yoificfinder · 3 years
Hello and good morning! You know... I was just looking at an AU fanart where Chris was Yuuri's coach and teaching him how to skate seduce Victor, which a) was frankly hilarious, like all the other pieces by mud-muffin and b) got me thinking: do you know if there's any Chris-is-coaching-Yuuri-instead AU fics? With Victor-seducing tips or otherwise. And THANK YOU - both for this and in general, I mean, I've found so many sweet new faves thanks to this page. ❤️
Hi nonnie! This sounds fun but I haven't read any fic of this sort unfortunately. Hope any of my lovely followers could rec some.
ETA - Other people's rec:
Intoxicated by Bow_Woww [T, 20K] *WIP
Chris grinned at him. “I’m here to coach you! I’ll help you get to the Grand Prix Finals, and I’ll help you win...Victor’s heart!”
Yuuri gaped at him. “Excuse me?”
In which the triplets are stopped from uploading the video of Yuuri skating Victor's routine and Chris is tired of his friends being whiny so he steps in to play matchmaker.
Taste the Stars by @allekha [T, 2K] *ChrisYuu
In the world where Chris offered to coach Yuuri instead of Victor, the two of them celebrate the end of their first year working together.
Thanks for rec, @saxygal, @life-is-nofairytale, and @kaleidodreams! ❤
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yukipri · 6 years
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Happy Halloween 2018!!!
from the Future!Verse fam <3
Better late than never aHAHAHAHA orz
The adults are in simplified versions of their Steampunk Halloween costumes from last year, and the kids’ costumes were voted on by my patrons!
IF YOU ARE NEW TO THIS AU: It’s a Yuri!!! on Ice AU, Yuuri-centric with end-game polyamory in an ABO setting, Yuuri gets married to six mates (Victor, Yurio, Phichit, Minami, Chris, Otabek) and they have OC kids.
See my Future!Verse AU posts here!!!
PLEASE DO NOT REPOST, EDIT, TRANSLATE, OR OTHERWISE USE MY ART. To share, please reblog! More detailed rules available on my Rules & FAQ Post.
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rareshipsonice · 5 years
Rare Ships!!! on Ice: Chris/Yuuri Round-Up
The 2019 gifts are revealed! Browse the entire collection - gen and shippy, m/m and f/f and m/f and other - here, or check out our Chris/Yuuri fics below. Creators will be revealed July 21!
for myself for chromyrose 2,298 words, Rated Teen, No Warnings Apply
“Sorry, he’s mine,” Yuuri says with an apologetic smile, wrapping his arms around Chris’ waist and tucking his chin on Chris’ shoulder. Usually it’s Chris doing this to him and Yuuri’s face is surely bright red.
Love Game for tripcyclone 2,051 words, Rated Mature, Underage
At sixteen, Yuuri Katsuki hasn't lost his virginity, and not because he's saving it. As far as he knows, there's no one in his life who wants to do that with him.
Christophe surprises him by proving otherwise.
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disaster-writes · 5 years
Hello everyone. I am opening slots for Commissions for writing. Why? Because I would like to pick up art once again, My previous tablet was destroyed by my cousins dogs and she refuses to reimburse me for the tablet (50 dollars worth). Her dogs also destroyed a pair of 100$ headphones that she refuses to pay as well but that is for another matter. Here is some of my art that I have done back in 2016-2017 before the dogs destroyed my tablet. 
This is the tablet that I would like to get, it’s the same tablet that the dog’s destroyed. 
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This is the price at checkout for me: 
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These are writing commissions, for every 100 words it is 1$. Payments will be upfront and through Cashapp (Amazon hates paypal). Depending on the length, the fic can be completed the same day; with longer fics, give me 2-3 days. 
Fandoms I’ll write:
Yuri!!! on Ice
Voltron Legendary Defender
Ships I’ll write: 
Yuuri Katsuki / Viktor Nikiforov
Christophe Giacometti / Yuuri Katsuki
Christophe Giacometti / Phichit Chulanont
Otabek Altin / Yuri Plisetsky 
Shiro / Lance
Adam / Shiro
Curtis / Shiro
If you don’t see a ship, Feel free to ask in messages. 
I am willing to do OC / Canon Characters
I am more than willing to do AU’s
I am okay with writing Dark fics
There will be no Underage in the commissions 
I will not write: Abuse, Gore, or Scat; ect.
If you are interested, feel free to message me. 
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scribblyorro · 6 years
chrisyuu ficbit for para
"Is this a pity date?" Yuuri asks and Chris almost lets his expression crumble. They have a week in the same city and country. Chris won't lose this chance.
"Not for me. But maybe on your side," he says and Yuuri covers a snort. 
"I can't believe that when you're you," Yuuri says. He gestures to himself, ready to train and delicious in his gym clothes. "You're all hot and attractive. I'm just me." 
"I'd be very happy if just Yuuri thought I was sexy," Chris says. Yuuri flushes and mumbles something. "What?" 
"Yes, let's go out," Yuuri says. 
Chris can't help himself. He kisses Yuuri on the cheek and his heart stutters as Yuuri gives a pleased blush. His world stops when Yuuri's hand reaches up to guide their lips together and restarts full of warmth.
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sinkingorswimming · 6 years
Promo Ficlet for Rare Pair Zine
In honor of Monsieur Giacometti’s birthday, please have a promo ficlet set within the confines of my @yoirarepairzine piece. I was tasked with the honor of Chris/Yuuri/Victor, and this is a little diddy explaining the Chris and Yuuri part of that equation.
Yuuri’s chin rests in his hand as he looks out the massive windows to his right. Le Jardin du Tuileries greets him, illuminated by lamps against the evening sky. There are statues scattered throughout, looming specimens immortalized in pristine, white marble.
His assignments this fall for the Grand Prix series were Skate America and the Trophée Éric Bompard, and while he normally would spend the evening after the free programs relaxing in his room, Chris insisted on showing him a little of the City of Lights.
They’re a quick stroll from the Louvre, though it’s closed for the night. The architecture looks lovely, though, and the weather is surprisingly mild.
“Schatzi,” Chris calls.
Yuuri blinks, giving him a look. “Oh, sorry.”
“I was making sure the sole was to your liking,” Chris replies with a teasing smile.
This is Yuuri’s 20th birthday gift: a formal, Parisian dinner full of Michelin Stars.  The food is really incredible, though he’ll never remember what’s in it. “Oh, no, it’s really good! The view just—“
“Yes, I know,” Chris says. “I came here last year with another friend. I try to make a point to dine here when I’m in town.”
“Makes sense,” Yuuri says. The sole is Grenoble style, sautéed in clarified butter with capers and tomatoes, served on top of a bed of wilted spinach. They began with foie gras, and Chris has ordered the corresponding wine pairings. 
It’s kind of like a fancy date, Yuuri thinks as he takes a sip of his drink. “Was it a skater or someone normal?”
“Normal is relative, and yes, not just any skater,” Chris says. “You know the one.”
Yuuri freezes while cutting his fish. He feels a blush stain his cheeks. “Oh.”
The attempt at playing it cool fails. Chris smiles. “Say the word.”
“No,” Yuuri says. “It has to be right. I have to earn it.”
“You don’t, but I respect you anyways,” Chris says with a laugh.
Yuuri laughs too; he knows it’s ridiculous, but…it’s how it needs to happen.
Chris catches his eyes, holding them like a magnet for several beats. The warm, moss green is inviting and soft, and Yuuri thinks of the third man whose specter floats in the space between. He loves having Chris’s attention, but something about the thought of both makes his belly warm.
He’s years off from even shaking Victor’s hand, and Chris is here right now. Yuuri knows he’s not bad in the looks department, and Chris is more than “not bad.” He’s fairly kind (though he gets salty if he thinks he didn’t score the way he should have), and he’s funny. They’ve known each other forever.
Their entrees are cleared, and dessert arrives. “Bon anniversaire,” Chris says with a grin.
Yuuri’s had offers and never taken them. Tonight, he decides to make one of his own.  “Merci,” he replies. “Are you busy after this?”
Chris pauses mid-sip of his dessert rosé. He gives Yuuri a different, hungrier smile. “I feel I may be spoken for shortly.”
“If you want,” Yuuri says as he takes a bite of his coffee tart.
Turns out, Chris does want, and Yuuri’s first time is handled with care, sensitivity, and a great deal of passion. It’s a good night, a great birthday, and the experience gets repeated every now and then when they compete together.
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Guess what!?!?
It's happening again. Send me a song and a ship and I will write it for you lovelies.
Remember to drop it in my ask box, K? 😘
Side note: If I get at least 10 asks I'll finish off with the biggest crack story I've ever concieved.
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alice-plisetsky · 6 years
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“Yuuri...I love you so much”
Made this for a meme. This is just the bigger version. Some boyfriends just being cute in the snow.
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kasumi-chou · 7 years
Chapters: 1/3 Fandom: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Christophe Giacometti/Katsuki Yuuri, Christophe Giacometti/Victor Nikiforov, Christophe Giacometti/Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Christophe Giacometti, Victor Nikiforov, Christophe Giacometti's Cat, Makkachin (Yuri!!! on Ice), Phichit Chulanont Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Feels Summary:
Curse his fragile little heart for always falling for people out of his league.
Like, what chance did he ever have with Victor Nikiforov? But Victor still became, not only his childhood idol but also, his first crush.
His first crush was a man four years his senior. A man who lived in another continent. A man that hadn’t known he existed until a week ago.
Then he had moved to Geneva, and his heart had been hypnotized by Chris’s charm.
Before he knew it, not only had Chris hypnotized him, but also seduced him.
His fragile little heart had done it again, falling in love with another man out of his league.
At least his second crush had been a little more realistic.
He knew Chris, they had been rink mates - and later roommates.
Maybe that is what made it so much more dangerous.
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daily-yoificrec · 7 years
7/23/17 recs
Rare Ships on Ice opened its collection today, which is really exciting!!!
1. I’m That Flight You Get On (International) by Anonymous || Rated M, 8.6k (WIP)
Lowly third secretary of the Acirema Embassy in Glen City, Eglen, Yuuri Katsuki gets stranded along the side of the main road in the small, provincial capital. Lucky for Yuuri, he’s not about to freeze to death thanks to the kindness of a well-dressed stranger, Viktor Nikiforov, who offers him a ride home in a sleek black, government-owned vehicle. If only Yuuri spoke better Eglenian, he would’ve maybe figured out Viktor meant a ride to his home, not Yuuri’s apartment?
This!!! Is!!! Hilarious!!!! This fic has a completely fictional but modern setting that’s well, developed for all the character’s roles, and uses language barriers for maximum misunderstanding and hilarity. It’s a wonderful laugh, wonderfully written, and I really am looking forward to the second chapter. The flashforwards in the middle of scenes can be a bit abrupt for me, but overall I really enjoy this fic and have a shitton of secondhand embarrassment for absolutely everyone.
2. Across the Universe by Anonymous || Rated T, 8.5k (WIP)
In an alternative universe, Yuuri has just won the GPF at Sochi — and he’s miserable. He lost everything that mattered to him several years ago when a tsunami hit Hasetsu, and after throwing himself into his skating, he’s achieved gold, but the win is hollow without others there to share it. Things change when he’s transported to another universe, where GPF champion Victor Nikiforov is about to drown himself in the Black Sea. According to legend, only those with a deep connection can draw someone from across the universe. But Yuuri and Victor have never met before in their respective worlds; perhaps someone out there knew how much they needed each other.
Written for Yuuri Week 2017, with each chapter based on the day's theme.
I’ve seen an only vaguely similar premise before, but I really like the idea that this au is based on. It’s an interesting setup so far, and I really look forward to how Yuuri and Victor’s relationship starts and develops, as well as how this Yuuri adjusts into the life of the lost one. 
3. Just Look, Don't Touch by oh_fudgecakes || Rated M, 21k (WIP)
In which Ice Castle Hasetsu shuts down when Yuuri is seven, he never follows Viktor's career as a kid, and he grows to idolise Viktor (and eventually fall in love) anyway.
Nineteen and full of hope, Katsuki Yuuri starts working at a strip club to fund his dreams of pursuing professional pole dancing as a performer and competitor. Stripping is nothing like he'd expected. At his lowest point, he meets twenty-three year old Viktor Nikiforov, who turns his whole world around in a single act of kindness before retreating back into the world of competitive figure skating. With new funds and new inspiration, Yuuri begins climbing up the pole-dancing ladder with one eye on Viktor Nikiforov's achievements. He knows Viktor Nikiforov is going to make history, and he wants to make history right along with him.
I learned a lot about stripping and pole dance from this fic?
It feels really realistic, and is pretty informative in a way that isn’t infodump. The realism helped ground me as a reader into the AU’s setting, and possibly this fic might have ruined similar aus for me forever. The characterization feels really true to the characters, especially Yuuri, in how he ends up a pole dancer instead of an ice skater. It’s really interesting, all the dynamics that we’ve been shown so far (including the one between Yuuri and all the OCs) are really nice, and I look forward to future developments!
4. If U Seek Amy by Anonymous for DefiantDreams || Rated E, 8k
“YOU SAID NO?” Phichit exclaimed, his voice rising in tone and hysteria. Yuuri turned and watched as Phichit took a deep breath, as if trying to compose himself. “Are you crazy? I mean, you turned down the sex god himself, Christophe Giacometti?”
In which Yuuri and Chris discuss Britney Spears and Yuuri's sex life, or lack thereof.
A product of the rare ships on ice, this one is chris/yuuri and is really enjoyable! It sets up their relationship in canon-verse really nicely (imho) and while it’s canon-compliant and thus they don’t have a romantic relationship, I still think it’s quite a good read, esp if you ship them/want to see more of them. I especially love the various references the author used. 
5. Matched by Anonymous for pageleaf || Rated T, 9.3k
If three men are all in love with each other, in how many ways can there be a couple?
(Hint: Polyamory.)
Chris and Yuuri match on Tinder, but they're both in love with Victor Nikiforov (and Victor Nikiforov is in love with them).
college au which everyone is in love with each other and it all works out. it’s mostly relationship setup, and flows really nicely, and in general I enjoy reading this OT3 and feel like the author brought out some of my favorite parts of their dynamic. The Chris/Yuuri aspect is especially cute!
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prillalar · 7 years
FIC: The Tango Lesson (YOI, Chris/Yuuri)
I just want Chris to sleep with everyone, okay?
The Tango Lesson by Halrloprillalar / @prillalar Yuri!!! on Ice, Chris/Yuuri, Explicit, 2100 words Pre-canon, Seduction, PWP, Dancing, Semi-Public Sex, Blow Jobs, Hand Jobs, Chris got there first
Pre-canon. Snowed in after a competition, Chris asks Yuuri to teach him the tango.
Yuuri breathes in sharply, though he must have known where they were going, and the flush on his face deepens. He doesn’t speak but his fingers clutch Chris’s arm, holding on tightly like Chris is both the storm and the one who will bring him through it.
Read on AO3!
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yukipri · 5 years
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Preview of some more Patreon exclusive content I put up while away!
Illustration, available to $5+ patrons!
Available HERE.
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rareshipsonice · 6 years
Rare Ships!!! on Ice: Chris/Yuuri Round-Up
The 2018 gifts are revealed! Browse the entire collection - gen and shippy, m/m and f/f and m/f and other, fic and art - here, or check out our Chris/Yuuri works below. Creators will be revealed July 22!
Chocolate for anaraine Fanart, Rated Gen, No Archive Warnings Apply
Happy Valentine’s Day.
respect is due for Teuthida 867 words, Rated Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply
Chris finds out just how seriously Yuuri takes contemporary dance forms.
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allollipoppins · 7 years
Chapters: 7/7 Fandom: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime), The Boy (2016 Bell) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Lilia Baranovskaya/Yakov Feltsman, Katsuki Yuuri/Yuri Plisetsky (past) Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Victor Nikiforov, Lilia Baranovskaya, Yakov Feltsman, Phichit Chulanont, Yuri Plisetsky, Katsuki Yuuri's Family, Christophe Giacometti Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - The Boy (2016) fusion, Dark Victor Nikiforov, Minor Character Death, Possessive Victor Nikiforov, Stockholm Syndrome, Possible Spoilers for the movie The Boy, Aged-Up Yuri Plisetsky, Past Abuse, if you like Yuri Plisetsky I suggest you don't read this fic, implied past Phichuuri and one-sided ChrisYuu, Morally Ambiguous Katsuki Yuuri, Non-Sexual Age Play if you squint, Masturbation in Shower, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Barebacking, Mildly Dubious Consent, intertextuality, References to fairytales Summary:
At least the final girl had the assurance that she would die in her new husband's castle, young and beautiful and hanged next to the other wives in the attic. Victor isn't so predictable. Victor's house, Victor's rules. Victor's Yuuri. If he plays his part, then maybe he can come out of it alive.
Or, a day goes by in the Doll House, and Yuuri watches.
(No prior knowledge of the movie The Boy needed. It might however contain spoilers for the end of the movie.)
Promoting my story again because I have finally completed it, and the spin-off from Victor’s POV is currently in the works :)
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sinkingorswimming · 6 years
Omg I loved that Victor/Phichit, can you please do some Yuuri/Chris? Let Victor find out his friend was with Yuuri first
Good morning Nonny!
I’ll have to think on this, but in the meanwhile, let me point you to one of the  one shots in YOI fandom I love the most, Giacometti and Co. 
The summary is as follows: 
Against his shoulder and into the fabric of his t-shirt, Yuuri mumbled, “HaveyoueversleptwithChris?”
He choked on his breath. Oh. Uh. “Errrr…” His mind raced. “A little?”
aka the fic where both Viktor and Yuuri have slept with Chris.
I’m also featured in the @yoirarepairzine writing ChrisVicYuu, if you’re into that. I’m dropping a promo ficlet for it this Wednesday in honor of Mr. Giacometti’s birthday so, maybe I can work something out for you. ;)
Thank you for the kind compliment! I’m so glad so many people enjoyed it so much!
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postingpebbles · 6 years
Opinion: precanon chrisyuu > chrisvic
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
fdhajslf i’m sorry to everyone who doesn’t agree with this but i’m like,,, lowkey weak for precanon chrisyuu. maybe highkey. god i love viktuuri with all my heart and soul but chrisyuu [eyes]
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