skelligiri · 5 months
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I wanna call this the 'Ineffable niblings' AU. Little Ash and Uriel from 'When the angels left the old country' would have so much to talk about with the ineffables! Thought I'd do a little crossover for passover, featuring an orange on a seder plate because I love the idea.
Chag Pesach Sameach!
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closetcellist · 2 years
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I finished a new book about angels and demons and now it’s everyone’s problem
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animazed · 3 months
i came on here originally to say i was lonely and my head hurt but then some posts made me laugh so i’m reblogging them despite them being like the last thing i posted.
but such is life.
#my blue kazoo space puzzle is missing two pieces :/#and I’m on my period so looking at those old posts is hard but they’re also so far away like i started dating again already#and it got up there in number of dates but as it kept going it made me think more and more of Joey and that wasn’t fun#but i already have another guy lined up so that’s good i guess#but yea also being on my period doesn’t help#and just an update with work cuz no one asked for it#being split between two buildings is annoying#but anyways i dropped off James today cuz shavuos is this week#and tomorrow will be the second week I’ll be learning derech Hashem with Jeffrey so that’s nice#and i think Tamar will be at Hindy’s so maybe we’ll set up some actual chavrusa#but anyways i feel v distant from Gd like He’s not in my thoughts#but the challah bake was so nice yesterday and really gave me a good dose of just like Living For Hashem#though it’s faded by now but idk hopefully things just go well in life for a while#cuz things are just passing by and I’m spending days in a daze wasting them with screen time and not being productive but also trying#to be kind to myself because i /am/ on my period and this is all period talk and pain so#anyways#half promises half forgotten#and being almost 30 and all that#rant#there’s no real point to this post#just kind of catching up the last two months#i should shower and go to bed but idk if I’m gonna shower since Monday’s the only work day this week and James isn’t here so i can#stay up late but also i have no food#:/#well gn then#have some more funny posts maybe
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dvar-trek · 2 years
i have to do everything myself around here
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koshercosplay · 10 months
clark kent as the nerdy soft-spoken yeshiva bochur whose chavrusa Levi Laner walks in on him taking off his shirt to reveal the superman logo underneath and subsequently helps him keep his alter ego a secret from the rest of the yeshiva
is this anything
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barleyteanghibli · 11 days
Seems like a good time to repost this to jumblr. If you’re Jewish and looking for a Zionist, antifascist space for community and learning, come join Cable Street Chavrusa! We’re a small group right now but we host events, discussions, and provide support for all things Jewish with people who understand. Systems, queer people, BIPOC supported and welcome!
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raccooninapartyhat · 6 months
every day the fairy vs walrus discussion feels more and more like I'm reading talmud or have walked in on the weirdest chavrusa on the planet
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celebrating the impending njcs round one start by reading wtaltoc for the first time. "and they were chavrusas!" "(oh my god they were chavrusas!)"
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decaydanceredacted · 1 month
(follow up from the "please remember joe is jewish" ask)
okay but yentl has such gay transmasc potential - what if me and joe are at yeshiva together and our eyes meet across the shiur as we fiercely debate the talmud. he ends up being my chavrusa: i like his lisp and the jokes he cracks which make our teachers frown; he likes my eyes and the way i take things so seriously.
i'm a stealth trans man, and when joe finds me out i beg him not to tell anyone. i'm naked except for a towel, having been in our dorm's shared bathroom when he caught me. he's trying not to look at me impurely, but i catch his eyes sneaking glances at my body and i know what i need to do. dropping to my knees in front of him, letting the towel fall away to reveal my top surgery scars and my cock already wet with anticipation, i look up at him with big eyes: "*please* don't tell anyone, joe. i'll do *anything*."
he's so nervous - this is so wrong! it goes against everything we've been learning! - but he lets me undo his jeans and pull out his gorgeous cock. (we know it's not huge but i firmly believe it's a good-looking dick.) it's his first time getting a blowjob, and he's making these desperate noises and his hands are flailing, so i grab hold of them and place them firmly in my hair. thankfully he gets the picture and grabs my hair and begins fucking my face - he doesn't even mean to, he just can't help it because my mouth feels so fucking good. he's swearing and crying out to g_d and when he comes in my mouth (after not very long at all, he was so desperate) he manages to grin cheekily down at me and tell me i have to swallow or else i'd be wasting his seed.
(and later he lays me out on his bed and eats my ass like he's ravenous and then fucks me soooo slowly and gently because that's what the talmud says to do, and he tells me he'd never do anything to lose a chavrusa like me)
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rotzaprachim · 11 months
it’s blatantly clear that the IL gov in no way cares about their own citizens and certainly less Jews as a whole but the total proportion of my generation of young Jews in the entire world literally being suited up for cannon fodder right now makes me ill. As much as both antisemites and the government of IL want to cast themselves as a global superpower and the strongest army on earth they are not, they’re still a relatively very small middle eastern country that’s part of a very very small ethnic group and going to war right now has a mass potential to seriously cut into our total population in ways that will impact us for a long long time. They are not the US. Proportionally this cannot be like the Vietnam war or the Iraq war. Like I’ve grown up with the Charedim being given a blank slate cause Jewish babies all my life and now we’re willing to throw a mass number of 18-40 year old Jews into the fire before they ever have a chance to become parents and there’s really nothing less in the interest of l’dor v’dor. As a diaspora Jew with a community in many ways more tied to IL than the US I’ve gotten the full guilt trip about not having to go get drafted in this war and I don’t support it in any way, but there’s still that deep feeling of maybe my future wife will die in this war. Maybe my future best friend or chavrusa will die in this war. Maybe the future father of my children will die in this war and I’ll never have my children. If we keep walking on to hell this may echo down the generations.
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meatmensch · 1 year
ok jupernatural gang which angel was castiel's chavrusa
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Sheva Zucker Unit א Conversation
Read the conversation aloud until you feel comfortable (preferably with a chavrusa) and translate
.מאָטל: שלום-עליכם .פֿרײַנד גאָלדשטיין: עליכם-סלום /מאָטל: װי הייסט איר ?גאָלדשטיין: איך הייס בערל גאָלדשטיין. װי הייסטו .מאָטל: איך הייס מאָטל זינגער ?גאָלדשטיין: און װי הייסט דער טאַטע, מאָטל מאָטל: ער הייסט מיכל זינגער. גאָלדשטיין: אוי, מיכל זינגער, איך קען אַ מיכל זינגער, ער װוינט דאָ אויף דער ערשסטער גאַס, אָבער ער אַרבעט ניט דאָרט. װוּ װוינט איר .מאָטל: מיר װוינען אויף דער ערשטער גאַס !גאָלדשטיין: אַ קליינע װעלט! זײַ געזונט, מאָטל. אַ גרוס אין דער היים !מאָטל; זײַט געזונט
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dyannawynnedayne · 10 months
Oh god anon coming in with the hardest possible quedtion first thing!!! Hrmmm, in no particular order:
1. The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri
A priestess of an outlawed religion (Priya) has to help an exiled princess (Malini) find her brother (rhaegar) in order to a) topple malini's evil older brother, in exchange for which her people will stop being persecuted (reader they fall in love)
2. Kill Anything That Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam by Nick Turse
Investigative piece regarding american atrocities during the Vietnam War.
3. When the Angels Left the Old Country by Sacha Lamb (@kuttithevangu on tumblr, go follow it)
I said no particular order but actually its this one. This is the best one. Ive been reading it since it was first posted on tumblr ages ago and it was wonderful then and even better now.
An angel and a demon who have been chavrusas for centuries leave their shtetl to follow their young people to America. On their journey, they end up helping one of those very young people.
I cant actually describe it in a way that does it justice so just. GO read it. And then go read the rest of Lamb's works.
4. The Iliad, Emily Wilson translation
5. Okay this one is going to lose me credibility bc i am on the Pretentious Book Readers Website but like
Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Violet is a girl with EDS who comes from a long line of dragon riders and is thus pressured to join Dragon Military School. Through sheer determination and her smarts, she succesfully manages to complete her first year, falling in love with the son of the man who killed her brother.
My wife and I originally read this book bc they ALSO have EDS, and hey! Exciting! We legitimately had a blast and have been struggling to get hold of the second book since it came out.
Thanks, anon! <3
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achos-laazov · 1 year
In the interest of procrastination - I should be calling students' parents to introduce myself at the beginning of the school year; or alternatively clearing up supper
Here's Blaze's birth story
I had been having prodromal-type labor on and off for a week already. The 8th grade yearbook had to be in at the printer by 5pm Friday in order to have it at graduation. (I was also giving a math final that coming Tuesday that I hadn't made up yet.) So Thursday night, after I put the kids to bed, I sat down with my graphics laptop to work.
Of course, I was having random contractions. Ranging from 2 to 12 minutes apart, and pretty ignorable. Like maybe had to stop working for a couple of seconds at the peak.
At about 10:35pm, I called my husband home from night seder because I had a couple of contractions in a row that I couldn't ignore. His yeshiva is about a 40 minute drive away, so by the time he let his chavrusas know he was leaving and got home, it was around 11:30.
He watched me work for a bit, started putting up the cholent and cleaning up for Shabbos. After a bunch of contractions in a row that I couldn't sit through - I had to stand up and pace and breathe through them - he convinced me to call my midwife. I agreed to stop working and get into a warm bath and call her at about midnight.
(I still wasn't convinced that I was having the baby that night so I didn't put away my graphics stuff - just closed the laptop and stacked it on my tablet and pushed it to the back of the table.)
Anyway, I went upstairs and filled the bath, and called the midwife as I was getting in, around 12:20. She left to come to us.
Around 1:10am, my husband noticed the same car drive past our house for the second time so he went out to flag her down and point out that she could park in our driveway. She came up to my bathroom at 1:25ish.
I gave birth at 1:49am. I was mildly in denial that the baby was arriving right then - I thought I had another ten minutes at least - so I was not in the best position. That, coupled with the fact that he was facing posterior (and possibly a little broader than my others), meant that his shoulders got stuck for a second. I think. At least, it's the only one of my kids that I remember actively pushing to get the shoulders out.
I bled a lot right away so I couldn't sit and relax in the water for a bit like I did at my other waterbirths. The midwife and her assistant helped me out on to the toilet, and after some discussion, we decided I needed an IM pitocin shot, so that happened. Placenta took its merry time to come down, too, but nothing very crazy.
Baby was 7lb 14.8oz and 20.25" long.
Switching midwifery practices for this birth was the right choice. Even though I miss (most of) my old midwives, and this birth was not as smooth as past ones (see: stuck shoulders, IM pitocin), I felt much better about this one than the last.
With Chuck, I felt like the midwife was manipulating me to agree to interventions that may not have been necessary (but I can't know because of what she did at the time). She's the one I don't miss.
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starlightomatic · 1 year
will there be another instalment of the gay chavrusas? no pressure, just wanted to let you know I am enjoying the story :-)
i want to i just can't figure out what options should happen next
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barleyteanghibli · 3 months
join my Jewish server and come hang with people who want to engage in discussions and thought and Judaism (system and queer friendly)
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