#chasity family
lady-loveluck · 1 month
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yourlocalabomination · 2 months
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nerdyprudesmuststim · 5 months
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chasity family stimboard :3
⛧ with trans stims !
☾ self-indulgent !
[ x x x // x x x // x x x ]
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rockrosethistle · 4 months
one thing about me is that I'll be sneaking bible accurate angels into edits of the Chasitys. And if it's not a bible accurate angel it's that one painting of lucifer. So yeah, you could say I make the world a better place
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cak31ssuperi04 · 5 months
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"Basically what happens is, Grace and Max are right about to win. They're right about to do it. And then, there's a groaning. In the floorboards. Suddenly, the staircase gives out beneath Grace and Max, and they fall through the floors. They fall stories. Pieces of wood shove through their chests, and they both are killed."
"But keep this in mind, nothing truly dies in the Waylon house. Grace and Max become ghosts, and they're off doing whatever, but they're no longer involved in the tournament."
So.. that Pit Stop in Hatchetfield tag team deathmatch huh.
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fetishblogsstuffword · 3 months
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You belong to me
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teranobriss · 6 months
I NEED to know more about these two. You can't look me in the eye and tell me there isn't something deeply fascinating buried somewhere in their history; everyone in this tiny town has something mysterious about them.
What was Hatchetfield like when they were younger? What crazy event brought them together? What silly antics did these two superfluously Christian individuals get up to?? We may never know.
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silamander · 3 months
Thinking about them again
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eliyah-de-dark · 9 months
Has anyone else clocked that in the Chasity household, Mrs. Chasity repeatedly called her husband by his name yet her name is only mentioned in like one song?
Like I'm rewatching it right now and Mark never refers to his wife as Karen. Only ever as Mother or Mrs. Chasity. Which is something that feels very familiar from my childhood but I don't know how common that would be others.
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localexperiment · 4 months
hi tumblr!!! i present to you: my Chasity family headcanons!
Plus a little storyline
Feat. Holy Bastard, HaloGear, and my own personal rairpair Holy Detective (Karen/Shapiro)
Mark and Karen are both queer! They both grew up in very homophobic households, and have been best friends since they were little. They started publicly dating in highschool to get people to piss off about them, and when they turned 20 and Mark proposed. They were both out to each other, and out to Ted and Paul, but Ted and Paul had promised not to say anything.
Well, they hit 22-25ish and their parents started pressuring for a kid, and they had both always wanted kids but they knew that they weren't gonna have a kid together sexually, so they adopted Grace when she was around 5-8. She had a LOT of religious trauma through her bio parents, and Mark and Karen did their best to help that, but they were still also religious and Mark was the youth pastor of Hatchetfield First Baptist, so her religious trauma never really went away.
In senior year Grace started to develop a crush on Ruth when she started hanging out with the nerds + Steph more, and she was very, very upset about it. Internal homophobia, yk?
She comes home frustrated and upset about her new crush on Ruth, and bee-lines for her mom's room for some support.. And she finds her mom laying in bed cuddling Shapiro. She gets very upset, both about her mom cheating on her dad, AND the fact that her mom is with a WOMAN. So then she storms to Mark's room and finds Mark with Ted... Totally fuckin' making out.
And to be fair I'd be pretty furious too if I found out about all this in the span of like half an hour.
Well over the next few months, after having quite a few long talks with her parents about what a lavender marriage is, the fact that they're queer, the fact that they support her over liking Ruth, the fact that she even has a crush on Ruth.. She still has some issues with internal homophobia but, she also sort of starts to accept herself and starts dating Ruth :3
My own little note for Shapiro btw is that she was born and raised in Hatchetfield but as soon as she turned 18, she got the fuck out of there and moved to Chicago. She became a detective during that time, like she had wanted to throughout highschool, but she moved back to Hatchetfield after not being able to handle all the cases being thrown at her. Her and Karen met again at Beanie's and started talking, catching up, and Karen invited her on a date. <3
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lady-loveluck · 1 month
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What a perfectly normal family!
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onstagesport · 11 months
I think it's very funny that Karen Chasity actually uses Ziggy's pronouns -- accusing them of murder and drug dealing but still!
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im-not-a-l0ser · 4 months
I think I'm unintentionally giving myself exposure therapy regarding Grace. That queer poll? I absolutely, 100% see her as a cishet person. But, someone (specifically @androgynous-sack-of-flesh-3 ) talked about how she just genuinely doesn't think about it because it's not really brought to her attention that it matters, she's busy with being a terror on society basically
Which, made me think. Both of my parents are greygender. Both of them. Both of my parents were also indoctrinated into a christian cult, into which I was born and lived in for over a decade.
So, here's my first official queer Grace headcannon. Grace is greygender. She doesn't understand gender stuff, and just follows her agab because that's how she was raised, that's how she was directed by God.
So... what do you guys think?
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bluffempire · 8 months
y'all know the jeremy you've been to my house post right
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this one!! ghost written by grace chasity
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fetishblogsstuffword · 2 months
Telegram: @Strictlymom
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just-alittlesilly · 9 months
Malcom was born to a devout Christian family in Ontario, Canada.
Except he wasn't. Technically.
It's a long story.
Mal's mom, Maida, was infertile, meaning she couldn't have kids. But she wanted a child, dearly.
And then she got one on her doorstep.
Now, a wiser woman wouldn't trust a baby showing up in a basket on your doorstep, but Maida was blinded by joy.
There was a child, on her doorstep, and the note said it was hers.
So, she raised it as her own, not knowing what exactly this child was.
Because it wasn't just a child.
It was something different.
Something tainted.
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