#clingy mikey: 10/10 love that
chochuuya · 11 months
soft and random headcanons with toman!
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⤹ mikey is the type of guy to be more vulnerable and get clingy with you when he's sick. he would also wouldn't mind if you do your skincare with and on him.
⤹ draken is the type of guy that would put your head on his shoulder when he notices that you're sleeping. he would act annoyed and even call you an idiot, but there is no denying that there is a sheepish smile on his face ><
⤹ chifuyu is the type of guy that would listen to all the drama that you have.. and might be even more angry that you are hehe.
⤹ baji is the type of guy that would try so hard to make dinner for the both of you.. but then he would burn the food and walks with his head down, sobbing.
⤹ mitsuya is the type of guy that has social media but his presence is almost nonexistent. why? because he only uses it to post you or his crafts on it and to message the gang.
⤹ kazutora is the type of guy who would write you love letters and buy you chocolates or flowers for no reason (he's too shy to say).
⤹ smiley is the type of guy that would say "oh me? thanks." or "i know i am." confidently when you compliment something cute.
⤹ angry is the type of guy that would wuss out 5 times before he decides to confess to you properly. you're his weakness!
⤹ takemichi is the type of guy that would send 10+ notifications to you, trying to get his words across because he keeps making typos and spelling mistakes.
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Mcr headcanon: y/n (gn) is starring in a horror movie and they’re character d!es in the movie.
Like they d!e in a HORRIBLE way, like horrifying way, how do the boys react to it?
TW: mentions of a fictional character's death, mentions of food, mentions of jealousy
I'm literally on my way back from a Yosakoi festival after getting up at 3am (it's 9pm currently, I had 4 hours of sleep), and my feet have been in soaking wet shoes for the past 10 hours (I think they're starting to develop gills) because the rainy season decided to made a comeback and they had to cancel the fireworks because of that (at a festival that's called a "fire carnival" of all events), and you're coming with this? Not formatted properly because I'm literally sitting in a bus, that's driving through the Kyūshū night while I have glitter stones stuck to my face and two braids with Yukata-hair-accessories on my head.
WC: ???
Assuming Gerard knows what's gonna happen, he's probably looking forward to it. He's sitting in your living room, watching the screen attentively, the snacks you were sharing long forgotten as his eyes follow the action. He's leant forward, ellbows on knees, asking "oh, is this where it happens?" in an almost gleeful voice. Depending on how sudden the scene happens, he either gets jumpscared or just follows the story like the most interesting lecture. Either way he ends up laughing, and leaning back into the couch once it's over, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and kissing your forehead. "Well done," he'll tell you with his lips pressed to your forehead.
Would he watch that movie again: sure! It's a good movie! Next time he'd like to discuss the foreshadowing of the ending through the use of colours and the weather in the early scenes of the movie.
Mikey loves horror movies, and that his s/o is staring in one is just a major plus to him. He has a lot of experience with horro movies, so he catches on pretty early that your character is going to die, even if you didn't tell him. He would low-key get excited about it. A voice in the back of his head tells him that 15 or 20 years ago the idea of watching a character that has the face of a beloved person die on screen would have terrified him, even though he was very well able to tell fiction from reality, but now he just enjoys the action, as he feels you cuddled into his side. He might even go as far as offer ideas for even more gruesome deaths, or ways to make the character's death even more painful for the audience.
Would he watch that movie again: absolutely! Has the potential to become a new favourite of his.
Side note: my seatmate just fell asleep on my shoulder. I shall not move until she wakes up.
Ray would generally be pretty chill about it. He grew up with horror movies too, and he is used to seeing you on screen, so he isn't all too bothered by it, but probably more bothered than Gerard. He doesn't show it all too openly, only pulls you in after the scene is over and praises your work. The only indication that he is more affected by it than he lets on is when he pulls you in a little tighter that night, holding you close to his warm body with his nose buried against your neck. (Seatmate just tried sitting up, and failed. Head is back on my shoulder.)
Would he watch that movie again: he wouldn't necessarily bring it up by himself. If he wants to see you act, there are other movies you're in, where you get a happy end, or at least don't die (he prefers watching those over watching your character die, even if he has to suffer through watching you kiss another actor or actress in front of the camera. It always makes him a bit more self-conscious watching you kiss those perfect people, even if it's not real, and he get a bit more clingy than usual for a few days afterwards.)
Seatmate sat up again, is leaning towards the other side now.
Frank plays is cool, but isn't. Like the others he has seen enough horror movies and has seen you enough on screen. He's even okay with your characters making out with other characters on screen, even though he does have a (well controlled) possessive side that usually tries to act up when some person is hitting on you. (Seatmate's head is back on my shoulder. She's so cute.) So he knows he shouldn't feel that pit in his stomach opening, it's just fiction after all, you're right here next to him, babbling about how hot the studio was that day while playing with his fingers. Still he closes his eyes at the last shot showing your character staring up right past the camera with lifeless eyes. He has watched your characters die on screen before, but something about the way this is portrayed hits different. "Whoa, that looked pretty real," he'd chuckle, his voice a little more shaky than he'd like to admit, "rad acting there!" Luckily you know him well enough to see through his facade. You know he's self-conscious about his feelings towards this scene, so you don't address it directly, but you scoot a little closer to him at night, and he takes the invitation, and wrappes you in his arms (which is rare, since he usually needs a little bit of space to fall asleep).
Would he watch that movie again: only if you asked and he couldn't come up with an excuse not to watch it. He'd rather not see this last shot of your face again.
And since nobody asked, you get a picture of our banner
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So I was wondering if you could do Mickey or raph (doesn’t matter) with a reader that ms scared to touch people cause whenever they they somehow hurt them and the reader has been touch starved since a kid so yeah :)
Ok ok, so Touch starved reader who isn't used to physical affection? YOU GOT IT! And I just decided to do headcanons for both raph and mikey, and I did Rise because I love these boys, hope thats ok!
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It's no secret that Mikey is a really touchy person,
Even before you two were offical,
He was always hugging or holding onto you.
So you kinda experienced the, "What the hell is happening rn" shell-shock really early.
(Pun intended, and I nailed it.)
He immediatly noticed your reaction to physical contact and went out of his way ask you for your boundaries.
Sweet boy just wanted you to feel safe and respected.
After you let him know that this much contact is just new to you,
Mikey is immediatly back to his clingy self.
He loves how flustered you get over things as simple as hugs or holding hands.
It makes him feel accomplished.
His favorite thing is cuddling,
Just cause you get so shy.
He thinks it's cute.
Mikey is more than happy to make up for all the love you missed out in your life.
Raph is alot more reserved with the physical touch.
Mostly before you guys start dating.
After the confessions, he is definitly more affectionate.
He picks up on your "Wth?" attitude within seconds,
He'll ask whats wrong, if he did something he shouldn't have and so on.
Once he knows that this kind of affection is just really new to you,
He's trying his best to help you get used to certain types of contact.
He starts simple and slow,
The sweetheart doesn't want to make you uncomfortable,
So he starts with holding hands, side hugs,
Just little things like that.
When you guys work your way up to cuddles,
He is literally so happy.
If you get all blushy and shy,
He will love cuddling, like, 10× more.
Raph thinks you are the most adorable thing in the world.
And he will do his absolute best to make you as comfortable as possible.
Like a boss!
There you are @toxic-chainsaw-666 ! I hope these are to your liking, srry they're rushed, I don't feel very good, as of right now, but I'm doing my best to keep my content flowing!! 💕💕
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pianocat939 · 2 years
Can I request a Yandere!Rise!tmnt hc for a reader who enjoys art or is someone who still sleeps with stuff animals? I’ve been reading your work for a while now and I really enjoy it! You can ignore this if you want! :D
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Kinda stuck on plot with my other drafts rn so have some food.
I don't sleep with any plushies but I do have a Free Therapist Goat™ plushie (I have no life except this and playing instruments haha).
Tw: Manipulation but it's for a stupid reason, watching in sleep, trackers/cameras
Yandere Turtles with MC who Still Sleeps with Stuffed Animals Hcs
Do you remember the episode where he lost his wallet while trying to buy a new robe for Splinter? Well, he had a coupon for a free bear plushie after buying 10 (I think the company is based on Build-A-Bear)
So anyway, I think it's canon that he has plushies, nonetheless sleeps with them. Which only means he absolutely loves that you do the same.
He always brings you along if he ever shops for new ones, clinging onto you as you look around. 100% tries to make/buy a bear plushie of you.
Will invite you to snuggle with your combined group of plushies. Hugs you as if you are a plushie if you sleep beside each other.
"I'm tired, wanna go take a nap with our plushies?"
I think if he learns this about you, he'll have you guys sleep or be lazy together with your plushies. He was clingy at first, but now it's amped up even more.
If you're up to it...Plushie playdates?
Bro has so much beef with the plushies that it's funny.
He's jealous and overall salty. How come those plushies get to cuddle up to you every night? Isn't he more important?
Will try to manipulate you into letting him sleep with you. He's not like gonna half-ass it too. Like full-blown plans out his every sentence to ensure he gets his spot. Except for the fact it's kind of obvious.
If you don't hug him first he's going to fucking lay on top of you. If you try to push him off he's going to be snarky and say something like, "Oh I get it! Apparently, this plushie is more important than this handsome, totally supportive, turtle!"
Tries to convince Mikey into being the judge of the court case of his suing for the plushies. Brings documents that state lies about them. Frames them 1000%.
Taping pictures of himself on stuffies is legal now.
(I'm sorry for making Leo a complete fucking crackhead but he will pull this shit off)
Honestly, no comment.
He doesn't really care for them.
But, he will gift you plushies. Ones that have cameras and speakers in them so he can observe you closely.
I think he will use them to his advantage.
(There isn't much to say, he really has no opinion of them)
✦Marble Stone✦
Finds it cute.
Of course, such a divine being would do something so pure, so wholesome.
He'll buy you a ton, and maybe some of them of you for himself.
If you invite him to join he'll be jumping up and down in joy. Makes sure everything is perfect and that you're comfortable.
While you're sleeping, he'll watch you for a while. You're his muse, so he needs to remember everything in perfect detail.
Sorry that Donnie and Mikey are short. There isn't much to say for Donnie and Mikey has a very simple(?) reaction.
- Celina
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frozenmoonshine · 2 years
Ok, so, I just randomly decided to make a list of Top 10 hottest (male) TR charcters... No idea why, it just popped in my head, lmao.
I wrote this 97% for the lolz, so don't take it too seriously.
So, here it is:
Top 10 Hottest Guys of Tokyo Revengers
10. MITSUYA - It's common knowledge that he's the Husband Material ™️ of the series! He was introduced as this responsible, mature, reliable guy with a somewhat eccentric hobby, and you may be into the cool, calm, collected, talented, kind ones, who're good with kids and house chores, but you can't convince me that your ovaries didn't do a happy little backflip with his glow-up in the last arc! You just know he's a little devil behind that whole boy-next-door act. 😏
9. SHIN - Ok, throughout the most part of the story, he was just Mikey's dead brother, who Mikey himself led us to believe was weak, generally lame, and a hopeless loser with women. Then we got the flashback chapters in the last arc, and what did we see? Capable, hardworking, caring, loving, selfless, persistant man, strong both in a fight and in holding his ground. Hell, he cared for vegetative Mikey for four years, pretty much all alone, sacrificing his own dreams and life in the process. Also, black turtlenecks and bomber jackets. That's all I'm gonna say.
8. HANMA - Who doesn't love a bit of occasional insanity?! The ultimate troll, both in the verse and in the fandom, tricked us all good! That's just how bored he was. Annoying, completely random and unpredictable, grinning madman who's only there to watch the world burn, by setting it ablaze with his own hotness! I mean, tall, tattoed, well dressed, cocky, handsome bastard, with sleepy eyes, anyone?! I hate the fact that he's giving an inexplicably strong 'boyfriend vibe'! But, I just wanna call him 'Shuuji'... 🤭
7. HAKKAI - This cutie is criminally underrated and slept on! I know Wakui did him dirty by not giving him a more complex personality than just a Mitsuya simp, but look at him! Tall, handsome, strong, blue eyes, lip scar, piercing. No wonder he ended up with a modeling career! And on top of the stunning looks, he's just a pure, shy baby! 🥺 Makes you wanna tease and corrupt the hell out of him! 🤭 Besides, his implied clinginess and loyalty suggest he's a keeper, and if that isn't hot, I don't know what is!
6. MIKEY - The definition and the school example of that old proverb - the strongest poisons are kept in the tiniest flasks. Yes, having incredible fighting prowess is hot, being a capable leader is hot, having endless authority is hot, being "emo" is hot, being painfully cute is hot... We don't care that he's pocket sized (and mentally unstable), with his endless charisma, our favorite gang leader very well deserved his place on this list!
5. WAKA - Simply, he's sexy and he knows it. And we know it. You know it. Your grandma knows it. Everyone knows it. Teen or adult, law abiding citizen or a crime lord, the White Leopard could make anyone anywhere fall for him at the snap of his fingers! ...if he only cared enough to do so, tho.
4. KOKO - Intelligent, smart, sassy, sarcastic, and plain insolent = perfection. This cheeky, well-read, super stylish, handsome motherfucker had us fawning over his strong, passion-driven personality, hidden under the cool façade. What's not to love about a blindly devoted guy?! It doesn't matter if it's the devotion to a cause or a person he deems important (#lucky Inui siblings). But fair be fair, that habit of sticking his tongue out should be X rated...
3. BAJI - If his fiery, man-among-the-men personality, undying loyalty, and endless kindness aren't enough to make you burn like a car, just take a look at that perfectly chiseled face, cocky smirk, and glorious raven locks! Still not convinced? Well, you're either blind, dead, or not into guys at all! We should actually be grateful that his adult version was only ever shown at the very last chapter, cause anything more than that would have been beyond too hot to handle!
2. KAZUTORA - There's just something indescribably magnetic about the whole "redeemed sinner" trope, and that alone would have been enough to get him a spot on this list! But since he also happens to have the handsomest face in the show, a beauty mark under the eye, the cutest smile, a piercing, a tattoo, and a fair amount of badassery and strength, it all sums up to the total of our dear banana tiger being the runner-up!
1. HARUCHIYO - Does this one really need any explanation? Pathological loyalty is beyond hot, wearing a mask is hot, scars are super hot (as already established), suits are hot, piercings are hot, long lashes are hot, pale blond/albino is hot, green eyes are hot, skillfully wielding a sword is hot, smarts are hot, being a little bit deranged is hot... the list could really go on for days, there's literally nothing about him that doesn't make him hot. "...Being a homicidal maniac and a drug addict?" No, he's excused for all red flags on the account of pretty privilege!
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talesfromlissom · 2 years
Hello! Can i request a rise!turtles bros x reader (separate) Where the reader is taking care the turtles because they’re sick and the reader just like going all out spoiling them and pamper them while they’re sick
A/N: I know you requested just the Hamato boys but I added April in there too just because I love her sm
Ask Box
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|| Raphael 
 » Refuses to admit he’s sick, even more so when he realizes you’re going to be the one to take care of him. Or really, anyone is gonna take care of him. 
 » He tends to run super hot when sick, regardless of his temperature. He’s even super hot when he has a mild fever. In the winter it's a blessing, the summer is a curse. 
 » As for pampering, it’d most likely result in you taking over Raph’s ‘duties’ until he’s better. This does include wrestling Donnie into bed, reminding Leo to eat something other than pizza and cereal, and Mikey to eat after he’s been drawing for a while. 
 » Heat him up in a warm bath, he’ll go absolutely bonkers and you probably won’t see him until the water gets freezing cold. Even then there’s a fair chance he won’t get out. 
 » Overall? 10/10. Very easy turtle to pamper and take care of once you convince him to rest. 
|| Leonardo 
 » The absolute worst to deal with when sick. Not because he refuses to be taken care of (surprisingly) but because of how clingy he gets. This doesn’t change either post or pre Kraang either. Frankly, he’s more clingy post-Kraang. 
 » His pampering mainly consists of wrapping him in as many blankets as possible (he runs cold), and cuddling with him until he’s better. 
 » 80% of the time you’ll find him in the center of the lair, basking in the sunlight. You can move him if you want, but you’ll have to pick him up because he’ll refuse to move otherwise. 
 » TBH, as long as he’s warm + near you, he’s perfect. You don’t really have to do much other than remind him to go to the bathroom and eat. 
 » 4/10. This is only because there’s a 95% chance that you’ll get sick because of him, and he’s the worst caregiver ever. 
|| Donatello 
 » A big fat 2/10 at first. Absolutely refuses to admit he’s sick and if you take his temperature and show it to him? He’ll claim you stuck the thermometer in a pot of boiling water. 
 » And when he gets sick, he gets really sick. Every other person in the lair could come down with the worst sickness ever, but Donatello will remain healthy. Does he have a good immune system? Did he invent an anti-sickness spray? Who knows, it's almost supernatural. 
 » Which is exactly why you’ll have to spend a bit convincing him to rest. He does so eventually, or you can leave him be and he’ll figure it out himself lmao. 
 » But he’ll still try to take care of himself. His head hurts? Don’t worry, he’ll get the ibuprofen himself. He’s hungry? He’ll make himself food. Cold? He’ll get himself a blanket. 
 » A weighted blanket and a Jupiter Jim marathon is almost guaranteed to get this guy to actually rest. There’s a 90% chance he’ll fall asleep in the first 10 minutes of the movie. He’ll also fall asleep on top of you, because you’re warm and he also runs cold. 
 » He sleeps a lot. Like…a lot. So be prepared to spend an entire day either on the couch or in his bed with a sick sleepy turtle on your chest. 
 » After he’s better he refuses to admit he slept on top of you. If you have pictures they magically disappear from your phone. But there’s a high chance Leo has his own pictures (for blackmail purposes). 
|| Michelangelo 
 » He knows he’s sick, but he will not lay down or rest under any circumstances. He’s gonna miss everything if he lays down. 
 » You literally have to trap him in a blanket burrito, even then he’ll move against the floor like a worm so he can do stuff. He’s a hassle. 
 » He becomes very grumpy at one point, especially because he wants to cook himself some soup (soup that he makes special for anyone that gets sick. But no no, nobody else can make it but him, it's the law. It doesn’t taste the same). 
 » If you get him talking about literally anything else he’ll perk up. Having a conversation with him is a one way trip to having a happy turtle. 
 » Doesn't sleep at all. Again, he’s scared he’ll miss something. If you ensure him that he isn’t missing anything it usually helps. 
 » Once he’s out of the ‘I’m not sick’ stage, you can let him out of the burrito. If you give him his sketchbook he’ll be much happier, then you guys can draw together. 
|| April 
 » 10/10. Straight up. 
 » She’s great to hang out with when she’s not sick, even greater when she is. She’s by herself most of the time, hence the reason why she hangs out with the guys so much. But she’s pretty good about figuring out when she’s sick or not. 
 » She knows when she’s too sick to move, vs when she just has a mild fever. She doesn’t even need to take her temperature to know this, it's kinda freaky. 
 » She has the best movie choices, so be prepared to bring yummy snacks, comfy clothes, and patience. Some of the movies are horrible, but she loves them because they’re horrible. 
 » She’ll probably fall asleep within 10 minutes of the second movie. But don’t think about touching the remote, she’ll wake up and say she’s still watching it. 
» She sleeps like a rock too, so don’t expect to move for a while as well. But she moves a lot when she sleeps so be prepared to be kicked in the side or whatever. 
 » The only issue is the guys. All of them freak out whenever she gets sick, mainly because the guys don’t really get sick tbh. You’ll practically have to ward Raph off from cuddling with her if she’s cold, and Leo destroying the kitchen to make her some tea or whatever. 
 » Mikey makes his famous sick soup, however, which she loves a lot 🙂
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moonstruckdraws · 1 month
Okay so..-
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Was using my pocket book one day when I got the urge to make a character with big curly hair and- and made her (one the first draft I took one look at her and saw Rose Quartz- and loudly groooaned! IT WASN'T INTENTIONAL I SWEAR OAGIEIFASOFISN)
So now I have a new oc (which I have little of in the first place lol); her name is Titilayo, she mainly goes by Titi.
Here, have a long spiel and random facts bout her I had while making her (as I rambled them to @tamblerdraws lol):
She has a bigger than life personality, loving life and everything in it; from people, to animals, to plants. She's massive big sister energy and loves her friends and family more than anything. She loves every day and month and year, enjoying the fun things in life while also feeling content.
However, she has a deep struggle with change (have decided the cause of it yet), and dreads every second when the topic of age or elderly futures come up. She fears losing the people she loves in any shape or form whether it'd be losing touch, arguments, or their passing; so she ends up being extremely clingy and slightly overprotective of those she holds dear (which is a lot of people). Any change that causes long-lasting effects she's paranoid by (like going skydiving vs moving somewhere else, she'd rather go skydiving).
This stems over to plants too, as Titi runs a succulent shop, and only succulents. She never sells just flowers because they don't last as long in comparison. But she loves her job and tending to her plants.
She does have pets though! She's against owning a cat or dog for herself since they don't live for that long (in her mind). Credit for the names goes to Tambler (ty Tambler you genius): Ouroboros is a Rosy Boa snake, based on the type of snake the ouroboros is (but the other species of snake is really big and didn't want to draw all that lol). The name representing the eternal cycle of death & rebirth, which is Titi's brand of eternity, or never-changing. They live for about 30 years, so I think she saw it as a long enough time to own one. Her second pet is a Greek tortoise named Mikey (because Mikey would be her favorite tmnt turtle). They live for about 50 years but can live for 150-200 years. She gets Mikey when she is really young, so he's her life-long pet. Greek tortoise are also so itty bitty; it's adorable.
Last fact, and funfact, of her is that she's cupioromantic. She is naturally an affectionate person to people and loves displaying her love for them. However, the romantic attraction she think she desires is lost when put into practice, so she's living her single life. The joke me and my friend both cackled at was when I said, "yeah, no, she has +10 exes." What can I say, she's a pretty lady. Okay that's enough rambling from me-
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angelsdevils · 2 years
Sano Manjiro (Mikey)
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Title: What Could've Been Angst turned Fluff (reader ends up with someone else)
Taglist: @omakeomuomu @thisbicc @galactict3a @rgtgt @chuuberrysworld @sattosugu @penguinlovestowrite @6-022-10-23 @tobycisnt @coffee-and-chocolates-blog @k3rrpii @bontensbabygirl @ddeadcalm @smokandfire @artemis1862 @obeymesimp11 @ashwasherelol @oikawascutie @pinksilk @staymoarmyzen @leilalago @itzyunaa @black0pirate0cat @reiners-milkbiddies @winterv-black @bobateasilverpearl
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Arguments. Lies. Cheating. Controlling.
These were the key things that had you sitting on the floor, with your back against the wall. You were exhausted with how Mikey treated you. He never allowed you room to breathe.
And when you tried to talk to him, he always blamed you, saying you were being clingy. But here lately he has been coming home later than usual and ignoring your entire presence.
He would say their meetings ran long, but the members of Bonten would be confused when you asked them about how the meeting was. It turned out there were never any meetings.
You started to get a whiff of perfume on his clothes, and you know it wasn’t your perfume. You tried to ask him if he was cheating on you but he would only glare at you and wave you off. Then today, a woman showed up at the door asking for him, since she was now pregnant. She had proof he stayed at her place, and even showed you the different messages that were exchanged.
So many things that he was doing, were causing your heart to break. You couldn’t do this anymore. You didn’t have an ounce of love for him anymore. You wanted to love him and stay by his side forever but that forever soon turned into only a few years.
You let a sob escape your lips just as there was a knock on the bedroom door.
“(Y/N), why is the door locked?”
Mikey’s voice sounded cold and tired. He waited for you to answer but instead, he was met with silence and slight sobs that escaped your body.
“(Y/N)? Are you…crying? Open the door. Now.”
Mikey was more alert now, sure he knew he wasn’t the best boyfriend but he loved you still. At least that he always told himself. He heard shuffling behind the door and expected you to open the door.
You removed yourself from the door and looked over at the suitcase that was already packed and ready for you to go. You had to get everything off of your chest now before you left for good. You slowly opened the door, only to be met with Mikey's empty gaze.
He reached over to wipe your tears, but you gently grabbed his hand. You shook your head and stepped back. He looked at you confused as you wiped your tears.
“Sano we ne-“
“Mikey, to you it’s Mikey…”
“No, Mikey is only for people close to you. Sano, I am breaking up with you. I can’t do this anymore. I know you have been lying to me, cheating on me, and honestly, we spend no time together.”
“I’m not doing any of those things.”
“Mikey, when I asked the other members of Bonten how the late meeting went they always said there were no meetings.  I know you cheated on me because you got a girl pregnant. Yet you always said you never wanted kids with me. We are always arguing, and never talking. I can’t tell you the last time we have been on a date.
“What are you talking about? I didn’t get anyone pregnant,” Mikey looked confused.
“I saw the messages, she came here today to tell you she was pregnant. She showed me how you always talked about hooking up with her. Even though you should have been home with me. Mikey stop with the lies. This is why I am leaving. I can’t do this anymore.”
Mikey fished out his phone once it started to buzz. As if on cue the girl you were talking about sent him a message about the news. His empty eyes filled with emotion, once he knew he was caught.
“Wait (Y/N), I am sorry. I really do love you, I just didn’t-“
“I am leaving, my stuff is packed,” you said.
You went and grabbed your suitcase before walking past Mikey. He tried to stop you by grabbing your wrist but it didn’t work since you shot him a cold look.
“Let me go, Sano, I don’t have any more love to give you. I hope she makes you happy, and I hope you have a happy family that you didn’t want with me.”
You left out the front door and Mikey was frozen on the spot.
So many emotions swum in his chest, and before he could comprehend it all. He felt wetness running down his cheeks.
“I really do love you. I- am sorry. I need you,” he whispered to the empty house.
~years later~
You had gotten engaged to Ryuguji Ken. You and Ken had met a year after your break up with Mikey. He knew you had a bad ex, but he never asked for names and you never told him. He helped mend your trust, by staying by your side and always telling the truth.
Now you guys had a 5-year-old, who looked identical to Ken. You had met all of his friends, or so you thought.
Right now, your fiancé had your son, on a swing pushing him as you set out for lunch. You were so focused you didn’t notice that someone was approaching you until you heard a familiar voice.
You turned your head to meet the empty eyes of Sano Manjiro. Your eyes widened as you realized that he looked a lot more sick now.
“Yeah, I am glad I get to see you again.” He reached out to grab your hand but you removed it from his hold. He frowned but dropped his hand to his side.
“How have you been?” He asked.
“Good, you?”
“I miss you so much. I regret everything that I put you through.”
“How is your family?”
“My daughter is fine, her mother isn’t in the picture though. Listen, I think, no I know I want a family. But with you, no one else. I know I messed up, let me fix it.”
“Mommy, mommy. Look what daddy found!” You and Mikey turned to see your son running and you picked him up and smiled.
“Is that a flower crown?” You asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Yeah, daddy said you showed him how to make them.”
Your son placed it on your head, and you kissed his chubby cheek. Mikey’s eyes widened and looked at you with a questioning gaze.
“You have a family already?” Mikey asked which caught your son’s attention.
“Who is he, mommy?”
“An old friend of mommys”
“Oh…” he buried his face into your neck and you held him tightly.
“Yeah, I do.”
“Who~?” Mikey trailed off as he looked over to see your fiance and stood beside you kissing your cheek.
“Everything okay?” Ken asked and you nodded.
“Yeah, I am fine…”
“Draken?” Mikey asked, Draken turned his head to see Mikey.
“You two know each other?” You asked confused.
“Yeah, remember how I told you I was part of a gang back in middle and high school?”
“He was the leader, how do you know each other?” Draken asked and you bit your lip as you and Mikey made eye contact.
“He was the one who did those things I told you about.”
“Got another girl pregnant while with you, cheating, lying, and so on?” Draken asked as he wrapped an arm around your waist staring at Mikey.
“What are you doing Mikey?” Draken asked.
“I- are you two married now?”
“Engaged,” you corrected.
Mikey nodded his head, everything he had wished he had with you was no longer in reach. He could tell you were much happier, you deserved to be happy. It shattered his heart knowing that Draken got to hold you, kiss you and be with you now and he couldn’t.
“I see, I should go. It was good seeing you two.”
Mikey quickly left, before he could break down. Draken frowned seeing his long-time friend, broken. But when he looked at you holding your guy’s son, he couldn’t help but feel relieved he had you now.
He kissed your lips gently with a small smile.
“Baby?” Draken asked, and you looked up at him.
“I hate to see him like this, and I hate that he hurt you. But I am so glad he did, or else me and you would have never gotten together.”
“Me too, I am the happiest I have ever been thanks to you.”
“EWW daddy, mommy has cooties!” Your son yelled and you almost broke out laughing at the late reaction of Draken kissing you.
“You have cooties.” You said before leaning your son down and showering his face with kisses causing him to giggle nonstop. Draken sighed softly and sat on the bench.
Mikey walked away, and once he was far enough, he felt the tears fall. He was still in love with you and even though you deserved someone like Draken he couldn’t let go. He began to think about what could’ve been if he just stopped the arguments, communicated, not cheated, and lied to you. 
He silently wished you the best knowing that the two of you would be happy now. 
© [@angelsdevils] all rights reserved. none of my posts or stories should be modified, reposted, etc. I do not own the character or the fanart, but I own the plots of these stories. All fanart goes to their appropriate owners.
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fandomregression · 2 years
To add. Do you have any headcanon for age regression Mike Wheeler?
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Regressor Mike Headcanons!
mike starts regressing after he learns abt it accidentally from nancy. she lets it slip that robin regresses and he asks what thats supposed to be, so she has to explain or he won't leave her alone akxngnakxnf
once he starts trying to regress, he regresses around 6-10, and he's pretty independent (until will comes around)
he loves playing with legos, action figures, all that fun stuff and he will take cardboard and make his own playsets to let his imagination go wild
mike looooooves when he gets will to play with him and he's so clingy. if someone else tries to get will's attention, mike is whining and pulling on will's arm and doing whatever he can to get his attention back
will makes drawing for him without color so that mikey can color them himself
hes the type to throw a fit until he gets his way (and he holds his breath because it always works akxnfjakaxjfk)
el got him a teddy bear with a lil hat and it goes with him everywhere (he names it cap)
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clouds-regression · 2 years
rottmnt age regression headcanons
•ages 3-9
•hes fairly quiet
•prefers colouring and movies
•he has a blanket splinter kept from when he was a tot that comforts him
•his regression is usually happy, but sometimes he'll regress when sad or stressed.
•ages 6-8
•super talkative and excited
•he likes horse play, specifically wrestling
•he keeps an old teddy bear on hand that raph gave him, and he loves it
•his regression is for fun, and is always happy, even when involuntary
•ages 3-5
•hes hyper, but not energetic, he can't sit still
•if you dont want to watch lou jitsu he will cry, and you do not want big bro raph to hear that
•he doesnt really have anything from his childhood, his 'comfort' is really just donnie
•regression is almost always upsetting, after a stressful mission.
•ages 2-10
•he goes completely nonverbal, even when in "big boy mode"
•he likes being told stories, when the storyteller puts on all these different voices and actually gives them personality
•his comfort item is a piece of rubber he made to chew on, whether it be stimming or his species aggressiveness, nobody knows.
•he usually regresses after a meltdown or stressful mission, but sometimes he ends up doing it for fun with leo
splinter (because i love him)
•ages 6-12
•he's pretty quiet, but really clingy. he will get upset if you leave his sight
•he likes watching tv, specifically lou jitsu, because he gets to see all his old friends
•he doesnt really have a comfort item, he just likes his sons (and honourary daughter) around
•his regression is sad, usually when his aches are really bad or he gets too lost in his head
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nani-nonny · 1 year
Okay!! I read ch 10 and lord help me because i need it!
Starting with April dragging shopping cart full of things and i don't blame her, almost the whole family needs it and i feel older leo will get into trouble for exposing himself, idk if the rest of hamato knows about what he did.
When barry explained the mystic power my brain kinda stopped working (i have 1 beain cell, have mercy), but ifhe really hit the jackpot on who they are? Damn that'll be either great detective skills or new level of common sense 😂
My god i feel bad for the rest of family because they're worried sick while the leos are off to fucking dreamland xD
You know the part where leo tries to give his mystic energy? Zip zapping? Yeah my brain got fried trying to read it 🥲
I read the spoiler 2 of ch 10 but damn seeing the thread fall makes me gets worried they actually failed.
Raphael smiles, a snaggletooth making itself known in the corner of the snapper’s mouth. ( you don't know how much this made me happy, after 10 chapters FINALLY THEY MEET)
Honestly the whole time i thought the ghost brothers are in their own colors, orange, red & purple instead of white.
" And just as the moon begins to fade, so does Raphael " NO DON'T DO THAT!! THEY ALREADY MET
" Draxum’s eyebrow raises in pure confusion " trust me barry, that my same reaction like BOY WHAT ARE YOU ON?!
And of course we gotta add everyone's insecurity, it's a hurt/comfort fic after all.
Casey jr finally got his phone and it's light blue!! Like a mini leo/blue!
And this got me confused “How is he, Little Blue?”
Ooo let’s see what you thought! I’ll respond to every thought but basically thank you for reading!
And here’s my reaction to your long response <33:
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Anyways, a kind of a long post :)
Starting with April dragging shopping cart…
Yellow bringing supplies is absolutely necessary with all the near-death-experiences the Leonardos keep having /hj.
And everyone already knows that Leonardo exposed himself! (Ch.6: Voices)
Yellow’s eyes narrow in frustration as she looks down at the ground at the reminder, “Casey and I asked a bunch of people in the neighborhood but everyone was either busy trying to salvage what they can or gave us vague answers. Apparently, some green giant was running around evacuating the city and someone said my mom must have gone with a group.”
Purple’s eyes lock on Leonardo who immediately understands.
“That was me,” the elder answers.
Yellow’s eyes slowly widened, “That was you?”
The family hasn’t gotten around to deciding what to do from that point on because of situations. (The situations being the injuries of course haha)
When barry explained the mystic power…
I tried knowledging it up for Draxum’s mystic explanation because he’s a warring-warrior-scientist, but basically Leonardo’s running out of battery power (because of the “voices”) so he’s using backups and Blue is the glorified battery charger. The phone and charger duo lol
I feel like Draxum’s thought process being the voices that Leonardo hears is: “Who else but his clingy family members would bother to stick with him for this long?” /j
My god I feel bad for the rest of the family…
The Leos in “Dreamland” (+ F!Raph and F!Mikey):
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“Surviving death”…
F!Mikey living up to his “badass mystic warrior” title fr
You know the part where leo tries to give…
See Little Blue’s dot/fire-center-thing? v
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I imagine that as his center (kind of where his heart is), when he was doing the defibrillator zip-zap thing, he’s taking a piece of it, balling it up to make it smaller for easier transit, then sends it down his arm directly to Leonardo’s center to explode throughout Leonardo’s body like an electric shock
Hopefully that helps!
I read the spoiler 2 of ch.10…
Everyone’s fine, we just need Draxum to go to the Hidden City to find the damn mystic herb. No worries :)
Raphael smiles, a snaggletooth making itself known…
Leonardo finally reuniting with Raphael was actually not what I intended when planning out the story. He was supposed to officially meet F!Mikey first a few chapters back, but things went awry in writing so I moved it to here and changed the brother. But I suppose technically the brothers haven’t officially-officially reunited.
Honestly the whole time I thought the ghost…
Teehee, they’re supposed to be in their personal colors *plays menacing piano noise*
“And just as the moon begins to fade, so does Raphael.”
“Draxum’s eyebrow raises in pure confusion”
Listen, the old man doesn’t remember everything mystic-related, and he’s absolutely confused why Blue of all people knows something mystical hahah
And of course we gotta add everyone’s insecurity…
I just wanted to share a little insight on how they’re feeling teehee I have to remind everyone I can cross the threshold of entering angst at any moment if I wanted /j
Casey Jr finally got his phone…
Purple would’ve made it a completely other color that isn’t any kind of blue just to spite the old man but we’re not at the point of making jokes with the old man lol
“How is he, Little Blue?”
It’s in ghostly italics, so it’s one of the voices, but whose? *rubs hands manically*
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pianocat939 · 2 years
Could we please get more of the yandere rottmnt with a younger sibling reader?
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Sure! I've been kinda laughing for a while now over some random shitposting haha.
Tw: mention of murder, overprotective behaviour, controlling behaviour, crack and fluff
Some Hcs with Yandere Turtles with Younger Sibling MC
(MC is a turtle mutant for those who don't know)
As we all know, he's the mama of the group. That solo mission episode where Mikey got babied at times? Yeah take that but amp it up.
He likes to carry you around just so he knows where you are and what you're doing. He especially does this if you're in the Hidden City.
Works together with Mikey and Donnie to have a nutrition management system. Primarily because he has a habit of spoiling you.
Bedtime at 10. No questions asked.
"No, you are not going to stay up until 3 AM giggling at videos on social media. Now, bed."
Asian kids, you know how your mom/dad just walks in and randomly gives you cut-up fruits? That's him. Gives you a hug when he leaves.
You are not allowed to touch hot foods/containers, let big bro handle it.
✦Le' bottomsworth✦
The spoiler/rule breaker brother ig.
You need to buy/get something but aren't allowed to leave? He has you covered, just say the word and he's sassily homosexual walking over there.
Teaches you sword art when you guys are free. Lets you win before going in for the "kill".
If you can't sleep bcs it's too early/insomnia then he'll know. He teleports or pokes a head through and keeps you company.
"Yeah so um. Do you have any dirt on Donnie? I need something good to attack him with."
You guys break rules together. It pisses both Raph and Donnie.
Texts you memes at 3 AM with 13 emojis alongside.
If you ever speak about a friend he'll get jealous real quick. He'll start interrogating you and makes up his mind to frame them somehow.
He teaches you self-defense yet does everything to ensure he does most of the actual fighting. He's not risking it.
✦Da Hermione Granger but in Purple✦
Builds you a protective shell whether you like it or not. You will wear it at all times other than sleeping. Oh did I mention there's a camera on the back side?
I know siblings aren't supposed to have favorites but Donnie will have a personal beef meter with Leo. (Right? I'm an only child so idk)
"I'm the favorite. Why else would they come to me every day? Leo, you stand nothing against me."
Tries to teach you about his tech, not only because it's his special interest but so he can brag he's the better parental-brother (oh and favorites).
Loves playing video games with you.
If he doesn't like certain media on your phone/devices he'll eliminate them. Including some of the memes Leo sent.
Shares his playlist like it's the last thing on earth to do.
If you like an interest in something and he notices it he'll buy/invent stuff.
✦Mi Left Gripper✦
Aww, it's your twin. Welp time to activate clingy af.
He whines if he isn't in the same room as you, to the point Raph and Leo have to pry him off.
Loves cooking your favorite meals! It's his way of showing that he loves you so much and that everybody else should burn away.
Draws you a lot too. If you're an artist he likes exchanging art styles, portraits, anything really.
Freaks the fuck out if sees even the slightest inconvenience in front of you.
Do you like fashion? If so, please exchange outfits with him so he can take the clothing to his secret shrine of his adorable twin!
Will jump on top of you to wake you up.
No leaving the lair without a trusted member of the family.
Friends can only be friends after background checks and approval.
Daily head pats are a must.
That was really on crack ok. Do you guys like the names I chose? I used all my brain cells for "Mi Left Gripper".
- Celina
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sweetbbyshion · 2 years
HII KORA! ship your moots please👀
@crybabylisa - who else if not Ran? He's a menace and a bitch but you ground him and keep him in his shoes so that would make you the cutest couple ever. He needs someone like you to tell him no from time to time. But he also needs your love and sweetness to bring light into his life. 10/10 best couple
@minoozi - I have to ship you with the other Haitani. You and Rindou would make such an adorable couple. He's a little gremlin and you're there to bring him back to earth.
@mekiza - HEAR ME OUT! Wakasa would 100% sit there and listen to you talk about clippy smut for hours. Will he make fun of you? Yes but it's everything out of love. He indulges in whatever you're rambling about and will tease the fuck out of you but it's what keeps things interesting in your relationship. (read that betty boop smut out loud to him and watch him groan and try to make you shut up)
@benkeibear - OBVIOUSLY BENKEI. You guys just have that type of relationship everyone wants to have. He's so sweet and caring of you, always making sure you're okay and will make everything in his power to help you if something's wrong. Such a gentle giant, give him all the kisses in the world and watch him get all shy and flustered.
@knchins - I wanna say Draken. Such a respectful guy, will love you unconditionally but won't be like all over you if you don't like it. Any boundaries you set, he'll respect them no matter what. He'll do anything for you, without even thinking twice.
@littleoanh - I think you need someone that will take care of you and Chifuyu will do that. I'm not saying you need a man to be able to function but I feel like, sometimes, you just need to let go and fall and my man Fuyu will be there to hold you and take the lead if you need a break. He's not usually one to be in charge but he will make you sit down and relax while he takes care of things. Buuuuut he might show up with a new cat every week.
@dark-mnjiro - the man, the myth, Sano Shinichiro. I know you looooove Mikey but I think he's too emotionally constipated and wouldn't give you the world like his brother would. I can just see both of you together and Shin would be so sweet. So clingy too so if you don't like that, just set your boundaries and he'll respect you like the gentleman that he is.
@i-am-tiny-sun - omg I'll have to say Ryusei!!! Just imagine how much of a menace you'd be together. Chifuyu's worst nightmare I swear. Gonna burn something down? He's there cheering you on. Kick men? He's your personal cheerleader.
@nanamis-wifey-reye - I feel like you need someone mature by your side so I'm saying Kakucho. He's also very caring and loving, notices right away if there's something wrong and will instantly find ways to fix it. He would also be sooooo good with your kids, I just know they would love Kaku. He's their best friend.
@mikeysbabygirl - I HAVE TO SAY Kokonoi because you deserve to be spoiled. He'll give you anything, he'll do anything for you. Truly. He wishes he could buy you the world, moon and all of the stars because you deserve everything. Koko would treat you like royalty.
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shadestar413 · 2 years
Guess who beat the Hydra! Seriously, that was hard. Angel was MVP with Dustoma and just spamming Humble Blessing.
Also, I realized I don't know your personal ranking of the OG 7 Fnaf games. So, what is it?
Yay! I’m proud! Though it’s not gonna be as bad as the hydra from here on out, you should be careful! :3
By og im gonna guess you meant 1-4, FNaF World, SL, and Pizzeria Simulator?
Hmm this is by no means serious lol
1. FNaF2, perfect amount of characters to throw you off, plus a few fun mechanics to work with. Also the puppet/marionette. Loved her a lot. I remember the is foxy actually a good guy theory and that was nice. Basically you go in knowing you’re gonna die, a lot, and then you find out that there’s a lot more trouble than you anticipated
2. The fake pizzeria simulator 10/10 would play it as long as I could
3 Fnaf world. Great game, excellent humor, and provides a good challenge and replayability. Not to mention all the great character looks! Do you remember when people thought Funtime foxy was how mangle used to look? I loved every character and tried to grind so hard, (fuck chicas rainbow tho)
4. Probably Fnaf Sister Location. Good lore, good fun times, lots of things to enjoy and adds humor well (plus the show you watch in between shifts?. Amazing) but there’s also a wonderful amount of horror, that an observant player would pick up beyond the usual Jumpscares ( like noticing the technicians or realizing the mask up top is gone.) also lolbit cameo
5. Actual Pizzaria simulator, it’s fun but like. I enjoyed the pizzeria part more than the actual like, Fnaf part. I did enjoy the interview part with the animatronics though, but I’m a sane individual and sell them all and try to get the lobotomy or lore ending before night 5. The true ending is badass though and I quote Henry’s words in my head a lot
6. FNaF 3, fun mechanics, especially drawing out springman with bb laughter. Love the weird ass phantoms. Phone guy though, 20/10 you can tell he’s having a good time unaware I love him so much. Also love the thought that they’d put Mikey in a fur suit or a cosplay if they don’t find anything special before it opens. It’s a bit lackluster besides the him though, especially with only one murderbot but it’s nice
7. Fnaf 1. I enjoy it but also like Fnaf 3 it’s a bit lackluster. But it also started the franchise so that’s cool. I care deeply enough to not have it last tbh, but not much beyond that. Foxy always tries to visit on night one. Doesn’t matter if im playing it on the Xbox, switch, or through help wanted. Love the clingy fox, he Carry’s Fnaf one tbh.
8. Fnaf 4. Really only good imo lore wise. Like I know we’re playing as Mikey there but also like. Where tf did plushtrap come from fuck that noise.
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shizukais · 3 years
10 Tokyo Revengers Characters + Yandere types
Characters: Draken (overprotective); Mikey (delusional/training); Naoto Tachibana (manipulative/monopoly); Kisaki Tetta (obsession/removal); Hanma Shuji (sadistic/self-indulgent); Sanzu Haruchiyo (meticulous/murderous); Takeomi Akashi (clingy/stalker); Izana Kurokawa (possessive/loneliness induction); Kakucho Hitto (dependence/self-sacrifice); Taiju Shiba (violence/domestic violence).
TW: Dark content; Toxic Behavior; Yandere Themes.
Type: Overprotective
Draken is very close to you. You are so dear to him that he would give his own life if you asked. He likes that you depend on him so he always tries to stay by your side in case you ever need. Expect to be very pampered, as Draken will do everything to make you feel good with him. But if he senses that you're going to get hurt in some way, he might be able to do anything to protect you from it, even kill. Just try to avoid making him snap.
"You gave me no choice but to get rid of them"
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Type: Delusional | Training
Mikey is delusional. He needs full devotion and wants you to fulfill that role. Even though you said no at first, he is someone who is unable to accept rejection, absence or death of a loved one, so he creates a new reality where you will learn to love him and then you will live forever together. He mercilessly trains you to be the best boyfriend/girlfriend you can be, regardless of your true feelings and desires.
"Haven't you developed feelings for me, already?"
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Naoto Tachibana
Type: Manipulative | Monopoly
Naoto is very good with words. He knows everything about you and tends to control your life, inducing you to act in the way he expects. Thus, he manipulates both your feelings and your actions, so you truly believe he is the only thing you have and that everything he does is for your own good. You become more and more isolated from everyone else, after all, Naoto's love is all you need.
"Listen to me... Only I can understand you. Don't worry, I'll never leave your side"
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Kisaki Tetta
Type: Obsession | Removal
Even before you knew it, he was already in love with you. He likes to brag that he is the only person who knows you so well and spares no effort to satisfy any desire of yours, as long as it does not override his own interests. Kisaki is a resourceful and smart man, so he doesn't even need to get his hands dirty to achieve his goals. If he wants to remove someone off your life, he simply send any of his subordinates to threat or kill them. With an entire stage planned, Kisaki goes to great lengths to conquer your love and treats you as an unique gemstone. But if you don't respond to his feelings, he will never forgive you and will put an end to your life.
"No matter the method, I just needed to see you again"
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Hanma Shuji
Type: Sadistic | Self-indulgent
Hanma takes satisfaction in seeing you being corrupted/damaged by him and feel great pleasure from doing it. He expects you to submit at him and fulfill his every desire and whims. He can be cruel with you if you don't behave well, or at least that's what you thought. In fact, Hanma doesn't need a reason to be, he just likes being so. But don't forget that even if he's ruthless, he still loves you very much. It's just that in his mind, violence is a fun way to show affection.
"You should know better babe, there's no escape from me"
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Sanzu Haruchiyo
Type: Meticulous | Murderous
Sanzu is extremely loyal and very strict about what he believes in. Since he fell in love with you, he never consider to look at someone else. And likewise, he demands the same from you. Sanzu tends to lie on a daily basis, not that he has a reason to, it's just because that he is used to it. Sometimes he'll use lies as a way of ascertain your actions, and if he suspects that you are hiding something from him, he may become furious. For Sanzu, murder is just a way of dealing with problems, and so it's best to be cautious. As much as he loves you, if you lie to him continually, you may never be forgiven.
"I can still forgive you for this, so promise me you'll never do this again"
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Takeomi Akashi
Type: Clingy | Stalker
Takeomi is greedy by nature. So he works hard to insert himself in your life as much as he can. He can be emotionally fragile and often feels insecure about yours feelings. He needs constantly reassurgence that you still love him. As he can't stand the idea of not being good enough for you (in his head it would lead you to leave him), he try to be with you at every moment, even stalking you if necessary.
"I'm the only one who should be allowed to touch you"
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Izana Kurokawa
Type: Possessive | Loneliness Induction
Izana goes to great lengths to isolate you from the world, nor does he care about the methods to do so, whether through threats or force. He forbid you from going outside and cuts off all your means of communication with other people, you are his property, after all. To do this, he induces mental trauma and manipulate you into believing you don't have anything else besides him.
"Where did you go? You don't have anywhere else, don't tell me... you've saw him again?"
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Kakucho Hitto
Type: Dependence | Self-Sacrifice
He just wants to see you happy, above all things. However, Kakucho's love is so extreme that it becomes unhealthy. He can't function without you and often sees himself on the edge of a cliff, overwhelmed by the feeling that he won't be able to live if you ever leave him. He is willing to die for you and deep down he feels that's his mission in life.
"I don't care if you choose them, just string me along... Please, don't leave me alone!"
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Taiju Shiba
Type: Violence | Domestic Violence
Violence is Taiju's twisted way of showing how much he loves you. He doesn't care about your pleas to stop, in fact, he thinks this is very rude of you. How can you don't understand that he loves you so much that he needs to hurt you badly to show that? In short, you have nowhere to run.
"I won't allow you to leave, not even by dying"
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Thanks for reading and like/reblog if you can!
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sednas · 3 years
Can i please request some jealousy headcanons for baji Mikey Mitsuya and Kazutora? Thank you 💕
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when they're jealous
their reaction when they see someone starting to get a little too close to you
sorry for the waiting, hope you like it =)
genderneutral!reader x baji, mikey, mitsuya, kazutora (separately)
trigger warning: x
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─ baji
I feel like this mf would be the type to make you jealous on purpose
or at least he likes to tease you about it
with a stupid grin and an eyebrow raised he leans toward you, a few strands of his hair tickling your face while he asks if you're jealous in a teasing tone
he mostly does it because he likes when you become possessive toward him
but when it's the other way around it's way more funny for you
baji can get jealous really easily and when he is, he acts literally like a child
if he could just throw you over his shoulder while saying "mine" he would
I'm pretty sure he has already done it tbh
like I said, in these moments he behaves like a child, he's clingy, tugging at your hair behind your back while you're talking with the person he's jealous of
or grabbing your shirt to bring you closer to him while he pretends to pay attention to something else
his gaze is also 10 times more intense than usual, his light brown eyes turn dark and he carefully watches the person you're talking with
he would probably think that this conversation is way too long at some point and he would loose his patience (which is already non-existent)
I think he would just wrap his arm around your waist and guide you somewhere else, bringing you close to him as he sends a toothy grin to the person standing there like 👁️👄👁️
or he would just punch the person lol
─ mikey
he's easily jealous
hear me out, mikey is a clingy and possessive boy, who would like to keep all the people he loves for himself
but unlike baji he doesn't show it
he acts like he's amused when he sees someone hitting on you
coming from behind you, a relaxed smile on his lips, he asks what you guys are talking about in an innocent tone
but his eyes oh boy if looks could kill...
he would probably restrain himself to touch you or to kill the person in front of you
but I'm sure he won't do anything...
or maybe, just maybe, he would invent something to make you leave the conversation, and while you're walking away alongside him he would make sure to firmly grab your ass
the person would be mortified, realizing that they just tried to get it with the boss's crush/partner
he would grin and just say some shit like "sorry couldn't resist it."
and he leaves you here, smiling widely at the person he was jealous of a few seconds ago
you would probably never see them again tbh
─ mistuya
okay so, he really tries not to be jealous
but he's a possessive one, every time someone gets a little bit too close to you he can already feel his jaw clenching
it's ironic because when it's the other way around he's completely oblivious of your jealousy
most of the time he doesn't realize when a person is flirting with him, the only person capable of making him blush is you
once again, it's when someone is trying to get too close to you that he starts to loose his composure
he keeps glancing at you, but he won't interrupt your conversation
his eyes would observe every movement they make and carefully watch your body language and facial expressions
if he sees, at any point, that you're uncomfortable he would walk toward you, setting his arm behind your back, asking if everything is okay
he would smile at you, seeing your relieved face while his eyes throw daggers at the person in front of you
"Why don't we go to the corner right there? I have something so important to say to you~"
─ kazutora
he takes it like a personal attack
maybe he would stab the person 💀
no but he won't let it happen
I think this boy tends to feel every single one of his emotions in a very intense way, like it resonates through his whole body you know what I mean?
so yeah no, he won't even think about it
as soon as he feels the hint of jealousy piercing through his mind he would go directly at you
if the person is not already scared by his sudden appearance he would look down on them, his yellow eyes staring deeply at them
honestly, they would probably see their life flash by
kazutora tilts his head to the side, which makes his bell earing tinkle, a few strands of his hair slightly brushing your face while he gets closer to you, his arm touching yours
he wouldn't have to say anything, the person would excuse themselves and they would run far far away
he would be relieved but wouldn't show it
because kazu is an insecure bitch and he's terrified of losing you
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