#clem and omid
fox-from-fairytale · 2 months
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They made you lose the person you loved and who was with you since before everything started and with whom you shared your life, the unborn baby you had with him, and then the kid who was the reason you lost him but at the same time the only thing you had left. All this just to get rid of you two seconds later.
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donerunning · 9 months
I am thinking about how Christa’s dynamic with clementine would shape her Dynamic with Kenny should you choose the Kenny path in season 2. Being torn away from one Angry and broken person and immediately being thrust into the custody of Another. Both of them having been survivors of the s1 group, the only living ties she had to Lee (until Lily). Christa’s anger and grief manifesting in silence and full emotional withdrawal and Kenny’s anger and grief manifesting in explosive and unpredictable outbursts. How Christa taught her how to survive, and how to navigate around him safely. And hey, at least he talks to us. Right?
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clemtwdg95 · 2 months
Omid meets Clementine (TWDG Season 1)
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I love Omid! 🤣❤️
GIFs made by me.
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terrak0 · 4 months
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connorswhisk · 2 months
doodlebug - autistic!clementine, seasons 1&2
for @lonlonmilck - i hope you enjoy! i absolutely LOVED writing this one :)
if you'd like to request a twdg fic, shoot me an ask!
also on my ao3
After they leave Lilly behind, Clementine sort of…shuts down, for a minute. Kenny, Katjaa, and Duck all stay up front in the RV, and Lee goes to speak with them. While he’s gone, Clem considers joining Ben at the table and seeing how he is, but something tells her Ben doesn’t want to talk to anyone right now.
She wishes Carley were still here. Carley was always nice to hang around, she used to find leaves around the motor inn for Clementine to do her rubbings with. Clem longs to feel a pencil beneath her fingers again, a piece of powdery pink chalk in her hands, but her body doesn’t seem to want to cooperate on that front.
She’s scared. She’s been scared this whole time. But right now, she feels the most terrified she’s ever been. Worse than Sandra, and the walkers at the drugstore, and even worse than when she’d crawled out of the vent in the St. Johns’ barn and seen the horrible room full of blood and blades waiting for her. This, somehow, is so much worse than any of that.
When Lee tells her Duck’s been bitten, Clem gets angry.
“I thought he was just tired, and that’s why he didn’t want to talk to me today.” She scowls. “I didn’t know he was stupid enough to get bit. ”
“Clem,” Lee says. Concern laces his tone. “You know it isn’t anyone’s fault. These things…they happen, now. It’s how the world is.”
“But he’s my friend, ” says Clem, and suddenly she’s crying just like the whiny little baby she is, hot tears splashing out and down her cheeks. “I don’t want him to go…”
“We don’t know everything about these yet,” Lee reassures her, a hand on her shoulder. If it were anyone other than Lee touching her, Clem would recoil; but it is Lee, so she leans into it, not away. “Duck could bounce back. We could still find a way to help him.”
But the way he talks makes it sound like Duck is already dead.
I wouldn’t have let your friend get bit, says the stranger on the walkie talkie. If I were there, he’d still be alive and playing with you.
The worst part is that Clem has no idea whether or not to believe him.
– – –
Lee dies, and Clementine nearly doesn’t make it out of Savannah. Not after him, not after the stranger and his bowling bag, not after her Mom and Dad - she leaves Lee, because she has to, but she gets stuck at the door and can’t bring herself to open it.
Because if she opens it, he’s really gone. And all the walkers outside - they’re loud, moaning and groaning and wailing all over the place, the swarm they brought down with them when they took the train. Before it had been easier; Lee had smeared the guts on her, Lee had held her hand and kept her close as they moved through the crowded, jostling pack. Now, she’s alone. She has to freshen the entrails herself, and the smell and the feeling of them all slippery and warm beneath Clem’s fingers nearly makes her puke. She has no hand to hold, and for one fleeting moment, she thinks it might be easier to just stay here. With him.
But that’s not what Lee would have wanted. And Christa and Omid are out there somewhere, waiting for her. She has to find them.
She has to find them.
So she opens the door, and she holds her palms against her ears.
– – – 
“Do you blame me?” Clem asks. “It’s my fault he’s gone.”
“I don’t blame you,” Christa tells her, and Clem knows that she lies.
– – – 
“I think you’ll get along well with Sarah,” Pete tells her, even though they’re still convinced it’s a walker bite and Luke refuses to carry her any longer.
“Who’s Sarah,” asks Clem, rather dully. Her arm hurts like a motherfucker; she can still hear Sam’s dying whine from when she slid the knife beneath his matted yellow fur.
“She’s another girl,” Luke tells her. “Bit older than you, but sweet. You guys might have some things in common.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Clementine demands, and Luke blanches. 
“I didn’t mean - only that - “
Pete saves him. “She could just really use a friend closer to her own age,” he says kindly. “I bet you could, too.”
The last age-appropriate friend Clem had was Duck, and Duck got bit. She doesn’t exactly have high hopes for this Sarah kid, either. Really, she shouldn’t be making any friends, because they’ll all just leave her eventually, and then she’ll be alone again. 
Maybe she’s the common denominator. Maybe, if she lets people be, no one else will have to die. 
But she knows on her own, she wouldn’t survive.
Sarah is sweet, it’s true, and nice enough, but she doesn’t get it. She’s never killed a walker and when Clem tries to teach her how to use a gun, Sarah nearly shoots her right between the eyes.
“Don’t point that at me!” Clementine exclaims. “You never, ever point a gun at someone, even if you know it’s not loaded! If you keep doing that, you’re going to get someone killed.”
Sarah shrinks in on herself. She lowers the pistol, embarrassed. “Ok,” she whispers, the grimy lenses of her crimson glasses fogging up with unshed tears. “I’m sorry. Just…please don’t shout at me.”
Clem hadn’t even realized she’d been yelling. She hadn’t meant to hurt Sarah’s feelings, it’s only that she has to know these things. If Lee hadn’t taught Clem everything he had, she wouldn’t still be alive. She knows that.
And Sarah is sweet, even if she’s naive. Clementine doesn’t want her to die. “Why can’t you tell me who that guy at the door was?!” Clem demands, and Sarah wilts and bites her fingernails and says, “I’m sorry I’m sorry I just - I can’t remember!”
Clem sighs; she pulls Sarah into a hug and holds her there until she calms down again.
Jane is blunt, like her. Jane knows how hard it is to lose the ones you care about, to be left all by your lonesome. Clem likes her, likes that she’s smart enough to use the guts as a disguise and flirt with Troy ‘til the walkers get him. She admires Jane’s poker face, and her short-chopped hair, and how she teaches Clem to take them out at the knee so it’s easier to reach their skulls.
But then Jane wants to leave Sarah in the trailer home. And Clem understands - more than anyone bar Carlos, and Carlos is gone - that Sarah can be difficult, but Jane’s so quick to abandon her for dead that Clementine starts to worry, and not just for her friend.
If Jane hates Sarah, and Sarah and Clementine are alike, at least a little bit…does that mean Jane hates Clementine, too?
“I’m sorry,” Jane tells her, after Sarah’s screams stop and all Clem can hear from below is the wet sounds of feasting on flesh. “I tried to save her, I really did, I know she was your friend…I tried to save her, Clementine.”
And Clem knows that she lies.
– – – 
The first time she ever holds AJ in her arms, he stops his fussing and stares up at her with such innocent, big brown eyes that Clem nearly chokes on her own tongue right then and there. She passes him back to Rebecca and wonders what the hell a look like that is supposed to mean, from a new-born baby who’ll never know the way things used to be before the dead started walking.
At Wellington, alone in their room, he is all she has. Jane is dead, Kenny left them behind to stay safe. AJ doesn’t talk yet. He barely even gurgles. All he seems to do is cry - when he’s hungry, when he needs his diaper changed, when he’s tired and he can’t fall asleep. Clem stays up with him in the night, loses her own sleep to make sure he gets his. She shushes him and rocks him in her arms and hums him little songs until those brown eyes flutter shut and he finally drifts off to bed.
She’s exhausted, and she’s almost as lonely as she was before. She looks down at the baby in her arms and feels…nothing. Nothing except for the guilt, and that she can’t do anything about.
Then one night, AJ hands her a doodle, balled up and crumpled in his meaty little fist. It’s nothing more than a few scribbles, mixtures of yellow and green crayon that blend to make a muddy brown. The colors of the leaves right at the end of summertime. He doesn’t make a sound as he gives it to her, but when she takes it in her hands, she knows it’s hers and hers alone.
“Thank you,” she tells him, softly, feeling more vulnerable than she has in months, and her tears catch in his tiny curls as she presses the first of many, many kisses to her goofball’s forehead.
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yamatologistt · 1 year
im like, what, 10 years late to the whole walking dead game thing but i was way too young back then to understand the game. i hope people still enjoy it, its a really good game (and sad) but im only up to season 3 right now (i only really liked s1 and s2) but im not finished so i cant really make decisions rn
i just want to talk about ben rn and evaluate him cause im rewatching it and now that hes my favourite i notice more things about him now. (i literally look at him everytime hes in frame even if its just showing the back of his head oml)
but anyway i see a lot of ben hate and sure i get it but i dont at the same time ben is so silly how can u hate him
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- to start, when we first met ben in the woods, he’d already been through some stuff, like he saw his classmate off herself and turn into a walker, his camp got raided and he was left with 1 friend and his teacher (who both still die btw) so most of what he had left before the apocalypse was gone
- when lee is rationing out the food, if he gives ben food first, kenny comes and tells lee that there’s kids that need food too, and ben literally is like ‘sorry i didnt want any trouble’ like cmon, and he’s literally a kid too he deserves the food as much as anyone else
- on the train he is interested in the controls and being up there, so we can see that he generally enjoyed it. but once lee gets the engine going, kenny comes and ben immediately has to go babysit katjaa clem and duck (he is also visibly upset) AND THEN later on lee asks how ben was doing and he says ‘im watching the girls and not working on a mega cool train’ (let him on the train immediately 😠😠)
- ok, so maybe he did sneak supplies to the bandits and i think this is just me being biased but i feel like him giving the supplies held off the bandits a little. i mean think about it, they moved on from the st john’s farm and started taking from the motel, right? im not sure how the bandits asked ben (if they made it clear then i forgot) but if he refused wouldnt the bandits come attack even earlier? i mean they needed the supplies right, and if ben didnt give them anything to begin with they would have raided the motel anyway. i mean they knew where they were even before the st john incident. idk its just a thought
- i think it was cool how ben managed to confess to lee that he was the one who slipped the bandits supplies. like you can tell ben is a good guy cause the guilt was almost literally eating him from the inside. and even though ben isnt one of the bravest people, he still confessed knowing that lee’s reaction wouldnt be pretty. (also his stance when leaning on the train railing was so silly to me)
- after they meet christa and omid, ben tells lee that his biggest fear was to be eaten by the walkers. i mean he literally said that if he got bitten he would off himself 😢😢
- also ben was always referred to as a child but he was never treated like one, everyone excpected him to be brave and strong but in reality he was just some scrawny highschool student who was scared and couldnt live up to his impossible standards. man, i really just wanna give ben a big hug
- if you tell ben to “kill anything that gets in” he responds with “you know you’re talking to me, right?” poor ben
- even though his biggest fear is getting eaten by walkers, you still have the option to leave him behind, and let him go at the bell tower. i mean how could u do this to him hes already gone through enough
- lastly, the part where ben tells off kenny is literally iconic, that scene singlehandedly made ben one of my favourite characters of all time, i was like everyone else, i didnt care about ben because i thought he was a bad guy since i never really payed attention to him. but i swear when he was telling kenny off it felt like i was being told off too. i mean his point was valid too, kenny had his family to say goodbye to, and ben (and literally everyone else) never got to see their family, (or they saw them as walkers, lee and clem,, :( )
- i know the last point was meant to be the last one but cmon its ben i could type this for ages longer but yeah. he had the literal best character development in the game. at first he was some stupid kid who was always messing up and before he died he was an amazing character who deserved literally everything. omg i cried so hard when he died cause when he fell i was like, oh i think its ok the fall wasnt too far and he said he only hurt his leg, but bro once we saw what really happened my heart sank bro it was so sad i really hoped nothing bad happened to him ☹️☹️ but i think kenny did the right thing cause like we said, his worst fear was the walkers getting to him. gosh i feel like i watched his death for the first time ages ago and i still cant stop thinking about him man
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anyways, i would literally do anything to give ben a massive hug, he did his best and he was literally so funny too :((
(thanks if u read this far btw, i just wanted to rant about this man i love him so much and i will defend him with my life) 😠‼️
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twdg-and-stuff · 1 year
hi!! could you do reader formerly apart of the motel group that was presumed dead (maybe lost in the bandit raid?) settling in at ericsons’s eventually a few years after and reuniting with clem in s4? it’s random and oddly specific but I hope you find it interesting enough to pursue! thanks :)
A/N: Hello!! I’d be happy to, I hope you like it!:) This kinda reminded me of Michonne and Jocelyn in TWD (minus the kidnapping kids part…) because I was rewatching S9 lol
Warnings: Assumption of death, Usual TWDG stuff
Clementine x Reader
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If she was being honest, Clementine had completely forgotten about you. Maybe not completely, if someone randomly said your name she’d remember-but still, not a lot. You were a memory she’d shoved in the back of her head, forgotten but still there. She thought you’d died a long time ago.
You on the other hand, never stopped thinking a bout her. Not just Clementine, but the whole group. You forgot some people’s names, but remembered Clem’s because of how unique it was.
You’d been through countless groups since then, most had either died or just split up slowly. You made many friends along the way but none you remembered as well as Clementine.
One day, Clem was playing war with Louis and Violet.
“Alright, I get to ask Clem now.” Louis said.
He coughed before speaking.
“Someone you remember from an old group?”
Clem thought about it for a bit. They all knew about Lee, Kenny, and now obviously Lilly. She kept thinking, almost like sifting through files in her mind. She’d told them stories about basically everybody-then she remembered you.
“Hm, well there was this person in my first group. They were my friend. I miss them, they died during a raid from bandits that I told you guys about earlier.”
The table went silent.
Then, it was broken by yelling. Rosie began barking.
The three shot up and ran towards the gate.
Clem could make out 3 shadows. Two of which she knew was Aasim and Mitch. The other stood hunkered down between the two.
“We found Them Right outside the old safe zone.”
Clem walked farther towards them.
Her eyes widened when she realized.
It was you.
You both ran to hug each other, memories instantly flooding back.
“I thought you were dead.”
“I thought you were, too.”
The high of seeing an old friend quickly warned off when you both noticed your best friends, parental figures even, weren’t with either of you. You both assumed the worst.
You and Clem spent hours that night catching up.
Clem told you about Christa and Omid, The cabin group, Carver, Arvo, The new frontier, Javi and Gabe, Finding A.J.
You told her about the groups and people you’d met, bad people you’d run into before, anything you could remember.
Clementine was happy to have you back. To have someone who understood the first few months of the apocalypse for her was like.
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zombtismonmain · 26 days
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Clementine HC's -> S1 - S4
reminder, these have no basis in canon, i simply like the character and have hc's for either my own writing, fun or comfort. minus the bisexual part, given clem is canonically bisexual and that makes me. so very happy.
This will contain obvious spoilers for TWDG S1-S4
Character Related
Clementine is autistic and sometimes struggles with tone, and taking things literally.
Clementine has a special interest in walkie-talkies and other devices, often dismantling them to see how they work - similar to her father whose an engineer.
Prior to being attacked by Sam the dog in season 2, Clementine has a phobia of dogs already, specifically big dogs. She did have a cat that she found in her yard one day and talked her parents into keeping him.
While not a special interest, Clementine enjoys cars and vehicles.
Clementines hat is a comfort item in the same vein a teddy bear might be for young children.
During season 1, Clementine had a small crush on Duck, during Season 2, she had a somewhat crush on Sarah but didn't know the word for it but also a deep friendship, Season 3-4 is when she's officially come to terms with her bisexuality (and polyamory because she has two hands she can have both Louis and Violet. Okay? Okay.)
Clementine mimics Lee alot when taking care of AJ.
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Relationships - Familial / Friends
Clementine and Lee develop a deep father-daughter like bond with Lee making sure Clementine is safe long after his death - this is something she uses with AJ and mimics a lot of Lee's behaviors with those around her.
During Season 1, while not super close, Clementine developed a somewhat older sister figure in Lilly. This died along with Carley when Lilly killed her.
Prior to Marlon's demise and betrayal, Clementine enjoyed his company and considered him a friend.
As mentioned prior, Clementine was very close to Sarah during Season 2 (at least in my game, because she reminded me so much of my own sister) and the two act as a support system with Clementine trying to understand her anxiety and teaching her how to defend herself. The two made matching flower rings and Clementine keeps hers in a pocket despite it now becoming withered and dead.
Clementine has a few people that she considers actual family, this being; Lee, Christa, Omid, Kenny and AJ. While he closest friends would of been: Duck, Sarah, Luke, Jane, Marlon, Ruby and Javier (at least in my game)
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Relationships - Romantic
Polycule situation between Louis, Clem and Violet, the three often act as a family with Clementine being in the middle - similar to Lee, her priority is AJ's safety and her partners respect that.
Clementine had small crushes on a few people, nothing ever serious for various reasons, but personally I feel like Clementine falls harder for people (Louis and Violet) and is very sentimental when it comes down to people shes in a relationship with.
Very protective of her partners - and just generally people she's close to. She's lost enough people.
Louis fell first, Violet fell harder than Clementine did and it took Violet a while to warm up to Clementine romantically due to what happened with Minnie.
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Also, if you'd like the Clementine Clem icons i've made, I'll put them at the bottom for you to use or save <3 they are in order from season 1 to season 4.
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dalekofchaos · 2 years
Couple of TWDG unpopular opinions
Season 2 would’ve been better if we replaced the Cabin group with the 400 Days characters or even better, replace Arvo with Eddie and use the 400 Days crew and Tavia instead of the evil stereotypical Russians and just have the final episode of Tavia and co getting revenge for losing their home and it ends with either Clem choosing to save Kenny or Nick
Killing off Omid and never mentioning Christa ever again was stupid
The story would be better if Clem was looking after Christa and Omid's baby instead of AJ
Ben, Sarah, Nick, Luke and Mariana being killed off was pointless
TNF should’ve been about the season 2 ending. Either Clem alone, Clem in Wellington or Clem with Kenny or Jane(or if they didn’t kill him so stupidly, Luke) and Clem building her own community and raising and protecting AJ
Only mentioning Lee in the final season was a disservice to Kenny, Jane, Luke, Alvin and Rebecca. The fact that Lilly never mentions Kenny and even wishing he were still alive so she could kill him herself would’ve been enough and Clem shutting her shit down in a similar Kenny style. "I am glad Kenny smashed your piece of shit father's head in. God you are still not over it are you? All this hard bitch is just for show isn't it? After all this time, you are still the same scared little girl crying for daddy's help. Well get the fuck over it, Lee had enough of your bullshit and I have too. Go to hell Lily, tell Larry I said fuck you!"
Not going back to Richmond after getting AJ back was honestly bad writing in my opinion. Clem and AJ already had a home waiting for them with a family who wanted Clem to return. Ericson is a nice place, but unless there is an explanation as to why they didn’t go other than “...shut up, that’s why” it’s really fucking stupid. If it were up to me, Clem would’ve sought help from Javi, Gabe and Richmond get the kids back instead of James. The rescue is a success. Lilly and her people are dead and we get the choice to either return to the school or Richmond. Or hell even the choice to go back to Clem’s old house as was in the cut ending with AJ(or Christa’s child if they didn’t erase that plotline) and whomever your love interest is.
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clemster · 26 days
Ok a serious ask this time, who do you think watches the Olympics
i think they all watch it!!! the ones most invested tho would probs be clem, lee, omid, luke, pete, sarah, alvin, maybe rebecca, javi, gabe, mariana, aj, louis, marlon, mitch, maybe willy………. i think that’s all i can think of atm
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bourbonificould · 1 month
Do you have any headcanons for twdg characters and what they did before the apocalypse?
I think this is more for the elder characters so let's try:
The St. John's were ranchers and farmers obviously, but I think Andy was probably more into heading into the city every now and then.
Luke and Nick were known to be unemployed, I think they lived pretty close to each other with their families. The families were very working class though, so they weren't in a crazy rush especially with their "business" failing.
Ben Paul was probably an alright academic, I like to think that he would try to talk with Clem and Duck about things at the Motor Inn, maybe how school was or what their favorite subjects are.
Speaking of Duck, he would like to bug his father A LOT about the times of fish or all that stuff that he'd check on, but then Duck would totally forget the next day.
We know that Aasim was "cured" right before the apocalypse, but I can assume that the rest of the Ericson's students were either in the middle or nowhere near the "cured" mantle.
Christa wasn't the biggest people person, so I'm not really set on like a job for her, but she seems like a working woman. Omid was super into the "thrill of life" nonsense, and was definitely a little more energetic than he seems in the series. Christa always joked that he'd get himself arrested one day with his reckless driving.
I think Molly was probably in university but would skip her classes often, claiming she was "in no rush to graduate". She'd go out on her own often around the state even, keeping in touch with her sister and even sneaking her out sometimes.
I wish I could think of more but I have a headache 😭 uhhh we'll get back to it soon
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fox-from-fairytale · 2 months
The first time I played I disliked Bonnie, but why did I dislike her for exactly?
She was terrified of losing Luke and in the haste of saving him she made a stupid decision, but how many made them? It's stupid that she can hate Clementine if she listens to Luke, but doesn't Christa also resent Clementine for Omid? And I love Christa, and compared to Bonnie there is no hate for her. Hating Clementine in both occasions is really fucking stupid, but it would be hypocritical of me to still love one and hate the other, wouldn't it? She leaves with Mike and Arvo, and the only thing I don't like here is that they don't bring the kids or leave half of the supplies for them, but honestly those episodes were so terribly written I don't like any of the characters by that point.
I'm not suddenly her biggest fan, but I don't dislike her anymore, and I really like the moments she has with Clem, both at Howe and at the unfinished house after Luke's death.
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donerunning · 2 years
The way I just sat in silence and mapped out an entire Clementine comic that takes place in the missing chunk of time in which she was being raised by Christa alone
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unhingedlesbear · 9 months
GUYS I just dug up one of my original werewolf aus!!! I'm talking like YEARS ago like 2020 or something??? One of my first werewolf aus was a TWDG werewolf au where some of the characters were werewolves and some were humans. (Can't remember exactly who was what, but I know Lee, Omid and Christa were all werewolves, Clem and Kenny were humans, and I think Louis and Violet were both werewolves too??? Carley was a human??? I think????)
Anyway so back then my best friend and I made a little collab doodle of Lee and Clem. (She did Clem, I did Lee. This was obv before I developed my own werewolf design so he just looks like a normal wolf lmao)
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terrak0 · 4 months
If you could make one major change to TWDG, in anything from a character death to an important plot event, what would you change, and what would you have preferred to happen in place of that?
Ough, there is SO MUCH stuff I would change in the games, but for the sake of this ask I would change what happened with Sarah, because her getting no development and dying the way she did was just such a middle finger to fans who went out of their way to try and save her. It’s such wasted potential.
I would have her learning how to use a gun actually become important in later episodes. But it could also have unintended consequences.
Like maybe, because Sarah is so new to this and untrained with handling a gun, she ends up shooting and hurting someone by mistake (maybe she’s the one who shoots Matthew on the bridge instead of Nick 😲) which leads to further conflict with Carlos and he gets super pissed off because how dare Clementine teach Sarah how to use a gun behind his back?
It would also be a good parallel to how Clementine was a bit careless with her gun in the beginning of the season, and because of that Omid was killed.
If you saved her at the trailer park, then she would stay inside the observation area and out of the line of fire, preventing her from falling when the deck gets dropped. Using some of the medical knowledge she picked up from Carlos, she could try to help Rebecca while she’s having the baby.
She would slowly get better at using a gun, especially after Carlos death and Clem’s whole speech about how they can’t be kids anymore. By the time they get to the lake, she becomes a pretty good shot, keeping the walkers off of Luke with Bonnie while Clem attempts to help pull him out of the lake. And maybe, because Sarah is there to provide additional cover, you can determinately save Luke. But only if you saved Sarah in the trailer park.
The idea is that the game would kinda reward you for saving her, kinda like how S1 rewards you for saving Ben by giving us that awesome verbal smackdown he gives to Kenny, and Kenny’s “death” scene.
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hexisssssssss · 2 months
Favorite twdg characters?
Gonna sort this by season!
Season 1:
Obviously Love Clem and Lee, truly amazing characters. Lee was probably one of my favorite protagonists to play as besides s4 Clem.
Also Loved Kenny! And the three other characters who stood out to me the most were Lilly, Carley, and Omid
Season 2:
Clem ofc 🫶
Honestly i loved both Jane and Kenny equally. I feel Jane gets so much unfair hate. Like she did some crazy fucked up things but so did Kenny. And i think they both could have been great role models and family to Clem if they had more time.
Season 3:
Javi was a fun protagonist, and clem was also great in this game like in every one 🫶
For other characters I honestly did not have many stand out to me as huge favorites but i thought ava was cool and gabe does not deserve all the hate ive seen him get
Season 4:
LOVED playing as clem in this game. The option to have a romance was fun and felt deserved for clem after everything she went through. I love AJ too, even if he is way too unrealistically smart for a kid his age lol
Honestly almost every character in this game is memorable to me and had amazing moments but my top 3 (besides the protagonists) are Lilly, Violet, and Louis. I will die on my Lilly supporter hill she is my wife and she can do no wrong!!!!!! But in all seriousness she is one of the most fascinating characters, and i could not have ever come up with a better antagonist. Seeing all those moments where both clem and her are confronted with their own past because of eachother are always some of the most impactful scenes to me. I could go on such a long rant about her and my analysis of her character but i will save that rant for another post 🫶
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