#cherry blossom angst
chateautae · 2 years
cherry blossoms | pjm. (m)
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banner by the uber talented jen @itaeewon​ !!
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➵ summary: despising the lack of offensive capability to your lackluster powers, your father, the school’s chancellor, signs you up for lessons with the magic university’s top-rated guard, park jimin. known to be an intense, reserved man with ruthless skills in battle, you come to learn he not only goes hard in a fight, but goes hard in another ruthless form of art—fucking.
➵ pairing: mentor!jimin x chancellor’s daughter!reader
➵ genre: magic!au, university!au, student/mentor!au, bit of mutual pining, sexual angst, absolute porn but with some plot :]
➵ rating: 18+
➵ word count: 12k
➵ warnings: swearing, loads of bickering, delicIOUS angst, sexual tension, pining hehe, explicit sexual content, dom!jimin, making out, sir kink!!, praising ♥, slight body worship, biting, marking, sooo much breast play/fondling, scratching, dirty talk, finger-fucking, cum-tasting, oral (f. recieving), unprotected public sex (nobody sees themm and pls be smarter), sex in the rain, rough sex, multiple orgasms <3
➵ a/n: so sorry for the delay on this loves!! i’m in the middle of finals and working as well so things are hectic, but i hope you enjoy this little jimin fic i’ve had in mind for so long!! please excuse mistakes as I did not have a beta. as always, your feedback in appreciated <3
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"Dad, you have to let me out of these lessons!"
"Y/N, you know I'm not going to do that."
Grumbling, you followed after your father into his stuffy office. Grandiose, far too cluttered, and decorated with ridiculous magical items far too eclectic for your taste. This space only heightened your concern for your father’s sanity. He could hardly remember where he placed his glasses in here; there’s no way he’s sensible enough to justify keeping you in these hellish lessons. 
“Dad, please. I know you said Mr. Park is a good fighter but that’s not what I need. I need somebody to teach me about my magic, not show me how to throw a punch.” 
Your father grievously sighed, taking a tired seat behind his desk. “Honey, being able to use magic comes from our ability to fight, to defend ourselves and protect our friends. What Jimin is teaching you is exactly what you need.” 
“But he sucks, dad!” You wailed, stomping your foot. You didn’t care how bratty you sounded despite being a full-grown woman, there was nothing you despised more than waltzing into that practice room and having your dignity stripped from you. Jimin was too damn ruthless; he didn’t understand the concept of baby steps and refused to comprehend gentler forms of teaching—he was a nightmare.
“He’s a goddamn menace, dad. I swear I’ll die before I learn how to use these dumb powers.” You made a show of opening your palm and letting your sorry-assed cherry blossoms dance over your fingers, flashing your father an irritated look. 
He furrowed his thick brows before leaning forward on his desk, peering at you seriously. “Do you mean to say he’s not treating you right, Y/N?” 
Sensing his over-protectiveness, you shut him down. “No, dad. He treats me fine, it’s just… it’s hard, okay? His lessons are too hard. I feel like I’m not learning anything and just making a fool out of myself. You have to get me somebody else.” 
“Y/N, honey, I wish I could tell you there was an easier option, but there isn’t.” He stressed as kindly as possible, flipping open his tattered book of spells. He attempted to locate his reading glasses as he spoke—yeah, he’s certainly not sane enough. “Your powers are just unique and they require more specialized training in order to reach your full potential.” 
“That sounds like a really sugar-coated way of saying they basically suck.” Your tone oozed bitterness, folding your arms with a huff. Your father exhaled despondently, meeting your gaze with sympathy.
“Your powers don’t suck, honey. You know our magic is just a manifestation of our personas, and you’ve inherited your mother’s Earth element. Your cherry blossoms are beautiful powers we don’t see in generations, you should be more proud of them.” 
“Please, dad. You have lava as a goddamn power and mom can literally make hurricanes, how are cherry blossoms even close to that?” 
Your father shook his head in disappointment, rising from his seat to address you sternly. “Y/N, the only reason your powers aren’t strong is because you keep putting yourself down and undermining your ability. You need to stop that, and Jimin’s training will help you if you try. I truly believe he’ll draw out the best of your abilities.” 
Even if you contended he was right, your stubbornness won over, still pissed about this unjust kerfuffle you’ve suffered ever since your birth. Why did you have to be born with such shitty powers? Why did you have to train ten times harder than everyone else? Why were you subjected to brutal lessons that didn’t teach you a lick of anything?
Consumed by rage, your features furrowed with anger, words laced with a cutthroat tone. “Fine, but if I actually die or end up getting horribly injured, then it’ll be your fault, dad.” 
Before he could respond, you stormed off, making sure you slammed the door of his office before disappearing into the hall. 
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Rolling your eyes where he couldn’t see, you replicated the exact sequence Jimin showed you earlier, focusing all your power into your hits and punches. On the last blow, the dummy actually tipped over, clattering on the ground with a thud. Your face lit up instantly—you’ve never done that before. 
“Holy shit!” You cheered, facing Jimin with a radiant smile. “I fucking did it!” 
“No, you didn’t.” Jimin scorned you, rigidly walking over to reposition the dummy. “That was a sloppy performance, do it again.” 
Exasperated, you held out your arms. “What the fuck, Jimin? Are you seriously going to tell me that wasn’t good? And please, performance should be more so your concern.” 
Jimin’s eyes suddenly hazed over with something dark and cold at your innuendo, causing a shiver to crawl up your spine—it’s like the devil himself was reaching into your soul and scraping it out of your body. “It isn’t about concentrating all your power into one move. It makes you sloppy and inconsistent, you need to learn how to control your power and appropriately distribute it throughout your body.” 
“Wha–” You scoffed, confoundment riddling your features. “What the hell does this have to do with magic? You wanted me to repeat the sequence, and I did, what’s your problem?” 
Jimin broke out into a dangerously low scoff. His crossed arms didn’t exactly help the situation, nor his tense and delicious body. 
Yes, your mentor was insanely gorgeous. His lush lips, soft nose and majestic eyes were like deadly weapons. His flawlessly-sculpted cheekbones and jawline had girls at your school squealing, and it was especially hot whenever he locked his jaw when he was pissed at you, but you weren’t going to let your hormones win this fight. So what if his lean muscles appeared god-like when they were covered in sweat? Or when he swept his ring-slated hands through his luscious locks of raven-black hair? His good looks had nothing on you, even if your focus often deviated whenever the Adonis-like man lifted his shirt for even a millisecond. 
You are totally not whipped. 
You lost all function when Jimin suddenly closed in on you, boring black holes into your irises. “First of all, you need to stop cussing at me. I don’t appreciate it. Second of all, I don’t remember giving you permission to address me so casually. Where’s your ‘Sir’?” 
“Well my fucking bad, Sir. I’m a goddamn 22 year-old university student and I can swear as much as I want.” You matter-of-factly retorted. “And last time I checked, you’re not some 40-year-old I’m gonna call Sir.” 
“I’m old enough.” He gritted, piercing your very soul. “Now, get in your stance and try out the sequence on me. And this time, try to do as I say.” 
Flashing him a dirty look, you propped a hand on your hip, saccharinely smiling. “Sorry, Sir. Can’t try out the sequence on you—I’ll probably break your bones.” 
Tonguing the inside of his cheek, Jimin sent you an electric gaze that prickled your veins, completely blindsided when he suddenly performed the sequence on you. He disarmed you within seconds, barely managing to block his hits. Before you knew it, he caged you in his arms, your back crashing into his chest. 
“Jimin–what the fuck!” 
“Didn’t I always tell you to keep your guard up?” He harshly instructured, squeezing you to his frame in an inescapable lock. He wasn’t hurting you, he was holding you as lightly as possible so as to not harm you—he always did that. But dear God, could you feel your legging-cladded ass snug against his crotch, and you’d disintegrate if you ever got a feel for what he hid between his legs. 
“So what? We were just talking!” 
“And there will be countless scenarios where you’re merely speaking to someone before they attack you.” Jimin harshly reminded you. “Listen to me for once, Y/N.” 
Frustrated by his strong arms, you dropped your weight and squirmed out of his deadly hold, shoving him off you. “This has nothing to do with magic! I don’t listen to you because you teach me jackshit.” 
Jimin sighed as he swept a hand over his stunning face. “This has everything to do with magic, Y/N. You just refuse to see it.” 
“Oh yeah?” You challenged Jimin, crossing your arms as you bitterly guffawed. “Is that really it? Or because you don’t have the balls to actually come at me with your magic?” 
Jimin’s look wasn’t just dark anymore, his glare hardened into onyx. He was seething with frustration he was holding back for your sake, evidenced by his clenched jaw. His muscles tensed, and his steps towards you became menacing. “Oh really? I’m too scared to use my magic against you? How’s about this?” 
Subsequently, Jimin waved his hands and manifested shadowy, pitch black ropes that seemed just as lethal as they looked. Before you could breathe, he launched one at you, causing you to shriek as you poorly defended yourself. 
Another whip came flying at you, fearfully raising your palms and projecting enough cherry blossoms to cushion his heavy blow. You protected yourself again, and again, and again until your back pressed against the studio mirrors behind you, screeching when Jimin’s ominous black ropes came rushing towards you like harrowing hands. You cowered, utterly helpless as you trembled.
To your surprise, the black ropes halted right before you, retracting within seconds. You uncovered your fearful face and watched Jimin’s obsidian eyes melt back into their chocolatey brown, his intense gaze fixated on you. 
Your fury boiled over then, irately raising your voice. “What the fuck was that for?!” 
“That’s what you wanted, wasn’t it? You wanted me to use my magic on you, didn’t you?” 
“Not like that, you ass! How could you do that?!” 
Within seconds, Jimin’s hands were either side of your head, slamming against the mirrors behind you. Your breath hitched as his intense presence permeated you, staring at him in confuddled awe. 
“To show you that you’re not ready,” steam practically blew out of his nose, his hard eyes and imposing aura suffocating you with alpha male energy. “You can’t handle me, or my magic.” 
You must’ve been crazy, borderline lunatic to think his words held a deeper meaning. You couldn’t lie; Park Jimin was known to be an insanely intense, brooding man. He was primarily quiet, stuck to himself and performed his duties with exemplary skill. He was quite the enigma; nobody truly knew his background information or how he grew up, let alone his age. 
The nosy students of your school only made a rough estimate when somebody unearthed the information that he started working for your father when he was 12, and someone else overheard an executive member mention that he’s served the school for a stellar 15 years. That placed his age at the rough estimate of 27, though he could be younger or older for all you knew. 
So indeed, Jimin was correct. Maybe you couldn’t really handle him, he’s dark and mysterious and dangerous and made all your alarms fire off in succession, but he was enthralling all the same. Even if you knew your skill was nil compared to his, challenging him made things all the more fun—he always looked so sexy when you pissed him off. 
“Who says I can’t handle you? I’ve been keeping up with your hellish lessons.” 
Jimin narrowed his demon eyes. “Barely; if you listened to me, you’d flourish faster.” 
Scoffing, you dismantled his makeshift cage around you, pushing his arms away. “Maybe if you actually taught me magic, I’d be inclined to listen.” 
“You want me to teach you about magic? Well how’s about this; magic is unpredictable, volatile, and entirely out of your control. And until you learn how to do something as simple as controlling the power distribution in your own body, you’ll never be ready enough to use your own powers. Never.” 
Opening your mouth to counter him, emotions welled up within you instead. His words were lethal, stabbing you through the chest and stifling any confidence you had. 
This is exactly why you despised him and his lessons. All they ever did was pinpoint your weaknesses, like he was always rubbing salt in your wounds and enjoyed watching you squirm with agony. 
He seemed to notice your glassy eyes, a sliver of sympathy cracking through his mask of stoicism. 
“Y/N, you just need to listen to me.” He approached you, apprehensive about coming any closer when you clearly appeared too shaken—his eyes softened momentarily. “You have to stop resisting me and your powers. Your father gave me this task and I will honour him by seeing it through. You have to accept your magic… you have to accept me.” 
Utterly distressed, you couldn’t handle him anymore. Not the hint of care in his gorgeous irises, not the scent of him casting a spell on you, or how his imposing aura lit a fire inside your trembling soul—none of it was within your capacity anymore. 
You marched across the practice room to haul your bag over your shoulder and ran out on him—you were too embarrassed to face him, and nothing you could do would salvage your dignity after that. 
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It’d been a week since that last encounter with Jimin, having barely focused on your lectures for the grueling days. You didn’t look forward to seeing him this afternoon at all, having frowned and grumbled throughout most of your listless day. 
“Y/N, Jungkook just blocked, aren’t you going to cheer for him?” 
Pulled out of your reverie, your vision cleared up to find Jungkook flexing his muscles across the field as the scoreboard remained the same, your school leading by an astounding 20. 
“Jungkook will forgive me, he knows I’ve been bummed.” 
“I know he’s your best friend, but best friends appreciate support the most. You should cheer for him.” Nila benignly suggested, whooping when your school earned possession of the ball first. 
Reluctantly, your eyes followed after the soccer ball wriggling between bulky pairs of legs until it was eventually kicked in Jungkook’s direction. Your breath caught in your lungs when you watched the ball hurtle towards the very corner of the net, but there was no need to fret. 
Jungkook leapt across the net and cleverly caught the ball with his gigantic gloves, the school erupting into bouts of cheers. You smiled brightly and hollered for Jungkook as he proudly grinned at the crowd and his teammates, clearing the ball far down the field towards your school’s midfielders. 
“There, is that better?” You swiveled around to Nila with a full-of-it face. 
“Damn,” she shook her head, “Mr. Park really does get your panties in a twist.” 
“What?” Nila feigned innocence, sipping on her iced coffee. “You’re the one who didn’t shut up about the one inch of ab you got from him two weeks ago. And recently you haven’t shut up about him getting all up in your space, either.” 
Pouting, you narrowed your eyes at her. “Whatever; he’s still an ass.” 
“Mm. From what everyone’s seen, he’s got a hot ass.” 
Mouth falling agape, you smacked Nila’s arm as she exclaimed in pain. “Ow! Y/N, listen, I get you’re mad at him but don’t take it out on me!” 
“I know I’m-I’m sorry.” You sighed, moping on the bleachers. “He just has me on edge; am I ever gonna get better? Am I really just that crap at magic?” 
Nila softened upon hearing your qualms, reaching out and curling her arm around your shoulders. “Hey, isn’t magic all about our will to fight? Last time I checked, you’ve got the most fight and willpower I’ve ever seen. You can do it, Y/N, you just have to put your mind to it.”
Sulking in your seat, her advice resonated with you, lightening up. “I guess.” You contended. “Well, tell Jungkook I had to leave early again for my lessons. Text me the updates.” 
“Of course. You’ll have to prepare your bank account for him either way, though. You know he eats a lot whether he’s happy from winning or sad from losing.” 
Chuckling, you thanked her for her words and slinged your tote bag over your shoulder, ready to step down the bleachers. 
“Oh, wait. Y/N. You just reminded me.” Nila suddenly clasped your elbow, swiveling towards her. 
“What’s up?” 
“So, I don’t know how true this is. But apparently Mr. Park got into some shit in the afternoon.” She relayed. “I don’t know if he’s still pissed or not, but I’ve heard he’s been extra mean today.” 
“What?” You incredulously exclaimed. “You’re fucking kidding me, what shit did he get into?” 
“I don’t know the specifics, but apparently he got into a spat with some of the other guards. Again, not entirely sure, but some of Jungkook’s friends heard that it started over you.” 
Bewilderment etched into your features, sitting shocked, practically electrocuted. “O-over me? What? Why?” 
“Don’t know.” Nila shrugged her shoulders. “But it seemed like the other guards said something about you and it pissed off Mr. Park. He made a whole scene about it. Nat from our enchantments class said he saw Mr. Park choking one of the guards.” 
That… doesn’t even sound real. Why would Jimin get mad about something concerning you? Of all people? Why would he cause a scene by attacking one of the school’s guards? He’s usually such a calm, collected man who’s never lashed out like that; what could they have possibly said to short circuit his fuse? 
“Shit, okay. Thanks for letting me know, Nila. I’ll get more info from my dad later if I can.” 
“No problem.” Nila smiled sweetly. “I just hope he isn’t hard on you today.” 
You scoffed, shooting her a knowing look. “Please, it wouldn’t be different from any other day.” 
She laughed with you. “Hey, it kinda sounds like he’s got a soft spot for you. And he’s insanely hot too! You should jump his bones.” 
You shuddered when Nila sent you a mischievous wink, flinging a dirty look her way before quickly stepping down the bleachers. 
You jumped when your school suddenly erupted into deafening cheers. Of course, Jungkook skillfully blocked what would’ve been a nasty penalty, and you happily smiled at the sight of him shouting with his teammates, his doe eyes glistening under the blinding lights. 
Content, you paddled through the wet field grass before your smile fell from your face, remembering what Nila told you. Will Jimin be okay when you see him? You’ve seen the hard man frustrated or annoyed with you before, but never angry enough to choke another person. 
You truly hoped he was alright.
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“We’re not training here.” 
“What? Why not?” You stared perplexedly at Jimin. 
Jimin didn’t utter another word, his features drawn together in controlled irritation. Clearly, he was still pissed about whatever happened this afternoon, but he seemed to be containing it around you. 
He grasped your hand and began leading you out of your usual practice room. Your heart spasmed once his hand was in yours—bigger, warmer, callused, his cold, silver rings pressed into your palm—the sensation erupted goosebumps all over your skin. 
He’s never touched you like this before. 
You were so hyper-fixated on your connected hands that you didn’t even notice the corridors and stairs he led you through, far too captivated by the beautiful, glassy skin of his hands with a few veins bulging. He gripped you tighter as you both stepped out into a large courtyard, enclosed by four walls that housed slightly elevated halls for viewing. 
Your confused eyes flickered around the open space, unfamiliar to this area. 
“Woah, where are we?” 
“My private courtyard.” 
Taken aback, you blinked. “You… have your own courtyard?” 
Again, Jimin didn’t entertain your question, merely released your hand before he tread through the grass and set his things down. “Put your stuff with mine.” 
Obliging, you followed after him and stuffed your bag with his things, clearing your throat before you faced him at full attention. You purposefully sealed your mouth shut despite questions frolicking about in your mind. Jimin seemed moody and irritable; it’s probably best to keep quiet. 
His shoes scraped across the dry, dirt ground as he sauntered towards the center of the courtyard, kicking at some of the loose pebbles. He stopped and peered back at you, cocking his head for you to join him. 
Scrambling, you paddled over until you were across from him. You could sense his residual anger, but he appeared calmer now; either a result of his stellar self-control or perhaps… you? 
Now that’s just impossible. 
“We’re outside because you're an Earth element and would train better outside—with nature.” He explained, and your eyes automatically widened. 
“You’re… gonna teach me about magic?” 
Stoic, Jimin pursed his lips before folding his delicious arms instead. His voice was hypnotizing as he deflected, like you were a snake being charmed. “I don’t know if anyone’s told you this, but the best element among the regular five is Earth—you reap the benefits of Mother Nature and it’s the most naturally occurring element. It constantly offers pure magic.” 
“Mm.” He nods. “As an Earth element, you can constantly channel pure magic from the Earth, so it’s best to train or fight outside.” 
“Wow.” You marveled, blindsided by that information. “The other elements don’t have that?” 
“Each element offers its own benefits. Water’s abundant within everything, fire is aided by any heat, dark elements can channel the dark realms.” Jimin casually informed. “But as an Earth element, you’ll easily draw power from the nature around you.” 
“Dark elements… I thought they were the most powerful.” You trailed, considering them in your head. The Dark elements were always known to be a forbidden, scarcely discussed aspect of your magical world. It was a category of magic users that typically channeled their powers from the dark spheres of your universe, but were widely shunned upon considering one’s magic was a manifestation of their personalities. 
Dark magic could only mean their owners were dark and sometimes… villainous. 
”Technically, yes, but dark elements are usually ostracized and penalized. They’re regarded as outcasts and are often apprehended by law enforcement—their powers suffer as a result.” 
“But, Jimin,” you paused, sympathy faintly lacing your tone. “Aren’t you a dark magic user? They’re only shunned because they can do things… forbidden in the magic world.”  
Jimin’s eyes slightly widened, tensing his folded arms. His Adam’s Apple bobbed as he swallowed harshly, possibly not expecting you to know that information. You only knew because it was a rumour that floated around campus—turns out it was right. 
“Don’t ask questions, just listen.” He commanded sharply. 
Sighing, instead of becoming angry, you decided to be kinder. Being a dark element wasn’t easy; they were constantly ridiculed, incarcerated and over-policed—perhaps that's why Jimin was always so pissy. There was no doubt he faced the same struggles. “C’mon, Jimin. You want me to listen to you, don’t you?” 
Jimin’s hard stare focused elsewhere, causing you to step closer to him—you searched for his eyes and spoke with a soft, affable tone. “I’d listen to you if you told me more about yourself.” 
Jimin appeared reluctant, watching the gears in his head shift through his enigmatic eyes. He sighed before loosening his rigid muscles, dialing down his intensity. 
“I have shadow magic.” He said, his features radiating apprehension, appreciating him when he continued nonetheless. “I can create shadows.” 
To your surprise, Jimin demonstrated his ability by waving his hand and suddenly, manifesting a small cluster of cherry blossoms. They appeared similar to yours, quaint and honestly… beautiful. They were slightly translucent and shadowy, but you giggled when he blew the black petals through your hair, tickling your cheeks as they passed by. 
They fluttered majestically in the air before fading away. When your gaze locked with Jimin’s, you swear you found a faint smile on his lips as he watched you, but you decided to not entertain anything outlandish. 
“Oh my god, that was so cool!” 
He shrugged, hands stuffed into his dress pant pockets. “It can be. I can access and draw power from the shadow realm too, let’s me move through the shadows.” 
“That’s so much better than my powers.” You whined, never noticing the unconscious steps you took towards him, far too eager. “But what’s so forbidden about your magic? It’s stunning.” 
Jimin’s expression slightly contorted with shock, as though he’d never heard such a thing about his magic before. He dismantled it before you could really extrapolate anything, though, clearing his throat. “Being able to move through the shadows gives me the power to control them.” He gravely explained. “I can control other people’s shadows.” 
You furrowed your brows. “What’s so forbidden about that?” 
“Y/N…” he practically purred, staring deeply into your eyes. You attempted to subside the spark in your sex when he said your name so… sexily. “People are attached to their shadows. I can control them and make them do whatever I want—they can become my puppets.” 
Pouting, you recognized the law within your magic world he infringed upon; using magic to control others. But you knew Jimin, he would never do such a thing. 
“But you’d never do that, Jimin.” 
Jimin scoffed, his dry smile far too attractive for his own good. “And how are you so sure about that?” 
Softening, you guess you had no real clue. But something about Jimin didn’t radiate evil energy. You could feel the good in him, could sense that residing behind his ribs was a kind heart; why else would he be working at your school? Helping you out? 
Closing the space between you two, you stepped forward, utilizing the one ace you knew you had—Nila made a point earlier. 
Gazing up into his gripping stare, you dared to keep eye contact, swimming through his onyx irises rather than letting them drown you. “Because you wouldn't do that to me, would you?”
Jimin’s jaw tensed as he looked at you, his features melting from one of solid steel into malleable silver. He revealed the slightest bit of emotion as he sucked in a breath, carefully studying your face. His gaze lingered on your lips for a second longer than you expected, and you swear the tension was palpable. 
Suddenly your heart was throbbing, your blood pumping in your veins and your breaths quickening. His lips became your focus, too. So plump and utterly tempting, like they were sweeter than a popsicle on a hot summer’s day. 
And you couldn’t lie, they were the kind of fat, juicy lips you wouldn’t just want on your mouth… 
You coughed and broke eye contact once your mind descended into the gutter, also springing Jimin back to reality. He cleared his throat before stepping away from you. 
“We should train.” He swallowed.
You exhaled with stupid sexual frustration, mind brewing with all sorts of turmoil as you agreed. You could sense the guard he had, like he’d never let anybody past his hard shell. His walls were iron-clad with his heart caged, as though something dark and wild was hidden inside of him. 
But you didn’t care; you wanted more. Something about Jimin compelled you to tread further, to dip your toes in his dangerous waters and truly submerge yourself within the deep, deep ocean that was this man. 
 “Jimin, you don’t have to hide.” Your tone dripped with sympathy, approaching him again. “I’m… I’m here, okay?” 
Before you could touch him, Jimin turned his back on you, his energy now agitated. His squared shoulders were the only thing visible to you now, his one word sharper than a knife. “Stop.” 
Defeated, you sighed as your eyes lingered on his back. It appeared so… lonely, so guarded. You pushed away any prying thoughts and simply followed after him. Clearly this subject was too touchy for him—he was already housing frustration from whatever happened this morning. 
You watched as Jimin clenched his fists before turning around. He appeared far more collected, calmer, but his eyebrows still sexily drawn together. “Let’s get back to training.” 
Acquiescing, you pursed your lips as you nodded, stepping towards him. 
“Okay, I think the reason why your magic lacks offensive power is because you don’t think of them that way.” He recovered smoothly—you furrowed your brows in response. 
“What do you mean?” 
“What I mean is that magic doesn’t become powerful naturally. You need to cultivate it, weaponize it.” Jimin explained, motioning towards you. “Conjure up some cherry blossoms for me.” 
Exhaling carefully, you internally pep-talked yourself as you took your stance, driving away all daunting thoughts. Opening your palm, a cluster of cherry blossoms sprouted from it, fluttering with grace. Your gaze connected with Jimin’s as he nodded. 
“Good. Now, how do you think of your magic when you’re going to use it in a fight or in battle?” 
Sifting through your head, you contemplated a logical scenario. “I would ambush the enemy with my cherry blossoms.” 
“Mm. That’s where you’re wrong.” 
“What?” You peered at him with perplexion. “What’s wrong about that?” 
Jimin tongued the inside of his cheek before he stepped closer to you, his fierce, alluring eyes holding your attention captive. “How do you think of your cherry blossom magic?” 
You shrugged, avoiding the surge of arousal his gaze sent though you. “Simple. They’re flowers and petals.” 
“Again, wrong.” Jimin surprisingly tutted you softly. “It’s true, your magic is mainly flowers and petals, but did you ever consider that if you manifested thousands of them and launched them at the speed of light, they could be as sharp as a knife?” 
“I–” you opened your mouth to counter him, but found no rebuttal. It was true, you’ve never thought of your petals that way, you’d always considered them for what they were—cherry blossoms. “I guess?” 
Jimin flicked two fingers in the air and suddenly, a shadowy, black card manifested between his middle and index finger, drawing your attention towards it. 
“Your petals are like this card; right now they’re flimsy and harmless.” 
He purposely bends the card and plays with it, demonstrating its malleability. 
“But, if I launch the card at a high speed,” Jimin then fixed himself into a stance and speedily whipped the card right over your shoulder, hurtling towards the small tree behind you. Your shocked eyes marvelled at the card completely slicing the bark, slowly turning back towards him. 
“Okay, woah.” You contended, taken aback by his skill. “So I have to do that, but with my cherry blossoms?” 
“Mm.” He nodded, folding his delicious arms. “Think of your cherry blossoms as knives. Manifest thousands of petals and try launching them at a high speed.” 
You cleared your throat, preparing yourself. You understood what he was requesting, but you didn’t know where to begin. Something about Jimin watching you so intensely as you began was daunting, embarrassed that you might appear like a fool. 
“Could… could you not watch?” 
He quirked a brow. “Why not?” 
“Because…” You averted your eyes, attempting to be furtive about your timidness. “I don’t want you to watch me fail.” 
He sighed, long and deep, though his eyes revealed slight sympathy. “You won’t fail, Y/N. Don’t think about what other people will think; just think about you and your magic. Your cherry blossoms.” 
Absorbing his words, you focused on your magic and honed in on controlling them, manifesting a cluster large enough to at least be a hundred. You knew you were near the amount Jimin wanted, shamefully flashing your eyes in his direction where he noticed your hesitancy. 
“It’s okay Y/N. Just take a deep breath, take your time.” 
Your face revealed shock listening to his words; he’s never been so… supportive before. He appeared calm and patient, boosting your morale. You concentrated on squeezing more petals out of you, but your exhaustion was winning over, the exertion far too much. 
“Fuck!” You curse as your magic fizzled out. “I can’t fucking create more. I don’t get how I’m going to do this.” 
“Y/N…” Jimin purred again, gulping when your gaze found his soft one. 
“Fucking what Jimin?” 
“Here,” Jimin approached you, grasping your forearms from behind and suddenly, encasing you in his arms. Your breath hitched feeling his body so close to yours, the warmth radiating off him completely addicting. You wanted to melt into him, let your back press against his chest, but your thoughts were interrupted when Jimin’s gorgeous voice filled your ears. “Try it like this.” 
His breath fanned across the crest of your ear, engulfing you with vigour. Jimin’s surprisingly careful hands slithered down your forearms, curling them over your wrists. He relaxed your position, situating you to be less stiff. 
“Don’t be so stiff,” his charming, quiet voice sent ripples throughout your body. “Let yourself feel everything you feel.” 
Heeding his advice, you shut your eyes and focused on your surroundings. You could hear birdsong, chirping majestically. You could smell the fog sticking to the ground, the chillier breeze of rain clouds emerging. But you were at a crossroads; you could smell Jimin’s intoxicating male scent, musky and powerful. You could feel his rings against your heated skin, your heart thundering as you swallowed nervously. 
Jimin seemed to notice your melting. “Good, think about the nature around you.” He purred, beautiful and sweet. “Think about the ground beneath your feet; its density, its strength.” 
You inhaled meditatively as you envisioned the strength of the ground, it’s mighty rock that’s endured centuries of history. 
“Think about the millions of blades of grass around you, the enriching oxygen. Think about how every cell in your body craves that oxygen, how much you want it.” 
You shuddered, entirely engrossed by his enchanting voice, his calming presence that anchored you to the Earth. Suddenly, it was easy thinking about your cherry blossoms, channeling the traits of all the elements you considered. 
Magically, thousands of little petals flowed out of you, opening your eyes to find a gorgeous school of pink blossoms. 
“Oh my god,” you marvalled, breath catching in your throat. “Oh my god, oh my god!” You were mesmerized, not having seen such a magnificent cluster of your own abilities, the petals moving at your command. 
You swear you could feel Jimin smile behind you, your eyes bright and radiant with triumph. “That was amazing, Y/N.” 
Grinning from ear to ear, you cheerfully regard him, hands too antsy for more. “Teach me more, teach me more!” 
“Of course,” he beautifully chuckled, and you quickly noticed what a rare sight that was, a symphonious sound. “Try thinking of that tree as an enemy. Get mad. Envision your cherry blossoms annihilating it, and think of the Earth around you helping you.” 
Positioning yourself again, Jimin took a light step back as you controlled your swarm of cherry blossoms. You zeroed-in on his advice, adopting a state of zen that allowed you to concentrate on your abilities. Within seconds of allowing yourself a stream of thoughts, you felt your veins surge with insurmountable power, your irises heat, and your fingertips feel tingly as your petals launched towards the tree. 
The bark incurred a significant amount of damage, your blossoms trickling away into thin air as they dispersed. Again, you celebrated, turning to Jimin with a victorious smile. 
“Holy shit, I actually did that!” 
Jimin’s slight, proud grin honestly shot an arrow through your heart. “Yes you did, Y/N.” 
Subsequently, Jimin patiently lets you practice just like that; manifesting, honing in, launching. He repeats the same regime with you over and over, prompting you with small tips and advice to let your power slowly, but surely cultivate. You succeeded enough times that Jimin’s smile replicated yours once your abilities became more refined, clearly indicating significant progress. 
Jimin sauntered his way in front of you at a fair distance afterwards, cutting you off from the tree you previously damaged. You furrowed your eyebrows. “What are you doing?” 
Hiding a small smile, Jimin stood tall and proud as he mischievously peered at you. “You’ve been doing great so far, but now you have to hit me with your cherry blossoms.” 
“Just hit me, Y/N.” 
Apprehensively, you sucked it up, flashing him a challenging look. “Fine. But it’s your funeral.” 
Jimin cracked a full-of-it grin. “We’ll see about that.” 
You couldn’t help but let your lips curve as you positioned yourself, Jimin also assuming a defensive stance. Applying everything he’d taught you just now, you internally manifested your power, letting it compile until it could flow out of you. 
Within seconds, your cherry blossoms trickled out of your fingertips, creating a large enough storm that you envisioned as little razor blades, and launched them in Jimin’s direction. For a second, you felt confident you’d got him. Your cherry blossoms were flying far too fast for him to counter—you were horribly mistaken. 
Jimin’s shadows spilled out of his hands, creating a wave of shadowy black that casted your incoming swarm away from him, like a shield. After your blossoms were thwarted, Jimin suddenly charged towards you, his long strides causing him to meet you within just 3 steps. 
His arm curled around your body, crushing you to his front tight enough that your chest squished into his. You malfunctioned, veins surging with arousal powerful enough to completely subdue you. His fist suddenly came up, positioned for a damning left hook. 
You’re stunned, left with whiplash as you stared at him in awe—a curve crept up onto his lips, his eyes dancing. “So, my funeral? Or yours?” 
Winded by his wit, you scoffed, cheeks burning brightly. “I…” 
Swallowing, you hated that your wandering eyes trickled down to his chest—his buttoned shirt revealed a small, tempting area of it. His eyes felt fierce, fixated on you with a sort of passion you couldn’t figure out. Before your mind spiralled into thoughts of kissing him, you attempted to utilize what Jimin taught you. 
Immediately, you shoved his fist away and tried placing it in a lock, but Jimin read your movement. The second you spinned, he instead overpowered you and tugged your back into his chest, caging you from behind. You cursed, struggling against his iron grip. Despite the feeling of being this close to him suffocating you, you immediately dropped your weight, dismantling him for a second. 
Your fingers curled underneath his and released his grip, tumbling out. You whirled around and lifted your hands, cherry blossoms filtering out of your palms towards him. Jimin merely smirked, shaking his head before his black ropes manifested before you. They grappled your wrists before you could even react, ensnared by his might. 
You resisted, but nothing broke his hold. Your palm flew open to attack him, but without your stance, there was no hope in manifesting enough of your petals. Still, you persisted, using Jimin’s ropes to tug him towards you. He stumbled forward, granting you the opportunity to lift your knee and catch him in his manhood, but you were too predictable. 
Jimin blocked your knee, curled his hands underneath it and lifted you, causing you to nearly fall back. You yelped as your hand flew around Jimin’s neck to balance yourself, an instinct of his forcing you both backwards. Your back eventually pressed against one of the many posts supporting the upper levels of his courtyard. 
Winded, your breaths felt quick and heavy once you stared at Jimin—his hand darted back to cushion your blow against the post, his other hand holding your knee against his hip. Your arms flailed around his neck, now left in this entirely compromising position. 
He gazed deeply into your eyes, shocked you both ended up like this. Your heart was hammering so loud you were afraid he could see through your ribs, blood rushing to your head. His scent was casting a spell on you, even if his black ropes were around your wrists. For a second, you think about releasing his hold, but Jimin’s beautiful eyes begin scanning your face, falling to your lips. He lingers once again for far too long. 
Your breath hitched, considering the idea of kissing him, of simply decreasing this space until you both forgot each other’s names. He pissed you off, he irritated you, and his lessons have made you feel shitty more times than you could count. But he was invigorating, impassioning, an entirely electric, consuming danger you wanted to explore more than anything. 
As if reading your mind, Jimin actually inched forward, concentrated on your lips. You panicked, unbelieving that he could even want to kiss you. He must be sick in the head or mistaking you for someone else, because there’s simply no way. 
“Jimin…” You cooed, swallowing harshly before your lips blurted out something random—a stupid defence mechanism. “What happened this afternoon?” 
Pausing, Jimin’s features contorted with confusion, lightly pulling back. “What?” 
“This… this afternoon.” You timidly repeated, peering carefully into his obsidian eyes. “I heard about what happened.” 
Jimin appeared suddenly… betrayed. As though you’d committed a horrible act. “Why are you asking me about that?” 
“Because I’m worried,” you laced your tone affably. “I’m sorry if you don’t want to talk about it. You don’t have to. But I just want to know if you’re okay.” 
Jimin’s eyes revealed complete disorientation, eyebrows straightening into a harsh line before his hands retracted from your body. “It’s none of your concern, Y/N.” 
He stepped away from you too quickly, a disapproving look smeared all over his face. You immediately felt hurt, as though shards of glass were piercing your chest. 
“Jimin, please. I’m sorry but… I’m just worried.” 
“I never asked you to worry, Y/N.” Jimin harshly scorned you. “It’s none of your business.” 
“None of my business?” You repeated, tone rising in attitude. “How is it none of my business when it was about me?” 
Jimin immediately froze, whirling around to regard you with anger. “How do you know that?” 
“That doesn’t matter,” you retorted. “I just wanna know, Jimin, what happened? What could’ve possibly made you react the way you did?” 
“I told you, Y/N.” Jimin warned, his eyes revealing thin patience. “Stop asking me questions, or you’ll regret it.” 
Clenching your fists tightly, you were tired of this—his evasiveness was incorrigibly irritating. “Oh really, you’ll make me regret it? Especially when my name was mentioned?” 
Jimin’s jaw visibly tightened, his muscles tensed. “You don’t need to know.” 
You scoffed, closing in on him as you folded your arms. “But I think I do, Jimin. You think it’s not going to concern me when another guard brings up my name? Just tell me.” 
“Jimin…” you ground your teeth, frustration seeping into your attitude. “Tell me right the fuck now, or I ask my father and I’ll find out anyway.” 
Jimin appeared stuck then, lightly cursing to himself as he contemplated his options. Clearly, he had to know you were right—of course it concerned you when another unknown guard brings up your name, and he can't deny you the chance of knowing. 
Especially when your father would retaliate in ways much worse. 
Jimin sighed, long and deep. He perched his beautiful hands on his lean hips, coasting his thumb across his lush set of lips. “I didn’t like what the guard said.” 
“I didn’t ask that.” You snipped. “I asked what he said.” 
Jimin lightly grimaced, hand rigidly rubbing the back of his neck. His apprehensiveness made you realize that Jimin was evidently concealing the words for your betterment—your confident posture suddenly faltered. 
“Did they say something disgusting?” 
Jimin winced. “Slightly.” He tightly clamped his jaw with anger. “But they stopped promptly. They know your father is chancellor; he’d kill them before I even got the chance.” 
You ignored the little flutter in your heart that his statement swelled. “Then what was it?” 
Jimin was being far too furtive, but he eventually loosened up, pressing his lips together, as though he were experiencing pain even speaking this. “They were commenting on your magic and me teaching you. Made some predatory comments before they called you useless, and a disappointment—I lost it.” 
For a second, the comment doesn’t register. It’s not something foreign to you; people have always thrown insults at you about your humdrum abilities since you were born. Whether they were your father’s colleagues whispering at gatherings behind his back, or family members blatantly telling you to your face at grand balls—you’re no stranger to being called useless. 
But a disappointment? As you stood here, at your older age of 22 and yet still struggling to get a hold of your powers, an insurmountable feeling of defeat washed over you. As a kid, the comments were only motivators to do better, to be better, because you had time, time to potentially improve yourself. 
But you were never pressured to be anything more than what you were, and now you’ve amounted to nothing but being a disappointment. 
Perhaps that was your fault. Perhaps you were so helpless that your parents had no choice but to give up on you, to never push you beyond your limits—they knew you’d never reach them. 
A cold wave of realization slapped you, your chest pierced with your harsh reality. “That’s… it’s true.” 
Jimin immediately furrowed his eyebrows. “What do you mean, Y/N? It’s not true.”
“But it is,” you challenged, your face becoming as bleak as ever. “It’s true. I’m useless, even more so a disappointment.” 
Before Jimin could open his mouth, a low, rumbling sound of thunder signalled the beginning of rain, little droplets suddenly transforming into thick pelts of water. You both noticed the shift in weather, peering up at the sky, but neither of you dared to move, glued to your spots. 
“You’re not useless, Y/N.” He said over the pattering rain.
“But aren’t I?” There was no arguing against it; you can’t fight, can’t utilize your cherry blossoms, can’t seem to appease anybody with your lackluster magic. “Everyone makes the most of what they have, but I never can.” 
Jimin’s features contorted. “Yes you can, Y/N. You learned something today. There’s no truth in what those guards said.” 
“You shouldn’t have hurt them.” You reprimanded him, voice flat and soulless, empty eyes faltering to the ground as rain began dampening your hair, face and clothes. “They were right, I can’t do anything with my magic. I’m just a disappointment.” 
You’re surprised to feel the sudden, harsh grasp of Jimin’s hands on your arms. He shook you, boring into your eyes with conviction. “Stop saying that, Y/N. You’re not useless, you’re anything but useless and a disappointment. Stop.” 
“But it’s true,” your lips couldn’t help but tremble, vulnerable irises trembling as they met his obsidian ones. How could he of all people deny these claims? He’s seen firsthand your lack of capability. “I can’t do anything, I’m a disappointment.” 
“Stop it… stop!” Jimin shouted, his pleading look utterly devastating. It was as though your words were hurting him, cutting into his chest and tearing out his heart. “Don’t lose your motivation just because of what those lowlives said. Don’t believe it, Y/N, you can get better if you stop thinking like this.”  
“Don’t you think the same?” You countered, watching the raindrops freckle Jimin’s stunning eyelashes, his lips wet and dewy. “Weren’t you so sick and tired of me? Didn’t you almost give up because I’m no hope?” You remembered your very first lessons with Jimin; his harsh voice cutting into the air as he regretted taking you on, constantly sighing or critiquing you until your morale dismantled. 
Jimin pressed his lip together with guilt, but softened his solid eyes, his mouth ever so tempting when he spoke so calmly. “That was before…” 
Swallowing, you could hear your heart thundering against your bones, sniffling. “And now?” 
His eyes appear pained, as though he were fighting internal chains holding him back. He was hesitating, flickering all over your now soaked face, and your patience ran thin. 
“Just admit it, Jimin.” Your cutthroat tone was damning. “I’m not fucking good enough, and I don’t need you sparing my feelings.” Before he could answer, you turned away, ready to abandon this courtyard before Jimin caught you again. 
“Y/N, stop. Stop putting yourself down and see yourself for the power you have.” 
“I have no power!” You screeched, snatching your arms out of his grasp. “I can’t do anything with them, I’m useless!” 
“No you aren’t!” Jimin shouted back in the rain, gesturing angrily. “You know what? You’re the reason you’re not advancing, you have no confidence and it’s what’s holding you back!” 
“Oh, wow,” you feigned magnificence, derisively folding your arms. “That’s exactly what I needed to hear, more reasons why I’m shitty. Thank you Mr. Park for your wonderful fucking help!”  
Again, you’re itching to hide yourself and simply bask in your wallowing, but Jimin’s persistent. He caught you as you whirled around again, shaking his head. “You’re not going anywhere, you’re staying right here.” 
“And why should I?” 
“Because I said so.” 
“Who said I have to listen to you?” You retorted, fighting his grip. “I’m a useless student who doesn’t know shit. Don’t waste your time with me.” 
“You’re not useless!” Jimin scolded you, never lightening his iron grip. “You’re more than what you think!” 
“Stop lying!” 
“I’m not lying!” 
Within seconds, you’re pinned against the nearest post as Jimin’s hands ensnare your wrists above you. He’s mere inches from your face, your wide eyes catching his enraged, but wild ones, veins flooding with something primal. 
Jimin cages your hands above your head criss-crossed, and it bares all of you to him. Curse Jimin for wearing only a black t-shirt; all you can see are the delicious muscles hugging his mouth-watering frame. His jet-black locks soaked in the rain ironically light you on fire, his wet look holding unprecedented power over you. 
Despite your attraction, you’re too hot-headed right now. Anger seeps into your system, attempting to fight him off—your self-esteem has been far too abused today, and you need to recuperate alone.
You failed when Jimin hardened his grip, any hopes of escaping utterly futile. He stared long and deep into your eyes, hard enough that he must have heard how erratically your heart was racing, must’ve seen the way your soul squirmed in his presence.
God, he was so frustrating. There wasn’t a single thing about him that made sense. He’d acted as though you were a nuisance, then decided to finally indulge you in real teaching. He treated you like a whining child, then nearly choked a guard for speaking ill of you. 
He made you so angry, so enraged, so frustrated. 
So invigorated, so exhilarated, so alive. 
You couldn’t make out a single coherent feeling about him, but the one thing you definitely made out was the next surprising, unexpected thing Jimin did; his mouth suddenly landing on yours. 
He was such a hard, intense man, but Jimin’s kissing did not disappoint. His lips were soft and pillowy, and kissed with the kind of vigor that only existed in movies. He clasped his hands tightly around your wrists as he held you, claiming your lips passionately. 
He leaned his delicious body into yours as your mouths fervently connected. Your heart was causing a ruckus inside you, butterflies fluttering with joy, insides twisting with buzzing arousal that spread throughout every inch of your body. Reciprocating his kiss was easy; it was like the ebb and flow of a tide, like breathing, like you were always meant to kiss him. 
He was consuming you, cleverly opening his mouth to swallow you whole. His tongue eventually snuck out to lick your bottom lip, causing your essense to dampen your underwear. 
You suddenly didn’t mind the rain anymore, letting it soak your bodies as much as it could. You couldn’t produce a thought as his tongue slithered inside your mouth, lost in the way he made you his. 
After a long, deep lick, Jimin broke away, his eyes not only obsidian but riddled with insatiable hunger. Your breaths quickened as you peered at him, face hotter than the sun, legs squishing together on instinct. Jimin flickered to the movement and mischievously smirked. 
Slowly, he slotted his thigh in between yours, lightly prying you back open. You swear your heart shot up into your throat as his thigh pressed into your quivering  heat, his eyes submitting you with his formidable sexual prowess. 
“Don’t close them,” he purred, lips hovering above yours, enamoured by the droplets hanging from his soaked hair. “Open up for me.” 
Your blood lit on fire, so mesmerized by the power that poured out of him. Your panties felt soaked, swallowing weakly. “J-Jimin…” 
“What do you want, Y/N?” He flickered between your eyes and lips, clearly set on devouring you whole, but holding himself back. “Right now, in this moment?” 
Stunned, all that came to your pleasure-filled mind was kissing him. Kissing him until your lips were swollen and you couldn’t breathe and you were both a mess of lust and passion. 
Insides swirling, you timidly admitted. “I want you to kiss me, Jimin.” 
Without further ado, Jimin’s lips crashed against yours, and rest was fucking history. 
Jimin released your wrists from above your head, snaking them around your waist so he cradled you close, squishing your wet body flush against his. Your pussy palpitated when your nipples fell flat against his chest, angered by the stupid layeres of clothes between you two. Your hands planted on his chest before desperately sprawling them over his shoulders and into his soaked hair, tugging the gorgeous raven locks to your satisfaction. 
Jimin’s hands were no joke; they roamed your body as though he’d waited a century to touch you. His rings felt icy cold, but you didn’t care, you were too hot and bothered by his voracious kiss. Your teeth clamped down on Jimin’s bottom lip, tugging on it, watching his plushy petal bounce back. 
He smiled in between your kiss at that, snaking his hand over your neck and towards your chin. He cradled it to make out with you harder, faster, rougher. His desire was utterly primal, and you felt every inch of it. 
“I couldn’t stand it…” Jimin breathed, hot and rugged as he kissed you. “I couldn’t stand what they said about you.” 
His words filled your veins with electricity, your heart racing with adoration. “I can’t stand listening to you berate yourself.” 
You moaned when Jimin suddenly propelled his hips into yours, his rising length nudging your leaking cunt. “I can’t stand how much I’ve wanted you.” 
Jimin’s warm, careful fingers suddenly slipped underneath your shirt, causing you to shakily gasp. Your mentor’s eyes rounded, wet forehead pressed against yours. “Are you okay?” 
Speechless, you nodded, swinging your arms around his neck and bowing into him, so utterly lost in his enigmatic, yet kind eyes. “More than okay.” 
Grinning, Jimin returned to your lips. He pushed up your shirt inch by inch, shoving you up against the pillar once again. You groaned, nails scraping across his juicy biceps as he claimed you. 
Stripping off your shirt, you were left in your flimsy bra, Jimin returning to your heated body to close his mouth around your pulse point. His kisses were hungry and languid on your neck, suckling and nibbling your wet skin until surely, marks had bloomed. You moaned as your insides stirred, the feeling of his plushy lips so utterly intoxicating. 
Your hips instinctively ground into his, craving any friction possible for your needy cunt. Jimin surprised you when he suddenly thrust into you so powerfully, a loud, breathy moan spilled out of you. 
It shook your core so much that you tugged at his shirt wantonly, insisting he remove it. You began impatiently shoving it up his chest before Jimin gripped the hem and shred it off, tossing it aside. 
Your bones ignited as your bodies made contact, traversing his warm, wet skin inch by beautiful inch. His heat felt addicting, planting yourself against him as closely as possible just to be consumed by him, to lose yourself and never crawl your way back out.  
When your nails dug into his soaked back, Jimin grunted, the sound rippling through your entire system. He trailed hot, wet kisses past your collarbones, dipping into your sternum. He kissed the valley of breasts gently, plushy lips claiming you with soft, feverish passion. He tugged down your bra, exposing your nipples. 
His greedy eyes marveled at the sight of your soft breasts, patient hands slowly closing around them to fondle as they spilled out. You groaned as he squeezed them, circling the bed of his palms over your pert nubs. 
You cried out when he latched his mouth onto you, moans escaping you in almost a mantra. He sucked and licked your breasts with vigor, hands sliding over your stomach to cup your chest. He deliciously groped you, played with you, patiently pleasured your most sensitive parts until your pussy was aching for the same treatment. 
“Jimin.” You moaned, careening with explosive pleasure. When you were completely light-headed, Jimin’s teeth suddenly bit down on your nipple, jolting you awake. “Jimin!”
“Y/N.” The sound of his groan threw you off guard. Your craving for him struck you harder, embracing him against you, moaning without a care in the world. You couldn’t help the confused thoughts that swarmed your head, lips moving faster than you could think. 
“I thought… you hated me.” You mewled between wanton need and blissed out desire, euphoria leaking into your brain. “I thought I was a nuisance to you.”
“I never hated you,Y/N.” Jimin breathed as the tip of his tongue flicked your pert nub, sending shocks of arousal through you. He flattened his tongue against your nipple again, swirling around your areola until reigning his soft assault over your other breast. “I only hated how little you thought of yourself.” 
Jimin’s neck must’ve been decorated with red trails as your nails sunk into him, but then again, Jimin’ has definitely seen more violence than he liked to let on—you couldn’t help but notice the scars on his body, creating an agonizing constellation of the story of his life. 
A story you deeply desired to know one day.  
“I’d always wanted to discipline you like this,” his hand curled around your midriff, rubbing with languid speed as his tongue lavished your breasts—your breath hitched. “I nearly went crazy thinking about it.” 
You smirked, pride swelling in your naked chest. “Is this what you wanted, Sir?” You purred, cupping his flawless jawline and tugging him towards your face, only inches between. “You wanted me weak for you? Moaning your name? Ready to be fucked by you?” 
A devilishly handsome smile painted Jimin’s lips, weaving a hand into your wet hair and lightly tugging on it—you faintly sighed. “You’ve always had such a dirty mouth, haven’t you?” 
You gushed immediately, veins filling with unprecedented arousal as he gripped your hair tighter, and his voice deepened. “And you, Y/N, have no idea what I’ve wanted.” 
Jimin’s eyes suddenly reflected a flame so inextinguishable, not even the rain beating down on your bodies could tame it. Your mentor’s hand over your torso began travelling down your wet stomach, keeping formidable eye contact with you. 
“Never take your eyes off me.” He commanded, but soft and slow. “Never.” 
Obeying, you bit your lip as Jimin inched towards your sopping cunt, your dripping essence like honey from a pot. His sensual hand kept you on your toes, lip nearly bleeding from how hard you nibbled it, anticipation consuming you. 
The second he slipped past your waistband and into your panties, raw lust erupted inside you. Your eyes shut on instinct, but a low growl from Jimin reminded you of otherwise. 
Fluttering open, your eyes met his hungry, devouring ones. His fingertips nearly caressed your clit, so close to cupping you in all your dripping glory that you whimpered. Jimin wickedly grinned at your reaction, feeling his hot breaths fan your wet, swollen lips. 
“Can’t believe all it took was a touch like this to get you to listen to me.” 
His shit-eating smirk made your entire system run on auto-pilot, fresh heat swirling in your cheeks. “Shut up.” 
“Do you really want that, Y/N?” Jimin purred, sweet and condescending by your ear. “Do you really want me to shut up? Or do you want me to whisper all the dirty things I want to do to you until you’re leaking all over my hand?”  
You, in fact, gush the equivalent of Niagara Falls, hiding your whimpering. “You haven’t even touched my pussy yet.” You snipped back. “All bark and no bite, Sir.” 
Within your next breath, Jimin cupped your sex so sensually a cry ripped out of you, gasping into his wet chest. The rainwater already made things nice and slick, but your leaking cum provided Jimin with slippery ease. He hissed as he felt your sticky wetness, his eyes brimming with amusement. 
“You’re already wet, when, in your words, ‘I haven’t even touched your pussy yet’?” His curved mouth was prompting you to smack him, but you fairly walked into that one. You opened your mouth to counter him, but Jimin concocted other plans, beginning to rub your netherlips. 
Sensitivity raked your insides then, cursing. “Fuck!” 
“Not yet,” he joked, stealing your lips with an indulgent kiss. “We need to get you ready.”  
His constant smiling kept throwing you off, speaking in between your blissed out moans. “You’re loving every second of this, aren’t you?” You chided. “Love knowing you’ve got your boss’s daughter like this?” 
“I like knowing you want me despite how much you’ve wanted to leave my lessons.” He bit back. “And even if you deny it, your body speaks enough for you.” 
Realization struck you hard at his words, gripping him tightly. 
“You knew?” 
“Your father told me,” he said, his fingers swirling your sticky essence over your pussy lips. You whimpered, sighing in between. “But you always stayed, didn’t you?” 
Caught, you attempted to weasel your way out of it, but Jimin’s hand had other plans. He suddenly pressed into your clit so deliciously, fireworks erupted behind your eyes. He began treating your little pearl, swirling it, flicking it, toying with it until you were a whining, moaning mess. 
“It’s Sir now, Y/N.” Jimin cooed coolly. 
You bit down on your tongue, enraptured by his soft yet lethal domination. You could feel it in your bones, in your blood and soul, how much he owned it now. The prowess he had in your pleasure, how deeply he affected you. “S… sir.” 
“You think this is the worst?” His dark eyes submitted you, tugging you into an unliftable trance. “How about this?” 
Jimin suddenly took a delicious digit of his and slipped it inside your pussy, a puff of air escaping your lips. 
“Let’s see how you take my finger, hm?” Jimin smirked, beginning to thrust his finger inside your fiery cunt. Arousal exploded inside you, moaning wantonly as pleasure spread throughout your system. But that wasn’t all to Jimin’s onslaught, no, just as you began to get comfortable, Jimin pulled out his finger, whirled you around, and shoved your front up against the pillar. 
You sharply gasped as Jimin sunk his finger back inside you from behind, and his other slammed against the wall. This position seemed to grant him more control, as his index finger began hammering into you, thrusting quickly and deliciously. Your head hung low as he delivered high quality thrusts, slightly arching your backside for him. 
“I wasn’t ever going to let you leave.” Jimin harshly voiced, his finger pummeling you with eye-rolling pleasure. “You’re my student. Nobody teaches you except me.” 
Just as he grunted those possessive words, Jimin slipped a second finger inside you , his rings adding levels to his domination of you—you liked it. Your pussy took the beating smiling, pleasure seeping into your bloodstream as he finger-fucked you. Your hand entwined with his for support against the pillar, Jimin lacing his fingers with yours and tucking it against your chest, embracing you. 
This seemed to give him more leverage, holding your body in place as he cleverly fucked your pussy with just his fingers. Your moans echoed around his courtyard, but you were glad to know it was on a lonely hill. The rain deliciously trickled down your half-naked bodies as he pleasured you like this, driving you insane. 
By the time he added a third finger, your mind was delirious, in fucked out bliss as your walls palpitated around him, clit throbbing painfully. But when Jimin curled his fingers against your frontal walls, locating that precious g-spot and sensually rubbing it, your mind blacked out. 
You came, you came so hard that you must’ve soaked his hand, even if it was pouring outside. You let out a high-pitched moan of his beautiful name, Jimin similarly groaning as he embraced your body against him, hearing his erratically beating heart through your back. 
Jimin tugged out his fingers, hugging you for a few seconds as you came down your high. You both breathed unevenly, Jimin eventually bringing his fingers to your mouth. He smeared your cum over your lips, whispering hotly in your ear. 
“Taste what I do to you.” 
You shuddered, gently sticking out your tongue to catch a taste of yourself. Jimin released pent up air as your mouth closed around his fingers, deciding to tease him with some light sucking. He let you, his breaths harsh and heavy as he clutched your body. 
Your breasts rose and fell as Jimin nearly fucked his fingers into your mouth, mimicking the sexual act. You obliged with a moan, swirling your tongue around the digits.  
Jimin moaned deliriously with you, lost in each other as the weight of his cock pressed into your ass. You bucked back on him, internally whining for his cock. He grunted roughly, something animalistic overcoming him as he shoved your front up against the pillar, face tucked into your neck. 
“Fuck…” He groaned, his hands roaming you body with fervor until he hooked onto your bottoms, lips hot by your ear. “Can I?” 
You nodded without hesitation, gasping erotically when Jimin harshly ripped down your jeans and panties, baring your ass to him. You could feel the devilish smirk on Jimin’s lips, his hands smoothing over your cheeks to grip your ass. 
“Fucking gorgeous,” he mused, kneading your backside. You craved for him to be inside of you, reaching back and tugging at his bottoms, voice whiny and needy. 
“Fuck… fuck me, Sir. Fuck me right now.” 
Jimin hissed behind you, hearing the smugness in his tone. “Not just yet.” 
With widened eyes, you wonder what in god’s name he’s cooked up before you directly feel the results of his coyness; his hands grappled your hips as he sank to his knees, and his mouth darted towards your aching heat. 
You gasped, high-pitched and sharp, left with your hands planted against the pillar as Jimin ate you out from underneath. You melted when his tongue suddenly flicked through your folds, tasting your flavour. He extended the wet muscle all the way to your clit, caressing it with slow, delicious circles that ignited your bones, squirming. 
Jimin never replied, simply committed himself to licking your cunt from behind until your eyes squeezed shut, until your muscles tensed and your bones liquified. You realized your mistake then, strangling it out as pleasure bled into you. 
He groaned deliciously then, relentlessly eating your pussy. He gripped you so tightly you felt eternally his, scratched your nails against the post as pleasure overridded all your senses. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, Sir, please!” You begged, feeling an impending orgasm. “I’ll cum right here, holy fuck.” 
You felt the evil man smirk against your sex, biting back. “Didn’t I tell you to stop cussing with me, Y/N? And cum all you want, I’ve been wanting to shut you up with my tongue since the day you defied me.” 
Grunting with frustration, you nearly sighed again before Jimin ripped himself away from you, regaining his full height. 
Immediately, he attached to your shoulder for feverish kisses, peppering them across your skin as you heard his belt unbuckle, sanity abandoning your mind. Your cunt inadvertently clenched, ready to be full of him.  
Once his zipper unzipped, his hand no doubt curling around his erect shaft, you couldn’t help but take a shot at him. “Guess this is where… I get disciplined, hm?” 
Jimin breathed a sexy chuckle, and his body was pressed against yours, voice rugged and smooth in your ear. “You have no idea.” 
When Jimin pushed into you, you swear stars freckled the back of your eyelids. The rain made everything so much more intense, beating down on your intimately tangled bodies as Jimin carefully inserted himself. He cradled your stomach closely, steadily inching inside of you as he breathed unevenly.
Your tight heat caused him to groan deeply, and your shaky, raspy moan echoed outside. He slid inside you with ease, your walls slick with your cum. Jimin used his foot to gently push your legs more open on the floor, widening your entrance for him. 
When he reached the end of you, a heady moan erupted from your agape mouth. “Fuck-!” 
“Holy fucking god…” Jimin groaned, hot breaths fanning across your neck. “Y/N, you’re so fucking tight.” 
The man shuddered as he pulled out of you, nice and slow, practically tasting the desire of your walls, before stuffing himself inside your warm sex. Your vision blurred, ecstasy leaking into your veins as he began pumping into you from behind, pussy palpitating with need. 
Your moans were high-pitched and unabashed, a hand of yours flying against the hand Jimin pressed into your stomach. He immediately laced your fingers together and started accelerating his thrusts, fucking into you from behind as his masucline, grunting sounds spilled into your ear, his wet body rubbing against yours. 
The passion ignited you, his impressive length sliding in and out of your sex, his hips smacking against your ass as he pounded into you. Your unoccupied hand slid into his hair, lustfully tugging at the strands as his lips worshipped your neck, sucking deep enough to leave dark, possessive hickies. 
His palm closed around your breast, groping and kneading as much as it pleased you. Jimin fucked you harder as your noises heightened, nearing a crescendo as he cleverly pumped into your frontal walls, stroking your g-spot. 
Your clit was throbbing and engorged, breathy and restless as your orgasm approached, sending you into a frenzy. 
“Fuck, Sir, fuck!” He accelerated faster, harder, rougher as your climax bubbles inside you, burning brighter and brighter and brighter as your mentor delivered hard and quick thrusts, losing himself. 
“Y/N…” Jimin moaned, gliding his hand around your breast up your neck. He caged its sides possessively, holding your body in place as fucked you vigirously, his control off the rails. “Your warm, wet pussy… it’s driving me insane.” 
His thick, raspy voice made you whimper, unweaving your fingers from his hair and clutching his hips behind you, tugging him towards your palpitating hole as it begged for more. “Sir, fuck… harder, harder!” 
Within seconds, Jimin was pulling out of you, causing you to whine at the loss of his addictive warmth, only for him to slam your back against the pillar and slide himself right back in. He gripped your thigh and pried you wide open, hugging your leg to his side. He fucked you wildly just like that, lips hovering just above yours as his eyes adjusted to your whimpering face. 
He fucked you deeply like that, intimately, his strokes sensual and unforgiving. He tucked your soaked hair behind your ear as he packed your lips, his delicious groans filtering onto your lips as rain coated your heated bodies. 
“Sir… my clit.” You begged him, practically on the verge of tears. You were right there, and all you needed was the last push to reach the finish line. Jimin shuddered out a groan, peppering your lips with sweet whispers. 
“Of course.” 
Jimin’s rough, masucline hands gripped the back of your thighs, and you immediately followed suit. You lept into his arms, his dick falling out of your slick sex in the process. But your back pressed against the pillar behind you, breaths ragged and heavy. 
“Grab me and put me back inside.” Jimin commanded, kissing you sensually as you reached between your hot bodies, and stuffed Jimin within your hungry walls again. 
You swallowed him whole, smothering the man’s delicious length as he began fucking you again, reiving his primal pace as he pounded up into you, jackhammering into your goddamn cervix like this.
You bounced on his cock now, moaning into each other’s agape mouths, raining gliding down your impassioned bodies as his abdoomen rubbed against your engorged clit. A high-pitched moan spilled out of you, digging into his skin as your climax ebbed inside you. 
“Fuck, Y/N, you’re breathtaking.” Jimin blurted out, his faded eyes revealing his overwhelming lust. 
“Shit, Sir… you’re big, so fucking big.” You wailed, nails scraping deeply into his wet back as your orgasm approached, teetering on the edge. Jimin’s lips flew to your neck, sucking fresh hickies onto your empyrean skin. You couldn’t help but moan into his ear, thrust after thrust, stroke after stroke, white hot energy bundling inside you. 
He bounced you relentlessly, cupping your ass for support as his tongue explored your skin. You clutched him desperately, riding up against his body until your pleasure simmered deliciously, coiling and twisting your insides until it burst into a firework of colours. 
Once again, you climaxed with a scream of Jimin’s name, clamping down on his walls hard enough that Jimin grunted, his cock dangerously throbbing inside you. He sounded as if he were in pain, barely hanging on. 
“Tell me where to cum,” he struggled out, his breaths uneven, eyes squeezed shut. “Y/N, show me.” 
So overcome by your orgasm and sheer, raw lust, you crashed your lips onto his, indulging in a messy, teethy, sloppy kiss as your hand tapped against your slit. “On me,” you whispered, between fiery kisses and your pulsing walls. “On my pussy, Sir.” 
Without being told twice, Jimin returned your kiss tenfold as he gripped you and delivered such powerful, earth-shattering thrusts that it was almost tormenting, but the good kind. He absolutely battered your pussy until he grew hot and throbbing and pulled out, heaps of his seed releasing over your tight heat.
He grunted loudly as his white, pearly cum painted you, the feeling of his semen dripping from you utterly satisfying. 
You both breathed heavily, eyelids half-masted and blissed out. Jimin’s head fell against your sternum as you hugged him to you, fingers lightly massaging his scalp. He seemed to relax at that, caught in ignorant bliss, before the sound of his chiming laugh filtered into your ears. 
You furrowed your brows, pulling back to peer at him. “Why… are you laughing?” 
Jimin lifted his face, and his eyes danced with wicked playfulness, a gorgeous grin plastered on his handsome face. “So… thinking about leaving my lessons now?” 
Recalling the joke, you couldn’t help but snort out a laugh even Jimin couldn’t help but chuckle at. “Never, ever leaving.” 
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shoopsart · 11 days
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Thoughts anyone?
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ishimaru-suprimacy · 5 days
Tadashi animatic thing that took way to long
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skydreamplayzz · 6 months
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Slightly in the making bunch of Oc Phase. 🕺
(plus, i wanted More pink Ocs) ☝️ i was lazy tho.. Ahem
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a2whump · 1 year
🟢 Cherry Blossoms After Winter (2022) - Whump List
Seo Hae Bom
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Played by: Oh Jin Uk
Episode 1:
Slapped in the head. Bullies are on the same classroom as him.
Slapped again. Forced to buy lunch for bullies.
Eating lunch alone.
Gives his money to his bullies.
Bullies throw paper balls while he's resting on his desk.
Gets his birthday money stolen. Tries to defend himself.
Episode 2:
Gets punched in the face.
Splashes his face with water to calm down.
Flashback to his childhood.
Intimidated by his bully.
Gets angry. Grabbed by the collar. Pushed against some lockers. Punched in the stomach. Crying.
Flashback to his parents funeral.
Episode 4:
Gets drunk. Crying. Missing his parents. Feels guilty.
Episode 5:
Worried. Tearing up. Frustrated. Pushed against the wall. Grabbed by the neck. Refusing to kiss Tae Seong.
In shock. Crying. Mixed feelings.
Heavy breathing. Running a fever. Sleeping.
Anxious. Tearing up.
Episode 8:
Finds out his adoptive mom already knows his secret. In shock. Worried.
Tearing up.
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kazelnoot · 1 year
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HELLO HELLOO!! Here's my piece for the @blossominglovezine !!! Absolutely wonderful project that i am honored to have worked on :)
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teaandduckss · 1 year
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Oh no may hand slipped 🫢
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Long Time Coming: Cherry Should Be Dead
First off, please put down the pitchforks, I love him dearly and know it’s an ✨anime✨ but for an anime set in a *more realistic* way, there’s no comprehensible reason he could have survived @d*m’s “Full Swing Kiss.” (That piece of shit should also understand how simple cause and effect works regarding injury, but I digress. He gives me indigestion and a migraine.)
How he was hit:
60mph—I’m generously assuming given Reki stating they can go that fast “at least down to the mountain,” and these two were out for speed.
~60mph spun around and hit, full rotation, with the broad side of a horned skateboard. He’s hit so hard that Carla goes flying off to who fucking knows where (I’m impressed she was alright tbh). Any rational person would assume he’s hitting the track hard.
My, non-medical-professional, opinion:
Broken clavicle (most commonly broken and stupid-easy to break)
Wicked case of whiplash
Broken nose
Broken jaw
Skull fracture(s)
Bruised bones
Bruised organs (liver, spleen, kidneys, lungs, probably heart and others)
Possible ruptured bowel (intestines)
Other broken bones
Some sort of TBI (besides concussion)
Spinal cord injury
Internal lacerations/probable internal decapitation (all that force went right into his head and neck)
Maybe broken pelvis
Whilst being a cute MatchaBlossom moment, Joe should NOT. HAVE. TOUCHED him. It doesn’t take much to fuck up especially the neck injuries by moving the patient. Huge no-no! The paramedics should have come, assessed him, stuck him with a neck brace and hauled him to the OR… but that woulda made a bigger conflict with the plot 🙄
Kaoru having gotten away with an apparent broken (dominant) arm (his occupation/special interests/passions!!!😭😭😭) and opposite leg with undisclosed but seemingly *uncritical* head injury is… laughably little. And not in a “haha funny” way.
“Using mathematical formulas and physics experiments, researchers learned that 43 mph is the fastest speed at which you have a fighting chance to survive a head-on collision.”
I respect wanting to keep characters in and functional, however… this event, in my mind, really should have been revisited and revised.
TLDR: this man has been turned into a medical mess and I’m livid. The man’s ghost-writing now.
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
cherry blossom angst and tickle pls? this is gonna be the last one i promise i'm just waiting for the laundry to finish ahfgsdjx
Oh my god YESH! :D Cherry Blossom beloved! I've gotcha covered, Rey! :D (No same friend! I was doing laundry as I worked on this game akrjearjkaejrkje)
Cherry- Angst:
When Joe first confessed, Cherry didn't believe him. He honestly isn't sure he's fully convinced Joe really loves him after being so brutally destroyed by Adam. He simply believes he's unlovable- a mess of broken parts within stitched up skin.
Cherry- Tickle:
He refuses to let people do his hair for him- not because he doesn't believe in hairdressers; it's just he's so, so ticklish on his neck that even a brush of a pinky will get him giggling. He has to hide behind his fan during haircuts, that's how ticklish he is. Joe LIVES for it.
Send me a character and one of the following: Angst, Fluff, or Tickle and I'll give you a headcanon!
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OKAY IT’S SHOWING IN TAGS everything is fine. i have no idea what that drabble is btw i had no outline only vibes. but if you decide to check it out then i hope you enjoy it !!! :3
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yume-fanfare · 6 months
moge should draw more harumiou................
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chateautae · 2 years
— new fic drop! [♡]
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banner by the uber talented jen @itaeewon​ !!
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➵ summary: despising the lack of offensive capability to your lackluster powers, your father, the school’s chancellor, signs you up for lessons with the magic university’s top-rated guard, park jimin. known to be an intense, reserved man with ruthless skills in battle, you come to learn he not only goes hard in a fight, but goes hard in another ruthless form of art—fucking. 
➵ pairing: mentor!jimin x chancellor’s daughter!reader
➵ genre: magic!au, university!au, student/mentor!au, bit of mutual pining, sexual angst, absolute porn but with some plot :]
➵ rating: 18+
➵ word count: 12k
➵ warnings: swearing, loads of bickering, delicIOUS angst, sexual tension, pining hehe, explicit sexual content, dom!jimin, making out, spitting, finger-fucking, sir kink!!, degradation, oral (f. recieving), public sex, sex in the rain, multiple orgasms & more <3
➵ release date: dec. 10th, 2022.
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taglist is open—please reply to this post in order to be tagged, MUST be 18 years or older to interact. those already on my taglist will be automatically tagged <3
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raspberrylix · 9 months
each new thing I learn about kaoru, whether it's from canon or fanfic, I understand why I got drawn (not sure if that's the right word, maybe related fits here more, but it sound wrong) to him that fast
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adhd-brain-slushie · 1 year
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she sadly, won’t be waking up :(
this took two hours, but i’m super proud of it
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kittywritesfic · 2 years
Chapter 3: Keep it Together
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A Kojiro POV chapter is up now!
(This is one of my chapters)
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boomblebee-420 · 2 years
Sk8 Headcanons
Random Sk8 headcanons because I can. If you don't agree with them, please just keep scrolling
There is some shipping between characters. Some of this is me projecting onto characters because I kin them lol
Fluff, Angst, Crack
Warnings: Mentions of self-worth issues, self-harm, suicide attempts, homophobia, anxiety, meltdowns, death, intrusive thoughts, and panic attacks
-definitely chews on his pencils
-has wanted a dog for years but he’s allergic
-transmasc demiboy 
-biromantic and demisexual
-uses he/they pronouns
-they’re a hopeless romantic
-his binder is orange 
-started a fund for top surgery
-gives Langa wheels that they make as birthday/holiday gifts, or just whenever
-spins/jumps in a circle to stim
-also repeats memes, vines, sounds, pretty much anything he finds funny or interesting
-he doesn’t look like it, but he reads a LOT 
-they don’t like reading for school because the books suck
-bouncy leg bouncy leg bouncy leg
-separation anxiety with Langa
-used to cut, but stopped since meeting Langa and the gang. Relapsed when he and Langa were fighting
-depression and anxiety
-knows how to drum (self taught on buckets and empty bins. He’s actually really good)
-inferiority complex
-incredibly impulsive but also very cautious
-constantly tapping fingers on everything
-autism, inattentive adhd, ocd
-cat person
-uses he/they/ice 
-talks to his dad a lot (even though he’s gone, it makes ice feel like he’s still with them)
-non-verbal sometimes
-donates some of his paycheck to Reki’s top surgery fund every month
-has no regard for his safety
-my guy can’t take a hint to save their life
-plays a lot of video games
-hyperfixated on omori and undertale 
-clicks ices tongue a lot
-has made an attempt on their life before. Ice is better since meeting Reki and the gang
-doesn’t really like books, more of a movie person but he usually doesn’t finish them in one sitting
-really bad intrusive thoughts. Ice will often shut himself up in their room for days because of them
-gets Reki flowers all the time
-Everytime ice meets a new skater, he demands a beef
-Can play the piano
-Monster Energy addict
-Used to be extremely emo (style-wise)
-Listens to midwest emo, regular emo, shoegaze, indie, some pop 
-Likes to stick to a schedule and has meltdowns if it’s disrupted
-genderfluid as fuck
-hates polka dots (STRIPE SUPREMACY)
-loves all fluffy animals
-loves going to the zoo and making fun of random people there
-royalty of embarrassing his friends
-huge abandonment issues
-tends to stay up till three am eating fruit snacks and playing video games
-she and the gang have mario kart contests every saturday night
-has hidden in Langa and Reki’s houses before and scared the shit out of them
-listens to fleetwood mac but will never admit it
-learned german just to fuck with people
-photobombs everyone (even people they don’t know)
-Wilbur Soot and Lovejoy fan. He and Langa listen to them together while playing video games
-Has G.A.D and depression, finds it hard to do simple tasks a lot of the time
-Gets panic attacks sometimes
-Watches MCYT
-Bisexual disaster
-Knows spanish and uses it to his advantage
-my guy got mad rizz, as we all know
-Used to be in a band with Cherry. They were called Skate Bomb. It didn’t last long
-Plays bass and guitar
-Sings, but not very well
-dude’s been cooking since before he could walk
-dominates mario kart almost every single time
-listens to everything under the sun (mostly surf rock), and sings country songs to annoy the gang
-has memorized all the vines. Good luck finding one he doesn’t know
-sucks at dying his hair so he forces Cherry and Shadow to help him
-Was a theater kid
-Favorite animal is a penguin. Thinks they’re the funniest things to walk this earth
-Self-harmed as a teenager
-Has anxiety, and tries his best to help the gang when their not feeling the best
-Horrible eyesight, he wears contacts
-Gay as fuck
-had horrible handwriting and Joe kept making fun of him for it, so she got really good and opened his calligraphy business out of spite
-secretly loves musicals, and knows every word to Hamliton. Like, she memorized the entire script
-Fluent in english and french
-plays a shit ton of instruments and really good at all of them
-major perfectionist
-extremely tech savvy
-believes that Carla is his soulmate
-sings like a fucking angel
-can’t cook for shit, but has really high standards for food
-has horrible self-worth problems and only Joe knows 
-Parents were incredibly homophobic and strict, so she’s really sneaky
-Acts like he hates being touched but is secretly touch-starved and craves attention
-Grew up rich 
-Donates a shit ton of money to charity. Also donates to Reki’s fund when she finds out about it from Langa
-Doesn’t really like animals
-Been gardening since he was small
-Trans FTM
-Really good at makeup, and occasionally will get into drag just for fun
-Amazing fashion sense
-Loves his grandma and brings her flowers all the time
-Been in love with his manager for years
-Has O.S.D.D, and O.C.D
-Horrible relationship with his parents. They cut off all communication with them as soon as he turned 18
-Sucks ass at mario kart
-Has a god complex and inferiority complex 
-Gets intrusive thoughts a lot
-Saved a shit ton of money and managed to get top surgery at 22
-Listens to goth and punk music and hates country (except Dolly Parton, he loves her but will never admit it)
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