#chasing lord debling
jomiddlemarch · 4 months
My vegetable love should grow 
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“But Miss Cressida, it ain’t done!” exclaimed the red-headed housemaid Sally, who had an uncanny resemblance to a fox but without any of a vixen’s daring or speed. Her dark eyes were wet with tears of consternation and darted about anxiously.
“It can be as long as I bring a maid with me. You went along with everything else, you cannot draw some arbitrary line at coming on a call with me during calling hours,” Cressida said, striving to keep her tone even, because she had a positive horror of ranting at the servants the way her father ranted at them and anyone else he deemed beneath him, which was everyone other than Queen Charlotte and possibly the Archbishop of Canterbury. Still, Sally was being difficult and Cressida didn’t have enough pin money left to bribe her into compliance.
“If this works out as I hope, I’ll take you with me,” she said to the maid.
“You already asked me to go with you,” Sally replied. “Did Cook addle your brains when she shouted?”
“I meant, if I am successful and secure the affections of Lord Debling, I should ask Mama to allow me to bring you with me as a maid,” Cressida explained. A more clever maid would have grasped her intention, but a more clever maid would have found a way to refuse Cressida’s undeniably outré scheme.
“A lady’s maid?” Sally breathed, as this was evidently what she considered the absolute pinnacle of existence. She couldn’t do Cressida’s hair worth a toss, however, and her mending was only passable.
“We’ll see,” Cressida said.
“D’you mean to go now, my lady?” Sally asked. 
Cressida almost sighed in relief. She’d have boxed the girl’s ears if she had to, but dragging a weeping maid behind her to Lord Debling’s townhouse what not what she’d planned.
“Yes. Fetch my blue pelisse and then we’ll be off,” Cressida said.
“It’s three years old and covered in braid,” Sally said doubtfully. “You don’t want something more fashionable?”
“Fashion isn’t my primary concern,” Cressida said. She suspected Lord Debling would not notice if she wore her grandmother’s hooded wool cloak, other than for its marten fur trim. The blue went with her eyes and she remembered being hopeful when she first put it on; it had been the Season she thought she might make a match with Viscount Aldertwyne and his five thousand pounds per annum and her recollections were all colored with her earlier rosy optimism. 
“If you say so, my lady,” Sally said.
It was not good Ton to snap at one’s servants’ vapidity or that of anyone who wasn’t a Cit, so Cressida held her tongue. 
It was a significant effort.
Twenty minutes later, Lady Cressida Cowper and her maid stood at Lord Debling’s front door. It was quite tall, but in need of a fresh coat of paint, but the dwelling’s bones, as the saying went, were good and it overlooked a park, which she supposed was some relief to a man who preferred to be out in nature. The park provided plenty of greenery, even if none of it were wild. Cressida imagined the street thronged with carriages as the members of the Ton jockeyed and jostled to get into her latest squeeze, the rooms packed, the ratafia nearly running dry, Lord Debling sequestered in his study or Patagonia.
“Lady Cressida Cowper, to call on Lord Debling,” she announced to his butler. The man did not even blink and she considered that Debling’s unorthodox approach to society would stand her in good stead in her mission. She was ushed down a gracefully proportioned hall that was gloomy due to the paper an earlier Debling had selected. She nodded to herself. She’d avoid all paintings of the hunt and any still-life with a dead fowl, that would satisfy him well enough, and she preferred landscapes anyway.
“The drawing room, my lady,” the butler announced, which was helpful, because it looked little like any drawing room she’d seen. Eloise had dragged her to the British Museum on a rainy afternoon and that was what she felt she’d entered, as the room was full of natural curiosities, some in glass cloches or cases, some merely arrayed on shelves or set down on tables as ornaments. Everything that was not an artifact appeared to be sepia. 
The spiky, spiny, curved shell with its pink flared lip seeming vaguely obscene must be a trial for a housemaid to dust.
Lord Debling set down the book he’d been perusing and removed the spectacles which Cressida would have thought would suit him ill yet somehow contrived to make him more attractive. She didn’t need him to be very attractive and hadn’t anticipated how to respond to his appealing countenance and very broad shoulders in well-fitted superfine. She offered a polite smile, allowing her lips to curve slightly and showing a glimpse of her teeth, while she waited for him to approach her with a greeting.
“Lady Cressida, good afternoon,” he said. “It is good of you to call. I trust I find you well.”
He said all the necessities but as if he were bored by them. His eyes drifted down to her hands and when they returned to her face, there was an expression of interest she’d rarely evoked in a prospective suitor.
“The weather is very pleasant,” she replied.
“I must admit—”
“I expect you—”
They both stopped after speaking at the same time, Lord Debling startled into a laugh that was not one Society would approve, too unstudied, too spontaneous. 
Cressida approved of it quite heartily.
“I’ve brought you something I hoped you might enjoy, but I’m afraid my aspiration may have exceeded my execution,” she said.
“You would have me set my standards low,” he said.
“It’s a vegetable tart, made from a receipt of the French,” Cressida said, using one hand to uncover the pie from its cloth where it sat perched on her knee. Uncloaked, there was no hiding the fact that some of the unevenly sliced vegetables were burnt and the pastry was sadly pale in places. Possibly raw. She hadn’t dared to poke at those spots and risk the entire collapse of the tart. “I know you eschew meat in your repasts and I thought to convey my…appreciation with a dish designed to suit your tastes.”
“I’m sure your Cook has done an admirable job,” Lord Debling said.
“Oh, no, she had nothing to do with it! If she heard you say that, she’d surely give her notice, to think I allowed anyone to believe this a measure of her culinary skill. I made this myself,” Cressida said. 
It was the coup de grâce, or what she believed a coup de grâce was, given the limitations of her last governess whose French was markedly poor, the final blow that would deliver Debling to her or send him fleeing.
“You can cook?” he asked.
“Not very well,” she said, without false humility. “I did not think it would prove that difficult, if it was something a servant could do, but I’ve discovered my talents don’t lie in the realm of cookery.”
Sally, who was amusing herself looking at some pressed leaves or somesuch, made a sound like an incredulous guffaw and Cressida could tell that Lord Debling heard and had schooled his face to remain unaffected.
“I did not think any ladies of the Ton would ever venture to cook or bake or do anything domestic other than prepare a cup of tea with milk and sugar,” he said. 
“They don’t,” Cressida said. “I wanted you to understand, I’m not like the rest of them.”
“Do I need to eat the tart to grasp that fact conclusively?” he said.
“Not really,” she said.
“Good. Then I will eat my portion purely for the enjoyment of it,” he replied.
“That will be little enough,” Cressida said. There’d been a savory custard to be poured over the vegetables that had looked curdled but she’d persevered; now she realized she risked maiming or killing him if he consumed much of her possibly poison pie.
“Allow me to decide, Lady Cressida,” he said and she did not think she mistook his intention. “I think I shall like it very well indeed and will owe you a debt of gratitude. You will need to tell me how I may repay you for your thoughtfulness.”
“You might begin with a waltz at Lady Thimbleberry-Fenwick’s ball tomorrow night,��� she said. 
“And perhaps the supper dance as well,” he replied. “Though she will not present a tart anything like this one.”
“Thank the good Lord for that,” muttered Sally in a carrying whisper.
Cressida did something she hadn’t for over a decade. She blushed to the roots of her hair and all the way down her decolletage. She gave thanks for her lace fichu.
“No one has given me anything that has pleased me so well since I was just out of dresses,” he said.
“Truly?” Cressida said, knowing she sounded for all the world like a miss fresh out of the schoolroom.
“Truly,” Lord Debling said. “I don’t bother with lies. Waste of time.”
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maefansblog · 2 months
Colin's Feelings for Penelope
Buckle up, because this is a long one.
Colin has always had feelings for Penelope. It did not just happen because of her glow up or because he was jealous. It also doesn't happen overnight. They are true friends who turn into lovers.
Feelings can start as admiration, protectiveness, care, friendship, pride, and turn into jealousy, lust, and love.
As he says in Season 2, "Our relationship has taken shape so naturally over the years, one could take it for granted," Colin tells Penelope. "You have always been so constant and loyal, Pen."
I've said this in another post, but Penelope's makeover revealed who she truly was, while Colin's makeover was to cover his insecurities. Colin fell in love with Penelope because she truly stepped into herself. As Lady Danbury said that all Penelope had to do was be herself.
When Colin apologizes in the garden in Season 3 Episode 1, it almost feels like a love confession.
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In Lessons, he encourages Penelope to be herself-even referencing how they first met!
Colin's relationship is so strong with Penelope that he remembers how he and Penelope first met. He even recalls it fondly, calling her charming.
Colin is constantly chasing after Penelope in Season 3!
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He is constantly touching her and wanting to get her alone.
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Colin has so many longing looks where he is pining for Penelope. I'll describe a few of them. In Season 1 Episode 8, when looks for Penelope across the ballroom and catches her gaze before going up to her. In Season 2, when Colin returns home, and the world stops when he catches Penelope’s eyes.
Like in Season 3, when Penelope leaves Colin when she says things changed. He has such a lost puppy dog look. Then, with Goodnight Mister Bridgerton, he is so disappointed in himself and longs for Penelope to return. He has a longing and jealous look when Penelope is talking to Lord Basilio and Lord Remington during the Full Moon Ball.
The longing at the sweets tent, after the balloon rescue, when Lord Debling dances with Penelope at the Innovation Ball, the mirror pine at the library, before and during the wedding dance, when Penelope wears her nightgown, at Francesca's wedding and before the big Declaration at the Butterfly Ball.
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Colin ALMOST confesses his feelings at the Willow Tree and before Penelope first danced with Lord Debling at the Innovation Ball. His words got jumbled and his nerves got the best of him. Normally, Colin prepares words before saying something important and he had no time to prepare.
Colin intended to confess his feelings when he went to the Queen's Ball (in Episode 4) and interrupted Penelope and Lord Debling's Dance.
I think Colin had rehearsed his speech a thousand times in his head. He probably imagined a thousand endings, (a few with his heart shattered, a few with them waiting years until they are together, a few with them courting, a few with them engaged, many wet dreams, a few with them married and having a family).
To Colin, if Penelope reciprocated his feelings, his idealized mind was that they were going to be together forever. I think he *tried to wait to propose,* in order to treat Penelope as she deserves.
When Colin cuts in the dance, he is not going to let anyone steal his girl. When Penelope left him on the dancefloor, he had already felt the sting of heartbreak. Yet when Penelope exited alone for her carriage, he began to hope again and could *not* let her leave without telling her. Chaos Colin definitely kicked in, and he was running on pure impulse.
He chases the carriage down with the sole purpose of confessing his feelings. He has no qualms with being alone with Penelope because he's been alone with Penelope before, and no one bats an eye.
Again, he's dreamed up a thousand endings. Colin saw his entire future realized, knowing that all of them ended happily ever after together.
We know Book Colin and Show Colin are separate people and separate stories.
However, a part of me thinks the show Colin kept the part of "I wouldn't have compromised someone without rendering a marriage proposal" stuck.
[Also, Book Colin doesn't start the day off thinking he was going to marry Penelope. He follows Penelope to the church, gets jealous that she might be meeting a Lover, is shocked that she is Lady Whistledown, they argue, he gets a little turned on, she states that she doesn't believe she's beautiful, then Colin declares she is. He knows he's going to marry her in that moment, compromises her, and then immediately proposes.]
I don't think Colin intended to propose. (Although I make jokes that he did! 🤣) He had imagined it. However, once she said she reciprocated his feelings, he was going to marry her. He had no control of his impulses. He was locking her in. He was going to propose.
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He kisses and compromises her with no thoughts but Penelope, Penelope, Penelope... like she is a siren. (Book reference.) His face looks like he's hypnotized and living out his wildest fantasies. This was Penelope, and this was love. (Another Book reference.) So when they arrive at Bridgerton house, he is firm that he loves Penelope, she has feelings for him (he doesn't know if she loves him yet), and they are going to be together forever. He has the look of "Yes that's my wife!"
When he exits the carriage, I think he had proposed so many times in his dreams that he forgot to actually say it out loud. He happily asks, " For God's sake, Penelope Featherington, Are you going to marry me or not?"
Then he locks in. Telling his mother, family... probably getting no sleep to get their new home set up. Colin is ready for forever with Penelope.
He publicly claims her.
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He reassures her on multiple occasions that he cares for her, has feelings, and even loves her.
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Colin tries to protect her the only way he knows how. He does this by helping her with Cousin Jack in Season 2, offering to help her find a husband at the beginning of the season, saving her from the hot air balloon accident, and even her mother's wrath.
He tries to protect her, but feels like he fails and makes things worse. Especially when he thinks she's been kidnapped, only to find out she's Lady Whistledown. When the Queen interrupts his wedding to try to capture Lady Whistledown, Colin wants her to give up, but she can't because Penelope is Lady Whistledown. He tries to solve things with Cressida, and Cressida increases the money for Blackmail. Although I made a joke in the next picture, it does show why Colin would be upset.
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Even when he is mad he loves her and wants to be married to her. He ravished her on the street and was giddy to dance with his bride on their wedding day!
Penelope has also changed the way he views intimacy.
From their first kiss, the world as he knew it shattered. Colin came to a realization that he had deeper feelings for Penelope than he had never thought to examine because they had been such close friends for such a long time. She completely opened his eyes.
The carriage kiss and more demonstrated the passion that can be expressed through combining emotional and physical intimacy.
The mirror scene was something that could never compare to anything else. It was definitely love making.
The modiste kiss was a confirmation that Penelope truly loved Colin. She wanted Colin to return to who he really was instead of the fake persona that he was putting on. With this news, Colin is filled with passion and an overflow of love for the person who sees him as he is and loves him all the same.
This is why to mix physical intimacy, while Colin was angry at the beginning of their marriage, feels wrong for Colin. He is tortured by this. He sleeps fitfully, but his love for Penelope has transformed him so much that he can't go back to his beginning persona and fake intimacy. He knows true intimacy and doesn't want to sully it.
He can't stay away from her, though. He won't give up Penelope. That's why he sleeps on the sofa that they first made love to be close to her rather than choose another room in the house.
Which makes Colin's Declaration of Love so great in the end. He doesn't take away Penelope’s chance to reveal Lady Whistledown. She is sharing with the world who she is. He doesn't try to change her. He has fallen even more in love with her because he knows even more about Penelope. Colin doesn't have to fake who he is or his feelings for Penelope because he knows that Penelope accepts and loves Colin for being himself.
Colin and Penelope's final intimacy scene shows them both coming together on equal levels, knowing each other fully, and loving them all the same. He is able to love and be loved. He is able to let Penelope take the reins in certain aspects of their relationship, and he is secure enough to let her. (The puns were just naturally there.)
So Colin has had true feelings for Penelope. Their relationship progressed so naturally. He was her friend. Eventually, they turn into lovers. This is why Colin Bridgerton is top tier. This is why this couple holds such a great spot in my heart. 💕
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Thanks for reading and diving into the mind of Colin Bridgerton! 💕
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dollypopup · 4 months
"Penelope should have chosen Debling!"
My sister in Christ. . .he literally dumped her???
Like just before Colin Bridgerton was on his knees after outrunning her carriage to profess how he can't stop thinking about her in his love me, choose me, I'm yours speech, Debling did the Regency equivalent of calling her a floozy who would undoubtedly cheat on him when he abandoned her for several years to chase his passions (because she would never be one of said passions since she asked outright if he could ever come to care for her and he went 'hmmmm seems unlikely! good thing you have solitary hobbies to occupy you instead!') when he has been given 0 evidence of such other than realizing she liked to look out the window because she had a crush on the boy across the street. I was ready to challenge that man to a duel for Pen's honor
His feelings for her were middling at best, I mean Christ on a Pogostick, after he asked her mum for permission to propose he isn't even happy when he opens the door and Pen is there? She's looking like a snack- nay, a whole ass MEAL, and he can't even smile? He just nods at her and dips the fuck out? You don't think it would kill Penelope to know that both her sisters have husbands who absolutely adore them and she's out here with an absent dude who likely won't even write to her?
Portia's 'Love is make believe!' speech is so transparently full of shit when you realize that we've got Dankworth who is so obsessed with Prudence that he makes heart eyes at her every waking moment and considers her his little bonbon and Albion who loves Phillipa so much that he was waiting for her to consent to sex (not realizing she didn't know what it was) for two entire years because he would never pressure her and so he was content with finishing in his pants when he kissed her to make sure she was comfortable. And you want Penelope to settle for a life of loneliness? When Colin is so besotted with her that he dreams of her and breaks every societal expectation in the book as a notorious People Pleaser to run after her and cannot even wait for the morning after being intimate with her to introduce her as his wife to his family in the middle of the night? You want her to turn down Mr "When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible" Bridgerton? For LORD PENGUIN?
Be so serious right now
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inthedreamatorium1 · 2 months
I’m sorry but I’ll never be over how brave Colin was in ep4.
The man was in agony, pining over Penelope but thinking he had no shot with her. Wanting nothing more than for her to be happy -and even expressing so to her. And she seemed happy around Lord Debling. He was completely ready to let her be with LD but then he has that moment in his study. He flashes back to how gentle she was and the way she locked eyes with him. Time stood still for just a moment for both of them. Colin is replaying every single moment with her while sitting in his study and that one moment is what makes him think she might might feel the same. All he has to do is muster up the courage to ask.
So he rushes off to the ball and does the most scandalous thing he could do by cutting into Pen’s dance with LD. He could have waited until the dance was done. He could have waited and gone up to her and penciled his name into her dance card, interrupting any sort of declaration or proposal LD might have been about to do. But none of that was on his mind. He walked in, saw them dancing, and without any awareness of what he was happening around him, interrupted them. And mind you, this was the Queen’s Ball. The queen was on a balcony watching over everyone. She saw Francesca snub the Marquess. The queen would certainly have noticed a disturbance on the dance floor and she could have easily been vocal about it.
Colin was very brave to snub LD -a man who has a title and is therefore “higher” than him- as well as risk the wrath of the queen.
And then this sweet dumb man made everything worse. Because Pen wasn’t receptive to what he was saying. She was humiliated and couldn’t believe her friend would do this to her. He fumbled. Bad. And then had to watch her run after LD. It appeared she chose LD over him. He has no clue what was about to transpire. Pen could have still been proposed to. But when he saw that she left, none of that mattered. He needed to try again and get her to reject the proposal.
It was so massively brave of him to chase after her carriage, not knowing if she’s engaged or not.
When Pen said LD rejected her, he finally mustered up the courage, channeled his dad, and laid it all on the ground in front of her. He has no idea what she’s going to say or how receptive she’ll be to it. He’s risking his friendship with the one person who means the most to him. He’s risking the chance that Pen might never want to be around him again. He’s risking the chance that she doesn’t feel the same. That takes so much bravery and courage to do that.
Colin talks so much about how brave Penelope is and how much he admires her for it, but he has always had a little bit of bravery in him too.
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devonpravesh · 4 months
Violet walked through the lush expanse of her garden, her hands clasped lightly before her as she surveyed the preparations for Colin and Penelope’s engagement party. The sun had just begun its descent, casting a golden hue across the carefully arranged flowers and elegant tents. Everything had to be perfect.
As she approached the first tent, Violet could hear the low murmur of voices. She paused just outside, her curiosity piqued. The Featherington servants, who had been generously lent by Portia, were clearly deep in conversation.
"Did you hear about the proposal?" one of the Featherington maids whispered excitedly. "Mr. Bridgerton chased after Miss Featherington's carriage and called it to a halt."
Another servant replied, "And then he got into the carriage with her! The coachman said he could hear sounds from inside."
"Do you think Miss Featherington was fully compromised?" a third voice chimed in, filled with curiosity.
Violet’s heart skipped a beat. She knew better than anyone how quickly gossip could spread, especially when it involved her family. She cleared her throat and stepped into the tent, causing the servants to fall silent and quickly busy themselves with their tasks.
"Is everything proceeding as planned?" Violet asked, her voice calm but firm.
"Yes, Lady Bridgerton," the head servant responded promptly. "The arrangements are almost complete."
"Very good," Violet replied, giving them a reassuring smile before moving on.
As she continued her rounds, Violet couldn’t help but overhear snippets of conversation from the next tent, where the Bridgerton and Featherington servants were working together.
"They say the coachman heard sounds from within," a Bridgerton servant was saying. "But did anyone actually see anything?"
"Not that I know of," a Featherington maid answered. "But they say Lord Debling didn't propose because he thought Mr. Bridgerton was in love with Miss Penelope."
Once again, Violet's presence silenced the chatter. She offered a polite nod to the workers, who bowed respectfully before resuming their duties with renewed focus.
Violet’s thoughts were a whirlwind. She had always known that Colin and Penelope shared a special bond, but to hear the details of their proposal from the servants was disconcerting. She made a mental note to have a discreet word with Colin about ensuring their privacy in the future.
Finally, Violet approached the last tent, where the more senior staff were organizing the final touches. She moved quietly, catching the tail end of a conversation between Mrs. Fairfax, the housekeeper, and Mr. Miller, the butler.
“It seems the Featherington staff are all abuzz with gossip about Miss Penelope and Mr. Bridgerton,” Mrs. Fairfax said, her voice barely above a whisper. “The coachman claims to have heard compromising noises from the carriage. If word spreads beyond the Featheringtons, it could cause quite the scandal.”
“Indeed,” Mr. Miller replied. “It’s said that Mr. Bridgerton asked her if she was going to marry him right then and there. Quite a bold move.”
“Hush now, we mustn’t let Lady Bridgerton hear us,” Mrs. Fairfax admonished as she noticed Violet standing just outside the tent.
With a serene yet gentle demeanor, Violet entered the tent fully. The servants instantly fell silent, their previous conversation hanging in the air like an unspoken truth. Violet’s warm smile and kind eyes put them at ease.
“Mrs. Fairfax, Mr. Miller,” she began, her voice soft yet authoritative, “I trust everything is proceeding smoothly for this evening’s festivities?”
“Of course, my lady,” Mrs. Fairfax replied, her tone respectful and deferential.
“Excellent,” Violet responded with a warm smile. “You all have done such a wonderful job. Thank you for your hard work.”
As she walked away, Violet's mind was racing. The details of the proposal were certainly more scandalous than she had imagined.
Her thoughts wandered back to the preparations for the evening's engagement party, and she decided to check on the arrangements inside. As she approached the house, she heard the soft murmur of voices coming from the drawing room.
Curiosity piqued, Violet stepped lightly across the threshold and paused just outside the doorway. The familiar voices of Colin and Penelope reached her ears, and she found herself unable to resist listening to their conversation.
Inside, Colin and Penelope stood near the grand piano, close to each other. As they drew apart from a lingering kiss, Penelope placed her hand gently on Colin's chest. "Colin, we must stop," she whispered, her cheeks flushed with a rosy hue. "I have only just managed to make myself presentable."
Colin's eyes sparkled with mischief as he leaned in closer, his voice a soft murmur. "Presentable, you say? Pen, you are always the picture of perfection to me."
Penelope shook her head, a smile tugging at her lips. "Flatterer," she replied, her tone a mix of affection and admonishment. "I truly must go home to prepare for the engagement party. There are a thousand things to be done."
Colin chuckled, his hand finding hers. "And here I thought the only preparation needed was to ensure my heart remains steadfastly yours."
She swatted his arm playfully. "If you continue to distract me, I shall never be ready in time. You, sir, are incorrigible."
"Ah, but you love me for it," Colin teased, his grin widening as he watched her eyes dance with amusement.
Penelope sighed dramatically, though her smile betrayed her. "Yes, I suppose I do. But that does not mean you are allowed to keep me here any longer. I must go."
Clearing her throat gently, Violet announced her presence. "I do hope I am not interrupting anything too important."
Startled, Penelope and Colin turned towards her, their expressions a mix of surprise and embarrassment. Penelope quickly withdrew her hand from Colin's, her cheeks flushed a deep pink.
"Mother," Colin greeted, a smile spreading across his face. "You are never an interruption."
Violet walked towards them, her eyes shining with happiness, and her voice warm and filled with genuine affection. "I simply had to see the two of you together. I cannot tell you how happy it makes me to see you both so in love."
Penelope blushed, curtsying slightly as she met Violet's kind gaze. "Thank you, Lady Bridgerton. Your words mean the world to me."
Colin squeezed Penelope's hand, his own smile broad and sincere. "Thank you, mother."
Violet stepped forward, enveloping Penelope in a gentle embrace. "Now, my dear, I will not keep you any longer. I know you have much to do before the festivities. But know that you are always welcome here, in every sense."
Penelope returned the embrace, her eyes glistening with unshed tears of joy. "Thank you, Lady Bridgerton. I shall take my leave now, but I will see you all very soon."
With a final smile, Penelope exited the drawing room, leaving Colin and Violet standing together.
Violet placed a hand on her son's arm, her eyes twinkling. "You have chosen well, Colin. She is a remarkable young woman."
Colin nodded, his gaze still fixed on the doorway through which Penelope had just disappeared. "I know, mother. She is everything I could ever wish for."
A shadow of concern crossed Violet's face as the servants' words echoed in her mind.
"Colin," Violet began, her tone turning serious, "there is something I must ask you."
Colin turned to his mother, noticing the shift in her demeanor. "Of course, mother. What is it?"
Violet hesitated for a moment, searching her son's eyes. "There have been rumors, Colin. Rumors that you have... compromised Penelope. Are they true?"
Colin's cheeks flushed, and he looked down, momentarily at a loss for words. He took a deep breath, his voice steady but tinged with guilt. "Yes, mother. But I assure you, that is not the reason we are getting married."
Violet's eyes softened, a mixture of understanding and sadness in her gaze. She stepped closer, placing a gentle hand on Colin's arm. "I see. I can see how much you love her, Colin. It is clear in the way you look at her, speak to her. But I must know that this marriage is born out of love and not obligation."
Colin met his mother's gaze, his eyes sincere and unwavering. "I love Penelope with all my heart, mother. I would marry her regardless of any scandal. She is everything I have ever wished for and more."
Violet studied her son for a moment longer, then nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "I believe you, Colin. And I believe in the love you and Penelope share. It is rare and precious."
Colin's expression softened, and for a moment, the tension seemed to dissipate. But then, a thought struck Violet, and her eyes narrowed in contemplation. "Is this the real reason Lady Featherington has been trying to push up the wedding date?"
Colin chuckled, the sound breaking the somber mood. "Lady Featherington does have a flair for the dramatic," he admitted. "But perhaps moving up the wedding date isn't such a bad idea, especially considering the afternoon Penelope and I just had."
Violet raised an eyebrow, a mixture of curiosity and amusement on her face. "What do you mean?"
With a sheepish grin, Colin replied, "Let's just say that there might be another Bridgerton baby on the way."
Violet gasped, her hands flying to her mouth in surprise. Then, she burst into laughter, the sound echoing through the room. "Well, in that case," she said between giggles, "we had better start planning the wedding sooner rather than later."
And as a mix of Violet's and Colin's laughter filled the room, she couldn't help but feel that everything was going to be just fine.
(@nightshadedawn violet's pov! hope you like it :))
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toyboy-molloy · 4 months
penelope: mama, I’m engaged
portia: oh what good news. I see lord debling finally proposed
colin: he would have done if I had not caused a scene, chased down your daughter’s carriage and beat him to it
portia: …
colin: you’re welcome
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ladyjune · 4 months
Colin Bridgerton is so funny for repeatedly asking Penelope if Lord Debling proposed like the man who threw societal rules out the window cutting in on their dance and chasing after/getting in a carriage with an unchaperoned lady would let that stop him from spilling his guts and begging for her hand
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devastatinglygreen · 4 months
Okay so now do what you think will happen after Colin finds out about Lady Whistledown. 🙏
so i sat on this for a little bit because i didn't really know how to answer it but i was chatting with @gleefullypolin, while totally not talking about polin nonstop, no. talking very normally i assure you.
i'm going to put the rest under the cut because it might have spoilers or speculation that people don't want to see:
alright so we know when colin finds out about LW, right? and we know they have a fight. a big one. obviously.
i think colin has to have a regression of his character. he's only been vulnerable around one person so far this season. penelope. and he loves and adores her and she's going betray (hello eros and psyche!) his trust.
there is no love without trust.
there's something very interesting we noticed while chatting about colin and his bro friends. they've been there each time he makes a choice about penelope.
the first ball, he chooses her over them after they're like, "the featherington girl? why concern yourself with her?" but then he tries to take it somewhere private and she checks him hard and cracked his armor. she was not impressed with that version of him and he knew it.
and he definitely will when he learns she's LW if he wasn't aware before
when he's not near them, he chooses her without thinking about it, he runs out after her at a ball when gossip about them is pretty much being said to their faces. even at the first brothel scene, he tells them he's late but then we see him at the market waiting for penelope. this man is a fake and a liar and we see him, we know what he's about. nerd.
in episode 3, he's with them at the balloon thing and they're messing with him about helping penelope and he's so dumb because he's like "i'm done with all of that. it's good to back" all cocky and lame like he wasn't just eating the same cupcake thing she did and staring at her. i was a dramatic teenage girl who once had a crush on a guy who i only saw at lunch and never knew his name and even i wasn't down that bad. good lord. embarrassing.
not really i love it, i love him so much
but he picks penelope over them again when he runs off to save her from the big mean hot air balloon.
we see them again in episode 4, at the library while he watches penelope through a mirror. because that's definitely not crying, screaming, throwing up behavior. they invite him out. for revelry. regency bro speak for possible syphilis and liver disease, it's fine.
he can't get down with his ladies of choice because he's knee deep in wishing he was balls deep in penelope instead. he stares at a wall. they manage to make us feel bad for a man sitting in a brothel. amazing.
we see them at mondrich's. they're talking about girls they probably didn't actually sleep with. oh sure, totally buy that you had access to a woman for 6 months straight. you bet, my guy, totally believable. colin is unhappy. he's like don't you ever want to have a feeling? they're like, no, i just feel the syphilis. it burns, bridgerton. we need antibiotics.
antibiotics won't be a thing for like another 100 years give or take good luck i guess
but he stays and drinks. he's picked penelope but he can't have penelope at this moment. he's in bed laying there waiting to sleep. or die. idk. he's a bridgerton, they're dramatic.
he sees them one last time in episode 4. they stop him. they're dicks. rude to will on top of it? pls. they invite him out and he says no. he's picked penelope once more but he doesn't say anything but "excuse me" and pushes through. they don't push back. they're like, fine. more chronic liver failure and fake stories for us, bro.
he finds penelope. causes a huge social upset that no one pays attention to because he's too busy ragging on debling for having the audacity to leave penelope for years. which is fair. colin would never.
chases penelope. catches her. not quite balls deep but knuckles deep at minimum, let's be real.
which, i am very sorry for this being this long at this point, is why i think we could see his "friends" again before the end. he's going to go through something world shaking and they're always there when he's making a choice but i think what's important to note is that he always makes the right one, he always picks penelope. i think he's not fully dropped that armor and it's easy to slip back into someone pretending not to care, especially when you're hurting. he's got to reject the man society wants him to be and, essentially, be the man penelope needs him to be. she's his purpose.
eta: colin loves to be penelope's hero. i think he's going to feel that pull over whatever else is going on.
i'm just saying it's a mirror of how penelope needs to reconcile how she's both penelope and lady whistledown. they both need to come to terms with who they want to be moving forward. symbolism or some shit.
or i'm totally wrong and all those words above mean nothing. either way i got to avoid folding laundry. time well spent if you ask me.
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gleefullypolin · 3 months
Stacy's Tipsy Musing's – Penelope Bridgerton Hot Takes - Part 2
Ok boys and girls, we need to have a little chat about Penelope Bridgerton.
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Part 2 has been out now for a couple of days and there have been a lot of hot takes to come out of the season. A LOT of hot takes. I’m going to break this down into 4 parts like I did for Colin ((Part 1, 2, 3, 4, Bonus). 4 questions that I'm seeing really bad hot takes about Penelope.
Not surprising I see lots of hot takes about Pen, because either A) people cannot handle a woman complex emotions and facets, B) hate on a woman who does not fit societal norms and standards or C) are stans who refuse to see that all characters have imperfections which make them even more delicious to watch.
Last time we talked about Colin’s entrapment statement to Pen and her reaction to it.  Question 1, now lets get to question 2:
Why didn’t Pen tell Colin about Lady Whistledown after X? (The Carriage, their first time, in the carriage after their first time, during the engagement party, when he gave her the engagement ring, after El met with her and she decided to write the column to protect the Bridgerton’s)
Ok first off let’s be honest, mistakes were made. But let’s also say...some of these moments were not exactly the right time either. So, let’s take each of these one by one.
The carriage, night of their engagement...Ok whoever thought this was a good night is literally insane. Pen was seriously bombarded one evening with not one but two proposals. She was expecting to be proposed to by Lord Debling, had her best friend barge into their dance and ruin said proposal, chase her carriage down, profess that he had feelings for her, finger bang her in said carriage, and then spring a proposal on her. She’s at this point shell shocked with emotion. Now she’s staring down the Bridgerton’s who are literally squeezing the air out of her in love and hugs on one side, and on the other glaring at her and spewing literal vitriol at her that Colin cannot possibly love her if he knows the real her. This is NOT the night this confession would have taken place.
Moving on to their first time. Another moment of shell shock for Penelope. Colin professes to her mother that he proposed to Pen out of love, standing up to her in front of her mother and then taking her to the place that is to be their home. They then make love for her first time in what I would say is every girl’s dream first time because damn girl. Yes! Now I would argue that this would have been the perfect time afterwards to tell Colin, and Pen had the same thought as I believe had they not been interrupted she would have told him. Now I think she could have still tried to tell him as they were getting ready to leave but honestly once the staff arrived, the time was gone.
Ok moving on to the carriage ride after their first time. Here is the second time that she had to actually tell him her secret. This was a great opportunity for her to talk to him. They were alone, it was private. The Queen’s notice did cause her to panic. But I do believe this was a mistake on Pen’s part. While the Queen’s notice going after LW and Colin’s hatred toward LW gave her pause, telling him the truth was the right play here. But she was scared, and she did not make the move and the time passed. Her moment was gone.
During the Engagement party. Ok this one is the most laughable one. El’s demand that she tells him by midnight was the most laughable thing I had ever seen. It was ridiculous to think that in the middle of a busy party with everyone around she was going to unload this giant secret with so many eyes and ears around. There was no way this was going to be where she did it. Point. Blank. Period.
When Colin gives her the engagement ring. Ok this one is where I have a bit of beef with Pen. This is where Lady Whistledown actually tells a lie. He asks her directly why she has ink all over her hands and Pen pulls back and tells him she is writing letters. It is the first time she lies directly to Colin. She’s not withholding secrets; she is directly lying to him. I give Pen a lot of grace in her secret. I gave her a lot of leeway, but this was the one time I looked at the screen and yelled NO PEN NO! But with Portia in the room, this was not when she was going to reveal her secret either.
So that takes to us the night that Eloise comes to Pen because Cressida has revealed herself as LW and is now writing a column and Eloise is worried it will ruin her and her family. Pen decides she is going to write a column because Whistledown is power. Now I know this is not a moment with Colin, but this is the moment that causes her to be caught by Colin. If only this had been the moment that they decided that now was the time to involve Colin because that would have been my dream right here for them to pull him in, let him know the secret, and the rest of the show would have been the 3 of them trying to figure out what to do, but alas, they did not, and I will have to live in fanfiction for this alternative reality.
And so here we are, she did not tell him, and he watched her leave the ballroom with El, the same person whom she was not speaking with for the last year who were seen leaving together hand in hand, and he followed her. And instead of her being able to tell him herself, instead of being able to come clean, her secret was laid bare as a deception to be discovered.
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Stick around for part 3....
Why didn’t Show!Pen give up Lady Whistledown like Book!Pen did?
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sea-owl · 3 months
Penelope was pretty sure her betrothed, Lord Debling, had been replaced by what is her best guess some sort of demon.
The witch first became suspicious when the imposter brought her a book instead of another plant. Debling always brings her a plant. One that is often replanted in a certian part of the garden so Penelope does not forget about it, despite those plants not being very useful for spells or potions. This book the imposter gave, though, Penelope found herself at a loss for words. The next gift was a new inkwell made of a precious gem that sparkled in the light. It was gorgeous and possibly the most beloved gift Penelope has ever received.
Well, the imposter certainly gave better gifts than her betrothed.
Her next suspicion arose when the imposter twirled Penelope in the rain. The imposter had snuck up on Penelope when she was feeling a bit giddy, splashing and dancing through the puddles in the square. The imposter fell into perfect step in her dance. There, they found themselves laughing like school children. Penelope also noticed that for one reason or another, the imposter was having some trouble holding his form. Brief flashes of brown curls instead of slicked blonde, green eyes that glowed like emeralds, instead of plain blue. Debling would have never danced with her like this.
Penelope asked the imposter for a kiss. By this point, she felt she could call the imposter her friend, and maybe at least once she'll know a kiss of someone who sees her more than a convenience to his responsibilities. The imposter clung to her during their kiss and it felt glorious.
By the time they were two weeks away from the wedding the imposter got acting like Lord Debling down to perfection when they were around others. Penelope doesn't like it. Lord Debling was always indifferent to her, she was a solution to his problem of needing someone to run his estate while he chased after his work. At times, it felt like the imposter knew more about Penelope than her old betrothed did. The imposter certainly picked up on Penelope's emotions better. Always subtley changing the act to make Penelope smile.
When they were alone though, on the rare occasion the imposter seemed to refuse to not being in constant skin contact with Penelope. From hand holding, to kissing, to that one carriage ride where Penelope found her betrothed ravishing her chest. It was like a flood gate opened after the imposter got a taste of Penelope with that first kiss. Penelope found herself participating more eagerly with each new experience. But she always stopped before the imposter could get under her skirts.
There was one thing the imposter always had trouble hiding. He had a bigger appetite than Lord Debling ever did. He also wasn't as picky as Lord Debling, whose vegetarian diet always made him weary of what was being served to him. Actually, the imposter always seemed displeased when they couldn't eat all the options available.
Portia seemed to catch on and when the imposter came to call she made sure there was only had vegetarian options available.
"You must keep your betrothed happy, Penelope," the older witch said. "You will be rewarded with security."
Felicity also didn't like that the imposter could pull off a perfect imitation of Debling. Nor was she afraid to voice these thoughts out loud. "You should go back to how you were a couple of weeks ago. It made my sister happier."
The imposter chuckeled. "I'll keep that in mind."
When Penelope married the imposter, she was carried away to a home in Bloomsbury. The imposter swiftly pulled Penelope in for a kiss and laying her on the bed. One hand firmly planted on Penelope's breasts while the other explored the rest of her body. She could feel that hand pulling up her skirts.
Penelope pushed the imposter away. Cheeks flushed, and chest heaving for air. "You can drop the disguise. I rather see you."
The imposter blinked before laughing. Running a hand through Penelope's hair, and kissing her forehead. "Oh Penelope, my clever witch."
The form of Lord Debling melted away into a beautiful woman, too beautiful to be human. Brown curls fell down her back, with green glowing eyes, a coy smile on her face. A pair of rams horns curl around the sides of her head. She had nails that looked to be as sharp as knives. She's taller than Penelope's former betrothed, damn. Now Penelope is gonna have to learn some levitation or flying spells just to kiss her wife. Well, at least she was right about the imposter being a demon.
Penelope's magical energy brushed against her wife. She felt hunger, one that food would not satisfy.
"You're a succubus," Penelope said, eyes wide. She wasn't scared. If her wife truly wanted to, she could have sucked out Penelope's energy long before now. There were plenty of opportunities to do it before the wedding.
"I'm Colleen," Penelope's wife replied, crawling back on top of the witch. One hand slowly trailing up Penelope's leg. "And I can't wait to finally have all of you, my dear wife."
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swallowedbyfandom · 4 months
Her mother is incandescently angry the following morning. The rumors that followed her last night of course being that she ungratefully ended her courtship with Lord Debling over a simple misunderstanding. Mr. Bridgerton was also seen chasing after my carriage. It seems the Ton has decided that I may have been compromised by Colin last night. They are right of course but she will deny it until she is blue in the face. She will shame everyone who questions her virtue.
Her mama starts off the fight before she is even halfway through her morning tea.
"Are you going to explain what on earth possessed you to cause such a scene last night?"
She is tired already of her family looking to make sport of her she decides to lay her cards on the table. After all she will be gone after this season and she will never have to see them again.
Slowly as if explaining to an idiot because well she was speaking to five idiots, she retorted.
"I did not cause a scene last night. Mr. Bridgerton caused a scene when he rudely interrupted my dance with Lord Debling. Lord Debling caused a scene when he allowed it rather than have the spine to stand his ground. Miss Cowper caused a scene when she whispered whatever slanderous tidbit to Lord Debling. Lord Debling once again caused a scene by being so simple minded he chose to believe a lady whom spent her season desperately trying to crawl into his coffers and his britches. I did not cause a scene."
"What I did was refuse to be disrespected and publicly shamed by a man who had no reason to call my character into question. What I did was hand Cressida Cowper my scraps. What I did was end my evening with dignity."
"Further more if Colin Bridgerton decided to chase down my carriage that has nothing to do with my conduct. I suggest you direct your complaints to the Dowager Lady Bridgerton and Lord Bridgerton, they are responsible for his upbringing not I."
"I shall speak on this matter no longer. I am not going to settle and marry the first man who shows interest if I do not believe him deserving of me. You may think me greedy or over reaching I care not. You may think me too fat to attract gentlemen I care not. I would much rather be fat and clever, than thin and vapid. You chose which daughters you wanted to succeed years ago, you can now deal with the consequences of your choices."
"I am done here. "
Let it never be said that she did not inherit the Featherington dramatics as she swept out of the room and made for her chambers to ring for a breakfast tray and to write her letters. She could tell by her sister's silence they were unaware she had just insulted them. She could tell by her mother's squawking that she would be over at Bridgerton house to raise a fuss as soon as she was done eating.
She had arrangements to make it was time to stop dragging her feet. After she shall take a soothing stroll in the park, she has a significant amount of remaining rage to work out. She just hopes she can avoid the Bridgertons. She has already filled her quota for dealing with people suffering from delusions of grandeur for the day.
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thebluemallet · 4 months
Predictions for Bridgerton Season 3, Part 2!
I did a few predictions mostly focused in part 1. While some were spot on, a few others could still happen in part 2. I'll be discussing points I got right, points I could still get right, and other things I think could happen now that I've seen the first four episodes. Possible spoilers below the cut!
1- Francesca Will Feel Some Pressure From the Queen (Right ✅ )
I did say this wasn't that much of a guess and it's been what Queen Charlotte has done every season so far. Francesca didn't want to be singled out as the Queen's Favorite but hers and Eloise's efforts weren't enough in comparison to Lady Danbury's. She is feeling some pressure to marry the man that the Queen has chosen for her because it's the "easiest path" despite Violet telling her she can marry whoever she chooses. But Francesca is feeling that pressure less now that she has met the Earl of Kilmartin and he has made his intentions known (in as few words as possible).
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2- Violet: Captain of the Polin Ship (Right ✅ )
Colin, you were not subtle in episode 3. Violet picked up on what you were really asking so fast! And she's the real MVP of episode 4. When Colin didn't want to go to the ball, Violet saved that ship when she told Colin about Debling's planned proposal. It's too bad she didn't anticipate the chaos Colin would cause to prevent the proposal.
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3- Colin Still Doesn't Know (Right ✅ )
I knew the show could go one of two ways: Colin would find out that Penelope was Lady Whistledown in the part 1 finale OR they would hold off until part 2 for added drama.
As of the end of part 1...Colin still doesn't know that Penelope is Lady Whistledown!
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4- Colin Will Find Out In Episode 5 or 6
I don't think they're going to put off revealing Penelope's secret identity for too many episodes. Episode 5 is titled "Tick Tock," and if you've seen the teaser for part 2, you know that Eloise is putting a deadline for Penelope to come clean to Colin about Lady Whistledown or she'll do it. I think that will also be the episode that the Queen offers a reward for Lady Whistledown's reveal. And as we heard from Lady Cowper in part 1, Lord Cowper has been tightening the purse strings since Cressida still isn't married. We also saw (I think in the teaser, maybe somewhere else?) Penelope writing and the small glimpse we got of the writing was calling Cressida out for being a liar and a fraud.
Here's what I think could happen:
I think it's very likely that Lord Cowper might tighten the purse strings even more in episode 5. He's already been threatening to marry Cressida off to a random older gentleman. Cressida, feeling desperate, takes the credit for being Lady Whistledown so she can collect the reward. Financial independence might help her secure a husband of her choosing. But like in the books, Penelope can't stand the idea of Cressida taking credit for her hard work, so she writes a rebuttal in her latest Whistledown column and sets off to get it printed. Colin will either a) follow Penelope and discover she's Whistledown or b) track down Whistledown only to discover it's Penelope.
Also like the book, Colin will double down on marrying Penelope because he believes he can offer her some form of protection in case people do discover she's Whistledown.
There's another shot of Colin looking like he's fuming in the teaser. I think this will also be like the book where Penelope publishes the column refuting Cressida's claim, anyway. But the column accidentally comes out earlier than intended and it blindsides Colin before Penelope can say anything about it to him.
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5- Peneloise Won't Reconcile Until the Final Episode
I think this is still the most likely outcome. Eloise, thankfully, did not enter her bitchy mean girl era by hanging out with Cressida so much. She tries to apologize when Cressida rips her dress, chases after her when she realizes that she's at fault for the gossip spreading throughout the ball about Penelope and Colin, and then actually shows up at Featherington House to apologize to Penelope for it later. The ice seems to beginning to thaw.
But it will quickly freeze over again when Colin announces his engagement to Penelope. Any progress they might have made toward reconciliation will be out the window. Ultimately, I think it will be actions taken by Cressida in the second half of the season that will let Eloise make up with Penelope once and for all.
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6- Cressida Finds Out Who Whistledown Is...Because of Penelope
Previously, I said that Cressida would find out about Whistledown through Eloise. That Eloise would make enough snide comments that Cressida would figure it out. It could still play out that way. Cressida is very observant and more clever than she's given credit for. When Eloise confronts her for spreading the gossip about Penelope and Colin, Cressida says that she spotted another girl whispering about it nearby and that Eloise was "not very discreet" when she shared the gossip with Cressida.
However, if the events of part 2 play out a little closer to the book, then it will be Penelope's Whistledown article condemning Cressida that allows her to put two and two together and blackmail Penelope.
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7- Lady Whistledown Stays Secret(?)
I think as much as the Queen gets vexed by Lady Whistledown, she sort of realized at the end of last season when Whistledown had a hiatus how much enjoyment she got from the column. And what fun is an anonymous gossip column if the writer is no longer anonymous? Maybe we'll get an "I'm Spartacus!" moment (or, for a more recent example, an "It's my vagina!" moment) where people start claiming left and right to be Whistledown when Cressida tries to expose Penelope in the final episode. It would take away Cressida's power over Penelope once and for all, and it could allow Penelope to keep on writing.
Honestly, I think this is not a likely scenario, but it's a possibility and I'm putting it out there.
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malspinningyarns · 4 months
Random thoughts during Bridgerton season 3 rewatch, episode 3
The dream is so Mr. Darcy walking across the foggy field in the 2005 P&P
There is a editing mistake where Violet walks to Francesca twice pre and post Benedict’s comment to Gregory
Colin at Breakfast:
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Love Charlotte’s heart wig
Phillippa is so dumb. But this is why sex ed is important
Varley is so happy Penelope has a visitor and it’s Eloise
Another wrap to hide Claudia’s broken arm
No one really is going to notice Colin and Penelope unchaperoned again, aren’t they?
Colin’s coat looks dark purple in the light and Pen’s wrap has purple in it.
This is the most awkward Colin has ever been
Those are some massive antlers on that one taxidermy buck
Speaking as someone who is around a lot of taxidermy at work, you kinda just get used to it. But I see that look on Debling’s face very regularly
Debling’s WTF look the Cressida’s comment about rather being a predator than prey. 😂
There are some judgy faces from the Cowpers when Lord Cutbill talks to Francesca
Colin is in yellow, Penelope is in blue
Debling, don’t compare a woman to a dead animal (even I think their conversation is kinda cute otherwise)
The ballon is yellow and blue! (Of course it is)
I love that Dankworth is smart enough to make a double entendre and the Finches don’t get it
Colin is so down bad watching Penelope lick her fingers
Cressida is so lost at the beginning of the conversation with Debling
Penelope’s confusion at Eloise reluctantly bringing up the Great Auk and Eloise responding look of “Don’t ask” is a great moment
Penelope trying to get in on this bird conversation is me at work
I think this look is the best Colin look
Poor Colin is being bullied by these two guys
I do love Will and Alice even if I don’t fully know the purpose of their plot
I literally can’t figure out how old Lady Tilly is supposed to be
Business bitch in a sparkly suit
If I was Eloise, I also would not want to be a witness to this conversation
I love that it was the Dankworths getting interrupted that caused the balloon problem
Way to go everyone leaving Pen behind
Colin is so angry that Hawkins just gets on the balloon (and probably that Debling “saved” Pen)
Portia straight up denies Lord Hawkins in the cuntiest way. 😂
Love the suspenseful music for Cressida and Penelope’s chase to Debling
Francesca hearing he wants 8 children just smothered that relationship
Violet’s face crack realizing Marcus is Lady Danbury’s brother
The way Fran and John keeping looking at each other is very cute
Penelope using Colin’s comments about bravery to talk to Debling 😭
Debling just gave Cressida’s lemonade to Penelope, which is kinda a dick move. This man is fickle
Colin absolutely is not subtle around his mom
Colin’s head turn at that music chord is just *chef’s kiss*
I’m obsessed with the cellist’s crazy wig
So much gold in the foreground with the blue night in the background.
Colin’s going to cry watching this dance
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sweetbuckybarnes · 4 months
You Clever, Clever Boy
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Pairings: Anthony + Kate; Benedict + Sophie; Colin + Penelope; Daphne + Simon; Eloise + Phillip; Francesca + Michael; Gregory + Lucy; Hyacinth + Gareth
Extra Characters: Dowager Viscountess Violet Bridgerton, Edmund Bridgerton II, Miles Bridgerton, Thomas Bridgerton, Violet Bridgerton II, Agatha Bridgerton, Belinda Basset, George Bridgerton, Amanda Crane, Georgiana Crane
Summary: The annual Bridgerton Pall Mall has been somewhat interrupted by the first words of one young Bridgerton. or: How I imagine the final ever scene of Bridgerton taking place.
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It was time for the annual Bridgerton Pall Mall game. This year, playing for the Mallet of Death, was Anthony and Kate, Benedict, Colin, Daphne and Simon, Eloise, Francesca, Gregory and Hyacinth.
Violet was sitting in the shade, looking out at her fully grown children, squabbling over pall mall sticks. She sighed and shook her head. They were like this as children, Edmund had always encouraged their competitive nature - and this is what it has spiralled into.
She pulls her attention away from her children, looks over to the other side of the Aubrey Hall gardens, and smiles at her grandchildren. She could see Anthony's boys (Edmund and Miles) chasing Colin's son Thomas. Three little girls were using one of the new skipping ropes - Benedict's daughter (Violet), Colin's daughter (Agatha - lovingly nicknamed, Aggie) and Eloise's daughter (Penelope). One of Daphne's daughters - Belinda - was sitting in front of her grandmother, working on her mathematics.
Two pairs of shoes brought the Dowager Viscountess away from her musings, and a pair of little hands wrapped themselves around her legs. Looking down, there was little George Bridgerton - Colin and Penelope's youngest child. "Hello, Georgie," she ran her fingers through his brunette locks - he looked so much like Colin did at his age. The only difference? Georgie Bridgerton has yet to speak a single word. "Where is your mama?"
"Hello, Violet," the voice of Penelope Bridgerton causing Violet to look over at her daughter-in-law with a smile - she had always wished for Colin to marry Penelope (when he found out everyone knew of his feelings before he realised them, he nearly demanded to know why nobody ever told him). Penelope leaned down and pressed a kiss to her mother-in-law's cheek. It was well known Penelope had a better relationship with her in-laws than her own family.
Colin looked away from the game of Pall Mall and spotted his wife talking to his mother, who was currently running her fingers through his son's hair. Penelope looked away from Violet and caught the eye of her husband (much like they always had done in every social situation), a large smile blossomed over Penelope's face as well as Colin's.
She looked away from her husband, a subtle pink blush still rose up her cheeks, even after all these years - he could still make her blush. "Thomas!" Penelope exclaimed, hurrying over to her son who had been accidentally toppled over by Edmund. "Are you alright, darling?" Colin had dropped his pall mall stick and hurried over along with his wife.
Colin was followed by Anthony and Kate to deal with the situation between their sons.
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Anthony, Kate and Colin made their way back to the Pall Mall game as Penelope took Thomas up to where Violet was sitting with Belinda and Georgie.
"Are you alright, Thomas?" Violet asked, reaching her fingers out to wipe away one of his tears.
Thomas didn't say anything. Only nodded at his grandmother and manoeuvred himself so he was sitting in the chair with Violet.
Colin kept glancing over at his wife and two of their children. He couldn't imagine just how close he got to losing Penelope to Lord Debling (who went on to marry Cressida Cowper, however, part way into his travels to the North, he and the entire crew perished). If he hadn't admitted his feelings in the carriage, he would have lost her - they wouldn't have their four darling children. Agatha, Thomas, Jane and George.
One of his mother's ladies' maid brought out another chair for Penelope to sit in as she brought Georgie into her lap. 
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Daphne looked over at her husband, Simon, with a smile then glanced over at Belinda (who was being supervised by her grandmother with her mathematics). "I believe she may ask for advanced mathematics soon," she tells him.
Simon also looked over at their daughter, a smile growing on his face. "I believe so, she is more Bridgerton than she is Basset," Daphne laughed at his words and stepped up to take her turn.
Simon watched his wife, as she swung her red ball through the third wicket. He was extremely grateful to have been able to marry Daphne, rather than any other debutante that year.
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Both Gregory and Benedict were worrying over their wives (Lucy and Sophie, respectively) as they were both nearing their suspected due dates. Eloise kept looking down to the other end of the garden, where her husband Phillip Crane (the former husband to the first Lady Crane - Marina) was planting some new flowers for Violet with his daughters Amanda and Georgiana.
Penelope had been talking to Violet, staring out at the garden (making sure her children were alright) when the gentle "mama," made her stop talking. She knew three of her children's voices. The only one she didn't know was...
She looked over at Violet, to make sure she did hear what she thought she heard. Violet also had a look of surprise.
It was Georgie. Her littlest baby finally said his first words.
"Georgie? Was that you?" She asked gently, looking down at him.
Georgie tipped his head, so he was completely resting against Penelope. "Mama," he says again.
Penelope let out a stuttered gasp, then a loud shriek escaped her. Which caught the attention of Colin and Eloise (the former who dropped his pall mall stick and ran over to his wife as quickly as his legs could take him). "Pen!" He called, which prompted Eloise to run over. "What is it? What happened?"
"Georgie spoke," she cried, holding their son to her.
Colin looked from his wife to his mother (who nodded, with tears in her eyes). Belinda pulled at his sleeve from where he was kneeling in front of his wife. "He spoke, Uncle Colin."
Colin let out a stuttered laugh, reaching over to rest his hand on the side of Georgie's head. "Of course he did, my clever boy!" Georgie smiled at his father. "What did he say?"
"Georgie," Violet said, capturing the little boy's attention. "Who has you? Who is this?" She pointed to Penelope.
Tilting his head back up, his face shone with the amount of love he holds for Penelope, even before he spoke, it was well known that Georgie was Mama's boy (as Agatha was Papa's girl). "Mama."
Colin rested his head on Penelope's knee for all of one second. "You clever, clever boy! Yes, mama has you!" Colin pressed a kiss to the top of Georgie's head.
"P-P-" Georgie started, making Colin look down at his son, with wide tearfilled eyes. However, before Georgie was distracted by a passing butterfly.
Penelope giggled and rested her cheek on top of Georgie's. "Give him time, he will say Papa soon."
Georgie looked away from where the butterfly had flown and then looked up at Colin. "P-papa," of course Georgie had to speak and call for both of his parents within the space of five minutes.
Colin exclaimed with joy, pulling Georgie from Penelope's lap and throwing him up into the air (which was followed by Penelope asking him to please be careful with Georgie), and pressed multiple kisses to his son's face. "You clever boy!"
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joulex · 4 months
Predictions for bridgerton s3 part 2 from someone who hasnt read the books but vaguegly knows what happens
- im kind of conflicted on lady w, cause it would make a change in the show if penelope were to quit as she does in the books, but given that penelope wont be as prevalent in the show moving foward, it leads me to believe that they would stick to it? Idk if thet would revele it, maybe they come to some agrement with the queen so that in order for her to not be like shamed in society, she will not tell everyone that penelope is lady w if she quits and they can move foward from there
-prudence (i think thats her name) will be revealed to be a lesbian or some kind of gay. she looks so sad whenever shes kissing her husband and shonda has talked about exploring queer stories and as much i would like it to be cressida and eloise i asume they would go that route
-i kind of want to see colin find out about lady w once hes already married to penelope maybe, i think it would be boring if they were to interrupt ANOTHER WEDDING
-cressida blackmailing penelope somehow with lady w as a revenge for lord debling maybe. And the stress of that, eloise, colin, etc, is what will make her pass out at the engament party (if im guessing correctly by the clips)
-Im basing this of a tiktok i saw about the actor being credited on part 2 buuut theo makes a comeback, maybe helping penelope in one last big lady w blast, or (most likely) after the queen does the reward for finding put who lady w is so maybe eloise tells cressida about the printer thing she discovered in s2 and cressida goes there and finds theo. Im going insane
-i personally believe benedict season is next bc it has been a long time and idk how much longer than they show him painting, fucking, etc, etc without getting repetitive, and this is my theory on how he meets sophie: theres the mascarede ball (if i remeber correctly that how he meets sophie) at the end of the season, after polin wedding, the woman he was fucking i dont remeber her name, stops talking to him or they get in a fight of some kind and benedict wants to get her back, so he goes to the ball and he thinks that its that woman and they somehow end up dancing and hes startruck bla bla you know the drill. The dance is over, sophie runs off and benedict, still beliving shes the other woman chases her BUT stops when he stumbles INTO THE WOMAN AND REALISES THAT THE GIRL HE WAS DANCING WITH IS SOMEONE ELSE, AND CANT STOP THINKING ABOUT IT. This is more of a fanfic concept and theory rather than a prediction but i needed to share it. (I realize now that this theory does mot make sense given the speculative actress that is going to play sophie, but i took so much time writing that im going to left it here)
The other option is that the lady is sophies stepmother and she says that shes running out of money or something so she marries so that she doesnt go broke and breaks things off with benedict and he sees sophies father with the lady and bumps into sophie, whose there with her father, so to make the lady jealous dances with sophie but they end up getting along and benedict is starstruck but he asks for her name she runs off(? Bc of something idk im not that creative and bc this is taking place in a mascarade ball, benedict doesnt know neither her name or her face. So s4 will have benedict after a time jump of a year o more maybe (he forgot her voice idk) with a conflict between the lady, bc he genuenly liked her, and getting to know sophie and the strange memory of her in that dance.
- i think francesca will get engaged by the end of the season or will be very close to it.
Anyways i almost wrote a s4 script in this more than imagining what will happen in part 2 but oh well :)
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bibuckagenda · 4 months
Bridgerton season 3 episode 4 rant following:
Oh pen Colin is your soulmate it’s okay he’s getting there I swear
Spill your secrets Colin bridgerton
What kind of midseason hellish cliffhanger are we gonna have
Ben wants to fuck and he GETS to fuck
You read me too well love them
Yes quiet man kilmartin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was wondering if they would set this up so sterling can happen
Colin put the pining away and get your girl because she is charming debling right now
He says and if I left you behind what would you do
Practical???? Practical???? SHE DESERVES LOVE
Pen no I’m gonna fucking screa
Sequence where he can only think of pen when
Paying for it my dear boy girl kissing
Aaahhh Fran is so flustered I love them stop it
He’s stunned oh no baby girl Fran
Nuanced Cressida
Gross locker talk
He really said fuck you
Oh no is he going to ask did he already ask I’m gonna vomit
Portia I need you to actually be a mother for exactly 1 minutes
Love she could want love Portia I hate you with all my being
Colin you need to do some ruining like compromise your girl
Omg Violet yes tell him TELL HIM LET HIM PREVENT IT
Ballet baby
What is in her hair and how did she do that
Perhaps the play will inspire my lovers
He wrote on her card you guys oh no Colin where ARE YOU
Garden watered
Slow burn get this man to talk to Colin too
Second act you two should fuck
Ah Ben still wants to fuck
Cressida and Eloise kiss wait what
Aaaah tell him not to mess with dear Violet oh my god
Kilmartin got rizz
Yea comin go GET HER
Oop rejected
Oh he’s putting it together across the street omg
Chase after her pleas Colin omg
No poor baby girl
Carriage carriage CARRIAGE
Oh Fran is giddy
I’m about to go out of the window if I don’t see Polin kiss one more time before the mid season finale
Omg confession please I’m gonna sob
Kiss now
Kiss please
Oh the way he looks at her I’m blushing FUCK
Gnawing at the bars to my cage please dear lord
He waited for consent I’m gonna leave the planet
Laughing cute in love kissing babies MARRY ME
Say it
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