#chisaki kai x oc
lightpudding · 1 year
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Having some fun with incorrect quotes generator
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Something I wrote on a whim because I really wanted to write them again. This happens soon after they become friends with benefits, a while after Chisaki left Tartarus.
No warnings here. It's a cuddly, cute little drabble that I heard awakenes the need for hugs. Enjoy!
A soft morning in the Chisaki' flat. Post canon. 1k words.
Chisaki woke up with his face smashed against Nikodem’s shoulder.
It was a long awakening. One of those you experience after a long, long day and dreamless night. When your brain is late to catch up with your body stirring and experiencing existence again.
Nao was still asleep, holding Kai tightly around his sides. His breath was tickling Kai’s hair and one of his feet was hooked around one of Kai’s. The blanket that Chisaki gave Nao for the night was somehow thrown over his own legs, leaving Nao with nothing to shield himself from the chill of the old flat. And Kai’s duvet was thrown off of the futon. But it was fine, Nikodem was so warm it was enough of a furnace for Kai.
He was wearing his quirk stopping undergarments, obviously. Otherwise Kai wouldn't probably let himself cuddle this close to the other man. It didn't matter that he was already used to the annoying quirk that Nao was an owner of. He still wasn't a fan of getting paralyzed during the night.
Probably was a key word here, though. The last thing he remembered from a late, or maybe early? hour of the night was Nao’s tired, low, soothing voice and his hand in Kai’s scalp. And Kai, to his current horror, was cuddling by himself to Nao like his life depended on it.
For a second it felt like something died inside of Chisaki. So much thoughts filled up his head, still half asleep. He tensed. And then noticed that he's not facing the window like he did in the night and the surprise pulled him out of his small panic.
Just, the surprise was somehow stronger. Kai clearly remembered laying down on the opposite side of the futon. He always did. It was his side of the futon. He couldn't sleep on the other side. And he didn't change sides in the night, for sure. Nao’s hands squeezed his body slightly more then and he thought to himself: "no way".
Nao was waking up too. His face was scrunched from the light, falling onto it, and he hummed with sleepy annoyance. Kai observed it, suddenly realizing how close they were. They were still cuddling. It wasn't what they did. Like, after sex, sure. But not just randomly. Not because-
Not because one of them needed comfort. They didn't comfort each other with touch. They talked. That was the base of this relationship. First, Kai didn't exactly like being touched without a reason and there was a very limited list of touches he was comforted with in his entire life. Second, Nao’s quirk. Not to mention the… specific intimacy hidden in this kind of a cuddle.
It wasn't this kind of a relationship. They were friends. With benefits. This wasn't the benefit they settled on.
"Hi," hummed Nikodem, way less floored by the whole situation than Kai. He opened his eyes and smiled. "Slept well?"
Kai felt too asleep still to use his voice. He only hummed back.
"You didn't wake up anymore, right?"
One of Nao’s hands began sliding up Kai’s back, sending electricity through his spine. Kai took a long breath, to calm himself down. Nao was just trying to comfort him further. He shouldn't be reading too much into his actions.
"That's great to hear."
Chisaki had a nightmare.
Now, it was embarrassing and humiliating. He didn't even remember the dream anymore. Back then, during the night, when he woke up wheezing and trying to grab anything close to him, he thought he would die. He was sure of it. He didn't remember the dream, he didn't remember falling asleep, but he could recall the dread he felt, clear and sound. And it embarrassed him.
Nikodem didn't share the sentiment. He yawned, stretched his body, still pressed against Kai’s, and hugged him close again.
"Mmm, breakfast?"
For a second Chisaki was about to agree, but then stopped himself. Still a bit tense, he pressed himself against Nao, putting his head more comfortably against his shoulder. Then, he froze, waiting for a reaction from the other man. He was pushing boundaries, at least he felt like it. But they were already cuddling!
Nikodem reacted right away, adjusting his position as well. He put one of his hands in Chisaki’s uneven hair and began playing with it softly.
"I take that for a no?"
Nao laughed and they laid in silence for a moment, eyes closing and bodies relaxing.
"I'm cold," hummed Kai after a moment. Without a word Nao jumped into action, reaching for the duvet, laying behind the other man. He threw it over them and went back to the comfortable position. "...I'm sorry."
"For waking you up."
"Ah. Don't even joke." Kai didn't have an answer to that, so he kept quiet. "How often do they happen?"
"Sometimes. First time when you're staying."
For a moment Nikodem contemplated that answer, moving his hand against the back of Kai’s head. Suddenly he tickled the inside of Kai’s ear, earning a twitch and a kick to his calf.
"How bad are they?"
"Don't remember." Chisaki glared at Nikodem for annoying him and then sighed, knowing the other man wouldn't stop asking. "You can't do anything. Stop worrying."
"It's not easy when I care about you!" Nao whined and suddenly got into Kai’s face. He left a quick, sudden kiss, knowing very well otherwise Chisaki would fight him - considering the morning breath - and sat down on the futon.
"Stay. I'm gonna put your prosthetics to charge and start making some food."
There was a big hand in Kai’s hair again and Chisaki, feeling annoyed, shook his head to throw it off. Nao only laughed, getting up and gathering Kai’s prosthetics. Kai didn't sleep with them when Nao was staying over, they weren't perfectly comfortable during the night.
"Wait." Suddenly Chisaki remembered something, because maybe Nikodem just got up in the night? Changed their positions when he was back from the toilet? Nao paused and looked at him, slightly worried. "How did I end up here? I fell asleep on the other side of you."
Nikodem blinked, smirked and shrugged.
"You're so tiny I had to throw you over during the night. Like a plushie, maybe?"
Kai blushed just slightly under Nikodem’s smirk. Well, it was one of the characteristics Kai was into - the huge dumbass could toss him around oh so easily - but it was still embarrassing. And hot. He couldn't decide which was it more.
"Fine fine. I want eggs."
While Nikodem’s laughter was filling the room, Kai turned around to face the window. And with surprise noticed it was snowing. Tiny, white snowflakes were falling outside, covering the balcony in a thin layer that would most likely melt until the night.
And, under the duvet, with the sounds of a huge man in his kitchen that would jump to comfort him even though they weren't a couple or anything like that, Chisaki felt like he could stay there forever.
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slayfics · 5 months
Overhaul quickly realized he made a mistake capturing Persuasion.
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Someone please save her, she’s having a… terrible time?
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Commissioned by the lovely @valartsstuff 💚
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isabeauwolf · 5 months
I'm curious to all my fellow MHA writers. What do you or your oc's call your lovers or nickname? What do they call your OC's?
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Mary's(my villain oc) nickname for Kai: My mate, my dearest, my devil, my birdy
Kai's nickname for Mary: His angel, his goddess and light, his vixen and naughty huntress, his little wife
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Mary's nicknames for Dabi: Pyro, Dark Knight, Casanova
Dabi's nicknames for Mary: Yakuza Princess, his beauty, firebrand
Let me know what you think of my name choices? I know Dabi's has a lot of work. lol
Plus, I know I've talked about my villain fanfic and figured I would share a bit of a sneak peak here and there. Kai would probably use, "angel" the most and as for Dabi it would probably be "princess."
The way I looked at it while thinking of these nicknames was both Overhaul and Dabi think of themselves as no longer human since they gave up their names to become villains.
Overhaul becomes "A demon with no heart," as Pops calls him.
Dabi falls farther into the darkness and becoming a beast or monster.
Mary being a wolf shifter has her own inner beast. If she loses control in a fit of bloodlust or anger, she could hurt someone.
With Kai, it starts with an arranged marriage between both yakuza clans into love as the pair feels the pull of a "mated pair," between a human and a wolf.
Kai's known since he's reunited with her that she's his, he can't explain it, theirs this undeniable pull he feels towards her, the only woman for him.
With Dabi, he accepts her dark side, gives his support no matter if she kills her targets, random who offended her clan's honor, or under the haze of blood lust; he accepts it all without judgement.
He see's the fire burning within her and beast wanting to be free from it's golden cage. Even covered in the blood of her enemies, he can still see the innocence and kindness in her mismatched eyes. Dabi's a greedy bastard and he wants his princess for himself, he doesn't care if she's married or not.
It's the push and pull, darkness and light, carnal and feral desires, beauty and the beasts, human and inhuman, sanity and insanity; in laws of the underworld, villain don't get happy endings, or do they?
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badcaninecemetery · 10 days
[a list of overhaul headcanons that i've been obsessed with + soft x reader imagines]
he's kind of low-energy, so i imagine a lot of his hobbies would be similar.
given his physique, he'd probably enjoy working out, exercise, and/or yoga. he'd listen to documentaries about scientific discoveries while doing the mindless and repetitive movements. he'd intently watch a creative recreation of the discovery of tiktaalik and then forget he'd been cycling for over an hour.
i definitely think he'd be into reading too. typically he reads autobiographical nonfiction, but i'm sure he could be swayed into more literary nonfiction. he'd also read academic/scholarly journals/publications. he'd spend hours reading and reading.
playing strategic/mentally stimulating board/card games would interest him too. it's to keep his wits sharp, and perhaps hone in his poker face more and more. he probably did this a lot when he was younger, but then it became a hobby so he just does it to keep his brain thinking.
he'd also be into things like wine making or custom metal work, something that he can build and create. chemistry is something he really would enjoy, and there are endless possibilities there. he probably brewed beer and things like that when he was younger to earn pocket money and get himself further out there, but it stuck around too.
along those lines, he spends a lot of his time studying and working on his technical skills. he has many things he has to practice and learn, and i don't think his hunger for knowledge is satiable. he'd dedicate time for learning languages that might help him one day. science and math become some of his favorite things to do to pass the time—it's like doing crossword puzzles to him.
when he was really little, i think he probably tinkered with model kits. he's a little too shy to show those off though, but they're still hidden away in a closet just in case he ever wants to attempt them once more.
imagine kai tells you that he has a surprise for you, so he leads you into the living room and reveals with a gesture a board game. his eyes are crinkled around the edges, so you know there's a smile underneath that mask of his. you'd play with him, only for him to obliterate you every. single. time. it's typically chess because he teases you that it's your skill level—and you should be glad he didn't pull out the checkers board (or worse, go fish).
imagine watching him fiddle around with experiments. he shows you the elephant toothpaste one and you both would watch in horror whenever it starts exploding out more than it was supposed to. whenever you ask what happened, kai admits that perhaps he shouldn't have been focusing on your reactions as much. but whenever he's not doing anything in particular for you (and he totally doesn't do those things to impress you), the two of you just parallel play in the same room. he's busy, writing notes down in that doctor's scrawl of his and staring down intently through his bulky jewelers loupes; while you're relaxing on the other side of the room, perhaps doing something quiet and easy like drawing, or knitting, or writing, or researching.
imagine soft jazz in the background during these things. kai slowly turns to face you with a hard stare whenever you start playing your mix of sad jazz. he shakes his head softly, telling you he's not going to examine the medicinal samples in his petri dishes to billie holiday's "the man i love" (which makes him shift from foot to foot awkwardly because of the lyrics). a sly grin starts to stretch across your face as you switch it to old german jazz (the kind that plays in those 1930s men's fashion instagram reels), and you start doing a little dance towards him, shaking your hips and shimmying. kai's eyes are wide, but he's unable to not succumb whenever you lightly grasp his hands and loosely swing his arms back and forth (he's imploding internally).
imagine making him a rap, rock rap, and/or nu metal playlist. it's sometimes heavy and emotional or bitter, and sometimes it's nice for him to lean back and grimace at the ceiling whenever he listens to the words. so you hook up your phone to a speaker, then hit shuffle. his head is leaned against the back of the couch, eyes closed while the playlist cycles through. one second cypress hill is playing, the next it's eminem's fack. kai's face contorts into dissatisfaction before his eyes open and he pointedly looks at you, but you just snicker and say it's like a game of russian roulette. i wonder just how many times this song is hidden in this playlist? kai just sighs in acceptance.
imagine kai gushing to you (in a definitely calm and composed manner) about some or the nonfiction/journals he reads, or documentaries he's watched. sometimes he'll throw a word out there that you don't know, but he's very willing to explain what it means. he's brief and precise whenever he elaborates the information, and he'll offer to let you read/watch the materials too. you'd definitely sit down and read/watch it (even if it doesn't particularly interest you, but you know kai enjoys it).
imagine the two of you getting into stuff to do together like reading theory (you wouldn't stop jokingly spamming links to the communist manifesto and industrial society and its future at three a.m. in the morning—but then you both dipped in émile durkheim and kai was immediately enthralled). or doing something like learning animal taxonomy (you wouldn't stop calling the centipedes little lovers). or something simple like drinking coffee (or whatever you'd prefer at that moment) in public and people watching.
so many little things to pass the time, just brief smiles and witty glances behind coffee steam.
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grenzlinie17 · 2 months
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Let me introduce you the genderbend version of Rui ✨️ 。 Love this trend and it’s my chance to draw the serious version of genderbend Rui. I might get too influenced by Sato Kenji to draw his messy hair but this is what I imagine lol.
Rui’s name is already unisex, but if she were a guy, his name would be Kikumi Rikyu.
Ps: Rui's shirt is too small he took it off immediately to change it ✋️
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takendruid · 1 day
Time for domestic Kaimi post-war shit, with a little bit of angst at the very end 🥰
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Apparently it was bisexual visibility day?? Literally had no idea until I was drawing this ^^ (which was drawn last), because my sister on call said “oh my god why did nobody tell me I was visible today??” Because she’s bi, right as I was in the middle of drawing them with the flags. Also Kai is asexual, you cannot tell me otherwise
Kai’s cold colour palette contrasting with Aimi’s warm colour palette means so much to me that I cannot explain
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Aimi with a mullet is something I didn’t know I would love so much (I desperately needed Kai to get a hairstyle change because his fucking hair is the entire reason I have PTSD-related problems with him. Also it’s honestly why I draw his hair longer than canon 💀). Slowly but surely this man is becoming my OC /j
Also some angst post-chapter 427? I think, of the Boss and Aimi. Also he threatened to kill her if she told anyone about Eri. Was he bluffing?? Probably not.
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Btw she’s. 30. In this drawing. She is not a little girl, she is a grown woman with lived experience. However, the Boss is an old man, and also Aimi was defenceless against Kai, so that does not matter to him.
I’m so scared to share my cringe anywhere else. Tumblr is my safe space for this type of cringe. Instagram and TikTok are much less kind, and much more scarier
Here’s Aimi’s introduction post btw if you haven’t seen it:
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vexinghearts · 8 months
I don't see enough people simping for my wife, Magne. /Hj
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M : Let's not anger the man, Vexx.
B : *Twink ass looking bitch...How'd he even pull her?*
K : *Wouldn't take much to dispose of the brat....Could be quick.*
A : *We need to go, but...*
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lostiolite · 2 months
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angel is an author and artist. She was visiting japan for inspiration when she met kai.
despite being quirkless she’s someone you want on your side. shes extremely intelligent and likes experimenting with quirks and the like. she could honestly develop a quirk-disabling drug if she wanted to in a much faster and better quality than overhauls. However, crime domination is not on her to-do list— entertainment domination is where shes at, she gets dopamine from seeing her books in the shelves or seeing people talk about her stories and characters. shes rather sluggish yet active at the same time, and all she wants in life is to live a nice, warm, cozy, life pursing her passions of art.
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90s-belladonna · 1 year
Wannabe Sugar Daddy🍡
part 6 - kai is broken
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~ A/N: please excuse the typos i’m very sleep deprived 😭 ~
☆ WSD Master List
☆ BNHA Master List
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lightpudding · 2 years
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Crimes against gay people
Based on a tiktok sound
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kureis-writing-hell · 2 years
Chisaki sends a picture to Nao while he's having a meeting.
Oc x Canon, minors DNI.
I plan on doing more of those little drabbles!
Nao kept looking at his phone for a good moment now. Dumbfounded.
He gave Chisaki his old smartphone as a way for him to be able to call him or his landlord any time, or message his therapist, or search for work. You know, the basics. A person without a phone was nobody nowadays after all. He didn't expect Chisaki to get so…
Nao chuckled about his own pun and quickly hid his phone back in his pocket. Rei, his boss he was having a meeting with, along with her assistant and two other counselors, looked at him questioningly. Nao cleared his throat awkwardly and waved his hand.
"Sorry. Continue."
Rei clearly knew something was up but she had more important issues on hand, so she resumed her explanation. And Nao turned off his brain.
The phone, as if to help him lose any focus on his job, vibrated in his pocket again. Nao gulped but refused to check the next messages.
Kai just sent him a nude.
A picture clearly made by someone who didn't do a lot of pictures like that in his life. Chisaki was standing in his bathroom, facing the tiny mirror he had hanging over the sink. He was naked, save for a black mask (which made the picture more sexy somehow). Nao saw those red ears and immediately knew why Chisaki opted on wearing the mask in the picture.
The mirror still clearly showed his chest, tanned a little, with stiff nipples, abs going down to his belly button, a strong v-line that helped Nao’s eyes slide even lower and-
The reflection was ending right there. Barely over his groin, showing only a tiny bitsy of the base of Chisaki’s dick. Shaved clean, of course. It drove Nao crazy on the spot.
His phone vibrated again and Nao's leg jolted impatiently. He looked at Rei, focused on her documents, looked at his coworkers, focused on their boss and discretely took his phone out.
Gonna shower.
You wanna come today?
Nao started smiling but quickly bit his lip to hide it. He licked over them and hid his phone without responding.
He wanted to. But he thought that letting Chisaki on read for a few more minutes would be a lot funnier. Hopefully would drive him crazy. Hopefully would leave him sitting in his bathtub, overthinking and agonizing over the nude he just sent.
Maybe Nao was an asshole. So what? It was fun!
Once the meeting was finally over Nao rushed to the office bathroom. He checked if no one was there and quickly made a picture of himself in one of the mirrors. No face, only his fully clothed abdomen, hips and thighs. He made sure the picture would focus on his groin, on his semi, slightly pressing on the buttons of his jeans. Then he sent it to Chisaki.
He followed it immediately with:
Be there in five
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zuffer-weird-girl · 2 years
Don't close the box yet, I'm trying to read something with Kaito getting too many present for Christmas from the Precepts, and Kai putting them away.
I'm sure Kaito throws a fit. Nobody is on Chisaki's side...not even pops. Kaito is so spoiled 😭
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"Almost there... aaand-" you stood on your tippy toes and cheered along with the 4 year old you were holding for him to finally manage to put the star on top of the tree while your husband only could arch an eyebrow.
It wasn't very common for him to celebrate Christmas. He just didn't see the appeal to it. Like... okay, you lie to children about a fat old guy who delivers presents to all the people in the world in one night; give more presents yourself to others; stay awake for unbelievable night hours instead of doing something productive and stuff your face with the "holidays type" of food.
But seeing his wide and son being all hyped up for the holiday warmed a bit his chest...
Until pops decided to spoil his son every single holiday ever.
The last Christmas since Kaito was born was like a huge pile of boxes of toys. Very LOUD and ANNOYING toys.
He could still remember the headaches combine with the countless nights of no sleep.
"Santa will come?"
"Well, you were a good boy the whole year so-" you bopper his nose as his eyes crossed to look at your finger until snickering a bit at your playfulness.
"I object. He was a brat." Kaito yelled a hey at his dad who didn't even sounded impressed at his son's reaction while you try it to maintain your giggles at bay.
He only sighed before standing up and going over the two of you as you gently put Kaito back down on his feet.
"Don't be such a grinch love, you can't deny is the time of the year where usually we are the kost kindest to others."
"Some people." He grumbled with a cold look as you caressed his covered cheek.
"Come on, just look at him." You moved your gaze towards to the boy who was checking if the cookies were rightfully placed on the plate for Santa Claus "the best part of having kids Kai is to see their joy... we can't assure if it will always be that way since the world isn't all sunshines... but seeing that innocence and happiness doesn't it make it all worth it the hours of decorating and other stuff?" You pointed out as you smiled at his usually cold and distant look turn into soft golden eyes filled with calmness and understanding.
"I suppose you're right." He sighed after a couple of seconds, uncrossing his arms and just leaving them both at his side "I just only can hope to not have certain elders spoil too much our-"
"MeRrY ChRIStMaS BItChES!" You both jumped at mimic literally busting the door open along with the rest of precepts.
"Uncle Chrono! Mimic!" Kaito wide smile at the sign, you sighed in relief that Kaito didn't catch the curse word... while Kai looked like he was about to kill every single person of that room asides you and his kid.
"I'm sorry for his manners master, young master and lady (Y/n)" Tengai and Nemoto bowed while speaking simultaneously while you waved your hands around and saying for them to cut the formality.
"We bought some fruit cake but..." Hojo was about to speak until Setsuno elbowed his other companion.
"Tabe ate it all before we stepped inside." The man whose name was spoken only lowered his head in a silent apology.
"Hey shrimp." Rappa kneeled down while giving him a nerf gun "There ya go. Shoot your old man."
"Wooooowww." Kaito eyes shined bright until he whined at his new toy being yanked off of him to only laugh at the sign of his father literally slamming the toy on Rappa's face as the man cussed him out.
"First of all, what are all of you here?" Chisaki spoke in a murderous silent voice as you walked towards him in hopes to calm him down before he overhauled someone in front of your son... again.
"The old man invited us." Chrono spoke simply while you and Kai widened your eyes "Said something about giving the kid more company... oh and he mentioned gifts too I guess."
"Of course he did." Kai groaned while face palming as you giggled at the sign of a four year old climbing rikiya as the man only smiled at the boy. "Where is even he at the moment?"
"Right here." The elder soon appeared and went to give you a hug first, totally ignoring Chisaki. "I hope I wasn't late to see my favorite grandson!"
"He is your only grandson..." Kai mentioned nimbly before groaning when Pops gave him a big box to hold as the elder went and grabbed the kid. "What is even this?!"
You only blinked at the sign of the room getting more crowded and hearing the commotion of it and clearly noticing your husband's distaste of all of it.
Yeah... long night ahead of you ...
After God knows how long it was, you pribed Kaito out of the chair, saying Tabe wasn't going to steal Santa's cookies. Despite the kid always proclaiming he was agrow kid he still insisted that he sitter on your lap to receive the presents to show you and his father who refuse to wipe the frown out of his face or to sit down in the ground.
"Uncle rappa gave me a nerf gun first." The kid mumbled while opening the next present with silver paper wrapped around it "Wow! A new action figurine!"
"That's mine actually." Chrono mentioned with a smirk as yououthed a thank you to him as Kai only glared at his childhood friend
"Thank you uncle!" Kaito gleamed in happiness.
You were getting a bit worried to the amount of gifts, you weren't going to lie. It was like when you gave birth to Kaito... too much presents. Yet you were still happy when all Kaito won he showed it to you with a pretty smile that reminded you a bit of your husband's rare one.
"Since when I gave you all the order to spoil rotten my kid?" Kai growled as the precepts tensed while Mimic, Chrono blinked and Pops only arched an eyebrow.
"Is Christmas."
"I'm putting these away." He growled while going to pick the other boxes that weren't open until he felt a tiny hand gripping his pants tight and when he turned to look... he found the usual calm son he had now with tears welling up in his (E/c) eyes with the biggest pout he ever saw.
"Please Dada.... I want to see what's inside..." the kid hiccups and he swore that was the first time ever on his life he felt the worst human on the planet.
"Way to go dude." Chrono mumbled until he flinched at the hard elbow connecting with his chest.
"Fine. But you better organize all these things and not leave it out here for me or your mother to pick it up." He growled but soon blushed crimson red at his son hugging his legs at the front of everyone. "Let go Kaito. Now is not the time."
"Overjerk is such a jellohead when he is with these two you notice?" Rappa mumbled to Tabe as the guy munched on some fried chicken.
The precepts had gone since they wanted to spend the holidays in other places, so it was only Chrono and Pops left.
"A choo-choo!" The boy exclaimed in glee as he held the new brand toy his grandfather had given him.
"A train with a remote controller.... pops how much money did you spend on this one even?" Kai asked almost in terror as the elder only chuckled and mumbled about letting the kid have fun.
"Mama look! It makes even a lil noise!" The boy pressed a button and it soon the sound of a train filled the room.
"Wow honey that's incredible! Did you thank granddad?" You smiled at your son when his eyes widened in realization as he zapped towards the elder to give him a hug for it.
"Awe is fine! I just wanted to see that boy's smile!" Pops chuckled while messing up the kid's hair
"Later you better not to blame me for this brat to be so spoiled." Kai growled only to soften up a bit as you rested your head on his shoulder and his son climbed back to sit between the two of you.
"I'm not spoiled. You are." The kid mumbled while nuzzling his face and hugging you the best he could with his little chubby arms.
"Grandpop and mommy said it. You're spoiled dad." The kid stared up at his dad in the most numb tone of voice he could ever muster as Chisaki glared daggers at the four year old boy as Chrono tried his best to not laugh and fail.
"... you do know you don't need to dress up as Santa right pops? Kaito doesn't need to see it." You mumbled to the elder while your two favorite boys discussed while the old man chuckled on his eggnog.
"Oh please I already have the costume. Chisaki won't do it but sure as heck I will."
"You do spoil Kaito a lot pops.." You chuckled as the elder smiled in triumph
"Parents are made to educate while grandparents are to spoil. That's the rule."
"I never heard of it!" You laughed as Pops chuckled.
"Well, now you do!"
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isabeauwolf · 2 months
Okay, took me a minute to find them, but here's my fav Overhaul x reader fanfics! This one is for the female x Overhaul reader.
I'll make another list for male readers as well! ;) and another for love triangles!
Here's to my fellow members of the Chisaki Nation!!!!
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My fav Overhaul x reader fanfics Part 1
(Fair warning, some of these can get dark af, feel free to skip if it isn't your thing). Tell me which ones were your favs? ;)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/35521177 Forbidden by HungarianShinobi (Doctor Overhaul x reader)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16100765/chapters/37607249 Arms At Rest by Yoshinori
https://archiveofourown.org/works/44923765/chapters/113034685 Unpredictable (Overhaul x Reader) by krazenground
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28194690/chapters/69088494 A Blistering Affection (Overhaul x reader) by Crimsoncat
https://archiveofourown.org/works/34057876/chapters/84719488 The Whispering Darkness by InorganicOne2230
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21403249/chapters/50990824 Purity by InorganicOne2230
https://archiveofourown.org/works/39041481/chapters/97659105 by The Club (Purity Spin-Off) by InorganicOne2230
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22309051/chapters/53285557 All That Led Us Here by InorganicOne2230
https://archiveofourown.org/works/48788473/chapters/123073762 A God Named Destruction by xillustratoryx
https://archiveofourown.org/works/33562012/chapters/83394898 Love Without Boundaries: Overhaul x Hero Reader by ArondightDusk
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26102626/chapters/63493396 Control (Overhaul X Reader) by CranberryCandy
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32472970/chapters/80530477 Home Sweet Home | Chisaki Kai x Reader by Kikyo851
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18387173/chapters/43543130 Corrupt | Chisaki Kai x Reader by Kikyo851
https://archiveofourown.org/works/37282840/chapters/93025036 Migraine by Boerning
@dummy-mars @lilydaspitfyre @togeandmegumilover @fanofflames @yey56 @phantomhoeass @ xllizs @ghostreaderwazaa @staitc-rj @slayfics @x-kiwi-03 @xxchisakislittleangelxx
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kawaiibaphomet · 2 years
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Wishing everyone a very happy and very pink Valentine's Day! Here's a My Hero Academia OC of mine I've never posted before, lol 💗 Her name is Mika Chisaki and I would do anything for her 🥺
Maybe one of these days I'll actually draw her with Overhaul
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grenzlinie17 · 4 months
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✧Idol✧ 。 Kai would be cool on the outside but a loser inside and this is my canon take on this trend. I bet he try so hard to keep a straight face when Rui looking like a goddess in front of him. And I put the second one where Kai pulled out 100% percent of his true self that simping Rui because it would be fun. Now guess what song Rui would sing in this pic that makes Kai goes like that (probably you too) PS: I take this as my practice on glitter dress 。 。 DO NOT TRACE OR STEAL MY ART
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