#childcare business
shiketamorgan · 4 months
The Business of Childcare Book is Now Available!
Happy Monday, its book release day! I’m so excited to announce that my new book, The Business of Childcare: “25 Years of Building a Great Place to Grow n’ Learn” is now available on Amazon! https://a.co/d/68JwuVi#Amazon via Amazon.com. If you order the book today and you are an Amazon Prime member, you should get your copy within 48 hours. I look forward to reading or hearing your thought about…
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iecec · 4 months
Benefits of an Early Learning Childcare Centre
An early learning childcare centre offers children a safe and nurturing environment. It also provides educational opportunities. However, it can be more expensive than a regular daycare center.
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The building design should take into consideration the needs of parents as well as children. This may include a convenient and welcoming entry, private places to meet with staff, and storage for car seats and strollers.
Children who have strong social skills tend to have better academic performance than their peers. This is because having a healthy social life helps them connect with instructors and peers alike, which improves their overall experience at school.
A quality early learning centre offers the right balance of structure and freedom for young kids to learn and play together. It provides a safe environment for children to express their feelings, learn to interact with people of all ages, and solve conflicts.
Aside from helping them learn how to communicate with others, early learning childcare centre also teach kids about their personalities and characteristics. This allows them to build a sense of self-confidence that will help them succeed in their future endeavors. This will also enable them to become more resilient in the face of challenges.
Language Development
Children develop language by learning and absorbing the words and sounds around them. They also learn to interact with others in a social context. In addition to playing and talking with their peers, they may be encouraged to use art and other sensory experiences to help them express themselves.
When working with children, it’s important to speak in a clear, concise manner, make eye contact and be willing to get down to their level if necessary. It’s also important to give them lots of turn-taking in conversations to stimulate their language centres.
Oral language development can also be supported through the use of picture books and through the promotion of daily care routines such as nappy changing and hand washing. This will encourage communication between teachers and children.
Physical Development
Children who experience quality early learning have better academic achievements and have higher self-esteem than kids who don’t receive this kind of education. They are also less likely to get into trouble or have behavioral issues in their teen years.
Physical development activities offered at an early learning centre help little ones improve their gross motor skills by playing games such as obstacle courses or limbo.
These activities can also encourage babies to spend more time on their tummies, which is vital for their overall health and development.
Parents with hectic schedules can benefit from the flexibility that early learning centres offer, especially when it comes to after-hours care or long daycare. They are similar to day care centres but place more emphasis on educational opportunities.
Cognitive Development
Kids in quality early learning programs are more likely to reach academic and developmental milestones. They also tend to have better life outcomes in adulthood.
Infants' cognitive development is a vital part of their growth. It isn't just about babbling and responding to their names; it's how they explore and learn through their senses and motor movements.
Jean Piaget has broken down cognitive development into four distinct stages. These include the sensorimotor stage, which lasts until about age two, and the preoperational stage.
At this stage, toddlers and preschoolers begin to form symbolic thinking and can take on the role of other people. Teachers at early learning centres help children develop their logic by offering thought-provoking activities and games. For example, they may ask toddlers to play "what does this look like?" and encourage them to think about the answer.
Preparation for Kindergarten
Children are better prepared to learn reading and writing skills when they enter kindergarten with a large vocabulary. They also have a firm grasp of the sounds that different letters make, and have been introduced to basic concepts like number, shape, direction, and ordering.
An early learning center focuses on all areas of development and prepares children for kindergarten and beyond. It is a safe and healthy environment with trained educators who nurture a child’s natural curiosity.
Once you have established your curriculum, team, and facility, it’s time to get the word out! Let the local community know about your new early learning childcare centre, and spread the word through your online presence, social media, directories, and open house events. With the right tools, you can grow your early learning center into a successful educational institution.
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itsmeganparker · 2 years
We empower child care leaders with valuable resources, tools, and strategies to build a successful, thriving childcare business.
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infocoverage · 2 years
5 Startup Business Ideas for Indian Housewives with Low Investment
5 Startup Business Ideas for Indian Housewives with Low Investment
5 Startup Business Ideas for Indian Housewives with Low Investment: Many Indian housewives hunt for opportunities for home-based businesses, particularly for those who stay at home to care for their children. If you’re one of them who has decided to start something you enjoy doing or are good at, you’ve come to the correct place. 5 Startup Business Ideas for Indian Housewives with Low…
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fr is he, you know.............................................repeatedly described as being Impersonable and Lacking Charm and Pedantic and confused / bothered by things he supposedly shouldn't be while inspiring confusion / botherment in others in ways he supposedly shouldn't and like 99.9% of the grief he's given is over All That while he's just sitting or standing there rather than the like intimidatingly efficient hitman georg thing he has going on. which is in fact The Skill That Makes Him Useful Despite It All and also perhaps the least foothold in interactions because [worried he can & may kill you] affords power when otherwise just being the weird guy nobody likes(tm)
bonus mordecai balling
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#lackadaisy#not exactly Necessarily intentional but like oh you don't say#something something liking patterns & order; though that overlaps w/the like fastidiousness that's just tied to backstory#but that even when picking up that particular trait he was apparently always Peculiar in the deemed Not Personable Way#like oh you don't say#can't really even truly hone in on 9000 murders/day when like. everyone's blowing people away out here. ya gotta#or certainly other people are doing it too lol. mordecai's Mostly differentiated from anyone else's hitmanning by demeanor/affect#and that demeanor/affect has everyone going sicko mode antagonizing him while he's decidedly just sitting there#like oh you don't say....epic mood re: the [how would mordecai approach being tasked with infant childcare] joke#held a baby once maybe twice and both times an exercise in simply like ah christ don't drop this thing countdown to passing it along#great minicomic lmao found in the uhh. gallery under....mini comics; penultimate one w/the baby cat jimmy carter as pictured as thumbnail#supporting his mystery contributions too....gotta be for real abt mitzi not shooting anyone but sure he may have noscoped atlas#though maybe also he did not; but we know they have some secret concerning atlas; even probably involving his death....#vaguely wondering if atlas got whatever warning about [mystery thorn in marigold's side] as asa sweet mentions over that brunch#and perhaps would have chosen to back out of the business but mitzi was not about that & would arrange a Murder to inherit lackadaisy....#but mordecai would have to have some reason to go along with that. Maybe as an out for working for atlas forever; but now he's at marigold#not exactly that different yet [themes re: The Other Paths Are Closed To You Forever for everyone out here]#while it might also be true that he left for marigold to try to figure out what's going on over there from the inside; as suggested....#and whatever he's got going on he's Very Motivated about it as per the most recent comic pages. bold moves#anyways another accidentally autistic cat out here. for april. always a classic lol fr everyone leave him alone or else shoot at him yknow#i do support the mordecai & the savoys dream team there. reiterating i think nicodeme espesh could/should be the like surprise bestie & etc
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rogueshadeaux · 10 months
STASIS ➳ An inFAMOUS: Erosion mini-fic
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I wrote the first bit of this in December before publishing Erosion, when I was still feeling/figuring out what tale I wanted to tell. It’s a portion I refuse to edit, so excuse any issues — I love that I was able to return to this sure of what I want Jean’s story to mean, and combine the two pieces into one. It means a lot to me.
See y’all next Monday!
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The crash of the waves and the roar of the wind did nothing to eclipse the sound of screaming in his mind.
A simple text. I love you. Three sweet words he made sure to repeat to them again and again when the silence lasted just a bit too long, when the pauses felt like they needed to be filled. A mantra he wanted them to remember, to keep ahold of no matter where they went; no matter what, I have my father, who loves me. There was no sadness to the reason, no ill-raised childhood or lack of an emotional father to drive him. Quite the opposite, in fact; he strived to be as open and thoughtful and honest as his own parents. He knew his children would be disadvantaged, growing up with only him at their side, but that gave him nothing but drive to repeat those three words at any given chance; he wished to ensure they never knew a lack of love, even as they lacked a mother.
It wasn’t rare to hear the words back, but it was uncommon for those three words to be said unprompted first. Perhaps it was the holiday spirit, something overtaking his daughter’s heart as the sun set on Christmas Eve. It was enough to make him smile at least, as he checked his phone while trapped in near-standstill traffic as the pair approached Seattle. Barely a quarter-mile away was the less-congested turnoff towards Salmon Bay, towards home. Towards his family. There was a relief to it all, a yearn to retire the night with some cheesy Christmas movies and a return to traditions he had left behind for fear of risking those two he said I love you to most. For going home now was more than simple decompression, but a restoration of the person he abandoned at those shores all those years ago.
There was a harmony to returning to the cliffs of his clan, to the tides of his tribe. Pieces of him shattered years ago on that chilled August night, and only now did it truly feel like he could pull the shatterings together and glue them, creating a new mosaic that proudly shined his truth. The I love yous he’d promise away came unrestricted and unconditional because he feared they would feel the isolation he did when the clock would tick long past midnight and the stars would give away to the blush of dawn. When the years were younger and the lines less traced into his forehead, there were three he promised his love to — but fate and hate tore one away, and he buried so many pieces of himself that he felt more scar than skin as he reeled in the epilogue of loss. He had to, if he were to keep the other two safe.
When the truth came uncovered and his lies undone, there was an underlying fear that his deception wavered their trust in him — that his love would be thrown into question as well as his lies. That never happened. In fact, it gave him the chance to unconditionally resume to love the parts of himself he shooed away. The choice to share was ripped away from him, but perhaps that wasn’t a bad thing; it forced him to ratify reality, to share with his children the parts of himself he yearned to every day since they opened their eyes. He became more than their guide to life, but their guide to power as they mirrored him in more than features now. This spanned beyond how his son’s eyes would crinkle like his, or how his daughter seemed to jut out her jaw in thought just as he would during his studies; because now parts of them were welded to his being in ways no other parent would experience.
So returning home held meaning in more than one form now, something he was itching to return to — until that call.
They abandoned the truck right there in the stagnant traffic, letting it stay idling mindlessly as they rushed north. Past the interchange, past the dozens of vehicles and solid red brake lights. They glared at him in bursts like the eyes of a beast, pupils of demons that always seemed to hunt him down no matter how hard he ran.
And ran he did. Eclipsed in pink and blue, he ran, begging any god out there that was willing to listen that he wouldn’t be too late again. Not this time he begged the sky above and the water below his feet as they met the Sound and he ran above it. Don’t let me miss my chance this time.
The structure grew on the horizon, glinting in the light of the setting sun. A wave taller than the trees, a tsunami in standstill. Eugene’s creatures screamed behind him at the sight as He Who Dwells led their charge, Delsin their beacon of light as he ran closer and closer to Salmon Bay. That wave was enough of a glimmer of hope. They were fighting. They were still fighting.
The wave came crashing down, ripping against the surface of the water and rocking the world under Delsin’s feet as its power rushed towards him like the blast radius of a nuke. His steps faltered and he fell under the surface, the shock of the cold winter waters making him inhale a lungful of liquid. He reached out to call to the water as it sent him spiraling and pulled it to him, ribbons of pink and blue abandoning him for frothing fluid and allowing him to rise again, to break the tension of the rocking waves and try to find his footing against them.
Eugene had gone forward and met the battle with vengeance in his eyes, years of unspoken hatred lashing out with harsh strobes of hard blue light, sighted against the one person that caused him pain throughout the years. There were others fighting in broken armor, trying to battle the demons and failing in their fight.
None of that mattered to him. None of it except for a flash of silver in the sky that moved to meet him as he stood against the Sound. A pillar of steel grew at his side and his son landed on the platform white as a ghost, barely able to make a noise. “Dad—I tried to grab her but she—”
“Where’s your sister?” He demanded over the roar of the waves and the screams of the hellions. Brent glanced around like he couldn’t believe the scene, like he was questioning all that was occurring.
“Delsin! You need to stop the tidal waves before they flood Seattle!” the wrought voice of He Who Dwells screamed.
Delsin repeated, more stressed, “Brent, where is your sister?”
His son’s eyes met his, and that was the moment the chill of the world around him sank into his bones, for he knew that expression. He wore it time and time again as he grappled with the effects of sudden loss.
The next hours were a blur; assigning his son to guard the doors that held his people, following the pull of the wild waves and straining to hold them back in Elliot Bay, where his world was rocked years ago. Was it fate’s cruel humor that his daughter would fall like her namesake? Or had Delsin damned her to her sentence when he wrote that name on her birth certificate?
No. He refused to accept such a fact until he saw her himself.
The fight was all but won when he returned to the shores of Salmon Bay, Eugene now himself and standing over the corpse of a woman who haunted them both, concrete speared through her own chest in a final act of defiance. Delsin didn’t care about that; all he cared about was that Jean had not surfaced in the time he stilled it, and he screamed her name to the waters again and again like a siren wailing a sad tune as he dove under, searching for another corpse.
Christmas passed a day of mourning, Delsin refusing to leave the waters of the Sound as blue-steeled angels swarmed its surface as guardians, aiding in his search. Brent had spent the morning frozen in front of the fire until he was handed a small parcel with Jean’s handwriting on a sticker in front: to Asshole with a heart etched in the negative space over the double s. No. He refused to open it without her. She was the only gift he truly craved.
The sun traveled across the horizon until the waxing moon took its place, the half itself seeming to grieve with a dimmed light. A silhouette would shoot through its gleam every now and again as Brent joined his father in his efforts, staring down in the vast black water and praying its emptiness was nothing but a trick of the eye. Eugene was there in bursts, insisting they come inside while he cleared the area of any proof of that witch’s existence. But they refused.
The first night was fruitless. The second was restless. And by the time the sun began to set 72 hours later, it had become hopeless.
Not that the passing time registered to Delsin; none of it mattered. Not the way his eyelids screamed to close, not the soreness in his biceps, not the screams of his empty stomach. He was sure the only reason he wasn’t dehydrated was because he was continuously absorbing the Sound’s dark waters. Perhaps if he pushed enough, he could drain it entirely and perhaps, then, he’d be lucky.
But was it really luck when he was beginning to wonder whether she’d wish to be buried or cremated?
Of course, he knew the answer; it came almost a year ago when his children had the conversation, unaware of how hard he gripped the counter while trying not to imagine that moment. “I want to be cremated, the idea of being worm food scares me. Maybe have some ashes put in art,” she said. “Some big mural right in the middle of downtown.”
Brent laughed, he himself saying something about wishing to be pressed into a gem and shoved into a sword. “What do you want, Dad?” He asked.
Delsin had thought for it to to happen far before either of you pass.
The 28th came on high winds and cold snow, throwing it all around into a blinding and deafening haze. It beat the thermals out from under Brent, whipped Delsin’s chilled hair into his eyes until tears pricked in their corners. Not that that was the only reason; he was losing hope. He had lost another body to the embrace of the Sound. He had been too late to help someone just within reach yet again.
He breached the waters again, gasping for breath and sweeping his slick hair back. The wind pierced through the sheen icy water on his face and made his teeth chatter, left him shivering in place as he frantically looked around the surface. As if the answers would be hidden in its ripples.
But the gusts were so loud, he failed to hear his son's calls until he circled over him like a vulture. “Dad!” He screamed over the winds. “Dad, over here!”
And he whisked away with the pull of the air, leaving Delsin to pull himself atop the Sound’s waters and chase after him.
He could feel it before he saw it; a deep churning in the waters, one that pulled him aside as he ran like a turntable. It was all being directed to a swirling vortex, a circular undercurrent that wasn’t meant to happen in an estuary.
Despite the chill of the ice water on his skin, it was the first time Delsin had felt the fire of being alive in the past few days.
“Go get Eugene, now!” Delsin screamed up into the air before the thick liquid came out from under him and he fell below the surface, the cold doing nothing but shocking more determination into his system.
He kicked and pushed and swam deeper into the dark waters, begging for this to be it. Even when he couldn’t differentiate the reeds from the waves any longer, he pushed. But that blindness didn’t matter, not as he went deeper; something thin seemed to absorb the last of the light to itself, forming a sheen bubble that frothed around—
There she was, floating freely in a stasis that held her in a gentle embrace. There were so many parts of her that seemed untouched; the hat on her head, the crease of her jacket. Delsin could barely tell the difference between her silhouette and the Sound’s shadow but he just knew, deep in his heart, it was her — especially as he breached the frothing bubble to enter the lukewarm waters and took her in his arms. She felt nearly as weightless as the first time he ever held her, and yet all he could think of was the heaviness of her condition.
Eugene was there the moment he burst through the Sound’s waters, sputtering from holding his breath for so long as he looked down at Jean. His Jeanie, his daughter, who’s head lulled against his chest.
It was there that he noticed the severity of her condition.
Her lips had left their pink for the deepest blue, bits of white frost adorning her temples that slowly melted as the harsh wind hit them. He couldn’t differentiate what purple in her skin was from the cold or the bruising, but there was no mistaking the ever growing swirls of red blood that stained the water around them.
Eugene’s hand immediately felt for a pulse, and murmured as he timed it, looking up to meet Delsin’s eyes. “She’s alive, but barely,” He said.
Advanced regenerative abilities wasn’t the miracle it sounded like; a conduit still felt the pain, the sting. They would bleed all the same and succumb to injuries too great for their powers to heal.
Delsin looked back down; there was a stillness to her face he didn’t like. The blue of her lips and the gray of her cheeks reminded him all to much of Abigail in that one moment he could bare to look at her corpse to identify it.
“Delsin.” His friend said, pulling him out of the flashes. His eyes were earnest but frantic when he looked up.
“Help her,” Delsin begged. Even the wind couldn’t hide how his voice broke.
Eugene’s face steeled. “I have your permission to do anything?” He asked of his friend, knowing the weight of his request.
Delsin glanced back down to run a hand across her forehead, the movement staining it deep pink. He looked to his hand which was covered in blood, and then up to his friend to nod.
“Anything,” he said. “I can’t live without her.”
Jean was gone from his arms in a flash, snatched up by an angel as it veered east towards Seattle. Eugene was next, arms tucked around the hold of a minion as the water under Delsin solidified and he rose to the surface, his son close behind as the ran to see, with bated breath, if there was anything the Doctor could do to reverse her injuries, or if it was too late.
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hmsmilkbone · 13 days
I am sorry. I have so much work, and I am very pregnant so I just don't have time to respond to stuff on here as much (or draw, really.) Hoping I can get into a schedule soon which allows me to paint and chat more :(
#i have so little free time#i worked 12 hours today#im just tired#technically i could have been painting the last 2 hours of relaxation#but tbh i am falling asleep#i think it will calm down soon tho#ill do work work in the morning do a class then hopefully have enough left in me for cooking chores and painting/chatting#whew#idk how im going to do this with a kid#trying.... not to think about that actually#wait. no.#frustrating thing: there's no preschool around here for us#preschool in our area is only available if your family is extremely impoverished#there are for-profit daycares and they cost about $2000-$4000 a month#girl i cannot swing that lmao#sigh#i hate being in the US#everybody wants you to have kids but no one wants to do anything with them#like be fr rn no one has the fucking money for $2500/month childcare#im glad people way under the poverty line have good school opportunities but also.. why#the school mentioned many times that they can barely afford to stay open#man#so many people call them and are willing to pay#i understand why they must prioritize people that cant or theyd get pushed out#but theres obviously 1) not enough funding for that school 2) a real threat to lower income families to be able to get in if higher income#families decide to elbow them out and 3) not enough schools here#they are building another preschool which will be available to families who work at certain local businesses#but lmao.... get this... there are only 20 spots available for their preschool. 20. girl what. and it costs $2k/month.#my mom called me the other day after i texted about all this and said she could watch our kid. for $25/hour#feeling a bit cornered here. it's going to be a long 5 or 6 years until kindergarten
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ekho-ekho-ekho · 21 days
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lorstoryspoons · 1 year
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shiketamorgan · 1 year
Yoru Team Needs Your Inspiration
I have discovered that if I am not inspired, it is impossible for me to inspire my team. In fact, if I am not inspired, I find some inspiration before I go around my team. Your team need your motivation and inspiration. Furthermore, you may not know it, but some employees may even show up because you inspire them to do what they do. If you want to build a winning team, it is vital that you…
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iecec · 5 months
Finding a Childcare Centre near Me
Childcare centre near me are large facilities that care for groups of children by age. They may be operated by private individuals, corporations or government agencies.
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Ys across the country follow state and local safety guidelines to offer quality full-day early learning and child care for infants through preschoolers. Learn more.
Typically, child care centers are large facilities that provide care for groups of children placed in classrooms according to age. They are operated by private owners, for-profit chains, government agencies or nonprofit entities such as community organizations. They often serve both full- and part-time child care services and may offer flexible schedules.
Located in Manhattan near Dyckman St, this childcare consultants center provides emergency back up daycare for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and school aged kids. They utilize creative curriculum to engage students, focusing on music, art, math and language activities throughout the day. They also hold regular field trips for the kids to explore their environment and beyond. They offer both full- and part-time care, as well as before and after school care. This facility is licensed by the state. It is a member of the Bright Horizons network and uses a balanced curriculum. It is staffed with qualified teachers who aim to help each child thrive and learn.
Age Groups
Licensed child care centers provide care for groups of children that are typically grouped by age. They are professionally staffed and operate within the maximum child capacity set by the office of child care.
Infants develop physically and emotionally at a rapid pace and learn to sit up, crawl and walk. They also work toward other milestones such as learning to speak and potty train.
Toddlers develop independence and social skills as they play with other kids and adults. They also learn how to share, count and follow directions.
Preschool-aged children are ready for more structured activities and a deeper level of interaction with staff members. This stage can help them become independent learners and make the transition to elementary school easier.
School-aged children are kids who are between the ages of 5 and 12. Programs for this age group typically offer before and after school programs, summer camps and other out-of-school programs. They should also provide a safe and structured environment for kids to get exercise, enjoy games and interact with other kids.
Child care is a very expensive business. Parents with low incomes often utilize informal childcare business because they simply cannot afford to place their children in a facility that is more costly. This is especially true for families with infants and toddlers as these children require a greater amount of hands-on attention.
Child care facilities that charge more for their services may offer better education, more current resources, nicer facilities and more flexible schedules. They also tend to have higher standards for their staff, such as requiring a degree in early childhood education or equivalent experience. Additionally, they are likely to have a more formalized educational preschool curriculum and field trips. They also offer more flexible hours to accommodate working parents. This can include evening and weekend care, and some even provide overnight care. Child care centers can be run by individuals, corporations, for-profit chains, government agencies or community organizations. They are usually licensed by their state or territory to ensure that they meet basic health and safety requirements.
Getting Started
When deciding to open your own home-based daycare center, it is important to understand the requirements for the business. These regulations vary from state to state, but they typically include a licensing process and specific educational requirements. The local Child Care Resource and Referral Agency can help you understand the laws in your area.
Once you’ve completed the formal training and background checks, it’s time to get started with marketing your new business. Use your website and social media to spread the word about your services. You can also market yourself by promoting client testimonials.
Getting started with your business can be a challenge, but it is important to think through the financial requirements before making any investments. There are many resources available to help you get started, including government funding and community fundraising. You may also want to consider incorporating your business or creating a partnership. This could provide tax benefits and help you protect your assets from seizure in the event of a default.
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icterid-rubus · 1 year
Thinking tonight about the boy at childcare obsessed with Michael Jackson. Had to make a rule that we needed to wait until closing for me to put on MJ music so he could do all the dances he’d memorized. Made a deal with his mom to pick him up five minutes late so he could do his little Thriller dances for me. No other teacher would sit through the entire routine. Which was a shame, he was good.
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woundedheartwithin · 1 year
Date is pretty. (Just don't let him babysit, he's useless and the kid will be kidnapped without fail).
Nobody’s perfect, anon 😅
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llycaons · 2 years
you know I was so excited to move on from my lab job and do health care because I wanted to do meaningful work that wasn't for the purpose of making a businessman richer, unfortunately I live in america
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elainemorisi · 2 years
what the hell do people define as a date night, babysitting-wise?
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lorstoryspoons · 1 year
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