#chuuya analysis
chuuya-fan-page · 3 months
Can u give me some examples of chuuya and Dazai like, helping make each other better?
Glad you asked this question, anon!
Some examples include the scene in fifteen where Dazai goes from the beginning of fifteen, being all apathetic and not cryng about life. Mori trying hard to motivate him, to suddenly wanting live after meeting chuuya. Quite literally saying: "chuuya convinced me to live" and along with here, saying that he's got a new dog so he has to live now.
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The gun shooting scene also served helpful for Dazai, he was spiraling and Chuuya, a gangster knocked the gun out of his hand saying "you shouldn't be shooting dead bodies". For a member of a gang to say this, it served as very contridcting to dazai but revealed more about chuuya's character and how what he did was (shooting the dead body) was wrong.
Another example includes in stormbringer, when chuuya is hallicunating dazai and the flags when he's tortured. The hallucination of dazai motivates him to not give up (bc he claims he isn't like him) and pushes him through the experience.
From Dazai's side in stormbringer, his capability to change that has always been there prior to oda is shown when he gives Chuuya a choice. This is a big deal which I see the fandom ignore a lot, but Dazai at this point struggled immensely with empathy, so for him to put himself in Chuuya's shows and give him a choice with the entire city was at risk showed how much he cared about chuuya's feelings, thinking about his humanity before the entire city.
Another instance includes the scene in which Mori says that he would die with Chuuya with the Guivre situation in stormbringer. Dazai goes from being okay with dying/apathetic about the situation to suddenly caring with the idea of dying with Chuuya is brought up. Chuuya constantly is seen to motivate and push Dazai to do things in the mafia at the time.
The Dragon Head Conflict in Dead Apple is a major example. Chuuya once again pushes him to get involved in major conflicts, Dazai is louching around not wanting to get involved until Chuuya says something to him about the situation.
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Dazai is acting inhumane by disrespecting someone who died and in anger chuuya punches his face. dazai says "i'm human too" and chuuya says "no one would believe that shit" people misinterpet this scene badly as dehumanization but it's not. it's basically Chuuya giving Dazai a reality check and telling him to stop acting inhumane since he knows he is a human and is capable of acting humane. Stormbringer shows this, he sees dazai giving him a choice, him acting human. So since this is after that, it's basically him telling him no one will believe you're human if you act like this, so start acting like you're a human. Because of Chuuya's words, it motivates him to stop a turf war because of how mad he is.
In mayoi this is seen, with him telling Shibusawa how he was wrong for killing the colonel.
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This exchange also shows the extent of their partnership, how despite the words Chuuya says to Dazai prior, he just knows him; by the mention of the microscope earlier he's able to decipher the intention of dazai. Their reading of each other can be shown to be "making each other better" as their trust in e/o as kids raised an abusive enviorment is definetaly interesting.
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Chuuya is actively seen steering him to be motivated him who once lacked a clear meaning of life itself was.
-A (hi guys i'm back)
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bsd-fan · 11 months
Chuuya´s analysis part 2: Humanity and contradictions
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Stormbringer is by far the most important piece if we want to understand chuuya because this is the moment his view of life is challenged. We follow chuuya through stormbringer, we get to see how doubtful, scared and confused he is about his humanity and we also see a side of him that he constantly hides.
“I told you, Chuuya”
He looked up in the direction of the sudden voice. It was a familiar voice, one that belonged to the person he hated most in this world.
“Your birth itself was a mistake. We´re the same. Is there really a point to suffering through all that pain for a life that isn´t even real?” - Hallucination of Dazai. Stormbringer
Dazai and Chuuya constantly claim the hate they have for each other. A lot of that hate is because their history of them being assholes with each other, a lot of it is just posturing but a lot of it is because of this. They share the same problem but the way they face it is incompatible. Especially on chuuya´s side. During sb we learn that Chuuya /understands/ Dazai, not because he tries to but because deep down he thinks the same. But he /never/ lets himself think about this, because if he does he will drown and he can´t do that.
You can ignore most of this analysis because the only real important thing to understand is that chuuya is a figher.
That´s his core as a character.
Chuuya fights every godamn hour of every day. He fights with himself, he fights against his ability, he fights for his humanity, he fights for the people he loves, he fights when everyone already gave up. He has lost /so much/ through his life and never complains about it, he keeps going on because that´s what he was taught to do. He has gave up so many things. He can´t say that he is tired, he can´t be afraid, he can´t stop because he was conditioned to be the last man standing not matter what and that´s what he does. Because he has people he cares about and that depend on him so he can´t fall, he can´t ask for help and damn sure he can´t let himself sulk and think about the futility of all, he can´t go with dazai´s nihilistic mentality not matter how much of it he secretly shares because he can´t stop fighting. That would ultimately break him. Chuuya´s outwordly drive to keep advancing despite all the horrible things that happen to him is only possible because he never stops to think about this.
So in a lot of ways, Dazai is like a punch in the face. it´s his worse fears and hidden thoughts in a human form. Dazai, especially 15-18 year old Dazai represents everything he fights about himself. So yes, when I say that chuuya makes a constant, conscious effort to avoid understanding Dazai I´m talking about this (and that´s like half of it, because Dazai´s coping mechanisms also directly clash with chuuya´s whole ideology. Honestly is kinda impressive how Dazai manages to trigger chuuya to that degree)
Now, going back to the analysis I want to say that Stormbringer doesn´t really bring anything new to chuuya´s character, it just consolidates what was already there. It´s when chuuya finally realized something we´ve known all along and it´s because of this that he can finally solve his inner conflict.
“I can feel their lives burning right here, inside me, and till those flames die down. I can´t just do whatever I want. I´m gonna do what I need to. That´s who I am”- Chuuya, stormbringer
“-Why don´t you get it? There isn´t anything you need to do! Live how you want to live! Destroy what you want to destroy! Because there´s only one thing we needed to do, and that was to not be born!(...)
-Just shup up- Chuuya´s eyes burned with fierce determination. -Maybe that´s what you wanna do, but don´t shove your belief down my throat. Cause that ain´t ´t how I feel at all.
Several shadow ran thorugh the light in his eyes.
His friends in the sheep.
His friends in the Port Mafia.
The light in his eyes was determination. It was the powerful brilliance of humankind, something gaines only through encounters and partings with other people.
-You´ve been completely wrong from the very start- Chuuya spat in disgust- “Being born was a mistake”? Sounds like the kind of garbage Dazai would spew, and no way in hell am I ever gonna think the way he does!”- Verlaine and chuuya, stormbringer.
This scene is so important to chuuya´s development as a character because this is the first time he defines himself as an individual in his own terms and  independently of his origin. He is a person, and he is the kind of person that will do what it needs to be done and he will do it for the people that is important to him. That´s simply who he is. That´s his identity as a human being. That´s why I get mad when people are fighting about chuuya´s humanity. Yes, at the end is really hinted that he is the original one but that´s not important. Because the whole point of the novel is that humanity is more than origin. It doesn´t matter if chuuya was born as a human being or created in a lab because at the end of the day he is human because of the ties he has with the people around him.
Different from Dazai, Chuuya gets this solution from existentialism. Existentialism is a form of philosophy that explores the issue of human existence. Existencialism basically says that purpose and meaning in life doesn´t come from external forces such as God, fate or a bigger power but instead is entirely determined by ourselves and that´s exactly what chuuya does. It doesn´t matter that life in senseless, it doesn´t matter if he was created only as a weapon, it doesn´t matter if he shouldn´t have existed in the first place. None of it matters. Because he is already here and he will give himself a purpose. And God, I´m gonna stop here to say that this is such a chuuya thing to do. He fights what everyone around him is telling him and he fights himself, yes, he may understand Dazai and verlaine´s nihilistic mentality but he ultimately decides to reject it. Chuuya will fight even the absurdity of life, in a way is fucking hilarious and as a Dazai kinnie I can wholeheartedly understand how this is so annoying for him. Because here we are needing sense, getting paralyzed because of the ucertainty of the world and just trying to keep living despite being constantly overwhelmed because the aburdity of all and then there are people like chuuya that realized the same thing but they keep going, people like chuuya that just push their way through life like it´s not a big deal, people like chuuya that never  give up even when is the logical thing to do. And as maddening as it is, maybe this is the real reason why Chuuya is my favorite character, he can do something I don´t. His will to fight despite everyting? How he gets up every single time? is not something I can do.
Okay so sorry for the projection in the middle of it. Let´s continue with the analysis.
The whole point is that Chuuya doesn´t care if his reason to keep going is not trascendental, he doesn´t care if it´s illogical, he doesn´t care if in the great scheme of things it doesn´t mean anything. Because it´s important to him, it´s enough to him and that´s all that matters. Chuuya has people he loves, he has emotional ties with them and Chuuya clings to them with desperation because it is  what impulses him to keep going. I need you to understand this, every single character is bsd have people they love and appreciate but for chuuya? it´s a whole different deal. They are so much more than that. They are not only people he loves, they are the direct representation of his humanity (which I remind you is the most important aspect of his characterization) he finds a purpose and a sense in this bonds, he finds an /identity/ thanks to this bonds. And that´s why he will do absolutely everything to preserve them. Yes, the biggest difference between Chuuya and kunikida is that when chuuya says that he will do what needs to be done, he is not talking about ideals, he´s saying that he will give everything of him for the people he loves.
Now, everything should be fine, right? Chuuya learns to accept his humanity to a certain extent, he gives himself a purpose, everything is /fine/ except it´s not and this lead us to the second and biggest contradiction about chuuya and this is which ultimately brings another thousand contradiction in his character: Nowadays his biggest conflict is not the original problem anymore, it´s the solution he gave to that problem.
And it´s the most tragic contradiction in earth because his relationships with people is what makes him keep going but at the same time it´s also what keeps him stuck (I´m discussing that later). And it hurts so much because yes, they give them an identity, a purpose but he also sacrifices /too much/ of himself in the name of this relationships.
He is conventionally brave, he is not like atsushi, he never hesitates, he never doubts but it´s not in a healthy way. Chuuya is not brave for the sake of being brave. He is brave because there was never another option to him, he doesn´t let himself feel afraid. During stormbringer he experimented more suffering than most of the characters in the story, he went against a giant beast, he was tortured, freakingg hell, his biggest fear all along was to discover that he wasn´t human but he decides to know because the flags investigated his past. He was terrified but he forced himself to ask because “I have an obligation to know for their sake” not for him, for the flags.
And let´s not talk about how corruption is his worst fear turned true, let´s not talk about how it represents the lack of humanity and how that may affect the character whose whole main arc revolves around seeking humanity, let´s not talk about how he goes against his worse fear once and once again to protect the city and the organization he loves. There is only one thing that chuuya wanted, all this time he only wanted to know if he was a human or if he wasn´t and in stormbringer he gave up even that. He decides to use corruption fully knowing that he will lose his opportunity to know and he doesn´t care if by doing it, he can save people.
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He has a moral compass but he sacrifices it in the name of the people he loves. He  cares about people but he also mass murder if that benefits his organization. He appreciates life, but he´s so ready to die and destroy himself if by doing that he can be useful for the people he cares about. His pathological loyalty is also explained by this, it doesn´t matter if they betrayed him or hurt him, he will still be there for them because he puts this relationships over everything. He even sacrifices his emotions, I´ve said it before but chuuya didn´t even let himself cry after he saw his friends in pieces because he put albatross needs over his own pain. He got into an organization he didn´t even wanted to be in because by doing it he could save the people that  stabbed him in the back. To this day I´m haunted by the fact that in the entirety of stormbringer, chuuya only let himself be vulnerable once, he only screamed once. When he was being tortured, and in agony, he let himself scream but he only did it because no one there cared. If a person he loves had been there, then chuuya would´ve hold it in, he would never let himself cry because he will never let himself be a worry for the people he cares about. His whole ability is a reminder of everything he went through, of everything that makes him different, of all his pain but he doesn´t resent his ability because he can protect the people he loves with it, that powerful ability is just another responsibility he needs to carry. He is powerful so he needs to protect those that aren´t.
Chuuya is so selfless that it actually is a fucking flaw. From all the characters in bsd, he is the one who sacrifices the most and the craziest thing about it? He doesn´t even notice because in his mind he´s doing what needs to be done. In the CD drama he says to akutagawa that self sacrifice is a pathetic excuse for weak people but he does it all the time, except that he doesn´t think about what he does as self sacrifice, for him is just the natural thing to do. Chuuya constantly makes pyramids and he puts himself at the bottom of them. He is ready to give everything for the people he loves but he never expects the same of them. He loves unconditionally, but he doesn´t think that he can be loved in the same way. He needs to push himself, he needs to be useful.
“-Why- A flash of uneasiness briefly colored chuuya´s expression- Why would you go through all this (...)
-It´s nothing particularly serious- Said Lippmann. Baffled by chuuya´s reaction, he eyed the rest of the group- If we had to come up with a reason, though...it´s because you´re our friend. Were things different in the sheep?
They had been. That was what Chuuya flustered expression was saying. Everyone in the sheep depended on him. The contrary was unthinkable”- The flags and Chuuya, stormbringer.
Chuuya doesn´t know how to accept kindness, he doesn´t know how to react to people caring about him. Because that´s his job. He is never in the opposite side of it. And when he finally was, he lost it and even then he never thinks about all the shitty things that happen to him, he never complains about the unfairness of it. He just keeps going, he takes every single blow and he never let himself make a sound.
Do you see the contradictions now? The love he has for his people may be the foundation of his identity, but he also sacrifices a thousand of things about himself  to protect them. No one can live like that. He lives in a perpetual state of contradiction. What he believes in, what he feels and what he does never fucking allign. And honestly this is part of what makes his character so fucking good, because this contradictions narratively speaking make perfect sense. Is not that he is lying, is not lack of self awareness, is not a hole in his characterization. if you stop to analyze the character this contradictions make perfect sense for him. And this trait is why chuuya gives this impression of being predictably unpredictable.
During the first light novel Dazai describes kunikida like this:
“I´ve got a good idea of who you are now, so nothing you do will ever surprise me. I mean, compared with me, you´re just a simple man with a simple mind, after all (...) See? You wear your heart in your sleeve. You don´t hide how you´re really feeling”- Dazai, Osamu Dazai´s entrance exam
And you´ve probably noticed by now, but a lot of this description somewhat applies for chuuya too. But Dazai´s reaction to chuuya is usually this one:
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Even knowing Chuuya better than anyone else, Dazai has consistently been surprised or doubting chuuya´s actions. During stormbringer he didn´t know if chuuya was going to use corruption, because a normal person don´t go through life sacrificing their most wanted thing. During fifteen, he was extermely curious about his relationship with the sheep, because chuuya´s arrogance doesn´t make sense with the way he lets himself be used. He thought that Chuuya was going to kill N because that would´ve been the normal reaction to have but he didn´t. At  22, he hoped that chuuya was going to use corruption to save him but the whole point was that he could never be 100% sure because a normal person won´t go through life facing their worst fear just because of trust. And Dazai is not the only one unbalanced by chuuya, the flags were constantly surprised by him, rimbaud didn´t know what to do of him. Verlaine thought that after all the suffering, chuuya would grow up to hate the world just like he did, but chuuya didn´t. There is this whole scene in which Adam and shirase are facing verlaine and he knows that they will die, he goes through all the possibilities but there´s no way they make it but then chuuya appears
“The 169 outcome. An unthinkable possibility
-Unbelievable- I instinctively muttered”- Adam, stormbringer
Adam is an AI, he was made to think about all the logical options and he never thought of that one. Because no normal person will go and fight when all logic is saying that they will lose. But Chuuya does it, he goes and fight expeting to win, giving his all because he will not let his friends die.
Kunikida is relatively easy to predict because he will stick to his ideals as much as possible and because of that is easy to read his actions and the way he will act (to a certain extent, of course) Chuuya is as easy to manipulate as kunikida is but he is far more difficult to accurately predict. Chuuya may be as genuine and honest as kunikida is but he doesn´t stick to anything. He will go against the very basis of himself for the people he loves. Worse than that a lot of his actions and decisions are incredibly complicated because he does a thousand of mental mallabarisms that somehow make sense for him. He will kill, steal and blackmail but outside of job? He respects the traffic laws, he thinks that kids shouldn´t drink alcohol and help grandmothers cross the street. Does that make any sense to you? He will die and kill a stranger no doubt if by doing that he can protect the mafia but sacrificing a friend? Yeah, that´s not gonna happen. He simply can´t do it. So chuuya is fine with killing but only under specific conditions and that applies to everything he does. He lives in constant contradiction and that´s a problem because he won´t be able to keep it eternally. Every single time he goes against something he believes in, is a hit, even if he doesn´t let himself see it.  And is fucking terrifying because we all talk about what´s gonna happen when Dazai breaks down, but I´m asking what´s gonna happen if chuuya is the one who breaks down? Because it´s gonna be fucking catastrophic, Chuuya doesn´t know how to bend, he will just keep going until he breaks. He will just keep going until he completely destroys himself.
Now I feel like this is a good time to answer the first question. If chuuya has so many hero-like qualities then why is he in the sides that kill people? why is he a morally grey character? By now I think is pretty evident that Chuuya is not a violence oriented character, he may be agressive and blunt, he is bad tempered but almost every single time he attacks is because he is trying to protect his people or in benefit of them. Yes, he is impulsive and he enjoys a good fight but he never attacks just for the sake of it. He may be arrogant and powerful but none of that is the answer. The real reason Chuuya is a morally grey character is because he chooses.
For him, some people are more important than others.
And just like I´ve been saying in all this analysis, chuuya is ready to do /everything/ for the group of people he chooses. He will kill and die for them. He will go against his moral code a thousand times for them. This certainly doesn´t excuse chuuya´s behavior though. The reality is that no matter his motivation, his actions are still bad by the moral code but just like Dazai, Chuuya is not a moral oriented character. And honestly I will forever find fascinating, that Dazai have all the attributes that we would expect of a bad person but he is in the side that saves people, he is doing his best to protect. Meanwhile, chuuya is an almost text book definition of a hero and still is in the side that kills people. The most fascinating thing though, is that they´re both morally grey characters just in completely different ways. Dazai still does a lot of bad things, it just happens that the ultimate result is a “good” one. Chuuya is constantly doing horrible things, but he also sacrifices himself constantly for the city he loves, and he has saves lots of lives by doing it.
Now going back to topic, yes chuuya chooses but that this is not a mafia-only thing. People in the light does it as well.
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Tanizaki is the most obvious one, it has never been a secret that he would burn the world for Naomi and he is the only ADA character that actively has risked (and potentially killed) a complete innocent person in the name of saving Naomi. Ranpo did it as well, during the cannibalism arc he is the first one to suggest killing Mori because he priorized Fukuzawa not only over Mori´s life (which is natural) but also over the whole moral code of the ADA. And later in the story, he is the only one who wants to refuse the job that we now know that ruined the agency. The whole point of it, is not that the ADA didn´t believe in ranpo, is that if they didn´t took the job innocent people were gonna die and that goes against everything the ADA believes in, but not for Ranpo. He was perfectly fine with letting those people die if he could save his family, if he could save the ADA by refusing the job. Tecchou is a hunting dog, his whole character revolves around justice but he was ready to go against that because Jouno was lost, and that was more important for him than the fucking world. Yes, chuuya actively kills but all of this characters have proved that they would do it too under the right circumstances.
And with this I can finally write the last part of this analysis: Chuuya nakahara shouldn´t be in the mafia, his coping mechanisms and how his character is stuck.
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noose-lion · 10 months
Chuuya is dog coded.
The angry dog. The dog who was muzzled but snapped it off. The dog who can still be gentle, not cracking the egg he holds so carefully in his teeth. The dog who barks and growls at anyone who draws too near to his people and himself. The dog who had a pack and lost it and still grieves silently. The dog bred to hunt and kill but finds himself capable of kindness as well. The dog who protects with bared teeth. The dog who nips playfully but frets if his teeth sink to deep. The dog who bites the jugular and shakes. The dog who was weaned too young. The dog who was raised in a cage and ran the streets. The dog who exists in lonely solitude, but refuses abandonment. The dog who curls in on himself and whimpers alone. The dog who remains untamed, but is no uncontrollable wild beast. A dog with no master, but nonetheless steadfastly loyal.
(I can already hear the "actually he's cat coded" rebuttals, but no, read again)
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smellypire · 8 months
what people do not understand about skk is the are not as simple as love nor are they as simple as hate. they toss the word hate around, but it's obvious that it is not pure utter hatred. nor is it love that many people believe. i'm not saying at some point it wasn't hatred, because stormbringer literally proves it was pretty similar to hatred (from chuuya's side). but at this current point of time right now, you cannot use the terms hate or love for them. it's complicated and complex through and through. and that's what i love about their dynamic, how nuanced and deep it is.
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digitalguillotine · 2 months
send me dog photos. i want dog photos. send me them
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emilover-1 · 2 months
Fyodor will live theory
uhhh late theory
Let’s talk first about his resemblance and references to Christianity and Jesus.
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This is obviously Fyodor, however the season in which these pics where from was the 4th season, in the episode 2. This was a great parallelism to Jesus before dying, a LOT of people watching and Jesus being on the cross, and with Fyodor it is the SAME, only difference being that 1- it was Fyodor instead of Jesus and 2- Fyodor has clothes (specifically of the prison).
Into the next similarity to Jesus and reference to Christianity
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In this scene, he says the same thing Jesus did before dying in Mark 15:34 and Matthew 27:46.
Let’s also talk about how he thinks of himself as a ‘God-sent’ while Jesus is literally God-sent, and both Jesus and Fyodor are shown as somehow cruel or bad because of God (Jesus refused to heal someone, Jesus engaged in a long harangue against the scribes and pharisee and he also used a whip of braided cords and drove merchants and money lenders out of the outer courtyard of the temple. Fyodor does things that in other’s eyes can be considered as cruel or bad but in his eyes everything he does is good and in the name of God.)
Let’s go now to the theory itself why Fyodor is alive,
In this official art, Fyodor has his arm hidden and it’s the SAME arm where he got his hand hurt and the SAME arm that he was took away by Dazai.
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Fyodor’s backstory still hasn’t been revealed, and in the chapter 111, he says that Dazai was his most formidable foe since that man, which could mean Fyodor getting a backstory finally.
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In this scene, which is in the untold origins of the agency, Fyodor appears crucified in his prison clothes and with the wounds that he got in chapter 111 of the manga and episode 11 of s5, however he doesn’t appear without one of his arms, which was supposedly took away by Dazai.
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In this scene, Fyodor’s arm got off a bit too easily, which shouldn’t be like that since even though he got crushed by a rock, it wouldn’t make sense for it to come off that easily.
Let’s also talk about his out of character things.
Fyodor chooses to not take the antidote before going into the helicopter, which is out of character asf because if he is going to die in less than 15 or even 10 minutes the most logical thing to do would be to take the antidote as fast as possible, not to go to the helicopter and take the antidote inside.
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Let’s also talk about Chuuya’s acting, because even though Fyodor did look surprised, there is no way he actually fell for it, for this we have to go to the Ace vs Fyodor chapter.
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Fyodor led Ace to believe that he had a space/consciousness controller ability, Fyodor memorized the scratches of each single card, which made him won, not to mention, he had seen how Ace was listening to his conversation with Karma, which is why he lied and he himself gave false information to the one who kidnapped him, and what was it all for? To get the secrets of the pm executives and even the boss himself. He even drove Ace to kill himself, which was a pm executive and also a very intelligent man. So, how could Fyodor fall for Chuuya’s act? Let’s go to why he probably didn’t believe Chuuya’s act.
First of all, Chuuya’s skin isn’t the same as the other vampires, let’s compare Chuuya’s skin to Akutagawa’s one.
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See the difference? Even though in canon Chuuya is a good actor, there are different things, one being his costume for the act to the act itself, and let’s admit that the act itself wasn’t that great, he grabbed his hat under the water, he putted his hands on his waist when walking and even when not.
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When Chuuya was walking Fyodor should have known that it wasn’t a vampire because he was using vampires to communicate to the exterior.
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Dazai's reaction is also weird, the expression he has is definitely not one would have after defeating a enemy, his expression is unsure, doubtable, and even going out of his expression, the way he speaks isn't his usual self, and even chuuya notices
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Having took all those facts he probably didn’t believe Chuuya’s act despite him supposedly being surprised when he saw Chuuya again, and I say supposedly because it could have been an act considering how he got sigma to believe his act.
Let’s also mention that Fyodor ‘commanded’ Chuuya to kill Dazai when there wasn’t really any need, because Fyodor could have just escaped after letting Sigma unconscious and let Dazai die from either the poison or just bled out, he knew that if Dazai got to touch Chuuya, Chuuya ‘wouldn’t’ be on Fyodor’s side anymore, which can actually mean that he knew Chuuya wasn’t a vampire, not to mention he looks VERY confident that Dazai would be dead.
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So, what does this bring us to? Fyodor faked his death, but why and what other proves are there for this conclusion? His arm got off too easily and his ‘corpse’ was never shown AT ALL, Fyodor is a very smart man so there is absolutely NO WAY he is dead when 1- his backstory hasn’t been showed, 2-it would be very abrupt to kill Fyodor and lastly, 3- it wouldn’t make sense.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this theory
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artemisvexing · 1 year
I feel like there's a conversation of Chuuya turning himself into a memorial of sorts. His hat is from his brother's dead ex-partner or his brother himself, whom he at least thought was dead at one point, his bike is from a dead friend. And we know Chuuya sees his humanity as linked to his connections, which I think is why he's so loyal and won't cut people off, because how inhuman would he be to willingly turn his back on someone. So, what does that mean for his grief? It can't be healthy to have so many mementos from dead people that he uses daily but does he think that to heal or stop grieving is its own betrayal?
I just think there's something there and I know the hat from Rimbaud/Verlaine (though handed to him by Mori) was part of the mafia tradition of the recruiter giving the recruit an item to symbolize the relationship but that holds weight here too. It was practically foreshadowing.
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thedarkdisgrace · 1 month
Isn’t it interesting the two people closest to Chuuya when he joined the mafia cover opposite eyes?
Edit: I’m gonna post an short kind of analysis on this soon.
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Edit 2: posted the analysis
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cvntkisser · 1 month
Bungo stray dogs fans will really watch a character get cut in half, drowned, shot in the head, blown up and have characters prepare for another character's funeral and be like i wonder how they survived because they couldn't have possibly died.
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chuuya-fan-page · 7 months
hello it’s me again (anon who asked if this is a character analysis account, if the answer’s no then just ignore this ask)
ok so. I am absolutely desperate to read some hot takes on one specific Chuuya topic that I never see anyone posting about.
what are your (‘your’ plural, if there are different opinions among the mods) thoughts on Chuuya and his relationship with his own social class status?
He went from homeless to extremely wealthy in a very short span of time. How does he feel about that? Does he enjoy the luxuries of his new life or does he feel like a class traitor? A bit of both? neither?
I feel like I’ve posted this exact thought word for word on my own blog, so there isn’t much of a point of me being on anon. but whatever I still haven’t found any analyses on this in all the time since then
(Stormbringer spoilers ahead!)
I've always imagined that Chuuya would care about different parts of his new found luxury in different ways.
We see from the opening of Stormbringer that he has a large closet filled with expensive clothes, but there's no awe around it, he's so casual about getting dressed, despite how different his street clothes were from the things he now wears. He chooses a shirt at random and chucks on a pair of emerald cufflinks, like...sir????
We also know from this part that Chuuya doesn't care about money, but I do wonder if he cares about other things, other things that would be more difficult to find on the streets, for example; food, medicine, shelter, basic hygiene products, etc etc.
In general Chuuya's focus in Stormbringer is entirely on finding out about his past, so it's difficult to get a read on his approach to most things as he's laser-focused in on that one target.
I do think he feels a level of shame for ascending so quickly in class, just an extra splash of guilt on top of the betrayal of the Sheep that he was told was his own fault, but less so focusing on his higher class but the fact that he has more than the Sheep ever had, and yet they gave him more than he ever gave them (given that the Sheep never treated Chuuya's protection as something he was giving them but something they were owed).
I find Chuuya's outfits throughout the arcs as a possible exploration into his perspective of his newfound wealth.
Stormbringer Chuuya wears a plain black suit, no discerning features to make it him, he's lost in this world of silk ties and dress shoes, all he's ever known is the streets, and yet he's simultaneously unimpressed by it all. His appearance in Stormbringer also heavily resembles Verlaine, but that's a whole OTHER can of worms.
DHC Chuuya's outfit differs the most from the rest of the one's we see him wear whilst in the mafia; it's quite rough and tough compared to what he had worn just a few months ago, including his hair which is suspiciously short (unlike a certain SOMEONE previously mentioned). I believe DHC Chuuya is trying to regain some of his individuality, he's rejecting the rich clothes of the mafia and leaning back into his many-layered outfit of Fifteen.
Chuuya's outfit in the current canon show that he's embracing the riches he's found in the mafia. He's come to terms with it as a part of his identity, although he still wears the Hat (yet another Worm Can yet to be opened), as well as his many layers we see him donning in Fifteen (Seriously bro was wearing like three shirts, are you not sweating under all that????)
So, to summarise, I do think he feels some guilt at suddenly having so much more than he once had, he is initially uncaring for symbols of wealth but comes to appreciate them (and I think part of his rejection of the appearance of wealth could easily be because of the death of the Flags and Verlaine as well as his own issues with identity).
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chrxnicdaydream · 1 month
hc that Dazai made a point of calling Chuuya small when they met because Dazai was used to being the small one.
like, finally there was someone shorter than him. because let’s be real, Dazai was barely taller than Chuuya in Fifteen.
i think people forget how small Dazai was too— not just in height, but also in weight. He was underweight in Dark Era, but in Fifteen & even at present he's barely within the healthy weight range for his height. he was constantly described as a twig in Fifteen, and almost every time he's introduced in the light novels he's called lanky, slender, etc.
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noose-lion · 1 year
I personally think to truly understand and make strong analysis of Chuuya you have to listen to his theme/character song at least once.
It's literally just a good song all around, but the meaning of the words shines so much light on his personality. Like everytime I re-listen to it I'm just like; damn, this says so much with so little.
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kyoukamybeloved · 7 months
”In other words, the suicidal maniac wants to live. Is that it?”
“I’ve come to think it’s worth trying.”
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"You used Corruption, believing in me? How beautiful."
skk webweaves: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
//strange gods - Roxane Gay// the portrait of a lady - Henry James// art from @/_mwk19_ on Twitter// say yes to heaven - Lana del Rey// the grudge - Olivia Rodrigo// litany in which certain things are crossed out - Richard Siken// art from @/suya1414 on Twitter// Kyoto - Phoebe Bridgers// we’re in love - boygenius// writings prompts for the broken-hearted - Eden Robinson// anyway - Richard Siken// art from @/AB0to on Twitter// things I never give myself permission to say - Chelsea Dingman// art from @/ssmi_0215 on Twitter// the whetting of teeth - Jamaal May// no light, no light - Florence + the machine// cosmic love - Florence + the machine// letters to Felice - Franz Kafka// art from @/rokkyun1 on Twitter// the sorrow festival - Erin Slaughter// norman fucking rockwell - lana del rey// remember my name - mitski// art by @bananana2217// townie - mitski// misheard lyrics - car seat headrest// you couldn’t just leave - Trista Mateer// art from @/T__rate on Twitter// your love finds it’s way back - Sierra DeMulder// a pearl - mitski// humpty - mitski// art by @yuyonyu// abandon me - Melissa Febos// where did you go - Hishaam Siddiqi// I should hate you - Gracie Abrams// art from @/qmthtdy on Twitter// killer - Phoebe Bridgers// a poem for Haruko 10/29 - June Jordan// crush - Richard Siken// pandemonium - Lauren Oliver// art from @/1110yu_ku_si on Twitter// catalog of unabashed gratitude - Ross Gay// steamboat - Adrianne Lenker//
hey remember when I said last part would be the final one? yeah uh about that, turns out I still have some inspiration yippee. hope you liked it :)
@dinosaur-mayonnaise @philzokman @amagami-hime @nnavia @homuncvlus @vinylbiohazard @bunglegaydogs @zamxii @ghostsinacoat @slug-behaviour @vivid-vices @atsuwushi @gorotic @pendragonstar @ricelover888 @oatmilkbasic @thou-shalt-cha-cha-real-smooth @the-gayest-sky-kid @lotus-reblogs @whiteapplesandblackblood @dazaiyuri @evermorehypewoman
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smellypire · 6 months
the reason why i want kenji and chuuya to interact so bad is that they are both so selfless that it hurts them, they both try to understand other people, help them, and think so much about other people in their life rather than themselves.
the way that that chuuya embraces anger as a defense mechanism and how kenji uses optimistic behavior as a defense mechanism so it can it can bottle up his anger is so interesting to me. then they're both so strong at a young age and had to persevere through so much like ugh.. the way that chuuya forgave verlaine after what he did to him and the way kenji chose to help tecchou after what he did to him..
and it's like you see them interact in wan and anthlogy. they get along so well there and i feel like they would in main manga too. they're both so understanding and like the parralels between corruption & kenji's unhinged side of his ability like.
they would be such a power duo.
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originalaccountname · 7 months
in Storm Bringer, Iceman mentions Chuuya punching a guy through (several) ceilings for having asked him about his past. That guy was a wholeseller Chuuya was supposed to be making a deal with for the jewel trade he was in charge of. That incident happened July 18th, and it took the guy 3 months to heal.
Now, we know both halves of skk were 15 in, well, Fifteen, and that at this time in SB, they should both be 16. Chuuya's birthday is in April, and Dazai's, June.
Since there was a time skip of a month at the end of Fifteen, the punching incident can't have been from then, as we need at least that amount of time for Dazai's birthday to have already passed. So this was after the boys' 16th birthdays, July 18th +3 months, placing SB's events at somewhere at least mid-October, even November.
The events of SB take place over like, at most, 2 weeks, between the Flags' deaths and the final fight. Then, there's another one-month skip in the epilogue, +1.5 month, so we're now at minimum in December-January range.
The Dragon's Head Conflict is said to have happened "shortly after the King of Assassins incident". Skk should still be 16 during the conflict, so we have until the end of April to get there. The conflict lasted for 88 days, nearly 3 months, bringing us to a bare minimum of it starting at the tail end of January.
What I'm saying is there was barely 6 months, most likely even less, between SB and the end of the Dragon's Head Conflict. The PM might have mostly avoided taking part in it (canon reason why they managed to take over the underworld in its wake), but they still suffered from it all the same, especially since they had just spent and lost a lot of resources during their fight against Verlaine.
Also Chuuya must have had like 3 months to make those friends before losing them too.
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azapofinspiration · 11 months
Chuuya who doesn’t let himself want things because he has to put everyone and everything else first, who feels like his own wants shouldn’t matter because he has power so he needs to be responsible and prioritize those weaker than him.
Dazai who doesn’t let himself want anything because the moment he gains it he will lose it, who can’t handle opening himself up to that kind of pain and vulnerability because he’s been taught that that is a weakness.
Both Dazai and Chuuya whose experiences tell them that the moment they want, everything begins to go wrong and they’ll lose the things they care about.
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