#tldr i kin him so hard
malfunctioningemi · 1 year
Sk8 the Infinity & how Reki Kyan is written to be human
SO 👏 if you kept reading past the opening line welcome back to some more thoughts I have had about Sk8. In the show, I think Reki is the most humanly written character in the show. This is due to his personality, but more-so his actions and internal dialogue. 
We open the show with narration from Reki explaining skating and what he loves about it, before seeing him lose the beef with Shadow, and be forced to watch as his board burns. We see straight away that, for all his passions, Reki is punished and given consequences for being too over-indulgent and confident in winning. He loves skating, but it can hurt sometimes. 
One of my favourite scenes with Reki, is him in school before Langa. It’s short, but he is sat doodling away new skateboarding designs and parts. The second someone shows interest and asks what he is doing, he eagerly asks if they want to talk about it, to which he is immediately rejected for his eagerness. His passions being met with disinterest.
Then we have Reki meeting Langa. He doesn’t pay him much attention in class, but when meeting him outside of Cherry’s studio, we get to see Reki’s goofy side come out more. Asking him if he was interested in skating, if he’d want to learn. Then getting shot down once again for his eagerness, only to end up with Langa as a co-worker instead thanks to Oka. As Reki teaches Langa to skate, we het to see Reki shine in his knowledge. he never gives up, even if something seems impossible. He slowly encourages and pushes Langa until he can finally nail that first trick, having fun the whole time and making their friendship all the brighter. It is honest and genuine, even if a little battered and bruised sometimes.
Skipping forward a bit, we see how Reki reacts to other skaters like Miya. Up until this point, we know that Reki is an average skater compared to most, and Miya being the child prodigy, shows Reki up and makes him land face in dirt more than once. There is jealousy of his skill, but also a playful rivalry. Miya is just a kid, similar in age to Rekis younger sister, so he can’t hold a grudge against him for too long. He quickly jumps in to defend Miyas honor, showing that despite everything, he is his friend above any rivalry or squabbles. 
SO. When Reki races against Adam, we see a side of Reki we don’t see much. He is dejected. He tries to joke and laugh, but anyone can see that he is bitter about losing. The people he is surrounded by are spectacular, and he is just regular. He wants to get better, but for now he needs to recover. 
I love the beach episode SO MUCH and for one reason I don’t see people mention often is the scene between Joe and Reki. Reki confides in Joe, and Joe does what he can to comfort him. It’s a rare heart-to-heart we don’t get much of in the show, but when we do it tends to be between the two. They are very similar in my eyes, Joe seeing himself in Reki, and wanting him to not make the same mistakes he did. Reki admits that he doesn't want to fall behind, and while he has the drive, it doesn’t mean he has the skill to.
As the episodes pass and Langa QUICKLY improves, he gets left behind like he expected. He hates it, he doesn’t want to just be ‘the one that hangs around the GOOD skaters’ he wants people to know his name and acknowledge his skills. 
The turning point for Reki’s character is when Langa goes against his promise. Reki is a man of his word, and expects everyone else to keep the same ideals. Once a promise is made, you shouldn’t break it. Knowing Reki was the one to teach Langa everything, seeing him exceed his own skills, and then not keep his promise made Reki break. To him, that was him being left behind. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t reach the same stars that Langa could. As much as this era of the show hurts, Reki is written so realistically. He knows that he shOULDN’T be so upset about this, seeing and supporting his friends improvement used to bring him joy, but now he was left behind without so much as a thank you, he can’t help but close off and run away. How I see it, Reki has the ideals of Someone who wants others to put the same energy into their friendship as he does, and when that doesn't happen, he gets crushed.
Reki at his lowest is when he gets beaten up by his old skating friends, and Oka finds Reki wallowing in self pity. He feels as though he deserved to be beaten up for feeling this way, that his feelings are selfish and he should just be happy. Oka’s advice that sometimes people are just cut out to watch and cheer them on gives Reki the energy to go and watch a race, but even with cheering Langa on, he doesn’t WANT to watch. He wants to be there, skating alongside his friends and having FUN! What fun is there in just sitting there? 
The small scene between Reki and Tadashi has always been interesting regarding Reki’s character. In the depths of his moping, it takes someone who (as he sees it) completely missing the point of skating to knock him out of it. He loves skating, he loves skating with langa, it’s all meant to be FUN! saying it aloud to someone else seemed to be the wakeup call he needed, even if tears were shed.
Once Reki and Langa finally makeup, with Reki having had more time to think things over, we can finally see Reki be given the acknowledgement from Langa that he IS amazing. And of course, Reki blushes. As much as he wants to be recognized for what he can do, being bombarded by compliments makes him nervous and a little embarrassed, and as I read it, feel like all his moping was useless if Langa thought that about him the entire time. It’s sweet and a genuine moment between the two. 
NOW. this post is already really long but I absolutely adore how the skating between him and Adam is done the second time. Reki knows what to expect this time, and just has to endure it until the time comes for him to shine. He might not be the best skater, but he knows everything about the boards themselves, and gets to show off his knowledge once the rain comes. Seeing him win and get that big hug from everyone once it’s over feels like a reunion that I didn’t know I needed. For once everyone is on Reki’s side and supporting him vocally and physically.
As we reach the end of the show, we get to see Reki watch Langa skate almost to his death before their reunion and Langas victory. I think Langas leap of a hug into Reki is the culmination of 12 episodes of friendship- ups and downs all culminating in a fun and loving embrace. A thank you for showing Langa how fun living in Okinawa could turn out to be.
Their duo skate at the end is, as I see it, the start of something new, and the end of Reki’s arc. He has learnt so much, and ended up with a best friend and a newfound love for skating alongside people who truly cherish him. Reki is NOT a perfect person. He gets jealous, and pouts when he gets teased, and makes awful jokes and does some goofy things that sometimes puts him in weird positions, but he is a character who just wants to have FUN as hard as that can seem sometimes.
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mazyb0i · 3 months
Other RnM fans?
Rick n Morty fan creator/artist here, trying to make friend brohs with ppl who are also obsessed with the show. I have a hard time reaching out due to my anxiety. (proshippers DNI)
tldr; you're also a neurodivergent queer artist nutjob that makes crackpipe art an shitposts, heavily kins a character at one point or another, and we should be friends because we can be insane together LMFAO
Fav show ships: BP x Rick all day, (I love flesh curtains, and their dynamic is just so yes... I...) Morty x Alaska (i named the vat of acid gf Alaska because the Alaska trip..) Summer x that one girl... Morticia X Jessica, Rickcest/ Rick selfcest is aight, I obsess over Miamicop. I think selfcest in cloning / multiuniverse theory is harmless, but don't come at me with any of that proshipper/inc3st/rickorty shit. I will block you, report you, and put you on a DNI beware list; this is a threat & a warning. That shit is never EVER ok.
if we become friends/wanna know about;
I'm diagnosed Audhd, I'm a transmasc demiboy, I like to be referred to as nonbinary and a transgender male with He/They pronouns. Panromantic Demisexual.
I'm a rick kinnie, just means I identify with rick, in another universe I could be him XD, I relate to him, we share the same personality literally (ENTP 7w8); he's my self identifying comfort character. But my big interest with this show/comic is probably due to some kind of autistic hyper fixation and imprintation.
Hobbies: Crafting, Digital illustration, Fursuit /Costume making, Youtube, 3D designing, Making silly video skits, Writing, Character design, Shit posting, Creating ai voice bots for fun n fandom purposes (will make le memes), Trying to be a youtuber like Imbrandonfarris and Britany Broski, collecting stuff, VRchat, Collecting fluffy soft shit like stuffies, pillows, blankets, and hoodies. I SLEEP IN A NEST OF ALL OF THESE
Personality?: Chaotic, Unhinged, Tired and fed up with this shit, All the Energy AND NO ENERGY, I'm so tired please god help me, i'm an enigma. Ambiverted. If ur looking for a cool crazy cat dude broh who draws weird ass digital art and is always tired but jacked on coffe, adderall, and Naproxen i'm your guy.... :'}
I do alot of art and have alot of burnouts due to my adhd- I've been told I'm  innovative, clever, and expressive. I can jury-rig your glasses easily with a paperclip if you're screw comes out and loose frames causes the lens to pop. I'm very detail and idea-oriented, i come up with thousands of ideas, questions, and theories. Because of this, I tend to come up with one idea after another without actually going forward with plans and actions because i get so overwhelmed with my massive brain XD
Even tho I'm socially awkward, I love people, I want to make friends. I like being alone a lot but I hate feeling lonely. :C When I get to know you I'm very very chatty; as long as I'm not too tired or piled with heaps of assignments. I would say I'm pretty laid-back and easy to get along with, I get so stuck up in my personal world up in my head that I lose sight of important things around me, I blame the adhd. I'm an observer, I like to watch and see how things happen, I am a very hands on person.
I'm constantly learning, i love science with a passion. I got hyperfixated on evolution of different animal clades a while back. I am immensely curious and focused on understanding how the world operates and functions. I'm looking for mental and intellectual stimulation, lettuce skip casual conversation about wheather- whats your favorite dinosaur? (fuck ignore my dyslexia) and before you say a pterodactyl let me stop you right there- they aren't dinosaurs. if you like understanding the world through learning various things about science, technology, or culture, I'm your guy. but I'm also just a silly hoo hoo aah smart ass.
god this is finally done... I've been writing this for an hour......
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rambler-in-limbo · 11 months
Can we get more information about bruno? That guy got me normaling
Lucky for you I recently word-vomited some lore about him to my bestie on discord.
I’ll summarize it as briefly as I can.
Bruno is the successor of Fake, created by Pizzahead’s brother Pizzabro. As you can imagine he wasn’t birthed from Peppino’s DNA, but his cousin Bruno Crosata.
Bruno is the head chef of a Michelin star Italian restaurant. That level of success and coincidental blood-relation to Peppino caught Pizzabro’s eye. Pizzahead and his ocean of failed clones weren’t getting much success with Peppino mimicry, so Pizzabro took it into his own hands and got to work on the first Bruno clones. I mean, it seemed obvious. Bruno was clearly the better option for thunder-stealing than his cousin Peppino.
It didn’t take long for a winner to be synthesized. The Bruno we know was born after only a few failed batches (all of which were culled). He was pampered by his creator, always having a clean and safe environment to learn in as well as a kind supportive figure to rely on emotionally. This upbringing somewhat spoiled Bruno, giving him an ego and superiority complex over his predecessors.
Pino was not as fortunate, his upbringing being akin to that of a pageant child. Pizzahead tried so, so hard to live vicariously through Pino and his kin that he failed to properly house and emotionally support their development. Pino suffered especially, being the supposed prized fruit of Pizzahead’s labor only to be thrown out of the laboratories into the literal trash upon the birth of the first WAR clones.
But before that, Pino and Bruno were paired together to learn how to cook, but the cooperative training sessions were short-lived. The bringing together of Bruno’s unfiltered snobby attitude and Pino’s envy/lack of emotional regulation concocted a violent mix resulting in bloody fights between the two. They have been separated repetitively and ordered to stay away from one another (mostly Pizzabro telling Pizzahead to “get his dog under control”) but that doesn’t stop them from finding each other and bickering. Even now as the tower’s collapsed they find each other and argue.
TLDR; Bruno is the cooler Pino. Pino is fuckin mad about it.
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hexitca · 6 days
So I've been staying at my friend's place watching her apartment and dog while she's on her honeymoon. I offered for free (as a wedding gift other than the glasses I bought them bc I love her and also a win for me bc this has been a nice relaxing vacation lol) but her husband being awesome buys the DMC5 game for me to play while I'm here!!! I was so blessed he just offered and I was like "woh! you don't have-" Him: "I don't mind! You're doing us a big favor! :)" omg so sweet ToT so I finished it last night and here are my thoughts:
Warning: a lot of rambling lmao
TLDR: 10/10 best game overall
10/10 on plot, characters, game design like it was just perfect!! I loved the whole game and while I had to play it on human mode in order to just get through the game for my short time here, I would love to play it on the harder modes and explore more. I can't wait to get a gaming computer so I can do that lol.
Obviously I'm bias bc I love DMC but having played all the DMC games at least once (never finished DMC2 and DMC4 but I at least played enough to get a sense of the games) DMC4 was my fave in game play, plot, and characters. That's not to say DMC1 and 3 are lesser like DMC3 is RIGHT behind DMC4 for me (I just loved Dante's character in DMC4 more and of course Nero and Kyrie with Trish haha). I hope to finish DMC2 next but I think that's gonna be the least liked but we'll see.
Looking at the time line of DMC and having it wrapped up pretty decently in DMC5 was amazing! I haven't played many series with continuous plot lines often but this would be top of the list. Even with something like DMC2 where it is the odd one out from all of them, how they handled it was very well done. When I saw that the game included a recap of the other games/plot I thought that was a nice touch. Especially since the games exist across different consoles (DMC 1,2,3 all being on PS2 and DMC4 PS3 and DMC5 PS5 (I know they are on other consoles but I'm a Play Station girlie haha I never played any of the game on PC but I never had a computer strong enough) like it's hard. I got the first 3 on PS2 and on the Switch for portable play but that's it. I hope they put all on switch but I'm gonna end up getting it for PC in the future lol)
It was nice of them to include that in DMC5. I do encourage ppl to play all the games once bc obviously a recap doesn't stand up to actually playing the plots of the other games. I think due to my past plays of the other games it really made me appreciate the wrap up in DMC5.
I know we all want a DMC6 (trust me I want to see Nero and Co. again plus to see the twins back from hell) but if the series ended now it would be a perfect end. Obviously again I never want this series to end I love it and the characters so much but again compared to most game series it's rare to have a clean wrap up.
Some personal gripes that is more on me than the actual game/characters/etc:
I wasn't happy with Dante's character it felt really mean spirited but in the whole context of the plot/his history it fits. I guess going from DMC4 Dante to DMC5 Dante (yes 5 years had passed and depression etc I totally get that that's why I'm like it fits honestly) but Idk. I just felt that it could have been more...smoother? if that makes sense? His lines/actions etc make sense but were choppy at times. AGAIN Idk how to explain it it MADE sense (trying to protect Nero, the drama/trauma between Vergil/Dante, the actual chance that the world is ending) but idk threw me off a little. Just a major asshole lol but not the loveable asshole that he usually is. Again like yes in the whole context of it all he was gonna have to kill his brother (again) but again I wasn't a huge fan.
I wish we got more of Lady/Trish/Kyrie. I LOVED that Lady and Trish were used as mini bosses like that was perfect but I also think they should had have some gameplay/more than just that. Of course the story is about the Sparda kin and there's time constraints etc but idk...I always felt that the DMC games could have had the ladies featured a little more lol. ESPECIALLY WITH KYRIE. She is Nero's love, voice of reason, his tie to humanity and she only got mentioned/a voice call that wasn't that long. Idk I just need more Kyrie love dammit
Not a lot of gripes lol again just 10/10 and the gripes are just my personal hang ups but everything was amazing despite those gripes.
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mindgamcs · 3 months
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*NAME: Delphine Baudelaire. *TITLE: The Oracle. *AGE: 29. *PINTEREST: here
»» the flourish of hands married to the drama of words; action as distraction so the discretion of your thievery can commence; the shadows on the wall, shapes created only in others' illumination, shifting with the faintest breath; a deck of cards as both shield and spectacle; a tightrope fraying at both ends; delusive creation as an act not just of godhood, but girlhood — something known in the very fibers of your being.
BIRTH NAME: Delphine Baudelaire NICKNAMES: Delphi TITLE: The Oracle AGE: 29 D.O.B.: tbd (i'm feeling gemini or sag energy for this one <3) BIRTHPLACE:  Tomasina, Madagascar LANGUAGES SPOKEN: French (native), Malagasy (native), English ORIENTATION: Bisexual biromantic RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single ?? (possibly has some fwbs, see history below) CHILDREN: none POSITIVE TRAITS: alluring, witty, adaptable NEUTRAL TRAITS: flirtatious, inventive, coy NEGATIVE TRAITS: delusive, dishonest, mercurial INSP: Holly Golightly, Selina Kyle / Catwoman, Anna Karenina, Margaery Tyrell
We are so glad to see you safe, FORTUNE-TELLER (SPY FOR MADAGASCAR) DELPHINE BAUDELAIRE of FRANCE! It’s dangerous out in the world these days, but I hear that you are ALLURING and COY enough to handle it. Just don’t let your MERCURIAL NATURE bring you down! Stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out THAT YOUR LOYALTIES HAVE BEGUN TO SHIFT FROM THE COUNTRY EMPLOYING YOU TO THE COUNTRY ON WHICH YOU SPY. For Delphine, time has been rendered thick with the hauntings of her past. Born in Madagascar to a poor, criminally-inclined family, she learned quickly to steal in order to survive, and to charm as a means of disarm. As punishment for her and her father's treasonous acts at the start of Madagascar's solidification as a standalone nation, she acts as a spy on the French, with her cover being half-socialite, half-court entertainer. Now, with political revolution spilling over the hallowed halls Delphine has grown accustomed to, she contends with the promise and purpose for something greater than herself, the temptation of her nature, and the hauntings of her past.
[ trigger warnings for: mentions/descriptions of blood, war, implications of sex work, more tbd ]
»» Delphine's childhood was littered not with toys and pretty things, but stoney streets lined with more bloodshed than blossoms, soldiers fighting over territory disputes as the country itself clamored for independence. Her family was not made of fighters but of thieves. She quickly followed suit, roaming the reddened streets to pick the pockets of the fallen for any trinket to pawn, unbothered by the sights or sounds of the dying.
»» Once too young to know the difference between polish and peril, Delphine used the shell casing of a musket as a hard candy. A gnawing pain in the mouth of a two-year old brought her mother's attention to the hollowed-out bullet between the young Delphine's gums. But, before taking it out, her mother first brandished the moment to her father, a chorus of look at your daughter less a call for reprimand and more an affectionate coo — all for putting a killing thing in her young little mouth.
»» It wasn't the metal that poisoned her, but the so-called love she was weaned on, love which taught little of the closeness of kin in exchange for all manner of thievery, conning, and swindling. Beyond just the apple of her father’s eye, she was fruit bowl and orchard to him — a perfect creature whose particular talents were rarely seen, to set upon the masses in a firestorm of charisma and chaos, blinding the world with her unquestionable beauty.
»» However, he bet on the wrong grand scheme, believing that his wife's homeland could never separate from the 'greater' nation of France. The betrayal of secrets slipped from Delphine's mouth to the ears of a war-hungry general of a neighboring tribe — only for both the general and her father to be put to death for treason, once the nation formalized.
»» Delphine, only nineteen, found her fate left in the hands of a country eager to cement its standing. They saw promise in her, but rejected the leniency of a pardon, too fearful of the girl to grow into her father's shadow, and too wary of the ease in treating the chaotic birth of a nation as ladder rungs upon which to ascend. What better use for a girl whose talents lay in dishonesty and charm than to set her on the world at large?
»» A bag, a few memories, and the crumbs of her birthplace were the only things she carried with her on the journey to the nation on which she was tasked to spy, her mother left in the clutches of Madagascar's government as collateral. It was her father's native country, but it bore no similarities to the man she knew — where he was shadowy but strong, France was a weakened country clinging to the notion of its more glorious past.
»» To the French court, Delphine presented herself as both refugee and gift, escaping the fray as the new country solidified itself, with a talent for supposed divination. To the court, she was no great threat: less a girl who knew the nature of their newfound enemy, and more a pretty young thing they could use to entertain the court from time to time — a distraction.
»» Their attention, however, was grasped entirely when she 'predicted' the location and outcome of a battle, one which supposedly gained France a different African ally. The truth of the matter rested in Madagascar's own carefully planned instructions, sewing seeds of certain belief for the French while Madagascar went on to harvest. A long game, to be sure, but one which garnered secret strides while France was none the wiser.
»» Nearly ten years into her employ, Delphine has become a bourgeoning young socialite, a favorite in the court if only for her entertaining charm and talents as a so-called oracle. Privately, a few nobles have taken to indulging her mercurial fancies in exchange for a nights sharing a warm bed and the divined assurances of their success. The woman enjoys the life to be certain, but still finds herself practicing her old thieving ways from time to time, playing with fire less for excitement, but more so as a means of keeping her core warm.
»» It is not for those reasons, however, that her loyalties have begun to shift. Instead, as a means of gathering information on all facets of the French people, Delphine has taken to associating with more of the common folk, finding in them a certain kinship that simply doesn't exist amidst the lacquered halls and gilded glory of the upper-crust. With a political revolution tinting the rosiness of France in shades of democracy, Delphine has found herself utterly captivated by what seems to be a purpose greater than herself — but the temptation of her nature still lingers, and the hauntings of her past may loom too heavily to ever truly escape.
my brain hurts but i'll add these soon i promise <33 hmu in the meantime pls!!!
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kinnsporsche · 2 years
where i’ve been: an explanation
some of y’all might have noticed my activity on this site has been dwindling over the last few weeks and i’ve only really been posting from a queue, i’ll be putting a proper explanation on things under the cut for people who are interested but the tldr is that uh
my uncle was murdered under very suspicious circumstances
none of my family have seen my uncle for years, and i haven’t seen him since i was a little kid - we only know he’d died because my mum was listed as his next of kin which is weird considering that they hadn’t spoken in years and also that uh. most of her brothers (not the uncle in question) beat the shit out of her when she was a kid.
they found his body in the desert in arizona, we think somewhere in pinal county (we weren’t given specifics 🙄) which is, in itself, hella sus. we have no family in america, and they told us that he wasn’t a US citizen, which means he was either a tourist or maybe an illegal immigrant? they didn’t tell us who found him, all they told us is that he was found sitting under a tree somewhere deep enough in the desert that it would have been impossible to walk to given the death date and rate of decomposition, and all he had on him was his passport (how they found my mom) and a ticket to universal. there were no signs of cars around and no abandoned vechicles anywhere in the vicinity. 
we got the coroner’s report back recently and he had no drugs or alcohol in his system, no visible trauma, the rate of decomposition was elevated and his skin was like leather so they listed his cause of death as undetermined and told us that their best guess was that he dehydrated and died. which all just. makes no sense. they told us his body was in an area deep enough he couldn’t walk to, so how did he even get there let alone dead under a tree? 
so now, where we’re at, is that they want us to deal with his body, and to get a body sent back to the UK costs like £4000 which is impossible (my mum’s brothers already said they’re not helping lmao), or the option to bury him in what we would call a paupers grave i guess? so he’d probably be listed as an unclaimed body, but then we lose access to everything - to his body, to information, to closure. so we’re stuck at a standstill pretty much, and it’s just back and forth between my mom and the consulate they assigned to us.
obviously all of this has been really hard on my mum, especially because he was her youngest brother, he was the baby of the family and the thought that he died somewhere out in the middle of the desert alone and afraid is heartbreaking for her and it destroys her whenever she thinks about it too much, so im mostly just taking care of her at the moment. 
all we have now is more questions than answers, and every explanation we come up with just gives us more questions. it’s unlikely we’ll ever find out what happened to him, pinal county seems content to let it go unanswered despite the fact it’s suspicious as hell and there’s hardly anything we can do because we’re in a whole different country (UK) and can’t keep pushing as easily. we really want to know when he entered the country so we can figure out what he was doing there but, at the moment, we literally dont know a thing about him. if we find out, i will keep updated.
whatever happened to him, i hope he’s found some semblance of peace. 😔
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turing-tested · 2 years
but like, the thing with 'kin is it's a specific belief about the self. what kinnies are doing is closer to face-claiming (thinking a character/animal/etc. is a good representation of you and presenting yourself as them in online spaces) rather than what being otherkin is (believing yourself to actually be a character/animal/etc. on some intrinsic level)
im an inclusionist which is why i welcome kinnies in the general alterhuman community, i do think we have a lot of things to learn from each other, but we are 2 completely different communities that simply got conflated due to a lack of information. our experiences are so different it's really not comparable to someone having a less strong belief, because fundamentally we really don't believe the same thing at all and it can cause both kinnies and otherkin people confusion when talking about it which is where a lot of that frustration comes from.
i fully support kinnies but i've also had some really bad experiences with them, entering spaces labelled as "kin" and then getting laughed at and called crazy. i'm not alone in this and it happened enough times that at this point i have a hard time trusting kinnies. while i trust not all kinnies are like that, it's also a part of their community they've mostly failed to address and us using the same terminology in such different ways makes dialogue hard. i think a simple switching up of words ("click/clicking" has been proposed as an alternative to "kin/kinning" in that sense and i really like it personally) would go a long way with distincting us and would be beneficial for everyone here!
with all due respect anon but this isn't accurate at all to the term and delineating between "kinnies" and "otherkin" isn't....like a set thing. kinnie is literally just a shortened joke version of "otherkin" and "fictionkin" people who were other/fictionkin created as a joke to refer to themselves as. determining whether or not someone is serious about kinning based on them calling themselves a kinnie isn't a good metric by any means, it's only really just a metric about how seriously someone takes themselves.
i'm a kinnie. i exclusively refer to myself as a kinnie and don't like referring to myself as fictionkin or otherkin at all, and my legal name is Dirk Strider. I also think that me saying i kin a guy from an episode of a second rate tv show that only appears for ten minutes even if i don't really think I'm him isn't diluting the word or making anyone else's understanding of themselves who refer to themselves that way 'less meaningful,' and incredibly popular philosophical argument in inclusionist communities you should keep in mind everyone i know who kins also primarily refers to themselves as kinnies as well; i just dont think the point you're making here of "kinnies are different" isn't accurate in the sense of "kinnies believe this" or "kinnies don't believe this" i guess. as for the "being called crazy" thing, thats an ableism thing, and again im not sure if going "well you need to call yourselves something different so i dont go into your spaces" is a solution here because that doesn't fix the ableism or the fact that ultimately for another example; if someone goes into certain system servers and talks about soulbonds and is not taken seriously that those people need to not call their space a system space, its just not a space that is under that umbrella that is going to suit that persons needs- requiring others to describe themselves differently because they don't ascribe to a specific belief among an extensive collection of philosophies just is not the solution here. tldr: i'm still up for discussing this stuff further but i dont think making a line between "kinnie" and "otherkin" here is.....an actual distinction that indicates anything about how serious or inclined someone is to understand your particular philosophy and saying "what kinnies are doing is xyz" is about as helpful to a situation as saying "what homestucks are doing is xyz," the term 'kinnie' doesn't indicate nearly as much about belief systems as you think it does
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sparkerinparadise · 1 year
okay. mario movie thoughts:
it is certainly a Movie That Exists. i had a fun time with it though :]
bowser was the best character no contest. though i feel like everyone knew that since the cast reveal LMAO. jack black killed it
mario and peach sound.... okay?? they suit the roles they have in the movie fine enough. their performances range from meh to decent
cranky kong's voice direction was certainly a Choice. i dont like it
i thought dk was good actually, sorry bunny. his voice definitely fits the super cocky showman personality they were going with. also his lines were FUNNY
toad was also p good. i thought he had some good moments
the plot and characters WERE pretty basic but i mean. its mario. as much as i would love to see a movie that is as story and character-driven as the rpgs i dont think its gonna happen sorry 😔
me and bunny both pogged so hard whenever we heard charles martinet. it was a really fun and sweet treat to hear him :3)
also the easter eggs HOLY SHIT. punch-out pizzeria. the sign with the duck hunt duck. the MUSIC references. that one shot where mario's playing kid icarus that looks eerily similar to the opening shot from the ova. YOSHI'S ISLAND. THE DONUT PLAINS MAP. THE DK CREW. need i say more
the stuff ft. the bros was very sweet <3 they care about each other so much you guys oh my fucking god im gonna blow this whole building up
the luma was hilarious but i can't help but feel like some ppl are going to kin them. like m-
also haha funny bob sparker playlist moment when they're assembling the karts :^)
tldr solid 6-7/10 for me. acceptable movie to watch with my future kids. gonna blj into a kiddie pool of faygo now wahoo
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sausage-rolll · 1 year
One thing I’ve been thinking about recently that I just cannot get out of my head is why Marika shattered the elden ring? I mean, it’s all well and good to just say “Oh it’s because she was driven mad by the death of Godwyn of course” but I just don’t think that’s quite right. Not only does it feel weird to assume the shattering was just some spur of the moment decision done in an emotional outburst when it was very clearly planned in quite a lot of detail but it also doesn’t really add up with the timeline since Godfrey was presumably sent out of the lands between long before Godwyn died and that seems to be a massive part of what Marika’s plan was.
I think I’ve come up with a semi possible alternative reason as to what could have driven Marika to destroy her own order.
Ok hear me out here.
What if she instead betrayed her order because of what happened to her omen children? I mean, think about it. They are still her children after all and she had to abandon both of them as infants to a life of hell because the greater will (or the golden order, could be both) doesn’t like Omens.
We know that the GW was a pretty controlling (and rather petty) god when it was in power so it definitely had the ability and motive to strong arm Marika into doing things she wouldn’t want to. Even if she did want to keep the twins with her, what choice would she have had with that sort of being looming over her head 24/7?
Imagine how much that would destroy your faith in a system. Her own children, subjected to a life of pain and ridicule because of the way they were born all because her god (or society) says so.
I find it hard to believe that she wouldn’t at least have some conflicted feelings over the whole ordeal.
I think the biggest evidence I have here is the fact that the omen twins were not only gifted greatrunes upon the rings shattering (something only granted to Marika’s offspring) but Morgott was even ‘given grace’, which is something Marika has a lot of control over.
Even after being born omens and being abandoned early on in their lives Marika still considered them enough of her kin to be given a chance in the shattering race. Now you could argue that them getting their greatrunes was just a happy accident but I really don’t think the same could be said about Morgott being grace given. That seems like a very conscious decision.
We can even see that Godfrey himself had some sense of fondness (or at least respect) for Morgott from the way he holds and speaks to him in his opening boss cutscene, is it really so out of the question that Marika may have felt the same?
What if Marika having to abandon her Omen children because of the greater will and golden order was the catalyst that began her plot to shatter the ring and end her own order?
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oplishin · 1 year
Had a thought that maybe Boddho could be a half American Gods half Foo Fighters situation where she’s the manifestation of all the Kin’s belief in her; a kind of combination of all their souls and stands
Idk about that though, because that could lean too hard into the weird racist “the kin are a hivemind” thing the game pulls but Idk I think there’s a way to do it carefully enough to not. do a racism i guess
Like, all the members of the kin can have their own distinct personalities and goals and dreams, but their sense of community lets them come together and create something more 
Contrasted with the Polyhedron as Peter’s Requiem stand, the result of one weird guy pushing his own soul beyond the limits of what A Soul is supposed to do
I guess this would mean that the Diurnal ending would be Artemy literally killing indigenous people’s souls but you know. Pathologic 2 is stupid for that fucking ending and for everything it says about the Kin. So fuck the Diurnal ending actually all my homies hate P2′s endings
The death of Boddho in this AU could be (better) used as a metaphor for Artemy’s own internalized racism (especially if just. written better than how P2 does it). He sees the Kin as too collectivised (which is maybe a valid criticism, but for Artemy it comes from a place of being racist), and the fact that everyone in the Kin seemingly blends their souls together is proof of that to him. But because he’s been taught to value individualism over everything he misses what the Kin have created together, the beauty of their culture. 
Choosing to have Boddho live would be him embracing that (again, ignoring P2′s canon endings here)
anyway this whole thing really got away from me
tldr pathologic 2 could have been an interesting commentary about how members marginalized communities can ethically criticize their own communities without falling back on racist narrative they’ve internalized but instead was just really bad and racist.
also stands or something
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
I've typed up and deleted a lot of very intense and often negative or pleading-for-forgiveness type posts. And I don't want that to be the mark I made with this kin. (At least Yet.) I don't want to dwell on my childhood. Instead, I will leave a positive message - one I know I can make without any caveats (as of right now, as I am unfortunately still working through my childhood and family feelings lmfao)
(implied rare pair things ahead, I warn bcuz I do not want to make anyone uncomfortable.)
To sokka of the water tribe, thank you for being insufferable and refusing to leave me alone for months while I was locked in a cell and repeatedly tried to light your hair on fire. I still can't quite wrap my head around the why but I'm glad you did. Perhaps I started as a personal project, perhaps it was stubborness. who knows, who cares, you saved my life. You were the first person to get me to be kind. It took fucking months, maybe even over a year of consistent visits and outstretched hands, but eventually I reached back. I still remember it. I remember the look on your face when I offered you a gift purely for the sake of it, because I remembered you liked it, because you were my friend - my only friend and I wanted to make you happy. Because I thought you'd do some goofy ahh fist bump bcuz i gave you a bread roll. It like... It felt like for the first time in my entire life, someone was earnestly proud of me.
No matter how many times i snapped, screamed, bit and barked, no many how many times I called you worthless or - probably slurs? You didn't back out, you didn't bend to me pushing you away. You said fuck you I'm gonna be your friend wether you like it or not you edgy bitch. And then you did. That's something no one, not my brother, not my uncle, not your sister, not the damn avatar was ever able to push through. They all gave up on me, believed my own press. They accepted that I was a monster, that I didn't want help, and so I couldn't be helped. But you pushed and pushed and pushed until I finally learned to stop biting the hand that was trying to feed me. Until I gave back, until I learned that bonds were built not with fear, but with joy and connection. With earnest love to see the one you care about happy. To give him your bread roll or dessert thing - I don't remember - just because you knew it would make him happy. Because one stubborn bastard picked your sorry ass as someone he wanted to try and help.
I'd apologize for being terribly clingy after being released but frankly I do not regret it. That is my emotional support water tribe boy. You saved me, sokka. And beyond that, beyond all that you WERE my friend. You were funny and charming and an absolute delight to be around. You were a brilliant fighter and leader, and a joy to spar with, a joy to talk to, and eventually, if I may be so forward, a joy to have loved. I'm forever grateful that I found someone so annoyingly persistent. Thank you for believing in me, thank you for being kind to me, thank you for being annoying and insufferable and obnoxious and funny, and for being in my life.
I'm aware this message will make no goddamn sense to 99% of people who see it, I know my canon is weird as hell, and frankly odds are no one will recognize whatever the hell I am talking about. (tldr sokka was nice to me so hard in prison I was redeemed.) But I don't mind, I suppose as with all of my other scrapped letters this one is more for myself. But I hope anyone who passes by at least gets a kick out of my story. And hopefully getting this off my chest can help me cope and think about the rest of everyone else.
Oh and while I'm here might as well - big ups to katara as well. you were a mega bitch for awhile but so was I, we got better. couldn't have asked for a better sister in law ❤️ (there's more nice things I could say about you but this has been so long already, perhaps you'll come up again in my next fucking MEMOIR of an anon)
-azula #🔥❤️🧨 (of atla, to mpc if it's not obvious by this point lol)
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adultkincalls · 1 year
Hello, I'm Osamu Dazai - from Bungou Stray Dogs technically, but I'm from an AU and looking for anyone. In my verse, the technology was roughly equivalent to a Victorian era and aesthetic, and the noble class was made up almost entirely of ("desirable") ability-users. After my time in the mafia I got in as a noble govt agent thanks to Ango and Kunikida, and I was put in charge of a program that included recruiting new & promising ability-users. tldr, that led to be basically becoming housing for everyone I felt sympathetic toward but didnt wanna validate that. First it was Lucy, she was on the streets and ended up working as my personal assistant (she offered, so I paid out the ass), and then it was Akutagawa as some sort of way to make up for things. Lastly(?) was Chuuya, and he kickstarted my emotional progress as well as a long back-and-forth between us and the Decay of Angels.
Other things I remember include wearing a burgundy red coat, being a workaholic to evade emotions rather than being avoidant, Gogol almost killing Chuuya by Dostoyevsky's orders once (I got bad before Ryuu stopped me), Ryuunosuke & Chuuya & I all eventually ending up together in a polyamorous way, Chuuya and I working hard to help his alcoholism, and maybe something involving finding Atsushi in the Port Mafia and getting him out.
The rest is either too detailed to put here or pretty foggy, but I remember a lot down to the exact layout of my manor, so please message if any of these past life memories sound familiar!
Our account is @moonpool-system ; it's our dissociative disorder/plural account, but I promise this is a kin call specifically. Body is 22, hoping to reconnect with anyone that remembers (even people like Dostoevsky or Gogol, or people I didn't talk to much specifically) so pls contact!
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silco-supremacy · 3 years
I think it's kind of concerning how much I relate to Crosshair
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thegrandlinesimp · 2 years
Hi again! Thanks for replying to so quickly and explaining things! =) I read the rules and adjusted to it (it's not like there's a lack of OP characters I like :D). Would you maybe want to do HC for Kid and Zoro with a female S/O that is a scientist, wears glasses and while she's far from having a strength matching theirs, she instead uses speed and smarts to her advantage (in fights and daily life). Both SFW and NSFW would be interesting to me, I don't mind which. In case you would want to go a NSFW route, may I request the inclusion of creampie? I'm not sure how detailed or rough requests should be to be better, please just let me know! =) Thanks again for being so nice!
I tried so hard with this one, been mulling over it three days and I just couldn’t get Zoro’s to work??? Like, I had 4% of an idea but didn’t know where to go with that, the only reason I was able to do Kid’s is because I have an OC (old dude though) who’s the Kid pirate’s doctor but is more of an all-round mad scientist, snipped a few concepts off that and yeah...
Sorry I wasn’t able to do it all, I really tried with NSFW, but I just couldn’t see the boys treating their s/o differently in bed just cause she’s a scientist (apart from Kid making the odd explosive joke, you’ll see why) that and you don’t have your age anywhere on your blog so I didn’t feel comfortable filling an NSFW ask without knowing it.
TLDR; you had a lot of detail but not where it really counted?
Also, this is like the second time I’ve done the whole “this is how you two guys got together” thing without being asked to??? I like story building 😅
Anyway I hope this isn’t too much of a train wreck for what it’s worth.
Kid with a Scientist Fem!S/O
Tumblr media
(S/O’s scientific field - chemical warfare and explosives)
At first Kid wasn’t too keen on meeting this person Killer said would be great on the crew, some chick scientist? What’s so great about staring at colourful water in a flask (unless it involves metal he knows nothing about science)
But his ears perked up at the word “explosives”.
…scientists can make bombs?
The moment he met you he was secretly smitten, hair up in a tight bun, white lab coat hugging your curves and those. Damn. Glasses.
The way you looked at him over the rim of your glasses, that stern, unimpressed look as you raised an eyebrow as if to say to Killer “this is your incredible Captain?”
Man was simping hard
Having no where to really set up a proper lab, Eustass “help-me-this-woman-is-maddeningly-hot-and-ten-thousand-times-smarter-than-me” Kid was more than happy to have the back half of his overly large workshop converted into a suitable workspace for you
Whenever the two were working on your own projects in there he kept asking you what you thought of what he was making
Dude was not subtle about his crush
But it all came to a head when he thought “fuck it” and left about a dozen of these on your lab table
And what himbo loving woman could say no to that?
He’s surprisingly grateful for having you on the crew, despite specialising in chemical warfare and explosives, since you joined there’ve been fewer battle-induced injuries throughout the crew
That’s thanks to your “cannonball-bomb”, an explosive that can just survive the propelling blast of being shot from a cannon, but is just damaged and intact enough that when struck/it hits the ground, it explodes
10x more devastating than a normal cannonball, not just because of the explosion, but the shrapnel from the metal casing too
Takes out way more enemies at a safe distance, leading to an easier fight once they disembark the ship
Not too easy though, due to the amount of resources needed to make the weapons and Kid wanting a challenge
Marine ships have been given the order to steer clear due to this unless a Devil User is amongst the crew
Kid was pissed before finding out why the crew hadn’t run into a lot of marine ships
Massive ego boost for him, he’s dating a woman who scared the entire Naval fleet off
The future Pirate King’s Queen is already making a name for herself without his help and he couldn’t be more proud
You also make tiny bombs that can fuck up locks when pushed into keyholes, meaning the crew suddenly has the option for stealth
Not that Kid often takes it
The two of you have made several projects weapons together
You both agree your favourite is the “exploding mouse”, a little metal windup mouse that - once the windup key has finished turning - explodes
Kid likes to use slightly rusty metal for the wheels so it actually squeaks when it moves, it’s a great distraction for those rare times Kid (read: Killer) wants to be stealthy
A mini explosion version has been used more than once to prank crew members
Killer was your first victim, the poor man nearly pissed himself cause he picked up the mouse before the key stopped turning, luckily he was cooking in the kitchen and was wearing an oven glove
The glove has thankfully been the only casualty of your pranks
You and Killer pranked your boyfriend once with the mouse bomb
After that pranks were banned
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lefunnymoncey · 3 years
hcs for Miss Neetle? please?
Hehehe of course
Canon pretty flower lady Miss Nettle
She likes bees since their yellow and care for plants just like her
This woman kins bees
She adores bees
It's pretty hard to get her to talk to you since she's so cold but if you're able to make something with a bee on it for her and find her (somehow) and give her it you will instantly win her heart
She won't show it but she'll adore you
"someone's giving me a gift?? WITH A BEE??? HUH???"
She grew up on the fairy isles and didn't get to see many as a child
But when she had to apprentice the three fairies in order to pass the pixie test, she quickly discovered her heavy adoration for them
When she was done working for the day she'd go back home and write about them
She didn't have any friends to speak about it too so she kind of kept it to herself
Once she passed the pixies test she not only started to plan to get her hands on the spell book, but she started trying to make plants that attracted bees
She experimented a lot but only ended up with butterflies and beetles
Thanks to that, though, she had a good understanding of what attracts certain bugs and animals
After a while she had an uncanny array of knowledge about normal and enchanted plants alike
But she still couldn't figure out what she needed to do to attract bees
Until she made the snowdrops
She went to sleep after working a while on the flower and when she woke up there was a bee on the flower
She was so excited she showed Rosie, who proceeded to not give a shit (fuck you Rosie)
She was devastated when they were stolen, she looked for years for her babies snowdrops
And then she did 😫 she was so happy to finally get credit AND her bees and snowdrops
TLDR; Nettle adored bees and the only reason she was reformed was because her snowdrops attracted bees and she got her bees back
But wait, there's more!! (Ronnie AU)
Still loves bees what are you gonna do about it
Although most stays the same, Ronnie ends up chasing her after she tried stealing the amulet (breaking poor Cedrics heart </3 he thought Nettle kidnapped Ronnie) and finding her secret greenhouse far away from Enchancia, closer to Pharettia (Ronnie's home kingdom)
Obviously he approached her and, her being a manic with social anxiety, attacked him immediately assuming he's against her
He wasn't obviously, and after he explained he just liked her a lot, she (reluctantly) let him stay
Silly little slow-burn happened and Nettle opened up about her bee obbsession
Ronnie left the next day and Nettle thought she scared him off (she doesn't know how social cues work) and he went back to Enchancia
She was wrong
He came back a little later with a bee hive and bees stinging him (he tried)
She told him to go home but he wouldn't 😈 I'm stayin right here lady
Of course she was excited and also really confused
Yeah, sure, it was awesome that he brought her bees, but she couldn't tell if she was worried for the bees or Ronnie more
She opted for the bees
So she flew over and carefully floated the bee hive somewhere safe with magic
She spent about an hour with the bees and then went and helped Ronnie with his stings
He was sick for days
So she did the next best thing, knocked him out and dropped him off at Cedrics tower
Cedric was so pissed like "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BOY"
She didn't do a thing except knock him out, neglect his injuries, and attacked him just a couple days earlier
Cedric forces her to leave so he can help Ron, but she's a watchin
She doesn't know why but she is
She's so confused like why is she here making sure that annoying fairy boy is okay
And then it hit her
And she flew back home immediately she isn't dealing with feelings rn
(she the flew back the next day and was nicer to Ronnie and Cedric 🥰 hehe)
Sorry it took so long I started this hours ago but kept getting distracted </3 tell me if this is cringe or not pls I can't tell
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draconicarsonist · 3 years
thank you for the ask anon! i appreciate the attention, thank you for tossing enrichment into my enclosure/j
💚: What’s your favorite thing about your kintype? (The species, creature, etc)
I'm quite fond of dragons for more reasons than just because I am one. If we're talking dragons in general, I love how versatile their designs can be, you can find thousands of unique depictions of dragons from human civilizations and as an artist I love that you can take the basic draconic idea and make such interesting and different species, types, and looks that all fit under the term dragon. Its a really fun exercise in creativity to draw different kinds of dragons, and as a shapeshifter its fun to take on different draconic forms with different appearance features. Dragons are also just fucking badass and beautiful creatures whatever form or environment we live in. -[cl]
As for wolf theriotype, I love how caring and complex and thoughtful wolves can be. In human history we are painted as vicious monsters of trickery and violent desires who only wish to kill and feed themselves, but once you take your head out of pure stereotypes by humans who were only salty for the cow they lost to a wolf pack one time, you see that we have complex societies, relationships, emotions, and are a meaningful part of the ecosystems that different wolf species inhabit. Wolves are more than just themselves, they are intrinsically woven into nature and each other, can grow to care for certain humans and let them into their packs, aside from hunting and small mishaps wolves are very gentle creatures who care for each other deeply. -[gr]
🌀: Do you think kins are spiritual or psychological in nature?
I believe that both spiritual and psychological kin exist, and for us personally we experience both. We are very much spiritually drawn to nature and the sky and the experiences of being nonhuman, but feel that our shifts and phantom limbs and even the feeling of being in a memory tend to have more of a psychological source. Both are valid and genuine nonhuman/kin experiences.
🗣: Does anyone know you are otherkin? Friends, family, etc? If so, how did you tell them?
Aside from online, one person in our life knows about our identity as nonhuman and otherkin. A few months ago after "therian" was referenced in a conversation our partner and us talked about our kin identities and we/I came out as nonhuman and helped him look at and reconnect with his own nonhumanity, it was really nice and I'm very glad we can be ourselves with each other. Other than him, weve briefly mentioned small aspects of nonhumanity to a small handful of people but never elaborated any further than "i dont see myself as human." or "some people do identify as something nonhuman" (the second was while explaining the use of it/its pronouns)
🐯: Do you wish you were your kintype? Why or why not?
I very much do. There are things in this life I love, but it just isnt me. I can have deep relationships like we have here as a dragon, I miss just the experience of going through the world as a dragon, whatever form I took. So much of this life feels wrong, our body, home, family, so many people and none of them can see me. it can be hard sometimes but with our boyfriend getting to be ourselves around each other and feeling seen with him is... really nice. Having a form and an environment in our system's headspace also helps with dysphoria, but to answer the question, yes i do wish I were a physical dragon. -[cl]
It's a similar sentiment as a wolf. I miss the life of a wolf, the family of my pack, being wild in the wild and being connected with and a part of nature. I miss having a wolf body, my strength, my claws and strong jaws and tireless muscles for running hours on end. My ears that could hear sounds from far away and identify them, my nose that could smell what walked by and how long ago, could smell that a deer had passed by a bush by smelling the leaves. Paws with claws that I could dig with, bristling my fur as a warning, chewing on things. I could go on, but again, to answer the question, I wish I were a wolf, with my wolf life back. -[gr]
🌈: Talk about any other kin thing!
tldr; i go on a rant about how stigmatized alterhumanity is and how much i hate it and wish ppl would just let us be ourselves, putting it under the read more cause i dont want to just put this on ppls dash on an otherwise non-discoursey post
I hate how stigmatized being an animal in a human body is to the general population here. people who like to wear ears or be treated like a dog doing normal things in their house are put on cringe compilations and wearing ears and a tail at home is seen as sexual intrinsically and I just hate that. Too many humans are too afraid of what is different from them, they like to peg us as insane or stupid or something to be "kept in the bedroom" or otherwise private and that really irritates me because suddenly doing anything deemed a little bit too far from normal "human" behavior is something to be laughed at and shunned and this hurts not only the alterhuman community but the disabled community at large (not intended to claim alterhumanity as a disability, it is an identity not a condition, but i'm comparing the way "society" views us) when people's body moves in a way that strays from the usual way "normal" humans carry themselves its viewed with fear or unease or disgust and this is just something that I feel is one of those things in human society that hopefully will get worked on over time so people get more accepting and accepted but right now its just causing a lot of shame and frustration. sorry for going on this rant but i do think about this. Forgot to mention the furry community in this too, it should be ok for people who do identify as human to also wear ears or a tail or a fursuit and have fun playing as animals in a nonsexual manner (not shaming ppl who do like kink pet play and stuff but im talking more out in the general world) and be allowed to do so without fear of being shamed and viewed with disgust or fear of literal actual violence because of expressing something they want to do.
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