#chlodine headcanons
The problem is that Nadine judges herself the way her father judges/will judge her for losing his company. She sees how disappointed she’d be in the same situation. I can’t stop thinking about how Chloe would be trying to cheer her up and she’d cut in, “you don’t think he should care about his company he built from the ground?”
And Chloe snapping “You don’t think he should care about his daughter, you know, his ‘pride and joy’?”
But Nadine knows Loyiso. He isn’t proud of just anyone. And in decades under his roof and then under his command she can’t remember him showing joy.
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s1cparvism4gna · 4 years
I Like You A Lot
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WARNINGS: violence and cursing
Pairings: Chloe Frazer x Nadine Ross x OC
Tags: @desertvvitch , @courtenbae
Chapter 10
Sunny’s POV
“We are….right about here. I can mark it up as we go along.” Chloe said, pointing to the bottom of the wrinkled map in her hands. I stood up in the 4x4 to look at the view. Clearly in the distance, there was a tall mossy tower. Vines beginning to climb its base as fog circled around the tippy top of it.
“That tower looks like it’s smack dab in the middle of everything.”
“Mm. Probably could get a good lay of the land from there.” Nadine added, knowing exactly where I was going with it. After a bit of conversation on the way over, the three of us managed to find a way to gel. Like an oiled machine. Barely working but it got shit done.
“Right then. So we have a plan. Get to the tower. Nadine, you keep an eye out for Asav. Not that I’m too worried about him.” Chloe shrugged, starting up the car.
“You should be. We won’t have the advantage of surprise again. I don’t think he was expecting much from you… Either of you really.” Nadine said, looking off somewhere. Chloe dramatically stopped the car.
“I’m sorry- did you just give us a compliment?” She smirked, looking back at me. I smiled small.
“Sounded like she did…” I tilted my head, matching eyes with her in the side view mirror and she shook her head with a light scoff.
“His guys are idiots but Asav…. look, we just need to stay the hell away from him.” She warned us. The way she spoke about him seemed to shake her a bit. I wondered what he did that got her so spooked. Chloe continued to drive like a maniac through the half dried up vallies. Much like Nathan did, she took the opportunity to drive over every rock and slope she could find. Every drop gave me a heart attack, every slip back worried the hell out of me. And yet… I felt totally safe with her driving the car. I could take a nap in this little bumpy ride and wake up unworried. Wouldn’t recommend it though… In a strange sort of comfort, I leaned my head back and looked at the clear skies and the ruins as we drove beneath the sculpted bridges and such.
“I never understood the appeal of people like Asav…” Chloe said randomly, filling the silence once again.
“It’s simple. He finds men who are weak and offers them power.” Nadine answered simply. “Gives them purpose.”
“Sounds like bullshit to me.” I commented and Chloe agreed. Then I figured maybe I’d start talking. I was going to be stuck with these two for a while. Might as well… “How’d you get caught up with this guy anyways, Nadine?”
“‘Purpose?’” Chloe mocked and I chuckled, hitting her shoulder playfully. Nadine grimaced and flared her nostrils.
“Rather not go into it.” She simply stated.
“He certainly seemed to have a thing for you.” Chloe teased. I raised my brows and moved to the middle of the backseat.
“Hwat?!” I exclaimed.
“Don’t remind me. Proved useful at the time but…. ja.” She brushed over the subject very quickly.
“And again I say- HWAT?!” I blinked at her, seeing her in a different light. Through everything, I somehow had forgotten that she was a woman above all things.
“Uh...do tell!!!” Chloe prodded in excitement. Finally, a conversation worth having.
“Rather not.” Nadine said, shutting it down quickly.
“Over drinks?” Chloe was adamant on getting her fill of gossip for the day but Nadine wasn’t having it.
“Not enough alcohol in the world.”
“Damn… and you talked about my taste in men….” I chuckled, leaning back in my seat as we drove along a shallow ravine.
“Well I don’t go sleeping around with two bit thieves.” Nadine commented.
“No. You just go sleepin’ around with spoiled emo rich kids and psycho warlords.” I fired back rather quickly. I smirked.
“Alright, you two. Enough.” Chloe giggled, changing the subject. She nudged Nadine in her side. “So you’re the military expert. What’s his strategy here?”
“He’s spread out his men. Hoping to stop us in our tracks. Rookie move on his part. Not what I would do…” she said.
“And what would you do, Nadine?” I asked. I somewhat cared but I also didn’t. Warming up to her was a challenge when she could be so snippy.
“Besides lose the beard?” She began. I chuckled. ‘Is that a sense of humor?’ I thought with a small smile as she spoke. “I’d hang back. Let you do all the heavy lifting then swoop in the grab the tusk once you’ve done all the hard work.” It was brutal but efficient.
“Jesus, Ross…” I crinkled my brows as I looked at her and she just shrugged.
“You asked.” She mumbled.
We continued to drive about. Slowly but surely I was beginning to get annoyed with Chloe’s driving. She kept running under waterfalls, thinking it was funny. It was cute the first time. But after the third and fourth time, I was just cold and wet. We dried off some as we waited for Chloe to climb and examine the tower. As it turned out, there were symbols inside pointing us in the direction of each temple ruin. And with that, we started off for the first one. We drove up some cliffs to the top of a waterfall and suddenly slowed down. There was a big truck parked in front of one of the ruins.
“Asav’s men?” I asked.
“Ja.” Nadine whispered.
“Let’s get going then, ladies.” Chloe said, parking the 4x4 behind the truck and grabbing her gun as she hopped out of the car. I checked the clips in my guns to make sure I was good and followed suit.
We climbed the platform to be met with a structure that looked like the remnants of a temple. Carved into the stone was the shape of a trident, a motif carved into the very top of the ruin that was quite similar to Chloe’s disc. “Ganesh. Remover of Obstacles….” I heard Nadine mumble as I tightened the strap on my gun over my shoulder.
“Where’d you learn that?” I asked stupidly.
“Picked up a book. Same as you…” I heard her voice trail off as if she were distracted. When I looked up, she was staring at Chloe as she let her dark tresses down from her ponytail to wring out her hair. She blinked a moment and then looked away, flustered as she threw her hair back up into a new ponytail and began marking her map. I smirked. She was totally into her. It was clear as day. Poor Nadine thought no one noticed but I did. Compared to her two psycho exes, Chloe was a huge step up. Wasn’t exactly sure if I approved yet though.
“Alright, you lot. Let’s go.” Chloe ordered and we followed her into the temple.
Asav’s men were pacing at their posts all over the place. I had to give it to this guy. He suckered a lot of sorry saps to their deaths for this job. Poor bastards would never know what hit them. “Is the gate secured?!” I heard a man yell as the three of us crouched low in a patch of grass then taking cover behind a fallen pillar.
“Not yet! Waiting on Cobra B!” Another answered.
“Oi! Let’s keep this quiet, ja?” Nadine whispered to us. “Spurrs, have you still got that silencer?” She asked me. I rolled my eyes and groaned. I wanted to blow things up, make some noise. But Nadine, on the other hand, wanted to do everything quickly and quietly.
“Yeah I still got it on me…” I replied sadly.
“Good. So would you mind…?” She nodded towards one of the men pacing atop a singular platform with a machine gun resting on his shoulder lazily. I clicked off the safety and huffed.
“I got it.” I mumbled. Chloe just chuckled and rubbed my back.
“There’ll be plenty of time for more fun, later, Sunny.” She told me. I gave her a small smile before running the same plan as before. I ran through first, thinned out the group at the higher points. Then Chloe and Nadine would take out the others on the ground. We got away with it again but something was telling me that was the last time we’d be able to pull this off. The group was cleared as we watched Chloe deliver a final blow to a man’s jaw and she shook her hand to relieve the pain.
“Woo! You alright?” I heard her ask Nadine.
“Besides working for a reckless treasure hunter… ja. I’m good.” She responded. Chloe blew her bangs from her face and rolled her eyes. I joined the two at the end of the field and took a look at my surroundings.
“What is this place? Or what was it rather…” I asked Chloe.
“Honestly… hard to say. A fortress maybe? It’s not the right layout for a temple.” She told us, walking towards a ruin that housed an odd looking circular mechanism on the gate. Guess I was wrong about the place. We began pulling and pressing on the spokes of the wheel but it wouldn’t budge. “Hmm… how the hell—” Suddenly, I ran my hand over the middle. If there was something I learned from Nathan, it was to press everything. As I pressed it quickly, each spoke flipped revealing a carved golden side. “How’d you do that?”
“Natey presses things all the time. Looked like a button so I gave it a shot.”
“Huh…” She hummed curiously as we heard multiple clicks beneath us and in the distance. She looked behind her and a mechanism that looked similar to the wheel appeared on the ground. “What do you do….” She crouched low and placed a hand on the handle, turning it and pressing it into the ground. There was a low creak and a spoke on the wheel behind Nadine and I made a sound. A lock retracted when she did whatever she did. Chloe mumbled something inaudible to herself as Nadine called for her attention.
“One of the spokes just turned around.” She told her. Chloe chewed on her lip as we approached her.
“I saw a couple thingies like this one around the ruins on the way over.” I told her.
“Right. So let’s turn the others.” She said, stretching her arms. The three of us split up and turned the other nodules. It didn’t take very long for us to find them.
“Now back to the big wheel thing…” I said to myself after we made sure we got them all.
When we got back to the gate, Chloe took a spin of the wheel and the stone gate began to lift. “Teamwork makes the dream work, eh?” I smiled as it slowly rose. Suddenly, the door had gotten stuck about a foot and a half from the ground.
“Oh you’re kidding me…” Nadine groaned as we looked beneath it.
“Guess we’re going under…” Chloe commented as she crawled beneath it. Not wanting it to fall on me before we could get through, I crawled in right behind her without a second thought. Nadine followed behind me and just as her foot passed the threshold, the gate dropped closed behind her. It didn’t seem to freak her out at all though. I shook the nerves off and followed Chloe around a wall where we were met with a set of steps that led to what looked like a little stone gazebo and a mechanism in the middle of it. There was a gorgeous view of waterfalls and mountains from here. It was breathtaking really. Much like I tended to do (because I just love psyching myself out), I walked to the edge and looked down at how high up we were. ‘Fuck…’ I thought as I pulled away to bring my attention to the mechanism. There was a puzzle all jumbled up and right beneath it was a circular slot. I ran my fingers over it ready to solve whatever it was but there was nothing to move it with. Chloe suddenly hummed and pulled her disc from earlier out.
“What are you willing to bet…” she said, pressing the disc into the slot. Suddenly, the pieces of the puzzle lifted from their locked positions. A smirk formed on her lips as she gestured to me. “All you.” She said, leaving me to quickly solve the ancient Hoysala jigsaw puzzle. I turned the pieces all together so that they’d fit and formed the image of a trident before locking together and back down into its base. Just as it clicked, the entire puzzle panel flipped revealing a beautifully carved image of elephant diety. I jumped back a bit as two poles then sprung out from the sides suddenly. “Well hello, sir!” Chloe commented respectfully, looking over my shoulder.
“Now what?” Nadine asked.
“I guess we turn the crank? See what happens next...” I guessed, putting my hands on one of the poles, ready to push. Chloe got on the other side to do the same but Nadine but a hand on her arm to stop her a second.
“Is it safe?” She asked in a rather sheepish tone; one very out of character for Nadine Ross. Chloe just chuckled.
“Y’know, treasure hunting isn’t a good gig for the risk-averse, right?” She joked.
“Neither is being a mercenary. Difference is- when I pull a pin on a grenade, I know what's going to happen next.” Nadine took a few steps back to let us do our thing. Chloe shrugged.
“My ways much more fun.” She said, winking at me.
I smiled and the two of us began to turn the crank. After a few seconds, we could hear a low rumble and it began to feed out into the floor below us. “You hear that?”
“You feel that?” Nadine asked, looking at her feet.
“What the hell…” I mumbled, looking around. Suddenly, behind us, we could hear the splashes of running water. “Yo….” I whispered in awe as we all looked over the edge. Nadine stood to look out at the view and tapped Chloe on the shoulder.
“Guys, look…” she said pointing to a mountain out before us. Chloe pulled out her binoculars and peered at it curiously. A bright smile pulled on her lips.
“There is a massive relief carved into the side of that mountain.” she said, handing me the binoculars to look for myself. In full view, there was a gorgeous elaborate carving with a bit of water streaming down the front of it. I chuckled and handed them to Nadine so she could see it as well. “And you were worried that we were going to turn that crank and die…” She seemed rather amused by her paranoia. Nadine just smiled nervously and looked into the binoculars. I looked at the pair of them together. It was still odd but maybe…
“Guess it’s good we’ve got an archaeologist’s daughter with us.” She commented. Nadine missed it but Chloe’s smile suddenly fell as she went into thought. “That must’ve been fun growing up, eh?”
“It had its moments… and I learned a lot… Hoysala Empire was kinda his thing.” she said, seeming as if she were trying to talk herself into believing something was better than it was. Trying to find the bright side in it as she’d done with everything in life. She leaned against a pillar and looked at her swollen knuckles, picking the dirt from beneath her bloodied nails. Then she gave a big sigh. “Took up a lot of his time though...” She said. Nadine and I looked at her as she chewed on her lip, looking out at the view pensively. I was beginning to understand. He wasn’t around a lot because of it. She just wanted to be with her father and he was probably too busy to see that. I knew that feeling all too well myself. I leaned on the bar of the crank as she continued. “Me, if I go digging for treasure, I’d better make a buck or two…”
“Sure. I don’t take risks without a good payday.” Nadine looked back at her with a gentle smile. My eyes widened a little. I’d never seen her look so innocent before. It was almost cute. I stayed quiet like a little fangirl to watch their interactions.
“Much like running an army, huh? That’s a big responsibility.” Chloe commented, gearing the conversation back towards her. Nadine always seemed uncomfortable talking about her life. Much like Chloe did. She winced as she turned back to the view, staring at the flock of birds that flew by.
“Second nature. It was my father’s business. He retired, I took over.” She said simply and militantly. When she did talk about herself, it was interesting to hear. It was like she was a human being or something and not a raging bitch for once.
“Family business… Made a real mess of it.” Chloe said rather insensitively. I raised a brow at her and chuckled at her.
“Well you should know. Like Spurrs, here, I heard you and those Drake brothers are close.” She retorted, throwing me into the mix as she handed back her binoculars. And just like that, we were back to square one. I scoffed at the nerve she had to bring them up like that. I stood up and started down the stairs. Chloe looked between the two of us awkwardly as she looked into her binoculars again.
“Yeah well, that’s a conversation for another time…” she said brushing the subject but Nadine wouldn’t let it go.
“If they didn’t tell you, I’m sure Sunny did.” She said. I made a face and turned my head to look at her.
“Why are you pokin’ the bear for? It’s done. Libertalia is done. It’s over. No reason to dwell on it.” I said as calmly as possible, sitting at the foot of the steps and lighting myself a cigarette. Nadine grunted as she turned back to face the mountains.
“So where to now?” She asked Chloe.
“Well there’s another fort embedded in the mountains that way. I’d say that’s a start. And definitely that fort in the lakebed.” Chloe answered, tucking her binoculars away and pulling out her map.
“Let’s get going then.” Nadine sighed. Yet and still, she just couldn’t drop the subject. “I suppose I should’ve asked about the Drakes before I took this job.” She said. I took a big drag and exhaled a thick cloud of smoke as I shook my head, chuckling in annoyance.
“Not much to tell.” Chloe said as she began to mark down the forts on her map. “I know Nate pretty well. Sam less so. He just seemed to fall right into my lap.” I chuckled at the irony.
“I’m sure he did…” I commented sourly. Chloe, thinking I was being funny, giggled mischievously. I shook my head as Nadine looked between the two of us.
“What- you slept with him, too?” She asked her in disgust, putting two and two together. My heart skipped. ‘Shit…’ I thought, tossing my cigarette over the edge in frustration. I began bouncing my knee anxiously, knowing exactly where this conversation was headed. Chloe peeked up from her map, narrowing her eyes at her.
“What do you mean ‘too’?” She asked. I groaned.
“You and Spurrs, I mean. Hell, he’s practically her boyfriend-” Nadine elaborated.
“He’s not my boyfriend-” I snapped.
“Ja. Like I believe that. I do have eyes, Sunny.” She laughed briefly. I turned to look at the pair and Chloe was looking at me in surprise. “I saw the way he looked at you. How he protected you from Rafe in Libertalia every chance he got. It was obvious you two were together. And if either of you thought you were hiding it, you were doing a piss poor job of it.”
“Sam’s your boyfriend?!” Chloe asked as her face seemed to pale.
“He is not my boyfriend!!!” I exclaimed, covering my face in frustration.
“Isn’t he though?” Nadine fired back. I was having a flashback from my conversation with Sully when he said something similar. I had nothing else to say. So I opted to stay quiet.
“Sunflower…” I heard Chloe mumble softly.
“Have you finished markin’ up that map? If so, we should go. I wanna stay ahead of this Asav guy. Never met him and I don’t really plan to.” I said abruptly, standing to leave down the stairs and around the wall. My heart was pounding. I was nervous, I was embarrassed, I was angry. There were so many things to feel in that moment and it took everything in me to hold back a couple years. I sniffled and took a few deep breaths to center myself again. The girls followed behind me and Chloe couldn’t seem to stop looking at me. She didn’t know the full story but she knew something was wrong. She looked as though she’d done something stupid and didn’t know how to apologize for it. But in truth, she had nothing to apologize for. She didn’t do anything wrong. When I really thought about it, I wasn’t even mad at her. It was Sam and how he practically lied to me again. ‘Must come with the Drake territory… all that damn lyin’...’ I thought as Nadine approached me. She looked rather guilty but it was too late for that.
“Spurrs, I-”
“Just don’t. Help me lift this.” I said, dismissing whatever it was she had to say. She just nodded and bent her knees to help me lift the excessively heavy gate.
“You’ve got it?” She asked me and I nodded.
“Chloe, go!” I grunted, struggling to hold the stone gate up as she crawled under. Then she held it up from the other side. “Go.” I told Nadine, then she crawled under and held it up as well. I crawled through last and they dropped the heavy door as soon as I was out from under it. Without speaking to either of them, I started across the fort for the 4x4.
Just as I was walking by a ruin, I’d gotten a glimpse of a man in a generic camouflage uniform coming our way. My eyes widened and I turned on my heel very quickly, dipping around the corner to take cover. Chloe and Nadine stopped in their tracks as they watched me press my back against the stoney platform and I mouthed for them to back off; waving at them as they silently got the hint and took cover themselves. I could see their heads peeping at me from behind their corners. I rolled my eyes when suddenly the man walked right by me. He didn’t even notice my presence against the wall; his tunnel vision was clearly geared towards the gate we’d just left from. I did a quick once over of the weapons on his person and my eyes lit up at the sight of the massive knife tucked in its holster. With quick reflex and an excited smirk, I adjusted the gun in my hand to bust the heavy hilt upside the back of his head. Grunting briefly, he passed out and fell back into my arms. I laid him in the shallow water gently so as to not make more noise and patted him down for everything he had. Including that beautiful knife. The girls appeared from their corners, weapons drawn and anxious expressions on their faces. They carefully stalked over to me, bending to meet my level.
“Reinforcements are on their way. They must’ve seen the car.” I told them as I stole this man’s M39. I held it up and checked it’s clip that happened to be damn near full. “If we split up-”
“No! We don’t split up. That’s a sure fire way to get us all killed.” Nadine whisper-fussed at me, her eyes darting between me and the direction the man had just come from.
“Nadine, we don’t have a choice!” I snapped in a hushed tone when suddenly the man’s communication device began to produce a bit of static. This guy’s comrade started asking questions.
“Sadik! Do you see those mongrels?” We heard his voice say. Chloe made a face as we stared at the device.
“Rude.” She commented. Neither of us knew what to do.
“Well shit, do we answer it?” I asked Nadine.
“Why are you asking me?”
“You’re the grown up here.” I told her.
“You’re not twelve, Sunny!” She snapped as the static began to come through again.
“Sadik! Brother? Are you there?!” The man’s voice said again. I was getting worried. He obviously knew something wasn’t right and was surely sending more boots our way. I looked up at Chloe as she chewed on her lip.
“Fuck it.” She eventually said, turning down the volume of his device and pulling her own gun off of her shoulder. “No guts, no glory, right?” I could feel that familiar surge of adrenaline pumping and I knew that I was finally going to get the fight I’d been waiting for.
It seemed to be every woman for themselves for the immediate second. Chloe and Nadine peeled off in different directions and I climbed the ruin in front of me, hiding behind the corner of a pillar. I peeked from behind to scope out just how many there were out there. And it was a nice little amount, too. I took a deep breath and watched as they began to split up. I aimed my pistol at a few men, shooting a few down one by one as the strategy seemed to be. When enough were down, I suddenly noticed Chloe recklessly jumping from the top of a ruin, striking a man across his jaw and bringing him down. She began to fire her guns almost immediately. Nadine had begun throwing her signature kicks, conserving her ammunition by using hand to hand combat instead of using her weapon. Gunfire began to ring out as I tucked my pistol away and began to use the stolen machine gun. I jumped from my spot and began powering through, my muscles resisting against the power of the gun as men dropped like flies. Unfortunately, the fight didn’t last as long as I had hoped. It was underwhelming compared to what Nadine brought to us in Libertalia. If anything, I had to give that to her. I groaned as I watched Chloe knock out the last man and started for the car. I could feel a set of eyes on the back of my neck as I walked away. But considering my options as to who’s eyes, I could’ve cared less. Just as I was about to climb the wall that led us back to the 4x4, I felt a gentle hand on my back. I was turned to be met with Nadine. She seemed a bit awkward. She was the type that wasn’t used to apologizing and I could tell that. But lord did she try…
“You handled yourself well back there. Both of you really... all things considered…” she said looking at the ground and picking at her cuticles. Chloe gave an airy laugh and placed her hands on her hips.
“All things considered? That’s high praise coming from you.” She said. I was still fuming from her little stunt earlier. Although I had mentally accepted her apology thirty minutes ago, I still felt indifferent. Staring at her, the stone like expression on my face never changed.
“I don’t want your praise.” I said simply before climbing the wall. Reluctantly, I bent down to reach out and help her up. She looked at me in confusion and I just waved my hand in her face. “If you don’t take it, I’m gonna leave you. And I have no problem doin’ that right now.” I told her sternly. Nadine pursed her lips and took my hand as I assisted her up. Then we helped Chloe.
When we got in the car, we sat in silence for a moment, just catching our breaths. I leaned my head in my hand against the car door as I looked out along the scenery. I should’ve been enjoying myself but there I was, just bitter. It was a sticky situation. And the more I thought about what happened, the more upset I became with Sam. All I could really think to ask was “why”. I rubbed an itch away from my nose and blinked away the stinging sensation in my eyes that began to come about. Once again, Chloe broke the silence. She turned to Nadine and looked her dead in her eyes. The younger yet more mature woman looked like a deer in headlights for the moment as she explored Chloe’s grey eyes.
“Just so you know… Nathan Drake is no longer in the picture. So you have absolutely nothing to worry about…” I heard her say. I forced out a laugh at the irony. ‘Can’t tell her about Sam though, can you, Frazer?’ I thought, biting the knuckle of my finger. Then she suddenly turned to me. “Sunny—”
“Don’t worry about it. It’s done. He’s a single man. He can do what he wants. I haven’t seen him in months anyway…” I told her a half truth… or a skewered one rather. Chloe just nodded and turned around in her seat.
“Guess we’ll start for the mountain side then. Since it’s closer…”
“Ja. That’d be best…” Nadine mumbled. Chloe looked at me from the rear view mirror with raised brows.
“Sunny, love? You still on board?” She asked me. In all actuality, I couldn’t really afford to go home. So I sighed and nodded.
“Yeah.” I answered, defeatedly. And with that, we started down the shallow rapids and onto the next fortress.
Read more on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26555698/chapters/64735600
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jinxs-boots · 2 years
Chlodine/Uncharted Headcanon (1/∞)
I know a lot of people like to write Chlodine is not being about PDA at all, but with how touchy Chloe is with Nathan in Uncharted 2, including around other people, I think Chloe is all about physical affection and I don’t think Nadine minds it much.
I say that because throughout lost legacy Nadine is always casually touching Chloe like on her shoulder, lower back, thigh, and they’re not even actually together, I imagine she would be even more affectionate if they really were.
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thedragonnerd · 3 years
Rayaari headcanon - modern AU for the nerdy side of Rayaari
(inspired by this lovely anon)
Before she starts dating Namaari, Raya wouldn't have ever considered herself to be nerdy, at least not in the traditional sense. Not that she thinks there is anything wrong with being a nerd, but in her mind she equates it to Star Wars fans and people with swords - indeed, something that Namaari is far more into than herself.
But one evening, they are sat side-by-side on the couch, and Raya is explaining comprehensively and with wild hand movements just how amazing certain aspects were of the basketball game she just watched, completely with statistics, when she realizes Namaari is staring at her with a small smile on her face.
She knows Namaari isn't a massive basketball fan herself, so she stutters to a halt in her description of a wonderful point scoring moment, and just says 'what?' with a slightly self-conscious shrug of one shoulder. She's about to apologize for discussing the sport yet again with Namaari, when her girlfriend merely leans over and gives her a kiss that is sweet yet full of promises. 'You're cute when you nerd out about the game,' Namaari says, and after that - yes, Raya will happily consider herself a nerd.
Namaari loves watching science fiction and fantasy television series. Sometimes on the rare weekends when Raya is either busy or away, she returns home only to be startled by Namaari's head popping over the back of the couch, her hair wild and eyes containing a slightly manic gleam, both from a sugar high and also thanks to ten straight hours of marathoning Battlestar Galactica.
Watching a television series with spaceships shooting each other or people running around with swords is rarely at the top of Raya's list of things to do, but she adores how animated Namaari becomes when she talks about her favourite shows, or episodes, or characters. Namaari being passionate about something makes her want to learn more about it also, and so she often joins her in the sitting room, feet resting across Namaari's lap as an episode plays, and while she always has the pretense of browsing on her phone, she's often semi-watching the show instead, and sometimes becomes just as engrossed in the story as Namaari.
Namaari also tends to get into arguments online regarding certain plot points or character motivations, and Raya realizes just how much she's also become a fan of these shows when she begins to provide offhand suggestions for argument rebuttals when Namaari is furiously typing back a response to someone online.
Raya considers herself to be part of a more 'action movie' type of audience, and if anyone asks for her top films or recommendations, she will have a long list of movies she considers to be 'cool'. However, she is also a massive Disney nerd, and loves re-watching the classic animated movies.
One of the ones that brings nostalgia for her childhood days is The Lion King, and she's a big enough fan of the film that she manages to persuade Namaari to call their two female kittens Sarabi and Nala. Namaari pretends they are slightly ridiculous name choices, but goes along with it anyway - 'If it makes you happy, dep la, then of course.'
Two days later, Raya catches her holding Nala up in the air dramatically, chanting the lyrics to the 'Circle of Life' under her breath. Raya manages to capture the moment in a short video on her phone, before her laughter gives her away and Namaari drops her arms guiltily.
Two shows they do genuinely have in common however is Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra. On lazy days off, when the rain is pouring down outside and they have no plans, Namaari will make them both hot tea, and they snuggle together on the couch in order to marathon their favourite episodes.
Raya manages to break an ankle badly during a basketball game with friends, and is ordered by the doctor to spend several weeks resting on the couch. During the first few days, Raya becomes more and more agitated, already bored by the prospect of sitting around and having little to do. So Namaari brings out her PlayStation 4 and challenges Raya to try a few games.
Raya becomes obsessed with the Uncharted series, especially Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, drawn in by the characters of Chloe Frazer and Nadine Ross. Soon, she isn't just playing the game, but is daydreaming about Chloe and Nadine being a potential couple.
Namaari is a book nerd, loving to read for hours on end, and can devour an entire book within one evening. However, published books are not the only thing she enjoys - reading fanfiction is also a preferred pastime. So when Raya starts talking about a potential couple from the video game she's obsessing over, Namaari doesn't hesitate to introduce her to this new world. Raya is reading Chlodine fanfic within the next ten minutes.
When there is finally a big announcement of a Convention coming into town, Namaari spends the day pondering how to persuade Raya they should buy weekend tickets...and perhaps even cosplay.
She arrives home with an entire speech prepared in her mind, only to be ambushed by a hug from Raya. 'I've got us weekend tickets to that convention!' she says, and Namaari can only kiss her in happiness.
In the end, they are both as nerdy as each other.
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Random Headcanon #1
Chloe butters her toast and then immediately sticks the knife into her mouth while she puts the butter and jam back into the fridge. The first time Nadine watches her do it she nearly has an aneurism.
No knife safety with Chloe 🔪
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Headcanon #22 - Chloe loves listening to classic rock and roll. Of course, she does enjoy some rock-country and some modern hits as well. Classic rock and roll is her favorite, though.
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yashastrongarms · 6 years
Do you ever think about how Chloe trusts Nadine enough to tell her about parts of her life that she probably hasn't even talked to Nate about bc I can't stop thinking about it
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chlodinesims · 6 years
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playing around earlier and decided to age Chloe and Nadine and created a teenage son for them.. not a permanent save but whatever...
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nadiineross · 7 years
20 uncharted
favourite character to write:
i mean u should know my top 2 but if i had to choose it would be nadine bc shes just.... so precious and Strong........ & i love writing chloe thinking about nadine 
ask me questions!!
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myaltariah · 7 years
I just found my headcanon chlodine song and it makes me cry so much. I’ll do something about that, wait for it. 
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perfume headcanons (again)
Nadine Ross has three perfumes in rotation for different occasions. Miss Charming by Juliette has a gun, she wears that on nights out. Honeybush by Scent Trunk because Chloe begs her to put it on before they roll around fucking all night. And Reb’l Fleur Love Always by Rihanna for long family and religious events.
Chloe lives by Viktor&Rolf’s Spicebomb and Paco Rabanne’s 1Million. Yes. No regrets. They stay on her clothes after washes. She stole them both from past hookups.
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jinxs-boots · 2 years
Chlodine/Uncharted Headcanons (3/∞)
Nadine Ross spends a lot of time on her hair. Brushing her hair even into a simple clean ponytail takes her a long time. She doesn’t often cornrow her own hair cause it takes even longer and annoys her to do. Nadine shampoos and deep conditions with very specific products weekly (to the best of her ability considering her work) and moisturises daily. She never goes to sleep without as leas one of the following: her satin sleep cap, satin head scarf or satin pillow case. If she doesn’t take good care of her hair it often gets dry and tangled. 
She washes her face with the same soap she showers with, she has always naturally had clear skin and doesn’t think too much about it.
Chloe Frazer wears her hair as is or in her staple ponytail most of the time. Sometimes she goes to bed with it undone a lot, which Nadine constantly chides her for, but doesn’t care much when she then has to deal with brushing out the tangles. Sometimes she goes a couple days without properly combing her hair out, sometimes she at least rinses it every day, and doesn’t treat it as frequently as she should. If it says shampoo, she uses it, 2-in-1? Even better! She grew up cutting it herself whenever she felt like and dying it for fun out of boredom, to her hair grows back and it usually looks fine anyway.
Chloe sometimes deals with adult acne, especially after rolling around in the dirt for a job. She has to then exfoliate and only use certain products on her skin.
They both lovingly resent each other for the genetic superpower either party holds.
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asaile · 7 years
I have this Chlodine headcanon that, when they first start dating, Chloe truly believes that Nadine has a no-go for PDA.
So, beign a little shit like she is, when Nadine is introduced to the whole gang, she hugs her waist from the side and kisses her cheek, trying to make herr blush becase she is so cute all flushed.
But to her surprise, Nadine falls into her embrace and kisses her back with no problem at all.
Making the mighty Frazer blush. Much to everyone's delight.
Turns out... Ross is a sucker for PDA.
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wannabanauthor · 7 years
Reblog with your Nadine x Chloe headcanons!
My headcanon for them:  After the Tusk job, they vacation to Iceland to see the Northern Lights.
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foofygoldfish · 5 years
Sher and Chlodine acquire a child GO
macy pls
okay since i was told alanna doesn’t count, here’s a theoretical adopted kid:
Name: Alex Fraser
Gender: Male
General Appearance: Just... look at the fc picture a;lskfdj
Personality: Shy, curious, constantly optimistic
Special Talents: He’s very proud of finishing a novel in two hours.
Who they like better: He loves all his moms - but Chloe’s adventures are his favorite bedtime stories
Who they take after more: Sher, with a dash of Nadine
Personal Headcanon: Him and Sher have their own mini book club - they’ll always be reading multiple books at a time, but they make sure to coordinate for one of them so they can talk about it.
Face Claim:
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bri-notthecheese · 7 years
To my fellow Chlodine shippers:
Stop being fucking assholes.
I know it isn't everyone, but to the petulant people who keep bashing other Nadine ships, ESPECIALLY Sam/Nadine, just stop.
I've been shipping Chlodine since TLL was announced. I would literally die for them. And while I'm not a personal fan of Sam/Nadine, that doesn't give me the right to go yell at anyone who ships it. They post stuff they like. We post stuff we like. I miss seeing only good stuff in the tags. Calling them disgusting isn't gonna get you anywhere, and they're still gonna ship it regardless.
You don't own Nadine Ross. You don't own Uncharted. It is NOT canon that she is a lesbian. Shaun retweeted that thing (which was super exciting!), but its not canon. And even if she explicitly states that she is in the game, that doesn't give you the right to tell other STRANGERS what to ship. If she is a lesbian to you, then she's a lesbian. But she may be bisexual, or something else to another person. I've seen people screaming "lesbophobes!", but she could be bisexual. Don't be biphobic either, ‘kay?
Shippers may have a personal connection with another one of Nadine's ship. They may just like how it looks aesthetically. Shipping can really inspire creativity and maybe this is the push they need to get working on stuff. It doesn't matter. Mind your own damn business.
Be grateful for HOW MUCH content we got for our ship. And if we get another game (which is likely), we'll get even MORE content. Why can't we just be happy with that? I'm getting sick of going into the Chlodine tag, or really any of the Uncharted tags, and seeing all this negativity. I just want happy headcanons and the cute shit we were all posting when it first came out.
You guys are making this entire fandom toxic. You're working yourself up over nothing and getting unnecessarily angry when you could just be creating more Chlodine content for yourself and fellow shippers to enjoy.
I love this series dearly, and I want the Uncharted fandom to be like the Treasure Hunting Family™.  I'd hate to see it get ruined by some dumb ship wars and people acting like children.
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