#citizenship by investment countries
riftrustuae · 4 months
Unlock Global Citizenship: Explore Opportunities with Riftrust's Citizenship by Investment Program
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Discover newfound freedom and opportunities with Riftrust's Citizenship by Investment program. Seamlessly navigate the complexities of international residency and citizenship acquisition through strategic investments tailored to your goals. With Riftrust, embark on a journey towards global citizenship, offering unparalleled access to thriving economies, enhanced travel privileges, and a secure future for you and your loved ones. Explore our range of customizable solutions and unlock the doors to a world of possibilities today.
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piptaninternationa · 10 months
The Top 3 European Countries Offering Citizenship by Investment Programs
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Citizenship by investment (CBI) programs have become an increasingly popular way for countries to attract foreign investment and talent. These programs allow individuals to obtain citizenship in a country by making a significant investment in that country, often in the form of real estate or other approved investment options. In return, individuals are granted access to the benefits and privileges that come with citizenship, such as the right to live, work, and travel freely in the country.   Many countries around the world offer CBI programs, each with its own unique requirements and investment options. These programs can be an attractive option for high-net-worth individuals seeking to gain citizenship in a new country and take advantage of the opportunities that come with it. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the Citizenship by Investment Programs offered by the top 3 countries of Europe.
Citizenship by Investment Program in Austria:  Austria's citizenship by investment program was launched in 2011 and is officially known as the "Austrian Citizenship Act Amendment." The program is designed to attract wealthy individuals who can contribute to the Austrian economy and society. To be eligible for the program, individuals must make a significant investment in Austria, have a clean criminal record, and meet other requirements.  The investmentoptions for the program are as follows:  Investment in a business: An individual can invest a minimum of €3 million in an Austrian business that creates new jobs or maintains existing ones.
Investment in real estate: An individual can invest a minimum of €10 million in real estate in Austria.  Investment in government bonds: An individual can invest a minimum of €3.5 million in Austrian government bonds. Investment in a charitable project: An individual can invest a minimum of €2 million in a charitable project that benefits the Austrian people. Combination of investment options: An individual can combine investment options to reach the required investment amount.
Once an individual has made the required investment, they must then meet additional requirements to obtain citizenship. These include passing a German language test and demonstrating knowledge of Austrian culture and history. Additionally, applicants must have a clean criminal record and be able to prove that their investment funds are legitimate.  Austria's CBI program has several advantages for investors. First, Austria is a member of the European Union, which means that Austrian citizens have the right to live and work in any EU member state. This can be a significant advantage for individuals who are looking to do business or invest in Europe. Second, Austria is known for its stable economy and high standard of living, which can make it an attractive destination for individuals looking to relocate or invest.  However, the program also has some drawbacks. The investment amount required for the program is high, which may make it inaccessible for many individuals. Additionally, the application process for the program can be lengthy and complex, which may deter some potential investors.  In conclusion, Austria's Citizenship-by-investment program offers wealthy individuals the opportunity to obtain Austrian citizenship in exchange for a significant investment in the country. While the program has several advantages, including the ability to live and work in the European Union, it also has some drawbacks, including a high investment amount and a complex application process. As with any investment, individuals should carefully consider the costs and benefits of the program before making a decision.
Benefits of the CBI Program Austria:
Austria does not have a formal citizenship-by-investment program. However, Austria does offer a residency by investment program called the Austrian Investor Program (AIP), which can lead to citizenship over time. Here are some potential benefits of participating in the AIP:
Access to the European Union: Austria is a member of the European Union, which means that obtaining residency in Austria through the AIP can provide visa-free travel to all EU countries. Quality of life: Austria is consistently ranked among the top countries in the world in terms of quality of life, thanks to its strong economy, excellent healthcare, and beautiful natural environment. Education: Austria is home to many renowned universities and educational institutions, including the University of Vienna, the Vienna University of Technology, and the Vienna University of Economics and Business. Residency in Austria can provide opportunities for educational advancement for you and your family. Business opportunities: Austria is a hub for business and trade in Central Europe, with a highly skilled workforce and a favorable business environment. Obtaining residency in Austria through the AIP can provide access to these business opportunities. Citizenship eligibility: Although the AIP is a residency program, after a certain period, you may be eligible to apply for Austrian citizenship. Austrian citizenship can provide access to all the benefits of being an EU citizen, including the right to live and work in any EU country.  It's important to note that the AIP has strict eligibility requirements, and the process can be lengthy and complex. It's always a good idea to consult with a qualified immigration lawyer before pursuing a residency in Austria through the AIP or any other program.
Citizenship by Investment Program in Malta: Malta's citizenship by investment program, also known as the Malta Individual Investor Programme (MIIP), was launched in 2014. The program is designed to attract high-net-worth individuals who can contribute to the Maltese economy and society. To be eligible for the program, individuals must make a significant investment in Malta, have a clean criminal record, and meet other requirements.
The investment options for the program are as follows: Contribution to the National Development and Social Fund: An individual can make a non-refundable contribution to the National Development and Social Fund of Malta. The contribution amount varies depending on the size of the applicant's family, but it starts at €650,000 for a single applicant. Investment in government-approved financial instruments: An individual can invest a minimum of €150,000 in government-approved financial instruments, which must be held for a minimum of five years. Investment in real estate: An individual can invest a minimum of €350,000 in real estate in Malta. The property must be held for a minimum of five years. Investment in a Maltese company: An individual can invest a minimum of €700,000 in a Maltese company. The company must be actively trading in Malta and have a physical presence in the country.  Once an individual has made the required investment, they must then meet additional requirements to obtain citizenship. These include passing a due diligence check and a background check, demonstrating knowledge of Maltese culture and history, and proving that their investment funds are legitimate.  Malta's CBI program has several advantages for investors. First, Malta is a member of the European Union, which means that Maltese citizens have the right to live and work in any EU member state. This can be a significant advantage for individuals who are looking to do business or invest in Europe. Second, Malta has a stable economy and a high standard of living, which can make it an attractive destination for individuals looking to relocate or invest.  However, the program also has some drawbacks. The investment amount required for the program is high, which may make it inaccessible for many individuals. Additionally, the due diligence process for the program is rigorous, which may deter some potential investors.  In conclusion, Malta's citizenship by investment program offers high-net-worth individuals the opportunity to obtain Maltese citizenship in exchange for a significant investment in the country. While the program has several advantages, including the ability to live and work in the European Union, it also has some drawbacks, including a high investment amount and a rigorous due diligence process. As with any investment, individuals should carefully consider the costs and benefits of the program before making a decision.
Benefits of CBI Program Malta: The Maltese Citizenship by Investment Program, also known as the Individual Investor Program (IIP), provides foreign investors with the opportunity to obtain Maltese citizenship by making a significant investment in the country. 
Here are some potential benefits of the program: Access to the European Union: Maltese citizenship provides access to the European Union, which means that citizens can live and work in any EU country without a visa. Travel benefits: Maltese citizens can travel visa-free or with a visa-on-arrival to over 180 countries, making it easier to explore the world. Business opportunities: Malta has a growing economy with a favorable business environment, and obtaining Maltese citizenship can provide access to business opportunities in the country and the wider EU. Education: Malta has a highly regarded education system, with many reputable universities and educational institutions. Citizenship in Malta can provide opportunities for educational advancement for you and your family. 
Quality of life: Malta is known for its beautiful weather, stunning coastline, rich history and culture, and high quality of life.
It's important to note that the Maltese Citizenship by Investment Program has strict eligibility requirements and significant investment requirements, and the process can be lengthy and complex.
It's always a good idea to consult with a qualified immigration lawyer before pursuing Maltese citizenship through this program or any other program.
Citizenship by Investment Program in Montenegro: Citizenship by investment (CBI) programs have become increasingly popular in recent years as more countries seek to attract foreign investment and talent. These programs offer individuals the opportunity to obtain citizenship in a country by investing a certain amount of money in that country. One country that offers a CBI program is Montenegro.
Montenegro's citizenship by investment program, also known as the Montenegro Citizenship by Investment Program (MCBI), was launched in 2019. The program is designed to attract foreign investment to the country and boost its economic growth. To be eligible for the program, individuals must make a significant investment in Montenegro and meet other requirements.
The investment options for the program are as follows: Investment in real estate: An individual can invest a minimum of €250,000 in real estate in Montenegro. The property must be held for a minimum of five years. Investment in a development project: An individual can invest a minimum of €450,000 in a development project in Montenegro. The project must be approved by the government and create a minimum of ten jobs.  Investment in government bonds: An individual can invest a minimum of €350,000 in Montenegro government bonds. The bonds must be held for a minimum of three years.
Once an individual has made the required investment, they must then meet additional requirements to obtain Citizenship by investment. These include passing a due diligence check and a background check, demonstrating knowledge of Montenegrin culture and history, and proving that their investment funds are legitimate.
Montenegro's CBI program has several advantages for investors. First, Montenegro is a candidate country for membership in the European Union, which means that Montenegrin citizens may have the opportunity to become EU citizens in the future. Second, Montenegro has a growing economy and a high potential for growth, which can make it an attractive destination for individuals looking to invest in emerging markets.
However, the program also has some drawbacks. The investment amount required for the program is high, which may make it inaccessible for many individuals. Additionally, the due diligence process for the program is rigorous, which may deter some potential investors.
In conclusion, Montenegro's citizenship by investment program offers individuals the opportunity to obtain Montenegrin citizenship in exchange for a significant investment in the country. While the program has several advantages, including the potential for EU membership and a growing economy, it also has some drawbacks, including a high investment amount and a rigorous due diligence process. As with any investment, individuals should carefully consider the costs and benefits of the program before making a decision.
Benefits of CBI Program Montenegro: The Montenegro Citizenship by Investment Program, also known as the Montenegro Economic Citizenship Program (MECP), provides foreign investors with the opportunity to obtain Montenegrin citizenship by making a significant investment in the country. Here are some potential benefits of the program: Access to the European Union: Montenegro is a candidate country for EU membership, and Montenegrin citizens enjoy visa-free travel to the Schengen area for up to 90 days in any 180-day period. Once Montenegro joins the EU, Montenegrin citizens will have access to all the benefits of being EU citizens, including the right to live and work in any EU country. Travel benefits: Montenegrin citizens can travel visa-free or with a visa-on-arrival to over 120 countries, making it easier to explore the world. Business opportunities: Montenegro has a developing economy with a favorable business environment, and obtaining Montenegrin citizenship can provide access to business opportunities in the country and the wider EU. 
Real estate investment: The Montenegro Citizenship by Investment Program requires a significant investment in real estate in the country, which can provide a valuable asset for the investor. Quality of life: Montenegro is known for its stunning natural beauty, warm Mediterranean climate, and rich cultural heritage, making it a desirable place to live and visit.
It's important to note that the Montenegro Citizenship by Investment Program has strict eligibility requirements and significant investment requirements, and the process can be lengthy and complex. It's always a good idea to consult with a qualified immigration lawyer before pursuing Montenegrin citizenship through this program or any other program.
In conclusion, citizenship by investment programs has become an increasingly popular way for countries to attract foreign investment and talent. These programs offer individuals the opportunity to obtain citizenship in a country by making a significant investment, often in the form of real estate or other approved investment options.  While the benefits of these programs can be significant, including access to the privileges and opportunities that come with citizenship, it is important for individuals to carefully consider the costs and requirements of each program before making a decision. Piptan in  Each country offering a citizenship-by-investment program has its own unique set of requirements and investment options, and individuals should carefully evaluate each option to determine which program best meets their needs and goals. Ultimately, citizenship by investment programs can be an attractive option for high-net-worth individuals seeking to gain citizenship in a new country and take advantage of the opportunities that come with it.
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tvgcitizenship · 1 year
Exploring the World of Dual Citizenship: Countries that Embrace It with TVG Citizenship
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In today's globalized world, the concept of dual citizenship has gained immense popularity. Dual citizenship, also known as dual nationality, refers to the legal status that allows individuals to be recognized as citizens of two countries simultaneously. This unique status opens up a world of opportunities, from travel and business prospects to access to social benefits and cultural experiences.
As the demand for dual citizenship grows, many countries around the world have embraced this concept, recognizing its value for individuals and families seeking greater mobility and flexibility. Among the key players in this field is TVG Citizenship, a trusted partner for those navigating the intricate path to dual citizenship.
Let's take a closer look at some of the countries that embrace dual citizenship, and how TVG Citizenship can assist you in achieving this coveted status:
1. Portugal:
Portugal has gained prominence as an attractive destination for dual citizenship seekers, thanks to its Golden Visa program. This initiative allows individuals to obtain Portuguese residency by investing in real estate or creating jobs in the country, eventually leading to Portuguese citizenship. TVG Citizenship offers expert guidance through every step of this process, from property investment to obtaining residency and citizenship.
2. Malta:
Malta, a picturesque Mediterranean island nation, offers the Individual Investor Program (IIP), which grants citizenship to those who meet specific investment criteria. TVG Citizenship provides comprehensive support for individuals interested in pursuing Maltese citizenship through this program, ensuring a smooth and successful application process.
3. Cyprus:
Cyprus boasts a competitive Citizenship by Investment program that provides a direct pathway to Cypriot citizenship. With TVG Citizenship's expertise, investors can explore this program to acquire dual citizenship while enjoying the many benefits of living in Cyprus.
4. Greece:
Greece's Golden Visa program has gained recognition as a gateway to European citizenship. TVG Citizenship assists investors in meeting the program's real estate investment requirements, paving the way for Greek residency and eventual citizenship.
5. The Caribbean:
Several Caribbean nations, including St. Kitts and Nevis, Dominica, Grenada, and Antigua and Barbuda, offer Citizenship by Investment programs. TVG Citizenship helps clients navigate these programs, providing access to second citizenship in these idyllic tropical paradises.
TVG Citizenship's commitment to transparency, integrity, and efficiency ensures that your dual citizenship journey is smooth and hassle-free. With a team of experienced consultants and a deep understanding of the intricacies of each country's programs, TVG Citizenship is the ideal partner to help you achieve your dual citizenship aspirations.
In a rapidly changing world, dual citizenship provides the flexibility to explore new horizons, seize international opportunities, and secure a brighter future for you and your family. With TVG Citizenship by your side, the world of dual citizenship is within reach, offering boundless possibilities for personal and professional growth.
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roziereglobal · 2 years
Reasons to Consider Vanuatu as a Second Citizenship and Passport Location
The Pacific island nation of Vanuatu is situated in the South Pacific. It is composed of 83 islands and is known for its beautiful beaches, coral reefs, and active volcanoes. However, Vanuatu has also become an attractive destination for those seeking a second citizenship and passport.
Easy and Affordable Citizenship by Investment Program
Vanuatu citizenship by investment program (CIP) is one of the easiest and most affordable programs in the world. Investors can obtain citizenship and a passport within a few months by making a minimum investment of USD 130,000. The program has no language, education, or residency requirements, making it an attractive option for those who do not want to undergo a lengthy and complicated process.
Visa-Free Travel
Vanuatu passport holders enjoy visa-free or visa-on-arrival travel to more than 130 countries, including the United Kingdom, Schengen countries, Hong Kong, and Singapore. This is a significant advantage for those who frequently travel for business or leisure.
Tax Benefits
Vanuatu is a tax-friendly jurisdiction that offers many tax benefits to its citizens. The country does not have any income tax, wealth tax, or inheritance tax, making it an attractive option for those seeking to protect their assets.
Political and Economic Stability
Vanuatu has a stable political and economic climate, making it a haven for investors. The country has a democratic government and a legal system based on English common law. It also has a growing economy, with a focus on agriculture, tourism, and fisheries.
Privacy and Confidentiality
Vanuatu is known for its strong privacy and confidentiality laws, making it an attractive option for those seeking to protect their financial and personal information. The country's banking system is highly secure, with strict regulations and enforcement.
Vanuatu's easy and affordable citizenship by investment program, visa-free travel, tax benefits, political and economic stability, and strong privacy laws make it an attractive destination for second citizens and passport seekers.
Reasons to Consider Vanuatu as a Second Citizenship and Passport Location
The Pacific island nation of Vanuatu is situated in the South Pacific. It is composed of 83 islands and is known for its beautiful beaches, coral reefs, and active volcanoes. However, Vanuatu has also become an attractive destination for those seeking a second citizenship and passport.
Easy and Affordable Citizenship by Investment Program
Vanuatu citizenship by investment program (CIP) is one of the easiest and most affordable programs in the world. Investors can obtain citizenship and a passport within a few months by making a minimum investment of USD 130,000. The program has no language, education, or residency requirements, making it an attractive option for those who do not want to undergo a lengthy and complicated process.
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Visa-Free Travel
Vanuatu passport holders enjoy visa-free or visa-on-arrival travel to more than 130 countries, including the United Kingdom, Schengen countries, Hong Kong, and Singapore. This is a significant advantage for those who frequently travel for business or leisure.
Tax Benefits
Vanuatu is a tax-friendly jurisdiction that offers many tax benefits to its citizens. The country does not have any income tax, wealth tax, or inheritance tax, making it an attractive option for those seeking to protect their assets.
Political and Economic Stability
Vanuatu has a stable political and economic climate, making it a haven for investors. The country has a democratic government and a legal system based on English common law. It also has a growing economy, with a focus on agriculture, tourism, and fisheries.
Privacy and Confidentiality
Vanuatu is known for its strong privacy and confidentiality laws, making it an attractive option for those seeking to protect their financial and personal information. The country's banking system is highly secure, with strict regulations and enforcement.
Vanuatu's easy and affordable citizenship by investment program, visa-free travel, tax benefits, political and economic stability, and strong privacy laws make it an attractive destination for second citizens and passport seekers.
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ajmeralaw · 2 years
Citizenship by investment is offered by several nations, like Canada, US, UK, Portugal, and Australia. All these countries provide various benefits in return for a minimum investment amount. Citizenship by investment program help nations in growing their economies and promote business innovations. However, each country has its own regulations and qualifying standards for these programs.
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discovertop10places · 2 years
10 Cheapest Countries to Buy Citizenship by Investment
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gorinichserpant · 5 months
I appreciate all the post-canon romantic fanfic of dungeon meshi, but what I really want to see is all the politics and administrative bullshit the revived Kingdom has to deal with. There is so much potential there.
Falin probably spends some time a wandering exorcist and healer, becouse she doesn't have many responsibilites and those are her skills. She's slightly a dragon, sister of the new and already legendary king, and probably doesn't take any money for the serves becouse she doesn't need it. Unless the right precautions are taken, she's going to be considerd a saint, demigod or some other religiously segnificant figure. Cults venerating Falin will be a problem for Marcille specifically for the rest of her life.
Since we know that Laios gets really invested into agriculture, and since he knows that's bad for PR if he discusses his monster hyperfixation, he's going to come off (perhaps not entirely inaccuratly) as a country bumpkin to visiting royalty when he starts info-dumping about crop cycles. Much to the frustration of Kabru, but he's a smart cookie he can work this to the Kingdom's advantage which would be an intresting thing to watch.
We know Leed will probably attempt to become Laios's consort, despite not wanting it. There is so much possibility for comedy and drama there. By what methods does Leed attempt to seduce Laios? Does Laios romantically like her? Does she grow to like him? Does Leed work with or against Kabru to secure her people's citizenship? Laios isn't going to throw the orcs to the wolves, but there are any number of ways they can gain a secured position in the Golden Kingdom.
As far as I can tell there are three main demographics of people that the new Golden Kingdom will have. The people who have been living on the surface on the island, the people stuck in the dungeon and the minority group of orcs. How do you keep all of these people from being at odds with each other? Kabru will have the most fun and stress in the world trying to figure that one out.
Marcille trying to figure out if Laios's curse will hold after he's death, becouse if it does not then the anti-monster field around him will vanish with him requiring the Kingdom to setup a military.
Speaking of which, how the fuck are they going to prevent a succession crisis?
This is just the surface, there is so many other things that would happen.
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matan4il · 3 months
Out of curiosity, what does the UN actually gain from keeping the terrorists in power? Obviously antisemitism but way do they materially gain?
Anon, don't be so quick to dismiss antisemitism. It's a really powerful motivator, for some people even more than money, because it is often to connected to a person's views of themselves, their society and the world. As such, antisemitism can be linked to issues of self-worth or hope for the future. And the place where someone's self-worth depends on demonizing Jews, or their future hopes depends on the notion that their society will be so much better, if only a Jewish collective (whether the Jewish religion, race or state) will be dismantled, they are emotionally invested in ways that can be far more crucial to them than money.
So I personally do think that antisemitism played a big role in how the UN has acted regarding Israel for decades.
For example, the UN sets up a special agency to help Koreans in Dec 1950 (UNKRA). By Jul 1958, less than 8 years later and 5 years after a ceasefire was achieved between the two Koreas, the agency was seen as having served its purpose, and was dismantled. Since then, if there are ever Korean refugees still in need of help, it goes through the general UNHCR (established 1951. It replaced the UN's temporary agency IRO, established Dec 1946, which itself took over from UNRRA, established Nov 1943), the UN refugee agency that takes care of ALL refugees in the world... except the Palestinian ones. Their agency (UNPRP) was established by UN resolution 212 in Nov 1948, and later became UNRWA in Dec 1949.
Now, take a second to consider how there was NEVER any UN agency dedicated specifically to help about 1.5 million Jewish Holocaust survivors at the end of WWII, which is May 1945 (with many of them still being murdered after the end of the war, in places like Poland in Jul 1946 or Libya in the Nov 1945 and Jun 1948 pogroms). No special agency for them, no intervention to protect people who had literally been through and somehow survived the worst genocide in human history, and were still being targeted and killed after it was done, even though the UN had a talent for establishing plenty of refugee agencies just fine during those years. But there was a special agency set up for the Arabs in the Land of Israel, even though they were the aggressors in the 1947-1949 Independence War, and it still operates to this day, unlike UNKRA, which was set up later than UNRWA. Why? What reason is there for treating Holocaust victims worse than the Arabs who declared a war of extermination against Jews in Israel? Or for treating Palestinians better than any other group of refugees in the world, even though other groups often need the help much more?
I can only see one thing in common when it comes to all of these illogical, counterintuitive decisions, and that is antisemitism. Dislike the Jews? Deprive them of getting their own agency, even while others get one. Hate the Jews? Dedicate special resources to the refugees who can be used as a political pawn against the Jewish state, while still counting them as refugees even after being resettled with citizenship elsewhere, unlike every other refugees group.
And never forget, the UN's voting "democracy" (where antisemitic abuse is not penalized in votes) IS inherently vulnerable to the tyranny of the majority. There is only one Jewish state at the UN. There is a block of over 20 Arab countries, another of over 50 Muslim ones, and when they're told a lie such as the one invented by Amin al-Husseini in 1929, that the Jews are attacking the al-Aqsa mosque, then it's easy to recruit all of them against Israel without even much effort. Then add countries which have vested interests in keeping the Arab and Muslim countries on their side, or who have issues with the pro-west, pro-democracy countries (and Israel is not only one of them, it is closely allied with the US, which is the leader of that stance) and basically the one Jewish state has close to no chance.
But over the years, in addition to being invested in keeping the issue of the Palestinian refugees going as a tool against Israel, to present the Jewish state as uniquely oppressive, the UN has also become invested in the jobs that the conflict produces for its members. UNRWA alone employees over 30,000 people and is, by the UN's own admission, one of its biggest employers.
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On top of that, the UN also has other workers who deal specifically with the conflict (and therefore are employed thanks to it), such as OCHA oPt. OCHA (Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) is the "humanitarian arm" of the UN and oPt is its branch that takes care specifically of the Palestinians. WHY is there even a need for this, if the Palestinians already have (UNIQUELY!) an entire UN agency dedicate just to them? And then on top of that (yes! A redundancy on top of a redundancy!) they also have a Palestinian branch for the OHCHR (Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights).
Having so many employees dedicated to this specific conflict does make the UN financially invested in keeping it from being resolved. Also, it's probably easier to get donations for the UN when talking about this falsely over-hyped conflict (here's a recent example, a report shows there's no famine in Gaza, the UN has known this and kept it quiet), especially when the hype is fed by so many antisemites happy to spread libels about the Jewish state. Some of the antisemites are likely very rich and happy to donate to any organization targeting Israel (I can even name some very wealthy governments happy to continuously donate to the UN and UNRWA, when they're also known for their antisemism, like financially sponsoring known antisemitic professors at US universities).
I do think the antisemitism is what enabled the creation of the financial aspect to the UN's anti-Israel bias, and interest in preserving the conflict, but now I'll mention one more factor. It's also one that IMO was preceded by the antisemitism and financial interest, but now it adds its own fuel to the fire. Since 2007, when Hamas violently took over Gaza, in order to keep its programs running there, the UN has been collaborating with Hamas. Because that's what happens in an actual dictatorship, which has absolute power over its people, and doesn't allow for any civilian liberties. If you wanna run a UN agency in North Korea, you will HAVE to collaborate with Kim Jong Un's dictatorial regime. And if you want to run a UN agency in Gaza post Jun 2007, you will HAVE to collaborate with Hamas. So that's exactly what the UN has been doing in Gaza. In doing so, it has been collaborating with a genocidal, antisemitic, radical Islamist, terrorist organization. And as has allowed Israel to enter Gaza and gather evidence, we have more and more proof that the UN is complicit in Hamas' crimes. That is NOT something the UN wants the world to realize. So it's trying its best to stop Israel from fighting in Gaza, to prevent the gathering of further evidence, at the same time that the UN is doing its best to screw over Israel's credibility. If the UN can vilify the best witness against it, who will believe the evidence about its complicity anyway?
I hope that helps answer the question!
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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djuvlipen · 2 months
I know there are many, many things happening in the world right now and there is only so much time, energy and money people can invest in social justice but with the advance of fascism in Europe - 84 fascists from 12 different countries were elected to the European Parliament this year - and with the news of a 15yo Romani teenager dying during a police confrontation in England last week, I have compiled a list of different human rights organizations dedicated to helping Romani people in Europe.
Please donate if you can!
🇪🇺 Roma Education Fund
The Roma Education Fund (REF) is an international foundation established in 2005 and dedicated to closing the gap in educational outcomes between Roma and non-Roma. With an active and growing network of representative offices across Central, Eastern, South Eastern Europe and Turkey, REF provides grants and scholarships to entities and individuals who share its belief in quality, inclusive education and desegregated schools and classrooms. The Roma Education Fund is active in countries such as: Hungary, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Switzerland, Albania, Croatia, North Macedonia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Russia.
🇪🇺 European Roma Grassroots Organization (ERGO)
ERGO Network mobilizes and connects grassroots, national and international organisations and individuals who share a set of core values to create the courage, capacity and  opportunities to combat antigypsyism and Roma poverty; strengthen Roma civil society participation in decision-making at grassroots, national and European level and commit governments and European institutions to effective social inclusion and anti-discrimination policies, standards and funds for Roma.
🇪🇺 European Roma Rights Center (ERRC)
The ERRC is the largest transnational Romani rights organization in Europe. They provide judicial and financial help to Romani people facing poverty, police brutality and racist violence all across Europe
🇷🇴 Resource Center for Roma Communities Foundation (RCRC)
The operational activity of RCRC includes training programs, consultancy and comprehensive community development in Roma communities. The grantmaking activity of RCRC has involved managing grants and scholarship programs, including the administration of the European Union’s and EAA grants programs focused on health, vocational training, small infrastructure and income generating activities.
🇨🇿 Cesta Von
Cesta von (This Way Out) organization is based in Slovakia. Their Omama program works with the very youngest Romani children in particular. Their aim is a big and important one – extricating the inhabitants of the segregated settlements from the vicious circle of intergenerational poverty. The program targets the development of the intellect, motor skills and social skills in an attempt to increase the chances of children from socially excluded localities at living better adult lives. One of the main conditions for choosing the Omamas is that they must be Romani women who know the excluded locality well (source).
🇪🇸 La Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG)
The FSG develops all kinds of actions that contribute to achieving the full citizenship of Roma persons, improving their living conditions, promoting equal treatment and preventing all forms of discrimination, as well as promoting the recognition of the cultural identity of the Roma community.
🇪🇸 La Asociación Nacional Presencia Gitana
Presencia Gitana is dedicated to confronting and correcting negative opinions about Spanish Romani people. They promote all kinds of initiatives and projects to ensure that Spanish Romani people's basic needs and fundamental rights are met and guaranteed, work to promoting Romani culture and advocate for the providing of historical reparation for Spanish Romani people.
The ANGVC (association nationale gens du voyage citoyens) is a French Romani-led organization whose goal is to fight anti-Romani racism and to improve the living conditions of French Romani people and travellers. They provide judicial help to Romani people victims of environmental racism and police brutality, organize workshops to raise awareness about anti-Romani racism and are now leading a project dedicated to educate people about the Romani genocide, which still hasn't been recognized by France.
🇬🇧 Roma Support Group
The Roma Support Group offers free advice for Roma communities on financial inclusion, debt, welfare benefits and housing. They promote Romani arts and culture, fight for the improvement of mental health within the Romani community and helps Romani people victims of racism.
🇬🇧 Romano Lav
Romano Lav is a grassroots Roma community organisation based in Govanhill, Glasgow. They organize youth-led events including artistic and cultural performances, workshops, exhibitions and educational events.
🇬🇧 Luton Roma Trust
The Luton Roma Trust provides advice to British Romani people about housing, employment and education, helps them find jobs and accessing healthcare.
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batboyblog · 3 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #23
June 14-21 2024.
On the 12th anniversary of President Obama's DACA program President Biden announced a new pathway to legal status and eventual citizenship for Dreamers. DACA was an executive action by President Obama which deferred any deportation of persons brought to the US as children without legal status. While DACA allowed Dreamers to work legally in the US for the first time, it didn't give them permanent legal status. Now the Biden administration is streamlining the process for employers to apply for work Visas for Dreamers. With Visas Dreamers will for the first time have legal status, the ability to leave and reenter the US legally, and a pathway to a Green Card and eventual citizenship.
President Biden also announced protections for the undocumented spouses and children of US citizens. The new rule allows the spouse, or step-child of a US citizen to apply for lawful permanent residency without having to leaving the country. It's estimated this will help 500,000 undocumented people married to Americans, and 50,000 children under the age of 21 whose parent is married to an American citizen. Current law forces spouses to leave the United States if they're here illegally and wait and unclear period of probation before being allowed to return, but being allowed back is not assured.
The IRS announced that it'll close a tax loophole used by the ultra rich and corporations and believes it'll raise $50 billion in revenue. Known as a "pass-through" has allowed the rich to move money around to avoid taxes in a move the Treasury is calling a shell-game. Pass-throughs have grown by 70% between 2010 and 2019 and the IRS believes it helped the rich avoid paying $160 billion dollars in taxes during that time. The IRS estimates its crack down on these will raise $50 billion in tax revenue over the next 10 years.
The EPA and Department of Energy announced $850 million to monitor, measure, quantify and reduce methane emissions from the oil and gas sector. Methane is the second most common greenhouse gas, responsible for 1/3rd of the global warming. The funding will focus on helping small operators significantly reduce emissions, as well as help more quickly detect and cap methane leaks from low-producing wells. All this comes after the EPA finalized rules to reduce methane emissions by 80% from oil and gas.
The Biden Administration took steps to protect the nations Old Growth Forests. The move will greatly restrict any logging against the 41 million acres of protected land owned by the federal government. The Administration also touted the 20% of America's forests that are in urban settings as parks and the $1.4 billion invested in their protection through the President’s Investing in America agenda.
The Biden Administration released new rules tying government support for clean energy to good paying jobs. If companies want to qualify for massive tax credits they'll have to offer higher wages and better conditions. This move will push union level wages across the green energy sector.
The Department of Education announced large reductions in student loan payments, and even a pause for some, starting in July. For millions of Americans enrolled in the Biden Administration's SAVE plan, starting in July, monthly payments on loans borrowed for undergraduate will be reduced from 10% to 5% of discretionary income. As the department hasn't been able to fully calculate the change for all borrowers at this point it will pause payment for those it hasn't finalized the formula for and they won't have to make a payment till DoE figures it out. The SAVE plan allows many borrowers to make payments as low as $0 a month toward having their loans forgiven. So far the Biden Administration has forgiven $5.5 billion wiping out the debt of 414,000 people enrolled in SAVE.
The Biden Administration celebrated the 1 Millionth pension protected under the American Rescue Plan. Senator Bob Casey joined Biden Administration officials and Union official to announce that thanks to the Butch Lewis Act passed in 2021 the government would be stepping in to secure the pensions of 103,000 Bakery and Confectionery Union workers which were facing a devastating 45% cut. This brings to 1 million the number of workers and retirees whose pensions have been secured by the Biden Administration, which has supported 83 different pension funds protecting them from an average of 37% cut.
The Department of Energy announced $900 million for the next generation of nuclear power. This investment in Gen III+ Small Modular Reactor will help bring about smaller and more flexible nuclear reactors with smaller footprints. Congress also passed a bill meant to streamline nuclear power and help push on to the 4th generation of reactors
Vice President Harris announced a $1.5 billion dollar aid package to Ukraine. $500 million will go toward repairing Ukraine's devastated energy sector which has been disrupted by Russian bombing. $324 million will go toward emergency energy infrastructure repair. $379 million in humanitarian assistance from the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development to help refugees and other people impacted by the war.
America pledged $315 million in new aid for Sudan. Sudan's on-going civil war has lead to nearly apocalyptic conditions in the country. Director of USAID, Samantha Power, warned that Sudan could quickly become the largest famine the world has seen since Ethiopia in the early 1980s when a million people died over 2 years. The US aid includes food and water aid as well as malnutrition screening and treatment for young children.
Bonus: Maryland Governor Wes Moore pardoned more than 175,000 people for marijuana convictions. This mirrors President Biden's pardoning of people convicted of federal marijuana charges in 2022 and December 2023. President Biden is not able to pardon people for state level crimes so called on Governors to copy his action and pardon people in their own state. Wes Moore, a Democrat, was elected in 2022 replacing Republican Larry Hogan.
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riftrustuae · 4 months
Navigating the EB-5 Visa Journey with Riftrust: Your Key to US Residency
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Explore the streamlined process of obtaining a US EB-5 visa with Riftrust, your trusted partner in immigration solutions. With Riftrust, discover expert guidance, personalized support, and a proven track record in facilitating successful EB-5 visa applications. Start your journey towards US residency with confidence and ease, backed by Riftrust's comprehensive expertise and unwavering commitment to your immigration goals.
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piptaninternationa · 10 months
The Top 3 First World Countries Offering Residency by Investment Programs
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In recent years, an increasing number of people have been exploring options for obtaining residency in foreign countries through investment. This has led to the rise of Residence by investment programs, also known as investor visas or golden visas. These programs allow individuals to gain residency in a foreign country by making a significant investment in the country's economy.
The investment requirements and benefits vary by country, but the general idea is that the country grants residency or citizenship in exchange for the investment. In this article, we will delve deeper into what a residence-by-investment program is, how it works, and the benefits it can offer. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the Residence by Investment Programs offered by the top 3 first-world countries of the world.
United States of America 
Residence by Investment Program in the United States: 
The United States has one of the most popular and sought-after Residence by Investment Programs, known as the EB-5 Program. This program was created in 1990 by the US Congress to stimulate the economy through job creation and capital investment by foreign investors. The EB-5 Program grants permanent residency to foreign investors who invest a minimum of $1 million in a new commercial enterprise or $500,000 in a targeted employment area (TEA) in the US. A TEA is an area with high unemployment or a rural area. To qualify for the EB-5 Program, the investor must create at least 10 full-time jobs for US citizens or permanent residents within two years of the investment. Investors must also demonstrate that their investment funds come from a legal source. Once the investor’s application is approved, they and their family members can live and work in the US and enjoy the same benefits as US citizens, such as access to education, healthcare, and social security.
Benefits of the EB-5 Program:The EB-5 Program offers several benefits to foreign investors who are looking to invest in the US and obtain permanent residency. Here are some of the main benefits:
Permanent Residency: The EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program allows investors and their family members to obtain permanent residency in the USA, which provides them with the right to live, work, and study in the country indefinitely. Permanent residents also have access to the USA's social services, healthcare system, and education system.
No Language or Education Requirements: The EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program does not have language or education requirements, which makes it easier for investors and their family members to qualify for the program.
No Sponsorship Required: Unlike other immigration programs, the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program does not require sponsorship from an employer or family member. This means that investors have the freedom to establish their own businesses in the USA and create jobs for Americans.
Flexibility: The EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program allows investors to live and work anywhere in the USA, as long as they meet certain residency requirements. This gives investors the flexibility to choose where they want to live and work in the USA.
 Access to Top-Quality Education: The USA is home to some of the world's top universities, including Harvard University, Stanford University, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Investors and their family members can take advantage of these institutions and gain access to high-quality education opportunities.
Access to the USA's Citizenship Program: After meeting certain residency requirements, investors who participate in the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program can apply for USA citizenship, which provides them with the same rights as USA citizens, including the right to vote and run for public office.
Investment Opportunities: The EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program allows investors to invest in a range of projects in the USA, including real estate development, manufacturing, and infrastructure projects. This provides investors with the opportunity to diversify their portfolio and gain exposure to the USA's robust economy.
United Kingdom
Residence by Investment Program in the United Kingdom
The United Kingdom offers a Residence by Investment Program known as the Tier 1 (Investor) visa. This program grants residency to foreign investors who invest a minimum of £2 million in the UK economy. The investment must be made in the form of shares or bonds in UK-registered companies, or in UK government bonds. The investor must maintain the investment for five years to be eligible for permanent residency.
To qualify for the Tier 1 (Investor) visa, the investor must have access to at least £2 million in investment funds held in a regulated financial institution. The investor must also demonstrate that their funds come from a legal source. Once the investor’s application is approved, they and their family members can live, work, and study in the UK and enjoy the same benefits as UK citizens. 
Benefits of the Tier 1 (Investor) visa: The Tier 1 (Investor) visa offers several benefits to foreign investors who are looking to invest in the UK and obtain permanent residency. Here are some of the main benefits:
No age or language requirements: The Tier 1 (Investor) visa does not have any age or language requirements, which makes it easier for investors to qualify for the program.
Fast-track to permanent residency: Investors who participate in the program can fast-track their application for permanent residency after two, three, or five years depending on the amount of investment they make. Access to top-quality education: The UK is home to some of the best universities in the world, and the Tier 1 (Investor) visa allows investors to take advantage of these institutions and gain access to top-quality education opportunities for themselves and their family members. Access to world-class healthcare: Investors and their family members can access the UK's world-class healthcare system, which provides high-quality medical care to all residents. Business opportunities: The UK is a major financial center and has a thriving business community. Investors who participate in the Tier 1 (Investor) visa program gain access to a range of business opportunities and can take advantage of the country's strong economy. Low residency requirements: The Tier 1 (Investor) visa requires investors to spend only 180 days per year in the UK to maintain their residency status. This provides investors with flexibility and allows them to maintain their business interests in other parts of the world. No work restrictions: Investors who participate in the program are not required to work in the UK, which allows them to focus on their business interests and investments. Access to citizenship: Investors who participate in the Tier 1 (Investor) visa program can apply for UK citizenship after meeting certain residency requirements, which provides them with the same rights as UK citizens, including the right to vote and run for public office.
Residence by Investment Program in Canada
The Residence by Investment Program in Canada is known as the Quebec Immigrant Investor Program (QIIP). This program is designed to attract high-net-worth individuals who can contribute to the economic development of the province of Quebec. To qualify for the program, the investor must have a net worth of at least CAD 2 million, have at least two years of management experience in the past five years, and invest CAD 1.2 million in a government-approved investment fund for a period of five years.
The investment must be made through a financial intermediary authorized by the government of Quebec. The investor must also demonstrate that their funds come from a legal source. Once the investor’s application is approved, they and their family members can live, work, and study in Quebec and enjoy the same benefits as Canadian citizens.
Benefits of the Quebec Immigrant Investor Program
Access to a Stable and Prosperous Economy: Quebec is one of the most prosperous provinces in Canada, with a diverse economy that includes industries such as aerospace, biotechnology, and finance. By investing in Quebec through the QIIP, investors gain access to a stable and growing economy with a high standard of living. Permanent Residency: The QIIP allows investors and their family members to obtain permanent residency in Canada, which provides them with the right to live, work, and study in Quebec indefinitely. Permanent residents also have access to Canada's social services, healthcare system, and education system. No Age or Language Requirements: Unlike other immigration programs, the QIIP does not have age or language requirements. This makes it easier for investors and their family members to qualify for the program. Low Investment Requirements: The QIIP has a relatively low investment requirement of CAD $1.2 million, which is lower than many other investor immigration programs around the world. This makes the program an attractive option for investors who are looking to establish a business presence in Canada without making a significant financial commitment.
Business Opportunities: Investors who participate in the QIIP gain access to a range of business opportunities in Quebec. The province has a thriving business community, and investors can take advantage of opportunities in industries such as technology, manufacturing, and finance. Education Opportunities: Quebec is home to several prestigious universities, including McGill University and the Université de Montréal. Investors and their family members can take advantage of these institutions and gain access to high-quality education opportunities. Access to Canada's Citizenship Program: After meeting certain residency requirements, investors who participate in the QIIP can apply for Canadian citizenship, which provides them with the same rights as Canadian citizens, including the right to vote and run for public office.
In conclusion, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada are the top three countries that offer Residence by investment programThese programs provide an attractive option for high-net-worth individuals who are looking to establish a business presence in these countries and take advantage of the many opportunities that they have to offer. However, it is important to note that each program has its own eligibility criteria and requirements, and individuals should carefully consider their options and seek professional advice before making any investment decisions.
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mariacallous · 7 months
Six months into the Russian occupation of the Ukrainian city of Kherson, in September 2022, the director of Liza Batsura’s college arrived at the dormitory where Batsura lived and told the students to pack up their things: They were going to Crimea. If the students refused, they would be put in the basement, Batsura said, speaking through a translator. The director gave no further explanation.
The next evening, they were taken to a camp called “Friendship” in Crimea, which was occupied by Russia in 2014. Although she couldn’t have known it at the time, Batsura—now 16 years old—was one of almost 20,000 children the Ukrainian government estimates have been deported or forcibly displaced to Russia. Only 388 have been returned.
Initially, the prospect of a couple of weeks by the sea didn’t sound so bad. But Batsura quickly began to realize that that wouldn’t be the case. The food was terrible, the days were long, and the children were pressured to sing Russian songs, including the national anthem, which made her very uncomfortable.
Foreign Policy is unable to independently verify Batsura’s account, but her experience closely tracks with the findings of investigations by the United Nations as well as researchers at Yale School of Public Health and other human rights groups who have documented a “systematic” effort to relocate and reeducate thousands of Ukrainian children over the course of the war. She also recounted her story to Reuters as part of an extensive investigation into the deportations.
Batsura was one of five Ukrainian teenagers who visited Washington last month with representatives of Save Ukraine, a Ukraine-based nonprofit that helps to rescue Ukrainian children from Russia and the territories it occupies. They stoically recounted the stories of their abductions again and again for journalists, members of Congress, and attendees at public events.
It was the group’s first visit to Washington. Batsura felt like she was in a movie, she said.
With long limbs and round cheeks, the teenagers filed into the conference room of a Washington-based nonprofit with their minders from Save Ukraine for an interview with Foreign Policy. Once the Wi-Fi password had been secured and the bathroom located, they began to tell their stories.
They were teenagers like any other you’d see hanging out with friends at a cafe or shopping mall. Yet they were also victims of Moscow’s large-scale deportation of Ukrainian children—a potential war crime and the reason that the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued arrest warrants for Russian President Vladimir Putin and the country’s children’s rights commissioner, Maria Lvova-Belova, in March 2023.
Like Batsura, they all hail from regions of eastern Ukraine that were quickly occupied by Russian forces in the early days of the war. They recount being coerced or forced, sometimes at gunpoint, to go with Russian forces, and they were taken to schools and summer camps where they were held for several months and faced pressure to accept Russian citizenship.
In many instances, Ukraine’s most vulnerable children have borne the brunt of Russian deportation. Before the war, Ukraine had one of the highest rates of child institutionalization in Europe, with more than 100,000 children living in residential institutions. The vast majority have living parents but were placed in institutions because of poverty, difficult family circumstances, or because the child had a disability, according to Human Rights Watch.
The deportations have been carried out in plain sight. Early in the war, Putin signed a decree making it easier for Ukrainian children to be adopted and to be given Russian citizenship. Lvova-Belova herself claims to have adopted a teenager from the besieged Ukrainian city of Mariupol, and she has spoken publicly about her efforts to Russify him. In November, a BBC investigation found that a 2-year old girl who went missing from a children’s home in Kherson when she was just 10 months old had been adopted by 70-year-old member of the Russian parliament, Sergey Mironov.
Lvova-Belova has made a number of visits to institutions holding Ukrainian children, including to a college in the occupied Ukrainian city of Henichesk, where Batsura had been transferred from Crimea and placed in a culinary arts program.
The dormitory where Batsura was placed was freezing cold at night, she said, and the teenagers were forbidden to close the doors to their rooms. Russian troops patrolled the halls.
Lvova-Belova offered the children 100,000 rubles, roughly $1,000, and the opportunity to study at a college in Russia on the condition that they remain there. Batsura refused. Officials tried to find her a foster family, and she feared she would be sent to a remote region of Russia and would never be able to return to Ukraine.
For eight months while she was in Russian custody, Batsura had been unable to contact her mother, but she learned through a friend that her mother was working with Save Ukraine and applying for a passport so that she could travel to Russia and collect her.
With the border to Russia closed since the invasion, families face a daunting overland journey through wartime Ukraine, traveling into Poland, Belarus, and then Russia and—in Batsura’s case—down into occupied Ukrainian territory.
In some instances, children are turned over to their relatives without too much difficulty once the family members arrive to collect them, but the Russian authorities have also been known to present obstacles, said Olha Yerokhina, a spokesperson for Save Ukraine. The organization has helped families retrieve 240 children to date.
Officials at the school told Batsura that the journey was too arduous and that her friend was giving her false hope that her mother would ever arrive. “I didn’t believe them, and I kept telling myself that ‘No, my mom can do it, my mom will come,’” she said.
In May 2023, Batsura was rescued by her mother and now lives with her in Kyiv, where she is working with psychologists to process her experience. She is back in school and describes her hobbies as writing poems and making TikTok videos.
I asked her, given the atrocities that Putin has been accused of committing in Ukraine and during his presidency, how she felt about the fact that it was experiences like hers that had led the ICC to issue an arrest warrant for the Russian leader.
Yerokhina, who acted as our translator, interrupted to say that because she was rescued after the court order was issued, Batsura had likely missed the news about the ICC arrest warrant.
After Yerokhina explained the court’s decision, Batsura said, “It’s just.”
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“It’s possible,” writes Jessica Winter in the New Yorker, “that if JD Vance had his way, citizenship in the United States would be conferred not solely by birthright but by marriage and children.” This is no exaggeration. In a now viral 2021 clip, JD Vance said: “Let’s give votes to all children in this country, but let’s give control over those votes to the parents of those children. When you go to the polls in this country as a parent, you should have more power – you should have more of an ability to speak your voice in our democratic republic – than people who don’t have kids. Let’s face the consequences and the reality: If you don’t have as much of an investment in the future of this country, maybe you shouldn’t get nearly the same voice.”
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pixelpaladin · 2 years
Deep dive to Spam bots on Tumblr (Spoiler: FSB mentioned)
(TL;DR: Russian business man is heavily investing into companies behind the bots, mentions of FSB, Shell companies in tax-evasion and weak business law countries, Huge industry and money laundering) 
I got annoyed about the bots on tumblr, so I decided to do some investigation into who is behind them and funding the operation, here is my findings:
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The graph shows how a network of “affiliate marketing” companies for “dating” services is connected and some of the key players behind said companies
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The first “company” I ran into is called “Digital international Inc” and it is shown as the “legal entity” behind of many of the websites the bots tend to link to, it also has its address listed in the Marshall Islands.
By looking at trademarks owned/filed by that company, we find 2 more companies/trademarks that are/were owned by the same legal entity.
First of these is called “Mirelia Services Co.”, currently known as “Mirelia Networks”, which lists its main business as “advertising and marketing” and is registered at the same address as “Digital International”.
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Where things get interesting is when we look at one of the trademarks that was passed between “Mirelia” and “Digital international”, a trademark for an LGBTQ+ dating app called “Hitwe”,
The trademark application for “Hitwe” is listed as “Rescinded/canceled” but from the original registration documents and later ownership transfer filings, we come across an interesting company
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“Matar Trade & Invest Ltd.” This company has other similar “dating” and “marketing” companies linked to it, and is owned by “Vladimir Mnogoletniy”, a Citizen of Russia, who has lived in Ukraine for over 10 years and his runs his businesses there, but interestingly does not seem to have officially moved there, and maintains his Russian Citizenship as his only one.
He is also the CEO or a major of many other companies, the main one being “Genesis”, the company behind a controversial fitness app “BetterMe”, which has been shown to aggressively sell user data to less-than-reputable ad companies and affiliates, as well as being used to redirect money from scam dating sites and lessen the impact of credit card chargebacks from those sites [See footnote 1]
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What makes him a particularly interesting individual is that his father, who is a Captain of the Second Rank in the Russian Navy, is doing security work for “Sevmash” - A Russian shipbuilding company, the only one that is making nuclear submarines in Russia. He also co-authored a research paper that talks about “Military Counterintelligence activities”, The other author of said paper is an FSB officer.[See footnote 2]
Sources and footnotes:
Footnote 1: “BetterMe steals traffic”  - Article by SH[IT]HAPPENS on Medium Footnote 2: “Why don’t I no longer shake hands with Vladimir Mnogoletniy.“ - Article by SH[IT]HAPPENS on Medium
Tangent: one of the other companies that I came across that seems to be working with Mirelia is “Traffichunt”, which seems to be one of the companies selling bot spam advertisements as well.
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Another interesting thing is that the lawyer who filed for most of the trademarks, has quite a repertoire of similar trademarks under his belt:
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Most of these seem to have been rejected because the address he listed in the applications does not exist
If you read all the way to here, thank you and I hope that bot’s never bother you again.
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ngdrb · 2 months
Kamala Harris' Rise to Prominence and
Political Vision
Background and Achievements
Kamala Harris is the current Vice President of the United States, making history as the first woman, first Black American, and first South Asian American to hold the position. Her rise to prominence is marked by a series of notable achievements throughout her career in public service.
Harris was born in Oakland, California, to immigrant parents from India and Jamaica. After earning her law degree from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law, she began her career as a prosecutor in the Alameda County District Attorney's Office. She later served as the District Attorney of San Francisco from 2004 to 2011, and as the Attorney General of California from 2011 to 2017.
In 2016, Harris was elected to the United States Senate, becoming the second African American woman and the first South Asian American to serve in the Senate. During her tenure, she gained recognition for her work on issues such as healthcare reform, immigration reform, and criminal justice reform.
Political Vision and Proposed Policies
Kamala Harris' political vision revolves around promoting equality, justice, and opportunity for all Americans. Her proposed policies aim to address various critical issues facing the nation, including:
Women's Rights: Harris has been a vocal advocate for protecting and advancing women's rights, including reproductive rights and equal pay for equal work. She has pledged to fight against any efforts to roll back progress made in these areas.
Healthcare Reform: Harris has supported efforts to expand access to affordable healthcare, including protecting and strengthening the Affordable Care Act (ACA). She has also proposed measures to lower prescription drug costs and improve mental health services.
Climate Change: Harris recognizes the urgent need to address climate change and has proposed a comprehensive plan to transition the United States to a clean energy economy, including investing in renewable energy sources and promoting sustainable practices.
Immigration Reform: Harris supports comprehensive immigration reform that provides a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and addresses the root causes of migration, such as violence, poverty, and corruption in countries of origin.
Criminal Justice Reform: As a former prosecutor, Harris has advocated for reforms to the criminal justice system, including addressing racial disparities, reducing mass incarceration, and promoting rehabilitation and re-entry programs for formerly incarcerated individuals.
Potential Impact and Challenges
Kamala Harris' political vision and proposed policies have the potential to shape a more equitable and inclusive future for the United States. However, she may face significant challenges in implementing her agenda, particularly in a divided political landscape.
One of the key challenges Harris may face is navigating the complex relationship between the executive and legislative branches of government. Enacting significant policy changes often requires cooperation and compromise across party lines, which can be difficult to achieve in a polarized political environment.
Additionally, Harris' progressive policies may face opposition from more conservative factions who prioritize traditional values or have different economic and social priorities. Overcoming ideological divisions and building consensus on contentious issues will be crucial for the success of her agenda.
Despite these challenges, Harris' experience, determination, and commitment to her principles position her as a formidable figure in shaping the future direction of the United States. Her ability to inspire and unite diverse constituencies, coupled with her pragmatic approach to policymaking, could prove invaluable in navigating the complexities of the American political landscape.
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