#chat: joey
matchingbatbites · 1 month
POV: You are Chrissy - a new hire at a little local restaurant - being forced to watch this conversation unfold after knowing these people for a maximum of one (1) six hour training shift
(ft. an actual, real screenshot from the work group chat that I was forced to witness yesterday. The only thing I've changed is the names.)
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oh you have social anxiety disorder? is that a reference to drinking song for the socially anxious by the amazi
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sunnysideray · 3 months
✨ 💖 ladies 💖 ✨
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Hehehe, Reverse!AU/Genderbend AU tima~
Made the 3 lil shits but ✨ girlie pop ✨ (Rus, Ray, and Quinn -technically speaking-), so meet Chel, Raine, and Christi <3
This is my yuri pride post for the Gay Month ™️ /j lol
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joe-zone · 7 months
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Tsimi gossiping with Joey and Mo on the bench 😄
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ndn-craft · 2 years
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Go check out the trailer over at Witchcraft smp!
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blusical · 3 months
"we need more villains and personalities in NASCAR" yall couldnt even handle joey logano
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agnomeia · 11 months
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raekensluver · 11 months
underrated men i love that need more fics on tumblr:
chandler bing (f.r.i.e.n.d.s)
ross geller (f.r.i.e.n.d.s)
joey tribbiani (f.r.i.e.n.d.s)
kirin o'connor (the wilds)
harry bingham (the society)
jesse swanson (pitch perfect)
ben gross (never have i ever)
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vinesaucejoelfacts · 6 months
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chaosinstigator · 6 months
anyways, ready for the fight tomorrow let’s go doints!!!
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archer-kacey · 3 months
Unofficial Shally Bullet Points Round 1;
Shawn is gay, Wally is bisexual.
Met through work. Wally routinely did maintenence on the machinery on the factory floor. They ended up hitting it off in passing conversation.
Wally is a huge dog lover and has three dogs (that he's not allowed to have) at his place of residence.
Said dogs are Zeus (border collie mix), Lady (mutt, looks like a black collie), and Shep (Old English sheepdog mix.) All are former strays.
Lady loves Shawn and does tricks for him, Shep ignores him whenever possible, and Zeus is just happy to see anyone.
Shawn is an excellent painter and if you sit him down with a brush he can do a pretty damn good landscape portrait.
Shawn has permanent inkstains on his fingertips from detail work on the toys. This is partially due to his refusal to wear gloves.
Shawn swears up and down that there are a few "real" superstitions- mainly walking under ladders, broken mirrors, and ghosts.
Shawn never confronted the Gent worker who stole his belt, and when asked always dismissed the situation saying the belt "wasn't worth the trouble." In reality, he hated Gent's guts and didn't want to start a fight on studio grounds.
Wally can't hold a tune and neither can Shawn.
Shawn fell first (immediately, not thinking anything would happen between them) Wally fell harder (started standing way too close and practically knocking Shawn over.)
The first night out drinking together they both came back to Wally's apartment and passed out on the couch together. Ever since then they had no qualms with sleeping on or around each other.
Shawn's coworkers knew about them and tried playing cupid a few times.
First successful time playing cupid was peer pressuring them into dancing together during a pub crawl.
Second successful time was whatever the hell happened at a mutual friend's house on Christmas Eve
Wally has a scar in the center of his chest from falling off a balcony when he was young. It's a sensitive topic (and a couple past partners didn't help with the self-consciousness,) so he kept it from Shawn for as long as possible. Of course Shawn doesn't care, and often comments that it makes him look like a "Gaelic Warrior."
Shawn was raised Irish-Catholic but holds mostly agnostic beliefs. Wally was raised Christian and generally believes in the "important stuff", though has his own LONG set of questions about several biblical events (mainly Noah's Ark...don't get him started.)
Shawn has a single mom. Wally has a mom, dad, and two sisters.
Wally leans more towards "classic American" foods (AKA give him a burger and he'll be happy) but he knows how to cook (thanks to his mom) and he appreciates good food more than the average person.
(Wally's sisters cannot cook to save their lives LOL)
Shawn has found on several occasions that he's able to one-up Wally in the kitchen. Lucky for him, Wally deeply appreciates food coming from people he loves.
Shawn can stomach seafood, Wally cannot (it makes him sicker than a dog on a rollercoaster.)
Shawn smokes and drinks, Wally drinks socially but never alone. Wally doesn't smoke because he has a relative who smoked waaay too much and they now sound like a dying rat.
After evaluating why his past relationships never worked out, Wally eventually figured he wanted to find someone like Shawn to spend the rest of his life with, but knew it probably wasn't possible to find a girl like him (so close babe! That's called having feelings for a man <3 you'll get it next time)
Wally is into people who can make him laugh, Shawn is into people who can throw him around by the leg like a shot put ball.
Wally never realized he was bi until Shawn came along, but in retrospect there was probably a reason he kept a select handful of baseball cards in the same drawer as his pinup gals.
Wally did have a crush on Susie. Nothing ever came of it, but they did become great friends. (This is part of the reason Sammy hasn't strangled him yet.)
Despite a streak of clumsiness and forgetfulness, Wally is actually skilled at his job and surprisingly hasn't blown anything up yet.
Shawn hides gifts. Any gifts. He makes the whole affair a damn treasure hunt. NEVER do Easter with this guy.
The longer the joke, the more likely Shawn is to tell it.
Both are animal lovers in general, though Wally considers it a sign of bad character for someone to hate dogs, and Shawn considers it a red flag for someone to hate cats.
Shawn made a custom Boris doll for Wally, which of course is on display out of reach of the dogs.
Wally values physical touch in general- firm handshake, wrestling/playing with his dogs, etc, but also as a love language.
Shawn is an angry/flirty drunk, Wally is a giggly drunk.
Shawn had one boyfriend when he was younger and has more experience with intimacy, and Wally is the inverse, having gone on his fair share of dates, but pulling the brakes when it comes to anything further.
Shawn has slightly crooked teeth.
Idk where to put this but they ended up toweling each other off after a hose fight at a Fourth of July cookout and definitely felt some things
Their first kiss started an argument. It did not end in an argument btw.
Shawn started calling Wally "baby-doll" and "sweetheart" somewhere along the line of their friendship. Wally upgraded Shawn to "honey" or "dolly" after they made things more official.
Wally thought it would be a good idea to get Shawn a puppy for their second anniversary and he was right the puppy was adorable and Shawn cried profusely
They had a backyard wedding with close friends and family. Allison was invited and of course attended, dragging Thomas along in the process. (He can't stand either Shawn or Wally so this is a fair punishment for his crimes against humanity I think.)
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joeyclaire · 3 months
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hiveswap political ideologies
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pjchatters · 1 year
An Observation of the Empires Crown Order of Succession (from 1st-5th ruler)
In Season 1:
Jimmy is first owner of the crown
Jimmy dies to an effect (instant damage), Scott takes the crown
Joel steals the crown from Scott
Joel hosts a gameshow, the winner wins the crown after a fight to the death, Lizzie wins
Joey kills (Lizzie’s villager) for the crown and steals it
In Season 2:
Pixlriffs is first owner of the crown
Pixlriffs dies to an effect (wither), Scott takes the crown
Gem steals the crown from Scott
Gem declares a PvP match, the winner wins the crown after a fight to the death, Katherine wins
Fwhip kills (Katherine) for the crown and steals it
Will this chain of events in season 2 continue to mimic season 1? We shall see, when the crown is passed on yet again
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multi-lefaiye · 6 months
abdiel: [is rude to azrael]
azrael (friend's oc): lol. lmao even. hey watch this [inserts himself into the lives of abdiel's estranged family and raises the kids abdiel abandoned, taking eden especially under his wing and giving him the fatherly love and approval he's always wanted]
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ndn-craft · 10 months
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blusical · 1 month
Well, NASCAR made the right call on Dillon. But why was Logano fined?
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