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Here's some more old art lol! This was for a biology project earlier this year. It was about organelles. Some of it may not be 100% accurate but I got a 100! so that's all that counts :'>
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mindblowingscience · 11 months
Scientists have long known that chloroplasts help plants turn the sun's energy into food, but a new study, led by plant biologists at the University of California, Davis, shows that they are also essential for plant immunity to viral and bacterial pathogens. Chloroplasts are generally spherical, but a small percentage of them change their shape and send out tube-like projections called "stromules." First observed over a century ago, the biological function of stromules has remained enigmatic. Previous studies have shown that chloroplasts produce more stromules when a plant detects an infection. Stromules aid in clustering chloroplasts around the nucleus and function as conduits to transport pro-defense signals from chloroplasts to the nucleus. Despite these findings, researchers have not been able to determine the role of stromules in immunity, as no genes involved with the formation of stromules have been identified. In the new study, Savithramma Dinesh-Kumar, professor and chair in the Department of Plant Biology, graduate student Nathan Meier and colleagues have identified a key protein involved in stromule biogenesis during immunity. Their findings were published Oct. 25 in Science Advances.
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avianii · 11 months
me recently
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sajanrai · 1 year
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loggers dread daylight / their kin felled in vengeance by / a huge chloroplast
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mokutone · 2 years
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topaztimes · 14 days
I made a plush chloroplast for A-level homework
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On the outside...
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On the inside! The other material is the internal membrane, the brown blobs are starch granules, and the green things are thylakoids
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darlin-djarin · 1 year
wait until star wars fans hear about the endosymbiotic theory
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fazedlight · 1 year
something something organelles something chloroplasts…. sulfates…
*nodding along* yes talk science to me damn
It was so hard to write that chapter of Even Though You're Kryptonian, and try to figure out what the audience would need to know (assuming that most of the audience didn't have biology fresh on their minds). I ended up summing it to "okay, the audience needs to know that blood is important, and that the trait is maternally passed" and also "the audience needs to know this comes down to quantum information, which can't be cloned". When Nia says "skip the science", that is because I took out full paragraph explanations that were originally written there when I went back to editing 🤣 Buuuut this is tumblr, so I'll summarize here!
Quantum cloning is actually impossible (and would break the universe if it were possible), which Lena notes. On the TV show, they say they need Kara's DNA, and then get really sad when it's destroyed... but Lena is a scientist, replicating DNA is super easy, she definitely would've done that before loading the device!! So in my fic, we're going with quantum signatures, because the sadness around needing to reset the device to fight the phantoms makes sense.
The stable marriage problem (also called the "stable matching problem") is an actual thing in algorithms, with applications in economics. It's not specific to marriage - you can use similar algorithms to optimize which schools students attend, for instance. And it's always solvable, given certain conditions, with one of those conditions being that the two groups are distinct (like colleges are group 1, students are group 2 - a college can't attend a college & a student can't attend a student). If you don't have distinct groups, it turns into the stable roommate problem, which is not guaranteed to be solvable.
So basically my headcanon is that Krypton would look at algorithms and say "We can't have gay marriage, that's not algorithmically efficient!" because Krypton is the type of screwed up society that thinks everything should be done by algorithm.
Chloroplasts are organelles in plants. (Organelles are just organs for cells - instead of hearts and livers and kidneys, cells have things like mitochondria and nuclei and endoplasmic reticula.) Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell? Well, so are chloroplasts (in plants!).
Lena at some point on the TV show tells the group that Reign's cells are more like plant cells, which Kara confirms as how kryptonians convert sunlight to energy (which is what a chloroplast does). But I say they're not quite chloroplasts because they have to use a different dye - kryptonians aren't green. Lutein is a yellow dye in plants (think fall leaves) that could probably be masked by the natural melanin in human skin. So that's what I made as the thing that causes kryptonians to give off a quantum signature - the conversion of sunlight to power.
Organelles really are passed from the mother (egg) to the child. Sperm doesn't have room for much besides DNA. (Though for reasons not yet explained, kryptonian biology is going to work a little differently than Lena expects.)
As for sulfates, that's just a category of salt, and they're plentiful in the ocean. I needed something that killed libido... unfortunately, most of the real stuff that would kill libido are things like alcohol or opioids, and I didn't want kryptonian kids running around stoned all the time. But salt can contribute to high blood pressure, which can lower libido - sooooo let's just pretend that kryptonians are particularly likely to experience this side effect, while not being killed by blood pressure. Their biology is different anyway!
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gaynaturalistghost · 2 years
Are fungi or mushrooms considered plants? I've heard mixed things & thought you'd have some insight about it. Really love ur ivy concepts!!
I’m not going to just say No! and move on because the truth (at least to me) is REALLY INTERESTING. I drew this out, here’s a few billion years summed up with jokes!
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Ok. More than 3.5 BYA. You are a bacteria, living in the oceans (which are blood red but that’s a whole Other Thing). You are a cyanobacteria, you live in big gooey colonies with your best friends and you decide “hey, it would be cool if I could do photosynthesis and get even more energy after I eat the sugars” Which was generally considered a Bad Move, because you made oxygen at the end which is super toxic. To all life. Really bad decision (the oceans helped). Instead of wiping out all life by being horrible and toxic, you actually build the ozone layer and make way for a whole bunch of new guys who can use oxygen (oxygenic respiration).
Now we have eukaryotes depicted as Kirby. This is because they are Like That and when they ate cyanobacteria they didn’t always kill them, and over time they just became chloroplasts. Now they can do photosynthesis. The mitochondria was a similar process that happened first. Some plankton still do this and just… have a guy they didn’t eat all the way.
So we have eukaryote Kirby with chloroplasts. That will split to plants and green algae, here’s where the fungi come in!
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The last common fungal ancestor was a parasite of a single called green algae or ancestor, things kind of overlap ranges. So you are a closer “cousin” to fungi than fungi are to plants!
I included this whole thing because I study lichens, and two of the partners in that symbiosis are fungi and/or cyanobacteria. That’s crazy! They were parasites and went and did their own thing and some decided to be symbiotic later! With plants too, they are still pathogens and parasites and so on but doesn’t it seem like living inside a thing that originated by eating all your shit would be a good idea. But lichens have lasted more than 400 million years so who am I to say. And plants have a lot of fungal pathogens but may not have made the transition to land without fungi and would not exist without them.
I could go on. This stuff is my main interest for my scientific career (paired down here ofc) hope this was more interesting than just saying “no!” : )
Bonus: mushrooms are ‘fruiting bodies’ or ‘basidia’ of one division of fungi, the basidiomycetes (buh-sid-ee-oh-my-seats)! ascomycetes (ass-co-my-seats) are usually the cup-shaped ones, not technically mushrooms. I think colloquially mushrooms is used for “edible” fungi and ‘toadstools’ are non-edible.
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poeticalyx · 6 months
The leaf of my,
Has veinlet of yours,
The green of my,
Has the chloroplast of yours,
The rotten cells is of my,
But the membrane of you reassures.
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thatonekreachur · 8 months
one detail in elemental is that these earth buildings in the background kinda look like granum, which were inside the chloroplast of a plant cell.
(Sorry I couldn't get a better image)
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glassamphibians · 1 month
green is such a good color
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soyeonshugs · 5 months
I feel like a dying plant and every George spotting is a splash of fresh water that brightens up my drying leaves, his smile is like the sunlight that makes me stick up a little taller again so i can feel the warmth of it on my green and leafy skin🌱
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aydenrain · 11 months
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🌱🌿✨ leaf sheep fanart ✨🌱🌿
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chlorenw · 2 years
Hi beloved Moot Chlornew, I have been freed from Exam prison, I can now bother you more frequently and effectively.
Congratulations on your freedom baaaaaaaaa
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supermilkshakebanana · 6 months
do you photosynthesis
Yes :)
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