#christian polygamy
jehovahsaintscom · 8 months
Christian Polygamy, Text 573-891-1933
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canwediscuss · 1 month
Women are forced to marry shitty men this, men feel entitled to women that, bring back polygamy. Then every woman who wants to can marry a top tier man with the added bonus of sexy wives too. I am a firm believer that there is not a single woman out there who is not attracted to women. The only variable is whether they're attracted to men. So it's a win win for everybody. Only really fucking awesome men get to pass on their genes, everyone gets a polycule but married so all those benefits, women get a bunch of wives but also free babies and someone to pay for all of them; it's perfect. Whoever started saying polygamy is anti woman is stupid. Generally you want the most of something valuable and also it's not a fucking competition you just all love each other. It's also stupid to say polygamy is more beneficial to men; it's largely not!!! Most men who would otherwise get married in a 'proper Christian' society don't get to!! There would be a lot more incels but then you just have them fight each other for sport or invent stuff idk. Women are entitled to having children, men are not.
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gxlden-angels · 1 year
As you all know, I was raised in one of those wack ass "non-denominational" pentecostal churches. I was always taught anyone not pentecostal/baptist/methodist or within that realm weren't actually christians. Essentially, if your group had a Name™️ like Mormons, JWs, Catholics, etc. then u were that group, not "[That Group] Christians"
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Remember kiddos, polygamy and polyamory was only demonized for four core reasons:
Tw: homophobia, sexism, religious commentary, political commentary, oppression
1.) America wanted more taxes
Part of the legal institutionalization of marriage is that there is tax benefits for the individual parties when they get married, and financial ties/power is attorney between married people. It becomes messy when these ties extend to multiple people/marriages and the I*RS wants they tax money, and America would rather just make an entire way of life illegal than make laws and systems that accommodate people. See point #4 for more on that
2.) Puritan culture (aka thinly veiled sexism)
Puritan culture relies heavily on systems of control that villainize sex and women (that's a whole other conversation but I won't digress), and lots of marriages/polygamous marriages having sex with each other is obviously bad bad bad!! Hard to control!! Save the defenseless women from their pimp husbands! Orgies, the devil's work! And...
3.) Homophobia
Good god, women being in marriages together! Married to a man, but what if these women end up by being married to each other by extension! And having sex with each other! And what if a woman marries more than one man! Would these men become inferior to their wives? Would one of these husbands be less dominant than another? Would the men function in these complex marriages like a woman?! Disgusting! That's gay (derogatory!) Would these husbands be having sex with each other? But that's gay and gay is bad! Sex is bad! God, purge these sinners of their Sodomy!
(Surprise surprise, homophobia has very little to do with actual gay people and has everything to do with puritan culture, control, sexism and the demonization of sex, and points two and three are actually the same thing)
4.) Christian nationalism
Polygamy and nonmonogamy is normalized and integrated with several non-Christian and alternative Christian cultures going back thousands of years, like Islam, Mormonism, feudal Japanese/samurai cultures, Hinduism, several Native American cultures, etc... even in the Bible in Judeo-Christian history and biblical era cultures nonmonogamy was normalized. Banning nonmonogamy in America is banning the right to engage in non-christian religious rite and practice. It's only something criminal to post-puritan Christians and those beliefs becoming law, regardless of other religious beliefs and practices also existing in America, is the unseparation of church and state.
So before you tell a polyamorous person "oh that's cheating with permission" or "I could NEVER do that," or "I love my partner too much to do that/cheat like that," remember that these are the institutions and the propaganda you're upholding with your judgement. Supporting/ being kind about polyamory is religious tolerance, and biting your thumb at the I*RS.
Tl:dr, the dissolution of separating of church and state, puritan culture and the sexism/homophobia associated with puritan culture is why nonmonogamy is demonized and why polygamy is illegal in America.
Tone indication/post intention: satirical and exaggerated tones criticizing longstanding institutions of oppression with the intent to explain why judging, hating or criticizing nonmonogamous practices is oppressive and a result of propaganda. This post is not intended to persuade people who practice monogamy to practice nonmonogamy instead or to demonize monogamy. It is intended to advocate for breaking the stigma around nonmonogamy.
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durn3h · 6 months
One of the most interesting things about religion to me is that so many people don’t even see the mental gymnastics they are doing to try and shape the biblical texts into a framework that is acceptable in the modern day and it comes out looking like something that none of the authors would have approved of.
#not to mention that they were written by authors at different times and for different purposes#so they say lots of different things#which makes it easy to pick and choose the interpretation that best matches what you want#like the ‘one man one woman’ definition of marriage that doesn’t exist literally anywhere in the Bible#women were property and men could have as many as they wanted#but then once the Greeks influenced them a bit in the New Testament it says leaders of the church should have one wife#so that means the Bible is against polygamy even though every man in the Bible had multiple wives#or the people that say the Bible is against slavery#even though there is literal chattel slavery described in the Old Testament with commands on how to do it#and in the new testament slaves are told to obey their masters#then they say that they aren’t slaves just servants#which is completely false#it reminds me of how so many Protestants are vehemently against alcohol#so whenever the Bible refers to wine in a good context they say it’s juice#and whenever it’s bad it is wine#even though several different words are used that basically all refer to fermented alcoholic wine#they translate them all differently as needed#like how Jesus said sell all your belongings and give them to the poor#then the Bible tells how literally all of the early Christians sold all their possessions and donated the money#and now people say that just means to be generous#and then don’t even leave a tip at a restaurant because they hate handouts
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exmojoe · 2 years
Me in a situation that triggers me because of ✨religious trauma✨:
Me staying in said situation also because of ✨religious trauma✨:
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spurgie-cousin · 10 months
Re: Lindsay Hansen Park (again). She was progressive by Utah Mormon standards. She did participate in the “Feminist Mormon Housewives” (I think) community and very much tried to reconcile her more liberal convictions with her faith. The church acknowledging polygamy—and the realization she could end up a sister wife in the celestial kingdom—are some big ideas she grapples with early on.
Ah that makes a lot of sense after listening to her for a while. You can tell she really struggles with some of the history and tenets of Mormonism while still having a lot of respect for it, which I can really relate to so I appreciate her nuanced takes.
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tilbageidanmark · 4 months
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"If you know nothing, everything becomes a miracle"
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beechersnope · 7 months
crazy how people are just purposely ignorant to the fact that queer/trans/bipoc/leftist/feminist/etc mormons exist & will completely dismiss their progressive work within the institution so they can make some generalization about how backwards & weird we all are for doing things that other religions also do (wear weird clothes, have dietary restrictions, so on so forth)
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papirouge · 2 years
Christians downplaying the biblical prescriptions explicited by Paul are such a big fat red flag 🚩
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Every Christian relationship is a polygamous/amorous one
There’s you, your s/o, and God
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realsisterwives · 2 years
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When Christians Sin Habitually
Most Christians I know would admit to committing at least one sin per day (such as speeding, unwarranted fear, laziness, worry, lying, gossip, cursing, lust, and so on). If a Christian lived for 50 years and sinned once a day, that would amount to 18,250 sins (not counting leap years). That’s a lot. But let’s say a Christian is very spiritual and sins only once a week over that same period, it…
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Small Notes on my Disappointing Journey :(
The land between Constantinople and Jerusalem is so mid??? Like I did get to visit the place where St. John predicted the upcoming apocalypse when all of our souls will be judged and the filthy sinners left to rot on earth turned hell, and there was a bit of cool gossip about this local lady who lives in a cave and was cursed to be a dragon until someone kisses her on her big old dragon lips, but nothing really happened to ME, which is what's important. I passed through Cyprus but I didn't like it enough to say alot about it because no one there was even christian :( I am getting to stay in Babylon for a bit, because I'm besties with the sultan after we were battle brothers in A Big War. He said he would let me marry a princess for all the cool things I did for him, but I'm a good christian boy who doesn't give in to lust, so I respectfully declined and instead I get to crash at his place now and have boys night every night! Also it is NOT the same Babylon with the tower that fell down and made us all speak different languages because that's buried in sand in the Arabian desert. The Sultan is soooo cool, too, he rules over Egypt, Jerusalem, Syria, Mathe, and Arabia! I don't like how many mistresses he keeps, though- everyone knows that it's a sin to lay with more than one woman. I guess he'll have to be saved before The End comes for us all... Anyhow, I can't wait for him to show me Egypt! We're going to have such good bro time without all his dumb polygamous wives! I will update you sooooon :D
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luckycloud808 · 2 years
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"Hildale Court House"
Photos from Inside the FLDS
Trent Nelson
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n30nwrites · 4 months
Rewind (Bridgerton)
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Pronouns: He/Him
Relationships: Anthony Bridgerton x Kate Sharma, Penelope Featherington x Colin Bridgerton, Benedict Bridgerton x Reader, Anthony Bridgerton x Reader, Kate Sharma x Reader, Penelope Featherington x Reader, Colin Bridgerton x Reader
Soulmate AU, Polygamy, Reader is autistic
Warnings; Mentions of homophobia? Mentions of absent parents, Christianity but the Reader doesn't believe in God, Talks of Unwanted touching, Talks about canonical child death and sickness
This is just a small excerpt because no one else will fulfill what I need because I am very much in love with the people surrounding Bridgerton. IDK if I'll continue it.
You weren't the eldest son, nor were you the youngest. A Classic middle child, having your older brothers torture you and your younger ones followed in their footsteps soon enough. But all of your siblings wanted one thing.
Your parent's attention.
Your father, The King George, was a mad men, at least he was considered one. Your mother was too busy ruling England and keeping everything picture perfect to really care about you guys.
Well you didn't really count yourself as one of your siblings.
Simply because you weren't meant to be here.
When you were first taken to this universe, you had been a babe, just freshly born. It was strange, to have full consciousness when being a young'en. The minute you could, you were walking and talking, far earlier than any other babe, but you had too.
By the time you were five, you had been considered a spectacle. The prodigal son, they claimed. You had your wits, you were respectable, truly the perfect gentleman.
You played your cards right, up until you couldn't.
Growing older meant more siblings, and you took care of them the best you could. But you hated these new rules. You couldn't be alone with a woman who wasn't a relative, your brothers were rude and loved it, and your sisters were innocent. Naive really, which you felt was a strange thing. To know about Sex but they couldn't. You tried to teach your sisters as well, education was the future.
But it was all useless.
Eventually you became a recluse. You stuck to yourself, in your room with instruments. Your English guitar, harp-lute, piano, and even the improper ones like a violin, cello and flute. You had to make the best of a situation, and that was what you did.
Even well into your adulthood, your brothers were still your biggest bullies. They thought you were a prude for never having Sex, which frankly if women couldn't without being criticized and shamed, then you shouldn't either. They said you were secretly a woman, or queer.
Well you could attest you weren't a woman, and well you kind of were queer. Bisexual, but they wouldn't know that word.
But you were brought into this universe for some odd reason. You weren't sure why, you didn't really get into Bridgerton like everyone else. Not that you were different from others, you just couldn't commit to watching a tv series, but you had seen the edits.
It just made no sense for you to be the one. It wasn't until the marks appeared that you understood.
Soulmates. That was a new adaption. Apparently they were rare, rare enough that out of all your siblings, you were the only one to have one. Your mother said it was a gift from God, though you thank she only said that because the bishop was there when you got them.
Them as in multiple, that put the bishop out of his head. He said it was blasphemous, you were too entranced with them to care. A matching soulmark would tie you to these people. 5 people.
That was a lot of people to keep happy. Especially when this century wasn't very happy with queer couples and polyamory. After that, your mother had insisted you hide them, and you weren't willing to risk a Romanov situation because people were too religious.
Your mother didn't like that you weren't religious, but she didn't bring it up again after one intense arguement that caused you to leave for a few weeks.
But you agreed with her, you wouldn't tell others. You were here to find a way out, you already had some ideas, one being a specific spot in the woods where you found something from the future.
A portable Radio/Cassette player. Wasn't that far in the future where you were, but it would work. You had headphones with it, and you finally felt some sort of sanity. Music in this era wasn't nearly as relaxing as yours was.
Keeping to yourself was easy after that. Every servant was ordered to knock on your door loudly by you, and to stop any sibling that would come your way just in case they caught you. Your servants were almost your friends, you knew they were reqired to be there, to be kind to you, but it was the closest you had to an actual relationship.
You stayed away from your mother on days like this. She's irritated, you don't know why, you don't care to ask. Your siblings are stomping around the palace but you don't move from your room, you instead walk around your room, shirtless, listening to your music. Your favorite servant, Zelena, is behind you, just watching you. She's always been touchy with you, your hair, your chest, you assumed it was just the way she communicated. And while you were uncomfortable with it, your mother had told you that you couldn't afford to be rude to people.
Zelena stayed next to you while you played the English Guitar. You knew enough about it in your old life, having made adjustments to the strings to be able to play older songs. The ones you could remember (Which you wrote down because eventually, you wouldn't.)
You ignore the knock at the door, simply nodding your head to Helena, who opens the door gently.
A gentleman is at the door, he's staring at you the minute he walks in. Like he's almost amazed at you, you didn't understand.
You never did.
He seems to look at you yet avoids eye contact. You set the instrument down to the side, gently. "Can I help you sir?"
He says your name, and you nod your head. "Can we be alone?" He asks. Your mother said it was improper to be with women alone, not men. So you nod your head and your maids walk out of the room. You figured this man was a duke or something, he had to be important considering he was in the castle. Perhaps a suitor for one of your sisters.
"My name is Benedict Bridgerton."
"Bridgerton? I've heard stories about your family before from my mother. She enjoys the drama that surrounds your family." You tell him, "Last I heard the Viscount found a wife."
"My brother, Anthony." He confirms.
"What brings you to my room?" You question. "Surely it's not to tell me about your family?"
"I just had to meet you."
"You really didn't." You frown slightly, to be fair, you knew a bit about Benedict. You weren't the biggest fan of his story, kidnapping a bride from her wedding day and tying her to a pole. It was strange, but you couldn't change the writers opinion. At least you think that was his story, TikTok could only tell you so much and it's not like you read the books.
You could only hope that it was different in the tv series, considering that's where you were right now. The actor himself you knew very little about as well, but you didn't really care for actors. You stood from the couch in your room, "Why is the artist here?"
"You know of my work?"
"I know a lot of things Sir." You take a few steps away from the couch. "Can you get to the point?"
He seems unsure now, fiddling with his fingers. "You're my soulmate" He tells you, and you look down at one of your marks.
"Which mark are you?" You question, and he looks hopeful. He pulls up his sleeve, the little feather on your wrist, in matching spots. You looked at your own and slightly traced it.
"Benedict!" The voice is angry and your door opens. You glare at the person who opened it. He didn't knock. It's Anthoyn Bridgerton, looking angry. "Benedict what are-"
"Next time Viscount I would ask that you knock instead of rudely interrupting." You cut him off, glaring at him. He seems to have brought a group of people behind him. Benedict stands up and walks right next to you. You put your hands behind your back, picking at your wrist. "It seems you've brought company." You tell Benedict.
"I was about to explain." He tells you, but you look at Anthony, more specifically behind him. You can see your mother through the crowd.
"If we must speak, we will not do it in my room." You grab Benedict's wrist, still refusing skin-to-skin, and pull him with you. Your glare causes the eldest Bridgerton to move to the side, he walks next to his wife.
Outside your room is a lot of people, it's almost overwhelming. There's the Featheringtons, really you only recognized Penelope but you knew by the yellow dress that they had to be her relatives. You could guess they were her sisters and the eldest-looking was her mother. You then saw your own mother, with what seemed like all of your siblings behind her. You rolled your eyes, your eldest brother seemed to glare at you. He hated you though, and you didn't particulary care. You just hated the drama that came with them. Then the Bridgertons. All of them, it seems. The eldest Bridgerton son is there with his wife, Kate. As is their mother, then Benedict who was next to you, Colin who seemed to glance between you and Penelope, Daphne with her husband, Simon. Eloise, Francesca (you truly hoped she got a better story in this show than the books), Gregory and Hyacinth.
"Brimsley, a pleasure to see you again." You avoid everyone to speak to your mother's right-hand man.
"Perhaps if you came out of your room more sir."
"Ah but if I did I might just die." You smile slightly, "Especially if I see William's face." Your brother takes a step towards you but quickly faltors at your mother's expression. "What have I done to warrant a family meeting without me."
"Being born really." George remarked and you smiled at him, cruelly.
"Brother you make me wish I wasn't and that instead I was with Charlotte, Amelia, Alfred and Octavius." What you said was cruel. Amelia died of tuberculosis, Alfred and Octavius died of smallpox, and the young Princess Charlotte who you weren't really sure how you died, you were barely there during the funeral. George (The fourth?) seemed to quiet down, looking sad. You were being rude, you didn't care. They back you into a corner and you attack, like always. "Edward! If you want to strike me you might as well try, but we both know you lack in that department, and many others."
"Quiet." Your mother tells you, and you wish you could care but you didn't. "This doesn't pertain you." She says your name gently, as if convincing you to calm down.
"Obviously it does if it has my soulmate running towards me." You jest towards Benedict. "What? Now that my attraction to men is out we must kill them all? It's not like it's been a secret."
"It is not godly." One of your brothers say.
"God is not Godly." You dennounce him, "You follow a book that has been rewritten multiple times, through many different languages. I do not believe in your God, you know that."
"Hush." Your mother calls your name and you just stare at her. "This was for the better of the Kingdom."
"Why does the Kingdom matter more than I?" You question, "Frankly, none of this does. But why are the Bridgertons and the Featherington's here?"
"You know who we are?" One of the other Featherington sisters say, she seems hot, considering the red to her face.
"I know of Penelope." You looked to her and nodded. "Who wouldn't? She's absolutely beautiful." You notice the looks that you recieve after you say your words. "Did I do something wrong?"
"No, I just think its best-"
"She wants to discourage us from going after you." Benedict says as he grabs your wrist causing you to look at him.
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