#chat noir is an assassin
spacedoutcowgirl · 6 months
grown out weeds — 🪴 ⋆。˚ ꕥ
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6 months after amelie and
nathalie’s wedding , a letter all
the way from paris makes its way.
to their door . it’s time for a
graham de vanily family reunion .
no one has written a wiki-how
article on how to deal with that.
(bottom right art by @hurryglow — commission her if you can, she’s lovely)
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wisteriasymphony · 1 year
hoping i'm the first person here to make miraculous ladybug/jfk assassination crossover art
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kyuziipon · 10 months
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COMMISSIONS ARE OPEN ‼️‼️ More info and examples under the cut ❤️
DM if interested!
Original characters
Characters from media I am unfamiliar with
Light gore/injuries
Selfship/oc x canon
Weird shit
Design characters/self inserts/etc
Complex armor or mecha
Excessive gore/intestines
If something you wish to commission isn’t on either of these lists, feel free to ask! I have the right to say I’m uncomfortable drawing something.
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rozunderpressure · 1 year
If I had a penny for every time a story, that specifically takes place in Paris, made specifically by French Companies, chooses to focus on the love interest of the person whose family, specially their dad, and themselves is more important to the main plot than the love interest, making the love interest the main character, instead of the person themselves, I would have two pennies... Which isn't a lot, but its still weird that it happened twice...
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You know what would make the Lucky Charm more balanced? Make it so that there are times where other characters figure it out, not just Ladybug. That way, it doesn't make Ladybug hypercompent and makes it possible for other people to save the day.
I don't mind Ladybug being the one best suited to Lucky Charm. I don't think it makes her hyper competent because you don't need a Lucky Charm to save the day. It's just the way that she saves the day. The other characters should have their own unique talents that let them win fights. Generally speaking, that's how strong teams work.
For a random example, let's talk about the teenage mutant ninja turtles simply because I think most people know something about that franchise. The character Donatello (aka Donnie) is the team's tech guy. He makes all kinds of inventions that help them save the day. The show would not be improved if all four of the turtles were able to take on this inventor role. I'd argue that it would actually be lessened because the characters would become interchangeable. This is something that the franchise seems to agree with as each version of the show gives each turtle unique skills and personality traits that makes each of them indispensable in their own way, which is what I think Miraculous should have done with the temp heroes.
That being said, I do think that there's a way to make your idea work. I'd just go a slightly different, more lore balancing route since Lucky Charm is technically bad lore and you all know how I feel about bad lore. So let's talk about giving it a minor tweak and how I think that would actually improve things.
Tikki is supposed to be Creation, not Luck, so the Lucky Charm shouldn't have anything to do with Luck. It should just be pure Creation where the holder comes up with a thing they want and that thing then pops up. It could also have a give and take element where the holder gets what they asked for if they want something specific, but they could also just call the power as a hail Mary and Tikki would come up with something on the fly, leading to the occasional puzzle.
This leads me to my proposed changed.
I personally think it would be hilarious and honestly more fun for Marinette's character if she could summon anything she wanted, but the Lucky Charms stay exactly the same because that's just how her mind works. Even when Tikki is helping, it's still all wacky items because Tikki knows how Marinette is and just goes with it.
For example, in Copy Cat, Ladybug turns a spoon into a hook for a cobbled together fishing pole. Wouldn't it be even funnier if Marinette summoned a spoon on purpose because she was thinking of the makeshift thing she cobbled together in order to fish up something she dropped from her balcony? Then, post fight, Chat Noir praises her like always, only to then ask, "So why a spoon and not a fishing hook?" And Ladybug just stares at him because oh, right, those are things they make. She could have done that. Ooops.
And in Malediktator where she summons a sniper rifle to get a laser pointer? Well, she was thinking about this silly comic about a cat assassin! She totally spaced on the fact that you could just get a laser pointer by itself.
Eventually, her team learns to just go with it and not ask questions. Meanwhile, the general public thinks that the Lucky Charm is some random item that Ladybug has to figure out and no one bothers to correct this misunderstanding. You can even have a running gag of new team members learning the truth and going through the acceptance process of, "Hey, you try thinking up how to set a trap while a 5 meter tall lollipop is trying to crush you! Your mind goes to what it knows, not to the ideal solution, okay???"
If we go with this setup, then other people can wield the Ladybug and use Lucky Charm effectively, they'll just use it in a very different way from the way Marinette uses it. There will also be people who are just not suited to the Ladybug since that was initially how the powers were supposed to work and it made perfect sense. Kwamis should have ideal holders along with okay backups and terrible backups. I personally think Alya would be an okay backup since she's creative, but not creative in the same way Marinette is, leading her to be a lesser Ladybug. Adrien, on the other hand, should generally suck at the Ladybug as he simply doesn't have that style of creative thinking. Which is fine. Better than fine, even! You don't want your characters to be interchangeable! They should all have strengths and weaknesses!
This is one of the show's big flaws. Since everything is on Marinette's shoulders, the other characters rarely get a chance to shine and so they feel interchangeable. For example, if gift always shows the target what THEY want, then why does Rose need to be the one to wield it? Juleka could wield it just as easily. And if Ladybug is generally the one telling Marc and Nathaniel what to summon with their powers, then their creativity is not needed. Anyone could wield the rooster and the goat! The show has completely failed to understand what makes teams memorable and so we have a bloated, boring team whose presence I'm dreading because they had five seasons to set these guys up and yet here we are.
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xhanisai · 9 months
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Ladynoir pirates AU!
Ladybug is an infamous pirate known to cause havoc for the rich as well as defeating all the "Akuma Knights" who are sent by King Gabriel (AKA Le Papillon) because he's a tyrant and she wants revenge for all the kingdoms he's destroyed.
Chat Noir is her partner and they do everything together.
Chat Noir is actually the runaway Prince Adrien, son of Le Papillon. Ladybug originally wanted to assassinate him to get back at the tyrant king for destroying her kingdom but she fell in love with Adrien and vice versa.
So he joined her on her adventure instead.
Only Ladybug knows he is the Prince.
They sail a giant ship nicknamed "Tikki" and have a tiny kitten companion named "Plagg".
Let me know if you want more of this AU~
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mochinek0 · 10 months
Daminette December 2023: 1-Mystery Theatre
"Welcome back to 'The Mystery Box'." Marinette declared, "I'm Ladybug."
"Robin." Damian stated.
"Now, last week we were going over The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Afterwards, there was a list of recommended books posted.
1.)The Puzzle Master by Danielle Trussoni
2.)The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides
3.)Bullet Train and 4.)Three Assassins, both written by Kotaro Isaka and translated by Sam Malissa
5.)The Word is Murder by Anthony Horowitz
And for the more adventurous, 6.)Helter Skelter: the True Story of the Mason Murders by Vincent Bugliosi, Curt Gentry
You were also free to recommend your own favorite tastes for mysteries and crime. Today, we have special case in 'The Mystery Box' and I have a feeling everyone will like this one." she smiled.
Robin sighed, "That's what I'm afraid of."
"We know that many people have already left or are heading home for the holidays." Ladybug began, "So we thought of something-"
Robin sneered, "You thought of something."
"Don't get your feather's in a twist, Bird Boy." Ladybug cooed, "We wanted something everyone could enjoy; no matter how far. Today the mystery is: Ladybug and Robin! You are allowed to send in your questions, but if we feel something is too personal or close to giving away who we are, the question will be thrown out."
"Let the questions flow in." Robin commented.
Question one: Is there anyone you don't want to see during the holidays? There's always that one family member.
Ladybug smiled, "From the comments, I can see that lots of people agree with you; whether an uncle or aunt, a parent or a sibling. I'm afraid there's no one in my family I want to avoid, but there are old friends who turned out to be assholes. Those people I could go without."
"My family." Robin stated, "There was a reason I moved out, but I'm expected to be home because of my grandfather. I'm....excited to see my pets, though."
Question two: Are you going home for the holidays?
"Unfortunately." Robin sighed, "The show will be on hold until the break is over."
"No." Ladybug spoke.
"You're staying?" Robin shouted, "Why is this the first I'm hearing it?"
"My parents will be out of the country." Ladybug replied, ignoring her partner, "A relative is sick and they're leaving soon to help I've been looking up single holiday recipes to try this year."
"Lucky." Robin pouted.
"Robin, you can't cook." Ladybug retorted, "You'd end up burning the school down."
Robin should stay!
Robin, don't leave us!
Robin, what are you making for dinner tonight?
Robin, I'll teach you how to cook!
We can go out to eat!
Shut up! Let the bad bird burn down the school!
"Should we be concerned how many people want you to burn the school down?" Marinette questioned.
"I assume it has to due with finals." Damian smirked, "Also, I'm not doing it. I don't want to move back. I like my dorm."
Stay with us!
I got a C-, okay!
I failed -_-'
I don't want to retake that stupid class next year!!!
Need the evidence gone!!!!
Ladybug giggled, "Well, I can certainly say, it's no mystery how much our followers have faith in your cooking skills."
"Ha-ha." Robin spoke, rolling his eyes, "Besides, I can always order out."
"That would require you talking to people." Ladybug rebuffed.
"Not if I do it online." Damian answered, "Like you're one to talk; you're more introverted than I am. I know you have classes in person because there was no other option."
Question three: Are you dating? If so, why not invite her over?
"Not dating." Robin stated.
Ladybug declares, "Robin is my friend and he respects my boundaries."
"I'm Bi and lean more towards guys." he responds, "Girls are too clingy."
Ladybug scoffs, "Chat Noir was clingy."
"No." Robin declares, "Your mental ex-partner was obsessive and should be given a restraining order, should he ever find out who you are."
"Not arguing with you there." Ladybug replied.
Question four: You know each other? What makes Robin different from Chat Noir?
Ladybug rolls her eyes, "Yes; Robin and I know each other, personally. As many of you know, Chat Noir and I did not. To the people who aren't aware, I use to have my own podcast. Chat Noir is someone who reached out to me for a collab. We became known as the 'Bug and Cat Team'. We mostly spoke about the problems at school and social events surrounding the area."
"You don't have to say anything you don't want to." Robin spoke.
"I've talked about it before and several times after the incident; I'm fine talking about it now." Ladybug replied, "A topic came up during a podcast. Someone felt pestered by another individual; they claimed the person wanted to date them and had already rejected them. The person got more insistent and 'tried hard to win them over'."
"They harassed them." Robin sneered, "Just say it like it is."
Ladybug cleared her throat, "During that podcast, Chat Noir sided with the harasser and I didn't. I shouted at him and declared that I couldn't work with someone who thought harassing people was the right way to form a relationship. I shut down my side of the cast and blocked him. Suffice to say, the collab failed and I quit speaking my mind for awhile. Many people blamed me for the way the podcast ended. Some said Chat Noir was only joking. Others declared me the 'School's Voice of Reason'. Robin was the one to figure out who I was and reach out to me. He is the reason I'm back."
Question five: Do you think you two ever will date?
"I don't know." Robin explained, "I'd have to test her, first, if we ever got feelings for each other."
Ladybug smiled, "Oh, you're gonna test me? Is this part of the test, right now?"
"I prefer to get cheap food on the first few dates." Robin declared.
"Oh Kwami!" She laughed, "That reminds me of that stupid list we found: 'List of restaurants/places women refuse to go on a first date. Have you seen that list?"
What is it?
Who doesn't like pancakes?
Someone doesn't like pancakes?
They must live under a rock!
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"I saved that list. It is now my go-to list for dates." Robin spoke, "Again, bye Ladies."
Ladybug laughs, "That list was so stupid! I would eat at any of them! The mystery is what ladies did that person talk to and why do they hate those places so much?"
"It was probably written by the same people who wants a six-figure working guy." Robin shrugged, "Sugar Daddies and Mommies."
"People!" Ladybug cried, "College people are broke! We are still broke when we finish! We got to pay back those stupid loans!"
"We don't have the money for some five-star Michelin resturant because you got a $2000 dress on clearance for $300 and you want to feel special!" Robin declared.
"You don't want fast food or some homecooked meal someone spent the day on? You don't want a family resturant? Guess what? You're gone! We don't want you either!" Ladybug shouted, "I don't know who told you that's the only way you're getting someone good for the rest of your life. Why do you think so many are invested in celebrity gossip? There's always someone cheating or divorcing; some scandal. Being rich doesn't mean you're happy and you're life is perfect!"
"I agree with Ladybug." he spoke, "If I desperately wanted a homecooked meal, I could just ask Ladybug to make me dinner and I would owe her a favor."
"How about a two star resturant in return?" she commented.
"Deal." Robin responded.
They both laughed.
"You can bring your boyfriend, if he wants to come; a friendly dinner." Ladybug continued.
Robin nodded, "I'll let him know."
Question six: I hear clicking sometimes. What is that?
"Oops!" Ladybug spoke, "Sorry; that's me! ADHD kicks in and I'm usually messing with a pen or a figit toy. I didn't realize the noise was getting picked up."
Pen clicker here
I tap my nails on my desk
Leg bouncer!
They have tiny figit cubes!
Marinette smiled, "I'm so glad you all understand. I see a lot of links to....what look like toys. I'll look through them over the holiday."
Question seven: major?
"Uh, that's too personal." Ladybug commented.
"Agreed." Robin added.
Question eight: what made you start a podcast?
"I was bullied a lot." Ladybug answered, "Not everyone listened to me, even when I was right. Slowly, I stopped trying to speak up and just watched and waited for everything to fail. I decided I wanted my voice heard, even if a single person was listening."
"I prefer the illusion." Robin declared, "There's too many people in my life and sometimes, I'm not heard."
Question nine: Who is taller?
Robin began to snicker, causing Ladybug to glare.
"I am!" Robin stated, "Ladybug is....what is that term?"
"Don't you-" she began to scream.
"Fun-sized!" he finished.
"Fuck you!" Ladybug shouted, making him laugh.
"I'm not that short!" Ladybug yelled, "You're just taller and like to pick on me!"
How cute!
Tiny bug?
Tall bug?
Robin lying?
Sibling vibes
Question ten: Ladybug, what recipes are you looking at for the holidays?
"Oh, a bit of everything!" she commented, "I saw a charcuterie board and some chips and dip. Maybe some soup? I don't want to make anything to complicated. Honestly, it all sounds good. Cookies are definetly being made on Christmas Eve. Usually, I would make chocolate chip or shortbread, but I want to try something different this year. Any recommendations?"
Peppermint Mocha
Hot Chocolate
Lemon Cups
Christmas Kitchen Sink
Peanut Butter Blossoms
White chocolate with candycane pieces
Red velvet
"I'm sure Ladybug will look through all of your recommendations and will let you know which ones she chose, when we return after the holidays." Robin spoke, "I will try and come back earlier, but don't hold your breath. We don't need a campus mystery."
"Remember to think out of the box" Ladybug cheered, "and Happy Holidays!"
"Ugh, " Marinette groaned, "I can't believe my knitting needles were being picked up but the mic."
"I'll see if Barbara or Drake are free to look over the audio and maybe find a way to tweak it." Damian stated, "I'll walk you to your dorm, Miss Staying-For-the-Holidays."
"Well, Mr.-No-Five-Star." Mari teased, earning an eye roll, "Want me to cook you dinner?"
"Only if you promise to come over for Christmas." he answered.
"Think Jon's jealous?" Marinette questioned.
"Of me eating your cooking?" he spoke, "Always. He told me if it wasn't for my martial arts training and swordsmanship, he'd be fighting me to date you."
Marinette rolled her eyes and kissed her boyfriend on the cheek.
"You know." Mari spoke, as she cuddled into her boyfriend's arm, "You could have just said I think my girlfriend should meet my family. I would have said yes."
"Still think it was better to keep our lives separate?" Damian asked.
"You mean our personas on the box away from who we really are?" she questioned.
He nodded in return.
"Yes; I do." she answered, confidently, "To many people, I'm soft-spoke or clumsy. I'm not someone people listened to. I don't regret starting my podcast on the side. I am glad you found me. You didn't let one person ruin me and who I was turning into."
"Well, I'd like to see Ladybug come more into play." Damian whispered, "I know she's in there and I like her just as much as I do Marinette Dupain-Cheng."
TAG LIST: @maribat-calendar-events @animeweebgirl @a-star-with-a-human-name @meme991001 @vixen-uchiha @abrx2002 @alysrose-starchild @fandom-trapped-03 @dood-space @moonlightstar64 @saltymiraculer @marveldcedits20 @09shell-sea09 @icerosecrystal @animegirlweeb @insane-fangirl-of-everything @blueblossombliss @nickristus-dreamer @megawhitleycalderonpaganus @missmadwoman @meira-3919  @princessdaisysolosyourfaves @blep-23 @fangirlingfanatic @darkhinauniverse @ravenr22 @im-a-satanic-ritual @ravennm84  @bianca-hooks123 @a-slytherinish-gryffindor @starling218
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flightfoot · 2 years
Miraculous Ladybug Fanfic Recs for 2022
As a lot of you know, I read metric butt-ton of Miraculous fanfics, so I wanted to share with you 19 multi-chap fics, and 16 Miraculous one-shots (I just went through all the ones I really wanted to rec people instead of trying to fit a particular number) that I think y’all should take a look at. I tagged people’s tumblr blogs when I knew them, but I may well have missed some, especially if their username was different between AO3 and tumblr. Feel free to tag authors who I missed. Note that I’m only counting fics that were completed in 2022, so no ongoing fics. Enjoy!
Multi-chap fics:
When The Morning Comes by @into-september:
Gabriel Agreste has been unmasked as Hawkmoth, and the girl who was fighting him all these years turns out to be Tom Dupain's daughter. And standing between them is Adrien Agreste with his life in shatters that Tom Dupain has no way of piecing together.
But baking is at least a place to start.
I love how this not only digs into Adrien’s character, but Tom’s as well, especially how both of them have been estranged from their fathers. I haven’t seen that come up much.
Walking That Mile by @nomolosk
Nino and Alya wake up in the wrong bodies. Several things result from this, including, but not limited to, identity reveals and a better understanding of what their respective best friends are going through.
Never knew I needed Nino!Plagg and Alya!Tikki in my life, but there you go XD. It’s not all fun and games though, this is a Hawkmoth Takedown fic as well, and dealing with the effects of that.
The Sidekick Conspiracy by @bring-the-storm:
It's common knowledge among the heroes of Paris that their sidekick, the civilian Marinette Dupain-Cheng, is actually secretly their leader, pretending to be a normal girl who just ‘happens’ to show up at battles. Common knowledge to everyone except Marinette. What do you do when you're in the center of a conspiracy that doesn’t actually exist? In which Marinette is confused, Chat has no idea what's going on, Master Fu just wants Marinette to be safe, and everyone is misinterpreting the situation.
This one is just fun! Marinette has no idea she keeps on being given jewelry all of a sudden, and Fu’s frustrated that she won’t actually USE the damn Miraculous already.
As the dust settles by @pengirl91:
After Ladybug lost everything and yet her partner stood by her, she realized what she had been trying to lie to herself about for months. She is undoubtedly in love with him. The only problem is that she's terrified of what that could lead to and there's a monumental task ahead of them before it might be safe to act on her feelings for him... more than she already has.
Post Strike Back with my hopes, wishes, and predictions for season 5 as I wait with great impatience. Now complete.
The meat of this story is mostly a SentiAdrien fic. Adrien discovers that Gabriel is Hawkmoth, so Gabriel orders him to stay silent about what he found out, as well as giving orders to help him with plans to obtain the Miraculous he needs. Luckily, he doesn’t know that Adrien is Chat Noir...
A Little Fall Of Rain by @funnydoesntlookdruish:
Unable to transform in time, Marinette sacrifices her life to save Adrien from an assassin. With the help of the Kwamis, Adrien is able to bring her back to life, but it comes at a price. One that Adrien alone must pay. Now, Adrien is forced to keep even more secrets. The fact that Marinette is alive and that she has been his Lady all long. More than ever, they must defeat Hawkmoth. Only then can Marinette return to her life.
This one’s pretty angsty, arguably even more on Adrien’s end than Marinette’s. As part of their cover, Adrien has to be injured pretty badly, in ways that couldn’t be reversed if not for magic.
Strangely Familiar by @sunfoxfic
Alya Césaire’s life is perfect. Indeed, between the success of the Ladyblog, how well she’s doing in school, and the fact that she’s a superhero who has never bore the weight of a crisis of epic proportions, her life almost couldn’t be better. Almost.
But Alya has always been a go-getter, and so she’ll chase after that perfect life if it kills her. Which is how she ends up rushing to move out of her father’s apartment and in with Marinette, Adrien, and a complete stranger: Nino Lahiffe. And in fact, her life does seem perfect — she and Nino are fast friends. They spend a lot of time together and get to know each other really well.
But in the end, fortunate situations will bear unfortunate truths, and she learns things about herself that aren’t quite comfortable. Like I said, though: Alya has always been a go-getter, and she won’t let new feelings deter her from chasing after her perfect life.
This is the single longest DJWifi-centric fic on AO3 (which is a travesty) and it is GLORIOUS. Alya and Nino are both well fleshed-out here, with their own problems and baggage they’re dealing with, but it’s easier together.
final girl by @picayunearts:
Marinette has ninety-nine problems, and the superhero trio of Paris counts for a hundred.
[AU where Marinette follows through on giving up her earrings after Stoneheart, but becomes the Guardian to protect her replacement.]
This is just great. Marinette thinks she failed, but the other heroes wouldn’t agree. And eventually, she gains some confidence in herself as well.
Over and Over by @stcrsquad:
Marinette Dupain-Cheng has had the worst day possible. She's failed to confess to Adrien (again), made an embarrassment of herself, and got into a fight with Chat Noir.
Adrien Agreste has had the worst day possible. He is tired of being pushed aside by everyone, including his crime-fighting partner Ladybug.
Luckily, fate (and Bunnyx) works in mysterious ways because they wake up again on the same day. A do-over. Except it keeps happening. Can the two figure out what they need to fix to break the loop, or will they be stuck forever?
Look these two will sit down and has things out even if it takes being stuck in a time loop together to make that happen.
When Bunnyx Brings A Baby by @funnydoesntlookdruish:
Marinette thought she was up to any challenge. She was Ladybug after all! But when Bunnyx arrives with a baby in her arms asking her to babysit, Marinette quickly learns that Akuma battles are easy compared to taking care of a baby. A baby that seems to know her and for some strange reason... Adrien?
Anentry in the “Lovesquare has to babysit their future children” genre! This is just adorable. Has an ongoing sequel too.
The Call of the Running Tide by @nemaliwrites: 
To escape an arranged marriage, Adrien runs away from home, leaving behind all that he has ever known. In search of easy transportation, he sneaks aboard a ship at the docks. Everything seems like it is going according to plan — until he finds out that the ship belongs to the fierce pirate captain Ladybug.
I’m amazed this isn’t more popular. I mean, Lovesquare pirates!AU, with the Miracuclass as Ladybug’s crew? Come on! 
It mostly has Adrien trying to fit in with the crew, find his way, that sort of thing. Though there is a confrontation with his father at the end.
metamorphosis by @peachcitt:
“I was thinking about that time you hated me.” “Why?” "I don’t know." “I didn’t.” “I know.”
three years after hawkmoth's defeat, marinette is still trying to figure out her version of normal. there's also sleepovers.
This has been a very popular fic so most people probably at least know of it, even if they haven’t read it themselves, but in case someone out there hasn’t: basically, Chat runs off with the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculouses after Hawkmoth’s defeat and never shows up again, worrying Ladybug sick and making her fear that he died. But then a mysterious new Butterfly Holder starts attacking Paris, only he seems a lot nicer than the last one, more of an Anti-villain than anything...
A Major Test of Strength by @nemaliwrites:
There is only one thing in Paris hated as much as the akumas: Ladybug herself. In an effort to help the Savior of Paris, Adrien winds up on the wrong end of an akuma attack — only to find himself stuck reliving the same day.
With enough time, anyone can be a hero, and as he continues dying over and over, he is forced to confront the idea that these loops may be just as much of a blessing as they are a curse.
This is loosely inspired by “All You Need Is Kill”, but no knowledge of that manga is needed to understand the story. There’s a bit of a mystery element going on as Adrien tries to figure out why he keeps dying even when he takes steps to prevent it, how he keeps coming back, and what the deal is with Ladybug, anyway. 
Cataclysm by Lucid:
When Chat Noir uses Cataclysm on an akumatized ring that ends up being his amok, Marinette is left alone to solve the mystery of Hawkmoth's motives and bring back her missing partner.
This Sentiadrien fic does something I haven’t seen really explored before: it delves into what might happen if Adrien had to be recreated after having been destroyed, and the problems that might arise from that attempt. I love when we get to see Adrien’s perspective especially.
in case you don’t know me tomorrow by @thelibraryloser:
“We live in a crazy world where pieces of our lives can be erased like they never even happened. I just wanted to memorize this moment so… so I could keep it, if that makes sense.”
Adrien's heart gave a little flutter. She wanted to keep this moment, meeting him. She wanted to keep… him.
“I understand exactly what you mean."
In a world that has created a way to selectively delete memories, no moment is truly safe. So how do you hold on to something when the memory of it is gone? And how do you keep fighting for someone when you're the only one who remembers?
This is a SEVERELY underrated fic. It’s got some shades of “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” in the world, though the plot is very different - the memory erasure ain’t willing. 
Basically, the first few chapters are establishing Adrien’s and Marinette’s romance, and then the rest of the fic is dealing with Gabriel being an absolute DICK and using any means at his disposal to break them apart. It’s fantastic and I highly recommend reading it!
Shelltering Others by @rosie-b:
When Ladybug wakes Nino up in the middle of the night to scold him for revealing his identity, he thinks his career as a Miraculous holder is over. But instead, Ladybug gives him the opportunity to prove himself by becoming Chat Noir's confidant and learning his secret identity through a scavenger hunt of sorts. Will Nino pass Ladybug and Chat Noir's test, or will he fail to put the pieces together in time?
Quick disclaimer here: the first chapter looks kinda salty towards Nino, with Ladybug laying into him for revealing his and Alya’s secret identities to Adrien and Marinette. She’s mostly just trying to scare him into taking them seriously, though, since she herself has just proposed that Nino become Chat’s secret-keeper, and he can’t afford to be lackadaisical with that identity. I highly recommend getting through at least chapter 2 of the fic when giving it a shot, because this had some great character development and introspection for Nino, on Chat Noir, Adrien, Ladybug, and himself. 
run boy run by tinuviel_tinuviel
Nino was sprawled on the floor of his room with Alya when his phone chimed, in the quiet of a premature autumnal sunset. It was one of those lazy evenings that had become rare lately. Contrary to popular belief, he and Alya could get studying done when in the same room, and he was elbows-deep in late assignments, which meant his phone was on Do Not Disturb, which meant the notification could only have come from one person.
ADRIEN 🐈: cmoe ove rnow ADRIEN 🐈: like riggt now ADRIEN 🐈: plag NINO: that is literally incomprehensible NINO: wait is that you plagg ADRIEN 🐈: mov faster
So this is a “Adrien finds out that his father is Hawkmoth and consults with Nino about what to do” fic, with Nino throwing Hawkmoth off Adrien’s track, though inadvertently at his own expense. Love Nino’s perspective here, and I always enjoy a good Hawkmoth-takedown fic!
Restorative Justice by @kasienda:
Chloé has never been a fan of Ms. Bustier’s community building activities. In fact, she detests them. She doesn’t want to learn about the drab boring lives of her peers. And she absolutely can’t stand it when their confessions make her feel things. Feelings that she doesn’t even have names for. But when Adrien unknowingly shares his struggles with his double life, Chloé vows she will do anything to get Ladybug to set things right. Even if it means pissing off the heroine. Chloé was already mad at her anyway.
I ADORE people talking out about what hurt them, with everyone growing to understand each other, and focusing on making recompense rather than just punishment, so this was fantastic. This isn’t all about Chloe either, Marinette, Adrien, Alya, and Nino all get to hash things out with each other as well in a group session, and it’s just really, really nice to read.
48 Hours To Make You Love Me by @mysticraven20:
“When did you stop?”
“Stop what, M’Lady?”
“Stop loving me?”
When two heroes miss the minibus for their winter get away with the gang they have no other choice but to make their way to the resort by themselves.
After avoiding their feelings for years, a freak snow storm makes them reconsider more than just whether to carry on driving.
Luckily, they find a quaint little bed and breakfast where suddenly they’re thrown into a situation where their feelings can no longer be held back; but, is it too late?
The interference of an elderly couple after an eavesdropping accident helps both Adrien and Marinette come to terms with their feelings and their actions.
Through movies, hot chocolates and snuggling to keep warm, Marinette wonders if it’s possible to make Adrien love her again, and more so can she do it by the time they need to leave their little sanctuary?
This just has a lot of adorable Adrienette shenanigans, with a fun time travel twist that had me inwardly squealing XD. If you want some Lovesquare fluff, this is a good one.
team is a four letter word by @ladyofthenoodle:
Alya didn’t want to come between Ladybug and Chat Noir. But she didn’t want to stop being Rena Rouge either. And if Chat Noir didn’t want to talk to her, then she’d need to find a different way to prove all three of them could be a team.
Her plan unintentionally brings a few secrets to light, which leads to even more secrets coming to light, which leads to... well, Alya is sure it'll all work out eventually.
This is a season 4 fic, with a heavy emphasis on repairing the relationships that were damaged, or could have been damaged, during that season. I love how everyone gets to really feel and react, be hurt and then gain understanding, with a happy ending to cap it off!
hella enchanted by @xiueryn:
Years ago, Marinette's father died and she was left with her awful stepmother. With magic forcing her to obey every command, she lived as a servant and gave up hope. When a man appears, searching for the very fairy that blessed her, Marinette decides to give life one more try. AU.
(a different ella enchanted au.)
Even though it’s a one-shot this one is pretty long, clocking in at over 30k words. Absolutely worth a shot, though. The first third is basically Marinette dealing with being pushed around because of her “blessing”, and the other two-thirds is just some adorable fluff of her and Adrien touring the country together. 
Is it cool that you’re in my head? by @bring-the-storm: 
Alya stared at the picture plastered across the homepage of every single tabloid and news site, whispering every curse she could think of under her breath. SHOCKING SECRET ROMANCE BETWEEN LADYBLOGGER AND PARISIAN SUPERVILLAIN REVEALED!!! the headline announced, casually shouting the words she had been dreading for all of Paris to read.
--- Alya had always assumed that someday Paris would discover that she had secretly been kissing their most wanted vigilante, but she had never thought it would happen so soon. As the domino effects of her relationship with Ladybug go spiraling through her life, Alya turns her sights towards the one responsible: the elusive superhero Hawkmoth.
AKA Someone outs Alya and her girlfriend so she retaliates by deciding to take down Hawkmoth
I recommend this to anyone who either A. Loves Alya and wants to see more of her in a starring role, or B., wants to see an AU where Parisians could feasibly believe that Hawkmoth is the good guy, and that Ladybug and Chat Noir are, if not villains, at least reckless. 
We’re breaking free (there’s not a star in heaven we can’t reach) by @pauliestorylover:
Wing binding was a symbol of prestige in high society, but Adrien would much rather be born a pauper than be forced to bind his wings for another day. Becoming Chat Noir might be the chance he had been waiting for to break free and gain a taste of the heavens.
Meanwhile, Nino and Marinette were quickly learning the joys of the pastime called ‘hating rich old white men who moonlighted as supervillains’.
Excellent Wingfic here! It’s got some excellent worldbuilding in it. I especially like how it’s customary to exchange feathers with people you’re close to, and put them in particular places on your wings to symbolize what they mean to you, whether they’re friends, family, or lovers. That particular piece of lore is used to great effect in the story.
How Could I Not? by SorryJustAnotherPerson
In fairy tale books, Princesses were saved by nights from ferocious dragons. Those books were not their story, but Rose was happy to flip over a new page with her Juleka every single day.
Many years ago, she was put to this tower by her parents and her kingdom, along with a fire breathing dragon, so she could find her prince charming one day. How foolish for them to not calculate her falling in love with the dragon. I mean seriously.
How could she not?
I love fairy tale type stories, especially fractured fairy tales. And Juleka being a dragon is awesome. This is just a fun and adorable story.
Once Upon A Time by kao_rei:
"Humans fear wolves. I mean, we're horrible, sickening creatures, aren't we?" Adrien laughed.
"I don't think so," Marinette muttered. "Well, not anymore when I met you."
Marinette's days are all the same—she puts on her red cape, makes deliveries for her parents' bakery, and goes home to rest before another busy day. Adrien is a wolf-boy who watches her from afar, awaiting the day they finally meet to change their stories.
While falling in love may bring about some challenges, they're willing to fight through them together because they'd never settle for a "the end". They want a "happily ever after", too.
(In which Marinette is Little Red Riding Hood, Adrien is the Wolf, and they fall in love somewhere between deliveries, flower fields, and shiny red apples).
Did I mention I love fairy tale stories? Because I do.
(pockets full of) stones by felledstar:
Even though he wants to be “normal” and go to a “normal school” and have friends just like everyone else, Adrien’s discovered that he’s… not very good at it. It isn’t that he’s a superhero in his nonexistent spare time, or that he’s got a job modelling for his father, or that he’s got so many activities that it takes a whole other person to keep track of his schedule. It’s that… he’s always tripping over things that everyone else seems to know that he… just doesn’t know.
First day of school and we already have two lovebirds.
But there are some things that he does know, no matter what anyone else—Nino, Plagg, the entire population of Paris—thinks.
How he feels is one.
Whatever. She’s just a friend. A friend.
He loves Ladybug. Marinette is his friend.
Why doesn’t anyone believe him?
This is an aroace!Adrien story, that digs into the effects of amatonormativity on people. Especially with how the class all assumes that Adrien would be romantically interested in Marinette, and tries to matchmake him and Marinette in order to make both of them happy, much to his frustration. Based on what the class did in Guiltrip, I could see this happening. They love and care about their classmates and want to help them as much as they can, but that doesn’t mean they always know how best to do that.
Lady... bird? by @graaythekwami:
“Marinette!” Tikki called, flying towards the small room of water. “Marinette there’s an akuma– we need to transform!”
The parrot’s head popped up, recognizing these words. They were always said when the report came on TV– a routine he had come to know well. Akuma report, we need to transform, and finally–
“Tikki!” The bird cawed happily. “Spots on!”
This story is just hilarious. Tikki ain’t happy afterwards XD
I Won’t Let You by @generalluxun
After Gabriel's defeat, two individuals not party to the celebration run into each other, and find each other.
The summary doesn’t give much of an idea of what the fic’s about. Post-Hawkmoth Defeat, Chloe and Felix run into each other at the celebration of Gabriel’s downfall, and vent about their problems. Neither of them think the other one has it too bad - Chloe’s worried about disappearing, since her worth was entirely tied to her family’s prestige and wealth, and being seen as friends to a terrorist is gonna cripple both of those, while Felix is on edge about Ladybug having the Peacock Miraculous, since she has the ability to kill him at a moment’s notice (yes this is a Sentifelix fic). 
They both make each other understand the turmoil the other is going through in extremely visceral ways, showing the other what it’s like to be them, in the circumstances they’re in. I don’t want to spoil what, exactly, they do, but needless to say, it’s worth a read.
don’t you worry child by kopycat_101
Marc and Nathaniel have a good life, married and living together in a cottage in the woods. But they consider having children at some point.
Marc in particular really wants to start a family with his husband. He knows the fey are real, so he goes searching in the woods to find one to strike a deal.
He may get a bit more than he bargained for in the process.
This is based on a tumblr post that’s been going around, which I think a lot of people will recognize as they continue going through the story. That post is credited at the end of the fic, so as not to spoil the plot.
Chat Walker’s Trial by @pearl484-blog
Instead of Catwalker showing up to serve as her new Chat Noir, Ladybug is stunned to find that Chat Noir has returned to her, having "improved" himself by repressing his emotions, memories, and willfulness. Deciding that this will not stand, she organizes her teammates to convince Chat Noir that giving those traits up and becoming the perfect partner was not the right move, but how can she argue against perfection?
Adrien Augreste 2022 entry for the day 23-24 prompt: Swap
This is a really intriguing fic. Instead of becoming Cat Walker in Kuro Neko, Adrien instead runs across a mage who helpfully provides some spells to make him into the “perfect” partner for Ladybug, magically suppressing his emotions and urge to rebel, as well as his memories of being Chat Noir, in order to make sure he doesn’t love her anymore. Ladybug, naturally, is distraught about this, but since Chat did all of this of his own free will, she needs to actually persuade him it was a bad move, which isn’t as easy as it sounds. It’s exquisitely painful at times with the amount of self-hatred Chat has for his previous self, and how the Miracuteam is divided on how bad these changes actually are, since he does seem more focused now - though the holdouts are a lot less on board when they think of someone who’s closer to them going through this process.
disconnected by @just-an-ordinary-fan
Lady Wifi believes she might be the only one who does not want to obey Hawkmoth's orders.
When she sees another akuma hesitate in the battle, she finds she might not be entirely alone.
I actually wrote my own fic, Nullius in Verba, based off of this one. It’s short but has an intriguing premise, with all the akumas being transported to this warehouse after the fight’s over, having been basically forced to do Hawkmoth’s bidding. The akumas also don’t seem to remember who they were before, or even that they WERE ordinary people before, which is an interesting twist.
Shadow of the Chat by @pearl484-blog
Chat Noir discovers that he has a living Shadow. Unfortunately for him, it is not fond of Ladybug.
Inspired by the prompt: 5 times Character A and B thought they didn’t have anything in common and 1 time they realized how similar they are.
I wrote a fic based on this one and @wackus-bonkus-maximus fic “One Does Not Love Breathing”, basically importing Shadow into odnlb in order to help take down Monarch. It’s called “One Does Not Love Shadows”, btw.
Anyway, I love how this one-shot uses some of Carl Jung’s ideas about everyone having “shadows”; parts of ourselves that we consciously reject or suppress, and using that to get Chat some help. If you’ve ever played a Persona game, this will be familiar to you, as those games are based off of Jung’s ideas as well.
Day 7: Book by @andromeda612
During one of his works, Marc comes across a rather interesting book.
MarcNath AU fic here! Basically Marc is a super powerful warlock, and is brought in to help with the case of a lying witch who apparently caused a lot of problems for people, using her magic to help fool everyone. She’s actually dead by the time the story starts, and everyone’s trying to go back through and figure out what she’s done and why memories surrounding her seem to be foggy. Meanwhile there’s a book she left behind which appears to be sentient, and which Marc’s taken a liking too...
Find the Sentimonster by @taketwoinink:
Nino has a lot of conspiracies. He watched one too many mystery movies and now fancies himself a detective. It's not often that he gets the entire class together for an interrogation, but it's never fun. Chloe makes everyone's life miserable and Marinette and Lila never get along.
And this time? Secret sentimonsters in their class? The fate of Paris hanging in the balance?
Mylene doesn't need this stress in her life.
This is based off of an episode of Glitch Techs, so if you’ve seen the show, it might be familiar. I just really enjoyed watching the class trying to puzzle out who the sentimonster spy might be, with all the wild accusations and theories being hurled around, especially knowing the actual truth.
Come Take My Hand by @carelisswriting:
Luka heard his soulmate for the first time when he was ten. All he knows about her is that she likes fencing. It's just a coincidence that Kagami likes fencing, right?
(Lukagami Soulmate AU, written for the Miraculous Ladybug Secret Santa Exchange!)
I’m a sucker for soulmate fics, and this had an interesting take on it, with your soulmate able to hear you thinking only about the thing you’re most passionate about. Loved Kagami’s way of showing Luka she’s his soulmate especially!
When Feelings Are Too Big For Words by ClockworkCaptain:
When Luka takes a gig playing for a drag show he's falls hard and fast for the drag queen Buttercup who uses her performances to work through her own emotions. Meanwhile Adrien's been using drag to work through his own emotions and thinks maybe Luka coming back into his life and showing interest might mean a second chance.
Made for @mlsecretsanta 2022
Published on New Year’s Eve, this just barely makes it to the deadline for this list. I’m glad I don’t need to wait a year to talk about it though! One of the issues I tend to have with Luka shipfics, and with Lukadrien especially (though I think Lukanette actually has this problem worse) is how Luka tends to disappear within the fic and the pairing, feeling more like “The Love Interest” than his own person. Not so here! While most of the intrigue surrounds Adrien, I still got the sense of Luka being his own person, not just existing in the fic for Adrien.
 I adored Adrien getting to display an aspect of himself through persona and performance - that does align well with how he approaches Chat Noir -  and overall I just had a lot of fun with this fic!
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dear-buttercup · 10 months
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Okay, okay, hear me out:
Spy x Family AU, except Marinette is Loid & Adrien is Yor.
Marinette & Loid both have this alternate self that is very calculative & has the urge to plan out every possible outcome of a situation so they're not caught off guard. Not to mention that both of them have this very strong sense of justice and, each in their own way, are trying to make the world around them a better & safer place. However, both of them also have this other side that is gentle and kind and, essentially, a softy (though this shows more in Marinette bc, well, she hasn't been through the things Loid has been).
Then we have Adrien, who, like Yor, is outwardly sweet & cheerful and doesn't have a clue what to do with Life (TM). But he also has a dark & deadly side, which makes him absolutely consider dirtying his hands if he thought he was protecting the ppl he loves (*cough* derrision *cough*). I can totally see him become an assassin if it was the only thing he could do to protect his loved ones & bring food to the table, esp if he was taught to do that from a young age.
Also, some of my other headcanons for this AU (and pls beware of possible spoilers for sxf if u aren't caught up or want to watch):
- Emma would be Anya, obv, and like Anya, she has telepathic powers and can read her parents' minds. (Side note: I was considering making Emma a creation of the peacock miraculous & for that to be the reason she has her telepathy powers, but then I realized the miraculous existing in this AU might not make much sense, so I'm putting it on the backburner. If anybody wants to explore that, though, be my guest!)
- The plushy u see in Emma's hands in my drawing is Tikki, which is the equivalent of Mr. Chimera in the anime (however, alternatively, The Handler could be Tikki & in turn, The Shopkeeper could be Plagg. But going with my initial idea...)
- The cat in the picture, then, would be Plagg, who is the equivalent of Bond. However, unlike Bond, Plagg is a little shit & he knows it & therefore gives Marinette a lot of grief. But he's very cute when he wants to be, and Emma is very set on keeping him, so Marinette resorts to silent psychological warfare with him. Surprisingly, Plagg is pretty chill when it comes to Adrien to everyone's surprise.
- Just like Bond, Plagg also has psychic powers. However, I can just see him hissing in annoyance everytime a vision pops up. :D
- Adrien is secretly an assassin who exterminates traitors with his special dagger(s) that he calls 'Cataclysm'.
- Marinette is a spy who is tasked with getting close to her target, Chloe Bourgeois. She has a customized gun that she prefers to use that she calls her 'lucky charm'.
- Also, the same as the anime, Marinette's agent name is 'Ladybug' & Adrien's is 'Chat Noir'.
- Chloe is Marinette's target (I know Desmond & Gabriel are crazy similar, but I think it'd be pretty weird to have Gabe & Adrien in the same universe & for them to not be related).
- Chloe has 2 children: a twin son & daughter who r attending the same prestigious school. The daughter (which I haven't chosen a name for) is the equivalent of Becky & the son (which I also don't know the name of) is the equivalent of Damian.
- Chloe's daughter lives with her father (who I imagine is Luka bc it's a guilty ship of mine, but eh), but she also pays for her child support and education, so her daughter was raised like a princess and therefore has the same princess tendencies as Becky.
- Chloe's son is still pretty much the same as Damian, so not much to add there. (Yes, exactly like Damian. If you know, you know :) )
- Lastly, I will leave you with this out of pocket notion: Felix as Yuri and Kagami as Fiona (and yes, I very much ship them, even in this AU :) )
Here are the individual characters separately as a treat for making it till here!
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heqvenlymoons · 6 months
childhood friends jasonette raising themselves on the streets but they grow up to become enemies
they get separated when they were 13. she was kidnapped by the order of the guardians
master fu bashing, the order isn't good in this, they kidnap children and train them into assassins
marinette was trained to become an assassin in the order, she's an assassin under the name ladybug
people in the order that trained alongside mari: adrien, kagami, luka (maybe chloe too)
ladybug and chat noir are the highest ranking assassins, they usually get sent together on missions. they've always succeeded
gabriel agreste became hawkmoth when his son was missing, he created an organization (called the akumas maybe idk) that specializes in finding the missing childrens
mari and the other people under the order had always been told the akumas were the bad guys
everything's the same with jason (not canon compliant obviously, it's from what i've gathered from other maribat crossover fics i've read); he stole the tires of the batmobile, got caught and ended up being adopted by bruce wayne. dies and comes back. becomes the crime lord, red hood for a while before reforming and so now he works with the bats
the order gets a request from joker to assassinate red hood, ladybug (and maybe chat noir) was ordered to take on the mission
meanwhile the bats were investigating the order, they had a lead and now they think the order links to the missing children 10-11 years ago? (i'm making mari and jason the same age, so let's say they're 18-19 now)
so the assassination attempt on red hood kinda failed because mari realized just who he is after red hood recognizes her. but he still got stabbed?? it just didn't hit any vital organs???
mari gets punished back at the order's base because she failed
this is getting long so: stuff happens, mari and the others eventually gets rescued
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Summer of Superheroes: Epilogue
Winner: Sergeant Calhoun Wreck it Ralph!
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Congratulations to the Superhero of our Summer! Sergeant Calhoun managed to pull out a win in every match, from Round 0 to the Finals.
We know from watching many of these stories that a hero is measured not with metrics or accomplishments, but by knowing themselves and staying true. It was said on both sides of our bracket by Zeus (in Hercules) and Frigga (in Endgame):
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Sergeant Calhoun does this throughout the films. As does Second Place's Nightcrawler in his series, who was often the leading favorite every round. In third place was Team Possible, and they knew not only their own values, limitations, and strengths but also that of their teammates and how they can all work best together in any situation. And there is our favorite reformed assassin: Black Widow in fourth place! If anyone went through some introspection...
All in all, no matter how this bracket turned out, or even who made it on, we think all 40+ characters could fit these descriptions at the end of the hero journeys!
If anyone had asked us after posting the first bracket who would make it to the final four, we would only have had one right: Team Possible! The other three had to fight through the five full rounds to get to the finals! We had defiantly thought Frozone would be one. On the Marvel side, we thought there would be a few fun match ups, like maybe Captain America v Winter Soldier or Hawkeye v Black Widow.
Instead, we were treated to quite a few "the Team v a Member" match ups. Only Nightcrawler managed to defeat the team he belonged to. Nightcrawler also beat the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl!
All in all about 18 different stories were represented here, most from the MCU but there were 11 Sky High characters nominated, and 5 on the bracket. Only 3 of the Incredibles heroes were nominated, and had some of the most support on the forms.
Lastly, our mini tournament winners: the SpiderVerse's Miles Morales is your favorite Spiderperson. X-Men: Evolution the preferred X Men story (which makes a lot o sense). Deadpool somehow managed to pull of being the favored non-Disney hero. And Ladybug and Chat Noir were your favorite of our unsubmitted faves.
Thank you to everyone who engaged with this tournament, from nominating, to voting, to liking, and reblogging. Both during the regular rounds and the mini tournaments. Without you it would have been a very different tournament for sure. And once again apologies for the few unscheduled breaks during the weeks of this tournament.
Finally, if you are curious about the break down of the submission form vacation question, click below
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(the missing salmon color is "Grandma's House (or other relative)" which is also 1.3%)
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After this episode I really hope chat noirs number one hater, Nino Lahiffe, resumes his mission to assassinate that furry homewrecker
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sariahsue · 9 months
Chat Noir: Okay, so, the samurai were officially abolished as a caste in Japanese society during the Meiji Restoration in 1867.
Chat Noir: The first ever fax machine, the "printing telegraph", was invented in 1843.
Chat Noir: And Abraham Lincoln was famously assassinated at Ford's Theater in 1865.
Chat Noir: Which means there was a 22-year window in which a samurai could have sent a fax to Abraham Lincoln.
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A double review because at this point, the show is just repeating itself
Alright so miraculous again decided to air two episodes at once, which ok, annoying as fuck for someone that times and reviews them, but we survive either way. Let’s go!
Alright, I’m officially renaming “Lila episodes” into “Lila and Chloe episodes” because literally Chloe has become the new Lila! Literally nothing that they do makes sense or has any reason beyond “they’re evil and hate marinette mwahahaha” and just exist to make marinette look better in comparison
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(In case you’re wondering why they’re still around and what’s the point of Chloe and Lila, it’s because the minute they’re actually complex/compelling characters or they’re gone, Marinette’s actions and behaviors become way more awful in hindsight, so the show keeps these two around to make Marinette either a martyr or a hero)
Also nothing in this episode makes sense and constantly contradicts itself?
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Like the entire premise of the episode being the students getting assigned to terrible high schools, but they never wanted to do these sheets in the first place? The lucky charms are suddenly magical shields, but then why wasn’t this discovered before? You’re telling me no one thought to encourage petiole away from being akumatized? And also, Lila’s plan is so flimsy and held by the thread that the students will just assume marinette did this for… basically no reason because they’re graduating
Also I don’t care what the episode argues, Damocles, André and Bustier all were shit role models and support systems for the students, and were a big reason as to why students were angry and akumatized in the first place, but sure let’s just pretend they’re good last minute you guys!
Anyways this sucked, next episode
So… Adrien has officially been character assassinated by the show to have no personality beyond being love interest!
This happened in the last episode too, but you see it here so much as well! Like literally every minute of Adrien’s screentime, and every time he talks is somehow connected to marinette! Literally his father is sending him away to a private school in London (which honestly at this point with what marinette did to him, take the chance and run baby) which is supposed to be his worst nightmare, and rather then think about his responsibility to Paris as Chat Noir or his friends that he will leave or his sense of autonomy, all he can think about is “I’ll be separated from marinette🥺”
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And wasn’t perfect the very thing Adrien didn’t want to be perceived of that marinette constantly calls him? It’s giving putting someone on a pedestal and not seeing them for what they really are (the love square is literally high school sweethearts marrying tans divorcing in like 3 years)
Anyways, grieving Adrien’s personality aside, Chloe is demonized to the point of unrealistic, the one teacher who was actually being a decent teacher and not contributing to a system of corruption is now demonized out of nowhere too, Lila literally makes no sense (like that’s apparently not even her name? She goes by cerise in another school, and she has three moms WHAT THE FUCK EVEN IS THIS SHOW ANYMORE), Chloe is mayor now for some fucking reason (this is illegal), and André gets dumb redemption arc out of nowhere.
Mentioned I’m in the previous episodes too, but André is not a good person and the show keeps pretending he is? Like girl, man is confirmed to do corrupt horrific politician stuff, has had the chance to help and actually raise his daughter for years, but chose to neglect her after her mother abandoned her, and now pretends to be a good parent to a child that’s not even his own to feel better about himself, AND YET IM SUPPOSED TO THINK HES SYMPATHETIC AND GOOD? FUCK THAT!
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Also real quick, what the fuck is up with the mayor controlling the school? Like initially I was think the reason Chloe has leverage in the school is that her dad, through big donations, basically controls the school board and who gets to do what, but it seems he’s just? Using his mayor powers? Like girl that’s not how being mayor works, you can’t just fire anyone like that, this is a very bad lesson in politics
But yeah. Both episodes awful.
The only good things I can take from here is that there’s finally a canonical lesbian couple that wasn’t constantly queerbated (I love Julerose, and don’t like Zoenette, but they’re both constantly vague and easily censored) and Juleka got some screen time.
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(Also Luka and Adrien are officially in the “being Marinette’s love square character assassinated me till the point I have no personality outside of it” club)
Also if you’re wondering why I didn’t mention anything about the fights? They’re dumb, last like five minutes and take a back sit just to tell you how awful Lila and Chloe are.
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aalissy · 4 months
Anddd here's today's chapter as I finish getting all caught up for Marichat May :). I hope you liked both of these chapters and I'll see you tomorrow for the final one ;).
In the heart of the bustling kingdom of Paris, where the Seine River glittered under the sunlight and the Eiffel Tower stood tall and proud, there was a tale whispered among the townsfolk about the brave knight who guarded the royal family with unmatched valor. This knight, clad in shining armor with a red and black emblem, was none other than Dame Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the protector of Prince Chat Noir.
Prince Chat, with his golden hair and striking green eyes, was a beacon of hope for the kingdom. Admired for his charm and wit, he was beloved by many. However, few knew the true extent of his close bond with his loyal knight. 
Despite his outward confidence, Chat faced many threats that required constant vigilance. Marinette stood by his side, her armor gleaming in the sunlight as she watched over the prince, her blue eyes sharp and scanning the surroundings for any sign of danger.
Today, they were visiting a distant village in the kingdom, a routine diplomatic mission that required the prince's presence and, of course, his knight's protection. As they rode through the village, the townspeople cheered and waved, their smiles a testament to the prince's popularity. Chat waved back, his charming smile lighting up the faces of those who saw him. Marinette, though focused, couldn't help but smile at the prince's natural ability to bring joy to others.
"Marinette," Chat said, turning to her as they dismounted their horses. "You've been unusually quiet today. Is something on your mind?"
She shook her head, her expression serious. "Just ensuring your safety, your Highness. It's my duty."
Chat sighed, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I appreciate your dedication, Marinette, but remember, you're not just my knight. You're my friend. You can talk to me about anything."
Marinette nodded, her resolve softening slightly. "Thank you, your Highness. I just worry. There have been rumors of unrest, and I don't want anything to happen to you."
He smiled at her gently. "I'll be fine, especially with you by my side."
As they continued their walk through the village, Marinette's senses were on high alert. Suddenly, Chat noticed a shadowy figure darting through the crowd, heading straight for him. Before he could react, however, Marinette drew her sword and stepped in front of him, her eyes locking onto the approaching threat.
"Stay behind me, your Highness," she commanded, her voice steady and unwavering.
The figure lunged, a dagger glinting in the sunlight. Marinette parried the attack with skillful precision, her movements fluid and powerful. The crowd gasped and scattered, giving the knight and the assailant room to fight.
Chat watched in awe as Marinette defended him, her prowess in battle unmatched. She disarmed the attacker with a swift motion, knocking the dagger from his hand and pinning him to the ground. The village guards quickly apprehended the would-be assassin, dragging him away.
Marinette sheathed her sword and turned to Chat, her expression concerned. "Are you alright, Your Highness?"
He nodded, his eyes filled with admiration. "Thanks to you, Marinette. You were incredible."
Her cheeks flushed slightly at the compliment. "Just doing my duty, your Highness."
The prince smiled, placing a hand on her cheek. "You're more than just a knight, Marinette. You're my protector, my confidante, and my dearest friend. I don't know what I would do without you."
Her heart swelled with emotion, and she bowed her head slightly. "I swore an oath to protect you, my Prince. And I will, with my life if necessary."
Chat shook his head with a frown. The thought of Marinette dead was too impossible to bear. "I don't want you to sacrifice yourself for me, Marinette. Your life is just as valuable as mine."
She looked up, her eyes meeting his. "Then we'll protect each other. As equals."
He smiled, pulling her into a gentle embrace. "As equals."
As they continued their journey, the relationship between the prince and his knight grew stronger. They faced many challenges together, but their loyalty and friendship were unbreakable. And though the kingdom of Paris would often find itself in peril, the people knew that with Prince Chat Noir and Dame Marinette Dupain-Cheng standing together, they would always be safe. And so, the legend of the brave knight and her beloved prince lived on, a testament to the power of friendship, courage, and unwavering dedication.
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foxwitchaine · 3 months
How would you rank the seasons of Miraculous Ladybug?
Buckle up, everyone. Let's do this:
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Season 1 - 8/10
I won't lie. The show actually started out pretty good in Season 1. We had unique ideas, a fresh take on the typical love interests you see in these shows, and a whole range of diverse and interesting characters who got their own spotlight episodes. It was where the show shined the best with what it had, so to speak. It did fumble toward the end with Lila's rather messy entrance. But again, I can't blame Ladybug for blowing up like she did.
Could she have handled it better? Of course. Heck, this could have been a plot line where Ladybug has to address the issue of lying through someone who doesn't have any problem lying through her teeth.
Unfortunately, that's not what we got.
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Season 2 - 7.5/10
One less half-point for underdelivering on their promises. In our defense, we had no idea what we were in for past Season 2. We got new characters like Luka, who gave characters like Juleka more beyond their archetype. The reveal that Gabriel was Hawk Moth was something we all saw coming, but it set up an amazing conflict for later down the road.
It was also the season where the earliest red flags were being flown.
To be fair, since the show was still, in a sense, "starting out", we gave it the benefit of the doubt. The biggest contention was, naturally, how they handled Chloé Bourgeois.
Put simply, Chloé had potential for an incredible Zuko-style redemption story. Between her mother Audrey abandoning her to pursue her career, along with virtually every adult figure in her life failing her, we could have had an amazing drama where the school bully was forced to confront her worst self and aim to become better. To deserve the Bee Miraculous.
What we got instead was the showrunners sabotaging themselves with how they handled her.
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Season 3 - 5/10
The season where it all started to go downhill, starting with the infamous opening episode Chameleon.
There's... no polite way to put it. Season 3 of the show was where the entire foundation, whatever little there was, started falling apart. Marinette suffered so much for so little in this season, it wasn't funny. Add onto other infamous episodes like Ladybug, Chat Blanc, Puppeteer 2, Reflekdoll, and Miracle Queen, it's become crystal clear the show is nothing more than a vanity project for the creator. And that was before we got the news they were underpaying their staff (take this with a grain of salt, it's been a while since I read that article).
It was also the season where we started to see the faults in the writing show. From Adrien/Chat Noir refusing to see anything past his nose to the frankly rather illegal handling of Marinette's expulsion to the Lila-centric episodes requiring brain-bending leaps of nonexistent logic. Aside from some rare cool moments (Nathalie fighting three akumas, anyone?), this season was more painful to watch.
Especially with that season finale where Marinette lost Fu.
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Seasons 4 & 5 - 2/10
I'm just gonna say it. I stopped watching anything from Miraculous Ladybug when I heard they were gonna akumatize Master Fu in Season 4. So my rating here is based mostly on hearsay from what happened in these two seasons lumped together.
Yes. These seasons pissed me off so much I just lumped them together and called it a day. The writing here is just painful to hear about. Who proofreads the scripts before sending it to the animation team? We have these things called quality checks for a reason.
Ranting aside, we've got more infamous episodes like Gang of Secrets and Derision. I've stated before that I will forever hate that first mentioned episode for how entitled everyone was towards Marinette's secrets. And Derision has to be one of the biggest cases of character assassination by the writing team I've ever seen. Kim isn't one of my favorites, I will admit. But even he didn't deserve the frankly awful backstory ruining what was once a fun (if something of a feather-brained bully) jock character.
Back on the topic of the first mentioned episode, Gang of Secrets was also the point of no return for me regarding Alya's character. Which is a huge shame since Marinette is in dire need of an actual support system instead of shouldering everything on her own. Anyone with half a brain after that would have figured out on their own the lying liar who lies was a lying liar who lies, pardon the repetition. Everything she did afterwards, such as her stint as Rena Furtive, just killed any chances of her undergoing redemption.
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Phew, that ended up being more longwinded than I intended. Hope that answers your question.
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