#chrissy nichole
daily-broco · 1 year
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Get crazy get wild let's party get loud
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sugdensdingle · 4 months
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covid-safer-hotties · 16 days
Living with Long COVID: What it’s Like to be Diagnosed with the Debilitating Disease - Published Sept 3, 2024
By: Nicole Pajer
Even mild cases of COVID-19 are linked to potential long-term repercussions — some of them deadly serious
Chrissy Bernal has caught COVID-19 three times, most recently in ­October 2023. “My symptoms were always pretty mild,” she says. But after her third round of the virus, she ­developed extreme allergies to foods she used to eat all the time: oats, dairy, gluten, sesame seeds and peanuts.
“I literally have some level of anaphylaxis every single day,” she says. In May, Bernal, 46, a public relations professional in Houston, went into anaphylactic shock during a virtual meeting. “I had to inject myself with an Epi while everyone watched in horror on Zoom,” she says.
Natalie Nichols, 53, has been struggling with debilitating asthma and severe food allergies since she first caught COVID more than three years ago. “Last fall, I spent ­two-and-a-half months confined to bed, ­motionless, because moving, including holding a cellphone, made me too short of breath,” she says.
She’s also experienced brain fog, high blood pressure, hyper­glycemia, fatigue and gastrointestinal symptoms. Nichols, the founder of a nonprofit in Nacogdoches, Texas, recently underwent surgery to repair joint damage caused by COVID-induced inflammation.
Lorraine W., of Clarence Center, New York, was looking forward to an active retirement when she was diagnosed with COVID in March 2020. “I’ve never returned to my pre-COVID self,” says Lorraine, 65.
She’s on medication to treat small blood vessel damage to her heart and continues to battle a lingering cough, fatigue and breathlessness, as well as kidney disease. Neurological changes have made her legs unsteady when she walks, requiring her to use balance poles. “None of these conditions were present before COVID,” Lorraine says.
In June, the National Academies of ­Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine released a comprehensive definition of long COVID: “an infection-­associated chronic condition that occurs after COVID-19 infection and is present for at least three months as a continuous, relapsing and remitting, or progressive disease state that affects one or more organ systems.” According to that definition, 18 million Americans have experienced long COVID; currently, more than 1 in 20 of us are living with its symptoms. Researchers have begun to link long-term COVID with another recent phenomenon: our shrinking life expectancy.
The disease we’re forgetting COVID doesn’t seem that scary anymore. More than 98 percent of the U.S. population has some degree of immunity — from vaccination, prior infection or both — and Paxlovid and other medications are available to counteract acute symptoms. For many of us, contracting COVID is like having a bad ­upper respiratory infection.
But “COVID isn’t gone,” says Ryan Hurt, M.D., director of the Long COVID Research and Clinical Program at the Mayo Clinic. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that COVID still kills at least 1,000 people every week around the globe — but “we only have data from about 40 countries,” says Maria Van Kerkhove, M.D., director of WHO’s Department of Epidemic and Pandemic Preparedness and Prevention.
Older adults and those with preexisting conditions remain among the most at-risk populations for severe, acute COVID. ­People 65 and older accounted for 63 percent of COVID-related hospitalizations and 88 percent of in-hospital deaths during the first seven months of 2023, according to CDC data.
Although the dangers of acute COVID ­infection may have ebbed for many, the ­reality of long COVID is coming into view. Of those who contracted COVID-19 within the past four years, 10 to 20 percent have experienced long COVID.
“With every new case of acute COVID [the initial phase of infection when diagnosed or symptoms first appear], there is risk for developing long COVID,” says Caitlin McAuley, D.O., a family physician at the Keck COVID Recovery Clinic in Los Angeles. She’s had patients who developed long COVID fully recover, get reinfected several times with no lingering effects, then develop another case that leads to a new bout of long COVID. She’s also seen patients who got COVID twice with no lingering effects, and the third time they ended up with prolonged symptoms.
“We still have a number of individuals who had the first wave of COVID who are suffering from long COVID symptoms now, several of them many years out,” says Jerrold Kaplan, M.D., medical director of the COVID Rehabilitation and Recovery Program at Gaylord Specialty Healthcare in New York.
Having escaped long COVID previously doesn’t mean you won’t face it in the future. Indeed, some research has suggested that catching multiple COVID-19 strains puts you at increased risk. A study published in 2022 found that reinfection can increase the risk of complications in major organ systems, and these risks persist at least six months beyond the initial infection.
We don’t yet know the true impact of catching COVID. “Many chronic disease processes, such as cardiovascular disease, dementia and cancer, take years to develop. And whether acute COVID-19 puts people at risk for some of these issues? Time will tell,” Hurt says. What doctors do know is that patients are flocking to their offices complaining of symptoms they never had before COVID.
Is long COVID boosting our death rate? In July, COVID accounted for less than 1 ­percent of all deaths in the U.S. Life expectancy in the U.S. is 77.5 years, reflecting an uptick over the past two years but still lower than prepandemic levels. Many factors contribute to that statistic, but it’s clear that the long-term effects of COVID have played a role.
For example, a study in the journal Nature Medicine found that those hospitalized with COVID had a 29 percent greater risk of death in the three years after their infection.
“But what was also alarming is that in people who weren’t hospitalized, there was also an increased risk of a variety of medical issues,” says John Baratta, founder and codirector of the COVID Recovery Clinic at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Even patients who’d had mild bouts of COVID-19 had an increased risk of respiratory, cardiovascular, metabolic and neurological issues lingering for three years after the initial infection. Long COVID patients had a significantly increased risk of severe health issues affecting the brain, lungs and heart.
We have long known that an acute case of COVID can compromise heart health: Compared with those who didn’t contract COVID, people who caught the virus were 81 percent more likely to die of a cardiovascular complication in the ensuing three weeks, according to a study of 160,000 patients published by the European Society of Cardiology. But the risk lingers long after the symptoms abate. Those who caught the virus were five times more likely to die from cardiovascular disease as long as 18 months after infection, the same study found. Heart disease deaths, which had been on a downward trend for decades, began to spike in 2020 and remained high through 2022, the last year for which data is available.
Stroke, blood clots in the legs leading to clots in the lungs, abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia) and inflammation of the heart are among the challenges COVID poses, says Mohanakrishnan Sathyamoorthy, M.D., professor and chair of internal medicine at the Burnett School of Medicine in Fort Worth, Texas. In long COVID, this collection of cardiovascular disruptions can present as postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), in which patients’ heart rates increase abnormally when they go from sitting or ­lying down to standing up.
One theory to explain COVID’s long-term effect on the heart — and the body in general — centers on inflammation. “Every time you get infected with COVID, there is a possible increased risk of long COVID, and some cardiac disorders can occur — especially if you have a history of heart disease, including stroke, heart disease and heart attacks,” says Pragna Patel, M.D., senior adviser for long COVID at the CDC. All of these problems can be exacerbated by the virus entering coronary tissue and triggering inflammatory responses that can damage the heart.
Researchers say COVID may also alter the gut microbiome, a primary controller of inflammation, thereby triggering the immune system to rev up the condition. “There is no single agreed-upon mechanism that’s causing the issues,” Baratta says. “An individual may have multiple factors going on in their body, and not everyone will have the same underlying mechanism causing their symptoms,” which increases the complexity of both research and treatment.
One factor that seems to matter: vaccination status. “Several studies show that vaccination can decrease the risk of developing long COVID,” Patel says. Vaccination rates tend to increase with age, with people 75 and older being the most well vaccinated — hence the most well protected from long COVID, Patel theorizes. That may explain why long COVID most commonly affects people ages 35 to 64; the risk seems to drop for those 65-plus, according to CDC data.
From long covid diagnosis to treatment No single test can determine whether a ­person has long COVID. Doctors typically diagnose long COVID by reviewing the ­patient’s health history and current symptoms and trying to rule out other causes. A positive COVID test is not required, as someone could have been infected without knowing it, then experience strange symptoms later, Patel says.
Though there are many ongoing clinical trials on long COVID, there is no umbrella treatment. Primary care physicians address what they can, then call in specialists — such as a cardiologist to handle arrhythmia or a therapist to treat anxiety — for more targeted care. There are long COVID centers around the country where teams of professionals work to help patients through their unique symptoms.
“Because the effects of COVID are so wide throughout the body and mind, there will not be a single treatment for all long COVID issues,” Baratta says. “This is ­going to be treated by many different types of providers and specialists, and it will be treated, often, symptom by symptom.”
Long COVID is recognized as a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act if it substantially limits one or more major life activities. About 200 symptoms fall ­under that umbrella, Patel says. Here are some of the conditions we’re learning can linger months and, in some cases, years beyond an acute COVID infection. If these or other health changes seem familiar, consult your primary care physician.
1. Extreme fatigue It’s common to experience fatigue when your body is busy fighting off an illness. But some people still struggle with fatigue long after their initial COVID infection. In fact, a lack of energy is the number one symptom reported by long COVID patients. In some, this can be diagnosed as chronic fatigue syndrome, which has been on the rise since the start of the pandemic, Baratta says. He defines this as “a disabling level of fatigue that severely limits daily activities.”
This lingering fatigue may be due to limited production of energy within the muscles caused by damage to the mitochondria from a COVID infection. It can happen to anyone — no matter their level of fitness before infection. “I’ve treated patients who have been triathletes and now may only be able to do 15 or 20 minutes of exercise a day, when they’re used to running and swimming miles at a time,” Kaplan says.
He recommends starting slow and pacing yourself with everything you do around the house, “doing shorter intervals several times throughout the day, rather than trying to do everything at once.” Whether it gets better depends on the individual. Some people’s symptoms clear, and some people may battle them indefinitely.
2. Shortness of breath An analysis of chest CT scans from 144 patients ages 27 to 80 found that more than one-third of people hospitalized with a previous COVID infection had lung scarring and thickening two years after coming into contact with the virus. Even patients with milder cases who walked away without scarring can experience changes in their breathing.
“Some research shows that people ­after COVID start to take shorter, shallower breaths,” Baratta says. “This essentially causes a type of hyperventilation they are doing without even recognizing it, not getting good fresh air deep into the lungs, and [this] can lead to shortness of breath.” ​
Doctors have found success using respiratory exercises to help patients relearn slow, deep breathing.
3. Cognitive changes Difficulty concentrating, spaciness and forgetfulness are just a few of the brain challenges COVID can bring on. These can last for weeks or months or — in some with long COVID — become an everyday occurrence that lasts indefinitely. COVID may linger in a person’s gut long after an infection, altering their microbiome and hindering the body’s ability to produce serotonin, leading to cognitive disturbances.
COVID may also disrupt the blood-brain barrier, allowing chemicals or molecules in the rest of the body to enter the brain blood circulation and potentially lead to brain fog, Baratta says.
One study found that 30 days after testing positive for COVID-19, people were at greater risk for cognitive decline, as well as for mental health disorders including anxiety, depression and stress. Another study found inflammation in the brains of people with mild to moderate COVID-19 was similar to the effects of seven years of aging. Doctors are leading neurologically affected patients through cognitive rehabilitation exercises that show promise in reducing symptoms.
4. Depression and anxiety “Mood-related disorders are one of the top five issues that happen to people after COVID,” Baratta says. There may be a direct relationship between the virus’s effect on the brain and mood issues. A 2021 review of eight studies found that 12 weeks after a COVID infection, 11 to 28 ­percent of people had depression symptoms, and 3 to 12 percent of those individuals reported their symptoms as severe. If you’re feeling more stressed or down after catching COVID, tell your primary care physician, who can refer you to a therapist. Or visit the American Psychological Association’s search tool at locator.apa.org to find a qualified therapist in your area.
5. Sleep disturbances Nearly 40 percent of people with long COVID have reported major changes to their sleep patterns. One study looked at 1,056 COVID-19 patients who did not have a severe enough infection to require hospitalization. Of that population, 76.1 percent reported having insomnia and 22.8 percent severe insomnia. Sleep ­apnea may also appear post-COVID, another way the disease affects the respiratory system.
Talk to your doctor if you’re having sleep issues. A CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine can help with sleep ­apnea. Lifestyle habits that prioritize healthy sleep, such as keeping consistent sleep and wake times and avoiding large meals before bed, may also help. “Post-COVID sleep has literally been a nightmare! We saw a 23 percent increase in sleeping-pill prescription during and post-COVID,” says Michael Breus, a clinical psychologist and clinical sleep specialist in Los Angeles.
6. Digestive upset Diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, bloating and gas: These symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome can be by-products of an encounter with COVID. A survey of 729 COVID survivors found that 29 percent experienced at least one new chronic GI symptom six months after their infection. “There is evidence that parts of the COVID virus linger in the GI tract for many months after the initial illness, and it’s been suggested that the presence of these ongoing viral fragments causes dysfunction or problems with the GI tract, leading to mostly symptoms of diarrhea and gastric distress and discomfort,” Baratta says.
Talk to your doctor about any new digestive symptoms or seek help from a gastro­enterologist. You can keep a food journal and note if your condition flares after eating certain foods. Try cutting out those foods, then reintroducing them one by one to see what you react to, Kaplan advises.
7. New or worsened allergies Some people who develop COVID experience allergies they never had before. One study found the risk of ­developing allergic diseases, such as asthma and allergic rhinitis, rose significantly within the first 30 days after a COVID diagnosis. This may be because one’s immune system stays hypervigilant after fighting the virus, McAuley says.
In severe cases, like Chrissy Bernal’s, this can lead to mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), a disease that can behave like a series of severe allergies: The body’s cells become hypersensitive, causing strong ­reactions to everything from food and pollen to even a hot shower or exercise. Antihistamines and other medications may help, so talk to your doctor if you experience skin itching, a rapid pulse, wheezing or gastro­intestinal symptoms.
8. Pain Some COVID survivors battle chronic pain, everything from aching joints to testicular pain. There is a higher risk of inflammatory arthritis, and women are at higher risk than men. One review of studies estimated that 10 percent of people who contracted COVID experienced musculo­skeletal pain at some point during the first year after infection.
Reducing stress, eating a healthy diet and exercising may ease some post-COVID ­discomfort. Massage therapy, movement therapy, acupuncture and over-the-counter pain medications may also offer relief. Your doctor can refer you to a specialist, such as a rheumatologist, who can help manage symptoms including joint pain.
Fast-moving research means new hope If your symptoms last after a bout of COVID, start with your primary care physician, who can help treat your symptoms or refer you to a specialist. Despite previous dismissals, long COVID is more recognized these days, Patel says, and the CDC is doing its part to educate both patients and providers. And initiatives such as the National Institutes of Health’s Recover program are researching treatment options.
“In a year, things will look different, because research is moving so quickly,” says Sara F. Martin, M.D., medical director of the Adult Post-Acute COVID Clinic at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. The CDC, for instance, is funding a series of clinical trials that the NIH has in the works. This new information, Martin says, may guide doctors, including herself, who treat long COVID ­patients to better ease their symptoms.
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rebeccalouisaferguson · 6 months
rank rebecca’s projects/characters?
1. Dune and Dune: Part Two - Lady Jessica
2.Mission:Impossible - Rogue Nation/Fallout - Ilsa Faust
3. The White Queen - Elizabeth Woodville
4. Silo - Juliette Nichols
5. Doctor Sleep - Rose The Hat
6. The Greatest Showman - Jenny Lind
7. En enkel till Antibes - Maria
8. The Kid Who Would Be King - Morgana
9. The Snowman - Katrine Bratt
10. Life - Miranda North
11.Reminiscence - Mae
12.Despite the Falling Snow - Katya Grinkova/Lauren
13.The Girl on The Train - Anna
14. Vi - Linda
15. Hercules - Princess Ergenia
16. Strandvaskaren - Amanda
17. MIB:International -Riza
18. Nya Tider - Anna Grippenhielm
19. Ocean Ave - Chrissy
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stackumbrellayamini · 2 years
TOP 10 UFC hottest girls in 2023
If you’re a UFC fan, you’ve probably noticed the UFC hottest girls holding the round board.
The Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) is becoming increasingly popular. It is not always about the player; the game’s popularity is determined by a variety of factors. So let’s talk about the most prominent and hottest factor behind the huge fan following of UFC.
So, here is a list of the top hottest UFC octagon girls. Also, look at these top 10 extremely hot WWE divas.
Top 10 UFC hottest girls
The audience generally thinks that the UFC octagon girls are randomly picked. But, to be clear, they are not. Let’s know about the 10 UFC hottest girls.
1. Brittney palmer
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Brittney palmer is among the most popular names in UFC. She is still a prominent octagon girl. Her charm is what made her immensely popular among the fan of UFC. She has also been on the cover of popular magazines like playboy, sugarcane and discover Hollywood.
2. Arianny Celeste
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UfC fans must hear commentator Mike Goldberg saying “Britney, Venessa, and beautiful Arianny”. Celeste is the most gorgeous UFC octagon girl. She has won the ‘ ring girl of the year title. Arianny has also been on the cover of Playboy magazine.
3. Carly baker
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Carly is among the top 10 UFC hottest girls. She has also been seen on tv for promotion. Not just an octagon girl, Carly has a huge fan following also. This gorgeous lady is also fascinated by pilates, Muay Thai, and dancing.
4. Jhenny Andrade
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Before appearing on UFC, Andra was a famous Brazillian television presenter and blogger. Her perfect figure and confidence are what make her popular among UFC fans. Andrade is also among the list of 100 sexiest women in the world from the last 6 years.
5. Venessa Hanson
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With an amazing body and dangerous attitude, Vanessa Hanson never fails to grab the attention of UFC fans. She always wanted to be a model and landed up participating in the UFC guest octagon girl contest. After that, she started her journey at UFC. Also, look at these 10 most beautiful women in America.
6. Edith Labelle
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Edith is the first Canadian octagon girl at UFC. She was asked to replace Ali Sonama. After getting immensely popular among fans one-day labella has been released from the company. The behind the same is still unknown. Whatever happened but just after that Labelle got an opportunity for being the lead actress.
7. Holly madison
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Holly Madison was a pop culture icon before making a statement appearance with a big effect on UFC 100. After making her entrance she soon becomes immensely popular among UFC fans.
8. Ali Sanoma
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Ali Sanoma was one of the hottest blonds that have ever appeared on UFC. She started working as an octagon girl in 2006 and soon grabbed the attention of many fans. Along with this, she was being noticed by UFC hall of fame legend Diego Sanchez. They soon got married in 2007.
9. Amber Nichole miller
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If you have been following UFC from the beginning then you have heard of amber Nichole Miller. Miller is the first-ever UFC octagon girl. Before getting into UFC, miller was a model. She was also been featured in magazines like Maxim and muscle and fitness.
10. Chrissy Blair
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Chrissy Blair was born in Florida. She started her career as a ring girl in the strike force. She is among the top 10 UFC hottest girls. She continues her career as a model and still appears as an octagon girl.
Also read: Stunning Beauty Tips for Dusky Complexion That Stand Unique For Every Woman 
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ufc hottest girl 2023
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ufc hottest girls
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lunarcovehq · 1 year
may i ask what your most wanted female fcs are?
Hi some of our most wanted characters Candice Patton, Laura Harrier, Priscilla Quintana,  Jamie Chung, Camila Morrone, Fahriye Evcen, Rebecca Ablack, Brianne Howey, Summer Bishil, Amrit Kaur, Ryan Destiny, Shu Qi, Nichole Sakura, Gabrielle Union, Jessica Matten, Natasha Liu Bordizzo, Meaghan Rath, Lindsey Morgan, Nathalie Kelley, Naz Sayıner, Chrissy Metz, Amita Suman, Jesse James Keitel, Ella Purnell, Kim Go Eun, Michelle Yeoh, Deniz ışın, Savannah Lee Smith, Lauren London, Minnie Mills, Samantha Logan, Adria Arjona, Dilan Telkök, Francia Raisa, and Ayca Aysin Turan. If you need more suggestions feel free to come off anon and speak with us.
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senseisilversslut · 1 year
hi, I’m teddy! 21, she/they.
crossed out = not currently interested
colored = very interested
* = character in a pairing that I’m interested in playing
if you play a character against my oc I will gladly double up to play a character against your oc.
actively looking for:
Cobra Kai: Yasmine* x Moon
other stuff
cobra kai
stranger things
school spirits
one of us is lying
adventure time
fiona and cake
tory x miguel
yasmine* x moon
eli* x moon
mike x will*
eddie* x chrissy
tai x van*
laura lee* x lottie
ballister* x ambrosius
wally x maddie*
emilio x charley*
maeve x janae*
addy x janae
lotta* x niklas
lotta* x mia
kirsten x cameron
bonnibel x marceline
gary* x marshall
miguel diaz
tory nichols
johnny lawrence
eli moskowitz
yasmine (cobra kai)
eddie munson
will byers
van palmer
natalie scatorccio
laura lee (yellowjackets)
sidney prescott
billy loomis
stu macher
randy meeks
sam carpenter
chad meeks
ethan landry
ballister blackheart
maddie nears
charley (school spirits)
janae matthews
addy prentiss
jonas kahnwald
lotta von fürstenberg
kirsten clarke
cameron goodkin
bonnibel bubblegum
marceline abadeer
simon petrikov
gary prince
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nightmare-niko · 2 years
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Why Is It Always Hawkins
Chapter Four: The Body
So terribly sorry for the long wait!! School has been kicking my ass!! I split this episode into two chapters so it comes out quicker 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
“Byers' body was found in the water of this quarry by state police earlier this evening. It was discovered by state trooper David O'Bannon, just after dark. The state police are mounting an investigation to determine Byers' cause of death…” the news reporter on the tv drones on from the living room as Nichole sits in her room on her bed, when Mike got home after hearing the news he broke down in her arms. She's never seen him cry before, it broke her heart.
She lets out a pained sigh and gets up off her bed to sit at her desk by the window, she didn't know what to do, but she wanted to get her mind off the grief. Turning around to the back of her chair, she unzips her bookbag and takes out a pretty pink notebook with the name Chrissy scribbled out on the front.
Chrissy Cunningham was Hawkins princess, she was pretty, nice, funny and on top of that, she was on the cheer team. The two girls had been good friends since freshman year, they were somehow always in the same classes so they saw and spoke to each other every day. But since Chrissy was Hawkins's golden girl and Nichole was the freak, they didn't really hang out much in school.
A sudden crashing against the outside of her house causes her to jump, and a tuft of brown hair and ring-clad hands grip her window. Nichole watches, amused as Eddie tries to get into her room.
“Could you be any louder?”
“Sorry, I just heard about your little brother’s friend. I knew you would need to get your mind off of it.” he opens the doors to Nichole's closet and fishes out her favorite hoodie. “So I've got a six-pack, snacks, and some Joan jett and Fleetwood Mac in my car.”
Nichole chuckles, “Eddie, you hate Fleetwood Mac.”
Eddie gently takes her hand and stands her up, slinging her hoodie over her shoulders. “Oh yeah i fucking hate that hippie shit, but you love it so i have no choice but to indulge.”
“But what if mike needs me? What if nancy-”
Eddie shushes her, “your world shouldn't stop every time Mike or Nancy might need you. You gotta think about yourself once in a while.”
“If I get caught, I'm shaving your head.” she takes the time to admire him. “You'll look like how you did when we first met.”
“Those were scary times,” he places his hands on her hips gently. “Stevie Nicks is waiting for us. now get your little self out the window, let's go to lovers lake.”
“Oooh lovers lake huh?” she teases.
“Shut up and get outside.” Eddie lowers himself back out of the window and onto the roof. Nichole does the same, her worn-down sneakers slipping on the roof. The two pile into eddies van and she puts her favorite Fleetwood Mac song into the cassette deck and rolls down the windows as the music begins to play.
Eddie pulls into a spot under a tree, and puts the van in park. Nichole sighs in content as she listens to her favorite music on Eddie’s sound system. She watches as Eddie cracks open a beer for her, usually she doesn’t drink when with Eddie. But with the days she’s had, she sees nothing wrong with making an exception.
“Nichole! Nichole wake up I need a ride to school!” nancy's voice is heard through the door. Nichole and Eddie shoot up in bed. A sharp pain cracking through her head. She doesn’t remember coming home last night. Eddie must have snuck them back into her bedroom after one too many beers.
“Okay! I'll be out in a minute!” she yells. Her head throbbing from the night before. “Eddie you gotta go, I have older sister duties.” she tucks a hair behind his ear.
She rises from her bed and changes into fresh clothes as Eddie sneaks back out of her window. She quickly grabs her backpack and makes her way out the door. Nancy is waiting in the kitchen, tapping her foot and playing with the ends of her hair.
“What's the rush, pretty girl?” Nichole grabs her keys from the counter, they make their way out the door and into Nichole's car.
“I uh,” she pauses, “if I tell you something do you promise you'll hear me out?”
“Yeah, of course, what's wrong?” she starts up her car. The sound of the engine is like torture on her head.
“Yesterday, I went back to Steves house. To look for Barb, and I thought I saw something.”
“You saw something?”
“It looked like a monster, but I'm sure it was like a guy in a mask. I actually don't know what it was but it freaked me out.”
Nicholes blood runs cold. Suddenly she’s remembering bits from her drunken night. Her feet kicked up on Eddie’s dash, head resting on the open window of the van taking in the fall air. A rustling in the trees catches her attention. “Tall? Pale? No face?”
“How did you know?”
“I saw it last night, i snuck out. I needed to think. I was drinking so i thought maybe i was just seeing things but, i guess not.”
Nancy pauses, “I need to talk to Steve.”
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creamecafe · 2 years
Will you put up a list on who would you write for?
𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐈 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫
Last Updated: 05/27/24 3:54 AM EST
Of course!
I would write for:
Natasha Romanoff
Clint Barton
Tony Stark
Matthew Murdock
Steve Rogers
Sam Wilson
Bucky Barnes
Helmut Zemo
MCU!Tom!Peter Parker
TASM!Peter Parker
Sam Raimi!Tobey!Peter Parker
Miles Morales
Kate Bishop
Yelena Belova
Bruce Banner
Jennifer Walters
Wanda Maximoff
Pietro Maximoff
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Carol Danvers
Kamala Khan
Monica Rambeau
Darcy Lewis
Jimmy Woo
Scott Lang
Hope Van Dyne
Joaquin Torres
Mobius M. Mobius
Xu Shang-Chi
Xu Wenwu
Katy Chen
Xu Xialing
Foggy Nelson
Aunt May
Michelle Jones
Ned Leeds
TASM!Gwen Stacy
Sam Raimi!Harry Osborn
TASM!Harry Osborn
Otto Octavius
Hela Odinsdottir
Lady Sif
Peggy Carter
Agatha Harkness
Pepper Potts
Stephen Strange
America Chavez
Bruno Carrelli
Steven Grant
Marc Spector
Layla El-Faouly
T'Challa Udaku
Erik Killmonger
Shuri Udaku
Everett K. Ross
Baron Mordo
Wade Wilson
Maya Lopez
Kazi Kazimierczak
Maria Hill
Jack Russell
Elsa Bloodstone
Eddie Brock
Maria Hill
[𝐆𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐱𝐲]
Peter Quill
Dane Whitman
[𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫]
Reed Richards
Sue Storm
Johnny Storm
Ben Grimm
Peter Maximoff
Charles Xaiver
Erik Lehnsherr
Jean Grey
Kurt Wagner
Alex Summers
Sheridan!Scott Summers
Marsden!Scott Summers
Bobby Drake
St. John Allerdyce
Kitty Pryde
[𝐎𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐔𝐩𝐨𝐧 𝐀 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞]
Regina Mills
Emma Swan
Killian Hook
Prince Charming
Snow White
Jefferson Hatter
Henry Mills
Wendy Darling
Peter Pan
[𝐂𝐨𝐛𝐫𝐚 𝐊𝐚𝐢]
Miguel Diaz
Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz
Demetri Alexopoulos
Tory Nichols
Young!Daniel Larusso
Daniel Larusso
Johnny Lawrence
Robby Keene
Anthony Larusso
Young!Johnny Lawrence
[𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬]
Steve Harrington
Max Mayfield
Mike Wheeler
Will Byers
Lucas Sinclair
Jim Hopper
Joyce Byers
Robin Buckely
Nancy Wheeler
Eddie Munson
Chrissy Cunningham
Dustin Henderson
Harry Hook
Mal Bertha Maleficent
Evie Evil
Jay Jafar
Uma Ursula
Gil Gaston
Carlos De Vil
Bruno Madrigal
Camilo Madrigal
Flynn Eugene Ryder
Maribel Madrigal
Isabela Madrigal
Luisa Madrigal
Félix Madrigal
Pepa Madrigal
Hiro Hamada
Tadashi Hamada
GoGo Tomato
Honey Lemon
Dolores Madrigal
Julieta Madrigal
Agustín Madrigal
Fix-It Felix
Helen Parr
 Lokius (Loki Laufeyson x Mobius M. Mobius)
 Petergwen (TASM!Peter Parker x Gwen Stacy)
 Drukkari (Druig x Makkari)
 Starmora (Peter Quill/Star Lord x Gamora)
 Shuriri (Shuri Udaku x Riri Williams)
 WandaVision (Wanda x Vision)
 Cherik (Charles x Erik)
 SamBucky (Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes)
 SpideyChelle (MCU!Peter Parker x Michelle Jones)
Sleeping Warrior (Mulan x Aurora OUAT)
StarkStrange (Tony Stark x Stephen Strange)
ValCarol (Valkyrie x Carol Danvers)
ThorBruce (Thor Odinson x Bruce Banner)
Zenmasters (Jackie Burkhart x Steven Hyde)
Wenclair (Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair)
[𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬]
Wednesday Addams
Xaiver Trope
Tyler Galpin
Enid Sinclair
Ajax Petropolus
Eugene Otinger
Bianca Barclay
Yoko Tanaka
Rowan Laslow
[𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐞]
Tim Bradford
Lucy Chen
John Nolan
Angela Lopez
[𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐥𝐧 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞]
Jake Peralta
Any Santiago
Rosa Sanchez
Basically, I write a LOT of different characters from different fandoms. I'll update this list if I watch a new show or movie or have an interest in a character
You can also add inserts like in my Request Guidelines to these characters.
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wontgodowninhistory · 2 years
Halloween drabble PT TWO: 
October 31st, 1973: Hawkins Elementary School
( Part One can be found here )
Robin held on to her grandmother's hand until she reached the already active first-grade classroom. "Bye, granny. Make sure daddy rests." She told her in a hushed tone so no other students would come out and overhear. They laughed at her father and she didn't want anyone to catch her talking about him and decide to do so. If they did it could ruin her happy day just like he’d tried to do earlier that morning. The little girl still cared about the older man even if he didn't give a damn about her. She was still too young to grasp that fact fully. “Maybe he'll like my costume more after he wakes up.” There was optimism in her voice just as there always was even if things were rough.
Her grandmother didn't answer. She just adjusted her blue hat once more before watching her take off. It almost fell off the energetic girl's head as she darted into the classroom. She was excited about all the new friends she was going to make as a clown. She didn’t seem to do well as just herself, boring, awkward Robin Buckley. She was either ignored completely or made fun of. This plan was genius and she was proud of herself for coming up with the idea. It was so much better than last year when she’d gone as a panda. No one cared and she’d come home with nothing but tears and red kool-aid all over the white area on the front of her costume. Holly Alexander - the meanest girl in her class - had claimed to have tripped and spilled it on her on accident but she knew that was a lie. This was different. Clowns made people happy and they loved them. They would love her too. How could they not? Maybe even Holly would like her. Too much youthful optimism was definitely a flaw for Robin but it was one she'd never let go of even years later. It's one of the few things that helped her get by.
Bursting into the classroom where all the other first graders were dressed in a wide array of fun costumes, Robin had a bright smile on her face. That was until she realized her biggest mistake. Some people - especially other children - were terrified of clowns. That much was evident from how Chrissy Cunningham started to cry and immediately went to hide behind stupid Jason Carver. “Make it go away! Make the clown go away!” The tiny blonde that all the teachers seemed to favor cried out. Jason didn’t look happy at all. In fact he looked very angry. A few of the other children were already standing around laughing at her. Some were even in tears like Chrissy. The teacher was standing behind her big desk with several apples in a row at the front. Some of the children would bring them to her thinking that she had a fondness for them. Robin knew that the old lady actually threw them away at the end of class - she’d seen her do it - that’s why she’d never brought her one. Mrs. Nichols didn’t look all that pleased with her either. But when was she ever? Robin was convinced the teacher - like most adults - hated her.
“She wore that on purpose, Mrs. Nichols!” The voice of none other than Holly spoke up. “She likes to do mean things.” One of the girl's friends piped up right after her. “No, I didn’t! I wore it to make everyone happy! Clowns make people happy!” Robin was as close to tears as the future head cheerleader hiding behind the jock she’d later go on to date. Out of all the commotion and mean accusations being directed at her the thing that bothered Robin the most was Chrissy’s tears. She hadn't meant to make anyone cry. Least of all her. The popular classmate had always been nice to her and even shared her crayons once when she didn't have any. And even if they wouldn't talk again for years, Robin just wanted to make her feel better. What she chose to do would just make it all worse. It seemed the awkward girl already had developed a knack for doing that.
Ignoring everything else around her, Robin slowly approached the girl she would one day fall madly in love with. Other kids still cried but she was good at tuning them out like she did with daddy and granny when they had too much to drink and argued. Jason being in the way didn't even stop her. “Chrissy, don't cry.” She held out a hand to her. “It's just me, Robin. I'm not a real clown.” Did that even matter to the other first grader? They barely interacted in class. Chrissy spent all her time being noticed while she just blended into the background unless someone acknowledged her existence. Instead of taking her hand, the smaller girl started to scream and sob harder. “No! Make the clown go away! It's going to get me.” She tried to run and ended up tripping over the gown of her Princess costume. Down she went with clumsy Robin attempting to go after her. She also lost her footing and fell in a graceless heap of her own. That was no surprise. She could barely walk without stumbling over her own feet.
Before she could do anymore she was roughly yanked to her feet by Mrs. Nichols. “That's enough!” She was led to the door and escorted out as Holly called her a freak and got some of the others to do so as well. Soon there was a chorus of them behind her. “Freak! Freak! Freak!” The single word was repeated over and over and it just seemed to echo louder in her head no matter how far she got from the classroom. That's what daddy called her so often so it made the insult hurt worse. She was already sobbing as she was led into the hall right towards the Principal's office. Without intending to, Robin had made a mess of everything. This Halloween was so much worse than the last one and she was never dressing up again.
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daily-broco · 1 year
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Ahoy there matey
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Welcome to the 1-year anniversary issue of Got The Look magazine! With new models and pictures and some of our blast from the past models with the most talked about and enjoyed photos of the last year!
It is available at: https://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/2479348
Front Cover:
Back Cover:
Anushka Pal
Carolyn Phillips
Molly Roxx
Anushka Pal
Leticia Alatriz
Emily Sahlén
Francisca Alatriz
Niko Wetherington
Miss Malibu Nikki
Marie Håkansson
Tawna Kelley
Sagine Philippeaux
Lunden De’Leon
Shayla Amber
Kerrie Eyman
Catherine Cornaby
Ty Berry
Joselyn Serrato
Bad Kitty Lulu
Vixen Von Raven
April Delaet
Dope The Model
Chrissy D
Shanaya Kanade
Precious Anode
Kemm London
Sage Meyers
Lele Nichole
Got The Look is a Molly Roxx Universe publication.
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queencvbra · 2 years
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@reignedchime // ‘ I didn’t know where else to go … ‘
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ㅤㅤㅤSHE NEVER THOUGHT OF CHRISSY AS A FIGHTER. NOT IN THE PHYSICAL SENSE. They were in other ways, for sure, but they weren't exactly throwing punches and causing problems the way Tory tended to. They had different methods of dealing with conflict. It's such a shock for Tory to see her like this, so much so that a solid twenty seconds pass before she can pick her jaw up from the floor and get Chrissy inside. Wordless at first, ushering the cheerleader through the door, motioning for her to take a seat on the sofa while she goes for the first aid kid. ( Thank god Tory's had a lot of practice with it. ) She steps back into the living room, and the sight hits her again. A battered Chrissy. Why? Chrissy never hurt anyone. Why would this happen to them of all people? ❝ What happened, Chris? Who did this? ❞ Best thing she can do is not get too worked up, that could only add to the stress the other must be feeling right now, but she can't help but feel a knot form in her throat, fingers tightly clenching the roll of bandages she pulls from the kit. ❝ I'll fucking kill them, ❞ Tory mutters under her breath. She's angry, and who could blame her? ( Deep breaths, Nichols. ) ❝ What happened? ❞ Tory repeats. ❝ Do you need to go to the hospital? I could drive you. ❞
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lunarcovehq · 1 year
Mwf? I’d love to join but it’s been a while and I’m out of FC ideas.
Awww yay! Well our most wanted females are: Jamie Chung, Priscilla Quintana, Camila Morrone, Fahriye Evcen, Rebecca Ablack, Brianne Howey, Laura Harrier, Summer Bishil, Amrit Kaur, Ryan Destiny, Katherine McNamara, Alara Turan, Shu Qi, Nichole Sakura, Gabrielle Union, Jessica Matten, Natasha Liu Bordizzo, Meaghan Rath, Lindsey Morgan, Nathalie Kelley, Naz Sayıner, Chrissy Metz, Amita Suman, Jesse James Keitel, Ella Purnell, Kim Go Eun, Michelle Yeoh, Deniz ışın, Savannah Lee Smith, Lauren London, Minnie Mills, Samantha Logan, Adria Arjona, Candice Patton, Dilan Telkök, Francia Raisa, and Ayca Aysin Turan. If you need more suggestions feel free to come off anon and speak with us if you need more suggestions.
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bdavisresources · 2 years
welcome to bdavisresources, which is a blog run by sarah. 23. she/her. and based in the eastern timezone!! this is mostly a resource/inspo blog, which i run off queue. it’s currently a sideblog to mcneuros and i will follow back from there! i am currently accepting suggestions for gif packs & base icons! i’m tracking #bdavisresources
eric dane as mark sloan in season eight of grey’s anatomy (gif pack)
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austin nichols as julian baker in seasons 7-9 of oth (gif pack)
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laura marano as izzy in the royal treatment (gif pack)
dawson’s creek base icons
chrissy metz as kate pearson in this is us (gif pack)
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bronwynn · 5 years
RIVERDALE “Chapter Seventy: The Ides of March” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LSV) (HDTV) A LOOK INTO THE FUTURE — Worried about what the future may hold for him after high school, Archie (KJ Apa) seeks advice from an unlikely source -- Hiram Lodge (Mark Consuelos). Meanwhile, Veronica (Camila Mendes) begins to spiral after learning some devastating news about someone close to her. Finally, accusations made against Jughead (Cole Sprouse) leaves his future at Stonewall Prep hanging in the balance. Lili Reinhart, Madelaine Petsch, Marisol Nichols, Casey Cott, Skeet Ulrich and Vanessa Morgan also star. Claudia Yarmy directed the episode written by Chrissy Maroon & Evan Kyle (#413.) Original airdate 2/12/2020.
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