dracoqueen22 · 2 months
For @fuzipenguin who prompted: 'Rude/Cloud/Reno, the exception, not the rule'
They always share. 
That’s the rule. Rude always shares with Reno, and Reno always shares with Rude, and they never share more than once because no one else actually matters. They’re toys or distractions or brief surges of lust. 
But it figures pretty boy Cloud would be the one exception. This is… what? The fifth time they’ve had that blond bastard between them? Rude would know; Reno’s lost count. There’s something about him that they just can’t quit. 
Like right now. 
Cloud’s naked, bouncing up and down on Rude’s cock like it’s his job, his wrists cuffed behind his back and sweat sheening all over that pale skin of his. Pale, unmarked skin because fuck Soldiers and their super-fast healing. Bastard doesn’t have a single scar on him. 
Rude’s leaned back in the chair, all comfortable, but still wearing his suit. Took off the jacket because cumstains are a bitch to get out, and he’s rolled up his sleeves the way he knows Reno likes, but he’d only opened his pants enough to get his cock out and into Cloud. 
Fuck, it just don’t get better than this. 
Reno finally stands from where he’s been watching the show. He takes the last swig of his beer and sets it aside. Rude looks at him – not Cloud, despite all that muscle twitching, soft whimpering he’s making – and Rude’s eyes are an invitation. So Reno strolls on over and leans on Rude’s shoulder, whispers in his partner’s ear all seductive-like. 
“How’s he feel?” he asks with a friendly nip to Rude’s ear. 
Those big hands tighten on Cloud’s waist. Pull him back and into stillness so Rude can push up for a nice and deep grind. 
“Tight,” Rude grunts, his thumbs pressing dimples to the left and right of Cloud’s spine. 
“Better than me?” Reno asks, not because he’s suddenly feeling replaced, but because it makes Cloud tighten up when they talk about him like he isn’t there. 
Rude chuffs. “Don’t be stupid.” He plants his feet and thrusts up, jolting a cry out of Cloud from behind clenched teeth. “You want him next?” 
“Nope.” Reno pops the word and nips Rude’s ear. “I want him now.” 
Rude’s breathing hitches. There’s a bead of sweat on his forehead that Reno tastes with his lips. “I’m not done.” 
Yeah, but sharing is caring, right? 
“His mouth’s free, ain’t it?” Reno asks, and both of them shudder at that – Rude all over as he drags Cloud down for another one of those deep grinds he likes, and Cloud visibly tensing, his fingers curling into tight fists as he fights off a moan. 
Reno doesn’t wait for an answer. He strides around so he can see Cloud’s face, and his dick, already frustrated at not getting wet inside a squirming blond, gives a hard twitch and blurt of pre. 
Cloud looks wrecked. The kind of wrecked Reno feels after a good dicking from Rude, face all flushed, hair limp, cock purple and dripping, nipples tight and red from Rude playing with ‘em earlier, eyes all bright but hazy. He’s trying to glare at Reno, and it’s a pretty cute attempt. Cloud always acts like this, like he didn’t show up on their doorstep specifically to get fucked unconscious. Like he’s their dirty little secret and it’s not the other way around. 
“How about it, soldier boy?” Reno asks as he gets a grip of Cloud’s chin and runs the pad of his thumb over Cloud’s lower lip. “Your mouth good for more than bullshit?” 
Cloud’s tongue flicks over the tip of Reno's thumb. He’s trying to glare again, but his breathing is all quick and hot. “Is yours?”  
Reno barks a laugh. “My mouth is the best in this room,” he declares, which Rude agrees with a hum. “But you haven’t earned that yet.” 
He keeps hold of Cloud’s jaw, tilts his head down to watch as Reno thumbs open his belt, his button, his zipper, lets his pants sag down and his dick pop free. He gives himself a stroke and squeeze, pre spilling out around the ring in his slit. 
“Come on,” Reno purrs as he pulls Cloud’s head down and Rude helps out, the way a best partner does, until Cloud’s right where he needs to be, staring right at Reno’s dick. “Give him a lick like a good boy.” 
Reno says ‘lick’. He expects the bright-eyed glare that flicks up at him. He waits for the muttered sarcastic comment. He is not ready for the way Cloud attacks his dick like a starving man at a buffet. Cloud gobbles him down like he’s not happy without a dick in his mouth, no finesse, no style, just straight up tongue and throat, and Reno’s knees go weak. 
“Fuck,” he breathes and buries his hands in silky blond hair. He’s got Cloud’s nose in his pubes, and Cloud’s throat tight around his dick, and he doesn’t know if he’s going to last. 
Especially not when Rude fucks Cloud forward, like he’s fucking Cloud onto Reno’s dick, and it’s just like that. Because Reno rocks his hips, matches Rude’s rhythm like the partners they are, and there Cloud is, spitroasted between them like he belongs there. 
Never more than once, they told each other. Never more than once, but here Cloud is for the sixth or seventh time, and Reno already knows there’s gonna be an eighth. Cloud’s gonna show up again, looking all wet and pathetic and greedy, and Reno’s gonna haul him inside, shove his tongue down Cloud’s throat right before Rude drags them both off to bed. 
It’s inevitable. 
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emeraldblonde · 2 months
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FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH (2024) dev. Square Enix
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unknown-lifeform · 1 month
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Final Fantasy VII + tumblr text posts (part 27)
Rebirth memes have landed at last
[Previous parts]
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kay-i · 5 months
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Happy Holidays!
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mitsame · 5 months
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new super ff7 college au 2024 edition
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rottenpumpkin13 · 9 days
we need more Tseng content
Out Of Context Things Tseng Has Seen Around The Shinra Building
• Reeve walking into a board meeting with a paintball gun, going "This is no longer a safe space."
• Sephiroth and Chadley playing darts with cutout of Professor Hojo's head as the target.
• Rufus, Cissnei, Zack and Lazard playing soccer with the decapitated head of the President Shinra statue.
• Cait Sith and Sephiroth wearing matching friendship bracelets.
• Zack Fair screaming, hanging onto Dark Star's leash, being dragged around the Skyview Hall after a failed attempt at walking them.
• Reno and Rude attempting to domesticate a raccoon that had collar with the name "Princess" on it.
• Lazard beating Heidegger with a rolled up magazine, also during a board meeting.
• Angeal, panicked, heading into the elevator holding a fully grown cannabis plant while going "shit shit shit shit shit shit shit"
• During an interdepartmental meeting in the auditorium, the turks and SOLDIERs sitting on opposite sides, trash talking each other. What shocked Tseng was Sephiroth flashing Reno the middle finger.
• Cloud Strife braiding Sephiroth's hair. Genesis approached and began teasing them for being childish. Cloud calmly finished the braid before beating Genesis with it (repeatedly).
• Lazard and Rufus carrying a coffin at either end. Fearing the worse, Tseng intercepted them and demanded that they open it. Inside he found Sephiroth (alive). When asked what he was doing, Sephiroth replied "serving as a practice dummy"
• Scarlett walking in Genesis' direction, followed by Genesis diving under a nearby table, followed by Sephiroth pointing at said table and telling her "He loves to play hide and seek."
• Sephiroth happily coming back from Reeve's office carrying a box of legos.
• Cissnei holding Zack's legs while Angeal holds Zack's arms. They're carrying him to medical while Zack squirms and and shouts: "RELEASE ME! I DON'T HAVE THE FLU! I JUST DRANK ORANGE SODA TOO FAST AND THREW UP! WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL?"
• Reno standing at a corner selling brownies. Fearing the worst, he intercepted, but found out that they were just regular brownies and Reno had just recently gotten into baking as a hobby.
Zack was standing in line and was very unhappy.
Zack: Aw, man. They're just regular brownies? This is false advertising!
Reno: What about the advertising indicates that they're edibles?
Zack: The fact that you're selling them.
• Cloud dropping down from the vents, followed by Zack, followed by Angeal, followed by Genesis, followed by Sephiroth. They're all wearing glow stick necklaces. When asked what they were doing, Sephiroth replied "friendship"
• The turks and SOLDIERs were made to put on a theater performance to promote interdepartmental bonding. Tseng was made to supervise the practices. Tseng gave up after he walked into the first practice and saw:
1) Cloud suspended from the ceiling, reciting Loveless boredly while a group of people panic, trying to get him down.
2) Reno and Zack fighting (loudly) over who gets to play the role of Tree #4. This argument quickly turned physical.
3) Genesis sitting in a director chair, shouting at Sephiroth through a megaphone, instructing him to sweep the stage better. Sephiroth grew impatient and thwacked the chair legs with his broom, breaking it. Genesis fell (violently).
4) Rude wearing a wig.
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lifextime · 4 months
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Final Fantasy VII : Rebirth | Final Trailer |
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fightabear · 4 months
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HELLO ALL, my Final Fantasy VII Charm Preorders are open on my Etsy!
The single character charms are 2 inches! The Holographic / double character charms are 2.5!
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xiiiwayfinders · 24 days
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missyandthemisfits · 3 months
FF7 Headcanons – Do They Like Their Partner Playing In Their Hair?
I write sometimes so Imma put some Final Fantasy VII headcannons here in honor of tomorrow’s release 🍷🍾
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Cloud Strife – He absolutely does, he also absolutely won’t own up to it because he’s EMBARRASED. That said, if you really wanna hear him say it that badly, you can always threaten to never do it again. He’ll pout, complain softly, and confess. THEN he’ll immediately ask you to do it.
Tifa Lockhart – YesssSS, she adores it! But she makes you wait until you’re alone to do it because she is CONVINCED she makes questionable faces when you do it. She does. She does make those faces-
Aerith Gainsborough – You’d better believe she does and is happy to return the favor! She might actually be better than you at it though…awesome scalp massages.
Barett Wallance – Not really…? But he can be convinced. Especially after a long, hard day and a hot shower.
Cid Highwind – NOPE. Don’t even try it, you’ll get an earful and will NEVER hear the end of it, I assure you.
Vincent Valentine – He is FIRMLY on the fence about it. On one hand, it feels amazing and he really does love it. On the other hand, he’s still convinced he just doesn’t deserve that kindness, from you or anyone. You may or may not be able to get him to agree to it, depending on the day.
Reeve Tuesti – He does indeed like it and he is also not afraid to ask for it. Hell, he’ll ask for it mid-speech sometimes, right in the middle of the explaining something to the party members. You will probably say no.
Reno Sinclair – YES, for the love of God, PLEASE play in his hair. I cannot stress this enough, HE HAS NO SHAME. He will beg, with or without company, outside or inside your home. He does not care how it looks to those around him, he’s a man that knows what he wants an when he wants it.
Rude – I wheeze, but yes. He enjoys…scalp massages.
Elena – She actually only likes it when and if you wash her hair for her while you’re doing it, something about the combination of nails and water – she’s a little strange, but it’s cute.
Tseng – Another fence straddler, but he’s a lot easier to convince. For him, it’s about intimacy, something you two share that he doesn’t wanna share with anyone else so it stays in home – because he’s a little possessive.
Rufus Shinra – Oh yes, he definitely enjoys it – he’d ask for it more if it didn’t mess up his hair so much before meetings. He’s always got this smug look on his face when he teasingly asks though, so that’s a thing. Also possessive.
!! BONUS !!
Zack Fair – He’s got this lopsided grin on his face when you first ask him because he’s never had someone ask. But after the first time, he’s almost like a puppy.
Genesis Rhapsodos – He does like it, but he saves that sort of intimacy for after…‘The act’. Makes it more special. I think he’s just dramatic, honestly.
Angeal Hewley – Apprehensionnn, but if he’s feeling particularly stressed he may let you do it. It’s a hard sell though, be strong soldier.
Sephiroth – YES, thoroughly enjoys someone playing in his hair but understands they could be there for a while given the length of his luxurious locks – not that he minds. He could sit there all day, grinning and praising you for your time and effort. Unnecessarily suave, always.
Pictures aren’t mine, Headcannons are!
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demialwrites · 24 days
Dating a chocobo jockey reader
w/ Reno, Sephiroth, Rufus, Rude, & Cloud
He may not have been interested in the details of chocobo racing before you started dating but he becomes your loudest fan during your races
He will get in several fights with spectators who bet against you while being especially obnoxious. He doesn't start the verbal part of the fights but he can't help escalating them with threats
You have to ask him to simmer down in the future. As much as you appreciate (and are amused by) his support, you can't get in trouble because of his behaviour
He gets really pouty sometimes because he could be spending more time with you or watching your races if it wasn't for his job
He also is unhappy when your free time doesn't match up with his
When you do meet up after a race, he likes the more exciting attractions at the Gold Saucer, with some drinking and greasy takeout after in the inn at Ghost Square (might as well take advantage of the activities available nearby while you have the time, right?)
After getting a few drinks deep, he will make cheesy jokes that you should ride him in bed
Sephiroth (pre-Nibelheim)
He has as little time as Reno but he will hang around in disguise in the back to catch your races
He initially uses a disguise all in black, on repeat, until you point out that it still draws stares because of his height and standoffish aura. He doesn't like hearing that but it lets you help him pick out clothes (like hoodies and hats in different colours), which he secretly treasures
He could get VIP seats to watch you but he doesn't like to use his Shinra connections like that. Plus, the company would have concrete proof of his whereabouts
His favourite activities at the Gold Saucer involve using his strength or reflexes but he is curious about your favourites, too. He has quite a few top high scores under a pseudonym in various games
He also joins you at the inn, mostly for the privacy it affords the both of you
He is amused by the Tonberry humidifier because of the stabbing knife
Give him a shed chocobo feather from one of your races and he will tuck it in his clothes to take on missions
Be careful with this one because he will try to become your part-time manager
He doesn't understand if you refuse to let him buy you the best equipment. You already have the skills so why not let money help you the rest of the way, just like him? His opinion is the more wins the better
Either way, he confidently brags that you're the best and everyone takes him at his word whether it's true or not (he's not above lying)
He prefers to bet on you but likes winning more, even if he doesn't need the money. He can always spend the winnings on you, anyway
Unlike Sephiroth, he always uses the company to get private space for himself and the best room at the inn, if that's where you want to spend time
If you drink together at the inn, expect him to try and initiate sex
He waits for you after a race with a bouquet of flowers. If he has the time, he'll want to impress you with his skills at the games at the Gold Saucer
The only one of the Turks that asks you for a date on the Skywheel. It's a little awkward at first because he's a quiet person but it still brings you closer together
Is very protective of you if there's ever drama between you and the other jockeys. Sometimes there's highschool-like drama and he would want to intimidate the person causing you trouble
He absolutely backs off if you catch him doing it and get upset. That's not to say that you're unaware of his ability to do some serious damage
You know Reno almost as well as Rude sometimes. Partially because Reno is important to Rude but also because Reno talks way more. Rude would be happy if you two got along
He is the one who best understands your job out of everyone, although you're slightly better than him because of the gap in experience
He may not cheer very loudly for you but he is quietly very invested in what happens during your races
Always down to talk shit with you about the other jockeys
Something tells you that he has been hanging around the Gold Saucer more often since you started dating because he has a growing collection of plush prizes. Sometimes, he gives you one he thinks you might like
He comes alive the most when he is invited to fight in the area. When you have a fight and a race scheduled on the same day, you both win because you feed off each other's energy without even speaking
In a perfect world, you would have wanted to settle down and start a chocobo ranch with him
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applesfrombanora · 1 year
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My friend and I were talking about how the parent/sibling characters of Yuffie and Elena should’ve gotten in equal hits before corneo got dropped off a cliff
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catboyidia · 5 months
my ffvii ships new years kisses:
- zakkura: zack gets really giddy and excited and kisses cloud as soon as new years hits, flustering cloud really badly in the process but afterwards they both cant help but smile at each other and giggle
- asg: they’re all about to just go for it but then they need to pause for a moment as they realize theres three of them… they debate trying to figure out how to make a three-way kiss work but quickly realize that wont work as they all literally butt heads, so instead they have to debate which pair kisses first and just alternate until they all get their kisses from each other, but it takes quite a while because if its genesis and angeal, sephiroth will get upset, he already feels like the odd one out in the relationship, but if its angeal and sephiroth, genesis will absolutely get jealous and throw a fit, so ultimately angeal takes one for the team and decides to let sephgen have the first kiss, and then they promptly decide to shower angeal with love and kisses afterwards, so he doesn’t feel upset about it
- tsengru: rufus goes in for the kiss immediately but tseng, being the rational one, puts his hand up to stop rufus and looks around to make sure no one else is looking, and once he’s sure the coast is clear he lets rufus kiss him, holding up his champagne(?) glass to block the view of their lips from anyone else (i dont know what people drink for new years or many kinds of glasses…)
- renorude(?): they’re absolutely all over each other, like full on making out, even before the countdown, without a care in the world, even as the excitement dies down and everyone else is done kissing, reno and rude are still going at it, leaving everyone else to just kind of awkwardly stare at the spectacle and just pray that they keep their clothes on
- aerti: they’re holding hands and leaning against each other, and as new years hits they both look at each other and giggle happily, just full of nothing but love as aerith leans in and kisses tifa, even as tifa seems a bit bashful about it
- tuestine(?): reeve is really reserved and nervous about it, but lets vincent lean in for the kiss first and then gently pulls down the collar(?) of vincent’s cape hiding the lower half of his face, making sure vincent’s okay with it first, and then they kiss, soft quick and sweet, though reeve is still a bit of a blushing mess that doesn’t know how to keep himself together afterwards
- valenwind: cid just grabs vincent by his stupid collar and pulls him down and gracelessly kisses him
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dollita-fawn · 3 months
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𝐌𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢 ❥
✫彡The men of the turks + Rufus Shinra’s fav positions 𝟏𝟖+ hcs (x fem!)
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nabimachi · 7 months
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Some FFVII honeygirls and bunnygirls stickers and charms! Wall market is my favourite part of the game so I had a lot of fun making these! Available here!
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