hazbinmurderparty1846 · 5 months
The new AU
Alright. So. New Hazbin Hotel AU. Or maybe it should be called a fanfic instead. I'm just gonna set some warnings here, so nobody accidentally gets content they don't want.
This is a crossover AU between Hazbin Hotel and Tim Burton's Sweeney Todd (2007). It's based on the plot of the latter, with the characters of the former. It's currently a concept, not yet finished, but I plan to post things and you may all give your suggestions as to how to improve it. I would very much appreciate that, actually. I do not know what I'm doing in the least. /hj /lh
TWs: Sexual assault, murder, mention of suicide attempt, cannibalism, implication of pedophilia/child marriage. Also there's two OCs of mine.
AngelicSmile (Alastor x Emily)
RadioRose (Alastor x Rosie; one-sided)
CharLijah (Charlie x OC)
Idk if this counts as a ship, but Valentino being Valentino to both Emily (in a flashback) and said OC
Once the planning stage is complete I will be posting one character design/ref per day in order of relevance, starting with Alastor as most important and working backwards. In addition, concepts and other art and notes will be released whenever tf I feel like it. Feedback is welcome and desired and please dear god don't make me do this alone /hj
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charlexile · 5 years
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#4 : Extra eyes
I got,,, carried away,,,,
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charlijah · 6 years
Retribution’s Vintage part 2
... a glimmer of hope appears in Emil’s eyes.
“It is possible they would. It would have to feel as though it was of extreme importance.”
“Would helping you start a new vineyard be sufficient,” Elijah asks.
“Unfortunately, no. I have tried to get them to come here and help me set up to create new wines. They saw it as an offer of pity.”
After several more minutes of silence Elijah tries again. “Would they be willing to leave Italy to help set up a new vineyard? If you were to have a partner, say in America who was wanting to set up a vineyard with grapes from here?”
The first true smile Charlotte has seen from him slowly makes its way to Emil’s face and eyes.
“In such a situation, they just might. Would that be your way of asking me to be your partner?”
“I do believe such an arrangement could be mutually beneficial. I do enjoy a good wine,” comes Elijah’s reply.
Several days and much planning later a knock on the front door interrupts the trio’s mid-day meal. Emil soon escorts three men into the dinning area.
“Gentlemen, you must be hungry. Please join us and relax for a spell.”
“Apologies. We were told you wanted to see us Emil,” the oldest replies for the group.
“I did ask for you to come. Please join us for a meal.”
“We brought with us a bottle of your favorite wine,” Antony offers.
“Your wine is what we would like to discuss with you gentlemen. Please, join us,” Elijah encourages.
After everyone is sufficiently fed, Elijah turns to Antony. “Sir, it is my understanding that the wine I have enjoyed while staying with my friend is of your making.”
“It is so,” Antony replies. “our family has made wine for many generations.”
“Oh please, Elijah. Do ask them for me,” Charlotte pleads.
With a laugh Elijah replies, “As you gentlemen observe, my wife has developed quite the taste for your creation. I asked Emil of its origin resulting in you being asked here.”
It is plain to see the pleasure and pride in the eyes of all three men in response to the compliments offered.
“My wife and I are soon returning to America. We came to Italy to visit Emil and to learn what we could of the workings of a winery as we are wanting to invest in one ourselves. Emil is willing to join with me in this venture in America.”
“The proposal is this. I am asking for a favor in truth. We would like for this to be a successful business for all parties. However, I am unable to go to America at this time and I need someone to represent me within the company there. We also need a knowledgable voice to help establish vines from here. No one knows this better than the Valentino family. I was wondering if your family would be willing to be my partners in this and help Elijah and Charlotte set things up and get the company started?”
“Emil and I have agreed to be equal partners. Therefore, you would represent his half of the company. If we are successful, you would be in charge of his half of the assets.”
“Of course, I would ask that you keep in regular contact with me in regards to the company.”
All three men seem very uncomfortable with the proposal. Noticing this, Charlotte speaks up.
“I must apologize gentlemen. In my zeal I seem to have offended you. My husband is a good man and truthfully he spoils me. I had indicated months ago that as much as we enjoy a truly good wine we should find a company to join or begin a new one. It is for my benefit that they have approached you. I completely understand not wanting to leave your homeland.”
“No offense was taken, it simply is not a decision to be made lightly. I must speak with my wife regarding this offer.” Antony pauses for a moment and looks at his sons. “If we decide to do this it will take some time to make preparations before we could leave.”
“Certainly. Please do discuss the matter with your family. Charlotte and I will be here for another week. We would be honored if all or some of you could accompany us to America. By doing so you could look at the land in question and help us to make needed changes and improvements before the vines could be brought over.”
Tag list: @rissyrapp20 @taylordrunkonwhiskey @idkhaylijah
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Author’s note: At Saint Mungo’s after the fight in the Department Of Mystery’s.
Dumbledore talking to Andromeda Tonks in her daughter’s hospital room while Remus is “asleep” by her side.
“Andromeda,” Dumbledore began, “the problem is you look at Remus and see the boy that bested you so in school and as a werewolf. When we look at Remus we see a good man who has led a hard life. A man that willingly puts himself in harms way to protect those he cares about. Nymphadora looks at Remus and sees not a werewolf, but rather a man that loves her and respects her. She sees the huge heart Remus has for others. Someone who wil stand by her no matter what. She sees the man.”
“I hear what you’re saying Professor...”
“But you feel that you’ve done nothing wrong.”
“Well let me ask this of you. Consider how he might be feeling. Yes, you lost your cousin tonight. I am not meaning to minimize your loss in anyway. However, Remus has now lost every friend he has ever had. His entire family has been taken from him. Both biological and adopted families. The only remaining connection to his past is Harry. The only other person in the world who he has let get close to him is Nymphadora and he almost lost both of them as well.
He is hurting Andromeda, in a way few people can comprehend. On top of that is the prejudice he has to deal with. The icing on the proverbial cake tonight has been you trying to separate him From Nymphadora and insulting Sirius.
The others who have been here tonight know all of this and more. Can you honestly blame them for being angry with you? The only person you are thinking about is you.”
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mschellehitt · 6 years
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The Kindness of Strangers - The Kindness Of Strangers: Part 1 (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/pd1QJyqCdQ 
 Time: 1415-1423 
Location: mainly a village near Paris Elijah finds himself in a quaint little village near Paris.
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handsomepianoman · 7 years
Rate the Ship -  Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - Umm forever duh!
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - Pretty quickly I’d say
How was their first kiss? - It was magic.
Who proposed? - Elijah
Who is the best man/men? - Klaus
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - Eden?
Who did the most planning? - Charlee
Who stressed the most? - Charlee
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Enemies
Who is on top? - Elijah
Who is the one to instigate things? - Both
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - Long enough?
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - Yes, though Elijah does try to give Charlee more
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - If they could maybe 1 or 2
How many children will they adopt? - As many as Charlee would like as Elijah says
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Charlee
Who is the stricter parent? - Elijah
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Charlee
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Charlee
Who is the more loved parent? - Charlee
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? Neither? Though maybe Charlee on occasion because she’d drag Elijah along
Who cried the most at graduation? - Charlee
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Neither, though maybe Charlee
Who does the most cooking? - Charlee
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Neither, though I guess Elijah
Who does the grocery shopping? - Both
How often do they bake desserts? - Pretty often
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Ehhh they’re inclined to both
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Elijah
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Elijah
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - Charlee?
Who cleans the room? - Both
Who is really against chores? - Neither
Who cleans up after the pets? - Neither
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - One of the kids
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Charlee
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Elijah
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Charlee
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - Elijah
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Every holiday possible
What are their goals for the relationship? - To make each other happy
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Elijah
Who plays the most pranks? - Charlee
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elijahhale · 6 years
Otp for Elijah?
honestly, if i had a otp, it’d probably be either charlijah ( @innxcentfaces ) or tawlijah ( @lilacxrosesx ).
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innxcentfaces · 6 years
👫 charlijah!!
Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship (Accepting)
Charlie likes to sing in the shower, but she’s not very good at it. Every time she comes out, it’s to Elijah nearly in tears from laughing.
To keep his mind off of everything that was going on in his life, Charlie made it her mission to make him laugh as often as possible, no matter how bad things got.
After holding him together during withdrawal and the court proceedings, Charlie is more sure than ever that the two of them can survive anything. 
Through Media exposure during the trial, Charlie somehow managed to gain a rather large instagram following, though she still uses it the same as she always did. It still shocks her to this day when she remembers that she has actual fans. 
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She tasted of sweetness and light. Her youth, and innocence, and purity, tastes like the sun before it caused such agony. Before he had to be shackled by his ring to step foot into it. Before when he was unburdened and carefree. She reminds him of things he’s forgotten, true humanity, and he would weep if it didn’t mean letting her go.
“E-Elijah….” Her meek, timid voice, so different from most vampires, both fledgling and old, that carries such confidence and bravado, broke through his fog. And it, more than the latter, is what commands him to stop.
He immediately pulled back from her to look into those bright, emerald eyes. “I’m sorry,” he told her, but licking his lips to get every last drop off them. He needed every last drop now. “Did I hurt you?”
She shook her head, of course. He could have snapped her arms and legs like twigs and he was certain she would still just shake her head with that sweet hint of a smile and tell him it was ok. She never wanted to be a quote ‘burden’. As if this sweet, guileless, creature could be anything of the sort.
“No, you didn’t hurt me.” She said of course. “I just….I was starting to get a little light headed.” She confessed quietly, as if she were ashamed. Like she should be able to or should give more. Another hopelessly remarkable trait for their kind, selflessness.
He loosened his tie and unbuttoned his collar, tilting his head to the side to expose his neck for her.
Those vivid, expressive green eyes widen and turn to him. “I didn’t me-“It’s alright.” He cut in, sensing a ramble.
She bit her lip, even though he had told her to stop doing that. It gave him another craving that he almost saw fit not to keep controlled. “But wouldn’t that kind of defeat the purpose?”
He smiled at her faintly, cupping her cheek just as delicately. She’s not made of glass, like he treats her. And he is aware that it is his own fears rather than her actual stamina or body that makes him treat her that way. He knew she was strong. He knew she wasn’t as helpless or naïve or as weak as his idolized version made her out to be. But that didn’t stop him from wanting to protect her and keep her from all the things he had had to suffer over his long life. If he could keep her pure, and sweet, and smiling, he could be happy for the rest of his days. “I’m much better now thanks to you.” In so many ways, but now is not the time to divulge that. It would take too longer.
Eyes flickering to his neck again, staying there, she licked her lips, something he had to tell her later not to do as well, before she leaned in slowly to bare her fangs and sink them in.
A pin prick to him, more or less, something like this would never cause someone like him pain. And she was much more careful than others that just dug their fangs in like beasts to take what they needed. But it’s a feeling of warmth, desire that filled him up instead of pain or remorse on what he and the others must do to survive. He wanted her to feed on him. He wanted to give his blood to her. His strength, his power, his everything.
Wrapping his arms around her he held her close as she continued to her fill. He had the sinking suspicion he would never reach his fill, though. He would never be sated or satisfied after now.
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charles-fabray · 12 years
All 'Cause of You → Charlie & Eli
Charlotte Fabray smiled to herself as Eli told her he'd meet her outside, her cheeks warming and her legs feeling a little rubbery in response. Quietly, the blonde put down  the book she had been reading, very willing to be distracted by her boyfriend at this point. She had been so busy with the recently grumpy Levi that she had put everything else on the backburner, including her schoolwork. She hadn't even changed out of her clothes, though it was almost two in the morning, so she only grabbed her jacket and gave her sleeping son a parting glance, the small boy curled around a tattered stuffed elephant, breathing softly. It was so odd. Sometimes she could swear he looked just like Eli when Eli slept, face clear of emotion, features smooth and expression peaceful. It was really something that put her mind at ease. He had been so upset lately, thereby making Charlie upset by default. But his teeth were finally coming in, and she thought they'd be relieved soon. Moving softly out of their bedroom and then out of the Puckerman residence, pulling her sleeves down so the slight chill of Ohio night air didn't disturb her too much.
Charlie felt a little shy as she approached her boyfriend, though it wasn't as if they were unfamiliar to this sort of thing. Several times a week the two had to sneak out to find time to themselves once they rediscovered their intense physical attraction to each other. Though they had never quite crossed the boundaries they had crossed some sixteen months ago on the Fabrays' couch due to nervousness or interruptions or just generally not having the time, they had gotten pretty close and more comfortable with it. She supposed, with him, she would always feel sort of antsy about it.  Grateful that it was late at night as opposed to broad daylight, Charlie's hazel eyes found the tall dark-haired boy and before she knew it, she was jogging towards him, one of her hands finding his and her other reaching for the back of his neck. She had stood on her toes to close the distance between their lips while also closing the distance between their bodies and pressing her hips into his, leaning their entangled bodies into the side of his truck. Pulling back fractionally, Charlie leaned away to whisper, "Hi," before connecting their mouths together again. 
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charlexile · 6 years
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*sips his tea* I don’t know what I’m doing but I’m still proud
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charlijah · 6 years
Retribution’s Vintage part 1
Elijah and Charlotte spend the first few months of married life traveling through Europe. There are quite a few people he wants to check in with and introduce Charlotte to as well.
Eventually they make their way to Italy. It has been long since Elijah has been there. He wants to locate Emil and thus far has been unable to do so.
Midnight Mass in Rome. Since they began their married life with Christmas Eve Midnight Mass, it only seemed right that they start the celebration of their 1 year anniversary with it as well. As Mass concludes, Charlotte goes to light a candle for her lost loved ones. Elijah joins her kneeling in prayer. A strong hand on his shoulder interrupts but it is a presence which makes him smile.
“Emil. The very one I have been searching for. Do I know the ones you light a candle for?”
“Indeed. At least some of them. Those back in Spain.”
“I take it there have been recent losses to bring you here.”
“This is something that should be discussed elsewhere my friend.”
Twenty minutes later Emil leads them into a comfortable looking house outside of town. Once they are inside Elijah begins.
“Emil, first of all I would like to introduce my wife, Charlotte.”
“Elijah Mikaelson, my sire and my friend. Married. And to a human no less. It is a pleasure, my lady.” He gives her a courtly bow to accompany his smile as he kisses her hand.
“It’s a good thing I know you so well Emil, otherwise I might think you were flirting with my wife.”
“I may find myself in a difficult situation, Elijah, but I assure you I’m not suicidal.”
Charlotte laughs as she interrupts, “it’s a pleasure to meet you Emil. We’ve been trying to find you.”
Elijah smiles at her and kisses her cheek as they sit before the fire.
“Emil. What is this difficult situation you find yourself in?”
Emil sits quietly for several moments staring into the fire.
“Perhaps your timing is fortuitous.”
“How so?” Charlotte asks.
“Elijah, you know I take my promise to keep our ‘condition’ a secret seriously. I do not want the Destroyer to rain down upon us. However, there is a family in the Southern part of this country that knows of me.”
“I know you do Emil. What happened?”
“How they came to know is of little importance to the problem. They have known of me for a generation or two before Antony who is now the head of the family. I have known Antony all his life. Much like your example, we work together to help their village without the village knowing where the aid truly comes from.”
“What happened to Antony’s family,” Charlotte asks.
“I had not heard from them in a few months so I went to check on them. A new leader was sent to the church. A crooked leader that only cares for money and power. The Valentino family has crafted and cared for vineyards there for generations. The new leadership decided to claim the family’s land in the name of the church. When Antony sent an appeal to the arch bishop to allow them to keep part of the land his appeal was so ordered. However, men were sent to their home instead. These men were evil and beat the men that were present and raped and killed their only daughter.”
Charlotte could feel the rage seething out of Elijah as he listened to Emil. She turns herself against his chest in an effort to comfort both of them. He places an arm around her and kisses the top of her head.
“I have tried to offer assistance to the family but they refuse,” Emil continues. “They insist that if I come and seek revenge on these animals then the village will loose faith. They refuse to allow me to move them elsewhere to escape the continued taunts and cruelty heaped upon them. I prayed earlier for help in this matter.”
The three of them sit in silence for several minutes until Charlotte asks, “would they leave if they thought they were helping you in some way Emil?”
A glimmer of hope appears in Emil’s eyes.
Author’s Note: If you would like to be tagged in this story I would be happy to add you.
Tag list: @rissyrapp20 @taylordrunkonwhiskey @idkhaylijah
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mschellehitt · 5 years
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From “Then Annotated Sherlock Holmes at one end to Complete Shakespeare at the other with Feehan to L’Amour and Kenyon and Rowling in between!
Not to mention all the digital books (which is where my Elijah books are). I need a way to ‘show’ my favs on here.
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charbear-fabray · 12 years
A Spoon Full of Sugar | Eli & Charlie
Charlie quickly ducked out of her car after she parked in the Puckerman's driveway, taking a moment to pause when she stepped out of the car with a plastic bag of groceries. Not too long ago, she had walked up this very place, pink hair, shredded tights, nose piercing, raspy voice, cigarettes in hand. She had been talking to Puck, asking him about his intentions with Rachel. Who wasn't talking to her now. She had gotten drunk and jealous about Rachel and Eli being alone together. She had done a lot of things. But she couldn't let that stop her now. No, she had to keep moving and put it behind her. 
Taking a breath, she started up the porch and walked inside, nodding a little shyly to Sarah, who was doing homework in the living room. She hadn't seen Sarah since she and Eli last dated, and didn't know how much she knew or what she thought of her these days. She didn't see Mrs. Puckerman, but that wasn't unusual. The woman worked two jobs and constantly kept busy, like it would be physically painful if she stopped moving. Moving up the stairs, she heard a distant noise and followed it to Eli's room, immediately sighing as she saw his sickly appearance. Without realizing it, she found herself moving to sit on the bed beside him. "Baby...", She trailed off, raising her hand to place on his forehead. "How sick are you?"
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char/elijah otp
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charles-fabray · 12 years
Sure/Unsure | Eli & Charlie
As Charlotte Fabray finished typing up her conclusion on her lab report, it took her until she was done to realize that she had been typing with her left hand and was chewing on the nails of her right hand. Sighing, she released her hand and balled it up into a fist- She thought she had quit that habit, but it apparently made an appearance once her mind was too busy with other things to resist. And her mind was busy, with motherhood and being a good girlfriend and helping around the house and her schoolwork and trying to be there for all of her friends. Santana was supporting twins and one on the way all by herself, and Rosie had left Austin. Rachel and Puck were still on the rocks, and all of her other friends were still getting slushied. It was a lot to worry about, and Charlie already worried by nature. So no doubt her brain had already been cooking up ways to cope, and her nail-biting had reappeared, which was actually disgusting if you thought about it enough. 
Levi was a good baby, but some days Charlie was just unsure what to do with or scared she was doing everything wrong. An upset Charlie had called her own mother a couple times late at night for advice, not wanting to make Mrs. Puckerman think she was a bad mother, but she didn't want to make a habit of it. And Eli was a big help, but he hardly knew more than she did, and he was at McKinley mostly anyways. Which was also a source of worry for the young blonde. She knew he wasn't likely to do anything to betray her- They were so close these days it'd be hard for her to miss it. But she was worried the halt in physical intimacy and romance due to her inexperience would tire on him eventually. And their conversation about said intimacy was still worrying her as she lightly pushed the door to their bedroom open, hand on the doorknob to keep it from hitting the wall. 
Their baby boy was sleeping, one little hand curled up in a fist and pressed to his chest, looking both innocent and angry at the same time. The Fabray wanted badly to run a hand over his hair that seemed to get darker everyday, or his smooth skin to see if he was warm enough for her liking, but that would probably wake him, so she resisted. Lifting her hazel eyes up to her boyfriend, she made her way over to him, and sat down on their bed, her hands tingling in a nervous and kind of annoying way. They had been together for months now, they were living together and had a baby! She shouldn't still have been uneasy about simply sitting by him- But she was. "Hi," She said softly, resting her hands in her lap and searching his face for a short moment before taking his hand into both of hers, grimacing at the now-short fingernails of her right hand. Charlie rested her lips against his knuckles, and then kissed them very lightly, and without moving them away said, "So you don't like the idea?"
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