#chase collins au
fandomfluffandfuck · 9 months
danggg where's that pool scene gif from the covenant 👀 young seb drooling over the man swimming towards him, his legs locked up and refusing to help him not just stand there and s t a r e 👀👀
(chase x andy or evanstan? both delicious thots mhm)
i mean, since we're talking about the covenant, let's incorporate the shower scene to this fantasy, shall we? months later he surprises his daddy with a visit to the pool during his regular workout hours and shows up with a skimpy little number...
cue the possessive hands all over chase's body, the brat in him going pliant over the bigger man's fingers cupping his jaw and the other slowly inching towards his tiny little trunks... andy going, 'this a present for me, sweet thing?' while chase lets out a groan, he can't think anymore, ok? he just wants those large hands in him, on him, any way he can get it, please!
related to this
Woooof, yeah, that's a great fucking AU idea! Twink Sebastian with DILF fucking Evans 😮‍💨😮‍💨
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And, Jesus Christ, the idea of Chase (or Sebastian) showing up at the pool later to surprise Andy (or Chris)? Too much. 😮‍💨😮‍💨
He'd be covered in goosebumps, shivering and shaking as Andy touches him everywhere--it's cold in the changing rooms, and Andy's big, possessive hands are damp but warm from the water he was just swimming in, plus, he's hot all over from exercising. His heart pounding in his chest, and the veins in the back of his hands and forearms emboldened. The temperature difference leaves Chase gasping, then weak at the knees as he melts, getting just as hot. Hotter. Blushing with his eyes rolling back into his head as Andy clamps one hand over his mouth, muffling all his pathetic, tiny mewls as he shoves his other hand underneath his flimsy excuse for swim trunks and plays with his little hole. It's so sensitive and, "my, my, my, what's this? Were you already greedy today, sweetheart? Were you playing with yourself before you came and gave yourself to me to have? Presented on a silver fuckin' platter. Swear to God." He's already slick and loose with lube.
Chase whines and claws at his wrist and forearm, struggling to hold onto anything and not slump down the lockers he's been pressed against. Stuck between Andy's hot, big, broad chest and the cold metal lockers behind him. Overwhelmed.
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sgt-seabass · 2 years
Hi sweets!
So I wanted to start off by telling you how much I'm enjoying your Clockwork AU and your latest chapter "I don't even care about you"
It's been such an amazing journey so far and you've created such an in depth and incredible world.
I know we got a little glimpse into Nick's past this last chapter and I love that (you make it easy to fall for him even though he does what he does) and I was wondering if you wanted to share anything on the backstory of how he met some of the other alphas/omegas that work with and for him. You write them all so well and they are all distinct in their duties and personalities, which I love, so I'm just thinking...does Nick have favorites (I have some ideas of my own).
I hope my question is clear! I'd love to hear what you have to say at your leisure and I'm looking forward to more of all of them when you're ready to share!
Thank you! Lots of love to you! ❤️
First off, holy shit thank you so much. You’ve made my month with this ask. Knowing that you’re interested enough about the Clockwork AU to ask about it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. I honestly cannot thank you enough for reading and engaging. You’re amazing, and you deserve the world. 💙
I’d love to share more with you! I’ve got a lot of the background planned out, as it helps frame the pieces.
Drabble below the cut (it's a bit long haha)
Nick's favourites are Mace, Beck and Steve (Kemp). Nick met Steve while in university. Steve was studying medicine, and Nick was studying finance. They were in the same fraternity. Also in their fraternity were Ransom (studying book publishing), Charles (studying real estate) and Ari (studying business management). They’re all good mates, so when Nick invested well in the stock market and made millions, they quickly invited him into their inner circle.
Nick never came from money like the others, so it wasn’t until he became self-made that he was invited to the more rich-established events.
At a fundraiser for ex-military alphas, Nick met Mace, who wasn’t sure what he wanted to do with his life now that he wasn’t a serving member. Nick offered him a job. A purpose. To work with him as he built his empire. It was an offer Mace couldn’t refuse.
Beck was at the same university as the others, studying a double degree in aerospace engineering and medicine. He dreamt of being an astronaut. Unfortunately, it wasn’t until partway through his degree that he discovered he was colourblind, meaning he couldn’t go on space expeditions. Dreams crushed, he fell into a deep depression. He still attended his medicine lectures, where he became friends with Steve. When Steve told Nick of Beck’s situation, Nick decided to take Beck in. Like Mace, he offered Beck a purpose.
Both facing the offer of a prime alpha, Mace and Beck weren’t really in a position to say no. And Nick treated them well. As both a friend and employee.
None of the other alphas work for him. Charles, Ransom, Chase, Lee, Robert, Ari, Hal and Lloyd all have their own professions. However, as Nick is the only prime alpha among them, they hold a level of respect for him, and they value his business relationship. So, when Nick asked for a favour, they accepted. Plus, seeing as the favour was to fuck with his omega, it was not much of a pain on their part to participate. They need Nick’s business, seeing as he runs the largest omega trafficking ring in the country, so they’ll do what they have to to maintain that positive relationship.
As I will reveal as I explore each alpha (and beta if you count Steve), they are all cogs in the clockwork. Each of them is different and has a different role to play. Yet, they all meld together to create a malicious storm for any omega unfortunate enough to come across them.
Thank you again for this ask. It was so much fun to answer! 💙 I'd love to hear more of your thoughts if you were feel like sharing 💙
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
Bad Girl's Club, Chapter 23
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings:  angst, harassment, smut.
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“Thanks for coming out to me tonight,” Sam smiled, nervously biting her lip as she and Chase walked through the park together.  The older man smiled, holding his girlfriend’s hand as they enjoyed some time alone, “It really means a lot that you could take some time away from grading papers and stuff.”
“Yeah,” he nodded, giving her a soft look as he gently squeezed her hand, “I missed this, you know…getting to see you…getting to hold your hand.  Getting to kiss you without automatically being judged for every little thing.”
“The struggles of dating a superhero,” she giggled, trying to make a joke of it.  He gave a small chuckle and she sighed, “I’m really trying to make sure we have time together, Chase…but it seems like everywhere I go-”
“Electragirl!” a man smiled, running up to her. 
“Shit,” she cursed, looking at her boyfriend.  She shook her head, a sad look crossing her features, “I’m sorry, Chase.”
Chase instantly let go of her hand as she gave the fan a nervous smile. He was quick to shove a marker in her face and ask for an autograph and a picture, “this is crazy that I’m seeing you out.  And not in your super suit!  The four rarely ever goes out anymore.  Not since your brother’s scandal.”
“Y-yeah, I-“
“It’s crazy what your brother did, isn’t it?” he asked, instantly cutting her off.  He gave Chase a small glance before looking back to her, “following in his footsteps, huh?  But going after an older man.”
“Excuse me?”
“Good on you man,” the fan smiled, “giving guys like us a chance, right?”
Chase felt his jaw tighten at the man’s comments, his hand immediately slipping around his girlfriend’s waist, “we’re just trying to enjoy a night out alone…if you don’t mind.”
“Don’t get me wrong, it’s nowhere near as bad as what he’s doing,” the guy said quickly, as though he was trying to backtrack and doing a horrible job of it, “I mean…you’re eighteen and seeing someone older.  There’s no real harm in that.  That girl though…sheesh.  The situation is a disaster.  I mean, showing up naked on a minor’s balcony.  Scandal.  But hey, that’s why you’re the new addition…new kid on the block.”
“I think you should leave.”
The guy’s cheery demeanor instantly diminished as he spared Chase another glance, “and what are you going to do, huh?  Your girlfriend here is the one with the super powers.  You gonna assault a guy in front of her?”
“If he keeps insulting her family and their significant others, yes.”
“You hearing this, Electragirl?” he growled, trying to turn it around on Chase, “this fucking knucklehead-“
“Please don’t talk about my boyfriend like that,” she said simply, cutting the man off, “he’s just sticking up for my bro-“
“Your brother is a real piece of work is what he is.” Sam frowned and dropped the marker the guy had handed to her and squeezed the autograph book until the electricity ran through it.  When the voltage bit the paper and turned to flames, she dropped it on the ground singing it until it was nothing but a pile of ashes at their feet.  The guy became angrier, “What the hell do you think you’re doing, huh?”
“I was being nice,” she growled, over the conversation and the guy’s obvious lack of concern for her brother and best friend, “until you started insulting my family and friends…be happy all I did was burn your little autograph book…”
“Are you threatening me?”
“Chase…let’s go…”
“Read my mind, sweetheart,” He frowned, already leading her away, “sorry about date night, baby…the park was my idea…and probably not my best.  Next time…let’s just stay in…yeah?”
“Yeah,” she sighed sadly, the realization that she wasn’t just a regular teen anymore hitting her like a freight train.  She leaned into her boyfriend’s side, “yeah…maybe you’re right.”
“ELECTRAGIRL IS THREATENING ME!” the man yelled from behind them, no doubt pulling out his phone to record the couple walking away.
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“Oh god, I so needed this.”
Johnny smiled, his lips curving against his girlfriend’s soft skin as he continued pressing kisses to her shoulders and neck.  She moaned when he lightly bit down on the supple skin, causing the blood to rush to his hardening member. 
His arms wrapped around her waist, his hands slipping into the snow pants to help slide them down her frame.  His heart raced at the sight of his half-naked girlfriend.
“Let me help you out of all your clothes,” he purred softly, his fingertips touching the lace of her panties.  He growled against her bare neck, and she shivered.  He felt his hands warming up a little bit more, “you cold, baby?  I could definitely warm you up.”
His heated fingertips trailed over her clothed core, and she arched her back; the reaction instantaneous in her mind, “Johnny…please.”
“Johnny please,” she moaned, lost in the throes of her own orgasm yet again as she clung to her boyfriend.  Her nails dug into his ass as she held him in his spot, her pussy pulsating around his own throbbing member, “JOHNNY!”
“FUCK!” he growled, feeling his warmth spreading throughout her body.  Her eyes rolled back into her skull as his warmth seemed to touch every nerve, igniting it all at once.  It threw her straight into another orgasm, her hips instinctively bucking against Johnny’s.
“Johnny wait…”
Johnny immediately stopped at his girlfriend’s concerned tone.  Her breathing went ragged as she did some calculations in her head. 
“Baby, what’s wr-“
She pushed Johnny away, the sudden feeling of being sick to her stomach pushing itself, along with her breakfast froward.  Rushing to the bathroom, she nearly missed making it to the porcelain in the corner.  
Johnny was quick to rush after her, concern lacing his own features, “Baby are you okay?  What happened?”
Confused, the former super hero looked at his girlfriend, “baby…we-we’re not having sex right now…something’s wr-“
“No,” she said quickly, cutting him off, “ch-check the condoms.”
“Check the condoms?” he asked, his own brow furrowing as she continued hugging the toilet.  Then all at once it seemed to click in his mind. 
“I don’t know why I’m crying,” she whimpered against his chest, “it’s not even that bad.”
“Baby, it happens.  It’s ok-“
“It’s a commercial for the shelter,” she cried, “they look so sad, and I don’t know what to think.  I want to adopt them all, Johnny.”
“Baby, it’s okay…”
“Let’s go to the shelter….and just play with them?” she asked, hoping that her boyfriend would go along with the idea, “just give them something that makes them feel better.”
“Baby…” Johnny asked nervously.  His own heart began to race even faster as he made his way to the sink and looked into the trash can.  But he could see it, clear as day.  His heart lurched in his chest. 
How had he not noticed it?
Some of the condoms looked shoddy at best and others had burn marks in them, and entire bits where the material had burned away. 
“I think we should get a pregnancy test,” he offered gently, “wh-when’s the last time…you know…you…”
“Just before my birthday.”
“B-baby…that was almost two months ago.”
“They haven’t ever been regular,” she cried, hugging the porcelain, “I didn’t think anything of it.”
“What are we going to do?” she cried, feeling broken and vulnerable.  Johnny tucked the trash can beneath the sink once more and sat beside Avery, gently pulling her into his lap.  She immediately broke down in his arms, and began sobbing against his bare chest, “Johnny we can’t be pregnant…that’ll be so bad for you…we took this trip to get away and-but if they find out I’m pregnant…if I am pregnant…the magazines will make you seem like a pedophile.  Oh god…Johnny, I’m so sorry.”
“We’ll figure it out,” he promised gently, kissing her temple, “I love you, Avery…we’ll figure it out, baby…okay?”
Chapter 24
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sinisternymphette · 4 months
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sheep!reader - a concept
✦ sheep!reader loves the outdoors, and is usually found basking under the sun as they daydream or running around the grassy plains as they chase butterflies. However, they value the company and prefer to spend their time with others, thriving in groups rather than in their solitude.
✦ sheep!reader is kind in their nature, and would do anything for their loved ones. They also like to show their affection physically, always ready to give a warm hug to someone who needs it, or shower their significant other with pretty little kisses all over their face.
✦ sheep!reader is, however, oblivious to the evil in others. They trust those they love, and want to fit in so desperately that they're easy to mold- easy to manipulate. They like to see the good in others, but often forget that evil also exists.
✦ sheep!reader, who is easily spooked or surprised. They feel squeamish at the sight of a single drop of blood and shiver in fear when they hear a strange sound. Though they'll often try to mask it underneath an awkward close-mouthed smile or giggle. If you ask them to watch a true-crime show with you, they'll still accept even if they don't want to deep inside.
✦ sheep!reader, who likes to do arts and crafts in their free time. They're dreamers and like to put their creativity into something of their own, such as their own plushies, clothing, diy home decorations and many more.
✦ sheep!reader, who likes collecting vintage items like precious moments figurines, vinyl, and even fabrics. Their song library is also full of old songs and classical music, not having a liking for rap, rock and metal music. They listen to their music either on their iPod or record player. Their musical muses are mazzy star, kate bush, the cranberries, phil collins, autumn's grey solace and the smiths.
✦ sheep!reader, who loves wearing soft and lighter colors, no matter the season. They nail the southern belle, farmer's daughter and cottagecore aesthetics, giving them an angelic appearance; radiating joy and innocence and beauty that surely catches many eyes, though they never seem to notice as they're in their own little world.
✦ sheep!reader, who tries their best at everything, but often feel like they're doing everything wrong. They often find themselves cringing about something they said in a conversation from days ago, tripping and falling in front of everyone at the worst moment possible, or not being able to concentrate on their studies and understanding the subjects they're taught. They're emotionally fragile, easily overwhelmed and stressed.
✦ sheep!reader, who loves animals and is 100% a future cat lady. They find almost every animal cute and adorable- from spiders to sharks. Despite their skittishness to most things, animals are the only thing they aren't scared of. They love watching animal documentaries for hours- and they never get bored.
✦ sheep!reader, who likes to draw people they find pretty. Honestly, they find everyone beautiful, but those who are kind-hearted and have beauty inside and outside are ought to get at least one drawing from them.
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ib: @princessbrunette !!
a/n: everyone is free to send me an ask with sheep!reader in any of the universes mentioned in my rules and I'll do my best to make them fit in the story/au! if it's an anime, modern!au is preferred. I based them a little off myself, so I hope you all like them!
@sinisternymphette 2024
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dravenscroft · 1 month
So my wife and I are working on a long fic that's a Terror modern AU set in a secondary school. My wife is a teacher and has experienced The Horrors of crappy schools being taken over by academy trusts and becoming weirdly corporate firsthand. We're like 50k into it and it'll probably be like 60k? I think? Anyway we're uploading it on my Ao3 soon but here's a brief rundown of some of the highlights:
Crozier is the new joint head of school, he's been moved there against his will to work alongside Fitzjames, the 'Head of Data', which Crozier thinks isn't a real job.
Franklin is the Executive Head but he's NEVER at the school, he's always busy at head office and has no idea what chaos goes down.
Fitzjames used to be a drama teacher until he got promoted up. He hasn't taught in years and so Crozier has zero respect for him...at first.
Little is the exhausted head of English and he is regularly being verbally abused by the children. He is having a Bad Time.
Hodgson is the music teacher. Irving is the art teacher.
Collins is the maths teacher...he has had a sniffle since the start of the year...he is maybe over medicating with Lemsip and cough medicine in an effort to keep coming to work.
Goodsir is the bright-eyed NQT biology teacher. He is still full of wonder and hope. Oh, to see the UK education system 'with eyes as an NQT...'
Stanley is the head of science. He is not full of wonder and hope. Obviously.
Blanky is the geography teacher who has been there since forever and doesn't take any shit. He's beloved by the kids but they also rightly fear him because he will tell them what for if they misbehave. He also has NO concept of professional corporate speak in emails. He will tell it like it is.
...Oh yeah, there's emails in there too. It's partly epistolary.
Jopson is the highly competent office worker for the school reception. He WILL find a way to schedule the unscheduleable, he WILL handle any difficult parent that comes his way, and he WILL answer every email in a timely fashion.
He works alongside Billy of course, who doesn't want to be there, except maybe for the gossip.
Bridgens takes on the work of several as is normal in a terrible school...he's librarian, and the first-aider, and a TA, along with his husband Peglar who is also a TA.
Tozer is the disillusioned P.E teacher who USED to enjoy his job until Heather left and took another job on the other side of the country and the Academy (Admiralty Trust) took over...now he hates his job and is totally checked out.
And then of course there's Hickey...a problematic parent who has made bringing down Crozier and the school his primary goal. It was very hard to imagine Hickey with a kid but we came to the decision that his daughter was born when he and the girl's mother were like 15, a one-time fling before he figured out his sexuality, and he has Regretted It Ever Since because good GOD this man doesn't want to be a father. He only has her on weekends and isn't in contact with her mother at all. He WANTED to run off to Hawaii like in canon but then his kid's mother said she'd chase him to the ends of the earth for child maintenance if he did. He is NOT a good father, this troubled, angry teenage girl lives off takeaway and pot noodles and they mostly just try to avoid each other when she's at his scummy little flat. HOWEVER, because Hickey is all about his ego, when there are Issues with his daughter at school Hickey takes it as a slight against HIM, and makes revenge his goal.
His daughter also features, she's a 'managed move' student who was nearly expelled from her last school for bringing in a knife. She's very troubled and terrorises the teachers (she's referred to as 'a little terror' in one of the emails...) but she also ends up bonding a little with Crozier, who tries his hardest to turn things around for her. It's just too bad her father wants to cause Problems rather than do anything to ACTUALLY help her.
Anyway yeah. It's mostly comedic but with a few serious issues tackled (like the obvious neglect this girl experiences, for one) - it's mostly been a way for my teacher wife to rant about Academy schools and just the general failings of the UK school system lmao. There is Social Commentary involved.
Anyway it's Coming Soon.
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us3rnam3-r3dact3d · 1 month
the world (it burns through me)
Ao3 | 3.6k Words | Freelancer's POV
Gabriel Shaw raised his son in this fire house, in this office as Captain. And Asher’s dad was his lieutenant. And Milo’s dad was the beat cop who would divert his route to clear a scene when he heard the 10-19 was on a call. The house was fill of lineage, full of families of firefighters and their sons.
It was a lineage that you weren’t a part of.
Firefighter/EMT au. Darlin is still the black sheep. Quinn is still a problem. Sam is still a healer, of sorts. He still heals them, in a way.
TW: blood and injury, medical talk, burn out, passing out from exhaustion, generally dissatisfaction when receiving medical care, refusal of medical care
It was the winter after you flunked out of medical school and you were buttoning up the starched, navy EMT uniform shirt that you’d received a few hours before. Gavin thought that this was a good idea when you’d pitched it, but not for the reasons you’d brought up. You originally wanted to be an EMT as an appeal to your mother, who had, upon your withdrawal from school, languished that her youngest was as much of a disappointment as their older siblings. 
Your sister was a school teacher. Your brother was an artist. By ‘disappointment ,’ Mom meant ‘ not a doctor or lawyer .’
But you couldn’t stay in med school. You tried, you did. You took yourself as far as you could go. You pushed, pushed, tried so fucking hard. You didn’t sleep, skipped meals and social hour and ignored your phone when your friends called. And you were perfect. Straight A’s right up until the end. 
And then Damien found you on the floor of your kitchen at the end of finals week. You’d burned as long and as bright as you could, but by the end, all you were was burnt out. 
Your boys dragged you kicking and screaming to unenrollment. 
Two months later, Gavin insisted that you do something. Not for the money, that wasn’t an issue. What he’d already earned off of his OnlyFans could carry you two for the rest of your lives, let alone what he was yet to make. When you two got serious, Gavin made it clear that you didn’t have to work, that you could leave school and chase a passion, chase a dream. But all you had was medical textbooks and the hazy vision of being a surgeon of some type some day. You wanted to put that prefix in front of your name, hang up your diploma in the living room so everybody could see it. 
You didn’t know if you loved medicine. You thought that you probably just loved a job well done. 
Your hair was a mess. You smoothed it down in the little mirror affixed to the door of your locker. You caught sight of your surname embroidered in gold on the breast of your uniform shirt. Sam had gotten it done the day after your interview. Vincent said that he’d never seen Sam be so sure of something so fast. 
It was no use staring at your reflection. You’d always find something to tweak if you squinted hard enough. You shut your locker and made your way out of the bunk room. 
Station 10-19 was nice, very nice. A huge locker room, individual shower stalls, full sized beds with pressed white sheets. The kitchen had two ovens, a huge fridge, and the biggest pantry you’d ever seen. The firehouses you’d visited while getting certified were much smaller, much less impressive. All of this must have cost a fortune. 
“Shaw’s a master of budget balancing,” Vincent had told you that afternoon during your tour. “I swear, the dude spends hours sitting in his office crunching numbers. It’s honestly a little worrying.” 
You’d met David Shaw in your interview, but Sam Collins was your direct report. Shaw was a big dude, but after meeting a few of the other firefighters, you just started considering yourself scrawny. The whole firehouse was full of mutant giants.
Everybody was nice, but Vincent acted like he’d just gained a new best friend when he’d introduced himself that afternoon. He was a tall, slender man with bright gray eyes and a sharp smile. You recognized his last name, Solaire. His dad was the chief of surgery at Daliah General, the only level one trauma center in the area. It was your top pick for your residency. 
Solaire wasn’t a common name, but if Vincent was the son of a two time Harper-Avery winner, he didn’t show it. He moved with a cool confidence, and seemed to have that same confidence in you. He spoke to you like you knew what you were doing. Which, to be fair, you did. You just weren’t used to people treating you like it. 
“Don’t let Sam’s grumpy attitude fool you,” Vincent grinned as he led you towards the ambulance. “He’s a softy. A bit rough around the edges, but soft for sure.” 
You couldn’t imagine Sam Collins being soft, but you smiled and nodded anyway. Vincent showed you where everything was on the bus, and then reiterated the few things that you would likely actually use. The compression machine, the heart monitor, the AMBU bag. 
When the first code blared in your ears just as Vincent finished shoving everything back into their assigned cubbies. He grinned and patted you on the back, jumping up to the front and hopping on the radio as he revved the bus’s engine. 
Sam made his appearance a few seconds later, hopping into the bus and pointing you towards one of the two passenger seats in the back, strapping himself in. He nodded for you to do the same. 
It was quiet for a long time. Vincent called a few things into the radio before shouting back to Sam. 
“Single vic, third story apartment. Not sure the extent of the injuries. Landlord just found a blood trail.” 
“Let’s prep for a GSW and a laceration.” Sam replied. He grabbed for a few things within reach and threw them into his jump bag. “BleedStop’s over your head, Probie, grab me a few.” He held out his hand. It took you a second to realize he was talking to you. You jerked and reached up blindly, coming back with a few red and white packages. 
“Are these standard issue?” You asked softly, flipping one over in your hand. You heard Vincent laughing from up front. Sam grinned. 
“You were in medical school?” Sam asked after a few minutes. You nodded. “Internal medicine, peds…”
“Surgical.” You answered his unasked question. You ducked your head, looked away. Sam was quiet for a long moment. “I was four years into my residency when I called it quits.” He said. When you looked up, he was focused on the computer output, a pinch in his brow. You didn’t dare ask a question, break his concentration, but something in your chest eased. 
After roughly three minutes of sirens wailing and lights flashing, Vincent pulled up outside of a dilapidated, five story apartment building. This was the sort of street that you would refuse to let Gavin walk down alone, the sort of area you wanted Huxley next to you in. You shivered and kept close to Vincent as he loaded a jump bag on each of your shoulders. 
“It’ll be bloody.” Sam cracked his neck in anticipation. “Just keep your cool. You don’t gotta do much this time around, Probie. Watch the two of us closely and try to keep up.” You nodded sharply and followed him into the building. 
The landlord was waiting for you in the lobby (if this could be called a lobby). He was a short, round man with more bald spot than hair. He was tapping something out on his phone, the font blown up to such a big size you could read his message from this distance. You politely avoided looking at it, instead planting your gaze between his bushy eyebrows and trying to carry an air of confidence about you. 
“Finally,” he huffed, attaching his phone to the little plastic holster on his belt, “took you guys long enough. It’s upstairs, third floor.” He slammed a set of keys into Sam’s hand and turned on his heel, retreating through an office door. You heard the lock slide in place before any of you could say anything. 
“We’ve got the fastest response times in Dahlia.” Sam shouted after him, his face twisted up with annoyance. “Come on,” he turned towards the elevator and took a deep, calming breath. His rugged features somehow looked more handsome when pinched with frustration. The line between his eyebrows was present even as his face relaxed. 
The elevator doors opened to a pool of drying, congealing blood. Vincent whistled, shaking his head. 
“Dude,” he had the nerve to laugh, “these people really don’t like being alive. Whoever this is should have gone straight to the hospital.” The three of you piled in, stepping carefully around the blood. It resulted in you being awkwardly pressed against three separate walls. Vincent stretched to press the button for the third floor. 
“Look at where we are.” You waved your hand around the concerningly rickety elevator. “If they can only afford to live here, I’d bet they don’t have health insurance either.” 
Vincent’s face slackened in confusion, as though that thought had never occurred to him. 
“Dahlia Gen has a free clinic for that very reason.” Sam said. The elevator groaned and he caught the handrail nervously.
The blood trail continued when the doors opened, leading you straight to the vic’s apartment. The door was painted a sloppy brown color, the latest in a long line of landlord-specials. It was peeling around the corners, revealing white, beige, yellow, green…
Sam inspected the door for a few seconds before leaning into his radio. 
“Engine Two to Dispatch, confirm no PD?” He kept his voice low. His radio crackled as a voice called back. 
“Confirmed, Engine Two.” Dispatch replied. “Paramedics were the only ones called to the scene.” Sam sighed softly and scratched his head. 
“Cap?” Vincent asked. 
“Proceed with caution.” Sam replied. “You two stay behind me. We don’t make any moves until we see what we’re dealing with.” 
Sam stepped up to the door and knocked hard, three times, with the side of his fist. “DFD,” he shouted, “Paramedics, open up!”
There was no reply. 
“Hello!” Sam called again. “Paramedics!” 
Something shifted behind the door. You heard a curse, a stumble. Sam backed up and herded you and Vincent away from the door. 
It swung open wide. The apartment inside was dark and barren, like somebody had just moved in. A slumped figure was leaning against the doorway. You could see where the bloodtrail was coming from. Their hand was pressed firmly against their side. The steady drip of their blood against the floor made your stomach turn.
Were you really ready for this? Maybe medical school wasn’t so bad. 
“What?” They growled. Their shoulders were tensed and drawn up to their ears. 
“Jesus.” Sam breathed. He was stunned into silence for a moment, but only a moment. He jerked and then moved slow, indicating his movements boldly, so as not to surprise them. 
Even hunched over and bleeding, they cut an intimidating figure. Clad in a pair of ratty sweatpants and a muscle tee, you could see every inch of lean muscle and scar tissue that made them up. They were as tall as most of the firefighters in the 10-19. You thought they’d fit right in against Lieutenant Talbot’s frame, that they could hold their own in a fist fight against Captain Shaw. 
“You can leave.” They spat, their teeth lined with blood. They had something wild in their eyes, and you were concerned for a moment that they would lash out at Sam to get him away. He held strong, though, didn’t back down or look away. “I’m fine.” 
“You’re bleeding.” He pointed to their hand and cocked his head to the side. 
“This is private property.” They gritted out, close to a growl. 
“Private property owned by your landlord.” Sam nodded. “Who called us. You gonna bleed out on your feet or are you gonna let us in?” He put a hand out to steady them as they listed to the side. They jerked away from him. 
“Don’t fucking touch me!” They snapped, curling in on themself. 
“Well, excuse me for trying to help you!” He held his hands up in surrender, telegraphing his movements even as he griped. “Keep barkin’ at me like that and I’ll let you bleed out.” 
“Yeah well, my bite’s much worse.” They managed. They had gone a bit green and, when Sam reached for them again, they didn’t protest. 
“Well, ain’t you just darlin’.” Sam drawled. His face had gone serious, his focus pulled to the blood dripping down their side and the leg of their pants. “Come on, let’s get you sat down before you fall out.” 
Sam started steering them towards the patch-covered couch that sat in the center of the room. The apartment was a studio, although even that felt like a generous description. It was, really, a dingy, gray box. A sink sat dry in one corner next to a mini fridge and a poor excuse for a counter space. There was no bed, just the dirty, brown couch that looked as though it had been pulled from off the curb. A large section of the lumpy middle cushion was darkened with blood. There was one window that you didn’t think even you could fit out of, let alone your hulking patient. A shadeless lamp sat on the floor in the corner opposite the sink, casting the room in stark, dramatic shadow. 
Sam deposited your patient on the couch, where they collapsed in a heap of muscle and blood. He snapped on a pair of white gloves and held a hand out to Vincent, who snagged a jump bag from your shoulder and supplied him with the gauze he was apparently reaching for. It would be difficult, you thought, to keep up with them at first. These two seemed to be so familiar, so connected that they didn’t have to talk to know what the other needed. 
“Can you tell me your name?” Sam asked, raising his voice to try and cut through the buzz that blood loss left in the ear. “And where you are?” 
“I’m fine,” your patient groaned, shoving at Sam as they tried to sit up again. 
“Hold still .” Sam used his forearms to press them back into their couch without contaminating his gloves. “You’re gonna tear your stomach right open if you don’t ease back.”
“You need to work on your bedside manner, Doctor.” The patient grinned. Their face had gone sheet white. 
“Well, good thing I’m not a doctor, Darlin’.” He replied. Actually, you thought, he was. If he had been in his residency, he would’ve had to have a medical degree. He was a doctor, license or not. 
You reached for the BleedStop you’d stashed in the bus just as Sam’s hand swung back again. When you clapped the pack down in his palm, he turned, surprised. Vincent bumped your shoulder with his, smiling broadly.
“This is gonna sting.” Sam informed them before dumping the BleedStop over the wound and packing it with gauze. They shouted, short and hard, as they clamped a hand down on Sam’s shoulder. Vincent jerked as though to pull them off, but Sam shook his head sharply. Vincent backed off. “Saline,” He said, holding his hand back to you. You dug through your bag quickly before finding a pint of it. Vincent supplied a large syringe. 
Watching Sam work on a patient was like watching an artist paint. He had an intense air of focus about him, and his whole face lit up when he bent over the wound. He watched with rapt attention as the bleeding slowed and clotted. After a few minutes, he pulled a syringe full of saline from the bag and rinsed out the BleedStop. 
It was a stab wound, surrounded by ugly, red and purple bruising. It looked as though someone had punched the blade into them. 
“Can I lift this up?” Sam asked, indicating their shredded and blood-blackened shirt. They nodded sharply once. You watched as their steely face crumbled a bit as Sam touched them. Their bottom lip trembled. “Hey,” Sam said softly, freezing until they met his eye, “it’s gonna be okay. You’re gonna be okay.” He said it like it was true, like there was no doubt about it. 
In the end, despite the stab wound and the slash on their thigh and the obviously broken ribs and their split lip and their bloodied knuckles, they refused to go to the hospital. Sam spent fifteen odd minutes arguing with them. Honest-to-God arguing, shouting, cursing, lecturing. You thought that was probably against protocol, but he was right, so you weren’t going to snitch to Captain Shaw about it. The stab wound was concerning enough. The broken ribs were dangerous. One bone fragment, one twist of the skin to make it a compound fracture, one stutter of their lungs in just the wrong way. It could all prove deadly. They let Sam use suture glue on the stab wound and the cut, let him dab anesthetic against their knuckles, let him press a cold compact into their ribs. They didn’t let anybody else touch them. 
“There is a free clinic at Dahlia Gen.” Sam reiterated one last time as they hurried you out of the door. “If you start bleeding or have trouble breathing,” he patted around his uniform until he supplied a scrap of paper and pen from his breast pocket. He scrawled out a phone number and handed it over. Their fingers spread red across the crumpled, white paper. “Please call me.” 
The door shut hard in your faces. 
You made your way back through the blood stained halls. Sam turned the keys in to the landlord. You walked out into the crisp, winter air. 
“Are they all like that?” You asked as you took several deep breaths, free from the iron tang of blood that had permeated their apartment. 
“No.” Sam shook his head sharply. 
“It’s mostly drunk people.” Vincent assured you. 
“And kitchen knife incidents.” Sam chimed in. 
“And cardiac events.” Vincent nodded, hopping into the driver’s seat. You settled into the back of the ambulance with Sam and studied your hands. There was blood on the cuff of your uniform. Sam huffed and reached under his seat, pulling out a fresh uniform shirt. 
“Here, Probie.” He said. 
“Does it get easier?” You asked all of a sudden as you took the shirt from him. Sam smiled. 
“The blood?” He asked. “Yeah. Yeah, the blood gets easier. But not much else.” 
The two of them were right. Somewhere along your drive back to the 10-19, you got a call for a possible cardiac event that turned out to be an anxiety attack. You held the hyperventilating kid’s hand, walked them through breathing exercises you’d learned for Lasko while Sam assured their mom it was nothing to worry about. Straight from there, you got a call for an older woman, Mrs. Henrick, who claimed she fell and broke her hip. She was apparently a widow and a frequent caller. She just wanted Sam to put her kettle on and to ogle at Vincent for a while. He was impressively obliging, and matched her flirting one for one. It was a few more hours of just that; bouncing from call to call, emergency to emergency, but nothing quite like that first one. 
It was nearing dawn by the time Engine Two was finally cleared to return to the 10-19. You were just this side of exhausted, the adrenaline that kept you pushing through the night long worn off. Vincent walked you through the breakdown of the bus. Checking off the medical supplies one by one on your little inventory sheet was almost meditative. It lulled you towards the rest you knew was coming. You were on call for the next twelve hours, and then you’d be off for another twelve. You longed for that plush bunk room and the reprieve a few hours of rest would give you. 
Captain Shaw was in the kitchen when you and Vincent clambered in. He had looked so severe when you met him in your interview, clad in the navy button down of his daily uniform. He must have been getting on duty, because now he was wearing a tight, heather gray t-shirt with the Dahlia Fire Department logo emblazoned across his back. The shirt was stretched across his chest and arms, giving you a full view of his musculature. Sunlight filtered in through the windows, casting his dark features in warm, welcoming light. He was handsome. You couldn’t wait until you had an excuse to introduce him to Gavin. He’d have a field day with a man like David Shaw. 
“There can’t be that much blood in the human body,” he rumbled into his coffee cup. Sam laughed from his spot across the large, family style dining table that filled up most of the floor space in the room. There were pans out near the six burner stove; sausage, bacon, some weird looking strips of what must have been a vegetarian substitute. There was a plate stacked with pancakes, another stacked with waffles, and a bowl filled with sliced fruit. Two cartons of eggs were waiting, untouched, next to the stove. 
“You would be surprised how much a person can bleed and keep going if they have the will power.” Sam shrugged. He was flipping through a pile of paperwork, probably the releases from their calls tonight.
“Captain Shaw cooks every morning.” Vincent indicated towards the feast on the kitchen counter. “You should eat. Once morning shift gets in, it’ll be gone.” 
“And they refused transport to the hospital?” Shaw scoffed. 
“Yup.” Sam popped the ‘p’ in his mouth, shaking his head. He handed over a file from the top of his pile to Shaw, who flipped through their release form with only a bit of interest. 
His dark eyes flicked over the page once, and then widened. He sat up straighter, bending to get a better look at it. His eyes landed on the bottom of it, where your patient had printed their name next to their sloppy signature. 
Shaw’s coffee cup shattered in his hand, sending shards of ceramics and hot coffee all over him, the table, and the offending report.
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frostbitebakery · 11 months
Fic Writer 20 Questions
I got tagged by the lovely @thejediandthemandalorian thank you 💜💜💜
1.) How many works do you have on ao3
2.) What's your ao3 word count?
147,444 words
3.) What fandoms do you write for?
"Writing" is such a strong word. Codywan is the one that inspires me the most at the moment to the point I want to add little backstories.
4.) What are your top five fics by kudos?
I Got My Head Checked
Outtakes of IGMHC
Art for IGMHC
Codywan Art and Hubris
5.) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to!! When someone is kind enough to leave a reaction, I should thank them at the very least! Excuse Number 1: I get overwhelmed easily. Excuse Number 2: Especially with long or thoughtful comments, when I answer those I feel like that's the end of that interaction and I don't want that to end
6.) What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
It's gotta be one of the Mood Color Panties that ended with an emotional cliffhanger...
7.) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uhhhhh in terms of happy ending to fic setting ratio? Probably the MCU/Snowpiercer crossover that ends somewhat like the movie wherein they discover that not everything on the outside world is dead and gone.
8.) Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet? *crosses fingers*
9.) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I have written smut. With BDSM and lingerie. But I don't feel the smut groove anymore. Once in a while I do like to dabble in erotica when drawing though
10.) Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I've officially written one (1) crossover of MCU/Snowpiercer. Unofficially, I've chucked words at friends about The Covenant/Fantastic Four where Johnny Storm and Chase Collins are roommates for whatever reason and Chase is trying to close a portal to Hell and fighting off demons while Johnny is oblivious to it all until his Lucky Charms are gone.
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of. Plenty of art got stolen though.
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yus! A smutty stucky one-shot got translated into Russian
13.) Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Does The Unlucky Ones count??? I just wanted spoopy Cody but I can't not do backstory for AUs, so my mind is churning out the lore. Then @adiduck was like, “hey, I have some ideas for TUO, how about--“ and then I buried her in the sandbox. The only bits I wrote (with Adi's blessing) are the snippets on the artworks. She is writing the fic while we both excitedly yell at each other.
14.) What's your all time favorite ship?
Just one???? All of them have a special place
15.) What's a WIP you'd like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I don't have any fic WIPs atm
16.) What are your writing strengths?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh quite a lot of people pointed out that my pacing is good, and some people like my humor! Thank you <3
17.) What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm too rushed. And like, a whole lot of technical stuff I don't know.
18.) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I like it. It can add a lot of things to the characters, plot, or setting. What I personally don't like if the words in another language are in italics.
19.) First fandom you wrote for?
Weiß Kreuz. It's in German and the forum it was posted on is long gone. There's an FMA fic on ff.net still. You won't find that one either.
20.) Favorite fic you've ever written?
I Got My Head Checked :D It started as a naive "lolol what would I want Sithywan to look like? just the once", grew to "But listen, Glimmer, it would be so funny if Sithywan is like "I need a week" as his estimation for how long he needs for Cody to spill every secret ever to him, and it ends with Sithywan just getting up in the cell like he's never been injured/tortured at all and going like "Thank you, that's all I need" like some method acting Black Widow type, but internally starting his journey of “omfg I want him carnally and emotionally””, and then it spiraled into 75k words with more catharsis for me as a person than should be possible. And a greenhouse. More IGMHC trivia!!
Oban Ouaine, Qui-Gon's Cody's Venator, is Gaelic for little green bay. I wanted a connection of Qui-Gon and his fandom plants. And I thought Oban Ouaine sounds a little bit like Obi-Wan
the original plan was that the whole Venator is like a jungle with plants everywhere. @elwenyere brought up "they have a greenhouse?" and I ran with that instead, not knowing it would turn into a central stage for hope and healing for the characters
TAG YOU'RE IT: @adiduck @elwenyere @ifonlyweknewwhatiwasdoing @meebles @merlyn-bane @wrennette @lttrsfrmlnrrgby and anyone who wants to bc this was fun!
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theinheriteddutchess · 6 months
I write all kinds of stories but be aware I also write mature and\or dark stuff, it's not for everyone's liking, you are free to stop reading when you don't like it💕
*coming up\wip*
- untitled Chase Collins (over 20.000 words of me slowly falling mentally insane in love over this asshole🥰)
Sebastian Stan
Chris Evans
The Boys
*The Run (Logan (male oc) x reader)
*A Horror Story (you x writer) (fake horror)
other stuff
Snailight beginning explanation
The weird beginning of my Twilight Snail au, I'm not sure if it explains anything, but hopefully it's a start. Feel free to search for 'Snailight' or 'snail au' in my blog, and enjoy the ride
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georgiapeach30513 · 1 year
Chase Collins, soft/dark, bartender AU, hurt/comfort trope, with c*ckholing kink
Chase!!! I love him! Why do I think @theinheriteddutchess is going to love this too?? Anyways…
Chase was your escape. You went to the bar to be served shots of Crown when things with your husband were not good. Chase listened. He cared. But when August makes you an offer you can’t refuse, it scares you. But you want Chase. So what if August has to watch…
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navybrat817 · 2 years
Navy's Port of Call
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Your stop for all things fic and writing related.
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Writer Info
⚓ My Masterlist
⚓ I write female reader insert fanfiction and do my best to make the reader as inclusive as possible. For that reason, I do not use "readers" in any of my moodboards or graphics.
⚓ I write primarily for Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans characters, but am open to other fandoms.
⚓ Writing Updates: I currently do not have a posting schedule as I write in my limited free time and post when I can. Please, be patient and I will share updates as they are available.
⚓ Taglists: I no longer do taglists. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog and turn on notifications for new fics and updates. 💙
⚓ Requests: Formal requests are currently closed, but never be ashamed to send me your shameless hoe thots, gifs, videos, headcanons, etc. They may inspire something!
⚓ I love discussing my fics and thots, so feel free to ask or comment if you're curious. I value that feedback.
⚓ I happily accept gifs, photos, videos, moodboards, etc., anything that reminds you of one of my fics, AUs, or characters.
⚓ I do NOT consent to have my work posted, translated or published to any third party site or app. If anyone sees my work anywhere but here or archiveofourown under my same username, it has been reposted without my permission.
⚓ Minors: DNI
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I Will Write
⚓ Smut, fluff, angst (within reason), light, soft!dark, dark, AUs (feel free to ask), age difference (of age), poly/threesome, reverse harem, dubcon, noncon, cnc, yandere, D/s, somnophilia, cockwarming, sex pollen, praise, praise and degradation, breeding, chase, power imbalance, choking, knife play, voyeurism, exhibitionism, bondage, edging, overstimulation, breath play, sensory deprivation, A/B/O, stepcest, and more. Feel free to ask if it isn't listed below.
I Will Not Write
⚓ RPF, pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia, incest, race play, watersports, underage scenarios, scat play, cheating between "main" couple, miscarriage.
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Who I'll Write For
⚓ Sebastian Stan Characters: Bucky Barnes, Scott Huffman, Nick Fowler, Hal Carter, Chris Beck, Jefferson, Destroyer!Chris, Steve Kemp, Charles Blackwood, Lee Bodecker, Mickey Henry, Chase Collins, Lance Tucker
⚓ Chris Evans Characters: Steve Rogers, Andy Barber, Ari Levinson, Jake Jensen, Ransom Drysdale, Curtis Everett, Frank Adler, Lloyd Hansen
⚓ Henry Cavill Characters: Clark Kent, August Walker, Walter Marshall, Captain Syverson
⚓ Misc. Characters: Dean Winchester, Soldier Boy, Jax Teller, William Miller, Raymond Smith, Sierra Six, Morpheus, The Corinthian, Harwin Strong
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Happy reading, lovelies! 💙 And thank you to @rookthorne for the divider and @sgt-seabass for the header. 💙
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multiversemaker169 · 20 days
Inside out furry au: Louis acting like a cat
1. (It's a slow day at Meadow Valley High. Louis was tidying up his workplace when he suddenly saw a little red dot zipping around the room, and his instincts kick in).
Louis: Meow, row, mrow!!!
(Louis starts chasing the light, making a huge mess of the place. It then cuts to Daisy outside of the room, trying to get her lazer pen to work).
Daisy: Dang it! My lazer pen is broken!
(Daisy tosses away her lazer pen).
Louis: Mrow!
(Louis rushes out the door to continue chasing the dot).
Daisy: Oh, I was holding my lazer pen backwards..
(Louis gets frustrated at Daisy and has her help him clean up his workplace).
2.(Abigail grabs a can of fish food at goes to feed her Oscar fish).
Abigail: Oh, Tango. Time for your feeding.
(Abigail enters her office and sees that Tango isn't in his tank).
Abigail:(frustrated) Louis, did you eat my fish again?
Louis: What makes you think it was me?
Abigail:(frustrated) Because you have done it many times before.
Louis: It wasn't me, I sw-
(Louis grabs his stomach and ends up hacking up Tango. Tango starts flopping around on the floor).
Abigail: I knew it.
(Abigail places Tango back in his tank).
Louis: And that's why I'm no longer allowed in Abigail's office.
Collin: Why would you eat her pet fish and alive on top of that?
Louis: I can't control it. It's a strong cat instinct.
3.(Peggy and Louis had just moved into their new house together and are discussing how to stay on a budget so they can be able to pay off their mortgage).
Peggy: Alright, so since we took out a mortgage, we could only afford a house with one bathroom. Are you okay with having to share a toilet and a shower?
Louis: Oh, you don't need to share a shower with me.
Peggy: Really?
Louis: Yeah, we cats don't need to shower. We can clean ourselves with our tounges.
Peggy: What if your fur gets covered in dirt and stains?
Louis: Okay, then we need to shower.
4.(Abigail is going through her old office stuff with Louis, with Louis finding an old yarn ball).
Louis: Ohh, is this a yarn ball?
Abigail: It sure is, Henry and I used to love knitting together.
(Louis looks at the yarn ball and wants to play with it).
Louis: Can I have it?
Louis: Sorry, but no. This was Henry's old yarn ball.
Louis: Oh, I understand.
(Abigail feels bad and decides to give him another yarn ball).
Abigail: But you can have this yarn ball.
Louis: Really, thanks, Abigail.
Abigail: You're welcome, Louis.
(Louis starts playing with the yarn ball Abigail gave him).
5.(Peggy is almost due to birth Sylvia, and she's getting anxious about becoming a mother).
Louis: Are you okay, Sweetie?
Peggy: I'm so anxious.
Louis: Sweetie...
Peggy: Now, I know you're gonna be a great dad. I'm just worried that I'm gonna be a terrible mom.
Louis: What makes you think you're gonna be a terrible mom?
Peggy: Because I'm such an anxious mess.
Louis: Sweetie, I've known you for years and seen how kind you are. So I know you're gonna be a great mother.
Peggy: I am?
Louis: Absolutely.
(Louis rubs his face against Peggy's pregnant tummy and starts purring).
Peggy:(love struck) Oh, Honey...
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jsehungergamesau · 9 months
24 hours remain
until chapter one of this AU is posted both on this account and on AO3! (A link to AO3 will be posted tomorrow with the chapter) We really hope you guys take the time to read and enjoy what we have been working on!
We haven't figured out a proper posting schedule as of me writing this, but we had the gentle plan of posting a chapter every-other week. 'Cause lemme tell yall, a number of these chapters are gonna be BEEFY.
Anyway, to hype folks up a bit, here are some fun facts to know going into the story! I'm putting them under the cut if you don't want to be spoiled.
Thank you again to our beta readers and thank you ahead of time to everyone who decides to read along!
Happy Holidays, ○Jelly○ @jellyfishdoodler
Fun facts and minor spoilers heading in:
Both Chase and Jameson are from District 7, who's district is known for all lumber and paper productions. Located around the area of where the Pacific NorthWest of America used to be.
The main fic occurs during the 32nd Hunger Games, taking place about 22 years after the events of Susan Collins' Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes.
In this AU, President Snow has come into power roughly around the time of the 25th Quarter Quell. Ramping up the stakes of the games and being the massive change of how things are done.
Unfortunately the other egos (Marvin, Henrik, and Jackie) don't play a huge roll in this first fic, but will make more appearances down the line.
I, Jelly, was outvoted in having all of the boys thrown into the same arena, so its just Chase in this one with JJ as his mentor. That it would have been "too sad" if they all had to kill each other or watch each other be killed. Instead, we have plans to write shorter fics of how they each won their respective Hunger Games. So you have Parker and V to thank for that one!
We really hope you enjoy this fic, the three of us have been pouring our all into this one and been having so much fun doing it. 💛
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sgt-seabass · 2 years
𝒊 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖
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✧˚ · . 𝘋𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘴. 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘕𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘍𝘰𝘸𝘭𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘴 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘨𝘢 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘶𝘣𝘮𝘪𝘵.
main pairing — mob boss!alpha!nick fowler x omega!reader other featured characters — james mace, chris beck, steve kemp, charles blackwood, ransom drysdale, chase collins, lee bodecker, robert pronge, ari levinson, hal carter, lloyd hansen w/c — 14.8k this is a dark explicit fic. 18+ only. part of the Clockwork AU.
warnings — non-con (blowjobs, handjobs, unprotected sex), dub-con (unprotected sex, female orgasm), a/b/o dynamics, Nick Fowler being a cunt, misogyny/treating omegas as lesser, references to death, suicidal ideations, references to anxiety and depression, caging, manhandling/mild violence against reader, chase, mild injury to reader, pet names (pup, puppy, sweets, sunshine, little omega, ducky), degradation, use of stress positions, minor medical references (needles administered), gangbang, bukkake, neglect of reader (touch starving), mention of wanting to throw up (no actual vomit), mental torture and stress to the point of breakdown a/n — big big thank you to @sweeterthanthis and @dreamlessinparis for beta-ing this beast and dealing with my inability to stay in one tense lol. all mistakes and bullshit are mine. also big thank you to @navybrat817 for helping with the brainstorming. without you, this fic wouldn't have come to life
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Depressed again Morning comes too fast and I'm tired of the routine Depressed again Let me sit alone in the tone that you crave Angry again No, I don't wanna have a conversation with you Angry again Let me sit alone with the kerosene I don't even care about you ↳ I don't even care about you by Missio
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"Hey, doll.”
Your eyes fluttered open, the sunshine warm on your face as you gazed up at the man above you, a soft smile on his features as his hair hung down and eclipsed his face.
Was this heaven?
"James?" You questioned, disbelief flowing through you at the sight of him. He looked far different to the last time you saw him. No injuries marred him. He looked just as you had always known him. 
"Who else would it be, silly? You fell asleep while I was getting the rest of the stuff from the car," James chuckled as you sat up, your fingers running across the picnic mat below you. The feeling of the fabric was familiar, and it caused a smile to dance across your lips. You'd always loved the picnics you'd had with your alpha. It was playful and fun, the two of you snacking before cuddling beneath the sun's warmth.
And in the best moments, you'd get frisky under a padded blanket. It was in those moments you'd found true happiness. You'd found love. But the problem in finding love was that it was so easy to lose in a matter of moments. The truest sorrow of death was that love was proven more than anything.
James sat the picnic basket beside you before quickly tugging you into his lap.
You blinked, taking in the view of the park surrounding you. Only the two of you and the flowers blooming across the landscape, nothing more than a subtle breeze in the air.
Your eyes scanned over the flowers, looking at the different coloured petals. It was as if ink had infused them with their hues, providing life to something that would be otherwise dull. 
Oh, it felt good.
Warmth surrounded you, Jame's bulky frame providing you comfort as he nuzzled into your neck to scent you, his hand resting against your stomach.
He let out a low hum, the sound reverberating across your skin like your favourite song.
You let out a sigh as you relaxed against him, eyes fluttering closed as you just let yourself be in the moment.
"You're not gonna fall asleep again, are you?" James chided, poking at your side with his right arm, eliciting giggles from you.
You opened your eyes to face him. His deep azures gazed at you as you ran your hands through his hair, bringing your palms forward to cup his cheeks.
"I'm dreaming, aren't I?"
It's too good to be true. This happiness, it was too perfect. Life had never allowed you much reprieve.
"Does it matter?" James pulled your leg around, so you were sitting in his lap, your face close before you allowed yourself to let go.
Your lips brushed over each other's, testing the waters before your hands brought his face to yours.
The kiss started slow, two souls connecting between planes. But the crushing weight of reality quickly turned you more passionate.
It felt so real. You didn't want this to end.
Time seemed to flow indiscriminately as you kissed James, your tears beginning to trickle down your cheeks after a few minutes with your alpha.
He pulled away with a coo. "Hey, hey, doll. You're alright,”
"He’s going to take me away from you. I don’t…I don’t want to wake up Jamie. I want to stay here with you,” You sniffled, and James brought up the arm of his sweatshirt to dry your tears.
“That’s not the way life works, sweetheart. You have to go back,”
You couldn’t. Not after the auction, not after seeing the beast that was your mate.
You huffed, resting your hands on his waist with a shake of your head. “That’s not fair,”
“I know. I know, love. But life isn’t meant to be fair. It’s a struggle against the odds, but that doesn’t mean you can’t change the course of your life,” James reassured, but it felt like a lie.
“I don’t see a way out of this, James. I’m mated to Nick. He can control me without even trying.”
James tilted his head, continuing to wipe away your tears. “Can he, though?”
“What?” Your brows furrowed, fingers clinging to James like he was your lifeline.
“You’re the strongest gal I’ve ever met,” He tapped your temple with a sad smile. “You just have to fight him.”
“I... but how?”
“Think of us, what we had, what we were destined to have. Even without me in the picture, you’ve lost everything. And that is exactly why you can fight back. He can’t control someone who has nothing to live for,” James’ words felt like a tonne of bricks in your stomach, a heavy pit forming. Because despite him being right, you did have nothing to live for. You’d lost everything, and you’d hit rock bottom. The concept of standing up against a prime alpha was almost too scary to comprehend.
It would be easier to just cease the fight. End the pain.
“Why don’t I just kill myself then?” You asked with beady eyes, and James let out a sad hum, contemplating his next words.
“Because then Nick Fowler wins. He would have destroyed both of us. You’ve got so much courage, doll. And the most courageous thing you can do is live,” James said softly, his words delivered gently despite their weight. “Plus, you have to find Steve. We’re all he had,”
Your gaze dropped to your hands, fiddling with the hem of James’ sweatshirt as you frowned. “And what if I lose? What if he breaks me?”
“Then you live happily the best you can. If you’re broken, you won’t know any better anymore,” James gently took your chin, tilting your head up so your eyes would meet his. 
His lips found yours again, the kiss melancholic as you knew this had to end. Nothing good ever lasted long for you.
Would this be the last time you’d see him?
Roses with thorned stalks rose from the ground, the petals a beautiful crimson, the flowers just like Nick’s tattoos. You could hear the ticking of a clock, the sound signalling that time was running out. With each tick, you held tighter onto James, the stems getting closer and closer with each passing second.
You pulled back with a hiccuped sob despite how much you just wanted to keep his lips on yours. When had you started crying again?
“James… I’m not ready to go back, please.”
James didn’t have anything to say this time. All he could offer was a woeful smile as the vines began to wind around your limbs, cutting into you and slicing around your flesh.
There wasn’t anything he could do to make this better.
After all, he wasn’t even real. The James you loved was dead.
Death was brutal and cruel, unforgiving in how it wrenches people from your existence. But he was safe, at least. James didn’t have to face any more horrors while you were consumed by the primitive evil that was Nick Fowler. 
The thorns cut into your skin, tearing across your torso and limbs as they wrapped around you like a snake ready to kill.
You began to be pulled away from James, and despite your hold on him, the roses were stronger. 
“I love you,” you wept as your body began to be dragged into the dirt below, the ground moving around you like quicksand.
“I love you too. We’ll see each other again one day, doll. It’ll be okay.”
You wanted to believe James, but as the earth began to swallow you up, you knew it was unlikely.
The chance of beating Nick Fowler is minuscule, but you’d still try. You’d try for James. For what you should have had, the life you lost.
Dirt began to fill your lungs as your head was pulled under, your blood mixing in with the brown soil, making a muddy mess.
The last thing you remember was hearing a wolf howl and the clock’s ticking stopped.
Consciousness came to you with fright, heart hammering in your chest and tears in your eyes. You whacked your head against the cage wall in your abrupt wake, pain radiating through your forehead from the impact. The thick, black steel bars clanged like they were laughing at your pain. 
A whimpered ouch left you as you lay back down. Your dress from the auction still filled most of the cage, the tulle scratching against your skin uncomfortably. The emerald made you look luxurious, but you doubted being shoved in a cage was doing you many favours in looking the part Nick wanted you to play. Or maybe that’s precisely the image he wanted. A shattered omega.
The diamond choker Nick had gifted you laid next to you. It must have broken off during the night when you tossed and turned, as it was already damaged when you went to sleep. 
You threw it out of the cage with a huff, watching it skid off the rug and across the hardwood. 
A bird in a gilded cage was still denied its freedom, no matter how embellished its captor made it.
The choker was a show of ownership, and the last thing you wanted was to be reminded of your mate. The rejection of your alpha had your bond throbbing, the scarred flesh on your neck hurting with each ebb of anger that flowed through you. You hoped Nick could feel it and that it was irritating for him.
You would rather Nick treated you like his auctioned omegas so there was no veil. At the end of the day, you were just another object for him.
Light bled through the curtains like a fresh wound, gnarly and grotesque, much like the maim to your soul. It illuminated the room, the light making you aware of the stark greys of the bedroom. Perhaps it was supposed to be chic, the way the walls and furniture matched a muted colour palette. But all it did was reflect the desolateness of the situation; the world reduced to nothing more than shades.
The plushness of the pink and blue blankets below you provided little comfort, but you ignored the soreness in your muscles as you stared at the ceiling, the dark grey paint obscured by the bars of your cage.
Time passed, the sun beginning to rise higher in the sky. It had to be at least mid-morning, and your stomach rumbled. You hadn’t eaten since before the auction yesterday, although the thought of eating anything made you feel sick. Everything about your situation made you nauseous.
You hoped that James would burst through the door with Steve by his side and that they would take you out of this hell hole and back to your everyday life. But when the door opened, you were met with the sight of Beck and Mace. You barely spared them a glance before returning to eyeing the ceiling like it was the most exciting thing in the world.
“Stop sulking. You brought this upon yourself,” Mace sighed, moving to unlock your cage. When you didn’t move to get out or acknowledge their presence, Mace clutched your ankle and began to drag you out.
“Get off me,” you snarled, trying to cling to the bars as the dress tulle scratched your skin, but Beck was one step ahead. He pried your fingers off the bars while Mace pulled, and you had no chance as you were dragged from the enclosure. While the cage kept you inside, it also kept others out, and now you had to face your nightmares.
“Don’t you want a shower and a piss? Why are you making this such a fucking chore?” Mace growled as you began flailing. You could feel Nick through your bond, his emotions egging you to calm down. But you didn’t want to calm down. You wanted to go home. To your real home, not this prison.
Beck picked up the discarded choker, lips pursed as he looked at it, examining if it could be fixed while Mace wrangled you to your feet despite your protests. “Fuck off, get the fuck off me!”
Mace’s lips ghosted by the shell of your ear as he pulled your hands behind you, leading you towards the bathroom, his voice scarily low. “Twenty minutes. Clean yourself up and get it together. If you come out a nice fucking omega, I won’t tell Nick about this. Although I’m sure he can already feel it all.”
With little grace, Mace pushed you into the bathroom, your feet stumbling over the tile until you steadied yourself on the marble sink counter. The door closed behind you, the locks clicking. You didn’t want to give them the satisfaction of doing as they said, but you really needed to relieve yourself and freshen up. Especially if you were going to have any chance of fighting them.
As you suspected, each drawer in the bathroom was locked with a fingerprint pad, the light flashing red and beeping at you when you tried to open it. Nick really had thought of everything. On the shower shelf sat everything you needed anyway. Begrudgingly, you moved through the motions. You didn’t allow your thoughts to wander. There was too much pain threatening to bleed in past the edges of your mind.
As you struggled to take the dress off and get the shower running, all you thought about was James. The way he’d hold you and love you. To Nick, it might appear you’re calming down with how your emotions turn to yearning as the water washed over you. But the desire wasn’t for your mated alpha. It’s for the alpha you lost. 
It wasn't until you got out of the shower that your determination became set. Nick Fowler would not win. Think of James, you told yourself. Just like he said in your dream. Perhaps it wasn’t a dream but a premonition. A communication with the dead.
As you began to work yourself up, your fists clenched by your sides, the adrenaline started to spike. They hadn’t left you any clothes, but that didn’t matter. You’d be faster without anything slowing you down anyway. You tore some of the fabric from the dress to pull your hair back so it wouldn’t get in the way.
“Times up,” Beck called, and you knew this was it. This was your chance. You got ready to bolt when he cracked the door open. And once he’d opened it enough for you to fit through, you pounced. The rush hit you all at once, and you quickly sprinted past Beck’s form and under the arm on the door.
“What the—” The alpha said, stunned as you dashed past him. Mace, distracted as he searched the closet for clothes, whipped his head around just in time to see you rush out the bedroom door.
“Omega! Stop!” Mace tried to command you. But he’s not your alpha; now that you’ve got a mate, his orders don’t work on you.
Without looking back, you ran into the hall, following the trail that Beck took you on when he walked you down the night before. There are rushed steps behind you, but it doesn’t deter you as your feet slapped against the floor in your sprint. You can feel Nick homing into your bond, his ire clear. And you know he’s close. He’s in the house. Stop. Enough. The bond tells you, but a flash of James’ face in your mind’s eye helps to eclipse the order.
You managed to reach the front door, throwing it open with a slam before running onto the gravelled front path. The rocks of the driveway tore into your feet, the cold air hitting your naked form like a tidal wave. There was a slight patter of rain beginning, the type you’d love to be curled in bed under the plush covers to listen to, but instead, you were running for your life.
“Omega. Stop right now,” Nick’s booming voice hit your ears, and your legs faltered for a second. No. No.
“’Til the end of the line, sweetheart,” James. This is the man who took James from you. He’s no alpha of yours.
You managed to get your legs moving, picking up into a sprint as your heart hammered like a panicked mouse in your chest.
“Stop running right now,” Nick yelled again, but you didn’t even register the command, James’ voice cooing to you in your head.
You could feel the trickle of blood as the bond opened into a fresh wound the more you rejected the commands of your alpha. You were denying your very physiology, and it wasn't without consequences. Everything hurt, and the throbbing in your neck felt like needles were being sharply stabbed where Nick’s teeth had dug in when he claimed you.
The way Nick felt didn't help. There was anger, disappointment, and hurt. Not that he’d admit to the last one. His omega was rejecting him. A prime alpha rejected by their omega was a pitiful sight and one that Nick would never want anyone else to see. For a man so powerful, in this moment, he was entirely weak to you.
That was until you heard the shot ring off and felt a sharp sting in your left ass cheek. You stumbled to the ground, palms and knees grazing over the gravelled surface as the rain hit your back. A yowl left you as you turned to look behind you, a tranquiliser dart sticking out of your skin, a little blue feathered frill on the end.
“You fucking tranqued me?” You screamed, looking back at Nick, who was slowly approaching with the rifle in his hand.
“You’re lucky I didn’t use my loaded gun, omega. I don’t even care about you. I should kill you,” The frustration was apparent, an edge of confusion in his tone, unsure as to why his commands weren’t working. If anything, they should be stronger now that you’re bonded. But why did he care anyway? What made you so special?
“Yeah, but you won’t, because you do fucking care, asshole. Otherwise I would have died with my lover,” You spat, fire in your eyes as he edged closer. Your entire lower half was becoming unusable, but you still tried to drag yourself over the ground despite how it cut into you.
”I can see why that useless waste of space you called an alpha never mated you. Did you act like a fucking brat with him too?” The words shouldn’t hurt. You shouldn’t care what Nick says. But they were like knives piercing your skin regardless, worse than the gravel below.
“He deserved my respect. You deserve nothing. You are nothing.”
The outrage was clear as day on Nick’s face as he crouched before you, and your arms began to get tingly as the weakness spread. You knew he was going to snap back hard, and he did. 
”Maybe your alpha would be alive if you behaved yourself and paid more attention to him.”
Your mouth dropped open in shock, a pained cry leaving you as the tears began. Yeah, that hurt. It planted a seed of doubt in your mind. Was it your fault? No. You weren’t going to take the blame for a male alpha with an inflated ego. For too long, omegas took the blame simply because their voice wasn’t as loud. But not now. You wouldn’t take it.
”Aww, pup. You lost all your bite, hm? I’m disappointed. I thought you’d fight better than this.”
If the jabs about James didn’t hurt enough, the thought of disappointing your alpha added to the anguish. And it made you mad. Really, really mad.
“Why bite when I can scratch, alpha?” You snapped before using your waning strength to slash at Nick. He laughed, easily dodging you, only one swipe brushing his cheek. Your nails left a red mark, and it spurred you on more.
”You can hit harder than that, little pup. C’mon, you’re letting me down. You wanna act like a wolf? Then hurt me, but you’ll have to put in some effort, cub. You’re just making this too easy.”
Nick’s words hit hard. You let out a roar and lunged. It took all your strength to propel your body, throwing yourself against the alpha. He seemed surprised for a millisecond, and it was all you needed to swipe your nails across Nick’s face. He hissed as your talons dug through flesh, leaving trickles of blood tracking down his face. Lucky for him, his eyelids were closed when you attacked, so his eyes remained undamaged while his cheek and lip bore some nasty cuts.
It’s all you hadleft in you before the sedative rendered you useless. But it was worth it to see Nick’s face as he processed it all. For once, he wasn't in control. How the mighty have fallen.
Nick took your head into his hands, cupping his palms on either side. You were forced to look into his eyes when his bond was at its strongest. Desperation was in his wild eyes, the facade of a prime alpha with it all cracking. “Bark for me, puppy.”
Your mind screamed at you to bark. To give in.
It would be easy to play the part the world wanted you to. But to do that would be denying your own human experience. You opened your mouth, turning to the side and biting down hard on Nick’s hand.
He slapped you, one hand holding your head steady, so the impact hurt even more. It makes your brain rattle, the world shaking for a moment. Your eyes fluttered, and suddenly you weren't on the mansion path anymore. Nick had picked you up and thrown you over his shoulder. Your limbs laid dormant, unable to move due to the dart still poking out of your ass. Given the omegas he had housed in his back barn, it should have been expected he’d have non-lethal ways to capture them.
You expected Nick to take you to the bedroom and cage you, but your brows furrowed as you were brought to the living room. He was silent now, and that was almost scarier than his anger. He was plotting something that surely wouldn’t be good for you.
Beck and Mace watched from the doorway as Nick dropped you like a sack of potatoes onto the ground against the far wall. He looked  down at you, jaw clenched and let out a huff. He gave your stomach a kick, earning a winded groan from you as you couldn't even curl in on yourself, your muscles relaxed against your will.
“She’s rejecting my commands,” Nick said matter-of-factly, his gaze turning to his men. “I intend to fix that.”
“How?” Mace asked, crossing his arms as he leaned against the doorframe, eyes flicking from you to his boss.
“I’m going to talk to Kemp. He’ll know. And if he doesn’t, Hal will have an idea.”
“Hal is a softie,” Mace interjected with a dry chuckle.
“Yeah, but have you seen how Ari’s omegas listen to him? They dote on him,” Beck commented, running a hand through his short hair, his forehead creased from stress.
“I don’t want the soft route. Get her bound. I have some calls to make.”
Nick didn't look back at you as he exited the room, but you could feel the pain in your bond. The desolation. The anger. The myriad of emotions swirling in the both of you.
Mace and Beck did as commanded, moving around you to take the pictures down from the wall, replacing them with metal loops. Mace left for a few minutes while Beck finished up, and he took a moment to inspect your stomach, pressing around your ribs to ensure there’s nothing out of place. By now, the dogs had joined as well. Apollo, Icarus and Hermes sat a few feet away, just watching what was happening.
“She’s fine,” Beck murmured to the dogs, three sets of ears perking up at his words. “Yeah yeah, I know. But she brought this upon herself.”
Mace returned with rope, working with Beck to bind your arms and connect the cord through the newly installed loops. Your arms were brought above your head, suspending you uncomfortably so that your toes barely touched the floor. It put a lot of pressure on your shoulders, especially with your body's dead weight beneath you.
As their last step, Beck pulled the tranquiliser dart from you, and you tried to bite him when he was close enough. He gave you a look of disappointment before leaving with Mace, the dogs following once Mace whistled for them.
You were left in the living room, nothing more than the ticking of the old grandfather clock on the opposite side of the room to keep you company. It was almost maddening listening to the tick-tocks, your head filled with the repetitive sound. The blinds were drawn, the room dark, the only light source from the hallway outside. Shadows cast over the dark mahogany furniture, creating more demons for you to contest with. You never were a fan of the dark, and certainly not now.
Over time, you regained control of your body. Your muscles started to move, and you were able to shuffle to try and find a more comfortable position. Although no stance was relaxing as you struggled to stay steady on the balls of your feet.
Hours passed, and you started to hone in on the ticking rhythm of the clock, imagining it as a tempo for you and James to dance to. He always loved dancing. You’d been excited to take him to the local dance that was run every spring, but you never did get that chance. And you’d make sure Nick paid for that lost chance by being the unruliest omega possible.
With the curtains closed, it was impossible to tell the time, and the clock was too far away to make out, so you just waited for Nick’s eventual return.
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You didn't know how long it had been, but the slamming of doors indicated that Nick had emerged from his office, clearly not happy with whatever ‘advice’ he had been given by his friends. After a few minutes, he walked into the living room, sharp daggers shooting from his gaze at you. If looks could've killed, you would have been long dead. 
In his hand was a bowl of porridge, steam wafting off the top. You still hadn’t eaten, and your stomach growled at the sight and smell of the food. Even though you hated the muggy texture, your body craved just about anything.
“Are you going to be good?” Nick said coolly, his mask of calmness back. “You’ll have to be punished, but it will be easier on you if you give in now.”
He approached slowly, watching the way your eyes flitted between the food and him. It was clear Nick thought you would give in as he approached, a smug look on his face.
When he was within range, you used all your strength to throw your legs out and kick the bowl from his grasp, the porcelain shattering to the ground with a smash. Beck came rushing in from the sound, stopping when Nick raised his hand to dismiss him. “Leave it.”
You felt a sense of triumph when Nick’s jaw clicked in annoyance. You weren’t going down that easy. Not with James in the forefront of your thoughts.
Nick’s fists clenched and unclenched like he was deciding whether to hit you or not before he seemingly remembered something. He didn’t touch you. Instead, wordlessly, he pivoted on his heel and left, leaving you and the discarded food without further consideration.
That was the last time you saw anyone for two days.
Or at least what you thought was two days. It was hard to approximate with the only indication of the time the chimes on the clock. Fatigued, with no more than an hour’s sleep due to the stress position and lack of food, you were second guessing how many chimes you’d counted.
Your heart leapt in your chest when Nick eventually re-emerged, his clothes different. You’d never seen him out of a suit, his muscly form adorning a plain blue t-shirt and black jeans. The clothes clung to him like you wished to. Your alpha. Your hindbrain was ecstatic at the sight of him. Pushing against your designation, you shoved all the feelings down deep. No, you could not desire the man who ruined your life. 
Nick’s signature smirk was back, his eyes twinkling as he looked at you. He wanted you, too. That much was clear. Why he cared for you so much, you’d never understand. With the ticks in the background sounding, you looked at the clock tattoo that stood out starkly against his skin, like the rest of his ink.
Your eyes narrowed as you focused on the time. Two am. Was that on purpose? Did that time hold some significance? Or was it simply chosen at random? Your sight dragged to the bowl of fruit in his hands. Melon, strawberries, and apples,all cut into bite-size pieces. The hunger you felt hurt, as if your stomach was ready to eat itself.
“I can hear your stomach, puppy. Hungry little thing, aren’t you?” Nick mocked, but he was right. You were ravenous. The sweet tang in the air from the fruit mixed in with Nick’s strong scent had your head swirling. 
It’d been days since you’d been touched. Usually, that would be enough for any omega to start getting touch starved, let alone a mated omega being denied by her alpha. A prime alpha. Your body yearned for Nick, and it had your anger rising. No, it wasn't fair. You shouldn’t want the man who killed your partner.
Like the first time Nick visited, you kicked the bowl from his hand, flinching at the shattering sound. As you did it, there was a flash of ire in Nick’s expression, but there was something else there too. Like he expected it from you.
“Have it your way,” Nick said simply, placing his hands in his pockets as he kicked the discarded fruit away from your feet. He was so close, you could feel his body heat, and it had you wanting to lean in. “Uh-uh. Bad dogs don’t get pats.”
Nick pulled away, pupils dilated as he took in your scent. It was a punishment for him as well. Although he could get touch elsewhere, all you got was the wall against your back and the floor beneath your toes.
This time when Nick left, tears started steadily streaming down your cheeks as anxiety clutched at your heart.
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It started to get much worse.
The longer you were left untouched, the worse your mental state became. The anxiousness was quickly met with a deep depression that settled into your bones and brought upon an acute sadness that infected you like a disease. 
There were often tears, howls, and whimpers. Yet you still didn’t yield when Nick visited you. You were being pulled in two directions, a tear beginning to form down your middle. Your loyalty was to James, but your body called for your alpha. 
Every time someone would walk past the doorway, or you’d hear the pitter-patter of dog paws, your heart would nearly burst. A visitor? But you were almost always met with disappointment. 
Nick didn’t allow the dogs in the living room, and the only time you saw anyone else was when Beck came to inject you with medicine or help you use a bedpan. He didn’t look you in the eyes, touch you, or speak to you. It was like a ghost was administering the vitamins and minerals you needed to stay alive while you refused food.
The days passed in a blur. As soon as the sun would bleed in around the curtains, it would disappear as nightfall came. At first, you liked the quiet of the night, only you and the owls hooting outside awake. But it quickly became your personal nightmare. Alone, with nothing but your thoughts, unable to sleep for more than a few minutes due to the pressure on your arms and balls of your feet.
It was torture. A brutal tactic that was breaking you down with each tick of that fucking clock. You growled into the air. Oh, how you wanted to break that clock. Tear it to shreds and leave nothing but cogs behind. Because every time you tried to escape reality, the ticking would wrench you back. 
The same as the days before it, the sun began to fade, and darkness began to consume the room. You closed your eyes, hoping to get some sleep. Although it was unlikely with the throbbing pain in your shoulders. When you heard footsteps, you assumed they would merely pass by as they usually did, but your eyes fluttered open when the feet stopped in the doorway. Your eyes met Mace’s hardened gaze. It was the first time you’d seen him since you were put on the wall, and you instinctively wanted to hug him. Alpha’s best friend. Alpha’s best friend is your best friend. He watched the way your brows furrowed, and tears welled in your eyes before breaking away to begin lighting the candles that sat on the mantle. 
“Mace.. help me..”
Your voice was left ignored. The candles added a soft illumination to the room. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from the flickering heat, a golden amber emanating from the flames. If you touched it, you would feel something. It would hurt. But you would have chosen it. A pain you choose to bear is freedom in itself.
“Mace, alpha, please. Let me go.”
Mace didnt spare you another glance as he moved around the room, dusting and cleaning up. He even vacuumed, and it was all very odd. Nick had a maid staff for this, although you supposed they would be uncomfortable seeing a bound omega crying against the wall.
Once he was done, he flicked on the wall sconces, and your eyes shut immediately. The room is filled with light for the first time in.. well, you weren't sure. But it had been a long while. There was a buzzing behind your eyes, spots flittering across your eyelids before you braved the light. 
Your eyes opened slowly, the brightness almost painful for your poor weakened body. You were growing accustomed to the darkness, feeling as if your body was becoming one with the plaster pressed against your back. There was no hiding in the light, and Mace took a deep breath at the sight of you. 
You were a mess. Naked, bruised, with cuts all over from your attempted escape. It was a sight to behold. Mace left without a word, but you were jostled. 
Why did he clean up? Why turn the lights on? It became more apparent when there was a new voice in the home. One you recognised from the night of the auction. 
Steve walked in with Nick by his side, his lips quirking at the sight of you. Your gaze turned to Nick, vexed still in how you looked at him. But your back arched too, begging to get closer to the scent wafting from him. When you closed your eyes, you were sitting by a flower bed of geraniums with a cup of earl grey tea, and Nick was there nuzzling into your neck.
“F-Fuck.. you..” You whined. It felt as if you would die if he didn’t touch you soon. Like you’d crumble into a pile of ash for Mace to sweep up.
“It’s good you booked this for tonight. I don’t think she’d last much longer otherwise,” You hated how Steve spoke as if you were not there, and a growl left you when you opened your eyes to see his hand on Nick’s shoulder. No, you needed that touch. It’s not fair. At the same time, you wanted to rip Nick’s throat out and force-feed him it. 
“This better work,” Nick’s voice was strained, the pain clear. He’d been starved of his omega for too long. But he couldn’t just let you off like nothing happened.
“It will. Trust me.”
“I trust you with my life, Steve. But I don’t know if I trust you with hers.”
Steve merely chuckled, and the men left the same way they came. You wriggled in your binds to no avail. Your body was so exhausted you could barely move. Before long, more footsteps and voices were chatting in the entryway. You recognised Lee, Charles, Ransom, Chase and Robert, all from the auction. But there were new ones too. Three voices you didn’t know that mingled in with the rest. What were they all doing here?
Beck walked in with finger food, little meatballs that looked fancy and well-presented. Mace followed, carrying a plate with different hors d’oeuvres. Some caviar looking thing. You didn’t know what it was, but your stomach grumbled nonetheless. The alphas stayed and watched as the waitstaff brought in drinks and even more food, a complete set-up on the living room table. Last brought in was a plate of natural oysters; the fishy smell had your head reeling. The food had too many scents for your brain to handle. You needed your alpha. You needed to nuzzle into him– No. You needed to kill him. You whimpered as your brain tried to figure out what it wanted.
“Now that’s a nice noise,” Ransom mocked as he entered, a glass of whisky in hand. “You want some company that bad, huh?”
“S’needy little ‘mega. Real cute too,” Lee joined him, hand on his belt that held up his uniformed slacks.
They both looked ravished at the sight of you, like you were the finest meal. Your sounds of distress began to rise. “Go away. Where’s Nick?”
“Now, now, that’s no way to talk to guests, is it? And you can’t even address your alpha correctly, tsk,” a new man entered with Charles and Chase close behind. His shades covered his eyes, but the way his thick moustache curved with his smirk told you all you needed to know. He wasn’t a good person.
“I think we can forgive her for being rude given the circumstances, don’t you think?” Yet another two men entered, and your head was beginning to swirl with the number of alpha scents in the room. The man looked rough and rugged as if he worked hard and was weathered by it.
“I think Hal is right, Lloyd. Give the omega a break for being flustered,” Hal’s companion said as he made his way to the table, taking one of the caviar toasts to snack on. The moment you heard the crunch, you opened your mouth instinctively, desperate to eat.
“Are you not feeding this thing, Fowler?” Charles called out as Nick and Steve entered together.
They were all speaking about you, not to you. And it had your blood boiling as the myriad of other emotions began to rise to the surface. “Fuck off! All of you! Leave me alone. You’re all fucking bastards. Stupid knotheaded bastards.”
Suddenly, all the attention was on you. No more chuckles or snide comments, just the piercing gaze of eleven alphas and the one beta, Steve. Your heart lurched, the intensity sudden.
“I’ll kill all of you. The moment I get out of here, you’re all dead,” you snarled as you looked at Nick. Since you’d last seen him, he’d changed into a black button-up and suit pants.
He looked like his role. A mob boss with the power of a prime alpha. But more than anything, he looked like a man sent to the point of desperation. He was holding himself with a mask of calm, but you could feel what lay beneath the surface, the same as he could for you.
“Drinks, anyone?” Hal’s companion broke the silence, and the men eased, tense shoulders releasing.
“Yeah, Ari. Good idea,” Chase kept his eyes on you as he made his way to the table. 
Small talk restarted amongst the men, but you kept your gaze on your alpha. No one else mattered anyway. What was the point of this party? Some chance to show off his defying omega?
Nick ignored you, but you could feel the red string between you two. He was still connected whether he wanted to give you attention or not. You watched as he went and whispered something to Mace and Beck, the duo’s faces hardening.
They both looked at Nick with concern, but he shrugged them off, returning to his conversation with Steve and Lloyd. Like a hawk surveying your surroundings, your breathing began to quicken when Mace and Beck approached.
“Please, don’t touch me. I- I’ll kill you. I can’t– I need–” You couldn’t bring yourself to say it. You needed your alpha.
“You should have thought of that before you acted up, omega,” Mace snapped, but his eyes had a sense of guilt to them. 
Beck wouldn’t look at you as he and Mace worked on getting you down. When the rope went lax, you fell into Beck’s arms, your legs too weak to hold yourself up. The sobs started. You were finally feeling touch, but it was wrong. Beck’s scent wasn’t foul, but it wasn’t right. It wasn’t what you needed. 
Mace came up behind you, and his presence was all wrong too. “No, no, no. Get off!” You couldn’t struggle even if you had wanted to. After God knows how long suspended on pressure points, your muscles were weakened to the point that they were practically useless. Every time you went to swipe at the men, it was no more than a weak slap, Mace and Back wholly unperturbed.
“Shh, shh. You’ll only make it worse for yourself,” Beck soothed into your ear, but you could hardly hear it with your heavy cries.
Mace picked you up from Beck’s arms, cradling you for the room to look at. And look they did.
The scent in the air spiked into something hazardous, and every omega instinct told you to run. Danger. Nick stayed at the back of the room, sitting in one of the velvet armchairs with a glass of what looked to be straight vodka, shooing away Steve when he tried to tell him something.
Mace placed you in the centre of the room, your back hitting the plush rug. It was a different sensation from the cold wall, and it was nice to feel something warm and fuzzy for a split second. But the reprieve was short lived as the other alphas in the room began to approach. 
You tried to crawl away, but your arms and legs didn’t move despite your mind begging them to do so.
Steve crouched before you, deft fingers gripping your chin, forcing you to look at him. “I want you to think of one thing, omega. This is happening because you denied your alpha.” 
The clock ticked in the background, timed with his words, your mouth dropping into a wail.
“This,” Tick. “Is,” Tick. “Happening,” Tick. “Because,” Tick. “Of,” Tick. “You,”
Like an odd hypnosis, you blinked as Steve pulled away. Wait. What is happening?
Whistles and howls filled the room, and it had you shivering in fear before you realised it. The scent in the room turned sickly sweet, dripping with arousal. Apart from Mace, Beck and Nick, all the men in the room were palming themselves, watching how your bare chest rose and fell with each breath.
They’re not here for a social visit.
Steve pulled down the fly to his black jeans, and your stomach twisted painfully. No. Hal and Ari joined him, the three of them taking out their hardening lengths.
It wasn't  real. It was just a bad dream. This was just a nightmare, right?
“Open up, omega. And I better not feel any teeth,” Steve guided his cock to your lips, smearing the head across them. His beta scent was as powerful as the alpha’s around him, making your head pound. It was far too real to be a dream.
“No,” You shook your head. No. No way. But with the way the ticking clock buzzed in your brain and touch starved sensory overload took over when Steve gripped your jaw and squeezed painfully, you started to lose your fight as your mouth opened.
Steve didn’t give you a chance for a snide comment before he pushed himself into your wet mouth, groaning under his breath at the feeling of your tongue gliding against him.
Betas typically weren’t as well endowed as alphas, but it seemed Steve was an exception with the way he filled your mouth to the brim. Your lips stretched painfully around him, and while you were tempted to bite, the repercussions scared you too much. 
While he began working himself in your mouth, Hal spat into your hand before resting his length into it. When you didn’t move to stroke him, he wrapped his hand over yours, directing you to move your hand up and down. His ridges and veins slid across your palm, and you couldn’t wrap your whole fist around him with how thick he was.
Ari gently raised your tired legs, spreading them open so he could look at your bare pussy. He let out a low whistle as he ran his fingers up and down your folds. You tried to shake your head, but you couldn’t with Steve holding you steady.
“That’s it, ‘mega. You’re crying, but you’re so wet,” Ari breathed out, testingly pressing a finger into your awaiting heat. He was right. Your body reacted to the attention it had denied for so long despite your want to escape.
“Jesus, just fuck her already,” Robert sniped, his impatience clear as Ari stretched you open, a second and third finger added to your core. 
“I’ll fuck her when I’m ready to fuck her,” Ari snapped back. The tension between the alpha’s made you feel even more uncomfortable.
Your distress was evident when you whimpered around Steve’s cock. Hal cooed to you, thrusting into your hand and gently brushing his fingers over your arm. “You’re alright. C’mon, that’s it, good girl. Good fucking girl.”
Ari prepped you, working you open with his fingers, but you hardly registered it as your head felt underwater, drowning in the mixed scents of all the men.
Going from touch starved to suddenly overwhelmed was a horrible, nauseating feeling that had you wanting to crawl to Nick and beg for him to make it stop. But when you managed to look at him, you were met with little help. Slouched in his chair, with the dogs by his side, sat Nick. Mace and Beck situated not far from him, all observing you. 
“Don’t look at him. Eyes on me, omega,” Steve commanded, tapping your cheek until you turned your attention back to him. His thrusts into your mouth were on the side of gentle, easing himself in and out without choking you. “Remember what I said. This is all because of you.”
The tears started streaming more heavily down your cheeks as Ari pressed the head of his cock between your folds. You tried to squirm your hips away, but he held you firm. “I have no intention of hurting you. If you stay still this will be easier.”
You didn’t listen, continuing to try to writhe away. What would James think if he saw this? He’d be horrified.
The scents of the three started getting headier, along with those still waiting their turn. You could cut the air with a knife, the atmosphere rigid and palpable.
You cried as Ari bottomed out, his cock stretching you. It wasn’t like the stretch of your alpha, and the mere fact that it wasn’t your alpha was enough to have your body clenching, your walls wanting to force him out. “Fuck. So fuckin’ tight,” Ari cursed under his breath, beginning languid movements that had you seeing stars.
Like a ragdoll, your body met the needs of the three alphas. Their moans filled the room while you wished for nothing more than to sink into oblivion.
“That’s it, good girl. Good little omega. Take it nice and deep. Feels good, doesn’t it? Yeah, yeah I know it does.”
You didn’t register the words of praise, but your attention snapped back to reality when you heard Nick speak.
“Stop praising her like she’s yours,” The prime alpha ground his teeth, jaw set tight.
Ari stopped his movements, stilling inside you while his length pulsed. “None of us want her. We know she’s yours. This is business.”
“I want my omega to smell like me. She smells like you,” Hal commented, keeping your hand moving while his eyes fluttered.
The response seemed to satisfy Nick, and they quickly resumed taking what they needed from you.
It wasn’t long before you could feel them getting close, their breaths heavier, sweat beading along their brows. But before their knots could swell, they all pulled away, leaving you flustered. What.. they weren’t going to finish? You were almost grateful. Perhaps that was it.
Beck came and gave you a once over before he nodded to the rest of the men, and another three stepped up. Lee, Chase and Charles approached, their cocks already red and leaking from watching you getting used by their friends and acquaintances.
It’s almost like a party, with the guests enjoying the food, drinks and the host's omega. In a way, you were no more than food on a platter, ready for the taking. Ready to be picked at by all the guests.
Lee was rough as he settled between your legs, taking the chance to grope at your flesh and feel every curve. “Cute lil’ thing. S’fucking soft too. I can see why she’s yours, Nick.”
You turned your head to look at your alpha, your free hand gripping the carpet to try and pull yourself closer to him. Maybe if you could get there, he’d end this. You managed to flip yourself onto your stomach, but all it did was give you carpet burn when you tried to drag yourself.
“Are we that scary that you’re trying to run?” Chase leant in close to the shell of your ear, playfully nipping at it. “Oh, I can be really frightening if you want.”
There was something else there. A supernatural sense that chilled you to the bone. You looked at him with wide eyes, but he merely looked smug with a quirk of his head. “Aren’t you curious to know what it is? Want to have a scare, little omega?”
“Stop it, Chase. Don’t fuck with her,” Mace interjected, cutting Chase off, who merely pouted in response.
“Fuck her, not fuck with her. Got it,” Chase gave a charismatic smile, leaning down to lick a stripe across your cheek before rubbing his cock over it, so his saliva smeared all over your skin. It was a sickly slimy feeling that made you want to throw up, not that your stomach had any contents at the moment.
He used the makeshift lube to easily slip between your swollen lips, pressing in hard and deep until he hit the back of your throat. You choked around him, but it provoked him to do it more.
Lee lifted you so you were on all fours, giving your ass a smack that left a red hand-shaped welt in its wake. Charles helped you steady yourself before taking your hand for his use. This time you got the message, beginning to stroke him while Lee started to thrust.
Maybe if you just played along, this would all be over quickly.
The strain on your body was paramount as Lee jolted you with each brutal snap of his hips, the fabric of his uniform scratching against your ass. His hands held on so tight to your hips that there would surely be bruises. “S’fucking good. Shit. I wanna try her mouth though.”
Chase pulled out of your mouth with a grunt, his length shining with your spit. You coughed, finally able to breathe properly, some of your saliva falling into the plush rug below. 
“Messy little thing,” Charles groaned, moving to your mouth along with Lee. “Think we’ll both fit?”
“No, but it’ll be amusing to see her tryin’,” Lee snickered before his and Charles’ cocks breached your mouth.
A frail scream left you from the stretch, your eyes scrunching closed from the intrusion. They didn't fit, but they fucked into your mouth regardless. When Lee pulled back, Charles thrusted forward, and when Charles pulled back, Lee pushed in. They worked in tandem, ignoring your broken pleads that were muffled by their dicks.
Chase wasted no time in burying himself to the hilt in you, his thrusts deep and rutted like an animal chasing a primal instinct. “God, fuck, so good. Can I bite her?”
“No,” Beck and Mace snapped in unison, arms crossed as they forced themselves to watch. 
Chase shrugged, the slaps of his hips getting louder as he started getting rougher. Your ass was burning from the impact, and your lips stretched and sore. Everything hurt. Emotionally and physically.
Every time you closed your eyes you saw flashes of James holding his hand out to you. Please. Please get me out of here. But he was no more than a ghost now. There was no one who could save you now.
“If you’re broken, you won’t know any better anymore.”
The picture of James began to warble, his face becoming obscured and replaced. Instead of your lover, it was your alpha. Nick. You needed him more than ever.
Your mind was becoming another for the world’s graveyard of broken souls. Discarded, crossed by everyone around them, unmet with mercy. But this meant you could let go. You would never move on, but you didn’t have to in order to be free. While you would never move from the loss and grief, you could let go. And perhaps that gave you a chance at a gilded freedom provided by your alpha.
Is it so bad to just want to be happy?
You were a bird with golden wings, feathers so bright it left others in awe, and song so sweet it had others listening intently. Your intentions were pure. All you ever wanted was to love and be loved, live a simple life and find some happiness. But that was rare in this world. Not many held the purity of joy that you did. And so, you’d become imprisoned. A bird fluttering, confined by the bars of your alpha.
Alphas had an incessant need to conquer, to clip the wings of those around them so they felt more powerful, even if they were the privileged ones in the first place. You never stood a chance.
For James, you’d waged a war you never could have vanquished. You’d done nothing more than bring a knife to a gunfight. And the lengths Nick Fowler would go to break you had you reaching a realisation.
Letting go of James meant that he was part of your history, not your destiny. And while that was painful, keeping his memory close was weighing you down like weights on your ankles, dragging you down to the watery depths where monsters lay in wait.
It was easy to hate Nick Fowler. To engrave the words ‘I hate you’ onto your heart. But to let go, to allow yourself to find whatever slither of happiness awaits you, you could not hate. It was simply too painful. A burden you could not bear. Not anymore.
The world was beginning to fracture at the sides, your mind hardening as the cracks started to form. You weren’t going to last like this. And that was okay.
“It’s okay. You’ll be okay. Let go, baby. Let go,” James’s voice rang in your head, and you howled louder than ever.
The dogs started barking and snarling at your distress, and Nick had to hold them back by their collars to stop them from trying to protect you.
Chase’s nails dug into your hips, Lee pulled at your hair, and Charles blocked your nose. The pain bloomed like a macabre rose for your mental funeral of James, and your eyes rolled back into your head as your arms gave way. Lee looped an arm under you to hold you up while they kept fucking your mouth, your spluttered breaths ignored. 
You didn’t see how Steve whispered to Nick or how the other alphas were entranced with how your body began to shake. The incessant barks fell on deaf ears before the dogs had to be ushered out of the room by Mace. They let out whines as they were denied saving you from shattering.
The way you viewed Nick began to rapidly change. The bitterness fled like animals fleeing a bushfire at pace. The past was the past, but your prime alpha was the future. Hormones took over, your hindbrain taking control. All that was left was an omega desperate for their alpha.
The convulsions didn’t stop as you began to run out of breath, Chase fucking you like a man unhinged until his knotted base started to swell and catch at the entrance to your cunt. Your body seized. You needed your alpha’s knot, not Chase’s.
Luckily, the alpha’s did what the men before had done, letting you go just before they reached their climax. Your body was dropped to the floor on your stomach with an ungraceful oof, vision hazy as you tried to lift yourself up. But you had no energy left, everything screaming to just get to your alpha.
“Alpha,” You whimpered, and when your eyes met Nick’s, he looked at you with veiled shock. You’d called for him. After all the fighting and pain, you were calling for him. “Alpha, please.”
“Not yet, omega. You’re almost done,” Steve intervened, not allowing Nick to speak for fear that he would give in now that you were breaking for him.
After Beck checked you over, his jaw set, Ransom, Robert and Lloyd descended upon you, and their gazes were by far the darkest. The aura that oozed off them was malice, and it had you shivering from your spot on the floor.
“Aw, sunshine. You’re shaking like a leaf,” Lloyd laughed, squatting before you, biting on the end of his sunglasses before he looped them through the front of his shirt. “I haven’t even touched you yet.”
“Please, I just want my alpha,” you cried, surprised you still had tears left after the amount you’d been sobbing.
“You’ll get him. But like Stevie said, you’ve got to make us happy first,” his fingers gripped your chin, tilting your head to examine you. 
“Dibs on fucking her mouth,” Ransom cut in, taking some food from the table onto a small plate. You watched him as he took two oysters and some salmon, confused as to why he was getting food as he neared you.
The others were helping themselves too. Although Lee and Hal turned their noses up at it, seemingly not keen on fancy food. They’re more homebodies, you guessed.
“I’ll take those pretty little hands,” Robert licked his lips, cock bobbing as it stood proud, released from his slacks.
You were lifted from your place on the ground, Lloyd sitting with his back to the couch seat and ass against the plush rug. He dragged you into his lap and directly against his hard cock, grinding himself against you.
“I don’t want this, please, stop,” you yowled, trying to wriggle away, but all it did was make Lloyd groan as he kept grinding against you.
“What you want doesn’t matter, sweets,” Robert sniggered, coming up close to whisper in your ear. “You’re at our mercy now.”
Despite having nothing left to lose, the fear was immobilising. You weren’t afraid of death, but living terrified you. The unrelenting pain it brought. The bleakness. All you had now was your alpha, the thing you craved most despite the circumstances. Wanting Nick Fowler was a horrifying feeling.
The three vultures that remained  between you and your alpha had you feeling like you were swimming, but when you tried to put your feet down on the sand, the water was far deeper than you thought, and there was nothing there to ground you.
Your brain felt like mush, a mess of emotion and need. Despite your protests, your pussy provided more than enough slickness for Lloyd to rub his cock between your folds before impatiently beginning to guide you down onto his cock. You cried out but couldn’t move with his grip on you, Ransom and Robert watching.
“Put those hands to use, c’mon, we don’t have all day,” Robert grabbed your wrists, a harsh grip that had your bones aching. There was no need for the use of force, but he seemed to find a sick thrill in the power of watching you in pain, just as Lloyd and Ransom did.
Lloyd pulled you down until you reached the scruffy hair at the base of his cock, using your body like a fleshlight up and down on his dick. Robert painfully clung to your wrists as he guided your wet palms over his rigid flesh, all while Ransom watched amusedly.
“You must be hungry, hm? I bet you’d love some salmon, ducky,” Ransom teased, eating the smoked salmon as he towered over you while your eyes fluttered from how Lloyd dragged his length along your walls.
You shook your head. You wanted none of it. You wanted to be in the arms of your alpha and nothing more. 
The stability of your mind was wavering, and you couldn’t even bring yourself to form words with the way everything hurt. Physically your body was fatigued and battered, and mentally you were a wilted rose, fragile petals torn.
“Hm. I don’t like being ignored, omega. Your alpha brought us here to teach you a lesson, one I intend to make sure you remember.” Ransom held up the fishy shells under your nose with nothing but oysters left on his plate.
You retched, stomach rolling in disgust from the salty sea smell coming from the slimy thing. You’d never had an oyster before, and you had no wish to try it now.
Ransom chuckled as Lloyd kept working you over his cock, with Robert using your hands to stroke himself.
For a moment, your eyes checked over the rest of the room's occupants. You searched for a reprieve, but no one was coming to your rescue. There was a gain in having you break like this, and you whined into the air as you tried to squirm towards your alpha but were held firm by Lloyd’s ring-covered fingers. “Uh-uh sunshine, no getting off my lap ‘til I’m done with you.”
“I want you fed before you take my cock, ducky. That way you don’t get nibbly on me. Who knows how far your hunger goes, isn’t that right?” He spoke to you like a child that’s being chastised, and it had a heat building in your cheeks. It was humiliating and had you spiralling further into the shell of an omega.
Ransom didn’t allow you to shy away. His fingers gripped your cheeks so your mouth opened in a forced pout. It took all your might to close your lips, refusing to let anything go into your mouth.
A strong arm looped around your neck, Lloyd’s bicep curling around your throat as he kept making you ride him. A strangled sound escaped you as the breath was knocked from your lungs, shock taking over.
Robert joined in, pulling your hair so your head tilted back into Lloyd’s tight hold. The world began spinning the more oxygen you lost, your lungs cut off from filling with air.
“P- Pl-“ You couldn’t get the words out, tingles all over your body with the way the world began to have a vignette at the edges.
Was this the final curtain call? Was the sick show finally coming to an end?
“Let her go, Lloyd,” Hal called, annoyance clear despite how his cock bobbed hard between his legs.
Mace and Beck stepped forward, ready to intervene, but Steve stopped them. “You want your friend to get the omega of his dreams? Then you need to let this happen.”
“They’re hurting her,” Mace snapped, and you reached out your free hand towards them despite the way your body was beginning to give way.
“A little pain is necessary. She will survive.”
Using your distracted state, Ransom opened your mouth and slid the raw oyster out of its shell and onto your tongue.
Your eyes went wide at the sudden movement. Before you could spit out the slimy food, Ransom clamped his hand over your mouth and nose. Your attempts to flail were fruitless, and the longer it lay in your mouth, the stronger the oyster’s taste became.
You cried against Ransom’s hand as you chewed, which was a mistake in itself, and swallowed the oyster.
“You’re not meant to chew it so much, silly ducky,” Ransom laughed heartily, amused at your disgust. “Here, let's try that again. Now, do as I say. Chew it twice, then swallow.”
Lloyd and Robert loosened their grips so you could breathe, and when Ransom moved his hand, you gulped in air greedily. “N-No. No more,” you begged to deaf ears.
The two alpha’s held you still as Ransom held the second oyster to your lips. You turned your head away despite the hold in the roots of your hair, but it was useless.
Ransom forced the second oyster into your mouth, and you wanted to throw up. You did as the alpha had told you. You gave two chews and swallowed. It was far less horrid, but still an experience that had you gagging when you were released.
Your clear distress had Lloyd’s cock twitching inside you, his breath hot against the back of your neck as he started fucking up into you again.
“You’d think I’d fed her a lemon. Stupid slut, I could buy an omega for the price of these,” Ransom sniped, throwing the plate aside.
“Watch it, Ransom,” Beck growled, Mace barely holding him back from approaching.
“What? She’s a stupid—”
“She isn’t yours to insult,” Beck spat, only backing down when Ransom raised his hands in concedement.
Like the others before them, the three alphas used you for their pleasure. Your brain started to check out, and dissociate, taking you to a better place.
But for some reason, every better place you could think of had Nick there. Your alpha. As long as his scent enveloped you, you were safe. It was a rapidly growing dependency.
When the alphas grabbed at you harshly, you wondered. Would Nick let you build a nest with his clothes? You didn’t want to be without him while he was busy.
If Ransom, Lloyd and Robert noticed you zoning out, they didn’t say anything. They just used you harder until their knots were beginning to swell.
Steve joined the scene, your eyes dazedly watching him as he helped the others lay you down on the rug. You turned your head to the side, the faintest waft of your alpha coming from the fabric. You rubbed your nose into it, a high whine coming from you.
“She’s fucked stupid,” Charles said, mostly in amazement at the scene of you nuzzling into the rug. There were a few laughs in response, words coming through one ear and out the other as you struggled to keep up with all the men surrounding you.
You couldn’t focus as they stood over you, your visuals overloaded. But when the first shooting string of warmth hit you, you realised what was happening. Your ears clued into the distinct groans of the alphas, but their salty-twinged scent covered your skin.
You gasped, wanting to escape it, but multiple hands held you down as more smells began mixing.
It was complete and utter sensory overload as the eight alphas (and one beta) stroked themselves until they came over you, their knots hot and heavy in their grips as sticky white covered you. You wailed, trying to get to your alpha.
It smelt wrong, like getting hit to the head with a sledgehammer as the scents covered you.
“Alpha! Help me! Make it stop, please,” you thrashed, and before long, the men were finished. You sobbed, completely drenched in their cum. 
Without realising it, your body began shaking, the touch starvation to complete overload from other scents sending you into a frenzy. The sobs that wracked through you were miserable, pathetic wails sounding as the anxiety hit you.
The men moved away to mingle, and your knight in shining armour arrived.
Nick’s face came into view, and you wailed with outstretched grabby hands.
He smiled at you. A genuine smile that had warmth flowing through your bond. He’d got what he wanted. You. Broken. And now his to put back together.
“Look at you, puppy. My beautiful girl,” he cooed to you, taking a soft towel Beck handed him to begin wiping away some of the cum from your skin.
“I can’t- I can’t- I can’t-“ Your teeth chattered as your heart raced in quick tandem. The panic was unrelenting, but your muscles were too spent to raise yourself and touch him.
Nick’s large palm cupped your cheek, and he leaned in close. His rings were cold against your hot flesh, which was a soothing feeling. “Tell me what you want. What you need, little pup.”
There was nothing left of you. The girl who was taken from her home was no more.
“Y-You. You. Alpha, help me, please. I can’t- Oh god- I can’t d-do this,” you cried between hiccuped sniffles, and Nick nuzzled his nose against yours.
“See? All you had to do was ask,” Nick gently jabbed, and the normal you would have snapped back. But you weren’t the same person anymore, not after what he’d put you through.
Without acknowledging the guests, Nick cleaned you up the best he could with the towel before he scooped you up bridal style. He began carrying you towards the bedroom, and it had some relief coming to your cluttered mind.
You wanted to be as far away from the other alphas as possible. The whole way up, Nick spoke to you like a new pet. “Such a pretty pup, aren’t you? My pretty pup. I can’t wait to give my sweet puppy a shower. Silly little thing, getting all dirty.”
He carried you to the bathroom and placed you on the cold tiled floor to prepare the shower.
But when he moved away from you, your brain just couldn’t handle it. He was too far, even though he was only a few steps away. “Alpha,” you whined, and Nick turned to look at your beady eyes staring up at you. 
“Say it again,” he rasped, fingers twitching at his sides.
“Alpha. Don’t leave me, please.”
“I’m not leaving you, pup. I’m trying to get the shower ready,” Nick smirked, the enjoyment of your attachment evident. He moved to pick you up, and this time he put you on his hip as he began running the water and getting all the things he’d need. 
“You’re a needy pup, aren’t you?” Nick said, but it wasn’t an insult. It was clear he was revelling in it. He manoeuvred you around while he undressed, and for the first time, you moved to touch him first.
You dragged your nose over his neck, inhaling his scent that had your heart fluttering and pussy clenching. Your fingers ran over his inked skin, feeling each chiselled muscle within reach. From biceps to abs, you felt all of it. This was.. yours? Could you call Nick yours?
The warm water hit your back as Nick walked you under the stream, both of you sighing in relief. It had been a long day.
“Are you going to get other omegas?” It wasn’t unheard of, alphas making a little harem for themselves. 
You felt the flash of anger through the bond, and Nick growled in offence. “No. I only want you, omega.”
“Why?” You couldn’t help yourself but ask. What made you so special? A small-town girl in a prime alpha’s world.
“Later you can ask all the questions you want. But for now, let me make you feel good,” Nick let your back rest against the shower wall, wrapping your legs around his waist so you were sandwiched.
The warm water covered you both, and your eyes fluttered closed. Nick took the body wash, using his hands to cover you in the suds. The distressing smell of the other men started to dissipate with each swipe of his hands, the scent replaced with something neutral before the strong smell of your alpha wafted over the top.
Nick rubbed the scent gland on his wrist across your body, allowing you to relax while his aura took over. It calmed you completely, your body going lax the more he touched you.
This was all you wanted now.
You shuddered when his fingers grazed your nipples, the nubs hardening the more he ran his fingers over them. He drew languid circles with his fingers around your areolas, the teasing causing you to whine, but you made no move to stop him. It felt too good.
Even if it tried, the water couldn’t wash away the slick forming between your folds. Your eyes fluttered open, and you gasped at the sight you were met with.
Dark, lustful eyes met yours, and you felt swallowed whole by the way Nick looked at you. “You want me to touch you, don’t you?” He whispered, and you nodded.
Nick licked your cheek as his hands travelled lower, resting on your stomach. “Here?”
You whined and wriggled your hips, feeling his hardening length pulse against your ass.
“Use your words, omega,” Nick’s fingers tickled your tummy, and you laughed. When was the last time you’d laughed?
“Lower,” you breathed out, still squirming for contact.
“Hm, how about here?” Nick’s fingers moved lower until they sat at the top of your cunt, teasing your mound.
You gripped his shoulders, shaking your head. “Lower, alpha, please.”
“That’s my girl,” Nick purred before his fingers dipped between your folds.
Your body became ignited the moment he breezed over your clit, your cunt throbbing for any contact. “Oh, oh,” you moaned. “Please, alpha, right there.”
“Right here? Well, since you used your manners and asked so nicely,” Nick rolled your clit between his fingers, causing you to howl in surprise as the pleasure shot through your entire body.
After being starved and tortured, this was heaven.
He didn’t stop, beginning to rub your clit as he ground his cock against you, his other hand palming at your soft mounds. The sounds pulled from you were obscene as your body was, for once, manipulated for your pleasure.
The heat in your core started to grow rapidly, and the connection in your bond meant that you were feeding off each other’s arousal, only heightening the experience. Just as he could feel you, you could feel the burning fire coming from Nick. It had goosebumps rising on your skin and your hair standing on end.
“That’s it, puppy. Let your alpha take care of you.” Nick’s words were entirely possessive, and it only further ingrained his hold over you. Your alpha. He saved you from the bad men. Right? He took you away. And now he’s taking care of you. That’s not so bad, right? 
Your sounds started to hit a higher pitch as Nick increased his pace, leaning forward to lick and nip at your neck as his fingers didn’t stop toying with your clit. “Does that feel good? Having your alpha play with your puppy pussy?”
It all started to become too much, your body buzzing with the electrical currents of pleasure. Your legs began to tense around Nick’s hips as your core tightened. “Alpha, I’m– I’m going to–”
“That’s it, pup. Come for your alpha. Give me everything,” Nick snarled into your ear, and his voice's lewd harshness had you reaching your peak.
You came with a yowl, body shuddering as the waves of pleasure washed over you. Your fingers gripped Nick’s shoulders so tightly that your nails dug into his skin, leaving crescents in his mix of black ink and pale flesh.
“Good girl, gushing against my cock. I didn’t even have to finger you,” Nick smiled, and the old you would have been cocky about how his fingers would never have been enough for you. But now, all you could do was give a small smile in return. Your alpha was cocky, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
Nick leaned forward to ghost his lips over the shell of your ear as he positioned himself against your clenching hole, and you could tell he was smiling in the way he spoke. “Are you ready for your treat, puppy?” 
Nick pushed his hips up without warning, burying his cock deep into your awaiting heat. You choked out a moan at the sudden feeling of fullness. Having Nick stretching you out around his length felt right. A cosy feeling of home made you feel safe and loved. Like the best nest you could ever build.
“A perfect fit, just for me,” Nick grunted as he held you tight so he could thrust up, massaging your walls with each groove and vein along his dick. 
You closed your eyes, allowing your head to fall forward into the crook of Nick’s neck. He rolled his hips in slow, languid movements that had you constantly whining. The air felt thick enough to cut with a knife, but you didn’t need air when you had your alpha. 
The movement of your bodies together was slow and passionate. Nick’s hands gently pulled your head back, so your forehead rested against his. You could feel the heat of his breath against your lips, and it had you leaning in closer until your lips met.
Both of you were drenched from the shower’s spray, making it easy to slide your lips together as Nick cupped your cheeks. He deepened the kiss, his hips grinding deep and hard as you bounced against the wall.
Nick bit your bottom lip, allowing blood to pool between you before he sucked it away, a hum mixing in with his groans. He didn’t break away from the kiss. Instead, he slid his tongue into your mouth, swirling it against yours and fucking your mouth with it. 
The action was vulgar, but it had your walls fluttering around Nick’s cock regardless. Nick’s pace started to quicken, and he had to pull away to let out a loud, whimpered moan. “So fucking good.”
His thrusts began to increase in rhythm, and Nick grabbed your hips to fuck harder into you. He tilted his head to the side so you could return to your spot on his neck as you clung to him. The pleasure was beyond intense, and it felt like there was nothing else in the world but you two. 
“Bite me,” Nick hissed, and you pulled back in shock. “You heard me. Bite me, omega. Right fucking now.”
Lost in the lust and the way it made your brain haze, your brows furrowed. Surely he didn’t mean his mating spot. You went to bite his shoulder, away from his mating gland, but Nick harshly slapped your ass in response, earning a squeak from you. “Don’t make me ask again, omega. Bite me.” 
Nervousness flittered between the arousal. It was common for omegas to bite their alphas. But there was nothing common about this companionship. If you bit Nick, it would only strengthen the bond you two share. The old you would want anything but making the bond stronger. But now, the idea of it was endearing.
Nick thrust upwards sharply, his cock brushing against your g-spot. You moaned before you let your hindbrain take over and lowered your teeth to Nick’s mating gland. Heart racing, you bit down.
“Fuck, yes, yes, that’s it omega. You’re doing so fucking good,” Nick howled, throwing his head back as he clung to you, his hips not faltering for a moment. His balls slapped against your ass, his demeanour growing more feral as the metallic taste of his ichor twanged against your tongue. 
You held your jaw firm, letting the bite take hold as the coils in your core began tightening again. The wash of arousal in the bond grew tenfold, the connection strengthening as the bite set. Just as he had bonded you, you had bonded Nick. There was no turning back now.
If there wasn’t water washing you clean, you’d both have been covered in a sheen of sweat as every nerve felt as if it was on fire. “M’c-close, fuck, you feel too good.” Nick’s thrusts began desperate and reckless, setting a merciless rhythm that had heat pooling in your lower back and blooming across the rest of your body.
“Alpha, oh, a-alpha,” you managed to get out as you pulled away, your back arching. You bit your lower lip, trying to hold back your sounds.
“Let me hear you, need to hear you,” Nick gripped your chin, your face millimetres away as his knot began to swell.
Abandoning any semblance of reservation, you let the moans run free. The more his knot started to catch at your entrance, the closer you got to your orgasm. Neither of you could speak as your stuttered groans mixed together. 
Nick held your gaze as his knot finally stuck, his dilated pupils baring his soul as you felt the first shoot of his cum inside you. He reached between you, swirling his finger around your clit until you came with a wail.
The way you clenched around him milked his cock, his seed filling your plugged pussy. “Take it all, omega. My omega.” 
“Yours,” you sighed, letting your body go lax against Nick. 
He held you up for a few minutes, neither of you speaking as you enjoyed the moment of peace.
Peace. That’s what this was. No fighting. No running. No pain. Just.. quiet. 
All you could hear was your panting breaths and the steady stream of water. It was as if you stood upon a bridge, looking down at the river's stream below. The wind whipped in your hair, and you sat upon the railing that stopped people from falling. Did you want to fall? You could admire the view as you flew like a bird to the rocks awaiting below. Perhaps it would be like the movies where it all happened in slow motion, or maybe it would be a fast plummet that quickly brought upon the darkness. You swung your feet, staring down at the water. James was down there. He was waiting.
“Let's get you dry before you get a chill,” a soft voice called to you, and you looked over your shoulder to see Nick behind you. You turned back to the ground kilometres below. But James was down there. “C’mon, I can’t have you getting sick.”
A towel wrapped around your shoulders, enveloping you in a warmth that had you moving away from the bannister.
You blinked, back in reality. Nick placed you on the counter, drying you with care. “There she is. Where’d you go?”
“Nowhere,” you lied, letting Nick take care of you and himself.
“You’re a bad liar, omega,” Nick quipped, but he didn’t push you on it. He seemed content enough to have you yearning for him. 
Nick carried you to the bedroom on his hip when he'd finished, where Mace and Beck were waiting with the dogs sitting at their feet. “The guests have left?” Nick asked, to which Mace nodded. “Good. Make sure to pay each of them accordingly.”
Apollo came up and sniffed at your hanging feet, tickling your toes when he licked at you. You giggled, and it had the dogs ears perking up. 
“Go on, you can pet him.” Nick lowered you so you could kneel on the floor and give Apollo some pats. Hermes and Icarus quickly joined, all revelling in the attention from you.
“I’ve never seen them so affectionate,” Beck commented, a smile on his lips. 
It was an uncharacteristically nice moment as you played with the dogs. You were distracted with the pets as Nick, Mace, and Beck set up the room. A teapot of earl grey tea was placed on the nightstand, and a tray of fruits and sandwiches was on the bed.
“Puppy, we’re going to have a high tea. I need to make sure we get some food in you,” Nick picked you back up, taking you away from the dogs and into the plushness of his bed. The covers rustled as Nick lay you down. Before joining you, he lifted the duvet and sheets so you could sit under them. He propped his back up against the pillows and pulled you close against his side. 
Mace and Beck left, taking the dogs with them after they knew you were alright. Nick held a chicken sandwich to your mouth, and you allowed him to feed you. As he did, you couldn’t stop staring at the clock piece on his hand.
“Why two am?” You asked, eyeing the time on his tattoo.
Nick stiffened and froze for a moment. You’d stuck a nerve. It was evident in the way his eyes seemed glossier than usual.
“It’s not a pretty story, puppy.”
“It never is. Doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be told.”
Nick let out a sigh, picking at the sandwich as he kept giving you small bites. He pulled you against his chest so you couldn’t see his expression. “I failed to save my mother and sister at two am.”
“From who?” You asked, shocked at the admittance of such a loss.
“My father,” Nick gritted out, and he held you so tight, it felt as if your bones would break.
The answer confused you. Nick was acting kindly towards you now and obviously cared about the women in his family. “But then... Why do the work you do? If you lost your family to violence?”
Nick stayed silent for a moment, contemplating his thoughts before he spoke. “Because the world is cruel and hopeless. It’s no more than a chorus of dead souls looking for meaning. When people speak to you, they don’t look at you. They look through you. There’s no connection. There’s no saviour. It’s an unrelenting emptiness you’re forced to find a fill for. And this business fills that gap for me. I’m a slave to no one. I’m selfish. I make all the money I need. And it brought me to you, my omega,” he pressed a kiss to the top of your head, and for a moment, you could swear you felt a tear drip into your hair. “Life is nothing more than sex and violence and a mix of resonance and quiet. But you bring me song, omega. A soft melody that warms my heart. The ends justify the means.”
“Why me?”
“My mother would have loved you. She always loved the smell of roses; you have that beautiful scent. She’d tend to our garden every day. It’s as if you sprouted from my memory of her. I knew from the moment I scented you that I had to have you. You make me happy.”
Nick pressed another kiss to your head before he returned to feeding you. You didn’t question him further. The one enquiry had unearthed enough. And you were tired. So tired.
It was hard to keep your eyes open, and Nick noticed with a soft chuckle. “It’s okay, omega. Sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
He helped you lie down, pulling the covers up so you were snuggled tight. Nick spooned you, letting his lips rest against your shoulder.
You wondered if you’d dream. Perhaps you would dream of the sweet reprieve of death, something you’d thought about many times since you’d come to Nick Fowler's domain.
But as you thought about it, the idealism of perishing no longer seemed captivating. 
You wanted to wake up to your alpha, and continue to live with him. Live for him. For he was all you needed in this sick world.
Because Nick Fowler had broken you. He had won. And now he held your future in the palm of his hand.
Right as you drifted to a state of rest, Nick snuggled in close, pressing a kiss to your hair. “Fight me again, omega, and the consequences will be worse than your most horrifying nightmare. You’re mine. There’s no escaping that now. Sleep knowing your world is mine.”
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
Bad Girl's Club, Chapter 25
Word Count:  1.3k
Warnings: implied smut, some angst, manipulation, breakup. 
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“Will you please just talk to me,” Curtis begged as he looked at Lily.  She crossed her arms over her stomach as he glared at her, “you can’t just tell me that you’re pregnant with my child then expect me not to do anything about it!”
“I told you when we were creating it,” she said casually as she looked anywhere but him, “you don’t need to be involved in their life…or mine.  Don’t worry, Curtis.  We don’t need you!  Not if you’re just going to berate us.”
“But I want to be with you,” he said quickly, “I want to be there for you.  You’re the mother of my child, Lily.”
“Wait…berate?” he asked, cutting her off, “when have I ever berated you?”
“I think it’s a proper idea to prove you want to be with my grand-daughter, Mr. Everett,” Linda smiled as she knocked back her drink and put the empty glass on the bar, “prove that you want to be with her.”
Curtis bit his lip as he spared a glance to Linda Drysdale, “How?  Name it and I’ll do it!”
“Well…first off, where is the ring?” she asked, “you can’t expect her to give birth to a bastard.”
“The ring!” Linda replied, as though it were the most obvious thing ever, “if you’re serious about wanting to be there for her, and wanting to be with her, you must have a ring!"
“Oh don’t tell me that you don’t even have a ring for her!”
"He doesn’t want to be with me, grandma…” Lily frowned as her hand absentmindedly went to her stomach, “Curtis is-“
“Marry me!”
Lily stopped speaking when those two words slipped from his mouth, “What?”
“Marry me!” he repeated, looking for a way to keep her close to him, “your grandmother is right.  I have feelings for you, Lily.  And I know that I didn’t plan on us having a child while you were still in school, but I did see a future with us…I-I I just didn’t expect it to be this soon!  But, I want to be with you.  I want to be there for you and for our child.”
Linda’s lips pursed in satisfaction, but Lily was caught in a moment of surprise, “y-you do?”
“The ring?”
“W-we’ll go pick one out right now if you want!” he offered quickly, holding his hand out to her, “I-I mean, I can’t afford anything extravagant, but i-“
Curtis’ heart leapt in his chest at her word, “yes?”
“I’ll marry you, Curtis!” Lily squeaked excitedly, her entire demeanor changing as she jumped into his arms, “I’ll marry you!  Let’s go get a ring!  Right now, Curtis.”
She raced into Curtis’ arms and their lips came crashing together.  And while Curtis knew he wasn’t feeling the same emotions he’d felt for her before, there was something there, buried deep down.  His heart ached a little that he was going to be giving into what he knew she wanted so easily, but he knew that he was doing it for the right reasons. 
He’d been an orphan, so the prospect of having a family always scared him.  But one thing scared him even more.  The thought of his child being raised without him.  And he knew that what he was doing was right.  He was proposing so that she wouldn’t keep his child away from him. 
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“Happy Valentine’s Day, Jenna…”
Jenna’s breath hitched in her throat as she looked at Lance.  He had decorated every inch of his house with hearts and candles and rose petals for their date in, “Lance…wha-“
“I wanted it to be perfect, Jenna.”
“This-this is amazing!”
“You really think so?”
She nodded, “I do…”
“Well, it’s all for you,” he smiled sweetly, “I wanted to do something amazing for our first Valentine’s Day together.”
“You realize you’re just setting the standard!”  she teased, “if you’re starting off the bar this high…you’re going to have trouble reaching it for the next one…”
“I’m a gymnast, baby,” he cooed, pulling her to his chest with the playful tease.  He shot her a playful wink, and she began giggling, a blush rising to her own cheeks as she felt his cock hardening against her hip, “the bar is never too high…not if it means seeing the smile on your face.”
“But I wanted this one to be special for a few reasons,” he admitted slowly, looking her in the eyes, “first of all, because you’re legal and it’s our first major holiday together…and secondly, because I want to officially ask you to be my girlfriend.”
She gasped as he pulled out a ring.  Her eyes widened as she stared at the simple piece of jewelry and her breath hitched in her throat, “La-Lance.  What is this?”
“It’s a promise ring!” he said sweetly, pulling the ring out of the box and holding it between the two of them, “I want you to know that my intentions with you aren’t just a little hooking up.  I want you to know that I have every intention on one day marrying you…on us raising a family together.  On making you Mrs. Jenna Tucker.”
“I-I don’t know what to say…”
“Well…a yes would make my heart stop feeling like it’s going to explode!”
“It’s all I’ve ever dreamed of,” she admitted, “ever since I was little, and I knew I was in love with you…I-“
“I love you too, Jenna…I love you for everything you are, and everything you bring out of me,” he replied, cutting her off with a sweet kiss, “you make me want to be a better man.”
“And you make me really want to be your wife.”
“So, is that a yes to officially being my girlfriend?” he teased, “because we kind of have to hit that step before we go to the next one.”
She broke out in a smile, “of course it does, you big goofball.”
Lance grinned once more and he almost dropped the ring, before sliding it on her finger, causing the couple to nervously laugh at his fumble, “you’re making me the happiest man on this planet, you know that…right?”
“Well…how about I make you a little bit happier?”
“What are you talking about?”
“I’ve been cleared so that we can do it,” she giggled excitedly.  Lance’s eyes widened and she grabbed her boyfriend’s hand, before dragging it down her body and allowing him to cup her mound, “I want you to take my virginity Lance…I want you to make love to me tonight.  And then…I’m using the strap on and taking you, big guy…”  
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“So, what do we do now?”
Sam bit her lip and looked at her boyfriend, “honestly…I don’t know…I-I’ve never done this before…I was kind of hoping that you knew what to do…I mean…I’ve never-”
“I don’t want to…”
He sighed, knowing that she was right, “what if-“
“It’s not going to work and we both know it, Chase.”
“We’re just not compatible,” she frowned, crossing her arms over her chest as she handed him back his hoodie, “and when it comes down to it, this is for the best.  We wouldn’t be able to keep up on a relationship.  I’ve got my stuff with the four.  You’re going to be a grandpa…it would just get too messy…”
“I’m sorry, Chase…it’s over.”
“But we-“
“I’m going to be on the West Coast, Chase…it won’t work…no matter how much you want it to,” she said simply, “we have to break up!   I don’t think we need to talk about it anymore…me relocating is only for the best.”
“What if I moved?”
“Chase…don’t move…”
“But I-“
“Chase, I don’t love you, okay!” she said firmly, growling at the man she’d tried to be nice to, “I’m eighteen…I don’t want to be a grandma to my best friend’s kids.  I don’t want to be with a man in that stage of his life, okay!  This isn’t going to work!  I’m trying to be nice to you, so just let it go.”
Chapter 26
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itsthemysterykids · 1 year
Clone High AU
Coraline- Clone of Amelia Earhart
Goes missing a lot
She’s always riding on someone’s shoulders
Hangs out on the roof
Wybie- Clone of Mansa Musa
Giving his money away, it comes right back to him
Student council treasurer
Surprisingly, not very popular
Norman- Clone of Nostradamus
He’s always making these wild predictions no one believes… Until they come true
Will tell you your astrological sign
Member of the weirdos club with Agatha
Neil- Clone of James Creighton
Trying to get the school to fund a hockey team
Until then, he’s cool playing in the halls
Always the butt of Canadian jokes
Dipper- Clone of Ivan T. Sanderson
Obsessed with all things cryptids
Suspicious of the school’s intentions for the students
But no one listens
Mabel- Clone of Coco Chanel
The school’s top trendsetter
Dramatic outfit change in the middle of the day
Raz- Clone of Jules Léotard
Wears a leotard under his clothes. You never know when a performance opportunity might come
Vent gremlin with Eggs
Sitting anywhere other than a chair
Lili- Clone of Margaret Mee
Will chain herself to a tree about to be cut down
Puts up fliers about deforestation, and they’re graphic
Can and will take control of a bulldozer and chase after people trying to cut down a tree
Kubo- Clone of Sanada Yukimura
Has different blades hidden somewhere on his person
Kinda emo
Gets along well with Agatha
Eggs- Clone of Floyd Collins
Vent gremlin
Always digging for something
Tracks in dirt
Winnie- Clone of Marie Antoinette
Has a lot of wigs
LOVES cake
Has a ton of fancy gowns
Agatha- Clone of Sarah Good
Terrified of fires and pilgrims
Not a fan of modern slang, but likes cellphones
That one loner girl
Kat- Clone of Harriet Wilson
Always writing in her black journal
Tunes people out with her studded headphones
Hangs out with Wybie and Raúl
Raúl- Clone of Wifredo Lam
Never leaves home without his spray paint and a gas mask
Creates angsty art on any wall he can find
Gets along well with Lili. He designs most of her posters
Stan: So, how’d the kids take it when you told them they’ve been frozen for twenty years?
Ford: Oh, I think they handled it well.
Ford: For anyone who thinks it is 2003… You are wrong!
Clone Kids: … *Freaking out*
Coraline: *Holding up a cellphone* WHAT IS THIS?! *Points to a laptop* WHAT IS THAT?! *Points to Ford’s sneakers* WHAT ARE THOOOOOSE?!
Ford: Ah, you’re catching on already.
Lili: This isn’t real! *Hits herself over the head with a chair*
Neil: Why is the world so warm?!
Norman: Guys! Guys!… Blockbuster is gone!
Raúl: NOOOOO!!
Wybie: There was a brother in office?!
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bear-boi-5 · 11 months
Rescue corps questions? You got it! 1) do any of the other Rescue Corps members know or care about Santi's plight? 2) In canon, Bernard forgives Dingo pretty quickly. Is this the only change in relation to that event, or did something else happen in this AU that made getting stranded far worse than in canon?
Yes they're aware of Santi's "hatred" for Bernard though only a few of them are aware what he actually means. Shepherd, being the autism coded queen she is, doesn't understand social cues so doesn't get it. Collin, Russ and Dingo don't understand what exactly he means but they don't care enough to look into it. Yonny, Rose and Leon understand exactly what he means and like to tease him about it
In a way. Bernard is extremely hateful towards Dingo for leaving him behind and not coming back when he's supposed to be a skilled ranger. But, the thing is what amplifies this is, instead of Olimar chasing them, they were being chased by a hoard of enemies trying to kill them. Bernard tried to save Dingo from a creature about to attack him but when he got overpowered and tried to call for Dingo to help, Dingo had run off, leaving him to die by the creatures hands. Bernard remembers everything that happened and just being faced with such betrayal made him so angry and unforgiving, so much so he's more than happy to kill Dingo
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