#clone lieutenant thire
baaaaaaaam · 4 months
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There's not much to look at here sir. We all share the same face.
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fynsh · 2 months
Thinking about Bly's armor reflecting sunbeams during golden hours on a crowded dirty plaza
Usually Bly would comm Fox to get a second opinion on resolving hostage situations swiftly and with no to minimum casualties, especially those like the one he was facing now: situated in a densely populated area, surrounded by thousands of unaware civvies.
This however wasn't an option right now.
His youngest batcher hadn't bothered to pick up his call over the official lines, which definitely was a first and frankly a bit worrying. That man was always on duty and never willingly passed on an opportunity to gather intel on missions he shouldn't even know existed. Nor on collecting blackmail on his fellow commanders to "ask" for a favor or two in an unknown future. It wasn't like they would deny reasonable requests from other units but what exactly did Fox need all those extra rations for? He would leave a message in their private chat later.
Right now time was of essence and it was slipping through his fingers, so with a sigh Bly decided to try the line of another brother he knew was also very versed in crowd regulation and conducting missions while staying under the civvies' radar: Ponds. What he didn't account for was his oldest brother not picking up as well. A bit frustrated he opened his HUD and shot a quick message to the full group chat. He'd really prefer a second opinion, if possible not disturbing his general.
[open channel <g4r/cc/000/17ahpla?>]
5052: anyone available rn <80:18>
5052: whatever just call asap <80:81>
[close channel <g4r/cc/000/17ahpla?>]
Why did he have a bad feeling about this? He caught a sudden commotion at the corner of his field of view and turned is attention towards his men standing close to the area. Galle was trying to calm down a natborn gesturing around but clearly didn't succeed in his placating attempts. They seemed to be agitated by the sight of clone troopers lingering planetside for no apparent reason. Just when Bly decided to ask his Lieutenant to evacuate the plaza in front of the building they were about to move in on a call patched through on his internal comm:
"Marshall Commander, we need you to stay put and not interfere. Don't try to enter the building, it will trigger the detonation before you can recover the hostages."
Why the frick was a very young very familiar voice in his ear and how did they know about his current situation.
[alert from channel <g4r/cc/000/17ahpla?>]
8826: you better tell me you found Boba. got a report about Ponds waking up from a forced nap but nobody's seen the kid <88:34>
[close alerts]
Bly's bad feeling quickly evolved into a tight knot in his stomach and the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose. He signed for Galle to wrap up his conversation and come over.
"I need you to keep an eye on the situation on the plaza. Don't enter the building unless I tell you to. The General won't be happy if we kark this up, I got intel there's bombs inside and children involved. No heroic actions, understood?"
"Yes, sir."
"Good. For now just keep entertaining the locals. Maybe you can actually get some info to evaluate further."
He could feel the other narrowing his eyes at him through the visor before nodding and turning to resume his post. Bly scrolled through the contacts on his HUD before landing on [bitesized].
"Why the kriff are you here, how do you know I am here and how did manage to leave 000 without a chaincode trail.."
"Sorry Bly.. I didn't exactly plan on leaving Coruscant, really! But it was either playing stow away on that shitty G9 rigger or letting the Weequay who knocked Ponds out vanish into space.. Also I can see your markings from three levels above with how low the suns are. It looks pretty."
"Kid you're supposed to call Fox or whoever is available planetside when something happens! You must not go after someone thrice your size while you're unarmed and on probation!"
"It's kinda hard to call someone who is unconscious."
"I promise I had nothing to do with it! The idiot clearly misjudged the dosage he used to drug Fox cause he is still out cold. We're currently alone in here. I can't get closer but I can't see any blood on him or any major injury.. though it's hard to tell with that kriffing red armor. Wait.. hold on a seond. I think Fox is waking up."
[open channel <g4r/cc/000/17ahpla?>]
5052: Boba is with Fox <103:09>
5052: Fox is one of the hostages I am supposed to retrieve <103:17>
3636: who is wearing Fox armor at my General's meeting with the Chancellor
[attached holocall_100:44] <105:58>
Even though he's beyond tired Thire instantly clocks that Wolffe's miniscule head tilt means the Commander of the 104th realized he's just a stand in pretending to be Fox. Thire's posture doesn't change at all.
Also thinking about Fox red armor hiding blood stains all to well. Clones helping clones and eventually saving themselves is my brand of happy rn
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1-800-crscnt · 4 days
-a few hobby hcs i have for some corries, more under the cut-
Fox: may not have time for it, but likes to collect guns and sometimes customize them to increase their power/strangness. He gives some of them silly names, and doesn’t let anybody touch them unless it’s an emergency. Keeping this hobby is a bit anxiety-inducing, because a lot of the guns he collects are actually illegal to own and use, and with the customizations added on, non-illegal ones tend to become illegal. He also likes solving those giant puzzles that you’re supposed to do with a group of people but alone; unfortunately, he never has the time to actually complete any of them.
Thorn: likes to collect knives that he finds, but does let others use them and borrow them, and in rare cases, keep them. He also loves to study vehicles and learn everything about them, and will talk your ear off about his favorite models of the month. He doesn’t have the credits to, but he would love to start collecting miniature models of speeders and fighters. Imagine every Car Guy shoved into one body, and that’s basically him. Also, likes skating because it’s faster than walking, and makes him feel a little cooler and intimidating, but doesn’t realize he actually appears more approachable.
Stone: loves drawing/painting whenever he can, and keeps a little sketchbook that he gets very shy about showing to others. He tries to draw mainly people, but sometimes likes to draw random animals and plants he sees while off-planet. He also loves reading murder mystery and romance novels. Specifically, he’s listening to novels he’s downloaded while on duty. He’s not shy about the reading, but doesn’t really like talking about the books with just anybody. He likes reading aloud to brothers and asking them questions like a teacher would, though.
Thire: more of a thrill-seeker than usual by clone standards, so he has more risky hobbies, like crashing parties when he’s got free-time, street/sky racing with random people, stealing “probably won’t notice it’s missing for a while” things from people before returning it days later, and skating just like Thorn, but usually without any protection and in dangerous spots. Has gotten in trouble with this multiple times, and even after his promotion, still does it. If he was able, he would love to go surfing.
Hound: likes to run and people-watch a lot. Running feels very natural and it’s easy for him to slip into that trance-like state and just empty his mind of any overwhelming thoughts, which happens a lot since I also hc him to be force sensitive to the smallest degree. People-watching is another source of learning what is and isn’t appropriate/expected of him in a more general sense, and he’s also just a nosy people person, so he genuinely enjoys watching people interact with the world around them (and hopefully, with him).
Jek: won’t admit that it’s something he enjoys, but considers himself a professional gardener in training. Whenever he’s able, he likes to pick flowers and bring them back to Coruscant for his brothers to see, but struggles with keeping them alive for longer than a few days. Stone helps with sending him books about plant-care, but Jek has trouble remembering it all. He is aiming to grow a small patch of berry and rose bushes somewhere close to the Guard HQ, and frequently gets other clones to help him build, find manuals, soil, make a schedule for it, etc. After he’s reassigned, he no longer continues with this hobby, but regrets every plant he doesn’t try to sneak back onto ships.
Rys: is still trying to find hobbies that he likes and sticks to, but tends to find himself fixing things for his brothers and himself after his Rugosa mission. “Things” is very general here, and can range from small scratches on armor, to broken datapads, to broken bones. The commanders are secretly considering him for medic training just in case they ever need him to be an official one, but it’s not likely. He also fixes less physical problems too, like soothing anxieties & conveniently remembering things others forgot, but this isn’t usually on purpose. He once fixed a marriage on accident by convincing the arguing spouses to jump someone who lied and robbed them, something other clones find hilarious. His “fixes” are not always the best solutions.
-Fox also skates, but does it out of wanting to connect more with his brothers and train others to do it. It gets expensive since isn’t essential and covered by the Republic or Kaminoans, so only a handful of clones under Thorn’s command actually get skates. They share them between each other, but of course, they won’t always want to-
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thire: you alright fox?
fox: no actually it hurts when i do this.
thire: do what?
fox: exist.
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vodika-vibes · 1 year
Dusk quotes~
*after the morning meeting*
Thorn: I love how none of the senators can tell us apart.
Thire: We're identical, vod.
Dusk: Wrong. I clearly got all of the looks in this family.
Thire: *annoyed* We're identical Dusk.
Dusk: ...except I'm the pretty one.
Thire: ....
Thire: FOX! Which one of us is prettier?!
Fox: *fighting a migraine* I'm transferring you both to the 212 so you can be Cody's problem.
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techs-goggles9902 · 1 year
Just a day to remember Lieutenant Thire ❤️
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clonetroopercantina · 2 years
Clone Unit of the Week: Coruscant Guard
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The Coruscant Guard were a specialized corps of clone troopers, led by Commander Fox (CC-1010), tasked with maintaining order and security on the Republic capital world of Coruscant - alongside the non-clone Senate Guard and Coruscant Security Forces. They also provided protection for Republic officials on diplomatic missions to other planets throughout the galaxy.
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hidingaway1995 · 1 year
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So. Uh. This is all hand done chain stitch with a coin for scale. I’m so normal about Star Wars.
I know I didn’t do the visor right for phase two armor, but striping it would’ve made the stitches look weird.
In my heart, it’s Thire’s helmet.
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r2wedoomed · 2 years
Look everybody, it's my feral fic that once again completely got out of hand
Ty is a newly transferred LT to the Coruscant Guard. Lilo is a medic. Both have loved and both have lost. Both need someone in their lives to keep them upright in a war that takes and never gives.
OR its a friends to lovers, bc i am a sappy idiot
(it comes with music recs :) )
Featuring the amazing OC's of @imrowanartist, @anstarwar and @itsstrangelypermanent
“So what’s your name?” they asked instead as they shone a light in his eyes.
“It’s Ty,” Ty said and obediently sat still for Lilo to do their job.
“Know anyone here already?” Lilo asked. It was an innocent enough question. Most batches had close ties with other batches and all those troopers were deployed in such as wide range that there was always the chance that he already had a batchmate or friend here.
“Nah,” Ty said though, “don’t know anybody here. Lots of new introductions.” And there was that grin again. It looked practiced.
“Well, here’s another new introduction,” Lilo said, clicked out the little light and stretched out their hand, “I’m Lilo, it’s they/them for me, and you definitely have a concussion.”
“Nice to meet you, Lilo,” Ty said as he shook their hand, “sorry about the concussion.”
Lilo lifts an eyebrow, “Why are you apologizing? Can you tell me what happened? Frankly, I am surprised you are even coherent right now.”
“Poke gave me a stim,” Ty said as he scratched the back of his neck, “and— there was a riot. On one of the levels. As I said, someone banged me on the head. But there were civilian casualties as well. Poke’s help was more needed elsewhere, so— they send me here.”
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1-800-crscnt · 2 days
I like to imagine that Thire is a CT, and was THEN promoted to Commander due to senators, jedi, a few very wealthy citizens, and other politically important people all very publicly praising him over time, and this gets back to the Chancellor, who "suggests" promoting him. Of course, none of the Coruscant Commanders want this since is means that now Thire will have more unwanted attention on him and his behavior, but that suggestion is more of an order. So now, Thire is the newest Coruscant Commander, and nobody in the Guard is happy about it, not even him. He keeps trying to get demoted with Fox's help, but it just won't happen. And following canon from this point on, I like to think that he is promoted again to Marshal Commander after every other Commander dies, and it sort of destroys what little joie de vivre he had left at this point. (I'll explain a bit more about the other commanders' reaction to him joining them later.)
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mwolf0epsilon · 2 years
Whumptober Day 23: At the End of their Rope
Prompt: Forced to Kneel
Summary: A good soldier knows how to kneel on command. No matter the circumstances...
[I'm sorry to all the Fox lovers I'm really giving it to him this Whumptober. Thire is probably feeling it as hard as y'all.]
Thire knew how the order of things went. The clones were bred to fight, trained to obey, sent off to die, and then left to rot in ditches. Discarded and forgotten, no better than a broken blaster.
No clone should ever mean more than their service to the Republic. No clone should ever dare to think or speak the mind that did not even belong to them. No clone should ever disobey their master.
Thire knew all these things. And yet he itched to do just that. Disobey...
The chancellor was not happy with the Coruscant Guard's performance. There had been an incident in the lower levels during a raid. A drug bust gone wrong, ending with 3 gang members dead and one civilian critically injured.
Their exhaustion had made them "sloppy", the once minute trickle of work becoming a steady stream of impossible tasks that left them barely any time to rest. And, naturally, the chancellor would not stand for such messes going unpunished. Or rather, he would not let Fox go unpunished.
The worst part? He liked to make a spectacle of it... Set an example for the rest of Fox's most trusted men.
He made them watch. He made them kneel and watch. And Thire loathed it more than he loathed his own existence.
The indignity of being forced to kneel before the demagolka that made their lives miserable, was only compounded by the horror of witnessing his vod beaten black and blue for things well beyond his control.
Every single one of them cringed with every meaty thwack of fists colliding with bare skin. Of wheezy breaths being pulled out of Fox's strained lungs. The air crackled with static and the stench of burning flesh, as the Red Guard used their electrostaffs to subdue the marshal commander.
Thire's knees hurt.
He was shaking in place, arms behind his back in a mockery of parade rest. To his right he could see Hound's eyes welling up as he tried to choke back sobs as he witnessed the beating. To his left he could hear Thorn's breath coming out in uneven huffs as his flared up nostrils and steely gaze tried to pierce the back of the bastard's heads.
If Stone felt the same amount of distress the three of them openly displayed, it did not show. He was stronger than them. An expert in detaching himself from his work. Their rock and foundation. Thire knew he was hurting just as much deep down.
It was honestly all just... Devastating. Knowing your place in the world and yet being so expendable that anything, even a slight mishap, could land you in a situation like this.
Fox had done no wrong, yet he paid for the sins others imposed upon him. Forced to perform to standards that were just not possible for a mortal man to achieve. And to then turn his disciplinary sessions into ones of humiliation in front of his peers? It was barbaric on many levels.
Or so the Jedi had lead Thire to believe... That escort mission still so very fresh in his mind. The one that got Jek transferred.
Jek... Thire wondered how he might be. He'd stopped comming, just like the others...
What would he think if he was here now? Kneeling besides them all, watching the chancellor's satisfied grin as he had Fox broken into a million pieces for them all to pick up and haphazardly glue back together again?
Would he still care? Now that he was a Frontie?
Thire did not know. All he knew was the order of things. The 7 golden rules of being a clone trooper. Of being property.
But little gods above and beyond how he wished he could be so bold as to disobey. Then maybe his conscience wouldn't hurt as badly as his knees did.
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ace-oreos · 11 months
Squad Four, Coruscant Guard: Ch. 3
Kel gets an up-close-and-personal view of the Senate that leaves him with questions no one seems willing to answer, and some new faces (okay, one new face) make an appearance.
There was a certain charm to Coruscant in the early morning, before the daily hustle and bustle resumed and the shops and offices that dotted the upper levels hadn’t opened yet. Even the more disreputable alleyways appeared more palatable now that the sun was rising.
Presently, though, Kel was blind to it all; he and a trooper from Commander Stone’s company were escorting the incoming delegation from Malastare today, and he was late. 
Kel walked as quickly as he could without actually running. Bad enough that he was behind schedule; he doubted the senator and his party would have much faith in his ability as an escort if he looked like he had been rushing. 
He ducked through a door leading into the Executive Building and dashed up a set of stairs to the appropriate hangar. He threw himself out another doorway and onto landing pad H-2 in time to see the Malastare delegation disembarking. The other trooper was already waiting at the foot of their shuttle’s ramp; Kel would have to ask for his name later. 
He saluted the Senator and fell in with the other Guard at the rear of the group. Thankful that his helmet concealed his eye movements, Kel studied the party with interest. He’d never seen a Gran before. 
“If you’ll follow me, Senator,” the other trooper said politely once they entered the main building. 
The senator’s companions gazed around appreciatively. Kel understood their fascination. The Executive Building by itself was impressive, the assortment of diplomats and representatives passing through even more so. It could be overwhelming at times, but there was something grand about it all the same.
Kel was determined to make the delegation feel welcome. Hearts and minds came with the territory, after all - even if Flip liked to argue that no one in the Senate would give a clone the time of day. I’m willing to give the benefit of the doubt, had been Kel’s answer when he found himself an unwilling participant in a debate over the matter between Flip and Nines. 
With that thought in mind, Kel addressed the Malastare representative closest to him. “What brings you to Coruscant?” 
The Gran seemed startled. Kel saw the other trooper’s visor angle towards him briefly, as though his brother was giving him a sharp glance. Wondering what had prompted the reaction, Kel added, “Malastare isn’t exactly nearby, so I imagine there must be a reason.”
The Gran exchanged a look with one of his colleagues. “There is,” he finally said. “Malastare recently signed a treaty with the Republic. Now that we have put its terms into action, there are certain revisions we would like to make.”
Kel, trying to remember what negotiations had taken place between the Republic and Malastare, ventured, “Revisions, sir?” 
“The terms of the treaty were sufficient given the circumstances,” the Gran said. “The Republic was granted full access to our fuel reserves. Recently, however, we have felt that Malastare should be compensated for its contributions to the war effort.”
I’ll never understand politics, Kel decided. If the Republic’s presence isn’t putting them at a disadvantage in some way, why do they need to be compensated?
“I thought Malastare was aligned with the Republic,” he said aloud.
The Gran tilted his head. “It is.”
“The Republic uses your fuel, and you receive protection in return. What other compensation do you need? That’s more than fair,” Kel said, reasonable. 
He was met with resounding silence. The Gran drew to a halt, mouth set in a thin line, while his fellows cast Kel disapproving glances. Best behavior, Relay had warned him.
So much for that. Kel regretted disappointing his sergeant, but he couldn’t muster up much guilt despite the displeased looks being sent his way. I meant what I said. 
“I didn’t realize clones had an interest in politics,” the Gran said at last. “Kindly keep your opinions to yourself.”
“Yes, sir,” Kel said blandly. He resisted the urge to point out that there was probably a lot the representative didn’t know about clones. He was going to be in enough trouble as it was. Instead he dipped his chin in what could pass as a respectful nod and fell back to his earlier position, where he wondered if there was some truth to what Nines said about senators.
His disquiet hadn’t abated by the time they left the delegation in the care of the Senate Guard. Given his earlier anticipation, Kel was surprised to find he was none too sorry to see them go. The idea of leaders that felt they were owed something for doing the right thing didn’t sit right with him, and he wanted time alone to mull it over.
“So,” the other trooper said, breaking him from his reverie, “this your first escort assignment?”
Kel nodded.
“I figured.” He sounded amused. “Guts, but no sense.”
“What do you mean?”
“Anyone who’s been around for a while knows better than to get into it with senators.” His brother tilted his head toward a nearby alcove. Kel followed obediently. “You usually wind up hearing things you don’t want to hear.” 
“My ori’vod says most senators couldn’t care less about clones,” Kel admitted. 
“Smart man.” The trooper eased off his helmet. “I’m Olli. Got a name, shiny?”
“Kel,” he said, removing his own helmet after a second’s hesitation. 
“Well, Kel, what do you make of the Senate?”
“I haven’t really talked to any senators before today,” Kel said honestly. He couldn’t help wrinkling his nose. “But I was hoping they wouldn’t be two-faced.”
For a moment he was afraid he’d been too forward. But to his surprise, a slow smile was spreading across Olli’s face. “Relay told me he picked up a shiny a few weeks ago. He didn’t tell me you stand on principle.”
Startled, Kel said, “You know Relay?”
Olli laughed. “Relay is my batchmate - and he hasn’t changed since the day we were decanted,” he added, correctly interpreting the look on Kel’s face. “Don’t let it bother you. He’s happiest when he’s grumping at some poor di’kut who put his belt on backwards.”
As Kel liked Relay just fine, he didn’t say anything to this. Instead he asked, “Are senators always… like that?” 
“Some are,” Olli said with a shrug. “Some aren’t. Politics is complicated. That’s why I stay out of it.”
“Seems like it’s hard to avoid it entirely, seeing as we're the Coruscant Guard and all,” Kel remarked. “Is it really that bad?” 
Olli’s face grew serious. “You don’t want to be caught up in the kinds of games the Senate plays, vod’ika. Some of them are too busy to think about anything other than negotiations and whatnot, but others… long memory, some of them. A long memory and power isn’t a good combination.”
Kel digested this in silence. He didn’t like the picture his brother was painting one bit. In a perfect situation, he thought, representatives would serve the people who elected them. The reality, it would seem, was far more convoluted. And where does that leave the GAR? 
“What about the Chancellor?” Kel wanted to know. 
“What about him?” Olli asked slowly. 
“He oversees the Senate. So why…?” Kel lapsed into silence. Olli was shaking his head. 
“Don’t ask too many questions, Kel.” His brother glanced around warily. “Relay should have taught you that. You don’t want the wrong person overhearing. Some things we don’t talk about - ever.” 
Surely the Chancellor is hardly the wrong person? Kel bit back the question and the half-dozen others whirling through his head. He thought back to the day he reported in. It’s a wonder we’ve managed to stay afloat this long, Flip had said, before Nines swiftly redirected the conversation. At the time, Kel hadn’t given it a second thought. Now, though…
“We should get moving,” Olli said, cutting through Kel’s thoughts. He slid his helmet back into place. “Remember what I said, Kel.”
“I will,” he promised. 
“I know it isn’t easy.” The older trooper’s voice softened. “But it’s for your own good.” 
So I’ve heard, Kel thought. 
“How did it go?” Nines demanded. 
Kel placed his helmet on his bunk and set about removing his armor. “It was memorable, that’s for sure,” he said, thinking hard. According to Flip, the Guard was struggling. But how? And why? Was it connected to the Senate somehow? What made Olli so quick to end any talk of Chancellor Palpatine? 
“Oh, dear.” Nines shoved himself up and swung his legs over the edge of his bunk. “Our shiny is getting broken in.”
“I’m not broken,” Kel said. “Just thinking.”
Nines groaned. “That’s even worse.”
Kel made a face at his brother, then returned to unfastening his boots. If the Guard really was in trouble, wisecracks were hardly going to help. 
“Who were you babysitting today?” Nines pressed.
“The senator from Malastare,” Kel replied. He wasn’t keen to answer any questions; he didn’t want Relay or anyone else finding out that he’d mouthed off to a Senate official. “I guess there’s some treaty that needs amending.”
Nines snorted. “There always is, if you ask them.”
Kel hummed in agreement as he neatly stacked his armor plates under his bunk. Now he understood why his brothers always seemed to be less than thrilled about escort assignments - although I guess some senators are decent, he thought. He smiled despite himself. Maybe I’ll get lucky next time. 
“Lost your enthusiasm for a career in the Guard yet?” Flip teased. “You could request a transfer to the infantry.”
“I can’t let you lot have fun without me,” Kel said, deadpan. “Besides, you would miss me.”
“We keep losing shinies faster than we can get ‘em,” Nines put in. “We’d like to hang on to you for a little while.”
Kel rolled his eyes. “I’m going to get something to eat.”
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vodika-vibes · 1 year
Corrie Guard Quotes~
Fox: *over comms* Alright Thire. I need your location, send me your coordinates.
Thire: I'm under a cloud that looks like a lion.
Fox: ...can you be more specific?
Thire: ...Simba.
Fox: *glares at the comm* Dusk, go find your dumbass twin.
Dusk: *cheerfully* Roger, Roger, ori'vod!
*30 minutes later*
Dusk: *over comms* I found my dumbass twin, ori'vod!
Fox: Great. Send me your coordinates.
Dusk: ...we're under the cloud that looks like a lion.
Fox: ...
Fox: You're killing me. You're killing your poor ori'vod, do you realize this?
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gryffindor-jedi · 2 years
The Night Fox - Chapter 7
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Based on @royalhandmaidens Vigilante Commander Fox theory. The story will eventually lead into Foxiyo and a happy au.
Almost wrote myself into a corner, but I think this chapter's pretty good, and inspired by the latest and one of the greatest TBB episodes yet.
Prologue • Chapter 1 • Chapter 2 • Chapter 3 • Chapter 4 • Chapter 5 • Chapter 6
Summary: Riyo Chuchi is in danger, and is forced to go to Commander Fox for help. Thorn convinces the rest of the Coruscant Guard to help the Night Fox.
Word count: 1036 words
“Looks like my plan went well, wouldn't you agree?” Ahsoka asked teasingly.
Riyo crossed her arms over her chest defiantly. “We ate some fruitcake and talked a little.”
“But you actually talked, and Fox doesn't seem to hate you as much as you told me.” Ahsoka smiled.
“Soon Anakin is going to have to pay up…”
“Wait, what?” Riyo asked, stopping just as they neared the Senate building entrance.
“It's nothing,” Ahsoka's smile widened. “Nothing you have to worry about anyway.”
Riyo stared at Ahsoka's curiously innocent facial expression intently.
“Satisfied?” Ahsoka asked.
“Well, I guess a little side bet can't hurt. Although, I am curious.” Riyo started walking after a pause. “But there's something bothering me.”
“And that's exactly why I'm here.” Ahsoka reassured her.
Riyo turned away, and hesitantly said, “There's something very strange about the Night Fox.”
“Look out!” Ahsoka ignited her dual lightsabers and shielded Riyo just as a dozen blaster bolts rained down towards Riyo.
“We need to get to safety, now. The Senate building seems to have been infiltrated, considering that the blaster bolts came from within one of the offices.” Ahsoka looked around.
“They seem to have stopped now, maybe I wasn't the target?” Riyo asked hopefully.
“You and I both know that you were the one being targeted. It isn't safe for you here, at least not without protection.” Ahsoka said, putting away her lightsabers. “Your usual Pantoran guards may not be enough, since they may have been compromised as well. We need someone we can trust, someone whose loyalty is without question.”
“I don't think that we should bother the Coruscant Guard.” Riyo said. “They're busy enough with their duties.”
“The capture of the Night Fox is their primary mission, and since those hunting down the Night Fox might be attacking you as well, your protection could be crucial in their mission. Moreover, the Coruscant Guard has been involved in bodyguard duty before.” Ahsoka said firmly. “We both understand that the magnitude of the situation warrants drastic measures. As a senator, I think that you know but are simply unwilling to work with Fox.”
“You're right.” Riyo sighed. “Maybe you should become a politician, you certainly have a way with words.”
“Master Obi-Wan would probably kill me if I went into politics.” Ahsoka laughed. “Besides, I prefer action to words any day.”
“Look who's here.” Thorn grinned.
“Master Jedi, Senator. What brings you to the headquarters of the Coruscant Guard?” Fox said stiffly.
Thorn promptly elbowed Fox in the ribs. “Will you please stop being so formal? You're making us look bad.”
“I'm assuming that you know Riyo already, and I don't really care for formalities, so let's talk about why we're here.” Ahsoka said mildly. “There's been an attack on the Pantoran senator's life. I have reason to believe that the assassin has infiltrated the Senate, and perhaps even Riyo's own guards.”
“Then, you have come to the right place.” Thorn smiled. “Fox here will help you. I need to check out something else.”
“Where are you going so fast?” Fox asked.
“I think Thire's up to something, in regard to our special friend.” Thorn whispered. “Besides, I would hate to say that the Commander of the Coruscant Guard couldn't talk to a senator and a Jedi by himself.”
“Thorn…” Fox gritted through his teeth, but Thorn was already gone.
Thorn couldn't stop smiling as a flustered Fox tried his best to speak to the Jedi and the senator. Normally, he wouldn't miss such an entertaining situation for anything, but whatever Thire was trying to do would take precedence.
“What exactly are you trying to do?” Thorn asked quietly, and Thire nearly jumped.
“Nothing, sir.” Thire saluted. “Commander, this is an unexpected pleasure.”
Thorn shook his head. “Stone, you can come out now. You won't be able to break into the cell anytime soon, so don't waste time trying, even if you are not currently on duty.”
“How did you know?” Stone asked sheepishly.
“Listen, I know exactly how you feel about the Night Fox.” Thorn sighed. “You can't be blamed for what you're doing, but there's something we need the Night Fox for, and it threatens the Republic itself.”
“I'm listening.” Thire crossed his arms over his chest.
“The Night Fox seems to have made an enemy of a Separatist spy, who has infiltrated the Senate. We're going to use him to lure the spy out.” Thorn explained. “Even if we are unsuccessful, the only casualty might be the Night Fox, which might be appealing to some.”
“If it's for the Republic, then I'm willing to do anything.” Stone agreed halfheartedly. “Is that what Fox is talking about with the Jedi?”
“Nope.” Thorn smiled. “He might be on protection detail for a certain senator that actually respects us.”
Rys came out from his hiding spot. “Good thing I tipped you off then.”
“I knew we couldn't trust him.” Stone elbowed Thire.
“Well, it's all for the best.” Thire chuckled. “Besides, we get to make fun of Fox, and sending the Night Fox on a mission to protect the Republic is a price I am willing to pay for that.”
“No. Senator, for the last time.” Fox avoided eye contact, and refused to take off his helmet. “Commander Thorn has more practice in bodyguard missions. He would be the ideal candidate.”
Ahsoka laughed. “This is really quite adorable.”
“What's so funny?” Fox glared in the Jedi's general direction.
“You have the opportunity to find out more about the Night Fox's assailants, and protect someone who defended you.” Ahsoka's penetrating stare turned towards Fox. “The senator approves as well.”
“I do. I would trust my life with you, as much as I trust the Night Fox.” Riyo spoke up.
As much as the Night Fox. Fox straightened. Well then, he had to fulfill his duty.
“All right.” Fox gently slid off his helmet. “You can count on me, Senator. I promise to always keep you safe.”
Tag list: @penguinkiwi, @kris-styx, @abbsbats
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kingtransgender · 1 year
im a clone fan first and foremost and a tcw fan second so i started a video series of clone moments from the show
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clonetroopercantina · 2 years
Coruscant Guard post #1
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Thire (CC-4477)
Thire served as a clone Lieutenant under Jedi Grand Master Yoda during a diplomatic mission to Rugosa to meet with the Toydarian King Katuunko in the early months of the Clone Wars. He would eventually be promoted to the rank of Commander, and shock troopers under his commanded hunted Yoda on Coruscant after Order 66. Commander Thire also accompanied Emperor Palpatine to Mustafar to retrieve Darth Vader.
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