#cmc clubhouse
pink-pone · 9 months
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it's been forever since I've ponified a MLP:FiM building! and thanks to @emeraldstarlight 's help we've got another one for you! this time being the Cutie Mark Crusader clubhouse!
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yanarizaki · 4 months
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CURRENT LOCATION: Cutie Mark Crusaders' Clubhouse, Sweet Apple Acres
As an MLP Infection AU enthusiast, I'm here to contribute my two cents where the CMC and the cake twins are alone and left to defend themselves (unfortunate accidental situation. The mane six were in Canterlot.). They find the cake twins and really, they can't leave them alone. Not when Mr. And Mrs. Cake were infected.
They're a lil' bit older in my au, about the age of teenagers but they're all still children. Pumpkin Cake and Pound Cake are about 2-3 years old.
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lime1991 · 8 months
those mlp infection aus on tiktok have been alright but heres my idea to consider:
the main characters of the au are the cmc. theyre not the lone survivors, and heres why: the infection almost entirely affects adults. this is just like a book i read in 5th grade, thats where im stealing this from.
Applebloom is the self appointed leader, shes best at foraging for food and growing it as well as building re-enforcements for the shelter (which is the clubhouse. it's higher up so they dont have to worry about most infected ponies reaching them.)
Scootaloo is the defender of the base as well as the group in general. shes the one who handles the weapons and is first to sacrifice herself for her friends to get to safety. She says its because he doesnt want to hold them back due to her disability, they tell her she doesnt have to think like that. but its hard not to.
Sweetie Belle is... not all there. sometimes she forgets the apocalypse has happened and that most of her loved ones are dead. Scootaloo and Applebloom take turns sleeping during the night to make sure someone is always lookout. that, and they can't risk Sweetie Belle unknowingly walking into the dark trying to get home.
Partially inspired by one of the best animes ive ever seen: School Live, Scootaloo and Applebloom sometimes, when Sweetie is having an episode, pretend everything is normal. Is the most they can do for their friend, who is clearly so traumatized that her brain blocks out the reality of their situation. Sometimes, Applebloom wishes that could happen to her.
When the infection started, it slowly took over the elderly first. Granny Smith got sick, fast. Big Mac and Applejack took care of her, but only a few days later she would turn into some kid of monstrous creature. Big Mac did the unspeakable act of putting her out of her misery.
Sweetie Bell was sent to go live with Rarity while her mother was sick. Her father began to feel ill too, and didn't want her to get herself and her friends at school sick as well. She could hear over the phone the conversations her sister and father had. How mom was getting worse, how dad was getting worse. How they stopped calling altogether.
A couple days into the widespread sickness, Scootaloo's aunts took a trip to the store to stock up on groceries just incase a quarantine was issued. They were gone for hours. They were gone for days. They never came back. Eventually, Scootaloo traveled outside of her home by herself, and could never return.
Once Big Mac and Applejack started showing signs of illness, Applejack spoke to cousins in other places wondering if they would be able to let Applebloom stay with them a while. But just like everyone in Ponyville, they were experiencing the same issue. At one point, Fluttershy agreed to watch Applebloom until AJ and Big Mac started to feel better.
After hearing that Fluttershy graciously took in Applebloom, Rarity sent Sweetie Belle off to her the moment she started to cough. She didn't want Sweetie to see her like that. She didn't want her to get sick either, and in fact, she probably transported it from their parents house and into Rarity's. That made Rarity angry. Her last words to Sweetie were about how upset she was that she'd brought the illness to her.
Scootaloo went to Fluttershy herself. She couldn't find Rainbow Dash, so she settled for the next best pony. She was shocked to see her friends had been there themselves the past few days. Scootaloo only managed to stay a few hours, because during the night the crusaders awoke to a crash in another room. Upon investigation they saw Fluttershy hunched over a broken glass. There was blood on the floor.
They went to comfort her, but she wasn't herself any longer. When she turned to face them it already looked like she'd been ravened by the infection. She was so hungry. Why couldn't the jar just open? She was so... hungry. Before she could even stand back up, the crusaders grabbed their things and fled to the only place they knew they'd be safe. The clubhouse.
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blu3b3rryj4mp1r3 · 2 years
You should talk about the cutie mark crusaders and what you like about each of them!!!
oh I'd love to!! 🍎🌸🎀💛💗🔔🎶🛴���⚡
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I love how applejack gave them her old clubhouse to use and that it's located in sweet apple acres, I like the idea of applejack coming to check on them sometimes or maybe bringing them freshly baked cookies from time to time 🍪🧡 and how fun wouldn't it be to play together amongst all the apple trees (when they aren't busy crusading ofcourse! 😄)
the cmc in general: they turned something they were teased for and that used to weigh them down into something they could bond over and in turn made a life long friendship stronger than the toughest of diamonds 💎👑 later inspiring and helping others who are unsure of their destinies just as they were and I think that is so powerful! the episode call of the cutie is a great introduction that really leaves you wanting to see what they're going to do next and how they will achieve their goal 🧡💛💜
they're the sisters of rarity, rainbow dash and applejack! which makes for some great episodes featuring them all together. sleepless in ponyville, the cart before the ponies & campfire tales for example! spending so much time together would not only bring them closer with their sisters but it probably brought applejack, rarity and rainbow dash closer too, and I love that!
all of their songs are great! their voices blend together very nicely in my opinion. Amanda Renberg as Scootaloo, Linn Johnsson as Apple Bloom and Annelie Heed as Sweetie Belle all did a wonderful job voicing their characters in the iconic trio! (ofcourse this is from my perspective, and those are the swedish voices but the same can be said for the original english ones!😊) my personal favourites of the cmc songs are babs seed, hearts as strong as horses, find the purpose in your life and all of the songs in the crusaders of the lost mark (& they are all so fun to sing!) 🎵
favourite cmc episode: crusaders of the lost mark! all of their searching finally paying off, helping their bully to see her purpose and the fact that their special talent turns out to be helping others find/rediscover their own special talent is just PERFECT, we were all wondering how it would turn out right? and this was just better than every other potential outcome, they all belong together to help others find themselves, just as they did! 🥺😌🧡💜💛
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Apple bloom 🍎🌸: has my favourite colour scheme, she reminds me of apple flavoured candy, I'm also biased towards anything fruit themed! and I adore her bow!! 🍎💛🎀 I can relate to her fear of being alone the episode on your marks and also to how she's scared at one point that her family won't like her if she turns out to be different to them (when she's scared her cutie mark won't be apple related). and I love her relationship with her family, the end of family appreciation day and brotherhooves social just warms my heart! 💛🍎💚🥧 also I love the cupcake song scene where she's baking with pinkie and that she got interested in potions and magic after meeting zecora! (also the fact that she as a foal was the first to befriend zecora and not be so judgmental!!)
favourite apple bloom episode: (oh glitter all of these are so hard to pick!! 🤣 but I think cutie pox, somepony to watch over me or call of the cutie 🍎🌸💛🎀
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scootaloo⚡🛴🧡: I actually have only watched flight to the finish once because while it has been dubbed I somehow missed it (and can't find the whole episode in swedish, only the songs) but I have watched it on my latest rewatch (where I watched it in english :) and I love it so much, I'm not physically disabled myself, I am mentally disabled (though I feel really weird saying that for some reason) but I think scootaloo is a really great disabled character because being disabled is not her whole character, far from, and I think there should be more characters like her! I also think she's really funny, her scooter tricks are awesome and I adore her idolizing rainbow dash and wishing for her to be her sister and then in sleepless in ponyville when she's scared of rainbow dash not thinking she's cool enough then rainbow admits that she's scared sometimes too and that it doesn't make her weak and then she like adopts her as her sister and aaaaaaaahhh!!! I love found family story lines so much, also the episodes parental glideance in season 7 and the washouts in season 8 broke my heart and then put it back together! 😂🌈🧡⚡and I love how she stood up for herself and what she wants to her parents in the last crusade in season 9, people often disregard kids feelings because they're "just kids" and I think scootaloo is a really strong pony for doing what she did in that episode 🧡🛴
sweetie belle 🎶💗🔔: she's just precious! her singing voice is so beautiful and I like how she has a hard time speaking up and putting together words sometimes because I can relate and it's really funny! I love sisterhooves social and I laugh every time I watch that scene where she argues with rarity and comes to the conclusion that applejack should be rarity's sister so she can teach her how to be a good one 😂 oh or when apple bloom allows her to "borrow" applejack as a sister for "ONE DAY"-🍎🌸 to me she is a very caring pony and maybe the most relatable of the 3 to me personally (all though saying that I feel like I find all of them relatable but in different ways)
favourite scootaloo episode: flight to the finish, I think! 🏁🧡
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favourite sweetie belle episode: I want to say sisterhooves social but I also love for whom the sweetie belle toils 🔔💗🎶
so those are some of my thoughts on the cmc! thank you so much anon for making me write this and inspire me to draw the cutie mark crusaders, I love these little foals so much! 🥺😄💗🧡💛
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What are you doing in the CMC's old clubhouse?
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multitude-of-muses · 5 months
She's sleeping in the CMC clubhouse as usual, staring up at the ceiling. Why does she feel like others are talking about her? . . . and why does it feel like fighting?
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sweetestofbelles · 7 months
Can we know more about the discorded Crusaders?
/ Okay, so-
Scootaloo is the weakest of the girls. She lives in the CMC's clubhouse. She's an orphan.
Apple Bloom is the strongest. She's not afraid to make fun of others if she feels it'll make her feel bigger. Her and Applejack are not close; Applejack neglects her.
Sweetie is a great at magic. She's emotionless externally. Rarity showers her with love despite being a selfish/greedy pony.
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askcmcarscrew · 1 year
CMCARS Chapter 1: It Started As Just A Normal Day
Just a normal day in Ponyville everypony's going about their daily routines. Twilight and Spike are away on business in Canterlot, so there’s not much going on at the castle. Rarity had gotten an order for some costumes for a musical in Manehattan and is hard at work in getting all of them completed on time. It’s officially the first day of Applebuck season and Applejack couldn't be any more excited. Rainbow Dash is preparing herself for her very first tour with the Wonderbolts. At first she wasn't sure about leaving her friends and home for so long to travel all around Equestria. But after a while her friends finally convinced her to go along with them, and if they ever need her back Twilight can magically teleport her back to Ponyville in a flash literally. She had recently learned a new teleportation spell that can teleport anypony from anywhere in Equestria. Pinkie Pie will be joining the Cakes on a trip to Fillydelphia to cater a party for a big family so they’re going to be gone for a few days. Luckily Miss Cheerilee offered to take care of Pumpkin Cake and Pound Cake while they’re gone. Fluttershy is going about her normal day taking care of her animals while receiving a few visits from Discord. Everypony's been active doing what they can to keep busy.
While on the other hoof three little fillies in a treehouse on Sweet Apple Acres are bored stiff with nothing to do. Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, The Cutie Mark Crusaders have gone through their cutie mark list for today and are sitting around with nothing to do hoping to find something to do with the other ponies and hadn’t planned a list for the whole day, but only half. They had completely forgotten that the others had their own things to do and are sitting around the clubhouse completely bored.
Then finally Sweetie Belle broke the silence,
“UHHG! This is so boring! What are we supposed to do if we’re not thinking of ideas to get our cutie marks.”
Applebloom face hoofed herself
“I already told ya Sweetie Belle. We hadn’t planned on everypony else be’in busy ta’day.”
Then in an instant an idea suddenly popped into Scootaloo’s head and she shouted,
“I’VE GOT IT!!!”
“If ya mean painfully ringing ears. Than ya so do we.”
Applebloom and Sweetie Belle both rubbed their ears Scootaloo jumped off her stool and trotted over to them
“Nono I mean I have an idea of what we can do today instead of just lounging around the clubhouse.”
“Well then, what is it?” Sweetie Belle looked at her confused.
“Why don’t we go over to the castle and check out what new books Twilight's got? Maybe we’ll find something that can help us finally get our CUTIE MARKS! What do you think?”
Sweetie Belle started bouncing up and down
“OH WOW! That’s a great idea Scootaloo! I am so in on it! What about you Applebloom?”
Applebloom was having her doubts about this idea but seeing she’s obviously outnumbered in votes agrees.
“E’m not so sure it’s a good idea to go barg’in into Twilight’s castle while she’s still in Canterlot…But since we are just gonna be look’in at books I don’t see any harm in that so...E’m in!”
All three shouted
Applebloom trotted to the front of the door and turned to face her friends
“Alrighty Cutie Mark Crusaders we are off to Twilight’s castle.”
Trotting out the clubhouse the CMC head into town straight to Twilight’s castle. But just before they left Applebloom left a note on the table saying that they’re going to the castle in case somepony comes looking for them.
. . .
At Princess Twilight’s castle, the CMC got a little too excited to get started and rush through the front doors without knocking and head straight to the library.
“Alrighty Crusaders let’s get started everypony grab some books and start reading.”
Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo gave a solute spread out to different corners of the library and started grabbing books off the shelves, not realizing that they basically just broke into the castle without asking. Applebloom looked up a bit to Owlicious with a disapproving look. She looked over to Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo then back to Owlicious bringing a hoof up to her mouth.
“I know I know. We should’in of just come barg’in in here like this. But Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo really want ta do this they really think that we might be able to find our special talent and get our cutie marks from one of these here books. Not ta mention I was basically outnumbered in votes. It was either me let em come here by em selve’s and get in trouble but not me. Or go along with the group and at least we all get in trouble together. It just wouldn't be right ta leave em alone like that. Please don’t be mad.”
Owlicious simply hooted then flew out the library. Applebloom sighed to herself wiped the little bit of sweat from her forehead then turned back to her book. Maybe we should’in of come here by ourselves. she sighed, I'm suppose to be the responsible one of the group...and yet here we are in the castle library with no adult ponies around. Not to mention we didn’t ask for permission to come in.
This ain’t very responsible ain’t it huh Applebloom?
. . .
Off in another corner of the library Sweetie Belle was looking through a whole bunch of spell books really wanting to improve on her magic skills. One book was really getting her attention with so many spells she's dying to try out. Hum. Maybe just one spell won’t hurt. She turned back the pages to one spell in particular a teleportation spell her horn glowed as she read through the spell.
Sweetie Belle’s horn started glowing even brighter lighting up everything as her magic took the form of a giant tornado spinning everything and every filly. Applebloom tried to give Sweetie Belle a good glare but being tossed around like a rag doll was making that one task extremely difficult. Spinning around in the tornado of magic and books she shouted to Sweetie Belle
Sweetie Belle was trying her hardest to stop the tornado before her friends got hurt.
Scootaloo shot back in anger.
Suddenly a giant portal appeared above them and began sucking the girls inside. But before being pulled through Sweetie Belle used the best of her abilities to grab all the magical spell books she was reading in hope that wherever they end up she can use them to get back home.
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askluxbrush · 3 years
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CMC Clubhouse 3D model project
A quick update on my CMC Clubhouse 3D model project. Other projects have kept me busy and I won't have a lot of time to work on this. I'll stream work on it when I can. Also, here's a render of me playing around with a new way to handle the lighting. So far it's working but still needs some tweaking to get the feel right. I've also finished the bottom half of the tree and have started work on the top half. If you'd like to watch me work on this project live or check out previous streams, you are welcome to join me on my YouTube channel at Lux Analysis of MLP:FiM - YouTube
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sunilcpaul · 3 years
Scootaloo return to school but she is still traumatize by the event on Cloudale Apple Bloom & Sweetie Belle were waiting for their friend & fellow crusader Scootaloo when she arrive at the schoolhouse she didn’t greet her fellow crusaders in the classroom Scootaloo sat behind and during recess Sat alone under the apple tree and after school she went  back straight home.
For past few day’s Scootaloo didn’t attend any of the CMC meetings,Apple Bloom & Sweetie Belle are worried about their friend so Apple Bloom does the one thing she regard doing is calling Diamond Tiara to stand in for Scootaloo,Diamond Tiara arrive at the CMC clubhouse and Diamond Tiara ask Apple Bloom why she should stand in for Scootaloo.At home Scootaloo go straight to her room Rainbow Dash worried that Scootaloo stay away form her friends so Rainbow Dash want to help Scootaloo form her trauma,Rainbow Dash wants to cure Scootaloo trauma but how is Rainbow Dash is going to cure Scootaloo from her trauma so Rainbow Dash go and see Zacora first Zacora tell Rainbow Dash that only way to cure Scootaloo form her trauma is to hypnotize her.
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glapplebloom · 4 years
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The First true Cutie Mark Crusader episode. And 91 episodes till they get their cutie marks.
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Applejack brings the Crusaders to her old Clubhouse. So its a bit of a fixer upper, its still a great place when its cleaned up. And while they’re building it, we see Scootaloo doing scooter tricks, Apple Bloom doing all the physical labor, and Sweetie Belle sweeping while sleeping. For the longest time people thought these were going to be their special talents. But a future Season 1 episode will reveal that special talents and what you’re good in are not hand in hand.
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Now that we’ve established what these girls are good at, plus with them having a clubhouse a map around town and a theme song, they go off to try various activities to find their cutie marks. It didn’t work. So after a trip to the library, Cheerilee suggests that they try out the School Talent Show. They get excited but Twilight suggest that they try doing things they like. There’s just one problem with that piece of advice...
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Sweetie Belle likes to sing, but not to a crowd. But she likes to be a designer like Rarity. Scootaloo likes doing tricks and stunts, but she also likes to get attention on herself, thus lead singer. And nobody really likes to work so doing the choreography is Apple Bloom, who only knows karate. Its so good, Applejack is left speechless.
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On the night of the performance, the girls are nervous. But Twilight ensured them that it’ll be fine as long as they are doing what they like. Too bad for her she gravely underestimated what they liked and upon realizes begins to worry herself. Cue the Cutie Mark Crusader Anthem.
Here’s a Power Metal Cover of it. Overall, while Sweetie Ghost Written parts of it, the rest were Scootaloo’s. And she also made the music so you got to give her credit for that. The designs of the costumes I thought were pretty cool. And Apple Bloom was kicking tail. But after it was over, and a mess was made, everyone laugh. And to make matters worse, they were force to be on stage once more.
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The Girls somehow win! An award for comedy. Got to say, I think its insulting to win for comedy when you’re not trying for it. But with it the girls learned that maybe they’re trying too hard and should embrace what their true talent is: comedy. And it’ll be 91 episodes until they find out that its not getting their cutie marks are what the CMC are about, but its helping others with their problems.
Overall, I think its still a fun show and I do enjoy their mess of a performance. And with the right singer, the song could be pretty awesome. How it’ll fit in GLAB Canon, well, Apple Bloom is who set up the Clubhouse for them to use. The rest remains the same minus Apple Bloom. Rumble is going to be their third to help in the Talent Show.
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vendimeyers · 7 years
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You know what took forever? This.
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fireflake-art · 5 years
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HC: Apple Bloom
I've come across new, different ideas for AB, so I'm updating my Harmonyverse HC for her, with a new full-body adult design! Onto the headcanons~
Her parents, Pear "Buttercup" Butter and Delicious "Bright Mac" Cameo, died very close to their youngest daughter's birth. Buttercup was left terribly exhausted afterwards, with so little strength she couldn't even hold her newborn in her arms. Doctors feared she wouldn't make it. With what Buttercup accepted as her final breath, she gave their foal a name. Daisy Blossom. (Granny Smith would later give the filly a name fit for the tiny, sleek filly; Apple Bloom.)
Yet, Buttercup lived through it. She was still weak and tired, but she was alive. On the first day she was allowed to walk around Ponyville, her and Bright Mac took out their oldest, Johnny, to the market with baby Apple Bloom. A few minutes into grocery shopping, Buttercup fainted. Bright Mac raced to help her. Only Johnny saw the supply carriage bumbling towards them, and in that one second he could yell, the young colt froze in terror.
Following the funeral, Applejack vowed to always, always protect Apple Bloom and her family, and Johnny inherited Bright Mac's name and his work. All siblings were contracted to their only remaining grandparent, Granny Smith, after some fight from Bright Mac's best friend Burnt Oak, who was the godfather of the children.
Big Mac and Applejack developed quickly. They couldn't make mistakes in raising Apple Bloom, their last connection to their lost parents. Applejack became a constant helicopter to her, making sure Apple Bloom was comfortable, happy, and healthy. Big Mac was more loose than Jack, but he did take care of the baby a lot, as stubborn AJ took up a wealthy amount of the farmwork.
The more Apple Bloom grew, the more she dreamed of freedom and uninterrupted alone-time. She fixated over proving herself mature, so Applejack would loosen the leash a little, if not all the way. One day, a thought crossed her mind; cutie marks. They were handled as the last step into puberty! She needed to earn her cutie mark to be a big mare!
Soon, she found the only other blank-flanks, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, and together they formed the Cutie Mark Crusaders. As roughly the oldest CMC (During the course of the show, Apple Bloom and her fellow classmates are preteen foals, while the Mane Six are in their 20s), Apple Bloom appointed herself the unofficial leader.
Apple Bloom was too young to remember her mother and father's faces from her own memories, so she always relied on pictures and stories from her family. The Apple children weren't aware that their mother wasn't an Apple, so they believed themselves pure-blooded. Applejack and Big Mac never questioned it... But it had confused Apple Bloom since she could think.
Apples were portrayed as strong, tall creatures. A mass of fluff, freckles, and muscles. True forces to be reckoned with. So why wasn't Apple Bloom?
Even before getting her cutie mark, AB was skinny, sleek, small and shimmery. She was curious and self-conscious. It was typical for the average Apple foal to have a growth spurt early into their tweens, and to come out as a new, fluffy and buffy pony. But she just wasn't.
That fact scared her. She hated the idea that she wasn't actually an Apple. That she was just some kid Granny Smith took pity on and fostered. How could she know for sure that Buttercup was her mother, or Bright Mac her father? Why didn't her real parents want her? Was she bad, somehow? Why wasn't she enough for anyone as-is? Not for Applejack, who wanted her to be a perfect, safe carbon copy? Not for her friends, who wanted her to be a commanding leader? Not for Anypony... No creature loved her truly, did they?
She had convinced herself that she was adopted when she met a mister Grand Pear. Finally, she got an answer to why her body was different. She simply had the athletic, slim figure of her mother, and that was okay. Apple Bloom was a little disappointed she wasn't a full Apple, but she was half-Apple, and that made her happy.
Luckily, tho, she did eventually have her growth spurt, late into her teens. Unfortunately to Bloom, this also attracted the attention of... suitors. Ew
Apple Bloom had always wanted to be so many things. Zecora's official full-time apprentice, the real leader of the Crusaders, the strongest Apple... And within a few years, she would achieve those dreams. She would build up her own future, packed with multiple professions (blacksmith, carpenter, engineer, farmer, potion brewer, dancer, fixer, head of a Youth Camp)... And those responsibilities would turn into an excuse as to why she didn't pursue a meaningful relationship.
Love was too messy for her. The idea of falling for somebody and them wasting her time wasn't a thought she favored. Romance was a fickle force, closer to Chaos than the friendship lessons she had been taught and had since mastered. She believed she had everything she wanted. That may have been true, if she wasn't terrified of falling in love.
She was scared. Terrified that if she found someone she really connected with, someone she built her life with and loved more than the stars, that that creature would be taken from her. No matter if the love was true, no matter if they were good and honest, even if they had a beautiful life together, that partner could be snuffed out. And it would hurt. So, so much. Enough that Apple Bloom would be left bitter, paranoid, depressed and alone.
It happened to Buttercup and Bright Mac. It could happen to anyone.
So Apple Bloom didn't have much of a love life. Sure, she had flings, but those were short and wild, with ponies she didn't actually love and that felt the same way about her. Her whirlwind fling with one Featherweight was never supposed to end in pregnancy. It was supposed to be uncomplicated summer fun. But life wasn't like that sometimes. Most of the time, it seemed. Now, because of her recklessness, a child was on the way, and she had no idea how to care for a foal, or a husband.
Featherweight was happy he was going to be a father, but at the same time, he never expected or wanted a baby with Apple Bloom. He only felt genuine friendship for the mare, and she felt the same. They had many long talks over what to do. Apple Bloom promptly crossed off the notion of an abortion before anybody had even mentioned it. Finally, they agreed to have and raise the baby together, as friends.
A week into the pregnancy, Apple Bloom revamped the Cutie Mark Clubhouse into a humble cabin. Featherweight moved in to care for her.
Nine months and a lot of chocolate-laced apple deserts later, Apple Bloom would deliver her first and only baby girl. As soon as she held the tiny filly in her arms, she felt something so fierce in her heart. She never wanted anything bad to happen to this little ball of fluff. She wanted her baby to have a full life, brimming with creatures that loved her. She had never felt something so powerful before the birth of her daughter... Buttercup would be her name, Apple Bloom decided. Maria Meadow Buttercup, after Granny Maria Smith and Pear Butter.
Apple Bloom loved Buttercup so much, she recognized the feelings she had been neglecting. She wanted to feel what love was like when it was romantic. Of course, her daughter was more important than dating for a long while, but after Featherweight moved out and could have Buttercup over at his apartment, Apple Bloom decided to try it.
AB didn't have much luck. Most of her (in hindsight, ill-picked) dates weren't very open-minded when she mentioned her newborn. It took only a few months for her to get frustrated with it. She slowly resented her even trying to find someone. She hated the rejection. She wanted real, true love, from a kind being that sparked something within her. Was that too much to ask?
Then one random day, she stumbled into an old friend. Diamond Dazzle Tiara, her old bully turned friend, who had changed into quite the business mare. She was working a manager position in Barnyard Bargains, her father's international retail industry. Humbly (or stubbornly, as Spoiled Rich would put it), Diamond refused to quit her job as the Ponyville Mayor's assistant. Apple Bloom remembered how convincing and snobby Mrs. Rich could be, and was secretly impressed Diamond had managed to subdue her.
Still, Diamond Tiara was obviously struggling. She needed a break. After Apple Bloom got a friend to fill in for Dia's shift, Diamond couldn't say no to a catch-up-coffee-date! (Which served as a subtle tell for Bloom; Diamond was single!)
Diamond Tiara had so much to spill. Apple Bloom was surprised to see the mare in such a frantic state. Where was the poised, graceful, cunning and confident young mare that Apple Bloom had said goodbye to when she went away for University in Prance? Diamond Tiara had changed, and with good reason.
The mare had been the bride of her university sweetheart, Snails (who would have guessed? Literally no one). They had been happy... until they weren't. And then Diamond had the dumbest idea she might have ever had. Saving their relationship with a baby didn't work. Now she was a divorced single mother with joint custody of their baby, Drama Queen, and, worse, she had had another daughter with wild ex-boyfriend Rumble, siring baby Loudmouth. (Diamond doesn't regret having her daughters, of course. She just wished it was under different circumstances.)
But, but, but, she was happy once she and life-long bestie Silver Spoon agreed to open a restaurant together. It was so fun being the boss! Being awesome bosses with her bestie! Being an awesome, good mother to her young children! It was amazing. She had been picking her life back together, and she had been happy.
Then her mother had to ruin everything even more. Diamond was somewhat afraid of Spoiled Rich. After the birth of Loudmouth, Dia had cut off communication with her mom. But she couldn't muster up the courage to say a much wanted 'no' when Spoiled Rich dropped by and pressured Diamond to go back to Barnyard Bargains. This wasn't what Dia wanted, she knew, but she couldn't find a way out. She needed out, she wasn't happy here, not as her mother's obedient pawn or as a respected employee of her dad's company.
Apple Bloom wasn't going to let her friend accidentally wreck her life. Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara constructed a plan to help Diamond stand up to Spoiled Rich, and with support from friends and family, Diamond left Barnyard Bargains and helped Silver Spoon open more establishments, all while happily maintaining her assistant job and becoming a fitness coach.
Diamond Tiara soon moved in with Apple Bloom, originally as close friends... Until something more bloomed.
Other notes~
- Apple Bloom is now a flirty and fun, yet collected and stern mare. She's a good mother, probably the best out of the CMC. She graduated from needing some twisted version of freedom to actually having it, in the form of healthy independence together. Loves chocolate treats, charity work, detective novels, folk and hip hop music, mythology, trashy romantic comedies and cheap horror films, and horoscopes.
- Only rare ponies know Apple Bloom's full name, and that goes for a lot of Apples. They're a Clan of nicknames, basically.
- Apple Bloom isn't heavyset because of muscles, she is simply a plus-sized woman.
- Apple Bloom didn't attend University. She opted to have less on her plate during her pregnancy and the first few years of Buttercup's childhood. Now that Buttercup is a preteen and isn't as much as a hoof-ful as a baby pony, Apple Bloom takes online courses. She is aiming for a degree in carpentry, with minors in mechanical engineering and art.
- As a younger filly, Bloom preferred the calmer, quieter energy of her brother. Into childhood, strong, fearless and independent Applejack shifted into her idol instead. Still, Apple Bloom doesn't like to share either of her siblings, and was very hostile towards their respective partners at first, as well as new friends, old sweethearts, and the occasional friendly stranger. She is also very protective of Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, who she considers her first real friends. You bet she threatened the hell outta Tender Taps and Gilded Lily.
And she was even more pissed when Granny Smith got a girlfriend!
- Apple Bloom opened a Youth Camp for foals to try out different activities. These foals didn't have to be blank-flanks; it was opened to any kid.
- Her mentor Zecora broadened Apple Bloom's worldview farther than Applejack ever had. Zecora taught her about so many different plants, creatures, cultures, and most notably, religions. Zecora mentioned the belief of Magic (the Ponyverse term for real-world Wicca) to a teenage Apple Bloom, and from there on, Apple Bloom researched the hell outta it.
Magic was mostly a religion practised by non-unicorn ponies and species that were believed, by dismissive unicorns that spread it as the truth, not to be magically inclined. Apple Bloom was raised as a believer of Providence (a form of Ponyverse Christianity), and for a few years considered herself both a Witch and a Provider. She now defines as only a Witch. Wears a Wiccan necklace that promises protection.
- Tattoos do exist in MLP, and Granny was not happy when college-aged AB got roses on her arm. Granny wasn't that supportive of her second tattoo, either; Diamond Tiara's initials (but certainly not as mad as the roses).
- Humanverse Apple Bloom's name is Daisy "Blossom" Alma, and she is an Asian Australian American woman that rocks V-neck flannel crop tops and mom jeans.
- Part of the reasons why Bloom didn't want a shot-gun marriage was for Featherweight's best friend's sake, Pipsqueak. Pip turned jittery and awkward whenever Apple Bloom was around or the pregnancy (and the following newborn baby) was mentioned. Apple Bloom quickly realized Pipsqueak was deeply in love with an oblivious Featherweight, who was even more oblivious to the fact that he felt the same way. Shortly after their daughter was born, Apple Bloom match-made her baby daddy with his bestie, and those two are still together to this day.
- Apple Bloom is still friends with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, despite Sweetie's house being in Canterlot while she frequently tours Equestria as a pop singer, supermodel and exotic dancer and Scootaloo traveling the world as a Scout to reform creatures that need to be taught friendship. Sweetie Belle's job is very time-consuming while Scootaloo's is both time-consuming and dangerous as hell.
Apple Bloom worries about them a lot, Sweetie because she's a recovering drug addict in an industry known for hardcore corruption and Scootaloo because of her reckless nature. Apple Bloom regularly checks in with her old dance partner/Sweetie Belle's also-celebrity husband Tender Taps, the power couple's quietly confident daughter Bella Danzatrice, Scootaloo's surprisingly stable and non-wild genius wife Gilded Lily (who's AB's step-niece), and their shy, smart son Orion.
- Dia and Snails' daughter Drama Queen formed a Sister Squad with half-sisters Loudmouth and Champion (Snails and Twist's filly), and soon brought in Buttercup. Since then, little Buttercup is a bit more spoken than she used to be, but is still lacking in confidence. She's a soft-spoken, gentle, sensitive filly that's at the top of her class. She is most comfortable when with close friends or close family. Like her mother, Buttercup juggles many hobbies, but mostly enjoys crafts and perfume-making. Buttercup requires a lot of encouragement because of her poor self-image. Apple Bloom is always, always patient with her.
And that's the new rewrite! I felt like I left too much out last time, and I sketched an adult AB and made it the base of her new HC: Character. I'll probably be making new ones for Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, too, since I've discovered new headcanons from other people that I like more than mine. Peace ✌️
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taiblogcomics · 6 years
The Supply Run Mystery
Hey there, relics of aniquity. Today let's not only do ponies, let's start on an all new pony series. Legends of Magic is over, but here's an all new thing. According to the solicits, it's only expected to last for four issues, but let's enjoy them while we have them~
Check out this cover:
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This cover is actually really good. You get a little snippet of Nurse Redheart, horrified by this other guy's accusations. At first, it looks like it could be murder, but there's some clues in the picture. Note them outlined-but-absent medical supplies. Then there's Sweetie Belle in the foreground, looking adorable in trenchcoat and fedora. Turn around, Sweetie, the mystery's behind you! If you look super close, Scootaloo and Applebloom are outside, also searching. The big swatches of negative space make this cover really striking. Good stuff~
So we open on the Ponyville Hospital, where the Cutie Mark Crusaders are volunteering. They even have little candystripe uniforms, it's adorable. Anyways, they're wheeling a few fillies with broken limbs back to their rooms. Along the way, the Crusaders comment that this is a nice change of pace to all the mystery-solving they've been doing lately. While it's nice that their new friend Lilymoon moved in, they're glad nothing weird is going on this time, and they don't have to deal with bogles, timberwolves, or journey into the Everfree Forest. ...Okay, I have just the reaction for this.
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Yep, it turns out this series, Ponyville Mysteries, is a follow-up to the chapter book series of the same name. I've never read it, or even heard it existed before now, but fortunately it doesn't seem to be required reading for this comic, other than understanding this opening page. Adventures happened, and the CMCs are well-versed in mystery-solving by now, like all fictional children. Anyways, the Crusaders are interrupted from their series pitch by a scream. Irony as she is cast, eh? The Crusaders debate for a moment whether they should get involved or just do their jobs. After a second shriek, they decide to do their jobs very quickly and then sneak over to see what's the matter.
What's the matter is that Nurse Redheart is being berated by presumably her superior, Nurse Neightingale. Nightingales are actual birds, you know, you don't have to pun it so hard. Anyways, the matter at hand is that the supply closet seems to have been raided. It's not the first time supplies have gone missing, so Neightingale is holding Redheart personally responsible. The Crusaders are upset to see Redheart get yelled at, and the rather battered-looking janitor who sneaked up behind them suggests maybe they shouldn't eavesdrop on ponies then. The Crusaders bolt for it, but he doesn't chase them any.
The Crusaders instead go to check on Nurse Redheart, also reporting that they've finished their volunteer work for the day. And since they can't bear to see her miserable, they admit they overheard the accusations from Nurse Neightingale. And since Redheart's basically up against the wall, she agrees to let the Crusaders have a look in the supply closet. They journey over, and Nurse Redheard gives them an actual inventory rundown. No actual medicine's gone missing, just gauze and bandages and such. Besides the head nurse, Redheart and the janitor from before (whose name is Distemper) are the only ones who use this particular closet. Redheart gets called away, and the Crusaders discuss the facts. Since Distemper is the only other one with a key, and the nearby window is too small for even a filly to get through, he's the number one suspect.
Applebloom and her two friends seek out Distemper, but have difficulty finding him. In fact, he finds them first, and refuses to answer any questions. As someone who has actually worked in a hospital in housekeeping, I agree he doesn't have time to indulge a bunch of inquisitive kids. However, as they stake him out, they observe as he comes across a patient whose bandage has come loose. Distemper comforts her, then pulls out a roll of bandages from his pocket, patches her up, and sends her back to her room. The Crusaders seem to think that's the clincher: where did he get a personal roll of bandages if not stealing them? Despite her friends' convinction, Sweetie Belle, however, isn't so sure.
The Crusaders report their suspicions to Nurse Neightingale, who is concerned by all of it. She especially doesn't like the idea of Distemper treating patients without any training. She agrees to suspend him pending further investigation, and the Crusaders report the good news to Nurse Redheart. The following day, Nurse Redheart reports bad news to them in turn: there's been another theft, and she's been suspended from her job as a result. The Crusaders are very sorry to hear this, and they promise to get right back on the case--just as soon as they deliver this cartload to Fluttershy's animal sanctuary. The delivery turns out to be a bunch of scrap cloth for a group of weaver birds. They build their nests out of such soft things, see. And the light bulb goes off over Sweetie Belle's head, causing her to run off.
Soon enough, she's wrangled Nurses Redheart and Neightingale and Distemper into a hot air balloon. They're kind of annoyed that they've been dragged along, especially after the false accusations the Crusaders made before. Well, this is the only way they know to explain it: the thefts have been caused by the weaver birds. They're getting in through the tiny high-up window above the closet and taking the soft items to build their nests. They've flown the balloon close enough to the trees to see this specifically. Nurse Neightingale asks for the forgiveness of her two employees and revokes their suspension then and there. Though Distemper still has to agree to refrain from giving patients unauthorised care. She suggests he look into nursing schools. The Crusaders as well apologise to Distemper for the false accusation, and he grumpily forgives them.
Lastly, the other two Crusaders apologise to Sweetie Belle for pushing her aside when she wasn't sure of their findings. In their haste to solve the mystery quickly, they accused the wrong person. Naturally she forgives them as well, and the group sails back to the hospital so the non-Crusaders can go about their very important jobs. The Crusaders, in turn, return to their clubhouse. They muse over their recent success, and decide that when they do it right, they're not bad at solving mysteries. Maybe they should even go into business for it. And no sooner do they speak these words do a pair of stallions come in, looking for some mystery solvers! It's those two, the ones who are a Big Lebowski reference, I don't actually know their names~
This is actually not that bad a mystery. I guessed it might be birds from the moment they drew attention to the small window. I don’t know if that makes it “solvable”, but it was certainly guessable. Also, go back and look at the cover. Look at the shape on the moon. Doesn’t it look a bit like a bird~? The answer was there all along. Anyways, as I said, I never read the original Ponyville Mysteries books, so I don’t know how this fares in comparison. It is an interesting premise for a series, though, everyone likes kid detectives~
Next issue, we’ll be investigating whatever mystery those two stallions have brought before us. Probably a stolen trophy of some kind~
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brightideawritings · 6 years
Sea Waves and Sea Hearts: Legend of the Mernerd
I blame @earthsong9405 AND @rarilight for this one.
A storm wracked sky. The rumble of thunder.
The smell of salt water. A boat that struggled to return to land.
The solid wooden deck rolled and disappeared.
Only enough time for one, short scream before she hit the water.
The sea swallowed her, pulled her down from the surface. The light began to fade as the storm clouds darkened above.
Fear and pain as her lungs demanded air. She knew it would be the end if she gave in, but her insides were burning. Losing her vision to the darkness of the deep abyss below her. She couldn’t hold it, she needed to breath. She was just about to almost-
Arms wrapped around her. The water rushed by as she was pulled back to the surface. She looked for a face but all she could see was the light of the surface.
Below the abyss reached up to grab her. Caught in the twilight between the light and the dark she nearly reached the surface when the abyss grabbed her ankles and then-
“RARITY! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!” Sweetie Belle’s shout filled Rarity’s ears, her eyes snapped open just in time to see her little sister hit her mattress and spring back into the air only to lose balance and come crashing back down toward her, “Ah! Look ou-!”
Rarity’s magic burst into action, surrounding her younger sister and immediately arresting her free fall-with Sweetie Belle’s head barely a few inches from Rarity’s own. She narrowed her eyes at Sweetie Belle, who smiled sheepishly back at her.
“Sweetie Belle! How many times have I told you not to: One, come into my room. Two, jump on my bed while I am still in it?” Rarity magically nudged her sister so that she floated to a standing position beside her bed.
“You looked like you were having a bad dream, she was just trying to wake you up.” Scootaloo said before she cringed when Rarity’s face, shocked and alarmed written all over it, snapped in her direction. Rarity noticed that not only Scootaloo but also Sweetie Belle’s other friend, Apple Bloom were both, now looking very worried by Rarity’s piercing gaze, standing just in the doorway to Rarity’s room. She resisted a shudder at the mention of her dream and a part of her was glad that she had been awoken before its conclusion but
“Ugh! Sweetie Belle take your friends downstairs this instant.” Rarity was mortified that Sweetie Belle had brought somewhat-strangers into her own bedroom but more so that they had seen her pre-morning routine. When all three fillies had scampered downstairs, of course forgetting to shut the door behind them, Rarity wondered what had made them more frightened. The dozen or so mane curling rods in her mane or the very expensive and very green facial mud mask smeared over her face? She tried and failed to huff as a well cultured lady should but instead growled and ground her teeth before taking the covers in her hands and throwing them aside.
Her hooves tapped across the wooden floor of her room as she became a whirlwind of motion. She knew one could not rush perfection, but she had also become very good at completing her morning routine over the years. First, she went to her bathroom and removed her mask, took a shower, carefully dried her mane, removed the curlers from her lush purple mane, brushed her teeth, reviewed the state of her wardrobe, carefully selected three separate sets of clothing to wear before choosing one, went over to her makeup stand, applied her makeup, and finally opened the window. The smell of the sea and the cry of seagulls filled her room. She looked out across Ponyville with its ‘quaint’ buildings and streets and as always, her eyes were drawn to the Everfree Sea. Its blue waters looked so inviting, which had been one of the main draws for many ponies from across Equestria, such as her family over the years. She knew however that while the sea may look calm and almost beautiful, it could turn on you in a moment and try to take everything from you. Shaking her head, she turned away from the window and looked at herself in the mirror one last time.
“Aren’t you looking delightful today, my dear?” she said to herself in the mirror with a coy wink at her reflection. Her mane as always was a perfect array of curls that hung across her shoulders and down her back to her waistline. To match the sky outside she had chosen a bright blue top. Around her waist a designer belt secured her black pants to her hips. The perfect outfit for a day of relaxing outside in the warm weather, were it to rain and get her wet her ensemble would be ruined. Fortunately, the weather pegasi had announced the day would be dry and there were no storm clouds sighted out on the sea.
Her dream came once again unbidden to mind and it sent a shiver through her despite how warm it was outside. When she was only eight years old her mother and father had taken her to Ponyville. They had rented a boat and sailed out to sea, she had loved it at first. Marveling at the rocky atolls that dotted the coast, watching the fish as they swam under their boat and getting a glimpse of a whole another world beneath the water. Then without warning the weather had turned for the worse, a storm swept their boat across the water as her parents struggled to sail the boat back to shore.
She let out a long sigh and pushed those thoughts aside. She needed to deal with her Sweetie Belle and her friends before she left for the day. She trotted downstairs to find her living room a complete disaster area, at least what she considered one to be. There was popcorn everywhere, blankets and pillows strewn throughout her living room. Her fainting couch had been turned on its side and stacked with cushions into a crude fort. Worst of all Sweetie Belle and her friends had at some point used all her graphite, colored pencils that she used for sketching her designs to create a crude banner that read in four-foot letters “CMC 4 EVER”.
“Sweetie Belle, darling…” she said and turned toward her younger sister and her friends even as they were in the process of rolling up their banner and heading slowly toward the door.
Sweetie Belle winced, “Uuuh…”
“Why yes, I do believe you are correct. You and your friends will be cleaning up your mess from your slumber party BEFORE you three leave MY house.” Rarity interrupted her sister and her friends’ protests by using her magic to open her closet door and float out a vacuum, a broom, and a mop.
“But Raaarity we were going to bring our banner to the clubhouse then go look for the mermare…!” Sweetie Belle wailed, throwing herself at her sister’s mercy. On this day, the first day Rarity had time to herself between her dress orders in two weeks, she found that she could be quite merciless.
“Ah, ah, ah. You will clean this mess up first.” Rarity shook her head and with her magic thrust a broom into her sister’s hands. Her nose crinkled as she continued, “Further, I don’t want you chasing after the merma-I mean this silly local superstition!”
“Hey now, she does exist! I’ve seen her and so has Scootaloo!” Apple Bloom stepped forward bravely, for which she was awarded with the mop being thrust into her hands.
“Honest! We have! The whole town- “Scootaloo was interrupted by the vacuum cleaner being turned on and the noise of the clunking machine drowning out her words.
“I’m sorry, I can’t hear a word you are saying. I’ll leave all this to you three. When I get back this room better be spotless, no scratch that. I want it to look fabulous!” Rarity giggled to herself and waved goodbye to the three fillies. Slipping out the door even as they groaned loudly in protest. “Tootaloo!”
“THAT will teach those fillies that actions have consequences, and of course how to properly use a mop.” Rarity said to herself and strolled away from her home and budding boutique. She admired the quaint charm of Ponyville as she went, the thatched roofs and traditional earth pony siding, the apple and seashell motifs that dotted every other house or building here and there. It was nothing like the concrete skyscrapers of Manehattan or the regals villas of Canterlot which was precisely why many ponies including herself had been drawn to Ponyville. Back in Manehattan the turf wars between designers and fashionistas made it hard for a pony to start her own brand, but here in Ponyville it was fertile ground to build her business up. That Ponyville itself did also attract ponies from across Equestria was also in her favor as it meant that she had to the chance to still meet vacationing nobles from Canterlot or even divas like Sapphire Shores.
Up ahead a newly opened storefront had caught her eye and immediately had made her suppress an eyeroll.
“You are getting a long here rather well, Rarity. Only a month and you can already tell the outsiders from the locals with but a glance.” She murmured to herself as she walked closer to the storefront, “Granted, with how garish this is it stands out horribly.”
Mermares. The shop under her scrutiny had mermares not only plastered everywhere but seemed to be the main selling point for it. She spotted mermare decorated beach towels, mermare bathrobes, mermare figurines, mermare bathing suits, cheap kelp sold as ‘mermare hair’, little chocolates advertised as ‘mermare pearls’, and the list went on and on. It was all so dreadfully kitsch! Cheaply made souvenirs sold at outrageous prices to the tourist ponies that came to Ponyville. It hurt to look at it all.
She had been told very matter-of-fact by Applejack that no local would be caught “tarred n’ feathered” with the things sold by the ponies that came into Ponyville to make a bit. Apparently, they all respected ‘the Mermare’ too much. Rarity did have to give the townsponies credit for having dignity when it came to their silly legend.
“Well, hello miss! Don’t you- “
“-look like a pony who needs something- “
“-to remember your vacation in Ponyville”
Rarity cursed inside her head as two tall, nearly identical looking stallion unicorns (one had a moustache) wearing matching striped blue and white shirts and matching bowties emerged from the storefront and all but pounced on her.
“Flim and Flam’s Ponyville Memorabilia-erium is open for business,” said Flam, or Rarity considered perhaps it was Flim? She wasn’t quite sure which was which, but it was the one without the mustache that had spoken last.
“How…charming?” Rarity supplied after some effort, giving both brothers a weak smile. She needed to disengage and get the hoof away before they tried to-
“Why don’t you come on into our store?” said No-Mustache, “Only for today we are having a special sale to commemorate our grand opening!”
She had to mentally stamp down on the part of her soul that jumped for joy at the word “sale”. She was certain they had their so called ‘today only’ sale every single day. It was a trap her shopping instincts screamed, that was how they hooked you in.
“No, no, no thank you. I am actually just on my way to Sugarcube Corner and I- “
“Come now, you don’t want to miss the sale. You know what brother?” said Mustache to No-Mustache.
“What is it brother?” No-Mustache replied melodramatically, as if he did not know.
“Don’t we have a lovely shawl that would match this mare’s eyes just perfectly?”
“Why I do believe we do! I’ll go get it right now!” No-Mustache trotted back into the store before Rarity could stop him.
“I REALLY must be going now. I’ll be ever so late.” She tried to side step around Mustache, but he mimed her steps so that he was still in front of her blocking her path and smiling.
“My brother will be back any moment. In the mean time feast your eyes on- “
“No, thank you. As I said I really must- “
“-these lovely figurines. Hoof painted right here in Ponyville. Each one is different and very collectible.”
Mustache used his magic to levitate one of the clay mermare from a shelf. It was a vaguely female figure part pony and part fish colored in bright pastels. The mermare was balancing on a beach ball and smiling with large vacant eyes. It looked nothing like a real mermare. The proportions were too exaggerated, and she knew nopony on land or sea would be caught with clam shells stuck to their-
“Here we are! One very exquisite shawl for the special mare! Not only is it easy to clean but it’s water proof!” No-Mustache announced as he returned with a wrapped piece of cloth levitating in his magical aura. Rarity caught the gag in her throat though she could not completely muffle the noise. The shawl had little, crude mermares stitched into practically every inch of the fabric heeding none of the rules of spacing or design she lived her livelihood, no her PASSION by!
“And all for just the special price of fifty bits!” Mustache beamed at her.
“Fifty bits? For that?!” Rarity practically screeched the words, “That fabric could have been something beautiful and wonderous but instead you destroyed it with-with- “
Her words were drowned out quite literally by a cascade of water from the sky that fell on both salespony brothers. One moment they were dry and smiling and the next they were completely soaked from hoof to horn. Rarity’s eyes saw that from the shawl some of the color of the fabric was draining away with the water on the ground. From the sky a hippogriff landed on the ground between Rarity and the Flim Flam brothers. The hippogriff had a cyan colored mane and a wildly chromatic mane and tail.
“Looks like somepony needed Equestria’s fastest flyer and swimmer to get them out of trouble” the hippogriff said and smirked at her, “That would be me – Rainbow Dash.”
“Oh, my I’m saved from a fate worse than death” Rarity deadpanned and rolled her eyes back at Rainbow Dash, though she could feel a smile tug at the corner of her lips. It served the Flim Flam brothers right for mutilating an innocent swath of fabric as they had.
“You-you-you- “Mustache and No-Mustache stuttered together, “You’ll pay for that! Pay for this!”
“Oh, but darlings I thought you said it was completely water proof?” Rarity smiled sweetly as both brothers immediately shut their collective mouths shut. Around them ponies were starting to gather around the spectacle.
“What we meant was- “Mustache began to say, but Rarity stopped him from speaking any further by wrapping the shawl in her magic and holding it out for all to see.
“The dyes on this fabric are quite literally dripping from it after just a little spray of water.” Rarity used her magic to wring out the shawl, multi-colored droplets splashing the street and sidewalk around them, “I dare say if a pony was wearing this then they would have quite the stain running from head to flank.”
A crowd was already starting to form, out of the corner of her eyes she could see ponies whispering and pointing at the shawl and the other merchandise on display. The previously talkative brothers were absolutely mute with the panic written on their faces as they looked at the crowd.
Rarity however was not without mercy. She took the shawl and draped it around the necks of both Flim Flam brothers, she turned and walked away as she spoke, “If you are looking for good quality fabric I would suggest going to Patch Quilt’s shop, her fabric is also cheap enough that I am sure you will be able to lower your prices.”
“Oh, oh yes. Of course.” No-Mustache smiled weakly, elbowing his brother into smiling as well as they turned more toward the crowd than her.
“Yes, fillies and gentlecolts. We will have to-to” Mustache grabbed for the words.
“Restock!” No-Mustache supplied, backing slowly toward their storefront.
“That is absolutely the word, thank you brother, restock! Per the young mare’s- “
“Lady!” Rarity said over her shoulder, Rainbow Dash screeched with laughter as she turned from the Flim Flam brothers and followed her.
“Lady! Yes, as the lady says!  Until then the Memorabilia-erium will, uh…take a short break!” Mustache finished with a bow and retreated with his brother back quickly into their store. Their magic lifted their merchandise displayed outside and shakily crammed it all inside before shutting the door behind them and flipping a small sign from ‘Open’ to ‘Closed’.
“Aaahaha! That was great!” Rainbow Dash screeched again, her wings flapping at her sides as she did. She took a claw and held it up to her beak, “You really had those two running with their tails between their legs!”
“Perhaps not as dramatic as a shower of rainwater but if I do say so the results speak for themselves.” Rarity smiled, her head held high. “Thank you for that by the way. You saved me from becoming very…crass with those two.”
“Eh, I’m awesome like that. Busting scam artists like that had practically become a hobby since I moved to Ponyville.” Rainbow Dash cracked her knuckles, her feathered chest puffing out with unmistakable pride.
“Quite. I can’t believe anypony would buy any of those…things they were selling! It goes against all the rules of fashion, not to mention they obviously have no clue what a mermare looks like.” Rarity sighed but then flinched when Rainbow Dash turned on her and grabbed her by both shoulders.
“Aha! So, you have seen the mermare! Don’t believe it is a local legend anymore like you’ve been going on and on and on and on about since you moved here!” Rainbow Dash smiled triumphantly, which quickly soured when Rarity shook her head before she continued to walk.
“I didn’t say I believe in the Legend of the Mermare.”
“What? Then how in wide-wide Equestria would you know what a mermare looks like?” Rainbow Dash asked confused, rather than walk she lazily flapped her wings into motion and glided through the air next to Rarity.
“Paintings.” Rarity replied, and before Rainbow Dash could ask her obvious next question she answered it, “Paintings at the Royal Gallery of Manehattan. Ones done centuries ago by Ahoof and Manebrandt. I never said Mermares don’t exist, the Battle of Mount Aris proved that- “
“Aww yea it did! That battle was SO INTENSE!” Rainbow Dash screeched again, launching herself into the air she proceeded to dive bomb the ground around Rarity as they walked throwing out the occasional kick and punch.
“When the Storm King- “Rarity began but was cut off by Rainbow Dash.
“When the Storm King and his goons came stomping to Hippogriffia. We were like ‘Get Lost’ and he was like ‘No Way’ so we were all kick and punch, kick and punch.” Rainbow Dash spoke with obvious excitement her kicking and punching accompanied by Rainbow Dash speaking out loud sound effects. “Ka-pow! Bam! Punch! I must have knocked down like a hundred of his guards, but they just kept coming!”
“So, Queen Novo- “Rarity tried to finish.
“Queen Novo was like ‘Fly my subjects!’ then she used the Pearl of Transformation to turn us into seaponies.” From her chest Rainbow Dash took out a glowing, rainbow colored shard of pearl. She squeezed it and immediately in a flash of light where a two-legged hippogriff stood was now a one finned seapony with the same coloration as Rainbow Dash. “So, we swam down into Seaquestria but then the Storm King cheated and started sending down his army in these metal suits that let them breath under water, ugh and super hard to hit.”
“That’s where the merponies come in, right?” Rarity had given up and let Rainbow Dash take control of the conversation. Another flash of light saw Rainbow Dash restored to being a hippogriff and fly right back into the air.
“Yea! There were hundreds of them! They just appeared and started doing their sea magic stuff and singing! Their singing was super creepy but super nice at the same time. Twilight though was at the center of it all singing the loudest! Anyway, all their singing magic like summoned a huge whirlpool that sucked up the Storm King and like spat him into Tartarus or something! It was SO AWESOME!” Rainbow Dash landed back on the ground and stamped her claws.
They both arrived outside of Sugarcube Corner, Rarity walked up the steps to the front door first but paused at the entrance.
“It also revealed that the merponies had in fact not gone extinct as most ponies in Equestria thought. They are just extremely isolated. Hearing about the mysterious and beguiling merponies, especially their ‘mermare heroine’, would then lead to a mermare craze here in Equestria. For the last two years all anypony hears of mermare sightings leading to hordes of ponies descending on seaside towns looking for merpony villages and buying very tacky souvenirs even though everyone of those sightings is absolutely fake…”
She pushed the door open and trotted into Sugarcube Corner, pleased to see that there was no line to the front counter. There was a particularly delicious looking indigo frosted cupcake that she had, had her eye on since yesterday at lunch. Rainbow Dash stormed through the door behind her, everyone of her feathers standing on edge.
“Wow, wow, wow. Are you saying you think everycreature in Ponyville is lying about Twilight the Mermare of Ponyville?!?”
“Oh, no! I’m sorry Rarity! I didn’t mean to lie to you at all!” Pinkie Pie popped up from behind the counter, a crushed look on her face even as she reached over and squeezed Rarity’s hands. She looked like she was holding back a deluge of tears, “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it! I don’t even know what I lied about!”
“She is saying Twilight is a lie, Pinkie.” Rainbow Dash said with one of her claws over her face.
“Oh! Wait! What? Huh? Hmm. Is this a trick question? I mean I’ve seen Twilight, but if she is a lie then how could I see her…” Pinkie Pie’s face scrunched up in concentration, Rarity could almost see the loops and zigzags that her friend’s brain was trying to take to get an answer.
“Pinkie, it is not that I don’t believe you or Rainbow have seen this ‘Twilight’ but that what you saw is not in fact a mermare here in Ponyville. Somepony’s idea of an elaborate illusion to draw in the tourists from Manehattan. Ah, Pinkie darling if you don’t mind…?” Rarity pointed toward the indigo cupcake that she had been looking forward to.
“Oh, sure Rarity!” Pinkie Pie smiled her usually blinding smile and retrieved the cupcake for Rarity, as she handed it over the pink pony gasped loudly, “Wait a minute! Why don’t YOU just go down and see Twilight, yourself?”
“Yea! What makes your eyes so special compared to ours?” Rainbow Dash demanded.
“What would I do? Go out to the beach, look out into the water and see a ‘mysterious’ fin in the distance and assume that it’s a mermare? Believe me, I have been through this already. I…fell…into the water when I was a young filly and thought I was rescued by a mermare, when it was actually a dolphin the entire time.”
She hoped neither of her friends noticed her pause or the sudden shiver running down her arms. Pinkie Pie didn’t seem to notice anything but for a moment Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow at her. She did not like to remember any detail of that sailing accident, it was the reason why she refused to go out into deep water at all.
“No, not like that I mean, like really, REALLY meet Twilight.” Rainbow Dash turned to Pinkie Pie, “Do you have that book you were saving for Twilight?”
“Ohmygosh you’re right, Dashie! Be right back!” Pinkie rushed away from the counter, a pink blur on land. Rarity counted five seconds before Pinkie Pie returned with a book in her hands, “Here it is! Its called ‘The Queen and her Bodyguard’ by Monochromatic. I think you’ll like this one toooo!”
She looked at the book after Pinkie handed it over to her. On the cover were two unicorn mares, one a rather well dressed in the garb of a queen and the other looked rather dashing with her armor and the scars crossing her noble face.
“Its about these two unicorns who are each other’s special some ponies but they have to keep their love a secret-ooops! “ Pinkie clapped her hands over her mouth before she opened them again, “Spoilers.”
“A book? What am I supposed to do with this?” Rarity looked between her two friends, confused and slightly worried about their grips on reality.
“Just go down to Shellback Beach, there is a little pier there only the locals use from time to time. We’ll make it a bet. If you don’t see a mermare we’ll admit you are right, if not you have to admit you were wrong, wrong, wrong and wrong!” Rainbow Dash grinned, her eyes full of challenge which actually made Rarity pause. Since knowing Rainbow Dash she knew the hippogriff only made bets when she was extremely confident about winning them. For a moment a seed of doubt entered Rarity’s mind, but she quickly dashed it down, there was no way there was going to be a mermare. It was all a trick after all.
“Very well, I will agree to your terms. However, neither you nor Pinkie are to let anypony know about the bet and I will only admit I am wrong-as unlikely as it is-once. Agreed?”  
“Meh, that’s fair.” Rainbow Dash was still smiling when she kicked herself into the air and toward the door, “Just say ‘hi’ to Twilight for me!”
That had been an hour ago. Finding her way to the secluded Shellback Beach was not a strenuous endeavor, even if Pinkie Pie’s directions relied on such instructions as ‘walking ten steps past the cute bunny ornament but not the blue one’ and so forth. There was no other pony or creature around when she walked onto the beach and the single wooden pier that Rainbow Dash had described. She felt rather at peace as she walked to the pier’s edge, book in hand. It was high tide now and yet looking out into the water she could see the shell pocked sea floor, none of the icy darkness of the oceanic deep.
“I did want to relax today, what better way than this?” she said as she relaxed onto a lone beach chair that sat at the very end of the pier, “I just may have to thank Rainbow Dash for recommending such a comfy spot to spend my afternoon.”
Once she had settled down she spent a few minutes simply looking out into the sea, watching the clouds overhead and the waves as they rose and fell as far as her eye could see. From here she could even see some of the island atolls that dotted this section of the coastline, some were abandoned of any civilized life while others she heard had become the site of mansions for upper class ponies. Many of the former simply could not be reached because of the hazardous rocks and coral reefs. She briefly entertained the thought that if the merponies were real than maybe they lived around one of those islands?
“Silly Rarity is silly.” She snorted and giggled as she shook her head. She turned to the book that Pinkie Pie had given her and picked it up from the pier where she had laid it down. When she brought the book up to open it she heard a large splash which had made her look up-but there was nothing there. She chided herself again and opened the book and then began to read. She rather liked Queen Platinum and could not help but smile at her infatuation with her bodyguard, likewise her bodyguard’s loyalty and constant putting up with the former’s antics made Rarity giggle page after page.
Just as she was getting to the part in the book featuring Queen Platinum going to a masquerade in disguise in order to be close to her bodyguard without the eyes of the court on her Rarity heard another splash, this time it was much closer. She glanced up from her book and saw nothing, so she turned back to reading. There was another splash again this time much closer than the last one, but she ignored it, she thought it was probably a fish catching flies. The wind shifted and immediately she was hit by an intense smell, it took her a moment to register that it smelt like a large amount of salt. She was on the sea water, so it was not usual for her to smell it a little bit especially if seaweed washed ashore and dried out, but this new smell was more powerful than what was normal.
She heard a splashing sound again, only this time it was right below her on the edge of the pier and was accompanied by the sound of dripping water that put Rarity in the mind of somepony getting out of a bath or maybe a pool. Then she heard a very, very, VERY distinct purring sound followed by an almost musical trilling sound not below her but very close to her. Her grip on her book tightened, she slowly sucked in her breath as her heart hammered inside of her chest.
“Rr-rainbow Dash! I-if this is your idea of a joke I’ll…” Rarity never one for patience slammed her book down on her knees and looked up. Her expectations, or perhaps more her FEAR of seeing the smirking face of the hippogriff were dashed forever and infinity plus one by the beautiful purple eyes on the mulberry furred face that was framed by dripping wet pink, blue and lighter purple hair. If that was not shocking enough for Rarity so was the rest of her unexpected visitor. Rarity’s knack for detail was kicking into action and she couldn’t stop it even if she wanted to.
Sitting on top of her mane was a horn not unlike a unicorn’s but to either side an alien set of finned, spikey ears. The rest of the upper half of Rarity’s visitor was furred very much like a pony though she couldn’t help but notice the almost-pony in front of her was very much the pinnacle of a swimmer’s body, not hiding from Rarity’s eyes the well-toned muscle that rippled under mentioned mulberry fur from broad shoulders to long, large biceps which she used to hold herself ‘standing’ on the edge of the pier. As if that was not enough to make Rarity start to feel dizzy the fact that past would have been around the hips or lower back for a regular pony the fur gave way to magnificently brilliant scales echoing the lighter and darker shades of the visitor’s mane. Large dark fins flapped on the dorsal and stomach sides of what Rarity saw could only be a very large tail. A moment later her suspicion was confirmed as the tail end, by the large dark blue flippers, of what Rarity had to admit was a MERMARE splashed in and out of the water. That detail made Rarity’s jaw drop as she calculated the size of the MERMARE and had to estimate she had to be around ten-feet in length, most of it the MERMARE’s tail.
“Real! Your real! Really, really real!” Rarity said, her mouth dry as she slowly came to grips with her new world view that the appearance of this MERMARE certainly helped.
“Ah..! Ah...ah…!” the Mermare replied with the same sing-song trilling sound as before. Listening to it sparked something within Rarity, it wasn’t the same as say a spark of electricity but something else more dear and important to her. It felt more like the spark of inspiration when she thought of a new dress design or completed sewing something she had never made before.
It was heavenly.
The Mermare was also, Rarity’s sense of detail noted, not paying attention to Rarity in the slightest.
She followed the Mermare’s startling gaze and realized she only had eyes for the book that Rarity held still clutched in her hands. She felt a kernel of disappointment and embarrassment at herself, this was a nigh-mythical mermare. What interest could she possibly have in Rarity?
“Do you…want the book?” Rarity asked slowly, she started to rise from the beach chair but did not account for how wet and slick the Mermare had made the pier’s wooden boards. She slipped and shrieked as she did so, she tried to right herself on the beach chair, but she caught it awkwardly and only managed in pushing it away and off the side of the pier. The book too went flying from her hands but more fortunately she managed to capture it in her magic and keep it floating in the air as her bottom struck the floor of the pier. She winced in pain and knowing that the combination of the old pier and the sea water would leave a terribly embarrassing smudge on the seat of her pants.
She looked up at the Mermare again, a blush of embarrassment crept up her face and she hoped desperately she had not scared the Mermare away. She was terrified on a whole new and unfamiliar level when she realized her mistake had done the opposite, NOW the Mermare was no longer focusing on the book but entirely on Rarity. The Mermare’s stare was intense to say the least, looking at her with what she noted was curiosity and delight sent shivers through Rarity-also for the same reasons. She could feel her blush spreading farther as the Mermare shifted her position on the pier bending forward over Rarity which caused the smell of salt to intensify and a new shower of droplets to fall over Rarity.
The Mermare smiled.
Her teeth were razor sharp and pointed. Rarity wondered if Mermares were closer related to sharks rather than fish.
“He~ Heee~” the Mermare said again, her throat making sounds as she seemed to try to speak. The Mermare thrashed her tail making several trilling, purring, singing sounds as she seemed to try to remember the right words, “Hellllllllloooooooo.”
“Hello?” Rarity ventured, she smiled as the Mermare excitedly bobbed her head and repeated her words.
“Heeello. Helllloo! Hellllo! Hello!” the Mermare said again and again.
“Yes, hello. It is nice, oh very nice, to meet you- “Rarity began when the Mermare interrupted her.
“Helllllooo p-p-pretty lad-d-d-dy!” the Mermare chirped triumphantly and her smile widened.
“Oh my,” Rarity gulped, her blush raging unshackled across her face. Her magic shorted out and she dropped the book to the dock. This seemed to catch the Mermare’s attention again. She let go of the pier and slipped into the water. Rarity’s heart seemed to stop in her chest, had she chased the Mermare away? She jumped to her feet and looked down into the water after the mermare.
She forced herself to remember to breath as she watched the Mermare swim through the shallow water around the pier. With her fins flapping the Mermare looked like she was flying, only underwater and Rarity truly got an appreciation for her size as she looped around the dock, looking up from underwater toward the spot where the book had dropped. The Mermare surfaced and pulled herself back onto the dock near the book, her own horn glowed with magic which picked up the book. She looked at the pages of the book, flipping them one by one.
The book however was upside down.
“Can you…can you read?” Rarity asked and backed up when the Mermare’s piercing gaze shot back onto her.
“R-read? Read! B-b-book! Read?” the Mermare sang again several enchanting notes before she used her magic to push the book into Rarity’s arms, “Read? Read to-to Twiiiiiliiiiiight?”  
Twilight. That was the name that Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie had used before, hadn’t they? Was this the same mermare that had banished the Storm King with her magic? Rarity tried to imagine it but failed, this mermare just seemed too...too…adorable by the way she eagerly looked to Rarity and waited for her to read the book. She pushed those thoughts aside and looked toward the sun as it traveled across the sky.
“I suppose we still have a few more hours of sunlight. I could read a few chapters to you…” Rarity said. Twilight must have understood because she gave another series of singing notes and let go of the pier to dive down and flip back up into the air before she settled on hanging onto the pier again. “I’ll…take that as a thank you, and you are welcome, darling.”
She smiled as she sat down on the edge of the pier and opened the book back to the first page.
“Queen Platinum was quite used to receiving visitors every so often. Lords, Ladies, Dukes and Duchesses would constantly travel lengthy distances to have the honor of meeting with the Queen of the Unicorns…”
I'm a bit late for the Rarilight Bomb but here it is. Props as always to the amazing Earthsong9405 for inspiring this. Also props to Monochromatic who first got me into this crazy adorable ship. The last sentence is from her fic, "The Queen's Secret Crush" which you all should read right now!
Part 2 will be worked on later in the week. Much Raritwi adorableness will be had.
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multitude-of-muses · 5 months
/ Scootaloo lives in the CMC clubhouse, but only Sweetie and Apple Bloom know that.
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