#check your assumptions
craftherpes · 1 year
I was reading something (hateful) a while ago, and after it bounced around a while, I finally have a response.
The main assertion made was that “God doesn’t make mistakes,” and this was used to support the secondary assertion that trans people are not actually their professed (correct) gender. While I am currently non-religious, I was raised Catholic and I mostly speak the language of Christian theology, so I wanted to write about this in a way I think would be more accessible to those who believe such things. 
Let’s back up from the original assertion, to the assumptions beneath it. The assumption here is that the human practice of assigning gender based on nothing but a glace at an infant’s genitals is correct. I’d like to suggest that *this* is where the ‘mistake’ is. If one can say, “With God all things are possible,” how can one discount the existence of a man or woman with a different body than you expect? 
And when this comes up against the idea of gender-affirming care that changes the appearance of the body, I would ask- would we need as much of it if we were willing to accept someone’s identity when they tell it to us? I think that much of the gender-affirming changes that people undertake has something todo with trying to fit in and be accepted as themselves. Certainly many people would likely seek it no matter the amount of acceptance they encounter, but I feel (this is personal opinion and has no fact behind it) that it might be fewer of them if they didn’t face problems when they “don’t pass”. 
So before telling someone that the infallibility of your god invalidates their identity, please consider that *you* could be fallible. Your assumptions are just that- assumptions not based on fact. 
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A Glimpse is Not Enough...
TW: SH, drug and alcohol abuse, physical abuse, implied SA and slight homophobia, ableism
You can look in someone's window and see the slightest glimpse of their life. Imagine this...
A big house with a father getting ready to go for work, the mother helping a small child get his coat on, and a girl maybe age 14 finishing up her cereal quickly, bag on her back about to go to school. The couches are white they have a medium-sized TV, and they're a very conventionally attractive family at a glimpse who seem to live a comfortable life.
And that's all you see, you keep walking. In that glimpse, I'm sure you made a few assumptions right? Lots of money, a picture-perfect happy family, what everyone wants to be.... right? Well here's what you don't know:
There's a third child, a teenager who's locked herself into her room because she hates her new stepdad, yep stepdad. Her real dad died a few years ago and she's not ready for a new father figure. She’s almost always a combination of stoned and drunk out of her mind to numb her feelings and in a secret abusive relationship that causes her to flinch if you move too fast and bruises appear out of nowhere, if you grasp the implication.
The youngest is the only biological child of both parents, he's busy being babied while trying to grow up and has autism but his parents won't accept it. They just call him “dramatic” or “fussy” when he gets overstimulated and a “slow learner” because he has extremely reduced verbal skills compared to his peers.
The middle child is feeling neglected all the while, she doesn't want to cause a fuss cause she knows how messed up this house already is and has always been praised for being the "good child" or "the no-trouble child" making her believe she can't take up space. She’s her sister and mom’s therapist hearing both sides of every fight whether she wants to or not. They don’t know she cuts her skin behind closed doors to shut out the mental pain, no one knows nobody can ever know. Just like they can’t know she might not like guys, and every “is he your boyfriend?” comment is repulsive to her.
The stepfather is at risk of being laid off due to a recent company budget cut but hasn't told his wife who doesn't know what's wrong but the lack of sex says something's up. She's trying to raise 3 kids with almost no support due to the mentioned possible job loss. Which means 40-hour weeks slowly creep towards 50....or 60. All while trying to show her mom she doesn’t need the support she’s doing just fine on her own.
But you can't see any of that? Can you? You still assume they have the perfect life because of the 5 seconds you saw of their morning one day.
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christopherflowers · 2 years
What does a beard say about a man? It says that he hasn’t shaved his face in a while. That’s it. That’s all you get to assume about him.
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goodtimeswithgrian · 5 months
look i know we all want our little guys to be in hermitcraft but maybe. maybe one of the new ones is not a guy.
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cussima · 2 months
REMINDER: assume in your favor (story time)
i just manifested the wrong team to win by assuming throughout the whole thing that they could win, i just kept thinking "they could at any time turn the whole match around" and guess what they did. this is the thing about assuming, you're doing it constantly, you either do it for what you want or you don't. this is great, personally, i just learned firsthand and very consciously that you can so easily manifest negative circumstances by not keeping your thoughts in check, if i had stopped myself from thinking that (because i didn't) then real madrid would've lost today, or even better, they would've gone to the penalty kicks, and they would've lost then !! (i loove penalty kicks) also how easy and gullible this reality is, because real madrid started losing the game and then they turned it around in the last few minutes (when i started thinking -> affirming they could)
and okay it's definitely on me because i got distracted (sp was watching the game and i kept thinking to myself "oh but i don't want him to be sad afterward when his team loses :(" ) which is also a perfect example of how we sacrifice so much of what we want for somebody else and best believe i'm reacting to the 3d by posting this ! new semi finals will come, at the end of the day i could just revise this (don't want to, idgaf) BUT this shows i'm still a master manifestor bc heyyy 😋 ★★ UPDATE ★★ APPARENTLY BAYERN DID A LAST MINUTE GOAL (which i missed but affirmed for) AND WAS DISQUALIFIED (bc i was bitchin' out whining about it writing this post 😭) ᯓ this is your proof that you're in charge bby !!
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whatlovelybones-if · 8 months
hi! sorry if you've gotten this question before but im curious about the plot. will it all revolve around the detective investigating the main serial killings or will we be helping them investigate other things as well kind of like in hannibal?
a little bit of both. i’ll try to explain as much as i can without spoiling much:
the chapters will be a mixture of: the general backstory of the people MC will target + the whole process of how MC will lure or kidnap them before killing + the investigation which will take place. there will be times when the investigations will hit too close to him, but that’s where MC’s general charisma and intelligence comes in to divert or straight up thwart any progress made by the detective.
vivienne (bless her heart) will be one of the factors on how you even hear of some of the most outrageous confessions and plight of people since she’s connected to the psychiatric department. J and sebas will, at least at first, be the unsuspecting accomplices to your escapades and even when J does eventually find out (either by you or by themself), they’ll jump on the chance to help you. note that sebas’s role will be more of a secret card for now so 🫢
the only antagonistic characters, as per the MC, are the people who are investigating the more confusing disappearances. you can take the detective as the antagonist for the MC as it’s their posting in the town which will set the ball rolling. of course, it’s gonna be extra angsty if you’re romancing them and they find out that you were the killer all along, but you’ll still be able to manipulate them into accepting that you did it for the greater good of the world.
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euphoriajeon · 1 year
Checking The 3d ? Nah babe
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Checking the 3d is when you're manifesting something and you are looking for movement in the 3d , looking for it in your eyes . So let's take as you are manifesting an sp , your are looking for them to text you , checking you're phone seeing if they have texted you , you are checking their whatever. Are they following new people , stuff like that is checking the 3d . This is what you want to avoid , do NOT do this! We do not want to check the 3d, once you check the 3d it is basically reaffirming that you do not have your desire and you need to be stressing about getting it .
Everytime you are checking the 3d , you are going to be pausing your movement because it's going to be dragging you back to the reality. DON'T check the 3d.
Let's say you are checking the 3d and you see something you don't want, you are gonna be sad, you're gonna spiral you yourself! Why are you gonna do that?? There is zero benefit to checking the 3d!
First thing first remind yourself that you are in control ! You get to decide anything and everything in your reality! Because you are the creator of your own book and you can literally edit anything you want! You get me right!
Be patient and don't check the 3d, it is delayed and it might need some time to Kickstart ! Be patient give it a second! Keep affirming and you need to keep being persistent ! Remind yourself , whenever you want to check your 3d , be like " i don't need to check the 3d, I'm in control ! Why would I need to check the 3d? There is zero out my control right now ! And i AM in control of everything because i decide what's gonna happen!"
Instead of checking the 3d! Close your eyes and decide and visualize what you need and be persistent in it and visualize the movement in your manifestation.
Look at your life like it's a book ! And you are the author of the book and you decide about the plot and everything in that book ! Because you already know that you are the author !
So STOP looking for the 3d! You already have your desire because you said so! We are manifesting every thought that we have if it's persisted, so be persistent in your thoughts!
- Euphoria ♡
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slyandthefamilybook · 7 months
"I didn't know Spotify Wrapped is the Wednesday after Thanksgiving every year not everyone is American"
you're missing the point oh my g-d. I didn't know when Spotify Wrapped dropped either. I knew enough to know I didn't know when it was, which suggested it was on a different day every year. but that's not the point either!
if you see someone saying "they moved the date of Spotify Wrapped" maybe, I dunno, fucking check ?? look it up?? Bing it ??????
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sammy431 · 2 years
Seeing a lot of posts that seem very sure of how things will play out so casual reminder that the only people who currently know what Marisha wants in regards to Laudna are Marisha, Matt, and perhaps to some degree the other players at the table.
You do not know what she wants. You cannot say that she definitely wants things this way or that way. You have not heard the discussions she’s had with Matt and the table. Assuming you know what she wants or is going to do is parasocial as hell and when things don’t shake out the way you’ve decided she wants them to, you’re gonna feel mad at Matt for “being unfair” despite him saying that his first priority is his players enjoyment and that he talks to them and finds out what they want to do before anything else.
Chill and remember this is their game and their table, I beg of you.
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parme-san · 2 months
was not aware that sea sponges were classified as animals in part because of their ability to produce sperm
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
“don’t EVER use ceramics from before 1971, since they might contain lead in the glazes!”
I check antique ceramics minutely for cracks, chips, glaze loss, crazing, pitting, etc. before ever using them, and only use them if everything is 100% intact
I check for telltale cloudy residue after washing them
I don’t put them in the fridge, dishwasher, or microwave
I don’t store food in them, or let anything acidic touch decorated areas of the dishes for long
I don’t use them as everyday pieces, much as I might long to. all my everyday china is modern and undecorated
I am an adult, almost 30 years old. I would never let a child eat or drink from antique dishware
I think, given the quantity of precautions I take, that I can be permitted to actually use tableware I also enjoy looking at every now and then. as a treat
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moxley · 6 months
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ok it does not matter how bad, evil, unethical, and unsurprising the behaviour of a thing or individual is, if your response is this, i hate you and i am taking a bat to your prized belongings
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apple-os · 3 months
ppl who like making friends solely with one-note cardboard boxes who will hang out with them when it's convenient and never open up about who they are as people and what their lives are like dni
#the salt just caught up with me and now im pissed#hi welcome to what i like to call a friendly reminder that hanging out with someone just because its convenient is kind of shitty#and a less friendly reminder that talking about yourself to connect with people is an autistic trait#and an even less friendly reminder that not telling someone if theyve done you wrong and then proceeding to blow up on them is ALSO SHITTY#ESPECIALLY. WHEN. THEY THINK. YOU'RE ON GOOD TERMS. BECAUSE YOU ACTED LIKE IT AND THEY CAN'T READ YOU.#IM REALLY FUCKING MAD#I THINK I HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO BE.#the people who actually somewhat knew me and hung out with me and were on good terms with me think the same#so like BLEH MYEH :PPPPPPPPP#like okay youre entitled to your opinions but sometimes you need to keep those to yourself#did u see me insulting u to ur face#nope i have not done even once#and thats on getting better communication skills instead of lashing out at someone for trying to fit in with your own vibes#like yeah oversharing is my deal. anybody who sees me here knows that#i bond by being open with people about who i am and what i like in the hopes that theyll do the same#if u think im just around for gaming and making silly jokes u would be wrong.#but of course nobody told me people weren't there to bond like that which in my opinion shouldnt be on me#and once again i am outcasted over something honestly kind of fucking stupid#some of the jokes i made were stupid yes but thats solely because i severely misjudged the vibes#and checks notes oh yeah nobody pulled me up for it even once.#okay so let me get this straight you barely know me and have been making assumptions about me since day one#pretty much let me believe you liked me for two whole weeks instead of asking me about things or cutting me off#and im the one who gets treated like im in the wrong? okay#this miscommunication was not my fault in the slightest and i KNOW that#if you hadve just talked to me things would be fine but theyre NOT.#if you hadve just looked at my gosh darn profile and seen im the queerest fucker around making gay and homophobic type jokes maybe you woul#have had half the mind to ask me if i could stop making those jokes!!!!!!!!!#i am not transphobic!!!!!!! I AM TRANS!! I WAS MAKING A MOCKERY OF SOME TRANSPHOBIC CULTURE I HATE!!!!#i mightve vented on main ONE TIME under the guise of a silly joke but oh my god guess what?? that was an attempt to see if anybody related.#you never liked me in the first place dont lie to yourself
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euphoriajeon · 2 years
Is it possible to manifest as an over thinker?
Overthinking is normal you guys! It's human nature. First of all take a deep breath! Yea do it !
Second of all, create a World in your head ! Yes you read that right ! Create a world in your head and it has no limits! Now , get a piece of paper or your notes anything you want and write everything you desire , anything and everything you desire! And now think what's on the paper! Do not think something negative and overthink about your desires !
It's going to happen and you are going to get your desires! Chill! Negative thoughts don't exist in our reality and you are the god of your reality!
Read your script repeatedly till you feel confident that you are living your desires! Don't have doubts ! Uh-oh no doubts in manifestation! Read that script on your paper,and if it doesn't line up with the paper , it does not exist! Nope ! Ignore negative thoughts. Don't even acknowledge anything that's not in the damn paper!
Manifestation is real! You are going to get your desires no matter what! You don't need answers on why it's happening and how it's going to happen ! NO you don't need answers ! You don't need to care about where it's coming from , you get your desires easily! Stop focusing on the questions! It does not matter! Manifestation is super simple! Like i already said , you can change your life just by changing your thoughts, it's just that simple !!
- Euphoria ♡
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hzdtrees · 1 year
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Horus at the edge
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cadykeus-clay · 2 years
i will never not be blown away and enthralled by the success with which matt pulled off that propaganda campaign against the kryn dynasty. child abduction in nogvurot, introducing the word crick first, constant talk of the terrifying and evil midnight skies, introducing them with a terrorist attack, every single person in positions of authority and thus matt as the ultimate authority playing them all as the DM repeating over and over “xhorhas is scary, those people are evil, those people are aggressive, they harness the power of the beastfolk to their will, their religion is cruel and harmful and strange and wrong”.
and then.  it’s people with memories of kryn families returning home. it’s learning the word kryn finally. it’s an accomodation for their light sensitivity. it’s reclaiming stolen artifacts. it’s coexisting with other species native to your area, which has been blighted by a cosmic disaster. it’s just another god in a massive pantheon of gods.
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