#clone wars fanfcition
bylightofdawn · 1 year
Chapter 1 of AFWBST (I refuse to type that entire title out every time even I know how ridiculous it is as the author) is up!
The amount of introspection vs dialogue balance in this and the second chapter is so off-kilter. I promise people WILL actually be conversing...a lot eventually in this fanfic but woof Cody has a lot of thinky thoughts these first two chapters.
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gun-roswell · 2 years
Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Clone Trooper Boil/Clone Trooper Waxer (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Boil & Clone Trooper Waxer (Star Wars) Characters: Clone Trooper Boil (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Waxer (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Wooley (Star Wars) Additional Tags: waxerboilmonth2023, fandom event, clone trooper waxer - Freeform, clone trooper boil - Freeform, prompts, Clone Troopers Deserve Better (Star Wars), First Kiss, THE DRESS, Space Tube, poor attempts of humour, Not Canon Compliant, cadet time, First Dates, Some Fluff, Some humour, Developing Relationship, Established Relationship, Snippets in time, Waxer - Freeform, Boil - Freeform, Clones, suave clone cadets, Ficlet, awkward teenagers, adult time, Dialogue Series: Part 1 of Boil/Waxer Summary:
Set somewhere in the space time continuum of the Clone Wars.
Waxer*Boil Month is a fandom event focused on the relationship between Star Wars: The Clone Wars characters Waxer and Boil. (https://archiveofourown.org/collections/waxerboilmonth)
Prompts: • First kiss • “Are you just gonna stare?” Waxer and Boil’s YouTube account
It’s Boil and Waxer’s time: Back in their Cadet days on Kamino and their first meet-up with a kiss shared. Some time later donning perfect dress? Making holo-vids of their squad for their Space Tube channel.
Part of Boil/Waxer series

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ken-obiwan · 3 years
So I have this ficlet thing I've been working on, based on lyrics from Katy Perry's 'The One that Got Away'
My question: is it a any good? Like, should I develop this into something or is it just bad?
In another life, I would be your girl
A thousand rotations could pass and the thick sound of his laughter, and the twist of his smile would always be etched in your memory.
You'd it heard him laugh with his brothers in the mess. Witnessed the trademark Captain smile of a job well done. Then there were the softly huffed laughs, and lopsided smiles that were few and far between, but only yours.
You saw now it now, a roll of dark eyes and a loud laugh at the end of the long durasteel hallway. If you took a few more steps you could join-
Another time, then.
We'd keep all our promises, be us against the world
"Stay with me, Commander."
You blinked, heavy and unfocused, at the face above you. He wasn't smiling now. You wondered why?
"Leave me."
You're lips felt warm and warm and wet when you spoke. You heard a mando'a curse, and it made you smile tiredly.
"We had a deal, remember? To always get out here. That's it's you and me."
You held up a pinky,
In another life, I would make you stay
'We’ve lost lateral control. We’re gonna break apart!'
The call came over the internal comms on your wrist and your eyes flitted across the hangar.
The ship tilts. The clones, your men fall.They're losing control, and Jesse is relentless. He won't stop blasting. At you, at Rex.
Your heart breaks a little, he was a good man. He is a good man.
"Come on!"
Rex's voice breaks your thoughts as he makes break for the jump for the shuttle, but he'll never make it.
You dodge a blast and land on your back the cracking durasteel floor, saber deflecting the shots as fast as they can take them.
So I don't have to say you were, the one that got away
You look up at Rex voice a strained yell over the sounds of snapping steel and blaster fire.
"I promise."
It took one Force push to send him off into the air, into shuttle. By the time your on your feet to leap, the cruiser floor buckles beneath you.
The shuttle is gone, swept up into debris.
The one that got away
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m0mmat0rtle · 3 years
Star Light Chapter One
Pairing: Tech x Pantoran!OC
Words: 1498
Warnings: none (future warning: major angst & character death)
Summary: Tech seeks the medical attention of a medic in training due to regularly staffed medic’s of Kamino being over staffed. He meets the curious Pantoran, Star Light who has a secret that he feels he must find out.
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Tech looked down at the small abrasion on his forearm from today’s training with his brothers. It wasn’t often that members of the Bad Batch ever got injured, they never got injured on a major scale. But Hunter had miscalculated ever so slightly with his knives and accidentally snagged Tech’s arm in the process. The cut wasn’t bad but it was enough to warrant some medical attention. And so Tech was heading to the wing of the cloning facility on Kamino. He held his forearm in his hand, glancing down at it every so often. The cut was still there with blood smeared around it. On his way to the facility he passed a group of regs who had been stationed on cleaning duty, cleaning up another mural that had mysteriously appeared on the walls of the facility. Tech and every other clone on Kamino was familiar with these murals. They would mysteriously appear over night and have to be scrubbed away the next day by order of the Kaminoans. However they were always beautiful, this particular mural showcased a sunset over green grassy plains that reflected the soft light of the setting sun. Tech seemed to get lost in the artistic nature and skill of the piece that he was a bit shaken when a reg swiped his soapy sponge right over the center of the painting, washing away the very focal point of the painting and taking out the setting sun. Just like that the light of the painting was gone. Tech felt his heart drop for a mere moment. The art that was so stunning was now permanently messed up, but a spark of hope ignited in him when he remembered each mural that was washed away would soon be replaced by another even more lovely then the last. And another thought dawned on him before he continued to walk, the sun must always set. He thought to himself as he moved on to the medical wing. Because if the sun does not set then it is impossible to see the STARLIGHT.
“We can’t help you trooper.” A busy medica said as she worked diligently to disinfect a blaster wound on the shoulder of another trooper. “We are understaffed and overworked. And the 212th just came back from a terrible battle. We don’t have the space for a clone with a small cut, I’m sorry.” She added as she wiped the sweat from her forehead with her sleeve before taking out the supplies needed to stitch up the same wound that she had just disinfected. “We could send him to that medic in training.” Another medic suggested. “Would Lama Su be okay with that?” The first medic replied and the other one shrugged. “I don’t see why not. I mean she never gets to see any action and it’s not like this is a major wound, it’s just a small abrasion. Just a little disinfectant and maybe a batcha patch and he’ll be fine.” The other medic replied as they turned from one injured clone to the other, taking on two of the injured clones as to show just how short staffed they were. The first medic sighed before turning back to Tech. “Alright, go see Star Light. She’s down the hall to the right. Second door. She can help you.” Tech nodded and thanked the medic before leaving the busy medical wing.
Star flipped the page of the only book in her possession as she laid on her stomach on her bed. Her quarters on Kamino weren’t large or spacious by any means but they were enough for one person. “GONK” Her gonk droid spoke as it waddled up to her, nudging her bed as it did so. “Yes, Gink, I know I have read this book at least a dozen times this week.” She muttered to the droid. “GONK” It replied, the word being the only word in it’s vocabulary. “Well what do you wanna do? It’s not like I have anything else to do and Lama Su won’t let me leave without her permission.” “GONK” “I can’t sneak out now! It’s daytime! Someone will notice!” She replied as she looked down at her droid. “I like it in here and so do you.” “GONK” “Oh come on, Gink it’s not so bad in hear.” Before the droid could even respond the door to her quarters swooshed open and Star sat straight up in her bed, yellow eyes wide and nervous. She was expecting to see Lama Su or another Kaminoan visit her to remind her of the rules in place for her stay on Kamino but instead she was met with a clone. And not just any old run of the mill clone, this one was different. Unlike any of the others she had seen before. “Are you Star Light?” The clone asked, his accent was also different from the others which only peaked Star’s curiosity. “I am.” She replied as she stood from her bed and brushed a loose strand of violet hair away from her face. “Hi.” She added meekly with a small wave. “What are you doing here?” She asked once it clicked that there was someone who probably shouldn’t be in her quarters now standing across from her. “My name is Tech. The medical wing sent me here because they were overwhelmed.” “They sent you to me?” Star asked as she pointed a blue finger at herself and her yellow eyes widened once more in surprise. “But I’m just a medic in training- I don’t know how to-” “It’s just a small cut, miss Star Light.” Tech said as he lifted his arm, showing her the wound and Star sighed in relief. “Oh.” She said softly. “Well let me see what I can do, please sit.” She offered as she gestured to her bed where her singular book stayed open to the page she was just reading. Gink watched the clone sit down on her bed and turned in the direction Star went to get a bachta patch. “GONK” “It’s fine Gink let him sit.” Star replied as she got the supplies and walked over to him. She sat down next to him and gently took his arm in her hands. “Can you either roll up your sleeve or take off your shirt?” She asked politely and Tech nodded. He removed the shirt of his blacks leaving his upper half bare and giving her a clear space on his arm to work. She quickly used a clean cloth to wipe away the blood from the cut and clean the wound. Tech’s eyes wondered as she worked and looked over to the open book on her bed. “You were reading about Naboo?” He asked, making small conversation. And indigo flush covered her cheeks as she worked. “Oh, um, yes. It’s an Atlas it has information on all kinds of planets I’ve never seen and probably won’t ever get to see. It’s also the only book I have so I spend a lot of time reading it over and over again.” Tech’s eyes focused on the picture at the top of one of the pages in the book. A sunset. It was identical to the one he had seen painted outside on his way to the medical facility. Perhaps Starlight was the artist responsible for the murals that always seemed to spontaneously appear.
“What did you mean when you said you will probably never be able to see these planets?” Tech asked as he gestured to the book and Star put the Bacta patch on his arm. “Well, I’m not exactly supposed to leave my quarters on Kamino.” “Why not?” “Well-” “GONK” Star flinched as she heard Gink interrupt their conversation. “You need to go.” She said quickly to Tech. “What why?” He asked as she quickly pushed him up and out of her bed before tossing his shirt to him. “I’m not supposed to have visitors.” Sher replied. “And Lama Su is on her way here now.” Star added in a panic. “But why can’t you have visitors?” He asked, wanting answers. Tech was only doing what he knew best, research and investigating. There was something about this Pantoran that was being kept from him and naturally, Tech wanted to know everything that he possibly could. “There’s no time for me to explain. You need to go now!” Star ushered him one more time before finally her door swooshed open and she got the man to step outside and leave. Once the door swooshed shut she let out a sigh of relief. “GONK” Her droid barked again. Lama Su was closer and therefore, Star was in danger. She quickly moved to “act natural” and threw herself back on to her bed and continue reading her one book. And it was just in time too, the doors swooshed open and there was the Kaminoan who monitored her every move. “Good afternoon, Lama Su.” Star said quickly and politely. “Hello Star.”
Chapter Two >
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nny11writes · 7 years
Please. Someone write the Star Wars Dream Daddy AU. Anakin and his daughter Ahsoka move to a new place. Anakin falls in love with like, ten dudes. Obi-Wan steals his heart. Ahsoka breaks stuff and sasses her dad. I just, I really want this in my life?
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cadbanee · 8 years
Forgot I updated this today too, here ya go!
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bylightofdawn · 1 year
The final chapter of AFWBST is up. WIP Sunday is sadly not going to happen but have 5K words of mostly Cody and Rex found family feels instead as an apology?
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bylightofdawn · 1 year
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*IT IS COMPLETE*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
I'm not joking when I say I've written like 13,000K the past 2 days. My body is rekt but I've finished the fic. It's 25,824 words in it's unedited state.
Also? I'm so dizzy and over the moon I finished this that I'm gonna just spoil the ending cause it's super smpoopy and just Cody thinking about the future and it makes my heart go pitter-patter with joy.
Imma be nice and post it behind a cut.
Also it's 2:30 and I have work tomorrow so rip and pray for my soul tomorrow. I'm legit so tired I'm cross-eyed so there's prolly some horrible errors in this, don't judge me just share in my joy in FINISHING A FANFIC FOR THE FIRST TIME IN YEARS.
Cause I've been writing Seeds for six months but it's still a WIP. I haven't started and finished a fic since like...2020.
So suffer my unbridled joy and excitement, I beg of you. Or yanno, share in it with me because who doesn't love the sense of accomplishment that comes in finishing up a creative work? Be it fanfic or fanart or anything else creative?
After getting clearance from the tower to take off, Cody piloted them away from Tatooine soon enough dusty atmosphere of the planet was behind them and he found himself faced with the seemingly limitless expanse of space.
For the first time in months…the future stretched out ahead of him alive with endless possibilities.
He had a fresh new purpose, a new mission to dedicate himself to.
It wouldn’t bring back Obi-Wan or unring the bell that was Order 66.
But somewhere out there, he knew there might be other members of Ghost Company or the 212th who he might be able to snatch back from the jaws of the Empire.
And perhaps for the first time in nearly a year, he allowed himself to feel something like hope again.
It was a start and that was all a tired, former soldier could ask for.
Hope was a powerful thing and he only prayed it would give him the strength keep going through whatever trials and tribulations he felt.
It felt like a lifetime ago when on the dawn of the Battle of Utapau, he and Obi-Wan had dared speak of their hope that the war was finally coming to a close. And when Obi-Wan had come riding in on that outrageous bird mount of his somehow looking resplendent beneath a layer of dust, grime and blood with the gleam of exultation in his eyes when he informed Cody that Grievous was finally dead, that hope had flared like a supernova in his chest.
He’d returned the man’s lightsaber to him with a fond look and only prayed at the time he hadn’t looked as stupidly in love with the man as he feared he had. Because their hope that the endless war was finally coming to a close had seemed so close at hand.
And then Order 66 had happened and that hope had extinguished as the galaxy as they knew it collapsed like a dying star, leaving nothing but anguish, destruction and bloodshed in its wake.
Now, Cody was almost afraid to open himself up to that hope again.
Only the knowledge that Obi-Wan would have wanted him to do so and that he would have wanted Cody to live on and find some happiness after all his hard years of service and sacrifice to the war kept spurring him on.
Obi-Wan wasn’t alive to share that hope with him, but in a way, he was going to live for him and find a way to honor his legacy as best he could.
He thought the man might approve of his chosen path and even his choice to try and work towards finding some closure with Slick as well. The Jedi had always been on about that sort of nonsense.
Obi-Wan was probably somewhere in that Force of his having a laugh at the idea of him finding a way to work together with Slick.
And in a strange way, that was a sort of comforting image. He liked the idea that Obi-Wan’s ghost or spirit or whatever might be out there watching over him.
If there really was anything like an after-life or the Manda then one day, he hoped he might meet the man again in some form or another.
And maybe that was just another form of hope he had to learn to open himself up to accepting.
If he closed his eyes, he could picture the other man sitting there next to him, lounging in the co-pilot’s seat with a languid smile of approval on his face. His brain easily supplied the memory of that familiar voice as well asking him ‘What now, Commander?’ and it was a bittersweet ache that rose in his chest at that imagined image.
“I guess we’ll have to see what the future holds,” Cody murmured to the ghost of Obi-Wan Kenobi as he engaged the hyperdrive, and the stars stretched out endlessly for a moment before the familiar blue-tinged swirl of light filled the holodisplay as they slipped into hyperspace.
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bylightofdawn · 1 year
Chapter Seven is up and we FINALLY get out family reunion. Anf I earn those character tags. 🙌
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bylightofdawn · 1 year
Chapter Six is up!
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bylightofdawn · 1 year
Chapter 5 is up!
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bylightofdawn · 1 year
Chapter Four is live a little early. Mainly because I have no idea when I'll have time to post this tomorrow if I do end up getting dragged into waterpark bullshit.
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bylightofdawn · 1 year
Chapter 3 is live! I also didn't do the math but I didn't intend on posting this on the 4th of July.
Enjoy the verbal fireworks instead of the real thing? Less chance you'll burn down your house.
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bylightofdawn · 1 year
Chapter 2 of AFWBST has been posted. I've decided to change the pace of updates. These chapters aren't taking super long to update and the idea of dragging this out for 2 months sounds kinda exhausting. Also? I know as a reader I constantly battle with wanting to make grabby hands at a fic which is a WIP and wish the author would post faster so I didn't have to wait too long between updates. LOL
So this is my fulfilling my addiction to instant gratification by proxy?
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