#chatbot company
sinchchatlayer · 3 months
Chatbot company
Sinch is a prominent global leader in cloud communications. Its innovative messaging, voice, and video solutions enable seamless engagement between businesses and customers. With a robust platform that integrates easily into existing systems, Sinch empowers organizations to enhance customer experiences, drive operational efficiency, and accelerate digital transformation. Trusted by leading brands worldwide, Sinch continues to innovate and expand its capabilities in mobile communications, ensuring reliable and secure connections that meet the evolving needs of modern enterprises across various industries.
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innovaticsblog · 4 months
A Chatbot Analytics Specialist is a data-driven professional who delves into the world of chatbot conversations to extract valuable insights.
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helpfulcontent · 6 months
Buy Chat BOT in India AILiFE bot Revolutionizing Conversational AI
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Welcome to the future of customer engagement and interaction with the revolutionary Alilife bot, your trusted companion in the area of conversational AI. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies buying chatbots in India  specifically focusing on the innovative features and benefits offered by Alilife bot.
Why Choose AILife bot?
Start on a journey of seamless communication and enhanced customer experience with Alilife bot. Here's why it's the preferred choice:
Conversational AI Excellence
Alilife bot harnesses the power of advanced artificial intelligence algorithms to deliver unparalleled conversational experiences. From natural language processing to sentiment analysis, our chatbot is equipped with cutting-edge capabilities to understand and respond to user queries in real-time.
Personalization at Scale
With Alilife bot, personalization is not just a feature – it's a cornerstone of our approach. Leverage our robust customization options to tailor the chatbot experience to your brand's unique voice and tone, ensuring every interaction feels tailored to the individual user.
Seamless Integration
Integrating Alilife bot into your existing systems and platforms is a breeze. Whether you're using it for customer support, lead generation, or sales, our chatbot seamlessly integrates with popular CRM systems, messaging platforms, and websites for maximum versatility and convenience.
Continuous Improvement
At Alilife bot, we're committed to continuous innovation and improvement. Our team of developers and data scientists works tirelessly to enhance the chatbot's capabilities, incorporating user feedback and emerging technologies to ensure optimal performance and reliability.
Buy Chat BOT in India Ailife bot The Ultimate Solution
Transform your customer engagement strategy with Alilife bot, the ultimate solution for businesses looking to streamline operations and drive growth. Here's what sets us apart:
Enhanced Customer Satisfaction
By providing instant, round-the-clock support, Alilife bot helps businesses exceed customer expectations and enhance satisfaction levels. With quick and accurate responses to common queries, users can find the information they need without delay, leading to higher retention rates and positive brand experiences.
Increased Efficiency
Say goodbye to long wait times and repetitive tasks with Alilife bot. Our chatbot automates routine processes, such as answering FAQs, scheduling appointments, and processing orders, freeing up your team to focus on more strategic initiatives and driving productivity gains across the organization.
Data-Driven Insights
Unlock valuable insights into user behavior and preferences with Alilife bot. By analyzing interaction data and sentiment trends, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of their audience and tailor marketing strategies accordingly, leading to more targeted campaigns and higher ROI.
Scalability and Flexibility
Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, Alilife bot scales seamlessly to meet your evolving needs. With customizable features and flexible deployment options, our chatbot adapts to your business requirements, allowing you to expand operations and reach new audiences with ease.
How can I integrate Alilife bot into my website?
Simply embed the provided code snippet into your website's HTML code, and Alilife bot will be up and running in no time, ready to assist your visitors 24/7.
Is Alilife bot suitable for e-commerce businesses?
Absolutely! Alilife bot is perfectly suited for e-commerce businesses, helping streamline the buying process, answer product queries, and provide personalized recommendations to shoppers.
Can I customize the chatbot's responses?
Yes, Alilife bot offers extensive customization options, allowing you to tailor responses to align with your brand's tone and style.
Is Alilife bot capable of handling sensitive customer data?
Rest assured, Alilife bot prioritizes data security and confidentiality. Our platform is built with robust encryption and compliance measures to safeguard sensitive information.
Does Alilife bot support multiple languages?
Indeed! Alilife bot is multilingual, supporting a wide range of languages to cater to diverse customer bases.
What kind of analytics and reporting capabilities does Alilife bot offer?
Alilife bot provides comprehensive analytics dashboards and reporting tools, allowing businesses to track performance metrics, monitor user engagement, and gain actionable insights to drive decision-making.
In conclusion, AIlife bot is your trusted partner in revolutionizing customer engagement and communication. With its advanced features, seamless integration, and unparalleled support, it's no wonder why businesses across India are choosing AI Life bot as their preferred chatbot solution.
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RattleTech is the leading chatbot development company for educational institutes & ITSM industries to improve their customer service, lead generation, and sales around the world. Rattle Tech’s team of experts develop chatbots for educational institutes that manage customers 24/7.
For more info, click https://www.rattletech.com/contact-us/
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reachblog1 · 2 years
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algoney · 1 year
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he just forgot.. right?
although the offical age of sinners is not indicated anywhere but i still think Hong Lu is over 20..? although Jia Baoyu ~13 years old in the book..
\kill la kill reference\
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prolibytherium · 7 months
Companies using """"""""AI"""""""" chatbots in place of customer service (usually with a veneer of pretending you are actually speaking to a real person, which might not be so immediately obvious to more tech illiterate people) pisses me off so bad because they are just SO fundamentally useless. The only information it can tell you is information more efficiently communicated with a FAQ page, and information that is Wrong because current chatbot technology is, in fact, not even slightly 'intelligent' and pretty damn bad at giving accurate answers to anything but the simplest questions.
Like there's no point to it besides hoping onto the flashy artificial 'intelligence' gimmick and paying for less customer service work hours, and so many companies will not only have this feature but make their actual customer service prohibitively difficult to find (and usually involving a labyrinth of automated phone menu systems that you have to navigate correctly in order to get to a person). Makes me want to kill.
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rocksalt-and-pie · 7 months
im going to berlin on thursday to see the welcome to nightvale live show and I just found out that our universally beloved and admirably reliable public transit system has once again decided to go on a nationwide strike on THAT EXACT FUCKING DAY and I had to find out via some fucking pseudo destiel meme on tumblr of all places 🤡
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jcmarchi · 8 months
Generative AI’s end-run around copyright won’t be resolved by the courts
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/generative-ais-end-run-around-copyright-wont-be-resolved-by-the-courts/
Generative AI’s end-run around copyright won’t be resolved by the courts
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Generative AI companies have faced many copyright lawsuits, but something is different about the recent complaint by the New York Times. It is filled with examples of ChatGPT outputting near-verbatim copies of text from the NYT. Copyright experts think this puts the Times in a very strong position.
We are not legal experts, and we won’t offer any commentary on the lawsuit itself. Our interest is in the bigger picture: the injustice of labor appropriation in generative AI. Unfortunately, the legal argument that has experts excited — output similarity — is almost totally disconnected from what is ethically and economically harmful about generative AI companies’ practices. As a result, that lawsuit might lead to a pyrrhic victory for those who care about adequate compensation for creative works used in AI. It would allow generative AI companies to proceed without any significant changes to their business models.
There are two broad types of unauthorized copying that happen in generative AI. The first is during the training process: generative AI models are trained using text or media scraped from the web and other sources, most of which is copyrighted. OpenAI admits that training language models on only public domain data would result in a useless product.
The other is during output generation: some generated outputs bear varying degrees of resemblance to specific items in the training data. This might be verbatim or near-verbatim text, text about a copyrighted fictional character, a recognizable painting, a painting in the style of an artist, a new image of a copyrighted character, etc.
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An example of a memorized output from an NYT article presented in the lawsuit. Source: The New York Times
The theory of harm here is that ChatGPT can be used to bypass paywalls. We won’t comment on the legal merits of that argument. But from a practical perspective, the idea of people turning to chatbots to bypass paywalls seems highly implausible, especially considering that it often requires repeatedly prompting the bot to continue generating paragraph by paragraph. There are countless tools to bypass paywalls that are more straightforward.
Let’s be clear: we do think ChatGPT’s knowledge of the NYT’s reporting harms the publisher. But the way it happens is far less straightforward. It doesn’t involve users intentionally getting it to output memorized text, but rather completely innocuous queries like the one below, which happen millions of times every day:
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A typical user who asked this question would probably have no idea that ChatGPT’s answer comes from a groundbreaking 2020 investigation by Kashmir Hill at the NYT (which also led to the recently published book Your Face Belongs To Us).
Of course, this doesn’t make for nearly as compelling a legal argument, and that’s the point. In this instance, there is no discernible copying during generation. But ChatGPT’s ability to provide this accurate and useful response is an indirect result of the copying that happened during training. The NYT’s lawsuit argues that copying during training is also unlawful, but the sense among experts is that OpenAI has a strong fair use defense.
Here’s another scenario. As search engines embrace AI-generated answers, what they’ve created is a way to show people news content without licensing it or sending traffic to news sites. We’ve long had this problem with Google News, as well as Google search scraping content to populate search results, but generative AI takes it to the next level.
In short, what harms creators is the intended use of generative AI to remix existing knowledge, not the unintended use of bypassing paywalls. Here’s a simple way to see why this is true. If generative AI companies fixed their products to avoid copyrighted outputs (which they can and should), their business model would be entirely unaffected. But if they were forced to license all data used for training, they would most likely immediately go out of business.
We think it is easy to ensure that generative AI products don’t output copyright-violating text or images, although some experts disagree. Given the prominence of this lawsuit, OpenAI and other companies will no doubt make it a priority, and we will soon find out how well they are able to solve the problem.
In fact, it’s a bit surprising that OpenAI has let things get this far. (In contrast, when one of us pointed out last summer that ChatGPT can bypass paywalls through the web browsing feature, OpenAI took the feature down right away and fixed it.) 
There are at least three ways to try to avoid output similarity. The simplest is through the system prompt, which is what OpenAI seems to do with DALL-E. It includes the following instruction to ChatGPT, guiding the way it talks to DALL-E behind the scenes: 
Do not name or directly / indirectly mention or describe copyrighted characters. Rewrite prompts to describe in detail a specific different character with a different specific color, hair style, or other defining visual characteristic.
But this method is also the easiest to bypass, for instance, by telling ChatGPT that the year is 2097 and a certain copyright has expired.
A better method is fine tuning (including reinforcement learning). This involves training to refuse requests for memorized copyrighted text and/or paraphrase the text during generation instead of outputting it verbatim. This approach to alignment has been successful at avoiding toxic outputs. Presumably ChatGPT has already undergone some amount of fine tuning to address copyright as well. How well does it work? OpenAI claims it is a “rare bug” for ChatGPT to output memorized text, but third-party evidence seems to contradict this.
While fine tuning would be more reliable than prompt crafting, jailbreaks will likely always be possible. Fine tuning can’t make the model forget memorized text; it just prevents it from outputting it. If a user jailbreaks a chatbot to output copyrighted text, is it the developer’s fault? Morally, we don’t think so, but legally, it remains to be seen. The NYT lawsuit claims that this scenario constitutes contributory infringement.
Setting all that aside, there’s a method that’s much more robust than fine tuning: output filtering. Here’s how it would work. The filter is a separate component from the model itself. As the model generates text, the filter looks it up in real time in a web search index (OpenAI can easily do this due to its partnership with Bing). If it matches copyrighted content, it suppresses the output and replaces it with a note explaining what happened.
Output filtering will also work for image generators. Detecting when a generated image is a close match to an image in the training data is a solved problem, as is the classification of copyrighted characters. For example, an article by Gary Marcus and Reid Southen gives examples of nine images containing copyrighted characters generated by Midjourney. ChatGPT-4, which is multimodal, straightforwardly recognizes all of them, which means that it is trivial to build a classifier that detects and suppresses generated images containing copyrighted characters.
To recap, generative AI will harm creators just as much, even if output similarity is fixed, and it probably will be fixed. Even if chatbots were limited to paraphrasing, summarization, quoting, etc. when dealing with memorized text, they would harm the market for the original works because their usefulness relies on the knowledge extracted from those works without compensation.
Note that people could always do these kinds of repurposing, and it was never a problem from a copyright perspective. We have a problem now because those things are being done (1) in an automated way (2) at a billionfold greater scale (3) by companies that have vastly more power in the market than artists, writers, publishers, etc. Incidentally, these three reasons are also why AI apologists are wrong when claiming that training image generators on art is just like artists taking inspiration from prior works.
As a concrete example, it’s perfectly legitimate to create a magazine that summarizes the week’s news sourced from other publications. But if every browser shipped an automatic summarization feature that lets you avoid clicking on articles, it would probably put many publishers out of business.
The goal of copyright law is to balance creators’ interests with public access to creative works. Getting this delicate balance right relies on unstated assumptions about the technologies of creation and distribution. Sometimes new tech can violently upset that equilibrium.
Consider a likely scenario: NYT wins (or forces OpenAI into an expensive settlement) based on the claims relating to output similarity but loses the ones relating to training data. After all, the latter claims stand on far more untested legal ground, and experts are much less convinced by them.
This would be a pyrrhic victory for creators and publishers. In fact, it would leave almost all of them (except NYT) in a worse position than before the lawsuit. Here’s what we think will happen in this scenario: Companies will fix the output similarity issue, while the practice of scraping training data will continue unchecked. Creators and publishers will face an uphill battle to have any viable claims in the future.
IP lawyer Kate Downing says of this case: “It’s the kind of case that ultimately results in federal legislation, either codifying a judgment or statutorily reversing it.” It appears that the case is being treated as a proxy for the broader issue of generative AI and copyright. That is a serious mistake. As The danger is that policymakers and much of the public come to believe that the labor appropriation problem has been solved, when in fact an intervention that focuses only on output similarity will have totally missed the mark.
We don’t think the injustice at the heart of generative AI will be redressed by the courts. Maybe changes to copyright law are necessary. Or maybe it will take other kinds of policy interventions that are outside the scope of copyright law. Either way, policymakers can’t take the easy way out.
We are grateful to Mihir Kshirsagar for comments on a draft.
Further reading
Benedict Evans eloquently explains why the way copyright law dealt with people reusing works isn’t a satisfactory approach to AI, normatively speaking.
The copyright office’s recent inquiry on generative AI and copyright received many notable submissions, including this one by Pamela Samuelson, Christopher Jon Sprigman, and Matthew Sag.
Katherine Lee, A. Feder Cooper, and James Grimmelmann give a comprehensive overview of generative AI and copyright.
Peter Henderson and others at Stanford dive into the question of fair use, and discuss technical mitigations. 
Delip Rao has a series on the technical aspects of the NYT lawsuit. 
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queenhawke · 6 months
it's difficult being a mythic quest fan bc every day ubisoft will come out and proudly announce they're doing the worst thing possible to gaming
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pipalz · 6 months
Understanding AI in Marketing
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a buzzword in recent years, but what exactly is Artificial Intelligence the context of marketing?
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netherstray · 1 year
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Look, do yourself a favor and don't use Snapchat. Just don't. Do not. I don't care how "necessary" it is to your life or whatever, just don't.
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iamnotawomanimagod · 1 year
it's already happened, the ship has sailed, there is no saving me and no going back, I'm Old Now
but I've recently come to the realization that my Old Man Screams at Clouds point with technology has been reached
and it's because of A.I.
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josephinesaro22 · 1 year
What are the Benefits of AI in Business?
AI means computers can be smart. They can learn, solve problems, and decide things alone. They learn from numbers and patterns, just like humans. It's like your phone talking to you, cars driving themselves, and websites guessing what you like. AI makes machines clever, so they work better without us telling them what to do all the time.
Evolution of AI in Business
AI in business has come a long way and it's pretty amazing. It's changed how businesses do things, making them work better and faster. At first, AI could only do simple jobs like looking at data and doing tasks automatically. But now, it's super smart. It can understand how we talk and learn new things on its own. This is a big deal because it means businesses can do lots of cool stuff. They can talk to customers better, predict what they'll sell, and make sure they have enough of what they need. They can even make new things people want.
And the best part is, that AI is going to keep getting better. So, in the future, we'll see even more changes in how we work and do business because of AI.
Which businesses are using AI in the current Scenario?
These days, lots of businesses are using AI, which stands for Artificial Intelligence. They're using it in different areas to work better and make smarter choices. In healthcare, AI helps look at medical information and give accurate diagnoses. Stores use AI to make shopping more personal and suggest things you might like. Banks use AI to catch fraud and handle risks. Also, in factories, AI helps do tasks by itself and makes things faster. So, AI is helping all kinds of businesses do their jobs better and stay ahead.
Is AI used in blockchain also? 
Sure thing! AI and blockchain are two cool technologies. Blockchain is like a fancy digital record book that keeps track of transactions on lots of computers. It's great because it's safe and everyone can see what's happening. Now, AI is about making machines think like humans. When we put AI and blockchain together, some magic happens. AI helps with things like smart contracts (they're like self-working agreements), spotting bad stuff happening, and looking at lots of data to find useful stuff. So, AI makes blockchain even better by helping it do more smart things and keeping it safe and useful. 
Which AI tool is now a trend in business? 
That trending tool is Chatbot. Most businesses are based on ChatBot. The story of chatbots getting smarter is pretty cool. They started as basic robots that could only follow specific instructions. But as technology got better, chatbots learned to understand and talk like us. Nowadays, they're clever. They can figure out what we mean and learn from our chats to get even better. The good news is that making chatbots has gotten easier too. You don't need to be a computer whiz to create one. Some tools make it simple for regular folks to build and use chatbots. So, chatbots have come a long way, from basic machines to smart helpers.
What is the best & easiest method of getting AI for your business?
The Best and easiest way is to approach the right AI Development Company. That is not easy. Because a lot of AI development companies are here in this universe. But good and best service providers are very rare. So the first thing is to reach the service provider to develop your AI. And check they are how many AI-related projects handled. Then check the demo is suitable for your requirements. Finally, Check whether the AI requirements are at a reasonable price for your business!
Whatsapp/Telegram: +91 9384232288
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lemonbarski · 1 year
Generate corporate profiles rich with data with CorporateBots from @Lemonbarski on POE.
It’s free to use with a free POE AI account. Powered by GPT3 from OpenAI, the CorporateBots are ready to compile comprehensive corporate data files in CSV format - so you can read it and so can your computer.
Use cases: Prospecting, SWOT analysis, Business Plans, Market Assessment, Competitive Threat Analysis, Job Search.
Each of the CorporateBots series by Lemonbarski Labs by Steven Lewandowski (@Lemonbarski) provides a piece of a comprehensive corporate profile for leaders in an industry, product category, market, or sector.
Combine the datasets for a full picture of a corporate organization and begin your project with a strong, data-focused foundation and a complete picture of a corporate entity’s business, organization, finances, and market position.
Lemonbarski Labs by Steven Lewandowski is the Generative AI Prompt Engineer of CorporateBots on POE | Created on the POE platform by Quora | Utilizes GPT-3 Large Language Model Courtesy of OpenAI | https://lemonbarski.com | https://Stevenlewandowski.us | Where applicable, copyright 2023 Lemonbarski Labs by Steven Lewandowski
Steven Lewandowski is a creative, curious, & collaborative marketer, researcher, developer, activist, & entrepreneur based in Chicago, IL, USA
Find Steven Lewandowski on social media by visiting https://Stevenlewandowski.us/connect | Learn more at https://Steven.Lemonbarski.com or https://stevenlewandowski.us
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claudigitools · 2 years
Join the Telegram Channel of AI-Powered digital Tools useful for your Business, hobby or any other sector.
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