#clown town amusement park
*incessant squeaking noises*
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Can we interest anyone in a giant plushie cat originally made for war that's been repurposed into local all-terrain vehicles? They're called Knightigres and they are loyal companions often used as personal transport in the current day! (more fun info about them below)
Comes fitted with a squeaker or a harmonica as a voice-box, typically. Picture an enormous cat laughing but all you hear is toy squeaker noises instead of that expected "ha ha ha". They seem to communicate in Morse code, when they can (it's not a commonly known language outside of Knightigre communities) but will otherwise default to making noises and trying to use body language or gestures. Folks have also managed to mod them to have a different default sound, with some learning how to implement text-to-speech functionality even.
But that's not all there is to Knightigre modding! Some have added radio connectivity and speakers. People also illegally mod them to achieve their previous 40mph top speeds, as all knightigres currently have a hard limit of 20mph while in town to avoid accidents or potential collisions. They might look intimidating but these giant cats are very sociable and gentle; their engines rumbling happily when they get to interact with people or keep them company. :)
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dcxdpdabbles · 3 months
Saw that you said you like Wes/Tim. Can you write something about it?
Wes isn't sure what he was expecting when it came to being kidnapped by a man who willingly answers to Joker. It was one thing to have your whole city dragged into the realm of the dead; it was another for a random man dressed like a clown to pop up from a portal and hold you at gunpoint.
Portals in Amity Park were so common that people reacted with an escape plan and a phone app to update traffic delays due to ghost attacks. We had just received the notification at Nasty Buyer when the clown burst into the restaurant with a cackle.
He waved his weapon at the people sitting, who only stared at him in confusion. The man did a little introduction, dramatically twirling in place and bowing after shouting, "Hello, people of Amity. Joker here to give all a much-needed sense of humor!"
Joker was trying to be frightening, which only caused a few people to smile amusingly.
No one was scared of a man with a gun, even when he had everyone get on the ground. They all listened, primarily out of curiosity, as he went on a small ramble of humor and one bad day leading to a lifetime regret; after all, every Amity Park civilian wore a Fenton Force Field.
Some even style the belts and bracelets with their outfits.
It barely held back ghost possession on a good day, but small, fast-moving metal? Bullets bounced right off of them.
(Sometimes Wes was grateful the government didn't take Fenton seriously. He shutters to think how they would use their technology in warfare)
That amusement then turned to caution when Joker revealed he wasn't wearing makeup but was actually that skin tone. He was missing the glow, but suddenly they wondered if the man was a ghost, which made him far more dangerous.
The Joker had walked around his hostages, waving a little box computer over their heads. It beeped slightly higher on some but the one that really set off the machine was Danny.
Because, of course, Phantom would mark high on any readings, even if they didn't know what the Joker was checking for. The clown had laughed madly, dragging Danny to his feet and trying to march him out of the restaurant. Everyone watched with even more curiosity, no one bothering to stop the outsider from taking Danny.
Now, Wes isn't much of a hero; he's the type of guy who will run at the first sign of trouble, but he's also very well aware Danny can't go ghost unless he's alone. Being held hostage and kidnapped meant Danny wouldn't have the chance to slip away to become Phantom.
This is a big problem since Phantom is the town hero. The last time the town hero was out of town, the city got abducted into the death realm, and that really cool arcade was turned to pieces. Phantom only handled ghost-related crimes, but Amity rarely saw any crime, and things like these events span generations.
Wes still heard about Old Man Jankins's car being stolen in the '60s by gossiping women at the food market as if it had happened that morning.
The clown's appearance through the portal meant the local police force wouldn't even attempt to save Danny. They would simply wait for Phantom, thinking the clown was some kind of ghost.
Phantom was not coming because his human side was already there as the victim.
As much as he wished people would make the connection between the two- how can you be so blind? All Danny did was dye his hair and put on colored contacts!- he knew no one else realized that Phantom was literally being taken away. So he had to step in.
He rose from the floor, sprinting as hard as possible at the Clown. Throwing his total weight in a tackle, Wes managed to wrap his arms around the Joker, throwing them through the portal and giving Danny a chance to back away.
He figured Danny would pretend to run away- maybe round the restaurant building to the back where the cameras didn't work and fly back in a second as Phantom. He thought falling through the portal wouldn't be an issue since Phantom would fly after them and rescue him.
Wes was not expecting the damn portal to close before they hit the ground on the other side.
He caught a flash of Danny's panic-green eyes just as it was sealing. The ghost had literally just shown up to the scene to watch him vanish from sight.
"You really messed up, my fun kid," the Joker sneered, dragging Wes to his feet. The strange machine he was waving went off as it got closer to him, causing the clown to stop.
He checked the screen, smile stretching wide at what he saw. "Looks like I did end up with a meta after all."
"Meta? What's a meta?" He asks, not even blinking at the sudden increase of guns being aimed at him. There were more people here wearing similar outfits to the Joker, all that armed to the teeth.
The Joker didn't answer him. Instead, he had his goons drag him into a tube, where they started filling up with some kind of tar. Now, here Wes did panic a little. The Fenton Shield could keep him from being shot or beaten, but it would not help him breathe.
He slammed his hands against the glass, screaming as the tar went up to his chest. Across from him, Joker was smiling like a loon while the scattered people working on some machines and computers monitored his reactions with the detached expression of a scientist conducting an experiment.
That's what I am to them. Wes realizes as the tar reaches his chin. He stands on his toes, tilting his head to get air. An experiment. Why are they doing this? Do they work for the GIW? Why take me? I am nowhere near a ghost.
The horrific sensation of drowning is starting to set in as he tries to gather as much air as he can. There is pressure all around him, but the worst is in his chest. Wes's struggles to get out of the tube increase with far more depression, but the black liquid is now in his eyes, and he fears he won't be able to hold his breath for long.
Nothing is wet darkness for a moment, as the burning in his lungs aches. He feels the tar cover his head, meaning he is running out of time. The sound is mutated, and his movements are sluggish. There is this offering moment where he can't tell which way is up or down, and he thrashes about, trying desperately to find an escape, any escape from the sparkling pain that is spreading from his toes to his forehead.
It feels like his entire being was being pulled apart and put back together again.
Just as he thinks he's going to die here- if he becomes a ghost, he will definitely haunt Danny- that the glass shatters. The tar falls outwards once its containment is broken, dragging a weakened Wes with the flow onto the ground.
He gasps in the air hungrily, only realizing what a dumb idea that was as his lungs protest and seize up. His chest rattles with coughs so extreme that Wes can only curl up into a ball, blinking tears away, trying to breathe.
He feels someone push him onto his side, which helps his throat a little, but the coughing doesn't stop. In fact, it becomes worse once he realizes his whole body is rapidly falling out of control because everything is too much all at once.
Around him, shouting and bangs indicate some chaos has exploded alongside the glass, but Wes can barely see through the pain.
He squits up at a teenager wearing a strange outfit and a little mask over his eyes. The guy is saying something but he can't understand him over all his senses being cracked to overdrive.
Wes has never known the world to be so bright, loud, and big. Everything is causing white hot pain to rest behind his eyes. Noises that he had never heard before are assaulting his ears—a car is jamming somewhere, a baby is crying, someone is singing, machines are humming, someone is grinning coffee beans—and he presses his head to the ground, trying to get it all to stop.
The man says something else urgently, but it's drowned out by the office sound of a bug buzzing too loudly to his left. Wes is not prepared for the teen in red and black to pick him up and fling him over his shoulder.
Wow. He's strong.
He quickly carried Wes out of the building. The basketball player could do nothing but let it happen as he bounced slightly over his bony shoulder.
He just makes out the image of a huge bat fling itself at the screaming Joker before everything goes black. Wes is happily surrounded by the blissful silence of the darkness.
When he arrives, he finds himself in a hospital room. Machines are hooked up to his arms, and he's been changed into a gown. Wes is pleased that the world is not so bright or loud anymore as he blinks around the room in a haze.
Did Danny save him? If so, where were his parents? Why did he wake up alone?
Danny would have stayed with him, at the least. The boy always did whenever Phantom rescued anyone, and people whispered about Danny being far too soft-hearted to be the Ghost Hunters' child.
It takes him a moment to sit up.
His body is aching everywhere as if he had done HIT training with Dash during hell week. It takes a few moments to get his muscles to move without the stinging sensation of a bruise, but after struggling, he can fling his legs over the edge.
Trying to stand is terrible, as his legs give out the second he puts weight on them.
He tries to catch himself on the bedside table, but he misses. His hand instead lands on a little tray, sending everything airborne and crashing along with him.
At once, pain flairs up like his body had been tasered - Dash ones brought a tazer to school, and everyone on the team took turns to feel what it was like. It was stupid but they all boasted they could handle the pain. They couldn't.
The door to his room is flung open as Wes cries out, body spamming in agony.
Hands grip his shoulder- sending more waves of torment through his muscles- as they drag him up. The person, helps him back into the bed, the cool sheets a blessing on his burning skin. "We need a nurse!"
"What happened?" He gasps, trying to get his blurry vision to clear. He can't tell who the blob of unrecognizable blur is, and he certainly didn't realize that voice. Wes isn't even sure they are human. "Where am I?"
"It's okay. You're safe. Batman and Red Robin rescued you. You're in the Drake Hostpial's meta ward."
Meta. There was that word again.
"Who..." His voice catches his breath as Wes struggles to get his vocal cords to function. The ache makes it hard to focus on anything. "Who are you?"
"I'm Tim Drake," Tim whispers to him, likely knowing lowering his voice was easier on Wes' ears. Who knew ears could get sore? "Everything will be alright now."
Wes' eyesight is clear enough to finally focus on Tim's face. He breathes a sigh of relief. He's missing his mask and not dressed like a bizarre spandex performer, but he recognizes the teenager who had carried him out of Joker's strange lab.
Danny didn't save him, but he was safe all the same. This is the last time he played hero.
He offers Tim a grateful smile. "Thank you for rescuing me."
Wes goes under the darkness again as the door is burst open by a team of medical staff. He misses Tim's expression of shock, having not expected Wes to clock him as the one that carried him out.
How did this meta-trafficking victim recognize him?
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gingerlee-holds · 4 months
The Puppet Master, Part 2
The long, long awaited sequel! This one is brutal heehee so if you prefer gentle twords, read my other fics for that! But a very very flustered cutie has been waiting for this for a loooong time, and who am I to deny her what she needs heehee!! I hope you enjoy!!
Written for @featherfoxx, thank you to @devious-bliss for the inspiration!
Word Count: 2,953 Reading Time: About 12 minutes Warnings: hand restraints, feet twords, hard tickling, implied mind magic
Before we begin, keep in mind that this is a reader self-insert! Now, without further ado, let me tell you how exactly you were tworded to fucking bits heehee
All that night, you blushed and squirmed through tickly dreams. You awoke at multiple points throughout the early morning hours, curled up in a ball, blushing and sweating from a ruthless puppet master playing with your subconscious. No matter what you did to distract yourself, it seemed like that pesky little magician snuck back in to ensure you hadn’t forgotten how ticklish and vulnerable you were. Squirming around and holding your favorite stuffed animal over your bright red face, it felt like this had been intentional; that sneaky puppeteer had delicately wrapped your mind in her yarn, and ever since you had visited her, you felt that yarn occasionally pulled on, filling your head with flustering, tickly thoughts. You, of course, had no way of proving this - as it was most likely your imagination making it worse for yourself - but the idea that the ginger in the purple suit had somehow fiddled with your brain was enough to fill you with a playful determination.
After the third wake-up, still kind of feeling the fuzzy ears of a fox puppet around your collarbone, you were resolved. ‘That’s it! She’s not getting away with this!’ you thought to yourself. ‘I refuse to be her plaything!’ And having made up your mind to acquire retribution, you spent the rest of the night hatching a bold plan: you would catch her by surprise and give that pesky magician a taste of her own medicine!
After a night fraught with ghostly pokes and phantom scribbles, dawn came at last, and you arose with a fire in your soul, burning for vengeance. Quickly throwing on a band t-shirt and some jorts, you grabbed a makeup brush, a spool of your bright red yarn, a few fuzzy feathers, and - grinning evilly - a brand new electric toothbrush, setting it all into a backpack along with a few water bottles. You put on some sandals and set off toward the park. You were ready.
The carnival had just opened when you arrived, which, in a way, was much more amusing than you had anticipated. A yawning attendant gave you a bag of crackerjack for free, chuckling and saying he “can’t be bothered finding the receipt printer.” You almost burst out laughing when you saw someone in clown makeup scrolling through their phone while dressed in street clothes. The carnival in the morning reminded you of a college student - wild and carefree, partying with reckless abandon into the night, only to be rudely awakened the following morning to set it all up again. It’s no coincidence that the circus visiting your town was primarily staffed by college-aged folks.
Nevertheless, you soon found the tent you were looking for. The purple and green tent looked just as cozy as it had the night before, but the sign in front differed. It read: “The Puppet Master Returns Tonight @ 6! You won’t want to miss it!” Instead of being pulled invitingly open, the tent flaps were shut tight, except for a tiny bit at the bottom where the flaps had pulled apart slightly. ‘Perfect!’ you thought.
Crawling inside, you were surprised at how little the mood in the tent had changed. The lighting inside was cozy, as it had been last night, even though the sun was out. The sounds of birdsong outside faded, too, and if you didn’t know any better, you could even say that you had entered some kind of pocket dimension. No doubt some more of that magician’s trickery. Everything looked as it had: the plush floor, the stage, the curtains… but where was the Puppet Master?
Only one of the curtains was closed, but the other was still open, showing the stage. All of the puppets had been put away in a toy chest, and beside it, your target slept, snuggled to a pillow. The Puppet Master looked different; where she had been chubby before, now she was somewhat skinnier. Her hair was longer and messier, but that was most likely the fault of her sleep. Instead of her suit, she wore a pair of fuzzy pajamas and socks and a cartoonish nightcap drooped over her head. A snorer, too, you observed as you approached. The pillow was less to support her and more to give her something to hold onto, and she cuddled it close. She almost looked too cute to tickle, but you knew your mission. 
‘It’s too easy,’ you said to yourself, holding onto the straps of your backpack and beginning to approach the stage confidently. You made it about halfway before shenanigans struck. 
The plush, comfy floor you walked on seemed to provide less and less support as you went on, each step sinking you deeper into the softness beneath. Once you were halfway, you had sunk into the plushness up to your waist, and, grumbling, you pulled yourself forward. Instead of a mattress, this plushness reminded you of a foam pit, and after a few more steps, you were completely stuck. The surrounding plush floor held you snugly up to your chest, and much to your dismay, it had now become too difficult to pull yourself out. Moreover, you quickly discovered that you couldn’t pull back either: you were stuck in the comfy, foamlike, plush floor, conformed to your body shape entirely. 
“The hell is this!” you muttered out loud by mistake. Unfortunately for you, the Puppet Master softly snorted as she awoke, yawning and rubbing her eyes. She reached over, picked up a pair of round glasses, scratched her head, and stood up to see her intruder. 
The sight of you, frustrated with the floor and confused at your predicament, sent her into hysterics. “Heeheeheeheehee! Ohohooh, dehehearrr!!” she laughed, hugging herself around her belly. “I-ihihihit seeeheeheems- heehehehehee!! - thahat sohomeone was a lihittle eager to return~!!”
Growling in humiliation, you hung your head to hide your face. The element of surprise had been entirely lost!
The sleepy girl before you padded over softly on her fuzzy socks, hopping off the stage and onto the plush floor, which didn’t sink under her as it did for you. Giggling helplessly at your condition, she laid down in front of you on her stomach, swinging her feet in the air behind her as she booped your nose. “Hey there again, cutie pie! Missed me that much~?” 
You said nothing, doing your best to retain your dignity.
“Couldn’t stop thinkin’ about me, huh~?” You suddenly looked up at her. She smiled as if she had known what your night had been like for you. Giggling at your shocked face, she continued, “Oh, you’re too precious. Don’t worry, hun! It’s only natural!” She reached over and ruffled your hair. “Anyone who needs this place finds it! That way, I can play with only the people I know will enjoy it as much as I do!” The Puppet Master suddenly tugged the air in front of your forehead, and all at once, your mind rushed with tickly thoughts and teases, all the memories of yesterday pushing forward and coloring your cheeks a bright red. It was her all along!
As you racked your mind trying to make sense of this information, you were interrupted by a sudden stream of bubbly giggles emerging from your throat. The Puppet Master’s head-scratching reached your neck, and her nails gently traced around and around. She smiled fondly, her whole expression painted with affection at your adorable glee.
“Now, let’s see whatcha brought! I’m super curious!” She crawled around behind you and sat, happily picking up your backpack.
“No, no! Don’t look in there!” you hastily said, but she had already unzipped it and was looking through its items. 
“Oh! New yarn, looks like! And… feathers? Is that a makeup brush…? Hmm…” She went silent for a bit, and you jumped when you suddenly heard her voice right in your ear: “Trying to get revenge, huh~?” she purred. “How absolutely adorable you humans are, thinking you can outsmart me~!”
Well, that cleared a lot up. She wasn’t human! That’s how she had all that power! What was she??
“Hey!” Her snapping her fingers in each ear brought your attention back. “Got a question for ya!” Pulling your bag of tools behind her, she crawled back to where you could see her. “Have you ever heard of Cat’s Cradle?”
Tilting your head a bit in confusion, you nodded. “Yeah, it’s that kids game with the string.” 
“Y’ever played?”
“Few times, while ago.”
She clapped her hands happily. “Perfect!” she exclaimed. The magician pulled out your red yarn from the bag but, to your shock, pulled out an identical spool of pink yarn after it. She unspooled a long string of each and cut it with a simple tug. “Okay, here’s yours!” she said, handing you your red yarn while she held the pink one. “Watch me. Try to follow along.”
Seeing as you didn’t have anything else to do, you sighed and tried your best to follow along as she skillfully began creating the Cat’s Cradle. She giggled a tiny bit when she finished, setting her yarn down to help you out by tugging the yarn here and moving your fingers there. In the end, you held a rather complex and beautifully made string figure between your fingers!
“Bravo! Oh, you’re remarkable at this!” She clapped again, making you smile sheepishly. However, it didn’t take you long before you realized you couldn’t untangle your hands from the yarn. Harder and harder you tugged, but your fingers were very well tied, your hands bound by the pretty Cradle. “Oop, here, let me help you with that…” she muttered, taking one of the ends of your yarn and giving it a gentle tug, and all at once, your hands clapped together, bound tight. “There! Now c’mon, cutie, let’s getcha out of my floor.”
Blushing at the realization that the game had been a ruse, you let yourself get tugged out from the floor by your yarned-up hands, feeling the ground become more and more firm underneath you. “T-that was a nasty trick!” you whined.
“Oh, you should have seen it coming a mile away. I’m a Puppet Master! Nimble fingers come with the job~,” she teased as she wiggled her fingers against your cheeks, making you sputter. Gently, her soft hands guided you to the floor so you were lying down on your back before she effortlessly grabbed your bound hands and moved them above your head, saying, as if it were an afterthought, “These can’t move now.” It shouldn’t have surprised you, but you were a bit bewildered by the fact that she was correct: you couldn’t pull your hands down as much as you tried. 
She suddenly gasped as she got an idea. “I know another game we can play! It’s called, how long can my ticklish little puppet stay silent while I tickle them!”
“T-that sounds like a terrible game!” you spat, and she patted your head in response.
“I don’t know… you did intrude on me while I was sleeping, so I think that deserves a little punishment~! Then again, maybe it’ll be a reward since I know you’ll enjoy it so, so much~!”
Before you could voice any more criticisms, you yelped in surprise when she pulled out all your tools and set them before you. 
“Hm… I can’t hold all of these at once… I know! I’ll need help!” She whistled, and the toy chest sprung open, a group of five puppets rushing through the air to her. “Here, Wolf, you can hold the makeup brush, and I’m trusting you two to hold these!” she said, handing the two extra-fluffy feathers to Lion and Cat. She removed the electric toothbrush as if she were holding a precious relic. “This one’s mine~!”
You didn’t even have time to say, “Wait-!” before it started~!
The two puppets with no tools, Snake and Owl, dove in first. Owl, all covered in fuzzy feathers, nuzzled into your neck, chin, and ears, hooting and cooing at you. “Whooooo’s a ticklish puppet! Whooooo’s a cutie patootie! Who? Who?” she asked, snuggling her soft felt beak into your ear. All by herself, Owl was sending you into squeaky, blushy laughter, but don’t worry, it would get a lot worse! <3
Snake, meanwhile, had slithered his sneaky way under your shirt, nudging your shorts down a bit to reveal your hips. “Sssssssscore~!!!” he victoriously said as he wound his way around and around like a belt, his surprisingly tickly underbelly making you jump and buck around. Besides the occasional hiss as his felt tongue flickered across your lower tummy, he stayed silent as he pulled wave after wave of laughs out from your lungs.
The Puppet Master sat, smiling and watching you being slowly picked apart so adorably by her cute little puppets. She was content to wait until you began getting used to the current tickles before ramping them up. After all, she had until six before her next show, so she was content to make you pay for your impudent intrusion!
Wolf’s patience wore out first, and after a lengthy squeal on your part when Snake dipped his head into your belly button, he growled and dove in, armed and ready with the makeup brush. The Puppet Master chuckled and pulled your shirt up to your ribs for him. Quickly swatting the reptilian puppet out of the way with the brush, he dipped it into your giggle button and swirling it around and around your tummy. He looked up and grinned happily at the results: deep belly laughter erupted from Mt. You, bouncing about the tent like a rubber ball, much to the amusement of the Puppet Master, who began giggling with you. To celebrate, Wolf started to nibble around your ribs while continuing to paint with the makeup brush. 
Lion and Cat, wielding their feathers like knights holding their swords, looked up at the puppeteer pleadingly, happily cheering when she nodded as their sign of permission. The two puppets flew down and began happily humming a circus tune as they started going to town on your sides. Cat, soft and sweet, hummed innocently as she wiggled the fuzzy feather up and down your right side, up and down, mercilessly rhythmic. Lion, by contrast, was anything but sweet as she giggled cruelly, turning the feather around to the pointy tip and, using it like a quill pen, began writing and scribbling over your left side. It was brutal! You thrashed away from the mean scribbles and pokes, only to be met by gentle feather strokes and wiggles! You were already shrieking through your laughter, yelping with glee, and unable to beg for mercy anymore. At around the twenty-minute mark, the Puppet Master herself made her move. 
You had absolutely no way to pay attention to what she was doing, so no alarm bells went off when she began crawling down to your feet and pulling off your sandals, but you could only go bug-eyed and squeal when you heard the unmistakable sound of the electric toothbrush turning on. Your thrashing increased a bit, but the other puppets made sure you were far too weak to put up any significant resistance. The Puppet Master smiled at you with pitiless satisfaction and adoring affection as she used the toothbrush under your toes on your right foot, scribbling across your left sole with her nails. That was the final straw for you. Tears rolled down your cheeks in rivers as you lay limply, unable to do anything but sit there and take your tickles like a good puppet. Your laughter had gone silent a while ago. Yet, this time, the puppets were out for metaphorical blood as they wrecked your spots creatively, curiously, and mercilessly. 
The second you began coughing, though, everything stopped. All the puppets dropped to the floor, inanimate once more, and the Puppet Master sprang up to get some water from your bag. She put the bottle to your lips, and you gulped it down eagerly, smiling at the relief it gave. She brought your hands back down again, and suddenly, you found that the strings fell apart, sloughing off your hands and allowing you to free yourself from the tangle with ease. Curling up into a ball, you finished your water, and the Puppet Master finished her water shortly after. 
“You feeling okay, cutie~?” 
“Y-yyeheheesss! G-gohohoshh…” 
“Didn’t think I’d go that far, didja~? I’m just a sweet, innocent girl, huh~? Not when you wake me up before I’ve finished my sleep!”
“Oh, don’t worry! This was such a pleasant wake-up ~!” With that, she quickly scooped you up in her arms, carrying you across the room and onto the stage, laying you down beside her. “Now, I think we could both use the sleep, right~? You must not have slept well, I’m guessing~!”
You nodded, all the sleepiness hitting you like a freight train as you yawned and got comfy on the floor. 
“Figures~!” She yawned, too, and wiggled over to you. “Besides, it’ll be nice to have something other than a pillow to spoon.”
The two of you were out like an identical pair of lights, you being snuggled by the petite magician. No dreams bothered you in your sleep as you floated in the void sea of the subconscious mind. What would await you when you awoke was no concern of yours because, for now, you were comfy, exhausted, and being snuggled by an adorably sweet… whatever she is. You’ll figure that out later. For all your life afterward, you would never recall a more peaceful slumber than on the floor of that tent, cradled like a cat by an adoring and tickle-hungry Puppet Master!
The end ~!
Read the previous entry in The Puppet Master!
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yulin-pop · 2 years
⤷ ✧ Amuse me
Gender neutral
- order 73 | headcanons | First years
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Ace Trappola
He’s so cute help meeee. He would actually be really nice for once and buy you whatever you want from the food stands. But he wants a bite of whatever you’re having.
You have to make sure to stay close to him or else you two might get separated in the crowd.
Those basketball shooting games— he’s a pro at those! He’s not the best at shooting since he mainly plays defense but he can easily win you something after a few tries.
He also probably talked the game vendor into letting him have an extra turn (he is so sneaky).
He always gives you the prizes he earns and you’re kinda left carrying around a bunch of stuff.
He is really impatient and gets a VIP pass to cut the line. He doesn’t matter how expensive it is, he doesn’t wanna wait for too long.
He’s not one for the Ferris wheel, it kinda spooks him when it starts rocking around.
Ace is either the one forcing you to ride all the scary tall rides, or you’re the one forcing him to ride them.
“Don’t be scared, you can even hold my hand if you want!”
He’s the one holding your hand.
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Deuce Spade
He has never actually been to an amusement park. Maybe he has before but as a little boy.
You’re mostly leading him around since he literally has no idea what he could or should do. Bringing him to the games is fun but a big mistake.
Do not take him to one of those games where the clown taunts you. You know what’ll happen…
He keeps on going for games that always end up with you failing. Like the climbing rope game.
He’s determined to win you at least one thing.
You will have to drag him onto those roller coasters because he is deathly afraid of going on those. He will never let go of your hand and there are tears in his eyes when he gets off.
He prefers going on the spinning teacup type rides or just ones where it’s generally chill.
He is so excited to go on the ferris wheel. It’s the first thing he sees and he’s like “oh my god I wanna go on that”
He’s always seen it on TV shows and he wants to see the whole park from up there.
Might smooch at the top too
“I’ve never been on one of these before. Hopefully it doesn’t fall…”
Please don’t shake the capsule or else he will actually start screaming and crying.
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Jack Howl
He’s gone to an amusement park but not one as big as this. The ones he went to were local seasonal carnivals in his town.
He’s confused at first and just follows you at first but soon he starts finding some activities.
Once he finds himself at the game section, he’s gonna be there for a while. He plays every game and what do ya know— he wins all the ones that involve strength.
He plays the rope climbing game not knowing it’s rigged against you. When he falls he’s like “have I not trained enough?” He gets banned from the game because he keeps on playing too much.
He probably gets a huge crowd around him on other games because he’s just that good. He’s left with a lot of prizes and he’s not sure what to do with them.
Jack is actually not very fond of roller coasters. Admittedly, he’s a bit scared of them. He doesn’t show it but he’s just in a state of shock after the rides.
“Here you can have this. I-I didn’t win it for you. Just take it already.”
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Epel Felmier
He’s simply amazed. He’s been to a carnival before but this is just amazing. He wants to try all the foods. If they’re caramel apples, he’s probably gonna criticize it, his apples are way better! He’s running all over the place because he wants to see everything.
He knows most of the games are rigged but will attempt all of them regardless. He’s motivated but after a while starts to get upset. He is really determined to win.
Eventually he does and he realizes he doesn’t want the prize offered and just gives it to you.
When he gets tired of the games, he wants to ride all the tall loopy rollercoasters. He is a bit scared but riding those would make him a real man.
He takes you with him and you have never seen him that happy before. If you grab his hand, he’s gonna feel so good about himself.
He’s boasting about it after.
“If ya get scared, jus’ grab my arm.” He’s so smug about it.
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Sebek Zigvolt
He doesn’t wanna be there. He acts like he’s being forced and someone is dragging him by the neck.
You have to lead him around for a while and once something grabs his attention, he’s hooked. You kinda have to force him to try the food. Buy him cotton candy and he’s begrudgingly gobbling it up.
Once you bring him to the games, he’s not as miserable. He may or may not rage when he loses a game but he has a lot of motivation.
He thinks all the prizes are ridiculous until somebody says “Maybe Malleus would like that” and then he’s blowing his entire life savings on winning it.
He doesn’t realize the games are rigged but eventually realized after a few failed attempts.
Sebek isn’t really interested in the roller coasters. You have to challenge him or threaten him to make him go on one.
“Sebek go on that ride with me!”
“It’s a waste of time. Go ask someone else.”
“Oh okay. Oh Malleus~?”
“That’s too dangerous for the Young Master!!”
That’s the only way you’ll get him to go with you. He will be almost stoned faced the entire time though but only because he doesn’t wanna show he’s actually having fun.
At the end there’s a slight look of disappointment that it ended.
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the-uraniumverse · 1 month
some fun facts abt veras little sister before i fully drop her into the uraniumverse...
-her full name is kieran rae cassidy, first name meaning 'little dark one'
-she is 8 years old and attends the saint cassian elementary school
-she is a sucker for all things involving clowns, mimes, etc and ADORES all kinds of fairs, carnivals, amusement parks, etc
-the smartest little girl you'll ever meet. can she tie her own shoes? no! could she tell you in precise detail the entire timeline of both world war 1 & 2 ? yes, yes she could
-vera taught her how to read people like open books. she uses this developing skill to feed vera new gossip and blackmail on certain families (which vera fact checks, naturally, since kids lie an awful lot)
-she has arfid + audhd
+1 extra fact about vera!
-despite only being in the choir for an easy credit, vera actually enjoys being there for one simple reason! ricky potts! as the most observant girl in town, she was naturally drawn to him as he too was observant, only never able to truly express it. before the cyclone accident, she was one of the only people who truly befriended him. theyre both weird and they both know a little too much about anyone and anything, and vera naturally knows all of the zolar lore.
gossip sisters
i love them so much omg
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survivalist-anon · 5 months
Log 12: Long Road to the Stars.
It has been roughly 12 hours since they were departed from Lorey and Fjord. Sten and Toke now embark on a mission to retrieve a Raven Guard by the name Wick. Just two hours away from the city of Las Vegas, the Imperial Fist's transport bus had to make a necessary stop at what deceptively looks like an abandoned gas pump, likely built as a result of the expectations of the nuclear age of the 1950's. Parking right next to an old, derelict fiberglass statue of a clown holding a gas pump.
The driver, Moors, lowers the driver side window. Sticks his head out, hanging his turgid arm out like a trucker.
The eyes of the clown begin to glow green, clearly indicating there is a camera behind the big, happy wide eyed time pieces. A little slip opens on the clown's bowtie, revealing a mic.
"Hehehehey Hello Welcome to Gassy Gus's Gas Pump! HOooow may I be of service?"
A scraggly, cigarette scarred voice eruptes from the mic.
Moors never ceases to be amused by this. "Yeah, give me the usual Gus."
Sten, Toke, Bilhard and Cahrilo watch from the bus's camera system. While this isn't new for Cahrilo and Bilhard, Toke and Sten watch in discomfort at the creepy talking clown.
"It's like someone took a Harlequin's head, stretched it and inflated it. Never would I be so unfortunate to see something so depraved.", Toke whispered as quietly as he could to Sten.
Sten stood there less in horror but more in underwhelmed bewilderment. "Yes...'tis.... unnerving."
Cahrilo and Bilhard look at each other, rolling their eyes at their reactions.
Outside of the bus, an old crusty, funky little man, still dressed in the Woodstock 60's outfit with some odds and ends of spaceage memorabilia, comes out from the gas station woman's restroom door. Looking like a human, maximalist's wall of colorful alien Americana, with big iridescent googles, long dreads with plastic and metal charms intertwined within the tight knots.
The boys where shooketh, Cahrilo and Bilhard however literally were use to this horrendously whimsical spaceman.
"Hehehe, well now long time no see boys! How's them yuppies up north treatin y'all?!", he gives the haul of the bus a hardy slap. He goes up to the clown and takes out an industrial hose, hooking the giant nozzle into the gas tank. He jambles to the driver side. "Well Moors, HA, yah still don't look a day over 50!".
"And you have aged like fine cheese Gus! How are those fools back at Area 51? They haven't questioned why some of their fine equipments' been missing have they?", Moors and Gus go way back since the 50's. Moors, much like any of the other Astartes, had come involuntarily to Earth. Moors had been wharp sent to Ohio in Gus's family corn farm. Since then, Moors has been Gus's guardian Astartes since he was five years old. Occasionally visiting him in his later years since he joined Aldercon's facility.
"Oh those narcs hadn't even opened them danggone garages since Roswell! So what brings you down here in the fine bosom of the Newe land?", he says with a big old, carefree smile on his face.
A good chortle from Moors was a sign that he's happy because his mortal was happy. "Ah, it's Wick again. You've seen him around?", he inquires.
Gus pouts, putting his old noggin to work. "Hmmm, let me ask Keith!", takes out a sock puppet, his puppet silent, whispers into his ear, "hmmm...oh really?! Again? Great moogly that's incredible! Hmmhmm, oh....oh Keith stop it now.", he casually puts his sock puppet. "According to Keith, Wick raced the airbase again yesterday! He almost bit the dust this time. Buuuuut it seems he's in Vegas, only other place. Don't know why he keeps going there for. ", Gus over the years has developed Dementia and age related mental health issues, Moors has tried and tried again to convince to move to Fort Dorn, but sadly Gus seems to be extremely resistant to the whole plan.
"Is that so......well. Looks like I'll heading to Heresy town then. Gus. Why don't you stick with us for awhile. You do understand that you don't have to be here.", although Moors doesn't show it on his face, it breaks both his hearts to see Gus hasn't gotten any better. "We can bring your Unidentified Flying Objects too."
The crunchy desert man knew what the discussion was leading to, his smile turned into a sad frown. "Oh Moors, I can't. The desert stars need me! The great road to Milky Way Galaxy has yet to be defended, the Long Road to the Stars! I have to defend them from the forces of darkness, welcome them those can BE welcomed with open arms, and who's going to give them MIBs the good ol' runaround!? Them boys in black gotta give up one day ya know! I'd love to Moors, but I'm...needed here.", he looks to the blue void of the noon sky. "My time ain't done yet.", he whispers to himself.
A tired sigh flies from Moors. He knows Gus doesn't have much time in this world. The longer he waits for Gus to consent to coming with him, the higher the chances he will have to retrieve Gus from his bunker. "All right Gus, but listen...if you need anything. Remember I'm always here kid.", as Moors was telling him this, Gus had already unlocked the gas hose, closed everything up for next time.
Gus skitters back to the driver side window, "I'll be fine Moors, you go on ahead a win against the house big fella, take care now", again that big smile from cheek to cheek gleamed in the sunshine of the Nevada heat, waving goodbye as the bus goes on.
Moors waving his goodbyes as well.
As the buss drove a long the stretch of highway towards Los Vegas, Bilhard had gone to the driver seat slot and opened it to see if Moors was ok.
"Moors. How are you feeling?", Bilhard asking.
Moors was silent for a short moment, "....he's getting worse.", he whispers to himself, his usually calm demeanor has become somber.
"Hey, Moors, are you going to be ok?", he asked again, dryly yet concerned.
"Oh, yeah, I'm going to be fine.....for those who live such short lives...why must they be so stubborn.", Moors pondered loudly.
"It's because they live such short lives they make these decisions for themselves Moors, remember where you came from.", Bilhard had to remind Moors the occasional truth of Astartes.
For every angle of the Emperor, was once mortal.
Moors had to accept Gus's decision. Wether he wanted to or not. "Yeah...I guess....", he turns on the radio to distract himself from his own thoughts.
As country music blasts on the radio, the bus heads out to Los Vegas, the city sin, sex and as of recently..... something sinister.
My dreams were once nothing but dark voids of screaming voices and sounds of bolters going off ....now .....they speak to me through visions of tormentful pleasures of desire and uncertainty.
It would have gone forever, if it hadn't been for the blaring sounds of traffic outside the penthouse suite. The smell of last night's passionate rutting had been dancing with opened bottles of sweeted acholic beverages, perfume and more.
Surrounded by the majority of the female cast and a few brave fools for the casino's seasonal....I hazard to say performance....more like an avant-garde bastardization of some cultural myths from thousands of years ago.
One could consider me a king, surrounded by his well-satisfyed harem......I was merely a willing whore to these lonely souls.
For my heart belonged to one who was not laying upon my bare body in this room. One who is pure as her heart was kind.
These mortals can have my body....for everything else was hers....and hers alone.
I lay there pondering, how have I been so lucky as to not fully corrupt myself and give in to the chaos of deviancy and lust, does Slenessh not see the usefulness for their Chaos in me? Has the emperor blessed me with immunity, turning a blind eye to my activities? Is there nothing in this reality that could be even considered some divinity to hinder or help me, and I have just reverted to the comforting, familiar embrace of animalistic instinct....to endlessly spread my seed and be stirred by true unfiltered sexual high?
....than again....I could be just being....as chaplain Aldercon would so graciously say, 'being over dramatic '.... considering my role in this burlesque garbage.......he could be once again correct.
I turn my head to the hotel door, I could hear the heavy, lumbering footsteps our....our show director.... William Sleen.....
He unlocks the door, already smelling of his filthy cigars and tasteless cheap cologne.
"WAKE UP LADIES! oh I see there's a few gentleman here, hehe, come on folks! Next show starts at 5 o'clock this afternoon! Come on wakey wakey!", a quarter of a mortal man in sense of the word....his vision is just a sick, perverse fantasy of the exploitations of beauty, he was no cultured man either....his show from my understanding doesn't reflect the reality of the stories he had vicariously stole for profit. I could see him glinting at me through those glasses of his.
"Ah there's my Atlas! And my Hercules, and well hehe my big bronze robot.", he could barely even remember the correct name of his own characters.
"Do you mean, Talos? The bronze creation of the god of fire?", I could oml growl, everyone was in blissful peace this morning.
"Yeah yeah whatever! The guy who kidnaps Madea! Hmf, you college going types are so nitpicky, anyways Lady Luck for some damn reasons out to get a taste of your staff too. The hydrologic and pyrotechnics have broken down so looks like you won't sweatin all over the place for act 2. Sheesh.", he practically ravages the curtains open.
The collective groans spoke volumes of the protest of the early morning routine of waking up, eating their fill at the buffet downstairs for the day, and rehearsals until the show begins. It was clear the continued labor of the previous production's work load had exhausted them to the soul.
I gently coerced the actresses wrapped around my arms. "Ladies, good morning.", greeted by kisses to my chest and jaw are at this point a highlight of the morning. In spite of my guilt, I do not object to experiencing such pleasantries....the highest luxury back home on Deliverance.
"oooh good morning Wicky, last night was absolutely crazy.", Angelina cooed. Her twin, Magan, was busy getting up, caressing me. "Good morning handsome."
Adjust myself, clearing my throat, "Good morning every one.", my one command was enough to get the cast mobilized. "See ....a good morning is all you need.", ever since I've come into the scene.... Sleen has been having a bit of trouble even persuading anyone to even fallowing his suggestions.
His sneered grimace said it best on how he felt about me, "well I ain't paying you overtime to be a volunteer director here WICK. Anyways, I'm not in the mood for your Edger Allen Poe bullcrap either, I already have my brother coming in from Hollywood just POACHING my best and brightest.", his brother a movie producer named Carl Sleen, is his older sibling who's been known to make even the least known plebian into celebrities. His talent is to get hidden potential, and elevate them to fame and fortune.
From what I hear, it's a shame he is an exception and not an example.
"Well...hehe, he ain't getting my Selene. She's off limits. Can't have him taken my star performer.", he looks to me, knowing very well that he has also forbid me from interacting with her. The mortal equivalent of a squig hobbles to me, audaciously before I have even gotten out of the bed.
"Listen here big, oversized, cock. You know your role in the act, and it's to stay BENEATH the earth...yah got that? It means both on and OFF stage....", his reeking breath had nearly triggered my deepest fight response.... reminding me of the foul smelling Orks I was accustom to crushing under my boots.
"But of course.......it would be....greedy of me to ask for anything more.", I wasn't going to let this 'nurgling' get in my way.....I needed the money, but I also had to fane my loyalty to him if he were to pay me.
Selene was an immigrant from Mayotte, her family had to leave the country due to political tensions and later planned on escaping to Paris few years ago. Unfortunately, Selene had become caught in an international trafficking ring. Ending up here in this bright neon hell scape.
She was the best acrobatics performer in Los Vegas. She had worked her way through multiple shows, but now she was in Sleen's wardenship.
The crew head down stairs for our morning meal, I contemplate on how was I going to convince the battle brothers back at Fort Dorn not to put me under house arrest.
What has once started as a meaningless drive to challenge even the fastest of aircraft...now has metamorphosised into a mission to help Selene.
"So Wick, I heard yous almost died yesterday. Haha, what happened the Air Force narcs nearly beat at chicken or something?", one of our cast members, 'Tulio', was one of the back stage hands who had helped me get to my position since I had arrived in the outskirts of this city a few years ago.
"Yes. I crashed into one of the mountain sides. I lost control of the air stream and lost focus.", I responded.
"Man, you gotta be more careful, those guys at the air station literally go SPLAT if they crash. Lucky that fancy Ironman suit of yours actually works. Not like the cheap prop stuff.", he takes a quick look at the pantry chef at the dessert table. "Hey homes, I reckon you got 20... maybe 30 seconds. Mr. Wan is working.", the second I saw one of the chefs, I spared no second heading to him.
Covertly slipping him a piece of paper. "For Madame Moon, please.", I grab a plate not to see conspicuous.
He gives me a nod.
For my time here, I have befriended much of the casino staff, all of which willing to assist me with Selene.
"Smooth homes, by the way thanks I like cheesecake for breakfast.", Tulio takes the plate. "So what now, you and I don't got nothing to do for like ....8 hours?", he happy takes a sizable bite.
"hmmm....I'm in the mood for a rematch. Meet me at the truck in an hour.", as I get up from the table to pay the bill, I pass Selene.
She had passed by without a glance. As per Sleen's request....I couldn't tell what she was doing...but I'm certain she will answer the message.
End of log 12
@kit-williams @barn-anon @egrets-not-regrets @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @walking-natural-disaster
@starfrost740 @squishyowl
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dani-says-stuff · 1 year
✧ Nate Video Links ✧
❥ Back to the Control Center
❥ Nate Hardy Masterlist
basically just what i was talking about here since there seemed to be a bit of interest
***these are not dirty links, just the youtube vids***
(oldest -> newest and will be updated accordingly)
“The Origin”
The Full Movie Version
“Exploring Abandoned Dinosaur Amusement Park”
Old Sam and Colby Exploring Type Video
“Exploring USA's Coldest Ghost Town”
Alaska Series
“Overnight Survival in Alaskan Wilderness”
Alaska Series
“it was hard to say goodbye...”
Alaska Series
“We Passed Out While Flying Stunt Planes”
“Terrifying Clown Encounter at Haunted Clown Motel”
“Overnight in Most Expensive Hotel Room”
“Our Return to Haunted Cerro Gordo Ghost Town”
“Overcoming My Broken Back Trauma”
Exploring East African Islands of Seychelles
“Exploring Abandoned Military School”
Exploring East African Islands of Seychelles (i think?)
“Surviving Overnight On An Abandoned Island”
Exploring East African Islands of Seychelles
“Exploring Abandoned Beach Hotel”
Exploring East African Islands of Seychelles
“Locked in a Haunted Prison Cell”
Exploring East African Islands of Seychelles
“Chernobyl: The People Who Saved The World”
Full Movie Version
“Our Horrifying Night at Haunted Draculas Castle”
Hell Week
“Terrifying Ritual in Worlds Largest Catacombs”
Odessa Catacombs - Ukraine
Hell Week
“Our Haunted Night at Villisca Axe Murder House”
“Our Demonic Encounter at Haunted Sallie House”
“A Night Alone in Haunted Hospital”
**Content Warning Before Video**
Fairfield Infirmary
“A Terrifying Experience at Insane Asylum”
Madison Seminary
“Our Horrifying Night in Haunted Prison”
**Content Warning Before Video**
Ohio State Reformatory
“A Horrifying Encounter at Haunted Black Swan Estate”
**Content Warning Before Video**
Victorias Black Swan Inn
“The Hospital of Nuns: a Night Turned Demonic”
Yorktown Memorial Hospital
Hell Week
“We're Never Coming Back to This Haunted Plantation”
Myrtles Plantation
Hell Week
“Our Demonic Encounter with World's Most Haunted Doll”
Robert the Doll
Let me know if anythings wonky, but that should be it :)
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bellysoupset · 1 year
bella would be lovely! maybe the sickie eats a bunch of colorful stuff and the sick is multi-colored. it would be a fun little detail to throw in. thanks for listening!
- 🎪
It's been a long time coming, I'm sorry!
Lucas smiled, watching Bella jump up and down like a little kid, the excited joy almost alien in her normally nonchalant personality.
The itinerary amusement park was in town, a surprising thing in itself, because no itinerant park ever stopped by their small college oriented town. Bella had been talking about it non stop, apparently all three of her co-workers had already visited.
The park had a clown motif on everything. Lucas didn't like clowns, so he made a face at the painted characters on every attraction, while Bella looked more and more pleased. She loved clowns, maybe because they were creepy.
"What do you wanna do first?" He asked, hand in hand with her.
"I wanna go on the ferries," she answered, resting her head on his shoulder, a gigantic smile on.
"Alright, baby, ferries it is then," Lucas nodded, planting a kiss on the top of her curls.
He wasn't expecting to enjoy it quite as much as he was. Yes, he was clammy with sweat in no time since it was a warm day and yes, there had been a lot of queues, but the rides were fun and he had obliterated Bella in the bumper cars. Only for her to win him a large teddy bear in the shooting range, perfect aim causing the pimpled kid working the booth to pout and grumble about "cheating hilly billies."
"Can we put this in the car? So we don't have to carry it around," Bella said, poking the cute teddy bear and Lucas nodded, being guided through the crowd since Bell still had her fingers intertwined with his.
The minute he bent to plant the teddy bear in the backseat of the car, Bella was shoving him in, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him. He fell on his back with a chuckle, his head meeting the teddy bear's fluffy foot, "we're-" his next words got swallowed up by a kiss as Bell got on top of him, "we're in public, you man eater!" Lucas giggled, smiling as he felt her moving her kisses down his cheek, to his neck.
"We're not doing anything," Bella said, voice muffled by his neck and Luke let out a happy sigh, sliding a hand over her little jeans shorts and squeezing her ass, "making out isn't a crime."
"Compelling argument," he said, moving on the seat so he was sitting down instead of sprawled on his back with his feet sticking out of the door and pulling her closer by the waist. He was toying with the hem of crop top, when his stomach interrupted them both by growling loudly.
"Mood killer," Luke scoffed, but didn't stop him from kissing her again, Bella giggling when her own belly let out a twin growl.
"Let's have lunch," she said into his mouth, "we can continue this later."
"I'm taking that as a promise, Bells" He kissed her once more, then pulled back.
He had her lipstick all over his mouth, Bella getting on her tiptoes in order to try and clean it.
There was a huge line for the food stand, so she draped over him, chin resting on his bicep as Lucas started telling her about the new classes he had, since the student year had just started back up.
"So do you get two proms?"
"It's not a prom," Luke scoffed, cheeks blushing, "I'm not a teenager."
"Answer my question, nerd" Bella rolled her eyes, fingers fiddling with the huge armholes of his tanktop, "two graduations?"
"Yeah, but I can just pick the second one and have them give me both degrees."
"Show off," she smiled brilliantly, "I hope you know how proud I am of you."
His whole face was on fire, so Lucas looked away, squeezing her hand in his. It was finally their turn to order and between the hunger, the heat and the butterflies, his stomach was actually hurting.
They found a nice little hill near the park and sat down on the grass, their huge lunch order split between them. Everything fried. Cake funnel, donuts, corndogs, fries, deep fried oreos, churros...
"I think you ordered too much food," Bella said, eyeing the amount with suspicion and falling on her back on the grass, already polishing up her first corn dog.
"No, I didn't," Lucas rolled his eyes, patting his stomach, "it's bulking season, remember? I'm off diet."
"Oh yeah, your state mandated eating disorder," she snorted, turning on her side, "this cannot be good to your heath long term, baby."
"It's not long term, it's the last year," he pouted, finishing a corn dog in three bites. Bella hummed, reaching for a sprinkles covered donut and then she let out a moan.
"These are really good, Luke. Try it-" she teared a piece of her donut, pushing it in his mouth and he laughed, almost biting her fingers.
"Manners!?" Lucas pushed her hand down, then wrinkled his nose, "eh... I don't know, I didn't like it."
She let out an offended scoff, "more for me, I guess," Bella said, grabbing all the sprinkled donuts and piling them near her side, while Lucas continued to eat all the salty food.
He was halfway through a caramelized apple when Bella let out a groan and sprawled on the grass, a hand resting on her stomach, "I'm done."
"That was hardly anything," he rolled his eyes, although he was surprised she had managed to eat all the donuts. Bella groaned, tugging on her jeans shorts.
"Leave me alone," she said, "eat your food, I still wanna go in at least two more rides."
"I had no idea you loved parks so much," Lucas said, balling up the greasy papers of the now empty containers.
"It's like music concerts," she sighed, looking up at the clouds, "minus the super hot bands and the musicians, of course."
He rolled his eyes, "Of course."
"I like the atmosphere," Bella explained, smiling, "I like the contagious energy. Rubs off on me."
"So like an energy vampire," Lucas teased, "that guy from Twilight."
Bella raised an eyebrow, "...How many times did you watch the movies, you dork?"
"I read the books," Lucas shrugged, "when I was thirteen."
"Oh my god," she giggled, covering her face with her hands, "all of them?!"
"All of them," he nodded solemnly, then eyed the last remaining caramelized apple, "okay, no. This one is getting trashed."
Bella raised her head from the grass, frowning, "you're done? So soon?"
"I don't wanna spend the rest of the day feeling gross," Lucas shrugged, getting up with all the litter in his arms, "we have plans for later," he threw her a cocky wink and then walked away to get rid of the trash.
Bella was already sitting up when he came back and she muffled a little burp against her hand as Lucas stood in front of her, "let's go?"
"Here, hydrate," Lucas handed her a bottle of water, grabbing Bell's outstretched hand and pulling her up. He patted her ass, getting rid of the grass that had stuck to the jeans and causing her to roll her eyes in an amused manner.
"You're so very subtle..." Bella looped her arms with his, "let's go on the viking pirate ship? And then the ferris wheel? Where do you wanna go?"
"We can do the viking ship, but I don't know about the rest, baby," Lucas eyed the sky. The sun was just starting to hide behind clouds and the temperature dropping, "it's starting to look like it'll rain."
"We're not gonna melt, Lucas" Bella rolled her eyes, pulling him through the crowd.
"Yeah, but I don't trust these rides to work in the rain, Isabella."
"You are such a worrywart, like it's your job or something," Bella said as they got in line for the ride. It was a short one, Lucas was right and the sky was turning quite dark, most of the parents packing away their little ones to avoid getting rained on.
"No, c'mere," Bella said when he attempted to sit down the minute they were allowed to climb on the big viking boat, "the middle is the most boring part. It's physics, baby," she dragged him to the far back, where the seats were smaller, only fitting three people. Only two with how much space Luke occupied.
"I've never been on this ride," he said, as they lowered the metal bar and checked if it was secure. It pressed against his stomach after such a packed lunch and he moved up, straightening up, "is this even secure for you? You could still fly out," he said, noticing the bar was far from pressing on Bella.
"I have hands, relax," she rolled her eyes, squeezing the metal bar in her hands, "see?"
He didn't like it one bit. Lucas planted his left hand on top of Bella's right one, making sure it was planted to metal and squeezing it too. He heard her let out a huff, but then the ride started.
First the boat swayed gently, forward and back. Then it started to pick up speed and soon the whole ride was doing almost entire loops. Going as far out as it could, then coming back.
Lucas let out a scream as the boat went back, meaning they were going higher and higher, almost upside down. He had never been afraid of heights, but he felt a jolt of terror rush through him. He squeezed the metal harder and moved his arm out, pressing it to Bella's chest when he felt the centrifuge force pull her to the center, ungluing her from the chair... Then the ride dropped back again, his stomach freezing over.
It wasn't even ten minutes, but when it finally stopped Lucas was panting for air, little terrified tears glued to his eyelashes.
"Holy fuck, Bella!" He cried out, sniffling and turning to look at her. Only to frown, "Bella?"
"Lu..." she gulped down, trying to push the metal bar off of her, but to no avail. The operator opened them and then started rattling out instructions.
Lucas cringed as he noticed how pale she was, her golden tan turning grey. Her throat bobbed dangerously, "shh, okay, breathe in, I'm gonna get you out of here-" he grabbed her by both arms, forcing her standing and Bella groaned. She was steady on her feet, but clearly without knowing each way to go.
"Alright, I-" Lucas looked around, panicked. They managed to get out of the ride, but the place was still packed tight and he couldn't find a single trashcan. In his arms, he felt Bella heave and then groan, muffling a sick burp against his chest, "fuck, Bells, let's try to get-"
He didn't finish that sentence, because Bella shoved him by the chest and managed to turn away just in time to cover her combat boots in colorful vomit. Lucas cringed, holding the hair away from her mouth.
"Aww Bell... It's okay, let it up, at least you'll feel better," he said, reaching on her wrist and grabbing a hair tie, tying the curls in a lose knot on the base of her nape.
Bella let out a whimper, the next heave making her bend in half, hands planted on her knees as her stomach got rid of the heavy sugary lunch they had had. Lucas couldn't help but wince, the donuts were doing a number on her with how chunky they were and her heaves were loud and painful.
She straightened up, sniffling. Black tears had ran down her cheek, completely smudging her eyeliner and her whole face was splotchy with the effort, "I'm sorry-" Bella groaned, burping wetly against her hand, "sorry..."
"Don't apologize," he rolled his eyes, pulling her into a hug, "c'mon, let's go to the car..."
He attempted to move, but it was too much too soon, because Bella let out another burp and then her hands dug in his belly as she pushed him apart from her and vomited down her front.
Her gunmetal croptop got covered in rainbow sprinkles puke, the mess sliding down - "Okay, hold on, hold on," Lucas grabbed the hem of the top, folding it up in order to avoid the mess spilling down her naked stomach or into her shorts, "I got you, Bella."
She let out another pitiful whine, another dripple of vomit rushing out, then sighed, "I'm...I'm done."
He sure hoped so, Lucas, thought, noticing how heavy her top was, "don't move, babe," he said, then tugged on the neck hole of her top and carefully got it past her head. He dropped the top on the ground, without a care. That one was done for, there was no saving. Bella shuddered, crossing her arms around herself in a self conscious manner as she stood in the middle of the park in just her black sport bra.
"It's okay, here," he stripped his tank top and passed it to her. It was so long it looked like a dress, so he pointed the shorts under the tank top, "might as well open those, give your belly some room."
"Good call," Bella said, her voice raspy, and she undid the buttons of her shorts, wrapping an arm around her sick stomach, "I wanna go home, I really don't feel well, Luke."
"I know... Come on, hop up-" he turned around and although Bella hesitated for a second, it only took one pat to her thigh for her to drape her arms around his shoulders and jump, wrapping her legs around his waist. He held her thighs, settling her correctly so she wouldn't slip from the piggyback ride and felt Bella press her chin to his shoulder and planting a kiss there.
"You're welcome, Bells," Lucas started to walk back to the car, "was it just motion sickness? And the heavy lunch? Or-"
"Not sure," she pressed herself closer to him, letting out a sigh he could feel too, "I'm just really queasy... Not sure if I ate too much or if the food was bad or whatever."
He winced at the idea of it being good poisoning, "let's hope it's just the first," he squeezed her leg, that was wrapped around his torso, "tell me if I need to put you down, okay?"
"Okay," she said in a tiny voice, then pressed a kiss to his cheek, "I love you."
Lucas smiled, turning his face and planting a kiss on her forehead, "i love you too."
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innytoes · 10 months
For the AU combos: roadtrip/amusement park
-Flynn and Julie decide to do a road trip before they go away for college, because Flynn's going to New York and Julie's staying in LA and they need Bestie Time.
-They take Flynn's Mom's Minivan, because it is the safest vehicle, will fit all of their souvenirs, and they can sleep in it if they can't find somewhere to stay the night. (Don't tell Tía.)
-They decide to split their time into three big categories: must see landmarks, epic amusement parks (Flynn's a sucker for roller coasters) and We'll Know It When We See It.
-Among We'll Know It When We See It: Creepy haunted clown motel (no they did NOT spend the night, don't you worry, Tía), a fun small town festival with ten million fried things on a stick, a cool concert by some band nobody had ever heard of but Julie just knew her mom would have loved, and a carnival.
-Because Flynn didn't just want to ride big, cool, safe rollercoasters. No, she had to drag Julie onto ones that were set up in an hour and would be torn down in even less time.
-That's where they meet Reggie. He's really cute and really excited when he hears they're from LA ("You're going around to cool amusement parks? Have you been to Star Wars World??? Is the ride as cool as the internet makes it seem????"). He makes sure to show them around, shows them which pies are the best and what food stalls to avoid. Delights in taking them to the fortune teller, because 'it's really just Mrs Meyerson in a weird costume. She's a total gossip and knows everyone's business, that's why she's so good. I want to know what she'll say to two outsiders.'
-They have lunch together, and dinner, and ride all the rides, and Reggie wins them both a stuffed animal (a unicorn for Flynn, a red panda for Julie) by shooting tiny little moving ducks down.
-Julie wins Reggie a dalmatian by heaving a giant mallet over her head and bringing it down so hard on the high striker the bell dings loud enough people turn their heads to stare.
-Reggie looks a little bit in love with her in that moment, and Julie can't help but feel a little in love with him too.
-They're loathe to say goodbye, even as midnight approaches and there are announcements the carnival is closing soon. Reggie promises to show them a cool water tower where you can see the stars, and Julie agrees even before Flynn can weigh the options of 'he seems harmless enough' and 'following some white boy into the woods after he showed us what a good shot he is is the start of a horror movie'.
-Yes Flynn has her taser in her pocket just in case.
-But Reggie stays true to his word and the sight is amazing. The town is just twinkling lights from up here, and he says he used to come here as a kid and pretend he was an astronaut, looking down on earth, away from all his problems.
-Their conversation turns deep, and Reggie admits he has plans to run away from his little town, as soon as he can save up enough money to buy a truck. His parents spend all their time fighting, and ever since he turned eighteen a few weeks ago, with him. As if now that he's of age, they don't have to hold back their hatred anymore.
-Surprisingly, it's Flynn that offers to take him with them.
-Insert movie montage of Flynn, Julie, and Reggie having Adventures. Julie is just happy someone will go on the really terrifying rollercoasters with Flynn so she doesn't have to. Reggie is seeing the world for the first time and is excited about everything. ("A real Rainforest Cafe??? Can we go???"). Julie is slowly falling in love with this golden retriever of a boy.
-Yes they carefully edit out Reggie in any pictures they send to Julie's aunt.
-They end up back in LA, finishing the trip with a visit to Star Wars World.
-Just Julie showing up home like: hi Dad so this is Reggie he's my boyfriend and also he needs a place to stay. If he can't stay here, he's probably going to get adopted by the Taylors and live in Flynn's room and be murdered by Flynn's little sister who had dibs on that room when she moved out and then I'll be sad my boyfriend is dead sooooo...
-Yes, Reggie can stay.
-Flynn leaves for New York knowing her girl will be well looked after. Especially because she did use the taser on Reggie... but only to wave it around threateningly to give him the shovel talk somewhere around St Louis.
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verfound · 1 year
MINIFIC: Oct. 23: Day 5: Circus (MLB, Lukanette, DLM AU)
I don't like circuses either, Mari. It's cool.
For @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers October Minific Challenge 2023.
Read on Ao3.
To Feel Alive Again: Day 5: Circus
“…you’ve never been to the circus?” Luka asked, looking up from his crepe with surprise.  Marinette shrugged, her crepe mostly forgotten in her hands (and mostly uneaten).  She was watching the colorful statues on the carousel spin around, bobbing up and down on their poles as kids laughed from their backs.
“I helped my parents in the bakery a lot,” she said.  “Or I was busy with…I was always so busy, Luka.  School.  Student council.  Helping out friends.  Designing.  I did a lot of charity work, too.  There was just…never time.”
“You never had time for fun?” he asked, popping the last of his crepe in his mouth.  He glanced at hers, and when it became obvious she wasn’t going to finish it he snatched it and took a bite.  She gave him a look, though whether it was for stealing her snack or what he’d said he wasn’t sure.  “Never let yourself just relax and let loose?”
“I had plenty of fun,” she huffed, folding her arms and slouching forward.  “Just never at the circus.  I don’t know what the big deal about them was, anyway.  Clowns are freaky.”
“Don’t tell Fred that,” Luka laughed.  Marinette glanced at him and noticed he had a smudge of crème pat stuck to the corner of his mouth.  “He used to work…”
His voice trailed off as she reached over, wiped the crème off, and popped her finger in her mouth.  She hummed, her eyes drifting back to the carousel as a mother shouted for Laurent Clements to get back here, right now, I mean it mister!  She sighed and stood, intercepting the young boy making a break for it and turning him back towards his mother.  He looked up at her as her hand slipped off his shoulder, seamlessly popping his soul, and she gave him a kind smile.
“Be careful, kiddo,” she said.  “Don’t run too far from your maman, ok?”
He gave her a weird look but nodded before running back to the carousel.  Luka was still staring at her as she sat back on the bench, slumping back as she stuffed her hands in her pockets.  She watched as Laurent took something from a friend and popped it in his mouth before getting dragged onto the ride, laughing all the while.
“Ok,” she said, nodding as the boy started choking shortly into their ride and fell off his horse, cracking his head against the airplane his friend was in before falling lifeless to the ground.  His soul appeared next to Marinette seconds later.  It took all of a second for him to stop gawking at his dead body and start cheering about how that was totally awesome and can I go again?  Marinette smiled and pointed towards his lights, which looked like a giant amusement park to her.  He gave a whoop and ran off into them excitedly, running right through his screaming mother without a second thought.
…Marinette thought that should make her feel…something.  She wondered at how she just felt relieved the kid was still happy.
“Marinette?” Luka asked, his hand suddenly on her knee and squeezing.  She looked up at him with a smile that felt easier than it would have a few months ago.
“You should take me to the circus sometime,” she said.  “Show me all this fun I was missing out on, Luka.”
He blinked at her for a moment, and then he laughed, and that laugh…oh, she liked that laugh.  He nodded, still chuckling as he stood and offered her his hand.
“Ok,” he said.  “I’ll see what I can do.  Maybe Mendeleiev can arrange a joint reap the next time it’s in town.”
“…that’s work, Luka,” Marinette said, falling into step beside him.  She nudged his side with her elbow, grinning.  “You promised me fun.  Work is not fun.”
“…no, I suppose it’s not,” he chuckled, slipping his hands into his own pockets and smiling at the street ahead of them.  “But killing clowns could be.”
“…Luka!” she gasped, her eyes widening, and he grinned at her.
“Ok, I’ll take you to the circus,” he said, stopping when they reached an intersection.  “No work.  Just us.”
“Good,” she said, bouncing a little when she stopped beside him.  “It’s a date.”
When the light changed and she crossed the street, she didn’t notice that he had frozen, staring after her, until she was on the other side.
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Don't make fun of the guy who knows the type-chart better than you, for he will revel in your suffering when you need his knowledge most.
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bracketsoffear · 3 months
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Yongma Land "From Atlas Obscura: There is a small abandoned theme park in Seoul, South Korea, with a quieted carousel, bleached-out images of ’80s pop icons, and “dodgem” cars that have long-since quit dodging. But unlike most amusement parks that have gone idle, this one invites the public to share in its slow crumble.
Yongma Land was built in 1980, and had a fairly solid run as a small family-oriented amusement park. By 2011 tastes had moved on, and with attendance dwindling it closed down. Despite stories of a haunting or two, the root of its demise was likely just a matter of profit, when the construction of several, much larger and better located, theme parks lured the thrill-seekers away.
Now in the hands of an enterprising local businessman, the old Yongma Land is open again, but this time to revel in the poignant charm of its decay. For a small charge of 10,000 won per adult (about $9, a bit more for professionals) and 5,000 won per child, visitors are free to roam the old rides, no fence-jumping needed. And for 30,000 won, the owner will turn on the lights of the ghostly merry-go-round for you after 8:00 pm.
The fading colors and jumbled figures have proven attractive for musicians and other artists too, inspiring several K-pop videos (most notably Crayon Pop’s “Bar Bar Bar” video) and other photo shoots. With piles of dodgem (or bumper) cars, a rusting octopus ride, a Viking ship, and a displaced clown-motif roller coaster, there is still plenty of carney magic to inspire even amateur photographers."
Crinkley Bottom/Blobbyland "A series of theme parks inspired by the fictional village from the tv show Noel's House Party to capitalize on the popularity of Mr Blobby. The first park, located in Cricket St Thomas in Somerset, was based around an existing wildlife park and the Cricket House country estate. The Crinkley Bottom park was based around Mr Blobby with a Blobby-themed house called "Dunblobbin" being the main attraction. After Noel Edmonds backed out of the park, the park was rebranded, though it didn't last long until it was closed down and sealed off in 1997. In the 2000s, urban explorers rediscovered the abandoned Dunblobbin' house which led to more people returning to Cricket St Thomas to see it. The owners of the land initially blocked off the site, eventually demolishing Dunblobbin' in 2014 due to vandalism and the holding of illegal raves.
Another locale was in Morecambe, Lancashire. The Morecambe council wanted something to boost tourism so they signed a deal with Noel Edmonds to build a Blobby theme park. Poor planning and negligence resulted in the ruin of the town's main natural park, and even more so, the ruin of tourism in Morecambe altogether. More info on this park can be found in this video"
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basilbutt · 2 years
Preview of chapter 2
Steve steps carefully, clutching the handle of a long wooden oar he’d found mounted on the wall nearby. The boathouse is dark, and cramped, the smell of wet, rotting wood permeating the air. Why is he here? He has no idea. If the kids want to find their friend so bad, he should just let them.
Who cares if it’s dangerous? Or suspicious? They certainly don’t seem to care, so why is Steve putting his ass on the line for the ungrateful little shits? And just so they can find their precious Eddie, he thinks, the bitter edge of jealousy cutting into his thoughts as he jabs the end of his oar into the lumpy, covered top of a small boat. Nothing.
Eddie, Dustin’s new role model. Eddie, “The Freak” Munson, who had earned quite a reputation in their quiet little town as resident weirdo, with his abrasive, flamboyant appearance and his strange theatrical outbursts.
That, and the fact that he’d gotten held back twice, that he’s apparently a drug-dealing queer who plays guitar in a metal band, lives in a trailer park, and runs a D&D club that champions itself as a sanctuary for the socially disinclined, strutting around like he’s some kind of prince of the outcasts.
And now, the guy’s wanted for freakin’ devil worship and murder. Yeah, real nice people you’re picking there, Henderson, the former jock scoffs disdainfully. If the younger boy looks up to this clown too, then what does that say about Steve?
A loud noise startles him out of his annoyed pondering, and his heart nearly drops out of his chest as a lithe black shadow flies at him from the darkness of the cabin, hurling into him and slamming him against the wall behind him so fast he doesn’t even have time to scream.
A hand rushes forward, fisting into Steve’s hair and yanking his head back to bare his neck to the cold, jagged edge of a broken bottle. He gasps as the glass slices into him, stinging, and he feels a warm ribbon of blood trickle down his chest.
Icy fear courses tremulously through him as Eddie lunges into view, his lips pulled back into a fierce scowl, his dark eyes huge and dangerous as he presses the sharp edge of the bottle deeper into his skin. He looks like some kind of terrible, avenging angel, cast in black and white, the reflection of the water below them rippling across his face in waves of ethereal, glowing light.
His menacing expression is thrillingly contradictory to the surprisingly delicate set of his features and the charming, boyish scattering of wild curls framing his face, tapering into long locks that spill chaotically, distractingly over his shoulders.
All of the menace suddenly disappears as the other man seems to recognize him; a smug, impish smirk pulling crookedly at the edge of his lips, his eyes sparkling with wicked amusement. Steve gulps as an oddly familiar sliver of heat traces down his spine, making him shiver.
“Took you long enough.” The metalhead scolds teasingly, pulling the bottle away and surging forward, crushing his lips against Steve’s.
All of his breath leaves his body in a great sigh as Eddie’s lips claim his, heat sweeping over him in a great flood, thawing him. He clutches the other man against himself dizzily, gripping the hard shape of his ribcage, his fingers pressing eagerly into the indentations between each bone.
His slender, graceful body presses against the entire length of Steve’s, his knee hiking up to wedge his thigh snugly, torturously between the former jock’s legs, pinning him against the wall by his groin. Tossing his makeshift weapon over his shoulder with a clattering crash, he grabs Steve’s face, the cool surface of his rings stinging his skin as the other man pulls him in deeper, kissing him senseless.
“Eddie,” Steve groans feverishly against the other boy’s mouth, their gasping breaths crashing hot against each other.
He reaches up to touch more of him, but something stops him, slithering around his wrists and ripping his arms away from the other man with overwhelming force, almost smashing them through the wall behind him. Pain lances through his body as it crawls over him; binding him, squeezing him, choking him.
His vision swirls sickly as grotesque, snarling creatures swarm the cabin, dragging Eddie kicking and screaming away from him. Steve despairs, his own silent scream burning him, trapped in his throat as the monster slowly squeezes the life out of him. Eddie reaches for him as they force him through the doorway; red, storming skies flashing behind him and a heartbreaking look of desperation in his dark eyes.
A loud clap of thunder issues and suddenly Steve wakes up, gasping frantically and drenched in sweat, sick dread fisted tightly around his chest. He lets out a deep, shuddering sigh; his bedsheets knotted around his legs from his nightly tossing, his head pounding viciously. The clock on his nightstand reads 3:33. Again.
He untangles himself from his bed, peeling off his damp T shirt, and heads to the bathroom, where he splashes water on his face and gives himself a pep talk in the mirror. Still jittery and hot, he makes his way to the back patio, pausing to grab Eddie’s vest from where he'd last slung it over a kitchen chair, pulling it on with practiced precision as he goes outside.
He pulls out a cigarette out of the chest pocket, eagerly lighting up and taking a deep, unsteady drag as his other hand fiddles with Eddie’s zippo; opening and closing the top with his thumb, a nervous habit he’d come to develop over the last few months.
Oh, Eddie. Steve’s heart twists and pulls, aching at the thought of the other man, whose memory had come to haunt him since the night he died. Lately, he hasn’t been able to close his eyes without seeing the metalhead’s smug grin, or his big, dark eyes, full of curiosity and mischief.
For the thousandth time, Steve wishes he would’ve died instead. Guilt gnaws at him for thinking it, for even considering abandoning his friends, but he can’t seem to help it. He keeps telling himself that it will get easier as time goes by, but every day he feels himself die inside a little more.
Sure, he barely knew Eddie. But he had felt something there. Crazy as it is, there was something there, damn it, and he was too afraid to do anything about it. And then he lost it. Lost him. Before he even got to tell him.
This crushing, festering disappointment and grief is the last peg in a long line of bullshittery that has just come toppling over like dominoes and buried him, snuffing his will to go on. What’s the point, if everything he touches turns to dust?
His head sears with pain, making him flinch, a weak stream of blood trailing from his nose. That, and the headaches that never fucking go away, he thinks miserably, wiping the blood away with the back of his hand. He’s taken one too many knocks to the head, it seems.
Finished with his smoke, he heads inside to wash off. The house is quiet, and dark, with only the table lamps casting a soft glow over the Harrington’s posh living room. Steve goes to the kitchen, not even bothering with the light, and turns on the sink faucet.
A wave of nauseous dread suddenly rolls over him, and the sound of the water rushing begins to distort, echoing eerily. Steve almost feels like he’s under water, strangely weighed down under the haze that seems to muffle his senses. The table lights flicker, clicking ominously, sending his heart plummeting through his chest.
The room spins dizzily, flashing with bursts of red light as he hears the sickeningly discordant chiming of a clock, tolling deafeningly in his ears and shocking him with resonating, ringing pain.
He spins around and comes face to face with a giant, dilapidated grandfather clock standing where the fridge used to be, towering threateningly over him. Vines encircle it, spilling out of every open crevice and spreading, oozing across the floor, the counters, taking over.
The vines reach for him and he turns on his heel, running like hell. The walls of his house fall away and he finds himself surrounded by the storming red skies of his nightmares, running through a wasteland of twisting vines and gnarled, spindly trees; dilapidated stone columns crumbled across a seemingly endless expanse of nothingness and decay.
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thebennettdiaries · 2 years
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Bonnie’s Horror-ific October
     ↳ Day Five: Amusement Park of Doom
"Go to the fair they said, it will be fun they said,” Caroline drones as the pair lean against the poorly constructed building.  It creaks under their weight, a clear sign that it is only a façade.  Like everything else on this fetid ground.  If they had been thinking clearly, if they had been expecting danger, they would have seen it earlier.
Instead they had eaten cotton candy and laughed at the top of the Ferris Wheel.
Bonnie tastes blood in the back of her throat, a sure sign that her powers need a moment before she is free to push back once more.  She closes her eyes, her feet rooted to the ground.  The witch in her wants to pull from it, to take from nature as is intended but she knows all she will get from this ground is decay and death.  This land has been cursed long before the carnival pulled into town with designs of taking advantage of it.  
Somewhere in the distance, a woman screams.  It starts off shrill but eventually dies as she does.  Bonnie glances at Caroline who is mirroring her fear (and determination; it will take a lot to squeeze that from the pair of them).  “We can’t stay here,” she points out.  The ring toss game (which has taken on a lurid glow now that reality has settled in) is out in the open.  Those things will find them before long and Bonnie doesn’t want to know what happens next.
She feels Caroline knit their fingers together.  “Come on,” Caroline announces and her fighting spirit is back.  “We are getting the hell out of here --- and the next time you suggest anything but a quiet night in I am going to remind you of the time that the clown grew claws.  As if they weren’t bad enough...”
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In the “automotive file” from Talent since Ashland is HVAC’d till next month or so
1336 California plate at southtown market
302 GUJ at Clark Street, from his usual rolling up on me haunt of Iowa and nearby streets
We’d be remiss without red mini cooper at habitual Iowa street crossing on the way to the Ashland library; belonging, I think, to a firefighter, so there’s *that* problem with the mini cooper tailing, too. And yes, there are a lot of them as of a couple weeks ago, and always on the sinister side to the left. 
133 CNN at Case coffee. Not the plethora of red honda fit’s I’d become acustomed to, but all the same; -EJL red honda met me at the 99 intersection down from Collier on the way to Dollar General (which seems to have survived the fire, if you leave out the giant Snap Fitness next door in very “doesn’t get the paperboy news anymore color”.
122668 motorcycle thing, that has stalked me about Ashland for some time, and actively “leading” a mini cooper next to britt hall. But not before following a lithia.com plated van just a little to close beside the Zen Center as a I walked by. Suggesting it’s stalking and that guy knows it, and was trying to hide out while tailgating.
Ashland library director drives a Subaru in an uncommon color that has since turned up at all kinds of intersections. Again, just as I reach them, beginning with 031-KSU driving in a circle (yes, they’re ALL the same color as the library director’s) at Hargandine where it dead ends into Lithia Park above the theater.
There’s very gay Phil, with dog “anna” that once sought me out over and over down at Ashland railroad park to offer “milk and cookies” (which I’m sure is some kind of a euphemism). Appearing not only at sixth street, but at the sixth street alley when I reached it on the habitual walk route to the Co-op from across town.
There’s Pioneer street down from Ashland library, where not only did a cooper appear *at the top of the street* meeting me at the Fly Shop corner where I was currently standing, but then, a Metal Masters service van followed me the length down it, teriminating in the Grange Co-op, where *another* mini cooper pulled up just as I reached the building. (And these are all socketed intersections along my walks to and from places; before they were blue ford’s, as next to Get n’ Gear alley. And then, red honda fit’s. Now they’re coopers for the most part.)
There’s a surveillance immediacy in punctuating my comings and goings with coopers, driven by people who presumably have more to be doing than walking the streets. Their time, their money, their cars, their stuff. 
A priori, there were a few coopers in *all of Ashland*. A redheaded woman in the vicinity of the high school on Iowa leading in. The firefighter’s clown car, as I mentioned above. And perhaps one more on Auburn or so. Now parked at the tops and bottoms of many streets, rolling up on me anywhere an “ethnic theme” can be spotted on a business’s sign. 
Any and all of them, to the point of rolling up by Xerxes, then by the nun’s house with prayer flags up on Siskiyou and so on and so forth, the *entire length of Siskiyou* to downtown Ashland. White dodge neon’s used to be “the thing” of maximum antagonism, until they branched out into other colors but still neons.
Coopers next to what was the katwok. Next to the theater building. Next to the black swan. Rolling up to park in front of me when I crossed Siskiyou next to the fire department. It’s not random and it seems to serve no purpose save amusement to someone.
Maybe it’s the automotive wholesaler based here.
Maybe it’s a high school dropout with abnormal pull with people who drive certain cars. 
Maybe it’s anglophile econ major from SOU party college and the brother of the dropout.
Maybe it’s the FBI nursing some theory that seeking me out with certain makes and models of cars at the *same locations along the way* any time of day or night that I happen to pass there, will piss me off. And it does. 
It’s not an “impediment to housing” not an “obstacle to employment” that’s being treated by any of this. It is sort of pursuant to legal action in the sense that “intending someone be late to work because you’d find it amusing” is still wrong, crowdsourced, and very much syndicated activity not unlike gangs. And it’s not funny.
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Cartoon Network Friday Spotlight: A Pup Named Scooby-Doo- “Terror, Thy Name is Zombo”
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So I’ve done a couple of Scooby-Doo stories recently, big woop, wanna fight about it? Ted Turner himself has noted that Scooby has been very good to him, so why not come back to everyone’s favorite great dane?
Especially for one of his most beloved series, which has some of the wackiest storytelling in Scooby history. This one also boosts a nice, spooky design in its monster, the creepy clown Zombo, who terrorizes the town’s local amusement park. The Jipner family who runs it (and is mostly voiced by Charlie Adler) invite the Mystery Inc gang to solve who’s really responsible for damaging the park’s good name in exchange for lifetime passes, and what kids would say no to that kind of deal?
The problem with talking about Scooby-Doo is that it’s the same thing basically every time. A mystery that usually involves someone in a costume, a few loose ends the kids pick up with some hijinks and a chase scene. A Pup Named Scooby-Doo shakes up the formula by being a little zanier and self-aware than previous series, not being afraid to not the repetition of the series while still having fun with it. And this story doesn’t disappoint in that regard.
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