#chat: flora
stopscammingartists · 10 months
Who did Glip and Eevee befriend in the art and tech spheres to be so untouchable ??? No doubt those in the industry that protect them sympathize with predators at best
Art spheres no. Glip used to be this way but fell out of grace with the big fluff logs dropped.
Tech and indie game communities however, are still partial to protecting Eevee because she plays up the 'It's all kiwifarms & transphobia' angle really well and wasn't ever actually married to Marl - loosening the impact of the BF logs on her reputation compared to Glip.
I'll use cohost as an example, because it's pretty blatant there.
Just look at the comments on this post on her cohost, and how she talks about her detractors.
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....The post she's talking about, by the way, is only about Lain and Big Fluff. The 2 children Marl sexually abused. It's true that both kids posted on kiwifarms, but it's extremely manipulatively dishonest to refer to them both as just KF users.
Cohost btw, seems to be in her pocket. The one time I'm aware that someone called Eevee out on something, they got banned from the platform entirely nearly instantly.
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The original comment was on this post of Eevee's. Eevee edited it out, but the same comment was shared on lolcow and had a link in it. Here is the tweet the banned commenter linked to, and relevant screenshots. Guess she didn't want people seeing this. I wonder why?
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It was this comment to Eevee that pushed Glip to double down on wishing Jollys suicide attempt was successful, looking at the timing of everything.
Twitter sucks, but if Cohost is willing to look the other way at abhorrent behavior like wishing that someone who attempted suicide twice was successful....so long as the person doing that said abhorrent behavior is Eevee...but quick to drop the hammer on those that lightly point out that said behavior is beyond fucked up - then cohost is rotten at the top and isn't worth using.
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kronehaze · 2 years
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The gang
Also I tried to make a relationship chart
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vanaglori-ah · 5 months
the brothers sun is such a good show but goddamn do the politics suck ass.
it has meaningful things to say about intergenerational trauma, misogyny, and patriarchy. but it's just so bogged down by its determination to uphold the systems at play.
spoilers below
the constant assertion that alexis kong isn't police but she works for a racist, white supremacist system is absolutely hilarious. she upholds the laws that put marginalized people at risk. her being a prosecutor is no better. skip intro's video on law and order and how prosecutors uphold the system is a great video essay to look at this issue in particular. she's says she's not police but acts like a fucking cop. she works with police, with the fbi.
grace. good god grace. i wanted her to be done better. the idea that the boxers are in the wrong for retaliating against their oppressors with violence, when they are constantly met with violence, is so neoliberal and unfair. her reaction to fighting back is reasonable. and furthermore, there's an implication that the immigrants in the community centers that the boxers set up are basically indoctrinated into the boxers. the show implies that community care and support leads to people trying to kill other people.
the systems at the end of the show are upheld. there's no disruption, no overhaul. systems of oppression, at the end of the day, need to stay. it's fucking insidious to promote that message in a show that wants to talk about breaking cycles and freeing themselves from the influence of oppressive power structures.
it's not actually even about freedom. it's about getting to the top and wielding the power of the oppressor. and the show never wants to go into how that's just a veneer used to continue oppression. just not. for. you.
a tumblr post cannot dive fully into this show. i have so much to say about it. good things, bad things, and ugly things. but like this summarizes my thoughts on the show's misguided politics.
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angelshizuka · 4 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged from you! <33
Guess I'm continuing with the fictional characters from the last ask, since I received two of these.
Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel)
Varian (Tangled The Series)
Adrien (Miraculous)
Kairi (Kingdom Hearts)
Flora (Professor Layton)
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jazzymarie1006 · 1 year
Five pairs of cuties I adore & their hand kisses (paired with other very cute gestures/actions)
Arnold and Helga
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Flora and Helia
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Ladybug and Chat Noir
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Rapunzel and Eugene
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Penny and Kareem
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heraldofcrow · 14 days
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Giiiiirl fdhfdjhshfs The "horns" of Abhorrent Beast (fur removed) DO look like wood more, I was not wrong!!!! I wonder if antlers of Cleric Beasts are also not actual antlers, they're like tree?
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Considering the implications of Loran falling over sinning against Flora (and if you forgot that theory I'll leave you featherless, you chicken) this is so cool??? For real though, I guess this comes up not JUST in form of Tomb Mold and Coldblood Flowers!
I DO remember that theory, and now I am thinking that these potential “tree branches” also have a bit of a thorny appearance….
And you know what thorns represent biblically?
Unless that’s what you are saying here and I am birb-brained as usual. Val could have said this already too. But anyway, I do absolutely think these could be connected to the fall of Loran and Flora.
If we’re going the Book of Genesis route, mayhaps Flora cursed them with “growths” that were inverted and wrong (mold, thorns/thorny branches, corpse flowers), and that represented their sin. Just a thought.
But also this is an Omen moment jhgghj.
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sigmoon · 3 months
hio i literally cannot get over that twt video u sent me the other day of the squirting………….. like its so fyodor im crying real tears actually i need to make him do that
You’re welcome, dearest Flora <3 but…what if I tell you that I’ve got more gems saved on my twitter?
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Magical polls round 4
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divine-donna · 1 year
something’s brewing in the drafts
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nofoxgivcn · 6 months
LOCATION: masquerade ball FOR: @makeitpxnk
He was having his doubts about this. It had seemed like a good idea at the time, a way to meet more people, and the anonymity of the masks made him feel better about throwing himself out there, jotting his name down on the matchmaking sheet without much thought. But now that he was actually here, thinking about it, Nick was feeling... nervous. Since when had anything good ever came out of socializing? If only he wasn't so goddamn lonely. If he had been paying more attention, using common sense, he probably would have realized the back he was approaching was a familiar one, but he was far too focused on how the pink fabric accentuated her frame. Clearing his throat to draw attention to himself. "You wouldn't happen to know where I can find a..." Pausing to double check his card, he glanced up as she turned. "Vidia?"
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theminiartblog · 1 year
Does Aurora get defensive when someone is mean or rude to Flora like Luke is about Layton? Is she also as blunt as the original Aurora was so sometimes she'll say something genuinely but without malice and Flora goes hoo boy and pulls her aside to explain? She's so adorable I feel like it would be hard to be upset with her for accidentally running her mouth lol
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"Taste your words, Mr. Luke!"
Oh most definitely, on both accounts. Don't bad mouth her favorite people or she'll have some words for you. She keeps Luke in check at the very least with his teasing.
She tries to be careful with her own words as well, but sometimes things slip out. Into the dome, out of the mouth; sometimes she says things a bit rougher than intending too--But you're right, you can't stay mad at her, she means well!
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florashifting · 2 months
Being in a gc with a couple is so strange cause why did I open the gc and one of the first things I saw was shit about drinking pussy juice WTFFF??? DO THAT SHIT PRIVATELYUHHH TS IS A GROUP CHAT PEOPLE CAN SEE YOU.
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vanaglori-ah · 1 year
i am so tempted to start making swtor content. but idk where to start 😭
anyways...if anyone’s a swtor fan 👉👈 let’s be mutuals (i only have like 67 hours on game rn tho)
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angelshizuka · 10 months
I guess the duality of characters being neglected both in universe and as a character is the secret ingredient to them being my fave.
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jazzymarie1006 · 2 years
Five girls expressing their romantic feelings through writing
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Isabella Garcia-Shapiro
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Kendall Perkins
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Marinette Dupain-Cheng
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Amity Blight
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So much love for all of them!
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mcntanha · 4 months
⸻ Pips? ⸻ Montanha assoviou como um passarinho — hábito que havia adquirido sempre que cumprimentava a filha de Hecate — e observou ao redor, buscando algum sinal da amiga no meio daquela bagunça de papéis. Conseguiu enxergar algumas madeixas castanhas entre os pergaminhos e conteve o riso, pois a preocupação era seu sentimento mais evidente naquele instante. Com passos cuidadosos, se aproximou de onde @pips-plants estava. ⸻ Me diga que você está viva, pois acabei de esmagar algumas minhocas sem querer apenas pra conseguir pegar essa mudinha pra você.
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