#chay my most dearest darling
callmeahopelesscase · 8 months
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-> Porchay Kittisawat & All That We Get by First Aid Kit (ft. Chay & Porsche sibling bond)
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alwaysinstyle · 5 months
A Long-Overdue RANT Girlies Appreciation Post
Tonight feels like the perfect night to tell you how much I love you all, and I apologize in advance for the length of this post.
~ Nina ~
My precious Pastel Woods outfit hype-woman who’s always ready to Style Carry™️ me onto the battle field, deceive the enemies with her iconic mermaid hair extensions and then KICK SOME ASS for the both of us. Darling, if your Pinterest board is any indication, you have me absolutely figured out and it is both hilarious and iconic. You are for real my Kenny-coded friend’s evil twin and I know without a doubt that you two would go full GTA mode on the NPC bad drivers to bring me an iced coffee (from ANYWHERE but the Bad Vibes Café). Speaking of which, I hoping you’re treating yourself to an iced chai, because you deserve it, you gorgeous and talented REAL author who I adore. Thanks for climbing up on stilts to give me a kiss on the cheek whenever I’m feeling down. Your constant kind words mean so much to me and yes, you did make me cry actual tears when you called me your IRL Superhero. Your dear Wal-Mart Taylor Swift sends all the love in the world.
~ Teri ~
Scary Teri, my favorite Ten Ferrets Stacked in a Trench Coat, my fellow road rage gal who loves screaming in the car as much as I do. I can’t even tell you how much I appreciate you for biting the bullet and being the Cartman friend with whom I can make THE darkest jokes and tell THE darkest stories (and, of course, exchange graphic jump-scare surgery pics) without scaring you away. At the end of it all, you still tell me I’m vibrant and resilient, and that warms my heart more than I can express. Thank you for allaying my fears of becoming a Cynical Asshole (formal diagnosis as you all know). Thank you for making me feel strong when I feel weak. I look forward to many, many more unhinged conversations and overly analytic beta reads of your spectacular fics. I do, in fact, still expect to receive a package containing the buckets of tears I have harvested through Hourglass.
~ Riley ~
My dearest WARRIOR, sword-wielding protector Riley, co-sponsor of the Style Carry™️ who makes me spontaneously combust with everything she writes. We come together to form one joint Whump Deity as the Queen of Injury Fics and the Queen of Sickfics, and I love that everyone on ao3 GENUINELY lumps us together as one being. I don’t blame them since we really do be sharing one brain cell. It kicks ass being each other’s target audience because even with our most self-indulgent shit, mark my worms, the other WILL be absolutely blended. Whenever I’m feeling down, you’re ALWAYS locked and loaded with lizard pics and not to mention graphic illness and injury for my viewing pleasure. Your fics, bedtime stories and sneak peeks that are ALWAYS tacitly solicited bring me such an incredible amount of joy. I mean it. It was the sweet siren call of OJV that brought me to Tumblr in the first place. I am so glad to have come to the dark side and to have become a RANT girly, and I owe that all to you. You are the heart of RANT, dear. Without you we’re just ANT, and ants aren’t even that cool. Thank you so very much for being the ultimate hype gal, for being THE world’s best commenter, for reminding me to take care of Ye Olde Flesh Prison when I’m being terrible about it, and for worrying about me when I’m too stubborn to worry about myself. Your support means the world to me, my dude. Our chats and headcanon dumps have actually been the grounding force keeping me sane (ironically, since we’re so insane about Style). Keep kicking ass and avoiding creepy pizza men, okay? I love you so much and I love being NOT normal together.
@1moreoffkeyanthem @asteria7fics @boxwinebaddie
All three of you, and everyone else on this crazy website who makes me smile, THANK YOU.
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meerawrites · 6 months
Holi Short Story by Me
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Brightness of colors: Rang Barse
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Read here.
March, Spring in New York City, 1922. 
Marian had always loved sunny New York with its successful, stormy Skyscrapers. It was a place where they felt ecstatic. Marian was a wild, hungry, chai drinker with black hair and brown eyes, their friends saw them as a competent and caring lover. Marian walked over to the window and reflected on their beautiful surroundings. The sun shone like radiant receptive beams.
Then they saw something in the distance or rather some one . T hen, in the distance, they saw something, or rather someone , Catherine, Marian’s lover, was clever with curly hair and short stature. Marian gulped. They were ill-prepared for Catherine.
As Marian stepped outside and Catherine came closer, they could see the disturbed glint in the other's eye. Catherine moved closer, daintily, like a songbird hopping about. Close enough to whisper. 
Catherine gazed with the affection of a delightful misty mouse. She said, in hushed tones, “I love you and I want you and to share experiences of this eternity with you, ma chérie,” she said, most gently, in expert French. French that typically went over Marian’s head, though they spoke Hindi, Sanskrit and English well enough. Catherine, by contrast, was quite adequately fluent in English, French, Russian, Haitian Creole and the Piano Forte. Marian looked back, even more, stable and still fingering the colourful hat. “Catherine, my dearest, I adore you,” they replied. Marian hadn’t lost her dimples or any of her pigment since being turned into a vampire. But, she had lost the very human ability to blush. Marian had to resist fiddling with her hair or biting her claw-like, albeit pretty, nails. 
They looked at each other with warm affection, unusual for humans, rare in vampires like two old-fashioned doves, flirting on a front porch. 
Marian regarded Catherine's curls and new pink short dress softly  “I feel quite the same,” revealed Marian with a delighted grin, that exposed dainty fangs. 
Catherine looked delighted, her face gaining a doting air, for her love, even more so if such was possible. Then Catherine came inside for a nice drink of chai. As far as they both knew, vampires could consume food and drink. They would gain nothing from it but it wouldn’t hurt them at all. Catherine sits like the regency noble she is, clasping her teacup, with better manners than any English Royal and drinking small sips. Marian badly wanted more chai but they restrained themselves. Finally, Marian says what she’s been meaning to say all month. 
“Holi Hai, meree rajakumaree,” Marian says sweetly. 
Catherine opens and closes her dainty lips, presently coloured by pink lipstick in overjoyed shock. 
“A translation, mon amour?” She asks, though not forcefully. 
“My Princess,” Marian said like that Marian was almost in Catherine’s lap. 
“I was thinking … darling, we should do something for Holi, I have never been to India or to such a party but Pita ji says it’s quite fun,” Marian suggests. 
Catherine raises a proud but nonetheless astonished eyebrow. “Well, love, I have no objections, I could certainly deny you nothing, I shall change my clothes. You seem well fit already enough,” a teasing grin and a wink from Catherine and a teasing hand down her neck. Marian shudders, moving closer. Then the small drink, the bite, just the correct dance between pain and a macabre thrilling sort of pleasure to make Marian sigh gently. 
“You’re a tease,” Marian interjects trying and failing at any level of argumentative or objection. 
“So are you,” the Creole beauty Catherine retorts. 
“I—“ Marian stutters softly. 
“Yes, you love me, I love you too, ma chérie,” Catherine gently leans down and innocently kisses Marian on the cheek. 
An hour later, Catherine returns in a white cotton night dress. Marian adjusts their white Kurta and smiles thoughtfully. 
“I brought the colors, and the water,” Marian says, gesturing to a medium bucket of water and a tray full of all the powders in all shades of the rainbow. 
They’d need more than a couple of showers and each other's company after this game. 
Marian moves them outside to wear the sun shining brightly despite the gloom, rainfall, fog and wind in New York the night prior. They stand on their tiptoes and kisses Catherine gently on the forehead. 
Then, Marian picks up the violet powder and throws it at Catherine’s white gown, it colors the white cotton purple, next, Marian moves for the indigo, it lands in Catherine’s creole curls. Catherine shakes her head but still smiles like a Saint. 
It’s not long till Catherine returns more than just fire, coloring Marian’s clothes red and their bob of black hair blue, then there’s the solid splash of water. It would bother Marian, save for that vampire bodily functions are on both sides. No more shivering anymore. 
Finally, coloured like the entire rainbow in varying degrees, messy, overjoyed and the sun setting, not that the sun would do any harm to either of the: that ridiculous trope was invented for a vampire movie in Germany in 1922 which is both horrifying and ridiculous, at least to Miss Catherine and Mx Marian. They settle on a black-coloured couch, gently holding each other in one another’s arms,  their pretty heads nuzzled against each other. 
Suddenly, a strong scent overcame them. The smell of blood. One of the mafias in New York City wreaking havoc. Catherine sighe and Marian leans against her. “It seems the bloody fanged kiss is required once again, ma cher,” Catherine murmured and Marian nodded. 
Ridiculous maybe, perhaps a bit human for vampires, but regardless of what they are, or what they perceive themselves to be. We all could stand for some color, joy and sunlight, even in undeath. After all, didn’t Amy Grant once say, “Without black, no color has any depth?” 
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fight-surrender · 3 years
My darling!
11, 18, and 20 for the Tea and Book asks.
You are a lovely effervescent unicorn <3.
11. What character archetype or trope is your favorite. Oh man. My favoritey (typo, but I'm leaving it bc I kind of like it) kind of character is the person who hides their squishy vulnerable heart under a nice thick armor of humor/snark/bravado. When something or someone puts a chink in that armor and their smushy parts start to show... oh I eat that right up. Like pure joy. I'll also die for most enemies to friends to lovers tropes for pretty much the same reason.
18. Chai tea or hot chocolate. I'm going to have to go with the tea. There is a place near me that serves a lavender chai latte that is like a liquid version of that enemies-to-lovers feeling. I'm just not that into chocolate :/
20. If I could cultivate a fruit orchard, what would I grow. I think it would be peaches. I had peach trees as a kid, and they were by far the best peaches I've ever eaten. And I made the best peach pie. I still have the recipe tucked away in a little red unicorn box from like, 5th grade. But I've never made it because I know store bought peaches will never taste the same.
Thanks for the asks my dearest.
Based on this list:
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sparrowwritings · 4 years
Final Fantasy Writing Challenge Day Twenty-Five: Third Time’s the Charm
Twenty-Four -- Masterpost -- Twenty-Six
Lara hadn’t really considered herself the teaching kind. Certainly she had learned a lot from directly working with Culinarians who were far above her skill level. She also had discovered, in her time working at the Bismarck, that working with and helping adjust the techniques of those less skilled than her made vast improvements on how she cooked. Still, she never really thought about it as teaching. It was just helping! Much like the other Culinarians had helped her in the past!
The point was that she didn’t really have a lot of confidence in being the one responsible for getting someone with no skill in cooking to creating something halfway edible in a reasonable amount of time.
It really was too bad that Lara also didn’t have any skills in saying no to someone in need.
“Oh, oh! I’ve got the flour all over!” Dulia-Chai exclaimed as indeed she had managed to pour too much of the white powder into the bowl. Lara hurried over from where she was watching Roger chop up ingredients to gently take the bag away from the woman. 
“Yes, but we can work with this.” After making sure the flour bag was safely closed and set away from any countertops, she took one of Dulia-Chai’s hands in her own. “Remember what I said before about cooking? Messing up happens! A lot! You’re doing just fine.”
“Well if you’re sure dear…” The plus-sized socialite’s ears drooped a little while she brushed some hair out of her face. It left some flour on her forehead. “I just don’t want to disappoint my darling husband…”
Lara thought back to one of the many, many times Chai-Nuzz had been spurred into a frenzy of work from just the reminder of his wife’s smile. “I don’t think it’s possible for you to disappoint him. Just do your best and he’ll love it.” 
She should’ve known it wouldn’t be that easy. Even for something as simple as thin pancakes.
The first attempt had been made without any oil in the pan. As a result, black smoke quickly made Dulia-Chai’s first batch inedible. Roger’s first attempt was similarly disastrous--he had tried to flip his too early and ended up with a giant hole in the middle. Lara sighed inwardly, but helped them start over.
With the second attempt, Dulia-Chai had tried to flip her pancake like Lara had done...only, it landed flat on the floor. The sound had made Roger turn around too quickly and his elbow had knocked milk onto the stove. Everyone had to pause for long enough to clean and get new ingredients. 
Chai-Nuzz came home just in time for the two amateur cooks to have finished a stack of four pancakes each. He was incredibly puzzled at the display. “Dearest? What’s all this?”
“Oh! Darling you’re back!” Dulia-Chai hurried to greet her husband with a hug that literally took him off his feet. Thankfully it wasn’t one of her bone-crushing ones and she set him down quickly enough to gush. “Lara taught me how to make pancakes! I made these myself!” She indicated her stack to her husband. 
If she didn’t know any better, Lara could have sworn that Chai-Nuzz had been surrounded by hearts from how much affection he had for his wife before he shook himself out of his daze to better pay attention to what she’d said. “You made these?” He adjusted his glasses as he inspected the stack. 
Dulia-Chai clasped her hands in front of her while looking away from her husband. “Y-yes. I had some help from Lara, but she let me do most of the work…” There wasn’t any uniformity between the pancakes. Some were rounder, none of them had the same color on either side, and none of them had a consistent thickness (Lara suspected that Dulia-Chai hadn’t whisked the ingredients well enough in that final batch). 
The way Chai-Nuzz picked up the knife and fork that had been left for him and cut into the pancakes, one could easily be mistaken into thinking he was about to delve into a finely crafted dessert. He cut out a generous amount and put the whole thing in his mouth. There was a tense (on Dulia-Chai’s part) moment where he chewed several times before swallowing. 
His smile to her was so soft, Lara couldn’t help but look away for a moment. “Dearest these are astounding.”
Dulia-Chai’s answering smile was wide and bright enough to rival the Mother Crystal. “You mean it?”
“Every word.” He set to cutting the pancakes into more pieces. “I shall have a clean plate for you in moments.” 
“Oh do try them with the strawberry jam, darling!” 
“I think I will, my love.” 
Roger had made his way over to Lara, his own pancakes forgotten by the happily married couple. “Do you think they’re even that good…?”
Lara lingered on the scene in front of her for a moment. “Maybe yes, maybe no.” She shrugged. “Like I said before, he’d love them even if they weren’t any good.”
“Probably, yeah…Wanna see how mine came out?”
“For sure.”
Roger’s pancakes were kind of okay, but Lara truthfully let him know that they were a good effort for a new cook. He really liked that.
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bwaldorf · 4 years
Pass the happy! 💕💕 When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications! 💕💖💛💝
thank you for sending this, mia! 🥺 prepare for a needlessly rambling answer 
1) my friends! ⁠— i would seriously be so lost without them. through helping me through some bad times and by also just making me laugh and spending time with me, they make my life so much better 💖 a big ol special shoutout to the three i talk to the most just bc ... i feel like it. @pamelaicley (bestest friend in the whole wide world .. feeling mushy about She so im gonna stop before i go on and on IM LOVE U!!!) @forever-and-almost-always (the only online friend i ever met irl .. so far anyways .. and one of my dearest close friends who’s been like a big sister to me despite being actually younger JKJKRGJK i lov u!!!) @yutajpn (a newer friend compared to the other two but i love her Very much as well .. her vibes are impeccable? and we got close very easily and just have so much fun ILY!!!) and ofc all my other friends that i havent mentioned .. i still love u all very much, my darlings
2) music!  ⁠— i feel like im saying a lot of the same answers from when i got an ask like this months ago but its still true. love it so much and i would also be absolutely lost without it in my life
3) wayv/nct!  ⁠— there’s so many other groups and celebs that could go here. but lately, i gotta admit they have been making me the happiest. they as people (shoutout to lucas 🥰) make me so happy and just enjoying their content can be a direct shot of serotonin to my bloodstream. plus, i’ve made so many friends through the fandom its unbelievably. ncity can be a mess but i love it
4) tea/chai! ⁠— it’s such a simple small pleasure but the day just isn’t right without it. and i think the smell of it is one of my favorite things. i’ve joked about it before, how i never knew how real aromatherapy was till i smelled chai. its just that good to me. plus when you get the perfect cup of it and it just HITS ... yep! instant mood changer
5) reading! ⁠— okay my answers have been sucking so far bc i keep drawing a blank but growing up, i was a big ol bookworm. so i missed that and consciously made an effort to read for fun more since last year and i’ve been making progress. and its just been so FUN. whether its reading books or even just comics, its such a nice break from the world. esp nowadays (so if anyone has some fun recs, do lmk! that goes for movies & shows too actually)
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tommyplum · 5 years
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- the time before that and the other time after | eames/yusuf, eames/arthur for the eames’ stupid cupid 2020
It's not exactly a vacation; it's not exactly anything, other than a port in a temporary storm.
notes: content warning for amnesia. thank you to my dearest boy john for reading this over and preventing embarrassing mistakes with the british idiom <3 -maggie
"Don't be bloody ridiculous, Eames," Yusuf says, as Arthur links his fingers with Eames's, already turning to step out of the door's threshold into the pounding midday sun. Eames smiles, lips parting to say something, but Yusuf shuts the door.
eighteen days before that
"I wouldn't do this if there was any other way," Arthur said, and his mouth was tight at the corners, already flat eyes going flatter in the way that he did when he was hiding his distress. Arthur's eyes reminded Yusuf sometimes of an ancient nanny goat that his aunt Karima had, at her home in Arusha when he'd visited as a boy. She was a pretty goat, but she'd look at you with those strange flattened eyes and you'd wonder if she was thinking about her hooves meeting your chin.
Eames chose that moment to say, "It's enchanting how you talk about me as if I'm a potted plant. Should I go stand in a suitable decorative nook?" and Arthur buttoned his lips tighter, smoothing uncharacteristic rumples from his suit vest, embroidered with tiny fleur-de-lis. 
"I'm doing what's best for you," he told Eames, but looked at Yusuf. "We're going on a job and it'll be hard enough with Cobb forging in your place. We can't lose this contract. Or this client, for that matter, and once you're … yourself again, you'll agree with me."
"Can't imagine there's altogether much we agree on in any version of reality," Eames murmured, fixing his shirt-cuffs. Yusuf, always a potted plant, cleared his throat a little and said, "I don't mind, honestly. These things happen when you use compounds that haven't been rigorously tested. I've seen it before and I know what to do." He smiled at Eames, and that, at least, felt natural in this entire unnatural situation. "You're in good hands."
Arthur raised his eyebrows slightly, the way a faintly exasperated but mostly worried child-minder would at their recalcitrant charges, and Eames nodded, looking down for a moment before raising his head with a bright, cheerful, entirely artificial smile. "I never did have many sleepovers as a boy. We'll make up for lost time, eh?" and his hand clapped down on Yusuf's shoulder.
"A fortnight," Arthur said to Yusuf, and even as he was saying it his face shifted from concentrating on The Situation With Mr. Eames to The Inception Job At Hand. "Maybe a few days more, but under a month. We'll contact you as soon as we get back."
"Yes, of course," Yusuf said courteously, and heard himself make the banal rote addition, "--no rush, take your time."
Arthur gave a smile flatter than a nanny goat's eyes. "Time, Yusuf, is the one thing I never own enough of to take."
seven days once that happened
"If you won't let me dream." Eames said, "at least take me out. I'm going mental cooped up in here all day, and it wouldn't even need to be anything special! It's all new to me! That's the good part of temporary Somnesia, mate -- everything old is new again."
Yusuf grimaced at the term that Eames had come up with for his dodgy-Somnacin-induced amnesia, although secretly he loved it, adored the puckishness of how Eames played around with everything -- words, clothes, food, names, bodies. "You do dream," Yusuf pointed out pedantically, "you'd be in much worse shape right now if you couldn't dream under your own steam. But you can't go under, not until your condition clears."
"Yessss." Eames got off the settee, coming over to where Yusuf was sitting at the dining table in his glasses, going through notes on a test formulation of clomipramine with an adjusted active metabolite (terribly engaging stuff, Yusuf thought, at least if a person -- such as himself -- was smart enough to understand it, unlike whoever'd been employed to run the PASIV that had put Eames in this state). Eames folded his arms on the table, glancing over the notes before nudging himself, full-body, like an enormous dog, against Yusuf. "I know all that, and I accept it, and I am grateful for your conscientious nursemaiding. Now take me out and let's get a proper meal, and a few drinks, and think about something other than sodding tricyclic compounds for a change."
"But I know so much about tricyclic binding profiles!" Yusuf protested, even as he let Eames drag him up from his chair, chivvy him into the bedroom, choose out clothes and get him dressed and aim them out the door and down the street. 
"Yessss!" Eames said again, only this time with much more bounding cheer as he beamed and took in the busy streets, the colours of the clothes and the sky and the trees, the smell of hot pitch and motor exhaust gusted away periodically by salt breezes. "If you tell me that you spend most of your days in your musty little house with your manky little cat poring over lists of molecule chains instead of coming out here, Yusuf, I'll weep, I really will."
Yusuf stuffed his hands in his pockets and angled past a stray yellow dog lying panting happily on the sidewalk. "I do work there," he pointed out, faintly miffed at this summation of the home he'd so generously shared with Eames the past few days. "My mother decorated it."
Eames made a face of contrition, although it was there and gone in the space of a pretty girl passing by riding a bike with a pretty boy behind her, both of them returning the smile that Eames sent along with them. "Past time then for you to get your own tastes in, don't you think?" Eames murmured, and nodded at the outdoor tables of a small restaurant. Fifteen minutes later they were washing down crispy fried packed potatoes and beef samosas with icy cold Tuskers, watching more attractive people go by, and Yusuf was starting to get a little self-conscious about the somewhat camphor-ball smell that clung to his clothes. 
"I do come out, you know," he said suddenly, and Eames looked at him, sweat making little droplets along his temples and marching down the straight bridge of his nose. "Eh?" Eames said, and Yusuf repeated louder, "--it's not as if I don't know my way around here, I'm from here. Originally, I mean. It's not a novelty."
Eames squeezed the juice from a quarter of lemon into the bitten end of a samosa and nodded, nipping his fingertips around his tongue to lick off the tart juice. "All right, then, love," he said easily, and something in Yusuf uncoiled.
three days prior, though
"I'm capable of cooking my own meals," Eames yawned, standing bare-footed in Yusuf's kitchen and stooping to fondle the cat behind the ears before it mrrped and strode on its way. "You're already putting me up and safeguarding my mental state, surely that counts as above and beyond."
"I was making food anyhow," Yusuf said, gesturing with his slotted spoon and dripping hot oil on the stove. "You'll like these -- there's chai in the pot, have some -- I loved them when I was a boy, we call them mitha bhajias, my sister would have to race to get her share before I ate them all." He peered into the bubbling cauldron of the iron pot, watching the little cardamom doughnut balls turn and jitter, before wondering why Eames had nothing to say about Yusuf's childhood greed and turning to look over his shoulder. "What, no comments about my--"
The joke slumped into a huff of confusion; Eames was shaking, shaking as if somebody had him by the shoulders and was jerking him back and forth, his eyes tightly shut, one hand clasping and unclasping against his thigh while the heel of the other pressed into the side of his head. Cursing under his breath, Yusuf dropped the spoon in the pot and went over to Eames, calling his name a few times until there was some spark of recognition, and only then did he reach out. Wrapping his hands around the man's thick shoulders, feeling the straps of his ribbed white vest damp beneath his palms as he guided Eames to a chair and sat him down. Eames went without protest, which was a relief, and Yusuf checked his eyes, his mouth, made him count fingers, and then Eames reached up and grabbed Yusuf's hand (three fingers, he hadn't had any trouble counting them, nothing neurological then thank God--) to clench in both his own.
"Freddy," he burbled, eyes greyer than blue, watery, his face shocked pale beneath the tan. "Freddy Simmonds, yes? That's who I am? That's my name." 
Yusuf blinked. He didn't, actually, know.
once, four years and two and a half months ago
Yusuf had thought about what kissing Eames would be like, but it wasn't anything like this, and that was because Eames was kissing him . An entirely separate equation, because Yusuf then had the luxurious headspace come available like a mughal's suite that he was the desirable one, to this man, that he hadn't even needed to initiate with the humiliating possibility of being sweetly and firmly turned down. Yusuf wasn't lacking in self-esteem, he'd had lovers when he'd liked to, but Eames was something again altogether. An interloper who'd made himself comfortable, like the cat, like the pots and jars of condiments that sat on the kitchen table, like the things that you never thought about once they'd become a part of your life.
"You don't mind, do you?" Eames murmured, pressing a fat-mouthed little buss to the corner of Yusuf's chin and chuckling, "--I must say, darling, I'm accustomed to a bit more of a fuss when I'm snogging somebody handsome," and Yusuf shook himself fully into what was happening.
"Oh," he said, and then laughed, setting his hands against Eames' hips and starting to rub and knead and massage the flesh there as Eames purred encouragingly and Yusuf continued, "oh, I was … I'm sorry, I'm being rude, you're right. I'll make up for it."
The chenille spread on his bed was nubby under the exposed parts of their skin, crushing soft into the dampness as their bodies warmed each other up, and Yusuf thought that it wasn't too often unexpected things happened to him. He lived an ordered, orderly life and he liked things comfortable, and that was why he'd begun dabbling in this line of work, just enough excitement in subverting big pharmaceutical companies without being important enough for them to bother with him. Eames hadn't figured into that life. Until he very suddenly had , and now here they were, and Eames' voice was scrubby and urgent in Yusuf's ear, and the weight of him was heavy and intimate and good and Yusuf thought, yes, yes this is what i've maybe been missing, this
almost three years following that
"--is called Arthur." Eames' voice dived into a throaty crackle on the r, pulling it out, and Yusuf could tell from that alone. 
"All right," Yusuf said, and, "goodbye," and hung up.
fifteen days into being somnesiac
Eames yawned and Yusuf marvelled at how much it sounded like that time in the kitchen, whenever-it-was-ago. He could almost smell the sweet fritters in oil; but then again, that was how Eames smelled these days, of green-spice cardamom behind the creases of his ears, and a slight mothball camphor because he was still just wearing Yusuf's clothes. "You should get a bigger bed," Eames mumbled, and then turned a little, the bed creaking, to say, "--and don't tell me mummy bought this one so you've never thought of changing it."
"I bought this bed," Yusuf confirmed, shifting as Eames rolled back onto his side and cuddled back into his pillow, the movement dragging their linked hands further onto Eames' stomach and Yusuf's arm more snugly against Eames' body. "And most of the time I've no need for a bigger one. The cat doesn't take up much space."
"I do," Eames said. "I'm short but significant, you could say."
"Would anybody say that?" Yusuf wondered aloud, and Eames chortled, pushing his hips back so they were curved into steeper spoons. Yusuf went still for a moment before letting himself relax again. They'd been doing this most of the time Eames had been here, after the semi-seizure in the kitchen; it ostensibly began so that Yusuf could keep an eye on his charge, but then they'd given up on propriety (if, indeed, Eames ever possessed any to begin with) and began sleeping draped on each other, cuddled up, curled and sprawled and every other way to get comfortable that they could find. Most of the time, it was just that -- comfort, easy friendly warmth and the press of familiar flesh, companionship to help ease them into slumber. Most of the time.
This time, though.
Eames pulled their hands up higher on his front, his fingers opening and closing, and cocked one hip. "I know who I am, you know that," he said quietly. A kiskadee announced itself outside the window, startling Yusuf, making him snap back more brusquely than he intended, "Yes, you're self-aware, congratulations," before Eames snorted.
"That's not what I'm saying." Eames pushed a foot back, a rough patch at the heel barking against the inside of Yusuf's ankle. "I remember who I am . It's not as though I've completely lost the plot, Yusuf, I know me, I know you--"
"You know where you are and what day it is?"
"--I know what I'm doing." Eames turned his head, and there was his face, all straight-tipped nose soft with the oil of his warm sleepy skin, lips plump and pink, softly wet, falling open, eyes dark and watchful, calm, unworried. "It's hardly taking advantage."
Yusuf breathed in, and he breathed out. "I don't think anybody could possibly take advantage of you," he said, and Eames gave a bit of a chuckle until Yusuf continued, "...I don't think you'd ever let yourself admit to it, that anything's happened to you like that, nothing that you haven't been to bla--"
The phone rang.
the day of
Arthur keeps ducking his head slightly, like if he can just catch a glimpse beneath Eames' chin, he'll be able to see the memory flooding back. It's not going to work like that. Eames has been remembering, and the fact that he knows who he is, that's a positive sign, one that Yusuf has nurtured for this fortnight-plus. But the rest of it will sift back like lumpy flour, some of it needing to be pushed through that sieve of drug-haze with the fingertips, a little extra pressure applied.
Yusuf's not one for applying pressure. He likes his life, comfortable. He likes the size of his bed.
"I can't -- we can't thank you enough," Arthur starts, and Yusuf waves his hand.
"It's nothing, " he says, with a smile. "We're old friends, after all. I'd be happy to have Mr. Eames stay with me again."
"Next time let's do it without the damned Somnesia, eh, Yusuf?" Eames says, his fingers twirling patterns against the inside of Arthur's wrist, the light illuminating the blue of his grey eyes as he steps into the front doorway. "And this time I'll cook the breakfasts, and the teas, while I'm at it, and you can recite chemical formulas to me like sutras while I stand over the pots."
"Don't be bloody ridiculous, Eames," Yusuf says, as Eames links his fingers with Arthur's, already stepping down the two stairs from the front door into the beating early afternoon sun. Eames is saying something, lips curving around the words, but Yusuf shuts the door.
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Asylum eBay Auctions: Even More EA Tour Costumes!
Posted: February 13, 2009 Archived from the Official Asylum Forums
[mod note: the images included below are from the listings, but may not have been the images used in the journal post.]
Dearest Plague Rats,
1. Stepping out for tea today, I overheard the most annoying phrase ever:
"You want the uge, Shelly?"
"Uge" as in usual. Abbreviation has been taken too far. I almost spit out my chai. Not funny.
2. The Asylum has listed still MORE of my tour costumes up for auction! These include two of my most photographed, most recognizable costumes, and I think it is time to give them a new life with you. Again, these are official, authentic, original, and ostentatiously one-of-a-kind costumes worn by myself and my Bloody Crumpets on stages and in madhouses around the world. They are not for sale elsewhere.
Sweet ass threads: Official Emilie Autumn "Asylum" Tour Costume: "EA Signature White Bloomers"
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As seen on stage: 
[image missing]
Official Emilie Autumn "Asylum Photo Shoot" Costume: "Striped Bloomers"
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As seen in magazines and more: 
[image missing]
Official Emilie Autumn "Asylum" Tour Costume: "Victorian Ruffle Top"
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As seen on stage:
[image missing]
And lastly my darlings, I went yesterday to have my ears shot with pink goo so that I may have a lovely pair of custom fitted in-ear monitors made for this upcoming tour (a bit weary of gaffer-taping them in). At the audiologist's office, I chanced to see something truly amazing, something that changed my perception of the entire world we live in. Check in tomorrow when I will tell you exactly what it was...
With Love & Bloody Crumpets from the Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls, Inmate A, Block B, Cell W14, EA P.S. The Plague: Get it. Feed it. Spread it. Sluts.
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volchistamoved-blog · 7 years
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i just want to thank you all SO MUCH ! i only remade maryas blog around a month ago and already there are over 100 of you here !!! it never ceases to warm my heart how much endless love and devotion i receive here on maryas blog. i have never felt so welcome and loved on a blog before. i love each and every one of you, you are all gifts, thank you, again. 
THESE ARE ALL PEOPLE, i look up to, i admire endlessly and my dash would not be the same without you guys. 
@bloodythirsts / / @mothics / / @godleir / / @deathrisen / / @veracitic / / @variforme / / @saviourse / / @sansavis / / @chaosate / / @chaied / / @nexusbeing / / @wiccks / / @warblossomed / / @astralord / / @tsarsmerti​ / / @vasilyevna / / @wrths / / @quinn​ / / @manwithout​ / / @imperises / /
THE GROSS PART, because im me, and such an emotional person i have to make some special lengthy mentions about those who have earned such a special place inside my heart.
@inheriteds * / / jannah, i tell you this all the time but you are such a gift. you are one of the strongest people i have ever known? and god am i so happy to have met you. i have always, ALWAYS admired you, no matter your blog and i was so amazed you wanted to be friends with me, and write with me. you are so endlessly sweet to me literally every single time we speak. you have a special way of making me laugh and smile like an idiot. your talent is astounding/?? i know im gonna say this about most of my favs but i mean it truly every time i say it. your writing is breath taking and something so unique to you alone. i just love you so very much. you’re an amazing and beautiful person, thank you for existing.
@koschie * / / listen, the love of my life right here? the koschei of my heart? you never ever cease to take my breath away? you are one of m y favorite people to exist in this world. you are so GOOD, you are such an amazing and beautiful soul, you’re such a strong person and you have such a relentlessly good heart. and i am so proud of you?? in every sense of the word. i will never not be proud of you? and GODDDDD, i could go on for years about your writing, your writing is some of the most beautiful and unique i have seen??? im left aghast every time i read something you write and you inspire me ENDLESSLY with everything you do. you are such a perfect koschei and really just perfect no matter who you write. 
@lionswrath * / / listen i know we havent gotten to speak much in recent times but my goD LIGHT OF MY LIFE. you are such a wonderful human being??? i have been beyond impressed with your blog, with your absolute love and perfect representation of cersei??? i love??? just how much you love her and how you will never romanticize the bad things about her, how you just recognize her for all that she is?? bc thats so important okay. not to mention everything you touch turns to gold?? your graphics and themes are so beautiful and your writing is so lovely an d perfect. youre just a perfect person.
@justonekid * / / LISTEN TO ME ANNIE. i know we only very recently met and became friends but i am so glad that we did?? you’re such a gift to this world. you’re such a wonderful person?? you’re so funny, you always make me smile and laugh and your love for aang is literally the greatest? you bring so much life to his character, so so much, you have made me love him in a way that i didnt know i could? you’re such an endlessly creative and beautiful person. i love you okay.
@highnis * / / TWIGGY, my love, you have always been so endlessly kind and supportive of me since we first met? you have the kindest heart and you’re just a beautiful person over all??? you’re an angel, a true goddess. you never cease to amaze me in everything you do and i would lay my life on the line for you??? you always make me feel so great about myself and i just adore you??
@viduamor * / / listen i know we literally just became friends since i re made maryas blog but i ADORE YOU. i have always, ALWAYS, admired your blog from afar and i never thought we could become friends but here we are?? and i am s hook? every time you compliment me a piece of me dies.bUT ANWAYS. i love love your passion for nat?? its so admirable and i love how willing you are to take her character so above and beyond what her canon is>?? to make her something so much more ???? your nat is a piece of art tbh.
@prodigicals & @bleusilk * / / listen, you are one of the kindest people i have ever had the pleasure of meeting??? you have the biggest heart and you have such a warm and inviting presence about you and i think it is so beautiful?? you are so insanely talented in every conceivable way its breath taking. you are a gift to this world and i adore you beyond words. 
@sunbruise * / / aiden, my love, my darling, much like many people on this list that i have gushed about you are someone i admired from afar for as long as i could remember, someone i had always wanted to interact with but neve r got to. and then you followed me back onmaryas blog and we started talking and wow you’re a wonderful person>??? you are so kind and inviting and you’re so creative??? ken is such a beautiful and amazing character and i will literally always love him. you put so much obvious work into creating him and im just??? its so cLEAR. 
@patriotborne * / / dairy, dairy, dairy. you and i may not have been friends for long but i just/?? you deserved a place here. you are such a wonderful and kind soul? you brought the big atla group togeether and ive never felt more accepted somewhere?? you just have the biggest heart and you are such a positive force??? its amazing. you are so beyond talented and i love every single thing you ever touch??? i just love you so very much okay.
@glacialborne * / / sEB. SEBBBB. ur among my newer friends but i love you??? i was so blown away your writing?? like i never thought youd wanna write with me?? but you turned out to be such a sweet little bean ! you are so kind and you’re always so down for plotting and talking with me and you pour your whole heart into every character you write. you’re just such a great person??? i admire you so much, you’re amazing.
@ensavaged * / / i know??? we arent ultra close or anything like that but you deserve a place here? you are one of the most creative people ive had the pleasure of knowing. the amount of work and depth you put into adelyn is amazing, it is so admirable, i literally aspire to make my ocs as wonderful as you made adelyn. you’re just??? such a great presence to have around?? im still amazed that i can call you my friend and my writing partner?? bc i admired you from afar for so long! and i just never thought you would wanna write with me. you’re iconic, a vision of beauty and perfection. never forget that. 
@heavenbuilt * / / HANNAAHHH, my darling dearest. i fucking love you??? you are my heart, my love. you are someone ilove so much??? im so happy we became friends??? you are perfection ! your writing is always getting better every time i read it and you seriously amaze me with your skill literally all the time. you’re such a funny and all around great person?? i live for your messages in our group chat and i just love talking to you??? you are so wonderful im at a loss for words. i love you okay. 
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Valentine’s Day OC Q&A
Oh boy, get ready for another long post followers. @all-made-of-stardust asked me to do this prompt list for my main eight OCs in honor of Valentine’s Day. Odd numbers for girls (which I included Sasha in) and even for the boys.
Disclaimer: Raiqah’s 14, Sasha and Marcos are 16, Angie and Ed are 18, Mae, Daniel, and Nobody are 19.
I’m sorry for this monster. Split into two parts, with the girls below the cut here.
Sasha Hile ♥ (01) Is your OC in love? If so, with whom, and for how long? Sasha has been head over heels in love with Ed since they met and has never shied away from letting him know it. They’ve dated for less than a year, though Sasha was asking him out long before then.
♥ (03) Are there any romantic gestures that your OC loves? Oh lord, anything and everything, but a special shout out to surprising her with her favorite candies and flowers, excessive PDA, and personalized presents like songs or leaving a teasing voicemail on her phone.
♥ (05) What is the most romantic thing your OC has done for someone else? What Sasha thought was a super awesome romantic gesture was taking Ed out for night on the town with karaoke and proceeding to sing just about every single cliche love song to him and trying to cajole him into singing along in front of a gathering crowd. Ed was...less than thrilled by the spectacle and being put on the spot. However, the time she snuck out with him for some low-key rooftop dancing under the stars with tinny iPhone speakers playing classic rock and let him see her in her full on, radiant alien form was more to his liking...
♥ (07) How successful is your OC at flirting with others? Honestly Ed is an outlier who should not be counted, because before him Sasha had a spotless record asking people out. Not overtly flirty perse, Sasha is just constantly bubbly and upfront with her emotions, with an infectious joy that people respond well to. Honestly, considering how much she throughs around “I love you!!” in casual conversation, it could be hard recognizing when she’s not flirting.
♥ (09) What is your OC’s favorite small way to show their love? The aforementioned PDA; Sasha’s big on casual kissing, handholding, and sitting in her significant other’s lap.
♥ (11) What do others love most about your OC? Oh man, that varies a lot, but Sasha’s unending cheerfulness and sheer positivity and love for everyone else is quite a powerful endearment.
♥ (13) How does your OC show their love to those that are not their partner(s)? Full investment in their interests, hanging out and getting some boba, texting all the time, lots of compliments and general enthusiasm, PDA but especially warm hugs, will always share sweets.
♥ (15) What is your OC’s favorite type of Valentine’s Day candy? Valentine’s themed Skittles, Nerds, M&Ms, Gummy Bears, Gum Drops, Watermelon Gummi Rings--
♥ (17) Could your OC fall in love with someone they’ve never met in person? Oh god yes she could. Appearance aren’t make or break for Sasha, so starting a relationship online would work depending on the person’s personality and meme usage.
♥ (19) How highly does your OC value love (platonic, romantic, or otherwise)? For Sasha, love is a great and wonderful things that should be felt and shared as often as possible, be it love for her family and friends, Ed, or the latest Ariana Grande album. So, very highly.
♥ (21) Does your OC believe in love at first sight? Yep, it’s what happened when she saw Ed. The jury’s still out if this was a good thing.
♥ (23) What is your OC’s favorite nice thing to do for themselves? Trying something new and exciting she’s never done before (roller derby, dyeing her hair, DDR, etc.).
♥ (25) Does your OC believe in soulmates? The concept is nice, but Sasha thinks it’s disappointing that people are only supposed to have one soulmate when it’s much more accurate for her to call anyone she likes her “soulmate” (which, let’s me real, is basically everybody).
♥ (27) How does your OC typically spend their Valentine’s Day? Hanging with her (usually single) friends, watching rom-coms, and giving out Valentines while getting tons in return. Oddly enough she isn’t usually dating around Valentine’s Day, but on the occasions she is she’d spend the morning with her friends and the evening getting romantic with her significant other.
♥ (29) What is your OC’s favorite love song? I Really Like You by Carly Rae Jepsen
Mae Niwot ♥ (01) Is your OC in love? If so, with whom, and for how long? Oh yes, with Daniel; they start officially dating a year after meeting and stay together till the end of their stories.
♥ (03) Are there any romantic gestures that your OC loves? Being surprised by a home cooked meal and forehead kisses.
♥ (05) What is the most romantic thing your OC has done for someone else? Planning a hike up the scenic Cascade Mountain in early spring and making all the flowers bloom and trees bud in their wake in a blanket of colors and smells.
♥ (07) How successful is your OC at flirting with others? Mae doesn’t really flirt; she’s asexual and hasn’t really pursued a relationship before Daniel, though she recognizes when someone is flirting with her and is polite about turning people down. Daniel didn’t even “flirt” with Mae, just asked her out once he realised how he felt about her.
♥ (09) What is your OC’s favorite small way to show their love? Asking how your day is going and listening.
♥ (11) What do others love most about your OC? Her strength, both physically and emotionally. Mae is good at helping you move and unpacking emotional baggage.  
♥ (13) How does your OC show their love to those that are not their partner(s)? The aforementioned asking and listening, but also making sure that those she cares about are safe and happy, whether that be cooking them a meal or teaching them how to throw a proper punch.
♥ (15) What is your OC’s favorite type of Valentine’s Day candy? Dark chocolate with peanut butter.
♥ (17) Could your OC fall in love with someone they’ve never met in person? Probably; personality is important to Mae since physical attraction isn’t really a thing for her. She’d want to talk over the phone to get a better feel for them (emotions over text are harder to decipher).
♥ (19) How highly does your OC value love (platonic, romantic, or otherwise)? Love is important, in that love should extend into care and compassion for everyone in your life.
♥ (21) Does your OC believe in love at first sight? Not really. Infatuation, sure, but not love, which comes with time and getting to know someone while building your relationship.
♥ (23) What is your OC’s favorite nice thing to do for themselves? Taking a day to explore a national park and taking some photographs while experimenting with light and frame rate.
♥ (25) Does your OC believe in soulmates? Not really; Mae believes relationships change and evolve over time, so the idea that someone exists out there who is already “meant to be with you and only you forever” is kind of reductive.
♥ (27) How does your OC typically spend their Valentine’s Day? Being kind to everyone in her life with hugs and well wishes, taking some time for gardening and a good workout at the gym. With Daniel in her life they usually spend the whole day together camping and stargazing.
♥ (29) What is your OC’s favorite love song? I’ll Still Be Loving You by Restless Heart.
Raiqah Damji ♥ (01) Is your OC in love? If so, with whom, and for how long? Not in love, but Raiqah gets crushes dead easy, so it’s a good guess that she’s infatuated with someone at any given point.
♥ (03) Are there any romantic gestures that your OC loves? Any romantic gesture would have Raiqah weak at the knees, but especially kissing her hand, reading/composing poetry for her, pet names like “darling” and “dearest”, just the most overtly chivalrous shit.
♥ (05) What is the most romantic thing your OC has done for someone else? Raiqah attempted writing a secret love note to the most popular boy at her school and stuffed it in his locker, though nothing came if it. There may have been sonnets involved. In her defense, she was 12 at the time.
♥ (07) How successful is your OC at flirting with others? 0/10, Raiqah has never gotten past the furious blushing and stuttering stage to actually ask someone out.
♥ (09) What is your OC’s favorite small way to show their love? “I saw this research paper on the interactions of norepinephrine and phenylethylamine and thought of you!”
♥ (11) What do others love most about your OC? Raiqah is the sweetest, kindest, and smartest little bean that ever beaned. She must be protected.
♥ (13) How does your OC show their love to those that are not their partner(s)? Making them chai, generally fretting over them, doing her best to comfort them when they’re upset and doing whatever they ask her to do.
♥ (15) What is your OC’s favorite type of Valentine’s Day candy? White chocolate covered strawberries.
♥ (17) Could your OC fall in love with someone they’ve never met in person? Yep, she’s quick to form crushes on book characters, the same applies to any virtual relationships.
♥ (19) How highly does your OC value love (platonic, romantic, or otherwise)? Very highly; one should always act with love in their heart.
♥ (21) Does your OC believe in love at first sight? Yes, thought she doesn’t necessarily think it will happen for her.
♥ (23) What is your OC’s favorite nice thing to do for themselves? Curling up with a mug of tea with a thick book on 12th century Eastern history.
♥ (25) Does your OC believe in soulmates? See answer to 21. Not that Raiqah doesn’t think she deserves a soulmate or anything, it’s just that statistically it doesn’t seem likely.
♥ (27) How does your OC typically spend their Valentine’s Day? Surrounded by Valentine’s cards she won’t give, blushing furiously as she watches her crush across the classroom/library/etc.
♥ (29) What is your OC’s favorite love song? Romance in F Major, Op. 5 by William Bowles
Angie Hua ♥ (01) Is your OC in love? If so, with whom, and for how long? Not currently, but she’s had a few partners she’s fond of.
♥ (03) Are there any romantic gestures that your OC loves? Quick nose kisses, hand holding and just being in constant physical contact with her significant other.
♥ (05) What is the most romantic thing your OC has done for someone else? Giving her partner a massage while taking a bath.
♥ (07) How successful is your OC at flirting with others? Oh, very, very successful. And that was before she could read minds.
♥ (09) What is your OC’s favorite small way to show their love? Just being there for them, listening to their problems and offering good advice in turn, quick shoulder squeezes and forehead kisses, talking dirty in public to get them flustered.
♥ (11) What do others love most about your OC? Her confidence and calm demeanor even under duress.  
♥ (13) How does your OC show their love to those that are not their partner(s)? The aforementioned listening to problems and offering advice, making playlists for people and cooking a very good breakfast.
♥ (15) What is your OC’s favorite type of Valentine’s Day candy? Dark chocolate covered pretzels.
♥ (17) Could your OC fall in love with someone they’ve never met in person? Yeah, the mind reading helps a bit.
♥ (19) How highly does your OC value love (platonic, romantic, or otherwise)? Love is cool, but not the make or break for all relationships.
♥ (21) Does your OC believe in love at first sight? Nah. Lust, yes, not love.
♥ (23) What is your OC’s favorite nice thing to do for themselves? Put on a nice face of makeup and a rad outfit before hitting up a heavy metal concert and rocking in the mosh pit.
♥ (25) Does your OC believe in soulmates? Nah. Angie’s not cynical, she just doesn’t think you should limit yourself.
♥ (27) How does your OC typically spend their Valentine’s Day? Cutting class and making out behind the bleachers.
♥ (29) What is your OC’s favorite love song? Bad Romance covered by Artist vs Poet.
Nobody ♥ (01) Is your OC in love? If so, with whom, and for how long? No.
♥ (03) Are there any romantic gestures that your OC loves? Nada.
♥ (05) What is the most romantic thing your OC has done for someone else? Spared their life.
♥ (07) How successful is your OC at flirting with others? HA.
♥ (09) What is your OC’s favorite small way to show their love? Not punching them in the face.
♥ (11) What do others love most about your OC? When she’s standing far, far away.
♥ (13) How does your OC show their love to those that are not their partner(s)? Not killing them.
♥ (15) What is your OC’s favorite type of Valentine’s Day candy? Mini Kit Kats.
♥ (17) Could your OC fall in love with someone they’ve never met in person? No.
♥ (19) How highly does your OC value love (platonic, romantic, or otherwise)? Love is just a weakness to exploit.
♥ (21) Does your OC believe in love at first sight? Nope.
♥ (23) What is your OC’s favorite nice thing to do for themselves? A night on the town shoplifting and kicking some heads.
♥ (25) Does your OC believe in soulmates? Nien.
♥ (27) How does your OC typically spend their Valentine’s Day? Plotting revenge.
♥ (29) What is your OC’s favorite love song? Fuck You by Lily Allen
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