow a positive thing when it's applied to Dean-Cas (it almost-never is in SPN, and I don't think it is here either). I think the whole existence of Purgatory is a nod to the worst selves of the soldiers, that black-and-white mentality and "rigid code" that both Dean and Cas tend to fall into...as well as suicidality and checking out of the complexity of "civilian" life.
When Benny says he doesn't "fit" and he's no good here, he's embodying the soldier who goes back. It's alluded to with, "The guy who got out and then came back. Like an idiot." It's got a name: "The Back There Paradox."
Deployments, and especially combat deployments, were a place where we knew how to use the skills we had developed. What we did was significant...Life could be very simple while deployed; get up, do your job... Sure, it got boring and repetitive, but we knew how to do stuff and we knew where things were. It was familiar."
We see this too with Dark Kaia in season 14-15: " At least over there, I understood things -- the world, my place in it."
What I'm saying is that soldier-coded characters' rigid adherence to "rules" can be just as neurotic as Sam's moral relativism spirals. (Cas is super fascinating because he embodies both tendencies!)
Purgatory represents "unthinking war," where there's 24/7, 360-degree combat. It's the horrific bloodlust that many soldiers are often too ashamed to admit they're addicted to, what is often quoted as: should "stay overseas, unsaid." It's the secret shame veterans won't readily admit to but many understand and know all too well.
Dean even shows signs of this in his fantasy world in AU Michael's bar, with the fame he crows about here (14x10, Nihilism):
DEAN: What you got? PAMELA: (wiping Deans face) Worst part of working here is having to clean up the blood after some pissed-off monster busts in to kill you. DEAN: (smirking) Well, what can I say? I'm famous.
"Being exposed to the adrenaline and the fame associated with being a soldier creates a dangerous addiction. Many veterans that deployed to combat come back to the states and chase the high that they felt on the battlefield." x
The unusual thing with Dean and Cas, is that they each recognize the nihilistic soldier in each other...ranging at times from joyful nihilism to the suicidal sorrow that's all wrapped up with identity-as-soldier-"weapon" and seeing combat far too often. (THIS is the subtext that attracts so many veterans.)
But the thing that's different for them is that they're crazed to get each other out. Underlined in two separate throughlines in season 8 and 15.
This is a little bit echoed in Alt Mary and Alt John, who also want to get each other out of hunting in SPNwin. That's what attracted Mary to John initially, that he was a soldier with a big heart even though he'd seen The Horrors.
Anyway, what I'm trying to say is. I have a soft spot for the soldier who try, have tried, and are trying to get out. Even when they fail, like Benny did.
Anyway, soldiers are "loyal dogs." We see Dean referred to as a dog as late as season 15, when Lucifer calls him old "faithful," (like a dog) in one of Chuck's alternate endings. They're also "fish" (out of water). Bait. Bombs. Hammers. Blunt instruments.
They struggle with feeling perpetually dislocated when they're away from combat.
That’s where the, “I’m not sure what’s real” primarily stems from.
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glitchyrealities · 6 months
Rorschach Voyeurism // Carrey!Edward Nygma x OFC
Time // Edward Nygma x Reader
Ace Ventura
Puppy Problems // Ace Ventura x Reader
Fan Playlists
Jonathan Crane
Edward Nygma x Selina Kyle
Pamela Isley
Edward Nygma
Oswald Cobblepot
Arthur Fleck
Diana Prince
Greys Anatomy
April Kepner
Teddy Altman
Game of Thrones universe
Daemon x Rhaenyra
Sherlock (2010-2017)
Mycroft Holmes
Silence of the Lambs
Hannibal x Clarice
Little Women
Amy March
Alice Cullen
Pride and Prejudice
Jane Bennet
Beth Dutton
Lara Croft (2001-2003)
Lara Croft
Die Hard
Hans Gruber
A Team
HM Murdock
Universes (playlists to make you feel like you're there)
Peaky Blinders
Ghost World (2001)
Charlie's Angels (2000-2003)
Nothing but Vibes
That Girl
Model Off Duty
Southern Belle
Slightly Trashier Southern Belle
The Trashiest Southern Belle
Stuck in a 90's RomCom
Stuck in a 2000s RomCom
Sexy Y2K Vampire with a dash of brooding
I am literally a majestic ass nymph
Music for backroading
60's Housewife Music
But what if you were a sugar baby in the 60's
music for pathetic kings with mommy issues and their murderous wives (macbeth vibes?)
0 notes
Horror Villains and: What They Would Put in the Hat
(The 7 Minutes in Heaven hat)
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This was pretty much inspired by This post by @your-mxnd-is-mxne ! ^^
Warnings: Cursing and gore (As in limbs being put in the hat)
Animal the Cannibal: A potato peeler. BE CAREFUL.
Baby Firefly: A cute scrunchie. Put it in your hair!! She thinks you'll look so cute ^^ If you don't have hair/its too short, you can put it in hers! ^^ (So basically you win everything)
Billy Loomis: A folded up poster for the local cinema's horror night. They're playing Psycho, The Birds and then Psycho 2 Back-To-Back.
Bo Sinclair: Little plyers. he never leaves home without them, so you better give them back! Play nice and he may use them on you *cough*
Bubba Sawyer: A pig femur... its not clean...
Candyman: A little leather bound journal with his poetry in it. If he likes you, maybe he'll read you some!!
Captain Spaulding: A pamphlet for his shop! He'd just fucken love to show you around.
Carrie White: A pencil. She wasn't sure and she didn't have a whole lot on her! she hopes that's okay ^^
Chop Top Sawyer: His sunnies! Not his wig, that's special. But you got his glasses! He even wants to see you put them on.
Chucky Lee Ray: He put his whole damn shoe in there. I mean, he's a doll. Why not? // If he's in his human form, though, maybe... a... condom...
BONUS for @your-mxnd-is-mxne because its their idea in the first place ^^ Daddy Hall- *cough* I mean Doc Halloran!: Bullet casing. Its, oddly enough, the only thing that was in his pockets?? 😅 After all he is only here to hunt Leslie- see if you can distract him, though.
Dr Suave: A pack of tooth floss from his pocket. He's a dentist, what do you expect from him?
Drayton Sawyer: The keys to the chilly van (Its all he had on him). He's gonna want them back.
Freddy Krueger: A scrap oh his sweater and it turns to dirty brown dust as soon as you see what it is.
Granny Boone: Buckman's initialed handkerchief.
Harper Alexander: A twig that's been widdled a whole bunch. It may snap in your hand- don't you worry, he don't mind ^^
Inkubus: Ripped piece of paper with a backwards K scribbled into it. You get ink stains on your fingers.
Jack Dante: An action figure! Probably He-Man or something. You can play with it for now but you're gonna give it back when he goes home.
Jason Voorhees: A chunk of moss. Its squishy and fresh.
Jedidiah Sawyer: A tie! He's a well dressed man and always brings an extra XD
Jennifer Check: Cherry Coke Chapstick! You know she's that super cool person who had all the branded soda flavours. And she may even apply some to you~
Jerry Dandridge: His scarf. And its cold- why don't you wear it for a while?~ He's very charming. And this is the man you're gonna get stuck in a closet alone with for nearly 10 minutes! Goodluck-
Leslie Vernon: His mask. He's gotta spread the word!! Make sure people know who he is! This felt like a marketing opportunity.
Lester Sinclair: That grizzly lookin' knife of his. Listen to him chat about it and he'll love you forever.
Luda Mae Hewitt: Wooden spoon. Her logic? If she goes in there with someone iffy she can beat them with it.
Max Grief: Cassette tape out of his car. He wasnt sure what to really put in, so, *shrug*
Mayor Buckman: Boone's initialed handkerchief (Yeahhhh, they're cute like that XD).
Mental Manny: Straw twisted and bent into the shape of some satanic symbol. You feel uncomfortable holding it. But oh, he wants you to have it now~~ A gift.
Michael Myers: Someone's ear.
Mickey Altieri: A snack. Like a cookie from a vending machine or a pack of 2 minute noodles. You can have it, no worries.
Midnight Man: The page with the names on it. ... wanna play a game?
Miss Quinn: Her hand mirror. Come on now, sweetheart!!~ We'll make you look pretty.
Monty Hewitt: A screwdriver. You got anything he can fix up rela quick? He doesn't mind, if it means he can get away from Hoyt for a bit.
Otis B. Driftwood: You don't wanna know. I'm not telling you. Put it down.
Pamela Voorhees: Her drivers licence. She was looking in her wallet and thought it was logical- plus she sure as hell wasn't putting in her polaroid of Jason.
Patrick Bateman: His card, of course. Its so damn crisp- you get a paper cut.
Pennywise: A horn! Honk honk!
Rocco the Clown: Some poor bastard's kneecap. Yes. A kneecap. And I still won't tell you what Otis put in the hat.
Roman Bridger: A very fancy pen. The kind thats like 50 dollars for one. It's for signing contracts but he likes to show off that he has it.
Sheriff Hoyt / Charlie Hewitt Jr: 'His' sheriff's badge! He wants you to comment on it, too- call him Sheriff Hoyt- stroke his ego. That's all he wants.
Stu Macher: A lollipop! You can have it, he's already sucking one. You two can have matching blue tongues!
Stuart Lloyd: Someone forced him to chuck in the USB that his little movie is on- he's terribly anxious about it and hope that you'll just give it right back and don't play it. Its not done...
DBD! The Clown: A little travel bottle with a suspicious liquid inside. He suggests that you drink it... I suggest you do not. Unless, you know, you're into it-
DBD! The Deathslinger: A wrench. He's a handy man and never leaves the house without his handy wrench!
The Djinn: ... the jewel...
DBD! The Huntress: A bunny ear from a bunny doll. She can do it herself but if you sew it back onto her dolly then you have a friend for life.
The Man (Hush): A switchblade. He's gonna want it back but (; you can keep it while you're in the closet with him if it makes you feel safer.
Taxidermist: Some kind taxidermists tool. Maybe a fleshing cone or a necker knife.
Thomas Hewitt: A pretty rock. 🪨
Vincent Sinclair: A notepad so he can talk to you if you don't know sign language ^^
Winslow Foxworth Coltrane: A crushed can of coke. He doesn't carry shit around with him and he sure as fuck is not handing over his knife.
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afaimsblog · 1 year
Ja, das gab es wirklich - Baywatch Nights: Der missverstandene Baywatch-Spin-Off
Jetzt, da sich das sogenannte Goldene Zeitalter des Fernsehens rasant seinem Ende nähert, ist vielleicht ein guter Zeitpunkt um darauf zurück zu blicken  (denn immerhin will ich nicht nur jede Woche über Tax Write Off-Strategien von Studios und Projekte, die dank dem Streit On Hold gestellt werden oder eben nich,t schreiben). Deswegen gibt es ab jetzt eine neue Kategorie für diesen Blog, genannt “Ja, das gab es wirklich” oder alternativ “Ja, das ist wirklich passiert, ich war dabei”, in der wir uns mit ein paar der kurioseren Auswüchsen der Serienwelt beschäftigen wollen.
Heute begeben wir uns auf Zeitreise zurück in die 90er, jene Zeit, in der die Grundlage für das sogenannte Goldene Zeitalter des Fernsehens gelegt wurde. Die 90er sind unter anderem für zwei Dinge bekannt: Für die Rennaissance der Sciene Fiction im Fernsehen und für die Hochzeit der Action-Formate im Fernsehen. Die wachsende Popularität von “Star Trek” und der durchschlagende Erfolg des “pseudo-realistischen” Mysterie-Serie “Akte X” führte zu vielen Epigonene, die gewollt mit Sci Fi und Fantasy-Elementen experimentierten, manchmal erfolgreicher und manchmal weniger erfolgreich.
Zugleich war das eine Zeit, in der das Erbe des großen Action Kinos der 80er auch seine Spuren am kleinen Bildschirm hinterließ. Grund dafür war die Tatsache, dass man Fernsehformate allgemein und Fernsehserien im Speziellen langsam aber sicher nicht mehr als nur als minderwertigen kleinen Bruder des Kinos ansah, sondern zu verstehen begann, dass man dort billiger erreichen konnte, was man im Kino erreichte, was zu höheren Produktionswerten für Fernsehserien führte, besonders im Bereich von Action Sequenzen. Der großte Spitzenreiter auf dem kleinen Bildschirm für hochwertige Action Sequenzen war die Rettungsschwimmer-Serie “Baywatch”.
1989 startete diese Serie, von der sich David Hasselhoff nach “Knight Rider”, einen weiteren Action-Erfolgstitel versprach, und sie lief, wenn man die letzten beiden Staffeln, die eigentlich eher ein Spin-Off waren, mitzählt immerhin bis  2001. Bei heuzutage Dauerbrennern der NCIS und Law and Order-Franchises mag das nicht nach viel klingen, aber elf Staffeln waren damals etwas durchaus beachtenswerten und sind das heutzutage eigentlich auch. Dabei war “Baywatch” alles andere als ein Instant-Hit. Schon nach der ersten Hälfte der ersten Staffel stand die Serie wieder vor dem Aus, und letztlich musste David Hasselhoff selbst als Produzent beispringen um die Serie zu retten. Er glaubte aber an ihr Potential, und der für damalige Zeiten letztich beispiellose Erfolg der Serie sollte ihm Recht geben. Heutztage würde die Serie vermutlich nach wenigen Folgen von der Social Media gecannelt werden, aber “Baywatch” war für mehr gut als nur für Diskussionen über Pamela Andersons wechselnde Oberweite oder den Karrierstart von Jason Momoa (wahre Geschichte, er wurde für “Baywatch Hawaii” entdeckt und erst durch die Serie Schauspieler, weswegen ich mich schief gelacht habe als er als Aquaman gecastet wurde). Die Serie konnte sich nicht nur deswegen so lange halten, weil Männlein und Weiblein mit gutaussehenden Rettungsschwimmern beider Geschlechter bedient wurden, sondern auch weil sie unglaublich anpassungsfähig war. Action, Sitcom, Romantik, Crime - in “Baywatch” war alles dabei. Parodien von Serienklassikern wie “Charlie’s Angels” und “Gilligans Island” waren ebenso dabei wie Auseinandersetzungen mit ernsten Themen wie Altzheimer, Krebs oder missbräuchlichen Beziehungen. In den 90ern sah sich einfach jeder “Baywatch” an, und besonders das weibliche Publikum schätzte die Serie, da hier Gleichberechtigung unter den Charakteren vorherrschte, mehr noch, oft hatten sogar die Frauen das Sagen und gerade mal Mitch war gleichberechtigt oder höher gestellt als sie.
Bei dem unglaublichen Erfolg der Serie war klar, dass ein Spin Off her musste. Und 1995 war er soweit: “Baywatch Nights” erblickte das Licht der Welt. Aber anders als erwartet war David Hasselhoff auch in dieser Serie mit dabei, hatte aber zugleich “Baywatch” selbst niemals verlassen, was wohl bedeutet, dass der Mann das Geheimnis des Klonen entdeckt haben muss, oder dass er einfach das ganze Jahr über ohne Pause durch drehte um zwei Staffeln pro Jahr produzieren zu können. Wie auch immer, um sich inhaltlich von der Mutterserie abzuheben war die Handlung des Spin-Offs ursprünglich darauf ausgelegt ein Crime Drama zu sein. Nachdem er sich in “Baywatch” selbst ja schon sehr oft als Hobbydetektiv betätigt hatte, gründet Mitch mit dem “Baywatch”-Strand-Polizisten und Token-Schwarzen der Mutterserie Garner im Spin-Off ein Detektiv-Büro und dort lösen die beiden unterstützt von ihrer neuen etwas tollpatischen Partnerin Ryan dann Kriminalfälle.
Soweit so unspektakulär, doch nun kommen wir zum interessanten Teil. Unüberraschenderweise konnte “Baywatch Nights” als 0-8-15-Format nicht mit der Mutterserie mithalten. Inhaltliche Änderungen Mitte der Staffel halfen nicht gegen die sinkenden Quoten, weswegen man sich für Staffel 2 eine inhaltliche Neuausrichtung überlegt hat. Denn Staffel 2 von “Baywatch Nights” sah Mitch auf einmal im Kampf gegen Monster und Bestien und andere übersinnliche Phänomene. Nein, kein Scherz, Mitch trifft einen Alien-Jungen, mit dem er eine empathische Verbindung eingeht, trifft Geister, an die er eigentlich nicht glaubt, und der Vorspann erweckt auf einmal den Anschein direkt aus einem Hardcore Horror-Film entsprungen zu sein. Rückblickend noch witziger ist Neuzugang Dorian Gregory, der Garner in der zweiten Staffel als schwarze männliche Hauptfigur ersetzt und Mitch ständig in die übersinnlichen Fälle hineinzieht, und der nach dem Ende von “Baywatch Nights” sieben von acht Jahren den treuen Polizisten-Verbündeten der Halliwell-Schwestern Daryl Morris in der Original “Charmed”-Serie spielen sollte. Im Vorspann ist er ständig mit den Wicca-Kerzen, die in “Charmed” so groß gefeatured werden sollten, zu sehen. Also, ja, das ist sogar noch witzig als die “Jason Momoa wird Aquaman”-Geschichte.
Auf jeden Fall muss gesagt werden, dass es bereits in “Baywatch” immer wieder einzelne Folgen mit übernatürlichen Elementen gab. Unvergessen ist der Zweitteiler mit dem Geist im Hotel, der eine besondere Verbindung zu Summer hatte, es gab eine Folge mit Aliens (vermutlich, vielleicht), einen Zweiteiler mit Weihnachtselfen (vermutlich, vielleicht) und die Hellseherin Destiny, die in der ersten Hälfte der ersten Staffel von “Baywatch Nights” sogar zu den Hauptfiguren gehörte. Übernatürliche Phänomene waren also nichts Neues für die Franchise, aber die zweite Staffel von “Baywatch Nights” nutzte diese nicht mehr sporadisch, sondern praktisch immer. Mancher Zuseher mag sich vielleicht sogar gefragt haben, ob die zweite Staffel überhaupt zum Canon gehört. Ja, Donna ist nun in beiden Serien Rettungsschwimmerin, aber dass Mitch sich 22 Folgen durch eine Mysterie-Serie scullied war nun wirklich nicht das, was man sich von einem “Baywatch”-Spin-Off erwartet hätte. Unüberraschenderweise endete die Serie mit dieser überaus seltsamen zweiten Staffel.
Was heute auf den ersten Blick klingt wie ein schlechter Witz, der genauso endet wie man es vorausgesehen hat, hatte damals aber durchaus Sinn. Tatsächlich muss man festhalen, dass wir es im Fall von “Baywatch Nights” mit einem rezeptionellen Missverständnis zu tun haben. Während man nämlich aus uneingeweihter denken könnte, “okay, klar wurden sie abgesetzt, wenn sie auf einmal statt Mördern Geister und Aliens jagen”, gibt es aber eine Sache über “Baywatch Nights”, die ich bisher nur am Rande anklingen habe lassen: “Baywatch Nights” war nämlich in Wahrheit eine Parodie-Serie.
Wie bereits erwähnt war Humor “Baywatch” nicht fremd, im Gegenteil Comedy war eigentlich mehr oder weniger immer Teil des Konzepts, zumindest dann, wenn nicht gerade jemand grausam zu Tode kam, und Selbstironie war der Serie nicht fremd. Gefühl unzählige Folgen drehen sich darum, dass Mitch gernevt unangenehme Situationen überstehen muss, und es gab Folgen wie das “Drei Engel für Charlie”-Crossover, die im Grunde vor allem auch eine Parodie der anderen Serie waren. Mitchs Hobby des Detektivspielens war etwas, das sich mehr zufällig als geplant entwickelt hat - nachdem immer wieder Krimi-Elemente in die Serie eingebaut worden waren, war es nur folgerichtig, dass Mitch als Hauptcharakter irgendwann wissen würde, was er tut, wenn er jemanden hinterher schnüffelt. Deswegen ja die Idee den Spin-Off so aufzubauen. Nur, dass Mitch nicht unbedingt besonders gut in diesem ganzen Detektiv-Spiel ist bzw. wenn er es ist, dann weil es sein muss, um Leben zu retten und nicht weil er so ein toller Detektiv wäre.
Als man nun den Spin-Off machte war relativ klar, das man keinen Hardboiled Krimi erschaffen wollte. Stattdessen ... Nun, wenn ich sage, dass Mitch einen Fall lösen muss indem er eine Drag Show abliefert und seine Partnerin Ryan wie erwähnt tollpatischig ist und bei ihrer Szene im Vorspann vom einem Scheinwerfer geblendet wird, dann könnt ihr euch vielleicht denken worauf es stattdessen hinaus gelaufen ist. Im Grunde war die erste Staffel von “Baywatch Nights” eine Parodie auf “Das Model und der Schnüffler” mit Mitch und Ryan als ungleiches Paar, die irgendwann zusammen kommen würden oder auch nicht, während sie gemeinsam Fälle lösten. Nicht umsonst gehörte die Hellseherin Destiny zu den ursprünglichen Hauptfiguren, bei der wie Garner es ausdrückt “der Fahrstuhl nicht bis ganz noch Oben fährt”. Doch ähnlich wie bei der Mutterserie mussten 22 Folgen gefüllt werden, und manchmal verirrte sich durchaus ein “Baywatch”-Skript in den Spin-Off, was zu der einen oder anderen wirklich harten Folge führte. Trotzdem im Grunde ihres Herzens war die Serie nicht ernst gemeint.
Und deswegen ist es auch nur logisch, dass die Konzeptänderung dazu führte, dass “Baywatch Nights” von einer Krimi-Parodie in seiner zweiten Staffel zu einer “Akte X”-Parodie mutierte. Ich habe nicht umsonst darauf verwiesen, dass die 90 die Blütezeit der Science Fiction im Fernsehen war, und “Akte X” war damals neben “Baywatch” der andere beispiellose Erfolg im Fernsehen. Deswegen ist Ryan in zweiten Staffel auf einmal Wissenschaftlerin, und deswegen leugnet Mitch das Übernatürliche, wenn immer es den Autoren in den Kram passt: Staffel 2 war eine ziemlich deutliche Parodie auf “Akte X”.
Nur, dass das Publikum das nicht verstanden hat. Der Hauptanteil der Zuseher von “Baywatch Nights” waren “Baywatch”-Fans. C.J. war diejenige, die an Hellseher und Geister glaubt, Mitch musste ein Skeptiker sein, die Scully im Team, aber für “Akte X” braucht es eine Scully und einen Mulder. Und Nebelschwaden im Vorspann sind genau das, was Leute, die sich an Sonne, Strand und Rettungsschwimmern erfreuen eigentlich nicht sehen wollen. Staffel 1 war unaufregend aber nett anzusehen, es war bekanntes Territorium, die Rettungsschwimmer von Baywatch lösen immer wieder mal Kriminalfälle, warum sollten Mitch und Garner das also nicht in ihrer Freizeit auch tun? Aber Monster jagen? Oh, nein, das passt nicht. Parodie-Folgen waren eine Sache, aber ein ganzes Parodie-Format? Mitte der 90er war so etwas im Grunde noch unbenkbar.
Deswegen musste “Baywatch Nights” sterben. Weil die Serie im Grunde ihrer Zeit voraus war und zu viel von den Zusehern und den eigenen Autoren erwartet hat.
Was schade ist. War der Spin-Off ein Hauptgewinn? Sicherlich nicht. Aber er war ein überaus interessanter Versuch mehr zu sein als er auf den ersten Blick zu sein schien. Und heute ist er eine überaus interessante Geschichte, über die man zu anderen sagen kann: “Ja, das ist wirklich passiert, ich war dabei”.
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Charli XCX, Pamela Anderson and More Showed Up and Out at the H&M x Mugler Show
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awesome-kirsten · 1 year
Charli XCX, Pamela Anderson and More Showed Up and Out at the H&M x Mugler Show
0 notes
olatokunbo · 1 year
Charli XCX, Pamela Anderson and More Showed Up and Out at the H&M x Mugler Show
0 notes
ivanreycristo · 2 years
..x cierto..subí al nuevo puente de la CONCORDIA (q está situado más o menos donde me dieron x detrás con mi BMW comprado en calle SALVA-TIERRA=IBERICAR_CUZCO ..o frente a la TERMINAL IV en Construcción x lo q tuve q ir a REHABILITACION en IBERMUTUAMUR junto a UNIVERSAL MUSIC SPAIN cuyo presidente era SIMONE BOSE o primo de Miguel BOSE cuando murió con 51 años el 31_12_13..y frente Polideportivo SAN JUAN BAUTISTA..impidiendo q fuera a la VIRGIN MONEY MARATON de LONDRES pero en su lugar fui a LAS VEGAS-San FRANCISCO-LOS ANGELES-LAS VEGAS aprovechando q mi padre iba a la Feria del Sector del Broadcast NAB pero yo llegué 2 días más tarde x lo q me estuvo esperando de MADRUGADA en el Hotel CIRCUS CIRCUS viendo como los YANKEES tiraban la Estatua de SADDAM HUSSEIN y por la mañana fotografié la pantalla exterior del CAESAR PALACE con la bandera de EEUU y lema ONE NATION UNDER GOD y bajo el anuncio de A NEW DAY de Celine DION..y luego en la zona de tiendas me Cruze con PAMELA ANDERSON Y con su EX- KID ROCK con el q se casó en un YATE en Saint Tropez tras acabar muy mal con el padre de sus hijos o el batería de MOTLEY CRUE con el grabó un vídeo porno en otro yate q salió a la luz..y en L.A. o Estudios UNIVERSAL fotografié tanto una RIADA como recreación de la peli más cara y ruinosa hasta entonces como WATER_WORLD de Kevin COSTNER q luego hizo MENSAJERO DEL FUTURO con el malogrado TOM PETTY cuyo homenaje en MADRID dio lugar a la fundación de EL SANTO cuyo CD homónimo me firmó diciendo q hace FALTA ROCK DE VERDAD y yo no lo conocía de nada )..con la camiseta con la q HOLANDA ganó la EUROCOPA'88 q acababa de comprar xq entonces seguía mucho el canal de la MOTERA HOLANDESA x el MUNDO ITCHY BOOTS a raíz de Cruzarse con CHARLY SINEWAN en EL SALVADOR y ayudarla con unos papeles de su moto en la FRONTERA
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petrichoravellichor · 5 years
For the College AU thing: -you’re my uber driver and it turns out we’re in the same class, let's say... Pamela and Charlie. Cause I got you into that paring ;)
Hell yes you did! 😍 Side note: I made a minor tweak to the prompt and used Lyft instead. 💜
Oh fudge, thought Charlie as she pulled up to the curb in her yellow bug, watching as a smiling brunette approached with a wave. It’s her, it’s the hot girl from school, crud crud cr⁠—
“Hi, Charlie?” the woman said, looking in through the rolled-down passenger window and holding up her phone to show the open Lyft app. 
Charlie swallowed and nodded quickly. “Hi! Yep, that’s me. You’re, uh, Pamela?”
Pamela grinned, nodding as she pocketed her phone and opened the car door to slide into the backseat. 
Charlie took a deep breath and gripped the steering wheel. Keep it together, Bradbury. If Éowyn can face down the Witch-king, you can handle a ten-minute drive to The Roadhouse with your crush. She exhaled slowly and pulled back into the street. Phew. Yeah, okay, I got this. 
“Say, aren’t you in my Sociology lecture?” came Pamela’s voice from the backseat.
I don’t got this. “Um, yeah, I think so,” said Charlie, meeting Pamela’s gaze in the rearview mirror. “Eight a.m. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with Professor Moseley in Campbell Hall?”
“Yep,” said Pamela with a smile, and holy mother of whoa, she was even prettier up close. “She’s pretty great, right?”
“Yeah. Yeah, she’s awesome,” agreed Charlie, forcing herself to focus on the road. Of course Pamela was one of those passengers that liked to make small talk, of course, did Charlie really think her luck would be any different? She cast around for something interesting to say, something that would let Pamela know just how cool and open-minded she was; what she landed on was, “So um, The Roadhouse, huh? You go there often?”
“Heck yeah, best burgers in town,” said Pamela. “You know it?”
“Yeah, my friend’s family runs it. Jo. That’s my friend. But, you know, she’s just my friend, we’re not dating or anything.” What?! Oh my god, you did not just say that out loud! Charlie gave a nervous laugh. “Ha, I mean, of course we’re not dating, I don’t know why I said that, I mean, I like girls, but…” Holy crap, you idiot, shut up, shut up! “Um, I, uh, I’m going to just stop talking now, if that’s okay.”
To her surprise, Pamela laughed. “Nah, it’s fine, I don’t mind. Besides,” she added, winking at Charlie in the rearview mirror, “you’re kinda cute when you’re flustered.”
What? Oh. OH. “Oh,” said Charlie, feeling somewhat dazed as a hot flush crept up her neck. She licked her lips and returned the smile Pamela was giving her. “Um, thanks.”
Maybe she did have this after all…
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