writingstuffandmore · 5 years
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I tried to make an adorable chenie chen fan art but I guess I made him too much of a fluffy ball ❤😊
What do you think?
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blooming-cbx · 6 years
Jongdae: Xiumin says that if I can’t say anything nice, I shouldn’t say anything at all.
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marklineson · 6 years
Lost in a Loop (#02)
Kim Jongdae x Fem!Reader
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You keep losing your memory every time you fall asleep. Is it possible for someone like you to live a normal life and experience a romance that lasts a lifetime?
Word Count: 5.1k
Genre: Fluff, Angst; 
Title Track: To Reach You (Memory Control, PD48)
Warning: lots of occasional swearing bc idk, they’re all stupid kids and need help with their anger management (war of hormones, otl) & a bit of violence & drinking; also lots of cringey moments;         -Rosy out;
#02 Enchanting.
- May 05th, 2018
“You're up late today, son.” Jongdae winced under the stern glance of his father, fastening his steps as he made his way through the living room, with the kitchen as his destination.
He had ended up falling asleep around 5 in the morning, and now, five hours of nightmares and uncomfortable twisting and turning later, he had decided to get up and call it a night. He was sure you had already gotten up, not remembering a letter of the conversation you'd had with him, but he was worried.
Why did she do that?, he constantly questioned himself as he poured himself the rest of the instant coffee his father had prepared for breakfast, Why did she ask me about my feelings? Is she interested in me? He felt a tiny spark of hope flare up behind his sternum, but then again it also could have just been the heat of the beverage in his cup.  
He flipped the case of his phone aside and opened said conversation, shaking a bit when he saw your profile picture next to your name.
Do you love me?
I don't know, he kept whining in his head, How am I supposed to know? I'm eighteen years old, for fuck's sake. Frustrated, he slammed the phone shut again and sat down with a bowl of cereal in hand. I must have been out of my mind when I said yes- let her reread our conversation and she'll think I'm a creep. Shit.
As if on cue, his father stepped into the room the moment Jongdae hat put the last bit of milk in his mouth, spoon still hanging from his lips when the bowl was snatched away from him.
“Ey! Dad!”, he exclaimed, his father gifting him with another stern look.
“It's Saturday, Jongdae.”
“I wanted to at least eat some breakfast before I meet up with the guys and-”
“Didn't you promise me to help out today because you got home late yesterday?”
Ah, true. Detention had caused him to get home late yesterday. He mentally kicked Chanyeol, but then again, his friend had gotten the worst punishment ever after school in form of his harpy girlfriend.
“So... you really want me to help out at the clinic today?” His father simply nudged his shoulder, ignoring the pout on his Jongdae's face.
“Money is earned through hard work, son- especially when it comes to part-time jobs.”
“Uh-huh”, Jongdae answered, gulping down the rest of his still hot coffee -Seriously, how long had he sat down for breakfast? Five minutes?- and got up to follow his father through the entrance area and the white door that connected the living space of the house with the vet clinic his father owned.
“So, what can I help you with? Did the supplies arrive yet?” His father blinked at him, obviously impressed, nodded and motioned for Jongdae to go outside where the packages stood. “Nice. Let me stash them away for you.”
The elder nodded, a hand on his son's shoulder before he went back into the clinic. “If you need help, you know where your good old dad is.” But Jongdae quickly sent him back inside, happy to have something to do that would occupy him.
I must have been out of my mind.
Jongdae wondered if he had actually hoped to be able to forget about last night, or if he had wanted to reminisce in old memories when he'd told his dad he would take care of the delivered supplies. The more he got used to his task, the wider his thoughts trailed off into the distance, and whenever he set a foot into the storage room, all he could think about were the many times the two of you used to hide in there when you played hide-and-seek with the others.
He was sure that tending to the customers as they waited inside would have been much more effective than stashing away pills and cat food.
Do you love me?
“Morning! Nice weather, isn't it?” He greeted you, making his voice sound extra cheerful. His father snickered from inside the clinic. Oh, shit.
But his face fell for a moment when he saw you simply standing there, watching him with your eyebrows up, slightly chewing on your bottom lip. Another oh, shit moment, taking into count how pretty you looked with your hair down and your white skirt swaying in the gentle breeze.
Jongdae did his best to regain his confidence by clearing his throat.
“What? Cat's got your tongue?” He laughed, mentally shitting himself when he didn't see your face lighting up.
“Oh, good... morning”, you muttered, starting to shift under his intense gaze because it made you feel awkward, “I just didn't know we were... close enough to greet each other in public.”
“Of- of course we are, we're classmates. We should always greet each other, in and out of school!”
You mustered him up and down, making him feel like he shrunk down to bite-size under your earnest expression. “...I see. Well, are we done here? Since we greeted each other?” He released a sigh that fit his deflated expression and merely nodded, seeing you smile at him with a slight bow and starting to walk on, when-
“Please- wait, there's actually something I gotta ask-” Jongdae was relieved when you turned around on your heels and blinked at him, the edges of your mouth rising once more. He felt his stomach twist as the heat crept up his cheeks, unstoppable and cruel.
Do you love me?
It's either that or the sun's finally getting the best of me.
“You should have told me about the project for chemistry earlier! I could have grabbed my books and made my way here right away.” You exclaimed as Jongdae's father handed you a glass of juice, ice cubes clinking gently when you took a sip. “Chemistry is important to you, isn't it? Only if you still want to become a scientist in the future, that is.”
Jongdae nearly choked on a cube he was chewing on when he realized you had actually memorized a fact that was related to him, but his hopes where crushed right away when you mentioned you had skipped through your last year book because you had gotten curious about your friends' wishes for the future and had read about him there as well.
He scratched his neck, obviously thinking of a smart remark he could surprise you with, when the voice of his dad came to his rescue.
“...So, Y/N, how is Nemo doing these days?” Mr. Kim directed his curious eyes at you while filling his own glass. “I haven't seen him strolling around our house for a while now.”
“I actually thought of paying you a visit with him today- he hasn't been eating at all today, but my  mom said he's never been that much of an eater, so it might be the weather?”
Jongdae furrowed his eyebrows, clearly remembering you telling Yeri about Nemo gobbling down a whole bowl of cat food within a minute. He also remembered you asking your mom for your allowance in advance because you had to buy him more food, and when she said no, you had begged Jongdae to gift you with cat food for your birthday four years ago.
“Well, Nemo's about 15 years old, after all. It could be the weather, or it could be that he's just becoming more lazy as he becomes older, but maybe you should bring him here regardless of that- you were supposed to come here for his yearly check-up in June, anyway.”
You nodded at that, visibly happy to have such a great vet to take care of Nemo, your furry best friend. “I'll try to pay you a visit with him on Monday, then.”
Jongdae, who had been getting more or less lost in his memories, his gaze fixated on your beaming face, shrinked a little when you suddenly directed your attention at him again.
“So, do you want to start with the chemistry project right away? I could go home and get my things for-”
Yes. Yes- Say yes for god's sake! An unknwon voice kept screaming in his head, screaming at him to give in to what seemed like his chance to spend some time alone with you, but the feeling of his heart thumping so fast that it seemed to be about to burst caused him to do otherwise.
“I, eh- Sorry, but I already have plans for today.” Jongdae was sure of his mind playing tricks on him, because, for a mere second, he thought he'd seen your face fall- but he was sure he'd been wrong when you smiled at him and his dad as you got up- obviously, you were getting ready to leave.
“In that case, I'll be on my way to the grocery store. It was nice to chat with the two of you- Mr. Kim, Jongdae.” You waved at them before grabbing your bag and exiting the back of their clinic.
Jongdae's gaze followed your swaying hair when he was suddenly nudged by his father, making him groan. “Dad-”
“I already told you when you were ten and I know it made you cry, but I'll disown you if you don't make her my in-law, Jongdae.”
Blushing, Jongdae got up, his dad handing him some money before he practically ran out to follow you.
“Didn't you say you were a bit short on time because you had plans today?” You eyed him curiously, raising your eyebrows a bit at the large smile that had been plastered on his face ever since he'd managed to take you to this ice cream parlor a few minutes away from the grocery store.
“Yeah, I mean, I don't think we'd have had enough time to finish the project today because of that.”
“Who are you meeting up with, by the way?” Jongdae took his time before answering, his mind fully captivated by the redness that was crawling up your neck and, finally, cheeks, or the sight of you fumbling with the hem of your dress to avoid eye contact.
“I'm... going to meet the guys- Chanyeol, Baekhyun, and a few others you might not really know.”
“Oh. I see... like a guys' night out?”
He shrugged his shoulders. “Not really- Y-you could even tag along if you want. There will be other girls you could chat or play with.”
Something in your chest stirred, causing you to look anything but pleased.
He had known. He'd noticed how perfect -well, regarding your actual relationship- everything had been going today. He'd been seeing you in town on your own a few times, greeting you and sometimes even chatting with you, but sooner or later, there'd always been something -someone- to distract you and pull you away from him. Today had been the day, and he wouldn’t have been Kim Jongdae if he hadn’t known how to ruin it for himself.
“What's up?” The burning sensation of his palm on your shoulder made you stop mid-action, your eyes darting upwards to meet his. Jongdae felt somewhat intimidated by the expression you were now gazing at him with, but it didn't make him feel uncomfortable at all. It was the first time in two years, he realized. The first time ever since his birthday two years ago, ever since you’d caused him to think you were feeling the way he did
Why did I even answer you? I should have apologized, nothing more. Stop getting so sentimental, Jongdae.
“I don't know if I should be honest with you, Kim Jongdae.” Your eyes darted back to the floor, head shaking merely as if to support your thoughts, negativities he wasn't supposed to hear. “I don't know if I should really trust you that far-” His breath got stuck somewhere between his nose and his lungs when you suddenly grabbed one of his hands with yours, and gosh, were they small. And soft. Jongdae would have bet on them even smelling good-
“But despite everything my friends keep telling me, despite everything that's written about you in my diary, I feel like I want to trust you.”
“You...” He barely withstood the urge to hold on to your hand, but he managed to gently push it away in the end. “I don't think you should be trusting someone like me, Y/N.”
“My diary says so, too- but somehow, meeting you like this made me feel otherwise.”
The boy scowled. He’d thought he’d heard wrong before, but- “Your... diary?”
You blushed, but went on either way. “Yes, well, it's rather something like a notebook I use to keep up with the most important details of my daily life. To remember the things I... I forget about.” It was weird for you to talk about something so... private, but it also felt good to have someone listen and you had to admit that, different from what your diary had said, Jongdae seemed to be a nice person- and a great listener. “I wonder what my friends would do if they saw me opening up to you that much.” You laughed a little, but stopped when you saw Jongdae's face darken.
“I'm sure they already would have pulled you away from me, just like they always do.” It was your time to furrow your brows. “They seem to think I'm a bad influence for someone like you- and they may be right, I don't know.”
“What makes you think that?” You wondered what he -someone like Jongdae- could have done to be pushed away by your small group of friends, who were both also kind and caring enough to take someone like you in. Instead of eagerly reaching for his hand, you grabbed the string of your bag for something like... an anchor in the midth of the mess that was your head. “Did something happen between our friends? You and one of the girls-”, you paused, taking a deep breath to calm your own nerves-” or even us?”
Jongdae felt your eagerness giving him goosebumps. Despite whatever he had thought before, he was sure that something deep, deep inside of you wanted to get close to him again- and seeing how you were seemingly pulled to him made him feel indescribably soft. Like the matching poles of two magnets someone kept pulling apart. He could practically feel his heart swell with every word of honesty you spoke- because lying, he guessed, was something you were not capable of. “I... Honestly, I don't know.”
He didn't want to risk hurting you by accidentally making you try to remember anything about yourself too much, but he had to admit he was just as curious as you. He still remembered the last day the two of you hung out freely, the last day he had made you laugh and carried your backpack. He had thought about it over and over again, but had never managed to find a reason for you to leave his side when he had thought that you'd -eventually, if only the heavens had been on his side-
felt just like him. “We stopped being close two years ago. Believe it or not, but I have no idea why.”
He saw your face fall, shoulders hanging, and it took him all of his self-discipline not to step up to you and engulf you in a hug. He could have easily done so, maybe you even wanted him to- and yet, he would have felt as if he was taking advantage of your situation. Jongdae was no coward (just sometimes, he secretly was), but taking your situation into count, he still wanted to leave the first steps of whatever the two of you were heading up to to you. He had been used to matching up to your pace, and he had promised himself he would never throw himself right at you (unless you wanted him to, and heck, how often did he catch himself thinking back to the old times, where you'd tug on his shirt for a hug)- he wanted to give you the space and time you needed to get used to him again, no matter how long it'd take.
So instead of getting closer, he shifted around awkwardly, his shoes causing the earth beneath them to scrunch a little. He nodded over to the parlor you’d been sitting next to for the time being. “So... you wanna go get some ice cream?”
But all you could do was shake your head. “I'm not sure if I'm still in the mood for ice cream...”
Jongdae bit his lip, this time unable to hold his hand back as it reached out to you on its own, a gentle pat on your back causing you to smile. “We could share? Eating something delicious may brighten your mood. What's your favourite flavour?”
You smiled at him, and his heart skipped a beat.
How could you not feel happier again, when Jongdae was trying so hard to cheer you up?
“You want to know about... what?”
You patiently waited while Yerim and Sooyoung looked at each other as if you'd just told them you'd move away tomorrow and never come back.
“I don't think there's anything worth knowing, sweetheart.” But Yerim's furrowed brows told you otherwise.
“I would like to know what happened between me and Jongdae”, you started, casually sipping on your shaken sweet tea. “ Something must have happened. I feel like we'd be much closer if it didn't- and he said he's clueless himself.”
You saw your friends scoffing in unision.  “He's what?!” Sooyoung slammed her hands on the table, half of the customers in the small café you'd met up in looking at her in shock. “He's a fucking idiot, Y/N, a fucking idiot! He's just as evil as his friends are!-”
“When did you even talk to him?”, Yerim asked as she yanked Sooyoung's butt back into her seat.
“Today. We met in front of his house and spontaneously went for ice cream.” You tried your hardest not to smile, but the glow on your face was impossible to hide. “I thought that if anyone would know, it should either be you or his friends.”
“Sweetie...” Yerim took your hands and gently pressed them while Sooyoung huffed and threw her head back, cheeks puffed in anger and frustration. “You know, it's not like we don't know about your feelings for Jongdae, but...”
“Yeri, stop. I don't want her to get close to these three pieces of garbage ever again. I gave Chanyeol another chance, and you saw what he made of it-”
“Why is this about you again, Sooyoung? Does each and every conversation have to revolve around you and that wanna-be-punk?”
“He's not- I mean, of course not”, the taller girl exclaimed, irritation washing over her face and revealing her inner state. “You know that all I want is to protect our friend from getting her heart broken over and over again- Park, Byun, Kim, they’re all the same kind of idiots. Insensitive, unbelievably mean and-”
“Girls, girls, girls- I fucking love him! ”, you threw in, both of your friends now looking at you, eyes wide and mouths agape. “This is my life, after all. I am a part of this group. I feel like I have every right to know about whatever happened between all of us.”
“It’s all in the past, sweetie, we should all calm down and think about what’s ahead of us, I guess”, Yeri patted your hand while Sooyoung raised her hand to order another round of tea and coffee for the three of you, but even the sugar-coated cookies she demanded as well could distract you.
“Sooyoung. Yeri. Please. You know me- my past, my future, everything’s unknown to me. The two of you are my number one source for everything that’s happened to me in the past years. What do you think I should do if even the two of you stop backing me up? What should I do with my future if I don’t even know who I am because my past is nothing but blurry?” Ugh, how you hated it to play that card- but it seemed to work just fine. 
“Sooyoung, I read about your break-up. Heck, I don’t even know how to comfort you because I barely even know what it’s like to love someone, to be loved, or to be broken up with and miss someone- I want that, too, no matter the outcome.” You leaned over to them, a pleading look on your face. You felt like crying, andeventually, it showed- because even if you had just started to act like a kicked puppy to convince them, it was true. You were scared of your future- but what scared you the most was spending your present without living. You still wanted to go out and have fun, live and love like everyone else. You were convinced that even for someone like you, romance was a possibility as long as your partner was someone who cared. Someone who tried- someone like him, you added in your head.
Just this once, please.
You saw the two of them exchanging glances, with Yeri biting her lip and Sooyoung blinking a tad bit too fast, trying to hide her watery eyes. “Fine, but... please don't swear again. Sooyoung's rubbing off on you way too much.”
“Stop babying me, Yeri. You're younger than me!” 
“Who cares about two months-” Sooyoung interrupting her by smacking the blonde's head made you crack up.
“What did you just say? I didn't hear you, Kim Yerim, I guess your bad hearing's rubbing off on me!”
Jongdae's mind was a freaking mess. With the memories of the past years and today all mixed together, the moments of tension that had practically drained him, he didn't even feel like attending Baekhyun's small party anymore- he would've rather spent time alone to think, to remember.
But he'd promised after all, and he had also said yes to band practice being set up for today due to the detention he'd gotten because Chanyeol'd behaved like a fucking caveman in class. He smiled, eyes crinkling in delight. He was reall walking through heaven and hell with that boy, but he was living for it- they were friends, after all.
“Yo, guys! It's me!”, he exclaimed as he opened the door to the small wooden hut in the Byuns' backyard, “What's going on?”
The guys immediately handed him a can of beer -Baekhyun's dad was a seemingly sad example of a single father, allowing the boys to drink at home to “man up” (when in reality, he rather had them drink at home than somewhere else, but how uncool did that sound)- and immediately discussed which song to play as an opening for tonights party and some new stuff Chanyeol had come up with, when Baekhyun put an arm around Jongdae's shoulders and slomped down next to him on the old, red leather sofa that had been a part of the Byuns' livingroom until three years ago, when Baekhyun had somehow managed to burn a butt-sized hole into one of the seats.
“I guess something good happened today? You're pretty much thrilled up today!” Jongdae sent a silent toast to his two friends and emptied his can before speaking.
“Well, you could say so. Nice weather-”
“-nice skirt, you mean.” Chanyeol took a seat in a blue armchair opposite to them. Baekhyun eyed them curiously, while Jongdae tried to hide in the collar of his shirt, immediately getting the hint.
“Your date was wearing a nice skirt today- a bit too long for my taste, but you've always been the conservative one here- Ey!”, the giant exclaimed when Jongdae's beer can collided with his head.
“Date? You were on a date?! Why didn't you tell us you had a girl wrapped around your little finger? Who is it? Spill the tea already!!” Baekhyun nudged Jongdae's side, obviously proud of his buddy.
Jongdae opened his mouth to speak, but before he could make sure that whatever answer he was going to give seemed solid, Chanyeol rolled his eyes and, holding his head, added “Naw, just kidding. I saw him in town with Brainy. They were eating ice cream. Should've seen them, Dae was so much into acting all lovey-dovey and sharing with her, I thought he was going to feed her at any moment- AH!” He tried to hold back his laughter, but failed miserably and ended up stubbing his toe at the coffee table.
“Serves you right!”, Jongdae happily yelled, before turning around to get some nice comment out of Baekhyun. “Doesn't it- hey, what's up? Someone stole your tongue?” He furrowed his eyebrows, repeating his friend's past action and nudging his shoulder playfully- but all he got was Baekhyun shoving him away and off the sofa. “Ey, what the fuck was that for?!”
“So, you're seeing her now?”, Baekhyun growled, head hanging low enough for his bangs to hide his face. “You're seeing each other? You're finally dating that sad excuse of a bitch-  Fine, congratulations.” He made an attempt to get up and walk over to his keyboard, but Jongdae was faster- he jumped up from his position on the floor and pushed Baekhyun back to the couch, making him trip over his own feet and causing him to fall backwards with his back hitting the leather first. “Jongdae, what the fuck?!”
“What's your fucking problem?”, Jongdae yelled, throwing his hands up in the air to express his irritation, but also ready for a possible fight. “I told-”
“-I think I should be the one asking you two just that”, Chanyeol threw in, getting between the two smaller guys to prevent any more damage. “Jongdae, lower your fucking butt and then talk it out!”, he shouted, causing the other two to shut up for a moment and get back to their senses, realizing he had usually been the one they had to calm down and aid him with his anger management.
“I definitely didn't intend to make the two of you scratch each others' eyes out when I made that stupid joke.”
Jongdae huffed once, twice, and eventually a third time before laying his eyes upon Baekhyun again. “So? I'm waiting for your answer, dumbass.”
“What's there to wait for? I already wished you well, asshole.” Baekhyun wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, facial expression still falling a mile a minute. “I hope you and that annoying little piece of crap will live well and experience your happy ever after.”
“What reason do you have to treat her like that? I remember you telling us you liked her, Baek!  Whenever you talk about her now, it's like you've become a whole different person! Did some kind of ghost get a hold of you and tell you to treat her like shit from one day to another? Or-”
“That's the fucking problem, you dumbass!” Chanyeol grabbed his chest in surprise, as Jongdae stayed unfaced by their friend getting up and slamming his hands flat on the table, their bottles jumping in unision.
“To be honest”, Baekhyun's voiced seemed forced and compressed, as if he tried his best to withstand the urge to talk, “I... like Y/N.”
It was a weird, maybe even comical moment, with the rapid exchange of eye contact between Chanyeol and Jongdae, the latter feeling the hair in his neck standing up one after another, while Baekhyun shifted in his seat as if his blonde friend was a bomb that was about to explode. Unexpectedly, Chanyeol was the first one to regain his ability to speak.
“You what?”
“It's true. I've been in love with her for about... four years now”, Baekhyun started, elbows now resting on his knees, his face hidden in his hands to hide the embarrassment that started to show on his face.
“I... never knew”, Chanyeol mumbled, something like awe showing on his face, but he was too scared to drag things into a humorous direction just now. He'd never seen his friends in such a dead-serious moment, though he somewhat felt like this was all part of either a hidden camera prank, or some kind of cheesy romance novel.
“Well, me neither”, Jongdae growled, too overwhelmed by his own feelings of Baekhyun suddenly stepping up as a potential rival in a fight for your heart (though it was very unlikely that Yerim or Sooyoung would let you get close to any of them after what happened).
When Baekhyun realized his friends had nothing else to add, he continued, keeping his face low as he shifted awkwardly on the old red sofa beneath his butt. “I thought that, if I kept humiliating her, I would at some point start to believe in my own words, that I would like her less, maybe even dislike her someday- be able to let go and move on- but it's not that easy.” His gaze shifted to Jongdae, who was still furious, his whole body shaking from anger and irritation. “Whenever I hurt her, I saw your eyes, the sadness it pushed you into- and I knew that, while my head told me to stop this, my heart had made the right choice. She may be weird, but if someone like you falls for her, Y/N must be one hell of a girl- a rare catch, like a diamond.”
With his gaze still resting upon Jongdae, he missed the way Chanyeol furrowed his eyebrows and mouthed something along the line what the fuck?, falling into a trance as he slowly started to realize the direction this was taking.
“After a while, I noticed I like it when she cries or shies away from me- it's cute, but-”
“-Wow, you're one fucking asshole.”
Baekhyun sighed and nodded, eyes carrying a small glint of sadness. “True, Dae, I was going to say exactly that. I'm an asshole for making her feel so down, and I possibly hate myself the most for it- but I'm also your friend, and so I decided to start over. I promise I'll behave-”
Chanyeol regretted only waking up from his trance the second he heard the crack caused by Jongdae's fist hitting Baekhyun's nose with full force.
Back to the LiaL Masterpost || Chapter 3
tagging: @noona-clock​ @trishmarieco @cramelot @jjong-dae77 @lovebuginlove
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hand-painted-5tars · 5 years
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I said i was gonna make a playlist but all i did was a doodle of Mr "im enlisting 2 years early"
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fearless17svt · 3 years
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Hello everyone!!
My name is JD, and honestly, don’t know what I’m doing here. I should be taking care of my adults responsabilities and stop procrastinating, but no, here I am.
I’ve used tumblr for a long time to read some fics and that kind of stuff, and finally I’ve decided to do it on my own. Recently I started to have some interest on writing and I’ll post my attempts here ^^
Mostly it’s going to be imagines, threads, short writings... kpop related, specially SEVENTEEN. But I would like to try something for any other group, Harry Potter or whatever I have inspiration for.
As you might have noticed I’m a Carat, but also EXO-L and MyDay. Well, in general I like a bunch of kpop groups, but those three are my top fav.
I have different fan accounts on instagram if you want to check them out:
@chensaur.21 - EXO related
@fearless17svt - I post imagines and threads (I’m not sure what is that mess)
@dokyeom.pizzaboy - SVT related
I don’t really know how this works, so I’ll try my best and sorry if I make any mistake. Let’s see how long I can keep up with this ;)
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guardians-of-exo · 6 years
Some of your favorite exo blogs , you could recommend ?!
Oh there's so many good ones out there we can't remember them all but here's some that came to mind; ❤️@daelightsunshine @xiuxiuflake @chensaur @osh-hun @incorrectexoquotes @sefuns @noona-clock @g-exo @xiusmybeautifulnightmare
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exoxoxoexol-blog · 7 years
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CHEN! I'll start by saying thank you; thank you for being born, thank you for being talented, thank you for being in Exo, thank you for always working hard, thank you for always being noisy, thank you for dancing (honey I know you tried :)), thank you for hitting high notes, thank you for smiling, thank you for breathing, thank you for existing. Our jongdae have turned 25 today! I wish you all the best in the world, cause you deserve it. I may be far for from you RN but I hope that my feelings reach you. I'm just that one fan in the crowd, but remember that I'm always here supporting you and EXO. I hope you take care of your health, you were always busy and your schedules were always full. I hope that you keep your smiles even when you're behind the camera, I mean I hope that your smiles are always genuine because I want you to be really happy. There are always hard times but you have EXO with you and millions of EXO-L's to support you always. I might have failed to say everything here but I just wanted to let you know that you're special, you're loved and you're the best. Happy birthday, Chen, Jongdae, Chensaure, Chensing Machine, and your other names! 😘😘❤❤❤
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baekyeol-fics · 9 years
Hiiii its so rare to see the askbox open lol thank you for your hard work! Can i just ask you for a list of your most fav fluff and humor fics? Thanks! ^^
dumping again ^^, fluff and humor:
Even Though We Ain’t Got Money, I’m So In Love With You Honey
I Just Called To Say I Love You
Of Fanfictions and Park Chanyeol
Untitled (dentist!AU)
Make A Day Feel Like A Minute
Love Or Something Like It
Some Things Just Make Sense (Even After All This Time)
Someday Dream
Pinch Me
Open When
The Cool Dude Who Sang That Madonna Song In The Halls And Got Away With It
It Began With A Bet
A Thousand Hogwarts Kisses
Summer Kitchen
More Than Meets The Eye
So Sick of Love Songs
Whisper Dirty French into My Ear
Fall, Cuddles, And Other Extreme Sports
Beauty in the Breakdown
You Cause Me Pain (But I Think I Like It)
I Am Because We Are (Ubuntu)
Call Me
Lady Luck (in the Library)
Something Good Can Work
Spare The Rod, And Spoil The Child
i haven’t updated my faves page. so basically i’m using this for my future reference. haha! but make sure to visit other admins’ fluff and humor fic faves right HERE. Enjoy!
- Admin Rose
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knets-on-baekhyun · 10 years
hii ^^ i know you dont take requests but i found this article that mentioned baek.. i think its positive looking at the comments, but im not sure what exactly is being talked about~ m[]news[]naver[]com/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=106&oid=108&aid=0002379346 hope you could translate it! thanks for ur hard work! ^^
i finished translating and gonna post it. And you’re welcome =]]
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writingstuffandmore · 5 years
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Member:- Chen x Reader (ft Suho, Chanyeol and Baekhyun)
Genre:- Fluff 
"Phew! It's been a tiring day", Jongdae thought, finally after a hard and long day of practice and recordings the day got over. All the boys were taking a small refreshment break before they all go and change their sweaty clothes into fresh pairs, maybe go for hangout after all it's their 'Chenchen's' birthday. Everyone wished the birthday boy and got alot of presents. He was happy but still only one person hadn't wished him, that person was you. His lovely wife, he thought that maybe due to work and important meeting you have forgotten to wish him, no message no call and plus you went to the States it added a cherry on the cake. The time difference is quite big.
Letting a sigh, he changed his practice clothes into some casuals. A pair of black tight pants and a beautiful Chinese collar shirt, sleeves rolled up to elbows. He was ready and waited for the rest of the boys. "If Y/N would be there she wouldn't have left your side" Chanyeol said, "no wait left his side she won't have made him come out" Baekhyun added with a smirk as he came out of his room. Jongdae blushed, his face was as red as a ripe tomato. "Shut up, guys", he said but then he became sad, he missed you so much. After, some time the boys were ready and were about to leave, a knock came on the door. Who would be there, it's quite late everyone thought and then Suho opened the door. A delivery boy was standing with a trolley covered with a white cloth and a huge parcel, he said that a parcel has been sent for Mr Kim Jongdae, "yes I am here" Jongdae said but who has sent it, he asked. "The sender's name is not there sir" the young boy replied, it's fine Suho said and took the parcel. Once, the parcel was inside it had a note attached, 'For my lovely Chensaur❤️, Wish something before you open', it read. Jongdae closed his eyes for moment and then opened the parcel, behold you came out of the parcel... "Happy Birthday Sweetheart" you said and gave him a peck on the lips. Jongdae was too shocked to react, it literally took him few minutes to register that you came and you there with him! Jagi, Jagi-yaa, he whined and you started laughing. "You still look so handsome, hot and young sweetie", you said before taking his hand and leading him to the trolley, removing the cloth to lay a few presents and a China dish covered with a glass lid. Jongdae went and removed the lid, there stood a choco chip cake with Happy Birthday Jongdae written with a white icing. After, the cake cutting and all, he asked you, "babe, you went to the States for around week or so. How did you come so early, by early I mean very early?" You answered feigning hurt , " aren't you happy that I came." "No, no that's not what I meant", he said raising his hands in defense. " I am teasing you and answer to your question, you know being Head of the Association has its perks", you said with a smirk and his smile widen. "I love you so much", he said and with that you all left for his little birthday celebration.
@kimjongdaely @byunfirstlady @playboyseho @suhoerections @ohsenhun @gochushot @fallen-for-sehun @baekhyun-notbacon-nct @an-annyeoing-writer @ninibears-erigom
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exowolf-reactions · 7 years
EXO Reaction when you're staying over at the dorm but his room’s a mess
Xoxo, Admin A~
/I don’t own any of the gifs used, unless stated otherwise/
*Him trying to show you how good he “cleaned”his room* “This is the final part jagi.. see?”
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“Okay, I have a few minutes to hide the most important things before she arrives... where are my boxers with hearts and unicorns?”
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“Clean? What do you mean by ‘Cleaning together’ I thought we were going to have some bonding time... no this wasn’t my idea of bonding...”
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“Eeek.... what is that smell... bet it’s the pizza I ate two nights ago... okay jagi we better go to the living room before something alive comes under my clothes”
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“Hey bro just one second... I need to borrow your room... yeah she’s coming and mine is a mess... just for tonight please?” *Going to the Bros for help*
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“oh never mind the mess jagi.. we’re going to make our own mess anyway, there’s no point in cleaning”
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*Trying his very best to keep your mind busy* “Look at me baobei.. not at that pile of clothes.... unless you want mine gone too”
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“Hmm.... I think it’s ready... I can’t promise anything so don’t be mad okay? I tried my best... come in..” *Welcome to Chensaur’s sanctuary*
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“Well... the closet will do for now... as long as she doesn’t open it I won’t have a problem...” *Last minute clean up*
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*Cleans as much as he can in five minutes* “No distractions! She’s coming to visit! Ohhhh what a cute unicorn... no no I can do that later!”
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*Trying to keep your eyes away from the mess* “No no don’t look there, that’s boring. Look here, my mangas are amazing!”
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byunxings · 10 years
riveroftarth answered to your post “BaekChen fic recs?”
"Linger on me" (hand kink WOW) 
chensaur answered to your post “BaekChen fic recs?”
idiots in japan
this one is good too! exorbitantly.dreamwidth.org/11122.html
yay, thank you~ \o/
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exowolf-reactions · 7 years
EXO Hogwarts Houses’ traits
Anon requested this to be based in the moodboards I did last month. (go here).  This is my work, please don’t steal it. Xo, Ara~
Chanyeol: We have to admit that this boy would do anything, he has a lot of courage, honestly so much that we can’t call it braveness anymore, he’s a little recklessness. He’s become very daring with the time, he’s so open and nice to be with. Always fun, always has love to give. I would also include chivalry to the list.
Baekhyun: Like Channie, Baekkie is so much fun, he’s a very caring and loving boy. But he’s also like a bomb, he has so much energy it’s hard to caught up to him. I do think Baek is very brave and courageous and definitely be a gentleman even though he might have a short temper every now and then.
Yixing: Ohhh where to begin. He’s definitely a lion. So he’s very hard working yes, very talented and someone you’d love to spend the day with. He’s very loyal like the lions and also has his mind lord knows where. In the lion nirvana or something. He’s very very brave and radiates courage but I don’t think he’d be recklessness, he does has this sense of cautiousness. He wants to be there for everyone, be a good friend, give his love. Honestly he’d be an amazing lion. I do think chivalry is another trait he has.
Junmyeon: I see Hufflepuff like a big family and honestly Suho is the definition of it. He’s has so much love in his heart, he’s so pure. He’s also very dedicated and hard working, things that represent this house. Honestly patience and loyalty are things that can be found in him too. He’s kinda the definition of Hufflepuff tbh. XD
Sehun: I’m pretty sure a lot of people disagree with me and say Sehun is “cold” or had this “bad boy image” and should probably be in “Slytherin or Ravenclaw” but here me out. Sehun is more timid than cold, he’s more of a pure boy than a bad boy. He’s often misunderstood because he doesn’t open himself that easily. But he’s loyal and appreciates loyalty a lot, he’ll be part of your family, be that friend who will always be there. He’s also very hard working and admires people that are as well. There’s so much of this house in him that I can’t help him as to see him as a yellow fella. 
Jongin: I do think Nini is way more smarter than what we think/see, but like a good Capricorn and Ravenclaw he won’t let you see everything about him. He’s also very very very creative and original and probably very strict, critic, harsh on himself. He might be full of energy but also needs some quiet time, some time for himself; he appreciates his individuality  and knows how to make the best of it. 
Luhan: He’s very wit, has so much creativity and is very original. The acceptance that the ravens have is also with him. He has a lot of energy and definitely makes the best out of it. Although he is probably good in team work I do think he prefers being left alone sometimes, working only with himself, relying only on his mind. He’s very intelligent in many different ways and wise. We often tend to forget he’s one of the oldest and has gone through a lot which has given him a lot to learn from.
Minseok: I do see Minnie as a very wise person, a very intelligent one and definitely very individual. He’s quiet, always observing, always thinking. Probably would be the best to be a judge in a situation that requires it too. He’s very strict with himself, with what he does, likes order but also originality. Although he’s very reserved I do think that in that mind of his he has a whole world of dreams and creativity that would definitely surprise you. He’s a good enigma, like a good Ravenclaw.
Jongdae: Chensaur kinda fits everywhere, he has so many traits that make it hard. He’s very loving, caring, loyalty is a thing, fun is his middle name but he’s also an enigma. Likes his individuality, enjoys it. He’s so talented and creative that can make a pencil turn into the most amazing thing ever. I do think acceptance is a part of him too and so are intelligence and wisdom. He might be one of the wisest boys you will ever meet.
Kyungsoo: I ad long debates with Liz about this. I would say Raven and she would say Snake. Why did I end up choosing the green house? Easy. Ambition. This isn’t a bad thing, please don’t think the green house is synonym of evil because it’s not. It’s the person the one who chooses who to become. Kyungsoo might be the most loving person in this planet but he’s also very reserved, won’t open easily, won’t give his heart to just anyone. He has a lot of ambition too, he wants to be better and better. Determined is his definition and cunning his middle name. I do think the Self-Preservation part of the snakes is in him, maybe not as how you think of this trait, more like he doesn’t want to lose himself, or forget who he is. And let’s not forget fraternity, there’s no way this boy would betray his brothers, family, friends.
Zitao: Ambition describes Tao pretty well to be honest. He’s very determined and cunning. Actually he’s very strict, critic, selective. I do think he’s a little impulsive to be a snake but that’s just he’s personality, he has a lot of energy that can be focused on so many things like being the best, or drawing his path  to success. 
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exowolf-reactions · 7 years
EXO Vampie!Au Reaction when you can't handle your blood necessity anymore so they tell you to bite them
They aren’t vampires btw. That’s what the anon requested c: Xo, Admin A~
/I don’t own any of the gifs used, unless stated otherwise/
“Please do it jagi… I know your life depends on it… don’t waste any more time… just.. make it quick” *Those neck veins look tempting*
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“Who wouldn’t want to bite my neck? I would love to bite my own neck… do it for me jagi? Tell me how the experience was” *Convincing you in his own dorky way because why not. You know it works*
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“I promise you I won’t cry!” *Okay maybe he will but he won’t run away because he loves you* “Next time do it while I sleep okay? Nothing wakes me up in my sleep”
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“Why are you more worried than me? It’s okay jagi, I know you will only drink the necessary. Better be me than a stranger.. I would be pretty jealous to be honest, so just bite me” *because jealouse can be greater than fear xD*
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“I’m starting to feel a little dizzy jagi… is this normal? Probably is… just tell me you are feeling better… before I lose consciousness” *And still, he knows he will wake up with you by his side*
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“You can bite my neck and maybe.. we can get a little kinky after…” *Trying to be positive here*
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“It’s okay baobei, I’m not scared of you. That’s exactly why I’m asking you to do it, I want you to be okay. Just drink okay? Even if it’s just a sip, you need some energy” *Worried Lu*
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*Doesn’t it look like his neck is calling you?* “Come get me baby girl… I know you want me.. and I want you. IF you don’t bite me, I’ll bite you” *Hows appealing this Chensaur*
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“If you can do it because you need it then do it because you love me. I love you Y/N and I want this, I want to be useful to the one I love so please… let me help you.. let me cease your pain” *From the bottom of his heart*
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“Unbelievable.. you are worried that it might leave a scar? That’s what troubles you baobei? That’s the last of my concerns… I’m more worried of what hunger might do to you. Do it baobei, we’ll worry about the wound later” *You are more important to him*
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“We promised we would be there for each other when we needed it and right now you need me jagi. Why do you keep refusing? I know… I know this is not ideal but we are talking about your life… you know I would give my life for yours jagi.. so please” *If his words aren’t enough to convince you, his tears are*
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