#clipped wings sol
artofloof · 1 year
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wahoo I made a design for him :))
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Clipped Wings - Chapter 2
A/N: I'm doing a tag list for this story! Please let me know if you'd like to be added!
@samatedeansbroccoli @lashlamb13
Anaria’s feet hurt. She’d been standing almost all day for the portrait, and taking breaks in between for food and rest hadn’t helped much. Her father seemed to be in a similar position, as he’d ordered servants to bring their dinner to the room instead of adjourning to the formal dining room.
Anaria liked to have Sylvae join her for her meals, but Sol ordered her and his own guard away. It seemed he wanted to talk to her in private. 
Which… made her nervous. Was he aware of her recent unguarded outings? She was 21, but when your father was the king, there was no such thing as being too old to get a scolding. 
Sol didn’t get right down to business though. Instead, as he cut into his steak, he asked: 
“Did you enjoy the painter’s work?”
Anaria and Sol had been able to view what the painter had had of the portrait before he left. He was almost finished with it after working all day, though there were parts of Anaria’s face that were unfinished. 
“I did,” Anaria responded, still wondering what her father really wanted to speak with her about. Both she and her father had looked regal in the piece, but close, bonded. It was a good rendition of how they really could be… If her father didn’t avoid talking to her.
“Good.” Sol chewed thoughtfully, as if pondering his words. Anaria was on the edge of her seat with anticipation, barely touching her food. 
“I do not know when the portrait will be finished,” he finally said. “As I have business in Shimmerfort.”
Anaria furrowed her brow. “Isn’t Shimmerfort abandoned?” She knew her geography. Shimmerfort was a fort on the northern edge of Nessar bordering Aborsken. Well, it was more straddling the line between the two kingdoms. Why would her father be going there? 
“For the moment,” Sol said. “But I have been in correspondence with the King of Aborsken, and—”
“You’ve been in contact with humans?” Anaria asked incredulously. She hadn’t meant to interrupt, but she was shocked upon hearing this news. Why hadn’t her father told her of this sooner? 
“We’ve had peaceful years with them,” Sol answered coolly. “At least, with the ones from Aborsken.”
Anaria just nodded. She sipped at her wine, but made a face and reached for her water. She needed something to cool off with.
“I would like to propose a treaty with them,” Sol continued. “There have been reports of trouble stirring in Esken, of armed groups making it past our borders.”
Anaria hadn’t known that. Her mouth felt a little dry, and so she drank more water. Maybe she really should have Sylvae with her on her outings from the palace. 
“Have there been any… altercations?” Anaria questioned. She was upset that her father had seemingly been keeping all this to himself. She was the princess and heir to the throne for gods’ sakes! Shouldn’t she know about all this?
“A few,” Sol told her. “We still have no idea what their motivations are, but we’ve had peace with Aborsken for years. I thought meeting with their king would be a good idea.”
Anaria tried to remember her lessons. Esken had been a part of Aborsken once, before a civil war decades ago had torn the country in two. They both bordered the north of Nessar. A queen whose name Anaria could not recall ruled Esken, while Dyon Ravenhelm was the current king of Aborsken. He was around the same age as her father, which might make negotiations easier. The Nessari lived much longer lives than humans, and she knew that humans resented them for that. 
“Why are you only telling me of this now, on the eve of your travels?” Anaria asked. She was unable to keep a biting tone out of her voice. 
Sol sighed, looked down at his plate. “I meant to tell you. I… suppose I didn’t want to frighten you. Peace is all you’ve ever known. I did not want to disrupt that.”
“Keeping me in the dark doesn’t help,” Anaria snapped. “I’m your heir. You should have told me.” 
Sol put down his silverware, rubbed his face with one hand, then reached for his goblet. After a long drink in which Anaria was left bristling in the silence, he said: “I should have.” 
“I’m not a child.”
“I know.” 
“Then don’t treat me like one!” Anaria cried indignantly. 
Sol pinched at the bridge of his nose. “Look, I am sorry, Anaria.” He finally met her gaze. “I will keep you informed on my travels, alright?”
Anaria wanted to continue to vent her anger, but instead bit her tongue and nodded. 
“If you would like to be caught up with everything, there is one more thing you must know.” Sol’s voice sounded grave, serious.
“Oh?” Anaria asked, trying to—if not remain calm, at least sound that way. 
“King Dyon and I have been sending letters,” Sol began. “We think the best way to ensure a treaty and peace between our kingdoms would be a marriage.”
Anaria was struck with disgust. “I am not marrying someone your age.”
“No, you won’t be. He has a son: Girad.”
“I…” Anaria trailed off, completely unsure of what to say. She’d known her whole life that marriage would not be something of love for her, but something arranged. It was a duty she had to her kingdom. But to marry a human? She’d thought she’d be marrying one of the Nessari lords or their sons. She’d never even met a human before!
“I know it’s not what you wanted,” Sol said, easily reading her. “I’m sorry.”
Anaria wanted to snap at her father that apologies didn’t matter right now, but instead she abruptly stood from the table. Her dinner was half finished, and she was still hungry, but she could bear this conversation no longer. 
She left the room in long strides, and found Sylvae outside the door, waiting for her. She just waved her hand at her to follow, teeth clenched. She didn’t want to take out her anger on her friend and bodyguard. Sylvae silently fell into step beside her.
“I suppose dinner didn’t go well,” Sylvae assumed after some time in which the silence grew uncomfortable and the tension had to break. 
“No, it didn’t,” Anaria said. She stopped for a moment, raised her eyebrows suspiciously at Sylvae. “Did you know of what has been transpiring with the humans?” 
“I did, princess,” Sylvae answered honestly.
“So no one thought to tell me?!” Anaria cried, throwing out her arms, spreading her wings. She didn’t care who passed by and heard her. “I’m an adult! I have been an adult! And yet you coddle me like my father like you’re so much older than me!”
Sylvae merely looked down at her feet, shame radiating off of her, wings tucked in close to her back. 
“My apologies, princess.” 
Anaria huffed. “An apology will not do for now, Sylvae.” She stormed off, and Sylvae made to follow, as was her duty, but Anaria stopped her with a raised hand. She could make it back to her chambers on her own. 
She’d completely forgotten about the pain in her feet.
After ordering dessert to be brought to her chambers and eating in simmering silence, Anaria summoned Hali. She was worried, already beginning to feel anger. What if Hali had known about all this and hadn’t told her either? What if everyone had known but her?
Hali’s smile fell when she noticed Anaria’s mood. She folded her hands in front of her, stepped towards her chair, her wings fluttering nervously.
“Yes, princess?” 
“You don’t happen to know anything about the current happenings of Aborsken, do you?” Anaria asked, tone short and a little harsh. 
Hali cocked her head. “No. Why?”
Tension left Anaria’s shoulders and she found herself able to arrange her wings a little more comfortably against her back. 
“My father has been keeping secrets,” Anaria responded. She gestured for Hali to sit across the low table from her. 
They were in her living quarters, the space cool after the heat of the day, torches lit to bring light. Anaria could summon lights herself, but that would just be a waste of energy when torches worked just fine. 
Hali came and sat across from Anaria, arranging her skirts, probably guessing she would be here for some time. Anaria was flattered by her attention, honestly. Yes, Hali was her lady in waiting, but that didn’t mean she had to be friends with her. 
But, Hali was, and so she listened to Anaria’s whole story. A frown grew on her face once it started, and then only deepened as Anaria continued. 
“He wants you to marry a human?” Hali asked, sharing Anaria’s incredulity. 
Anaria nodded, wiping some of her hair away from her face. She realized now that there would be a language barrier. She knew a good deal of Aborskenian, but would her future fiancé know Nessar? 
But that wasn’t what upset her most. What upset her was that her father had sprung this on her without even discussing it with her first. He’d had plans to go along with the marriage without her say-so. 
“Can… Nessari and humans even have children together?” Hali asked tentatively.
So many angles! That was another problem Anaria hadn’t thought about!
“I don’t know.” Anaria shook her head. Gods, she felt so helpless suddenly. Trapped. She was stuck in this position as a princess having to do the greater good for her country. 
She put her head in her hands, letting her hair fall around her face. She inhaled deeply, then looked at Hali. She didn’t want to just talk about herself, fearing that she would only annoy her. 
“How was your day?”
Hali shrugged one shoulder. “Hardly as interesting as yours.”
Anaria laughed. “Hali, I was standing in the same position for hours. Mine was hardly interesting till the end.” She leaned back in her chair and kicked off her shoes, something she should have done a while ago. She sighed at the release of the pressure on her feet. She’d like to get out of her dress too, something she would need some help with. 
“Well, I did have to fend off a man asking for you.”
“Oh?” Now Anaria was interested. Celibacy was not a thing Nessari really worried about, though she’d read about different human cultures finding importance in such things. Would Girad be like that? (That was the name of the Aborskenian prince, right?)
“I believe his name was Ruven,” Hali said, sounding a little unsure. “I was too busy avoiding questions to quite catch it.” 
“Where did you run into him?”
Hali waved a hand. “Out in the courtyard. He looked to be a gardener, actually.”
Anaria laughed. “And why did you have to fend him off?”
“You wouldn’t have liked his nose,” Hali said with a giggle. 
“Well, you do know my taste,” Anaria said, trusting Hali. “Now, the important question is, did you find him attractive?” 
“Erm… Not really.”
Hali had been in so few relationships that Anaria could count them on one hand, while she herself was alright with being labeled as promiscuous. 
“Alright.” Anaria decided not to push her. “I am probably seeing my father off tomorrow, but after that, would you like to help in my garden?” 
“I actually have lessons tomorrow.”
Anaria felt a little crestfallen. She liked when Hali helped her in her garden. Really, Anaria could have had the royal gardeners watch over her own little courtyard, but she wanted to do it herself. Where would the satisfaction of growing something be if it wasn’t actually her doing it?
“What lessons?” Anaria asked, letting herself sound disappointed. She was interested in what Hali was pursuing though. 
“Healing,” Hali said. She was arranging herself more comfortably in her cushioned chair. “Anika said she would teach me.”
Anaria nodded. “No one better to learn from.” Anika had tried teaching Anaria healing magic many a time, but she’d never caught on to it, had never really wanted to. As far as magic was concerned, she was more interested in its capabilities for battle and every day use. Healing just seemed so trivial and boring to her. 
“You should come with me.”
Anaria sighed. “Maybe I should.” It wasn’t a bad idea, considering what was happening with Esken. 
The room grew gloomy. Anaria realized that the times of peace she’d lived in her whole life might be coming to an abrupt end. Hali must have been realizing it too; Anaria guessed by the way she picked at her skirts and tightened her wings against her back. 
“Perhaps we should retire,” Hali said. She looked out towards the large glass-paned window behind her. The moon had risen high while they’d been talking, shining its copper light down upon the white stone of the palace. It looked like a good night for a flight, but Hali was right, and Anaria was tired from all the politics. 
Though it appeared that her political career was just beginning.
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blushydiorrb · 5 months
getting ready for dream girl summer 🌸🫧
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a post on getting through the summer flawlessly as a dream girl <3
getting through summer looks like… basking & glowing in the beautiful sun, traveling, going out with ease, having fun, being messy and more. so let’s begin.
♡ categories: 
what does your ideal summer for this year look like? ideas, moodboards
physical: summer essentials, what to wear, makeup looks, luxuries, summer reads and bucket lists. 
mental: mindset, wellness, reads and bucket list ideas
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  ♡ what’s your ideal summer? ♡
you create the definition of dream girl and it can always change. so decide what your mind and body needs. is this a time for healing? or is this a time to be adventurous?
do you see yourself in nature, enjoying the silence after a chaotic winter and spring? or going to parties, hanging out with friends, meeting new people and trying so many new things?
or why not both? 💋
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some bucket list ideas:
spend more time outside than on your phone
have a morning routine. don’t lose structure in the day. switch it up for summer and make it fun.
make a list of nice restaurants in the city to try out
plan out picnic dates
buy disposable cameras and have them developed at the end of summer!
go skydiving
go to a fancy hotel bar and leave the place with someone’s number (or many)
go on late night drives!
explore a random city
try out new foods
most important of all: follow your gut. keep your safety your #1 priority.
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♡ summer essentials
sunscreen duhh, is a must no matter the season, especially for summer.
⤷ apply sunscreen before you go out and reapply ever 2 hours. look for products that are: lightweight & nonsticky, don’t leave a white cast, spf 50++
anything from sol de janeiro ugh <3
waterproof jewelry
sea salt spray
shimmer body oil
after sun care
your signature scent for summer (scent recommendations below)
pack light and smart with makeup if you’re one to touch up: lipstick (can be used for your eyes and cheeks also), eyeliner, etc.
hair clips/ties
qtips for makeup smudges
mini fan to cool down
small wallet
have fun and unplug but if it’s a must, carry a portable charger if you didn’t charge it in the car or before you left the house.
tissues (for sweat, blotches)
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♡ outfit essentials
mini !! skirts !!
bikini tops as regular tops
gold hoop earrings
silk scarves
flowy bottoms, skirts, dresses
a cute cover up
mini bag
backless tops
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♡ warmer weather calls for natural, glowy looks
the sun is out so it’s only natural for me to want to glow when the sun is hitting my face and body ♡ i love to really highlight my highest points.
applying subtle gold shimmer on your eyelids
preferably one that is hydrating, slightly pigmented to bring out the colors in your lips & glowy. not sticky. my recommendation is the dior lip glow stick.
my favorite is mac’s strobe highlighter in peachlite. it honestly gives my skin such a beautiful and subtle pink glow to my face!! i love applying it before my makeup.
⤷ don’t forget your collarbones and shoulders.
there is nothing else that makes me feel like a radiating goddess walking down the street when i put highlighter on my body.
⤷ also, layering powder products on top of wet/creamy products make them more pigmented! this is why you see some people wet their eyeshadow brushes before dipping them into the product ♡
blushed & flushed or nothing!
who doesn’t love a good blushed face during the summer? just because your blush is visible doesnt mean you’re wearing too much!!!! own it!!
have fun with subtle pops of color 💋
it doesn’t have to be too crazy. keep it simple.
ideas can be:
- two toned eyeshadows
- colorful winged eyeliners
- a bold lip
nails ♡
- fun & bright colors like orange & blue
- if you want to keep it simple: french tips, nudes!
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♡ summer scent recommendations
marc jacobs perfect
delina - de marly
le labo thé noir 29
chanel chance
replica beachwalk & bubble bath
tom ford soleil blanc, lost cherry, neroli portofino, bitter peach
good chemistry coco blush
victoria secret bombshell beach
ariana grande - sweet like candy
solinotes cherry blossom
              for the mind & soul
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♡ summer reads
nothing better than a good summer read. here are some recommendations!
my year of rest and relaxation - ottessa moshfegh
it happened one summer - tessa bailey
hook, line, and sinker - tessa bailey
beach read by emily henry
people we meet on vacation by emily henry
book lovers by emily henry
one hot italian summer - karina halle
malibu rising - taylor jenkins reid
every summer after by carley fortune
the wedding crasher by mia sosa
twisted series - ana huang (twisted love, twisted games, twisted hate, twisted lies)
birthday girl - penelope douglas
love & gelato - jenna evans welch
one italian summer - rebecca serle
hands down - mariana zapata
better than the movies - lynn painter
- have fun. kisses from blushydior ♡
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solradguy · 2 years
DI sol tier list???
I love DI Sol sooooooooo much. This list will be from least to most favorite:
Original Flavor Dragon Install: Not a whole lot of art for the early era of Sol's Gear form. I suspect that maybe Daisuke hadn't decided how far he wanted to push the design yet, or that maybe it was limited by the technology of the time. This illustration is the only one that has more going on than just white eyes. Note that he still has the suppressor headband on.
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HOS DI: Tail
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Xrd/Strive era: I've talked about this design a lot and how very close it is to being incredibly cool. Unfortunately, it's kinda goofy. No pants? Where'd his nose go? Why does the middle horn have jiggle physics. The glowy effect they did for his body is cool and I like that his head being almost solidly black is reminiscent of the brief moment you see him in silhouette in the older games when he installs, but I get the impression that this design might have been rushed. It uses the same jacket Sol wears in the story mode and the lack of pants is just way too funny.
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Vastedge: This is another one where I used to feel like it was just missing something when I first saw it, and then I saw how it looked in the actual Vastedge animations and it changed my mind. It's pretty good, I'd like to draw it some day. This one being low on the list comes down entirely to personal taste. I like detailed designs more and this one is mostly a solid black silhouette. (note: the red hair/wings and cyan belts are placeholder colors in the concept art).
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The Begin design: LA CREATURA. Ok I know he's just red and spooky in this design and that's super generic, especially with it being ABOVE the Vastedge design, but I think it's a good case of "less is more." The atmosphere of it makes it. Look at how he's clinging to the mirror in the second picture. Can you imagine that sprinting at someone at like 120mph and then bisecting them with his bare hands like they're a friggin loaf of bread??? This design would never work in the games, but it's perfect for the biological horror theme of Begin.
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OVERTURE DRAGON INSTALL SOL: God what a FREAK. I love this design so much. It's the only one that has any design motif similarities with other (non-humanoid) Gears we've seen, with the big chompy teeth and more draconic silhouette, while also having aspects that would return in the Xrd/Strive design. It's so MEATY. AND it has 5 eyes?!? If they combined this design with the Xrd/Strive one, we'd get the coolest DI design Sol's ever had.
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He just straight up throws away his sword for this giant beam of fire that's so long it clips into the ground when he walks:
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esuemmanuel · 2 years
El amor es el placer del alma. ¡Despierta a quien has dormido por miedo! ¡Nadie te ha cortado las alas, has sido tú quien ha decidido ahogarse en su propia baba! Amar empieza desde el momento en el que te sientes satisfecho y lleno al hacer algo. Si escribes y te sientes bien con ello, estás amando. Supuras estrellas como si de una lluvia templada se tratara. Iluminas caminos, siembras girasoles, provocas el vuelo de las gaviotas: Eres. Volteas al cielo y suspiras, plasmando en él toda la fascinación que te puede proveer su azul quimérico. Nubes de luz, agua y vapor de Dios. Si sólo, por unos minutos, te dieras la oportunidad de salir al sol, de mirar al cielo, de contemplar y escuchar a la vida siendo. La vida no es morir viviendo. Es vivir muriendo con cada espasmo de sorpresa con la que te colma la existencia. ¡La vida es un orgasmo! Y luego, ¿qué decir de la oscuridad que trae consigo la noche? En ella puedes desprenderte de tu cuerpo y danzar con las estrellas. La noche nos obsequia el momento perfecto, el instante adecuado, la magia sincera; nos provee de sueños, de fantasías y de nubes honestas. ¿Quién dice que la oscuridad no invita a soñar?
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Love is the pleasure of the soul. Wake up the one you have slept in fear! No one has clipped your wings, it was you who decided to drown in your own drool! Loving starts from the moment you feel satisfied and fulfilled by doing something. If you write and you feel good about it, you are loving. You ooze stars like a warm rain. You illuminate roads, sow sunflowers, provoke the flight of seagulls: you are. You turn to the sky and sigh, capturing in it all the fascination that its chimerical blue can provide. Clouds of light, water and God's vapor. If only, for a few minutes, you would give yourself the opportunity to go out into the sun, to look at the sky, to contemplate and listen to life being. Life is not dying by living. It is to live dying with every spasm of surprise with which existence fills you. Life is an orgasm! And then, what can we say about the darkness that night brings? In it you can detach yourself from your body and dance with the stars. The night gives us the perfect moment, the right moment, the sincere magic; it provides us with dreams, fantasies and honest clouds. Who says that darkness does not invite you to dream?
— Esu Emmanuel©
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en-scribed · 1 year
ARCTURUS - Guardian [short fantasy snippet]
A character introduction for a story co-created with @heirmyst about personified immortal Stars secretly living on Earth. Previous post: [SUN] Next posts: [VEGA] [POLARIS] [ABYSS] Word count: 1457
In a crisis, the bare minimum Arc wanted was company that was well-equipped to handle it without pointless panic. 
His communicator buzzed, instantly letting him know even that was too much to ask from certain people. “Have you found the king yet?” Polaris yelled from the other side, his voice stopping just short of a complete meltdown.
Arc let his gaze drift to the sun, surrounded by swirling tendrils of dark purple mist, a blot of unnatural murk marring the afternoon sky. He turned to the mission group accompanying him. Cyon kept herself firmly occupied, surveying the city streets with canine precision for any possible leads. The panicked, clueless humans filing into the area obstructed every path, but that didn’t seem to stop her. Bett and Rigel still hadn’t torn their eyes away from the sky.
“You want to break the news to our brilliant North Star, or should I?” Arc asked pointedly.
Bett retrieved her senses much quicker than her brother. “Don’t be a prick,” she chided Arc, snatching his communicator. “Polaris… have you looked outside?”
“No, Betelgeuse, I have not!” came the reply, clipped with static. “As I’m sure you can imagine, overseeing your search for our missing king has been taking up a considerable amount of my focus!”
Arc sighed. “With all due respect, which is none,” he said, loud enough to reach the device. “This is kind of out of our hands now. You’d know this if—”
“Heads up, all of you,” Cyon commanded. 
Arc’s hand instinctively reached for the arsenal of projectiles attached to his belt. Bett and Rigel tensed up too, latent flames glowing at their ready fists. 
Bett switched the communicator off and tossed it back to Arc. “What are we looking at?”
“A lead on Sol?” Rigel asked hopefully.
“I wish,” Cyon said, scanning every corner of the crowded block. “Temperature’s dropping fast. You know what that means.”
Oh no. Even if they didn’t, there was no question she pointed up, toward a silhouette stalking up the empty roofs. Now that they knew what to look for, even the unoccupied street corners were plagued with the moving shadow figures. Thinking fast, Arc appraised the human crowd, wondering if a cloaking team would be needed for this one. But the commotion within their ranks made him confident that a building could explode, and they’d still be predicting doomsday amongst each other and taking pictures of the sun. In the corner the Stars had carved out to spy, they were in the clear… assuming the lurkers didn’t take them out.
“We need to nip this in the bud,” Arc said. “Now.”
“It’s just Hauntings,” Bett said, far too flippantly. “Barely anything. We can take those abyssal pests easily!”
Before Arc could warn her against getting too optimistic, the sky above—only above the Stars—darkened. He froze. The unsettling ink purple color, the way the fog circled with clear purpose… those weren’t clouds. They were remnants of the Abyss; a long forgotten threat returning to haunt the Stars. A lean Haunting leaped from a building and dove headfirst into the mist. 
“Hm.” Bett spread her wings, aiming a flaming fist toward the sky. She grinned, winking at Rigel. “Dare me to hit it from down here?” 
“What? No! Your aim will be way off!” Rigel said. “My aim, meanwhile…” 
This is ridiculous. Arc shoved them both aside and launched a single projectile coin, giving it a head start with enough heat to stream like a bullet into the mass of offending tendrils. They waited. Mere moments later, the Haunting dropped to the ground with a crack, a few feet away. A coin-sized hole branded through their chest.
Arc tossed a coin triumphantly in the air and caught it between his fingers, looking back at the others with a smile. “That is how you do it.”
Rigel and Cyon rolled their eyes. Bett was muttering something that contained “Show off,” under her breath, as if she was one to talk. 
The Haunting struggled upright, cutting the muted celebration short. Their overgrown shrimp-like body bent toward the Stars in anticipation, a taut arrow ready to fly. Arc didn’t worry, because Bett positioned herself in front, gearing up with an explosion to throw the Haunting back. She tossed. The Haunting dodged, effortlessly swerving to one side, but she was ready with another.
All the while, the circling mist of Abyss in the sky crept ever closer below. 
Only when it was low enough for them to feel the cold did the realization dawn on the Stars; they were aiming for the wrong target.
The crew stopped holding back their flames. Rigel thrust both hands up. Instantly, a net imbued with white hot flame appeared, holding back the descent for the time being. Cyon hurtled beams toward the Haunting, while Bett cast desperate explosions to aid her brother in keeping the Abyss at bay.
Arc, with no fire to speak of, could only stand behind them, makeshift bullets hanging uselessly at his waist. 
The other three turned to him with a familiar, knowing look that made his stomach drop. Shit, no, he thought in vain. Don’t say it…
“Run,” Bett told him anyway. “This one’s beyond you.”
By now, Arc knew the song and dance too well to argue like he so badly wanted to. Everything he said would fall on deaf ears. Possessing no fire meant a roadblock to facing threats that other Stars could only survive with the help of defensive fire, and there was no changing that. 
So, he did it. He turned on his heel and ran for his life. 
Navigating the pathways of the city was second nature. He pushed past the panicked human crowds and ducked into an empty street. Gathering heat and speeding up to an unmatchable pace with every step away from the commotion, he let the anger fuel him forward. At himself for needing the coward’s way out, at his crew for making him take it. At…
A trashcan toppled over behind him. Without stopping, Arc glanced back to check who the far less graceful runner was, though he didn’t need to. The Haunting had left the crew behind with the Abyss… just because they wanted to chase him. 
Arc allowed himself some pride. Still got it. The only surefire way to keep dignity intact even while taking the coward’s way out? Piss enemies off so hard that they’ll let themselves be drawn away by the apparent coward. 
Now, the others had one less thing to fight, and the terrain was his. He screeched to a halt, facing the Haunting with wide open arms. “Come and get it!” 
Clicking their pincers once, the Haunting lunged forward like an arrow set free. Right then, Arc spread his wings and shot into the air, raining his entire arsenal of coins in a furious barrage on their disoriented form. The smokescreen of the Abyss was no help to them here. 
There was no time to waste. While the Haunting lay prone, Arc seized the opportunity to take to a rooftop where the crew could find him easily after they were through. 
His plans of scanning the city below for any sign of them went out the window when he stole one unobstructed glimpse at the tainted sun. 
Skies above, Sol… The worry kept his eyes fixed on the horrific sight. Where did you go?
With impeccable timing, the communicator in his pocket buzzed. Arc answered it and immediately yelled, “If you haven’t looked outside by now, I really don’t think we’re going to get anywhere!” 
“Arcturus…” Polaris began, with such an unmistakable note of dread in his voice that it was safe to assume he had seen the state of the sun. “What will happen now?”
He slumped against a wall, sapped of any energy to bite back. “For once,” he said quietly, “your guess is as good as mine.”
“It’s not just the sun,” Polaris blurted out. “I… visited the observatory. The astronomers say other stars in the sky are blacking out as well.”
“What in the world does that—” Footsteps joined him on the roof. The crew was here. “Hang on.”
“Wait! The others, they—” 
“I said hang on!”
Cyon had an arm around Rigel, who was breathing hard and leaning on her for support. Both of them stared straight ahead. Their hair stood on end, flawless mission outfits torn in far too many places.
“What happened?” Arc asked. “Where’s Bett?”
Rigel refused to meet his eyes. 
Cyon straightened up. “She… the Abyss, it… changed her and—'”
“Tell me!” Polaris called out. “Is Betelgeuse with you?”
“No,” Arc said, all the terrible pieces sliding into place as everyone began speaking at once. Silently, he turned back in the direction of the sun. The Abyss had taken Bett, tainted her beyond recognition. Polaris had already known because her star had shown it… just as Sol’s had. 
The Stars were all in grave danger, and Arc saw no speedy exit out of this one.
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writer59january13 · 7 months
Daylight savings time more'n minute effect on me
In 2024, daylight savings time will begin at two o'clock ante meridiem on Sunday, March tenth. That will mean losing an hour of precious sleep and moving the clocks (around your house, and sundry frequented places) forward one hour, though your cell phone, computer, and television plus other electronic devices will likely automatically adjust. The sun will appear to rise and set an hour later.
Father time evinces spectacular robustness despite weathering setback of countless finagling representation viz Chronos (/ˈkroʊnɒs, -oʊs/; Greek: Χρόνος, [kʰrónos], "time"), also spelled Khronos or Chronus, is a personification of time in pre-Socratic philosophy and later literature. Chronos. Personification of time. Time Clipping Cupid's Wings (1694), by Pierre Mignard. Symbol.
Though crafted a few years back jet lag effect affects yours truly twice each year when schedules
within body electric
such as circadian rhythm
dislocate psyche
analogous to seismic shift
NOT attributed to global warming, nor aeronautically bound sky high,
but linkedin to hour hand
on analog clock set ahead or behind one hour.
Just about a bajillion moments ago
(from date/time
I wrote these words), a dawning realization
arose within this sol son begat
from ma late mother
and (initial commencement of this poem) while then octogenarian widower father, lived at Normandy Farms Senior Community
in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania
(he since passed away
October 7th, 2020)
oh... no nothing cat
tuss strophic, boot
merely the revelation,
how fist bumping dee clocks an hour hand ahead
remembered by dat
dog gone refrain spring ahead, and fall back,
this unemployed chap doth down play eclat attests that his quotidian rising schedule minimally affected
holed up here
in Highland Manor named flat
roomy enough for thyself, the Missus,
and buzzfeed ding fruit flies
each approximately the size of a gnat
a minor nuisance, though tolerable
within this appealing habitat,
where minor inconvenience experienced
by this Schwenksville, Pennsylvania resident cuz as a recipient
of social security disability
(social anxiety) this psyche didst get rent, which fixed (unearned) income budgeted
and predominantly costs of living money spent hence no need to arise
bright tailed and bushy black eyed,
pea yon sought freedom akin
to folks camped out in a tent, which exemption immunizes
this doodle ling middle aged
muddle brained chap subjected to ranting
courtesy early morning drivers,
who angrily, frenetically,
and splenetically rant and vent
thus, the tendency, piquancy, and lunacy
to twitter (for the Yardbirds), and keep company
with night owls, who went
a hooting for all the world wide web
to hear, whence dawgs Bach
the exact number of hours, yet oblivious
to the tight rigorous tenon mortised schedule
manned by Mister Clock,
essentially foisting on Bread Winners,
an abstract artificial construct spurring
madcap commuters
to scurry in the rat race,
lest tardiness could cost
more than paycheck
(to ap pier with permanent dock
hue ment aye shun),
an unwonted blot add hoc king worry about getting canned -
i.e. on permanent furlough,
perhaps forced into a life of crime,
yet if caught... wasting away in a jail cell
as warden turns the lock
one redeeming factor,
would offer opportunity to mock management, and more pertinently
mandate to rock and roll to the incessant muted, rhyme without reasonable schlock yet devastatingly loud tick tock
analogous to stir fries noisily prepared in wok.
0 notes
ailtrahq · 1 year
This week, FTX initiated creditor settlement initiatives, as regulatory efforts commanded significant attention. Meanwhile, Stake fell victim to a multi-million-dollar exploit. FTX moving to settle creditor debt As part of a calculated aim to tackle its sizable debt exceeding $8 billion, FTX started streamlining its digital asset Portfolio this week. Their approach entails reconnecting Crypto Assets to their corresponding blockchain networks, alongside a scheme to relocate their Solana (SOL) and other Assets to BitGo.  This shift comes on the heels of the court’s selection of BitGo as the court-appointed custodian, which was prompted by FTX’s declaration of bankruptcy in November 2022. Reports surfaced this week suggesting that FTX is embarking on a mission to recover substantial sums previously distributed to celebrity endorsers. Among these luminaries are tennis sensation Naomi Osaka and NBA star Shaquille O’Neal. FTX’s financial advisors are currently exploring avenues to reclaim the substantial sums that were allocated for endorsement deals with these prominent sports figures. Meanwhile, during this week’s proceedings, Sam Bankman-Fried’s legal team contended that their client’s capacity to reach vital legal documents through laptops faces significant limitations. They pointed out the alleged inadequate conditions prevailing at the Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC), asserting that these conditions are impeding Bankman-Fried’s ability to adequately prepare for his impending trial scheduled for October. Regulatory drama In what appears to be a weekly tradition, the regulatory scene in the U.S. witnessed another round of drama this week.  The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) reached a resolution with Linus Financial, a company based in Nashville, regarding the non-registration of their Linus Interest Accounts, a crypto lending product. The regulatory agency acknowledged Linus Financial’s cooperation and prompt corrective measures, leading them to decide against imposing penalties. Linus Financial introduced these accounts in March 2020, but the SEC identified them as unregistered Securities. In response, the firm voluntarily discontinued offering these accounts in March 2022 and refunded all investor funds. This week, the SEC unveiled the reason behind its intention to contest the recent court ruling that favored Ripple and XRP. The agency cited the presence of “knotty legal problems.” The SEC insists on challenging the court’s verdict, which established that XRP qualified as a Security when marketed to institutional investors but not when sold to retail investors. GOP Congressman aims to clip SEC’s wings  On Sept. 8, Republican Congressman Tom Emmer took to X (formerly Twitter) to disclose his plan to introduce an amendment aimed at curbing the U.S. SEC’s access to its crypto regulatory budget. Emmer expressed worries regarding what he views as an overreach of authority by SEC Chair Gary Gensler and seeks to impose restrictions on the allocation of funds for the enforcement of digital asset regulations. CFTC targets DeFi protocols The U.S. CFTC also grabbed attention this week when it initiated proceedings against three Decentralized Finance (DeFi) protocols due to their non-registration of derivative Trading products. Opyn, ZeroEx, and Deridex, the implicated companies, were individually instructed to settle fines amounting to $250,000, $200,000, and $100,000, respectively. The charges leveled by the CFTC stem from breaches of customer regulations, Bank Secrecy Act stipulations, and the illicit provision of leveraged crypto-focused retail commodity transactions. Taiwan to restrict offshore exchanges Besides the drama witnessed in the U.S., regulatory affairs remained prevalent across the globe. News emerged on Sept. 7 revealing that Taiwan’s Financial Supervisory Commission is poised to impose constraints on unregistered offshore exchanges conducting business within its territory. The regulatory body has developed
ten guidelines for local Cryptocurrency oversight concerning virtual asset service providers.  The agency will formally unveil these guidelines by the end of September. It will encompass criteria for listing and delisting, the segregation of platform and customer Assets, and the execution of anti-money laundering (AML) protocols. The need for unified global regulation This week, the heads of G20 countries gave their approval to the Financial Stability Board’s (FSB) proposals for overseeing the Cryptocurrency sector. This noteworthy development transpired at the New Delhi Leaders’ Summit on Sep. 9, where G20 countries reaffirmed their dedication to overseeing the ever-changing digital finance arena. The support from such a prominent global forum highlights the growing recognition of the need for coordinated and effective crypto regulation on an international scale. Meanwhile, Nirmala Sitharaman, India’s Finance Minister, called upon nations this week to work together on worldwide Cryptocurrency regulation during her speech at this year’s Global Fintech Fest. Sitharaman underscored the necessity for a harmonized regulatory structure to handle global Cryptocurrency matters. Her Appeal further underscores the increasing awareness of the requirement for concerted global endeavors in crypto regulation. Stake targeted in recent hack Amid the escalating calls for ample regulatory efforts, this week witnessed its fair share of hacks and scams. On Sep. 4, Beosin, a prominent on-chain monitoring system, detected suspicious activity on the crypto-based betting platform Stake. Beosin disclosed that the cumulative sum implicated in this breach reaches $41.35 million. The initial alert regarding this incident came from Cyvers Alerts, which flagged several dubious transactions to the tune of $16 million linked to Stake.  As the investigation unfolded, speculations emerged among some experts that the transactions might be linked to a potential Security breach within Stake’s wallet infrastructure. Subsequent reports confirmed that, of the stolen funds, a whopping $7.8 million in Polygon (MATIC) was lost. A few days later, on-chain data revealed that the hacker had moved $1.5 million worth of MATIC to Avalanche. The FBI ascribed the exploit to North Korean hackers, with up to $41 million estimated to have been stolen. On Sep. 8, Ed Craven, Stake’s co-founder, reassured users that the hack did not involve the compromise of users’ private data.  Whale loses $24 million in phishing attack Stake was not the only victim of a Security attack this week. blockchain surveillance platform Peck Shield disclosed on Sep. 7 that an unidentified crypto whale fell victim to a phishing attack, losing up to $24.24 million in Crypto Assets. According to Peck Shield’s disclosure, these funds included 4,851 Rocket Pool ETH (rETH) valued at $8.5 million as well as 9,579 Lido staked ETH (stETH) worth a whopping $15.6 million. Data suggests that the attack occurred over two transactions.
0 notes
detective-giggles · 3 years
(Grand)mother Knows Best
So this fic is going to be a double prompt fill. I started this LAST YEAR for my entry for the Barisi Professions bingo! This is my “Sonny-as-a-nurse” AU.  Now for Flufftober, I have FINALLY finished it and I’m using it for Day 7: Meddling Friends (I mean, technically she’s family but...) Also, please note: No grandmothers were harmed in the making of this fic. Thanks to @moderateshouting for giving me this idea (forever ago). And, thank you to @sarahcakes613 for the beta!
Sonny sighed as he poked at his food. A big pan of homemade lasagna always sounded great in theory, but by the third day, the novelty was gone and he was checking his watch to see if he still had time to run to the bodega on the corner. He had almost decided on Funyuns and a Mountain Dew-the dinner of champions-when someone tapped him on the arm. 
“May I join you?”
“Huh? Oh, of course, Mrs. Diaz.” He shifted and prepared to stand, “do you need help?”
“No,” she waived him off and took a seat at the picnic table across from him, “I’m not as helpless as my grandson thinks.”
Sonny smiled kindly, “I’m sure he doesn’t think that, Mrs. Diaz.”
“I would have been just fine in my apartment,” she insisted.
“And how many flights of stairs was that?” Sonny asked.
She huffed and rolled her eyes. “You sound just like him, you know?” Sonny chuckled as he rummaged through his lunch bag. Residents were always telling him he reminded them of their sons or grandsons. It was a compliment.  He hoped. “You seem like a nice boy. I bet you’d never stick your abuela in a place like this.”
Sonny shrugged and took a bite from an apple. “I couldn’t afford to stick my nonna in a place like this.”
“You’re always here on Fridays. Saturdays too.  A handsome young man like you... your wife doesn’t mind you leaving her home alone all weekend?”
“Mrs. Diaz-”
“Catalina. Please, call me Catalina.”
“Catalina, you know I’m not married,” Sonny sighed.
“Do you want to be?” 
Sonny opened his mouth and then closed it, clearing his throat. He sipped from his water bottle to stall and settled for a casual shrug. Personal questions weren’t entirely unusual, but they were usually followed up with an attempt at setting him up with someone’s granddaughter (or once, someone’s daughter), and Sonny wasn’t interested.  “Someday. If I find the right person.” 
“You’re not going to find her in here,” Catalina stage-whispered. “Unless you like older women?”
Sonny laughed, “you’re half right. But I won’t be finding her anywhere.” He glanced at his watch, missing the scheming grin on Catalina’s face.  He pulled a couple chocolate chip cookies from his bag. “My lunch break is almost over. You want to help me eat these?”
“No. Eat them both. You’re too skinny.”
Sonny laughed. “Now you sound like my nonna!”
Catalina stood slowly and put her hand on Sonny’s forearm. “Well, she’s right. Just keep in mind, us nonnas know what we’re doing.” She gave his arm a pat and Sonny watched as she slowly made her way back inside.
“Abuelita! Como esta?” Rafael wrapped Catalina in a hug and kissed her cheek. “Hola Mami.” He held up a small bunch of yellow and orange flowers and Catalina beamed.
“They’re beautiful, Rafi.” He pulled a vase from the cupboard and helped clip the ends of the stems while Catalina filled the vase with water.
“Rafael, come sit. I’m going to make coffee and I was just telling your mother abou-”
“No, I can’t stay long. I have meetings this afternoon.”
“You work too much, Rafi. You need to relax, have a little fun once in a while. Speaking of fun, you should meet-”
“I have fun!” Rafael insisted. “And I relax.”
“But Rafael, I have someone I need you to meet.”
Rafael chuckled, “I just had a few minutes, and I thought I’d stop by. I can meet your friends next time, okay?” Catalina shot Lucia a look, and Lucia shook her head, clearly not wanting to get involved in whatever her mother had planned.
“You’ll let me introduce you to Sonny then?”
“Si. I’ll come back later this weekend,” Rafael promised. “I’ll even bring you dinner. Just tell me when.”
Catalina exchanged another glance with Lucia. “Friday night, in the courtyard. Is eight-thirty late enough?”
Rafael sighed. “Yes. I’ll see you then.”
Knock knock
“Good morning, Mrs. Diaz.” Sonny popped his head into her room.
“Oh, Sonny! Come in, come in! You remember my daughter, Lucia, right?”
“I do. Good morning.  Mrs. Diaz, I can’t stay today, I’m not working in this wing. I just stopped by for my word of the day.”
“Oh right. Let’s see.  Abogado.”
“Abogado? What does that mean?”
“Ah.” Sonny looked thoughtful. “I’m sensing a theme with the words this week.  Is your grandson a lawyer, by chance?”
“Si, y muy guapo.”
Lucia’s eyes widened as she realized what Catalina was up to.  “Mother! You leave him alone!” she hissed, turning towards Sonny. “I’m sorry, please don’t listen to her.”
Sonny chuckled. “It’s okay. And I will google that one. You ladies have a good afternoon.”
“Oh, Sonny. Are you working this Friday?”
“I always do.” Sonny called over his shoulder.
Sonny settled in at his usual picnic table. He scanned the courtyard before pulling out his phone. When he looked up a few minutes later, there was a slightly older man, in a very expensive suit, standing nearby. He had a plastic bag in his hands, take-out Sonny assumed, and he appeared to be looking for someone.
“Can I help you?” Sonny called out.
“Um, maybe? I’m supposed to be meeting my grandmother for dinner.”
“Dinner is in the dining room between four and six-thirty,” Sonny replied.
“Oh. She said she eats out here on Fridays. At eight-thirty?”
“No. Just me.”
“I take my lunch break out here-alone-from eight-fifteen to nine. Every Tuesday through Saturday.”
The man rolled his eyes. “Great. Now she’s...confused?”
Sonny cocked his head to the side, “Wait. I know that eye-roll.” He looked around and then up, catching Catalina staring down at them from her window.  “We’ve been set up. She’s watching us.” He gestured for the other man to sit, and he did, joining Sonny at the wooden table.
“Set up?”
“Tricked. Hoodwinked. Bamboozled.”
He blinked as the realization set in. “Oh, Dios mio.”
“I’m guessing you’re Rafael. The, what was it? The abogado guapo I’ve been hearing so much about lately.”
“Fuck me,” he muttered. “You must be the blue-eyed rayo de sol she mentioned on the phone the other day. I’m sorry, I don’t remember if she mentioned your name.”
“It’s Sonny.” Rafael blinked again, and Sonny felt the need to clarify, “I mean, it’s Dominick, but no one calls me that.”
“No, it’s just. She literally described you as a ray of sunshine.”
Sonny grinned, his dimples on full display. “I try.”
Rafael sighed, “Well, I am sorry she let me bother you. I will go tell her to keep her nose out of your business.”
“You don’t have to do that. I think it’s kind of sweet, actually.”
“Embarrassing. Embarrassing is the word you’re looking for.”
“She just wants you to-” he stopped short. “Look, I’m the only grandson, so my nonna adores me... But she still tries to set me up with every single woman on Staten Island, you know? At least yours cares enough to get it right. I mean, she hasn’t been wrong about anything yet.”
“Don’t tell her that.” Rafael thought for a moment. “Well, I guess if I’m not eating with my abuelita and she did go through all the trouble of introducing us... will you at least have dinner with me?”
“Um, yeah. I would like that. Thank you.” He watched as Rafael unpacked the food, handing him a small box. “I was beginning to wonder if you actually existed.” Sonny admitted. “I mean, you were sounding too good to be true. And then she kept insisting that I had just missed you.”
“Too good to be true, huh?” Sonny shrugged and laughed. “Well, you already know what my grandmother thinks about me. Tell me about yourself?”
Sonny talked as they ate and occasionally Rafael interjected with an anecdote of his own. Sonny was loud, he talked with his hands, and he laughed at his own jokes, and yet Rafael was intrigued. He was surprised to find himself actually enjoying the company of the younger man, and hoped Sonny felt the same.
“Oh... hey, I have to get back to work. But, um, this was nice.”
“Is she still watching us?” Rafael asked. Sonny glanced up and then nodded. “Then I guess I should be on my best behavior. But would you like to go on a proper date with me sometime?”
“Yes,” Sonny stood and gave Rafael his phone number. “Maybe you can come over and I’ll cook something, sometime?”
“Sure. I’ll call you. It was nice meeting you, Sonny.”
“Yeah, you too. Have a good night, Rafael.” Sonny turned and as he made his way back into the building, he caught sight of Catalina’s triumphant grin.
tags: @flufftober2021 @beardsanddetectives @itsjustmyfantasyroom @moderateshouting
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theanoninyourinbox · 3 years
Longstar Au Thunderclan Boogaloo
First, i’d like to thank all of you for your support of my au, I was really surprised at the support!  Seriously thank you!!
Second, some details I forgot to mention last time.  Cinderpaw still gets hit by the car, but instead of being forced into being a medicine cat, she genuinely enjoys working with Fireheart and Yellowfang.  Flamewish makes a bunch of jokes about how her brother stole her apprentice, but she’s just glad Cinderpaw survived.  And Longstar still gets kicked in the face by the rabbit, but manages to turn his head at the last second.  He still loses some of his vision, but only about half - as he ages it gets worse, but by the time he goes completely blind, he’s got a grandkit that helps him work through his struggles.
Anyway, onto the next part!
In the space between book canon, Longstar is out looking for a juicy mouse for his hungry wife, who’s caring for their first kits, when he’s caught off guard by the scent of dog.  To his dismay, he finds a ravaged dead dog with a large grey molly breathing her last nearby.  She rasps out for something in the dark, and passes.  Longstar looks around, and finds a terrified kit hiding under a nearby bush, bleeding from a paw.  After a rushed run back to camp, the kit is treated by Fireheart and Cinderpelt, and Flamewish scoops up the traumatized kit to snuggle with Swiftkit and Foxkit.  It’s quickly agreed he’s staying with Flamewish, and Longstar deduces he’s the Dark that the molly was referencing, and Dark-kit is officially adopted by the leader of Thunderclan.  Canon continues until...
 Swiftpaw comes to her father, worried that her problems hunting and anxiety outside of camp will keep her from being a warrior.  Longstar remembers a tale about a warrior who guarded the camp after an injury crippled him, and works with her mentor Mistlenose to get her up to speed on hunting, while working with Fireheart and Cinderpelt with her anxiety.  Foxpaw and Darkpaw join her to be supportive, and Darkpaw discovers a love of healing, leading to him apprenticing under Cinderpelt.  Canon continues until...
Ashfur!  He has zero romantic intentions towards Foxfur - for one, she’s his niece!  Ew!  Also he has a mate - Flyshadow, Frostfoot’s daughter.  They’re holing off on having kits for now, but are absolutely smitten with each other. Flyshadow’s brother Coldlight has a crush on Sandstorm, but with his selective mutism and shyness, he’s never told her.  Canon continues until...
Brambleclaw!  Foxpaw absolutely bothers the snot out of him, but he has a plan - he hates the leaders of Thunderclan, despises Whitestorm for betraying his old friend, and Longstar for usurping his father’s rightful place.  That's right, Brambleclaw is a Tigerstar apologist.  His mother and sister have no idea how much he idolizes his father, or that his ghost has been visiting him in the night.  His plan is to use Foxpaw to get close to Longstar, and eventually usurp the old foxheart Whitestorm, then murder Longstar and return Thunderclan to a pure, kittypet free clan, feared by the other clans.  So he puts up with her, hoping to get closer so he can enact he and his father’s plan.  Canon continues until...
The new Prophecy!  Fireheart has a vision of a flaming cat and a shadowy tiger. and Foxpaw starts having strange dreams.  She meets up with the others, with Brambleclaw following behind, claiming she needs “a real warrior” to back her up.  Tawnypelt is happy to see her brother, but a bit suspicious - he seems like he’s hiding something.  Foxpaw and the older Crowpaw bond over their status as apprentices, and after a while, Crowpaw opens up about his phobia of water.  He tells Foxpaw and a supportive Feathertail about his adoption into Windclan, and how the first thing he can remember is drowning, and then being dragged out of the water by twolegs.  He fled, and was found wandering Windclan by Deadfoot, and adopted.  The three create a strong friendship, which continues canonically until...
The Tribe! Feathertail is still the silver cat of the prophecy, but survives just barely, breaking her back and becoming paralyzed.  Stormfur promises to come back for her, plus he still falls for Brook.  The rest of the gang continues on by canon until...
The trapped cats and Shrewpaw!  Sandstorm is the one who gets driven off instead of Graystripe, and the clans all mourn her as if she died.  Shrewpaw manages to yeet himself farther than canon, getting clipped on the hip and spun across the road.  He drags himself back to Thunderclan, pheasant clenched in his mouth.  His hind leg never fully heals, but he throws himself into cat-physical therapy with Cinderpelt to get back on his feet. Canon continues until...
The return!  The cats are greeted lovingly by their families if not the rest of their clans, and Foxpaw and Crowpaw become Foxflight and Crowfeather.  Shrewpaw, now Shrewleg, and Ashfur help Foxflight mourn for Sandstorm, her mentor.  Brambleclaw sees this, and feels a surge of jealousy - that’s HIS Foxflight, his pawn!  But he holds it together, fake consoling Whitestorm.  Canon continues until...
The elders!  Mudfur is still ill, and Frostfur, Speckletail, Loudbelly, and Shadepelt decide to stay with him.  However, Flamewish insists in giving them a chance, and convinces them to go to her previous Twolegs home, where they’re taken in and cared for like kittypet royalty by the twolegs and their neighbors, as they deserve.  Canon continues until...
Smokepaw falls!  Russetfur spots him clinging desperately to a root, and Mudclaw bravely climbs down, retrieving the terrified apprentice from his certain doom.  Everyone breathes a sigh of relief.  Canon continues until...
The Tribe again!  Graystripe is reunited with Feathertail, who’s flattered by Crowfeather’s requested name.  Darkpaw has the vision of Spottedleaf, and the clans marvel at the Lake Territory. Canon continues until...
Hawkfrost and Mothwing finally meet up with Brambleclaw, but their conversation is interrupted when Mothwing spots Crowfeather, and thinks she’s seeing a ghost - but then Hawkfrost is like, wait, I see him too?  And Crowfeather is startled, but, do I know you?  And it’s officially revealed that Crowfeather is Tadpole!  A joyous, if slightly confused sibling reunion takes place, and Crowfeather gets to introduce his adopted family to his missing siblings!  The only one not delighted is Brambleclaw, furious at being upstaged.  But he feigns delight at the events.  Canon continues until...
The death of a leader.  Tallstar passes, but with Mudclaw at his side.  He begs his Deputy to treat the other clans with kindness, as he treated Smokepaw.  Mudclaw is fervent in his promise to be a better leader than he has been a Deputy. Onewhisker is seen talking angrily to Brambleclaw, but Brambleclaw dismisses suspicions by claiming to be trying to calm his fellow warrior down. Canon continues until...
The moonpool!  Darkpaw follows the spirit of Spottedleaf, and finds the Moonpool.  At the next half-moon, he’s named Darkmoon.  Canon continues until...
The Windclan Revolt! Onewhisker attacks Mudclaw on his way to becoming leader.  Things go mostly the same, with Swiftpool being saved by Crowfeather and the following Feelings Confession, but this time it’s Foxflight and Longstar chasing down Onewhisker.  He’s nearly crushed by the tree, but instead is knocked clear, breaking his hind legs and cracking him on the skull.  Mudclaw calls for the medicine cats, and when Onewhisker wakes later, he has no recollection from the start of the Journey onward, and professes no animosity towards Mudclaw. Now Mudstar chooses to spare him and he is confined to the medicine den until he heals. Canon continues until...
Way different romantic drama!  Foxflight and Shrewleg fell hard for each other on the Journey, and Ashfur and Flyshadow just decided to start trying for kits.  It’s too bad Brambleclaw keeps starting rumors about secret relationships.  They go nowhere fast, and Brambleclaw scrambles to keep a hold of his plans.  Crowfeather and Swiftpool keep meeting up in secret, and consider running.  During this time, Darkmoon finds out about the Tigerstar training program, and warns not Brambleclaw, but Hawkfrost, about the consequences of his actions.  Hawkfrost mulls over when he tried to drop a moth wing by the medicine den, but one was already there.  Canon continues until...
The Badger attack!  Midnight warns the runaways and they return, but not in time to save Cinderpelt.  Flamewish spots Crowfeather, does that math-circling-the-lady meme, and drags Crow, Swift, Fox, and Longstar into the den after the fight, and commands the nervous duo to spill it right now sO HELP ME STARCLAN!  And they spill it, the whole secret romance. There’s a moment of silence, then Foxflight starts the Traditional Thunderclan Threats to a Siblings Datefriend, Lonstar assures Crowfeather and Swiftpool he isn’t angry, while Flamewish demands details of the love confession, was it passionate?!?!  This leads to Longstar and Mudstar hashing out a deal - as long as their clans are at peace, the two can be in a relationship.  This deal eventually spreads to the other clans, allowing more cross-clan relationships. (Deadfoot is simultaneously disappointed and impressed by his son, Mudstar can’t stop laughing) Canon continues until...
The blood on the lake.  Brambleclaw snaps, and lures Longstar to the lake, where he’s foxtrapped.  Hawkfrost is visited in his dreams by Yellowfang, who yells at him to wake up and stop his idiot half-brother gET UP OR SO HELP ME STARCLAN!!! (Yes this is exactly where Flamewish gets it from)  Hawkfrost makes it to the shore as Longstar falls, and knocks Brambleclaw off the Thunderclan Leader.  The two tussle, and Hawkfrost frees Longstar, killing Brambleclaw with the stake. 
Sometime later, Swiftpool tells Crowfeather she’s pregnant.
And that’s it for the moment!  Next up, the Three, the return of Sandstorm, and Sol that smarmy heretic.  Thanks for reading, and I appreciate your support!
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artofloof · 1 year
Lun looks very angry in his ref I think he needs a really big burger (if he would like a burger)
If he doesn't like burgers he looks like the type of guy who'd light his cigarette with his birthday candles (He is very cool I like him c: )
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
You're right - Lun DOES deserve a really big burger. Unfortunately, the hand that fate dealt him is a cruel one indeed.
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Clipped Wings - Chapter 3
@samatedeansbroccoli @lashlamb13 (Let me know if you would like to be added or removed to the tag list.)
Anaria woke early the next morning. She’d had some time to think before falling asleep, and felt motivated in her plan. 
A quick glance in one of her wardrobes confirmed that a dress would not do for this, and so she donned a long, tight-fitted tunic with the back exposed, and pants that went a little past her knee. Sandals followed next, though not her ones that were inlaid with real gold. Real gold wouldn’t do for traveling. 
“Wyniin!” Anaria called to her servant. “Get my bags ready.” 
Wyniin entered the room, her blonde curls done up in a bun, white wings fluttering. She gave a quick bow before speaking.
“Going somewhere, my lady?”
Anaria felt at her own hair. She should probably have it braided before leaving. Flying with loose hair wasn’t ideal. 
“I’m going with my father to Shimmerfort,” she responded. The king didn’t know this, and wouldn’t know of it till their departure, but Anaria didn’t want to be stuck sitting here while her father made important negotiations. She should be a part of them. 
Besides, she was anxious to meet her soon-to-be betrothed. 
“What kind of trip?” Wyniin asked. 
“A diplomatic one.” Anaria found a ribbon that she’d left on her bedside table, and began to draw her long hair into a braid. Sometimes she wished she had curls, but straight hair like hers could be easier to deal with. “Should be a two day’s flight there.” 
Wyniin nodded, bowed again, and set to work. Anaria finished off her braid and looked around her bedchamber. It was too early for other servants to be there to make the large bed and tidy up, and maybe a little too early for breakfast. Hali was probably still sleeping. 
Anaria decided that she would go down to the kitchens to get something to eat. She didn’t mind eating with the servants and cooks, and often found herself enjoying it. It was interesting to get a glimpse into the lives of people so unlike her. 
It appeared that Sylvae was also still sleeping as well, because Anaria found her night guard there when she opened the main door to her chambers. 
“Morning, Kyrtar,” she greeted the man standing there with one hand on the hilt of his sword. A silver ball of light hovered near him to make up for a lack of torches. He’d conjured it himself, most likely.
“Is it morning yet?” he asked. His voice was gruff, and he stood much taller than Anaria, black, iridescent wings folded against his back. He was in his 40s, and had been guarding Anaria for as long as she could remember. 
Anaria chuckled, looking around the dark hallway. He had a point. “It is for me.” 
Kyrtar raised a dark brown eyebrow. “You’re planning something.”
Anaria closed the door behind her, began walking towards the kitchens, using a bit of magic to summon her own globe of light, this one golden. 
“I am not,” she responded.
“Princess, you’re only ever up this early when you can’t sleep, or you have something planned.” Kyrtar fell into step beside her. “And you look a little too bright for someone who cannot sleep. So, what is it?” 
Anaria gave Kyrtar a glance. He wouldn’t try to stop her, would he?
Well, it wasn’t like her plan was dangerous. She’d be traveling with her father and his royal guards. There would be plenty of people to protect her. Besides, she was bringing her sword. 
“I am traveling with my father to Shimmerfort,” Anaria said. “He’s meeting King Dyon of Aborsken there.” 
Kyrtar nodded. He’d probably already known. “Is your father aware of this?”
Anaria laughed, in a surprisingly good mood despite last night. “Not yet.” 
Despite her laughter, Anaria was worried. What if her father denied her demand to go with him? There was a high chance of that, given that she’d really been one of the last people to know of this trip. She was stubborn though. She would make him take her. 
The kitchens were only just beginning to bustle, the cooks and scullions finishing up their breakfast. The room was filled with light from torches, and so Anaria let her own light dissipate. Magic was something innate to the Nessari, but the cooks didn’t use it much in way of lighting, as the concentration needed could distract from their job.
The head chef noticed her and gave a deep bow, spreading her wings in greeting. 
“Welcome, princess. The usual, I presume?” 
“Yes, Shaerra, thank you.” Anaria went and sat at one of the long wooden tables as Shaerra began giving orders. She was an older woman, older than her father by about 10 years. Though, her hair probably wouldn’t start graying for another hundred or so.
Kyrtar was standing near the door, as was his duty, but Anaria beckoned to him. 
“Come sit. Your shift is nearly over anyway.”
Kyrtar nodded and sat across from her, adjusting his sword in its scabbard so as to be comfortable. His leather armor creaked a little bit. 
“Am I to come with you?” he inquired.
“I will have Sylvae with me.” Anaria folded her hands neatly on the table. The wood wasn’t polished, not like the tables she usually ate at. “You should probably rest after.”
Anaria wanted to take Kyrtar with her, but really, he did need his sleep. She could feel the edges of tiredness on her body just from rising early, and wouldn’t want someone to fly after having been awake all night. 
In fact, she found herself leaning her head in her fist, drowsily watching the cooks as they worked. She hadn’t slept well, all things considered. Her mind had been racing. She hoped she’d be able to keep up on the long flight. 
Anaria’s mind went back to those racing thoughts as she waited for breakfast. She was still upset that her father had kept something so big from her, which was why she wanted to go. He couldn’t leave her out of dealings in her own life! It wasn’t fair! 
Though, she hoped any of the animosity between her and the king from last night had faded. She didn’t like arguing with him. 
And then her mind went to Girad, the human prince. She hated to admit it, but she was curious and even a little eager to meet him. She’d never met a human before, and wondered what they were like. Were they like Nessari in some ways? Or so vastly different that it would be a culture shock for the both of them? What was Girad like? And, still on her list of concerns though it seemed shallow, what did he look like? 
Breakfast was laid out before her by Shaerra herself, and Anaria thanked her and dipped her head in gratitude. Shaerra bowed to her, and then went about her work. 
The food consisted of porridge with cinnamon, orange juice, and a lemon tart. Citrus was abundant in Nessar, which was fine, because Anaria adored it. Kyrtar was eating something similar.
Breakfast was quick, as Anaria didn’t want to miss her father’s departure. After a nod of gratitude to Shaerra, Anaria was leaving the kitchens in search of Sol. 
After asking around a little, she found him in his chambers.
“Father?” she asked, knocking on the big wooden door. 
“Come in!” he called, and Anaria entered, leaving Kyrtar behind her at the door. 
“You’re up early,” Sol commented. He had his back turned, was looking over some papers in his hand, possibly the letters between him and King Dyon. Belongings were strewn about the room. She’d been right in assuming he’d be leaving today.
“Well, I had to get ready.”
Sol turned to her, an eyebrow raised. “Ready for…?”
Anaria took a deep breath. “I’m going with you.”
Sol opened his mouth to speak, probably to deny her demand (it wasn’t a request), but Anaria forged on ahead.
“I am sorry about last night,” she said, “but I feel that negotiations having to do with me would go better if I were actually present.” She wasn’t going to say it was unfair, realizing that she would sound like a petulant child if she did, but it was definitely what she was thinking.
“I will not allow it.”
Anaria’s hands balled into fists. “Why not?! Father, if I am to be married to the prince then—!”
“It’s dangerous,” he cut her off, remaining calm, not a feather ruffled. That irritated her. She wanted to continue, but she would let him speak. “If something were to happen, I would not want Nessar to lose the entire royal family.”
Anaria clenched her jaw. Sol was right, wasn’t he? It was just her and her father. Her mother, Queen Lathae, had died when she was young. 
“So you don’t trust Dyon,” she realized.
“Not yet,” Sol responded. He put the papers down on an end table, came up to Anaria, and gently took her arms. Her fingers unclenched. “I’m sorry, Anaria. I truly am. I’m sorry for not telling you of this, and I’m sorry to have to leave you behind. I don’t want to.” He took a breath. “But you know your duty.”
“I do.” Anaria didn’t necessarily like her duties all the time, but she knew them and would follow them as best she could.
Sol sighed, letting his hands slide down her arms. “Is there anything I can do to make this up to you?”
“Just write to me,” Anaria said. Disappointment was an ache in her chest. “Keep me informed.”
Sol nodded. He leaned down and kissed her on the cheek, his beard rough against her skin. “I will.”
Anaria sighed through her nose, readjusted her braid. “I should let you get going.”
“Go back to sleep,” Sol told her, the worried father showing through the mask of the king. “You look exhausted.”
Anaria nodded, then stood on her toes to kiss him on the cheek in return. After that, she was leaving and returning to her chambers. There was a horrible ache in her throat, and she didn’t exactly know why.
Anaria did not go back to sleep right away like her father had suggested. Instead she watched his contingent of guards get ready to leave, leaning on the edge of her balcony. The heights didn’t bother her at all. A Nessari who was afraid of heights would be a funny thing. 
Sol noticed her from the courtyard, gave her a nod that she returned. And then, with powerful beats of wings, they were off. 
Anaria rubbed at her eyes. Lack of good sleep was beginning to catch up with her. Yawning, she went back inside, looked at the bags strewn about her bedchamber. They were empty now, her belongings returned to their proper place. 
She sprawled out on her bed on her back, staring at the ceiling. She didn’t want to sleep, but she found her eyes closing, and soon, she was drifting off with the early light of the sun peeking through her windows.
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gear-project · 3 years
Hey GP do you think that asuka's 'Kitty cat ears' Back? Because he honestly looks soooooooooooooooo kyute with those ears and I think that daisuke seemed to have clipped them off😭😭😭
I think asuka is such a cute kemonomimi that way😊😊😊
Hate to break it to the silly fanbase, but they are NOT "Kitty Ears".
They are nodes that helped restore his Backup Memories when he Retrograded his body to maintain his Youth.
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Asuka, despite having lived in the same era as Sol and Jack-O' for nearly 170+ years is STILL A HUMAN (he is NOT a cat).
Most likely, because he merged with the Tome of Origin, he can no longer perform any future Retrogrades (i.e. revert to a Younger Body), and the only real reason he was successful the last time (around 2186) was because Raven assisted him in restoring his memories during the HPC-Server Backup process.
According to what we know, part of the reason he had a "wing" over his eyelid was a mutation in the telomeres of his genes during the restoration process, but that "eye" was replaced with a Red Winged "eyepatch" when he took on his new public appearance in Strive's events.
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His eye color also went from "Light Blue" to "Gold" during the transition from Revelator to Strive (though that could be an oversight on the developer's part).
Unlike Raven or Sol, he is neither Immortal nor has Gear Cells in his body. As a result, he probably does not have as long to live compared to either of them, though at the very least, he is still in good health for the time being.
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benjiedrawings · 4 years
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Musa time!!!
Image description: a watercolor drawing in a cartoony style of the character Musa from the cartoon show Winx. She is despicted from her knees up and is standing slightly tilted to her right side, her left arm resting alongside her body and her right arm raised and holding blue headphones against her ear. Musa is a light skinned japanese teenager and she smiles, looking to the side. Her eyes are black look to her left side and her hair is short and black with blue highlights, held up in two buns and bangs covering up until the middle of her eyes. She wears slightly see through sleeves that open up in a tunneled shape, covering from the middle of her forearms until her wrists. The sleeves have slightly darker lining and details in red resembling sound levels. She wears a red with glittery white details sleeveless top with blue lining on either side of the shoulders and that closes similarly to a kimono, the left side covering the right side and being closesd with two blue clips in a music note shape, and she wears red highwaisted short shorts (but not enough to cover her bellybutton) with the same colors, blue and dark red lining on the bottom part, and that also closes with two song note shaped clips. Behind her four 'sol' music note symbols in blue with red swirls around make up her wings, indicating her music powers. She also has light stretch marks on her hips and belly, both in normal shapes but also in music note shapes. The second image is a close up shot of the same drawing, focusing on her face. /End of image description
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kandyrezi · 4 years
Anonymous said: How would the yandere gods of Okegom react to their darling attempting to escape??
(tw: descriptions of various torture methods.)
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It wouldn’t be the first time you’ve tried to sneak out and leave, the god expected something like this to happen but hoped they wouldn’t have to deal with it again – odds are someone would’ve seen you leave and you won’t end up making it very far from the observant eyes of a god. They would want to know where you are at all times for the sake of your own safety.
Surely enough, they would end up finding you stuck and tangled in a rose bush in the apple forest not far from the gray village. They would smile slightly and remark how clumsy you are, before making the bush disappear and untangling you from the stems. Seeing multiple thorns pierced inside your skin, they would heal those too, then ask how you managed to get here in the first place.
It was a little humiliating having been found like this, but you couldn’t lie and say you were just going for a walk, the god already observed your body language to know how you always looked away when answering with a lie. You stutter for a bit looking for an excuse before feeling the urge to tell everything like a reflex to vomit, that you were going to run away, how you couldn’t bear being constantly treated like a helpless child anymore!
Etihw is only quietly listening to your doubts and troubles. The god isn’t cruel to their lover nor do they have any desire to be cruel if it can be helped. They would instead apologize for their overprotective tendencies, thinking that their smothering must have driven you to run away. That won’t mean they’re going to let you go, or that they won’t continue doing the exact same thing as before, reasoning your behavior to be that of a rebellious adolescent you’ll eventually get over; given they were literally ancient, it isn’t too far off from the truth in their eyes.
“I only want to keep you safe with me, I won’t harm you… don’t you trust me?” They basically guilt-trip you into staying, saying how they simply cannot function without you by their side. The fact you felt mild guilt over it just makes it easier for them to deal with next time.
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Siralos sees this as an ultimate act of betrayal – he took you in and gave you a lavished life in exchange for your loyalty and undivided adoration, and this is how you choose to show your gratefulness, by spitting on his affections and stomping on the fidelity he was willing to grant, a privilege only to be dreamed of by others.
You’ve betrayed his trust and he sees no reason to take you back. Second chances are practically unheard of from the volatile sun god.
If you really did love him like you claimed (were manipulated) to, then you wouldn’t have done this, but you’ve shown your true colors and you will be dealt with accordingly.
He’ll make you pay for this, probably by ending your life. He’ll have one of his angels find you and drop you like discarded garbage in front of him as he stands above you, sneering at the sight of you. You’re trembling beneath his feet, daring you to beg for forgiveness in one last moment of mockery - not that he is going to listen, but he will revel in it by having the last laugh once you take your final breath as you’re stabbed through the heart, reminiscent of the heartbreak you caused him with your disloyalty.
...then kicking away the remains of your ashes in disgust and will remember you as nothing more than a fleeting fling to pass the time.
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It’s obvious they’re not going to take very kindly to it. Elux would give you a chance to come back to them voluntarily, or the punishment they’re about to dish out will be much worse. Luckily for them, you’re struggling to decide on what to do, but are ultimately compliant and wise enough to realize you won’t have much chance trying to run from a god.
They don’t like getting their hands dirty if it can be helped though, so they order their seraphim angel, Sol, to give you a couple of ‘marks’ as reminders of what happens to those who defy them. By which, they mean having you tied to a post with limbs immobile and the seraph angel leaving deep lacerations and bloodied cuts across your skin with her sword. She doesn’t look disturbed in the slightest as she’s stoically carrying out her god’s orders without a complaint.
Elux probably gets off on humiliating you in front of their angels, though they’ll just claim it’s for the greater good and pretend it’s something they’re simply ‘forced’ to do to keep you in line. They won’t even have to force you to apologize – you’re already doing it on your own free volition with whining and crying for them to order Sol to cease inflicting harm on you.
The seraph will be tasked to carry you to Lord Elux’s quarters without a word, where they can take care of you afterwards and patch up your wounds, caressing their hands over you in almost a loving manner.
“Oh, just what would you do without your god to make everything better again?” they ask in a soothing voice. You don’t know how could the punishment possibly have been worse if you hadn’t come back voluntarily, or if it would have been the same no matter what you’d chosen to do, but you don’t want to think about that right now.
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If you know what happened to Nadine when she left, but then Fumus found her later anyway, then you already know how you’re going to end up. If you didn’t already catch the hint from his other angels who disobey or go against him, then you’re either a foolish fool or took whatever scraps of bravery you had left to try and find a safe haven in some other world – it matters not because Fumus isn’t about to let his possessions do whatever they please without his knowledge.
He starts with pulling your teeth first, maybe slicing your tongue so the back of your throat is filled with blood as you fervently choke on your apologies. You’re nailed against the wall as his favorite pair of scissors leave deep patterns of bloodied scarring in places he knows hurts the most while you wail helplessly, wishing you could go back to when you first asked the other angels for help escaping, if only you’d listened to them when they told you not to try.
You’re defiled by him from both inside and out as you’re forced on the ground while he fucks you until he’s certain you feel filthy and used up – just how he wants you.
“Now... is there something you’d like to say to me?” he forces you to thank him after all that for being merciful and keeping you alive for trying to betray him, and you will do exactly that.
He leaves your naked body laying there on the cold cement floor for a good while to lap at your own wounds. You don’t know when he’ll be coming back... it could take hours up to several days, you barely find the strength to count them out at this point.
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Similarly to Siralos, Liliya would see your actions as an act of betrayal, and not in fact a desperate attempt of escaping the chains he has you metaphorically tightly confined with. He thought the two of you had grown close and you’d begun to accept his affection for you – clearly, he was wrong. He will find you - you breathe for him, how can you even think about leaving the love of your life, he thinks to himself.
As big of an egomaniac he is, his emotional state is more unstable than Siralos’ and that’s the main point differentiating the two of them when it comes to his reaction regarding you trying to leave.
Despite his selfishness and inability to see faults in his own actions, Liliya is lonely and he does see you as the most important person to him, for that reason he doesn’t want to just disregard and replace you with anyone else, even if he very well could.
He’s less likely to lose his temper with you, though that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have short-lasting patience if you keep pushing his buttons. He attempts to mask his anger, but it’s still blatantly obvious when he tells you, “I’ll clip those wings of yours, so you can no longer fly. You keep forgetting who your superior here is, little lily.”
His threats aren’t empty and keeps his word; he breaks the bones of your wings from the first joint, assuming you’re an angel – but breaking any other part of your body isn’t out of the question either. He promises that next time he won’t be so merciful of your mishaps.
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( a/n: the reason why I put this request out so fast is because I already had this pre-written in advance lol since I intended for this is to be a sister headcanon post to the devils one i wrote! so thanks anon for giving me the excuse to finally post this. )
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orphidian · 4 years
she’s not how y’ remember her. drifter had told him that in the dark and quiet confines of orin’s galliot, still floating out along the edges of the sol system. his voice had echoed in the cold as he explained a little more. sparse details. her appearance. her injuries. what she may or may not remember. to that end it seems like the rogue isn’t really sure of much. 
gol tucks his wings tight around his body, follows drifter to his jumpship, and watches the wavering light wash over the windows as they travel back to the derelict. they don’t talk. they’ve never had too much to say to one another, when it comes down to it. 
and they still have their guilt to share between them, ugly and sharp. 
that same guilt has him floating low and wary behind the drifter through the icy halls of the derelict, the sharp spines and rounded wings of his shell twisting impulsively, optic swiveling around. the rogue’s bootsteps echo from the metal grating, mixing with the soft sigh of the cold air moving through the halls.
she’s not how y’ remember her. the words echo around his mind, and he wonders vaguely if this shattering feeling twisting through his little metal body is what humans so vividly describe as stomach turning or gut wrenching. vagal response. i have no vagus, though. 
these are the thoughts flicking through his mind when he runs into drifter’s back. bounces off lightly. the rogue doesn’t seems to notice, or if he does he gives no sign of it. gol shakes his wings out, floats up over drifter’s shoulder. pauses to look back at him for just a moment. his dark gaze is unreadable, but he thinks maybe there’s something like grief etched in the lines. grief and maybe— hope. that might just be wishful thinking, he tells himself when he turns away. 
the sleeping quarters are little more than a shipping container filled with odds and ends, and a bed that’s simply a cot with a sleeping bag tossed on it. omolon, gol reads, before his gaze flicks up to the top of the bag turned blanket where black hair peeks out. 
she does look different, he realizes as he moves gently through the air to hover over her sleeping face. hair that used to be platinum white and clipped short is now long and black. and her skin—still lavender in most places, but there are mirrored bonewhite patterns of vitiligo. at least there is the light that still coruscates across that skin, in the same patterns he remembers from before. he thinks back to when he first found her all those centuries ago, blood still fresh on the ground. she’d been sleeping when they killed her, he knew. her face had been so still and quiet, so peaceful. she never said it out loud, but he had always known how bone deep her weariness ran, how much she missed peace. but that’s what had made her such a good fighter. that’s why he’d known it was her. why he still knows. 
“ orin? ”   he says her name softly. almost like a prayer. her brows tighten in her sleep, and the expression is so familiar it warms gol to his core.   “ orin... ”
it startles him when her eyes open. they’re not the deep glowing blue he remembers. they’re scarred. photokeratitis, drifter had told him, but healing. scarred by light. 
orin turns her head, blinking away at her own exhaustion. it takes a while for her vision to focus, gol holding his shell perfectly still. like a deer trapped in headlights. 
“ gol? ”
her voice cracks around his name, the name he’d given her so long ago. it means rose, she’d told him one night with blind certainty. and yours means light, he’d replied after an incredulous silence. 
“ hi— ”
it’s all he can think to say, but by then her hand is shooting out, fingers cupping around his shell, ignoring the sharp spines. he tucks them close, tucks them away for her, follows her guiding hand to her forehead. the sleeping bag slips back over her shoulder, over her head, obscuring them in a twilight lit by his eye and her skin. 
they stay like that for hours, tucked beneath the blanket, whispering questions and answers, stubborn accusations and soft apologies. when she falls asleep again, exhausted, gol carefully pulls himself free from her fingers and the sleeping bag, and finds a quiet corner to watch over his guardian, determined not to leave her ever again.
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