#chat. dilan
skyecarrington · 2 months
Dilan & Skye @moonglowmagic
The fading winter gave reluctantly to spring, he could smell the fresh bloom of the season invading with promise of warmer days, pollen and bloody history repeating. Part of him wanted to grab the girls; Arlo, Dilan and Leyla and get the hell outta town. It was supposed to be a safe haven- he'd not wrapped his head around how it could be considered as such when terroristic groups could attack the towns leadership multiple times. It seemed a good a reason as any to blow this place and leave it as a memory. He wondered how far he'd get if he kidnapped Leyla before Ken chased him down and ripped his heart outta his chest. He thought it best then to include the man in his plans if he decided as such- in the meantime, he was content to enjoy the warm sun beating on his exposed chest as he laid lazily on a grassy patch in the park, a picnic basket beside him, half eaten. Sun bathing he peaked over at Dilan and plucked a bloomed clover and extended it to her like a bouquet, "If you could go anywhere else outside of Lunar Cove where would it be?" He asked casually, warmly, "The whole world and it's yours for the taking where ya going?"
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aiylabaysal · 10 months
Dilan & Aiyla @moonglowmagic
Dilan's place
Aiyla had taken her time developing the photos from the last event. She'd usually been known for a quick turnaround time. But given the less-than-ideal circumstances of death and rats she was hoping Dilan would be fine with it- but just in case she knocked on Dilan's door coffee in hand, the photos tucked under her arm meticulously gone over for the best ones. Aiyla pushed curls out of her face, "Morning," She quipped extending Dilan's drink as a way of greeting, "Your fave."
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aksel-polat · 2 years
She would blame her ticking internal clock for the forlorn expressions he wore while flipping through a vogue article about wedding trends that were out, passe, no longer acceptable. Then, lifting her eyes a moment to Dilan, "Did you know the bouquet toss is out?" She commented scanning the article, "favors, bubbles, rice-" Aksel frowned, "by the time I get married, " if ever, "all the rules will be different." Wrinkling her nose Aksel scoffed and closed the magazine and took a much needing drink of her latte. "I used to think I'd be married by twenty-five, have kids by thirty." She explained flatly, "Things don't really work out how we expect do they?" She commented, "How much do weddings even cost these days?"
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alezanderbo · 1 year
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as the man stood in the long line to get a table at the diner he had looked over to a smaller female who had also looked as if she was waiting. maybe she was waiting on her food to go, hell he didnt know. regardless they both seem to be waiting on something so the man figured he pass the time by being polite and striking up a conversation with the stranger. “the wait always this long at this place?” he asked curious looking over to her.
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daemxnium · 2 years
for: dilan ozdemir / @postremorisu​  location: seal church
 “Where’re the rest of you guys?” She was trying hard to remain casual— but the turn of events that had followed the last few days, Laila was eager to check in with the other werewolves of Grand Manan. The Ozdemirs were a staple, she’d seen them often when the moon hung full over the island but now as the church began to fill with residents seeking shelter, she noticed that only one of them was in plain view. Leaving her apartment behind had been easy, she had a bag that was almost never fully unpacked, but she knew that wasn’t the case for everyone. Others had been well established, they had roots that sunk deep into the city. Laila sunk down to sit beside Dilan, looking sideways at her. “Think anyone would notice if I had a cigarette inside?”
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faerietothe-otherside · 2 months
Who: @moonglowmagic (Dilan) Where: Hospital, outside Aiyla's room
Though Rangi had scrubbed the blood from her hands hours ago, every time she looked down at them, all she could see was the deep, dark red staining her skin. It was in the seams of her palms, under her fingernails, stuck to the cracks in her skin. She'd washed the blood from hands hours ago, once, twice, three times over but she still saw red, clear as day, all over her.
She could even still smell the copper and iron, like it was stuck in her nose. Like every part of her was still back in that street, looking down on Aiyla as the other banshee bled out on the road. Every part except her body. Her physical self was here. The nurses had cleaned up her bleeding palms and knees and feet, given her some slippers to wear, a blanket to wrap up in, as she refused to go down to the ER for her own room. She wanted to be right here, right outside of Aiyla's room. She wanted to be where she could see and remind herself that they were safe now. That Aiyla wasn't still bleeding out in the street and that Rangi wasn't still screaming until it felt like her throat was ripping itself apart.
Something moved out of the corner of her eye and Rangi snapped up quickly, alert-- but it wasn't danger, it wasn't someone there to try and hurt Aiyla.
It was Dilan, someone Rangi knew, a fellow fae. Someone who probably should've been a comfort to see, someone who Rangi knew she should be grateful to see. And yet, she couldn't bring herself to feel anything other than numb.
"She's not awake yet," Rangi mumbled.
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wickedthiswaycomes · 1 year
location: home
"Dilan!" Graham called from his position on the couch, where he'd taken up residence the night before and scarcely moved from since. It was the first place he'd dropped when he got home-- somewhere between three-thirty and four in the morning. "Dilan, where are you? I need you." His voice had a slightly whiny edge to it.
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skellyflowers · 2 months
Royal Ball 2
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Vessel x reader
Sleep will be referred to as “Queen Jeinnv” 
Vessel will be referred to as “Prince Adrian”
II will be referred to as “Prince Roddric”
III will be referred to as “Dilan, Duke of Elderstock”
IV will be referred to as “ Edgard, Duke of Haverlem”
Chapter 2 
The Royal Place is even more grand than I remember. The last time I was here was my father’s  title ceremony. Tonight under the full moon the place is more beautiful. As our carriage pulls closer to the front gates I can hear faint music in the air. As we enter the main entrance my mother makes sure to point out the members of the nobility.
“Remember girls your goal is to marry up not down.” she says as she adjusts her mask. “I need to be sure you are going to be taken care of by a man of means.”
“Darling, you're making them nervous.” my father interjects.
As we stand on the stairs before the ballroom the same panicked feeling starts to return. I try to distract myself with the flowers on the banister. There is a mix of red roses, white chrysanthemums and black charm lilies. Quinn gets my attention with a tap to my shoulder and motions her head to the top of the stairs.
“Look, that's Dilan, Duke of Elderstock and next to him has to be Edgard, Duke of Haverlem!” she whispers.
“How do you know?” I whisper back.
“I doubt that the crowned prince’s best friends would not be here.” She says “Besides, he is the tallest man here.”
We share a giggle as the royal announcer confirms the identity of the masked men we were just talking about. Soon we reach the doors to the ballroom. I see my father give the announcer a card. He then bellows my family’s arrival, as we enter the ballroom.
I try not to notice the eyes that linger on me and my sisters as we enter. I tell myself that the “hard part” is over. I have entered the Ball and have not made a fool of myself. I would be surprised if anyone could hear our announcement over the full orchestra playing. Yet someone does, the only friends we have, Viscount Gray.
The Viscount and his family had been the first to visit after we moved into the manor. His daughter Lucy had become our friend immediately. It was good to see a familiar face. My brothers walk off with the Viscount’s sons to mingle as my sisters, Lucy and I find a table to sit at.
We get little time to chat when suddenly the orchestra stops playing. We look at each other when we hear.
“Her Royal Majesty Queen Jeinnv, Prince Adrian and Prince Roddric!”
At the top of the Ballroom’s entry stairway stood the queen with one Prince each side of her. As the three entered the Ball we bowed as they passed. When the Queen reaches a small thone placed in the room she addresses all the guests.
“My dearest subjects, I thank for joining us tonight to celebrate my son’s birthday.” the crowd starts to cheer. “Tonight we invite you all to drink and be merry. Happy birthday to my son Prince Adrian.”
My father rounds us up to greet the Queen and wish the Prince a happy birthday. When we reach the front of the line I get a better look at the Queen. She is dressed in the royal family colors, black and gold.  Prince Adrian is on her left and Prince Roddric is on her right. The three look otherworldly. Especially because the Queen is the only one without a mask.
“My Queen.” my father says, as he bows to her. “May I present my family. You remember my wife, my two sons and my three daughters.” We all bow as father introduces us. “Happy birthday my Prince.”
Prince Adrian nods his head. It is hard to know what he is looking at under his white and red mask. The mask greatly stands out from his black suit. Prince Roddric is dressed more simply; his mask and suit are both completely black.
“Excellent to see you tonight Baron. I’m glad your family is here with you.” Queen Jeinnv says “How old are your sons Baron?” she then asks.
“I’m 27 and Andrew is 25, my Queen.” Alfred answers.
“Wonderful! It would be good for my sons to have more friends their age. Not just the Dukes.” Both Dukes are nearby and turn toward the Queen when she makes the comment. 
“Only if they can keep up on horseback.” joke Duke Dilan.
Duke Edgard walks over to shake my brother's hands. The four walk off together after the brief introduction. It looks like they are having a successful night so far. The orchestra starts back up when we walk back to our table. We share a drink before a man approaches me and my sisters and asks Quinn if she would like to dance.
“Of course she would!” Mother says “All of you should go dance.”
Her tone lets us know we don’t have much of a choice in the matter. As Quinn walks onto the dancefloor me and Maddie stand together on the sidelines and wait to be invited to dance. Lucy Gray finds us again to tell me and Maddie the gossip about the lord Quinn is with.
I started to think that tonight wouldn’t be so bad. The castle is beautiful, I’m with the people I love, the orchestra is playing and the drinks are flowing. I truly start to relax then a group of men approach us.
“Would you ladies honor us with a dance?”
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justkeeponsimming · 11 months
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All the feels float around the Quick home as the family return to the home where they grew up.
Zeta feels the wave of nostalgia hit her hard like a tsunami as she steps foot into her old home. She raised five amazing children here with her wife, Esme. The house remains untouched since she and Esme moved out to tend to the larger family farm in Windenburg. Her kids’ paintings still hang around the front door. Even one of her wedding photos remains on the wall above a faux fireplace. 
It’s overwhelming to look back on all of the wonderful memories made in this home. Esme’s brother, Dilan, moved in to the farm years ago - a house swap of sorts. Since then, his daughters have grown up and he’s lost his wife, Lydia. Dilan now has a new partner, Genevieve, and has a child with her - named Ella. There have been some huge changes for the family, even if the home looks the same.
Zeta stops short in the living room as she regards her daughter, Jazz, chatting to her brother-in-law, Verge. She can remember the day when her daughter’s feet wouldn’t touch the floor, and now she’s a fully grown sim!
Knowing that her unusual bout of strong emotions likely comes from Esme, her wife, and her empathic abilities, Zeta takes a deep breath to centre herself. She joins the rest of her family to chat and catch up before the ceremony begins.
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radiantscientist · 6 months
Dilan: Hey, Lea? What kinda stuff do kids do nowadays?
Lea: I guess we usually play video games, video chat and watch movies
Braig: What did you do in your spare time in your youth, Even?
Even: Me and Ansem went on walks usually, and we went to the movies or fairs sometimes
Braig: Well, that's boring
Dilan: Well, what did you do?
Braig: I don't really remember. I was drunk through most of it
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Welcome to Twilight Town! ❤️🧡💛
I haven’t posted on this site in forever but with my new hyper-fixations gaining traction this feels appropriate.
We're a relatively small kingdom hearts server (100+ members!); We've got channels for general discussions about the series, as well as a plethora of other channels where you can chat about kh or other topics! We have a large focus on maintaining positivity and a chill vibe.
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If you're interested in checking out the server, we welcome you to join us! Please check out the rules channel when you join, and enjoy your time in Twilight Town!
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cantfightmoonlight · 1 year
No, no, no. Not now. Not now. She couldn't do this. Not again. Not now. She was supposed to be helping the coven. They had already started chatting the incantation to release the spirit trapped in Dilan's body, but at the sound of Julian beginning to choke back on air, Jas' felt her entire body clamp up. Her spine went ridged and her hands began to shake as she took the smallest step back. "Sorry, I, uh, I, uh," She shook her head the smallest bit back and forth as her gaze darted over to Julian. "Fuck," the curse broke from his lips as she watched his hands dart to his throat, motioning for someone, anyone to help him. Only Jas already knew how the story would end. They'd rush to help him. They'd try to give him CPR. They try to do everything in their power to open his airways back up, but nothing would help. Nothing would save him and they'd be left to listen to the sounds of him gasping out for air until the worst happened. Until the sounds of his desperate breaths came to an end. She had been through this all before with her mom. The first life Death had come to collect from her. And as much as she wanted to run to Julian's side and be there for him, she knew it she was likely the last person who should given that it was her fault he was dying right now. Shit.
"We, we need blood," Jas said, forcing her voice to be calm despite the circumstances. "He doesn't need medical help. He needs- we need a vampire. That's dark magic and the only way he is making it out of this is with one's help. And as for her," She turned on her heels, tilting her head back towards where she had been attempting to help the coven up until now. "We need to start over. We need-" She couldn't do this. She couldn't focus. She needed to fix this. She needed to help. She needed to do something, anything, and yet her brain seemed to be moving a mile a minute. And for the love of god, if her hands wouldn't just stop shaking.
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lorelai-tseng · 1 year
character: Dilan Barak @dilanxbarak​
location: Snowdrop Soiree
Whenever Lorelai had a chance to see the very busy wedding planner, it felt like a small gift. “Dilan, hello darling. It’s so lovely seeing you without having to speak business.” She grinned as she moved forward to give the woman a small hug. “You look beautiful. Tell me, did you have any hand in the planning of tonight?” Lorelai knew that the other woman mostly stuck to event planning and usually at Grape Escape, but also if the Cranes were smart they would have tried to convince her to help with her expertise. “How have you been doing? Goodness I can’t remember the last time we’ve gotten a chance to chat properly.”
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verdadurmaz · 1 year
location — verda’s place, claret park
character — @dilanxbarak​​​
Her idea in inviting Dilan over was that they could chat, eat, and drink as much wine as they wanted without any judgement. The woman had let Zeppelin out into the backyard to burnoff energy while she and the wedding planner sat around the kitchen table snaking on the baked goods she’d made and the various items she’d cooked in her lonely boredom on her first day of the new year. “Thanks for coming over. I wasn’t sure if you’d be busy or not and I was starting to worry I’d have to work through all of this on my own.” She wasn’t sure where her roommate had gone off to, but she knew that the woman would eventually pop up again. “So, anything exciting happen last night?”
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lunarcovehq · 11 months
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So I travelled back down that road, Will she come back? No one knows, I realize, yeah, it was only just a dream.
CALLING ALL FAE. You find yourself standing in the Pendulum Playhouse. Kyle and Theo are no where to be found having escaped already out through the back. While everyone else around you seems to have been left in a deep slumber, you find yourself standing there, still feeling light headed and dizzy from earlier that day. You try to shake it off as you attempt to wake your neighbors, but nothing you do seems to help.
They have been put under a dark magic spell and you quickly begin to realize that this must be the Catalyst's doing. Only when you try to enter their dreams, it's clear something is very wrong. That queasiness you had been feeling since the Costume Contest is the result of being poisoned by Theo. Earlier in the day, Theo had lined the gloves Anna & Rangi were using to pick up rubbish with powdered iron. As they wore them, their hands would begin to chaff, but it's only after they took them off they realized their hands had suffered severe burns and they'd be unable to pick anything up at the touch. Theo then poisoned Bea's pastries with iron powder and Billie's water bottle they both been consuming, leaving them with food poisoning-like symptoms. Theo mixed iron into the face paint that had been used to paint a flower onto Leyla's cheek, burning her skin in the process. He sprinkled iron powder over Kui's work bench and the costumes Kui had been selling and replaced the crown Dilan had been wearing as Queen Elizabeth with one infused with iron.
The effects of the poison have now fully kicked in and, although you are still able to enter the dreams, you are unable to tamper with them or manipulate them. None of your abilities will work inside of the dream. You will be essentially mortal/human within the dream. But, you can act as a guide to inform and help the individuals trapped inside the nightmares.
Will you be able to free your fellow Lunar Covians?
As a fae, your job is to help free your Lunar Covians. The only way a Lunar Covians can escape the nightmare they are trapped is to face their fear/embrace what is happening to them. But, this will not be an easy task.
Each fae will be assigned a nightmare. Please look for your pairing in the pairings plot drop that will be posting soon. The fae can enter and leave their nightmare as much or as little as they would like, but none of their abilities will work inside the dream. They can only act as a guide informing and helping the individuals trapped inside of the nightmares overcome them. But, be aware, while in the dreamscape, the fae do have the ability to get hurt and, unlike with the others, if a fae is hurt in the dream, they will be hurt in real life as well.
Because Fae can move between the the dreams and reality to talk to one another, as a player of a fae, you will be able to be part of a discord IC chat and your assigned pairing.
The Discord Chat: As you may have noticed, we have just opened an event temporary channel for the fae. This channel is optional. You do not have to take part in it if you would prefer not to. But, it is available for those who are awake at the Pendulum Playhouse (aka only the Fae as of now). It is an IC chat where your characters can talk to the other fae and ask for guidance as they move back and forth between their assigned nightmares and reality. This is also where you can write out how your characters found out that everyone else is asleep. Like with most event channels, there will be further information provided in the channel from your admins as the chat goes on.
The Pairings Thread: Just like with everyone else, you will be assigned a pairings thread. Only as a fae, your character will not enter the nightmare until the nightmare is established (until the thread has gone through 2 rounds of replies). More information on these pairing threads to come. Also, there are two nightmares without fae assigned as of now to which a fae could enter later on. If a fae is able to successfully rescue everyone in their own pairing, message the main. If you're open to having another thread, we can always throw you in another pairing if you'd like.
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daemxnium · 2 years
for: dilan özdemir / @postremorisu​ 
“Is it too forward to say that I was definitely one of the gals who had a crush on Shego?” Mery leaned back in her seat, fixing an easy smile upon her features as the other woman drew closer. She recognized her as one of the hosts of the event— one of the great Özdemirs but also, one of, if not the youngest of the brood. It was an easy mark, with the mischievous glint in her gaze: just by appearances the witch seemed to glean the sort of understanding that only younger siblings seemed to share. They were able to get away with murder, and so they often were heinous and wicked. Adem would grow gray, but the twins only got more bold with each passing year. “Kim just didn’t have the same,” she gestured with her hand, “Oomf. Anyways, I love the costume.”
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