#cherry but give him a time skip design
shadowbriar · 1 year
Fred Gideon Weasley Masterlist
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♤ Angst - ♡ Fluff - ✮ AU - ♛ Popular
♤ Cherry: Inspired by Cherry by Harry Styles.  Fred thought that by distancing himself, he could do more protection than damage. What he didn’t know is that from this separation, she might have found another man to lean in to.
♡ Oblivious Weasley: "Why are you daft, Fred?" Overthinking and assumptions silently creates the wall that separate the two lovers. As one starts to turn and knock on another door, could they finally meet in the middle before it was too late?
♡♛ I Love you: Years of prank wars finally lead to unintended harm that makes one realise, enough is enough.  
♤ Bridges: In which Fred tries to spare himself the heartbreak from falling for someone he's supposed to love as a sister.  
♤  Stuck on the Puzzle: Inspired by Stuck on the Puzzle by Alex Turner. Having arrived late to the mansion after every attempt of stalling time, Fred finally gathered his last fragment of courage and joined the pre-wedding party, keeping in mind to drink every cocktail on sight so that he’ll be hammered enough tomorrow to skip the wedding.  
♤ Outgrown [Prompt Request]: “I’d ask but judging by the look on your eyes, I can already tell that you’ve closed our chapter.”      
♤♡ Selene and Helios [Prompt Request]: “It has always been you.”
♤♡ Pick Up Where We Left Off: One last Christmas with the Weasleys, would she find her closure from his sudden withdrawal years ago?  
♤ Mother: The fact that their relationship didn't work out was such a tragedy no one could have expected and Fred has no one else to blame but himself.
♡ Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve: The three times Fred Weasley should've professed his feelings and the one time he finally did.
♤ Clandestine Love: His unwillingness to come out of the shadows have finally caused him greater damage one couldn't possibly fix.
♤ Fallen Potter [On-going]: The plan was beautifully designed. False information has also been carried to the Ministry of Magic in hope that the Death Eaters would buy it, giving them the window to transport Harry safely tonight. But just like the calm before storm, Fred has to let go his source of oxygen as one Potter falls.    Part I
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theyapper0 · 2 months
Litte details abt my Hazbin rewrite that i wanna share :)
So I FINALLY finished drawing out everything I wrote out for some major plot point in my hazbin rewrite 😋 BUT!!!
There's some things that I have made art of or talked about that are sorta important (but they're really not, just some silly things that I pictured in this that I never got the chance to talk about yet LOL!!!)
If you don't really care, feel free to skip this but there are some little doodles here too that will basically get all my points across just as well!
-So first point, I've touched on this a little bit here but Niffty and Husk are BROS. Like fr ride or die with each other.
In this rewrite, I want Niffty to have been an overlord like Husk (or at least just as powerful as he is because I feel like Alastor is EXTREMELY attracted to power and he wouldn't just make deals with weak as shit people unless he was gaining something GRAND).
But Husk and Niffty, they both.... really hate Alastor. I think Husk is much more vocal with his hatred towards Alastor but do NOT be fooled, NIFFTY WANTS HIS ASS IN THE GROUND TOO!!!!!!
And I think it's because of this hatred, because of this shared, unfortunate situation that they've both found themselves in in regards to being contracted to the Radio Demon, I think they are really close. Like, they look out for each other and watch each others backs because who else is gonna do it? ALASTOR? LOL!!!!
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-Here's my Sir Pentious and Cherri Bomb designs!! I realized when I was making all those drawings for the rewrite that I never drew them! So here they are! 😋
Pentious has prosthetic arms that he made himself not too long after he arrived in Hell YEARS AGO bc I wanted to REAAALLY lean into the whole snake thing. And I also made him more steampunk-y because I think it's cool and that he'd look super adorable with little gear markings on his scales
And I read that Cherri died in around the 80's so I wanted to give her an aussie rocker look LMAOO Wild hair, big ol' hoop earrings and tattered clothes because she's COOL!!
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-Niffty is the (m)hotel's maid/rooms keeper still (and it was only SLIGHTLY degrading in the beginning). The biggest reasons Alastor made her the maid is because of her OCD (he's an old man from the 1930's, he thinks OCD means being a neat freak) and because she is able to control all kinds of insects and vermin- which the hotel is INFESTED with
Niffty is also the only one with a spare key to Charlie and Vaggie's house, she's honestly the one they trust the MOST out of everyone at the hotel to have a key to their place in case of an emergency (and she only abuses it SOMETIMES)
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When I designed the hotel to look more like a motel, obviously there was no place to put a bar and I WANTED THAT! Like, I understand the humor in having a bar in a rehabilitation facility (it IS REALLY FUNNY I KNOW) but I really don't think that, even in this, neither Charlie or Vaggie would allow Alastor or Angel or anyone else to tell THEM what the hotel needs.
Like, they LITERALLY built this place with their BARE HANDS, I think they're both verrrry resistant to any changes and such that others may want to implement (for both the good and bad), even if that person was THE Radio Demon
So instead, Alastor had brought him in as a sorta bodyguard for the hotel (as a huge middle finger to Vaggie, who is not only the hotel manager but also is a very ready protector of this place)
(Husk DOES still sell liquor though, like that is something that is totally happening, it's just very hush-hush. He keeps it in his room and sells it to the patrons of the hotel (sometimes Pretentious and most of the time it's just Angel. Charlie and Vaggie have no idea this is happening))
(Niffty 100% knows since she's the one who cleans the rooms but she wouldn't sell out Husk because that's her bro)
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-And speaking of the Radio Demon!!! Neither Charlie or Vaggie are scared of him. I mean, they're not really scared of him in canon (they could be sometimes tho ig)
Charlie is one of the strongest beings in Hell and Vaggie is (secretly) an angel who, as far as they all know, can't be killed by a Sinner. So neither of them are really threatened by him. Vaggie definitely voices this more than Charlie does, in fact, Charlie is almost always more than happy to just let Alastor talk and threaten as much as he wants because she's not violent and is very humble (that's what good people do, right?)
Alastor is also just as good of a Facility Manager of the Hazbin Hotel as he is in canon, and by that I mean he does not do his job and when he does, he sucks at it LOLLLL. He is very unhelpful.
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-Sundays are the only day where the hotel isn't doing any reformative work/lessons so it's everyones' day off (it's holy day AMEN!) 
(Charlie WOULD make them pray on Sundays if it wasn't for the fact that every time she would try to guide a prayer, she would bleed from every hole in her body) 
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The Hazbin Hotel doesn't JUST do lessons in goodness, they also teach about the 10 Commandments and go on “field trips” to do volunteer work (soup kitchens, cleaning parks, helping Hell with one smile at a time :)
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Thanks for reading and be sure to check in tomorrow for the first page of a comic retelling Charlie's meeting with Adam in episode one!!!
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malfunctioningemi · 1 year
Sk8 the Infinity & how Reki Kyan is written to be human
SO 👏 if you kept reading past the opening line welcome back to some more thoughts I have had about Sk8. In the show, I think Reki is the most humanly written character in the show. This is due to his personality, but more-so his actions and internal dialogue. 
We open the show with narration from Reki explaining skating and what he loves about it, before seeing him lose the beef with Shadow, and be forced to watch as his board burns. We see straight away that, for all his passions, Reki is punished and given consequences for being too over-indulgent and confident in winning. He loves skating, but it can hurt sometimes. 
One of my favourite scenes with Reki, is him in school before Langa. It’s short, but he is sat doodling away new skateboarding designs and parts. The second someone shows interest and asks what he is doing, he eagerly asks if they want to talk about it, to which he is immediately rejected for his eagerness. His passions being met with disinterest.
Then we have Reki meeting Langa. He doesn’t pay him much attention in class, but when meeting him outside of Cherry’s studio, we get to see Reki’s goofy side come out more. Asking him if he was interested in skating, if he’d want to learn. Then getting shot down once again for his eagerness, only to end up with Langa as a co-worker instead thanks to Oka. As Reki teaches Langa to skate, we het to see Reki shine in his knowledge. he never gives up, even if something seems impossible. He slowly encourages and pushes Langa until he can finally nail that first trick, having fun the whole time and making their friendship all the brighter. It is honest and genuine, even if a little battered and bruised sometimes.
Skipping forward a bit, we see how Reki reacts to other skaters like Miya. Up until this point, we know that Reki is an average skater compared to most, and Miya being the child prodigy, shows Reki up and makes him land face in dirt more than once. There is jealousy of his skill, but also a playful rivalry. Miya is just a kid, similar in age to Rekis younger sister, so he can’t hold a grudge against him for too long. He quickly jumps in to defend Miyas honor, showing that despite everything, he is his friend above any rivalry or squabbles. 
SO. When Reki races against Adam, we see a side of Reki we don’t see much. He is dejected. He tries to joke and laugh, but anyone can see that he is bitter about losing. The people he is surrounded by are spectacular, and he is just regular. He wants to get better, but for now he needs to recover. 
I love the beach episode SO MUCH and for one reason I don’t see people mention often is the scene between Joe and Reki. Reki confides in Joe, and Joe does what he can to comfort him. It’s a rare heart-to-heart we don’t get much of in the show, but when we do it tends to be between the two. They are very similar in my eyes, Joe seeing himself in Reki, and wanting him to not make the same mistakes he did. Reki admits that he doesn't want to fall behind, and while he has the drive, it doesn’t mean he has the skill to.
As the episodes pass and Langa QUICKLY improves, he gets left behind like he expected. He hates it, he doesn’t want to just be ‘the one that hangs around the GOOD skaters’ he wants people to know his name and acknowledge his skills. 
The turning point for Reki’s character is when Langa goes against his promise. Reki is a man of his word, and expects everyone else to keep the same ideals. Once a promise is made, you shouldn’t break it. Knowing Reki was the one to teach Langa everything, seeing him exceed his own skills, and then not keep his promise made Reki break. To him, that was him being left behind. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t reach the same stars that Langa could. As much as this era of the show hurts, Reki is written so realistically. He knows that he shOULDN’T be so upset about this, seeing and supporting his friends improvement used to bring him joy, but now he was left behind without so much as a thank you, he can’t help but close off and run away. How I see it, Reki has the ideals of Someone who wants others to put the same energy into their friendship as he does, and when that doesn't happen, he gets crushed.
Reki at his lowest is when he gets beaten up by his old skating friends, and Oka finds Reki wallowing in self pity. He feels as though he deserved to be beaten up for feeling this way, that his feelings are selfish and he should just be happy. Oka’s advice that sometimes people are just cut out to watch and cheer them on gives Reki the energy to go and watch a race, but even with cheering Langa on, he doesn’t WANT to watch. He wants to be there, skating alongside his friends and having FUN! What fun is there in just sitting there? 
The small scene between Reki and Tadashi has always been interesting regarding Reki’s character. In the depths of his moping, it takes someone who (as he sees it) completely missing the point of skating to knock him out of it. He loves skating, he loves skating with langa, it’s all meant to be FUN! saying it aloud to someone else seemed to be the wakeup call he needed, even if tears were shed.
Once Reki and Langa finally makeup, with Reki having had more time to think things over, we can finally see Reki be given the acknowledgement from Langa that he IS amazing. And of course, Reki blushes. As much as he wants to be recognized for what he can do, being bombarded by compliments makes him nervous and a little embarrassed, and as I read it, feel like all his moping was useless if Langa thought that about him the entire time. It’s sweet and a genuine moment between the two. 
NOW. this post is already really long but I absolutely adore how the skating between him and Adam is done the second time. Reki knows what to expect this time, and just has to endure it until the time comes for him to shine. He might not be the best skater, but he knows everything about the boards themselves, and gets to show off his knowledge once the rain comes. Seeing him win and get that big hug from everyone once it’s over feels like a reunion that I didn’t know I needed. For once everyone is on Reki’s side and supporting him vocally and physically.
As we reach the end of the show, we get to see Reki watch Langa skate almost to his death before their reunion and Langas victory. I think Langas leap of a hug into Reki is the culmination of 12 episodes of friendship- ups and downs all culminating in a fun and loving embrace. A thank you for showing Langa how fun living in Okinawa could turn out to be.
Their duo skate at the end is, as I see it, the start of something new, and the end of Reki’s arc. He has learnt so much, and ended up with a best friend and a newfound love for skating alongside people who truly cherish him. Reki is NOT a perfect person. He gets jealous, and pouts when he gets teased, and makes awful jokes and does some goofy things that sometimes puts him in weird positions, but he is a character who just wants to have FUN as hard as that can seem sometimes.
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once-a-kittypet · 11 months
Hello! I'm Boomtowne and this is my Warriors design blog! The goal for this blog is for me to design every single named character in the series in order of appearance.
My Links
General Blog | Warriors Blog | Youtube
The rules i'm following for this challenge are-
Generally, the actual books take priority over the allegiances, just because a character is listed in the allegiances section of a book does not mean that i'm going to be drawing them then, I'll instead be drawing characters when they officially appear/are named in the books. (Example: Boulder is listed in the allegiances of Into the Wild but doesn't actually appear in the books until The Darkest Hour, i'll be drawing him with the cats who first appear in that book rather than Into the Wild) The reason I do this is because I like to understand the context behind why a cat first appears or what they are actually like in the books before I draw them, I feel like it really adds to the design!
I draw cats in various stages of their life, so as a cat ages/changes ranks I'll be drawing them multiple times. The changes I'll draw are; Kits -> Apprentice -> Warrior/Med Cat -> Leader/Elder. Exceptions will be made for cats who go through very drastic changes (example; Brightpaw -> Lostface -> Brightheart or Stormkit -> Crookedkit) but in cases where cats don't change a lot inbetween ranks, I will most likely be drawing them only once. (Boris and Cherry -> Sparrowpaw and Cherrypaw, or Yellowfang as a rogue -> Yellowfang as a TC medicine cat)
I take into account the family that a cat has before I design them, but to me the website family tree doesn't exist. If a familal relation is never explicitly confirmed in the books and exists only through the family tree, then it's not canon in my book and I won't be considering it for my designs. (Examples: Smallear being Goldenflower and Lionheart's dad, Robinwing and Fuzzypelt being Dustpelt and Ravenpaw's parents, and Whitestorm being Ferncloud and Ashfur's father)
The same goes for any cats who do appear or officially exist in the books but are only given names or designs through the family tree (Examples: Ashfur and Ferncloud's littermates, Firestar and Princess' littermates, and Cloudtail's littermates)
Rules for others
You are 100% allowed to use my designs for MAP's, fanart, or whatever else. Just make sure you give credit and feel free to tag/link me, I'd love to see!
If you'd like to follow me along and also draw the cats in order of when they first appear you of course can, i'd love to see the stuff you draw as well! Additionally, you don't at all have to follow the rules that I'm following, if you feel like my personal rules are too restricting feel free to adapt the challenge however you want to! This is all in good fun after all.
Please refrain from asking for a specific character to be drawn, I'll get to everyone as long as they're named in the books I promise! If you notice I've skipped over a character feel free to send in an ask or a DM letting me know! Just make sure you give me some information about when the character was first named (book title, chapter, page number, and the quote from the book would be great), this way I can double check and add them to my list!
Feel free to send in an ask or DM me if you have any other questions!
Current Book: Into the Wild
Already Done
Ashfur (ShadowClan elder)
Graystripe (warrior)
Fireheart (warrior)
Next Books: Fire and Ice
Oakpaw (Oakfur)
Ravenpaw (loner)
Cinderpaw (Cinderpelt)
Brackenpaw (Brackenfur)
Shadepaw (Shadepelt)
Cloudkit (Cloudtail)
Brokentail (Brokenstar; elder/prisoner)
Sandstorm (warrior)
Dustpelt (warrior)
Forest of Secrets
Graypool (warrior; flashback)
Runningpaw (Runningbrook)
Thornpaw (Thornclaw)
Brightpaw (Brightheart)
Cinderpaw (Cinderpelt; post injury, new med. cat apprentice)
Cloudpaw (Cloudtail)
Rising Storm
Bramblekit (Brambleclaw)
Tawnykit (Tawnypelt)
Ashpaw (Ashfur)
Fernpaw (Ferncloud)
Webpaw (Webfoot)
A Dangerous Path
Pack Leader
Lostface (Brightheart; post dog attack)
Tawnypaw (Tawnypelt)
Bramblepaw (Brambleclaw)
Featherkit (Feathertail)
Stormkit (Stormfur)
Featherpaw (Feathertail)
Stormpaw (Stormfur)
The Darkest Hour
Sorrelkit (Sorreltail)
Sootkit (Sootfur)
Rainkit (Rainwhisker)
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spinningbuster98 · 5 months
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles Ending: Y'got duped Chuckles!
Lava Reef has issues with how often it likes to pelt you with fire but having a Fire Shield can mitigate this a lot. Honestly a bigger issue is the fact that the level constantly has you stop because of those enemies disguised as rocks but other than that it’s solid and with the most distinctions between its two acts
Sky Sanctuary is not my favorite but it’s pretty cool what with its theme of ascension as you’re chasing the Death Egg, the call backs to the Sonic 1 and 2 bosses which gives this a sense of finality as the last of the Mega Drive trilogy and if you’re playing as Tails you can just skip most of this stage and all the boss fights except the last
The Death Egg is, aesthetically, my least favorite of the 16 bit final stages. The first act is nice with that Death Star inspired background but the Earth in the background of Act 2 looks ugly! It has no visible landmasses, only clouds that even look blurry! However gameplay wise it is the most balanced final stage so far, being much more thought out than the liked of Metropolis and Metallic Madness. It even has a gravity room that has you bouncing around everywhere and....die sometimes when the screen scrolls too quickly....did the game process too much blast there? Oh well that’s for another video...
The battle against Eggman’s mech is pretty simple and much easier than the one in Sonic 2, but still very memorable and climactic due to its multiple phases, the music and the very menacing design...which actually led me to some observation on this game’s artstyle but I’ll handle those at a later time. (also that last phase where you have to stop Eggman from escaping is cheap because on your first time you won’t know that the floor will immediately stop crumbling upon landing that last hit which will probably lead you to fall as the screen abruptly stops scrolling)
Doomsday Zone is basically a borderline interactive cutscene, hell once you reach the second phase you pretty much only have to mash buttons and that’s it. It’s style over substance...that I am 100% fine with because the game earned this moment. For all intents and purposes you’ve already fought the final boss, this is just the cherry on top, you get cool visuals and a cool setup combined with one of the best tracks on the Mega Drive! The only criticism I have is that the game doesn’t really tell you that you have to mash buttons in order to accellerate, which made 7 year old me extremely confused and unable to beat this at first
One of the most memorable aspects of this game is the way it tells its story. Now the story itself is pretty standard fare for 90s platformers, it’s barely any different from the previous games’, but it’s the WAY it is presented that makes it so special. I don’t think I’ve ever seen any other platformer of this era utilize quick in-game cutscenes that don’t interrupt the gameplay to tell a story. Stuff like the act transitions or Knuckles figuring out the truth or him looking on as Sonic and Tails make their leave with a small smile on his face gives the game so much more character, and that’s without going into Knuckles’ own side! (which is coming next, don’t worry!)
In fact I’d go as far as to say that Sonic 3 & Knuckles actually has better indirect storytelling than Super Metroid! I love that game as much as this one, but I never understood what people meant when they say that it has unmatched background storytelling, because Super Metroid doesn’t really have much of that, it mostly has background LORE, like the Wrecked Ship being implied to be a derelict ship that brought Zebes’ Chozo on the planet, or the Mochtroids being implied to be defective Metroid clones that the Space Pirates threw in Maridia like garbage, but that’s not telling a story that’s implying background lore. The only times when Super Metroid actually tells a silent story is during the intro on the Ceres Colony, when Samus makes planet fall and naturally during the iconic ending sequence. Don’t get me wrong: that ending is so good it blows even Sonic 3′s out of the water with how emotionally impactful it is in spite of its simplicity...but every other time Sonic 3 is much more consistent with the way it keeps presenting its story as something always happening to keep the ball rolling, unlike Super Metroid where there isn’t much of a narrative reason why Samus goes from point A to B. Of course that is because the game is a non-linear adventure game, with something like Fusion serving as an opposite example and something that actually beats out Sonic 3 in terms of indirect storytelling, but still, as far as the 90s are concerned, I believe Sonic 3 to be the king in this aspect
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yunxminho · 1 year
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Name: Yun Minho
Nickname: Milo
Age: 24
Birthday: June 20th
Occupation: Free Lance Artist / Employee at Crafty Hands
Sexuality: Bisexual
Residence: Mountainside
Languages: Korean, English
FC: Lee Seung Gyu
Height: 6’3 - 194 cm
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Tattoos/Piercings: None
Scars: Some on his thighs that he refuses to explain
If Milo could be a walking cherry blossom, he would be
Light colors, baggy clothes, sweaters that cover his hands, the color lavender, and mint, along those lines
Sometimes he wears glasses, sometimes he wears contacts, sometimes he goes balls to the walls and flies blind
Gentle, Clever, Imaginative
Shy, Easily-Confused, Spineless
Bio: TW depression, suicidal thoughts
Minho was born near Incheon, South Korea but his family moved to the US when he was eight.
He learned to speak both Korean and English growing up because his parents wanted to give him the ability to communicate with his family that still lived in Korea and give him the option to return in the future if he wanted
Once they moved, his parents started calling him Milo after watching his name get butchered in school, and kids making fun of him
From day one, Milo was a brilliant kid. He was able to skip two grades going into elementary school, which his parents loved
It left him a bit isolated as the other kids were often ruthless and exclusionary, except for a group of kids who were actually kind of mean to him
He was not much for the bullying the kids committed, but he didn't do much more than stand in the back and watch. No matter how much he wanted them all to stop, he wanted to not be the target of the bullying even more.
This continued throughout school, though Milo distanced himself from the original group of kids once he realized they were actually quite mean to him, only to fall into an arguably worse group in high school
His parents noticed how withdrawn he was becoming, though they watched him for a little longer to see if he'd pull himself out of it - he didn't
By sophomore year, Milo was exhausted and spent most of his days wondering about what it would be like to die
His parents freaked out when they caught him drawing little comics strips that animated these inner thoughts and sent him to a private school for the rest of high school
Milo didn't think it would help, but he actually started to make friends, and find things he was interested in, and things started getting a bit better.
Once Milo got into college, UCLA, he practically disappeared. He didn't tell most people where he was going or why, and it was deeply freeing
Milo spent a lot of time discovering himself and who he wanted to be while at school and it softened him up quite a bit, while also building his confidence. Gone were the days of oversized hoodies so people wouldn't see him, and in were the baby pink sweaters that make him happy.
In college, he spent many parties slightly tipsy and exploring who and what he was interested in. He even had a semi-serious bf who helped him sort out what he needed to know about himself and made him realize he was capable of being loved
He started going to the gym more often to gain some confidence in himself, and now he's addicted
As soon as he graduated, Milo began looking for the next thing. His parents had moved from California to the east coast, and he didn't want to follow them. His parents are in New York, which was more of a city than he wanted to be in, so he began looking around.
A friend from his second high school reconnected with Milo around this time and told him about Fairford, so Milo decided to try it out
He's been here for two years now, still figuring himself out while designing his art brand
Friends: You can’t go wrong with some pals
Enemies: Milo probably wouldn’t have started shit, but he is an easy target
Romance: He’s bi, he’s shy, and he will not make the first move. If he gets flirted with, he turns red from the tips of his ears all the way to his toes. Though, he’s a flirty, giggly drunk. Do with that what you will.
Shop Patrons: He works a lot of hours at Crafty Hands, running into him there is highly likely
Comfort Zone: Milo is bad about breaking from his routine, he will go where asked, but he has to be asked
The Flirt: Could be a joke or for real, Milo won’t know he’s being flirted with, let alone know if it’s for realizes. Once he does, he’s a cherry tomato at all times.
Gym Buddy: You’d never know it looking at him, but Milo is built. He usually goes to the gym alone, but maybe they made friends at the gym, or they think they can help him out. || Milo, Nat, JJ. Tyson
Fuck Buddies: This one is self-explanatory, let's be real
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astererer · 1 year
🍎🩸🍒 for Aster and Romy?
🍎 — an apple a day! a headcanon about a daily ritual of my muse, and why they do that.
Put on an album, then a coffee first thing in the morning. During the working week it’s black with sugar, on days off she’ll make something fancier — picked up a few tips from Vernon, but hasn’t quite figured out how to do some of the latte art designs he’s capable of. Usually follows up with a CBD infused drink before finishing the rest of her daily routine (feeding her team, shower, etc.).
She’s not a morning person — caffeine wakes her up, the CBD drink helps keep her relaxed as she settles into the rest of her morning, and the music gets her moving.
Checking on her plants, making sure they’re all watered and healthy. She has a lot of them, so some of her team helps out with the ones they can reach :)) It’s one of the few activities that gives a level of structure to her day, and is a good way to spend time with her guys while feeling productive.
🩸 — thicker than water? for a headcanon about my muse and their family; whether biological or found family, and how they feel about family ties.
Always had a close relationship with her parents and brother, kept in regular contact since leaving Galar. However she did have a falling out with Vernon around the two month mark of her travels — he would call her every day to make sure she was doing okay to the point of being smothering. So she had to chew him out and temporarily blocked him for a week before being willing to talk properly and set some boundaries.
Family ties are important to Aster, and intends to carry on a few family traditions if she starts a family of her own in the future. Struggles to fully understand how some families can be… less nurturing than her own, however. Feels uncomfortable hearing about difficult family situations because it’s such a foreign and kind of upsetting concept to her. Has the sense to hold her tongue though because other peoples’ families aren’t her business.
Does not have any contact with her parents. Grew up in a strict and overbearing environment and after several years of failing to meet impossibly high standards responded by lashing out. Despite this, she had a good relationship with her extended family in the Hoenn region, who she would visit every summer vacation in childhood. They’re a more laid back group than Romy’s parents, and their company would be a brief respite from how she’d be treated at home in Unova. These visits stopped when Romy started to rebel against her parents, being cut off from the Hoennian side of the family was emotionally devastating and pretty much the only punishment that affected her in that way.
Regarding family ties, she’s of the opinion that while you cannot choose your blood relatives, you do not need to be bound to them. The moment she could move out and create a life of her own, Romy made sure her parents wouldn’t be a part of it.
🍒 — cherry bomb! a headcanon about a time my muse rebelled against their parents, guardians or others.
Wasn’t particularly rebellious against her parents, but the Galar League? Rebelled against them by quitting. Unable to cope with the attention and busy schedule thrust upon her Aster decided to leave the region with no notice and didn’t look back. Left Rose and Oleana to figure out what happened on their own. After leaving Galar, Aster became more rebellious in general, but never again to the same level as defying a major organisation.
Romy was a bit of a delinquent as a teenager, and would make a point of pushing back against her parents in obvious ways. Skipping school, smoking, getting into fights and so on. Would ignore any attempts at discipline, if anything they’d just push her to go further. Dropping out of school and focussing on challenging the Unova League was one of Romy’s biggest offences in her parents’ eyes, as they looked down on battling as something barbaric. They may or may not have been a few steps away from fully buying into Team Plasma rhetoric.
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marie-dufresne · 2 years
It wasn't the beautiful layout that spread across the countertops that first caught his attention; only the finest for someone who constantly excelled in making sure perfection was met. Nor was the pleasant aroma of the layered ingredients that combined into a cornucopia of delights-- it was her designated look upon greeting him.
It was enough for him to smile, ignoring the cherry pie that wafted its sweet fragrance as he brought his thumb to his mouth, planting a small dab of his tongue against it. Next, he leaned over to gently swipe the tiny fleck of flour that was visible on her hairline.
"Looks perfect, my dear," he simply stated, keeping his eyes directly on her the whole time.
At his smile, Marie’s heart skipped for a moment. She was so used to his smirks, his gauging judging stares, or his irritated side eyes, but smiles were special. Like a gift.
When he praised her, she beamed, tracing where he’d wiped away the flour, embarrassment following her cheer. Forgoing shoes was a choice of comfort and closeness, but being disheveled was something else altogether.
It didn’t seem to bother him so she dipped her head down for a brief moment, finishing up the lattice and giving it a light brush over with egg wash and a sprinkling of oversized sugar crystals.
“You would accept no less from me,” she said, lifting the pie in her right hand and throwing him a playful grin as she waltzed her way to the oven set up in the wall, opening it and setting the dessert in to bake.
She made a show of untying her apron and sliding it off her dress, her look of excitement and playfulness never faltering. “In any of my positions.”
Was she being suggestive? She’d let him decide. She had oh so many roles in his life.
Hanging the apron on a hook in the shape of a sheep, she came around the counter, lifting a stemmed crystal glass from its place by the antipasto and offering it up to him before even opening herself up for a harvest kiss.
“Wine, my love?”
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sketchguk · 2 years
Hey! this is soulmate mark anon! I read your answer omg I love your ideas! a cat sounds good to me too, it fits mc!! Patronusus are soooo special . I also like your stars idea though! maybe mc has soonyoung's constellation? I feel so bad for sonyoung that he knows shes his mate but she wishes it was mingyu, and soonyoung already HATES mingyu wetwytwytr. What do you think made soonyoung realise the mark is mc's? anddddd i've always been curious but idk if youve answered this already ... How did mc and mingyu fall into bed the first time??? WREWTRTTETR Like .... you said they r friends but they also were allso like fwb right ????? how did that happen ?? please tell me that scene so i can stop being curious last week I got so busy with work thats why i couldnt send any asks , now i'mm just in bed relaxing before sleeping. this week will not be so busy for me! Thanks for talking to e about my little ideas !!
Hey hey ! The cat patronus would really encompass all of mc's personality traits <3 I guess that's settled ✨ Funny how both of their patronuses are in the cat family. That's how it should be when they're soulmates !!
The constellation mark would be really pretty, but would it lead directly to Soonyoung in the end?? In a way, it's also special because the astronomy tower is Soonyoung's favorite place in Hogwarts to clear his head. He's taken mc there when she's felt stressed !! So there's definitely a connection there 💛
I also feel like quidditch should be involved in the very first stages of the mark because it has to be super generic for her to believe it's also Mingyu LOL
With every headcanon for this au, it's basically "how many times can we kick Soonyoung when he's already down on the floor?" He's always hurt one way or another LOL, poor guy. He's definitely frustrated with the way mc never considers him as her soulmate. And as hard as he tries to convince her, it just doesn't work out !!! But when the full marks are revealed, there's no way they can deny it then. He just has to trust the process !!!
If we're going with the cat patronus mark, I suppose it would be difficult for Soonyoung to realize that's mc right away. Hmmm. Maybe there are little details that pop up first !! I saw these designs and thought they would be super cuteee:
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lol the second mark would be so cute if the moon was replaced with the sun because mc is definitely the sun ☀️ So maybe the flowers pop up first before the full image of the cat !!
And they could be meaningful like mc's birth flower (but of course in the end, it varies by the reader). If we were going with something general, maybe it'd be tiger lilies !! Remember back when the herbology club would do farmer's market fundraisers?? Where they'd sell produce and flowers from the greenhouse?? Well Soonyoung first gifted mc a tiger lily stem (duh ahah). She received a bunch of flowers from her admirers, but when they're all piled up at her desk, the tiger lily is the one that always stands out the most, and it soon becomes one of her favorites !!
But imagine she doesn't recognize who gave what flower because there were always sooo many. People would hand them to her in succession, and she'd have to place them away so she can fully commit to her work at the market!! She's too busy, and she can't have her hands full when she's enticing other students to buy her cherry tomatoes. And that's always gonna be the sad part </3 She doesn't ever fully recognize Soonyoung's efforts when he tries so hard to have her love him
Oh how did mc and Mingyu become fwb !!!! The h*rny part of my brain really skipped over that part so that I could maximize the angst asap. Here's the idea I came up with. Let me know what you think!
Mc would ask Mingyu for advice because some of her suitors would flirt with her, but she doesn't know if she should give into their advances in spite of her big, fat crush on Mingyu. She tells him that she's wary about settling for some guy because she doesn't feel a genuine connection with those other boys, and she thinks they might just want to get laid. Mc confesses that there's no harm in saying yes, right? It could be a win-win situation. What if she enjoys it? (BECAUSE LATELY, SHE HAS TROUBLE GETTING OFF ON HER OWN !!! The only thing that makes her come is the thought of Mingyu). And if she says yes, perhaps this is her chance to get over Mingyu who doesn't want to pursue anything further with her. But when he asks what kind of connection it would take for her to fold, she tells him the truth. She feels most comfortable with someone who's her friend. Someone kind, respectful, and considerate. Someone like... Mingyu. She knows that this is a terrible idea because she genuinely likes him. But at this point, she'll take what she can get. She thinks that maybe after the first or second time, he'll catch real feelings for her. Yet time after time, he has never made it official.
And I'm sorry your work was so busy !! Thankfully you'll have more time now to relax !! Missed you lots <3 What is it that you do if you don't mind me asking?!! I'm actually gonna be the busy one this week because I'm starting a new job ahhhh (but it's per diem, so at least it's not full time. There's a lot of planning and preparation to do though, so I'm sure it'll eat up all my spare time) 😔 I will look forward to your messages after a long day though, that's for sure !! Hope you have an awesome week 💛
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hejanic · 3 years
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28 from 100 kisses list with Tom Holland pls
28. an accidental kiss between two exes
This ended up being longer than planned...oops
send a number from this list and I'll write a blurb
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When your assistant told you she saw your ex in the hallway, you didn't believe her. What were the odds of you and him being invited to the same late night show on the same night?
''Do you want me to tell Jimmy that you’re not feeling well? We can re-schedule the interview,'' Malory suggested.
As interesting as Malory’s idea sounded, you would feel horrible for ditching Jimmy Fallon on such short notice. ''No. It’s fine.'' You forced a smile. ''I can’t avoid him forever, can I?''
''It’s not like you have to sit on the same couch next for each other for forty-five minutes. That would be uncomfortable and weird.''
''Right. It’s segments interviews. We won’t even cross path. I can do it.'' 
A few minutes later, while you were putting on your dress for the interview, a thought flashed in your head. 
''Do you think Jimmy will see this as an opportunity to ask us questions about the breakup?''
After it was announced that you and Tom were no longer together, everyone kept asking you - and Tom - all kinds of questions about your breakup. Sadly for their gossip hungry self, you had both decided to keep your mouths shut about the subject. Firstly, because you were dealing with the pain of the breakup, and secondly, just because you were actors didn’t mean you had to share every parts of your life. It was nice to keep some things private.
The show began and, while you waited for your turn to come, you watched Tom's segment from your loge. It felt weird to see him through the screen after two years of skipping every of his interviews and not seeing any of his projects. He had changed so much physically. His hair were longer and curly, and his face was no longer juvenile like it was when you met during Cherry.
''Did you know your ex-girlfriend, Y/N, is here tonight too?'' Jimmy asked him.
By the baffled look on Tom’s face, he did not know either. ''Eh, no. I did not.''
The interview went on and Jimmy asked him questions about Uncharted since the trailer had been released earlier today. Then, he asked about his Spiderman co-star, Zendaya. They were rumored to be dating and had been spotted together a few times, but Tom refused to give Jimmy any detail about his dating life. 
The show went to commercial and next, the winner of The Voice would being interviewed so you turned off the TV, not interested. 
Malory had gone to fetch you water so, when you heard a knock on your door, you assumed it was her and said ‘come in’. 
''You’re not Malory,'' you stated, seeing Tom standing in the doorway.
''Sorry to disappoint, darling.'' He took a quick glance around the room, checking it you were alone. ''May I come in?''
Your head moved into a nod although you knew it wasn't a good idea. There was a reason why you had cut all contact with him. It was to spare you from hurting.
Tom stepped in and closed the door. His orange argyle sweater was giving modern grandpa vibe, which matched with his dress shoes. Were these Louboutins? You were not expecting to see his wearing such a high fashion designer shoe.
''Long it me no see.'' He walked up to the makeup and hair corner, leaning against the table. 
''Talk for you. I saw you in the TV screen ten minutes ago.''
''I meant in person. Face to face.''  
You didn’t say anything. 
''How’s filming going? I heard you got a role for a show on the CW-''
You closed your eyes, stifling a breath. 
Small talk and catching up with an ex weren’t on tonight’s planning. You had an interview in twenty minutes and you didn’t want to be emotionally wrecked right before. 
''What are you here for, Tom?'' you asked, not getting the reason of his presence. Being invited to the same late night show on the same evening was not a valid enough answer for you.
Tom bit his lip, a nervous habit of his. ''Giving you the answers I did not give Jimmy.'' He shyed away from the table, taking a step between each questions and its answer. ''Am I dating Zendaya? We were, but not anymore. How's living in New York? Lonely. How do I feel about you being here tonight? Fucking nervous.''
You pulled your eyebrows into a frown. ''Why are you telling me all this?''
He sat on the couch beside you, facing you and your eyes flickered up to connect with his, instinctively. You felt a magnetic pull and, before you realized you were both leaning in, your lips touched.
Not for long thought. 
Half a second after, the door opened and Malory walked in, holding your water bottle. ''Sorry it took so long, I had to go to a vending machine on the other side of the studio- Oh.''
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criminalmindzjunkie · 4 years
The More Loving One
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Summary: Professor Reid finds himself falling for a student. 
A/N: This fic is based on this request. I changed a few things up, but I hope you like the finished product!
Long time, no see! It seems like forever since I got to sit down and just enjoy writing something. And enjoy this, I did. I approached this one a bit differently than I usually do, but I like how it turned out none the less. I hope you all enjoy my take on the Professor Reid arc. The first poem I use in this fic is titled The More Loving One by W.H. Auden, and the second is from a collection of Perry poetry.
Also, I recently hit 2k followers, which is absolutely unbelievable. I can’t even begin to explain how thankful I am for each and every one of you. This fic is my love letter to you. Thank you all so much. 
Pairing: Professor!Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Content Warnings: a few swear words maybe?, teacher x student relationship, age gap, exhibitionism (sorta?), vaginal fingering, unprotected sex
Word Count: 4k
           For as long as Spencer can remember, he’s always had a predilection for the finer things in life.
           Spencer attributes the origin of his preferences to his upbringing. In his childhood, before his mother’s disease got the better of her, she exposed him to all sorts of literature. While he ventured to read all types of writings, he’d always been partial to tales of extravagance. A young Spencer Reid sought refuge in the profligacy of it all, as it was so starkly different from his own reality. Forced to bear the burden of household and a sick mother from an early age, Spencer’s own life left little room for reckless indulgence.
           Now, as a single adult male, Spencer makes it a point to give himself up to the finer things as often as he can. Spencer isn’t a rich man, nor is he careless with what hard-earned money he does have. He simply likes to treat himself to the occasional five-star meal, and even more frequently, posh clothing and rare books. Walls lined with hundreds of antiquarian novels and a closet full of Comme Des Garçon cardigans are where the indulgence ends, however, and until recently Spencer was content with this.
           But when she strolls into his life on the very first day of his teaching career, Spencer knows that his small luxuries will no longer be enough to keep him satisfied. The part of him that longs to have only the very best roars to life as he takes in every perfect inch of her. She stands before him, the embodiment of divinity and grace, looking like every fantasy he only dares to conjure up in the late hours of the night. A litany of cliches from every piece of romantic literature he’s ever read spring to the forefront of his mind in the instant that her eyes met his, but there is nothing stereotypical about the way her gaze banishes the air from his lungs. It is as jarring as it is intoxicating. He never wants to look away.
           Unfortunately, she doesn’t feel the same. With a light flush of her cheeks, she turns away from him, and in an equally unfortunate turn of events, she proceeds to shuffle down the aisle and into the second row of seats to the right of the podium. The realization that washes over him feels like ice water in his veins.
           She’s a student. Worse even – she’s his student.
           Spencer wrenches his gaze from her as if he’s been burned, and the fiery shame of his embarrassment makes him tug at his collar. As he struggles to stave away the lingering heat in his chest and even more embarrassingly, the tightness in his trousers, Spencer chastises himself. His own carnal urges often go ignored, a fact that is glaringly obvious as he cowers behind his podium in an attempt to hide his arousal. He feels more than a little bit pathetic. No self-respecting thirty-five-year-old man gets hard just from gazing upon a beautiful young woman.
           When Spencer pulls himself together enough to start his lecture, he positively forbids himself to look her way. It is hard to fight the urge, but every time he catches his eyes wandering to her, he reminds himself that she is an indulgence he simply cannot partake in. No matter how badly he wants to.
           It doesn’t take long for her to notice him noticing her.
           In the early days of the semester, she manages to convince herself that the stolen glances are but a figment of her overactive imagination. That, or an unhealthy dose of wishful thinking. But as the semester stretches on and the professor’s eyes linger more and more, wishful thinking gives way to a startling realization that she isn’t alone in her attraction. Professor Reid is, to her complete and utter astonishment, just as taken with her as she is with him.
           This is all but confirmed when a slight brushing of the hands during an exchange of papers leaves them both with flushed cheeks and pounding hearts. Both of their heads snap up, two sets of eyes meeting in a prolonged stare that results in an understanding of sorts. It’s mutual, this thing blossoming between them. She can see her own hopes reflected in two velvet pools of brown – can see the longing, the desire that burns within them. Her heart soars, as she imagines his does, and she accepts the papers with a smile.
           She also imagines that, if he could, he would tell her to wait for him. He would tell her that, for now, their relationship must stay strictly professional.
           This doesn’t stop them from sating their cravings in other ways.
           She makes it a point to stop by during office hours at least twice a week. Her visits always fall under the guise of her studies, but within minutes their hushed conversations stray from the professional and towards a more personal nature. She learns of Spencer’s mother and her condition, of his unusual job and his coworkers that were more like family. In return, she tells him about her upbringing in southern California, as well as her dreams of becoming a criminal psychologist. They never go as far as to discuss what will happen when the semester comes to a close. It is an unspoken agreement that the end of the semester will find them in each other’s arms. All they have to do is wait.
           Spencer can’t voice his affections with words, but he more than makes up for this with his actions. Without fail, every Monday following the very first clandestine brushing of hands, lavish bouquets of flowers arrive at her workplace. Each bouquet is always paired with a notecard inscribed with a brief explanation of the meaning behind that week’s flower of choice. Cherry blossoms to pay homage to her beauty, plumeria to symbolize their new beginning, agrimony to convey his thankfulness that she is willing to wait for him.
           Her favorite bouquet arrives four weeks before the end of the semester. As she steps through the doors of the bakery, a vase full of nine red roses sits atop the counter. The sight of them nearly takes her breath away. She pauses for a moment and runs her fingertips across the velveteen petals before plucking the notecard from its place.
           This week, Spencer chooses to forgo the explanation in favor of a messily scrawled poem;
Looking up at the stars, I know quite well
that, for all they care, I can go to hell,
But on earth indifference is the least
we have to dread from man or beast.
How should we like it were stars to burn 
with a passion for us we could not return?
If equal affection cannot be,
let the more loving one be me. 
           That evening, Spencer receives his first bouquet from her. On his desk sits an arrangement of pale pink ambrosia.
           The meaning isn’t lost on him, but if it were, the note that sits next to the vase makes her intentions clear.
We never had to force love.
We were drowning in it from the moment we met.
           Spencer is horribly frustrated.
           A mere twenty feet away from where he stands, the notoriously garish and wholly unprofessional PhD program director is gesticulating wildly to the young woman that stands trapped between him and the hors d’oeuvre table. To find Professor Van Wesep in such a position is not uncommon, due to his penchant for trying to charm (terrorize) the prospective female doctoral candidates. The man is practically a walking harassment complaint waiting to happen. Spencer would abhor Van Wesep even if he weren’t the only thing standing in the way of him and his lover.
           At long last, the semester has drawn to a close. The lonely nights spent longing to hold her in his arms are a thing of the past. By the time the sun rises again, Spencer will no longer have to wonder what her body will feel like pressed against his. He’ll be thoroughly acquainted with every inch of her, and she with him. The thought sends a thrilled chill down his spine.
           The torturous foreplay they’ve been engaging in for the last four months would have surely broken a lesser man. Spencer would be lying if he said he wasn’t tempted on more than one occasion to have her during one of her frequent visits to his office. Some days, when her visits came later in the evenings, just as the sun began to dip low in the sky, her eyes would glisten in such a way that told Spencer her thoughts were none dissimilar to his own. That glimmer of lust had him holding on to his restraint by the skin of his teeth.
           And here they were, on the last evening of the semester. Final grades had been submitted and were released hours prior. Spencer would have been content to skip this event altogether, in favor of more… recreational activities, but his lover insisted on attending.
           Initially, Spencer assumed her insistence lay in her desire to mingle with her future peers and mentors. Her true intentions come to light when she breezes into the room clad in a pair of sleek, designer pumps. Her lips, painted fire engine red, curl up into a playful smile at the sight of a slack-jawed Spencer Reid. The devious glint in her eye twinkles sinfully in the light.
           Tonight isn’t a social call at all. Tonight, she wants to play with him.
           And play she has.
           From the second she arrives all eyes are fixating on her celestial beauty. Peers and mentors alike trip over themselves in their haste to capture her attention, if only for a fleeting moment. She works the room flawlessly, leaving a trail of smitten men of all ages in her wake.
           The most smitten is Spencer himself, because he’s the lone recipient of countless heated glances, as well as more than a few knowing smirks. She well aware of what she’s doing to him, and she takes pleasure in watching him squirm.
          Spencer intervenes when Van Wesep makes the ill-advised decision to reach a hand up to tuck a piece of hair behind her ear. He barely has the time to withdraw his hand before Spencer is upon them.
          “I apologize for the interruption,” Spencer casts a faux apologetic glance at his colleague, before settling his gaze on his target. “Ms. Y/L/N, may I speak to you for a moment?”
           She looks positively gleeful. Perhaps Spencer should have intervened hours ago.
           “Absolutely, Professor Reid.”
           The honorific sends a jolt of heat straight to his groin. He definitely should have stolen her away earlier.
           The two of them say their goodbyes to a confused Professor Van Wesep, whose imploring eyes follow them as they hurriedly slip from the party and down the hallway.
           “Where are we going?”
           Spencer leads her down a long corridor, far beyond earshot of the other guests. Pushing her into a dark corner, he positions her between himself and the cold wooden door of an unoccupied office. The only sounds that can be heard are the distant thrum of the music and the eager pants falling from his lover’s lips.
           Spencer pulls her into a searing kiss, one hand tangling in her hair and the other finding purchase on her waist. He worries for a moment that he’s being too rough with her, that he should have taken a more careful approach to their first kiss, but she assuages those worries when she kisses him back with equal enthusiasm. Her hand reaches between them and clutches his tie, then she’s pulling him closer and whining wantonly against his lips. Spencer takes this as an invitation to slip his tongue inside and he finds himself letting out a low groan when he tastes a hint of strawberry.
           Spencer pulls away to catch his breath. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.”
           “Oh, I think I do, Professor,” she laughs, breathless. “Probably just as long as I’ve wanted to do this.”
           Spencer jolts forward when her hand slides down to cup him over his trousers.
           “Could’ve done that a lot earlier if you hadn’t insisted on teasing me for the entire night,” Spencer growls through gritted teeth. He’s more than a little proud of his ability to string together a sentence with her hand working him over with slow, steady strokes.
           He trails a line of kisses across the underside of her jaw, before taking her earlobe and nipping it lightly with his canine. Spencer’s actions are rewarded with a full body shudder. He dips his tongue in the hollow at the base of her throat and her hands ball into fists against his dress shirt.
           “Spencer, please.”
           Spencer hums and pulls back to look at her. The hand in her hair lowers, and he trails a thumb across where her nipples are hard against the fabric of her dress.
           “Yes, my love?”
           Her eyes flutter against the weight of her arousal, and Spencer twitches in his pants. The sight of her with her hair disheveled and her lipstick smeared on account of him is a heavenly thing. He doesn’t know how he ever deprived himself of such a splendor.
           “I want you. Right now.” She punctuates her words by pulling him down into a frenzied kiss. One of her hands tangles itself in the hair at the nape of his neck while the other busies with tugging his shirt out of his pants.
           “Right now?” Spencer taunts, mouth against mouth. His hand trails down the side of her breast, caressing her rib cage and her hip before stopping at her upper thigh. Spencer’s fingertips toy with the tops of her lace thigh highs. “But anyone could walk by and see us.”
           “I don’t care,” she argues, fumbling clumsily as she struggles to undo his belt buckle.
           Spencer’s wandering hand dips below the hem of her dress to explore the silky-smooth skin of her inner thigh. She’s soft here, too, he thinks to himself as his hand travels up, up, up. He stops just short of where she wants him most and she lets out a despairing cry.
           “You wouldn’t mind someone walking by and seeing you with your pretty legs spread wide for your professor?”
           Spencer brings life to his words by lifting her leg up, hitching her thigh around his hip and pressing into her. The silk fabric of her dress rustles as he pushes it up and out of the way.
           A breathy moan tumbles from her lips as he rocks against her, dragging his arousal up and down the front of her lace panties. The friction is maddening in that it provides only the smallest bit of relief. It’s not enough for Spencer, and judging by the way she desperately pushes down the fabric of his pants, it’s not enough for his partner, either.
           “Need to get these off now,” she murmurs against Spencer’s mouth. An eager hand tugs at the elastic band of his underwear.
           Spencer places his hand on hers, stilling her movements. “Not so fast, baby. Gotta make sure you’re ready for me first.”
           Her fingers clamp down on Spencer’s wrist, guiding him to the sodden lace between her thighs.
           “Don’t think that’s gonna be a problem,” she whimpers as Spencer’s fingers take appraisal of the drenched cloth. “In fact, I think four months of foreplay is sufficient enough. Wouldn’t you say?”
           “Maybe so,” Spencer muses, voice muffled as he sucks at the skin of her neck. “But I’m not willing to chance hurting you our first time together. You’re entirely too precious to me.”
           Spencer captures her lips in a kiss so sweet it has her sighing into his mouth. When he pulls away, he fixes her with a smile.
           “You’re not particularly fond of these panties, are you?”
           Her eyebrows pull together. “No, why?”
           Spencer pulls at the flimsy fabric harshly and it gives way under the force of it. He reaches back to stuff the thong in his back pocket.
           “That’s why.”
           Spencer’s lips come down against hers at the same time his middle and index fingers drag across her slickness. His foresight pays off when his mouth muffles the sound of her cries. As confident he is that they won’t be found, a cry like that would certainly have drawn unwanted attention.
           The swipe of his thumb across her crest paired with the gentle pressure of his fingers dipping into her heat is enough to make her legs buckle. Had it not been for Spencer pressing her against the wall, she surely would have fallen to the ground in a trembling heap.
           “I could get lost in you for hours,” Spencer groans, curling his fingers inside her in such a way that makes her clutch desperately to his shirt.
           “Spencer, oh my God,” she keens. “I need you, please.”
           “You have me, my love,” Spencer whispers the promise against her parted lips. “You’ve had me since the first moment I laid eyes on you.”
           Spencer speeds up the onslaught of his fingers until the telltale tightening of her heat warns him of her impending climax. He has to bite down on his lower lip to regain his own composure. The feeling of her tight and wet around his fingers is almost too good.
           “Spencer, I’m getting close,” she whimpers.
           Spencer continues until she’s on the cusp of tumbling over the edge, until one more pass of his fingers against her crest would surely seal the deal, and then he’s removing his hand and taking a step back.
           “Spencer, what the fu-,” she pauses when he promptly shoves his pants and underwear just enough to free himself from their painful confines. “Oh.”
           A dazed smile makes its way to her face as Spencer presses himself against her once more. He sweeps her up into a kiss comprised of pure, unadulterated desire, before pulling away and smirking deviously at her.
           It takes a moment for her pleasure fogged brain to make sense of the request, but as soon as it does, she complies without question.
           Spencer’s hands grip her thighs firmly and in one swift thrust he sheaths himself into her fully – an indulgence so grand that all others dull in comparison. Now that he’s had the finest, felt it wrapped around him like warm velvet, he can’t imagine a world in which he must live without it.
           Spencer swears he’s never heard a sweeter sound than her crying out his name as their bodies come together for the first time. It’s synonymous with a siren call, he thinks, because in that moment she could lure him to certain death and he knows he would go with a smile.
           His lips seek purchase on the exposed skin of her chest as he buries himself in her paradise again and again. The sharp sting of her heels digging into his back with every thrust brings out a sort of primal urge in him, spurring him to rut up into her like a man possessed.
           “You feel perfect,” Spencer groans out against the flushed skin of her neck. He presses a soft kiss to where her pulse bounds just beneath the skin before pulling away and locking eyes with her. “When I’m old and gray and can remember nothing else, I’ll remember this. I’ll remember how it felt to kiss you for the first time – how it felt to touch you. How it felt to worship you and make love to your body.”
           Spencer’s voices catches, thick and overwhelmed with emotion.
           “I’ll remember how it feels to love you.”
           Her breath catches in her throat and sharp pang of panic burns hot in his chest. Had he misinterpreted her affections? Did she not burn for him in the same way? Perhaps the ambrosia meant nothing. Spencer’s movements falter, and for several torturous seconds he’s nearly paralyzed with fear.
            She silences those fears with a kiss.
           “Oh, Spencer,” she sighs as she presses her forehead against his. “I love you, too. More than you could ever comprehend.”
           Spencer resumes moving in and out of her, but the frenzied feeling from before is replaced with something else now. Something softer, but no less passionate.
           “Yeah?” he inquires, searching her eyes for any trace of insincerity. He finds none, and it’s a relief. Any hint of falseness in her claim would surely lead to a heartbreak he could never recover from.
           “Yes.” The word trails off into a moan. “I love you, Spencer Reid. I don’t imagine I’ll ever stop.”
           Spencer’s heart jolts and he whines pathetically against her mouth. “I’m counting on that.”
           “I’m close, Spencer,” she pants, her breath hitting his face in warm puffs. “Don’t think I can last much longer.”
           “Me, too.” Spencer nudges her nose with his own. “Reach between us and touch yourself, my love. I want us to cum together. Can you do that for me?”
           She nods, and the hand that clung to his right shoulder dips in between them to rub tight circles against her crest. Spencer doubles his efforts when he sees her eyelids flutter closed, and the resulting tightening of her core leaves him panting hard.
           “Spencer, I-” her breath catches in her throat as Spencer delivers a particularly strong thrust. Her head falls against his shoulder, her soft moans of his name like heaven to his ears.
           “Cum with me, baby,” Spencer grunts out desperately. He needs it like he needs air to breath and water to drink. And once he has it, he knows he’ll need it again and again.
           She gives it to him with a muffled cry of his name and he’s instantly swept away, drowning in the blissful way her body sings for him. His body follows her lead, shattering completely under her fingertips.
           While he’s been through similar acts with previous partners, those instances always felt impersonal and clinical. The caresses and whispered words were all a means to an end, an end that usually left him feeling lonelier and emptier than when he started. But right now, as he feels the beat of her heart pressed against his own, he swears he couldn’t feel fuller - full of adoration, full of affection, full of love. It’s beautiful and overwhelming and everything Spencer didn’t know he was looking for.
           A raucous round of applause erupts from the direction of the party, startling the two of them. Spencer feels her laugh against his neck.
           “It’s almost as if they were applauding us for a job well done.”
           Spencer presses a chaste kiss to the crown of her head.
           “As they should. That was sensational.”
           Spencer carefully pulls out and lowers her to the floor. He wastes no time in tilting her chin up and capturing her lips in a reverent kiss. Spencer hopes his lips convey his gratitude.
           The two of them pull apart and set to making themselves presentable. Their efforts prove to be in vain when Spencer points out a dark purple love bite nestled into the crook of her neck. She counters this by taking note of the smudge of red lipstick on his collar.
           “What an adulterous pair we make, Professor.”
           Spencer rolls his eyes good-naturedly. “I’m not your professor anymore.” He bends down and places a kiss to her lips before taking her hand in his.
           “I suppose you’re not,” she muses as they meander down the corridor. “Whatever shall we do now?”
           As the two of them step out of the dark hallway and reenter the party, Spencer smiles to himself. Visions of wedding rings flit through his mind. Spencer supposes he’ll have to take a break from the posh clothing and rare books in favor of saving his money. He’ll buy only the finest ring for his future wife, after all.
           “I have a few ideas.”
taglist: @90spumkin @moon-light-jukebox​ @whxt-to-write @calm-and-doctor @jessalyn-jpeg @pinkdiamond1016 @itsametaphorbriansblog @eldahae @itsmytimetoodream @kasaikawa @shadyladyperfection
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atelliernana · 3 years
Don’t they know its the end of the world?
Villain! Reader and Prohero Bakugo
WARNING: Minor character death,
su!c!de implication, sleeping pills, angst. Minors Do Not Interact.
‘Oh how pretty’, you think as you give a twirl in front of the vanity mirror. The charmeuse silk gown flowing effortlessly along your bodice. Its pearly white shade perfectly complementing your skin. You’ve never worn something so beautiful - you’ve never felt so beautiful. You never believed that confidence can ever be bought but this wedding dress proved you wrong. With a hefty price tag that’s worth half a year of your salary, you almost regret trying on the gown before the big day but then again with a prohero paycheck and designer parents, you’re sure another gown won’t be a problem.
Swaying to the beat of the 80s vinyl record, you imagine yourself walking down the aisle. Family and friends looking right at you as you float down the middle. A mixed bouquet of pink roses, dahlias, and gardenias covers the trembling of your hands as you do your best not to trip nor fall. Your father giving you his best smile, trying not to cry as he prepares to give you away. Your mother sitting on the front row next to your soon to be in-laws. And finally, your lovely groom -the love of your life- sees you for the first time in days, tears spilling from his eyes mirroring your own. Overwhelmed with feelings of joy and excitement you stand before each other, taking each other’s hand as you seal yourselves away to forever and more.
You’ve always felt that the prohero Dynamight would have preferred a traditional Japanese wedding after all the man seemed quite conservative and traditional himself. He didn’t date until he graduated from UA and when he did date it wasn’t just with any of the people who constantly flocked to him as a rising hero, but rather with their shy and equally conservative childhood friend. Ten years of dating later, the news of the esteemed Prohero’s wedding was announced by his agency. Media outlets scurry to find out just who managed to tame down the explosive hero, after all he was the last of his batch to settle down.
You were so lost in your daydreams, you almost missed the sudden opening of the front door.
“Uh oh looks like hubby is here”
And without further ado and before he can come through the bedroom, you smirked to yourself as you teleport (wedding dress and all) away from the scene. After all, it is bad luck for the groom to see the bride and their dress.
But since your in graceful mood today, you’ll spare the groom half the bad omen. You take the gown and he can see the bride - he should see the bride and maybe call an ambulance while he’s at it. You reckon a sleeping pill wouldn’t do much to her, but the image of his panicked and grief stricken face is worth the trouble.
Deaf to the police cars and ambulance sirens raging through the busy streets, you walk down the familiar cherry lined pathway in an unusual state of euphoria. You merrily skipped your way to the cobblestone pathway that lead to the modest granite stone engraved with your beloved’s name.
Its been a year since the dreadful “incident”. After a wild chase between him and the heroes, your beloved met his fate at the hands of the number 2 hero. Instead of a solemn surrender, your beloved choose to end things himself.
At least thats what the hero commission reported. But you knew better, your beloved will never do such a thing. They loved life in all its glory and hardship, he will never commit such a thing. After all he was about to marry you. Even though your financial situation is not ideal, you two made ends meet. You two were happy. It just doesn’t make any sense!
What would have been the happiest day of your life turned out to be its saddest . A day of anticipated festivities turned to a day of somber regrets. What should have been the beginning of forever turned out to be the starting of the end. The world was ending and all you can do is watch as it crumble before your very eyes.
Days of agony turned into months of sorrow but soon you found the strength to try and carry on. And just as you started to get your whims together, the wedding of the year was set to happen.
Prohero Dynamight with his ever blushing bride to be appeared in every magazine and news outlet. Seeing them happy inside their rose-colored bubble, an inconceivable rage devoured you. A rage that so all consuming it filled you with deplorable thoughts of revenge.
A broken television and several wine glasses later, you’ve decided to change the course of your story.
After all, why should your world be the only one to end?
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joshbruh10x · 2 years
Who is your favorite FNAF character?
Ohhh boy, ok I'm that type of person who if you'd ask who their favorite was, I'd weigh facts about characters and compare them only to say yeah I don't have a favorite but I adore all of these guys!!!
(this is gonna be a long read so you can scroll away rn if you wanna)
So imma explain it but it's chopped up into different parts
Fnaf 1, my favorite was most definitely Foxy. He was like everyone's favorite at the time, I never really knew why but he just clicked in my head and he was ofnwjdjsj yes
Fnaf 2, I really got used to drawing at this time so I'd usually draw Toy Bonnie, Toy Chica or even BB but my favorite in this game was The Puppet, would you believe me I dressed up as the Puppet in Halloween once, and my previous friend dressed up as BB
Fnaf 3, I didn't really play it much considering how I got stuck at night 3 but all I gotta say is Phantom Foxy, one because I was still obsessed with Foxy and two, all the Jacksepticeye memes about him
Fnaf 4 was Nightmarrione, it's design was so cool. I played the Halloween update and instead of getting scared I just gushed over Nightmarrione and how it's design was so cool
Fnaf SL dropped and even with just the teasers and trailers I instantly went crazy over Ft. Freddy and Bonbon, eheheh BONBON GO GET EM
Fnaf 6 rolled around and unlike all the other games, I've never played it before but I have watched all gameplay, lore, endings, etc. And my favorites would be Lefty or Rockstar Foxy, Lefty was like really mysterious but also pretty calm and was a nice add to the roster of characters and Foxy FINALLY had a bird partner.
We're gonna skip Fnaf AR and VR because they didn't really add much characters except skin variations and stuff
Fnaf SB Les gooo, so this is the game tht gave the animatronics more emotion and I love it for a REASON. Anyways as the trailers and teasers released, I really liked Glamrock Chica and was excited for what they would look like since this time they only posted the dark silhouettes of the animatronics on stage. So then FUNKO of course, Funko released what the animatronics looked like and then fanart started rolling in. I really then got attached to Freddy's design. Then I saw Monty and I went to my friend and was like Lmao people be simping over this gatorcrocodile/dinosaur, bet...
You got yourself a character I'd love till my heart's content, the fact he was sorta portrayed as buff and hot was all from the fandom so him being a giant loveable himbo was just a cherry on top for the character.
Let's finish this off with a few more facts
As much as I love Monty's character, the fandom giving in made me obsessed with Freddy and somehow, Bonnie who wasn't even in the game. So creating the Fazcule ship for my 3 favorite characters was just swell
Favorite Human Character I'd have to say is Gregory or Cassidy, Cassidy is a chaotic little shit that won't leave William alone and Gregory is also a chaotic little shit that probably won't leave the animatronics alone until they are decommissioned enough.
Least favorite character? Ballora and Rockstar Bonnie
Ballora because of Fnaf SL's NIGHT 4 and UCN jfbejdnsns
Rockstar Bonnie can go fuck his guitar somewhere else
Anyways sorry for the long post I just felt like doing that lmao
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ashiemochi · 3 years
aphrotitty - xxiv
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✠ Aphrotitty ↳ Don’t do anything stupid ↳↳ does something stupid
~~ pairing: OC x Leon S(exy) Kennedy. ~~ genre: fluff, a slice of life, angst, gore at some point, smut/suggestive themes ~~ word count: no
NOTE: ✠ = time skip ✠✠ = switching povs/characters
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The twenty-fourth time Leon saw her, it was Saturday morning. The weather was now cooler, the sky getting more and more filled each day by fluffy clouds and sometimes dark ones. He knew it was bound to rain sooner or later, but the question was when; didn’t matter to him anyway.
Leon was just getting back from the mini-market with some snack-bars, bottles of beer, and one cherry soda, opting for a walk instead of taking his car – which he still won’t admit that he was a terrible driver; plus, the cherry soda would be an excuse to see her.
Humming one of the old songs in his playlist under his breath while reaching the pavement, Leon looked over at So Ah’s house as an instinct; all windows on the first floor were open.
Raising an eyebrow, Leon saw Minji and So Ah lifting up a drawer chest, visibly huffing at the heaviness of it. Minji then let out a childish whine, still moving backwards as So Ah would glance at the floor before finally setting the drawer down and Minji flopped on it. So Ah then went back to the direction of her bedroom and Minji dragged herself behind her, still whining.
“What are those two up to this early?” Leon asked to no one but himself and walked up to her porch, knocking on the door. He heard rushed footsteps along with ‘Freedom!’
The door slid open hard, revealing Minji with hopeful eyes and she cried out dramatically, “Leon! My saviour!” She clung onto his leather jacket and he blinked, stumbling back a tiny bit.
His head moved automatically to the small but surprised voice, seeing So Ah coming down the stairs. Her hair was up but her side bangs framed her face softly; her slightly flimsy white thin off-shoulder sweater had splatters of paint and colours, matching with the black shorts she had, also chaotically designed with colours, contrasting to her clean pink socks.
“What are you doing here?” So Ah asked, hands automatically dusting whatever was on her sweater, which was nothing, and then her nervous hands fixed any out of place hair.
“I was just passing by and I got you this.” Leon dug into the plastic bag, arms going around Minji who was still clinging to him, and pulled out a cold can of cherry soda; eyes sparkling when So Ah’s eyes lit up at the sight of it.
“Oh,” So Ah smiled, taking it from his hand and pulled it to her chest with both hands, as if treasuring it, “You didn’t have to.”
“I wanted to.” Leon nodded with a cheeky smile then Minji looked away from his chest and into the plastic bag.
“No citrus for me?” She pouted and he gave her an apologetic look.
“Sorry, kid, I got apple beer though.”
“Kid?” Minji crinkled up her nose and So Ah let out a sigh.
“Minji, give the man some space.” She set her hand on her eldest sister’s arm, causing Minji to look up at Leon, hands clinging harder onto his leather jacket.
“She’s killing me!”
“Well, that’s a crime, isn’t it, Miss So Ah?” Leon teased, looking at So Ah when his voice dropped a slight octave and So Ah’s cheeks blazed before rolling her eyes.
“There’s no killing happening; I’m just repainting my bedroom’s wall and she doesn’t like the smell of paint.”
“That’s murder!” Minji exclaimed; eyes wide and Leon laughed, setting his hands onto her wrists and gently putting them down.
“Alright, alright, help is here,” Leon reassured, manoeuvring easily around her due to the height difference. Minji and So Ah blinked, So Ah’s heart beating a bit faster at having him in her house again before Minji looked in happy disbelief.
“Is it really?”
Leon nodded at her, pulling out an apple beer from the plastic bag and he pushed it into her hands with a glint in his eyes, “You can be safe down in the living room.”
Leon gave her a wink and Minji smiled widely, taking the bottle as she understood what he meant; he wanted some time alone with her little sister.
“My hero.” Minji sighed dramatically before skipping past So Ah with a grin to the living room, So Ah’s eyes following her then setting on Leon’s.
She narrowed her eyes at him, flustered before shyly gesturing to his shirt and jacket, “I’ve got a spare shirt if you want. It was my brother’s when he last painted the wall.”
Leon raised an eyebrow, setting the plastic bag nearby then shrugged off his jacket.
“Carrying on a tradition?” Leon joked, setting it on the coat hanger and she chuckled, fingers caressing her cherry soda.
“He just forgot it last time he was here.”
He unbuttoned his sleeves and rolled them up, noticing how her eyes settled on his arms; finding it a bit funny yet adorable to see, especially when her cheeks flushed even more.
“Well,” Leon let out a sigh, grabbing the plastic bag again and he gave her a grin, “Let’s check out that wall.”
“Huh, I don’t see anything wrong.”
“I’m not an artist but don’t white and blue complement one another?”
“Not cyan.” So Ah whined, “And beige doesn’t complement cyan, brown does.” She informed, going to move aside one of her big canvases so that none of the beige paint would splatter anywhere.
“So does sky blue, orange, green...” Her voice echoed in his head as Leon let his eyes wander around the room.
It was fairly big, only seemed small due to the number of canvases and the overfilled shelves of sketchbooks, mini canvases, clay pieces, and so on. The houseplants that used to be hanging on and about, as he saw from her window through his, were gone due to autumn so he was sure she had saved the pots somewhere in the attic. A handful of candles were on the middle shelf, having the scents written on them and the coconut was the smallest one.
A series of canvases were hung on the walls, some on the lower side of the shelf probably because of how there wasn’t much space. The baby crib was right near the window, which he also noticed. A drafting table connected to an art desk sat in the corner, papers scattered on and about with different sized pencils. The easel was folded right next to the desk and he saw blank canvases, still covered in plastic wrap, leaning against the desk, patiently waiting to be used.
“... And that’s what makes beige an interesting colour, you’d need earthy tones to go with it.” So Ah ended with a pleased sigh, now having the wall as empty as it can get with her things set aside.
She looked over at Leon, seeing him observing the room and she blushed, “Uhm, please excuse the mess, I hadn’t had the chance to clean up anything just yet.”
So Ah immediately went to her table, trying to make it less of a mess by stacking the papers and setting the pens and pencils into their compartment.
“I knew you were into art but I didn’t know you were this passionate about it...” Leon trailed away, eyes gazing at the canvases then from the corner of his eyes, a paper slipped from her hand when she tried to put them into her file. He took steps close to her, bending down and he picked it up, eyes taking in the rough details of the piece; a portrait of him.
“It’s nothing, I was just –” So Ah stopped speaking when she saw him holding on that paper.
“Wait, Leon.” She tried to grab it but he put it out of her reach by raising his hand up and using his other hand to grab onto her wrist, though gently, to stop her from trying to yank it away.
The charcoal gave more depth and roughness to the sketch with every line being used fluently. It was just a bust, the lines ending right around his hips. He couldn’t help but stare silently in awe, ignoring So Ah’s protests and attempts to take the paper back.
“Wow.” Leon breathed out and she surprisingly stopped, letting her big eyes try to read his expression while her cheeks were redder than ever, ears following suit; she was embarrassed.
The overall portrait was rough but entirely recognizable, the hair mimicking his, if not to the T which reminded him of Minji’s comment a few days ago, eyes sharp with those very slight bags beneath them due to sleep deprivation. The piercing eyes were straight ahead, as if looking at the side, with furrowed eyebrows, arms crossed over his chest on guard, trying to intimidate anyone unfortunate enough to be on his bad side.
His lips were pressed into a frown, almost a snarl, with his stubble being distributed as quick small lines and dots. The details on his outfit were what made him mesmerized; every crinkle and wrinkle being put into the right places, twisting and folding just perfectly around his elbows and hips – then it disappeared from his hands.
So Ah stuffed it into her file with a red face, “I was just, uhm, studying, and uh, school taught me to learn different shapes and postures, so um –” She rambled away, trying to defend herself and come up with an excuse as to why did she sketch him, refusing to look up at him as he gazed down at her.
All in all, Leon was flustered.
“How many coats did we do so far?”
“This cyan paint sure is stubborn.”
“I’m gonna kill him the next time I see him...” So Ah muttered under her breath, almost snarling as the paint roller squeaked slightly, pressed and dragged against the wall to cover the paint while Leon did the other side, giving the wall a good coat of beige.
If the strong smell wasn’t bothering them, then they’d be lying; both of them.
“What was he doing with the paint anyway? Family’s got two artists?” Leon teased light-heartedly.
So Ah chuckled, rolling the brush into the paint tray for more colour, “I had a little bit of cyan left from my art and he thought it’d be funny to try and draw a cube.”
“Damn, it’s a funny-looking cube then.” Leon joked, earning a feigned glare from her. Then she returned to the blob of eye-bleeding cyan, though if she squints, she could see Jaehyun actually tried drawing a third-dimensional cube before he settled for a small happy face and then messy scribbles filled the portion of the wall.
“I’m the only artist in the family.” She said; voice a bit softer than before and Leon looked at her from the corner of his eyes.
“I picked it up from my grandfather’s sketches of his farm. He taught me the basics and since I was home alone most of the time while my grandparents were busy, I’d constantly draw every little thing I see.” Leon noticed a faint smile on her lips, knowing she was reminiscing her young days.
“I thought your brother and sister were always around.” Leon guessed, turning his head to look at her as she rolled the paint onto the wall, inwardly cheering when she noticed that the saturated cyan was getting covered completely.
“Well, they used to but then they both were busy with school and medical courses.” She shrugged, eyes following her paint roller before glancing at his, gesturing him to continue which he did, after he rolled up more paint though.
“You should’ve seen my mom’s face when I drew her as my first portrait.” So Ah chuckled at the memory, remembering a little nine-year-old her running down the stairs and to her mom who had just returned from a business trip, showing her the half-bad portrait of her.
Last thing she recalled was having that portrait glued to the main hall, next to the certificates of her siblings.
“After that, she cancelled my pharmacy course and got me an art tutor instead. Since then, every Christmas and birthday, I just got more and more art supplies from my dad.”
That nostalgic smile slowly dropped, eyes going distant at a new memory and Leon frowned at her sudden silence.
“Uhm... Hey, it’s covered!” So Ah changed her tone, blinking and grinning at the now beige wall.
Leon looked at the wall before letting out an unimpressed sound, seemingly disappointed, “I dunno, that blue was starting to grow on me a little bit.”
“Go paint your own bedroom cyan then.” So Ah shoved him playfully with her roller, getting the beige paint onto his borrowed black splattered painted short-sleeved shirt.
Both of them froze, and Leon looked down at his shirt, seeing the paint as he felt it seep through the shirt and coat his skin. He looked back at her, now a smirk growing onto his face with a playful glint in his azul eyes.
“This is how it's going to be?” Leon sniggered, taking steps towards her with his loaded up paint roller.
So Ah took a few steps back, cautiously though the excited smile on her face gave it all away.
“Leon, it was a mistake.” She tried to defend herself, face reddening at the brazen look he gave her, still getting closer like a predator to prey.
“Oh, was it?” Leon tilted his head, the smile on his face widening when her back had hit the wall, “Because I vividly remember you purposefully touching me with that roller of yours.” His head went down a bit to look down at her, and she noticed his fingers tightening on his roller.
“Leon, wait, WAIT-!” She let out a shriek when Leon took one last step towards her, the roller being close to her neck but she moved away and to the side, her small height giving her the upper hand. A wide smile was on his face, eyes following her when she made her way to the door, almost tripping on the big plastic wrap on the floor.
Before So Ah could make it out, a strong arm wrapped around her waist, surprising her as the roller fell from her hand, struggling as she laughed at the same time, mimicking his excited laughter when she got pulled back against his chest.
“Miss So Ah, you’re under arrest for colourfully assaulting an innocent man, and for that, you must be paid for your crimes with paint,” Leon said in a stern casual cop tone, emitting more giggles from her as she set her hands onto his arm.
“No, please! Leon!” She exclaimed, growing a bit desperate as he brought the roller close to her face, eyes catching a drop of paint slipping and falling.
“Any last words, criminal?” Leon declared, and she noticed how the tone of authority in his voice was fluent, almost too real to be faked. She stopped struggling, breathing heavily for a dramatic effect as she stared at him from over her shoulder in feigned disgust.
“Cyan is a disgraceful and useless colour.” She spat and he blinked at this before grinning when she was playing her role.
“Then you asked for it.”
And with that, she squealed at the cool sensation of the roller being dragged from her cheek to her neck, yelling out his name as she struggled and he laughed aloud at her reaction. The paint dripped down her shirt and due to her struggles, the paint got onto his arm and tiny dots splattered his black boot.
The rumbles of his chest vibrated against her back as his arm with the roller went down, both still laughing but slowly coming down from their high, stomach aching at the laughter. His eyes gazed down at her, breathing slightly heavily, seeing her still giggling and he felt her petite hands gripping gently onto his arm around her waist.
Her eyes slowly went up, locking with his and a toothy smile was plastered on her face, eyes sparkling in giddiness and Leon would be lying if he said those natural cinnamon eyes of hers didn’t make his heart pound harder. Their faces were inches apart and So Ah’s eyes widened a bit, feeling his strawberry breath hit her face gently.
“Hey, I made ramen and, oh my god, what happened here?” Minji gasped, seeing the paint splattered onto the ground, some dots hitting the canvases nearby, and of course, the state of her sister and the ex-cop.
Minji had a tray of two bowls of steamy ramen, each having two perfectly boiled eggs cut open, letting the yolk inside ooze out a bit, each two slabs of meat, garnish, and lastly, mushrooms cut up into bite sizes. There was the cold can of cherry soda and root beer in the middle alongside the snack bars Leon had bought on the way.
So Ah stepped away from Leon’s embrace and he let her, though unwillingly, but he took a little pride at the sight of her rosy cheeks intensifying.
“The wall is done.” So Ah said, having a shy smile on her face as she tried to wipe away the paint from her neck, only to coat her hand with the wet colour.
“I can, oh my god, see that, holy fuck.” Minji’s nose crinkled at the intense smell of paint, almost gagging as she set the tray onto the table nearby, shaking her head when she covered her nose, “Eat well.” She managed to say before running down the hall to escape the smell.
So Ah and Leon looked at each other before laughing again at her over-reaction.
“Ah, this is too much.” She cringed at the drying sensation on her skin and he chuckled at her, getting ready to tease her, but he got a quick hand-shaped paint pressed against his cheek.
“There, now we’re fair.” She grinned before turning to get a bowl of ramen from the tray, leaving him a bit stunned at her little bold action.
They silently ate their ramen, So Ah being on the bed with her legs crossed and Leon being on her desk chair in front of her, both their drinks on the table, opened and half empty. Her eyes would dart up at him, catching him analyzing each painting around the room with a thoughtful look on his face and she took that moment to analyze him; for more painting practice of course.
Leon had a sharp jawline, and his skin was almost clear with a few moles scattered over his neck and disappearing beneath the shirt. She could see faint scars, some over his eyebrow and some on his cheekbone, causing her to wonder what happened to have such permanent scars.
His lips were beautifully plum and Persian red, though slightly chapped but still kissable. Her eyes blinked at that final thought, shoving her half egg into her mouth with ramen, cheeks reddening at it.
That hair that she loved so much framed his face, giving him some sort of grunge, but a professional, badass look. It was parted to the side, but the curtained hair always shielded the right side of his face, making his side profile look just hot.
His eyes connected to the one canvas near the window, slightly turning the chair to crane his neck as Leon leaned back, mouth chewing the chopsticks-full of the salty goodness. Those actions made her brother’s shirt seem so close to ripping, especially around his biceps. It was already a bit tight, hugging his toned chest and defining those collarbones and that eye savouring looking six-packs.
Slightly biting down onto her chopsticks, her eyes found it hard to trail away from him.
Why is he so fucking hot? Like, what’s his deal?
“Hey, you good?” A gentle voice, with a teasing tone, brought her back to Earth. She blinked multiple times, looking at him and saw that smirk on his face – Leon had caught her eye-fucking him.
Her eyes widened at that, stammering for an excuse. “You’re just too drawable, I can’t help it.” She murmured, poking at her mushroom, potentially drowning that sucker into the broth.
“Of course, you can’t help but admire your muse.” He winked at her before laughing when her face turned redder, if possible.
“Shut up!”
“Thank you again for helping with the wall.” So Ah smiled with rosy cheeks as Leon walked onto the porch, having his shirt and jacket back but there was still that handprint of dried beige paint on his cheek.
“No problem, I kinda had fun,” Leon confessed, hand going to scratch the back of his neck; his cheeks already a tiny bit red at just the sight of her and her voice.
Leon wasn’t usually like this around women, but she; she was one of a kind.
Her eyes widened a bit at that, not expecting that comment before her smile stretched a little.
“I kinda had fun too.”
She was going to be the death of him.
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moonloredraws · 4 years
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House of Blood
A story about an overworked and stressed out individual who goes to a vampire brothel for some consensual hypnosis to start off her holiday off work.
M Vampire x F Human (NSFW, tw hypnosis , tw vampire biting ) 4277 words
---  Life had been a cycle of stress and problems, and things had been spiralling for you recently. Your job had become too much to handle, your co-workers had once again proven to be unreliable and your boss had been more unreasonable than usual. Things had been hectic.
Your holiday had come up, fortunately. A couple of weeks away from the incessant stream of issues was a welcome reprieve. You had planned on enjoying yourself, treating yourself to some new clothes and other goodies. 
You had even decided to go to the local smut bookshop. The Moonlore Bookstore had always piqued your interest, but you'd never really had any reason to go in. The interior was surprising, the inside seemed much older than the modern facade of the building led you to believe, but the atmosphere was cozy and welcoming. The front was a cafe, with the back half of the space hiding the books behind some discreet dividers. It had an unusual vibe for a place to buy erotic books.
The thing that most had stood out was an extensive board of flyers, business cards and other advertisements of all kinds.
This was clearly a busy place that many supernatural beings frequented, but that made sense, given how the owner seemed of elven descent and her husband was a werewolf. Much of the ads were specific services for the variety of creatures that shared the human world, though much of the ads were for different places that you hadn't even heard of. Why would there be adverts for services in Amsterdam, Chicago, London and some other notable cities all in one place? It boggled your mind.
However, as you scanned the board with curiosity, you noticed a stack of discreet ash grey cards with a bright red embellished pair of lips. They stood out, and you looked a bit closer.
“Are you stressed? Want to have your worried sucked away?Come to the House of Blood for a fresh reset.”
It was in your area, too. 
  You had never heard of such a place before. You unpinned one of the cards, and took a closer look. It seemed like some kind of establishment run by vampires. Brothels run by the supernatural community was nothing new, but you had never frequented something like it before. Your gut twisted with excitement. You had never really cared for such things, but something about having your stress relieved fast and possibly having fun on the side tickled your fancy.
With your new treats and purchases, you went home, and did some more digging on the House of Blood. It had a discreet website, and it was definitely a brothel of some kind, as you had suspected. It seemed legit, had a small gallery of some incredibly well dressed vampires, some information on the workers and the owner, and you gave a sigh of relief at it being legit.
It did have a appointment form, but encouraged people to go there in person to have a chat about the different options they offered and what would be most appropriate for the client. 
  So you got yourself hyped up. This was all new and exciting, and you waited until an hour after night-fall. Following your phone's GPS, you made your way to the place. It was in an alley off a very busy street, which may have rung some alarms bells if it weren't for the beautiful state of the alley. It was clean, no dumpsters, bright neon signs lighting everything up and with a clear big sign next to the door. You let out a breath you didn't know you had been keeping, and slouched your shoulders as you walked to the door nervously. The beautiful ashen door had the same red lips on it as the card, and you nervously turned the handle, and entered into a small hallway that had some stairs leading upstairs.
Climbing the red carpet covered stairs, you looked around at the rich reds and ashen colours of the interior. Clearly the same person had designed this place and the vampire run nightclub in the area. Or maybe the owner was the same. Perhaps, though, they simply kept up the same “vampire aesthetic” for the other people around. You weren't sure. However, as you got to the top, you came to a brightly lit waiting room. There was a desk of bright cherry red plastic, and behind it was a woman, her blonde hair pulled into a messy bun, with lipstick to match the desk and a slouchy cream coloured sweater. 
  “Welcome to the House of Blood! I don't believe I've seen you here before?” said the woman, her cheeks lifting as she smiled. You nodded as you walked closer, still a bit nervous.
“It's my first time here, yes,” your voice wavered, as you came up to the desk. “ Well, welcome! I'm Amandine, but you can just call me Mandy. Since you're new, I need you to fill out a simple questionnaire, and a little form. I'll help you through everything, so don't worry about it if something is unfamiliar!”
Her cheerful and helpful disposition helped put you at ease, and you swiftly filled in some details, the medical history part took you by surprise, but it made sense. Vampires drink blood, after all. 
  The 'little form' ended up being a pretty big list, actually. Most of it was kinks and things that you would be alright with in a sexual situation. What intrigued you was the box marked “hypnosis”. 
  “What does that involve?” you looked curiously over to Amandine. “Is that something like becoming puppeted...?”
Amandine shook her head, giving a slight chuckle. “No, when we 'hypnotise' people, it's more like we induce a state of intense tunnel vision. You'll feel things more intensely, and I haven't found an easier way to say this, but it just makes you very horny. We haven't found a better term, so we just use 'hypnotise'.” “Huh,” you hummed at it.
“Since you're looking at some stress relief, I do suggest that. It's very difficult to have your mind wandering while under the effects.” Amandine added helpfully. That sealed the deal. All in all you weren't really looking for a very extreme interaction, you just wanted to have some fun, but the added benefit of not having to worry about much seemed too good to pass up.
Amandine settled the paperwork, clipped it all together, and then pointed at one of the doors. 
  “You'll want to go to room 4. There are no locks, for client and worker safety, but rest assured, nobody except the right person will walk into your room,” she gave a playful wink as she stood up and walked to a different door in the lobby, directly behind the desk. 
  “There's a box for your clothes, and there's a fluffy robe, if you'd like to get into something more comfortable, waiting for you in the room.”
You nodded, butterflies tickling your stomach as you walked through the door, into a well decorated hallway, to a door with the number 4 on it. Cautiously, you opened it, and entered.
The interior was plush. There was a soft looking bed, and a couch, and a door to bathroom. Everything was some sort of red or dark grey tone. You found a small night stand, and a fluffy maroon robe. 
  You did as Amandine suggested, and stripped completely, shoving your clothes unceremoniously into the empty nightstand's drawer. The rest were filled with a pile of sex toys and condoms. Your cheeks flushed as you quickly put the robe on and went to sit down. 
  Your current situation began to dawn on you, and you restlessly played with your hands. Before you could get overwhelmed with doubt and stand up to put your clothes back on, you heard a knock on the door.
“Come in!” You squeaked. It was happening. No turning back now.
The door opened and a tall, pale skinned man slid in, a tray in his hands with two cups and a teapot. Your heart skipped a little as he flashed a fanged smile at you, dimples appearing on his cheeks.
“I'm Xavier, please to meet you!” He quickly set the tray down, and went to shut the door behind him. You nervously introduced yourself, noting how much your voice was shaking. 
  Xavier had a fluffy mop of wavy brown hair, and a slight 5 o'clock shadow painting his jaw. His eyes were a friendly brown, and if it hadn't been for his fangs, you could have sworn he was just some guy who didn't get outside much.
 He wore a lightly cream coloured shirt, an intricately patterned green and gold vest, and some brown dress pants. He seemed much too overdressed to be part of a brothel, he'd be a much more fitting sight in a themed host club. 
  “No need to be so nervous. You're here to have a good time, right?” Xavier said as he sat down on the couch, placing the tray between the two of you. “Mandy said you preferred chamomile, so that's what we have.”
“Can vampires even drink tea?” The question had left your lips involuntarily, and Xavier let out a chuckle.
“Eating and drinking depends on what kind of vampire you are. Most turned vampires have a hard time processing food and some drinks, but I'm a born vampire, I can deal with this all just fine.”
You let out a 'huh' at that, and then picked up one of the cups which Xavier had filled with tea.
“So, a little bird told me that you've been dealt a bad hand by life at the moment.” Xavier took a sip of his tea. 
  You nodded, and began to tentatively recount some of the more frustrating events. Soon, you let yourself get more relaxed, and your gestures become more intense as you vented your worries, and Xavier ended up being a very good listener. 
  The conversation eventually started to lose steam, so Xavier picked up. He started to talk about himself. He had an interest in very fine embroidering, and occasionally would make some clothes for himself. He showed off his vest at that point, beaming at his creation. 
  “So... how come you've ended up working here?” You asked. Someone so skilled at sewing ending up in a brothel instead of working as a designer seemed odd.
“I enjoy helping people like this, and I'm a bit of a social butterfly. I tried being a host once, but that didn't end up working so well. I have... a slightly voracious appetite.” He smiled apologetically. You inhaled sharply at that, and you felt your cheeks warming up, and you felt a jolt in the pit of your stomach.
“I'll follow your lead, whenever you want to move onto something else, we can do that.” Xavier chuckled. 
  You nodded, blushing, and your shoulders tensed up. Xavier regarded you with a warm gaze, and slowly moved the tray to the side and shuffled closer to you, gingerly putting a hand on your shoulder.
“You're a bit tense again. Would you want me to give your shoulders a little massage?” He purred.
The vibrations of his voice went straight to your loins, and you stiffly nodded, turning your back to him. He gently tugged at the collar of your robe.
“Loosen your robe a bit, I can reach a little better that way.” He pulled the robes a little looser around your neck, and then gently pressed his fingers into your shoulders. As it turned out, his skills also extended to massaging, and you slowly found yourself sinking towards him. 
  You sighed, and soon he removed his hands. 
  “Feeling any better?” Xavier smiled at you.
“That was amazing,” you said, and then sighed.
He leaned slightly closer, leaning his head on his hand and sitting in a more casual pose. “I can keep going... or we can move onto something different?”
You debated on it for a moment, before the ache in the pit of your stomach started to become a little more incessant. 
  “I think... something a little different might be nice...” you said, slowly, and something lit up in Xavier's eyes. 
  “Then... may I touch you, pet?” His voice had changed, something almost predatory came alive in him. You nodded, almost afraid, but something about being in the presence of this creature excited you.
He gently placed his hand on your knee, and then slowly slid up your thigh, giving it a little squeeze halfway up. His hand started to skirt along the edge of the fabric of the robe. 
  “I won't touch anywhere that is covered... so you lead.” He purred, keeping his hand on your thigh, rubbing languid circles with his thumb. You let out a little huff, and then bashfully began to untie the belt on the robe. As you slowly let the belt fall away, your robe opened slightly, and Xavier let out an approving sound, slowly trailing his finger higher up your thigh.Soon, his hand dragged up your partially exposed stomach, between the groove of your breasts, then lightly touching the line of your collarbone. 
  “Mmh... you already smell so good and we've barely even started. You must really want this, that, or you're just naturally a treat.” Xavier licked his lips. “If you want me to make you feel better just say the word.”
The slow drag of his fingertips across your skin and the mood of the room made you a little bit braver all of a sudden.
“What do you have in mind?”
Xavier let out a chuckle, and you let his hand travel around to tip your chin upwards. “I can make you feel a way you've never felt before.” 
  “Is that right?” you tested him, before shakily breathing out, “show me what you've got then.”
He grinned, and something changed.
In the split second that you had challenged him, your body suddenly got hot, your vision blurred and your brain suddenly felt trapped in a bubble.
“Look at me, pet,” Xavier whispered, holding the back of your head with one of his hands. “It's alright. Nothing bad will happen.”
Your head was spinning, the sensation was odd and uncomfortable, but soon enough you focused on the way that his other hand was petting your thigh. You focused on the way his eyes were staring at you, the way his lips moved, and before you had a chance to get used to this strange sensation of being partially stuck in your own head, your entire being became a ball of nerves.
You started to breathe heavily as the fabric of the robe began to feel constricting around you, and you started struggling out of the fabric. Your body didn't want to listen very well, and you couldn't managed to make the fabric slip off you.
Xavier hummed, looking at you.
“What's the matter, pet? Having some trouble taking your clothes off?” He was clearly enjoying this, but you found that you didn't mind his teasing. “Do you need me to help you?”
You tried to reply, but all that came out was a moan, so you weakly nodded your head.
In a swift motion, you found yourself pulled onto Xavier's lap, your front exposed to him, your legs spread obscenely. The new sensation of the fabric of his pants made you let out another soft moan, and he quickly pulled the robe from your shoulders. The way his hands felt on you was mind blowing, and you didn't hold back the pleased rumbling that came from your throat.
“You look comfortable.” His eyes scanned you up and down, and his hands began to move up your sides. Everything was so sensitive, his fingers were like fire licking at you. In the haze of this dark, dimly lit room, there was only Xavier. You couldn't think of anything else but his hands, his face, his beautiful full lips. Your stares didn't go unnoticed, and he smirked. 
  “It seems that someone wants something more, hmm?” his voice was a purr, quiet, meant only for your ears. Weakly, you managed another nod, and he pulled your hips a bit closer and pulled on your shoulders to make you lean over. His lips connected with yours, and you let out a lewd mewl, breathing out hard. His kisses started out softly, massaging your lips, clearly ignoring your needy attempts at making out with him. Kissing him, and feeling his hands running up and down your thighs, hips, ass, it made you feel on cloud nine. So much of his touch made you feel turned on, you'd honestly never felt anything like this.
You were momentarily pulled from your frustrations when Xavier ran his tongue over your lips. It sent a jolt down your spine, and you involuntarily shivered. You vaguely heard a chuckle through the murky horniness of your mind, and you let out a deep moan.
You weren't allowed to recover from this assault on your senses when Xavier put one of his hands behind your head and he deepened the kiss, darting his tongue through your lips and exploring your mouth. You had to close your eyes, and grabbed tightly on his shirt to avoid floating away, your brain being bombarded with too many sensations.
You lost track of time, you lost track of yourself, you couldn't tell where you ended, and where Xavier started. Everything that you felt in that moment was so unfocused, but the pleasure was beyond what you believed was possible.
Xavier pulled away, and you were ripped from your intense pleasure. You managed to make a frustrated noise, and Xavier gently stroked your jaw.
  “Come on, surely kissing isn't the reason you came here?” He gave you a curious look and you had a moment of clarity through the haze. He noticed the momentary sobriety, before letting one of his fingers gently rub against one of your nipples.
The sensation shot through your body and another moan ripped through you. “Thought so.”
You were quickly bundled into strong arms, and were laid out onto a soft surface. Xavier joined you on the bed, and moved to trap you between himself and the bed.
“Time for the main event, pet.” he breathed out, his eyes having grown even more intense than before. 
  Something about this well dressed, hungry vampire looming over you made you feel so desired, you wanted him to drink from you, to have a taste of you, to fuck you senseless.
It wasn't long before he dipped down and took your nipple in his mouth, rolling his tongue over the sensitive bud. You writhed under him, and he had to grab your shoulders to keep you still. It was torturous, each flick of the tongue made you feel so good, but it wasn't enough.
That is, until he moved one of his hands to gently stroke at your folds.
You came instantly, and almost screamed, the feeling of that sudden action tipping you over the edge. 
  You felt Xavier chuckling against you, still licking at your nipple as he hovered his hand over your pussy.
“That was fast. Do it again,” he went right back to sucking on your breast, and you felt his hand come down on you again.
You didn't come instantly this time, but you weren't far off as the haziness of your mind and the overload of sensitivity had you hurtling towards your next orgasm. Xavier didn't let up though, and your body didn't put up any resistance as his fingers played around with your folds and clit, the little bundle of nerves almost on fire under the thorough touch of his fingers.
You were vaguely aware of him moving upwards, kissing a trail on your skin, before nuzzling your neck.
Xavier hummed in approval, and gave a quick lick over your neck. “You smell so good.... I want a taste.” His voice was quiet, skirting over your skin. “Can I?”
A noise came out from you, approving. You could barely concentrate on anything, and when Xavier's soft lips touched the base of your neck, his fingers still in you, your mind suddenly went blank.
For a while, your mind and consciousness was almost separated from your body, the only thing you were aware of was immense pleasure.
It lasted for so long. You couldn't tell how long you were in this state of pure bliss.
Slowly, you felt like you were coming back to yourself. 
  With a sigh, you blinked your eyes open, finding yourself cradled next to Xavier, wrapped in a blanket.
“Hey,” he said, sheepishly. “How are you feeling?”
You couldn't help the blush that crept on your face at the sight of his warm smile. Were his cheeks a bit red too? Something had changed in him. You couldn't pinpoint it, but he seemed more lively.
“I-I'm ok,” You mumbled into the blanket. “That was... amazing.”
“It's pretty cool, huh?” Xavier laughed, before smoothing back his hair and sitting up, his clothes still impeccable despite what had transpired. “Would you like me to get you some tea and cakes?”
You had requested for a caring service, but you hadn't quite expected to be tucked into bed and to get served tea and sweets after getting fucked thoroughly. You hadn't even fucked, really, but it certainly felt like you had been. Xavier left the room, giving you a warm smile as he exited the room. You were left in this cozy, luxurious room, alone. You tentatively sat up, feeling a bit wobbly, and you reached for the robe that had been set neatly on the bed. 
  You quickly robed yourself, and it wasn't long before Xavier returned with a new tray and sauntered over to the bed. “Here, we have tea, chamomile again, and some cakes. I wasn't sure which one you'd like, take your pick.” He set down the tray after sitting down, and gestured over to a selection of little slices. “You should definitely eat. I didn't drink much, but you need to make sure that you eat something to get your strength back.”
You reached for what looked like lemon drizzle cake, and took a bite from the slice. It was delicious.
You let out a throaty moan at the taste, and reached for the cup of tea. Xavier lifted up his own cup of tea, and took a sip.
“So, happy with the service?” He turned his head to look at you, smiling. 
  You smiled back at him, feeling your cheeks burn again, and nodded.
“That was... definitely unlike anything else I had ever experience.” You took a sip of your tea. “I'm more than happy.”
You shared that little moment together, silent save for the sound of tea being sipped and cake being eaten. You didn't mind, it was comfortable, and you had a chance to collect yourself. 
  “Would you like me to stay for a bit or are you ready to head home?” Xavier broke the silence, putting his cup down onto the tray with a clink. You sighed, and eventually put down your own cup.
“I think... that I'm ready to head home. Your company was lovely tonight and, well,” you avoided looking at him momentarily as an unprecedented wave of shyness overcame you. “I think... I would definitely like to visit again.”
Xavier smiled, and you felt your heart flutter for a moment as he leaned over and gave your hand a kiss.
“I do hope you come by again, you're delectable, pet.” He winked, before picking up the tray again and heading towards the door. “I'll be going now, I hope you have a safe trip back home and I hope to see you again, but remember, there's a mandatory 2 week wait between visits so you can recover.”
“Yes, I remember,” You nodded, and waved as he disappeared behind the door, shutting it with him.
You got up, cleaned yourself up, and dressed yourself. You left the room behind, and exited the hallway. 
  “Heyo, is that you done for tonight?” Amandine asked, smiling as you came out to the lobby.
“Yes... it was certainly an experience.” You said. You dug through your handbag for your wallet to pay up the fee, and soon you noticed how soft your body felt. “Relaxed? Xavier's a pro at what he does. If you want to make sure you get an appointment with him again, then please do phone up beforehand.” Amandine quickly shuffled some things behind the desk and brought up a small gift parcel, placing it on the counter.
“What's this?” you asked, quizically.
“All visitors get a little gift parcel. It's not much bit it's a few goodies and snacks to make sure you recover.” Amandine smiled, nudging the parcel over. “After all, there's a bit of a symbiotic relationship between us and our clients.”
You have an understanding nod and picked up the parcel, and bid your farewells.
On the way home, you felt calm, but there was a bit of a pep in your step, as you walked with confidence. That visit had definitely left a mark on you, and you made sure to write up a note on your calendar for exactly two weeks from then to set up a second visit to that handsome vampire.
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