#ck season 5 episode 9
danielslaw · 2 years
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riuhere · 3 months
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cjbolan · 3 months
Finished HOTD Season 2 Episode 2. Lots of thoughts . Mainly about Alicent…
1) Alicent shows a tendency to start f*cking Ser Criston Cole when she should be comforting her mourning children.
2) I thought in the last scene for a second Alicent was going to show Aegon real affection for the first time . But nope she instead turns away from Aegon in his greatest time of need and instead f*cks Cole. Confirming again what a terrible mother she is. Truly incapable of making her son feel loved.
3) This episode is the first time I think Alicent showed her daughter Helaena real affection.
4) I think Aegon does know about his mom’s secret affair and is going to blackmail her with his knowledge of it.
5) Aegon may be an idiot but I am again so glad to see him stand up to his mom and granddad for treating him like crap his entire childhood.
6) The battle between the two brothers was so sad.
7) Whether or not Daemon told Blood and Cheese to kill a child, I still think Daemon wanted that. The way he denies the accusations sounds so bland and unconvincing, he could be lying. I’m with you Rhaenyra; I don’t believe him either.
8) Several characters express regret for their actions , but I think only Ser Arryk shows genuine regret.
9) Anyone else think Jahaerys’ head was going to fall off during the funeral procession ?
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skayafair · 3 months
Y'know what I find curious about this season?
Some people may cry all they want about "payneland being queerbait" because they didn't end up together (and if that old interview is anything to go by, aren't goint to hold your horses I'm rooting for them too), but the fact is,
no one did.
There were PLENTY of romantic plotlines within those 8 episodes, I'm amazed just how packed with everything those roughly 7-8 hours are... back to the topic though. We have:
Edwin pining after Charles
Charles and Crystal's whatever-they-have-going-on (no srsly explain it to me like I'm five, way to make seemingly straight relationship not boring, they're queer af and I like it with all its awkwardness and uncertainty)
The Cat King pining after Edwin
Monty pining after Edwin
Simon pining after Edwin I think we've spotted the initial DISASTER gay, literally - who gets so frustrated their crush doesn't notice them that they end up sacrificing the crush and everyone involved to HELL???
The unfortunate date of Jenny and Maxine
Vaguely but let's count ep 5 too because it's basically based on romantic relationship drama
Esther? Should we count Esther's failed marriage? And her husband's affair? I'll go with count it
Now, that's about 6-9 romantic plotlines.
Does ANY of them, ANY AT ALL, get its proverbial "happily ever after"?
I think Edwin and Charles have the most promising outcome out of all of them, actually. Yes it's as vague as it can get, but "literally forever to figure out the rest" is at least hopeful and gives a way for anything to develop.
Crystal set her boundaries pretty clearly. She may still have a crush on Charles but she doesn't want this to evolve into anything, she wants to be friends. Which is - yay, friends! No romance though.
Edwin also rejected both the CK and Monty in very clear terms.
Jenny's still single in september.
I believe you remember all the secondary lines.
I don't think I've ever seen anything like this. DBD said aro rights :DDD
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I haven't been speculating and I wouldn't call this a speculation but based on the BTS pics, teasers, trailer and all the other season 8 promo, it appears the season 7 cliffhanger didn't go over as well as the showrunner thought it would and now whatever they're doing with the "bees" is going to end up being similar to the blackout in season 5 which was a dumpster fire and a big fail.
It was a cluster f~ck and instead of the main storyline being about the blackout like it should have been, there were multiple underlying storylines that were related solely by happenstance instead of them being related by continuity like the earthquake in season 2 and the tsunami in season 3. All the mains played individual parts that showed them working together as FIRST RESPONDERS not them being pilots or whatever is going on with Athena. Is she a U.S. Marshal, an LAPD field sergeant or a detective? Who knows but if she's going to be transporting a prisoner who turned federal state's witness then she's no longer an LAPD sergeant. Just saying.
Everyone who watched 2x9 "Hen Begins" and 2x12 "Chimney Begins", knows that Gerrard is a racist bigot and he ALLOWED all of the people who reported to him to treat Hen and Chimney badly. He was the absolute worst captain in the history of 9-1-1 and he made rude and obnoxious comments to them the same way T*mmy and Sal did.
But reminder, their pasts were SWEPT under the rug and their characters were RETCONNED instead of them being properly addressed. Therefore, it seems like someone (TM - showrunner) figured out the wacky and raggedy ass cliffhanger he ended season 7 with wasn't a good one and now it appears Vincent Gerrard is solely going to be shown as a captain who's a stickler for the rules without addressing his past.
Apparently, the storyline they've devised for the 118 will be forced and like they pulled it out of thin air. IMO, it'll end up being a mess just like the blackout was with them inserting useless storylines into the first three episodes 🙄.
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waeirfaahl · 2 months
Another "Wait, what?!" moment
10 episode of 5 season was incredibly painful to watch even after horrible 9 episode that pissed me off. And the pain is caused not only by stupidity of the story, but also of the visuals. It is the manifestation of "I don't care about story writing, characters and their personality, goals and behavior. I throw them into something, because I want this to happen, even if it's impossible or immoral". I covered hundreds of morbid or contradictional aspects of 5 season, but every time I hope that it's over, I still manage to find more, so obviously it is an absolute mindf*ck. Like, for example, here I already covered some stupidities of the beginning of this episode, but... What caught me off guard — Jack's kimono. In 9 episode his kimono wasn't dirty and torn.
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So, why in 10 episode his kimono is torn? Like, who did this? Aku tore his kimono? Okay, then why Aku didn't beat Jack? Why Aku didn't brake Jack's bones or hands and legs? Why Aku didn't wound Jack seriously to blood loss, so Jack would be unable to resist, to fight and to escape?
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In addition to this — where Aku's demonic guards and robot armies are?! Why he's alone?! Moreover, WHY Aku started the broadcast BEFORE how he chose the weapon for killing Jack?!
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And the final nail in the coffin — WHY Aku decided to do the broadcast in the first place?! Like, in 2 episode of 5 season he himself confirms that he's exhausted of Jack's existence, he wanted Jack's natural death from old age or Jack's death from hand of various bounty hunters, i.e. he never cared about how "epic" Jack's death will be — he simply wanted to become free from Jack, physically and psychologically. So his entire "I'll kill Jack in epic way and erase the hope" makes absolutely no sense.
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Even in the classic seasons he never cared about watchers and never needed them, he just fought Jack in various places of the world, he never cared about this "epic battle and death on the eyes of all habitants" etc. Another aspect — why Aku didn't kill Ashi?! I mean, by any way — Aku easy could pierce her, burn her with his laser, or command to his blood to devour her out of inside immediately and to absorb her corpse as well. Can somebody give me the answer to why the demon didn't kill the f*cking random human girl he knows nothing about except of the fact she's Jack's friend and the sudden infected vessel of his blood?!
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Aku simply could command to his blood to leave Ashi's body as well! What also stupid is that after these hours Ashi is still alive — Aku's small part almost killed Jack during few hours or a day at best (and it was the situation, when Aku had no idea about this due to the flu, i.e. if he knew about this, Jack would be dead immediately), but for some reason neither Ashi's mother died immediately after drinking the friggin goblet of this blood nor Ashi herself and her sisters died in their mother's womb, but were infected instead and were alive for years (I already roasted this bullsh*t here, here, here and here, for example). And now for some reason, when Aku felt his blood in Ashi and considered her as the vessel and started to control, he (his blood) for some reason didn't devoured her mind, spirit and body, i.e. he didn't kill her... and at the same time he did that immediately with Jack's allies...
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What?! WTF?! I won't be surprised, if the explanation is "They are not humans", because 5 season loves the human supremacy and f*cking biblical/religious parallels. Not to mention that he should destroy the sword immediately...
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Just pure madness and travesty.
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starseneyes · 2 years
Romitri - Rose / Dimitri - Vampire Academy - Season 1 - Ep 9
Welcome to my Meta for episode 9 of Season 1 of Vampire Academy on Peacock! If you’d like to catch up:
Episodes 1-5 Meta
Episode 6 Meta
Episode 7 Meta
Episode 8 Meta
SPOILER ALERT: I will spoil absolutely everything. So, reader beware. I haven’t yet read the books, so feel free to fill in the blanks, if you like! Can’t believe we’re already here, near the end.
Time to dive in!
Haven’t we all faced some inner darkness at some time or another? Something that has clung to us with such steadfastness that we believed it must be an exterior force clinging to our goodness, robbing us of who we are. This episode is a study in the many facets of darkness... darkness that can come out of corruption, darkness that can come when night falls, darkness that arises from our choices, and darkness that becomes all that’s left when we deplete the light.
If I wrote Metas for the whole episodes, we’d be here for hours discussing... but this is a Romitri Meta... and it’s still going to be bloody long. So, grab your favorite fangtastic popcorn and drink (spirited or not), and let’s have fun!
Rose and Mason Embrace Their Future
Uhhh, Rachel? I think you forgot what this Meta is about... two sentences into it.
No. I didn’t forget. But, I think this is important. I’ve seen people saying, “It’s not the Rose and Dimitri show... this is Rose’s show. Abso-friggin-lutely. Rose and Lissa’s relationship is truly the heart of the show. And I don’t think we can properly discuss what happens between Dimitri and Rose this episode without taking into account the Mason factor. Like it or not, he’s a part of this.
Mason is caught up in the euphoria of the woman he loves choosing him. Yes, that’s what he sees. That’s what he thinks is going on, here, because we know he was aware of Dimitri and Rose. He saw it first-hand during the Benchmarks. He saw it outside the pub. He saw it when Rose and Dimitri trained together.
He’s not completely oblivious, but, at the same time, he doesn’t realize how deep Rose and Dimitri go. It’s soulmate stuff.
But, right now he and Rose are fantasizing about what they are going to do in the human world. And Rose is truly, truly feeling happy. But not because she chose Mason... because she chose herself.
That’s right. Rose Hathaway chose Rose. Dimitri isn’t even a choice in her mind, anymore. She’s released the belief that he will ever “come to [his] senses”. Rose is moving on because she has accepted that the path she truly wants is closed to her.
And it’s more than just moving on from Dimitri. She’s also looking to move on from Lissa. Lissa’s breakup with her shook her up. Follow that up with Dimitri’s words about Rose’s unusual upbringing, enveloped in the love of a Moroi family... and Rose is as lost as Dimitri.
But, we’ll get to that later.
While Rose is in the throws of euphoria, Dimitri is unknowingly facing down the long walk (but short fall) to the depths of hopelessness. The “choices” they made are coming back around.
Dimitri is Arrested for Treason
Refresher: Rose made an insane choice and told Sasha Tanner to run. Not saying she was wrong, but in Dimitri’s eyes this was the stupidest choice... to choose to aid and abet someone going AWOL... to choose Treason.
But, he chose Rose... and that’s landed him here, in hot water.
“Guardian Belikov, the punishment for treason is very serious.”
Duh. Like, none of us think the punishment for treason is a lollipop and a stern warning. It’s f*cking treason, you dolt. Dimitri, with his spotless record isn’t going to enter into it lightly.
Alberta enters, and she looks right at Dimitri. Like, “You, f*cker. What the f*ck did you two do?” Behind her is Rose, and her eyes lock onto Dimitri as fast as his lock on hers.
They likely haven’t spoken since the Ring... have avoided one another. He’s been healing, so we know it’s been a few weeks since he no longer sports the black eye. But with that one look, we know they are united. They won’t give each other away, if they can.
But Dimitri’s report is damning. He was the Head Command on this mission. He already knows he’s f*cked.
“I stand by my statement.”
Because there is no other option for Dimitri Belikov. He made this choice to cover for Rose back then, and he can’t go back on it, now. He will always choose Rose.
“I hope you know what you’re doing.”
Because they both know he’s f*cked. Dimitri even nods at that. Yes, he knows what he’s doing. He’s doing what he convinced himself he wouldn’t do—choosing love over duty.
Now, he doesn’t know that they have Sasha... but he knows they know something, and even that suspicion is enough to screw him. And he knows it.
And he makes the choice anyway. Look, I know a lot of us have a sour feeling in our stomach because our boy ending the last episode macking on snake venom in a human skin. He’s a lost boy, unsure of who he is anymore. But one thing he knows in his heart despite his head railing against it—he loves Rose Hathaway. No way in hell he’s letting anything happen to her if he can help it.
Dimitri’s Apartment
I love this glimpse into his life. Having his own apartment, he’s afforded more space and privacy than the Novices collected in their co-ed dorm.
We open on a stack of books. Biographies, as Dimitri will later identify, of humans. He describes it as his way of seeing the world, later, but I suspect it’s also his way of being someone else. He can’t embrace the idea of choice, as Rose can, but reading of another’s life and choices allows him to imagine in a way that he’d never allow himself outside of the sound of turning pages and the weight of the book in his hand.
Books are so often an escape for those of us who grew up in trauma. You can open a book, tune out the world, and disappear. I think it’s telling of Dimitri’s personality that he disappears into others’ lives. Perhaps secretly wishing his was filled with more of those choices he doesn’t believe he has.
The bed is impeccably made, another stack of books at the end of it. There’s a sense of scarcity to this room, Swedish Ladders lining one wall, candles and religious relics filling the window space. A mat on the floor for meditation. There’s so much white space in here, void of anything that isn’t necessary—save the books.
These books are Dimitri’s quiet rebellion. They’re scattered. They’re stacked imperfectly. They aren’t organized by author or alphabet. They’re the pieces of himself that yearn to break out of the shell of conformity.
But he’s not reading when there’s a knock at the door. He’s sitting cross-legged on the floor, meditating. He knows what’s coming.
He even warned Rose, “Do you have any idea what they’ll do to her if they find her? What they’ll do to you if they find out that you helped?” “I don’t care,” she had said. She didn’t. She didn’t care what happened to her.
But she cares what happens to him.
That’s why, despite her plans to leave, she shows up at his door.
He opens the door, and as soon as she sees him, she sighs, full of relief. He matches her sigh with one of his own. They didn’t know what had happened to the other after that moment of eye contact. Rose looks around her, and Dimitri wordlessly opens the door for her to enter while simultaneously looking for anyone watching.
And this effortless rhythm is so indicative of the bond between Dimitri and Rose. Fractured as they’ve been since the breakup, they are still completely in sync when they want to be. Neither had to utter a word for the other to know how they each felt, what they needed to do, and how to follow through.
Yes, they’ve trained together so they can make those choices in combat. But, this isn’t combat. This is a dance. It’s a painful, slow, heartbreaking dance. But no less beautiful.
The door closes, and Rose fills the silence with her ownership of the situation. This is important.
Remember back in the early episodes when Rose faced the consequences for taking Lissa outside the Wards? Dimitri tried to offer her support, but then felt she wasn’t taking it seriously. He asserted how people need to take ownership of their choices.
“I’m the one that helped Sasha escape.” “Sasha chose this. It’s not on you.”
While technically true, I don’t think early Season 1 Dimitri would have taken the same attitude. Yes, Sasha chose her path. But, Dimitri, my dear, you chose yours to protect your Roza.
Their initial conversation done, Rose finally takes in the fact that Dimitri is deliciously shirtless. But it’s so awkward, now. Dimitri wasn’t thinking about it, either, but with the lull in the conversation, he moves to put on a hoodie.
And all the Dimitri fan-folk collectively groan and throw things at the screen.
Look, I may be a Demi who spends my time wondering how hard it’s going to be for the makeup team to cover Kieron Moore’s new butterfly tattoo if/when we get S2, but I understand that there are people out there drooling over this moment.
Even Rose in her, “I’m running away to start a new life with Mason” state of mind can’t help but think, “DAYUM!”
And, I find it fascinating that Rose is in her full gear... Hair in a bun. Wearing her uniform. Boots.
While Dimitri is stripped bare of that (oh, yeah he is!). *ahem* Dimitri is barefoot. He didn’t even have on a shirt until Rose walked in the room.
All the bravado he’s carried with him, the badges he’s worn and the pride he’s taken in his role as a Guardian has been stripped, and he knows it. He’s more vulnerable than he’s been since the boat.
But Rose is focused on the task at hand.
“What’s going to happen to her?” “It’s in the hands of HQ, now. Nothing either of us can do.” “And that?” “A tracker. It’s nothing. Just due process and safeguards.”
No. It’s. Not. Look, all y’all people who are still pissed at our boy... He is now doing exactly what Rose did for Lissa back in episode 2 when Rose hid her Tribunal from Lissa to protect her... to choose her first. Dimitri is choosing Rose.
He’s not going to tell her about his troubles because he wants to protect her. He separated from her, and he hurt her, and he knows her. If she knows that he’s facing something, she’ll want to face it with him. Because much as they are both hurting, they still trust one another. They still know one another.
“I’ll be fine once all this blows over.” “HQ doesn’t let things blow over.” “The Dominion needs all the Guardians it has right now. I’m not entirely without value.”
There he is with his perceptions of “Value”, again. Remember Dimitri had requested to be moved to another province because he believed his value at St Vladimir’s to be compromised. But, it’s a very well thought-out lie. Rose knows as much as he does how dire it is—that people like Tatiana want to put teenagers out in the field... that non-Royals have had their Guardians taken.
What he doesn’t expect is her sly smile and response.
“If that was a brag, you need to step up your game, Comrade.”
It’s the first small smile she’s offered him since she walked in. But it puts him at ease. This is the same smile she wore on the boat as they shared a few moments of peace and contentment in their love before the whole thing went to sh*t.
But, also, it’s the return of one of her nicknames for him. The first time it was said, it was in friendly competition (with a touch of flirting). The second time, in anger in the Ring. This time, she’s said with affection and familiarity. He can’t help but smile back... that same smile from the boat.
It’s as though they’re both toeing the line between this present moment and the memory of who they are mixed with the potential of what they could have been. It hurts but in a bittersweet way that almost makes you forget the pain.
“Hard to brag to the woman who gave me a black eye.” “Sorry about that.”
And she means more than “Sorry about your eye”. She’s sorry about the whole thing. Rose was hurting, and angry, and out of control. And she knows it. She lost control, and she can’t even blame the darkness for any of it. Rose Hathaway won the fight, yes, but she lost a piece of herself in the moments after when she continued to pound a downed man.
But Dimitri’s already forgiven her. He will forgive her anything. He can’t help it. He’s that much in love with her.
“Forget it, Roza.”
It slips out, the dagger stabbing into them both simultaneously. Dimitri relaxed too much into the moment and let it slip. He let it slide. And Rose realizes the moment she hears it just how much she still loves him, even though she wishes she didn’t. It would be so much easier if she didn’t love him.
But as one of my favorite ships, Veronica Mars and Logan Echolls remarked, they don’t write songs and stories about the easy loves.
Part of what makes this scene hurt so much is that they both believe this is the last time they’ll see one another... but for different reasons. From Dimitri’s perspective, he wants Rose to go on to lead a beautiful life, not get tangled up in this mess by fighting for him somehow. Because, he knows she will. He knows that if she thinks she can help, she’s going to.
That’s why he was so strategic to tell her that Sasha was out of their reach, that they could do nothing to help. He is doing everything he can to set Rose up for a beautiful life... without him.
And Rose Hathaway is here to say goodbye because she believes Dimitri is a non-choice for her, and she needs to live her own life. She needs to figure out who she is outside of who she’s been.
Side Note: I talk a lot about relating to Dimitri’s trauma. But I also relate to Rose in this moment. See, both of them are struggling with personal identity outside of what they’ve known up to this point. The difference is that Rose is handling it more like I did, when I first starting figuring out who I was.
I limited my ties with my past. I tried new things that I’d never done before. I got outside of what I was “supposed” to be and started to see my life from a new perspective.
Co-dependency is a hell of a drug. I was raised with the expectation that I would be codependent. But... that’s not who I am, and as soon as I got out of the house and into college, I slowly started to see that who I was wasn’t defined by who mothered me. I could choose my own path. I could choose to be who I wanted to be. Now, my mother and I have a much better relationship, now, but it took a lot of years of tough talks and work.
Rose and Lissa are co-dependent and have been for a long time. They’ve both realized it in different ways, and so Rose is going to try to figure out who she is. And I fully support her. And so does Lissa.
Lissa even tells Rose that she’ll be back (yes, I know I’m skipping... I’ll get back to it in a second). Lissa knows that Rose needs to figure out who she is. And I think that’s important.
It’s important for Rose not to let herself be defined by Dimitri or Lissa or anyone else. Rose needs to embrace who Rose is, then add in what she wants and take out what she doesn’t.
Back to the Scene: Rose needed to know that Dimitri was okay before she left. Because, much as he knows she’d do anything to help him, Rose knows it herself. But, he seems okay. She can finally say goodbye.
But him saying, “Roza” sends her spiraling. You can see her searching the room around her for something else to focus on. Her eyes land on the books, and you can see the wheels turning.
“Are all these about-” “Humans.”
Rose went out into the Human world with Dimitri, once. It was the happiest they’d ever been. But she never would have imagined that he had an interest in that world the same that she did. They never really had the opportunity to discuss it, and it hurts anew that he chose to sever things between them after they’d experienced such a world together.
She’s planning on heading back out into that world... without him.
“Biographies—my way of seeing the world.”
F*ck. That hurts. Because she wanted to show him the world, but he pulled away. And now she is going to see the world, but without him by her side.
Rose looks for something else to focus on, and her eyes land on the religious relics. Her voice fails her. She can’t think of what to say as she looks at the flickering flames, remembering his steadfast dedication to his religion. He chose that over me. He chose that over me.
It’s the drumbeat in her head. And it hurts.
“Having a staring contest with the air, are we?”
It goes back to the beginning. Not their first interaction, but close enough. They share a smile, an earnest one. Oh, how far we’ve come.
But Rose loses the smile and a quiet sadness overtakes her. Oh, look how far we’ve fallen.
Rose walks over to him, head down, mustering the courage to tell him goodbye. But somewhere between their exchanged looks at one another’s lips and eyes... she loses courage.
It reminds me so much of their first kiss... the charge that ran through and between them that sent the air crackling with tension. They still have that same spark. But this time, Rose isn’t closing the distance. Rose is saying goodbye.
“I guess I’ll see you around, then.” “Yeah. See you around.”
In their own Lois / Superman interaction (think Superman Returns), these two are talking about the issue. Both of them are keeping something from the other, and the other knows it. Both of them are speaking in circles, and the other knows it.
But they both also know that those dams need to remain in place, right now. For so many reasons.
But as both utters their phrase, it’s a goodbye.
“Goodbye, Dimitri. I’m leaving forever. But it’s okay because I know even if we’re not together, you’re going to be okay.”
“Goodbye, Rose. I’m leaving forever. But it’s okay because I know even if we’re not together, you’re going to be okay.”
These two f*cking piss me off. Because if either of them actually communicated, it’d be a whole different story. But, we love them because they are flawed people making flawed choices in an effort to protect one another. If they did everything perfectly, there’d be no conflict.
We’d all switch off the tele (or laptop) quicker than you can say, “World’s Shortest Forbidden Love Story (but still better than Romeo & Juliet)”.
Rose breaks the eye contact and connection, but Dimitri remains rooted in place. It’s so symbolic of where they are and where they’re going. Like last episode, Dimitri is digging in while Rose is running away.
Rose walks to the door, but she looks back at him, offering a modified salute to him, almost with a smile. And I honestly can’t remember if she ever saluted him before. But, it’s bittersweet, the way that she smiles softly at him with the salute.
But my favorite part is how she watches him the whole time she closes the door. Rose doesn’t turn her back to him and pull the door closed behind her. She backs out, watching him as she goes. She’s memorizing him, spending those last few seconds looking at him... but also symbolically showing us how hard it is for her to walk away. She can’t turn around... not until he’s completely out of sight.
Because Rose would stay if she knew he needed help. And he knows it.
As she exits, he offers his own half-hearted salute, but then takes the fingertips that touched his heart to brush his lips in a goodbye kiss.
Goodbye to the love of his life. Goodbye to his one exception. Goodbye to the life they could have had. Goodbye to the moments they shared. Goodbye to the chance to watch her live from afar.
Dimitri knows the fate that awaits him, but it’s a little easier knowing Rose Hathaway will get away with it—that Rose Hathaway still has the chance to build the life of her dreams.
Meredith Tries to Talk Sense to Mason
We’ve seen these two palling around a lot the whole season. Two good friends. But, the best of friends often have tough talks, and this is one of them.
“We’ll be okay.” “We? Anyone with eyes can see how she feels about Dimitri.”
My husband and I started dating in college, and he once told me that before me, he didn’t notice the buildup of romantic relationships in shows before. But, being around it more (and being in love for the first time *ahem*), he saw it more.
I think Meredith is falling for Mia, and as she is, she’s more and more aware of how others feel about one another. Not that poor Mason was every subtle (he’s more a “neon glowing light” kind of lover), but I think Meredith’s definitely more tuned-in to Rose these days because they both are in the midst of forbidden love affairs.
For Meredith, it’s Mia. For Rose, it’s Dimitri. They’re both pining for people they can’t have.
“She asked me to go with her. Rose is with me, now.”
As we say in the South, “Oh, Mason, you sweet summer child. Bless your heart.”
The kid’s gone. And he’s clinging to anything that gives him the shred of hope that Rose might feel the same way about him as he does about her.
There’s a hitch in his voice between “is” and “with”, as if he’s trying to speak something into being, to will it to be so.
“Then why did I just see her coming out of his apartment?” “Sweet.”
See, this is why I don’t think Mason is “oblivious” as some people have said. I think he’s aware that there’s something going on there, but he legitimately thinks he’s won.
And here comes Meredith with another reminder of Rose running off to Dimitri.
But she chose me. We’re running away together.
He wants to believe it so bad that he’s tuning out the truth.
“You deserve someone who loves you. The way you feel about Rose, that is how she feels about Dimitri. She can’t help that any more than you can. I’m sorry, but you’re gonna have to face the truth.”
Meredith hits it on the nail, here. (Did I mention she’s my favorite Novice besides Rose? Because she bloody is). Rose loves Dimitri. She can’t help it. She can run away from it. She can pretend around it. But she can’t purge it. He’s not a drug in her system. He’s a piece of her soul as much as she’s a piece of his. And it’s a lot harder to lop off part of your soul.
And poor, poor Mason. Instead of listening to his friend, he goes on the offensive, attacking her, tearing into her, trying to one-up her.
Mason’s raw and he’s angry, but Meredith finds a way to stay calm, in spite of that.
“Rose doesn’t love you.”
And there are tears in Mason’s eyes... because deep down... he knows that. He really does. But he’s ignoring his head as much as Dimitri has been trying to ignore his heart.
Mason walks away from his best friend... the last words he thinks the two will ever exchange.
And, yes, I do want Mason to find love and joy, someday (if he doesn’t die in the finale). But, we all know it’s not going to be with Rose Hathaway.
“... are you lying? Are you covering for another Guardian? Or both?”
That’s all it takes for Alberta to connect the dots. “Is Rose Hathaway going to be a problem?” It was Dimitri himself who once asked that of Alberta. Dimitri feels her glare, and his eyes find hers. He glances away, quickly.
He knows she knows. Now, Alberta can speak up and try to lessen Dimitri’s sentence, or to try to carry out “true justice”. But she doesn’t. In this moment, Alberta makes her own choice—not to intervene.
“I was the Commanding Officer. I was responsible for the veracity of the information I relayed. Any gap between my report and the truth rests solely on me, as should the punishment for giving false information.”
Dimitri. Chose. Rose.
Dimitri will always choose Rose.
“Though I wonder at your prioritizing punishing a Guardian during a time of Civil Unrest.”
Sh*t, your girl’s been rubbing off on you, Guardian Belikov!
But, it’s an incredible sign of growth for Dimitri “Good Soldier” Belikov questioning what’s going on. He’s so used to following orders, to following commands, to doing what he’s told.
But for one bright, fleeting moment, Dimitri Belikov questioned the establishment without questioning who he is... and I’m so proud of him.
“You’ll be taken to the dungeons before you are sentenced by the Queen.”
Alberta is aghast. She didn’t expect that. I think they’re all surprised that such a harsh punishment is being dolled out to someone who has such a spotless record. And she’s the only one who knows the truth—he did it for Rose.
This may be the truest representation of love she has ever seen. Damphirs are subservient to the Moroi, especially the Royals. Guardians have the elevated task of protecting the Moroi with their very lives. Most marriages within the Court are arrangements born out of the quest for power or status. Amongst Damphirs, romance and love are not permitted or expected. Sex, sure. Love? No.
But Alberta just witnessed Dimitri give up his very life for the sake of the woman he loved. She’s come face-to-face with it for the first time, probably in her life. And she can never shake its impact.
If she survives, of course.
Too soon? Yeah, probably too soon. Anyway...
Mason Goes to See Dimitri
I’ve looked at this from several different angles, because there are a lot of thoughts out there regarding this scene. Honestly, I think it’s Mason trying to reassure himself of what he believes by counting Dimitri out. He wants to look Dimitri in the eyes, tell him that he’s got the girl, and move on feeling that sense of victory that he so badly needs to validate him right now.
And, like Meredith said, he deserves to be with someone who loves him, and he shouldn’t let his relationship with Rose define him so much. He’s got a lot to offer, and I can only hope he discovers it before it’s too late.
Look, I’m not saying he’s a-goner, but book readers say he’s a-goner, so it’s very possible Rose’s favorite puppy dog is a-goner.
Mason gets Dimitri to himself, partly because he can’t possible let anyone else know about his plans, but also because he wants to focus on this moment.  It’s not vindictive. He doesn’t hate Dimitri. But he hates that Rose loves Dimitri.
“I wanted to tell you... Rose and I are leaving.”
Watch. Dimitri’s. Face.
There are about a thousand things to compute in a matter of seconds. “Rose is running off with Mason.” “Rose is getting out, good for her.” “Rose is going to be happy.” “I truly know for a fact that she will have a good life.” “This makes my sacrifice worth it.” “This is why Rose acted weird.” “I knew she was hiding something.” “That’s why she reacted when I talked about seeing the world.” “Rose is going to see the world... with Mason.” “Mason knows about me and Rose.” “Mason’s going to be with Rose and I’m not.” “Mason made a special trip to tell me.” “Little f*cker’s got no idea what he’s messing with.”
That last one’s important. Not because Dimitri is vindictive... but because Dimitri knows what he and Rose have and why they aren’t together. Mason doesn’t.
Mason’s still clinging to the idea that Rose “chose” him.
“That explains it.”
There’s a small smile on his words. But it’s that same heartbroken one he used talking about Alexei, the one he used talking about the darkness within him... now it’s also attached to the sadness he feels about losing Rose... because he does feel it.
“I thought maybe it’d help if you know that she’ll be okay.”
D*ck move, Mason.
Okay, look, I believe he’s truly not trying to be a little sh*t. But, he’s justifying why he’s doing it, when he is really doing it to try to assure himself of the reality to which he’s clinging.
And, I get it. Last episode I wanted to pour hot lava on Dimitri’s libido for daring to neck with Lady Evil Von Psycho. So, I’ll get over my annoyance with Mason, but I’m frustrated with him. I’m allowed!
“I wish you the best. Rose is meant for greater things, and she deserves to be safe. And happy.” “She does.”
Right there. That’s where you see that shift. Mason is puffing out his chest on that, “She does”, like, “and I’m the man to do it!”
But Dimitri picks up on that right quick, and it’s his turn to lean in.
“Never tell her what’s about to happen to me. If she knows, she won’t leave.”
And now Mason knows where he stands.
Yes, Rose is going off with Mason, but because she doesn’t think Dimitri is a choice, and Rose is choosing Rose. She’s chosen Mason as a companion because she wants to go with someone easy. She doesn’t have to convince Mason. She doesn’t have to push or draw him out. Mason’s this sweet, loving puppy trailing after Rose. And that’s what she’s looking for right now—easy.
But her heart will always tug her back to Dimitri. As his tugs him back to Rose.
He could have given her up at any point in this process, but he never did. Heck, he could be vindictive now and announce Mason’s plans and get him thrown in the dungeon with him. But he doesn’t. Dimitri chooses Rose over and over.
And if Rose thought there was a choice to be made... she would choose Dimitri every time, too.
Dimitri’s speaking facts, here, but he’s also spitting in the face of this validation that Mason was seeking. Mason didn’t “win” anything, here. If there ever was a contest, it wouldn’t be a contest. It couldn’t be a contest, because Dimitri and Rose’s love is true, and they will always choose each other.
“Let’s go.”
Dimitri is done. Much as he wants Rose to be happy and content, he doesn’t need Mason throwing sh*t in his face right as he’s going down. The Guards return to their positions while a gutted Mason watches Dimitri.
“Fuck you, Dimitri. Fuck you.”
Dimitri barely pauses as Mason holds back the tears. Because, much as Meredith tried to break though, Dimitri did. Deep within, Mason knows it’s true... if she knew what was happening to Dimitri, she’d never leave.
“I’m leaving... For so long, all I thought of was being your Guardian, and that was enough. But now, after everything, I need to figure out who I am outside of all of that... And outside of you.”
Rose is taking a huge leap, here. Do I wish she was doing it alone? Sure. But that’d be a lonely journey. Taking Mason with her gives her someone steadfast and loyal (gosh, I really am describing a puppy...) who she can count on.
Growing up with one version of yourself in your head is so hard... especially when you hit a point and realize you have no f*cking idea who you really are because you’ve informed every decision based on who you thought you were. That’s where Rose is. Rose has realized that she informed all of her decisions on being Lissa’s Guardian.
Being forced outside that mindset is what helped bring her here... that and losing so much. She lost Mikhail. She lost her great love. She lost so much of herself in the process.
But who the hell is she? We’ve seen it, sure. She’s headstrong and fierce. She’s intelligent and foolhardy. She makes quick, gut decisions, and she commits. She asks tough questions, and she acts without considering the consequences if she thinks it’s right.
But it’s all been measured against what kind of Guardian she could be. Rose needs to figure out who she is without all the measurements and comparisons... when she’s just... Rose.
Much as I doubt she and Mason will make it far (hello, STRIGOI attack!), I wish we could see Rose go on that journey of self-exploration. I’ve been there, and tough as it is, it’s marvelous.
And, yes, I had a man in my life at the time, too.... and one I was breaking up with. Gosh, it’s a long story, but essentially I took time off to figure out who I was without a man and without the influences of my childhood. And on the other side of that, I found the man I married 15 years ago waiting for me... patiently waiting as I worked on myself.
Golly, I love that man.
So, Rose, go figure out who you are. It’s so freakin’ healthy.
“So... um... just you? Or...” “I’m going with Mason.”
Lissa still has no idea what’s gone down between Dimitri and Rose. And as Rose says, “Mason”, there is no absolute joy or excitement. It’s a statement. It’s what it is. Lissa takes in that information, because she liked Rose with Dimitri. But, she’ll always support her bestie.
“Stop it. He’s a good guy.”
And that is so freakin’ telling. He’s a good guy... Not, “I love him.” Because, she doesn’t... not like that. But, he is a good guy.
“You’re being weird.”
She can’t read him. She doesn’t know him at a glance. She never pegs what’s going on with him. But Mason has felt the full impact of Dimitri’s words and is choosing to ignore them wholeheartedly. This is what he wants, and he’s going to hold onto the fantasy as long as he can... hopefully forever.
But as they’re walking off, his arm around her, she can’t help but look back.
What is she looking for? Is she hoping to see Dimitri there, watching her, giving her a reason to stay? Is she hoping he’d run after them? We don’t know.
But for that very small second, she isn’t looking forward on the adventure. She’s looking back, just as she did when she exited Dimitri’s apartment.
Dimitri Trapped and Unable to Help
The camera movement is eerily similar to Dimitri praying in the Church during Near Guard, Far Guard. He’s not praying this time, but he is feeling fuck*ng helpless... moreso when the alarms blare.
Rose and Mason drive off
The music line strikes me so hard, “I can take the pain”. That’s what they play as Rose smiles to herself, then her smile diminishes a little. Because she knows that she’s leaving a part of her soul behind.
She just doesn’t know how bad it truly is.
As always, thanks for reading. Next week’s going to be insane, and we’re all going to lose our minds. But, I’m ready for the fun. Enjoy our last week of Daniela Nieves torturing us with out-of-context clues, VA Jail locking up cast and fans alike, and our favorite Vampire Academy cast and crew crushing it.
Bonne nuit. Buenas noches. Goodnight.
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calisources · 2 years
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base icons are 230x130 in order to be use for any type of icon template.
the icons are already sharpened, as well brightened due to the show being very dark.
Thomas Ian Griffith (b. 1962 ) is of Welsh and Irish ancestry.
remember to reblog if you save/use. credit somewhere if you save.
these base icons are free.  consider donating to  paypal or buy me a coffee through ko-fi. it truly helps me a lot.    
psa: while TIG is in his early sixties, his karate is portrayed to be older. there is also a few icons of flashbacks to his Karate Kid Part III appearance.
warnings: blood, wounds, swords. i mean terry is his own warning.
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chaand-jalne-laga · 5 months
Hi. I had an exam on 28th and I had promised my mother that I won't write anything before that. So. Now. Come. Let'z begin :)
1.) So. Now is the time for their sweet re-union. Badshah & Deva. Deva fishes out a harmonica and starts playing 'their' melody which is also an instrumental of the titular song.
2.) Badshah, instantly, recognizes the tune and starts running towards its source, Deva as well comes down running towards him while playing it, with tears rolling down his eyes.
3.) Ok. So. Now. Badshah is doing nakhre. He wants to have a race to a tree at the hilltop. Deva mocks Badshah of his old age and inability to run at full speed. He warns him not to cheat and to start running only at the count of three. (Tho he himself breaks the rules in the next moment. Lol.)
4.) They are about to reach the hilltop and Deva realizes he is loosing, so, he takes a long-ass high jump and lands on the tree, altho the camera could not hide the actuality of the scene but theek hai itna toh chalta hai.
5.) Deva is hanging down a branch and is gloating of his victory but the branch breaks off and he falls down the hill to the-waterfall?-lake?-water body. Whatever.
6.) And, now, we get a glimpse of his trauma getting triggered due to him going underwater. We see the impact of the trauma has been huge on him too, by the line as well as the way, he says it, "Haan haan tu jeeta aur......main haar gaya."
7.) We, along with Badshah, get a glimpse of his tortured past. He(Badshah) tries to sooth and comfort him but Deva brushes it off by saying that this was the reward for trying to bring a smile on someone's face, he continues, the wounds have healed but the pain is still there.
8.) And, we are instantly taken to that certain someone who, he was talking about, moments ago. Mujhariya ji? Or? Bhojariya ji? They didn't keep track of that name. (¬_¬)
9.) Tara has. Oh. Hi Tara. So. Tara has returned home but she kept searching for Badshah, the whole day, as it is night time now. She has badgered (-Bho/Mu-)jhariya ji the whole day, he is exasperated and tells her to not disturb him as he has no knowledge of the person, who has bought Badshah.
10.) So. We hear someone shouting at the top of their lungs, asking for their 'accounts ki file' and we see Baba throw- Oh. Hi Baba. Long time no see. Hope you are fin-i think not. Did you too find something strange in Baba's behavior? Like. Wasn't he, a self-centered, stuck up 'Sehgal' all those years back? Yeh kab se Tara ki baat manne lage? Something's wrong with him, i think. Whatever.
11.) So. Tara hands him those yellow flowers from the gardens of their ex-house. Lol. Ex-house. And Baba calms down, considerably.
12.) We see Tara leaves Baba inside the room and goes to clean the now-broken expensive lamp of her chachi. Chachi warns her to tell off her Baba to be careful with the things of this house as it is their house(Chacha and Chachi's). Btw, what's with Chachi's over make-up and heavy saree? She didn't go anywhere? Did she? No? Then why the over dressing? Lol. Whatever.
13.) Oh. So. Chachi takes rent from these two. To give them space in 'their' house. To give shelter to their OWN big brother? Like? Blood related BIG BRO? Wow. Just wow. And, she orders Tara to give her additional five thousand along with the monthly rent, for the loss of that goddamn lamp. Chachi, be grateful that she has the grace to give that money, had i been at her place, i would have given you a tight slap. Now. Shut the f*ck up Chachi. You understand? STFU CHACHI.
Not-so-fun Fact : Why are all the Chacha's and Chachi's of the ITV universe doing the GREAT wrong deed / the GREAT injustice? First Arnav's chachaji and now these idiots (also chachas and chachis)? Like? Wtf is wrong with them? Whatever.
14.) Aha. See? I told you. Baba is ill, y'all.
15.) Tara pleads chachi to -understandably- show some mercy to her father but chachi backfires.
16.) Oh. So. I was right again. Chacha and chachi are going for a party thrown by some 'maaldaar investor'. Lol. What was with that shitty woofing at the end. Lol. Whatever.
17.) Hold on, y'all. Let me take a water break.
*takes a two minute time-out*
*returns back* Ok. Let's resume.
18.) Papa is ill. But brother is still the same. Asshole. You noticed how papa has softened towards Tara now? I actually feel sad for Tara. This poor little kid lost so much so soon. And, now she is the one taking care of her ill father and reckless brother. Because Rohan has to get paid to look after his ill papa for ONE FREAKING DAY. Humphf. Shit-hole of a brother.
Not-so-Fun Fact : They highlighted his gold gleaming ring and the watch on his left hand when he asked about his return gift for 'papa-sitting' which means Tara was the only one who gave those to him or at least she was the one to pay the bill. My poor little baby Tara.
LoOoOol. Again, that Sehgal Promise. Bro, the last time you gave your 'Sehgal Promise', you almost traumatized Tara. Just spare her with that shit-ass of a promise of yours and take care of your father, you jobless leech.
19.) Tara has been made part of the event today night, which is probably, being hosted by Deva and he can't wait to start on his revenge, the moment he was waiting for, for the last fifteen years.
20.) Lol. Deva is in love. Yeah. Kind of. The man has everything around him which keeps reminding him of Tara. He really loves her, actually. Had kind of fallen for her all those years back. It's just he has this misunderstanding that Tara had the heart to betray him so when he comes to know the truth he will actually end up taking revenge from those accused Sehgals for his and Tara's tortured past.
21.) Ok. So. Deva in black. His car in red. (Tara in red. Lol. I saw in the thumb nail.)
22.) Ok. So. Wow. The entry. Both of them together. In the chand's light. That? Was? So? Freaking? Beautiful? Like? Wtf?
P.S. : So. Yeah. As I said. I am loving this show. The ending scene was perfect. It was so goddamn beautiful. Wow. Everything was perfect. Deva in black, Tara in red. Btw it was kinda surprising that Tara's chacha-chachi were in black while she in red(You know how it goes in some shows. The whole family is given the same color combination.) But it is also fitting because both of them are the black shadows in Tara's life while Deva, also in black, was given a see-through shirt underneath the coat, so I guess it was to show that he won't be completely black, like, black in the surface but his love for Tara would also be very much visible, just like his own skin is. Whatever. I over-analyzed the thing which did not need any analyzing. Lol. Whatever. Ok. Bye. God bless you.
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prettyflyshyguy · 5 months
F*ck it I had a little skim, S5 is a season that wasn't overly 'monstery' compared to the early seasons but I settled on some specific eps to perhaps glance at (only if you want to though!!! I totally get the disenchantment and wound up listing more here than I meant to) (the 'for fun's' are obvs subjective but there's certain scenes that might trigger doodle ideas)
Ep 1 sorta settles some fallout from the S4 finale. Might not be interesting but lays out some context.
Ep 2 not 'monstery' per se but might tickle a particular itch if you possess it
Ep 5+7 for fun?
Ep 8 for fun and an importantish reveal
Ep 9 is fun
Ep 10 is one of the bigger episodes for S5's overarching story
Ep 11 was one I quite liked personally
Ep 14 was one I also quite liked
Ep 15+17 might brush lightly against a particular itch
Eps 18 onwards head off the "f*ck destiny" journey, but for specifics 19 is a personal fave and latter half of 21 introduces one of my fave dudes
Again, wound up with a longer list than I thought, but I also totally understand the meh-ness after the Heaven plot! Hopefully there's something on this list that works for you
Anon we gotta cover a few things here
1) seriously have my swear card you can say Fuck
2) you are a local legend for providing me with this list and i am very gratefull!! You are my personal hero
3) you can't just say "this might spark a doodle idea" and leave me hanging like this like wtf
You can send me doodle ideas (cannot guarantee I'll do them but I love a good bit you know me)
I'll absolutely kick off s5 with e1 cause I always need the closure but I think it will be where the cherry picking starts, for my sanity. I'm not strong enough nor have the time to watch everything to completeness (NOT WHEN I WANT TO REWATCH OLDER EPS LMAO)
I trust you understand My Brand (tm) if you've been following my journey so I trust your recs!
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0aurelion-sol0 · 2 years
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MY TOP 10 SHOWS OF 2022 (because why the f*ck not ?!)
10.The Walking Dead's 11th & Final Season 🧟‍♂️
9. Miss Marvel 🦸‍♀️
8. Moon Knight 🌙
7. Wednesday 🖕
6. The Boys' 3rd Season 🦸‍♂️
5. The Crown's 5th Season 👑
4. Andor 🌌
3. Better Call Saul's 6th & Final Season ⚖
2. Westworld's 4th & (sadly) Final Season 🤖
1. 1899🜃
Honorable Mentions:
The Umbrella Academy's 3rd Season ☔
(My guilty pleasure! I think this show is actually really good and misunderstood by a lot of people. And I can't help but love my lunatics so it was a win for me!)
Stranger Things' 4th Season 🕰
(As much as I hate this f*cking season and still gets annoyed by it everyday, it still paid the bills for 3 years and was a moment regardless given everything that happened in it... 🙄 Some I enjoyed, MANY I did not. But I have to mention in as a show of good faith.😏 At least what's left of it...)
Euphoria's 2nd Season 💊
(I have mixed feelings about this season overall compared to the first one. A lot of amazing moments as well as a lot of infuriating choices, however directing, music and acting was on point especially for Zendaya and Sydney.)
Guillermo Del Toro's Cabinet Of Curiosities🗝
(I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this show. It's one of the better anthology series out there I must say, as each episode felt carefully crafted. Favorites are episode 3, 7 which is a f*cking vibe & 8; at least those who come to mind right now. However, I will never watch episode 5 again (I probably will though) because it made me feel the most uneasy I've ever been in front of an episode, and it is cursed, ugly, offensive, horrifying and... ANYWAY!)
She-Hulk 🟢
(It was fun.)
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danielslaw · 2 years
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DANIEL LARUSSO AND TORY NICHOLS parallel of their cobra kai training - requested by anonymous.
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spnyouresostupid · 1 year
Season 4 Final Rankings
Listen to out wrap up here
Here is our Top 5!
5. The Rapture
Alex's Score: 9
Sarah’s Score: 9
Total Points: 71
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So good I had to disrupt my whole rating system! I love this episode, I love Jimmy, and I love Misha. This was still so good on rewatch!
4. Lucifer Rising
Alex’s Score: 10
Sarah’s Score: 9
Total Points: 75
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Supernatural proves that it does finales so well. It’s heartbreaking, exciting, and that cliff hanger!
3. Monster Movie
Alex’s Score: 9
Sarah’s Score: 10
Total Points: 83
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Are you suprised this one is so high on our list? So are we! This episode was well shot, well acted, and just a great heartfelt homage to classic horror movies. When Supernatural can get the right balance of horror and comedy that might be when I love it the most. (Also it has one of my favorite Sam lines ever)
2. Lazurus Rising
Alex’s Score: 10
Sarah’s Score: 10
Total Points: 83
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Do I even need to explain this one? Just as good as I remember and beats out Monster Movie because of Cas. This is another one that just hits the sweet spot of what this show can be.
And Finally....
1. On the Head of a Pin
Alex’s Score: 10
Sarah’s Score: 10
Total Points: 84
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Man Supernatural really knows how to f*ck you up. I remembered this being good, but I was still kind of surprised at how much I liked it on rewatch. It’s tense, it’s heartbreaking, and reveals a lot of season long secrets. I honestly think this might be Supernatural at it’s best. I can’t sing the praises of this episode enough!
For the rest of the list:
And because I’m a Masochist, here are all 4 seasons ranked:
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
1. On the Head of a Pin
Season 4
2. Lazarus Rising
3. Monster Movie
4. Ghostfacers!
5. A Very Supernatural Christmas
6. Night Shifter
7. In My Time of Dying
8. What is and What Should Never Be
9. All Hell Breaks Loose Part 2
10. Faith
11. Lucifer Rising
12. No Rest for the Wicked
13. Something Wicked
14. Tall Tales
16. The Rapture
16. When the Levee Breaks
17. Jus in Bello
18. Home
19. Hunted
20. Yellow Fever
21. Mystery Spot
22. Devil's Trap
23. Bloodlust
24. Heaven and Hell
25. Skin
26. Hell House
27. Jump the Shark
28. The Kids Are Alright
29. In the Beginning
30. Bad Day at Black Rock
31. Sex and Violence
32. Crossroad Blues
33. Death Takes a Holiday
34. The Monster at the End
35. Hollywood Babylon
36. Scarecrow
37. It's a Terrible Life
38. Simon Said
39. Asylum
40. Windego
41. Folsom Prison Blues
42. Croatoan
43. After School Special
44. Provenance
45. Playthings
46. Dream a Little Dream of Me
47. The Benders
48. Everybody Loves a Clown
49. All Hell Breaks Loose Part 1
50. Criss Angel is a Douchebag
51. Born Under a Bad Sign
52. Are You There, God? It's Me Dean Winchester
53. Pilot
55. It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester
54. Wishful Thinking
56. Bedtime Stories
57. Phantom Traveler
58. Bloody Mary
59. Salvation
60. Dead in the Water
61. Nightmare
62. Roadkill
63. Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things
64. Red Sky at Morning
65. Family Remains
66. Houses of the Holy
67. Fresh Blood
68. Dead Man's Blood
69. The Usual Suspects
70. Hook Man
71. Long-Distance Call
72. No Exit
73. I Know What You Did Last Summer
74. Heart
75. The Magnificent Seven
76. Time is on My Side
77. Shadow
78. Malleus Malefixcarum
80. Metamorphosis
79. Bugs
81. Route 666
82. Sin City
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animechick2015 · 3 years
Anime I Watched in 2021 :
1. Dororo 5/5
Severely underrated anime. Great animation. Intriguing plot. Likable characters. Just enough of angst. Highly recommend this one.
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2. Burn the Witch 4/5
Great to see Tite Kubo’s work again. And great to see the bleach universe once more. Can’t wait for this to continue. Already love the story and characters. Interesting villains (and by interesting I mean hawt 🥵)
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3. Fruits Basket 2019 5/5
Listen I didn’t want to like this one. It was so hyped that I thought it was overrated but booooyyy was I wrong. It deserved the hype. The plot was top tier. At the end of the second season I had to pick my jaw off the ground with that reveal. All the characters were likable. Except Akito; she deserved punishment for what she put all the members of the Zodiac through. Overall this is highly recommended.
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4. Re: Zero 4/5
This one took me to Spain without the S. This one frustrated me but I just had to keep on going. Subaru is the biggest simp but I can’t blame him; Emilia is just the cutest. Really liked this one but I’m not sure if I’m emotionally ready for the next season. Also this anime made me scared of bunnies 🐰
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5. Gintama 1,00,000/5
Where do I even begin with this masterpiece. I went into this for the comedy. THE COMEDY!!! I did not expect the FEELS. Jesus H. Christ this one blew me away. All the characters were likable, the plots were sometimes questionable but it worked for this anime. The OST’s were god tier. The openings and endings deserve awards. Unpopular opinion but I think Gintama’s opening and endings are better than Naruto. Please if you haven’t watched this one just give it a chance. It took a couple episodes to hook me in but when it did it, it hooked me good. Also if you want an anime with strong female characters this is the one. No waiting for men to save the heroine, the women go in and f*ck shit up (I’m looking at you Courtesan of a Nation Arc.) Seriously though, everyone needs to watch this.
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6. Devil man Crybaby 4/5
My coworker put me on to this one. Word of advice: do not watch this one at work 👀 that first episode almost gave me a heart attack. This one surprised me. And that ending wow 🤯. This anime is not for the faint of heart. Please don’t watch this if you’re underaged. I took a while to like the animation style but it eventually grew on me. Overall it’s a good one that I highly recommend.
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7. Those Snow White Notes
Tik Tok recommended this anime to me. You know that one scene with the guy and his mom in the apartment, yeah that one. I remembered getting goosebumps and I knew I had to watch and for once tik tok lead me in the right direction. This one isn’t about romance or school is about the shamisen ( a traditional Japanese instrument) and let me tell you how good this was. The music blew me away. The emotions from the MC and his love/hate relationship with the shamisen really captivated me. And that first opening was amazing. Definitely recommend this one.
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8. To Your Eternity 5/5
I think I need to send my therapy bill to the creator of this show. Seriously though this one brought pain but goddamn that opening was good. And Fushi was just too dang cute you wanted to see his progress. This one had so many characters that you just can’t help but fall in love with each one of them and damn the author for ripping out my heart every time.
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9. Heaven’s Official Blessing 5/5
I’m sorry but Xie Lian and Hua Cheng invented true love. There’s no debating. They’re the epitome of power couple. This series took me by surprise and I loved every millisecond of it. And please if you haven’t read the novel PLEASE PLEASE read it!!! I promise it’s worth it. Now excuse me while I cry because I’m sad and lonely 😩
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10. Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation 4/5
This was one was great. Action, comedy, tragedy with a added touch of barely there romance. Since this was only the second Chinese animation that I watched the names were a bit confusing but by the third season I kinda got it?
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naughty-negan · 3 years
I’m Already Turned Off By This Season of The Walking Dead.
We are only into episode 3 of season 11 and I just want to throw my computer in the garbage and never watch another episode of the series ever again. Now, I am not mad a JDM, he is the best actor on this show and I love him to death. 
These reasons I want to blow up AMC right now:
1. Everyone treating Negan like shit!! Now, in fairness, I did expect Maggie to be pissed at Negan. And I’m not mad at the fact that Maggie is pissed at Negan. She has her rights. But when last season we had Daryl and Negan getting closer and everybody seemed okay with Negan fixing up Alexandria, then Maggie walks in and everyone turns on Negan. Like he didn’t save all their heads from being on a spike. Like he didn’t kill Alpha or nearly got himself killed to fight Beta and help Daryl kill him. And then Alden at the church is all like “You know why I walked away from him?” Meaning Negan. F*ck off Alden. First, you weren’t that important to the Saviors to walk away. Second, you walked because you had a gun pointed at you when Rick and the others found you. Idiot!
2. It was 8 years ago!!! Yes, I know Negan did some really shitty things. No doubt. But he did his time. He was in a cell for 8 years. And since there are no laws in TWD. He was basically kidnapped and help against his will. So yes! He did his time!
3. Maggie and her off/on the switch. One minute she wants Negan’s help. The next minute she threatening to kill him. The next minute she was cool with having him help again. Then next minute she’s telling him to stop pretending he’s one of them and telling him everything is his fault. MAKE UP YOUR GODDAMN MIND!!!
4. She tells Negan that she doesn’t play with people’s lives like he does. It’s actually like he did, Maggie. As in past tense. Get it right. And also Maggie, yes you do. Gage was on the other side of the door on the train and he called Maggie out. He called her a liar when she refused to let anyone open that door. And he was right! Her excuse was the walkers would get in and they didn’t have the bullets. And yet, the door locks. And yet, the walkers got through anyway. Now, yes Daryl did help at the end, but they could have done it. And she did it to Negan with her friends. She stood there hoping she’d watched him die. And she wanted to keep everyone in the rain. She wanted to stay on the road where anyone could see them, and so on. She keeps playing with their lives until someone tells her Negan is right. There are at least three times where Daryl and Alden said “He’s right.” Daryl said it in the rain. Alden said it on the road and again in the church. There might be another, not sure, but those are the two I remember. 
5. Negan is a better leader than Maggie. Negan has proved this time and time again in only 3 episodes. Now yes, back in the Savior days there were times where it could have been questioned. But shit! He had an army of over 500 people following him! But back to now, Negan continues to offer the right decisions and Maggie continuously does the opposite. Negan was right. Her plan is a shitty plan. She got all her friends killed. She got herself separated from Gabe & Daryl. She got Alden and Negan wounded. I know people are starving, but they needed a new plan. And she continuously sticks to this plan that hasn’t worked out at all. 
6. Negan has saved Maggie twice, in the same scene. I know, I know he left her at the train scene, but let’s be honest here, she deserved it. And he did feel bad for it. And he is making up for it. He didn’t lie about leaving her and as I just said he saved her twice. One from a reaper and one from explosives. 
7. As soon as Negan shows one ounce of happiness or joy or a sense of normalcy, someone (usually Maggie) kicks him in the dick. And he feels like shit again. WE GET IT. HE DID SHITTY THINGS! OMG move on!
8. The whole “Negan killed Glenn and should be mentally and verbally tortured every day but Daryl is allowed to get away with being the cause of it ” thing is getting super old. It’s unfair. It’s wrong. And it makes them no better than Negan was back in the Savior days. In fact, it makes them worse. Negan would have punished The Savior or friend if not killed him or her for getting his wife brutally beaten to death in front of him if they were the cause of that death. If it was the other way around. But Daryl?? Oh it’s totally cool that he got Glenn killed. Because Negan killed him. F*CK OFF!! IT’S BULLSHIT! 
9. LASTLY. Maggie is becoming Savior Negan.  
A. She lost someone she loved, so did Negan. 
B. She killed Gregory for backstabbing and trying to take over by getting her killed. Negan (Who took the better route) killed Simon in a fight to the death for leadership after he was caught doing the same thing. 
C. She’s treating Negan the same way Negan treated Rick. 
D. She claims to care about her people But doesn’t care about anyone but herself and her son until it’s too late. Negan did the same. He claimed to care about his people. But yet he literally said to Rick “I do not appreciate you killing my men. Also, when I sent my people to kill your people for killing my people, you killed more of my people.” And then later he said “You killed my people. More than what I’m comfortable with.” He sent them out twice to kill Rick and the others. He cared when it was too late. I’m gonna say it... Maggie is one slit throat and a cell away from being full-on Savior Negan and no one is catching on or at least not saying anything (But Negan). And yet, on the show, all of this is okay because it’s Maggie. 
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waeirfaahl · 1 year
About 2 season of Primal and about the horned entity
1 season of Primal is one of my favourite series of all time. Gorgeous animation, breathtaking and brutal fights, stunning music, mesmerizing prehistoric world with dinosaurs and various animals and magical tribes, perfect combination of drama, humour, horror, adventure and emotional relationships of incredibly relatable characters. By far, 1 season of Primal is the pure masterpiece. Hence, 2 season had really great potential for epic story in unique setting and with various new creatures, magical tribes or even supernatural beings.
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But 2 season happens (and it doesn't explain how the vikings found Mira, who travelled many miles with Spear and Fang, and why they so wanted to capture her again, but didn't capture her friends from her tribe), and with the first two really powerful episodes, the other episodes and the story itself in this season are bad. I was incredibly skeptical and even negative toward the idea of adding modern humans, because it simply made 2 season primitive, boring and bland. Evetything what made 1 season and the series itself so unique, deep, tragic and fresh in therms of setting, story and conflicts was erased. The ambiguity, maturity and complexity of 1 season (with wild world, where everyone tries to survive) is erased. Even the fight scenes in 2 season are downgrade, as well as the villains die in bland way (falling from height as in most Disney movies). 2 season has several absolutely unneeded, one-dimensional, faceless and stereotypical villains (the tyrant queen with typical cliche "Oh no, they capture and enslave people!"), and the certain ones even have hypocritical shades (vikings "Oh no, I and my tribe enslaved and killed people, so how dare Spear and Fang to kill my tribe, protecting their friend we enslaved!"), who just happens here and has no importance for the story and characters. The queen is the brightest example. (and how the f*ck many sea dinosaur didn't attack and eat/kill vikings and Egyptians, if they travel in ocean/sea?!)
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The Egyptian queen and this sub-plot with enslaved Africans are just waste of time, pointless waste of time (Spear had all chances and moments to easily kill her in 7 or 8 episodes)— especially with the fact that Kamau and his family obviously died after the fire viking arrived. So what's the f*cking point?! So 7, 8 and 9 episodes have to be removed, as well as 5 episode, which is literally The Big-Lipped Alligator Moment, coming from nowhere.
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Not to mention Genndy's creepy preg-fetishes again. Now I'll make it clear, I have no problems with Fang laying her eggs with detailed demonstrating her cloaca. The problem here is in Genndy's boasting by this scene like "If it never was in animation, so you have to add this type of content!" — oh yes, there never were animated films, where characters are pregnant or give birth, right?! No "Feherlofia", no "Spirit the stallion of Cimmaron", no "Krtek", no "Ice Age 3", no "A hen into the wild", for example?! I even don't want to make jokes about hentai with specific genres, where this "groundbreaking" aspect happens for eternity.
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And not to mention the f*cking blatant necrophilia Genndy forced Mira to do in the finale. Yes, if many people scorned the scene where Fang gives birth, the scene between Mira and dead Spear in the finale bothers me much much more. Absolutely disgusting sh*t, which literally humilates dying Spear and breaks the logic! Really, Spear has the most serious and fatal burns. He experiences unbearable pain and he had to die almost immediately. But somehow he is still alive all these hours for Mira's coming and somehow he still has genitals and somehow he f*cking was able to make a child to Mira for a few seconds before death — that moment destroys the logic and every grasp of reality!
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I can not for the life of me understand, why the author is so obsessed with pregnancy and childbirth (so he shows it in almost all his projects) and "You have to make babies before death or any other trouble! It's your main purpose!" idea — I won't be surprised, if the ending in "Fixed" will be about this, i.e. the protagonist dog will mate before his neutering, so his female friend will have pups. Not to mention the author's obsessiveness in giving daughters (lots of daughters, lots of sudden daughters) to some awesome male characters, especially to the ones who always were asexual and lonely and never interested in carnal pleasures, in getting wife and making children. Plus, due to the fact that every main female character in Genndy's shows is literal Mary Sue (except Mira), I am afraid for 3 season and Spear's daughter, because Tartakovsky can turn her into Mary Sue, whose only excuse for all-powerfullnes is "My daddy was cool, so that's why I am cool! His genes made me cool!".
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I was against continuing the show, I was against the idea of making 3 season, because the final scene (above) was at least poetic, but more I am against the anthology idea. But my main issue in 2 season is the horned deity, who's either Surtr or Vidarr or some kind of revenge/hell god (Genndy said it's unstated, who this entity is). And the main problem is that this character literally is a plot device. He's absolutely real in the story, he's not some symbol or whatever, and he affects on the events in the story. He has no motivation and goal for things he does in 2 season. He was created simply because the authors were unable to make logical events for Spear's heroic death in successful attempt to protect his friends (if they so wanted to kill Spear).
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Seriously, the viking and his son died in 6 episode — the end of the conflict. But the horned entity in exchange of Eldar's resurrection offers the viking-father to bring Spear and Fang to him/it. WHY?! What this entity wanted from Spear and Fang?! And why he/it offered/ordered this exactly to the viking instead of own demonic servants, if he/it didn't want to do this by self?! What is the benefit for him here and in what?! Absolutely no explanation.
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The biggest WTF-moment happens in 10 episode. The viking, even being in demonic form, is scared of Spear, who kicked his ass, and although the viking seriously injured Spear and hurted Fang, they both were still alive, but the entity grabs the viking into the underworld, absolutely ignoring Spear and Fang. THEN WHAT THIS HORNED THING WANTED?! Seriously, a third-party incomprehensible character comes from nowhere and gets into someone else's conflict already completed in episode 6, continues it and eventually resolves it himself in episode 10! What kind of nonsense is this?!
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What's a point to add this random supernatural sh*t, if it has no development, no personality as a real character, no explained nature and role, no motivation and goal to be here and to do something?! The horned entity is a plot device, the function for the events the author wants to happen, ignoring plot or logical holes and contradictions in favor of "higher messages/symbolism".
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