#chatting 🌀
demonspride · 1 year
Hi I was wondering if you could put you were inspired by us or at least change you icon style to make it at least a bit more different than ours since your url + partners + icon styles just look like blatant copies and it was brought to our attention. Thank you - 🍒 / gothamspride
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My icon style is actually inspired by… Completely different people than you. Specifically, my good friend on Discord was my point of inspiration, who taught me how to do this style on call! As well as some inspo taken from @/pridolcons in regards to both coloring and post formatting.
Furthermore, my URL is what it is because demonpride, demonicpride, pridedemon, demonicons and demonicon were all taken. This URL was, like, my sixth choice. And then my partner modeled pups blog after exclusively me.
I’m gonna be honest with you: I don’t blame you for seeing similarities in our editing styles (those are plain to see, upon looking at your blog properly). But I’ve seen your posts maybe two or three times in the wild, and I have never opened your blog before. You are, like, a completely random blog asking for credit from me.
But, yeah, I’m not gonna change my icon style or my URL or link to your blog because it’s coincidentally pretty similar to yours. With all due love and respect, of course, as a fellow member of the editing community!
If you wish to further discuss this, my DMs are open, also!! And have a nice day?
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maraschino-dyke · 6 months
Genuinely I think the only thing keeping me together rn is the thought that one day I’ll get to be some handsome butch’s pretty little wife and devote myself to them and dedicate myself to our marriage and family I can’t wait I can’t wait I can’t wait <3333
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eendtiimes · 1 month
// More Josef delusional posting he becomes more of an OC every day yippeee
// Josef got his speedster powers when he was around 20 ish, and after that point he moved to the United States to focus more on superhero work . before that point however, he had quite a criminal record . he didn’t have much as a kid and lost his parents in his late teens, so he had quite the habit of thievery . it started small when he was younger, really just stealing to get by, but by the time he turned 20 it got more intense out of necessity and he accidentally got mixed up with some bad people who . he was still a good guy at heart who didn’t want to see anyone get hurt, even though he’d let himself become a thief he wasn’t a monster, so when he found out the people he was working with were bad news, he wanted an out . and it was at that point there was a freak accident at the same time as a shootout ( the flash-inspired kind with being struck by lightning in a warehouse full of mysterious science chemicals ) which gave Josef his powers .
// and since this is the invincible universe, the power gaining origin story veers more into the horror realm, it wasn’t a glamorous moment whatsoever . the process itself was obviously painful, but now Josef’s perception had been altered to be thousands of times faster than a human’s, so the world appeared to be stuck in slow motion with no real explanation why . he was left completely confused and terrified for what felt like days for him until the GDA could step in and give him some help . it took him a while to get used to the powers but once he did, he immediately wanted to step up and use them for good, which prompted him to pick a superhero persona and move away . and becoming a superhero was partially his ‘redemption’ to himself for all the stealing in his past even if it was purely out of the need for survival, but he was also just a genuinely good guy who wanted to help whereever he could .
// but dw guys he got to go to college and pursue his dreams as a music teacher and make friends and get married because of all this so it’s fine 👍 he’s fine 👍
// stealing tends to run in this family, actually . his nephew is a bit of a kleptomaniac . ( he does it for fun )
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timewontwait · 1 year
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You had me at -- Hell no.
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seakicker · 1 year
would it be ok to request scara and/or xiao for the minifics 👉👈
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for you my friends? i’ll include all 3
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murdrdocs · 7 months
that steve fic is making me feral like clawing at the bars of my cage ,,,.. i luv the way u write him
- 🌀
omg thank youuuu 🤭
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₊°。HELLLOOOOO TUMBLR long time no see! lil updated into post here
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I AM A MINOR. ignore whatever age i claimed i was last year i was fucking crazy. im a highschool student. sry if u followed me/allowed me to follow u thinking i was an adult, feel free to block me
THIS IS NO LONGER A YANDERE BLOG. yanderes are always safe and welcome on this page but i no longer identify myself as a yandere and would prefer not to associate directly with specifically yandere things, for my own recovery/mental health.
that aside i am unfortunately still mentally ill and an actual fucking loser, so this blog is just gonna be whatever's going through my head. and its a fresh start. anyone who remembers me from this blog (though id be surprised if u did, i totally revamped it) can bring up stuff from the yandere blog era as long as it isnt too detailed bc i am trying to remain sane.
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fearnurse · 2 years
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Vampire girl with a shrine of gore... You’re a perfect fit, so in you go!  REQUESTS OPEN ; ( 0 / 10 ) ; Like when read
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rotten1angel · 1 month
just wanted to say happy early birthday and I AM OBSESSED WITH YOUR THEME OMG <33
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demonspride · 1 year
could you make transneutral tiger icons pls ♡
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For clarification: tigers, like, the animal? Or a character named Tiger that’s not coming to mind? (For the record, I’m happy to do either!)
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clockwork-chris · 1 year
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Hello there! Need a hand?
🕰️ introduction
⚙️ DNI
(More sections coming soon)
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yuitoru · 5 months
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🌀 — streamerbf! satoru gojo x fem! reader | 🌀 ft — fluff, angst(?) | 🌀 cw — swearing, satoru cant pull to save his life, mentions of death threats |
s.gojo streamer!au - the first time you make an (accidental) appearance on satoru's live stream
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"that guy is definitely cheating!!" satoru groaned in frustration as he ran his hands through his fluffy white hair, grimacing down at the now loading screen in front of him. the neon lights from his monitor shone onto his face, the brightness clearly way too high but he always refused to change it - as he squinted to read the influx of comments in the live comments of his stream, a certain few caught his eye.
fushtoji : 'this guy actually sucks.'
kamo_choso : 'dead game tbh'
a small scowl almost instantly formed on his face, his eyes narrowed as he stared dead at the screen. "firstly, i do not suck! that was one bad round!! and second, fortnite is not a dead game. its in its redemption arc and you know it," satoru huffed, his face resembling a pouty toddler. he spun in his chair to look over to where you where sprawled out on his bed, scrolling through your phone. "can you believe this?? my own viewers are bullying me!!"
meg_gumi : 'oh great hes talking to himself.'
yuujiii : 'is someone there?'
"i am not talking to myself! fucking hell, whats with everyone taking the piss out of me today..." satoru said with a sigh, looking over at you with a pout. "babyyyy, make them stop..!!" he whined, dramatically hanging his head in his hands. you laughed softly, sending him a small smile before going back to your phone - however, your laugh had been just audible enough for it to be picked up by satoru’s mic, resulting in a rapid increase in his live chat comments.
user19899 : ‘wait is someone acc there??’
phantom08 : ‘it sounded like a girl..’
fushtoji : ‘dont tell me this guy actually has a gf.’
satoru glared at his camera before groaning and rolling his eyes, a whiny tone in his voice as he huffed. "why is it so hard for you all to believe that i have a girlfriend??! honestly im hurt..."
ryokuna : 'negative rizz.'
"i dont see why youre talking after your girlfriend just broke up with you, sukuna!" satoru mocked, sticking his tongue out before spinning back around on his chair to face you again. he opened his arms for you to come cuddle him, as one of his hands reached towards his keyboard to disable the camera. you slid off of his bed and walked towards him, before sitting down on his lap and cuddling into his chest. satoru pressed an attack of kisses against the top of your head, his hands roaming up and down your back. what the two of you were unaware of was the fact that satoru hadnt turned off his camera, instead only muting the stream, meaning that both your face and the way you were curled up in his arms were visible to the entire stream - over 20k people, at least.
fushtoji : 'oh shit he does actually have a gf.'
gojoswhore : 'WHAT NO WAY'
meg_gumi : 'this guy out of everyone???'
the two of you stayed how you were, completely oblivious to the fact that your relationship had just been exposed to his whole fanbase, and that the news would practically spread like wildfire. after a few minutes, you shuffled a bit in satoru's arms, trying to get comfortable, but his monitor caught the corner of your eye, causing your face to drop in shock. satoru followed your gaze, eventually locking with his own eyes from his screen, as he realised what had just happened. he scrambled forwards to cover your face and turn off his camera, letting out a groan as he looked at you.
"shit, baby, 'm so sorry.. i honestly didnt realise," he sighed, rubbing his face with his hands. he knew that you would eventually be shown on camera to meet his fans, but not this soon, and not like this. you two had just been shown in a private moment - something that satoru didnt want his audience to see. he looked up at you with an apologetic expression, before gently pressing a kiss to your forehead.
the chats had already started rolling in, with thousands of people commenting on your relationship, your appearance... it felt awful, like the entire world was now watching every single one of your movements and all having their own things to say about it. you couldnt have been on camera for more than a minute or two, but the chat was flooded with people's thoughts.
user38384 : 'shes pretty, but nothing special tbh'
kikio001 : 'kinda expected more from gojo'
miko3 : 'i think shes rly pretty, whats w the hate???'
mods had already started stepping in and removing the rude commenters, but the damage had already been done. people had seen your face for the first time, and were assuming all sorts of things about you. satoru noticed your downcast expression, and leaned forward to reach his keyboard, before unmuting himself, not bothering to turn the camera back on.
"if you are already commenting shit about my girlfriend, who you dont even know, and wont get to know the way i do, then youre honestly just a pathetic excuse for a human. show some more damn respect, its not hard to be a good person," and he ended the stream right there. wiping away any stray tears that had collected in your eyes, satoru smiled down at you before lifting you into his arms and standing from his chair, before carrying you back towards his bed and setting you down. he quickly slipped under the duvet with you, bringing your body into his chest as he sighed softly. "dont worry, baby.. ill sort this all out, okay? you dont have to ever come back onto the stream if you dont want to. i love you, pretty."
his gentle words, as well as his soft embrace, slowly lured you into your exhaustion - you were on the brink of sleep when you felt satoru press a feather-light kiss to your head, and that was the last thing you remembered before you fell asleep, completely safe and protected from all the harsh comments in satoru's arms, and that was the way that it would always be.
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© yuitoru™ — dont copy, plagiarise, repost, modify and/or translate my works
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pusssynw33d · 3 months
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this bra is so cute on me☀️💗
join my my sites for more content<3
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joelsdolly · 3 months
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summery: ellie can't get her ex best friend out of her mind
warnings: light angst, silly ellie
notes: pretend ellie likes coffee for this one !!
how you can help palestine!!!!
info about palestine!!!!
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ellie couldn't escape from you, you were always on her mind, even months after not talking she still thought of you . her therapist tried to bring you up multiple times because she thought it would be good for ellie to talk about you, but every time she mentioned your name ellie acted like you didn't exist, she just continued her phrase or moved on to the next subject
she was out getting her morning coffee when she heard a familiar laugh, 'fuck' she muttered under her breath, she turned around and saw you sitting with your friend, you had a warm coffee in hand and a donut in the other . when her name was called she grabbed her coffee and ran out, her exit from the cafe made you turned your head in confusion towards where she previously stood
once she was out of the cafe she started walking to her campus, she sipped on her coffee as she recalled the last time you guys had talked, she thought about how hurt you looked as she yelled at you about how much she hated you, she didn't actually hate you but she thought it was best to push you away then to actually confront her feelings
she knew she fucked up but she also knew what she had done wasn't repeatable, she had made you feel like the only person who loved and understand you didn't actually love you nor understand you . now months after you friendship "break up" she still felt bad, she had tried talking to you after but you always told her that she did this to herself and it wasn't your responsibility to make her feel better about what she had done
ellie sat in her boring class trying not to fall asleep, 'hey ellie' her classmates whispered from the chair beside her, 'what' she whispered back, 'there's a get together happening at my house tonight, wanna come? it's really nothing too big just a couple people' ellie thought about before accepting the invite . time quickly passed and it was time to go to the small get together, she put on a lazy baggy outfit, grabbed her keys and left her apartment, once she arrived she knocked on the door and they let her in
she immediately grabbed a beer and sat down, she didn't plan on getting wasted or high tonight, she knew you were on her mind and if she was intoxicated she would text you, unfortunately she caved in to the drinks in front of her . some shots later she was scrolling on her phone, she stared at your chat, her message from months ago was only read so she debated on texting you
the alcohol in her system had make her mind fuzzy, she clicked on your chat and typed up a short message, she sent it and turned off her phone . she sat there sweating and waiting for your response for a good twenty minutes before getting up and heading out the door, the fresh air feeling nice on her exposed forearms
you laid in bed reading when you phone got a notification, no one really texted you so the noise almost freighted you . you picked your phone up and the notification came from ellie, the ex best friend who you haven't talked to in months ellie, you bit your bottom lip as you stared at the text, you giggled at the typo, at least you that's how you knew she was drunk or high
the only thing she had texted was
els 🩷
'i miss yiu :('
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murdrdocs · 8 months
lemme be 🌀 anon so i can be h word about mike
okie 😁
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pariswitch · 1 year
🔮 Embrace Your Inner Witch 🔮
Are you feeling a little unmojo-ed lately, witchlings? 🌀 We've all been there - sometimes it can be tough to tap into our inner magic and stay motivated on our witchy path. But don't worry, we've got some tips to help you get your witchy mojo back! 💪
🌿 Nurture your connection with nature. Spend some time outside, breathe in the fresh air, and soak up the natural energy around you.
💫 Set some witchy goals for yourself. What do you want to accomplish on your magical journey? Make a list and start working towards those goals.
🔮 Practice your craft regularly. Whether it's meditating, journaling, or casting spells, make sure to carve out time for your magic on a regular basis.
🤝 Connect with other witches. Find a coven, join an online witchy community, or just chat with like-minded friends. Sharing your journey with others can be a powerful and supportive experience.
💖 Love yourself. Remember, you are a powerful and unique witch, and you deserve to be loved and appreciated. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.
So go out there, witches, and embrace your inner magic! You are a force to be reckoned with. 🔮💪
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