#christian x rose
screechwhisper · 1 year
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My redesigns for vampire academy!! I'm planning on drawing Adrien, Mia and Mason later :)
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cephalosaur · 7 months
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I feel like this is something they'd do
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endofthelinexx · 6 months
Roses and Flame | 10
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Pairing: Female!Driver!Horner!Reader x Toto Wolff
TW: Language, smut, oral(receiving), fingering, Toto being hot, everything is consensual
Rating: Mature, 18+
AN: OMGGG IM BACKK! So much crazy stuff has happened in my life, I've just been so busy, but when I happened to check my Tumblr I saw how many of you wanted this story to continue. It made me so happy so of course I had to come back. comment to be added to the taglist!
Word count: 3.9k
Mini Summary: Collins Horner is the eldest of Christian and Geri’s children. She has been raised to be the fastest female racer Motorsport has ever seen and to despise Mercedes while doing it. But what happens when her world turns upside down?
*No permission is given for reposting my work, copying it or parts of it, and claiming it as your own.  
| chapter 5 | chapter 6 | chapter 7 | chapter 8 | chapter 9 | chapter 10 |
The next morning you woke up to the smell of bacon and the absence of Toto’s warmth. The feeling of your slightly messy hair made your cheeks warm up from embarrassment, wondering if you could fix it before he found you out of bed, you got up and snuck into the bathroom before you started desperately looking for a hair brush.
Trying to be quiet while throwing open drawers and cabinets was not easy but you were doing your best. There was no hairbrush to be found, you sigh and try to start fixing your hair with your fingers. You were interrupted by quiet laughter, turning around you saw Toto standing there with breakfast.
“I’m going to go ahead and assume your hangover is gone?” He laughed a little.
“I was just trying to fix my hair, but yes the headache is finally gone,” you looked at the plate and pointed, “is that for me?
He nodded, “Come lay back down so you can eat it in bed as I intended.”
Something was kinda hot about him telling you what to do, of course, you weren’t going to give up your stubborn tendencies, you were Christian’s daughter of course.
“Hmmm.. Make me.” You grinned mischievously.
He stared at you for a second, “Fine, I’ll just eat your portion too.”
“Wait! No, I was kidding,” you quickly ran past him and hopped back in bed.
He laughed and followed you, giving you your plate before going to get his own and taking his place next to you. When he came back in you took a minute longer to take in his appearance, he was wearing slacks and a wife beater, and he looked like a god. The things you wanted this man to do to you, your face got red once again, but this time he was there to notice.
“What are you blushing over there about?”
“Oh, nothing... I’m just thinking about something.” ‘Of course, he had to notice’ you thought.
“Mhmm.” He smiled and went back to eating.
You both spoke as you ate, when you were both done he took the plates and came back. You eagerly motioned for him to get back in bed, which he did. Almost immediately you crawled onto him, straddling his lap, putting your hands on his chest. You felt the toned muscles as you moved your hands down, he watched you intently. You opened your mouth to say something to him, but he grabbed your messy hair and pulled you in for a kiss. A squeak from shock replaced the words that you were going to say and you felt him smile in the kiss as it got more passionate. Both of you breathing heavily, his hands moving to your thighs, as they moved higher you pulled away.
“We need to wait a little, remember?”
He nodded, “I’m sorry, I can’t help it when you look at me like that.”
Now that you weren’t kissing you could feel his bulge pressing through his clothes on your inner thigh, it was like your skin was on fire. 
“Oh my god,” you breathed, eyes wide. “I should move.”
“Shhh,” he whispered, moving his hands to your hips and guiding you to grind on him, you let out a moan as he let out a low grumble.
You ignored all of the voices in your head begging for more, getting off of him, mumbling, “I should probably go home.”
“I shouldn’t have done that,” He began to apologize, but you cut him off.
“Please don’t be sorry, it was really hot, that’s why I should go before things get a little out of hand, it just makes me nervous because of my dad and everything.” You spoke as he nodded in understanding.
“I get it, I have a business meeting I need to leave soon for anyway,” he smiled, “you might’ve made me late if you didn't get up.”
You laughed before realising the only clothes you had were the ones you got here in, and you definitely couldn’t wear Toto’s clothes. Immediately Pierre popped into your head, “I think I’m going to stop by Pierre’s to get some clothes.”
“You better hurry then, I heard they have a team meeting soon as well.”
You nodded, feeling a sense of urgency, giving him a quick kiss, “I’ll see you later!”
Hopping out of bed, you grabbed your clothes that were still on the floor in his closet and booked it out the door, hurrying to Pierre’s so no one would see you. When you got there you started banging on the door before a half-naked Pierre opened it.
Immediately covering your eyes, you spoke, “Do not ask me any questions, do you have any clothes a girl might’ve left here?”
“Umm, yeah, you want to come in?”
You nodded, pushing past him, “could you put some clothes on as well?”
“You realize you're wearing a t-shirt, no bra and from what I can assume no pants either?”
“I’m wearing men's boxers”, you pulled up your shirt to show them.
He looked, still confused as well as in disbelief, “Are those Ralph Lauren boxers? Who did you sleep with last night that would wear Ralph Lauren boxers?”
“I said no questions, and no one you would know, almost every man that lives here would wear RL boxers.”
“More like every old man maybe.”
“He’s not that old,” you mumbled.
“Nothing, clothes please.” You put a fake smile on your face.
“There’s a box of women's miscellaneous items in my closet, don’t take any bras or underwear, they are mementoes.”
“Ew, but okay.”
You went into his room and started digging through said box, finding a cute sundress, and quickly slipping that on, “Thanks!” You gave him a high five and left.
When you got back to Lewis’, your father was sitting on the couch, “Oh fuck.”
He looked over, looking disappointed, “Collie, we need to have a discussion.”
“Where’s everyone else?”
“Upstairs, come sit.”
You nodded and moved over to sit in a chair, “what’s up Dad?”
“When this season started I didn’t figure this was something I would need to tell you, I thought it was pretty clear. You can be friends with whoever you want, I don’t mind, but you absolutely cannot fuck around with my drivers.”
“Excuse me? I didn’t ‘fuck around’ with anyone, if this is about Checo he stayed here because he was upset with his wife who to my understanding is cheating on him. He practically forced his way into sleeping in my room with me, he had hundreds of excuses as to why he couldn’t sleep on the couch or stay with Max. If you need to have a conversation with anyone it’s him.” You huffed.
“I already did, but I just figured I would relay the message, where have you been anyway?”
“A cafe, do you mind going now, Audrey and I were going to go to the beach when I got back.”
He nodded, “I’ll see you at the practice race this weekend.” 
He left after that and you went upstairs, “no warning?”
“He just got here.” Audrey shrugged
“Okay, I’m gonna shower and then beach,” you gave them a thumbs up and went back downstairs.
Toto was busy for the rest of the week, so he didn’t have time for many more dates and you were having a blast shopping and at the beach. Of course, it was sunny out, at least up until race weekend and it was on and off raining most of the time. Sunday quickly rolled around. You started in 4th, which has been your best starting position yet, you had a good chance at this race. There were several red flags at the beginning of the race due to the rain but finally, after 45 minutes it had cleared up. You ran a great race, getting up to second place, right in between Charles and Carlos. Just as the Ferrari team messed up their strategy you took first, knowing for sure Charles was yelling at his team over the speaker.
“You’re doing a great job, Collins.” You heard Micheal through your radio followed by your strategist Paul.
“Carlos is hot on your tail, you might want to quicken up the pace, but be safe.”
You nodded to yourself, “How many seconds behind?”
You kicked it into high gear, focusing on trying to create a larger gap between you and Sainz. 32 laps in, Mick Schumacher hit the barrier, causing a red flag for repairs to the wall. Micheal understandably took a step away from the team to go check on his son, luckily all was well. It was a crazy crash, probably could’ve been fatal so it was a miracle he was alright. After clean-up was done, the race continued, Carlos hot on your tail, followed by Checo. The laps carried on, but the race was drawing to a close. Lap 50, Carlos tried to pass you many times, but you got away. 20 Laps later you saw the checkered flag, crossing the finish line to gain your first win. The rush of extreme happiness filled your body, you could scream. You saw your team cheering for you as you passed the pits.
“Oh my god!” You yelled over the radio. Pulling up to the large 1st sign and parking, quickly jumping out and raising your hands, you jumped off the car and ran to hug Micheal and the rest of your team, taking off your helmet. You headed over to get weighed, and you then waited for your turn to be interviewed. Finally, it was your turn, you stepped up, taking the microphone from Carlos, a smile on your face.
“What a great race Collins! What is going through your mind right now?”
“So many things, I just can’t believe I’m standing here right now.” The smile ceased to fade away, looking over you made eye contact with Toto who gave you a discreet thumbs up.
“How does it feel to not only bring home the first win for Porsche but be the first woman to win a Grand Prix, especially at such a historical track like Monaco?”
“It’s the best feeling I could ever imagine, I just want to thank my team for making such an amazing car and allowing me to be here. I want to be the woman that all the girls in go-karting can look up to with pride knowing they belong in this sport, and it makes me so happy that just standing here right now, knowing I’m making girls feel like they belong as I speak.”
“One more question, how do you think you’re going to celebrate this first victory?”
“I’m going to have so much fun with my friends tonight, and I really can’t wait to hug my mom,” you laughed, waving at her.
“Well congratulations, go have a fun celebration on the podium!’
“I will! Thank you!” You smiled and went into the cool-down room, immediately hugging Carlos.
“You did so good,” he smiled and hugged you back.
You laughed, “Hey, you almost got me there in the end.”
“It’s too bad I didn’t,” he laughed.
After a little bit of talking, you were directed to the podium, a smile still on your face as you took the spot of first. They started handing out the trophies, you got yours last, holding it up in the air to hear everyone cheering, and you held back tears. They played the British national anthem and you couldn’t help but tear up to the song, just so proud of yourself for this accomplishment. Carlos playfully swatted you with his hat when the song ended. Then it was time for the champagne, without hesitation you hit the bottle on the ground, immediately spraying Micheal as the two boys sprayed you. Of course, you got them back before drinking a little bit of what was left in the bottle, holding it up in the air, causing everyone to cheer once again.
A little bit after, you had just gotten out of the shower in your room in the Porsche paddock. That champagne got sticky fast, you’ve never been so desperate to dodge all of the journalists in your life. You wrapped yourself up in your towel and stepped out of the bathroom to see Toto Wolff sitting on the couch of your private room.
You let out a gasp, “how did you get in here?”
“The door,” he spoke, turning to look at you, smiling. “Congratulations Schatzi, that’s a big win you know.”
You giggled, all giddy, “Yes I do!”
You almost jumped into his arms before he could even get off the couch, he laughed before you kissed him, and when you pulled away he spoke, “Technically I’m supposed to be upset because Lewis or George didn’t win, but it was difficult for me to hide my smile in the pits as I watched you overtake Checo, hopefully, they didn’t catch that on camera.”
Grinning, you replied, “I’m glad my win could bring you some joy.”
“Of course,” he looked at you, “you’re so beautiful.”
You smiled, blushing and glancing over the door which you realized he had locked when he came in. You knew people were waiting for you, your mother and siblings, the team, and your makeup artist, but maybe they could wait for just a moment. You moved to pull him into another kiss, he wrapped his arms around you, and you quickly snaked your hand behind his head to run your fingers through his hair. This kiss was different than the ones in the past, causing Toto to pull away and look up at you with dark eyes full of want and need.
“What do you want, Schatzi?” he whispered.
You let go of your towel, letting it slowly fall, “I still want to wait and have sex with you, but I think a little playing around wouldn’t hurt?”
“There are people out there waiting for you,” he breathed, watching as the towel fell from your body, revealing all that he had imagined.
You crossed your arms playfully, covering your breasts that he didn’t seem to be able to look away from, “well isn’t this what the guys do when they win, I want the whole experience.”
“Mmm, I see, so you want me to eat you out then?” He spoke, looking back up at you. Your face got red, you were super confident just a second ago, but the act was over.
“Why that specifically?” You managed to get out
He smiled, “Well the boys normally get to get a quickie in, of course, you understandably aren’t ready to do that with me yet, so oral is the second best thing.” As he spoke he moved you to lay down on the couch comfortably, grabbing a throw pillow to put behind your head, this had to be the hottest thing you’ve ever seen. He ran his hands over your exposed body like he was memorizing it, you could cry out already and he hadn’t even gotten to the main event. He grabbed your legs, about to push them up when you stopped him.
“Wait, one more kiss please,” you asked, and quickly he was over the top of you, pressing a kiss to your lips, you wrapped your bare legs around his clothed hips, feeling his hard-on pressed up against you through his slacks causing you to gasp.
“You’re going to have to be a little quieter so they don’t know I’m in here,” he whispered and you nodded as he went back down to his previous position, he moved back to lift your legs to rest on his shoulders and you let out another small gasp when you felt the cold air hit your pussy. “Oh my god you’re absolutely beautiful,” he spoke quietly, almost to himself as he looked at you, “so wet for me already and I’ve barely even touched you.”
You let out a whine as he lightly ran his finger over your clit, before moving to tease your hole, covering his finger in your juices. Your body has never been so tense with want, your arousal growing. A moan escaped your mouth as he slowly slipped his finger inside you, looking up to see your reaction. He grinned and lowered his head, slowly licking your clit as he pulled his finger out, you covered your mouth with one of your hands as you moaned. He lifted his head back up to look at you once again.
“Don’t stop, please,” you whined, sitting up a little to make eye contact with him. After about a second of eye contact, a grin appeared on his face as he pushed his finger back inside you, your head fell back, going to cover your mouth again. He lowered his head back, tongue flicking your clit, causing you to arch into his mouth. A moan muffled by your hand managed to slip out of your mouth as he continued to pump his finger in and out of you as he ate you out. This had to be the best head you’ve ever received, you didn’t think it could get any better until he slipped in another finger.
“Oh my god,” you breathed, your free hand grabbing his hair. You could feel your orgasm brewing already, ‘that’s embarrassingly fast’ you thought to yourself, but your thoughts were cut off when he pulled his fingers out, quick to replace them with his tongue.
“Oh Toto,” you moaned loudly, unable to stop yourself. At this point you didn’t care if anyone heard, you were so overcome by the feeling of pleasure. He didn’t seem to care either because he didn’t stop, your orgasm building fast. “I’m so close,” you whined as he pressed his thumb to your clit, applying pressure as he fucked you with his tongue. Your thighs tightened around his head as you reached your climax, moaning and breathing heavily as you came. Your body almost instantly relaxed and he sat up, sweat on his forehead, and a smile on his face.
“So much for being quiet Schatzi,” he spoke, clearly proud of himself.
You swatted at him, “Oh hush!”
He laughed and leaned forward to kiss you, you could taste yourself on his tongue. He pulled away and grabbed your towel, wiping his mouth off, “you were delicious.” He moved to clean you up, and you felt warm on the inside, loving how gentle he was with you after. 
“That was so good,” you sat up when he was done wiping up the mess he made, and you moved to undo his belt.
“Mmm, what are you doing baby?” He grabbed your wrist and you looked up at him.
“I need to see it and then I need it in my mouth,” you spoke like it was obvious.
He smiled, “I see, well, you know we don’t have enough time for that, I’m sure you have plenty of people waiting on you.”
You huffed, standing up and going to grab a clean towel, “You’re right, my makeup artist is right outside I’m sure. How are you going to leave?”
“I’m sure everyone will be out of here the second you are, I don’t mind waiting, I brought my book actually.” He picked it up off a side table and you smiled.
“Okay, be careful when you leave.” You kissed him before walking out of the room.
Your eyes immediately meet Florence, your publicist, then immediately shoot to Ellie-Mae, your makeup artist, “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Oh no,” Florence put her face in her hands.
You looked at her then back to Ellie-Mae, “what?”
“We might’ve heard a little.”
“Who’s in there, is it just like a random or do I need to prepare myself for some big leaked story?” Florence looked at you, you could tell she was clearly concerned as you sat in the makeup chair. ‘At least they didn’t hear me moan his name,’ you thought.
“It’s nothing, don’t worry about it Flo, we can talk about it later if we need to.” You spoke and she nodded.
“Well congrats, on the race, not your private post-celebration,” Ellie laughed and you joined her.
After you got your hair and makeup done you got dressed in your cute little Porsche uniform and stepped outside to see your family, immediately going to hug your mother.
“I’m so proud of you Collie!” She hugged you tight, you almost immediately started crying, you were so happy.
“Well don’t cry now, you just got your makeup done,” your dad teased and you let go of your mother and went to hug him. You butted heads a lot, but you know it was because he really cared about you.
The rest of the evening, you did some interviews, and clearly Toto got out fine cause you saw him talking to Lewis in front of the Mercedes building, you couldn’t help but grin at least until you saw Tayla walk up to them, saying something and putting her hand on his arm. This is when being secretive stung, you wanted to walk up so bad, that bitch drove you crazy. Florence stood next to you and saw where you were looking, you figured she could help you out and it probably wouldn’t hurt to give her a hint of what was going on.
“Flo, can you go get someone to do something about that for me please?” You looked at her and she nodded, walking over to Tayla’s publicist and saying something, her publicist's eyes widened and went walking over to Tayla.
When she got back, you looked at her, “What did you say?”
“I might’ve dropped Pierre’s name but I didn’t do anything crazy.”
Tayla looked at her publicist when she walked up, clearly unhappy about being interrupted, but soon walked away from the two and back over to the interview area. When you got back to Lewis’ Audrey congratulated you.
“Girl, that's so awesome that you won in Monaco of all places.”
You hugged her tight, “I know!”
She hugged you back, “Now we have to go party and celebrate, I am living vicariously through you!”
“You’ll win soon enough, if I let you that is,” you laughed and she gave you a light push.
Lewis walked in shortly after with a hug and congratulations, but the conversation didn’t get too far before you asked Lewis, “What did Tayla want earlier?”
Audrey looked at you slightly confused and Lewis made a face, “Well I guess according to Toto Tayla might’ve seen him walking into the Porsche building and I guess she made an assumption.”
“Oh lovely, she’s just the perfect person to know that information.”
Audrey scoffed, “she can’t say shit, she’s sleeping with Carola.”
You and Lewis turned to look at her, eyes wide, you spoke first, “What?!”
“You heard me, she’s fucking around with a married woman, I mean we love diversity, but not when it’s an affair.”
Lewis nodded in agreement, “damn, that's crazy, how did you know that?”
“I’m her teammate and I might’ve snuck a glance at her phone, I’ll blackmail her if need be.”
“Well, thanks, Audrey..”
She nodded, “so what was Toto doing at the Porsche building?”
Your face got red, “I’ll tell you while we get ready.”
@laura-naruto-fan1998 @fxshernoizu @ricciardosheart @idkiwantchocolatee @ggrapejuiceblues @pierre-gasssllyy @itssherlockedontheinside @pleasantducktimetravel @indieclarke @tispys-blog @hoely-maria @flippitygibbitts @ashf1 @allinestarr
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visionsofmagic · 1 year
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⋆ ― ◜week of celebs◝ ― ⋆
DAY FOUR: christian bale x f!reader
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• summary: it is the third movie you and chris playing together in, and it is last time he can hide his love for you. | wc: 1.5k | tags&warnings: fluff, kissing, confessing, touching, gentle!bale, reader is kind of a brat, co-workers, friends to lovers, young-adult!bale, mentions of a little nsfw content, short. [also, so so sorry for waiting for the ‘week’ thing but I had three important tests to take and I had to study :/ but now, I have no test left so, I’m back and the other works will be on soon! Enjoy. ^^]
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“Isn’t it amazing that we can work together once again?” You ask, not trying to get an answer but just pointing the fact you think of while waiting for the next scene to be filmed. Chris only nods, something isn’t right with him but you guess it is because he has a remarkable role in the movie, requiring great deal of attention and focus, and you know very well how he wants to show his best every time. You admire his hard-working. He is like a model for you – also, a dear friend.
Maybe you want to become more than a dear friend but you are afraid how he will react, so, you let it go, only focusing on the friendship you two have – a beautiful friendship; he loves making you happy, you like seeing him in peace thanks to your presence, support and fun kisses on the cheeks. You think whether it makes him feel awkward with these kisses even though he never complains. It is just a thing you both share like the sharing of food, memories, smiles, cries and even the bed –in the nights – and sometimes daylights too – when the air fills up with sadness, happiness, exciting – oh, you think inside, maybe we share a lot.
“Hey,” You hear his voice. Coming to your senses – back to reality, you wink a few times, looking up to see Bale kneeling to the front, his gazes on your face, wondering what make you daydream for a moment. “Are you okay?” He asks and you can see concern in his face expression, making you want to just grip his cheeks, caress them and saying how much you realize you love him, especially after the memories you share with him come to your mind. However, you can’t. So, with a sad smile on your face, you nod, not caring whether he can tell the truth behind your smile.
Putting a childish kiss on his nose, you say, “Better than okay!”
The moment he is about to ask another question, his personal assistant comes, saying that the screen is about to start to both of you. Nodding to her, you get up as Bale straightens his posture, hands on his pockets.
Hugging him from the arm, you giggle with excitement. Pulling him with you, you say, “I am so excited! In this scene, I will throw a glass to you.”
“I didn’t think you like violence.” He remarks, one of his hand positions on yours – a true gentleman who makes your heart go weak in a second.
“I am not,” Turning to him, to tease, you chuckle. “Well, if it is outside the bed.”
He stops in his track for a moment before coughing in fake, staring to walk again. As you look at his side profile – a perfect sight to see with his sharp jaw, freshly trimmed beard, short hair – you wait him to be shy like always because being such a brat, you like to make him shy and blushing but not today, apparently, not today. He smirks instead of showing any sight of shyness, telling you to be more sensible – he just smirks, turning to your face, making you look at another way to hide your heat rushing to your face. Kneeling, his hot breaths find your ear, whispering dangerously, “What a nasty girl!” He chuckles lowly – you are already weak on the knees. “Maybe you just need a good lesson to understand why you shouldn’t talk in public so openly like this.”
When the director calls for him from the other side of the room, he is about to touch your chin. Nodding to himself, he lets you go after saying, “Don’t worry, I will teach it properly this time.”
You feel like he is finally let his inner voice to take actions instead of his logical side. You chuckle, taking your place on the room, still feeling drunk, and avoiding gazes from Bale. He is sure something else today.
“Then, he was right behind me! Can you imagine?” One of my co-workers says with a chuckle, playing with her hair, and telling a story about the director. Chuckling, I nod to her.
After the end of today’s scenes, everybody agreed on taking a break time, having a little fun in one of actors’ house. So, here you are, standing beside the window, a drink on your hand, a black dress covers your body. It was a choice of your personal assistant after she found out that you liked Bale and he was going to attend as well. She said how you looked gorgeous in the dress, getting you all blushing, thinking how Bale would react.
This thought on your mind, you turn to other side of the room, trying to find where Bale is right now in a crowded place like this one is but when you are about to give up, you see him; he looks so humble and gentle with the black suit on him while entering the room. You look at him from head to toe, no shame behind your gazes but you don’t care, not when his gazes find yours, only focusing on you and making his way to you slowly. You nearly become breathless at the sight. Feeling brave enough to make an attempt like he is doing, you turn and say your co-worker goodbye, approaching to Bale faster than he does.
Finally, meeting in the middle, you say after an awkward long silence in which you look into his beautiful eyes and he does the same for you, “Hi.”
He chuckles in a low tone, “Hi,” He takes your hand in his, putting a kiss on the head of it. You would hate it when other men do it but when he does it – oh, how it feels so right and magical when he does it. “Gorgeous.”
Smiling widely, you roll your eyes, taking back your hand from his slowly only to put it on his shoulder, making him tense but you get it is a good sign since his smile grow bigger, closing the gap between your bodies further, causing you to forget what you would say for a moment. He smells so good – he looks so good – everything about him is near to perfection.
“Don’t look too much or you will fall hard for me.” You tease him, winking and when you take a sip from your drink, you feel his one hand find your waist, pulling you closer until his lips touching your ear, hot breaths hitting your neck. Heat rising inside of your body as well as outside and you only stare at his beautiful blue eyes.
“You should warm me sooner,” He smirks, not a playboy type of smirk – just, showing how he knows his effects on you now. “I already have fallen for you – hard.”
“Chris –“ You try to say, try to comprehend what he really means by that. “So, you say –“ You can’t find yourself powerful enough to say it aloud but Chris is there for you. He knows you better than you know yourself.
So, when he takes your hand on his, not caring about other people on the room, you follow him because you always will follow him no matter what.
Entering in an empty room, he reaches to his balcony, still holding your hand – tighter than before, giving you goosebumps. He turns around to see you clearly under the light of the moon and garden’s white lights.
“Yes, I say it.” He says, and you trying to make his words since your mind is overflowed by the sudden emotions he is causing.
“What?” You ask once more, wanting to hear it aloud – wanting him to admit it while using his words.
He chuckles once more – oh, he is surely happy right now and you are the same. Putting both of his on your waist, he pulls you to himself, making his chest hitting yours. “I love you,” He says and you believe you would fall into the ground if he didn’t hold you like this. He takes your hand, putting it on his chest where his heart remains. “I love you so deeply that I can no longer hide it.”
Taking deep breaths, you firstly understand his words – already having effects on you; chest rising and falling, hands getting sweaty and face has a stupid smile on – then, you close your eyes, and open them only to see that he is real. This make him smile, shaking his head. “I am real.”
“But, I need to do something to believe it, Chris.” You say.
His one eyebrow rises and you take action without waiting for him to speak; your lips find his, his taste flows into yours, a hand on his collar to pull him closer and other one enters into his short hair. He, on the other hand, nearly moans lowly into the kiss you share right now, hands on your waist getting tighter, hugging you strongly.
You know from this day everything will change between you – the relationship you have but you have no fear, not when he kisses you so deeply, passionately and holding you close. You wonder how he both is your weakness and strength. However, your mind can’t make any judgement since it only focuses on him – breaking the kiss for a moment before he adds, “I love you.” once again and you giggle.
“I love you too handsome.”
The end. 💌
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rose-above-dark · 10 months
“We need more toxic yaoi!-“ Jesus x Judas is right there
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just for the record, the Lilith myth undermines so much of Christian theology as to be on par with Dan Brown's myth of Jesus being married to Mary Magdalene. No Christian is obligated to 'respect' it or regard it as anything but cheap, no matter how Jewish or medieval it is.
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x-heesy · 4 months
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ᴘɪᴄᴋɪɴɢ ɢʀᴀꜱꜱᴇ ʀᴏꜱᴇꜱ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰɪᴇʟᴅꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴅɪᴏʀ.
“Thankfully, there are flowers,” said Monsieur Dior, who was – as well as a gallerist, an architecture aficionado, and grand couturier – an avid gardener. It was in Granville, in the rose garden of his family’s home overlooking the sea, that young Christian planted the seeds of his fascination with this most artful intersection of nature and culture. Growing into a fashion designer, Monsieur Dior found a bounty of inspiration in the gardens, allowing the dazzling silhouette of a femme-fleur to blossom from the very first collection, leaving her bewitching sillage in her wake.
„𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙴𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚑 𝚕𝚊𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚜 𝚒𝚗 𝙵𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚜“ . -𝚁𝚊𝚕𝚙𝚑 𝚆𝚊𝚕𝚍𝚘 𝙴𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗
#flowerpower #floralporn #flora #blümchen #blümchenfürdich #sayitwithflowers #theearthlaughsinflowers #flowersforyou #thelittlethings #soulfood #heavenisaplaceonearth #heavenly #gardeneden #travelingwithoutmoving #diekleinendingeimleben #aesthetic #gardenstories #naturecore #flowercore #earthporn
𝙺𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚜 𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚁𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚜 𝚋𝚢 𝙰𝚛𝚝 𝙳𝚎𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝, 𝙰𝚚𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚞𝚜 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚗 🎧
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giulsherondale · 2 years
Dimitri chose Rose for the first time.
In this scene when Rose keeps repeating
"Fight back! Fight!"
it's how she urged him to choose duty, because that's what he always did, and that's what he did with her. And you can clearly see that he shakes his head as if to say "No this time I choose you Rose, not the duty". He think he deserves this and that Rose needs this.
It was the most beautiful and most significant scene of the episode.
In this moment Dimitri chose Rose, he put her first.🥀❤️
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chaoticrosesimp · 10 months
im so mad im so sad they played me , Russell what we did to you to deserve what you did , i hate it here
i feel like a Game of thrones fan in 2017
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thena0315 · 1 year
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If SVU also focused on their elite squad’s personal lives/romance like One Chicago....
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sizzy-ling · 2 years
S2 is going to start with Dimitri and Christian drinking because they are dumb simps who miss their wives, calling it now
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screechwhisper · 1 year
I'm gonna say it- christian and rose would've been THE power couple
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cephalosaur · 4 months
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A sentence from 2 Corinthians 12:15:
So I am happy to give everything I have for you. I will even give myself for you. If I love you more, will you love me less?
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m1a07 · 6 months
I know I’m late to the party, but I’ve seen a lot of discussion online that the vampire academy series was cancelled because it lost fans by being different from the books but tbh I blame peacocktv.
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How do you release a series that has fans across the globe but you only offer to the US. I believe that it might’ve been accessible for a short period in the uk through a different service but this is just insane to me that they really thought it was a smart choice?.
Anyways I’ve been reading the books and I had seen the movie when it came out. I enjoy the show for going a different route it makes it less predictable and you don’t have to sit there and go “omg this happened in the books” every five minutes.
Sad to see it was cancelled but I’m not surprised since I had to watch it through a website that has p*rn pop ups 🤣.
If any one has anything they’d add or discuss feel absolutely free to do so.
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derekklenadaily · 7 months
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From Sue and Tommy, Eddie and Rose, Fiyero and Elphaba, Dmitry and Anya/Anastasia, Christian and Satine, Joe and Norma, Joe and Betty! Who is your favorite couple? ♡
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jetsteelyourheart · 4 months
Vampire Academy Book 4: Blood Promise by Richelle Mead
Listen, I'm a Dragoway truther, and I support Rose, Lissa & Christian as a Polycule. But Ship literally whatever you wanna ship in this series, its silly and fun, and anyway my OTP of all time is Sydrian - speaking of, shout out to my first ever attempt at a Sydney -- hilarious to me now because I changed her whole design pretty much completely.
Anyway, here's a book 4 group shot before I put those in an actual setting with real visuals.
Excerpt from the end of Blood Promise, Chapter 30
Adrian had said seeing me in dreams couldn't compare to seeing me in person. The same was true with Lissa. Being in her head was nothing like being near her in reality. The door opened, and it was like an apparition materializing before me, some sort of heavenly messenger descended from above. I'd never been away from her for this long, and after all this time, part of me wondered if I was imagining this.
Her hand went to her mouth, and she stared at me wide-eyed. I think she felt the same way -- and she hadn't even had warning of my visit. She'd just been told I was coming "soon." No doubt I seemed like a phantom to her too.
And with that reunion... it was like I was emerging from a cave - one I'd been in for almost five weeks - into the bright light of day. When Dimitri had turned, I'd felt like I'd lost part of my soul. When I'd left Lissa, another piece had gone. Now, seeing her... I began to think maybe my soul might be able to heal. Maybe I could go on after all. I didn't feel 100 percent whole yet, but her presence filled up that missing part of me. I felt more like myself than I had in ages.
A world of questions and confusion hung in the silence between us. In spite of everything we'd been through with Avery, there was still a lot of unresolved business from when I had first left the school. For the first time since I'd set foot on the Academy's grounds, I felt afraid. Afraid that Lissa would reject me or scream at me for what I'd done.
Instead, she drew me into a giant hug. "I knew it," she said. She was already choking on her sobs. "I knew you'd come back."
"Of course," I murmured into her shoulder. "I said I would."
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I mean, come on, there's murmuring for god's sake. How are they not cannon??????
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