#cl lurkinginmyboots asks
celaenaeiln · 7 months
I know your blog is Batman centric but like, do you have any thoughts on Kara never being allowed to go past teenager? Because I feel like she really should've been allowed to grow up and be in an age range that's like, between Dick and Babs instead of being Dick's age, then Jason's age, then Tim's age... (Raven and by extension Gar got a similar, perhaps worse treatment too but I'll die before I accept anything other than her being Dick's age and him being only a few years younger than them)
oh my gosh Raven can not be anything other Dick's age, that's just too weird. It's so awkward even thinking about her deaging. But raven being Dick's age is also the most fitting because of her character and personality. Gar should also grow because yes, he has a youthful personality but also he's mature enough to be fun and experienced.
Kara though, I'm actually okay with her being deaged only because it seems to suit her for some reason. Like Gar and Raven are a hard no. It's like deaging Dick and Kori constantly but Kara just has that ever-present teenager life sort of thing. I like reading about her being the same age as Stephanie because it feels like they were always meant to stay that age. I can see Kara getting slightly older but I can't imagine her middle-aged at all 😭😭. Maybe I'm used to the other Titans being grown up because of the Titans Academy comic but not kara. For me she should stay at Tim's age but still keep her experiences from Dick's age. Immortality maybe?? 😂😂 Absolutely should not be aged down any lower than that because her at Damian's age is just unthinkable. On second thought maybe she should stay at Dick's age because I love her teenager type personality but I can also see her being mature and grown up. Leading other supers and taking care of them and being a symbol of hope like the rest of the Superfam family. She would've been a GREAT mentor to Cassie. Yeah, I change my mind. She definitely should have aged up with Dick. I think we missed out on a lot of fantastic interactions with her and the other supergirls because DC kept aging her down into a perpetual state of "I trying to learn about myself" forever :'( We missed out on so many Donna and Kara interactions!
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celaenaeiln · 10 months
I don't wanna complain about what other people love to them but I ended up reading New Order yesterday after seeing your recommendations and... Honestly, I didn't vibe with it and I wanted to see what you think? The entire premise seems flawed to use Dick of all people for (and his attitude through it is just... way beyond regular asshole Grayson), I'm tired of DC giving Kory children but taking her away from them, yet another "let's ruin Dick and Kory" adventure is going on and it's just... Rushed. Especially the ending where it pulls a teen movie that's like "DAVE ENDED UP MAJORING IN LAW AFTER HIGH SCHOOL AND BECAME A JUDGE" and seems to just skip over so, so much interesting stuff that way.
HOWEVER. I also want to say I can't entirely hate the comic because the dialogue is pretty solid at most points and Jake really is an amazing character with such a great heart. I honestly like him more than Jon Kent.
Honestly I really loved the comic but a couple points you brought up are hitting me hard. The first being Kori. It's getting on my nerves how DC for some reason keeps breaking up Dick and Kori after they've been married and for what? I get why here but in Mar'i's comic? There's literally no reason!!
Secondly I don't believe Kori would just abandon her kid. She gave birth to him, she loves him. Why on earth would she just leave him? Maybe it's because it's DC and they really need to break up Dick and Kori because "dick and barbara are the dream team." Puh-lease.
However I did think it made sense for Dick to be at the center of it all. Dick has always been accepting of superpowers and he even said "I like a woman who break a battleship with her bare hands" when talking about Kori. Which says a lot about what he thinks. But I also believe he would he would eradicate them for one reason - superpowers killed Bruce. And he loves his father.
He also did it to save the world and it's unarguable that he did and the people loved him for it. He has the capability to both destroy the league and rebuild the world and this comic is just proving that which is why I don't think there's anything wrong with Dick.
As for his stubbornness, maybe! Honestly at this point I'll accept anything about any character unless it's wildly inaccurate. I don't know if Dick is a jerk or not because my impression of his jerk levels have been obliterated by the Cassandra Batgirl comics. After reading that literally everything else seems normal. I am struggling so hard to understand what's going on with Dick in those comics. Is it bad writing? Is it the writer? What was he facing during that time that made his act like that? What am I missing? I'm still reeling from that so I'm completely out of it lol. Still too flabbergasted to comprehend so you may be right but my mind has just accepted almost every version of Dick now as long as he stays true to his motivations and acts reasonably.
I really did like the ending but totally understand what you mean. I guess it's because the author didn't want to drag it out and turn it into a whole 500 issue comic so he skipped to the end.
I love, love, LOVE the comic for Jake! Jake and Dick's relationship?? I-I'm ENTHUSED!!! They have the best father and son relationship ever and I'm never getting over the two of them. I like him better than Jon too and Jon's amazing! Jake's just absolutely fantastic!! The best, best, BEST kid ever.
So generally I love the comic but my biggest point of contention is separating Dick and Kori for no reason. Also whatever's going on with Kate was far more distracting than Dick for me lol. But I liked the art and dialogue too and overall I really enjoyed it. Liking comics is just a matter of preference after all ;)
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celaenaeiln · 10 months
Sorry I'm taking over your blog ahhh but it's just so cool to be able to get such detailed answers that make so much sense and to be passionate about conversation again! This is something I've been sort of stuck on over the years while writing (especially because they won't let them become adults in a main continuity) - what sort of lives/jobs do you think Tim, Damian and Steph would have in the future, and what do you think Cass would end up doing? I don't see Jason really having a "normal" job but I'd be willing to hear thoughts on that too!
Nws! Getting an ask is the highlight of my day!!! <333
I've never thought of that!!
Tim would definitely be the CEO of something, maybe a tech company? He would develop his own software and market and become rich and build a company off it.
Damian would take over Wayne Enterprises kinda like how he takes over Batman. It's just his future and I don't think Tim's interested in WE anyway aside from having it to fund his projects currently.
Steph would own a martial arts gym. Of all the batkids, I feel like Steph and Duke are really the ones who are connected to Gotham. Tim is part of the elites, Damian is Bruce Wayne's son, and Jason was on the offside of community up until 13. Steph and Duke though, they've lived there their whole lives even after meeting Bruce, they're still connected. Stephanie literally made her own costume and went after Cluemaster. Putting these two together, I feel like Stephanie with her headstrong personality and normal Gothamite background would build a martial arts gym where she would teach kids in troubled homes how to defend themselves.
Cass would co-own the gym but she wouldn't get as involved as Stephanie. She knows how to hold back but I feel like a part of her would be worried about accidentally hurting them because she's too good - she's too trained at being an assassin. Therefore I feel like she would turn to art as a pastime and turning it into a freelancing type of job. It's be so cool if she became a graphic designer! It would also work perfectly since she has dyslexia and reading is tiring for her.
Jason I feel would eventually settle down enough to have a normal job but maybe I'm just hoping for too much lol. I don't believe he would be a mechanic or something because truth be told, I don't know if Jason even likes cars. He stole a tire off the batmobile out of necessity but does that mean he likes dealing with cars and engines? Who knows - maybe he does or maybe he doesn't. Oh I GOT IT! Jason would be a bounty hunter. He's still working for the good but he likes the rough edge of life. He loves hunting and setting up traps and pissing off bad guys. A bounty hunter would be the perfect job for him. He keeps doing what he likes and he would be good at it.
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celaenaeiln · 9 months
Okay I feel like you deserve an ask that won't require 3 to 5 business days of research because you work HARD. Coffee or tea (or a secret third thing)?
AWWW Thank you!!!!
Neither coffee or tea! Hot chocolate!!
I can't get over the bitter taste of coffee and even when I add a boatload of sugar I realized I don't like the taste of coffee itself.
Tea is better but I'm not a big fan of it so I haven't a lot of flavors. I love mango boba though <33 with mango popping bubbles
But hot chocolate?! I drink hot cocoa in june and july because I love it so much. Oh and also grape juice! I know that sounds weird but Welche's grape juice - I used to drink that like it's water. I miss it so much as I'm writing about it 😭
I'll drink these two any time all the time if I could. I have a massive sugar tooth 😂💕
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