#clifftop retreat
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Clifftop Retreat by Samuele Bandini
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stanford-photography · 8 months
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Clifftop Shrine By Jeff Stanford, 2024 Buy prints at: https://jeff-stanford.pixels.com/
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techdriveplay · 6 months
Lonely Planet's Top 10 Camping Destinations for This Easter
Discover the untold beauty of Australia’s most enchanting hidden gems, from the haunting allure of Yerranderie Ghost Town to the luxurious solitude of Faraway Domes in Glen Innes. Venture into the heart of nature with Arkaroola Wilderness Sanctuary’s star-studded skies, immerse yourself in the off-grid elegance of Aquila Glamping, or find serene isolation at Bruny Island Hideaway. Each…
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espionn · 5 months
NightWing tribe sheet!
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hey guys, sorry this one took a little bit. nightwings have a lot going on. also, i talked about both the old night kingdom and the volcanic island, but i didn't really mention their new rainforest setup, bc i didn't want this to be *too* long. so sorry that there isnt anything regarding that lol
Physical Appearance + Traits
-NightWings are the only fully nocturnal tribe, going to sleep a bit after dawn and rising at sunset. Their colors are dark, not only making them invisible in the shadows but also letting them fly at night without standing out. The undersides of their wings are scattered with starlike scales and rich coloration that perfectly resembles a night sky. Their night vision is almost perfect, and their eyes flash in direct light not unlike nocturnal mammals like cats. 
-NightWing colors are usually mixed with green, blue, purple, or some combination of these. Some are nearly pitch black, and others are more gray. Their beaklike snout, horns, and spines are usually the same light silver as their scales, but sometimes these can be black too.
-Healthy NightWings are often somewhat large and even bulky, with thick tails and strong legs. After their retreat to the volcano, they were thought for some time to be scrawny and have a permanent dull roughness to their scales, but after a few generations in the rainforest they began to again be sleek and strong.
-The three moons are not only extremely important to NightWing culture and imagery, but also have a physical effect on them. Named Oracle, Perception, and Imperial, each full moon can grant a different ability. A NightWing hatched under a full Oracle will have limited prophecy abilities, and Perception will grant mind reading. Imperial added to either of these will make them stronger. The only thing that is still uncertain is whether Imperial alone has any effect. Some dragons insist it grants natural leadership abilities, but the only consistent observable effect it seems to have is a deep-rooted infatuation with the moons throughout the dragon’s life.
-Perception - mind reading - will also leave a silver teardrop-shaped scale in the corner of the dragon’s eyes. It will be reinforced with a silver circle beneath it if Imperial’s strength is applied. Oracle’s mark is more subtle, but seers’ eyes themselves will often be strikingly silver, and some have noted more clear constellations present in their wings.
-The strength of the power can often depend on how directly the dragonet was exposed to the light.
-The pattern of stars in the wings of NightWings are as unique as a human’s fingerprint. Sometimes, though, they resemble real constellations, and even when they don’t, there are seers who claim to be able to read a dragon’s fortune in their wings, similar to palm readers or even Zodiac theorists. Superstitious parents may have the wings of their dragonets analyzed by these seers. It’s very rare, but on occasion a dragon may be hatched with large, bright patches of clustered star scales, and these dragons are not only considered extremely attractive and desirable, but also may be said to be blessed by the stars themselves. 
-Albino NightWings are extremely rare, but they are practically worshipped. One factor in the bad blood between NightWings and IceWings was the feeling from NightWings that IceWings’ pale coloration was a crude mimicry of the moons, and therefore impure and insulting.
Life Cycle:
-NightWing eggs are laid in small clutches, usually between two and four. They incubate on secure clifftops, carefully watched by parents, for 3-4 months, and hatch quite physically defenseless. They take longer to learn to walk and fly than any other tribe (with the exception of SeaWings, of course). NightWings believe this is a sign of superior intelligence, as their development goes to their minds first and their bodies second; it is, in fact, true that NightWings learn to speak and even read quite early compared to other tribes.
-NightWings live with their parents and siblings in family units. It isn’t uncommon for homes to be multi-generational, with grandparents or even great-grandparents to live in the same place as their descendents, as some dragons simply never choose to leave their unit. They also sometimes live with friends and other relatives. Some also choose to live alone.
-Despite how many NightWings sometimes choose to live together, they are actually not very socially dependent dragons. Some are more social than others, but much of their lives and work will be spent on their own, even though they live and sleep with other dragons. They are self-motivated and many are quiet and disinterested in conversation. They also tend to lean toward making friends outside their families rather than having the same parent and sibling bonds that some other tribes have. 
-Dragonets spend much of their time, for several years, in school. NightWing schooling is very organized and thorough, and every dragonet is expected to attend. The vast majority of their socialization while they’re young is done in school.
Society + Culture:
-Even more so than SeaWings, NightWings have thousands of years of literature that they take enormous pride in; the main reason for their education system at all is their need to teach about their history and writings. Poetry and orchestral music are inventions of the Night kingdom, and they are beloved within the tribe. Their technology is on par with SkyWings, but instead of weaponry and armor, their focuses are on instruments, glasswork and even some scientific tools. 
-Their society doesn’t rely much on rank and structure; some dragons may have higher status, usually based on wealth, but NightWings don’t have distinct ‘high-status’ and ‘low-status’ groups like other tribes might. They are valued based on ability and intelligence, and not so much by birthright. Mindreaders and seers are usually well-known and well-respected, though there is a subtle jealousy pointed toward them throughout their lives as a result. 
-There was a time when NightWings would intentionally try to lay eggs that would hatch on full moons, especially double moons, hoping to have powerful offspring. However, many myths state that these dragonets would be cursed, and their gifts would somehow backfire; in these stories they often died, young and tragically. This practice was later discouraged and even considered taboo. 
-This hasn’t stopped some morally ambiguous experiments from being carried out. Eggs about to hatch have been intentionally exposed to meteor showers, eclipses, blue moons, harvest moons, northern lights, and a number of other phenomena with the hopes of finding some new and mysterious powers. The records of the results have been lost to time.
-Architecture is another particular piece of pride for NightWings, and while the Night Kingdom still stood, it was a marvel to any dragons who visited. Their structures - schools, homes, even the kingdom - were carved directly out of the cliffs of their jagged land, and then carefully and lovingly sculpted over time; pillars and statues and high-vaulted ceilings with intricate detailing are almost reminiscent of ancient Rome. 
-Even before their retreat to the volcanic island, NightWings were not very involved in the conflicts between other tribes. They were perfectly content in their region, and tended to think other tribes didn’t have much worth seeing anyway. Because they don’t usually bother themselves with fights like this, when they aren’t hunting, they tend to spend their time on things like art, writing, astronomy, and music, as these are highly valued in their society. Those who weren’t interested in these areas could also do limited military work, construction work, or work in service of their royalty as guards, hunters or servants.
-Once they lived on the island, though, survival trumped anything else. Food was scarce to non-existent, they lost the majority of their craft and literature, and some died outright from smoke inhalation toward the beginning. They carved rough tunnels into the cliffs with their own claws. They became hardier, but much less advanced. They also lost all knowledge regarding the stars and moons, including that of their own powers.
Old Kingdom: Omnivorous. NightWings could make a wide variety of food and drinks, usually eating small animals, fruits and vegetables that they could grow or trade, and even some mushrooms. They had no qualms about eating them raw without preparation, if they just needed a quick meal, but they could mix and cook food to make a variety of meals.
Island: Carnivorous. They eat anything they can find, and rarely bother to do anything beyond cooking it, if even that. Very few plants grow on the volcano, and only the most desperately hungry dragons will eat it. 
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alpydk · 4 months
Romantic smut prompt: before Karlach’s engine cools down, she and Shadowheart use the tadpole connection for mutual masturbation ❤️
Sharing is Caring
Thanks for this prompt, it was fun, difficult, but fun. I'm learning a lot about me and smut which I sort of expected but yeah, always learning. Hope you like this. Of course a Happy Pride to everyone, which I've failed to say, I'm sure.
Word Count - 1506 - CW - Smut - F/F
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Singed lips had not been the result Shadowheart had been looking for the first time she'd kissed Karlach. She’d expected hot, maybe a little steamy as they’d crept under the cool waterfall together, eager hands upon one another in light quick touches, but the lengthier kiss had been met with a healing spell she hadn’t anticipated. “Well, I guess that’s out of the question then,” she spoke, a slight resignation in her tone.
The two friends had spent the weeks journeying together, pilfering wine from the camp supplies when they could, drinking and sharing in ways the cleric had never thought possible. With very few memories and a natural distrust for anyone, it had been a shock to find someone like Karlach who bulldozed through all obstacles, whether physical or metaphorical. Their pasts had mattered little to each other, their futures even less. The tiefling had been a heated dragon’s breath of fresh air to Shadowheart, a new lesson on how to focus on the present and seizing the moments that mattered. Fresh memories had been created between the two, ones she would not be so quick to surrender on her return to Shar’s grasp.
It had been a night sat alone on the rocky clifftop where they’d first shared their feelings with each other, schoolgirl type blushes expressed which had caused Shadowheart to scoff, brightened firelight licking up from Karlach’s shoulders in response to the reaction. One upgrade to the barbarian’s infernal engine had been enough for a quick steal of a kiss with the unknown help of a stray ice bolt from Gale. With that, they’d both been secretly working on ideas of how they could further progress the relationship to something more than just shared alcohol and what ifs.
They couldn’t rely on Gale being involved every time, even with the flirtatious comments he sometimes spouted, and advice from the other members of their party had provided useless. Astarion had offered playful remarks about watching, though Shadowheart got the feeling he wasn’t even interested in that, his act one she was familiar with herself. Wyll had talked about the pleasantries of talking to build a relationship, one idea which Karlach had grown bored with quickly remembering her times alone in the tents of Avernus. And Withers… Well, what did a dried skeletal corpse know of sex? The two potential lovers would simply have to work this one out alone.
One darkened evening, as the clouds drifted in front of sparkling skies, the pain retreated a short distance from the camp, bottles of wine in hands, the idea being to use the nearby waterfall to act a constant coolant for Karlach’s heated flesh. At first it had seemed to have worked as the elf’s delicate hands drifted upon her companion’s skin, the battle earned scars risen against the pads of her fingers. The water steamed around their naked bodies, a hot spring of their own creation merging with the internal warmth of shared liquor.  
Travelling hands led to soft kisses laid upon one another, their idea working well as the air grew thick around them both. Shadowheart leaned in for the kiss eagerly, the tiefling’s firm hands holding around her hips to give her the height she needed in the depths of the pool. For a moment it had been perfect, the warmth of their lips upon another, the twisting of tongues searching, and then came the quick prickling and the need to pull back.
Unspoken frustration was expressed between both; a silent trudge back to the shore and the wine now drunk to bury unexpressed sensations. Karlach shifted uncomfortably on the quickly drying earth beneath her, the leather of her armour not the welcome touch to her heated skin. “You know, Fringe… This might be an odd one, but what if we use the worm?”
Shadowheart took a swig from the bottle in her hand, her lips pursed to the cool glass opening and her eyes focussed on the neckline that she wished she could suckle on instead. She thought over the concept. They had used the tadpole in the past for sharing visions and messages when needed, its presence not a complete negative aside from the well-known fact that it was destined to transform them into soulless monsters. She lowered the bottle considering the idea; it could work. “Well, I’m willing if you are.”
The tiefling gave a playful grin; her sharpened teeth gleaming, ready for what was to come. She let her mind wander; the tadpole reacting to the connection between the two. She could see the elf in her mind’s eye, the way the pale skin seemed to glow against the astral background they floated in. Karlach gave the world a background, sunlight over forest clearings, fluffy clouds floating aimlessly above them. Both stood naked in this envisaged dream, Karlach’s flames now muted to nothingness, her reddened flesh a stark contrast to Shadowheart’s.
The cleric saw the wildflowers, purples and whites that spattered the surrounding green wilderness, the tiefling’s need for the life of the world around, the touch of prickling grass under their soles, the distant sound of falling water but a silence hanging in the area, an anticipation shared between them. She approached slowly, trying not to break the illusion in front of her, her own love of night orchids appearing under the shaded edges of the tree line.  
The two met, soft hands drifting upon one another’s arms, testing how far this idea could go. As Shadowheart felt the warm grip on her, she let out a soft sigh; the tadpole working in providing not just visual but also physical aid in what they both wanted. She knew not how her body lay on the shores near the waterfall, only that in this moment she could be free to express herself. She felt her mind tug with Karlach’s, the shared longing for each other passing over through the conjured world. It had been so long since being with another person; self-imposed isolation placed up, as per Shar’s commands, but she cared little. She wanted to kiss, to feel, to love, and she wanted it with Karlach.
The smile was all Shadowheart needed to know her thoughts had been received, similar coming back to her own tadpole, whispers of how life was too short to regret not sharing love. And that’s what this was between them, a love that both feared to waste. She leaned in, feeling the wine tinted lips of her companion upon hers, her hands drifting over the ridges and scars of the tiefling’s body. She heard the hungry moan of desire in her ear and control was lost to her. There was only the yearning of long denied hands on flesh, frantic kisses placed over long observed bodies. Shadowheart forgot the tadpole, Shar, her mission; there was only her and Karlach, desperate fingers tracing the point of no return.
Firm fingers danced upon her own delicate flesh, the grass beneath them both folding under the rolling of their bodies pressed against one another. She let out her own whimper at the touch, so much different from the nights she had spent alone. Her hips arched into the sensation, her mind unravelling, the tadpole continuing to support them in the fantasy. Karlach gave a subtle bite to her shoulder, the pinch fuelling the cleric on further, pleasure and pain a combination, one she was used to. Fingertips continued their motions, light rubbings building in speed as the pressure each of them felt grew. With physical aspects being felt, the emotions and sensations built in intensity; each climb to climax, passing the barrier between their minds.
The illusion flickered between them as the precipice neared, the tree’s vanishing before reappearing, eyes clenched shut and breathless gasps heard. The warmth of the tiefling’s fingers seem to increase, but Shadowheart knew there was little time before she reached her peak, her body trembling and hips quivering in her lover’s grasp. She felt as the strong thighs clenched around her hand, the waves of release being felt by her companion and with it she let go of her bindings entirely.
The water lapped upon her boot; the stars shining above her and a salted breeze from the coast whistled through the trees that surrounded them. She opened her eyes, turning her head to see the satisfied smile of Karlach; the tiefling’s deep dark hair released and lying wild around the pointed red ears. As the heat of the flames returned, granting a welcome comfort from the chilly night’s embrace, the two lay gazing at one another, basking in the bliss that had fallen between them.
The next morning was met with stolen glances and whispers of when they would next meet, of desires of what would happen once Karlach’s infernal engine was upgraded fully. There was only one downside that they had both discovered with their involvement of the tadpole, and that was their travelling companions, kept awake by the thoughts that were shared without restraint.
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blueiscoool · 8 months
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2,000-Year-Old Roman Villa Discovered in Naples
A three-year project to build a children’s playground and recreation area south of the Italian city of Naples has unearthed the ruins of a 2,000-year-old clifftop beach house.
Built in the first century, the panoramic mansion — which overlooks the islands of Ischia and Procida — is now partly flooded by the sea. Experts believe it could have once been the opulent residence of Pliny the Elder, the legendary author, naturalist, and commander of the Roman navy fleet stationed there.
The discovery, made last week in the coastal town of Bacoli, unearthed the thick perimeter stone walls of 10 large rooms with floors, tiled walls and a maze of intact panoramic outdoor terraces.
Back in the first century, the mansion would have been located within the Roman port at Misenum, where for four centuries a fleet of 70 ships controlled the Tyrrhenian Sea, the security of which was key to holding the western flank of the Roman empire.
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“It is likely that the majestic villa had a 360-degree view of the gulf of Naples for strategic military purposes,” Simona Formola, lead archaeologist at Naples’ art heritage, said in an interview. “We think (the excavation of) deeper layers could reveal more rooms and even frescoes — potentially also precious findings.”
Authorities were surprised by the elaborate style of the walls, which were constructed with diamond-shaped tufa (limestone) blocks placed in a net-like ornamental pattern about 70 centimeters (27.5 inches) below ground.
The villa runs down to a little crumbling stone dock now located about four meters below sea level. That this — and other parts of the unearthed villa — are now underwater is due to the phenomenon of “negative bradyseism,” a term used to describe the gradual descent of the earth’s surface into the sea in areas exposed to frequent volcanic activity. (The area borders a moon-shaped “caldera” or extinct volcanic crater).
Digs will continue in coming months, with authorities hoping to shed further light on not only the form of the beach villa itself, but the broader life and structure of Misenum, one of the most important colonies in the Roman Empire.
“The discovery is even more exceptional given that we know very little (about) the port of Misenum,” said Formola.
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As well as acting as a lookout point, Pliny’s beach villa would have also likely been used for leisure. The private dock was where he would greet high-ranking guests arriving by sea for lavish parties. Many Ancient Romans used to flock to Bacoli and the surrounding area, to enjoy their vacation homes and the region’s thermal baths and spa retreats.
Bacoli is located within the so-called “Phlegraean Fields” (or “Fire Plains”), which are dotted with natural geysers and tiny active craters where there are still frequent earthquakes. Due to its blazes and sulphureous vapors, the ancients believed it to be the entrance to the underworld and had dubbed it “the Mouth of Hell.” Indeed it’s possible that Pliny the Elder would have witnessed the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79 from the villa. It is known he died trying to rescue those fleeing the calamity.
While archaeologists were reportedly surprised by the finding, local lore had long speculated on the existence of an underground treasure in this location. On the beach neighboring the newly-discovered villa walls, a large brick ruin had been dubbed the “talking wall” by local residents as, in their view, it proved the one-time existence of a large residence.
The site will now become an open-air museum, set to open in the coming weeks. “The ruins of the Roman villa will be cleaned and cordoned-off with wooden fences,” said Bacoli’s mayor Josi Gerardo Della Ragione. “They will be the core of this beautiful space which… our citizens and visitors will get to admire.”
By Silvia Marchetti.
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es46 · 3 months
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Simply put, an exaggeration of spiders ballooning. - WYVORSILLA Title - Windshear spider Monster class - Temnoceran Known locales - High-altitude environments such as mountains and clifftops Element/ailment - Bleed + Water Elemental weakness - Ice (3), Dragon (3), Thunder (2), Fire (0), Water (0) Ailment weakness - Stun (3), Paralysis (2), Poison (2), Blast (1), Sleep (1) Wyvorsilla is a bizarre temnoceran perfectly adapted to high-altitude environments supported by updrafts, typically mountains. Boasting a rather compact and fuzzy body, sections of its head have extended to bolster its vision, whilst its limbs have become highly specialised to its lifestyle. The pedipalps and first pair can extend blade-like extensions for cutting, whilst the second and third pairs handle walking, able to curl up if need be. The fourth pair is for when Wyvorsilla takes to the air using silken parachutes connected to the abdomen, extending wing-like membranes to help catch the wind and manoeuvre. Wyvorsilla's strange anatomy makes sense in light of its lifestyle as an eccentric carnivore. Similar to its distant cousin Jansilla, Wyvorsilla excels in bringing down flying prey. By using its abdomen to spin sturdy parachutes of silk, the temnoceran takes to the sky, drifting along with the wind until it sights prey- typically a monster such as Paolumu or Seraphibra. Boldly, it will drop down onto the target, using its blade-like limbs to cut their wings and send them crashing down while Wyvorsilla escapes harm by spinning another parachute. This hunting process is energetically demanding, but well worth it to kill larger prey. Much like Jansilla, Wyvorsilla is not known to harass humans; it simply ignores them. Should a researcher feel threatened by its presence, a sonic bomb can drive it off by reminding it of a natural predator, Legiana. As expected, Wyvorsilla primarily relies on its bladed limbs to attack. While it cannot spray webbing like other temnocerans can, Wyvorsilla makes up for this with its excellent mobility and precise strikes. In addition, special ports on its abdomen store water, which can be pressurised and then released either to blast foes or propel the temnoceran, further enhancing its mobility. That said, against most opponents Wyvorsilla prefers to retreat, simply spinning a silk parachute and catching the wind to escape. Rare for temnocerans, males and females are indistinguishable from each other. Wyvorsilla will gather from far and wide to mate, taking to the skies in a vast colony. Females release their eggs in special sacs that catch the wind, and likewise with the males and their spermatophores. When the sacs bump together, the eggs are fertilised, and are breezed away. When they eventually land, the spiderlings soon emerge, working together in groups to survive until they are old enough to take to the air. The phenomenom of Wyvorsilla gathering to reproduce is known as a Windward Cluster. Predators are also attracted to these gatherings; usually the temnoceran's nemesis Daemona Xocoe, but even the likes of Legiana and Ibushi have been spotted. Wyvorsilla makes for a respectable challenge to hunters given its cunning and environmental exploitation (Low Rank - 3, High/Master Rank - 3). Engaging it in the air is folly, so focus attacks while it is grounded and prevent it from retreating with a parachute. Ice weapons can disrupt its water ports, making it easier to target the temnoceran's joints. While flash pods are ineffective, sonic bombs can panic Wyvorsilla and leave it open to attack. Wyvorsilla occupies a median niche in its environment; while a bane to flyers like Seraphibra and Paolumu, it itself may be easy prey for the likes of Legiana, whose icy winds freeze the temnoceran's watery coating and rendering it helpless. However, its nemesis is the piscine wyvern Daemona Xocoe, whose bioluminescent displays are oddly entrancing to Wyvorsilla, making it easy prey. - Thank you for reading and take care.
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ambiguouspuzuma · 5 months
the children play amongst the bones the boneless leave behind; the tombs marked not with standing stones but body parts in kind.
they crush their way across the decks of that forsaken fleet, the flesh worn from the chitin wrecks that crunch beneath their feet.
now scuttled here, a million culled with each retreating wave. bleached cuttlefish left for the gulls; beached limpets in mass graves.
the children dance across the dunes without care where they tread; build perfect castles on their ruins in insult to the dead.
there are no flowers for their plots (no churchyard was so drab), only the bladderwrack that rots around the hollowed crabs.
they were fierce hunters yesterday, proud beasts before they died. but fate makes all of us her prey come unforgiving tides.
this is a place we come for fun, the desert where they burned so that their butcherer, the sun, might redden us in turn.
even the sand between our toes should make us feel disgust. a landscape rendered long ago to so much ash and dust.
but we savour each afternoon amidst that tragic story as if we are somehow immune to their memento mori.
on clifftops flush with lavender the mourners congregate; only a rush of scavengers eager to fill their plates.
the beach is cast in darkness as those vultures swarm the sky to pick over the carcasses of those left high and dry.
but children still play volleyball across that frenzied feast. for although it sounds horrible we don't care in the least.
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justcallmecappy · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Thank you @glowing-blue-feathermage for the tag! 🥰💖
This is part of the prologue for something I've been working on for the past few weeks lol 😅
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The sun was shining on the windswept clifftop tucked into the slopes of the Vinmark Mountains, and the breeze was cool and gentle as it stirred the surrounding pine forests. From there, the sprawling vista of the Marcher countryside stretched out before them, and it would have otherwise made a perfect site for a picnic –
– if it weren’t for the fire, explosions, and the screaming Orlesian duke who sat mounted on a venom-spitting wyvern.
Anders supposed he had been through worse situations.
Duke Prosper rode astride his pet wyvern Leopold, which had been trained to spray venom at any target that had been marked with a special concoction the Duke was now liberally firing at Hawke and her companions from a handheld crossbow.
Hawke and Tallis skillfully ducked out of the way whenever the Duke aimed his wyvern-bait at them. Anders wisely stayed out of the Duke’s firing range and launched spell after spell from a safe distance.
Which left Fenris to bear the brunt of a full-frontal assault on the wyvern-mounted Duke, trying to land blows while dodging the wyvern’s whip-like tail and snapping jaws. Despite Fenris’ martial prowess, it was proving to be a bit of a challenge, what with the clifftop being rigged with explosives, and the Duke’s guardsman were attacking them from all sides.
Anders did his best to shield his comrades with hastily-cast barriers – but it was when he took his eyes off Fenris at the wrong moment that Duke Prosper found a clear shot –
– and Fenris suddenly found his back covered in a foul-smelling, sticky green substance.
“Aha!” Duke Prosper cried out triumphantly. “Got you!”
Leopold swerved towards Fenris, reptilian eyes narrowing as it focused on him. The wyvern let out a warning growl, and, filling its venom sacs with deadly, corrosive venom, prepared to spit.
Anders could feel a cold panic rise in his veins – he recalled what they had been told about wyvern venom: it was almost always fatal, and it was deathly painful if it hit unarmoured flesh.
Anders saw Fenris glance about, trying to find a safe place to retreat to – his back was towards the open cliff face and a hundred-foot drop, and the only way to flee was directly into the wyvern’s path.
Without even thinking, Anders darted towards Fenris, shouting out a tense warning as he closed the distance between them: “Fenris, look out!”
It was then the wyvern let forth a torrent of foul, corrosive venom – Anders pulled on the Fade at the last possible moment and drew up a magical barrier as he stood defensively in front of Fenris, shielding them both from the venomous assault.
The wyvern roared as the last dregs of its venom died away harmlessly, and Anders lowered his barrier.
“Are you alright?” Anders said, turning to Fenris, breathless from exertion. “You shouldn’t leave yourself exposed like that!”
But taking his gaze off the wyvern was a mistake. Leopold had some venom left yet, and it was when Anders’ back was turned that the wyvern spat out the dregs of it.
“Mage!” Fenris yelled, but it was too late – the gob of venom hit Anders square on his shoulder, melting the feathers of his pauldrons clean off.
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Tagging @v-arbellanaris, @barbex, @chaosride, @kerfanna 😄
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milfjagger · 2 years
some of my favourite playlists I have going at the moment:
midnight cowboy - eclectic mix about being young and miserable in the city
like a magnet to the sea - wistful and/or whimsical tunes to listen to in a cosy cottage on a clifftop with the love of your life or whatever 
there must and shall be aspirin, or i shall die, here, on this fucking mountainside! - quaint, slightly melancholy mix for going on an english countryside retreat with your acerbic, depressed gay roommate (if you know you know)
bilbo baggins’ 111th birthday beats - songs i think mr baggins would either throw down to or tearfully and drunkenly perform at his birthday party before going away forever
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stanford-photography · 8 months
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Clifftop Retreat By Jeff Stanford, 2024 Buy prints at: https://jeff-stanford.pixels.com/
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thegreatsurvey · 2 years
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Redeveloping the Desert Spire.
It was a monumental monolith when first built, a representation of the ever-extending reach of the commonwealth, but with recent trends including the development of rural retreats on the outskirts of the capitol, as well as suburban sprawl, it now sits amongst a vast collection of luxury resorts and clifftop mansions, more a historic landmark and theme-park-esque attraction than an important political and military symbol.  The state handed over ownership of the spire to an investment firm about a decade ago after the upper-most balcony collapsed from disrepair, coinciding with (and caused by according to some) the groundbreaking of a massive development project nearby, controversial in its own right. It was first reopened to the public as a fantasy themed observation tower, with eccentric decorations and themed-photo opportunities throughout, but the vast majority of the structure remained unused in this first redevelopment. 
The resort nearby bought the spire two years after its reopening, and though its observation decks remain open to the public, now baring the resorts typical design and branding, the majority of other spaces have been refurbished into high-end suites. While protests and debate followed the announcement of the first sale, not to mention the vast battles surrounding the development of the area in the first place, the desert spire has become a forgotten piece of history, just a shell of what it once represented, with most passers-by unaware of its storied history and once-prominent place in Commonwealth expansion. Check out the timelapse here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiRFyJJsnBU
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Uluwatu Bali
Things to do in Uluwatu Bali
Uluwatu is one of the main areas of Bali. Located on the southwestern part of the Bukit Peninsula, is famous for its world-class surf breaks and breathtaking clifftop views overlooking the Indian ocean.
Uluwatu Temple Bali
Kecak Fire Dance
Sunet view at Uluwatu
Beach Clubs in Uluwatu
Suluban Beach
Green Bowl Beach
Garuda Wisnu Kencana Park Uluwatu Bali
Paradise for Surfing and diving Uluwatu
Tirta Empul
Yoga Retreats
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newsarticle4u · 2 months
David Warner House: Luxurious Maroubra Tour, Photos & Net worth
David Warner is a renowned Australian cricketer celebrated for his explosive batting and dynamic presence on the field. Since making his international debut in 2009, Warner has become one of the most formidable opening batsmen in world cricket, known for his aggressive playing style and consistent performances. Off the field, he is also recognized for his significant investments in luxury real estate, including a stunning mansion in Maroubra, New South Wales. Let'shave look into David Warner House and his luxury mansion
Architectural and Interior Highlights
Seven Floors of Elegance: The residence boasts seven floors, featuring a well-planned layout that enhances comfort and accessibility.
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source: GQindia
Man Cave: One of the standout features is a dedicated 'man cave' designed to house Warner’s extensive collection of cricket memorabilia and bats.
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Private Beach and Ocean Views: The mansion includes a private beach and offers breathtaking clifftop ocean views, making it a perfect seaside retreat.
from source: Gqindia
Luxurious Master Suite: The master bedroom is designed with Japanese-inspired wallpaper and plush silk carpeting, providing a serene and sophisticated living space.
Wellness Centre: The property includes a state-of-the-art wellness centre with a gym, sauna, and steam shower to cater to the family’s health and relaxation needs.
source: GQindia
Family-Friendly Design: The house is designed with Warner’s three children in mind, featuring outdoor activity spaces, hanging chairs, inbuilt trampolines, and soft lawn areas ideal for gymnastics and play.
From source: Gqinida
source: GQindia
Also read: Virat Kohli Houses: Take a tour of Cricketer’s Luxury empires
David Warner Love for Movies & Reels:
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A post shared by David Warner (@davidwarner31)
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A post shared by Mrs Candice Warner (@candywarner1)
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A post shared by David Warner (@davidwarner31)
David Warner House Address:
Mermaid Avenue, Maroubra, New South Wales, Australia
Paddington, New South Wales, Australia
Also read: MS Dhoni Farm House: Address, Photos, Cost and Net Worth
David Warner House: Inside Tour:
1. Living Room
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A post shared by David Warner (@davidwarner31)
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Design Aesthetic: The living room combines contemporary elegance with cozy comfort. It features high ceilings and expansive windows that maximize natural light and offer panoramic ocean views.
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Furniture: Furnished with plush sofas and armchairs, the room exudes sophistication. The choice of materials includes rich fabrics and luxurious finishes that complement the overall design theme
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Master Bedroom
Design Aesthetic: The master bedroom is a haven of tranquility and opulence. It features Japanese-inspired wallpaper that adds a touch of elegance and serenity.
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Furniture: The bedroom includes a large, king-sized bed with a luxurious headboard, complemented by matching nightstands and elegant lamps.
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Design Aesthetic: The kitchen is a modern culinary space with a sleek and functional design. It features high-quality materials such as granite or marble countertops and custom cabinetry.
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A post shared by Mrs Candice Warner (@candywarner1)
Appliances: Equipped with top-of-the-line appliances, including a double oven, a large refrigerator, and a built-in coffee machine, the kitchen meets the needs of both casual family meals and entertaining guests.
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Also read: Inside Rohit Sharma house: Photos, Networth & more
Wellness Centre
Design Aesthetic: The wellness centre combines functionality with relaxation, featuring modern and soothing design elements.
Gym: Includes state-of-the-art fitness equipment, with ample space for exercise routines. Mirrors and high-quality flooring enhance the workout experience.
Sauna and Steam Shower: Designed for relaxation, the sauna and steam shower offer a spa-like experience, featuring luxurious finishes and calming lighting
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The Warners have plans for future enhancements, having obtained approval for a new five-storey residence projected to cost approximately AUD 4 million, which will be built on their existing 892-square-metre property
David Warner Net worth:
After debuting internationally in 2009, David Warner established himself as one of the premier opening batsmen globally. As of the latest reports from TheRichest and other sources, his estimated net worth stands at $13 million (about INR 108 crore)
Frequetnly Asked Questions:
1. What is David Warner’s estimated net worth?
David Warner’s estimated net worth is $13 million, which is approximately INR 108 crore.
2. How much did David Warner invest in his Maroubra property?
David Warner purchased the Maroubra property in 2015 for AUD 3.9 million (approximately INR 32 crore) and invested around AUD 10 million (INR 83 crore) over six years for its construction and renovation.
What are the key features of David Warner’s Maroubra mansion?
David Warner’s Maroubra mansion features seven floors, a private beach, and stunning clifftop ocean views. It includes a luxurious master suite, a 'man cave' for cricket memorabilia, a wellness centre with a gym, sauna, and steam shower, and family-friendly outdoor spaces with inbuilt trampolines and activity areas.
4. What other properties and investments does David Warner have?
David Warner has previously owned a property in South Coogee, which was sold for AUD 7.05 million. His car collection includes a Lamborghini Huracan, purchased in 2015 for AUD 450,000 (approximately INR 4 crore).
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baliventur1 · 3 months
Unleashing the Adventure: Best Activities and Tours in Bali
Have you ever dreamed of escaping to an island so rich in culture and adventure that each day ends with a promise of more excitement? Bali, Indonesia’s famed island, offers a spectrum of experiences, making it a perfect destination for travellers looking to blend relaxation with adventure. From its mist-covered temples to vibrant coral reefs, Bali serves up a feast for the senses.
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Why Bali is a Must-Visit for Every Traveler
Bali isn’t just a travel destination; it's an experience. The island’s unique culture, infused with spirituality and history, is vivid in its ceremonies and architecture. Add to this the natural beauty of its beaches, forests, and volcanoes, and Bali becomes a holistic retreat for those seeking both peace and adventure.
Diverse Activities Bali Offers
When it comes to activities Bali boasts a plethora that caters to every type of adventurer. For water lovers, snorkelling and diving in places like Menjangan Island offer close encounters with vibrant marine life. Those seeking a rush can tackle the waves at surfing hotspots such as Uluwatu and Keramas. Meanwhile, more laid-back activities like yoga retreats and wellness spas abound in Ubud, where the spirit of tranquillity enchants every visitor.
Cultural Immersion and Sightseeing
Bali is steeped in a rich tapestry of culture and tradition, making it an intriguing place for those interested in delving deeper into its heritage. Touring the island’s many temples, such as the serene Besakih Temple on the slopes of Mount Agung, offers insights into the spiritual life of the Balinese. Cultural tours can also lead you through traditional markets and artisan villages where the age-old crafts of weaving and silver-making are still practised.
Adventurous Tour Bali
For those who crave organized exploration, Tour Bali packages offer structured yet thrilling discoveries of the island. These tours can range from day trips exploring ancient ruins and lush rice paddies to adrenaline-pumping ATV rides through Bali’s rugged terrain. Each tour is designed to showcase the best of Bali, whether it’s the panoramic views from the clifftops or the historical narratives that each site holds.
Choosing the Right Experience
Selecting the right activities and tours can define your Bali vacation. Consider your interests, energy levels, and travel goals when choosing. Whether it's a leisurely cycle through the countryside, a cooking class learning to make Balinese cuisine or a snorkelling trip, your choices should align with what you wish to take away from your Bali journey.
Planning your Bali adventure is made effortless with baliventur.com. This comprehensive website hosts a selection of the best Bali tours and activities catering to diverse tastes and interests. From thrilling white-water rafting to serene sunset yoga sessions, baliventur.com helps you book your perfect island experience. Dive into the heart of Bali with tours and activities that promise more than just memories; they offer a new perspective on life’s beauty.
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idyllicitaly01 · 3 months
Experience the Pinnacle of Elegance: Luxury Holiday Rentals in Italy
Exquisite Villas in Tuscany
Tuscany, with its picturesque countryside, historic vineyards, and charming medieval towns, is a prime location for luxury holiday rentals. Imagine staying in a restored 16th-century villa, complete with infinity pools, private gardens, and panoramic views of the iconic Tuscan landscape. These properties often feature authentic Italian architecture combined with modern amenities, such as gourmet kitchens, state-of-the-art entertainment systems, and personalized concierge services. Whether you prefer a secluded retreat or a bustling estate near cultural hubs like Florence and Siena, Tuscany’s villas offer a serene escape infused with sophistication.
Glamorous Escapes on the Amalfi Coast
For those drawn to the allure of coastal beauty, the Amalfi Coast presents an array of opulent rental options. Clifftop villas with sweeping ocean vistas, private beach access, and infinity pools create a perfect setting for relaxation and indulgence. Luxury Holiday Rentals Italy These properties often come with exclusive services, including private chefs, chauffeurs, and tailored excursions to explore the charming coastal towns of Positano, Ravello, and Amalfi. The combination of luxurious living spaces and the dramatic natural beauty of the coastline ensures a holiday experience like no other.
Majestic Palazzos in Venice
Venice, the city of canals, offers a unique selection of luxury rentals that reflect its historical grandeur and romantic ambiance. Stay in a majestic palazzo overlooking the Grand Canal, where opulent interiors adorned with Murano glass chandeliers, intricate frescoes, and antique furnishings transport you to a bygone era. Many of these historic residences provide private water entrances, rooftop terraces with stunning views, and exclusive access to some of Venice’s most prestigious cultural events. A stay in one of Venice's palazzos promises an immersive experience steeped in elegance and charm.
Luxurious Apartments in Rome
Rome, with its rich history and vibrant city life, offers luxury apartments that blend contemporary comforts with ancient allure. Centrally located near iconic landmarks such as the Colosseum, Vatican City, and the Trevi Fountain, these upscale rentals provide an ideal base for exploring the Eternal City. Enjoy spacious living areas, high-end finishes, and modern amenities, including private terraces with city views, personal gyms, and spa facilities. Many of these apartments come with personalized services, such as private tours, in-house chefs, and luxury transportation, ensuring a bespoke and memorable stay in Rome.
Idyllic Retreats in Lake Como
Lake Como, known for its serene waters and lush surroundings, is a haven for those seeking tranquility and luxury. Magnificent villas perched on the lakeshore offer stunning views, expansive gardens, and private docks. These properties often include luxurious features such as indoor pools, home theaters, and wellness centers, providing an oasis of relaxation. Luxury Vacation Rentals in Lucca Lake Como’s rentals also offer access to water sports, private boat tours, and gourmet dining experiences, making it a perfect destination for both adventure and relaxation.
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