#check my pinned rq
jaded-ghoster · 1 year
whoever liked my post where I was screaming about wanting a certain type of fic and then went in the replies to recommend my own fic to me, which I had written about an hour after that screaming post, but then likely realized what they had just done and deleted their reply, please come back :(
I spent all day planning a funny one liner to respond with
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b1mbodoll · 1 year
ughh I can’t- the piss thoughts I’m going insane 😫😫
lmfoaoskf ur so real for this nonnie
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spiderbeam · 5 months
the case of the red umbrella
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description: working at your local coffee shop in port townsend is usually uneventful… until you meet a pretty boy in the midst of a thunderstorm
word count: 1.6k
a/n: i love charles rowland with all my heart so yeah <3 it’s a pretty basic imagine because i didn’t really have any fleshed out ideas! so if you have rqs let me know :)
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Today is a quiet day. The humming of the coffee machine accompanies the distant sound of rain as you clean the countertop with a rag. The rain hasn’t stopped since midday— and you’re starting to wonder how you’ll walk back home when you didn’t pack an umbrella. You close your eyes, and the sound of droplets against the pavement and the roof feels louder. You’re dreading the moment you’ll have to clock out.
You hum a song you heard that morning on the radio, ducking under the counter to check —once again— if Marina accidentally left an umbrella there that you could borrow. You wiggle your hand between cardboard boxes, scrunching your nose and praying for even a broken one.
“Huh. This place is definitely a lot less creepy than the butcher shop.”
You bump your head against the counter. You let out a groan, holding the banged up area with your rag-less hand. By the time you stand up, you’re looking back at a tall, lanky boy with curly hair and a lopsided smile.
He tilts his head at you with a bemused expression. “You should be careful with that,” he mentions, before turning to look around the warmly-lit shop.
You scoff a small laugh. “Yeah— sorry. You just scared me a little there.” The boy freezes in his place, snapping his head in your direction. His eyes grow wide. “I didn’t hear the bell when you came in.”
“The— The bell?” he repeats, no longer looking as smug as he did a moment before.
“My bad, honestly. I wasn’t expecting anyone to come in with this type of weather.” You shrug your shoulders, shaking your head as you reach for a cup. “Right, anyways— what can I get you?”
You uncap your sharpie. You wait a second, two, three, before looking back up at him. He’s staring at you with a dumbfounded look. His backpack actually starts to slip from his shoulder.
You tilt your head, and after a beat, he clears his throat. He looks up at the board behind you. “Um. Yeah. Of course.” He squints, and as he’s reading what he can order, you take a moment to actually look at him. He’s pretty, you realize now that he’s standing closer to the counter. He has a sharp jawline, pretty bow lips, and an earring in his left ear that suits him so.
“Actually, it’s been a while since I’ve had coffee,” he says, and his brown eyes meet your own. You startle, cheeks growing hot. You wonder whether he caught you checking him out. From the mirth dancing in his gaze and the cocky twitch of his lips, you’re certain he did. He chuckles. “Why don’t you surprise me?”
You arch a brow. “Are you sure about that? Marina’s big on her no refunds policy.”
“You seem like someone who has good taste.” He shrugs his shoulders loosely, and his awkward demeanor from the start is gone in the blink of an eye. He tilts his head, lips curving up. “I’ll trust you.”
You look up at him. “Okay, but don’t say I didn’t warn you,” you tease. “Can I get a name for the order?”
His lips part like he wants to say something else. Instead, he simply answers with, “Charles.”
“Charles,” you repeat with a barely-concealed smile. “I didn’t think anyone was being named Charles since the seventies.”
He snorts, a wide grin brightening up his face. “You have no idea.” His eyes flick down to your name tag. “But, then again, you’re one to talk…” he tilts his head. “…Agatha.”
This time, you’re the one who laughs. “That’s a nice try— except I’m not Agatha.”
“Really?” he leans over the counter. ”Because the name on your pin says otherwise.”
“It’s because it’s not my name tag.” You roll your eyes with a smile as you turn to the coffee machine and start preparing him his drink. “I lost mine ages ago, and I don’t actually feel like paying for another one out of pocket.”
“So, you’ve left poor, innocent Agatha without one.”
“Please, she had it coming,” you respond, and he laughs. You’re not about to explain to him that Agatha retired before you even started working here.
The coffee machine stops humming, and you reach for the cup before finally closing it with a lid.
“So if not Agatha,” Charles starts, “what should I call you?”
You slide his coffee cup across the counter. You tell him your name, and he repeats it with a smile. He’s about to bring his coffee up to his lips, before stopping.
“Oh— apologies,” he sets it down on the table, reaching around for his backpack. “How— How much do I owe you?”
“It’s on the house,” you say.
He raises a brow. “What for?”
“Keeping me company on a day like this.” You gesture outside, where the rain only seems to have gotten worse.
“Yeah— dreadful weather, huh?” he says, hopping onto the counter with little regard for the fact that you only just cleaned it. Surprisingly enough, you don’t find yourself caring all-that much.
“Tell me about it.” You exhale, casting a glance out the window. “If it gets any worse, I might just end up camping here.”
Charles hums in agreement, toying with his coffee cup, but not yet drinking it. “Have you been working here for long?”
“Since high school, yeah.” You lean your back against the counter, folding your arms over your chest. “What about you?”
He furrows his brow. “What about me?”
“Well, for one, I know all my regulars— and this is the first time I’m seeing you around. How long have you been in Port Townsend?
“Ah, not long.” He scratches the back of his neck. “A friend of mine has been renting a room next door.”
“She’s renting one of Jenny’s rooms?” you muse. “Huh. So you’re visiting her?”
“Yeah. You could say that.” You cock your head slightly, giving Charles a look. He raises his brows. “What?”
“Your coffee’s gonna get cold, Charles,” you tease.
He almost looks flustered at that. “Right! Coffee, yeah.” He brings the cup to his lips, and swallows most of it in one big gulp. His face twists into a poorly-stifled grimace. His voice is hoarse when he adds, “So good.”
He tries to smile at you, but you’re frowning. Charles decides he doesn’t like to see you frowning.
“You hate it,” you say, lightly kicking your leg. The one time a customer —a cute one, at that— asks you to choose for them, and you royally fuck it. “Fuck, I knew I should’ve gone with a black coffee or something.”
“What?” Charles says, voice still somewhat scratchy from the drink. He hops off the counter, now standing next to you. There’s a smile on his face that looks apologetic. “No, no! It’s brills, really— perfect.”
You shake your head, trying not to show how much it bothers you. You try to chuckle. “Come on, Charles. Your face is getting all scrunched up— like you just ate a mouthful of dirt.”
He winces, embarrassed. “Yeah, to be honest I’m not actually big on coffee.”
He’s sparing your feelings. You’re not sure yet whether you find it endearing from him or embarrassing for you. Maybe a little of both. You tilt your head up to meet his gaze, surprised to see that he’s already looking down at you. His shoulder is a breath away from yours— you could lean your head on it if you wanted to.
“And yet here you are. Inside a coffee shop, on a Tuesday afternoon, while the sky falls outside.”
“Accusing me of something?” Charles clicks his tongue, and the warm lighting of the shop catches and reflects on his earring. “There are other things to enjoy here.”
“Such as?”
“The company.” His eyes meet yours when he says that, and you find a strange warmth spreading inside your chest.
You can’t help the way your lips curve upward. “Does that line usually work for you?”
“I don’t know.” He leans his back against the counter, looking at you with a mischievous glint in his gaze. “Does it?”
You laugh at that, shaking your head. He’s grinning. “Only ‘cause you’re pretty.”
He grins wider at that. “You think I’m pretty?”
“Come on, Charles. Do you really think I give free coffees out to anyone?”
“Well, that’s good to know.”
“Yeah, how so?”
“Because maybe I’ll come by more often.”
“I thought you said you didn’t like coffee.”
Charles shrugs. “Yeah. But there’s a gorgeous barista that works there. Agatha, I think.”
You’re laughing now, louder than before. Your cheeks feel hot as it dies out. You’re still smiling when you catch Charles licking his bottom lip, glancing down at yours. Your heart stammers, but you find yourself leaning closer.
Your mouths are inches away from each other when thunder strikes, and you both flinch away.
“You should get home soon,” Charles says, rounding the counter. “I don’t think it’s gonna get much better.”
“Yeah— you’re probably right.” You hope he can’t see you blushing underneath the dim light. “See you soon then?”
“Yeah,” he says, and it’s something about his beaming smile that makes you believe him. “See you soon.”
The afternoon drags on after that. Rain pours outside, paired with the occasional lighting strike.
And as you’re closing, turning off the lights and placing chairs atop tables, you find that there’s something that wasn’t there before.
An old, red umbrella, leaning against the door.
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a/n: reblogs and comments are always appreciated <3
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pookietv · 4 months
online embarrassment | arthurtv
this was a req!! and i think its adorable
there will be a part two to this !!!
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being a simple university student, you had simple pleasures - getting drunk on the weekend, binge watching tv shows, and a more strange one, online chess. you liked watching people play, you liked playing yourself, you loved the strategy aspect. on some websites you played on, there was the option of livestreaming your chess game - no faces or voices, but people could chat alongside you playing, and you enjoyed seeing input on your games.
one day you were playing a particularly tricky game, being forked from practically the get go, and being the victim of many pawn trades, you were definitely on a losing streak, even if you were just playing against a bot. it was being streamed, but there were only four people watching, not that embarrassing right? especially because it was hidden behind a chess username and no one knew who you were anyways, so it didn't really matter.
so when a comment came in,
ATV: i wouldn't have played rook to f4 there, leaves an opening for a three move check :)
your head tilted a little, turning back to the game and furrowing your eyebrows, trying to figure what they had meant - and they were right, the move was a little careless and it could lead to checkmate.
you nodded to yourself, trying to amend the damage by playing your bishop defensively, to which another comment came in.
ATV: sorry for backseat gaming here, but you could have check in two
you smiled a little more at the comment, placing one hand on your chin and the other on your mouse, following some moves for what must have been fourty-five seconds before you clicked, they were right again. you made the move, the bot making its response, defending also, before in a few short moves, the game was over, you had won by check.
youruser: @/ATV thank you! i still kinda suck after playing for so long lmao
ATV: @/youruser do you want a game? :)
youruser: @/ATV sure! i'll add you now :P
so you added them, and they requested a game. in the chatbox on the side, you saw another message just as they had moved their first piece.
ATV: so what's your name?
youruser: i'm y/n, what about you?
ATV: arthur :)
he moved with an unusual polish opening, so you played traditional and tried to take control of the centre. within a few minutes, he had one of your pawns pinned, and had taken another.
youruser: damn you're actually really good
youruser: feeling a little defeated here :)
ATV: i'm just a loser with far too much time on my hands
youruser: well i mean me too but still, you're smoking me
ATV: cause you're playing too much attack not enough defence
youruser: i feel i may need you to tutor me lmao
ATV: lets finish up this game rq and then i'll help lol
unsurprisingly, he won, but you actually came closer than expecting, and it was a pretty even match after the poor beginning.
ATV: you're actually pretty good, you were just being modest
youruser: hm well maybe
youruser: suppose i'll have to keep challenging you til i win >:D
ATV: do you have discord or anything? easier to explain and talk on there rather than chess in game chat lol
youruser: i do! i'll link it rq :)
youruser: it's yourdiscuser #1782
and from there, you began talking semi-regularly, you played chess often and spoke tactics and games, he helped teach you and you enjoyed the company.
youruser: isn't it really strange we know nothing about each other other then chess defence strategies
youruser: i mean what if you're the insane chess killer man
ATV: yes, thats exactly who i am, the Insane Chess Killer Man, can't believe you caught me red handed
ATV: i mean what do you wanna know
youruser: i mean, idk,,, where are you from? i mean i know you speak english but you could be from anywhere i guess :O
ATV: i live in england, what about you :)
youruser: me too! i'm in london atm for uni, getting my masters
ATV: i am also in london! so if you're getting your masters, you're like ... somewhere around 24?
youruser: yeah, i'm 23 :P
youruser: what about you? i mean i have a feeling you're not some sixty year old man based on the fact you use discord but idk
ATV: i'm 28,,, getting very old :(
youruser: wow, very old indeed, must be such a shame
youruser: its gonna suck when i'm gonna have to visit you in a nursing home to play chess with you in two years time
ATV: okay i'm not that old you divvy :)
youruser: kidding, kidding ! anyway, i have to go because i have class but,, if you maybe wanna add me on instagram, its @/youruser :)
getting back from your lectures and practically throwing your backpack on the floor and collapsing on your bed, you planned on rotting the rest of the day away in pajamas and consuming far too much social media.
you opened instagram to a new follower: @/arthurtv
you assumed it was arthur from chess, and obviously in curiosity you opened his page straight away, you were nosy and you wanted to know who he was.
the first thing that shocked you was what he looked like: you didn't know what you were expecting but you didn't think it was going to be him.
he was... attractive, you had to admit, and your eyes had widened once you had seen him.
the second thing that shocked you was his followers, and his bio - he was a youtuber?
classically, you had to be nosy and follow the links to his youtube, your eyebrows raised a little as you looked at his channel, giggling to yourself, he did commentary on reality tv? you hadn't seen that before, but once you watched a video, you realised he was funny, too. he made it funny, despite the fact that you had at first felt it was the strangest youtube topic ever.
youruser: why hello arthurtv
youruser: i was definitely not expecting you
arthurtv: why hello y/n
arthurtv: i could say the same about you
youruser: well i mean i don't have any surprises
youruser: but you are apparently known for commenting on 90 day fiance?
arthurtv: i'd argue you have some surprises
arthurtv: and yes, i make commentary videos! wasn't trying to hide it or anything, just was a weird thing to bring up in conversation :)
youruser: no, it seems cool! i wasn't judging :) i don't watch much youtube so i don't know too much about it
youruser: and anyways, what surprises do i have?
arthurtv: i wasn't expecting you to look like that i suppose
youruser: like what ??
arthurtv: i mean, i don't know, pretty i suppose
arthurtv: you're very pretty, i just didn't know what i was expecting to be honest
youruser: wow you thought i couldn't be pretty cause i'm a loser playing chess??? smh arthur
youruser: (i'm kidding, i didn't expect you to look like you either)
arthurtv: you know that's not what i meant!!
arthurtv: what did you expect me to look like then?
youruser: well since you're 28, i suppose i was expecting a zimmerframe or walking stick or something
arthurtv: ha ha very funny
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sooluving · 3 months
hey hey!!! may i please request a smut w perv!soobin and chubby reader? like in a friend group party sort of situation?
omgg yess i love it, i hope you like it anonn<33 and thanks bcs you're my first rq😽
i can see you
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w: not much plot, smut, semi-public sex, strangers to ???, breast play, oral(both receiving), pulling out, unprotected sex, pervdom!soobin, sub!femreader, non-idol au, panty stealing(? not proof reading
i didn't know how to name it so it's just a taylor song with this vibes😆
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he knew who you were before the party at beomgyu's house started. yeonjun always said that he would introduce you, his new friend from college, to them but never did and he wouldn't really care about that until he saw you walk towards them to say hello to yeonjun.
you smiled to yeonjun and you hugged him, then turned to soobin to introduce yourself. he gave you a little smile and did the same, when you turned your attention to yeonjun again he took his time to check you out and was so delighted with the view; you were so beautiful and that dress allowed him to appreciate your body. he was going to get hard when stared at your tummy and then your breasts, he swears they fit perfectly in his hands and his mouth. he had to fuck you that same night.
"hey, wanna dance?" he asked interrupting whatever yeonjun was saying, "yes please, i need to" you smiled and said to yeonjun that you'll see him later, you only went to parties to dance honestly and this guy soobin also called your attention, the glances he gave you while talking to yeonjun were making you a little wet. you couldn't resist to such a tall and handsome man.
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"soobin" you moaned while he had you pinned against the door of one of the rooms you found empty upstairs after some minutes dancing when his hands never stopped touching you shameless.
"you're so hot, can't believe yeonjun never showed you to me" soobin grabbed your ass and squeezed hard, you sighed and kissed him deeply, saliva running down your chin. " but we met now and i want you to fuck me, please" he took your your face and loved how you seemed so needy biting your pretty lips. they'd look prettier around his cock.
he kissed you and slowly brought you to your knees, "why don't you show me first how much you want my cock inside you?" you felt your jaw already hurt when you saw his dick, the biggest you had and your cunt was dripping. "open up, pretty" he put his cock in front of your lips and you kissed it before taking all in your mouth, trying so hard to make it fit, you took the rest with your hands and relaxed your throat. you wanted to feel him all inside. you looked up to him just to feel even more wet, he was looking at you so hungrily and growling, soobin laid his hand on the door and put the other in your hair to ram in your mouth hardly making you gag and moan around his cock. he stopped and kept you with his cock in your throat a few seconds before cumming. you swallowed and coughed when he released you,
"you're so good for me," soobin grabbed you and put you on the sink and pull up your dress "now let me do the same for you, baby", he leaned to kiss you and spread your legs apart. "i want to taste your pussy so much" he went down to your cunt and moved your panties to the side. he licked his lips "the prettiest I've ever seen and all for me" soobin was like a starved man, devouring you, tongue fucking you and sucking your clit, almost making out too. you couldn't stop moaning, trying to be more silent but was so hard with soobin treating your cunt like his last meal.
he raised his hand to your chest and reached your dress neckline and lowered it to squeeze your tit and play with your nipple, "soobin, please," soobin knew you were ready to cum and he wanted to drink all of you, his thumb started to stimulate you and that was all to the poor you; he licked and kissed your clit one last times "fuck I'm going to make you feel so good again, you look more beautiful when you cum"
soobin took your panties off and without you noticing he put it in his pocket, he'll probably jerk off with them thinking of this.
he brought you closer to him and just pounded into you, your moans were almost screams and you loved it, didn't even care about who was knocking the door. you could only think about soobin's cock going hard and deep inside you, feeling ready to cum again.
soobin was delighted with your breasts bouncing, your nipples were calling him and he couldn't say no, he kissed and sucked your tits, tried to bury his face between them and he felt about to cum. he went harder and started to kiss you and stimulate your sensitive nipples, "soobin im gonna cum" you cried "yes pretty, cum in my cock, i want to feel you" he moaned too and you reached your high with your legs trembling
"let me cum on your tits baby, please" he said and you were already on your knees in front of him when he pulled out, soobin took was amazed with that image of you, ready to take his load on your beautiful tits and he couldn't keep it anymore, he jerked off a few times more and your chest was all white with his cum. you smiled and cleaned his dick with your tongue, "we need to repeat this in a better place, baby" soobin mumbled watching you stand up
"at my place would be awesome next time, love" you said with a grin and he kissed you. God it was so addictive.
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bye I'm nervous, i didn't know how to end this soo😭 i feel soobin loves to kiss and make out a lottt
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rekreku · 1 year
hi hi <3 i absolutely love your writing. i saw that your requests are open!! if you’re comfortable with it, i was wondering if i am able to request zenitsu, tanjiro, and inosuke from demon slayer with a s/o!reader who gets severely injured during a mission with them? it’s okay if you’re not comfortable with doing this! thank you though :)
in harm’s way.
various demon slayer characters x gn! reader
type: angst
prompt: in which your boyfriend finds you severely injured.
note: thank you so much for the rq, sweetheart! <3 i love these three sm!! again, im sorry for being mia for over uhh (checks watch) a long time now! :’) i don’t have a set schedule and school has been kicking my ass. but i see everyone’s requests and i will get to them, i promise! <3
characters include: tanjiro, inosuke, and zenitsu.
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the first thing TANJIRO does when he sees you’re injured is scream out your name.
he stops whatever he’s doing to get you out of the middle of the fight, making sure nothing else can hurt you.
he keeps you close to his body, as if trying to keep you warm with his body heat.
he’s panicking, not sure what to do. he peppers your face in kisses, telling you that you’ll be okay and that you’re going to get the proper treatment you need soon.
inside, he blames himself for letting you get hurt; though, he’s not going to tell you that, but he will be apologizing over and over under his breath.
he gets you to a safe space and promises you he’ll be right back, continuing to kiss your face, using it as a way to calm himself down.
he gives you his kimono to stop as much bleeding as possible before returning to the battlefield.
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the first thing INOSUKE does when he sees you severely injured is stop everything he’s doing.
of course, that’s easier said than done, considering how passionate he is about fighting.
however, he’ll rush to your side, crying out your name and telling you to get up; he’d be extremely confused as to why you weren’t really responding.
and then, when he sees your wounds, he’ll go crazy. he’ll start mindlessly attacking the demons left and right, too blinded by his fury.
afterwards, he’ll take you somewhere safe, unsure of how to help.
he’ll ask tanjiro for help; which is a shocker anyway, considering how much he likes to take care of things himself, but he wants you safe and protected.
he’d feel lowkey extremely guilty, pinning it on himself for not protecting you or being your shield like he swore he would be.
he’ll stay by your side as much as he’s able before he has to leave for more missions.
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the first thing ZENITSU does when he sees you’re severely injured is cry hysterically.
he wants to make sure you’re okay, reaching for you and immediately dragging you out of harm’s way.
he’s probably swearing under his breath about not being able to be there to protect you, calling himself a coward.
he’d cry to tanjiro and inosuke, unable to fully get enough air to breathe properly, causing him to let out choked sobs.
he’d refuse to let go of you for even a minute, even if you were being examined.
he’d gently run his hand through your hair when you’re laying in his lap, whimpering soft words to you, practically pleading for you to keep fighting until they get help.
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thedeathwitchescats · 14 days
My collection of tips for people who are just now developing a chronic illness or just now realizing they have one. ((As someone who has only been struggling with mine for a little over a year))
-dont blame yourself for not being able to do what you used to. Your body used to do its job to a better degree than it does now. You are not lazy bc your taking more breaks or bc you cant get out of bed. Your taking care of yourself. I struggle with this all the time. Especially considering my living situation. Shit doesnt get done when I dont do it but I simply cant sometimes.
-that leads me into my next point. Take advantage of your good days, but dont overwork yourself just bc your "not feeling chronically ill." When you have the energy, start the laundry, do the dishes, take out the trash, but still take breaks as needed
-keep a set of your meds literally everywhere. I have a pill box I specifically keep in my car with a weeks worth of my morning meds. I have a three sets of my most important meds in my bag at all times. I have pain meds stashed in every crevasse they could be stashed. Trust me, when your running late and you get half way to work before you realize you havent taken your meds your gonna want to be able to reach into your glove box and take them rq
-buy the mobility aid. You think you need a brace bc a specific joint hurts like hell and wont stay in place?? Get it. You cant walk for long periods of time and think a cane would help?? Get it. You think a shower chair would do you good so you dont pass out with shampoo in your eyes and naked?? Get it. Just get it. Walmart sells canes for under ten bucks and they work really well. They also have extra tips in a two back for 2.50. Dollar tree has braces and like 12 different pain creams. Five below also has some braces and quite a few pain relief options. You can also get them cheap on sites like shein or Amazon and sometimes depop. ((I know I know, dont support those sites but a bitch is broke and two bucks for compression socks is a fucking steal)) You can also sometimes find wheelchairs and canes and crutches at goodwill. It isnt a guarantee but its a good option if you need smt cheap. ((Be careful and check that their not broken before you buy))
-take the pain meds. Put on the pain cream. Ice that joint. You dont get brownie points for toughing it out and it will help your health in the long run. If someone looks at you like your weak for taking smt to help with your pain, their the problem, not you.
-create a good support system. Find the people who will drop their brand new iced coffee to stop you from slamming your head into the ground during a fainting spell. They are out there. Find them and hold onto them for dear fucking life
-try to make the best of what you can do every day. Put on cute earrings. Buy cute compression socks. Get braces that fit your vibe. Put stickers on your mobility aids. Put pins on your bag. Carry a cute weighted stuffie for when you need some extra comfort. Make the most of what you are capable of doing.
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mouwrites · 8 months
can i rq the south park main 4 with a reader that drinks a concerning amount of coffee but they don't seem affected by it. and then reader has a caffeine crash and passes out while hanging out w/ them
totally not based on smth that happened to me (im good now tho)
Of course!! So sorry for the wait! also pls stay safe my pumpkin--
South Park - Main Four With a Reader Who Drinks a Lot of Coffee
I don't think he'd be able to tell that you drink a concerning amount of coffee
He has trouble drawing boundaries between how much is too much when it comes to material goods
(partly because, no matter how hard he tries, he can never quite pin down exactly when his father will get violent when he drinks)
So he doesn't really notice when you're on your third or fourth or tenth cup; nor does he ever wonder if you're having too much
But one day, you're both hanging out, and your usual cup of coffee is absent from the scene
Much like he didn't heed your constant drinking, Stan hadn't noticed that you weren't drinking
So he was super confused when you suddenly seemed super sleepy, your eyes drooping shut
He didn't even get the chance to ask what was wrong before your head slammed into the table
Panicking, he flew out of his seat, sending the chair toppling to the floor
He was at your side in a split second, shaking you and shouting your name
When you finally come to, he lets out a loud sigh of relief
Then he turns to you with tears in his eyes, his voice just as urgent as it was before
"What happened?! You just... passed out! I thought you were dead, Y/n!"
"Uh... I guess I haven't had coffee in a while..."
He just blinks at you
Then, looking around, he finally notices that you don't have any coffee, and he says as much to you
You just laugh, explaining that you hadn't had any all day
He takes this as a cue to go get you some coffee, and he comes back with an okay-ish homemade cup (he's never made coffee before, go easy on him)
From then on he always looks for when you don't have a coffee cup and asks if you need one
He's not very helpful in breaking the habit; from his experiences, he doesn't really believe that such addictive habits can be broken :(
But at least he's helpful in making sure you don't crash again!
Your coffee habit was one of the first things Kyle noticed about you
At first he teased you about it, but as you grew closer the teasing turned into genuine berating
He does it out of concern for you, but you wouldn't know this from how harsh he is
Sometimes he'll straight-up steal your cup and dump it out, telling you that you've had enough for the day
But he can't give you a break; one time, when he hadn't seen you take one sip of coffee all day, he was feeling suspicion rather than pride
He kept an eye on you, expecting you to pull out a hidden thermos at any moment or something
He thought you were reaching for this imaginary thermos when you began to slouch down, presumably to reach into your bag
But no. You slumped over, unconscious
It took Kyle a second to realize that you were unconscious and not, in fact, digging around in your bag
He looked around, as if wondering "Is anyone going to help them??"
At length he jumped up to check on you himself
He shook you, hissing your name under his breath, trying not to make a scene
When you finally stirred awake, blubbering semi-coherently, Kyle crossed his arms, hiding how relieved he was
"Did you just have a caffeine crash?"
"Urrg... Maybe...?"
Kyle rolled his eyes, annoyance finally erasing whatever sympathy he might have felt
He tells you for the umpteenth time that you have a serious problem
You just smile innocently, drifting back off to sleep
Kyle shakes you again, taking on the responsibility of keeping you awake for the rest of the day
If anything he just uses this instance against you, constantly reminding you what a problem you have
Your coffee drinking is just one of many things that Cartman likes to tease you about
He doesn't actually think it's as serious as he exaggerates it to be in his jokes, but sometimes he does wonder if it is that bad
But he's not a worrier; he usually just forgets those thoughts as quickly as they come
One day, he noticed that you didn't have your usual cup of coffee, and he teased you about it (of course)
"No coffee today, my little addict?"
"Shut up, pug-nose."
As always, Cartman didn't think about it any more after that
So he was quite confused when, later that day, you just passed out
But he suddenly remembered that you hadn't had your usual coffee, and a huge grin spread on his face
He took the opportunity to take pictures of you, testing the limits with what he could get away with
(the worst one he could get was a finger pushing your nose up like a pig)
He plopped down on the couch to edit the pictures and send them to people, but the jostling motion woke you up
Cartman snickered at your confused, drowsy state, and turned his phone around to show you the picture of you with your nose scrunched up
"Now who's the pug-nose? Though I guess you do make a pretty cute pug."
"You are insufferable."
"You love me."
He draped an arm around you, letting you rest your head on his shoulder while he scrolled through the rest of the pictures he took of you
You made him delete them all, of course
From that day on you made a point to always keep awake around him...
His teasing adopts a more concerned tone, always nagging you about cutting back or getting on "the patch" (does Cartman know anything about caffeine??? absolutely not, methinks)
But he's secretly also waiting for you to crash again; he did quite like that cute pig-nosed picture of you
Kenny always assumed that your coffee habit was just a health thing
He wondered if it could really be good for you, but decided not to question it
You seemed healthy enough, after all
I mean, you weren't dying or having heart attacks or anything
To Kenny that is peak health
He actually tries to keep up with your habit because of his (perhaps slightly misguided) assumption
He asks if you need a refill, and though he doesn't really have the money to buy you coffee, he's more than happy to make some at home when you come over
(he may or may not have used this as an excuse to get you to come over at least once)
He was curious when you seemed to be getting increasingly sleepy one day
He was about to ask if you needed any coffee, but you suddenly closed your eyes and slumped over on the ground
Luckily you had both been sitting on his floor, and he scrambled over to your side, putting your head in his lap while he shook you
"Y/n? Y/n?? Are you okay? What's going on?"
The moment you come to, the first thing he asks is if it's your "health thing"
When that clearly just confuses you, he asks if you need coffee
Suddenly understanding what he was saying, you close your eyes to think
"Huh.. Guess I just had a caffeine crash. Maybe some coffee would be good..."
After that day Kenny looked into caffeine and how it relates to health
He realizes that maybe you do have a problem...
From then on he's not so eager to get you a refill of coffee, instead suggesting lower-caffeine tea (which he has to buy himself; his parents only have coffee) or just taking a power-nap
He won't pressure you, but he is pretty concerned about your habit
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Thanks so much for your request, sorry again that you had to wait so long!! And thank you for reading, take care duckies <33
(divider by saradika)
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larrys-journal · 3 months
I’ll do a proper introduction later but just a few things rq:
1. Some content on here (including my own) will include -
• Suggestive themes
• Content warnings (i.e. dark themes/slight gore <- this will be blurred)-
-Anyone under 16+ please do not follow, if you do I will soft block, by the third sb, I will block.
With that said, anyone who’s following rn are uncomfortable with the contents listed, feel free to unfollow :).
If you are under 16+, please unfollow.-
-You do not need to specify your age, you can put “young adult” or “16+”
2. Please before you follow, read my DNI on my bio.
This post will also be pinned.
3. If you like problematic shit/are problematic, you will be blocked immediately.
I will not be handling all that stuff here.
4. I will be checking who’s following me, so don’t even try to be sneaky.
If one of you guys see someone problematic following/interacting with my stuff, let me know please 🙏!
Have a good day everyone and thank you for your time reading this and for the support!
Much love, :)🤍.
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pomefioredove · 17 days
reminder that if you send a request while rqs are closed, it is a low priority request and I will only do it if I have spare time! you can always check the big letters on my pinned post to see whether requests are open or not
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miyamoratsumuu · 2 months
currently missing u so much :((
my dearest pookiest frans i just wanted to let you know that i lob u SOOOOOOAUURR much and i appreciate every single one of ur long asks bc i feel my heart jumping out of my heart when i see one in my inbox ☹️!! even if its short and simple witha picture or not i still treasure it like shells i collected as a kid (they ended up getting thrown away by my mom but its ok i have u in my pocket they will never find u)
no special occasion i js wanted to let u know i love you and appreciate u a whole bunch!!!! and more!!!!! you deserve the world!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!
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^^ me in this universe bc in another we probably know eachother irl and shopping at every mha pop up store possible like as we speak.
SAKU MY LOVEEE I MISS YOU SO SO MUCH TOO!!!! I'm so glad the asks I leave in your inbox make you happyy AAAGHSHSJBD THAT MAKES ME HAPPY TOO ILY SO MUCH:(( well I treasure you like my collection of colorful beaded rings and bracelets that I've been collecting since 2020 😽😽 I legit look like I'm attending the eras tour everyday with how many beaded jewelry I wear LMAOSHAHAHUHA AND IF I'M IN UR POCKET THEN YOU'RE IN MY HEARTTTAAAAAAGHHH ILY ILY ILYYY!!!! you quite literally deserve all the love kisses hugs and care the universe has to offer, you're too good:((
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^^ me in this universe bc in another, I could probably teleport to where you are rn, and we could gush about our todoroki bracelets together:(
ALSO ALSO!!! check out my pinned post rq lovey!! I have a teensy tony surprise for u there<3
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hermitcaves · 2 months
back on my tatami galaxy extended universe bullshit and i need to yap about my thoughts and feelings rq
i watched the night is short walk on girl for the first time in like 2018 and it has been in my top three films ever since. the animation is gorgeous, the world is so vibrant and the roving, wild, night out story that's ultimately about the way we're all connected anddDddd ahhh it's so good. anyway when i was looking into the film more a bit later i kept seeing the tatami galaxy mentioned and when i checked it out, realized that it's by the same writer and adapted/animated by the same director (masaaki yuasa i love you!!!!!) AND that some of the night is short characters originated in tatami !!! so i watched it and then read the original novel in very quick succession and i've just FINALLY gotten around to reading tatami time machine blues ! which is so relevant as im also spending my summer in a hot ass apartment with a remote controlled ac. anyway i somehow love time machine more than i did the original novel? it feels like the characters are really pinned down and even more likable! it takes the almost-grating repetitive format of tatami and sharpens it down to a satisfying summer adventure that maintains the characteristic motifs of the world without dragging it out. embarrassingly im kind of a watashi/ozu truther (what color is the black string of fate when you shine a light on it..) but the protagonist's relationship with akashi is played as much more genuine in time machine which i loved! agh and i haven't even watched the series yet, which yuasa didn't direct but im sure is still going to be so fun. watch
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Just updated some small things on my pinned along with some things to the dni if ya wanna check that out rq that would be nice ::P
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thepupbenni · 4 months
nobody asked but i have a stimboard blog!! i’ll link it here and in my pinned post :3 i’m sick at home rn and have nothing to do so check it out/send in a rq if ur interested ^_^
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antiradqueer · 9 months
hi so anon so i can hide my blog due to it being a fandom blog; i rarely check the anti-rq tag for mental health so if one of you guys could, what's the definition of prat? i never heard it before. is it new?
pinned post.... please... pleas...look at the pinned post.... i beg you
it means 'predatory, racist, ableist, transphobe'
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[ Stealing Yami’s idea rq (love you Yami 🫶🏾 /p) and making a list of all my OCs participating in the ball ]
For Context go check out [Phineas’ wedding ball]
Calliope: 💐 || Brendan (Sorry to those who wanted Cleo but tbf she probably wouldn’t be allowed/go in the first place lmao 💀)
Carmilla: 🌸
Taegan: 💐 || 🤭
Mod Tae: (Guys I’m a shrimp now!! I feel special 🤭🍤 ): 💐 || Ghost sona + Pins sona!!
Datura: 💐 || SWAY!! 💜 SWAYTURA RAAAH- sorry my demons came out ( Let’s go lesbians!! )
Lockheart: 💐🌼 || Narcissus!! Siblings moment real
Cairo: 💐 || Vent Boy Theodore
[ Will update this post accordingly!! ^^ ]
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