#choromatsu headcanons
flowerakatsuka · 24 days
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totokoismyfav · 2 months
hi i have a request for headcanons :] how would the sextuplets react to an s/o who is objectively a functional member of society (job and/or school, booming social life, well liked, etc) but for some reason simps really hard for them. it can by goofy or not, depends on what you think!
osomatsu san/reader | reader who is a functional member of society who is head over heels for the brothers
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A functional member of society in love with a NEET? Oh, what a thought! All of them equally are just as infatuated with you, maybe even more so as you are just shining with confidence and wit. So imagine their surprise when you finally ask them to be your boyfriend! They all react differently so let’s see up close and personal.
Osomatsu: - How are you with him, seriously? Everyone wants to know. - A shitty NEET with such bad habits like gambling and drinking and you looked in his direction? He’s just as shocked as everyone else to be honest. - Although, he’s not complaining one bit.  - Proudly parades you around in front of his brothers, like damn he might as well have won the lottery. - Oh, they are so jealous by the way. - At first, he doesn’t really change besides that but a little bit into your relationship, he starts making small changes and working up to the big ones.  - At first, it’s picking up after himself and doing more chores around the house, then it’s actually looking for jobs and talking about moving out one day. - Soon enough, he ends up doing just that and moves in with you, even holding a job and stops complaining about it all the time. - He’s trying, for you, and that is a lot coming from him. 
Karamatsu:  - Oh, be prepared anon.  - This man will make it known that he is just as much in love with you back.  - Things like surprise flowers and gifts show up at your work’s front desk, only the best for his Karamatrsu darling! - “Oh my darling flower, it makes my heart palpitate just to know how much you adore me!”  - Of course, you are eating up every cheesy line and equally spoiling him despite his surprise when you do so, despite still living with his mother he’s not used to being spoiled like this. - Like you swear you saw tears when you gave him a gift on your first date, and it was something so simple too. A guitar pick with yours and his initials on it. He swears to use it all the time, and he does, especially when he serenades to you. He even started to freak out when the image on it started to fade.  - At first, he refuses to let you pay for things even though you have a job and he doesn’t. After a few high-priced dates, he finally lets you help with the costs and even slightly enjoys being spoiled by you. - To still help out and spoil you, he even starts working at a nearby clothing store. - Your love is so annoying to everyone around you but the both of you don’t care, not one bit. 
Choromatsu: - To his non-existent calculations, you two should NOT be a thing, but he doesn’t care at this point. - He’s also kinda jealous of you? Like you’re everything he wants to be but he quickly gets over that once you ask him out.  - At the beginning of your relationship, he is constantly stuttering and sweating from his nerves but he’s over the moon about finally dating you, he always has his signature smile on his face.  - When you start holding hands, you can physically feel his whole body shake just from your palm against his.  - Of course, you are no better as you are in LOVE with this man. - You’re both a couple who are head over heels for one another and very much show it instead of saying it. - It took you guys weeks just to say ‘I love you’ which ended in you running away with your hands covering your face and Choromastu shouting to the night sky of how he was in love.  - He also starts to become a functional member of society (with your help and motivation). - Soon enough, he’s living with you and has a job of his own, and surprisingly to him he couldn’t be happier getting out of the NEET lifestyle he was in for so long. 
Ichimatsu:  - He can barely believe it himself, how could someone like you be in love with him? - You were a knockout, a functional member of society and he was just a shitty NEET, a nobody who no one wants. You must be fucking around with him.   - And he really thinks that at first, it takes a bit of persuasion for him to believe you are actually infatuated with him.  - On your first date, he would sit tables away from you as you drank a milkshake. His face turned bright red as he tried to sip from four tables away with a long straw. - You would simply smile at him, telling him it’s ok to get closer and that you were truly interested in dating him. - Soon enough, you two were doing regular couple stuff like holding hands and regularly going on dates.  - As you both get further into the relationship you notice he starts to really change things, Ichimatsu even gets a job at a local cat cafe. - Soon enough, he’s living with you and holding down a job he actually enjoys (although interacting with people still irks him).  - Although, when you first asked him to spend the night at your house, he spontaneously combusted right on the bench. 
Jyushimatsu:  - Oh ho ho! This man is ecstatic! - His brothers swear that he’s been faster with his batting swing when you both start dating. - It’s like he has a new form of motivation when practicing baseball, running faster, swinging harder and throwing farther all at the same time. - He also seems happier than usual (somehow) , his smile widening whenever he sees you and your wonderful face.  - Will point you out to his brothers whenever he sees you, like he’s bragging or something. “Ha ha look, it’s my partner! Do you see them, huh? Huh?”  - He also starts working as well, hoping to start working as a baseball player in the future. - With your help, he eventually works up to that point and starts playing in local leagues!
Todomatsu:  - Oh he’s the most smug out of all of them. - Of course, he has no idea why you looked in his direction but he’s so glad you did.  - When you told him you were in love with him, he dropped his coffee you two had gotten minutes prior. Of course, he spilled it all over you and profusely apologized about it while helping to clean you up. - Luckily, it was iced so it didn’t burn or anything so you simply just smiled and told him he was fine and it was ok.  - Totally rubs it in his brother's faces, just like Oso and Jyushi but he’s more of a bitch about it.  - “Oh would you look at that, I have a partner now who’s actually interested in me. Score one for the youngest!” - He actually got a scoreboard for it too, the bastard. - He eventually goes back to Sutabaa, working the same position he did before. - He’s officially out of NEET status when he moves in with you and he’s so happy about it as he went up a level as a human once more!
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energysynergymatrix · 24 days
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No way look who's shown up in Hinamizawa
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thebardisabird · 3 months
I've been on a little thought train of s/o's learning each others cultures so I gotta know your take on how the matsus would react to their s/o saying "I love you" in Japanese 💙
Hi my friend, I know you're taking a break from Ososan right now, but I was feeling a type of way about this prompt and wanted to answer this. I hope it's okay if we kind of go the route of this being the first time you say it to them. Lots of fluff, and a little bit of angst here and there but they all end happily! Under the cut!
Osomatsu would actually panic, completely bypassing the fact that you're actually learning his mother tongue. Though he presents himself as a very carefree kind of guy, the idea of love - real, true love, is a very deep feeling that he's a little afraid of facing. He may slip up and say something less graceful like "Same!" or "Me too!" and quite frankly he won't understand your disappointment at first. But after discussing it with his brothers, who all tell him he's a fucking MORON for responding that way, he actually does some real introspective work and realizes that's he's being incredibly dumb for not being able to say it back off the bat. Of course he loves you. So the next time he sees you, he'll ask you nonchalantly to repeat that new phrase you learned recently, and with some hesitance you do. He smirks with some softness, faces you, and repeats your words back to you.
Karamatsu sings your praises of learning Japanese, knowing very well that you both are trying to learn each others' language. It will take him a minute to register exactly what you've said, but when it does, he pauses. His face is blank for a second; at first you think you've said something wrong (or possibly even said it too soon), but then you see the tears corner in his eyes. Now he has you panicking, but he takes your hands before you even know what to do with them. He'll ask you "...Me?...Are you sure?" and it reminds that you that for as confident as he seems, Karamatsu does have his insecurities. It almost breaks your heart at his question of disbelief. But you reassure him, hand to his cheek and say it again. To which he wilts, letting a tear or two fall as he takes you in his arms and tells you how happy he is you feel the same.
Choromatsu is so excited that you're learning more and more phrases! He understands that Japanese isn't an easy language to learn so he's very keen on helping you out as much as possible. Like his older brother however, he too doesn't realize what you'd said right away. His face immediately drops into that signature blank Matsuno stare when it registers. He promptly grabs some q-tips, fiercely cleaning his ears before insisting he heard you wrong and asking you to repeat yourself. When you attempt to he screams for you to stop, "I'M NOT READY, WAIT WAIT WAIT!" and he turns his back to you, face in hands. It goes on this way for a few minutes before you decided to tell him to forget what you said - clearly what you've said bothers him. Surprisingly he grasps your hand before you can turn away, his grip unsure, but still clasped around you. "Me too...I...love you too." His back is still turned to you as he says this, but you can hear it in his voice that he's sincere. What you don't see is the half-lidded gaze of relief under his palm, and the cherry red blush dusting his cheeks.
Ichimatsu right away is taken aback by your words. So much so that his hand comes to his drumming chest in an act to stop his heart from beating out of his ribcage. He backs away from you, looking almost insulted. There's a very clear internal struggle within him as he can't properly process your words of affection. So instead, he runs. Undoubtedly you're confused and a little upset, not quite expecting him to turn tail on you at your exclamation of love in his native language. You know Ichimatsu well enough to know that what he needs most is space. The rest of the day the poor fourth born needs to constantly be held at bay from bashing his head through the walls of the Matsuno household. All of his siblings reassure him that he can still fix things. How could he run from you when you told him you loved him? He felt like the scum of the earth. Would you even forgive him? Of course you wouldn't, who was he kidding. The chatter of self-depreciation drowned out his thoughts so deafeningly that he hadn't even realized you had made your way to his home. It wasn't until your arms had circled around his back and your chin tucked at his shoulder that he was shaken back to presence; and then it hits him. You love him. You love him. You spend time with him. You make him laugh. In your arms he feels relaxed, safe even. How could he...? His forehead leans wearily against your shoulder. You begin to apologize for making uncomfortable, but before more than a few words escape you he cuts you off with his own expression of love. It's quiet and muffled, but you hear him. The sweet silence that follows is filled with nothing but comfort.
Jyushimatsu basically shouts about how really good your pronunciation is! He's happy that you're learning Japanese as he wants to be able to have full conversations with you as much as he can. He's not aloof however, he knows exactly what you said. That's why in less than a minute you're lifted into his arms, being tossed ceremoniously a few times before your face is littered with kisses. His normally bright personality shines at another level at your loving words. He presses a few more kisses to your face before exclaiming that he loves you the same in Japanese alongside you. It's an exchange that leaves you both feeling on cloud nine for the remainder of the day.
Todomatsu opens his mouth to say something, but instead tries to bite back an overjoyed smile. Deciding to be cheeky he responds with, "I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you, can you say that again?" You think at first he actually didn't hear what you said you repeat yourself, but after he asks you to reiterate what you said, you quickly catch on. That doesn't deter you though and you play him at his own game. It doesn't take long before he ends up almost as pink as his wardrobe, laughing softly before he stops you from repeating yourself one more time. Instead he asks you out of the blue if you want to take a selfie with him. You're caught off guard by the request, but you oblige, posing with him. Just before he snaps the pic, you feel lips press to your cheek. In the softest voice he can muster he whispers his own words of affection in Japanese. When he pulls away it's your turn to wear some color on your cheeks whilst Todomatsu raves about how adorable your selfie came out.
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chuusei-matsu · 9 months
Would the osomatsu-san crew let you peg them?
Heads up! Below is gonna be some nsfw stuff if you couldn't tell by the title, if that's not your vibe, skip this! Read some of my other stuff! Maybe even suggest me something to write about!
Osomatsu would be up to it iiiiif you made a bet with him or offered him something. After all, it's "fucking gay to be pegged" as he would say but 50 bucks is 50 bucks. However he would become an absolute bottom bitch for 50 bucks, not realizing that he actually really likes it until it happens.
Your boy Karamatsu would let it happen, he would let you peg him but you'd have to get him like the flashiest but also most "manly" strap on ever. He actually is a little indifferent to it, it doesn't feel bad to him, but it's not necessarily something he prefers though. But if it's something you like, then he'll do it to make you happy... Also it does end up feeling good after a little.
Choromatsu is absolutely against it, he will absolutely dump you if you even try to peg him. Now the big reason why he doesn't want you to peg him is because it's "unmanly", but the real reason why is because he doesn't really want to become a butt-slut, but it's obvious that he's already a butt-slut.
Ichimatsu refuses to even consider the idea. He is open minded to all things, but he's had a fear of things in his ass ever since ESP kitty. Maybe some day in the distant future if you really comfort him, he might let you finger him, but pegging is just too big of an ask for him. He wouldn't enjoy it either, it's just not for him.
Jyushimatsu would be open to it! It's not his first choice but he wouldn't completely turn you down either. He ends up liking it way more than expected and will often hint at doing it with you, it's become basically a way to motivate him. He does something good, he can get pegged if that's what he wants, it also just gets you guys closer and can be intimate.
Todomatsu is the one who BEGS you to peg him when you guys are alone. He's always been into the idea but you're the only person he trusts with that knowledge. Obviously he loves it and begs often, but you didn't expect how badly he would like it until you basically had him begging and screaming for you to fuck his brains out.
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bunnimatsu · 1 year
How would the brothers feel about femdom?
gooooddd question anon
let’s find out shall we?
(NSFW under the cut)
osomatsu is kinda meh when it comes to a dominant partner. what i mean by that is that he just wants someone around him and he doesn’t care what the hell he gets lmfao. he’s nearly reaching his thirties, he’ll take what he can get.
with that being said, he’s R E A D Y for you.
when you guys start a scene, he’ll do those moans that you hear in porn (you know the overly exaggerated ones) because he thinks it’s something you’ll like to hear, but you kinda just roll your eyes and go harder.
and that’s where you’ll get him to actually make noise for you.
and my god is it the sexiest thing you’ve ever heard come from a man’s mouth.
i think he prefers you taking him via riding however.
i mean getting ass fucked is great and all but the feeling of your walls tightening around him while you’re on top of him? and then the overstimulation after he’s been milked 2 times but you’re still fucking the lights out of him?
my boy’s addicted to that.
karamatsu likes to pretend he’s some dominant alpha male who takes no shit from anyone but we all know that he’s just a bottom ready to be taken at any given moment.
when you came into his life, he thought he could fool you
but by heaven’s grace was he wrong.
the way he portrayed himself at first was something you chuckle at when you remember it.
he kept lowering his voice around you, touching you, telling you that you were all his….
oh how the tables turned when you looked at him with the most dangerous eyes and smiled all pretty to cover up the glint in your eyes.
“yeah? i’m all yours, karamatsu?”
the way your voice dipped was something that stained his brain forever.
and then you chuckled darkly as you pulled him in by the collar, leaning in close to his ear.
“that’s where you’re wrong, sweetheart…..”
let’s just say he ended up really sore the next morning and didn’t look anyone in the eye except yours.
oh please, its choromatsu’s dream! while yes, he’s supposed to be a manly man and a straight one at that….
my boy needs the stress taken off of him.
look, all i’m saying is….
fuck this boy till he cries 🤷‍♀️
he’ll beg, he’ll whimper, he’ll absolutely sob out of desperation for you.
i’m not saying he’d prefer a dominant partner but….he’s not entirely opposed to it
while most of us sees ichimatsu as some dom that does obedience training, i honestly see him as a switch that leans towards sub a little more. but truly, i just think he doesn’t really care what kind of partner you are.
you want it rough? sure.
you want to fuck his ass? go for it.
ichimatsu’s all for it.
on the other hand, i think he’s drawn to dominant women tbh, idk there’s just something so alluring about them that makes his dick hard.
he’s a sadomasochist. (and y’all know how he sounded when he had a fucking flag pole get jabbed into his ass)
jyushimatsu is the most obedient boy you’ll ever meet. the minute you said “i’m gonna take care of you from here on out”, he was all in. he does everything you ask him to.
sometimes he has a touch of disobedience but that’s just to somewhat get of a rise out of you.
but mostly it’s him being your good little puppy.
need i remind you of my pegging hcs?
no but seriously.
i genuinely think that todomatsu is a bit iffy on having a completely dominant partner. i mean don’t get him wrong, it’s great because he gets mind blowing sex just by talking back at you.
but sometimes it makes him like…feel somewhat ashamed of not being able to ‘be a man’ and all that.
i’m not saying he has toxic masculinity or anything but it’s more so on my personal headcanon of him being like “i’m kinda tired of being seen as someone who can’t fight back”, you know what i mean?
but i think he can adjust to his dominant girlfriend…
who said you were done pleasing me, [name]?
and that’s that my loves!
hope you enjoyed it, sorry about the vaguness but i really could not think of anything better than this. i still hoped you enjoyed me genuinely answering your question tho!
love you and see you in the next one,
jarvis <3
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puffpawstries · 25 days
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hello 2024 my friend has dragged me back into my Osomatsu-san brain rot,,,so have a wip
also happy birthday neets this is so crazy
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profoundtrashninja · 1 month
HC undies preference of the sextuplets.
Trashy food for trashy thoughts 😌 Just my personal opinions. I do think Totty might also prefer a thong tho.
Below the fold is what the official account published.
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Source: https://www.amazon.co.jp/おそ松さん-着せかえBOOK-小学館C-L-MOOK/dp/4091017851#aw-udpv3-customer-reviews_feature_div
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shoccolat · 2 years
autistic hcs bc it's all i can think about atm
• not one to mask much and is often very blunt, has been told he's rude way too many times but he doesn't really care tbh, he's just being honest
• has a VERY hard time expressing his emotions, either turns it into anger and lashes out or just goes nonverbal
• doesn't like to be alone with his thoughts so he finds lots of ways to distract himself (though he has bad coping methods and often turns to addictive pastimes like gambling and drinking)
• stims: a lot of hand stims including flapping, rubbing under his nose, that lil mini naruto run he does, putting his hands in his pockets to secretly play with whatever garbage is in there, & fidgeting with his hoodie strings. also randomly dabbing (projecting bc i do this too lmao) and VOCAL STIMS!! echolalia, palilalia, random sounds, etc. he's very vocal when he's happy!!
• special interests: horses, whatever manga/anime he's into atm. he infodumps sometimes even though nobody really wants to listen to him, he just talks at them, also bc he's not into the same manga/anime as choromatsu so there's a lack of common interest
• a lot of masking but he's not very good at it tbh
• has a good amount of scripts but fumbles through them or goes nonverbal before even approaching someone and ends up missing out on a potential conversation
• socially anxious but tries desperately to pretend he's not ✨
• wears sunglasses to avoid eye contact and also bc he doesn't want people reading him too deeply, he's sensitive so his emotions are often on full display even when he tries to hide them
• PEOPLE PLEASER, will definitely mold his personality/manner of speech to match the person he's with
• stims: putting on and taking off his sunglasses, he also likes sequined clothing bc he likes to run his fingers and nails along them
• special interests: fashion & making clothes, music
• takes his diagnosis/discovery hard at first, doesn't like having something "wrong" with him
• he feels better about it once he realizes "oh THAT'S why i do that/feel that way" and can learn better ways to cope and accommodate (for both himself and his brothers)
• likes to be prepared and has a LOT of scripts but often stutters through them
• socially anxious and gets stressed easily
• often indulges in escapism as a coping method, with a hyperfocus on idols and anime
• probably has like a repertoire of safe foods bc textures 🤢
• stims: FLAPPY HANDS, a lot of hand fidgets like playing with his zipper/hoodie strings when nervous, dermatillomania, also vocal stims like humming & echolalia, and wiggling/rocking
• special interests: nyaa-chan, idols in general, whatever anime/manga he's into, technology, space
• has hardcore social burnout as well as mask burnout from doing it so damn much in high school
• semi-verbal like 80% of the time, goes nonverbal a lot
• monotone speech (i mean that's not a hc but it's worth noting)
• only really talks a lot when he's infodumping or has either a physically written or mentally planned script he can follow
• another socially anxious brother, doesn't really focus on making scripts bc he's not one to approach people so the conversations he does have are often awkward
• cares a LOT about how other people perceive him even though he doesn't show it
• also another brother who has a hard time expressing emotions, he often bottles things up until he hits a breaking point
• gets overwhelmed very easily by crowds and confrontation or meeting new people
• VERY METICULOUS about cleanliness, rules, and manners
• stims: PRESSURE, holding or petting soft things like cats and plushies, kneading, rocking
• special interests: cats, horror movies/slasher films
• probably the first one to find out or be diagnosed tbh
• has trouble with social cues and norms, is very much one to just do and say what he likes without much care for what others think (mostly; he's been shown to be much more aware than he seems)
• prone to meltdowns and often takes a while to calm down and recover
• doesn't use scripts much either, just talks about whatever, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't
• used to mask in high school but stopped, his happy face might be a mask too but he seems a lot more comfortable like that so maybe not
• stims: omg SO many happy stims, flappy hands (loves long sleeves bc he likes how they feel when he flaps), waving his baseball bat around, rocking, and VOCAL STIMS!! another very vocal brother, echolalia, palilalia and random sounds just like his big bro :) they get a bit noisy when they're both like this together and are often told by choro, ichi, or totty to go somewhere else
• special interests: BASEBALL, dogs
• his tiktok fyp gradually filled up with enough "relatable" #neurodivergent #autism videos that he was like "huh okay maybe i should actually look into this"
• not at first, though: like choro, the discovery is also hard on him and he avoids coming to terms with it for a while before finally giving in and going on an online research binge
• he has a LOT of scripts, both for irl and texting
• his texting often comes off as "dry" bc he's really not good at going off-script and holds himself back from infodumping bc he doesn't want to be overwhelming. he can hold a conversation decently but secretly hates small talk, although he's not very good at furthering a conversation past that if he doesn't know what the other person is interested in
• he masks SO MUCH OH MY GOD even with his brothers he's gonna burn himself out so bad 💔
• he's also very much another one to mold his personality and speech to match the person he's talking to
• stims: fidgeting with his phone, his phone is a crutch and he feels very anxious when he doesn't have it with him, he likes phone charms bc extra thing to fidget with ❤️, also randomly does peace signs (projecting again with literally all of these but ✨)
• special interests: fashion, cute things like hello kitty etc., probably secretly stuff like true crime or serial killers tbh but nobody will ever know about that ✌️
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chorodevotee · 4 months
The Matsu's preferred weapons (Medieval AU)
There's a Hesokuri Wars set about this exact topic. I wanted to share my thoughts on it!
Osomatsu is the one you'd expect to have a normal sword by default. I mean, why wouldn't he? He doesn't come across as the kind of person who'd be too strategic or picky about his weapon of choice. As long as he gets to do stuff, he'll roll with whatever!
So... the staff gave him a lance. And, you know what? There's really nothing wrong with that. It's different from the usual "Osomatsu gets the basic option" trope that HW had going on. It looks cool and it makes sense that he would use a weapon like that, but... Come on.
Osomatsu is a simple man. I think a standard sword is perfect for him. He can even have a shield, too. As a treat.
Besides, I have my reasons (it's only one) to give the lance to someone else.
As for Karamatsu… Yeah, the long sword is perfect for him. Completely agreed with the (kinda? Is HW canon?) canon choice. Of course he'd use something big and eye-catching. Maybe he'd even try to customize the damn thing. Make it sparkly or have his name inscribed into the sword's metal.
Alternatively, I think double swords would also be a great choice for him. He'd get to do some sick poses with his swords while he fights. Surely he'd use some convoluted fighting style that looks like a dance; exaggerated, but deadly... Or, at least, he thinks it looks like that.
Also: Two swords, he's the second son… Yeah. It checks out.
Remember the lance? Yes, the one I mentioned like 10 seconds ago. I just happened to have the perfect excuse to hand the thing to Choromatsu.
You see, the name "Choromatsu" comes from the japanese onomatopoeia "choro-choro." It apparently means "the way children and small things move around quickly". Can you already see where I'm going with this?
I can just picture this 5'3 king, ramming into battle with a pointy, sharp lance. I'm pretty sure running away from his problems is Choromatsu's favorite thing to do, so he'll have no problem using this weapon since it involves a lot of running!
I can also see him using a bow, which is as much, if not more, of a classic weapon than the lance itself. But let's face it, Choromatsu with a lance is way cooler (and it's unique and meaningful, too).
A crossbow is an interesting choice for a person like Ichimatsu, who is often portrayed as someone of very low energy. I like it, yes… But consider, whatever the hell is this:
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Ichimatsu can be lazy sometimes… But not when it comes to violence, I think. Is this anything? I'm pretty sure he'd enjoy the absolute carnage that comes with using a weapon like this.
Jyushimatsu (no way, there's no yellow?! I'm sorry, Jyushi!)
The HW staff gave this man an axe. A giant one at that. He is an absolute unit and I can totally respect that, I love me a good axe representation, but… It seems a bit out of character to me. Am I the only one?
Jyushi can be violent, yes… But an axe? That feels excessive. Also, I just don't understand how the staff missed the opportunity to give him something like this:
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Look at it. Now, look me in the eyes and tell me it doesn't resemble a baseball bat even JUST a little bit.
This was the obvious choice for him, so why did they not give him a [whatever the hell this thing is called]?
Perhaps it was too gruesome? I mean, it can't possibly be more gruesome than an axe, right? Also, this would have made for a excellent visual gag. It would have been perfect! Oh, how it hurts to have such big brain that only has objectively correct ideas!
Finally… Totty. Oh, Totty. What a sneaky little rat you are.
I'll admit that a shield with spikes is an amazing choice for him. The thing is heart-shaped! Very cute. Very cute, Totty… While the combo of a sword and a shield is an absolute classic and doesn't look bad on him at all, I must say…
Let's give this man a dagger and see what happens.
"Ah! Oh, no, I've fallen!" Todomatsu whines, curled up on the ground of the battlefield. With fat tears in his eyes, he tries to shield his body with his arms. "And I don't have a weapon, oh! Whatever shall I do!"
And then, when somebody approaches… BOOM. 37 STAB WOUNDS IN FIVE SECONDS. YOU'RE DONE, BABE.
He'd be an absolute menace with a dagger. Maybe the staff knew this. Maybe it IS for the best that he doesn't have a dagger.
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smersisk · 1 day
Osomatsu san is almost 10 years old. Sextuplets were supposed to be thirty-something by now.
Middle aged matsu headcanons, anyone?
Mine under a cut:
Oso: is a houseband to Nyaa-chan. Actually is REALLY good with kids (I haven't watched last movie idk how he was there)
Kara: came out as bi and now lives with his boyfriend. Doesn't take shit from his brothers anymore, they started respecting him. Works in a random grocery store.
Choro: lives alone, but he has a tulpa gf and Tacchan as friends. He's going crazy slowly and nobody cares enough to do something about it anymore. Found a job as a policeman.
Ichimatsu: the only one who's still a virgin, doesn't really care about it anymore. is a hetero life partner with Jyushimatsu and lives with him. He's happy this way, I promise.
Jyushimatsu: mourns the baseball career he's never had, it's all downhill once he starts getting old. Got on meds (thanks to Dekapan) and started studying, got a paramedic qualification. Works in emergency department. Dates Homura long-distance :3
Totty: married Totoko and had a child with her (I am sane and I am completely serious). Takes on Yowai surname and works in the family fish store. Their child unironically likes uncle Ichimatsu the most.
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helpwerami · 1 year
Osomatsusan headcanons cause I’m bored
This is more on a take on them in a more psychological/meta pov on them.
-He’s still irresponsible as the show states repetitively, but I think there’s a deep under layered of anger issues. Maybe feeling like he’s stuck being unemployed and can’t change his life, or feels like his feelings are put on the sidelines.
-oso secretly very stressed but hides it by playing it down. Being the oldest but not the most matured may be a result of him trying to get some control of himself or over small things.
-He acts sexist and pervs on girls on the regular. I like incorporating the old show to the new one, specifically we’re oso was a ballerina,and wore womens swimsuits. So I like to think he secretly wants to be more feminine and dress feminine, but fears the shame or backlash of his family. He Avoids and projects his wants and desires in a more “masculine” manner instead.
-The problem with him at the root of it all is that he doesn’t want to change. He’s comfortable, he’s unfamiliar to change. Therefore he sees change as a threat.
-Oso’s anger makes him go quiet and visibly irritated. Storming off out of the house for a few hours before coming right back.
-He’s an alcoholic,smokes,gambles,unemployed,lives with his parents guy. He doesn’t want to change.
-The most confident in himself. His fashion is questionable ofc but it shows how willing he his to present himself. Albeit his made up persona of himself.
-Closeted. His brothers have made comments of his clothes looking gay and how he acts is gay as-well, but he can take that. He thinks if he actually comes out he thinks he’s giving more ammo for his brothers to put him down
-Kara is secretly the most matured. He uses his persona as a shield to deflect his brothers judgement. Later in more recent seasons you see him start to not use his persona less and less, and his brothers caught on it even,but when faced with the confrontation he gets aggravated and even intimidates his brothers when he gets mad.
-On a more positive note I would like to think he got his jacket from
-Kara’s more of a job hopper. Never keeping one and doing small gigs like street shows or helping Chibita with his business.
-he tries to act better or more mature than he really is. Helps his mother with taxes and some small chores but he uses this to put himself on a higher horse in comparison to his brothers.
-wares a collared shirt under his hoodie kind of shit.
-he gets very defensive about very small things. Considered being more short tempered than the sophisticated role he tries to put up.
- he hides his love for anime and idols away from his brothers because he’s ashamed of himself for liking it. Although most already know because he buys copious amounts of merch and tickets for idol shows.
-though he does look after his brothers in a more keeping tabs sort of way than a mom would. Comment or would ask if they’d showered or brush their teeth that day then lecture them to do so. This does help some of them positively to keep somewhat of a schedule.
-I want to say he’d might want to work at a manga/anime shop or something, but I’d doubt it. he’d be too ashamed to work at one. He feels like degenerates or creeps work at manga stores. (Even though that’s verbatim what he is.) would maybe end up in a book/convince store ran by an old lady.
-he’s my favorite so take some of this with a grain of salt.
-he hides how he feels. His antisocial behavior and dislike of the general public is why he turned to cats.
-uses cats as a coping mechanism and hyper fixation. Shows some signs of being on the spectrum be he doesn’t want to know the diagnosis/ answer to what specifically he has. He feels like it’s searching for an excuse for the way he is. (Not in a ableist way but more in a learned helplessness way.)
-low hygiene. Either Smells like cat piss or just body odor. His depression not helping him at that, choro runs his mouth at him on the regular for this. But instead of picking up that he’s maybe depressed, he calls him lazy and gross for ‘sulking in his filth’.
- oso and ichi are more closer in a bond because of their similar nature. The only difference between them is that oso is more accepting and chill about his current state. While ichi is more pessimistic and hopeless in his. Giving each other nicknames to show there on good terms.
-gets small jobs at local restaurants. working at the back cleaning dishes and taking out the trash.
-looks after jyushi. Finding solace in his more cheerful enthusiastic nature to his pessimistic one.
-autistic with adhd. dresses more for comfort than to present himself. Highly energetic with not much sense of social cues or sarcasm.
-he’s more of a good influence on the brothers by bringing them outside when he wants to go out, instead of being shut-ins. He helps them have more to do than gamble or drink.
-i like to think he’d have a long distance relationship with him and Homura. Like todo got him a Nokia so he wouldn’t break it and to call her now and then. It would give him some one positive to talk to and she’d have him to talk to.
-he likes to hang out with ichi on the regular. Help ichi get out of the house, and then go feed stray cats in ally’s.
-maybe he’d volunteer at daycare’s or babysit if he needed to work. Showing in some episodes that he’s good with kids.
-The most put together. Has his job at a cafe in the city and usually has good luck when gambling on pachinko.
-Openly gay with his family. They weren’t too surprised and he wasn’t to scared about it either since he already dressed in more pink and flamboyant clothing,and having friends that are mostly girls.or fuck it he had friends period.
-The most social brother. He tried to bring some of his brothers to mixers but it didn’t end up too well. Either in their brothers getting them kicked out or in other times or his own exclusion.
-I feel like he could move out if he wanted he makes his own income to have a phone and can walk or take a bus to his job. Maybe own an apartment of some kind.
-this might also go hand in hand with the fact he’s scared to be alone. He’s never not been alone for so long that when he finally is, it scares him. It’s unfamiliar to him.
-in the episode were they all got tortured in hell we saw the demon read his dairy. It said he wanted to dress like a girl and be like a girl, then you see him almost cry from the embarrassment.
-I think he’s questioning in his gender,but is to scared to explore that part of himself yet.
I do feel like As much as they hate or irritate each other, a key reason they don’t move out minus the money or occupation, is that their all unconsciously codependent on each other. If they even wanted to move out, the thought/feeling of being alone is so out their comfort zone and unfamiliar they’d rather spend their lives with familiarity.
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cyberglitch2 · 1 month
im so down to hear choromatsu headcanons ngl I'm thirsty
I don't have much for Choromatsu, but I'm pleased you're interested!
So, here are some lil things:
I think he smells like wet wipes.
If Matsuyo took her sons to the store with her when they were children, choromatsu pointedly complained about the brothers. At the same time, he misbehave with Osomatsu most often (I can continue the thread about the store, if you are interested)
He imagines happy or dirty scenarios with idols before falling asleep 😐 (he is ashamed)
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iamwalnut1 · 7 months
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thebardisabird · 1 year
I’m really sleepy today so have some sleepy matsu headcanons:
- One hand usually on his stomach as he’s sleeping. He tends to scratch it when he wakes up.
- Lays on his back with an arm above his head
- Worst bed head in the morning
- Side sleeper, his hands are usually near by his face in some way
- Does gently snore, sometimes comes out as a tiny groan
- Scratchy voice in the morning
- Switches between side sleeping and back sleeping, whatever can get him most situated
- Tucks an arm under his pillow for added comfort
- Has to be careful when he wakes up and rubs the tired out of his eyes, they’re very sensitive
- Prefers to sleep on his stomach with his arms crossed under his pillow
- Has trouble falling asleep sometimes, and has come up with a few teas and warm sleepy time drinks to help
- Last one to get out of bed
- A wiggleworm in his sleep, he rests in all the positions
- Likes being warm at night so he’ll wear extra layers during the winter
- First one to wake up about 95% of the time (and he’s loud about it)
- Side sleeper as well, though he prefers to sleep hugging a pillow or something soft.
- Listens to some form of rain, ASMR or soft music in his earbuds to help him stay asleep
- Needs at least 15 minutes after he wakes up before wanting to talk to anyone
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chuusei-matsu · 9 months
The Matsuno boys ranked on how slutty I personally believe they are:
Karamatsu Matsuno, listen, man wears g-strings, daisy dukes, cropped tops, bro's flaunting it for the people, he's pure slut.
Ichimatsu Matsuno, he's more of a slut in actions than in style, he's like that sexy librarian but the reality of one, where maybe they're into hardcore bdsm but most of the time they dress like they haven't showered in weeks.
Osomatsu Matsuno, he's kind of middle of the road slutty, he finds it too embarrassing to flaunt like his younger brother, but he will absolutely make the most slutty noises ever and not be ashamed.
Todomatsu Matsuno, listen unless he's getting paid, he finds being slutty undignified... He's still a slut, just on the down low.
Jyushimatsu Matsuno, he knows what a slut is, but being a pervert is different the being a slut, he just doesn't have that slutty slutty will.
Choromatsu Matsuno, again pervert ≠ slut, and he's just the least slutty brother in my eyes, he seems like he'd be way too nervous to try being slutty, but also kind of look down one someone for being slutty since he does have his gigantic ass ego.
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