#chose violence ask game
tomicaleto · 1 year
22, 17 & 18 for choosing violence asks :]
Hi Anon! Thank you for sending me these!
Ask game
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
Hmm this is actually harder to answer that I thought it would be considering how big fandom can be. I guess the soft moments we get for Anakin or the competent ones we get from him. This fandom loves erasing all the smart moments that Anakin has in canon, both that we see and that are acknowledged by other characters. They also tend to eat the narrative that Anakin was a jock like character when he really wasn't.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
Well, I guess along the lines of the above answer, I think more competent Anakin fic, like, we get him being badass in fics but it's often with an undercurrent layer of "he pulled that of his ass and got lucky". In fics he never reads (be it reports or other things), he is not curious and him fixing things is a background thing. It's very bothersome
18. it’s absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on…
Neat person Anakin. We have this man that hates sand and loves fixing things. We could have him being annoying about dirt or messes on his workspace. We saw his room, it's not bare but it's also not the mess that is often mentioned to be in fics.
These ended up being more connected to the other than expected!
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cinamun · 2 years
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aleksanderscult · 8 months
King Lantsov, Tatiana, Volcra
Now I regret the fact that I started this game 💀
Kill that asshole of a King (there's no way I'm gonna let him touch me)
Fuck Tatiana (gonna have to keep my eyes closed the whole time 😭)
Marry a volcra (I bet it would treat me better than those Lantsov fuckers)
Ask game
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mrslittletall · 9 months
Choosing violence maybe for 13 and 25? For whichever fandom you have something to say about
I chose violence
13. worst blorboficiation Oh, how fun! I think we could do this for almost every listed fandom ^^ In Dark Souls it is probably Gwyndolin and I have to admit, I am not completely free of guilt of this, but I still fully lean into them having daddy issues and wanting the cycle to continue, I just portray them a bit more sympatethic in the matter, as feeling as if this is the only choice, what they were raised for etc etc. But I also see people write Gwyndolin as this innocent baby angel and not as the last child of Gwyn who is kinda behind the plot of the first Dark Souls. There is some pride in Gwyndolin and we should portray them accurately. Or not. Do what you guys want ^^ I just wanted to point stuff out. Hmmm, in Bloodborne... probably Micolash. I see a lot of people kinda... not leaning into Micolash being batshit insane. If you now point at me and say "Little, your Micolash is a quirky shameless innocent boy", that is Byrgenwerth era Micolash who is like 15 years old and hasn't even thought about the atrocities he will commit! I swear, if I would write canon Micolash, he would be a LOT different. I actually should write him. I never tried and he is so interesting! For Hollow Knight it is Grimm imo. He gets flanderized a lot. He is either the gay uncle or ship material but rarely, very rarely is he the Higher Being he is in canon. I admit I write Grimm as a major troll in my own fic, Off Balance, but he still is a god in this, following his own plan from the start. He never agreed to help PK from the good of his heart and while his plan is ultimately for the sake of another one, I still think I did him justice. I hope ^^ Elden Ring. I don't even have to think about it. Mohg and Morgott! Mohg oftentimes feels like his canon gets completely ignored and shoved under the rug (and if you do this, fine, I get the character makes people uncomfy). But I think Morgott is even worse. Yes, I like Morgott as well and I lean fully into his whole self hating and learning to love himself fanon, but... guys, sometimes I feel you forgot that he canonically killed dozens and dozens of Tarnished, had an order under his command that hunted Tarnished and pretty much is NOT a friend to your Tarnished in canon at ALL. Please, lean more into Morgott that is so into the grip of the Golden Order if you try to write him in canon. Okay and now I probably upset a lot of people. These are just my own opinions. You can blorbofy your blorbos as much as you want. I won't and can't stop you. I might just not read your fic or your comic, that is all. Alright, nobody is offended here, right? I am sure guilty of my own blorbofications ^^
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing Hmmmm... good question. I rarely look at complaints and when it comes to Dark Souls, it isn't a fandom complaint I am sick of hearing, but the "easy mode" crowd. I am not even AGAINST easy modes, but Dark Souls difficulty is so much ingrained into the lore that taking it away would be a really big detriment to the game. For Bloodborne it is easy. Gehrman haters. Please, leave the old man in peace. He chose a fucked up way to grieve someone that he either loved romantically or as a daughter. Canon never does say that he did anything to the doll! If all, the lore implies that he mostly ignores her. Hollow Knight. That PK and Radi are colonizers. Where does that idea even come from?! If you follow the lore, Radi was there first and then PK came and then they had a battle about followers. It wasn't even a bloody battle, nowhere in the lore does it say that countless bugs died or such, it was more so that PK managed to gain more followers and that led to the whole disaster. What they are both guilty of is supressing the void culture, I suppose, but there was also no mention of killing. The whole killing only happened once the infection came into place. Elden Ring. That is also a no-brainer. The whole people who are denying that Mohg is romantically involved with Miquella. If you see it as consentual or non-consentual, Mohg is completely infatuated with Miquella. Nobody who would want to have power would cradle a hand like that and speak that softly. Okay, I think I talked enough ^^ Again, these opinions are my own. If you don't agree with them, that is fine. I am not mad at you. You have a right to have your own opinions and headcanons, even though I don't agree with them.
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tightjeansjavi · 9 months
Slow hands
Slow Hands chapter 10 plot:
from the WIP game
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foundress0fnothing · 4 months
3 and 13 🩷
3. A specific color that gives you the ick
Orange 😔 (but I think it’s mostly because I can’t wear orange without looking like I’m dying)
13. First thing you’re doing in the purge?
It’s gotta be some sort of financial fraud right?? Maybe I’ll say bye-bye to student loan debt lol
(The realistic answer is that I’d hide quietly in my home and drink some tea and read but that’s no fun)
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nokaru · 1 year
For the AnS asks: 13, 15, 16, 23, and 32 pleaseee.
(I'll answer yours too soon, I promise!!)
Lmao no worries hun I will be waiting patientally :) ty for the ask! I let my toxic side out 💀
13. Favorite scene or line
ohh definitely this Obi line when he was talking to Torou about Zen and Co.:
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If we're talking scenes my favs are whenever the OT3 or OT5 are just vibing together and living their wholesome and silly slice of life all together (OT3 Lyrias date, OT5 sleepover before coronation ect ect...)
15. Your controversial take
Lyrias👏arc👏wasn't👏that👏good👏 it was quite boring in fact IM ENDING MY SILENCE
It will never be as good as the other arcs no matter how cool the winter aesthetic is and no matter how cute and fun the new characters are. The plot itself was ehhh and the pandemic and OT3 date was probably the most interesting thing that had happened there. It will never be Tanbarun or Bergatt arc and that's on that 💅
AND ANOTHER THING! omg I just remembered. Shirayuki leaving her patient in the Perfume arc just like that (girlie was traumatized and recovering still) and going with Obi and Eisetsu to rescue Ryuu and Kageya was quite pointless imo (and bit ooc for Shirayuki? Is it just me??) Like I understand it was about Ryuu so ofc she came but I don't think she played that crucial part in the rescuing (she noticed the secret msg from Ryuu and knew about the herbs effects so she was a good addition but I just can't get over 'leaving your sick and very traumatized patient moments after the accident' move) 🤷🏻‍♀️
16. Something that you had wished had happened
I wish we got to explore more of the characters pasts and backstories. AND BRING TOROU AND MIHAYA BACK! Torou could have been a great fuel for Obi and his character development....a missed opportunity man 😭 I think sensei makes the mistake of making interesting and appealing side characters just to forget about them later a lot (?), even when they are relevant to the plot or not. It's a shame, really. But I can't blame her I suppose.
Like you also mentioned before: wishing the separation arcs weren't as long. AMEN! OT5 should get more time to spend all together. That much of a separation was just ...??? uknow
23. Favorite fancontent that you've created
You guys should appreciate me for this masterpiece and I'm super proud of this one and this one from the early stages of my art :)
and this zenyuki cause I even suprised myself with that.
32. The best part of the fandom
yall my darlings <33 everyone in the discord server made my fandom experience so much more enjoyable so thanks yall for that <3
also ppl who are big fans of side characters are the real ones i know we've got quite lot of these. I also feel like we have so many talented writers, artists, editors and creators! and ppl who post ans news, manga panels and analysis are so amazing too!
Ohhh plus I think our fandom has a great attention to detail (just like sensei!) and just seeing ppl pinpoint stuff I otherwise wouldn't notice myself is pretty cool.
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toaster-os · 1 year
12 for that violence ask game
Ok, the prey fanodm is about pre-Downpour Rain World small, but the Typhon are kinda cute.
Like yeah sure I get their supposed to be scary (and I absouloutly came up with a redesign idea)
But just look at those adorable glowey eyes and tell me I CAN'T hug them? I find simple designs cute. Idk what else to say?
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wolveria · 8 months
Is the ask game still on? If so what about 9,10,13?
Ask games are always on! I'm going to go with the SW fandom because of your icon :))
9. worst part of canon
Not enough clones. Need more angst. No one talks about Fives. Need more post-Order 66 Jedi stories. Someone talk about Fives.
Ahsoka killing off hot Inquisitors after they've only been on screen 2.5 seconds. Please, Ahsoka, we need to be fed.
10. worst part of fanon
The fandom lol or 90% of it. It's an incredibly hostile, intolerant, sanitized, purity-driven garbage fire. You have to find the few kind folks that exist, and ignore the rest.
13. worst blorboficiation
You are not going easy on me LOL I've already talked about Fox and how folks see him as a Palpatine-killing, good-boy hero. I want to see him as a cold, ruthless, boot-licking Imperialist soldier. Maybe he eventually realizes the truth about the Empire, and it breaks him. That's a much more interesting story to me. I like that Fox.
Aside from that, the worst blorboficiation I've seen was almost canon. After learning more about the unfinished Boba bounty hunter arc, I'm actually glad they never completed it. Boba is a furious, vengeful child, who was being trained by his father to be a hired killer. After watching his father die, he would be even worse. We saw that when he literally tried to blow up Windu.
But in the unfinished arc, they tried to turn him into the people's hero because Bane was mean to a few randos? Weak. Foolish. Him changing and growing as an older man after suffering in the Sarlacc pit and being taken in by the Tuskens, that makes sense. Kid Boba suddenly changing his tune, does not.
Ask Game
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ronispadez · 1 year
1 for the choose violance ask?
1: the character everyone gets wrong
AUGGHHHHHHH OHHH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!! LUCAS 4 SURE. also maybe Gerard and Frank and other Band Dudes, but as for actual fictional characters, PROBABLY LUCAS!
Now, we don't have a clear idea of what Lucas is like post time-skip, if he's still the same gentle cry baby as he was before, in the prologue. But you gotta understand that going on a journey like that has got to change a person. He's def a lot more brave than the fandom, AND FUCKING SMASH BROS BRAWL !!! gives him credit for.
Old fanfics will usually give him t-th-he unre-re-alistic s-s-s-s-stuttering habit, which is sssssoooooooooo hard to read sometimes. I understand stuttering as something someone can have naturally, but in this context, it's something he does because he's nervous or scared or flustered. And he does it almost every time he talks until he finally warms up enough, or he's in a perpetual state of flustered. I'd understand if this was an actual speech thing he had that the author brings up, but no, you can tell that the intention is just to make him look more, ... Im not sure the right word, but more Shoujo shy girl like. Y'know?
Mischaracterization can't really be a thing with Mother protags and other silent protagonist. There can be opinions on characters I can either like or dislike, but that doesn't rule out the possibility that the character is "actually" like that. For Ness and Ninten, no one is really right or wrong... Characterizing them as assholes (COUGH mother 1 novel with Ninten/Ken) or as shy or, well, most of the time people just write Ness as a heroic extrovert and/or complete dumbass which personally is the correct way to me.
But in Mother 3, we get more character from Lucas than we do with any other mother protag, in that he's a gentle boy who likes flowers, and the village sees him as a crybaby, even before Hinawa died. (That one lady Flint talks to during the forest fire, before they knew Hinawa died, called Lucas a crybaby)
But fuck dude, even before the time-skip happened, Lucas came in clutch with the drago to save Salsa and Kuma from Fassad!!! You go, baby Lucas! wth!!!!
Anyway I am fucking SICK!!! I AM FYUCKIMG SICKKK!!!!!!!! Of baby-cant-do-nothin-right-pussy-boy Lucas, characterized in fanart or fanfics. I don't want him to just be a stoic asshole, but I also don't want the crybaby part to be laid on too thick, y'know? Characterize him with thought. He can still be a gentle crybaby, but don't make that his whole thing, who cries at any small thing that happens
As much as I love Brawl, it was the start of this trend. As much as I love subspace emissary, they absolutely did Lucas fucking DIRTY. What the fuck is he doing, getting scared over these fuckin doll guys and the poo-poo gas ??? I do understand that he doesn't have his friends and dog with him, so he's lost faith in his solo battling ability. I guess. Also is this after the game ended, where he's endured the worst fucking battle of his life?? Or pre time-skip, making smash, or at least subspace Lucas, a little baby man who hasnt gone thru character development yet? Most likely not. I don't know. Subspace's characterization with Lucas was fucking foul. It started the trend of writing Lucas like a little bitch because that's how most of the world was introduced to him. Most people haven't played his game, so they see him as this little BITCH BOY AUUHGHHHHH
Sorry, I'm rambling and not finishing any of my thoughts, but this is something I have to properly write an essay on or make a fuckin YouTube video about or something. Jesus
I do have to say I think Ness' character in Subspace was pretty cute. I wanna see more fanfics where Lucas gets upset with Ness because he protects him too much and Lucas proves himself as strong enough without Ness' help. And then they kiss maybe. Maybe even hold hands ..
Also I am RIDDLED with Nesscas brain I forgot that's literally what Lucas goes thru when he's with Red, I forgor. But most people just think about the Ness Died Because of Lucas Scene in subspace, not how he protects himself and Red later. Oughhhhhh
PENIS BLAST let's just start over, all the way back in 2008 everybody, cmon, let's go, into the phase distorter
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darkkbluee · 10 months
7 and 9 for death note?
For this
Oh, hello there ~ Give me a min while I gather my thoughts about tough questions from the get go lmao. I have controversial answers for them both, so 🙈. Bear with me, please.
For the purpose of these questions, and this ask game in general, canon is manga. Keeping that in mind, plus the fact I haven't read manga arc 2 in a longggg while, here's my answer:
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
This is tough. I don't particularly hate any character. But if there was a character I was neutral towards but started to dislike because of fanfics, specifically because of their portrayal in fanfics: Soichiro.
I started to dislike him when a lot of the fics I read treated him as some sort of morally righteous person whose viewpoint is never wrong. Soichiro Is Always Right TM. Soichiro Is Best Father TM.
And Fanon Soichiro? Thus ends up as the moral mouth piece of the writer/viewer. So. many. preachy dialogues.
This is the man who was willing to shoot a blank at his son at zero distance. Allowed for 64 fucking cameras in his son's room, including a camera in his home's bathroom. Decided to isolate himself at the same time as Light because heaven forbid he control his overwhelming emotions, stay out there and help prove his son innocent faster
Soichiro has layers. He is good at his job and not father of the year. A person can be both. His decisions... well, he could have done better. This man puts duty above all else.
He'd fit well as a Stark in Westeros. Without the family loyalty bit. Take that as you will.
9. worst part of canon
Several. The casual misogyny shown by all characters towards women. Including, amusingly enough, women themselves. L's 64 cameras in Light's room. Light's lines where he's just being a funny and goofy guy who talks about tickling others just the right way. L's death (I read halfway through second arc just waiting for L to come back. He didn't.)
However, the worst part of canon (for me. this is an important distinction), was Light's death. I hated Light's death in the manga. It was so pathetic. So raw. Pitiful. It made me pity Light.
And I never wanted to do that.
I would rather Light won and lived a sad, lonely, existence where he could never achieve the world he wanted despite all the people he's killed and all the sacrifices he's made. Irony at its finest. I would rather Light lived imprisoned, isolated and slowly forgotten for life, as cruel as it sounds.
But we get the manga death. And I pity Light Yagami, unable to comprehend the immorality of his actions, unable to even understand he had become the very thing he hated (and killed). He dies begging Ryuk not to kill him. In full view of the Task Force and SPK, with no privacy for dignity or shame.
So yes, I think the worst part is the ending. I think manga Light deserved better (or worse, depending on how you look at it).
I'm aware this is a controversial opinion, however that's how it is for me and others are allowed to have differing views <3
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8) That Clay Terran deserved better. No. No he did not. APOLLO deserved a better motivation for his emo arc than a best-friend we don't even see until he dies. If part of that is giving us a better Clay Terran, all the better! I want to like him & feel the same pain Apollo did. But I don't respect Clay as-is. Fan interpretations are fun though, I can't complain about that.
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mvshortcut · 1 year
hmm torn between bigg sad and sad man go wheeeeeee 👀
bigg sad has a bunch of fics in there so I'm just gonna pick one:
And even as he greets her, she can sense some thought flit distantly, like it’s nothing more than a little footnote hovering below the surface: They sent a child down here? I wouldn’t let SQ within ten miles of … And Constance very deliberately does not entertain what could possibly make LD Curtain, the world-renowned Child Endangerer, disapprove of her presence here.
and here is one from "sad man go wheeeeee":
But reality insisted upon itself. God, he hadn’t—he’d left Kate with one of the neighbors, for god’s sa—how long would it take them to realize he was going to—he wouldn’t be coming back?   Would they realize it faster than Curtain could sniff out that he had a daughter?
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mrslittletall · 9 months
I choose violence: 2 & 6?
I chose violence
You didn't put a fandom, but I know you like Bloodborne the most, so let's do Bloodborne ^^ 2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom Shit, I don't have one outside of "I prefer it that way" xD Okay, but now in seriousness. My fav is Laurence and I prefer him a a bottom because he normally is always in control. He is the head of the Healing Church and kinda also the head of Yharnam once the Healing Church rises to power. A lot of people assume automatically that he is the one who wants to dom and submit to him without even asking for his preference, when in reality, Laurence wants to submit to someone, to give up control for once and just let someone else take control of him, not having to think about what to do for once in his life. I hope that was compelling enough ^^ 6. which ship fans are the most annoying? Maria/Adeline to such a degree that the ship got soured for me. I think the ship would be cute and compelling if not like 90 % of the people who like it are blatant Gehrman haters and spend a lot of time running around and getting mad at me for headcanoning Maria to wear dresses. Granted, that might have been only one person (my blog title is from them), but every time I see Maria/Adeline I feel an "ugh" and won't even reblog the art anymore or read the fic, because the ship is equal to me as "A fan who hates my guts."
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lloonlloon · 1 year
Great dane or great pyrenees?
Pyr cause I love a floof
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
Not sure if you're still doing these but
🟥 Oliver?
5 ft 1
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