dawnquafam · 4 years
Spyota+ "Jim, the are doing it again!" Please. I loved Ur last spuhura post and thought it was rlly cute❤️
A/N: Thank you so much!! I hope you enjoy this too
Set in my We Could Not Stay verse, but only because I wanted to write mom!Nyota, so you don’t have to read it to understand this
Inspired by a post I saw the other day about Spirk’s bond, but I didn’t reblog it so I have no hope of finding it to add a link whoops
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Nyota prided herself on being professional. She allowed herself moments of play and romance – this crew was her family, after all, and she loved them more than anyone except her daughters – but her mother had always taught her that a professional woman was a successful woman, and overall, she preferred to adhere to that.
However, running on a mere hour of sleep snatched from various catnaps whilst spending most of the night trying to console a feverish three-month-old didn’t exactly leave her in the best position to focus on the dreadfully dull, first thing in the morning weekly meeting of the command crew. She could hardly bring herself to pay attention to Scotty’s ramblings about the engine’s status on her best days, and the tantalizing smell of the coffee that she desperately needed but couldn’t drink wasn’t helping matters one bit.
Spock’s voice echoed in her mind, a little telepathic nudge to wakefulness, and she hurried to refocus on the meeting, straightening her slouching posture. He sat beside her, hands resting on the table in front of him, head tilted ever so slightly to look at her sympathetically. He had lost his own fair share of sleep due to Amanda’s illness over the last week, though his Vulcan heritage had given him a decidedly unfair advantage in being able to overcome it.
Jim would not begrudge you a day off, he pointed out, not for the first time. But as much as she had loved the guaranteed abundance of quality time with her daughters, having none of her Starfleet work to do during maternity leave had soon left her feeling bored, not to mention occasionally helpless during the instances when Spock and the others were stranded off the ship. Given that she had only returned to work two weeks ago, she was reluctant to give up her job again so soon, so as the topic shifted from Scotty’s engine reports to Hikaru detailing their various course deviations and potential obstacles on the route ahead, she touched her fingertips lightly to Spock’s arm to reassure him that step wasn’t necessary.
He rested his hand beside hers, their fingers brushing, and gave her a dubious look. I know you are worried about her.
I am, she admitted, lowering her gaze. But Len says she’ll be fine. She’s just being fussy.
And yet, emotions often deny the logic of such reassurances.
It shouldn’t have been a terribly amusing thing to hear, but between the sleep deprivation and the faint tinge of his resigned dryness echoing across their bond, she had to work quickly to hide a laugh, ducking her head and pretending to cough into her elbow.
Unfortunately, that drew everyone’s attention to her. “Are you all right, Lieutenant?” Jim asked.
She cleared her throat, lifting her head and trying not to look at Spock. “I’m fine, sir.”
Len’s eyes were narrowed, flicking between her and Spock. “Jim, they’re doing it again.”
Spock tilted his head innocently. “We are doing what again, Doctor?”
He gestured between them. “Your telepathy thing.”
“We are not,” Spock denied. Not anymore, he added silently.
She nearly lost it again at the little caveat, and while his expression didn’t betray it, she felt his amusement as well as Len began to protest. “But you two were looking at each other, and touching each other-”
“As married couples are wont to do,” Spock pointed out, perfectly maintaining his air of innocence.
“Well, yeah, but-” Len huffed in frustration “-but not you, hobgoblin.”
Spock’s eyebrow rose. “Are you saying I do not look at my wife?”
“That is not what I was saying and you know it.”
Nyota now had her hand over her mouth to hide her grin, very nearly holding her breath to contain her laughter, and everyone else around the table was undergoing a similar struggle – save Pavel, who had given up and was just chuckling behind his hand. “Bones, you sound like a crazy person,” Jim said, just barely managing to sound like a concerned friend over his mirth. “They weren’t doing anything.”
Len spluttered. “But you saw how they were looking at each other! They only do it like that-” he waved a hand at his head “-when they’re doing their Vulcan voodoo.”
“You seem quite perturbed by this aspect of our marriage,” Spock observed. “Are you jealous, perhaps?”
The heat in Len’s glare could’ve lit Earth’s polar ice caps on fire. “I’m not jealous, Spock.”
“Paranoid, then.”
“Look, it’s creepy that you two can have entire secret conversations right in front of people.”
Nyota finally regained enough control to speak. “We don’t need our bond to do that, Len. You, for example, only speak English and Spanish, whereas we could converse easily in Vulcan, Swahili, Hebrew, Russian, Romulan, Andorian, Klingon-”
“Ok, stop showing off,” Len interrupted. He looked around the table. “It’s creepy, right? Those little moments they have?”
“Those little moments have saved our lives occasionally,” Jim reminded him.
Len threw up his hands. “I’m so alone.”
“On the contrary, Doctor, you are in a room with-”
“Shut up, Spock.”
Pavel’s half-suppressed chuckles turned into full-blown laughter, and that was all everyone else needed to burst out laughing as well, Len glaring at each and every one of them.
With everyone distracted, Spock reached out to take Nyota’s hand, twining their fingers together. “Are you feeling better?” he asked quietly.
She looked up at him, her amused grin fading to a soft smile. “Much better,” she answered, just as quietly, leaning in to kiss his cheek. “Thank you, my love.”
He squeezed her hand, returning her thank you with a gentle cheek kiss of his own. “You are welcome, Nyota.”
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casbelieves · 4 years
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Roaming in the Dark by casbelieves | Spotify Playlist
Rated: Explicit
A reimagined look into how "The End" came to be. Castiel does not return to heaven after he rescues Dean from his stint in an apocalyptical 2014. The brothers don't reunite. The angels fall. A dangerous and deadly virus spreads worldwide. But, without fail, Castiel follows Dean and, perhaps, that is his only fault. 
The time has come, and I am so excited to share this story with you. I will be posting weekly, usually on the weekends. If you would like to be added to the tag list, message me and I will promptly do so! Tag list below the line.
Tag list: @smiledean @skylerkernaghan @spncreatorsdaily @darling-angel-mine @gabavaldman @horcruxhunter24 @theearlybookworm @strawberrybottomboy @chubbypeasworthy
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vitaelampada · 4 years
Tagged by @sciencebluefeelings – hope you like
3 ships:
Spock/Uhura started it.
Then you can’t help but hear about Spirk and Spones, right?  It’s probably not accurate to say that I ship either of those, more that I get why they are popular when I rewatch TOS, and I am entertained by them.  When I wrote that one Spirk fic I really just wanted to see if I could.
Lucifer Morningstar/Chloe Decker and Mazikeen/Eve.  Chewing my fingernails off waiting for Season 5 to air.  Thinking about writing a fanfic from the viewpoint of Baby Charlie as he grows up.
Last Song: John Adams – John's Book of Alleged Dances  
Last Movie: Cinemas!!  I remember cinemas; I hope they become a thing again.  Last film I saw was Knives Out.
Currently reading: “The Enlightenment” by Noman Hampson.  Prepping for my English Lit class starting in October.
Currently consuming: Had one McVities Dark Chocolate Digestive biscuit with a mug of tea one hour ago.  Note that it was a mug and not a cup and saucer.  I don’t like doing pinkie lifts.  
Food I’m craving right now: Anything someone else would cook.  I remember restaurants; I hope they become a thing again.  I want to have a noisy, spicy dinner with lots of friends at Wagamama or June Plum (Jamaican food).
Tag 9 people you want to know better or you want to catch up with: @sudata7 @strawberrypatty @spuhuraart @0anhonestpuck0 @chubbypeasworthy @adamagedgoods @charlotterichard @vie-belle-vie @anise495
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casbelieves · 4 years
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Roaming in the Dark by casbelieves
When Castiel becomes overwhelmed by his mortality and contemplates giving in to it entirely, he prays until he curses Dean’s name in vain and begs for forgiveness. 
Continue Reading Chapter 3!
Tag list:
@smiledean @skylerkernaghan @spncreatorsdaily @darling-angel-mine @gabavaldman @horcruxhunter24 @theearlybookworm @strawberrybottomboy @chubbypeasworthy @jellydeans @nguyenxtrang @headust @writing-on-rainbows @starrynightdeancas @fand0mf0rl1fe 
Message me if you want to be added to the tag list.
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casbelieves · 4 years
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Roaming in the Dark: Chapter 2 
July 22nd, 2010
Six months after Sam becomes Lucifer’s vessel, Lucifer’s army overtakes the kingdom of heaven, and the angels that remain in heaven, those who choose not to fall, are slaughtered. The sky does not light up with massive shooting stars; death is much quieter than becoming human. Angel radio is silent, and there is no warning, no notice, no pink slip. There is only the sense of an epic and total loss. 
It is exceptionally hot for July in Oregon, and the last vivid, fully angelic memory that Castiel has is of Dean. He watches clear beads of sweat trail down Dean’s neck after killing two vampires, mixing with the blood splattered on his shirt collar. 
And then, he is overwhelmed with pain, as if every cell in his body is bursting into tiny shards of matter. His grace, the light he could always find within himself, is suddenly ripped from his core and all that’s left is an agonizing memory of what it felt like to be infinite. There is a faint sensation of remnants left behind – celestial energies that will eventually disappear with time and human exertion – but, for the most part, he is remarkably human. The world becomes smaller, duller, and scarier in a matter of minutes. It is underwhelming in the way that he cannot pinpoint every molecule in his general vicinity but overwhelming in the sense that he is flooded with every possible human emotion and sensation all at once.
A hard surface is beneath him, gritty and rough, and a sharp pain spikes through his skull. His mouth tastes of metal. Firm, calloused hands struggle to lift him into a sitting position, tugging him to rest against the side of the Impala. 
“Cas?” Dean’s voice crackles through the air like static on an old radio. There is less tone to it than before, as if the harmonies overlaid within his voice have been discarded carelessly and lost forever. “Cas, what’s wrong?”
“My grace,” He rasps out, squinting under the harsh sunlight. The heat is unbearable. “It’s gone.”
Darkness floods over him, heat penetrating through the pitch black as he leans into the sensation of giving up.
Continue Reading. 
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Tag list: @smiledean @skylerkernaghan @spncreatorsdaily @darling-angel-mine @gabavaldman @horcruxhunter24 @theearlybookworm @strawberrybottomboy @chubbypeasworthy @jellydeans @nguyenxtrang @headust @writing-on-rainbows 
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casbelieves · 4 years
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Gif created by @smiledean; you’re amazing & ily.
Roaming in the Dark by casbelieves
Rated: Explicit
A reimagined look into how "The End" came to be. Castiel does not return to heaven after he rescues Dean from his stint in an apocalyptical 2014. The brothers don't reunite. The angels do fall. A dangerous and deadly virus spreads worldwide. But, without fail, Castiel follows Dean and, perhaps, that is his only fault. 
January 24th, 2011
Castiel cautiously walks up the stairs of Bobby’s house, remembering to lift his left foot a little higher on the last step to avoid snagging it on the rug at the top of the landing. He shuffles down the hall and pauses for a moment outside the room. Nudging the door open with his hip and carrying in a breakfast tray, pancakes stacked high and steam rising from the coffee mug, Castiel walks casually into the room, like he's done this a million times. As if this is their routine, their home, their life. It isn’t, but he can’t keep himself from breaking out into a grin when Dean pops his head out from under their covers, sleepy eyes peering at him through the folds of the comforter.
“That for me?” The blanket falls away from his face as he wiggles up the bed. Dean turns his palms out, rubbing his eyes with the backs of his hand like a child does, innocent and sweet, and sits up fully. “Cas, y’know I don’t—”
“Happy 32nd Birthday, Dean,” Castiel counters, placing the tray on Dean’s blanketed lap and dipping his head to kiss him tenderly. “You make the world a better place, and I love you for that.”
“I…” Dean trails off, blearily casting his eyes down from Castiel’s beaming face to the spread placed before him, and he falters. The tough, grumpy morning façade falls, and Dean is radiant in the chill morning light of their shared bedroom. Through the golden film of his eyelashes, Dean looks back up at Castiel and takes a sip from his coffee. He scoots over and pats the edge of bed, smiling, “Love you too, Cas.”
Continue reading Chapter 4 here...
Tag List: @smiledean @skylerkernaghan @spncreatorsdaily @darling-angel-mine @gabavaldman @headust @horcruxhunter24 @theearlybookworm @chubbypeasworthy @jellydeans @nguyenxtrang @writing-on-rainbows @starrynightdeancas @strawberrybottomboy @fand0mf0rl1fe 
Message me if you want to me added to the tag list :)
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casbelieves · 4 years
Chapter 6: Roaming in the Dark
Read it here.
May 7th, 2011
With a strangled gasp, Castiel wakes just before the sun rises, skin sticking to the sheets. Hands reaching for his throat, to remove the invisible noose, the pressure that is not there, from his neck, Castiel thinks he is drowning, but he grasps at air and clammy gooseflesh instead. Covering his face in his shaking hands, Castiel soundlessly moves until he’s upright, legs hanging over the bed.
The entire world is in a state of collapse. There is nothing to be done about it. It’s too late for preventative measures; they are living out the remaining years this planet has to offer, and they are all partially responsible for its shortened lifespan. Castiel is officially coming to terms with their fate – the one Dean has warned him about over and over again – but, this time, it feels real.
Behind him, Dean crowds into the newly opened real estate on the bed, curling around the warm spot where Castiel once was. In the creeping dawn light, Dean looks peaceful, boyish even, with his freckles and unkempt dirty blonde hair, but Castiel knows that this man goes beyond his looks. He was created with perfection, war, and miracles in mind. Castiel allows himself to linger for just a moment longer, taking in the sight of the man he once reassembled, calling it holy work, because it was, and still is, a sacred act. God commanded that this man walk the Earth, and Castiel was the lucky soldier to see that the order be carried out properly.
A cool haze of morning light whispers through the fog outside his window. The wisps of illuminated air remind him of his grace. Like a message from God, the sight is so pure, too real and untouched, he inhales deeply and pretends that he is restored. It’s a nice sentiment, but useless and entirely fantasized. It appears that he is finally getting the hang of using his imagination.
The fog is a merely a momentary distraction. Seconds later, his brain is running wild with all the things he needs to do today. He needs to make phone calls, set up cots in the basement and extra rooms, catalogue their ammunition and guns, organize the supplies in the basement and create a rations schedule. Being the right-hand man of the one person who can possibly stop Satan from destroying the world is hard work with little to no credit.
Although it may not feel like it sometimes, Castiel knows that he is more than that to Dean. More than a great strategist, more than a best friend, more than a soldier, more than a body to sleep next to, more than his savior, more than a good fuck, more than, more than, more than. He is Dean’s – and vice-versa. It is unspoken rule, yet the most accurate sentiment Castiel has ever encountered.
Without waking Dean, Castiel climbs out of bed. He goes to the bathroom and cuts himself half of a little white pill, washing it down with a swig from a flask that’s a low on gin, and it is reward enough. It burns going down. Carefully, Castiel stows the flask and bottle in the back of the linens cupboard before brushing his teeth to rid himself of the regret that twists a knot in his stomach. The pill makes it worse but, by the time it’s noon, he’s itching for a second one.
Tag list: @smiledean @jellydeans @strawberrybottomboy @starrynightdeancas  @nguyenxtrang @skylerkernaghan @spncreatorsdaily @darling-angel-mine @gabavaldman @theearlybookworm @chubbypeasworthy @headust @writing-on-rainbows @fand0mf0rl1fe @horcruxhunter24
Please let me know if you want to be added/removed from the tag list.
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casbelieves · 4 years
Hi friends,
I’ve been a little MIA this last week because I started my first full-time job on Tuesday and was in a serious car accident on Thursday. Expect some more quiet hours from me this week. I usually try to keep a queue going, but I fell behind on filling it.
For those of you who are expecting a new chapter of Roaming in the Dark this week, I’m sorry. You’re going to have to wait until Valentine’s Day weekend. I just need some time for my body to heal and to get a handle on this new position. I promise you can expect Chapter 6 of RITD by Feb. 14th!
P.S. If you message me or tag me, I’ll see it eventually and I promise I’m not ignoring you. I’m just gonna tag anyone on my usual tag list in no specific order. Sorry (?) if I forget to tag you:
@smiledean @strawberrybottomboy @jellydeans @starrynightdeancas @nguyenxtrang @skylerkernaghan @casthyelle @gabavaldman @theearlybookworm @chubbypeasworthy @headust @writing-on-rainbows @fand0mf0rl1fe
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